Lesson 44 - Jazz Improvisation Almanac Marc Sabatella - Jazz Improvisation Almanac
Lesson 43 - Ear Tests and Drills Links to Web Resources offering Ear Tests, Drills, etc.
Lesson 42 - Artistic Orchestration Alan Belkin - Artistic Orchestration Principles of Orchestration by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov
Lesson 41 - Practical Guide to Composition Musical Form - A Summary Alan Belkin - Practical Guide to Composition
Lesson 40 - Music of the 20th Century Progressing into the 20th Century Neo-Romanticism Breakdown of Tonality Impressionism Neo-Classicism Machine Music Computer Music Twelve Note Method Influences of Jazz Microtonal Music Electronic Music Indeterminacy Minimalism Music Theatre By Eric Salzman Experimental Music Today Summary of Terms & Concepts in 20th Century Music Musical Analysis
Lesson 39 - Music of the 19th Century A Survey of 19th Century Music Romanticism Orientalism Nationalism, Folk Song & Primitivism Looking Back - The Early Music Revival Late 19th Century Symbolism 19th Century American Music Bringing Back Voices From the 19th Century Performance Practice and Aesthetics of the 19th Century
Lesson 38 - Music of the 18th Century in preparation...
Lesson 37 - Music of the 17th Century in preparation...
Lesson 36 - Music of the 16th Century Early Renaissance Timeline Humanism Music Theory Music Printing The Renaissance and the French Court Origins of Early Opera and Ballet Music in New Spain Sixteenth Century Chinese Opera more in preparation...
Lesson 35 - Music before the 16th Century From Earliest Times Greeks & Romans Early Christian Church Music of the Dark Ages (475-1000) Music of the High Middle Ages (1000-1350) Music of the Late Middle Ages (1350-1500) Music of the Proto-Renaissance
Lesson 34 - Drums & Drumming Percussion Instruments Rhythmic Patterns The Importance Of Tempo The Bass Guitar
Lesson 33 - Counterpoint Alan Belkin - Counterpoint
Lesson 32 - Words & Music The Voice Words & Meaning Tonal Languages and Music Words & Syncopation Words & Phrasing Scoring for Voices Wordless Singing
Lesson 31 - Key Centres The Nature of Tonality Major Keys Minor Keys Triad Progressions Modes Combining Major and Minor Keys Modal Interchange Using Dominants Diminished Seventh Chords Melodic Substitution Reharmonisation Modulation Alan Belkin - General Principles of Harmony
Lesson 30 - Guitar Tablature & Notation Reading Chord Charts Writing Notes The Origins of Tablature Notation Writing Chords Transposing Chord Names Special Effects Voicing Chords The Lute
Lesson 29 - Musical Instrument Ranges & Names Bowed & Plucked Strings Harp Flutes Clarinets Saxophones Double Reeds Trumpets & Trombones Horns & Tubas Tuned Percussion Voices Recorders Keyboards Viols Instrument Names in Other Languages Instrument Names & Their Abbreviations Orchestral Layout Sounding Range of Orchestral Instruments Chart of Sounding Range and Clefs Used Conducting
Lesson 27 - Pitch, Temperament & Timbre Pitch History of Musical Pitch Harmonic or Overtone Series Inharmonicity Pythagorean Series Meantone Scale Equal Temperament Just Intonation Naming Intervals Historical Temperaments Temperament and Pitch Calculator Beats and Tuning Information on Temperaments Timbre/Tone Colour Classification of Common Musical Instruments Supplement - Interval Calculator Supplement - Analysis of Temperaments
Lesson 26 - Score Formats Instrumental Ensembles Solos & Parts Keyboards Percussion How to Write Parts for Transposing Instruments Sounding Range of Orchestral Instruments Chart of Sounding Range and Clefs Used Conducting Sample Scores
Lesson 25 - Notes, Harmonies & Scales Origin of Diatonic and Chromatic Scales Modes Jazz Scales Blues Bebop Scales Pentatonic Scales The Minor Key Problem Altered Chords Neapolitan Sixth Symmetrical Scales Table of Useful Scales Non-Harmonic Notes
Lesson 24 - Repeats Repeated Notes Repeated Groups Repeated Bars Repeated Whole Bar Rests Repeated Sections Da Capo Minuet & Trio
Lesson 22 - Chords & Cadences Cadences Perfect Cadence Plagal Cadence Imperfect Cadence Interrupted/Deceptive Cadence The Six Four Cadence Feminine Endings Antecedent & Consequent Summary of Cadences
Lesson 21 - Phrasing & Articulation Slur & Phrase Tenuto & Staccato Slurs & Staccato Variety of Accents Articulation on Wind Instruments Articulation on Stringed Instruments Articulation and Phrasing on Percussion Instruments Dot & Wedge in Clavichord Music Pedalling on the Piano Table of Dynamic Markings Table of General Musical Markings
Lesson 19 - Transposition Transposition at the Octave Transposing into another Key What Key is My Instrument in? Transposing Instruments How to Write Parts for Transposing Instruments
Lesson 18 - Figured Bass Figured Bass Figured Bass Notation Naming Chords With Roman Numerals
Lesson 16 - Triads & Chords Concord & Discord Triads Diatonic Triads Chords Chords in Jazz Broken & Spread Chords
Lesson 15 - Note Groupings Simple & Compound Time/Meter Uneven/Asymmetrical Time Triplets Duplets Other-lets Grouping Notes and Rests Time Signatures, How We Say Them
Lesson 14 - Other Clefs Soprano & Mezzo-Soprano Clefs Tenor Clef Baritone & Subbass Clefs French Violin Clef Octave Clefs Indefinite Pitch Clef Summary of Clef Signs
Lesson 13 - Inversion of Intervals Inversion of Intervals
Lesson 12 - Intervals Degrees of the Scale Melodic & Harmonic Intervals Unisons & Octaves Diatonic Intervals Chromatic Intervals The Tritone Compound Intervals Table of Intervals
Lesson 11 - Chromatic Scales The Diatonic Scale The Chromatic Scale Harmonic Chromatic Scale Melodic Chromatic Scale
Lesson 10 - Minor Scales The Natural Minor Scale Chart of Natural Minor Scales Double Sharps & Flats Harmonic Minor Chart of Harmonic Minor Scales Melodic Minor Chart of Melodic Minor Scales Relative & Parallel Major & Minor
Lesson 9 - Key Signatures and Accidentals The Key Signature The Circle of Fifths The Order of Sharps & Flats in Key Signatures Enharmonics Using Accidentals Changing Key Notes and Keys in Various Languages
Lesson 8 - Major Scales The Major Scale The Tetrachord The Twelve Major Scales Deriving Major Scales Chart of the Major Scales
Lesson 7 - Small Intervals The Tone and Semitone The Octave The Chromatic Scale Microtones
Lesson 6 - The Keyboard The Keyboard Note Reading & Keyboard Layout Test Thoughts on Piano Keyboard Design
Lesson 5 - Tempo Table of Tempo Markings Fermata, Fetura & Caesura Dance Tempi Tempo through Notation Metronome Marks
Lesson 4 - Time Signatures and Meter Time Signature and Meter Unusual Time Signatures and Hypermeasures Mensuration Common Time & Alla Breve/Cut Time Changing Time Signatures The Whole Bar Rest Incomplete Bars Ametric Music
Lesson 3 - Measures & Bars Bars/Measures and Bar Lines Bar/Measure Numbers and Letters Bars/Measures and Ties
Lesson 2 - Notes & Rests Duration Anatomy of a Note Sign Chart of Note & Rest Signs Dotting & Double-Dotting Beams & Beaming Ties Origin of Music Notation Additional Notes on the History of Music Notation Supplement - Links about Music Notation
Lesson 1 - Staff, Clefs & Pitch Notation The Grand Staff Naming the Notes Staff or Stave Naming the Notes Staff or Stave The Clef Sign The Treble Clef The Bass Clef The Alto Clef Other Clefs (lesson 14) The Score Why Middle C? Helmholtz Pitch Notation English Octave-Naming Convention Franco-Belgic Octave-Naming Convention Scientific Pitch Notation Naming The Octaves MIDI Shape Note Notation Tonic Sol-fa Oz Pitch-Naming Convention Integer Notation
Opinions are to the vast apparatus of social existence what oil is to machines: one does not go up to a turbine and pour machine oil over it; one applies a little to hidden spindles and joints that one has to know. Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) German Marxist critic and essayist