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To Finger The Note E flat
The ninth note we learn, E flat on the bass recorder, lies on the second space from the top of the bass clef but has a flat sign before it, in the key signature at the beginning of the stave or on a E earlier in the same bar. The enharmonic equivalent to E flat is D sharp in the equitempered scale - that is both notes have the same fingering. Click on the play button in the Sibelius score to hear it. Below that we give the standard fingering for this note, the fingering you would use under normal circumstances.
Using the standard nomenclature, the fingering for first octave E flat, or for the enharmonic equivalent D sharp, is written 0 1 3 4. We have given a second recommended fingering which may be needed on certain models, for example, the plastic Nova model bass. This is not an alternative, in the sense that either fingering can be used on the same instrument, but rather an alternative to be used when the standard fingering is too flat. This 'other' standard fingering is written 0 1 3 5. Play the note A on the bass. Now lift the second finger of the right hand and the second finger of the left hand to give you the fingering for E flat. Once you are happy with that progression try playing from E natural and drop the third finger of the left hand and the first finger of the right hand to produce the E flat. Moving both hand together can give some players problems in the early stages but, as we have mentioned before, when tonguing, detach the notes enough to give you time to place both fingers onto the instrument before you tongue. If you are trying to slur the progression E natural to E flat then the fingers have to move quickly and arrive together otherwise you will get extraneous sounds caused by the partial shading or incomplete closure of both the holes. Once you are happy with both progressions you are ready to try the next exercise piece 9.