Hoar | white or greyish-white colour, of a white or greyish-white colour |
Hoarseness | dysphonia |
Hob | after Anthony van Hoboken (1887-1983), the cataloguer of the works composed by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) |
Hobbel | (German pl.) hobbles |
Hobbesian | of or pertaining to the theories of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) |
Hobbes'sche | (German) Hobbesian |
Hobbledehoy | an awkward rustic adolescent boy or teenager. A hobbledehoy is naïve, gawky, and shy around women. He is neither a boy nor a man, and so is also called a 'halfling'. The root word 'hob' is also used to describe the little men of fairy tales, like hobs, hobgoblins, and hobyahs |
Hobbock | (English, German m.) pail with a press-on lid |
Hobby (s.), Hobbies (English pl.), Hobbys (German pl.) | (English, German n.) fad, leisure-time activity pursued for pleasure rather than profit |
Hobbyarchäologe (m.), Hobbyarchäologin (f.) | (German) amateur archaeologist |
Hobbydetektiv | (German m.) amateur detective |
Hobbyfotograf (m.), Hobbyfotografin (f.) | (German) amateur photographer |
Hobbygärtner (m.), Hobbygärtnerin (f.) | (German) amateur gardener |
Hobbygeologe (m.), Hobbygeologin (f.) | (German) amateur geologist |
Hobby-horse | child's toy consisting of a stick with a horse's head |
favourite subject or idea |
Hobbykoch | (German m.) amateur chef |
Hobbyladen | (German m.) crafts store, arts and craft store |
Hobbylandwirt | (German m.) hobby farmer |
Hobby-Landwirtschaft | (German f.) hobby farm |
Hobbymaler (m.), Hobbymalerin (f.) | (German) amateur painter |
Hobby-Mensch | (German m.) hobbyist |
Hobbymusiker (m.), Hobbymusikerin (f.) | (German) a person for whom music is a hobby |
Hobbypolitiker | (German m.) amateur politician |
Hobbyraum | (German m.) hobby room, den (colloquial: private room) |
Hobbyrechner | (German m.) home computer |
Hobbystratege (s.), Hobbystrategen (pl.) | (German m.) armchair general (colloquial) |
Hobel | (German m.) plane |
Hobelbank (s.), Hobelbänke (pl.) | (German f.) slicer, carpenter's bench, workbench, joiner's bench |
Hobeleisen | (German n.) plane blade |
Hobelmaschine | (German f.) planer, planing machine |
Hobelmaul | (German n.) mouth (an opening in the bottom of the plane down through which the blade extends, and up through which wood shavings pass) |
Hobeln | (German n.) planing |
hobeln | (German) to plane, to shred (cabbage), to dress (timber), to slice (with a knife, etc.) |
hobelnd | (German) planing |
Hobelscharten | (German pl. - Austria) wood shavings |
Hobelsohle | (German f.) bottom surface or sole of a plane |
Hobelspan (s.), Hobelspäne (pl.) | (German m.) shaving, facings (from steel) |
Hobelwerk | (German n.) planing mill |
Hobo | (Dutch) oboe |
Hoboe (s.), Hoboen (pl.) | (German f.) oboe, hautboy |
Hoboist | (German) hautboy player |
Hoboken | see 'Hob' |
Hobokenverzeichnis | (German n.) Anthony van Hoboken's catalogue of the works composed by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) [entry provided by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Hoboy | (English) old word for 'oboe', derived from the French hautbois |
Hocetus | (Latin) hocket |
Hoch | (German n.) high, anticyclone (meteorology: associated with high pressure), cheer (for example, when drinking a toast) |
hoch | (German) high, highly, lofty, loftily, trebly, up, tall, sharp (pitch of note too high), high-pitched (note), portrait (orientation of an image), upright (orientation), high-toned (colloquial), exalted, exacting (for example, Anforderungen sind hoch (German: demands are exacting) |
Hoch- | (German) elevated |
hoch- | (German) highly |
hochabriebfest | (German) highly wear-resistant, highly abrasion-resistant, ultra-wear (resistant), high-abrasion resistant |
hoch abriebfest | (German) highly abrasion resistant |
Hochachse | (German f.) vertical axis |
hochachtbar | (German) highly respectable |
hochachten | (German) to venerate |
Hochachtung | (German f.) high esteem, estimation, esteem, deep respect, deference, veneration, high regard |
Hochachtungsvoll | (German) Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely (as at the end of a formal letter) |
hochachtungsvoll | (German) respectfully, yours respectfully, yours sincerely, yours truly, yours faithfully, respectfully yours |
Hochachtung vor ... | (German f.) deference to ... (somebody) |
Hochachtung vor ... haben | (German) to hold ... in high regard (somebody, something) |
Hochadel | (German m.) aristocracy, high nobility |
hochaktiv | (German) highly active |
hochaktuell | (German) highly topical (of current interest), up-to-the-minute, bang up-to-date (colloquial), bang up to date (colloquial) |
Hochalpenstraßen | (German pl.) high alpine roads |
hochalpin | (German) (high) alpine |
Hochaltar (s.), Hochaltäre (pl.) | (German m.) high altar, altarpiece (of a high altar) |
Hochamt | (German n.) High Mass |
hochangereichertes Uran | (German n.) highly enriched uranium |
hochangesehen | (German) highly respected |
hoch angesehen | (German) highly regarded, highly esteemed, eminently respectable |
hochangesehene Firma | (German f.) highly respectable firm |
hoch angesetzter Hals | (German m.) high-set neck |
hochanständig | (German) very decent |
hochansteckend | (German) highly contagious |
Hochantenne | (German f.) elevated aerial, elevated antenna |
Hocharabisch | (German n.) standard Arabic |
hocharomatisch | (German) highly aromatic |
hochattraktiv | (German) highly attractive |
hochaufgelöst | (German) high-resolution |
hoch aufgeschossen | (German) gangling, gangly, lanky, long-bodied |
hochauflösend | (German) high-resolution, high-definition, (with) high resolution, fine-grained (figurative: high-resolution) |
hochauflösende Bilder | (German pl.) high-resolution images |
hochauflösende Computertomographie | (German f.) high-resolution computer tomography |
hochauflösender Fernseher | (German m.) high definition television (set) |
hoch auflösender Film | (German m.) high definition film (camera) |
hochauflösendes Fernsehen | (German n.) HDTV, high definition TV, high definition television (medium) |
Hochauflösung | (German f.) high-resolution, high definition |
hoch aufragend | (German) towering, soaring (lofty) |
hochaufragende Klippen | (German pl.) towering cliffs |
hoch aufragender Berg | (German m.) soaring mountain |
hoch aufspringender Ball | (German m.) bouncer (cricket, also figurative) |
hochausgezeichnete Person | (German f.) highly distinguished person |
hochautomatisiert | (German) highly automated |
Hochbahn | (German f.) elevated railway, overhead railway, elevated (in proper nouns), Hamburg underground (in Hamburg) |
Hochbahnsteig | (German m.) high platform |
Hochbahnstrecke | (German f.) elevated railway section |
Hochbarock | (German m./n.) high baroque |
Hochbau | (German m.) structural engineering, building engineering, building construction |
Hochbauingenieur (m.), Hochbauingenieurin (f.) | (German) civil engineer (building engineer) |
hochbeansprucht | (German) highly stressed |
hoch beansprucht | (German) highly stressed |
Hochbeet | (German n.) raised bed |
hochbegabt | (German) highly gifted, highly talented |
hoch begabt | (German) highly talented |
Hochbegabte | (German pl.) highly gifted people |
hochbegabter Student | (German m.) brilliant student |
hochbegabt sein | (German - archaic) to be highly gifted |
hoch begabt sein | (German) to be highly gifted |
Hochbegabung | (German f.) intellectual giftedness |
hochbeglückt | (German) highly delighted |
hoch beglückt | (German) highly delighted |
Hochbehälter | (German m.) elevated tank, water tower, reservoir (elevated), store (off the ground) |
hochbeinig | (German) long-legged |
hochbejahrt | (German) (very) much advanced in years |
Hochbelgien | (German) Upper Belgium |
hochberühmt | (German) illustrious |
hoch besteuert | (German) heavily taxed |
hochbetagt | (German) at a ripe old age, aged |
Hochbetagte | (German pl.) very old people (collective) |
hochbetagt sterben | (German) to die at an old age |
Hochbetrieb | (German m.) great activity, intense activity, rush (colloquial), peak period, peak season, high season |
Hochbett | (German m.) loft bed, bunk bed |
hoch bewertet | (German) high-flying |
hochbezahlt | (German) highly paid, high-paid |
hoch bezahlt | (German) highly paid |
hoch bieten | (German) to bid a high price, to bid high (in an auction) |
hochbinden | (German) to stake (plants), to tie up (hair, plants, etc.) |
Hochblüte | (German f.) heyday, golden age (figurative) |
Hochbocken | (German n.) jacking up |
Hochbordwagen | (German m.) high-sided wagon |
hochbrisant | (German n.) highly charged (issue, topic), highly explosive, extremely explosive, highly volatile (situation, issue) |
Hochbunker | (German m.) concrete blockhouse, surface air-raid shelter |
Hochburg | (German f.) stronghold (figurative), citadel, heartland |
Hochchinesisch | (German n.) Mandarin (language) |
hochdekoriert | (German) bemedalled, highly decorated |
hochdekorierte Person | (German f.) highly decorated person |
Hochdeutsch | (German n.) standard German, High German (a form of the German language) |
hochdeutsch | (German) standard German, High German |
hochdeutsche Lautverschiebung | (German f.) High German sound shift, High German consonant shift |
Hochdeutsche Mennoniten | (German pl.) High German Mennonites |
hochdichte Faserplatte | (German f.) high density fibreboard, HDF |
Hoch die Tassen! | (German) Cheers! Bottoms up! (colloquial) Down the hatch! (colloquial) |
hochdifferenziert | (German) highly differentiated |
hochdosiert | (German) highly dosed |
Hochdosistechnik | (German f.) high-dose technique |
hoch dotiert | (German) highly remunerated, highly remunerative |
hochdramatisch | (German) highly dramatic |
hoch-dramatischer Sopran | (German m.) Wagnerian soprano |
hochdrehen | (German) to wind up (window of a car, etc), to rev up (colloquial - engine of a car, etc.) |
hoch drei | (German) cubed (number: raised to the power of three) |
hoch droben | (German) aloft, overhead, high up (Southern Germany, Austria) |
Hochdruck | (German m.) high pressure |
Hochdruck | (German m.) high pressure, relief printing, letterpress printing, letterpress |
Hochdruckbehälter | (German m.) high-pressure vessel |
Hochdruck-Direkteinspritzung | (German f.) high-pressure direct injection |
Hochdruckeinfluss | (German m.) influence of high pressure |
Hochdruckentladungslampe | (German f.) high pressure discharge lamp |
Hochdruckfarbe | (German f.) relief printing ink |
Hochdruckflüssigkeitschromatographie | (German f.) high pressure liquid chromatography |
Hochdruckgasentladungslampe | (German f.) high pressure gas discharge lamp |
Hochdruckgebiet | (German n.) high pressure area, area of high pressure, high-pressure region, anticyclone |
Hochdruckgürtel | (German m.) belt of high pressure (weather) |
Hochdruckkammer | (German f.) high pressure chamber |
Hochdruckkranker | (German m.) hypertensive (person, patient) |
Hochdruckleitung | (German f.) high-pressure pipeline |
Hochdruckmanometer | (German n.) high-pressure manometer |
Hochdruckmedikament | (German pl.) hypertension drug |
Hochdruckpatient (m.), Hochdruckpatientin | (German) hypertensive patient |
Hochdruckpumpe | (German f.) high-pressure pump |
Hochdruckreifen | (German m.) high pressure tyre |
Hochdruckreiniger | (German m.) pressure washer |
Hochdruckrohrleitung | (German f.) high-pressure pipeline |
Hochdruckrücken | (German m.) ridge of high pressure (weather) |
Hochdruckschlauch | (German m.) high-pressure hose |
Hochdrucktherapie | (German f.) hypertension therapy |
Hochdruckverdichter | (German m.) high-pressure compressor |
Hochdruckwasserstrahl | (German m.) high-pressure water jet |
Hochdruckwasserstrahlschneiden | (German n.) high pressure water jet cutting |
Hochebene | (German f.) plateau, elevated plain, high plain, mesa |
hochedel | (German) of high nobility |
hocheffektiv | (German) highly effective |
hocheffizient | (German) highly efficient |
hoch eingeschätzt | (German) highly valued |
hoch einschätzen | (German) to prize, to value highly, to estimate generously |
Hochelaga-Archipel | (German m.) Hochelaga Archipelago, Montreal Islands |
hochelastisch | (German) highly elastic |
hochelegant | (German) silk-stocking (American slang) |
hochelegante Person | (German f.) silk stocking (American slang) |
Hochelf (s), Hockelven (pl.) | (German m.) high elf, high elves (plural form) |
hochemotional | (German) hugely emotive (issue) |
hochempfindlich | (German) highly sensitive, high-speed (film) |
hochempfindlicher Film | (German m.) high-sensitivity film, fast film |
hochenergetisch | (German) ultrahigh-energy, high-energy |
Hochenergiephysik | (German f.) high-energy physics |
Hochenergiestrahlung | (German f.) high-energy radiation |
hochentwickelt | (German) sophisticated, highly developed, advanced (highly developed) |
hoch entwickelt | (German) sophisticated, highly developed |
hocherfreut | (German) exhilarated, overjoyed, delighted, chuffed (colloquial) |
hoch erfreut | (German) very pleased |
hocherfreut über | (German) delighted with |
hoch erhoben | (German) erect (head) |
Hochet | (French m.) clapper |
hochevakuiert | (German) highly evacuated |
hochexplosiv | (German) high explosive, highly explosive |
hochfahren | (German) to go up, to start up, to flare up, to run up, to boot up (computer), to boot (computer), to raise (an examination table, to ramp up (energy input, investments, etc.), to increase |
hochfahrend | (German) imperious, haughty, high-handed |
hoch favorisiert | (German) hotly favoured |
hoch favorisiert sein | (German) to be the hot favourite |
hochfeierlich | (German) extremely solemn |
hochfein | (German) choice, delicious |
Hochfeldmagnet | (German m.) high-field magnet |
hochfest | (German) high-strength |
Hochfest | (German n.) solemnity, Feast |
Hochfest der Gottesmutter Maria | (German n.) Feast of Mary, Mother of God |
Hochfest des Leibes und Blutes Christi | (German n.) officially named Fronleichnam, Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ |
Hochfest Peter und Paul | (German n.) Feast of Saints Peter and Paul |
Hochfeste (der Orthodoxen Kirche) | (German pl.) Great Feasts (of the Orthodox Church) |
hochfester Beton | (German m.) high performance concrete, high-performance concrete |
hochfester Stahl | (German m.) high-tensile steel |
Hochfeuerfeststein | (German m.) heavy-duty brick |
hoch fiebernd | (German) hyperpyretic |
Hochfinanz | (German f.) high finance |
Hochfläche | (German f.) plateau |
hochflexibel | (German) highly flexible, ultraflexible |
hochfliegen | (German) to soar |
hochfliegend | (German) ambitious (figurative), soaringly, lofty, high-flown (ideas, plans), high-flying, grand (ideas, plans), soaring (ideals) |
hoch fliegend | (German) high-flying |
hochfliegende Hoffnungen | (German pl.) soaring hopes |
hochfliegende Ideen | (German pl.) soaring thoughts |
hochfliegende Pläne | (German pl.) ambitious plans |
hochfliegender Adler | (German m.) soaring eagle |
hochfliegende Träume | (German pl.) soaring dreams |
hochflüchtig | (German) highly volatile |
hochflurig | (German) high-floor |
Hochformat | (German n.) portrait format (as opposed to landscape / horizontal format, e.g. of images), portrait mode, vertical format |
hochfrequent | (German) high frequency |
hochfrequenter Dauerschwingversuch | (German m.) high-frequency fatigue test |
Hochfrequenz- | (German) high-frequency |
Hochfrequenz | (German f.) high frequency (HF), HF radio frequency, radio frequency |
Hochfrequenzenergie | (German f.) high-frequency energy |
Hochfrequenzfeld | (German n.) high-frequency field |
Hochfrequenzgenerator | (German m.) high-frequency generator |
Hochfrequenzgerät | (German n.) high-frequency unit, radiofrequency unit |
Hochfrequenzkauterisation | (German f.) high-frequency cautery |
Hochfrequenzleistungsverstärker | (German m.) radio frequency power amplifier |
Hochfrequenzmassenspektrometer | (German n.) high-frequency mass spectrometer |
Hochfrequenzmassenspektrometrie | (German f.) high-frequency mass spectrometry |
Hochfrequenz-Schwerhörigkeit | (German f.) high-frequency hearing loss |
Hochfrequenzstrom | (German m.) high frequency current |
Hochfrequenztechnik | (German f.) radio technology |
Hochfrequenztherapie | (German f.) high-frequency therapy |
Hochfrequenz-Wärmetherapie | (German f.) diathermy, heat treatment |
Hochfrisur | (German f.) (pinned) updo (colloquial: pinned and piled up hair), (pinned) up-do (colloquial: pinned and piled up hair) |
Hochgarage | (German f.) multi-storey car park |
hochgeachtet | (German) of high renown |
hoch geachtet | (German) considered |
Hochgebet | (German n.) Eucharistic Prayer |
hochgebettet | (German) elevated (for example, legs) |
hochgebildet | (German) highly educated, highly cultivated |
hochgebildeter Mann | (German m.) highly educated man |
Hochgebirge | (German n.) high mountains (plural), high mountain range, high mountain region, highlands (plural) |
Hochgebirgslandschaft | (German f.) alpine landscape |
Hochgebirgsregion | (German f.) high mountain region |
Hochgebirgsstraße | (German f.) high mountain road |
hochgebockt | (German) jacked up |
hochgeboren | (German - dated) highborn (nobility) |
hochgebrannt | (German) high-fired |
hochgeehrt | (German) highly honoured |
hoch geehrt | (German) highly honoured |
Hochgefühl (s.), Hochgefühle (pl.) | (German n.) elation, exhilaration, high (feeling), feeling of elation, exultation, elevated mood, higher feelings (plural form) |
hochgehalten | (German) upheld |
hochgehandelt | (German) high profile |
hoch gehandelt | (German) high profile |
hochgehäufter Teller | (German m.) heaped plate |
hochgehen | (German) to run high, to bristle, to go off (bomb), to go through the roof (colloquial), to get nabbed (colloquial), to go upstairs |
hochgehoben | (German) uplifted, raised |
hochgejubelt | (German) overhyped |
hochgekohlter Stahl | (German m.) high-carbon steel |
hochgeladen | (German) uploaded, loaded up |
hochgelagert | (German) propped up (e.g. head, leg, upper body), elevated (e.g. head, leg, upper body) |
hochgelegen | (German) elevated, high-lying (usually: lying above sea level) |
hoch gelegen | (German) elevated |
hoch gelobt werden | (German) to be highly praised, to draw high praise |
hochgeliebt | (German) dearly beloved |
hochgelobt | (German) highly praised |
hochgenau | (German) highly accurate, high-precision |
Hochgenuss | (German m.) delectation |
hochgerechnet | (German) extrapolated |
hochgereinigt | (German) highly purified |
Hochgericht | (German n.) place of execution |
Hochgerichtsbarkeit | (German f.) high justice |
Hochgesang | (German m.) ode, hymn |
hochgeschätzt | (German) highly considered, much-valued |
hoch geschätzt | (German) highly esteemed, highly prestigious |
hochgeschätzter Freund | (German m.) highly-valued friend, highly esteemed friend |
hoch geschätzt für | (German) highly valued for |
hochgeschlagener Kragen | (German m.) popped collar |
hochgeschleppt | (German) hauled up |
hochgeschleuderter Stein | (German m.) thrown-up stone |
hochgeschlitzter Rock | (German m.) high-slit skirt |
hochgeschlitztes Kleid | (German n.) high-slit dress |
hochgeschlossen | (German) high-necked |
hochgeschnitten | (German) high-cut |
hochgeschossen | (German) rocketed |
hochgeschraubte Erwartungen | (German pl.) high hopes |
Hochgeschwindigkeit | (German f.) high speed |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnnetz | (German n.) high-speed rail network |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsystem | (German n.) high-speed rail system |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsbohren | (German n.) high-speed drilling |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsfertigung | (German f.) high speed production |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsflattern | (German n.) high speed wobble |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsfotografie | (German f.) chronophotography |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternetzugang | (German m.) high-speed Internet access |
Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera | (German f.) high speed camera |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke | (German f.) high-speed line, high-speed route, high-speed rail link, high-speed track |
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Verfolgungsjagd | (German f.) high-speed pursuit |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsvermessung | (German f.) high-speed measurement |
Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideo | (German n.) high-speed video |
Hochgeschwindigkeitszentrifuge | (German f.) high-speed centrifuge |
Hochgeschwindigkeitszerspanung | (German f.) high speed cutting |
Hochgeschwindigkeitszug | (German m.) bullet train (colloquial: in Japan), high-speed train |
hochgesinnt | (German) high-minded (intentions) |
hochgespannt | (German) high-strung |
hochgespannte Erwartungen | (German pl.) high-wrought expectations |
hochgespielt | (German) factitious |
hochgesteckt | (German) pinned-up (hair), ambitious (aims) |
hoch gesteckt | (German) ambitious (figurative) |
hochgestecktes Haar | (German n.) pinned-up hair |
hochgesteckte Ziele | (German pl.) ambitious aims |
hochgestellt | (German) high-ranking, high ranking, superior (status/rank), superscript, raised, top-ranking |
hochgestochen | (German) high-flown, highbrow, purple (prose, language), high-toned (colloquial), high-faluting (colloquial) |
hochgestochen reden | (German) to talk posh (colloquial) |
hochgestuft | (German) upgraded |
hochgewachsen | (German) tall (person) |
hochgewachsener | (German) taller |
Hochgewinnantenne | (German f.) high-gain antenna |
hoch gewinnen | (German) to win handsomely |
hochgewirbelt werden | (German) to be carried skyward |
hoch gewölbt | (German) high arched, bombé (French), voûté (French), molto bombata (Italian), bombatura alta (Italian) |
hochgezogen | (German) hoisted |
hochgezogene Schultern | (German pl.) hunched shoulders |
hochgezüchtet | (German) fancy (colloquial), over-developed, overdeveloped, overbred, souped-up (colloquial: engine, motor vehicle) |
hochgiftig | (German) highly toxic, highly poisonous |
Hochglanz- | (German) glossy, high-polish |
Hochglanz | (German m.) high gloss, mirror finish |
Hochglanzbroschüre | (German f.) glossy brochure |
Hochglanzdruck | (German m.) glossy print |
hochglänzend | (German) high gloss finished, high-gloss, very glossy |
Hochglanzfarbe | (German f.) polish coating |
Hochglanzfolie | (German f.) glazing sheet |
Hochglanzfoto | (German n.) glossy print |
hochglanzgestrichen | (German) high-gloss coated |
Hochglanzmagazin | (German n.) glossy magazine, glossy (colloquial) |
Hochglanzpapier | (German n.) high gloss paper |
Hochglanzpolierer | (German m.) high-gloss polisher |
hochglanzpoliert | (German) high gloss polished, highly polished |
Hochglanzpolitur | (German f.) mirror finish, mirror polish |
Hochglanzseiten | (German pl.) glossy pages |
Hochglanzwerbung | (German f.) high-gloss ad (colloquial) |
hochglazial | (German) high glacial |
Hochglazial | (German n.) high glacial (period) |
Hochgotik | (German f.) High Gothic period |
Hochgott | (German m.) High God |
hochgradig | (German) extreme, extremely, high-grade, high grade, intense, high, to a high degree, of high degree, drastic (loss of hearing, of eyesight, etc.) |
hochgradig schwerhörig | (German) profoundly deaf |
hochgradige Schwerhörigkeit | (German f.) severe hearing loss |
hochgradige und an Taubheit grenzende Schwerhörigkeit | (German f.) profound hearing loss |
hochgreifen | (German) to reach high |
hochhackig | (German) high-heeled |
hochhalten | (German) to hold up (raise), to uphold (figurative), to keep up (maintain in a raised position), to venerate, to hold in high esteem |
Hochhaus- | (German) high-rise |
Hochhaus | (German n.) high-rise building, multi-storey building, high rise (building), tower block, highrise, tower |
Hochhaushotel | (German n.) high-rise hotel |
Hochhaussiedlung | (German f.) high-rise estate |
Hochhauswohnung | (German f.) high-rise flat |
hochhebeln | (German) to lever up |
Hochheben | (German n.) elevation |
hochheben | (German) to lift up (hand, child, etc.), to raise (head, hand), to elevate, to upheave (poetic), to uplift, to heave, to lift, to purchase (lift) |
hochhebend | (German) heaving, uplifting |
hochheilig | (German) sacrosanct, most holy |
Hochheit | (German f.) supremeness |
hochheizen | (German) to raise the temperature, to heat (up) |
hochherrschaftlich | (German) lordly (house) |
hochherzig | (German) magnanimous, magnanimously, noble-minded, generous |
Hochherzigkeit | (German f.) greatness of heart, munificence |
hochhieven | (German) to heft |
hoch hinaufstreben | (German) to aim high, to aspire to great heights |
hoch hinauswollen | (German) to be ambitious, to aim high (figurative), to set one's sights high (figurative), to have great ambitions |
hoch hinaus wollen | (German) to aim high, to want to fly high |
Hochhorn | (German n.) hautboy |
Hochhornbläser | (German m.) player on the hautboy |
hoch im Kurs | (German) high-priced |
hoch im Kurs stehen | (German) to be popular, to be high (value of shares) |
hoch im Preis | (German) high-priced |
hoch in den Bergen | (German) high in the mountains |
hoch industrialisiert | (German) highly industrialised |
Hochinflationsländer | (German pl.) high-inflation countries |
hoch in Mode sein | (German) to be the height of fashion |
hochintegrierter Baustein | (German m.) highly integrated circuit |
hochintellektuell | (German) highbrow |
hochintelligent | (German) brilliant, highly intelligent |
hochinteressant | (German) most interesting |
hochinteressiert | (German) afire (figurative) |
hochisoliert | (German) highly insulated |
hochkämmen | (German) to comb up, to put up (hair; by combing) |
hochkant | (German) on end, on edge, upright (on end) |
hochkant gestellt | (German) upended |
hochkantig | (German) on edge |
hochkantig rausfliegen | (German) to get kicked out (colloquial) |
Hochkantlamellenparkett | (German n.) industrial parquet |
hochkant rausfliegen | (German) to be chucked out on one's ear (colloquial) |
hochkant stellen | (German) to upend |
hochkarätig | (German) top-class, high-quality, high-carat (gold, diamond) |
hochkarätig besetzter Film | (German m.) film with a top-class cast |
hochkarätige Besetzung | (German f.) top-class cast |
Hochkirche | (German f.) High Church (Anglican) |
hochkirchlich | (German) High Church |
hochklappbar | (German) swing-up (seating, etc.) |
hochklappen | (German) to tilt up, to turn up (collar), to fold up, to hinge up |
hochklassig | (German) high-class, high-quality |
hochklettern | (German) to climb |
hochklingend | (German) bombastic, high-sounding |
hochklingende Worte | (German pl.) bombastic lines |
hochkochen | (German) to boil over, to boil up (figurative: emotions, debate) |
hoch kohlenstoffhaltiger Stahl | (German m.) high-carbon steel |
Hochkomma | (German n.) inverted comma, tick mark, apostrophe, single quotation mark |
hochkommen | (German) to come up (mountain, etc.), to get up, to get on in the world (figurative), to surface (figurative), to come up in the world, to come up in life, to (manage to) get up (on a chair, stool, etc.) |
Hochkommissar | (German m.) high commissioner |
Hochkommissariat | (German n.) high commissioner, High Commission |
hochkomplex | (German) highly complex, extremely sophisticated |
hochkompliziert | (German) very difficult |
hoch komprimiert | (German) highly compressed |
Hochkonjunktur | (German f.) a boom, a period of execeptional economic activity, a boom, the peak holiday period (for example, in the tourist industry) |
Hochkonjunktur | (German f.) boom, booming economy |
Hochkontrast- | (German) high-contrast |
Hochkontrast | (German m.) high contrast |
Hochkontrastauflösung | (German f.) high-contrast resolution (image) |
Hochkontrastbild | (German n.) high dynamic range image |
hochkonzentriert | (German) highly concentrated, high concentration |
hochkrempeln | (German) to roll up, to pull up, to hitch up (sleeves) |
Hochkreuz | (German n.) high cross |
hochkristallin | (German) highly crystalline |
Hochkultur (s.), Hochkulturen (pl.) | (German f.) advanced civilisation, high culture |
Hochladen | (German n.) uploading, upload |
hochladen | (German) to upload |
Hochlage | (German f.) high level |
Hochlager | (German n.) high camp |
Hochland (s.), Hochländer (pl.) | (German n.) highland, upland, highlands, high plateau, high country, uplands (plural) |
Hochland an die Küste | (German n.) coastal highland |
Hochlandbewohner | (German m.) highlander |
Hochländer | (German m.) highlander |
hochländisch | (German) highland |
Hochlandmütze | (German f.) glengarry |
Hochlandregion | (German f.) highland region, upland region |
Hochlandrinder | (German pl.) Highland cattle |
Hochlandschotten | (German pl.) Highland Scots |
hochlangen | (German) to reach up |
Hochlast- | (German) high-load |
Hochlauf | (German m.) start-up, run up, run-up (of a machine) |
hochlaufen | (German) to run up, to start up (a machine) |
hochleben lassen | (German) to give three cheers for |
Hochlied | (German n.) ode, hymn |
hochlegiert | (German) high-alloyed |
hochlegierte Sonderedelstähle | (German pl.) high-alloyed special stainless steels |
hochlegierter Stahl | (German m.) high-alloy steel, high-grade alloy steel |
Hochleistung | (German f.) high performance |
Hochleistungs- | (German) high-performance, high-output, high performance, heavy-duty |
Hochleistungsantenne | (German f.) high-gain antenna |
Hochleistungsbatterie | (German f.) high-performance battery |
hochleistungsfähig | (German) high-duty, high performance, heavy-duty |
Hochleistungskultur | (German f.) high-performance culture |
Hochleistungslautsprecher | (German m.) high-performance loudspeaker |
Hochleistungsmaterialien | (German pl.) high-performance materials |
Hochleistungsmotorenöl | (German n.) heavy-duty motor oil |
Hochleistungsöl | (German n.) heavy-duty oil |
Hochleistungsschmierstoff | (German m.) high performance lubricant |
Hochleistungssportler (m.), Hochleistungssportlerin (f.) | (German) top athlete |
höchlich | (German) highly, in a high degree, to a high degree |
hochliquide | (German) flush with money (colloquial), highly liquid |
hochlöblich | (German - dated) highly praiseworthy, honourable |
Hochlohnland | (German n.) high-wage country |
Hochmair-Schulz-Moser-Satztest | (German m.) Hochmair-Schulz-Moser sentence test |
Hochmair-Schulz-Moser sentence test | the German HSM Sentence Test consists of 30 lists of 20 everyday sentences. It was developed for the repeated evaluation of speech understanding of cochlear implant users |
hochmargig sein | (German) to have a high profit margin |
Hochmeister der Deutschherren | (German m.) Grand Master of Teutonic Knights |
Hochmesse | (German f.) High Mass |
Hochmittelalter | (German n.) High Middle Ages |
hochmobil | (German) highly mobile |
hochmodern | (German) state-of-the-art, ultra-modern, ultramodern, very modern, up-to-the-minute, highly contemporary, very contemporary |
hochmodisch | (German) highly fashionable, very fashionable, the height of fashion |
hochmolekular | (German) high-molecular-weight |
hochmolekulares Polyethylen | (German n.) high molecular weight polyethylene |
Hochmoor | (German n.) raised moss, moor, hill moor, raised bog |
Hochmoortorf | (German m.) raised-bog peat |
hochmotiviert | (German) highly motivated |
hoch motiviert | (German) highly motivated |
Hochmut, Hochmuth | (German m.) dignity, aloofness, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, hauteur (literary), superbia (pride: deadly sin) |
hochmütig | (German) superbo (Italian), altero (Italian), haughty, arrogant, arrogantly, prideful, cavalier, haughtily, proud, supercilious, superciliously, lofty, sniffy (colloquial), lordly (proud, haughty), hubristically, pridefully, disdainfully, sublime (rare: haughty), hautain (French) |
hochmütige Antwort | (German f.) arrogant answer |
hochmütiger | (German) haughtier, sniffier (colloquial) |
Hochmütigkeit | (German f.) superciliousness, hauteur (literary) |
hochmütig sein | (German) to be proud |
hochmütigste | (German) haughtiest |
Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall | (German) Pride comes before a fall |
hochnäsig | (German) uppish (colloquial), stuck-up (colloquial), snobbishly, arrogant, conceited, sniffy (colloquial), stand-offish, hoity-toity, uppity (colloquial), superciliously, supercilious, priggish (snobbish), snootily (colloquial), snooty (colloquial), swanky (neighbourhood), toffee nosed (colloquial, pejorative) |
hochnäsige Person | (German f.) stuck-up person (colloquial) |
hochnäsiger | (German) snootier (colloquial), sniffier (colloquial) |
hochnäsiger Depp | (German m. - Southern Germany) supercilious oaf |
hochnäsiger Schnösel | (German m.) supercilious oaf |
Hochnäsigkeit | (German f.) snootiness, standoffishness, hauteur (literary), priggishness (snobbishness), superciliousness, stuck-upness (colloquial) |
hochnäsig sein | (German) to be stuck-up (colloquial), to be haughty, to ride the high horse (figurative) |
hochnäsigste | (German) snootiest (colloquial, pejorative), sniffiest (colloquial, pejorative) |
hochnehen | (German) to pick up, to tease (familiar) |
hochnotpeinlich | (German) cringeworthy (colloquial) |
Hochofen | (German m.) blast furnace, furnace, smelting furnace |
Hochofenkoks | (German m.) (blast) furnace coke |
hochoffiziell | (German) very official |
hochohmig | (German) high-impedance, high-resistance |
hochoktanig | (German) high-octane |
hochoktaniger Kraftstoff | (German m.) high-octane fuel |
Hochorthodoxie | (German f.) high orthodoxy (esp. Lutheran) |
Hochparterre | (German n.) raised ground floor |
Hochpaß-Filter | (German m./n. - archaic) high-pass filter |
Hochpass- | (German) high-pass |
Hochpass-Filter | (German m./n.) high-pass filter |
Hochpassfilter | (German m./n.) low-cut filter |
hochpigmentiert | (German) highly pigmented |
hochplastisch | (German) highly plastic |
Hochplateau | (German n.) (high) plateau |
hoch pokern | (German) to push one's luck (figurative) |
hochpolitisch | (German) highly political |
Hochpotenz | (German f.) high potency |
hochpräzise | (German) high-precision |
Hochpreishütte | (German f.) very expensive shop, very expensive restaurant |
hochpreisig | (German) high-priced |
hochpriesterlich | (German) high-priestly |
hochprofitabel | (German) highly profitable |
hochprozentig | (German) high percentage, high in alcohol content, high-proof (alcohol) |
Hochprozentiges | (German n.) hard liquor |
hochpuschen | (German) to play up (colloquial), to blow up (colloquial), to hype up (colloquial), to psyche up (colloquial) |
hochputschen | (German) to psyche up (colloquial) |
hochqualifiziert | (German) highly qualified, high-skilled, highly skilled |
hoch qualifiziert | (German) highly qualified |
hochqualifizierte Arbeitskraft (s.), hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte (pl.) | (German f.) highly trained employee, highly qualified employee, highly qualified staff (plural form), highly trained staff (plural form) |
hochqualitativ | (German) high quality |
Hochquellenwasser | (German n.) mountain spring water |
Hochrad | (German n.) penny farthing (bicycle) |
hochrädrig | (German) with high wheels, high-wheeled |
hochragen | (German) to rise, to rise up, to tower, to soar (tower) |
hochragender Plafonds | (German m.) soaring ceiling |
hochragendes Gebäude | (German n.) soaring building, towering building |
hoch rangieren | (German) to rate highly |
hochrangig | (German) high-ranking, high-level, ranking, exalted (of persons, at a high or powerful level) |
hochrangige Anlässe | (German pl.) ranking events |
hochrangige Beamte | (German pl.) high-ranking officials, high-level officials, senior officials |
hochrangige Militärs | (German pl.) high-ranking officers, top brass (slang: plural) |
hochrangige Vertreter | (German pl.) senior figures, senior executives |
hochrangiges Straßennetz | (German n.) trunk road system |
hochrangiges Ziel | (German n.) high-value target |
Hochrasanztrauma | (German n.) high speed trauma |
hochrechnen | (German) to project, to make a projection, to extrapolate |
Hochrechnung | (German f.) projection, extrapolation, computer prediction |
Hochregal | (German n.) high-rise rack, high-level rack, high rack |
Hochregallager | (German n.) high rack warehouse, high-rise storage, high-rise installation, high-level installation, high-rise warehouse, high-bay warehouse |
Hochregallagerbereich | (German m.) high-bay storage, high-rise storage |
hochregeln (bis) | (German) to adjust (up to) (voltage, control) |
hochrein | (German) high-purity, highly pure, highly purified |
hochreines Heroin | (German n.) pure (slang) |
hochreißen | (German) to hoick, to hoik |
Hochrelief | (German n.) high relief |
Hochreligion | (German f.) high (form of) religion |
Hochrenaissance | (German f.) High Renaissance |
Hochrhein | (German m.) High Rhine |
Hochrippe | (German f.) prime rib |
hochriskant | (German) high-risk |
hochrollen | (German) to roll up |
Hochromatik | (German f.) High Romantic, high romanticism |
hochromantisch | (German) highly romantic (refers to the quality of a work of art, not necessarily to the period in which it was produced), high romantic (period, style, repertoire, etc.) |
Hochrot | (German n.) crimson |
hochrot | (German) angry red, crimson |
Hochrotationsglocke | (German f.) high-rotation bell |
hochrote Gesichtsfarbe | (German f.) high colour |
hochroter Farbstoff | (German m.) crimson |
hochrot färben | (German) to crimson |
hochrot werden | (German) to crimson (figurative) |
Hochruf (s.), Hochrufe (pl.) | (German m.) cheer |
hochrufen | (German) to cheer |
Hochrüsten | (German n.) upgrade (system, equipment) |
hochrüsten | (German) to upgrade (system, equipment) |
Hochrüstsatz | (German m.) upgrade kit |
hochrutschen | (German) to ride up (skirt, etc.), to ruck up (shirt, etc.) |
Hochsaison | (German f.) high season, peak season |
hochschäftige Stiefel | (German pl.) wellington boots |
Hochschalten | (German n.) fallforward |
hochschalten | (German) to fall forward, to change up, to upshift, to turn up (amplitude, control) |
hochschätzen | (German) to appreciate, to value highly, to esteem, to prize |
hoch schätzen | (German) to rate highly, to respect highly, to appreciate, to value highly, to estimate generously |
Hochschätzung | (German f.) high esteem, dearness |
hochschicken | (German) to send up |
hochschieben | (German) to boost, to push up, to ruck up (sleeves, skirt), to shove up |
hochschießen | (German) to shoot up, to rocket (values, prices, etc.) |
hochschießend | (German) rocketing |
hochschießende Kurse | (German pl.) ballooning prices |
hochschießende Verluste | (German pl.) ballooning deficit |
Hochschiffstrebe | (German f.) flying buttress (architecture) |
hochschlagen | (German) to surge up (waves, enthusiasm), to turn up (collar, brim) |
(hoch) schlagzäh | (German) high-impact |
hochschnellen | (German) to jolt up, to shoot up, to rocket (values, prices, etc.) |
Hochscholastik | (German f.) High Scholasticism |
Hochschrank | (German m.) tall cupboard |
hochschrechen | (German) to start up |
Hochschul- | (German) tertiary, collegiate |
Hochschulabgänger | (German m.) graduate |
Hochschulabschluss | (German m.) university degree |
Hochschulabsolvent (m.), Hochschulabsolventin (f.), Hochschulabsolventen (pl.) | (German) university graduate, college graduate, graduate, postgraduate |
Hochschulassistent (m.), Hochschulassistentin (f.) | (German) assistant professor |
Hochschulausbildung | (German f.) university education, college education |
Hochschulbibliothek | (German f.) university library, college library |
Hochschulbildung | (German f.) university education, college education, higher education |
Hochschuldozent | (German m.) university lecturer |
Hochschule (s.), Hochschulen (pl.) | (German f.) college, university, institution of higher education, tertiary institution, academy (art, music) |
Hochschule Darmstadt | (German f.) Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences |
Hochschule für Aufbaustudien | (German f.) graduate school |
Hochschule für Bodenkultur | (German f.) University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences |
Hochschule für jüdische Studien | (German f.) Academy for Jewish studies, Academy of Jewish studies |
Hochschule für Musik | (German f.) conservatoire |
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft | (German f.) University of Applied Sciences |
Hochschuleinrichtung (s.), Hochschuleinrichtungen (pl.) | (German f.) higher education institution |
Hochschülerschaft | (German) or ÖH, official representation of university students in Austria |
Hochschulgebiet | (German n.) university area |
Hochschulgelände | (German n.) campus, college grounds |
Hochschulinstitut | (German n.) (university) college, university |
Hochschulkarriere | (German f.) college career |
Hochschulklinik | (German f.) university hospital |
Hochschulkrankenhaus | (German n.) university hospital |
Hochschullehrer (m.), Hochschullehrerin (f.) | (German) professor, faculty member, college professor, university professor |
Hochschulleiter | (German m.) provost |
Hochschulpartnerschaft | (German f.) university twinning |
Hochschulpersonal | (German n.) university staff |
Hochschulpolitik | (German f.) higher education policy, higher education policies, university policy |
Hochschulprofessor (m.), Hochschulprofessorin (f.) | (German) university professor |
Hochschulprofessur | (German f.) university professorship |
Hochschulprojekt | (German n.) university project |
Hochschulrahmengesetz | (German n.) Framework Act for Higher Education (Germany) |
Hochschulraum | (German m.) framework of standards for higher education |
Hochschulreife | (German f.) matriculation standard, higher education entrance qualification |
Hochschulschriften | (German pl.) theses |
Hochschulsport | (German m.) collegiate sports, college sports |
Hochschulstadt | (German f.) college town |
Hochschulstudent | (German m.) university student, college student |
Hochschulstudium | (German n.) university education |
Hochschulsystem | (German n.) higher education system |
Hochschulverpflichtungen | (German pl.) college commitments |
hochschulweit | (German) university-wide |
Hochschulwesen | (German n.) university education, higher education |
Hochschulzugang | (German m.) university admission |
Hochschwabgebiet | (German n. - Austria) Hochschwab region (in Austria) |
hochschwanger | (German) big with child, heavily pregnant, well advanced in pregnancy, heavy with child (dated) |
hochschwanger sein | (German) to be in the late stages of pregnancy |
hochschwefelhaltig | (German) high-sulphur |
hochschwenken | (German) to elevate |
hochscrollen | (German) to scroll up |
Hochsee | (German f.) open sea, high seas |
Hochseefisch | (German m.) deep-sea fish |
Hochseefischen | (German n.) sea angling |
Hochseefischerei | (German f.) deep sea fishing |
Hochseeinsel | (German f.) deep-sea island |
Hochseejacht | (German f.) ocean-going yacht |
Hochseekutter | (German m.) ocean cutter, deep-sea cutter |
Hochseeschiff (s.), Hochseeschiffe (pl.) | (German f.) deep-sea vessel, seagoing vessel |
Hochseeschifffahrt | (German f.) deep-sea navigation |
Hochseeschlepper | (German m.) ocean-going tug |
hochseetauglich | (German) ocean-going |
hochseetüchtig | (German) seafaring (boat), ocean-going |
Hochseewindpark | (German f.) offshore wind farm |
hochsehen | (German) to look up |
Hochseil | (German n.) high wire |
Hochseilakt | (German m.) tightrope act, tightrope walk, high-wire act |
Hochseilartist | (German m.) tightrope artiste, tightrope artist |
hochsensibel | (German) highly sensitive |
Hochsensitivität | (German f.) hypersensitivity |
hochsetzen | (German) to raise |
Hochsicherheitsgefangener | (German m.) category 'A' prisoner |
Hochsicherheitsgefängnis (s.), Hochsicherheitsgefängnisse (pl.) | (German n.) high-security prison, maximum security prison, maximum-security prison |
Hochsicherheitstrakt | (German m.) high-security wing, maximum security unit |
Hochsicherheitszone | (German f.) high security zone |
hochsichtbar | (German) high-visibility |
hochsiedend | (German) high-boiling |
hoch singen | (German) to sing high |
hochsinning | (German) high-minded |
Hochsitz | (German m.) deerstand, perch (figurative: for person, etc.), high seat |
hochskalieren | (German) to upscale |
Hochskalierung | (German f.) upscaling |
Hochsommer | (German m.) midsummer, high summer |
hochsommerlich | (German) midsummery, midsummer |
hochspannend | (German) white-knuckle (colloquial) |
Hochspannung | (German f.) high tension, high voltage, great tension (figurative) |
Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragung | (German f.) high-voltage direct-current transmission |
Hochspannungskabel | (German n.) high-voltage cable |
Hochspannungsleitung (s.), Hochspannungsleitungen (pl.) | (German f.) high-voltage (power) line, high-tension (power) line |
Hochspannungsmast | (German m.) electricity pylon |
Hochspannungsquelle | (German f.) high-voltage source |
Hochspannungsschutz | (German m.) high-voltage protection |
hochspannungssicher | (German) surge-proof |
Hochspannungsteil | (German m.) high-voltage unit |
hochspekulativ | (German) highly speculative |
hoch spekulativ | (German) highly speculative |
hochspezialisiert | (German) highly specialised |
hoch spezialisiert | (German) highly specialised |
hochspielen | (German) to magnify (figurative) |
hoch spielen | (German) to play for high stakes |
hochspindeln | (German) to wind up |
Hochsprache | (German f.) standard language, high-level language |
hochsprachlich | (German) standard |
hochsprachliches Englisch | (German n.) Queen's English, King's English |
hochspringen | (German) to jump up |
Hochspringer (m.), Hochspringerin (f.) | (German) high jumper |
Hochsprung | (German m.) high jump |
Hochsprungtechnik | (German f.) high jump technique |
höchst- | (German) highest |
höchst | (German) most, extremely, extreme, hegemonic, paramount, superlatively, supreme, topmost, sovereign, supremely, superlative, deeply (strange, interested) |
Höchstabfluggewicht | (German n.) maximum take-off weight (aircraft) |
Höchstabgabemenge | (German f.) maximum daily quantity |
Höchstabmessungen | (German pl.) maximum dimensions |
Höchstalter | (German n.) age limit, limiting age, maximum age |
Hochstamm | (German m.) standard (of a tree) |
höchst amüsant | (German) hilarious |
Höchstanbieter | (German m.) highest bidder |
Hochstand | (German m.) raised stand, high seat, elevation (for example, shoulder) |
höchst angenehm | (German) delightful |
höchst angenehme Sache | (German f.) delightful thing |
Hochstapelei | (German f.) imposture, high-class robbery, confidence trick |
Hochstapler (m.), Hochstaplerin (f.), Hochstapler (pl.) | (German) confidence trickster, imposter, con man, confidence man, con artist (colloquial), fake, conman, fraud (charlatan) |
Höchstarbeitszeit | (German f.) maximum working hours, maximum working time |
Hochstart | (German m.) launching |
höchstauflösend | (German) maximum-resolution, (with) maximum resolution |
Höchstbeanspruchung | (German f.) highest stress |
höchst bedenklich | (German) highly questionable |
Höchstbelastung | (German f.) highest stress, maximum duty |
Höchstbelegung | (German f.) maximum occupancy |
Höchstbeschäftigung | (German f.) maximum employment |
Höchstbestand | (German m.) maximum stock level |
Höchstbetrag | (German m.) maximum amount, maximum sum, highest amount, ceiling (amount) |
höchstbewertet | (German) highest-priced |
höchstbezahlt | (German) highest paid |
höchstbietend | (German) highest-bidding |
Höchstbietungsbetrag | (German m.) maximum bid limit |
Höchstbietungssatz | (German m.) maximum bid rate |
Höchstbreite | (German f.) width limit, maximum width |
Höchstdauer | (German f.) maximum duration, maximum time |
Höchstdrehzahl | (German f.) peak revolutions |
Höchstdruck | (German m.) extreme pressure, maximum pressure |
höchste, höchster, höchsteres | (German) highest, tallest, top, maximum, uppermost, ultimate, utmost, paramount, primary |
höchste Achtung | (German f.) highest consideration |
höchste Aktivität | (German f.) peak of activity |
höchste Alarmbereitschaft | (German f.) red alert |
höchste Autorität | (German f.) ultimate authority |
höchste Bedeutung | (German f.) highest significance, paramount importance, primary importance |
höchste Belastung | (German f.) maximum load |
höchste Belohnung | (German f.) highest award |
höchste Dauerleistung | (German f.) maximum continuous rating |
höchste Dauernennleistung | (German f.) maximum continuous rating |
höchste Dichte | (German f.) maximum density |
höchste Dringlichkeitsstufe | (German f.) or höchste Priorität (German f.), top priority |
höchste Ebene | (German f.) top level |
höchste Eleganz | (German f.) height of elegance |
höchste Erhebung | (German f.) highest peak, highest point, highest elevation |
höchste Frequenz | (German f.) maximum frequency |
höchste Geheimhaltung | (German f.) utmost secrecy |
höchste Genauigkeit | (German f.) pinpoint accuracy |
höchste Geschwindigkeitsstufe | (German f.) full speed |
höchste Gesellschaftskreise | (German pl.) upper-class circles |
höchste Höhe | (German f.) maximum height |
höchste Laufzeit | (German f.) maximum maturity |
höchste Liebeslust | (German f.) absolute love (literary) |
höchste Macht | (German f.) supreme power |
höchste militärische Überlegenheit | (German f.) maximum military advantage |
höchste Perfektion | (German f.) ultimate perfection |
höchste Priorität | (German f.) top priority, highest priority |
höchste Regierungskreise | (German pl.) highest echelons of the government |
höchste Regierungsstellen | (German pl.) highest reaches of government |
höchste Staatsgewalt | (German f.) sovereignty |
höchste Terrorwarnstufe | (German f.) highest terror warning level |
höchste Vollendung | (German f.) pink of perfection, height of perfection |
höchste Wichtigkeit | (German f.) supreme importance |
höchst fraglich | (German) most doubtful, highly doubtful |
hochstecken | (German) to pin up, to put up (hair) |
Hochsteckfrisur | (German f.) pinned-up hairstyle, pinned-up hair (style), put-up hair (style), put-up hairstyle, put-up hairdo, (pinned) up-do (colloquial), (pinned) updo (colloquial), French pleat (hairstyle) |
hochstehend | (German) superior, of high standing |
hoch stehend | (German) highly advanced (intellectually), highly intellectual |
hochstehende Persönlichkeit | (German f.) person of high consequence |
hochsteigen | (German) to ascend, to soar |
(German - dated) in person |
hochsteigende Rakete | (German f.) soaring rocket |
hochstellen | (German) to raise |
Hochstelltaste | (German f.) shift key, caps key (shift key) |
höchstempfindlicher Film | (German m.) ultrahigh-speed film |
höchsten Ansprüchen genügen | (German) to be fit for a king |
höchstenfalls | (German) at the most |
höchstens | (German) at most, at the most, at the utmost, not exceeding, no more than, not more than, tops (colloquial), at the longest (of time), except perhaps |
höchstens eine Woche | (German) a week at longest, a week at the most, not exceeding a week |
höchstens zwanzig | (German) twenty at most, not exceeding twenty |
höchste Priorität | (German f.) or höchste Dringlichkeitsstufe (German f.), top priority |
höchster Einfuhrzoll | (German m.) maximum import duty |
höchst erfolgreich | (German) highly successful |
höchster Gang | (German m.) top gear |
Höchster Gerichtshof | (German m.) Supreme Court (in the UK) |
höchster Herr | (German m.) Lord Most High |
höchster Kurs | (German m.) highest price |
höchster Lohn | (German m.) wage ceiling |
höchster Punkt | (German m.) highest point, high, peak |
höchster Satz | (German m.) highest rate |
höchster Stand | (German m.) culmination, highest level |
höchster Stand aller Zeiten | (German m.) all-time high |
höchster Stand in 12 Jahren | (German m.) 12-year high |
höchst erstaunt | (German) wonderstruck |
höchst erstaunt sein (über) | (German) to be astounded (at), to be astounded (by) |
höchster Stimme | (German f.) the highest part |
höchster tragbarer Preis | (German m.) highest affordable price |
höchster Umsatz | (German m.) maximum turnover |
höchstes Gebot | (German n.) best bid, closing bid, highest bid |
höchstes Lob | (German n.) fulsome praise, sweetest praise |
Höchstes Wesen | (German n.) Supreme Being |
Hochsteuerland | (German n.) high-tax country |
Höchstfassungsvermögen | (German n.) maximum capacity |
Höchstflugdauer | (German f.) endurance |
Höchstform | (German f.) top form, peak form |
Höchstfracht | (German f.) maximum rate |
Höchstgebot | (German n.) highest offer, highest bid, highest tender, best offer |
Höchstgebühr | (German f.) maximum fee |
höchst geehrte | (German) most distinguished |
Höchstgehalt | (German m.) maximum content, maximum concentration (of sulphur, etc.), maximum salary, peak salary |
höchst gekonnt | (German) perfectly judged (performance, etc.) |
höchstgelegen | (German) highest situated |
Höchstgeltung | (German f.) supremacy |
Höchstgericht | (German n.) Supreme Court |
Höchstgeschwindigkeit | (German f.) maximum speed, speed limit, top speed |
Höchstgewicht | (German n.) maximum weight |
Höchstgrenze | (German f.) ceiling, limit, maximum limit |
Höchstgrenze für Emissionen | (German f.) permissible level for emissions |
Höchsthöhe | (German f.) height limit |
Hochstift | (German n.) bishopric |
hochstilisieren zum | (German) to talk up as |
Hochstimmung | (German f.) euphoria, festive mood |
höchstinteressant | (German) extremely interesting, deeply interesting |
höchst interessant | (German) extremely interesting, deeply interesting |
Höchstkapazität | (German f.) ultimate capacity |
Höchstkontingent | (German n.) maximum quota |
Höchstkonzentration | (German f.) maximum concentration |
Höchstkurs | (German m.) all time high, all-time high, high, highest price, maximum rate, peak price, top price |
Höchstlademarke | (German f.) Plimsoll line (on a ship) |
Höchstlagerdauer | (German f.) maximum duration of storage |
Höchstlagerzeit | (German f.) maximum storage time |
Höchstlänge | (German f.) maximum length |
höchst langweilig | (German) as dry as dust |
Höchstlast | (German f.) maximum load, peak load |
Höchstlaufzeit | (German f.) maximum life |
Höchstlaufzeit von | (German f.) maximum term of |
Höchstlaufzeit von drei Jahren | (German f.) maximum term of three years |
Höchstleistung | (German f.) tilt, maximum capacity, maximum output, record, maximum efficiency, maximum output, peak power, peak performance, maximum power |
Höchstleistungs- | (German) maximum performance |
Höchstlohn (s.), Höchstlöhne (pl.) | (German m.) maximum wage, top wages |
Höchstmarke | (German f.) all-time high |
Höchstmaß | (German n.) maximum, upper limit, greatest measure (also figurative) |
Höchstmaß an ... | (German n.) highest possible degree of ... (something) |
Höchstmaß an Flexibilität | (German n.) maximum flexibility |
Höchstmaß an Hilfeleistung | (German n.) maximum possible assistance |
Höchstmaß an möglicher Unterstützung | (German n.) maximum possible guidance |
Höchstmenge | (German f.) maximum quantity, maximal amount |
höchstmöglich | (German) highest possible, best possible (health) |
höchstmöglicher Gewinn | (German m.) maximum return |
höchstmöglicher Preis | (German m.) highest possible price |
Höchstnote | (German f.) highest mark (also figurative) |
Höchstparkdauer | (German f.) maximum parking time |
höchstpersönlich | (German) in person, in the flesh, personally, as large as life (ironic), himself, herself |
Höchstposition | (German f.) highest position, peak |
Höchstpreis | (German m.) top price, maximum price, ceiling price, price limit, highest price, peak price |
höchstpreisig | (German) highest-priced |
Höchstproduktion | (German f.) peak output |
Höchstpunkt | (German m.) peak |
Höchstpunktzahl | (German f.) perfect score, highest possible score, maximum score |
Höchstquote | (German f.) maximum quota |
(hoch) strahlungsgefährdeter Bereich | (German m.) high-radiation area |
höchstrangig | (German) highest-ranking, top-tier |
hochstrapazierfähiges Klebeband | (German n.) heavy-duty tape |
Hochstraße | (German f.) elevated road, elevated highway, flyover |
hochstrebend | (German) ambitious, aspiring |
hochstrebende Pläne | (German pl.) ambitious plans |
hochstrebendes Unternehmen | (German n.) ambitious enterprise |
hochstrebig | (German) ambitious |
Höchstrekord | (German m.) all-time record |
höchstrichterlich | (German) of the Supreme Court |
höchstrichterliche Entscheidung | (German f.) decision of the Supreme Court |
Höchstsatz | (German m.) maximum, maximum rate |
Höchstschaden | (German m.) maximum loss |
höchstselbst | (German) in person |
höchst selten | (German) extremely rare, extremely rarely, extremely seldom |
Höchstsicherheitstrakt | (German m.) maximum security wing |
Höchstspannungskabel | (German n.) extra-high voltage cable, EHV cable |
Höchststand | (German m.) high, highest level, peak, peak level |
Höchststeuersatz | (German m.) top (tax) rate |
Höchststrafe | (German f.) maximum sentence, maximum penalty |
Höchststrom | (German m.) maximum current |
Höchsttemperatur (s.), Höchsttemperaturen (pl.) | (German f.) maximum temperature, highest temperature |
höchst überzeugend | (German) most convincing |
hochstufen | (German) to upgrade |
Hochstufung | (German f.) upgrade |
Hochstuhl | (German m.) high chair |
höchstumstritten | (German) highly controversial |
höchst unwahrscheinlich | (German) most unlikely, most improbable, highly unlikely, highly improbable |
Höchstvakuum | (German n.) ultrahigh vacuum |
höchstwahrscheinlich | (German) most probably, highly probable, highly likely, highly probable, most likely, as likely as not, in all probability, very probably, in all likelihood, most probable, very likely, more than likely, quite likely |
Höchstwert | (German m.) peak, extreme value, highest value, maximum, maximum value, peak value, top rate |
höchstwertig | (German) of the highest order, of the first order, leftmost, most significant |
höchstwertiges Bit | (German n.) highest-order bit, most significant bit |
hochstylen | (German) to doll up, to tart up (colloquial) |
Höchstzahl | (German f.) maximum figure, maximum number |
Höchstzeit | (German f.) maximum time |
Höchstzinssatz | (German m.) maximum rate of interest |
höchst zufrieden sein | (German) to be highly pleased |
höchst zugelassene Dosis | (German f.) maximum permissible dose |
höchstzulässig | (German) maximum (permissible) (speed, weight, etc.), maximum permitted (level, concentration) |
höchstzulässige Geschwindigkeit | (German f.) maximum speed |
höchstzulässiger Betriebsdruck | (German m.) maximum allowable working pressure |
höchst zuverlässig | (German) loyal and faithful |
höchst zuverlässig sein | (German) to be loyal and faithful |
Hochs und Tiefs | (German) highs and lows |
hochtailliert | (German) high-waisted |
Hochtal | (German n.) high valley, high mountain valley |
hochtalentiert | (German) highly talented |
hochtechnisiert | (German) high-tech |
Hochtechnologie | (German f.) high-technology, high-tech |
Hochtechnologieprodukt | (German n.) high-tech product |
hochtechnologisch | (German) high-tech |
hoch technologisch | (German) high-tech |
hoch technologisiert | (German) high-tech |
Hochtemperatursupraleiter | (German m.) high-temperature superconductor |
hochtönend | (German - rare) grandiloquent |
Hochtöner | (German m.) tweeter (loudspeaker) |
Hochtonlautsprecher (s.), Hochtonlautsprecher (pl.) | (German m.) tweeter |
Hochtonsteilabfall | (German m.) ski-slope hearing loss |
Hochtour | (German f.) alpine tour |
hochtourig | (German) high-revving, high-speed |
hochtourig fahren | (German) to drive at high speed, to drive with high revs (colloquial) |
hochtourig laufen | (German) to run at high revs (engine) |
hochtrabend | (German) grandiloquent, highfalutin (colloquial), grandiloquently, consequential (self-important), pompous, pretentious, pretentiously, highfaluting (colloquial), purple (prose, language), fancy (language), bombastic, pompously |
hochtrabende Art | (German f.) grandiloquence |
hochtrabende Eigenart | (German f.) stiltedness |
hochtrabende Manier | (German f.) pompous manner |
hochtrabende Worte | (German pl.) big words (pejorative) |
hochtrabendes Wesen | (German n.) consequential manner (self-important manner), loftiness |
hochträchtig | (German) heavily pregnant (of animals) |
hochtragend | (German) bombastic |
hochtransformieren | (German) to step up (voltage) |
hochtreiben | (German) to push up (price), to bump up (auction price), to force up (price) |
hochtreibend | (German) boosting |
Hochtrockner | (German m.) vertical dryer |
hoch und heilig versprechen | (German) to promise faithfully |
Hoch- und Niedertourenschalter | (German m.) high/low speed switch |
hoch und quer | (German) vertical and horizontal (formats) |
Hoch- und Tiefbau | (German m.) civil engineering |
Hoch- und Tiefpunkte | (German pl.) highs and lows |
Hochvakuum | (German n.) high vacuum |
Hochvakuumtechnik | (German f.) high vacuum technology |
hochverdichtet | (German) highly compressed, densely populated (for example, region) |
hoch verdichtete Industrieregion | (German f.) densely populated industrial region |
hochverdient | (German) richly deserved, of outstanding merit (scientist, etc.) |
hochverehrt | (German) esteemed |
hochverfügbar | (German) high-availability |
hoch verlieren | (German) to lose heavily |
Hochverrat | (German m.) high treason, treason |
hochverräterisch | (German) treasonous |
hochverräterisches Verhalten | (German n.) treasonableness |
hoch verschuldet | (German) heavily in debt, badly in debt, deep in debt, heavily indebted, debt-ridden |
hoch versichert | (German) heavily insured |
hochverschuldet | (German) deep in debt, heavily in debt, with a huge debt, highly indebted, debt-ridden |
hochverstärkend | (German) high-gain, high-speed (film, screen systems) |
hochverzinst | (German) high-interest |
hochvirulent | (German) highly virulent |
hochviskös | (German) highly viscous |
Hochwald | (German m.) forest of full-grown trees |
hochwarmfester Stahl | (German m.) high-temperature (resistant) steel |
Hochwasser | (German n.) high tide, floods, deluge, floodwaters, high water (river), flood |
Hochwasserbekämpfung | (German f.) flood protection |
hochwasserbeschädigt | (German) flood-damaged |
Hochwasserdeich | (German m.) flood protection dam |
Hochwasser führen | (German) to be in flood, to be in (full) spate, to be swollen |
Hochwasserganglinie | (German f.) flood hydrograph |
Hochwassergefahr | (German f.) danger of flooding, flood hazard |
hochwassergefährdet | (German) flood-prone |
Hochwassergeschädigter | (German m.) flood victim |
hochwassergeschützt | (German) flood-protected |
Hochwasser haben | (German) to be in flood, to be swollen (river, stream) |
Hochwasserkatastrophe | (German f.) flood disaster |
Hochwassermarke | (German f.) high-water mark, flood mark |
Hochwassermauer | (German f.) floodwall |
Hochwasserpolder | (German m.) flood plain |
Hochwasserregulierung | (German f.) flood control |
Hochwasserrisiko | (German n.) flood risk |
Hochwasserschaden (s.), Hochwasserschäden (pl.) | (German m.) flood damage |
Hochwasserscheitel | (German m.) flood peak |
Hochwasserschutz | (German m.) flood control, flood protection, flood prevention |
Hochwasserschutzdamm | (German m.) flood (protection) dam, dyke, flood levee |
hochwassersicher | (German) flood-proof |
Hochwassersperre | (German f.) flood barrier |
Hochwasserstand | (German m.) high-water level, flood level |
Hochwasserüberlauf | (German m.) spillway, overflow, overfall |
Hochwasserwarnung | (German f.) flood warning |
hochwerfen | (German) to cast up, to toss |
hochwertig | (German) high-class, high-grade, high-cost, high-quality, high-value, of high quality, of higher value, valuable, high-octane (figurative), top-quality, high-end (colloquial), premium-quality, premium (of quality), upmarket (of goods) |
hochwertige Ware (s.), hochwertige Waren (pl.) | (German f.) quality goods, speciality goods |
hochwertiger | (German) more high-grade |
hochwertiger Ausdruck | (German m.) high quality print, high-quality print |
hochwertiger Druck | (German m.) high quality print, high-quality print, (fine) art quality print |
hochwertiger Stahl | (German m.) highest-quality steel |
hochwertiges Papier | (German n.) high-grade paper |
hoch wetten | (German) to place high bets |
hochwichtig | (German) all-important, vital |
Hochwild | (German n.) deer, big game |
hochwinden | (German) to hoist, to winch up, to jack up |
hochwirksam | (German) highly efficient, highly effective, high-potency |
hochwohlgeboren | (German - dated) high-born |
hochwüchsig | (German) tall-growing |
Hochwürden | (German m.) Reverend, Father |
Hochwürgen | (German n.) regurgitation |
Hochzahl | (German f.) exponent |
hochzählen | (German) to increment (re. numbering for example, when identifying successive versions of a document, publication, etc.) |
hoch (zehn) | (German) to the power of (ten) |
hochzeilig | (German) high-definition |
hochzeiliges Fernsehen | (German n.) high-definition TV, HDTV |
hochzeiliges Video | (German n.) high-definition video |
Hochzeit (s.), Hochzeiten (pl.) | (German f.) wedding, nuptials, marriage, hymen (archaic: marriage), heyday, glory days (plural form) |
hochzeiten | (German - Austria) to marry, to wed |
Hochzeiter (m.), Hochzeiterin (f.) | (German) bridegroom (m.), bride (f.) |
Hochzeitfeiern | (German) to get married |
Hochzeitgedicht | (German n.) epithalamium, nuptial poem, wedding song |
Hochzeit haben | (German) to be married |
Hochzeit im Himmel | (German f.) marriage made in heaven |
Hochzeit im kleinsten Kreis | (German f.) private wedding |
Hochzeit im Schloss | (German f.) castle wedding |
hochzeitlich | (German) nuptial, bridal, nuptially |
Hochzeitlied | (German n.) epithalamium, nuptial poem, wedding song |
Hochzeitmarsch | (German m.) wedding march, festival march |
Hochzeits- | (German prefix) nuptial, bridal, wedding, sponsal (relating to marriage) |
Hochzeitsalbum | (German n.) wedding album |
Hochzeitsanzeige | (German f.) wedding announcement, marriage announcement |
Hochzeitsanzug | (German m.) wedding suit |
Hochzeitsausstellung | (German f.) wedding exhibition |
Hochzeitsauto | (German n.) wedding car |
Hochzeitsbett | (German n.) bridal bed |
Hochzeitsbild | (German n.) wedding picture, wedding photo, wedding image |
Hochzeitsblumen | (German pl.) wedding flowers |
Hochzeitsbrauch (s.), Hochzeitsbräuche (pl.) | (German m.) wedding tradition, wedding custom, nuptial rites (plural form) |
Hochzeitschmuck | (German m.) wedding jewellery |
Hochzeitsdatum | (German n.) date of the wedding |
Hochzeitseinladung | (German f.) invitation to a wedding, wedding invitation |
Hochzeitseinladungskarte | (German f.) wedding invitation card |
Hochzeitsempfang | (German m.) wedding reception |
Hochzeitsfeier | (German f.) wedding feast, wedding ceremony, wedding party, wedding celebration |
Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten | (German f.) wedding reception, wedding festivities |
Hochzeitsflug | (German m.) nuptial flight |
Hochzeitsfoto | (German n.) wedding photo, wedding snap (colloquial) |
Hochzeitsfotograf | (German m.) wedding photographer |
Hochzeitsfrisur | (German f.) wedding hairstyle, wedding hairdo |
Hochzeitsgast (s.), Hochzeitsgäste (pl.) | (German m.) wedding guest |
Hochzeitsgedicht | (German n.) wedding poem |
Hochzeitsgesang | (German m.) hymen (archaic: wedding song) |
Hochzeitsgeschenk (s.), Hochzeitsgeschenke (pl.) | (German n.) wedding present, wedding gift |
Hochzeitsgeschenkidee | (German f.) wedding gift idea, wedding present idea |
Hochzeitsgesellschaft | (German f.) wedding guests, wedding party |
Hochzeitsglocken | (German pl.) wedding bells |
Hochzeitskapelle | (German f.) wedding chapel |
Hochzeitskarten | (German pl.) wedding cards |
Hochzeitskerze | (German f.) wedding candle |
Hochzeitskleid | (German n.) wedding dress, bridal gown, wedding gown |
Hochzeitskuchen | (German m.) wedding cake, bridecake |
Hochzeitskutsche | (German f.) bridal carriage, (horsedrawn) wedding carriage, (horsedrawn) wedding coach |
Hochzeitslied | (German n.) wedding song |
Hochzeitslimousine | (German f.) wedding limousine |
Hochzeitsmagazin | (German n.) bridal magazine |
Hochzeitsmahl | (German n.) marriage meal, wedding feast, wedding breakfast |
Hochzeitsmaskenspiel | (German n.) wedding masque |
Hochzeitsmode | (German f.) wedding fashion |
Hochzeitsnacht | (German f.) wedding night, bridal night |
Hochzeitspaar | (German n.) happy couple (just married), bride and bridegroom, bridal pair, bridal couple, bride and groom |
Hochzeitsparty | (German f.) wedding party, reception (colloquial: wedding reception) |
Hochzeitsphotograph | (German m.) wedding photographer |
Hochzeitspläne | (German pl.) wedding plans |
Hochzeitsplaner | (German m.) wedding planner |
Hochzeitsrede | (German f.) wedding speech |
Hochzeitsreise | (German f.) honeymoon trip, wedding trip, wedding journey, wedding tour |
Hochzeitsreisender (m.), Hochzeitsreisende (f.), Hochzeitsreisende (pl.) | (German) honeymooner |
Hochzeitssaal | (German m.) marriage room |
Hochzeitssänger (m.), Hochzeitssängerin (f.) | (German) wedding singer |
Hochzeitssari | (German m.) wedding sari |
Hochzeitsschleier | (German m.) wedding veil |
Hochzeitsschmaus | (German m. - dated) wedding reception |
Hochzeitsschuh | (German m.) wedding shoe |
Hochzeitsstrauß | (German m.) bridal bouquet |
Hochzeitssuite | (German f.) bridal suite |
Hochzeitstafel | (German f.) wedding table |
Hochzeitstag | (German m.) wedding day, (wedding) anniversary |
Hochzeitstanz | (German m.) wedding dance |
Hochzeitstermin | (German m.) wedding date |
Hochzeitstorte | (German f.) wedding cake |
Hochzeitstourismus | (German m.) wedding tourism |
Hochzeitstradition (s.), Hochzeitstraditionen (pl.) | (German f.) wedding tradition |
Hochzeitsvorbereitung | (German f.) wedding preparation |
Hochzeitszeremonie | (German f.) wedding ceremony |
Hochzeitszeremoniell | (German n.) wedding ceremony |
Hochzeitszimmerflucht | (German f.) bridal suite |
Hochzeitszug | (German m.) wedding procession |
hochziehbar | (German) liftable, raisable |
Hochziehen | (German n.) hoist |
hochziehen | (German) to pull up, to hoist, to hike up (prices), to raise (eyebrows), to throw up (colloquial: building) |
hochziehend | (German) hoisting |
hochzufrieden | (German) very satisfied |
hoch zu Ross | (German) on horseback |
hoch zwei | (German) squared (number: raised to the power of 2) |
Hock dich! | (German - regional) Sit down. |
Hocke | (German f.) crouch, shock |
hocken | (German) to cower (squat), to squat, to crouch, to perch (bird, also figurative: person), to hunker, to sit |
hockenbleiben | (German - Southern Germany) to remain sitting |
hockend | (German) crouching, cowering, squatting, asquat |
Hocker (s.), Hocker (pl.) | (German m.) stool, taboret, crouched skeleton |
Höcker (s.), Höcker (pl.) | (German m.) bump, hump (camel), knob, cusp, hunch |
Hockerbestattung | (German f.) crouched inhumation |
Höckerchen | (German n.) small knob |
Hockergrab | (German n.) flexed burial, crouched burial |
höckerig | (German) tubercular, bumpy, humped, gibbous, puckered (for example, skin) |
höckerlos | (German) humpless |
Höckernase | (German f.) hooked nose, hump nose (hooked nose) |
Hockerstellung | (German f.) squatting |
Hocket | ('hocket' is an old word for 'hiccup') the term hocket is used in various ways. In modern parlance it refers to a musical technique by which two or more voices or instruments sing or play in alternation. When one voice stops after one or a few notes, another begins, and so on. Singing or playing instruments in this way is found in music of various style periods and locales. According to late medieval Latin treatises a hocket is made by cutting up sound, and the term designates both that musical technique and the type of music that features it. In medieval French poetry it denotes various kinds of music in addition to learned polyphonic hockets. It is not known how the hocket technique came about in Western medieval music |
Hocketus | (Latin) hocket |
Hockey | (German n., English) a family of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick |
Hockeyhelm | (German m.) hockey helmet |
Hockeyschläger | (German m.) hockey stick |
Hockeyspiel | (German n.) shinty |
Hocksprung | (German m.) tuck jump, crouch jump, squat vault |
Hockstellung | (German f.) crouch, squatting position, crouched position |
Hocquetus | (Latin) hocket |
Hodajot | (German pl.) Hodayot (Dead Sea scrolls) |
Hodayot | The Thanksgiving Scroll or Hodayot was one of the first seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 by the Bedouin. The scroll gets its name from the recurring use of the phrase "I thank you" in many of the poems, thus 'Thanksgiving Scroll' or Hodayot (the Hebrew word referring to 'thanks' or 'thanksgiving'). Other names include Thanksgiving Hymns, Thanksgiving Psalms, Hymns Scroll and Scroll of Hymns |
Hodden | or wadmel, a coarse cloth made of undyed wool, formerly much worn by the peasantry of Scotland |
Hoddu | (Senegal) or molo, a Tukolor lute with four, five, or nine strings |
Hoden (s.), Hoden (pl.) | (German m.) testicle |
Hodenkrebs | (German m.) testicular cancer |
Hodgkinsche Krankheit | (German f.) Hodgkin's disease |
Hodologie | (German f.) hodology |
Hodology | science or study of roads, and movement along them |
Hodophobia | the fear of traveling, the most common form of which is the fear of traveling on airplanes |
Hodophobie | (German f.) hodophobia |
Hoedown | (German m., English) similar to a jig or reel, usually associated with square dancing, syncopated American dance in 2/4 time |
Hoek van Holland | (German n.) Hook of Holland |
Hoener | after Hans Hoener, the cataloguer of music by Georg Phillip Telemann (1681-1767) |
Hof | (German m.) corona, aureole (because of haze), ring (halo), halo |
Hof (s.), Höfe (pl.) | (German m.) farm, lot (yard), court (royal, ducal, etc.), farmyard, yard |
Hof- | aulic (of or pertaining to a royal court) |
Hofamt | (German n.) office at court |
Hofarchitekt | (German m.) court architect |
Hofarzt | (German m.) court physician |
Hofastronom | (German m.) Astronomer Royal |
Hofaufsicht | (German f.) playground supervision |
Hofbaumeister | (German m.) architect to the imperial court |
Hofbeamter | (German m.) court official |
Hofbediensteter | (German m.) household servant (royal household) |
Hofberichterstatter | (German m.) court reporter (court correspondent) |
Hofbibliothek | (German f.) court library |
Hofbildhauer | (German m.) court sculptor |
Hofbücherei | (German f.) court library |
Hofcapelle | (German f., archaic) court chapel |
Hofchronist | (German m.) court chronicler |
Hofclique | (German f.) court clique |
Hofconcert | (German n.) court concert |
Hofdame (s.), Hofdamen (pl.) | (German f.) court lady, gentlewoman, lady-in-waiting |
Hof des Bauerngehöfts | (German m.) farmyard |
Hofdichter | (German m.) poet laureate, court poet |
Hofdienstwohnung | (German f.) grace and favour lodging |
Hofdünger | (German m.) farmyard manure |
Höfe der Burg Windsor | (German pl.) Precincts of Windsor Castle |
Hof eines Königs | (German m.) household of a king |
Hofetikette | (German f.) court etiquette |
Hoff | after Adolph Hoffman, the cataloguer of music by Georg Phillip Telemann (1681-1767) |
hoffähig | (German f.) acceptable at court, presentable (socially acceptable) |
Hoffähigkeit | (German f.) right of presentation at court |
Hoffaktor | (German m.) court Jew (a term, typically applied to the Early Modern period, for historical Jewish bankers who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility) |
Hoffart | (German f.) pride (pejorative), haughtiness, arrogance |
hoffärtig | (German) arrogant, proud (pejorative), misproud (archaic, pejorative) |
Hoffärtigkeit | (German f.) arrogance (pejorative) |
hoffen | (German) to hope, to trust (hope) |
hoffend | (German) hoping, awaiting |
hoffend(,) bald von Ihnen zu hören | (German) hoping to hear from you soon |
hoffend(,) bis Freitag von Ihnen zu hören | (German) hoping to hear from you by Friday |
Hoffende | (German pl.) (the) hopeful ones |
Hoffentlich. | (German) I hope so. Let's hope so. |
Hoffentlich! | (German) Hopefully! |
hoffentlich | (German) hopefully |
... hoffentlich ... | (German) I hope ... ... |
Hoffentlich bleibt's so. | (German) I hope it stays that way. |
Hoffentlich nicht. | (German) I trust not. |
Hoffen wir das Beste. | (German) Let's hope for the best. |
hoffen, wo es keine Hoffnung mehr gibt | (German) to hope beyond hope |
hoffen, ... zu erreichen | (German) to hope to accomplish ... |
hoffen, ... zu tun | (German) to hope to do ... |
Hoffest | (German n.) court festival, courtyard festival |
Hoffestlichkeiten | (German pl.) court festivities |
Hoffmanns Erzählungen | (German) The Tales of Hoffman (opera by Jacques Offenbach) |
Hoffnung (s.), Hoffnungen (pl.) | (German f.) hope |
Hoffnung auf | (German f.) hope for |
Hoffnung aufgeben | (German f.) to shed hope |
Hoffnung beflügeln | (German f.) to wing hope |
Hoffnung bringen | (German f.) to yield hope |
Hoffnungen auf ... setzen | (German) to invest hope in ... |
Hoffnungen bauen | (German) to build hopes |
Hoffnungen enttäuschen | (German) to deceive hopes |
Hoffnungen knüpfen an | (German) to pin one's hopes on |
Hoffnungen machen | (German) to raise hopes |
Hoffnungen nähren | (German) to fuel hopes |
Hoffnungen wecken | (German) to spark hopes |
Hoffnungen zu hoch schrauben | (German) to pitch one's hopes too high |
Hoffnung erwecken | (German) to raise hope |
Hoffnung geben | (German) to give hope |
Hoffnung hegen | (German) to nourish hope |
Hoffnung machen (auf ...) | (German) to hold out hope (of ...) |
Hoffnungsdämmerung | (German f.) dawn of hope |
hoffnungsfreudig | (German f.) sanguine, hopeful |
hoffnungsfroh | (German) hopeful |
Hoffnungslauf | (German m.) repêchage (especially rowing) |
hoffnungsleer | (German) hopeless (literary) |
hoffnungslos | (German) hopeless, irredeemably, unhopeful, hopelessly, unhopefully, beyond all hope, beyond hope, desperate, past all hope, past hope, desolate |
hoffnungslose Angelegenheit | (German f.) hopeless cause |
hoffnungslose Krankheit | (German f.) hopeless disease |
hoffnungsloser Fall | (German m.) hopeless case, basket case |
hoffnungsloser Romantiker | (German m.) hopeless romantic |
hoffnungsloser Zustand | (German m.) desperate condition |
hoffnungslose Sache | (German f.) hopeless cause |
Hoffnungslosigkeit (s.), Hoffnungslosigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) desperateness, hopelessness, irredeemability, desperation, irredeemableness (plural form) |
hoffnungslos sein | (German) to be in a hopeless state |
hoffnungslos verliebt | (German) lovey-dovey |
Hoffnungsmarkt (s.), Hoffnungsmärkte (pl.) | (German m.) promising market |
Hoffnungsschimmer | (German m.) flicker of hope, ray of hope, glimmer of hope, dawn of hope |
Hoffnungsstrahl | (German m.) ray of hope |
Hoffnungsträger (m.), Hoffnungsträgerin (f.) | (German) person on whom hopes are pinned, (great) white hope, bearer of hope |
hoffnungsvoll | (German) hopefully, hopeful, full of hope, in a hopeful way |
hoffnungsvoller | (German) more hopeful |
hoffnungsvoller junger Mann | (German m.) hopeful young man |
hoffnungsvolles Gefühl | (German n.) hopefulness |
hoffnungsvolles Zeichen | (German n.) sign of hope |
hoffnungsvollste | (German) most hopeful |
Hoffnungszeichen | (German n.) hopeful sign (good sign) |
hofft | (German) weens |
Hofgang | (German m.) yard exercise |
Hofgarten | (German m.) courtyard garden |
Hofgärtner | (German m.) court gardener |
Hofgericht | (German n.) court-baron, court-leet, manorial court |
Hofgeschichte | (German f.) court history (of a noble family) |
Hofglocke | (German f.) court bell |
Hofintrige | (German f.) palace intrigue, court intrigue |
höfisch | (German) courtly |
Hof halten | (German) to hold court (also figurative) |
Hofhaltung | (German f.) court (holding of court) |
Hofhäuser | (German pl.) courtyard houses |
Hofhund | (German m.) yard dog |
Hofierer | (German m.) sycophant |
Hofii | from Algeria, a Tlemcenian women's vocal music, first mentioned by Ibn Khalduun in his Muqqadima in the fourteenth century, and still sung today most often to the accompaniment of the kwitra, a local four-course lute |
höfisch | (German) court |
höfische Gewandtheit | (German f.) suavity |
höfischer Tanz | (German m.) historical dance |
Hofjude | (German m.) court Jew |
Hofjuwelier | (German m.) court jeweller |
Hofkammer | (German f.) court chamber |
Hofkapelle | (German f.) royal chapel, Chapel Royal, court orchestra |
Hofkapellemeister | (German m.) court musical director, court Kapellmeister |
Hofkaplan | (German m.) court chaplain (of a ruler) |
Hofkirche | (German f.) chapel of a palace, chapel royal |
Hofknicks | (German m.) curtsy (to royalty) |
Hofkomponist | (German m.) court composer |
Hofkonzertmeister | (German m.) court music director |
Hofkreise | (German pl.) court circles |
Hofkultur | (German f.) court culture |
Hofkünstler | (German m.) court artist |
Hofladen | (German m.) farm shop |
Hofleute | (German pl. - dated) tenants |
höflich | (German) pleasing, graceful, bland (polite), blandly, civilly, complimentarily, courteous, debonair, fairspoken, polite, politely, urbane, urbanely, civil (polite), civilised (polite), obliging, courteously, debonairly, gallant, cordially, fair-spoken, well-spoken (in speech) |
höflich aber bestimmt | (German) politely but firmly |
höfliche Antwort | (German f.) civil answer |
höfliche Ausdrucksweise | (German f.) polite way of talking |
höfliche Äußerlichkeiten | (German pl.) varnish of politeness |
höfliche Bemerkungen | (German pl.) complimentary remarks |
höfliche Floskel | (German f.) pleasantry (polite remark) |
höfliche Manieren | (German pl.) polite manners |
höflicher | (German) blander, courtlier, more polite, politer |
höflicher Empfang | (German m.) polite reception |
höflicher junger Mann | (German m.) polite young man |
höfliches Benehmen | (German n.) polite manners |
höfliches Lächeln | (German n.) polite smile |
höfliches Wort | (German n.) polite word |
höflich fragen | (German) to ask nicely |
höflich gegen | (German) polite to |
Höflichkeit (s.), Höflichkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) pleasing and graceful style, courtesy, blandness, civility, comity, politeness, suavity, act of courtesy, politesse (courtesy), urbanity (civility) |
Höflichkeiten austauschen | (German) to exchange courtesies, to exchange pleasantries |
Höflichkeits... | (German) courtliness |
Höflichkeits- | (German) complimentary |
höflichkeitsbedingt | (German) formal |
Höflichkeitsbesuch | (German m.) courtesy visit, courtesy call |
Höflichkeitsbezeigung | (German f.) compliment, mark of respect, compliment |
Höflichkeitsfloskel | (German f.) polite phrase (pejorative) |
Höflichkeitsform | (German f.) polite form (of address), honorific (title) |
Höflichkeitsformel | (German f.) polite phrase |
höflichkeitshalber | (German) out of courtesy, (in order) to be polite |
Höflichkeitstitel | (German m.) courtesy title |
Höflichkeitsübersetzung | (German f.) courtesy translation |
Höflichkeit üben | (German) to practise politeness |
höflich sein | (German) to be polite, to use tact |
höflichste | (German) courtliest, blandest, most polite, politest |
höflich zu ... sein | (German) to be polite to ... |
Höflich zu sein kostet nichts. | (German) Politeness costs nothing. |
Hoflied | (German n.) Renaissance song originating within courtly or aristocratic circles rather than from the middle classes (Gesellschaftslied) or from folksong (Volkslied) |
Hoflieferant (m.), Hoflieferantin (f.) | (German) purveyor by appointment, Royal Warrant Holder, purveyor to the court, purveyor to the Royal Household |
Höfling (s.), Höflinge (pl.) | (German m.) courtier, gentleman (of the Court) |
Hofmagier | (German m.) court magician |
Hofmaler | (German m.) court painter |
Hofmann | (German m.) courtier |
hofmännisch | (German) courtly |
Hofmauer | (German f.) courtyard wall |
Hofmeister | (German m.) Master of Household, major domo, private tutor (dated) |
Hofmoschee | (German f.) courtyard mosque |
Hofmusicus | (German m.) court composer |
Hofmusikant | (German m.) court musician |
Hofmusiker | (German m.) court musician |
Hofnachrichten | (German pl.) court circular |
Hofnarr | (German m.) (court) jester, fool (jester) |
Hofoper | (German f.) royal opera house, imperial opera house, Court Opera House |
Hoforchester | (German n.) court orchestra, Court Orchestra |
Hoforganist (m.), Hoforganistin (f.) | (German) court organist |
Hofporzellan | (German n.) Court Porcelain |
Hofprediger | (German m.) court chaplain |
Hofrat | (German m.) privy councillor |
in Austria, an honorary title for civil servants, teachers, etc. |
Hofraum | (German m.) courtyard, yard (pit in a Shakespearean Theatre) |
Hofreiterei | (German f.) Household Cavalry
Hof rund um den Mond | (German m.) corona around the moon |
Hofsänger | (German m.) court minstrel, minstrel |
Hofsitte | (German f.) etiquette |
Hofsondervorstellung | (German f.) royal command performance, command performance |
Hofstaat | (German m.) court (household and entourage of a sovereign) |
Hofstallungen | (German pl.) Royal Mews (Buckingham Palace) |
Hofstelle | (German f.) farm-stead, farmstead |
Hofstil | (German m.) court style |
Hoftag | (German m.) (great) court council |
Hoftanz | (German m.) in the sixteenth century, the German counterpart to the French basse dance |
Hoftheater | (German n.) court theatre, Theatre Royal (Drury Lane, Stratford) |
Hoftheologe | (German m.) court theologian |
Hoftier | (German n.) farm animal |
Hoftor | (German n.) yard gate |
Hoftradition | (German f.) court tradition |
Hoftraktor | (German m.) farmyard tractor |
Hoftrauer | (German f.) court mourning |
Hoftyp | (German m.) farm type |
Hof- und Gebäudefläche | (German f.) yard and buildings |
Hofunterhaltung | (German f.) court revel |
Hofverkauf | (German m.) farmyard sale |
Hofzeremonial | (German n.) court ceremonial |
Hofzeremoniell | (German n.) court ceremonial |
Hofzwerg | (German m.) court dwarf |
Hoga | taepyongso |
Hogaku | Japanese classical music |
Höhe (s.), Höhen (pl.) | (German f.) height, elevation, acuteness, altitude, highness, level (of damages), extent, tallness, treble (acoustics), amount (financial), quantum (of damages), highs (plural form), ups (plural form) |
hohe | (German) high |
hohe Abfindung | (German f.) golden handshake (colloquial) |
hohe Absätze | (German pl.) high heels |
hohe Achtung | (German f.) great respect |
hohe Adelige | (German pl.) peers |
hohe Adlige | (German pl.) peers |
hohe Anforderungen an sich (selbst) gestellt haben | (German) to have set oneself high standards |
hohe Anforderungen an sich (selbst) stellen | (German) to set oneself high standards |
hohe Ansprüche stellen | (German) be very demanding |
hohe Arbeitslosigkeit | (German f.) high unemployment |
hohe Auflösung | (German f.) high resolution |
Höhe baulicher Anlagen | (German f.) height of construction |
hohe Belohnung | (German f.) high reward |
hohe Besorgnis rechtfertigen | (German) to justify high anxiety |
hohe Besucherzahl | (German f.) high attendance, large attendance |
hohe Brandung | (German f.) surf's up |
hohe Breiten | (German pl.) high latitudes |
hohe Decke | (German f.) high ceiling |
Höhe der Aufregung | (German f.) level of anxiety |
Höhe der baulichen Anlage | (German f.) height of physical structure |
hohe Dichte | (German f.) high density |
hohe Durchsatzgeschwindigkeit | (German f.) high throughput (speed) |
Hohe Esche | (German f.) European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), common ash |
Hohe Feiertage | (German pl.) High Holy Days (Jewish) |
hohe Gebirgszüge | (German pl.) high mountain ranges |
hohe Geburtenzahl | (German f.) baby boom |
hohe Gefängnisstrafe | (German f.) heavy jail sentence |
hohe Geistlichkeit | (German f.) high clergy |
hohe Geschosszahl | (German f.) large number of storeys |
hohe Geschwindigkeit | (German f.) high speed |
hohe Gewinne abwerfender Bereich eines Unternehmens | (German) cash cow (colloquial) |
hohe Gewinnspanne | (German f.) high profit margin |
hohe Häuser | (German pl.) tall houses |
hohe Herrschaften | (German pl.) ladies and gentlemen (of the house) (humorous) |
hohe Ideale | (German pl.) high ideals |
Hoheit (s.), Hoheiten (pl.) | (German f.) majestic-dignity, Highness, majesty (especially as title), sublimity, grandeur, sovereignty |
hoheitlich | (German) sovereign, sceptred, official, majestic |
hoheitliche Aufgabe (s.), hoheitliche Aufgaben (pl.) | (German f.) sovereign function, official duty |
hoheitliche Maßnahme | (German f.) act of sovereignty |
Hoheitsaufgabe | (German f.) sovereign function |
Hoheitsgebiet | (German n.) sovereign territory, territory |
Hoheitsgebiet des Landes | (German n.) the country's territories |
Hoheitsgewalt | (German f.) sovereignty |
Hoheitsgewässer (s.), Hoheitsgewässer (pl.) | (German n.) territorial water |
Hoheitsrecht | (German n.) sovereign right, regalia |
Hoheitsträger | (German pl.) public authorities |
hoheitsvoll | (German) majestic, regally (say, carry oneself, walk, sit, etc.) |
hoheitsvoller | (German) more majestic |
hoheitsvollste | (German) most majestic |
Hoheitszeichen (s.), Hoheitszeichen (pl.) | (German n.) national emblem, insignia (plural form) |
hohe Kaiserzeit | (German f.) high empire (Roman history) |
hohe Klangtreue | (German f.) high fidelity |
hohe Klarinette | (German f.) or Piccolo-Klarinette (German f.), high clarinet |
hohe Kommode | (German f.) tallboy (piece of furniture: chest) |
hohe Kosten | (German pl.) great cost |
hohe Kosten verursachender Besitz | (German m.) white elephant (figurative) |
hohe Kriminalitätsrate | (German f.) high incidence of crime |
Hohe Küche | (German f.) haute cuisine |
hohe Lage | (German f.) of the register of a voice or instrument, 'high' |
hohe Lebenserwartung | (German f.) long lifespan |
hohe Leistung | (German f.) high performance |
Hohe Lied | (German n.) the Song of Solomon |
hohe Lippenlinie | (German f.) high lip line |
hohe Literatur | (German f.) high literature |
(Hohe) Messe feiern | (German) to celebrate (high) mass |
hohe Moral | (German f.) high standard of morals, high morale |
hohen | (German) high, upper |
Höhenabstand | (German m.) vertical interval, height distance |
Höhenänderung | (German f.) change in altitude, change of altitude |
Höhenangabe | (German f.) elevation, height indication, altitude reading |
Höhenangst | (German f.) acrophobia, vertigo, fear of heights |
höhenängstlich | (German) acrophobic |
Höhenanpassung | (German f.) height adjustment, altitude acclimatization |
Höhenanzeiger | (German m.) altitude indicator |
Höhenausgleich | (German m.) height adjustment, treble compensation (acoustics) |
Höhenausgleichung | (German f.) height adjustment |
Höhenbergsteiger | (German m.) extreme mountain climber (high altitude) |
Höhenbewegung | (German f.) vertical movement |
Höhendifferenz | (German f.) height difference, difference in altitude |
Höhenfeststeller | (German m.) height-adjuster |
Höhenflieger | (German m.) highflier, high-flier, highflyer, high-flyer |
Höhenflug | (German m.) high-altitude flight |
Höhenfluganzug | (German m.) high-altitude pressurized suit |
Höhenfuß | (German pl.) feet in height, feet in altitude |
... Höhenfuß | (German) height of ... feet, altitude of ... feet |
Höhenfußpunkt einer Pyramide | (German m.) height of a pyramid |
höhengleicher Bahnübergang | (German m.) level crossing |
Höhenkammer | (German f.) hypobaric chamber, decompression chamber |
Höhenkarte | (German f.) relief map |
Höhenklima | (German n.) mountain climate |
Höhenklinik | (German f.) high altitude clinic |
Höhenkoller | (German m.) mountain fever, high-altitude euphoria |
höhenkrank | (German) sick at high altitude |
Höhenkrankheit | (German f.) altitude sickness, mountain sickness |
Höhenkurort | (German m.) mountain (health) resort, high altitude health resort |
Höhenlage | (German f.) altitude |
Höhenlage über dem Meeresspiegel | (German f.) height above sea level |
Höhenleitwerk | (German n.) tailplane, horizontal stabilizer |
Höhenlinie (s.), Höhenlinien (pl.) | (German f.) contour line |
Höhenlinienkarte | (German f.) contour map |
Höhenluft | (German f.) mountain air |
Höhenlungenödem | (German n.) high-altitude pulmonary oedema |
Höhenmarkierung | (German f.) bench mark |
Höhenmaß | (German n.) height (dimension) |
Höhenmedizin | (German f.) high-altitude medicine |
Höhenmesser | (German m.) altimeter |
Höhenmessung | (German f.) altimetry, height measurement |
Höhenmeter | (German pl.) metres in height, metres in altitude |
... Höhenmeter | (German) height of ... metres, altitude of ... metres |
Höhenmeter unter | (German pl.) metres below, metres under |
Höhenpegel | (German m.) treble level |
Höhenrausch | (German m.) high-altitude euphoria |
Höhenreaktion | (German f.) altitude acclimatisation |
Höhenregler | (German m.) treble control, altimetric corrector |
Höhenreißer | (German m.) vernier height gauge |
Höhenrekord | (German m.) altitude record |
Höhenrücken | (German m.) ridge, ridge of hills, mountain ridge |
Höhenschicht | (German f.) contour level |
Höhenschichtlinie | (German f.) contour line |
Höhenschlag | (German m.) out-of-round |
Höhenschnittpunkt | (German m.) orthocentre (of a triangle) |
Höhensiedlung | (German f.) hilltop site, hilltop settlement |
Höhenskala | (German f.) altitude scale |
Höhensonne | (German f.) alpine sun, sun lamp, sunlamp |
hohen Standard ansetzen | (German) to apply high standards, to set high standards |
Höhenstrahlung | (German f.) cosmic radiation |
Höhentoleranz | (German f.) height tolerance |
Höhentraining | (German n.) altitude training, high altitude training, training at high altitudes |
Höhen und Tiefen | (German) ups and downs, highs and lows |
Höhen und Tiefen des Marktes | (German) ups and downs in the market |
Höhen- und Tiefenregler | (German pl.) bass and treble controls |
Höhenunterschied | (German m.) altitude difference, drop (altitude difference), height difference, floor level difference |
Höhenverlust | (German m.) loss of height, loss of altitude |
Höhenverschiebung | (German f.) vertical displacement |
höhenverstellbar | (German) height-adjustable, vertically adjustable, adjustable for height |
höhenverstellbare Duscharmaturen | (German pl.) height-adjustable shower fittings |
höhenverstellbarer Schreibtisch | (German m.) height-adjustable desk |
Höhenverstellbarkeit | (German f.) height adjustability |
Höhenverstellschraube | (German f.) height adjustment screw, elevation screw |
Höhenverstellung | (German f.) height adjustment |
Höhenverstellungsbereich | (German m.) height adjustment range |
Höhenweg | (German m.) high route |
Höhenwinkel | (German m.) elevation angle, angle of elevation |
Höhenzug | (German m.) ridge of mountains, range of hills, mountain range |
(Hohe) Pforte | (German f.) Ottoman Porte |
hohe Popularität | (German f.) broad popular appeal |
hohe Preise | (German pl.) high prices |
hohe Preise verlangen | (German) to charge high prices |
Hohepriester (m.), Hohepriesterin (f.), Hohepriester (m.pl.) | (German) pontiff, high priest, high priestess (f.) |
hohepriesterlich | (German) pontifical |
hohe Priorität | (German f.) high priority |
Höhepunkt (s.), Höhepunkte (pl.) | (German m.) acme, climax, heyday, highlight, apogee, height, high point, culmination, maximum, peak, point of culmination, apex, summit, zenith, pinnacle, high, crescendo (figurative: peak), finial (figurative: pinnacle), crisis (climax), pitch (highest point, degree), prime (perfection), climactic scene (in a film, book, play, etc.) |
Höhepunkt der Lust | (German m.) height of (physical) pleasure |
Höhepunkt der Saison | (German m.) height of the season |
Höhepunkt einer Karriere | (German m.) zenith of a career |
hohe Qualität | (German f.) high grade, high quality |
hohe Quantität | (German f.) large quantity |
hohe Quoten | (German pl.) long odds |
höher | (German) superior, above, higher, upper, greater |
hoher Absatz | (German m.) high heel |
höher als | (German) above, in excess of |
höher als im Vorjahr | (German) up on previous year (for example, by a percentage) |
höher als üblich | (German) above the usual |
höher angesehen werden | (German) to prevail |
hoher Annäherungsschlag | (German m.) pitch (golf) |
höher an Rang | (German) superior in rank |
hoher Anteil | (German m.) high ratio |
hoher Auftragsstand | (German m.) pile of orders |
hoher Ball | (German m.) high ball |
Hoherbass | (German m.) or Heldenbariton, dramatic or heroic baritone |
the term Hoherbass may also be applied to a lyric bass |
hoher Beamter | (German m.) high official |
hoher Bekanntheitsgrad | (German m.) high profile |
höher benoten | (German) to grade up (exam paper) |
hoher Berg | (German m.) ben (Scottish: mountain) |
höher besteuert werden | (German) to be taxed more |
hoher Betrag | (German m.) large sum |
höher bewerten | (German) to uprate |
höher bewertet | (German) higher-priced |
Höherbewertung | (German f.) appreciation (increase in value) |
höher bieten | (German) to bid higher |
höher bieten als | (German) to bid higher than |
Hoher Donnerstag | (German m.) Holy Thursday |
höhere | (German) upper |
höhere Altersgruppen | (German pl.) aged population (demographics) |
höhere Autorität | (German f.) higher authority |
höhere Bildung | (German f.) higher education |
hohe Rechnung | (German f.) heavy bill, huge bill |
höhere Dinge anstreben | (German) to aspire to higher things |
höhere Ebene | (German f.) higher plane |
höhere Einstufung | (German f.) upgrading |
höhere Fähigkeiten | (German pl.) higher faculties |
höhere Fügung | (German f.) decree of fate |
höhere Gefühle | (German pl.) higher feelings |
höhere Gewalt | (German f.) act of nature, force majeure, act of God |
höhere Gewalt ausgeschlossen | (German) acts of God excepted |
Höhere-Gewalt-Klausel | (German f.) force majeure clause (in a contract, etc.) |
höhere Handelsschule | (German f.) commercial college |
höher eingestuft | (German) upgraded |
höher einstufen | (German) to grade up |
höhere Klasse | (German f.) higher class |
höhere Lagen | (German pl.) higher elevations, upper elevations |
höhere Lagen der Alpen | (German pl.) higher reaches of the Alps |
höhere Lebensdauer | (German f.) longer life (of a thing) |
höhere Lehranstalt | (German f.) institution of higher education |
höhere Macht (s.), höhere Mächte (pl.) | (German f.) higher power |
höhere Mathematik | (German f.) higher mathematics |
höhere Nachfrage | (German f.) greater demand |
höheren Orts | (German) in high places (figurative) |
höherentwickelte Pflanzen | (German pl.) higher plants |
höherentwickelte Tiere | (German pl.) higher animals |
Höherentwicklung | (German f.) higher development |
höhere Position | (German f.) seniority (in rank) |
höhere Preise | (German pl.) higher prices |
höhere Programmiersprache | (German f.) high level programming language |
höhere Qualität | (German f.) superior quality |
höherer Angestellter | (German m.) white-collar employee |
höherer Betrag | (German m.) largish sum of money |
höherer Bildungsabschluss | (German m.) higher educational qualification |
höherer Dienst | (German m.) senior service, upper-level civil servants |
höhere Rechenart | (German f.) advanced arithmetic operation |
höherer Gerichtsbeamter | (German m.) marshal |
höherer Gewalt weichen | (German) to yield to superior force |
höherer Offizier | (German m.) superior officer, senior officer |
höherer Ordnung | (German) higher-order |
höherer Schüler | (German m.) collegian |
höherer Standard | (German m.) higher standard |
hoher Ertrag | (German m.) high yield, heavy crop (high yield), high returns |
höherer Zinssatz | (German m.) higher interest rate |
höheres Angebot | (German n.) higher bid |
höhere Schulbildung | (German f.) secondary education, college education |
höhere Schule | (German f.) college, high school, secondary school, seminary (dated - college) |
höheres Gericht | (German n.) higher court |
höhere Spezifität | (German f.) increased specificity |
höhere Stellung | (German f.) major position |
höheres Tier | (German n.) higher-up (colloquial: person in authority) |
Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt | (German f. - in Austria) federal higher technical institute |
höhere technische Lehranstalt | (German f. - in Austria, formerly in Switzerland) polytechnic |
höhere technische und gewerbliche Lehranstalt für Berufstätige | (German f.) industrial college |
höhere Tierarten | (German pl.) higher animals |
höhere Tiere | (German pl.) higher animals |
höhere Verantwortung übernehmen | (German) to take (on) greater responsibility |
höhere Verkaufszahlen als ... haben | (German) to outsell (somebody) |
höhere Weisheit | (German f.) superior wisdom |
höhere Wesen | (German pl.) higher beings |
höhere Wirtschaftsschule | (German f.) commercial high school |
Hoher Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen | (German m.) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Hoher Freitag | (German m.) Good Friday |
Höhergebot | (German n.) higher bid |
hoher Gehalt an Eisenoxid | (German m.) high iron |
hoher Geldbetrag | (German m.) large sum of money |
höhergelegen | (German) more highly positioned, more highly situated |
höher gelegen | (German) superior |
Hoher Gerichtshof | (German m.) High Court (England) |
höhergestellt | (German) senior, superior |
höhergestuft | (German) upgraded |
höher gestuft | (German - dated) upgraded |
hoher Gewinn | (German m.) large profit |
hoher Grad | (German m.) high degree, high level (degree, amount) |
hoher Grad an Genauigkeit | (German) high degree of accuracy |
hoher Grad an handwerklichem Können | (German) high level of craftsmanship |
hoher Handelsüberschuss | (German m.) large trade surplus |
höher hinaufklettern | (German) to climb higher |
höher im Kurs stehend | (German) higher-priced |
höher im Rang sein | (German) to rank before |
hoher Integrationsgrad bei komplexen Schaltungen | (German m.) large scale integration |
hoher Kommissar | (German m.) high commissioner |
Hoher Kommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte | (German m.) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights |
hoher Kurs | (German m.) high price |
hoher Leistungsgrad | (German m.) high efficiency |
höherliegend | (German) located at a higher level |
höher liegen um | (German) to be up by (amount, per cent, etc.) |
höher nachkaufen | (German) to average up |
Höhernotierung | (German f.) uptick |
höher oben | (German) above, higher up |
hoher Offizier | (German m.) brass hat (colloquial) |
hoher Preis | (German m.) high price, heavy price, stiff price |
höherpreisig | (German) higher-priced |
hoher Rang | (German m.) high position, dignity |
höherrangig | (German) higher-ranking, senior (in hierarchy) |
hoher Regierungsbeamter | (German m.) high-placed government official, senior administration official (US) |
hoher Saitenabstand | (German m.) high action (stringed instrument) |
hoher Seegang | (German m.) large swell, heavy swell |
hoher Stand der Zivilisation | (German m.) high degree of civilization |
hoher Standard | (German m.) high standard |
höher stehen | (German) to prevail |
höherstehend | (German) superior (rank, etc.) |
höher stehend | (German) superior (rank, etc.) |
hoher Stiefel | (German m.) jackboot |
höher stimmen | (German) to tune up |
höherstufen | (German) to upgrade |
höher stufen | (German - dated) to upgrade |
Höherstufung | (German f.) upgrading |
hoher Ton | (German m.) sharp tone |
hoher Umsatz | (German m.) large turn-out |
höher und höher steigen | (German) to creep higher and higher (water) |
Höherverdienende | (German pl.) higher earners |
hoher Verwaltungsbeamter | (German m.) senior civil servant, provost (US university, college, etc.) |
höherviskos | (German) higher viscosity |
hoher Vorrang | (German m.) high precedence (due to rank) |
hoher Wert | (German m.) dearness |
höherwertig | (German) high-order, higher-value, superior |
höherwertige Sorte | (German f.) superior grade |
hohes Alter | (German n.) great age, old age |
hohes Ansehen | (German n.) high renown |
hohes Ansehen genießen | (German) to be held in high esteem |
hohes C | (German n.) top C |
Höhe schinden | (German) to point |
hohe Schulden | (German pl.) heavy debts, large debts |
hohe Schule | (German f.) haute école, classical dressage, university |
(hohe) Schule des Lebens | (German f.) (high-)school of life |
hohe See | (German f.) deep sea, high sea, main (archaic or literary) |
hohes Einkommen | (German n.) large income, high income |
hohes Gebäude | (German n.) high building, pile (colloquial) |
hohes Gehalt | (German n.) high salary, large salary |
Hohes Gericht! | (German) Your Lordship, Members of the Jury! |
hohes Haus | (German n.) parliament |
Hohes Haus! | (German) Mr Speaker, Sir! |
hohes Kellergeschoß | (German n.) English basement |
hohes Maß | (German n.) high degree |
hohes Maß an Intelligenz | (German n.) high level of intelligence |
hohes Maß an Transparenz | (German n.) high degree of transparency |
hohes Nominalvolumen | (German n.) high nominal volume |
hohe Stelle | (German f.) high position |
hohe Stellung | (German f.) altitudes, eminence |
hohes Tier | (German n.) brass hat (colloquial), bigwig (colloquial), big cheese (figurative: important person), big shot (colloquial), swell (colloquial - dated: important person), big noise (colloquial), hot shot (slang) |
hohe Stimme | (German f.) high voice, treble (voice) |
hohe Stirn | (German f.) high forehead |
hohe Stoffdichte | (German f.) high consistency |
hohes Umweltschutzniveau | (German n.) high level of environmental protection |
hohes Zimmer | (German n.) high-ceilinged room |
hohe Teilnehmerzahl | (German f.) large attendance |
hohe Temperatur | (German f.) high temperature |
hohe Verantwortung | (German f.) heavy responsibility |
hohe Verbrechensquote | (German f.) high incidence of crime |
hohe Verbrechensrate | (German f.) high incidence of crime |
Hohe Vertreterin | (German f.) High Representative (female) |
hohe Wahlbeteiligung | (German f.) heavy polling, large ballot, massive turnout (elections) |
hohe Wasserstiefel | (German pl.) jack boots |
hohe Wellen schlagen | (German) to make massive waves |
hohe Wette | (German f.) heavy bet |
hohe Wiedergabetreue | (German f.) high fidelity |
hohe Wolken | (German pl.) high clouds |
hohe Zielgenauigkeit | (German f.) pinpoint accuracy (missile, shot) |
hohe Ziffernstelle | (German f.) high order position |
hohe Zinsen | (German pl.) high interest (financial) |
hohl | (German) cavernous, concave, hollow, hollowly, cupped, concavely, addled, empty, vacant, sunken, cavernously, frothy (talk), mindless (stupid and meaningless) |
hohläugig | (German) hollow-eyed, sunken-eyed |
Hohlbeitel | (German m.) gouge |
Hohlblockstein | (German m.) hollow block |
Hohldecke | (German f.) false ceiling |
Höhle (s.), Höhlen (pl.) | (German f.) hollow, antrum, cave, cavern, cavity, hole, lair (cave), socket (eye), inner surface (of the scissors blade), grotto, den |
hohle Augen | (German pl.) cavernous eyes |
hohle Beschaffenheit | (German f.) concavity |
höhlenartig | (German) cavernous |
höhlenbewohnend | (German) cave-dwelling |
Höhlenbewohner (m.), Höhlenbewohnerin (f.), Höhlenbewohner (pl.) | (German) troglodyte, cave dweller, caveman (m.), cavewoman (f.), cave dwellers (pl.), cave dwelling community (pl.) |
Höhlenbilder | (German pl.) cave paintings |
Höhlenbildung | (German f.) cave formation |
Höhlenboden | (German m.) cave floor |
Höhlendecke | (German f.) cave ceiling |
Höhleneingang | (German m.) mouth of a cave, entrance to the cave |
Höhlen erforschen | (German) to pothole |
Höhlen erforschend | (German) potholing |
Höhlenforscher (m.), Höhlenforscherin (f.), Höhlenforscher (pl.) | (German) potholer, cave explorer, speleologist |
Höhlenforschung | (German f.) speleology, cave exploration, potholing |
Höhlenfund | (German m.) cave find |
Höhlenfundplatz | (German m.) cave site |
Höhlengang | (German m.) cave passage, cave passageway |
Höhlengänger | (German m.) potholer |
Höhlengrabung | (German f.) cave excavation |
Höhlenkirche | (German f.) cave church |
Höhlenkletterer | (German m.) caver |
Höhlenklettern | (German n.) caving |
Höhlenkloster | (German n.) cave monastery |
Höhlenkunde | (German f.) speleology |
Höhlenkunst | (German f.) cave art |
Höhlenmaler | (German m.) cave painter |
Höhlenmalerei (s.), Höhlenmalereien (pl.) | (German f.) cave painting |
Höhlenmensch (s.), Höhlenmenschen (pl.) | (German m.) cave man, cave dweller, caveman |
höhlenreich | (German) cavernous |
Höhlensystem | (German n.) cave system |
Höhlentemperatur | (German f.) cave temperature |
Höhlentier | (German n.) cave animal |
Höhlentourist | (German m.) amateur potholer |
Höhlenwand | (German f.) cave wall |
Höhlenwasser | (German n.) cavern water |
Höhlenwohnung | (German f.) cave dwelling, dugout (shelter) |
Höhlenzeichnung (s.), Höhlenzeichnungen (pl.) | (German f.) cave drawing |
Höhlenzugang | (German m.) entrance to the cave |
hohle Phrase (s.), hohle Phrasen (pl.) | (German f.) empty phrase, platitude |
hohler | (German) more hollow |
hohler Klang | (German m.) cavernous sound |
hohler Kopf | (German m.) addle brain |
hohler Ruf | (German m.) hollow hooting |
hohler Zahn | (German m.) hollow tooth |
hohles Geschwätz | (German n.) piffle (colloquial) |
Hohlflöte | (German f., literally 'hollow-toned flute') a flute-stop on the organ which is found from 1 ft. down to 16 ft. It has a thick, powerful hollow tone, each pipe having two holes in it, both near to the top and opposite to each other |
Hohlform | (German f.) hollow pattern, counter die, male die |
Hohlgebiss | (German n.) curb bit (used in horse riding) |
Hohlgefäß | (German n.) hollow vessel |
hohlgegossen | (German) hollow-cast |
Hohlgewinde | (German n.) female thread |
Hohlgriff | (German m.) hollow handle |
Hohlguss | (German m.) hollow casting |
Hohlhand | (German f.) palm (of the hand) |
Hohlheftgriff | (German m.) hollow handle |
Hohlheit | (German f.) hollowness |
Hohlkasten (s.), Hohlkästen (pl.) | (German m.) box girder, box beam |
Hohlkehle | (German f.) channeling, fillet (shape), fuller (of a knife/sword), cove (profile) |
Hohlkehlfuge | (German f.) gutter |
Hohlkehlleiste | (German f.) cornice profile |
Hohlkehlpräparation | (German f.) chamfer preparation, groove preparation |
Hohlkehl- und Rundstabhobel | (German m.) hollows and rounds |
Hohlkehlzange | (German f.) hollow chop pliers |
Hohlkeil | (German m.) saddle key |
Hohlkernbohrer | (German m.) core drill |
hohl klingen | (German) to sound hollow (also figurative) |
hohl klingend | (German) tympanitic (hollow-sounding) |
Hohlkopf | (German m.) blockhead (colloquial, pejorative), dunce, numbskull (colloquial), twerp (colloquial) |
hohlköpfig | (German) weak-headed, empty-headed, brainless, foolish, addlepated, featherbrained (pejorative) |
Hohlkörper | (German m.) hollow body, tubular body, tubular part, hollow part |
Hohlkreuz | (German n.) hollow back |
Hohlkugel | (German f.) hollow sphere |
Hohlleiter | (German m.) waveguide |
Hohllichtleiter | (German m.) light tube, light pipe |
Hohllochstein | (German m.) hollow chequer brick |
Hohlmaß | (German n.) measure of capacity |
Hohlmauer | (German f.) cavity wall |
Hohlmeißel | (German m.) gouge, hollow reamer |
Hohlnadel | (German f.) hypodermic needle, cannula |
Hohlniet | (German m.) tubular rivet, hollow rivet |
Hohlorgan | (German n.) hollow organ |
Hohlprofil | (German n.) hollow section, hollow profile |
Hohlquinte | (German) a quint stop of the Hohlflöte species |
Hohlrad | (German n.) gear ring, hollow wheel |
Hohlraum (s.), Hohlräume (pl.) | (German m.) lacuna, cavity, hollow, void, cavern, hollow space |
hohlraumfrei | (German) free of voids |
Hohlraumresonator | (German m.) cavity resonator |
Hohlrinne | (German f.) chamfer,channel |
Hohlrohrleitung | (German f.) hollow conductor |
Hohlrücken | (German m.) hollow back |
Hohlrundrücken | (German m.) hollow round back |
Hohlsaum | (German m.) hemstitch |
Hohlsaumarbeit | (German f.) drawn-thread work |
Hohlschaber | (German m.) hollow-ground scraper |
Hohlschaftkegel | (German m.) hollow shank taper |
hohl scheinen | (German) to appear hollow, to seem hollow |
hohlschlagen | (German - rare) to emboss |
Hohlschliff | (German m.) hollow grinding |
Hohlschraube | (German f.) banjo screw, female screw, hollow screw |
Hohlschraubenstutzen | (German m.) banjo union |
Hohlschraubverbindung | (German f.) banjo nut |
Hohlspatel (s.), Hohlspatel (pl.) | (German m.) trowel |
Hohlspiegel | (German m.) concave mirror, curved mirror |
Hohlspitzgeschoss | (German n.) hollow-point bullet |
Hohlstift | (German m.) female pin |
Hohlstopfen | (German m.) hollow stopper |
Hohlstunde | (German f.) free period |
Hohltaube | (German f.) stock pigeon, stock dove (Columba oenas) |
Hohlteil | (German n.) hollow part |
Höhlung | (German f.) cavity, hollow, bowl, concavity, ventricle |
Hohlvene | (German f.) vena cava |
Hohlvenenverengung | (German f.) stenosis of the vena cava |
Hohlvenenverschluss | (German m.) occlusion of the vena cava |
Hohlwand | (German f.) cavity wall |
hohlwangig | (German) lantern-jawed, hollow-cheeked |
Hohlweg | (German m.) hollow-way, sunken road, ravine (path, defile), defile |
Hohlwelle | (German f.) quill, hollow shaft |
Hohlziegel | (German m.) gutter tile, hollow tile, cavity brick, box tile, hollow brick |
Hohlzirkel | (German m.) inside caliper |
Hohlzylinder | (German m.) hollow cylinder |
Hohn | (German m.) scoff, contumely, scorn, derision, libel, taunt, cynicism, ridicule, scornfulness, sneer, mockery |
Hohn auf die Gerechtigkeit | (German m.) travesty of justice |
höhnen | (German) to jeer, to sneer |
höhnend | (German) scoffing (jeering) |
höhnen über | (German) to scoff at |
Hohngelächter | (German n.) scornful laughter, sneer, jeering (laughter), derisive laughter |
höhnisch | (German) derisive, scornful, sneering, taunting, derisory, derisively, snidely, snide, sardonically, jeering, jeeringly, mocking, mockingly, snidey, deridingly |
höhnisch antworten | (German) to sneer a reply |
höhnisch aufgezogen | (German) twitted |
höhnisch aufziehen | (German) to twit |
höhnische Bemerkung (s.), höhnische Bemerkungen (pl.) | (German f.) taunt, jeering (remark), gibe |
[höhnische] Grimassen schneide | (German) to mow (archaic - to make faces) |
[höhnische] Grimassen ziehen | (German) to mow (archaic - to make faces) |
höhnischer | (German) more scornful |
höhnisches Lächeln | (German n.) sardonic smile |
(höhnisches) Gejohle | (German n.) hooting |
(höhnisches) Johlen | (German n.) hooting |
höhnisch grinsen | (German) to sneer |
höhnisch grinsend | (German) sneering |
höhnisch lächeln | (German) to sneer |
höhnisch lächelnd | (German) sneering |
höhnischste | (German) most scornful |
höhnisch vorwerfen | (German) to taunt |
Hohnlächeln | (German n.) sneer |
Hohnruf | (German m.) shout of derision |
Hoijakka | see 'ring polska' |
Hoi polloi | (Greek) the masses, the common throng |
Hojas de partitura | (Spanish f.pl.) sheet music (plural) |
Hojok | taepyongso |
Höker (m.), Hökerin (f.) | (German) hawker, huckster, pedlar, costermonger
Hökerhandel | (German m.) hawking |
hökern | (German) to hawk |
Hökerwaren | (German pl.) hawker's goods |
Hökerweib | (German m. - dated) basket-woman, huckstress (archaic) |
Hoketus (s.), Hoketi (pl.) | (German m.) hocket |
Hokey Cokey, the | see 'Hokey-Pokey' |
Hokey Pokey, the | known in the UK as the 'Hokey-Cokey', a participation dance that became popular in the USA in the 1950s |
Hokku | (Japanese) in Japanese poetry, the term hokku literally means "starting verse." A hokku was the first starting link of a much longer chain of verses known as renga or linked verse. The hokku was traditionally three lines long, with a syllable count of 5/7/5 syllables in the three lines (i.e., the hokku was identical in structure to the modern haiku, the independent genre that later developed out of the hokku). The hokku was always the the most important and best known part of a renga much in the way that the first verse and chorus of a popular song are often well-known even when the other verses are poorly known or ignored. Because the hokku ultimately evolves into what we today call the haiku, it is common to the find scholars make a distinction between "modern haiku" (haiku) and "classical haiku" (hokku) |
Hokum | (probably blend of hocus-pocus and bunkum - derived form Buncombe county, N.C., from a remark made by its congressman, who defended an irrelevant speech by claiming that he was speaking to Buncombe, meaning insincere or foolish talk) a sub-genre in urban blues which was popular in the late 20s/early 30s. It is characterized by danceable rhythms and clever lyrics which heavily relied on double entendres |
Hokuspokus | (German m.) hanky-panky (colloquial), mumbo jumbo, hocus-pocus, hokum |
Holarctic | The Holarctic ecozone refers to many of the habitats found throughout the northern continents of the world. This region is divided into the Palearctic, consisting of Northern Africa and all of Eurasia, with the exception of Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, and the Nearctic, consisting of North America north of southern Mexico. These are further subdivided into a variety of ecoregions |
- Hokum - from which this extract has been taken
holarktisch | (German) Holarctic |
Hold | in the U.S., a pause, fermata |
(German) pleasing, agreeable, graceful, lovely, meek, fair (lovely), propitious |
holde Kunst | (German f.) gracious art |
holde Maid | (German m.) fair maiden (dated, poetical) |
Holder's comma | see 'Holdrian comma' |
Hol der Teufel ... ! | (German) To hell with ... ! |
Hold High the Gate | one of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing |
Hol dich der Teufel! | (German) Damn you! To hell with you! |
Holding | (German f.) skeleton company |
Holding back the speed, Holding back the tempo | ritardando (Italian), ritenuto (Italian), slentando (Italian), verweilend (German), en retenant (French) |
Holdinggesellschaft | (German f.) controlling company, holding company |
Holding note | a note sustained in one part, while other parts move |
Hol dir bitte Hilfe. | (German) Please get help. |
Hold over | in the film industry, when a director decides to use an actor for an extra day not originally scheduled |
Hold pedal | a MIDI effect, which when on, holds (i.e. sustains) notes that are playing, even if the musician releases the notes. (i.e. the 'Note Off' effect is postponed until the musician switches the 'Hold Pedal' off). On a multitimbral device, each Part usually has its own 'Hold Pedal' setting |
Holdrian comma | or Holder's comma (sometimes called the Arabian comma), a musical interval equivalent to 1/53 of an octave (i.e. 2^(1/53)) |
Holdrian's comma originates from setting each tone or a major scale equal to 9 Holdrian commas (that is 2^(9/53)) and each semitone equal to 4 Holdrian commas (that is 2^(4/53)), so that the succession of tones and semitones in a major diatonic scale is made up of 53 commas |
holdselig | (German) fair (lovely) |
Hold-to-light card | a postcard that alters its appearance when held up to a source of light. When most cards of this type are held to a light they glow in areas where holes were die-cut into the front piece of card stock and a translucent coloured paper, usually red and yellow, is inserted between it and a backing card. The most desired effect was to transform a daylight scene into a night view. On some hold-to-light cards a thin printed image is pasted over another on card stock and when backlit the two layered images combine into a new one often altering its narrative |
Holdudwa | Ethiopian trumpet-like animal horn, similar to the shofar |
Hole mir ... | (German) Bring me ... |
Hole mir jenes Buch! | (German) Bring me that book! |
holen | (German) to get (fetch), to call, to scoop (prize / jackpot / award) |
Holen Sie mir die Akte. | (German) Get me the file. |
Holen Sie tief Atem! | (German) Draw a deep breath! |
Hol Hilfe! | (German) Get help! |
Holi | see Phagwa |
Holiday cards | postcards containing the iconic imagery and symbolism of a collective commemorated holiday |
Hol ihn der Teufel! | (German) Curse him! |
Holism | an idea or philosophical concept diametrically opposed to atomism. Where the atomist believes that any whole can be broken down or analyzed into its separate parts and the relationships between them, the holist maintains that the whole is primary and often greater than the sum of its parts. The atomist divides things up in order to know them better; the holist looks at things or systems in aggregate and argues that we can know more about them viewed as such, and better understand their nature and their purpose |
- Holism - from which this extract has been taken
Holismus | (German m.) holism |
holistisch | (German) holistic, holistically |
Holla, die Waldfee! | (German) Well, I never! (colloquial) |
Holland | (English, German n.) Netherlands |
Hollandaise | a rich egg and butter sauce served warm |
Hollandgänger | (German pl.) German migrant workers in Holland |
Holländisch | (German n.) Dutch |
holländisch | (German) Dutch |
Holländische Beize | (German f.) Dutch mordant |
holländische Sauce | (German f.) hollandaise, hollandaise sauce, sauce hollandaise |
holländische Soße | (German f.) hollandaise, hollandaise sauce, sauce hollandaise |
Holländisches Bad | (German n.) Dutch mordant |
holländisches Frühstück | (German n.) Dutch breakfast |
Holländischlehrer (m.), Holländischlehrerin (f.) | (German) Dutch teacher |
Hölle | (German f.) hell, pandemonium, abyss, inferno, the bottomless pit, netherworld, purgatory (figurative) |
Höllen- | (German) infernal |
Höllenangst | (German f.) terrible fear |
Höllenbrut | (German f.) hellspawn, fiendish mob (dated) |
höllendämlich | (German) thick (as a board) (colloquial) |
Höllenengel | (German m.) Hells Angel (motorcycle gang member) |
Höllenfahrt | (German f.) descent into hell |
Höllenfeuer | (German n.) hellfire, hell fire |
Höllenfürst | (German m.) Prince of Darkness |
Höllengerät | (German n.) machine from hell |
Höllenglut | (German f.) hellish heat (figurative) |
Höllenhund (s.), Höllenhunde (pl.) | (German m.) hound of hell, hellhound |
höllenklar | (German) mad clear (colloquial) |
Höllenkräfte entfesseln | (German) to unleash hell |
Höllenkreis | (German m.) pit of hell |
Höllenlärm | (German m.) charivari, pandemonium, hellish noise, hell of a row (colloquial) |
Höllenmaschine | (German f.) infernal machine, time bomb |
Höllenpein | (German f.) agony (poetic) |
Höllenqual (s.), Höllenqualen (pl.) | (German f.) agony, terrible agony, torment of hell |
Höllenqualen ausstehen | (German) to go through the purgatory, to go through hell |
Höllenscheu | (German f.) hadephobia |
Höllenspaß | (German m.) fantastic fun |
Höllenspektakel | (German n.) infernal noise |
Höllenstein | (German m.) nitrate of silver,lunar caustic, silver nitrate (AgNO3) |
Höllenstoff | (German m.) explosive |
Höllenstrafe (s.), Höllenstrafen (pl.) | (German f.) eternal punishment, torment of hell |
Höllentemperaturen | (German pl.) hellish temperatures |
Höllentor | (German n.) gates of hell |
Höllenwesen | (German n.) denizen of hell |
Holler | (German m. - Austria, Southern Germany) black elder (Sambucus nigra), elder, nonsense (Austria) |
Hollerbeere | (German f. - Austria, Southern Germany) elderberry |
Hollerithkarte | (German f.) Hollerith card |
Hollerithmaschine | (German f.) Hollerith machine |
Hollermarmelade | (German f. - Austria, Southern Germany) elderberry jam |
Hollesley Bay Colony [1904-11] | a 1300 acre site of former Agricultural Training College acquired by Joseph Fels for the Central Unemployment Committee. The college could accommodate 355 men. There were eight glasshouses and 200 acres of gardens, thirty cottages, four groups of farm buildings, an open-air swimming bath, workshops, a warehouse on the river front, a wharf and a tramway connecting the wharf to the farmers' gardens. 300 unemployed men worked there. George Lansbury, and others from Toynbee Hall came down at week-ends to organise classes and recreation. In the end the Local Government Board turned it back into a deterrent workhouse |
höllisch | (German) hellish, hellishly, infernal, infernally, blazing, purgatorial (figurative), fiendishly, terribly (very) |
höllischer Lärm | (German m.) hell of a noise, infernal noise |
höllischer Preis | (German m.) hell of a price |
höllisches Glück haben | (German) to have the luck of the devil |
höllische Zahnschmerzen haben | (German) to have the devil of a toothache (colloquial) |
höllisch fluchen | (German) to swear like a trooper |
höllisch heiß | (German) hot as the hinges of hell |
höllisch lange Zeit | (German f.) hell of a long time |
Hollow-body guitar | an electric guitar body style with a thin body similar to an acoustic guitar |
Holly | (German Stechpalme, French Houx, Dutch Hulst, European Species: Ilex aquifolium, American Species: I. opaca: Average Weight: ranges from 45 to 55 pounds per cubic foot) Holly is a dense wood that stains well. It was used for inlays and marquetry from at least the sixteenth century on and for small carving pieces |
Hollywoodfilm | (German m.) Hollywood film, Hollywood movie |
Hollywood-Film | (German m.) Hollywood film, Hollywood movie |
Hollywood-Ikonen | (German pl.) Hollywood icons |
Hollywoodproduktion | (German f.) Hollywood production |
Hollywoodschaukel | (German f.) swing hammock, garden swing, porch swing |
Hollywoodschauspieler (m.), Hollywoodschauspielerin (f.) | (German) Hollywood actor, Hollywood actress (f.) |
Hollywood-Schriftzug | (German m.) Hollywood Sign |
Holm (s.), Holme (pl.) | (German m.) arbor, cross beam, bar, hillock, tie bar, tie rod, islet, crosspiece, spar, stem (tobacco pipe), cross-piece |
Hol' mich der Teufel! | (German) Stone the crows!(old-fashioned) |
Hol mir ...! | (German) Bring me ...! |
Hol' mich der Teufel! | (German) Stone the crows!(old-fashioned) |
Hol mir ...! | (German) Bring me ...! |
Holocaust | (English, German m.) in classical Greek literature, a holocaust was a sacrifice offered to the gods through burning |
Holocaust-Gedenkstätte | (German f.) holocaust memorial |
Holocaust-Leugner | (German m.) Holocaust denier |
Holocaustleugner | (German m.) Holocaust denier |
Holocaustleugnung | (German f.) Holocaust denial, denial of the Holocaust |
Holocaust-Mahnmal | (German n.) Holocaust Memorial (in Berlin) |
Holocaustopfer (s.), Holocaustopfer (pl.) | (German n.) victim of the Holocaust |
Holocaust-Syndrom | (German n.) survivor guilt |
Holocaustüberlebender (m.), Holocaustüberlebende (f.), Holocaustüberlebende (pl.) | (German) Holocaust survivor |
Holocaust-Überlebender (m.), Holocaust-Überlebende (f.), Holocaust-Überlebende (pl.) | (German) holocaust survivor |
Holocene | a geological epoch which began at the end of the Pleistocene (around 12,000 to 11,500 years ago) and continues to the present. The Holocene is part of the Quaternary period |
Holograf | (German m.) holograph |
Holografie | (German f.) holography |
holografisch | (German) holographic, holographical, holographically |
holografischer Speicher | (German m.) holographic memory |
Hologram | 3-dimensional image |
Hologramm | (German n.) hologram (3-dimensional image) |
hologrammfrei | (German) hologram-free (polishing) |
Holograph | a manuscript wholly in the hand of its composer, author, etc. |
Holographic will | a will and testament that has been entirely handwritten and signed by the testator |
Holographie | (German f.) holography |
holographisch | (German) holographic, holographical, holographically |
hologyn | (German) hologynic |
Hologynic | of or pertaining to a heritable trait appearing only in females |
Holozän- | (German - prefix) Holocene |
holozän | (German) Holocene |
Holozän | (German n.) Holocene |
holperig | (German) bumpily, doggerel, clumsy, bumpy (road, path, etc.), rough (bumpy) |
holperige Fahrt | (German f.) bumpy ride |
holperiger | (German) bumpier |
holperige Straße | (German f.) bumpy road, rough road |
holpern | (German) to jolt |
Holpern | (German n.) jolting |
Holpern der Räder | (German n.) rumble of wheels |
holpernd | (German) bouncy |
Holperpiste | (German f.) rutted lane |
holprig | (German) stuttering, humped, humpy, rough (uneven, bumpy), roughly, jarring, doggerel, clumsy, halting (speech), bumpy (road, path, etc.) |
holprige Landung | (German f.) bumpy landing |
holpriger Weg | (German m.) uneven path |
holprige Straße | (German f.) rough road |
Hol's der Teufel. | (German) The Devil take it. |
Holschuld | (German f.) debt collectible by the creditor |
Holst du ihn an der Bahn ab? | (German) Will you meet him at the train? |
Holstein | (English, German n.) southern part of Schleswig-Holstein |
Holsteiner | (German pl.) holsteins |
holsteinisch | (German) Holstein, Holsteinian |
Holsteinische Schweiz | (German f.) Holstein Switzerland |
Holstein-Rind | (German n.) Holstein-Friesian cattle (also known as Holstein or Friesian cattle) |
Holsteinrinder | (German pl.) Holstein cattle |
Holstentor | (German n.) Holsten Gate (in Lübeck) |
Holster | (German n.) holster |
holterdiepolter | (German) helter-skelter |
Holt-Oram-Syndrom | (German n.) Holt-Oram syndrome |
Holt-Oram syndrome | an inherited disorder that causes abnormalities of the hands, arms, and heart |
Holunder | (German m.) elder (genus Sambucus) |
Holunderbeere | (German f.) elderberry |
Holunderblatt (s.), Holunderblätter (pl.) | (German n.) elder leaf |
Holunderblüte | (German f.) elderflower |
Holunderblütensaft | (German m.) elderberry juice |
Holunderblütentee | (German m.) elderberry tea, elder blossom tea |
Holunderbusch | (German m.) elder bush |
Holunderstrauch | (German m.) elder bush |
Holunderwein | (German m.) elderberry wine |
Holy Communion | the sacrament of the Eucharist |
Holy Eve | see 'All Hallows Eve' |
Holy Orders | the higher grades of the Christian ministry; those of bishop, priest and deacon |
Holy See | the diocese of the Bishop of Rome; commonly used to denote the authority and jurisdiction of the papacy |
Holy Trinity | the three persons of God; the Father, Son and Holy Ghost |
Holy water stoup | a small stone basin containing holy water |
Holz- | (German, prefix) wooden, wood |
Holz (s.), Hölzer (pl.) | (German n.) wood, timber, lumber, forest, billet (of wood), blade (table tennis) |
Holzabfall (s), Holzabfälle (pl.) | (German m.) wood waste, wood chips (pl. form), waste wood (pl. form) |
Holzabfuhrstraße | (German f.) logging road |
Holz abhauen | (German) to cut timber |
Holzachterbahn | (German f.) wooden roller coaster |
Holzanatomie | (German f.) wood anatomy |
Holzapfel | (German m.) crab apple (fruit), crabapple (tree), crabapple (rather sour fruit), European wild apple |
Holzapfel und Schlehwein | (German) Dogberry and Verges (characters in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing) |
Holzapfelgelee | (German m./n.) crabapple jelly |
Holzarbeit | (German f.) wood work, woodwork |
Holz bei der Keuschn haben | (German - Austrian) (said of a woman) to be well endowed (colloquial, humorous) |
Holzarbeiter (s., pl.) | (German m.) woodworker, logger, lumberjack |
Holzart (s.), Holzarten (pl.) | (German f.) wood species, type of wood, kind of wood, timber species |
Holzartenbestimmung | (German f.) wood identification |
Holzasche | (German f.) wood ash |
Holzaufbau | (German m.) structure of wood |
Holzauge, sei wachsam! | (German) Keep your eyes peeled! |
Holzbalken (s., pl.) | (German m.) timber beam, wooden beam |
Holzbalkendecke | (German f.) wooden beam ceiling, wooden beam flooring |
Holzbank | (German f.) wooden bench |
Holzbarriere | (German f.) wooden barrier |
Holzbau | (German m.) wood construction, timber technology, timber structure, wooden structure |
Holzbaustein (s.), Holzbausteine (pl.) | (German m.) wooden block |
Holzbauten | (German pl.) joinery |
Holzbauweise | (German f.) timber construction |
Holzbearbeitung | (German f.) woodworking |
Holzbearbeitungsmaschine | (German f.) wood working machine |
holzbefeuert | (German) wood-burning, wood-fired |
Holzbein | (German n.) wooden leg |
Holzbeize | (German f.) wood stain, woodstain |
holzbewohnend | (German) wood-dwelling |
Holzbiene | (German f.) carpenter bee |
Holzbildhauer | (German m.) wood-carver |
Holzbirne | (German f.) wild pear (Pyrus pyraster) |
Holzbläser | (German m. pl.) woodwind |
(German m.) woodwind player |
Holzbläsergruppe | (German f.) woodwind section |
Holzbläserquintett | (German n.) an ensemble made up of one each of flute (German: Flöte), oboe (German: Oboe), clarinet (German: Klarinette), French horn (German: Horn) and bassoon (German: Fagott) |
Holzbläsersextett | (German n.) woodwind sextet |
Holzblasinstrument (s.), Holzblasinstrumente (pl.) | (German n.) woodwind instrument, woodwind(s) (plural form - collective) |
Holzblatt | (German n.) leaf of wood |
Holzblock | (German m.) log, wood block |
Holzblock im Korpus einer halbakustischen Gitarre | (German m.) centre block (in a guitar) |
Holzblocktrommel | (German f.) wood block (percussion instrument) |
Holzbock | (German m.) sawing trestle |
Holzboden | (German m.) wood floor, wooden floor, wood-loft |
Holzbodenpflege | (German f.) wood floor maintenance |
Holzbohle (s.), Holzbohlen (pl.) | (German f.) plank |
holzbohrend | (German) wood-boring |
Holzbohrer | (German m.) carpenter's brace, wood drill, wood bit, gimlet (hand tool) |
Holzbolzen | (German m.) nog (a wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures; a wooden peg or pin) |
Holzbox | (German f.) wooden box |
Holzbrandmalerei | (German f.) poker work |
Holzbrett | (German n.) wooden board |
Holzbrücke | (German f.) wooden bridge |
Holzbündel | (German n.) faggot |
Hölzchen | (German n.) small piece of wood, match |
Holzdach | (German n.) timber roof |
Holzdiele (s.), Holzdielen (pl.) | (German f.) floorboard |
Holzdose | (German f.) wooden box (small) |
Holzdrechseleinrichtung | (German f.) woodworking equipment |
Holzdrechseln | (German n.) woodturning |
Holzdrechsler | (German m.) woodturner |
Holzdreher | (German m.) woodturner |
Holzdübel | (German m.) peg, wooden dowel, nog, wooden plug, dowel |
Holzeinlage | (German f.) wood insert |
Holzeinschlag | (German m.) logging, lumbering |
Holzeisenbahn | (German f.) wooden train (set) |
hölzeln | (German - Eastern Austria) to lisp |
holzen | (German) to play dirty, to play rough, to cut back (dated) |
Holzer | (German m. - Austria, Southern Germany, Switzerland) woodchopper (dated) |
hölzern | (German) ligneous, woody, of wood, wood, wooden (also figurative), woodenly (figurative), clumsy (figurative), stiff (figurative - of people), awkward (figurative), wooded |
hölzerne Abtrennung | (German f.) brattice (an often temporary partition of planks or cloth) |
hölzerne Gliederpuppe | (German f.) Dutch doll |
hölzerne Hochzeit | (German f.) wood wedding anniversary |
hölzerne Kiste | (German f.) wooden box |
hölzerne Rolle | (German f.) round log of wood |
hölzerne Schraube | (German f.) wooden screw |
hölzernes Gelächter | (German n.) xylophone |
hölzerne Treppe | (German f.) wooden stairs |
hölzernes Eisen | (German n.) wooden iron |
Holzernte | (German f.) timber harvesting |
Holzerzeugnisse | (German pl.) timber products |
Holzerzeugung | (German f.) wood production |
Holzessig | (German m.) wood vinegar, pyroligneous acid |
Holzetui | (German n.) wooden case |
Holzfachwerk | (German n.) timber framework |
Holzfällen | (German n.) woodcutting (tree felling) |
Holz fällen | (German) to cut down timber, to fell timber |
Holzfäller (s., pl.) | (German m.) lumberjack, woodcutter, tree feller, logger, timberjack, wood cutter, timber worker |
Holzfällerei | (German f.) logging, woodcutting |
Holzfällerhemd | (German n.) lumberjack shirt |
Holzfällerlager | (German n.) logging camp |
Holzfällerstadt | (German f.) logging town |
Holzfällerunternehmen | (German n.) logging company |
Holzfällsaison | (German f.) cutting season |
Holzfällung | (German f.) logging |
Holzfarbe | (German f.) wood colour |
Holzfaser | (German f.) wood fibre, (wood) grain |
Holzfaserplatte | (German f.) fibreboard |
Holzfass | (German n.) wooden barrel |
Holzfassade | (German f.) timber facade, wooden facade |
Holzfäule | (German f.) fungal decay, wood rot, dry rot |
Holzfehler | (German m.) wood defect |
Holzfenster (s., pl.) | (German n.) wooden window |
Holzfensterläden | (German pl.) wooden shutters |
Holzfeuchte | (German f.) moisture (in wood) |
Holzfeuchtemessgerät | (German n.) moisture meter (for wood) |
Holzfeuchtigkeit | (German f.) moisture (in wood) |
Holzfeuer | (German n.) log fire, wood fire |
Holzfigürchen | (German n.) wooden figurine |
Holzfiguren | (German pl.) wooden figures, wooden pieces (chess) |
Holzfloß | (German n.) raft |
Holzflößer (s., pl.) | (German m.) raftsman |
Holzflöte | (German f.) wooden flute, an organ stop |
Holzfrachter | (German m.) timber carrier |
holzfrei | (German) wood-free (paper) |
holzfreies Papier | (German n.) paper free from wood pulp, wood-free paper |
Holzfurnier | (German n.) wood veneer |
Holzfuß | (German m.) wooden base |
Holzfußboden | (German m.) parqueted floor, wood flooring, wood floor, timber flooring, wooden floor |
Holzgegenstände | (German pl.) articles of wood, wooden articles |
Holzgehäuse | (German n.) wooden casing |
Holzgeist | (German m.) methyl alcohol, wood spirit, wood alcohol |
Holzgerüst | (German n.) timber scaffolding, wooden scaffolding |
Holzgestaltung | (German f.) wood design |
holzgetäfelt | (German) wood-panelled |
Holzgewächs (s.), Holzgewächse (pl.) | (German n.) woody plant |
Holzgewebe | (German n.) xylem |
Holzgewehr | (German n.) wooden gun, wooden rifle |
Holzgewindeschneider | (German m.) screw box |
Holzgliedermaßstab | (German m.) wooden folding rule |
Holzgriff | (German m.) wooden handle |
Holzhacker | (German m.) woodchopper, tree feller, lumberjack |
Holz hacken | (German) to chop wood |
Holzhaken | (German m.) wooden hook |
holzhaltiges Papier | (German n.) wood-containing paper |
Holzhammer (s.), Holzhämmer (pl.) | (German m.) (wooden) mallet, sledgehammer |
Holzhammermethode | (German f.) brute-force method |
Holzhandel | (German m.) timber trade |
Holzhändler | (German m.) timber dealer, timber merchant |
Holzhandwerk | (German n.) wood crafts |
Holzharmonika | (German f.) xylophone |
Holzhauer | (German m.) woodcutter |
Holzhaufen (s., pl.) | (German m.) woodpile, pyre (of material to be burned) |
Holzhaus (s.), Holzhäuser (pl.) | (German n.) framehouse, wooden house, timber cottage |
Holzheft | (German n.) wooden handle |
Holzhof | (German m.) timber yard |
Holzhütte (s.), Holzhütten (pl.) | (German f.) wooden hut, shanty |
Holzidol | (German n.) wooden idol |
holzig | (German) woody, ligneous, stringy (vegetables) |
holzige Beschaffenheit | (German f.) woodiness |
holzige Pflanzen | (German pl.) woody plants |
Holz im Ofen trocknen | (German) to kiln-dry wood |
Holzindustrie | (German f.) timber industry, woodworking industry, wood industry |
Holzingenieur (m.), Holzingenieurin (f.) | (German) wood engineer |
Holzingenieurwesen | (German n.) wood engineering |
Holzinstrumente | (German n.) the woodwind, woodwind instruments |
Holzkäfer | (German m.) wood beetle (various species) |
Holzkassettendecke | (German f.) wooden coffered ceiling |
Holzkästchen | (German n.) little wooden box |
Holzkasten | (German m.) box made of wood, wooden (storage) box |
Holzkeil | (German m.) wooden wedge |
Holzkern | (German m.) wooden core |
Holzkeule | (German f.) wooden club |
Holzkirche | (German f.) wooden church |
Holzkiste | (German f.) wooden box, wooden crate, wood box (for firewood) |
Holzkitt | (German m.) wood putty |
Holzklapper | (German m.) whip, slap stick |
Holzklapper-Oper | (German f.) clapper opera (China) |
Holzklasse | (German f.) third class, economy class |
Holzkleber | (German m.) wood glue, wood adhesive |
Holz klein machen | (German) to chip wood |
Holzklotz | (German m.) log, block of wood, wooden block, clog |
Holzknecht | (German m. - Austria) woodcutter |
Holzkohle | (German f.) charcoal |
Holzkohlefragment | (German n.) charcoal fragment |
Holzkohlegrill | (German m.) charcoal grill |
Holzkohlenbrikett | (German n.) charcoal briquette |
Holzkohlenfeuer | (German n.) charcoal fire |
Holzkohlengrieß | (German m.) granulated charcoal |
Holzkohlengrill | (German m.) charcoal grill |
Holzkohlenmeiler | (German m.) charcoal kiln |
Holzkohlenstaub | (German m.) charcoal dust |
Holzkohlenstift | (German m.) charcoal marker, fusain (fine charcoal in stick form, made from the wood of the spindle tree) |
Holzkohlereste | (German pl.) charcoal remains |
Holz köhlern | (German) to burn charcoal |
Holzkonservierung | (German f.) preservative treatment of wood |
Holzkonservierungsmittel | (German n.) wood preservative |
Holzkonstruktion | (German f.) wooden construction, wood construction, timber structure |
Holzkopf | (German m.) blockhead (colloquial), bonehead (colloquial), numbskull (colloquial), pinhead (colloquial) |
holzköpfig | (German) wooden-headed |
Holzkorb | (German m.) log basket |
Holzkrug | (German m.) noggin |
Holzkugel | (German f.) bowl |
Holzlack | (German m.) wood varnish |
Holzlager | (German n.) lumberyard, timber yard |
Holzlatte | (German f.) wood lath, wooden slat |
Holzlattensitz | (German m.) wood slat seat |
Holzlege | (German f. - regional) woodshed |
Holzleim | (German m.) wood glue |
Holzleiste | (German f.) strip of wood, wooden strip |
Holzlöffel | (German m.) wooden spoon |
Holzmaserung | (German f.) wood grain |
Holzmaske (s.), Holzmasken (pl.) | (German f.) wooden mask |
Holzmasse | (German f.) wood pulp |
Holzmehl | (German n.) wood flour |
Holzmeter | (German n./m.) wooden folding rule |
Holzmöbel | (German n.) wooden furniture |
Holznagel | (German m.) nog, trenail |
Holznutzung | (German f.) utilization of wood |
Holzoberfläche | (German f.) wood surface, wooden surface |
Holzofen | (German m.) wood-burning stove, wood fired oven, woodstove |
Holzöl | (German n.) wood oil |
Holzölbaum | (German m.) tung oil tree |
Holzoptik | (German f.) (natural) wood look |
Holzpalette | (German f.) wooden pallet |
Holzpantine | (German f.) patten, clog |
Holzpantoffel | (German m.) clog |
Holzparkett | (German n.) wood parquet |
Holzpellet (s.), Holzpellets (pl.) | (German n.) wood pellet |
Holzperle (s.), Holzperlen (pl.) | (German f.) wooden bead |
Holzpfahl | (German m.) wooden stake |
Holzpfeifen | (German pl., literally 'wooden pipes') in contrast to the metal pipes in the organ, wooden pipes have a square (very occasionally triangular) cross-section, and give a very soft, quiet sound. They are often included in the main pipe display, not for their acoustic properties, but because of their decorative potential |
Holzpfeiler | (German pl.) wooden pillars |
Holzpferd | (German n.) wooden horse |
Holzpfette | (German f.) timber purlin (timber framing) |
Holzpflanze | (German f.) woody plant |
Holzpflaster | (German n.) wood paving, cobblestone wood flooring, wooden paving |
Holzpflock (s.), Holzpflöcke (pl.) | (German m.) dowel, peg |
Holzpier | (German m.) wooden pier |
Holzplastik | (German f.) wooden sculpture |
Holzplatte | (German f.) wooden board, wooden panel |
Holzplatz | (German m.) lumberyard, log yard, timber yard |
Holzpolitur | (German f.) wood polish |
Holzpritsche | (German f.) wooden pallet |
Holzprodukte | (German pl.) timber products |
Holzproduktion | (German f.) wood production |
Holzpuppe | (German f.) wooden doll, wooden puppet |
Holzräder | (German pl.) wooden wheels |
Holzrahmen | (German m.) wooden frame |
Holzrahmenbau | (German m.) wood frame construction |
Holzrahmenbauweise | (German f.) wood frame construction, timber frame construction |
Holzrahmenhaus | (German n.) (timber) frame house |
Holzraspel | (German f.) wood rasp |
Holzraubbau | (German m.) over-exploitation of forests |
Holzregal | (German n.) wooden rack |
Holzreichtum | (German m.) abundance of timber |
Holzrelief | (German n.) wood relief |
Holzrest | (German m.) scrap |
Holzring | (German m.) wooden ring |
Holzrost | (German m.) boardwalk |
Holzrumpf | (German m.) wooden fuselage |
Holzsäge | (German f.) wood saw |
Holzsäger | (German m.) sawyer |
Holzsarg | (German m.) wood coffin |
Holzschädling | (German m.) wood pest |
Holzschale | (German f.) wooden bowl |
Holzschalenrumpf | (German m.) wooden monocoque fuselage |
Holzschatulle | (German f.) wooden box (for example, a presentation box) |
Holzscheit (s.), Holzscheite (pl.) | (German n.) log, log of wood, billet of wood, wood billet |
Holzscheune | (German f.) wood barn, woodbarn |
Holzschiff | (German n.) wooden ship |
Holzschild | (German m.) wooden shield |
(German n.) wooden sign |
Holzschindel | (German f.) wooden shingle, timber shingle |
Holzschlag | (German m.) cutting of timber |
Holzschlägel | (German m.) wooden stick |
Holz schlägern | (German - Austrian) to fell timber |
Holzschlägerung | (German f. - Austria) tree felling |
Holzschliff | (German m.) wood sanding |
Holzschneidekunst | (German f.) xylography |
Holzschneider | (German m.) woodcutter |
Holzschneiderkunst | (German f.) wood engraving |
Holzschnitt (s.), Holzschnitte (pl.) | (German m.) woodcut, wood engraving, xylograph, woodblock print, xylography |
holzschnittartig | (German) wood cut-like, woodcut-like, in a simplistic manner (figurative), broad-brush (figurative) |
Holzschnittfolge | (German f.) series of woodcuts |
Holzschnittkünstler (m.), Holzschnittkünstlerin (f.) | (German) woodcut artist |
Holzschnitzarbeit | (German f.) a wood sculpture, wood carving |
Holzschnitzel | (German pl.) wood chips |
Holzschnitzen | (German n.) wood carving (art work) |
Holzschnitzer (m.), Holzschnitzerin (f.) | (German) woodcarver, wood carver, woodcutter, whittler |
Holzschnitzerei (s.), Holzschnitzereien (pl.) | (German f.) wood carving, woodcarving, carvings (pl. form) |
Holzschopf | (German m. - Switzerland) woodshed |
Holzschraube | (German f.) woodscrew, wood screw, wooden screw |
Holz schruppen | (German) to plane off timber |
Holzschuh (s.), Holzschuhe (pl.) | (German m.) (wooden) clog, sabot, patten, wooden shoe |
Holzschuhmacher | (German m.) clog-maker |
Holzschuh mit Korksohle | (German m.) cork-soled clog |
Holzschuhtanz | (German m.) clogging (dancing in clogs), clog dance, wooden shoe dance [entry extended by Michael Zapf] |
Holzschuppen (s., pl.) | (German m.) woodshed, wood shed, wooden shed |
Holzschutz | (German m.) timber proofing, wood preservation |
Holzschutzimprägniermittel | (German n.) wood preservative |
Holzschutzimprägnierung | (German f.) preservative wood impregnation, wood preservative (chemical solution used for wood protection) |
Holzschutzlasur | (German f.) wood varnish |
Holzschutzmittel | (German n.) wood preservative, timber preservative, (wood) preserver, wood protection agent |
Holzschwelle | (German f.) wooden sleeper |
Holzschwert | (German n.) wooden sword |
Holzschwindung | (German f.) wood shrinkage |
Holzskulptur | (German f.) wood sculpture, wooden sculpture |
Holzsockel | (German m.) wooden base |
Holzspalthammer | (German m.) woodsplitting hammer |
Holzspaltkeil | (German m.) woodsplitting wedge |
Holzspan (s.), Holzspäne (pl.) | (German m.) splint, chip of wood, wood shavings (pl. form), wood chippings (pl. form) |
Holzspatel | (German m.) wooden spatula, tongue depressor |
Holzspeichenrad | (German n.) wooden-spoked wheel |
Holzspielzeug | (German n.) wooden toys |
Holzspielzeugmacher (m.), Holzspielzeugmacherin (f.) | (German) wooden toy maker |
Holzspieß | (German m.) spit of wood |
Holzspiritus | (German m.) wood alcohol |
Holzspitze | (German f.) wooden tip |
Holzsplitter | (German m.) splinter of wood |
Holzstab (s.), Holzstäbe (pl.) | (German m.) wooden staff, claves (plural form) |
Holzstäbchen | (German n.) wooden pick |
Holzstadel | (German m.) wooden barn |
Holzstämme | (German pl.) logs |
Holzständerwand | (German f.) wooden wallboard |
Holzstange | (German f.) wooden pole, wooden rod |
Holzstapel | (German m.) wood pile |
Holzstatue | (German f.) wooden statue |
Holzsteige | (German f.) wooden crate |
Holzstich | (German m.) wood engraving |
Holzstock | (German m.) wood block, woodblock |
Holzstoff | (German m.) mechanical pulp, lignin |
Holzstopfen | (German m.) wooden plug |
Holzstoß | (German m.) pile of wood, woodpile, stack of logs |
Holzstruktur | (German f.) wood structure, wood texture, wooden structure |
Holzstück | (German n.) piece of wood |
Holzstückchen | (German n.) bit of wood |
Holzstufe (s.), Holzstufen (pl.) | (German f.) wooden step |
Holzstuhl | (German m.) wooden chair |
Holzstütze | (German f.) timber stud |
Holztafel | (German f.) wooden tablet (for writing) |
Holztafeldruck | (German m.) woodblock printing |
Holztäfelung | (German f.) wood panels |
Holztaube | (German f.) wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) |
Holztechnik | (German f.) wood technology |
Holztechniker (m.), Holztechnikerin (f.) | (German) wood technician, wood engineer |
Holzteer | (German m.) wood tar, pine tar |
Holzteil | (German m.) xylem (of a plant), wooden part |
Holzteller | (German m.) trencher (wooden plate) |
Holztempel | (German m.) wooden temple |
Holztisch | (German m.) wooden table |
Holztor | (German n.) wooden gate |
Holztransport | (German m.) transport of wood, timber transport, transport of timber |
Holztreppe (s., pl.) | (German f.) wooden staircase, wooden stair |
Holztrocknungsanlage | (German f.) wood drying plant |
Holztrommel | (German f.) hand drum |
Holztrompete | (German f.) wooden trumpet (employed in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde) |
(German f.) see 'clarinet' |
Holztür | (German f.) wooden door |
Holzturm | (German m.) wooden tower |
Holz- und Fasertechnologie | (German f.) wood and fibre technology |
Holz und Strohinstrumente | an instrument called for in some Richard Strauss scores, an early xylophone in which the wooden bars are laid on straw ropes, all set on the top of a large table |
Holzung | (German f.) felling, cutting (trees), logging |
Holzunternehmen | (German n.) timber company |
Holzunterstand | (German m.) wood shelter |
holzverarbeitend | (German) woodworking |
holzverarbeitende Industrie | (German f.) woodworking industry |
Holzverarbeitung | (German f.) wood processing |
Holzverarbeitungsindustrie | (German f.) forest industry |
Holzverbundmaterial | (German n.) wood composite |
Holzvergütung | (German f.) modification of wood |
Holzverkleidung | (German f.) wooden panel, board, panel, wainscot, wood panelling |
Holzverpackung | (German f.) wooden packaging |
Holzverschalung | (German f.) wood planking, weather boarding |
Holzverschlag | (German m.) wooden shed, crate (to transport goods), crating (for transporting goods) |
Holzversteigerung | (German f.) wood auction sale |
Holzvertäfelung | (German f.) wood panelling |
Holzvollernter | (German m.) wood harvester |
Holzvorkommen | (German pl.) timber resources |
Holzvorleger | (German m.) wooden bath mat, wooden bathmat |
Holzwagenrad | (German n.) wooden wagon wheel |
Holzwand | (German f.) wooden wall |
Holzwäscheklammer | (German f.) spring-loaded wood clamp |
Holzwerkstatt | (German f.) wood workshop |
Holzwerkstoff (s.), Holzwerkstoffe (pl.) | (German m.) wood-based material |
Holzwerkstoffindustrie | (German f.) wood material industry |
Holzwind | (German m.) woodwind |
Holzwirtschaft | (German f.) timber industry |
Holzwolle | (German f.) wood shavings, wood wool, excelsior |
Holzwurm (s.), Holzwürmer (pl.) | (German m.) woodworm, wood worm, deathwatch (beetle) (Anobium punctatum) |
Holzzaun | (German m.) wooden fence |
Holzzement | (German m.) wood cement |
holzzerstörend | (German) wood-destroying (for example, insect) |
Holzzinn | (German m.) wood tin |
Holzzockeln | (German pl. - Austria) clogs |
Holzzucker | (German m.) xylose, wood sugar |
Holzzuschnitt | (German m.) wood cutting |
Homage | tribute, expression of reverence |
Homburg hat | a style of hat popularized by King Edward VII who was often a guest at the spa town Bad Homburg vor der Höhe in Germany |
Homburghut | (German m.) Homburg hat |
Hombre | (Spanish m.) man, humankind |
¡hombre! | (Spanish) Good Heavens! |
Hombre de acción | (Spanish m.) man of action |
Hombre de estado | (Spanish m.) statesman |
Hombre de la calle | (Spanish m.) man in the street |
Hombre de negocios | (Spanish m.) businessman |
Hombre rana | (Spanish m.) frogman |
Hombrera | (Spanish f.) epaulette, shoulder pad |
Hombro | (Spanish m.) shoulder |
hombruno | (Spanish) masculine |
Homenaje | (Spanish m.) homage, tribute (figurative) |
Home note | the note that is the tonic of the home key, for example, on the accordion, C is the home note on a 'C/F Club System' instrument |
Homepage | (English, German f.) homepage (web page), home page |
Homer | (English, German m.) ancient Greek poet from c. 8th century BC |
Homeric | of or pertaining to Homer, an ancient Greek poet |
Homeric Age of Greece | another term for the Heroic Age of Greece |
Homeric epithet | an adjective (usually a compound adjective) repeatedly used for the same thing or person; the wine-dark sea and rosy-fingered Dawn are famous examples |
Homeric laughter | loud unrestrained laughter, such as that of the gods |
Homeric scholia | ancient commentaries on the works of Homer, sometimes written into the margins of ancient manuscripts of Homer |
homerisch | (German) Homeric |
homerische Epen | (German pl.) Homeric poems, Homer's epics |
homerische Götterwelt | (German f.) Homeric theotechny |
homerisches Gelächter | (German n.) Homeric laughter (figurative) |
homerisierend | (German) in the style of Homer |
Home row | on an accordion, the row of a multiple-row button accordion that is in the home key, the row central to the diatonic arrangment of notes on the instrument. On a 'C/F Club System' accordion, the home row is the C row. On a 'G/C/F International System' accordion, C is the home key and the C row is the home row |
Homerscholien | (German pl.) Homeric scholia |
Homesitter | (German m.) house sitter |
Hometrainer | (German m.) exercise bike |
Homilary | book containing the homilies or teachings of the early fathers of the Christian church |
Homilet | (German m.) homiletician |
Homileticia | one who engages in homiletics |
Homiletics | the study of the analysis, classification, preparation, composition and delivery of sermons, homilies and the like |
Homiletik | (German f.) homiletics |
homiletisch | (German) homiletic, homiletical |
Homiliar | (German n.) homiliarium, homilary (book of homilies) |
Homiliarium | (Latin, German n.) homiliarium, homilary |
Homilie (s.), Homilien (pl.) | (German f.) homily |
Homily | a sermon, or a short, exhortatory work to be read before a group of listeners in order to instruct them spiritually or morally |
hominal | (English, German) of humankind as a species |
Hominide | (German m.) hominid (family Hominidae) |
Hominidenfossil | (German n.) hominid fossil |
Hominisation | (English, German f.) the evolutionary process leading to the development of human characteristics that distinguish hominids from other primates |
Hominy | a farinaceous dish made of maize |
Hominologie | (German f.) hominology |
Hominology | the study of hominids, specifically, relict hominid |
homizid | (German) homicidal |
Homizid | (German m.) homicide |
Hommage | (German f., French m.) tribute, homage |
Homme de bien | (French m.) a respectable man |
Homme de coeur | (French m.) a sensitive man, a man of feeling |
Homme de lettres | (French m., German m.) a professional literary man, a man of letters |
Homme de qualité | (French m.) a man of quality |
Homme d'esprit | (French m.) a wit, a man of sparkling repartee |
Homme du monde | (French m.) a man of the world, a man who inhabits good society |
Homme du peuple | (French m.) a working-class man, a man who betrays his humble origins |
Homme moyen sensuel | (French m.) the man in the street |
Homme-orchestre | (French m.) one-man band, a man who performs several skills simultaneously |
Homme sensible | (French m.) a sensitive man, a man of feeling |
Homme sérieux | (French m.) an earnest man, one not given to the frivolous |
Homo | (English, German m.) the genus Homo, as in Homo sapiens |
Homocore | an alternate term for 'queercore' |
Homoeoteleuton (s.), Homoeoteleuta (pl.) | (Greek) the occurrence of two words or phrases with the same ending, the result of inaccurate copying (for example, through omission) |
Homo erectus | (English, German m.) an extinct species of hominid that lived from the end of the Pliocene epoch to the later Pleistocene, with the earliest first fossil evidence dating to around 1.8 million years ago and the most recent to around 300,000 years ago |
Homoerotik | (German f.) homoeroticism, homoerotism |
homoerotisch | (German) homoerotic |
Homo faber | (English, German m.) a philosophical concept articulated by Hannah Arendt and Max Scheler that refers to humans as controlling the environment through tools |
Homo floresiensis | (English, German m.) a possible species, now extinct, in the genus Homo. The remains of an individual were discovered in 2003 on the island of Flores in Indonesia |
homofon | (German) homophonic, homophonous |
Homofon | (German n.) homophone |
Homofoni | (Danish, Swedish) homophony |
Homofonia | (Finnish) homophony |
Homofonía | (Spanish f.) homophony |
homofónica | (Spanish) homophonic |
Homofonie | (German f., Dutch) homophony |
homogen | (German) homogeneous, homogeneously, uniform (homogeneous), homogenous |
Homogeneous | similar or the same as something else, having the same composition throughout, uniform |
in music, the term is met when discussing those cultures that have remained relatively free of outside influences. Irish music, particularly that associated with Irish dancing, has been consciously preserved and is still celebrated as part of the island's rich history. One may hear the influence of Irish music on the culture of other lands, but within the island itself the old tunes and the old way of dancing, continue to flourish relatively untouched by the cultures of other societies. This may not be the case for much longer. Voice of America reports: "in just one decade, Ireland has gone from being a net-exporter, to being a net-importer of people. The country that famously supplied the United States with more than a million and a half immigrants between 1845 and 1860, and which continued to flood America's shores well into the 20th century, is now home to about four hundred thousand immigrants from as far away as China and South Africa" |
in music, the term is met also when discussing music that changes little rhythmically or texturally as the piece progresses. This is generally a characteristic of pieces of relatively short duration but would be considered a limitation were the work to be more extended in which case one might expect some variety both in rhythm and texture |
homogenisiert | (German) homogenised |
homogenisierte Milch | (German f.) homogenised milk |
homogenisierte Sahne | (German f.) homogenised cream |
Homogenität (s.), Homogenitäten (pl.) | (German f.) homogeneity |
Homograf (s.), Homografe (pl.) | (German n.) homograph |
homografisch | (German) homographic |
Homograph (s.), Homographe (pl.) | (English (s.), German n.) one of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation |
homographisch | (German) homographic |
Homo habilis | (English, German m.) a species of the genus Homo, which lived from approximately 1.4 to 2.33 million years ago, during the Gelasian Pleistocene period |
Homoiostase | (German f.) homeostasis |
homolog | (German) homologous |
Homolog | (German n.) homologue |
Homólogo (m.), Homóloga (f.) | (Spanish) opposite number |
homólogo (m.), homóloga (f.) | (Spanish) homologous, comparable |
Homologous | corresponding or similar in position |
homónimo (m.), homónima (f.) | (Spanish) homonymous |
homonym | (German) homonymous |
Homonym (s.), Homonyme (pl.) | (English (s.), German n.) one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings |
Homonymie | (German f.) homonymy |
Homonymität | (German f.) homonymity |
Homonymity | the property of a group of words pronounced the same but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not |
Homonymy | aspect of language in which, through historical accident, two or more words may sound and look alike |
Homo oeconomicus | (English, German m.) a term that describes the rational human being assumed by some economists when deriving, explaining and verifying theories and models |
Homöodynamik | (German f.) homeostasis |
Homöopath (s.), Homöopathen (pl.) | (German m.) homoeopath |
Homöopathie | (German f.) homoeopathy |
Homöopathika | (German pl.) homoepathics, homoeopathic agents |
Homöopathikum | (German n.) homoeopathic (agent) |
homöopathisch | (German) homoeopathic, homoeopathically |
homöopathische Arzneimittelprüfung | (German f.) homoeopathic drug proving |
Homöostase | (German f.) homoeostasis |
Homöostasestörung | (German f.) homoeostatic imbalance |
Homöostasie | (German f.) homoeostasis |
Homöostasis | (German f.) homoeostasis |
homöostatisch | (German f.) homoeostatic, homoeostatically |
homophob | (German) homophobic |
Homophober (m.), Homophobe (f.) | (German) homophobe |
Homophobie | (German f.) homophobia |
homophob sein | (German) to be homophobic |
homophon | (German) homophonic, homophonous |
Homophon | (German n.) homophone |
Homophone | in music, two strings tuned to produce the same note |
in phonetics, different words that sound alike, whether or not they are spelled alike |
(French) homophonic |
Homophonic | commonly used to mean music written in a chordal or familiar style (i.e. homophony), as opposed to music that is polyphonic (having many independent parts) or antiphonic (where musical lines alternate) |
many commentators use this term for music in which one voice leading melodically, is supported by an accompaniment in chordal or in a somewhat more elaborate style. On the basis of this definition, practically all music of the nineteenth century is homophonic, the term being used as the opposite of polyphonic, which is where every part is making an equivalent contribution to the musical whole |
Homophonie | (German f.) homophony, that is part-music in which all the voices move in the same rhythm (which is, in fact, the literal meaning of the Greek term), equivalent to the terms 'strict chordal style' or 'familiar style'. Some American writers have adopted this meaning for the word 'homophonic' |
(French) monophonic music |
(French) enharmonic change |
Homophony | homofonía (Spanish), omofonia (Italian), homophonie (French), Homophonie (German) |
a musical composition for 2 or more parts with a single melody line, all other parts serving as accompaniments with matching rhythm, i.e. homorhythmic |
Homorhythmic | also called 'note-against note', polyphonic lines played together have the same rhythm but independent melodies resulting in a 'block chord' effect, for example, some medieval conductus and many modern day hymns |
homorhythmisch | (German) homorhythmic |
homorrítmica | (Spanish) homorhythmic |
Homo sapiens | (Latin, German m.) rational man, (a member of) the human species |
homosexualitätsfeindlich | (German) homophobic |
Homosexuellenehe | (German f.) same-sex marriage |
Homosexuellenverfolgung | (German f.) persecution of homosexuals |
Homosociality | a term describing same-sex relationships that are not of a romantic or sexual nature, such as friendship, mentorship, or others |
Homosozialität | (German f.) homosociality |
Homo trium litterarum | (Latin, literally 'three letter man') a thief (a reference to the three letters f, u and r which, in Latin, spell 'thief') |
Homo unius libri | (Latin, literally 'a man of one book') a man exceedingly well versed in a single favourite book (generally implying that he is ignorant of everything else) |
Homunculus (s.), Homunculi (pl.) | (Latin) a tiny man, a pigmy, a miniature man made by artificial means |
Homunkulus (s.), Homunkuli (pl.) | (German m.) homunculus (s.), homunculi (pl.) |
honderd | (Dutch) hundred |
Hondo | (Spanish, literally 'deep and profound') also cante hondo, a sad, Andalusian song employing microtones |
Honahle | (German f.) honing tool |
Honduraner (m.), Honduranerin (f.), Honduraner (pl.) | (German) Honduran |
honduranisch | (German) Honduran |
honen | (German) to hone |
Honen | (German n.) honing |
Honey songs | (Central African Pygmies) campfire songs from the Mbuti people |
Hongkonger (m.), Hongkongerin (f.) | (German) Hong Konger, Hong Kong man (m.), Hong Kong woman (f.) |
Hongkong-Grippe | (German f.) Hong Kong flu |
Hong Kong hip hop | |
Hongkong-pop | see 'Canto pop' |
Honig | (German m.) honey |
Honigbecher | (German m.) honey jar |
Honigbiene (s.), Honigbienen (pl.) | (German f.) honeybee |
honigbraun | (German) honey brown |
Honigbraun | (German n.) honey brown |
honigfarben | (German) honey (colour) |
honiggelb | (German) honey (colour) |
Honigglas | (German n.) honey jar |
Honigkuchen | (German m.) honey cake |
Honig-Limetten-Dressing | (German n.) honey lime dressing |
Honiglöffel | (German m.) honey spoon, honey dipper |
Honigmond | (German m.) honeymoon |
Honig produzierend | (German) melliferous |
Honig schleudern | (German) to extract honey |
Honigseim | (German m.) virgin honey |
honigsüß | (German) honeyed (speech, voice), oversweet, syrupy (smile, voice), as sweet as honey, candied, treacly (figurative), mellifluous (word) |
Honigtau | (German m.) honeydew |
Honigtauhonig | (German m.) honeydew honey |
Honigtopf | (German m.) honeypot |
Honigwabe | (German f.) honeycomb, bees' nest, honey-comb |
Honigwein | (German m.) mead |
Honi soit qui mal y pense | (Old French) 'shame on him who thinks evil of it' (motto of the Order of the Garter) |
Honky punk | a mix of honky tonk music and punk rock |
Honky-tonk effect | some upright pianos use the middle pedal as a practice pedal, which lowers a thick piece of felt between the hammers and strings, muffling the tone. A special feature is the honky-tonk effect produced with the middle pedal being used to lower metal studded tap strips between the hammer and the string. This is often called a 'zither', 'harp' or 'mando' |
there is a method for creating the 'Honky-Tonk' effect via tuning. However, there is no agreement about exactly how it should be accomplished. One point of agreement is that the effect is created by shifting the pitch of one string per note in the entire tri-chord section by 2-5 Hz, which causes a very noticeable 'twanging' sound. A few people also said that the lower couple of octaves should be left alone.
Another point that was mentioned by a few people was the need for a fairly high degree of consistency. Realistically speaking, this seems to eliminate deviating the pitch by any particular number of cents since a 3 Hz shift at A=440 Hz would be about a 12 cent shift, while the same cents shift at A=880 Hz would be about a 7 Hz shift in frequency. |
Honky-tonk (music) | (English, Honkytonk (German n.)) named after a type of bar common throughout the southern United States, also called 'Honkatonk' or 'Honkey-tonk', the first 'honky tonk' music was first played by country music bands in and around Texas during the 1930s and 1940s. Honky Tonk bands often used electric instruments and produced a strong, rhythm-centred style of piano playing related to ragtime that went on to influence boogie woogie and rock and roll. Honky Tonk music is associated with uprooted rural people, and its lyrics deal chiefly with the social problems associated with their migration. The music of Hank Williams, Lefty Frizzell, and Ernest Tubb is perhaps most representative of the Honky Tonk style. By the last third of the twentieth century, the term was being applied to what had formerly been called 'Hillbilly Music' and more recently 'Country Music' |
Honleiste | (German f.) honing stone retainer |
Honmaschine | (German f.) honing machine |
Honnête homme | (French m.) a decent, respectable man |
honnête | (French) honest, good, virtuous, upright, respectable, decent, polite |
Honöl | (German n.) honing oil |
Honoluluer (m.), Honoluluerin (f.) | (German) Honolulan |
Honorar (s.), Honorare (pl.) | (German n.) honorarium (s.), honoraria (pl.), fee (payment to professional people; for example, doctors), remuneration, professional fee, royalty (s.), royalties (pl.) |
Honorar als ehrenhafte Vergütung | (German n.) honorarium |
Honorarangebot | (German n.) remuneration offer |
Honorar des Arztes | (German n.) doctor's fee |
Honorarios | (Spanish m. pl.) fees |
Honorarium (s.), Honoraria (pl.) | (Latin) a fee for professional service |
Honorarkonsul | (German m.) honorary consul |
Honorarkonsulat | (German n.) honorary consulate |
Honorarmitarbeiter | (German m.) honorary co-worker, co-worker paid a fee, co-worker paid royalties |
Honorarnote | (German f.) fee note |
Honorarordnung | (German f.) official scale of fees for services by architects and engineers |
Honorarpauschale | (German f.) retainer |
Honorarprofessor | (German m.) honorary professor (one who is not primarily an academic and has no voice in faculty matters) |
Honorar-Professor | (German m.) honorary professor (one who is not primarily an academic and has no voice in faculty matters) |
Honorarprofessur | (German f.) honorary professorship (a position, not primarily academic, where the holder has no voice in faculty matters) |
Honorarvereinbarung | (German f.) contingency fees (for example, fees paid on a 'no-win-no-fee' basis) |
Honorarverteilungsmaßstab | (German m.) remuneration distribution scale |
Honorarvorschuss | (German m.) retainer fee |
Honoratior (s.), Honoratioren (pl.) | (German m.) notable (prominent person), dignitary |
honorieren | (German) to honour, to meet (obligations, etc.), to pay, to appreciate, to acknowledge |
honorig | (German) honourable, respectable (dated) |
Honoris causa | (Latin) an honorary degree (for example, an honorary doctorate, awarded without the customary examination) |
Honorar zahlen | (German) to pay a fee |
Honstein | (German m.) honing stone |
Hoodoo | (German n.) conjure (African folk magic) |
Hoodoozauberin | (German f.) 'conjure woman' (in Hoodoo) |
Hoochee-Coochee | see 'Hootchy-Kootchy' |
Hoochie Coochie | (German m.) Hoochie-Coochee |
Hoochy Coochy | (German m.) Hoochie-Coochee |
Hood mould | a projecting moulding on an arch, above a door or over a window |
Hoofdmelodie | (Dutch) voice part |
Hoofdvorm | (Dutch) sonata form |
Hoofer | introduced in the 1920s, originally a general term for any dancer although the term is now more specifically applied to a tap dancer |
Hooghli | most western branch of the River Ganges on the banks of which Calcutta is situated |
Hoog van toon | (Dutch) treble |
Hook |
| |
synonymous with 'flag'
(German f, English - in French, motif accrocheur) a musical idea, a passage or phrase, that is believed to be catchy and helps the song stand out; it is "meant to catch the ear of the listener", a term that applies generally to popular, especially pop music |
in composition and professional fiction writing, a hook is a snappy, quick-moving opening that gets the reader's attention early in an essay or short story |
in linguistics, a diacritical mark used in some eastern European languages like Polish and Lithuanian |
Hookah | (Arabic) Oriental pipe in which the smoke bubbles through secented water before being inhaled through a long flexible tube |
Hook harp | or 'hooked harp', called arpa anottolini in Italian, the name describes a series of U shaped hooks set in its wooden neck of a harp which enable a performer to change keys relatively quickly. The hooks, adjusted by hand, shorten the length of a string which raises the pitch of the note |
Hooked harp | see 'hook harp' |
Hooke's law | a first order linear approximation to the real response of springs and other elastic bodies to applied forces |
hookesches Gesetz | (German n.) Hooke's law |
Hooke'sches Gesetz | (German n.) Hooke's law |
Hookline | (German f.) hook (popular music) |
Hooligan | (English, German m.) a tough and aggressive or violent youth |
Hooliganismus | (German m.) hooliganism |
Höömeï | Tuvan throat singing |
Hoomi | see höömeï |
Hoon | (Korean) a tear-shaped globular ocarina made out of clay |
Hootchy-Kootchy | or 'Hoochee-Coochee', shimmy and shake, all terms used to describe the 'belly dance' first performed by Farida Mazar Spyropoulos at Sol Bloom's 'Egyptian Theater' in thew 1890s |
Hoover sound | in electronic music, a 'Hoover' is a synth sound commonly used in Hard House music and other styles |
Hop | after Cecil Hopkinson, the cataloguer of music by John Field (1782-1837) |
Hopak | (English, German m.) see gopak |
Hopcore | a fusion of hardcore punk and hip hop music |
hopfen | (German) to hop (to flavour with hops) |
Hopfen | (German m.) hop (genus Humulus), hops |
Hopfenaroma | (German n.) aroma of hops |
Hopfendarre | (German f.) hop kiln, oast house |
Hopfenfeld | (German n.) hop field |
Hopfengarten | (German m.) hop garden |
Hopfengeschmack | (German m.) hoppy taste, taste of hops |
Hopfenhainbuche | (German f.) witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.) |
Hopfenkaltschale | (German f.) beer |
Hopfenpflanzer | (German m.) hop grower |
Hopfenpflücken | (German n.) hop-picking |
Hopfenpflücker | (German m.) hop-picker |
Hopfenpflug | (German m.) hop plough |
Hopfenstange | (German f.) hop pole |
Hopfentee | (German m.) hop tea, beer (humorous) |
hopfig | (German) hoppy |
hopfiger Geruch | (German m.) hoppy odour |
Hoplit | (German m.) hoplite |
Hoplite | citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed as spearmen and fought in phalanx formation |
Hoppala! | (German) Oops-a-daisy! (colloquial) |
hoppande rörelse | (Swedish) disjunct motion |
Hoppelhäschen | (German n.) bunny |
hoppeln | (German) to scamper (squirrel, rabbit), to lollop, to scuttle |
Hoppelpoppel | (German n.) eggnogg, breakfast made from scrambled egg with ham and fried potatoes |
Hopper | jack |
hopp, hopp! | (German) chop-chop! (colloquial) |
hoppla | (German) upsa-daisy, upsadaisy, upsy-daisy, whoops, oops |
Hoppla! | (German) Whoops! (colloquial), Uh-oh!, Oops!, Whoa there! |
hopplahop | (German) slapdash |
Hops (s.), Hopse (pl.) | (German m.) hop, hopscotch (plural form) |
hopsen | (German) to hop, to jump |
Hopser | (German m. - literally, 'a little jump') an old German dance in 2/4 time, the origin of the nineteenth-century dances galop, écossaise and Rheinländer |
Hopserei | (German f.) jumping about, jumping around, leaping about, leaping around |
Hopserlauf | (German m.) high knee skips |
hopsgehen | (German) to get broken, to kick the bucket (colloquial - to die), to croak (colloquial - to die), to bite the dust (colloquial - to die), to pack up (colloquial - to break down), to go missing, to get lost |
hopsnehmen | (German) to nab (colloquial - to apprehend a wrong-doer) |
Hopstanz | (German m.) a hop-dance, that is one where the dance movement consists of a combination of steps with a hop |
Hopswalzer | (German m.) an old 'hopping' waltz in a lively 3/4 time |
Hoquet | (French m.) in music, hocket |
(French m.) hiccough |
hoqueter | (French) to hiccough |
Hoquetus (s.), Hoqueti (pl.) | (German m., Latin) hocket |
Hör- | (German - prefix) audio, auricular, auditory, aural, audible |
Hor | (German m.) Horus (ancient Egyptian god) |
Hora (s.), Hore (pl.) | (from the ancient Greek art form chorea) Isreali and Balkan ring dance, popular during wedding celebrations, popular festivals, an essential part of the social entertainment in rural areas. It also features on the concert platform, for example, Hora staccato by Grigoras Dinicu & Jascha Heifetz |
Hora | also horagai, bai or bonbai, a large shell used as trumpet-type instrument. The horagai is not a Conch shell, but either the Pacific Triton or the Shank shell |
Horace (65-8 BC) | Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus |
hora de (name of country, city, time zone) | (Spanish) local time (for example, if the city is Paris, the translation will be 'Parisian local time') |
Horae | (Latin) hours |
Horae canonicae | (Latin) canonical hours |
Horae lunga | see cîntec lung |
Horae regulares | (Latin) chants sung at prescribed hours in convents and monasteries |
Horae subsecivae | (Latin) moments of leisure, periods away from one's normal duties |
Horagai | see hora |
Hörakustik | (German f.) audiology, auditory acoustics, hearing acoustics |
Hora lunga | see cîntec lung |
Höranforderungen | (German pl.) hearing requirements |
Höranpassung | (German f.) adaptation (of hearing) |
Hörapparat (s.), Hörapparate (pl.) | (German m.) hearing aid |
Horario | (Spanish m.) schedule, timetable, hour hand (of a clock, watch) |
la empresa ofrece horario flexible (Spanish: the company offers flextime, the office offers flexitime) |
Horario continuo | (Spanish m.) continuous working day (usually from eight to three) with no break for lunch |
Horario corrido | (Spanish m. - Latin America) continuous working day (usually from eight to three) with no break for lunch |
Horario de atención al público | (Spanish m.) hours of business, opening hours |
Horario de visitas | (Spanish m.) visiting hours |
Horario intensivo | (Spanish m.) continuous working day (usually from eight to three) with no break for lunch |
Horario partido | (Spanish m.) working day with a long break for lunch |
Horas de consulta | (Spanish f.pl.) surgery hours |
Horas de máxima audiencia | (Spanish f.pl.) peak viewing, prime time |
Horas de mayor audiencia | (Spanish f.pl.) peak viewing, prime time |
Horatian | of or pertaining to the Roman poet, Horace |
Horatio Alger tale | named for the American author Horatio Alger (1832-1899), the phrase is applied to any 'rags to riches' story no matter how far-fetched |
Hör auf! | (German) Stop it!, Quit it! |
Hör auf damit! | (German) Cut it out! (colloquial), Don't go on like that!, Stop it!, Pack it in! (colloquial), Cut that out! (colloquial), Knock it off! (colloquial) |
Hör auf dein Herz. | (German) Listen to your heart. |
Hör auf, dir Sorgen zu machen! | (German) Stop worrying! |
Hör auf herumzualbern! | (German) Quit messing around! |
Hör auf, in Rätseln zu sprechen. | (German) Stop talking in riddles. |
Hör auf, mich zu belästigen! | (German) Stop bothering me! |
Hör auf, mich zu nerven! | (German) Get off my back! (colloquial) |
Hör auf mit der Frotzelei! | (German) Stop teasing! |
Hör auf zu flüstern. | (German) Stop whispering. |
Hör auf zu jammern. | (German) Stop whining., Stop complaining., Stop wailing! |
Hör auf zu reden! | (German) Stop talking!, Stop chatting! |
Hör auf zu schreien! | (German) Stop screaming! |
Hör auf zu stänkern! | (German) Stop being so spiteful! |
Hör auf zu träumen! | (German) Get real. (colloquial) |
Horay | see 'walkaround' |
Horaz | (German m.) Horace |
horazisch | (German) Horatian |
Hörbahn | (German f.) auditory pathway, auditory system |
hörbar | (German) audible, perceptible, audibly, distinguishable (audible) |
hörbar einrasten | (German) to click into place |
hörbare Frequenz | (German f.) audible frequency |
hörbare Reichweite | (German f.) audible range |
hörbares Alarmsignal | (German n.) audible alarm |
hörbares Flüstern | (German n.) stage whisper |
Hörbarkeit | (German f.) audibility, audibleness |
Hörbarkeitsbereich | (German m.) range of audibility |
Hörbarkeitsgrenze | (German f.) limit of audibility, hearing threshold level |
Hörbarkeitsschwelle | (German f.) absolute threshold (hearing threshold) |
hörbar-sichtbar | (German) audio-visual |
hörbeeinträchtigt | (German) hearing-impaired |
Hörbeeinträchtigung | (German f.) hearing impairment |
hörbehindert | (German) hearing-impaired, with impaired hearing, hard of hearing, partially deaf (hard of hearing) |
Hörbehinderter (s.), Hörbehinderte (pl.) | (German m.) hearing-impaired (person) |
Hörbeispiel | (German n.) audio example |
Hörbereich | (German m.) audible range, acoustic range, range of audibility |
Hörbericht | (German m.) running commentary |
Hör bitte auf, so einen Wirbel zu machen. | (German) Please, stop fussing. |
Hör bloß damit auf. | (German) Don't get me started. (colloquial) |
Hörbrille | (German f.) hearing-aid glasses, hearing-aid spectacles |
Hörbuch (s.), Hörbücher (pl.) | (German n.) audio book, talking book (for the blind) |
Hörbücherei | (German f.) talking-book library |
Hörbuch-Fan | (German m.) audio book fan |
Hörbuchfassung | (German f.) audio version (of the book) |
Hörbuchsprecher (m.), Hörbuchsprecherin (f.) | (German) audio book narrator, audiobook narrator |
Hörbuchverlag | (German m.) audio publisher (firm) |
Hörbuchvorleser | (German m.) audiobook reader |
Hörcharakteristik | (German f.) range of audibility |
Horchata | the original and ancient recipe for horchata uses chufa ('tiger nut'). Today, in Mexico, horchata is made from rice and has a completely different taste from the original |
horchen | (German) to hark, to harken (archaic), to listen, to eavesdrop |
horchen auf | (German) to listen to, to listen for |
horchend | (German) harking (archaic), hearkening (archaic) |
Horcher (m.), Horcherin (f.), Horcher (pl.), Horcherinnen (f. pl.) | (German) eavesdropper |
Horchgerät | (German n.) sound locator, sound detector, hydrophone |
Horchposten | (German m.) listening post |
Horchstelle | (German f.) communications intercept station |
Horchtest | (German m.) listening test |
Hör damit auf! | (German) Cease that! |
Hördauer | (German f.) time spent by people listening to the radio |
Horde (s), Horden (pl.) | (German f.) mob, crowd, horde, rack |
Hördefizit | (German n.) hearing deficiency |
Hordentrockner | (German m.) cabinet dryer, tray dryer |
Hordeolum | (German n.) hordeolum (or stye, a common disorder of the eyelid) |
Hör dir den an! | (German) Hark at him! (colloquial) |
Hördistanz [außer] | (German f.) [out of] earshot |
Hördistanz [in] | (German f.) [within] earshot |
Hör doch auf! | (German) Give it a rest!, Get out of here! (colloquial) |
Hör doch endlich auf! | (German) (Will you) stop it! |
Hör doch zu! | (German) Do listen! |
Hordoleum | (German n.) stye (a common disorder of the eyelid) |
Hore (s), Horen (pl.) | (German f.) (canonical) hour, horae (plural form) |
Höre ich da einen leisen Vorwurf? | (German) Do I detect a rebuke? |
Hörempfindlichkeit | (German f.) hearing sensitivity, auditory sensitivity |
Hörempfindung | (German f.) auditory sensation, hearing sensation |
Hören | (German n.) hearing, listening |
horen | (Dutch) to hear, to listen to |
hören | (German) to listen, to get to know, to hear, to hearken (archaic), to learn, to read (for a degree), to obey |
hörend | (German) hearing, listening, auditive, auditory |
Hör endlich auf damit! | (German) Don't keep harping on about it! |
hörengesagt | (German - dated) by hearsay |
Hören im Raum | (German n.) spatial hearing |
Hörensagen | (German n.) hearsay |
Hören Sie. | (German) Look. |
Hören Sie auf meinen Rat! | (German) Take my advice! |
Hören Sie mal! | (German) I say! |
Hören Sie, was ich sage? | (German) Do you hear what I'm saying? |
hörenswert | (German) worth hearing |
Hörentfernung [außer] | (German f.) [out of] earshot |
Hörentfernung [in] | (German f.) [within] earshot |
hören von | (German) to hear of, to hear about, to hear from |
Hörer (m.s.), Hörer (m.pl.) | (German) earpiece, handset, phone, receiver, earphone |
Hörer (m.s.), Hörerin (f.s.), Hörer (m.pl.) | (German) hearer, listener, student |
Hörer abheben. | (German) Lift the handset. |
Hörer auflegen. | (German) Replace the handset. |
Hörerbefragung | (German f.) radio audience survey |
Hörereignis | (German n.) auditory event |
Hörereignisrichtung | (German f.) direction of (the) auditory event |
Hörerfolg | (German m.) hearing success |
Hörergabel | (German f.) receiver cradle |
Hörerhalt | (German m.) hearing preservation |
Hörerkabel | (German n.) phone receiver cable |
Hörerkreis | (German m.) audience |
Hörerlebnis | (German n.) listening experience |
Hörermüdung | (German f.) hearing fatigue |
Hörerpost | (German f.) listeners' response |
Hörerschaft | (German f.) audience, listeners (collective) |
Hörerschlauch | (German m.) acoustic tube (hearing tube), earpiece tube |
Hörerschnur | (German f.) handset cord, phone cord |
Hörerwunsch | (German m.) a listener's request |
Hörerziehung | (German f.) auditory education |
Hör es dir an! | (German) Give it a listen! (piece of music, etc.) |
Höre zum richtigen Zeitpunkt auf! | (German) Quit while you're ahead! |
Hörfächer | (German m.) acoustic fan (fans with acoustic lined chambers to reduce noise emission) |
hörfähig | (German) able to hear |
Hörfähigkeit | (German f.) hearing ability, ability to hear |
Hörfaser | (German f.) Corti's rod (an element of the auditory system, one of a series of rodlike bodies in the inner ear, having their heads joined and their bases on the basilar membrane widely separated so as to form a spiral tunnel) |
Hörfehler | (German m.) auditory defect, hearing defect |
Hörfeld | (German n.) audible range, auditory field, auditory (sensation) area |
Hörfläche | (German f.) hearing range, audible range, auditory sensation area, auditory field |
Hörfrequenz | (German f.) audio frequency, audible frequency |
Hörfrequenzbereich | (German m.) audible frequency range |
Hörfunk | (German m.) sound radio, radio, radio broadcasting |
Hörfunkanstalt | (German f.) radio broadcasting company |
Hörfunkbeitrag | (German m.) radio report |
Hörfunkdienste | (German pl.) radio broadcasting services |
Hörfunkjournalismus | (German m.) radio journalism |
Hörfunksender | (German m.) radio station |
Hörfunksendung | (German f.) audio transmission, radio programme, radio show |
Hörfunkspot | (German m.) radio spot, radio commercial |
Hörfunkstudio | (German n.) radio studio |
Hörfunktion | (German f.) auditory function, hearing function |
hörgemindert | (German) hearing-impaired |
Hörgerät (s.), Hörgeräte (pl.) | (German n.) acoustic instrument, deaf-aid, deaf aid, hearing instrument, hearing aid |
Hörgerätbenutzer | (German m.) hearing aid user |
Hörgeräteakustiker | (German m.) hearing aid audiologist, hearing aid technician |
Hörgeräteanpasser | (German m.) hearing aid fitter |
Hörgeräteanpassung | (German f.) hearing aid fitting |
Hörgerätebenutzer | (German m.) hearing aid user |
Hörgeräte-Fachgeschäft | (German n.) hearing aid dealer |
Hörgerätefachmann | (German m.) audioprosthologist |
Hörgerätehändler | (German m.) hearing aid dealer |
Hörgerätemikrofon | (German n.) hearing aid microphone |
Hörgerätemikrophon | (German n.) hearing aid microphone, hearing aid's microphone |
Hörgerätetechnologie | (German f.) hearing aid technology |
Hörgerätetyp | (German m.) type of hearing aid |
hörgeschädigt | (German) hearing-impaired, aurally handicapped |
Hörgeschädigter (m.), Hörgeschädigte (f.), Hörgeschädigte (pl.) | (German) hearing-impaired person |
hörgestört | (German) hearing-impaired |
Hörgewinn | (German m.) hearing gain |
Hörgewohnheiten | (German pl.) listening habits |
Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv | (German m.) vestibulocochlear nerve, auditory vestibular nerve |
Hörgrenze | (German f.) auditory threshold, limit of audibility |
Hör gut zu. | (German) Listen carefully. |
Hörhilfe | (German f.) acoustic instrument, deaf-aid, hearing aid |
Hörhilfegerät | (German n.) hearing aid device |
Hörhilfsmittel | (German pl.) assistive listening devices |
hörige Leihe | (German f.) villein tenure, villein socage |
Höriger (s.), Hörige (f.), Hörige (pl.) | (German) villein, bondman (m.), bondwoman (pl.), socman (a tenant holding land by socage) |
Hörigkeit | (German f.) bondage, enslavement, serfdom |
hörig sein | (German) to be in bondage |
Hörillusion | (German f.) auditory illusion |
Hörimplantat | (German n.) hearing implant |
Horizont (s.), Horizonte (pl.) | (German m.) horizon, skyline, field of vision, ken (a person), context (figurative) |
horizontal | (German) horizontally, horizontal, level |
Horizontalablenkung | (German f.) horizontal deflection, horizontal deviation |
Horizontale | (French f.) a high-class prostitute |
horizontale Ablenkung | (German f.) horizontal deflection |
horizontale Achse | (German f.) horizontal axis |
Horizontalebene | (German f.) transverse plane, horizontal plane |
horizontale Bettfräsmaschine | (German f.) (horizontal) bed-type milling machine |
horizontale Dimension | (German f.) horizontal dimension |
horizontale Fläche | (German f.) horizontal plane |
horizontales Versetzen | (German n.) horizontal displacement (by a step) |
horizontale Teilung | (German f.) horizontal split (for example, on a screen) |
Horizontalfläche | (German f.) horizontal surface |
Horizontalkraft | (German f.) horizontal force |
Horizontallage | (German f.) horizontal position |
Horizontalschleifmaschine | (German f.) horizontal grinding machine |
Horizontalschnitt | (German m.) horizontal cut |
Horizontalsonnenuhr | (German f.) horizontal sundial |
Horizontalsperre | (German f.) damp-proof course |
horizontal spiegeln | (German) to flip horizontally |
horizontal unterteilt | (German) transomed (window) |
Horizontalverschiebung | (German f.) horizontal shift, horizontal displacement |
Horizonte erweitern | (German) to widen horizons |
Horizontierschraube | (German f.) jack screw |
Horizontlinie | (German f.) horizon line |
horizontrieren | (German) to level |
Hörkabine | (German f.) auditory booth |
Hörkapsel | (German f.) earphone |
Hörkomfort | (German m.) hearing comfort |
Hörkunst | see 'acoustic art' |
Hörkurve | (German f.) hearing curve, audiogram |
Horlepijp | (Dutch) hornpipe |
Horloge à carillon | (French f.) chiming clock |
Hör mal ... | (German) Listen ... |
Hör' mal! | (German) Hark! (archaic) |
Hör mal rein! | (German) Give it a listen! (piece of music, etc.) |
Hör mal zu! | (German) Listen! |
Hörmedium | (German n.) audio medium
Hormigón | (Spanish m.) concrete |
Hormigón armado | (Spanish m.) reinforced concrete |
Hörminderung | (German f.) hearing impairment, hearing deficiency, hearing loss |
Hör mir ganz genau zu! | (German) Listen very carefully. |
Hör mir genau zu. | (German) Read my lips. |
Hör mir zu! | (German) Listen to me! |
Hör mit dem Nörgeln auf! | (German) Stop nagging! |
Hör mit dem Unsinn auf! | (German) Stop this nonsense! |
Hör mit diesem Quatsch auf! | (German) Stop being silly! |
Hörmittel | (German pl.) hearing aids |
Horn | (English, German n.) a family of instruments made variously of metal, animal horn or wood, corno (Italian m., Spanish m.), Waldhorn (German n.), cor (French m.), cuerno (Spanish m.) |
the generic jazz name for any wind instrument, although usually for saxophones and trumpets |
an 8 ft. organ reed stop with a smooth, full tone |
horn has been referred to as a natural plastic and is similar to modern thermoplastics in that it tends to revert to its original shape. Despite the simple processes that remain unchanged in working horn, the horner's experience and judgement are critical in overcoming this tendency to revert to its original shape. The colours of horn range from ebony to shades of cream and when subjected to heat and pressure it can become translucent. The use of horn was universal wherever there were herds of cattle, goats and flocks of sheep and certain antelopes. Despite being a unique and extremely versatile resource horn is almost forgotten as a raw material. Its use since ancient times for drinking horns, containers and sounding horns is well documented. It was also used for many items essential to daily life such as combs, spoons, knife and tool handles, horn cups and objects of great beauty. In some cases horn objects had a symbolic significance
Horn band | a band of trumpeters |
Horn band, Russian | see 'Russian horn band' |
Horn, baroque | see 'baroque horn' |
Hornbeam | (German Weissbuche or Hainbuche, French Charme, Dutch Haagbeuk, European Species: Carpinus betula: Average Weight: 51 pounds per cubic foot) Hornbeam produces a very tough, hard, and heavy wood which was a favoured material for mill gears and the like. It is too hard and heavy for furniture or building purposes and rarely available in large sizes |
Hornbostel-Sachs | or Hornbostel-Sachs-Systematik (German f.), see Sachs-Hornbostel |
Hornbrille | (German f.) horn-rimmed glasses, horn-rimmed spectacles (one pair) |
Hörnchen | (German n.) croissant |
Horn, chromatic bass | see 'chromatic bass horn' |
Horn dance | the Abbot's Bromley Horn Dance, performed at the Barthelmy Fair in August 1226, is one of the few ritual rural customs to survive the passage of time. Today the Horn Dance takes place annually on Wakes Monday, the Monday following the first Sunday after 4 September. Six of the dancers wear reindeer antlers suggesting that the dance's origin is either as part of a hunting or fertility rite |
Horn diapsaon | an open diapson of somewhat reedy tone |
Hornensemble | (German n.) an ensemble formed of between 3 and 6 French horns |
Horner | (German m., archaic Swiss) February |
Hörner | (German n. pl.) horns, corni, cornets |
Hörnerhelm | (German m.) horned helmet |
Hörnerkrone | (German f.) horned crown |
hörnern | (German) horny (i.e. made of horn) |
Hörnerv | (German m.) acoustic nerve, cochlear nerve, auditory nerve |
Hörnervenfaser | (German f.) auditory nerve fibre |
Hörneuron | (German n.) auditory neuron |
Horn-fifths | a two-part harmonic progression, associated particularly with horn players, in which the first horn plays scale degrees 3,2 and 1 successively while the second horn plays a major third, perfect fifth and minor sixth below those tones, and the same in reverse |
hornförmig | (German) corniculate, corniform, horn-shaped |
Horn, French | see 'French horn' |
hornfressend | (German) keratophagous |
Hornhaut | (German f.) callous (of skin), horny (of skin), cornea (of the eye) |
Hornhaut- | (German) corneal (re. the eye) |
Hornhautverkrümmung | (German f.) astigmatism |
Hornhöhe | (German f.) flange height |
Hornist (m.), Hornistin (f.) | (German) French horn player, bugler, blower of a horn |
Hornknopf (s), Hornknöpfe (pl.) | (German m.) horn button |
Hornkonzert | (German n.) horn concerto |
Hornlöffel | (German m.) horn spoon |
hornlos | (German) hornless |
Hornmusik | (German f.) music for brass instruments |
Horn, natural | see 'natural horn' |
Hornpfeife | (German f.) hornpipe (musical instrument) |
Hornpipe | (English, German m.) a lively dance resembling a jig in triple time in the early sixteenth century, and in 4/4 time from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, during which time it became associated with sailors. It is danced wearing a hard shoe |
a single or double pipe with a reed mouthpiece, each pipe fitted with a bell made from the tip of a cow's horn |
Hornpipe | an instrument formed of a French horn connected to a circuit that analyzes and responds to the resonant frequencies of the performance space |
- Hornpipe from which this information has been taken
Hornquinten | (German pl.) horn-fifths |
Hornquintett | (German n.) horn quintet |
Hornsignal | (German n.) bugle call |
Hornsignal blasend | (German) bugling |
Hornsolo | (German n.) horn solo |
Hornspiel | (German n.) horn playing |
Hornstimme | (German f.) horn part |
Horn, Viennese | see 'Viennese horn' |
Hornwerk | during the Middle ages numerous cities, monasteries and cloisters had mechanical organs built into their gateways and fortification towers. The only organ to have survived in its entirety until today is the organ at the fortress of Hohensalzburg. Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach supposedly had it built in 1502 in order to wake the town inhabitants at four in the morning and to signal the time for bed at seven in the evening. This open air instrument was constructed in the manner of a block organ; it has only metal pipes - 135 of them, for the most part original - bellows and wind box. There is no key board to play it. If the bellows are operated a much amplified F-A-C chord results in a pronounced third; the signalling "roar" that can be heard over a wide distance and which, in Salzburg, has led to the addition of the name "bull" to the descriptive term "horn" |
- Hornwerk from which this information has been taken
Horo | (German m.) hora |
Horologe | (German m., rare) horologist, watchmaker, clockmaker |
Hörorgan | (German n.) organ of hearing |
Horoskop(s.), Horoskope (pl.) | (German n.) horoscope, astrological chart |
Hörpartitur | (German f.) graphic score |
Hörperspektive | (German f.) auditory perspective |
Hörphysiologie | (German f.) auditory physiology |
Hörprobe | (German f.) sound clip, audio sample |
Hörprobleme | (German pl.) hearing problems |
Hörprüfung | (German f.) hearing test, audiometry, acoumetry |
horrend | (German) horrendous, horrendously, horrifically, horrific (particularly prices) eye-watering (high re. prices, figures, amounts), eye-wateringly |
Horresco referens | (Latin) I shudder to think |
hörrestig | (German) profoundly deaf |
Horribile dictu | (Latin) horrible to relate |
Hörrinde | (German f.) auditory cortex |
Hörrohr (s.), Hörrohre (pl.) | (German n.) ear trumpet, stethoscope |
Horrorcore | a style of hip hop with graphic and explicit lyrics |
Horror punk | a fusion genre combining the sound of punk rock with imagery and themes borrowed from horror movies |
Hörsaal | (German m.) lecture hall or theatre (in a university, college, etc.) |
hors catalogue | (French) not mentioned in the catalogue (of an exhibition, or of the complete works of an artist) |
hors champ | (French) off-camera |
hors de combat | (French) out of action, disabled from fighting |
hors de question | (French) out of the question |
hors d'état de | (French) not in a position to |
hors d'oeuvre | (French) (a savoury dish) to whet the appetite at the beginning of a meal |
hors du jeu | (French) not practical |
hors du temps | (French) timeless |
Horse opera | Western film (colloquial) |
Hörspiel | (German n.) see 'acoustic art' [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
hors série | (French) not included in the series, an afterthought |
hors service | (French) out of service |
hors texte | (French) (an illustration) on a separate leaf tipped or folded into a book, not printed with the text |
Hörst du auch zu? | (German) Are you paying attention? |
Hörst du mich noch? | (German) Are you still with me? |
Hörst du mich? | (German) Are you receiving me? |
Hörst du Musik? | (German) Do you listen to music? |
Hörstöpsel | (German m.) earplug |
Hörstörung | (German f.) hearing disorder, hearing defect |
Hörsturz | (German m.) sudden deafness |
Horst Wessel Lied | also known as Die Fahne Hoch (German: the flag on high - from its opening line), the anthem of the German Nazi party |
Hörsystem | (German n.) auditory system |
Hort | (German n. poetic) hoard (of treasure) |
(German n.) stronghold (figurative), refuge, shelter, hotbed (of vice), cradle (figurative) |
Hört! | (German m.) hark! (to a gathering) (archaic) |
horten | (German) to hoard, to stockpile |
Horten | (German n.) hoarding, stockpiling |
hortend | (German) hoarding, stockpiling |
Horter | (German m.) stockpiler, hoarder |
Hörtest | (German m.) aural examination, hearing test |
Hortfund | (German m.) hoard, stockpile |
Hört, hört! | (German) Aha, listen to this!, Hear ye, hear ye! (archaic) |
Hörtrichter | (German m.) ear trumpet |
Hört sich gut an | (German) Sounds good |
Hortus conclusus | (Latin) a picture portraying the Madonna seated in an enclosed garden |
Hortus inclusus | (Latin) an enclosed garden, an area to which access is strictly controlled or limited |
Hortus musicus | (Latin) musical garden |
Hortus siccus | (Latin) a collection of dried plants systematically arranged |
Hört zu! | (German) Check it out! (addressing more than one person) |
Hörübung | (German f.) listening exercise |
Horuck! | (German) Heave-ho! |
Hörumgebung | (German f.) listening environment |
Hör- und Sehbehinderung | (German f.) (combined) hearing and visual impairment |
Hör- und Sprachakustik | (German f.) auditory and speech acoustics |
hörunfähig | (German) deaf |
Hörverbesserung | (German f.) hearing improvement |
Hörvergnügen | (German n.) listening pleasure |
Hörverlag | (German m.) audio publisher (firm) |
Hörverlust | (German m.) loss of hearing, hearing loss |
Hörverschlechterung | (German f.) hearing impairment |
Hörweite | (German f.) earshot, as in in or außer Hörweite, meaning within or out of earshot |
Hörweitung | (German f.) a sound |
Hör zu. | (German) Listen up. |
Hosanna | (Latin) part of the Sanctus in a Mass |
Höschen | (German n.) pair of panties, briefs |
Hose (s.), Hosen (pl.) | (German f.) trousers (pl.) (one pair), pair of trousers |
Hosen anziehen | (German) to change into trousers, to put on trousers |
Hosenanzug (s.), Hosenanzüge (pl.) | (German m.) trouser suit, pantsuit |
Hosenaufschlag | (German m.) turn-up, trouser cuff |
Hosenband | (German n.) knee-band |
Hosenbein | (German n.) trouser leg |
Hosen bügeln | (German) to press trousers |
Hosen kürzen | (German) to cut down trousers |
Hosen nähen | (German) to sew trousers |
Hosenrolle | (German f.) see travesti |
Hosho | (Zimbabwe) a rattle-gourd (shaker) played together with the mbira |
hospitalisiert | (German) hospitalised, admitted into hospital |
Hospitallers | military order first recognised in 1113, founded to assist in the Crusades; their full name was Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem |
Hospitant | (German m.) guest student |
Hospitation | (German f.) sitting in on lectures, sitting in on classes |
hospitieren | (German) to sit in on |
Hospitium | (Latin) a monastic guesthouse |
Hoss bass | see 'double bass' |
Host | see 'trope' |
the communion wafers which form the bread which is miraculously transformed during the ritual of the Eucharist |
Hostie | (German f.) communion wafer, host |
Hostienkelch | (German m.) pyx, chalice |
Hot | (German m., short for Hot Jazz) hot jazz |
Hôte | (French m.) host, guest |
Hotel | (German n.) hotel |
Hôtel | (French m.) hotel |
Hôtel des impots | (French m.) tax office |
Hôtel des vents | (French m.) auction room, saleroom |
Hôtel de ville | (French m.) town-hall |
Hoteldiener | (German m.) bell boy, valet |
Hôtel-Dieu | (French m.) general hospital |
Hoteldirektor | (German m.) hotel manager |
Hotel garni | (German n.) bed and breakfast establishment |
Hotelhalle | (German f.) hotel foyer |
Hotelhandtuch | (German n.) hotel towel |
Hôtelier | (French m.) a proprietor or manager of a hotel |
Hôtellerie | (French f.) inn, hostelry, hotel business (profession) |
Hôtel-meublé | (French m.) lodging house, residential hotel |
Hôtel particulier | (French m.) private mansion |
Hôtel-restaurant | (French m.) hotel with a public restaurant |
Hotel- und Gastgewerbe | (German n.) hospitality industry |
Hotel- und Tourismusmanagement | (German n.) hospitality and tourism management |
Hôtesse | (French f.) hostess, landlady, air hostess, stewardess, flight attendant |
Hôtesse d'accueil | (French f.) receptionist (office, hotel), hostess (exhibition) |
Hôtesse de l'air | (French f.) air hostess, stewardess, flight attendant |
Hot-foil | a printing technique using very thin aluminium foil in a variety of metallic colours, such as gold, silver, red and blue. The metallic foil is released from carrier base onto a substrate by the application of heat and pressure from a metal printing plate which bears the image to be hot-foiled |
Hot Jazz | (German m.) hot jazz |
Hot melt adhesive | or HMA, also known as thermoplastic adhesive or hot glue, a form of thermoplastic adhesive that is commonly supplied in solid cylindrical sticks of various diameters, designed to be melted in an electric hot glue gun |
Hot schottische | see 'ragtime schottische' |
Hotte | (French f.) basket (carried on the back), (cooker) hood |
Hotte aspirante | (French f.) cooker hood |
Hotte du Père Noël | (French f.) Father Christmas' sack |
hou! | (French) boo! tut-tut! |
Houblon | (French m.) hop (ingredient of beer) |
Houille blanche | (French f.) hydro-electric power |
Houleur | see rouleur |
Hounds-tooth | a slightly larger and more noticeable version of the 'Dogs tooth' check print |
Houpeland | or Houppelande, (French f.), a garment common to nobility during end of the fourteenth century, characterised by long flowing sleeves, sometimes dagged in many interesting patterns, and often worn as court attire and later adopted in place of the surcoat, particularly in Germany during the late fourteenth century |
Houppelande | (French f.) loose fitting great-coat |
Houppement | (French m.) wind sag (instability in an organ pipe due to unsteady wind supply), Schwankung (German f.), Windschwankung (German f.), Windstößigkeit (German f.) |
Houppette | (French f.) powder puff |
Hourglass corset | a corset designed to produce a silhouette resembling the hourglass shape, particularly, a wide bottom, narrow waist (wasp waist) and a wide top |
Houri | (Persian, from Arabic, literally 'with gazelle-like eyes') a seductively beautiful woman |
in Islam, one of the virgins of the Moslem paradise, described as "(splendid) companions of equal age (well-matched)", "lovely eyed", of "modest gaze", "voluptuous", "pure beings" or "companions pure" of paradise, denoting humans and jinns who enter paradise after being recreated anew in the hereafter |
- Houri from which most of the second entry has been taken
Hourra | (French m.) hurrah |
Hours | the times specified for the recitation of divine office: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, Nones, Vespers and Compline |
Hours of the Office | see 'divine office' |
House | a performance hall or theatre, for example the opera house |
the area of the theatre or perfomance hall where, during a performance, the audience sits |
the audience in an theatre or opera house |
(German m.) House music (electronic dance-music) [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
House band | in French, groupe en résidence, the group of musicians that feature regularly at a venue for dancing, the group of musicians that may provide live opening and closing music for a live TV show, etc. |
Housebook | a book of drawings with watercolour produced by an engraver and painter working in South Germany in the last quarter of the 15th century. The author is known today as the Master of the Housebook or Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet |
- Housebook from which this extract has been taken
House correction | in printing, corrections in gallery or page proofs, other than those made by the author |
House music | (English) House (German m.), a collection of electronic-based dance styles created in Chicago clubs early-to-mid-1980s |
House-rent party | see 'rent party' |
Housse | (French f.) (instrument) cover (generally a loose dust cover), astuccio (Italian), custodia (Italian - e.g. for a violin), Kasten (German - for a violin, cello, etc.), Etui (German - for a flute, oboe, etc.), étui (French) |
Houtblazers | (Dutch) woodwind |
houten blaas-instrument | (Dutch) woodwind |
Hout van de strijkstock | (Dutch) bow stick |
Houx | (French m.) holly |
Hovedredaktor | (Norwegian) chief editor |
Hovering accent | another term for spondee |
Howdah | (Persian) a seat with a rail and a canopy, placed on the back of an elephant |
hoy cumple ... años | (Spanish) she's ... (years old) today |
hp | abbreviation of 'harp' |
Hp. | abbreviation of 'harpsichord' |
H.p. | abbreviated form of Hauptwerk |
hpd | abbreviation of 'harpsichord' |
Hpscd. | abbreviation of 'harpsichord' |
HPSCHD | a collaboration between John Cage and Lejaren Hiller, a former chemist professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), first performed on May 16, 1969 at UIUC, that called for 7 harpsichords playing randomly-processed music by Mozart and other composers, 51 tapes of computer-generated sounds, approximately 5,000 slides of abstract designs and space exploration, and several films, all of which were performed or presented simultaneously in an asynchronous and exuberant anarchy of activity |
Hptw. | abbreviation of Hauptwerk (German n.: great organ) |
HQ | abbreviation of 'headquarters' |
Hr. | abbreviation of Hörner (German pl.: horns) |
Hreol | (Danish) a Danish peasant's dance, very similar to the Reel |
Hrn. | abbreviation of Hörner (German pl.: horns) |
Hromka | see garmon |
Hrotta | crwth |
Hrp. | abbreviation of 'harp' |
Hrsg. | abbreviation of Herausgeber (German m.: editor, publisher) |
hrsg. von | abbreviation of herausgeben von (German: edited by, published by) |
Hrvatski tanac | or misnjaca (the term deriving from mijeh, the instrument that commonly accompanies the dancers) are dances found is found in Lika, a mountainous part of Croatia. The tanac dances are almost always made up of a number of figures. Dancing in a circle interchanges with dancing in two lines facing each other and with dancing in couples around the circle. These are couples in which the female dancers often rotate intensively, while the male dancers make fast mincing steps, sometimes clapping their hands perform various figures |
HS | abbreviation of Hors service (French: out of order, i.e. not working) |
Hsaing waing | Burmese percussion ensemble which includes the circle of 21 drums known as the patt waing, pa'tala, saung gauk and hne |
H-Saite | (German f.) B string |
Hsiao | see xiao |
hSt | abbreviation of hohe Stimme (German: high voice - voix haute (French)) |
HT | abbreviation of Hors taxe (French: tax not included) |
HTML characters | see HTML symbols |
Hu | Chinese bowed lute |
Huaca | invented in 1980 by Sharon Rowell, the huaca is a multiple chambered vessel flute. The three large chambers are tuned to a specific key and to each other. A split mouthpiece allows one, two or three notes to be played simultaneously |
Huada | Chilean maracas |
Huagu | (China) barrel drum |
Hualaycho | see walaycho |
Hualaychos | groups of roving Bolivian street musicians that play during Christmas and New Year |
Huamei jiaozi | Chinese bamboo whistle |
Huan ba | (Chinese) on the erhu, changing positions with the left hand |
Huangjing yinyue | (Chinese) an ancient traditional music of the Naxi (Nakhi or Nahi) people of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China which, unlike Baisha xiyue and dongjing yinyue, has not survived |
Huangmei opera | originally called Huangmei tune or 'tea-picking opera', Huangmei opera was a folk opera that was formed in the regions of Anhui, Hubei, and Jiangxi at the end of the eighteenth century. One of the brands shifted to Huaining County, which was the centre of Anqing, and mixed with its local art, using its local language to sing and narrate |
Huantou | (China) iron clapper |
Huapanguera | a 9-string large-bodied Mexican guitar from the Jarocho region. It is used to play the huapango (son Huasteco) song and dance |
Huapengu | (Chinese) a type of drum |
Hua yin | (Chinese) on the erhu, left hand slides |
Huayñitos | Bolivian dance in which couples make small jumps and choreographed stunts |
Huayno | (Andes, South America) a lively a two-step dance and narrative song, the music for which consists of high-pitched vocals, accompanied by a variety of instruments, including flute, harp, panpipe, accordion, saxophone, charangos, lute, violin, guitar, harmonica and mandolin |
- Huayno from which some of this information has been taken
Hubarbeitsbühne | (German f.) mobile elevating work, working platform, cherry picker |
hüben und drüben | (German) on either side |
hüben wie drüben | (German) on either side |
Hubgetriebe | (German n.) hoist gear |
Hublot | (French m.) porthole |
hubo concesiones por ambas partes | (Spanish) concessions were made on both sides |
Hubris | (Greek) or hybris, wanton arrogance deserving a rebuke from the gods (in English, the 'pride' before a fall). It is the opposite of the Greek term arête, which implies a humble and constant striving for perfection and self-improvement combined with a realistic awareness that such perfection cannot be reached |
hübsch | (German) pretty, dainty, attractive, prettyish, attractively |
hübsch aussehen | (German) to be pleasing to the eye |
hübsch aussehend | (German) nice-looking |
hübsche Farben | (German pl.) nice colours |
hübsche Frau | (German f.) canny wife, charming woman, pretty woman |
hübsche Note | (German f.) nice touch (detail) |
hübscher | (German) comelier, prettier |
hübscher Bursche | (German m.) handsome fellow |
hübscher Junge | (German m.) bonny lad (Scottish, Northern England), cute boy |
hübsches Baby | (German n.) bonny baby |
hübsches Bild | (German n.) pretty picture |
hübsches Fleckerl | (German n., Austria, Southern Germany) delightful spot |
hübsches Kleid | (German n.) nice dress |
hübsches Mädchen | (German n.) bonny lass, nice girl, pretty girl |
hübscheste | (German) prettiest |
Hübschheit | (German f.) prettiness |
Hub- und Senkbewegungen | (German pl.) raising and lowering movements, up and down movements |
Huch! | (German) Oops!, Gasp! |
Huche à pain | (French f.) breadbin |
Huchet | (French) a huntsman's, or postboy's horn |
Hu-ch'in | one of most widely used chinese bowed lutes |
Huckaback | a coarse linen or cotton cloth with a rough surface, used for towelling |
huckepack | (German) piggy-back, piggyback |
Huda | see 'jâhiliyah, music of the' |
Huddle | meeting (colloquial) |
Hudelei | (German f., Austria, Southern Germany) sloppiness (regarding work) |
(German f.) slapdash work |
hudelig | (German, Austria, Southern Germany) slapdash, sloppy, sloppily, slipshod |
hudeln | (German, Austria, Southern Germany) to skimp (to work slovenly), to work sloppily |
Hudie qin | see yangqin |
hudlig | (German, Austria, Southern Germany) slipshod |
Hue and cry | in common law, a hue and cry (Latin, hutesium et clamor, literally 'horn and shouting') is a process by which bystanders are summoned to assist in the apprehension of a criminal who has been witnessed in the act of committing a crime |
Huées | (French f.pl.) boos |
Huehuetl | pre-Hispanic Mexican long vertical drum made from a hollow trunk that stands on three legs. The upper end is covered with animal skin |
Huella dactilar | (Spanish f.) fingermark |
Huella digital | (Spanish f.) fingerprint, fingermark |
huer | (French) to boo |
Huesera | see arrabel |
Hufbeschlag | (German m.) shoeing (of horses) |
hufeisenförmig | (German) horseshoe-shaped, U-shaped |
Hufeisenwerfen | (German n.) horseshoes (collective singular) |
Hufgeklapper | (German n.) clopping (sound of horses' hooves) |
Hufkleber | (German m.) hoof glue |
Hufnagel | (German m., literally 'horse-shoe nail') alternative term for Gothic neume notation, named for the shape of its virga |
Hufnagelschrift | (German f.) Gregorian chant notation |
Hufner (s.), Hufnerin (f.) | (German) farrier |
Hüfthorn | (German n.) bugle horn |
Hüftschwung | (German m.) swinging of one's hips (gait) |
Hüfttasche | (German f.) waist bag, bum bag (colloquial) |
Hüftverletzung | (German f.) hip injury |
Hüftverrenkung | (German f.) dislocation of the hip |
Huilacapiztli | a whistle with a chamber designed to be partially filled with water |
Huile | (French f.) oil, (person) bigwig (familiar) |
Huile de foie de morue | (French f.) cod-liver oil |
huiler | (French) to oil |
huileux (m.), huleuse (f.) | (French) oily |
Huippusointu | (Finnish) dominant |
Huissier | (French m.) usher, bailiff (judicial) |
Huit | (French) eight |
Huitaine | (French f.) week |
Huitième | (French m./f.) eighth |
huitième | (French) eighth |
Huitième de soupir |  | (French m.) a demisemiquaver rest (thirty-second rest), a rest one thirty-second the time value of a semibreve rest (whole rest), Zweiunddreißigstelpause (German) |
Huit jours | (French, literally 'eight days') a week |
Huit pieds | (French, literally 'eight feet') an organ in which those of 8 ft. pitch are the largest pipes |
Huître | (French f.) oyster |
Hujia | Chinese ribbon reed. Sound is made by a thin metal ribbon, a reed, that is held at one end and free at the other, like a ruler on the edge of a table top |
Hula | originally a sacred dance of Hawaii supposedly created by the younger volcano Kala to please his sister Pele, with sensual overtones, performed by women who rock their hips back and forth. The dance is accompanied by chant or song called a mele. The hula dance, which dramatizes or comments on the mele, is unique to the Hawaiian Islands |
Hula auana | (Hawaiian Islands) the modern style of the traditional Hawaiian dance that uses guitars, ukulele and other modern instruments |
Hula kahiko | (Hawaiian Islands) hula kahiko encompassed an enormous variety of styles and moods, from the solemn and sacred to the frivolous. Many hula were created to praise the chiefs and performed in their honour, or for their entertainment. The old-style dance is accompanied by chant and traditional instruments |
Huldigung | (German f.) homage |
Hülfslinie (s.), Hülfslinien (pl.) | (German f.) leger line, ledger line |
Hülfsnote | (German f.) auxiliary note, accessory note, a note standing one degree above, or below, the principal note |
Hülfston | (German m.) auxiliary note, accessory note, a note standing one degree above, or below, the principal note |
Hüllkurve | (German f.) envelope (of a curve) |
Hüllkurvengenerator | (German m.) envelope generator |
Hully Gully, the | a type of unstructured line dance originating from the 1960s |
Hulohula | (Tongan) mixed dancing, that while practiced at parties and clubs in the Western world is not a feature of village life, and can be found only in the cities |
Hulplijntje | (Dutch) ledger line, leger line |
Hülse | (German f.) tube, staple |
Hulusheng | (Chinese, literally 'gourd sheng') found in southern China and in the mountains of northern south-east Asia, the naw or hulusheng is perhaps one of the oldest members of the sheng family |
Hulusi | (China) hulusi or bilangdao, a hollow gourd fitted with three bamboo pipes |
Huluxiao | (China) a gourd flute similar to the hulusi |
Hum | the act of producing a wordless sound, such as in 'scat singing' or 'vocables' (wordless forms of singing), but with the mouth completely closed so that the sound emerges from the nose. This necessarily keeps the volume at a low level |
people will hum, either individually or when in group singing, when they don't know the words of a song |
any low frequency sound that may emanate from industrial activity, or from the Earth itself |
humain (m.), humaine (f.) | (French) human, humane |
humainement | (French) humanly, humanely |
Humanatone | a nose whistle, a musical novelty, that via a sort of plastic shield, held under the nose, directs the player's breath through a whistle slot, lying over the mouth opening, acting as a resonator. The notes produced, are varied by changing the shape of the player's mouth cavity with different vowel and consonant formations |
Humanism | although the term 'humanism' was coined in 1808 by F.J. Niethammer, to describe a program of study distinct from science and engineering, umanista, or 'humanist', as employed in the fifteenth century, described a professional group of teachers whose subject matter consisted of those areas that were called studia humanitatis. The studia humanitatis originated in the middle ages and comprised the trivium and the quadrivium, educational disciplines that lay outside theology and natural science. Humanism was opposed to a particular brand of logic known as Scholasticism (where language was used to produce certainty, focussing on syllogism, which is the construction of a truthful conclusion from truthful premises); rather, it developed a science of logic based on discovering arguments that would persuade people of the truth of what they were saying rather than convincing them of the certainty of that truth. While the 'humanist' scholars of the Renaissance made great strides and discoveries in this field, humanistic studies were really a product of the middle ages, of what others have called the Italian proto-Renaissance, of those who looked to Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) (1304-1374) as their inspiration |
Humanisme | (French m.) humanism |
Humaniste | (French m./f.) humanist (person) |
humaniste | (French) humanist, humanistic |
humanitaire | (French) humanitarian |
Humanitas | (Latin) the study of the liberal arts (also the attitutde towards moral and human questions inculcated by such a study) |
Humanité | (French f.) humanity |
Human voice | voce umana (Italian), Menschliche Stimme (German), voix humaine (French) |
Humbucking pickup | (English, Humbucking-Pickup (German), Humbucking-Tonabnehmer (German)) or humbucker, on an electric guitar, 2 single coil pickups, side by side, and wired to that the electronic hum you get with most single coil pickups is cancelled out |
humecter | (French) to moisten |
humer | (French) to smell |
Humeur | (French f.) frame of mind, mood, temper (temperament) |
Humeur de bonne | (French f.) good mood, good frame of mind |
Humeur de mauvaise | (French f.) bad mood |
Hummel | (German f.) a drone |
(German) an obsolete organ stop with two drone pipes, either 'C and F' or 'C and G' |
Dutch/Flemish instrument of the dulcimer family |
humide | (French) damp, humid (climate), moist (eyes) |
Humidité | (French f.) humidity |
humilier | (French) to humiliate |
Humiliation | (English, French f.) state of disgrace or loss of self-respect, strong feelings of embarrassment |
Humilité | (French f.) humility |
Humility topos | a common rhetorical strategy in which an author or speaker feigns ignorance or pretends to be less clever or less intelligent than he or she really is. Often donning such a persona allows a writer, poet, or playwright to create humorous, self-deprecating effects, or in the case of an argument, may cause the opponent to underestimate the opposition |
Hümmelchen | (German f.) a small bagpipe with an arm-operated bellow, mentioned in Syntagma Musicum (1619) by Michael Praetorius |
Humming | see 'hum' |
choral humming occurs in many works including the Humming Chorus from the opera Madame Butterfly by Puccini, and Penderecki's St. Luke Passion |
Hum note | the lowest frequency of a bell, a term used in nineteenth-century bell foundries. In the carillon bell it is one octave lower than the prime tone |
Humor | (German m.) humour |
Humoresca | (Spanish) humoresque |
Humoreske | (German f.) humoresque |
Humoresque | a term, first used by Robert Schumann (1810-1856), applied to piano music that is of a capricious character |
Humor haben | (German) to have a sense of humour |
Humorist | humorous writer, talker, or actor |
humoristisch | (German) humorous |
Humorous | showing humour or a sense of humour |
humorvoll | (German) humorous, humorously |
Humour | a quality of being amusing or comic, the expression of humour (in literature, speech, etc) |
(in 'full sense of humour') ability to perceive or express humour, state of mind, inclination (bad humour) |
(in full cardinal humour) historically, each of the four fluids (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy), thought to determine a person's physical and mental qualities |
to gratify or indulge (a person or taste, etc.) |
Humourless | lacking a sense of humour, said or done without humour |
Humour noir | (French m.) mordid humour, 'sick' humour, Galgenhumor (German) |
Humours, The Four | see 'four humours, the' |
Humour, with | see 'with humour' |
humpeln | (German) to hobble |
Humpen | (German m.) tankard |
Humppa | a type of music from Finland. It is related to jazz and very fast foxtrot, played two beats to a bar |
the name of certain social dances danced to humppa music |
Hum tone | see 'hum note' |
Hun | Korean clay ocarina |
Hund | (German m.) dog, hound |
Hundehalsband | (German n.) dog-collar |
Hundehütte | (German f.) kennel |
Hundeleine | (German f.) dog lead |
Hundert | (German n.) hundred |
hundert | (German) hundred |
Hundertjahrfeier | (German f.) centenary, centennial |
hundertprozentig | (German) one hundred per cent |
hundertste | (German) hundredth |
Hundertstel | (German n.) hundredth |
Hundertundachtundzwanzigstel |
 | (German f.) or Hundertundachtundzwanzigstelnote, semihemidemisemiquaver, a one hundred and twenty-eighth note or a note having the time duration of one hundred twenty-eighth of the time duration of a semibreve (whole note) |
Hundertundachtundzwanzigstelnote | (German f.) see Hundertundachtundzwanzigstel |
Hundert und achtundzwanzigstelpause |  | (German f.) semihemidemisemiquaver rest, a one hundred and twenty-eighth rest, a rest having the time duration of one hundred twenty-eighth of the time duration of a semibreve rest (whole rest) |
Hündin | (German f.) bitch |
hundra | (Swedish) hundred |
hundre | (Norwegian) hundred |
hundrede | (Danish) hundred |
Hundred Flowers Campaign | also 'Double Hundred Campaign', a Chinese Communist Party-sponsored initiative to permit greater intellectual and artistic freedom. Introduced first into drama and other arts in the spring of 1956 under the official slogan Let a hundred flowers bloom, let the hundred schools of thought contend. With Mao's encouragement in January 1957, the campaign was extended to intellectual expression and, by early May 1957, was being interpreted as permission for intellectuals to criticise political institutions of the regime. The effect was the large-scale exposure and purge of intellectuals critical of party and government policies |
Hüne | (German m.) giant |
Hung. | abbreviation of 'Hungarian' |
Hungarian Gypsy (scale) | see 'Gypsy scale' |
Hungarian hip hop | |
Hungarian minor (scale) | see 'Gypsy scale' |
Hungarian waltz | the name refers not to its origins but to a specific dance type that appeared in the mid-19th century and it is derived from the dance form called the Rheinlander or Schottische |
Hunguhungu | (Honduras, Belize) a Garifuna circular dance in a three beat rhythm, which is often combined with punta |
Hunting Cantata | J. S. Bach's Cantata (Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!) BWV 208 |
Hunting horn | corno da caccia (Italian m.), Signalhorn (German n.), Jagdhorn (German n.), cor de chasse (French m.), bugle (French m.), trompeta de caza (Spanish f.), fashioned from animal horn and used to give signals while hunting, whether on horseback or on foot |
Hupe | (German f.) or Autohupe, car horn |
Hupen | (German n.) honk (of a car horn), hoot (of car horn), toot (of car horn) |
hupen | (German) to hoot the car horn, to sound one's horn, to toot, to honk the horn |
hupend | (German) honking, hooting |
Hupensignal | (German n.) honk |
Hüpfburg | (German f.) bouncy castle |
Hupfdohle | (German f.) chorus girl, ballet dancer (female member of the corps de ballet) (dated) |
Hüpfekästchen | (German) hopscotch (children's playground game) |
hüpfen | (German) to leap around, to skip, to hop, to leap, to jump, to bound (spring), to bob (object on water), to bounce |
hüpfend | (German, literally 'hopping') spiccato, jigging, skipping, hopping |
Hüpferlinge | (German pl.) cyclops |
Hüpfseil | (German n.) skipping rope |
Hüpfspiel | (German n,) hopscotch (children's playground game) |
Hüpfstange | (German f.) pogo stick |
Hüpfstelze | (German f.) pogo stick |
Hupkonzert | (German n.) cacophony of car horns, chorus of horns, chorus of hooting |
huppen | (German - regional) to hop |
Huppi | (German n. - Switzerland) bun (hairstyle) |
Hupsala! | (German) Oops-a-daisy! (colloquial) |
Hupsignal | (German n.) honk |
hupt | (German) hoots |
Hupverbot | (German n.) ban on sounding one's horn |
Huqin | the huqin was introduced into China at the time of Han dynasty (140 B.C.), and has been one of the most prevailing of Chinese string instruments since then. The huqin in Chinese music is equivalent to the violin. The erhu, ching-hu, gao-hu and ban-hu are the better known members of the huqin family |
Hura | Tahitian vernacular for hula, a Polynesian dance for women |
Hurdy-gurdy | ghironda (Italian), Drehleier (German), Radleier (German), Leier (German), vielle à roue (French) |
the vielle of the French, and the Leyer or Bauernleyer of the Germans, a stringed instrument in which the strings are set into vibration by the action of a hand-cranked rosined wheel, some strings being stopped with small wooden levers to produce tunes, other strings being left open to act as drones |
Huren haolaibao | (Inner Mongolia) one of the forms of Mongolian quyi known as haolaibao, specifically one in which the singer is accomapnied by the huqin |
Hurried, Hurriedly | in fretta (Italian), eilig (German), pressé (French) |
hurtig | (German) quick, brisk, nimble, agile, headlong, allegro, quickly |
Hurtigkeit | (German) swiftness, quickness, agility |
Huschdämfer | (German m.) hush mute |
Husla | German folk fiddle, similar to the Slavic gusle |
Husle | (Czech) violin |
Hussites | sect founded in early 15th century Bohemia; the founder was much influenced by the ideas of John Wycliffe |
husten | (German) to cough |
Hustle | a catchall name for many disco or nightclub partner social dances which were extremely popular in the 1970s. Today it mostly refers to a 3-count version of the New York Hustle, which itself was a catchall name |
- Hustle from which this short extract has been taken
Hut | a structure on the top of the stage cover in the Globe theatre. Here, stagehands produced special effects such as thunder and lightning and operated the machinery to let actors dressed as gods or spirits descend through a trapdoor in the heavens |
Hutdämpfer | (German m.) hat mute [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
HV | or H, abbreviation of Herrman-Verzeichnis, a reference to Hildegard Hermann's Thematisches Verzeignis der Werke von Joseph Eybler (pub. Munich, 1976) |
Hvot scene | the hvot is a conventional scene in Icelandic sagas in which a grieving or insulted woman incites a man to violent revenge, which usually triggers or perpetuates a blood-feud |
HW | after Hanssdieter Wohlforth, the cataloguer of music by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732-1795) |
Hwi-geum | see geum |
Hwistle | (Old English) also pipe, sangpipe, a bone whistle, always end blown and have a variable number of finger holes, from none to six, although two and three holed examples are the most common. Reed whistles were also known as were wooden whistles, although these tend not to be preserved on archaeological sites |
HWV | Handel-Werke-Verzeichnis catalogue of the works of George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) by Bernd Bäselt (1934-1993) |
abbreviation of Healey Willan Verzeichnis, the catalogue of music by Healey Willan (1880-1968) |
Hwv | abbreviation of Heinichen-Werke-Verzeichnis, catalogue of music by Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729) prepared by Günther Hausswald |
Hwyl | (Welsh) a sing-song intonation adopted by Welsh preachers in moments of exaltation, the emotional fervour characteristic of gatherings of Welsh people |
Hyaloid | glassy or transparent in appearance |
Hyang-ak | see 'Korean court music' |
Hyang-bipa | a Korean string instrument with five strings and a body that is joined to a neck. There are 10 kwae (frets) set according to the required scale and the strings are plucked with a suldae (plectrum). The term bipa refers to the motion used when plucking the strings: i.e. pushing a string from one side and then pulling it from the other |
Hyang-piri | Korean shawm used primarily as a melody instrument in traditional ensembles |
Hybrid formation | in linguistics, a new expression made by combining together two or more words (or two or more morphemes) whose etyma come from multiple languages |
Hybrid picking | in hybrid picking, the plectrum is held, as usual, between the thumb and index finger while the remaining fingers are used for fingerpicking |
Hybrid rudiments | "unofficial" rudiments (i.e. not one of the 40 international rudiments defined by the National Association of Rudimental Drummers and later the Percussive Arts Society) that are usually created by combining one or more of the standard rudiments in new ways to create new sticking patterns. Over the years, many hybrid patterns have been informally identified and given creative names, although most of these are based upon the original 40 |
Hybris | see 'hubris' |
Hydra | (Latin, from the Greek) a fabulous many-headed water-monster, whose heads grew again as fast as they were cut off |
any mischief or menace which renews itself in spite of efforts to eliminate it |
Hydraulic organ | see hydraulus |
Hydraulikon | (Greek) hydraulus |
Hydraulon | (Greek) an organ blown by the action of water |
Hydraulus (s.), Hydrauli (pl.) | (Latin from the Greek hydraulikon, literally 'water pipe') Ktesibios (Ctesibios) of Alexandria who lived between 300-230 BC, invented the hydraulus, in which water pressure was used to stabilize the wind supply. The pipes were arranged in rows upon the wind chest and the air was permitted to enter any pipe at will by means of wooden sliders. The hydraulus was the prevailing organ for several centuries and reappeared at intervals throughout the Middle Ages |
Hydrodaktulopsychicharmonica | a glass harmonica |
Hydrograph | a graph that shows some property of groundwater or surface water as a function of time |
Hydrophone | a powerful high-frequency ultrasonic echo-sounding device, developed by the French physicist Paul Langévin and Russian scientist Constantin Chilowsky. The transducer of the hydrophone consisted of a mosaic of thin quartz crystals glued between two steel plates with a resonant frequency of 150 KHz |
Hydropowered organ | the Banu Musa brothers, three 9th century Persian scholars, based in Baghdad, invented "the earliest known mechanical musical instrument", a hydropowered organ which played interchangeable cylinders automatically. According to Charles B. Fowler, this "cylinder with raised pins on the surface remained the basic device to produce and reproduce music mechanically until the second half of the nineteenth century." The borthers also invented an automatic flute player which appears to have been the first programmable machine |
Hylsung | (Old English) an early Anglo-Saxon drum although nothing is known of its construction |
Hymenaion | (Greek) a wedding song |
Hymeneal | a marriage song |
Hymenean | a marriage song |
Hymn | (English, Swedish) inno (Italian m.), Hymne (German f.), cantique (French m.), hymne (French m.), himno (Spanish m.), A religious song of praise (consisting of one or more repeating rhythmical stanzas) or anthem. Strictly speaking, a hymn is directed to Deity or celebrates divine attributes or activity, as contrasted with a gospel song or devotional lyric. Examples of hymns are A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Martin Luther), Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Walter C. Smith) or Crown Him with Many Crowns (Matthew Bridges) |
Thomas Aquinas, in the introduction to his commentary on the Psalms, defined the Christian hymn thus: Hymnus est laus Dei cum cantico; canticum autem exultatio mentis de aeternis habita, prorumpens in vocem (Latin: a hymn is the praise of God with song; a song is the exultation of the mind dwelling on eternal things, bursting forth in the voice) |
Andrew Wymer, writing to Sharper Iron Forums-Church and Ministry Matters, answering a query 'What makes a song a hymn", comments: the definition of the term 'hymn' has changed throughout the centuries to a more stringent meaning presently in part due to the emergence of the need to delineate between the somewhat recent (beginning in full with English hymnody and translating into American hymnody) influx of subjective and emotionally based repertoire which some hymnologists don't believe merits the 'hymn' title, but rather should be called a spiritual song. (to use the convenient yet possibly extra-biblical meanings some read into this tri-partite understanding of Christian song) Thus, the terms for Christian song have in some cases become more specialized and clearly delineated from the early patristic simplicity |
Hymnaire | (French) hymn-book |
Hymnal | collections of hymns, which may or may not include music |
Hymn, Christian | see 'Christian hymn' |
Hymne | (French m., German f.) inno (Italian m.), cantique (French m.), himno (Spanish m.), a hymn, an anthem |
Hymne national | (French m.) national anthem, inno nazionale (Italian m.), Nationalhymne (German f.), himno nacional (Spanish m.) |
Hymnist | a writer of hymns |
Hymn, metre of | see 'English hymn metre' |
Hymnodist | a writer of hymns |
Hymnody | the process of writing hymns |
the body of hymns written and/or used by a particular denomination or period |
Hymnos | (Greek) hymn |
Hymnus, Hymnen (German pl.) | (Latin, German m.) anthem, hymn |
Hymnus Ambrosianus | (Latin) Ambrosian chant |
Hyon'gum | see komun'go |
Hyonhakkum | see komun'go |
Hyoshigi | concussion blocks or hyooshigi, wooden blocks, each of which has one side slightly convex, used as clappers, struck at the tips or by bringing to to convex faces together to produce a high-pitched, very penetrating sound |
Hypallage | combining two examples of hyperbaton or anastrophe when the reversed elements are not grammatically or syntactically parallel |
see 'transferred epithet' |
Hypate | (Greek) the first, and lowest, string of the lyre |
Hypathoides | (Greek) the lower sounds in the ancient Greek scale |
Hype | manufactured promotional buzz (from 'hyperbole') |
Hyper | (Greek) over, above |
Hyper- | in the ancient Greek modal system, a term applied to transposition scales |
as a prefix to the names of intervals, it means 'super' or 'upper' |
Hyperacusis | or auditory hypersensitivity, an abnormal degree of discomfort or aversion to sounds that would not be regarded as loud by average standards |
Hyperaeolian mode | in the ancient Greek system, one of the transposition scales, a mode based on the seventh tone of the major scale (in the key of C the Hyperaeolian mode is based on B), also called 'locrian' mode |
Hyperaesthesia | (Greek) gesteigerte Erregbarkeit der Affektivität (German f.), morbid sensitiveness, a preternatural sensitivity, a 'sixth' sense |
Hyperbation | a generic term for changing the normal or expected order of words, including anastrophe, tmesis, hypallage, and other figures of speech |
Hyperbeat | one unit of hypermetre, generally a bar (measure), which is to a hypermeasure what a beat is to a bar (measure) |
Hyperbole | (Greek) exaggeration, an extravagant statement (generally, not intended to be taken too literally) |
Hypercatalectic | a hypercatalectic line is a line of poetry with extra syllables in it beyond the expected number due to anacrusis, as opposed to a acatalectic line (which is missing one or more expected syllables) or a catalectic line (which has the number of syllables that would normally be expected) |
Hyperchondria | (Greek) a morbid state of depression, a morbid anxiety about one's own state of health |
Hypercorrection | a grammatical form created when grammarians, on the basis of too little information or incorrect generalization, mistakenly try to correct a nonexistent error |
Hyperdiapason | (Greek) the upper octave |
Hyperdiatonus | (Greek) the third above |
Hyperdorian and Hypodorian modes | in the ancient Greek system, the Dorian mode was based on the Dorian tetrachord: a sequence of rising intervals of a semitone followed by two whole tones. Applied to a whole octave, the Dorian mode was built upon two Dorian tetrachords separated by a whole tone. This is the same as playing all the white notes of a piano from E to E: E F G A | B C D E. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at bottom of the scale produces the Hypodorian mode (i.e. below Dorian): A | B C D E | (E) F G A. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at the top of the scale produces the Hyperdorian mode (i.e. above Dorian), which is effectively the same as the Mixolydian mode: B C D E | (E) F G A | B. The ancient Greek Dorian mode is the same as the mediaeval and modern Phrygian mode while the ancient Greek Hypodorian mode is the same as the mediaeval and modern Aeolian mode |
Hyperinstruments | the composer Tod Machover composed Begin Again Again ... in 1991 as the first in a series of 'hyperinstruments' compositions. Designed for expert performers and drawing upon their virtuoso skills to augment the musicality, virtuosity, and creativity of their performances, Hyperinstruments collect information via sensors that measure aspects of performance technique, such as hand position or bow pressure, and use that information to affect different aspects of the music. Machover observes: "The better you play, the better the computer reacts." |
Hyperlydian and Hypolydian modes | in the ancient Greek system, the Lydian mode was based on the Lydian tetrachord: a sequence of rising intervals of two whole tones followed by a semitone. Applied to a whole octave, the Lydian mode was built upon two Lydian tetrachords separated by a whole tone. This is identical to the modern major mode: C D E F | G A B C. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at bottom of the scale produces the Hypolydian mode (i.e. below Lydian): F | G A B C | (C) D E F. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at the top of the scale produces the Hyperlydian mode (i.e. above Lydian), which is effectively the same as the Hypophrygian mode: G A B C | (C) D E F | G. The ancient Greek Lydian mode is the same as the mediaeval and modern Ionian mode or major mode |
Hypermeasure | grouping of bars or measures in which the bar or measure acts itself as the beat |
Hypermetre | large-scale metre (as opposed to surface-level metre) created by hypermeasures which consist of hyperbeats |
Hyperphrygian and Hypophrygian mode | in the ancient Greek system the Phrygian mode was based on the Phrygian tetrachord: a sequence of rising intervals of a whole tone, followed by a semitone, followed by a whole tone. Applied to a whole octave, the Phrygian mode was built upon two Phrygian tetrachords separated by a whole tone. This is the same as playing all the white notes on a piano keyboard from D to D: D E F G | A B C D. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at bottom of the scale produces the Hypophrygian mode (i.e. below Phrygian): G | A B C D | (D) E F G. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at the top of the scale produces the Hyperphrygian mode (i.e. above Phrygian), which is effectively the same as the Hypodorian mode: A B C D | (D) E F G | A. The ancient Greek Phrygian mode is the same as the mediaeval and modern Dorian mode |
Hypertext novel | also called hyperfiction, a hypertext novel is one written using some variant of HTML programming languages and published online or on CD-ROM |
Hypertextuality | Gérard Genette, in his book Palimpsestes: la littérature au second degree, defines hypertextuality as the modeling of a new text (the hypertext) on a previous text (the hypotext). 'Parody', which is defined as the alteration of subject matter while retaining style characteristics, and its converse 'travesty', in which the subject matter is retained but the style is altered, fall under this category. Also, included in the category of hypertextuality are 'pastiche', 'covering', 'copying', 'translation', 'instrumental cover', and various types of 'remixes' |
Hypo- | (Greek) under, below |
(Greek) a prefix added to the names of 'authentic' modes when in the 'plagal' form, i.e. starting a fourth below the tonic of the 'authentic' mode |
as a prefix to the names of intervals, it means 'sub' or 'lower' |
Hypoaeolian mode | (literally, 'under aeolian') in the medieval ecclesiastical modal system set out in Dodecachordon (1547) by Heinrich Glareanus (1488-1563), the tenth mode, the plagal version of the aeolian mode |
Hypocrites | (Greek, 'one who plays a part') the classical Athenian word for an actor |
Hypocycloid | the plane locus of a point fixed on a circle that rolls on the inside circumference of a fixed circle |
Hypodermic needle | a hollow, sharp-pointed needle to be attached to a hypodermic syringe for injection of solutions |
Hypodiapason | (Greek) the lower octave |
Hypodiapente | (Greek) the lowered fifth, the subdominant, the fifth below |
Hypodiatonus | (Greek) the third below |
Hypodorian mode | see hyperdorian mode |
Hypogeum (s.), Hypogea (pl.) | (Greek) an underground room or vault |
Hypoiastian mode | in the medieval ecclesiastical modal system, the seventh plagal mode |
Hypoionian mode | in the medieval ecclesiastical modal system, the seventh plagal mode |
Hypolydian mode | see hyperlydian mode |
Hypomixolydian mode | in the medieval ecclesiastical modal system, the fourth plagal mode |
Hypophrygian mode | see hyperphrygian mode |
Hypoproslambanomenos | (Greek) the note below the proslambanomenos - namely G |
Hyporchema | (Greek) a dance accompanied with singing |
Hypostasis | a subsidiary ornamental sign in Byzantine musical notation |
Hypotaxis | using clauses with a precise degree of subordination and clear indication of the logical relationship between them - i.e., having clear subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, as opposed to parataxis. Hypotactic style involves long complex sentences |
Hypothesis (s.), Hypotheses (pl.) | (Latin) an explanation (usually one that has not yet been tested) |
Hypothesis non fingo | (Latin, literally 'I do not invent suppositions') the best explanation is that which requires the fewest suppositions |
Hyssop | (in medieval cookery) a blue-flowered plant of the mint family whose leaves cut the grease in fatty meats and fish |
Hysterion-proteron | (Latin, from Greek) using anastrophe in a way that creates a catachresis, an impossible ordering on the literal level becuase the natural sequence of ideas has been inverted (in other words, putting the cart before the horse) |
hyvin nopeasti | (Finnish) presto |
Hz | (English, German n.) abbreviation of 'hertz' or Hertz (German), the unit of wave frequency, equivalent to 1 cycle per second (cps) |