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The contents list above sets out the topics we plan to cover in this new Dolmetsch Online resource. These pages include work-in-progress projects which means that some pages will be incomplete. This will make it easier for us to include comments from our readers and to make modifications where they are thought necessary.
So that you know where we are, the sections have been 'flagged' in three ways:
As a major resource (extending beyond the recorder to include other musical instruments and devices using sound in other areas, for example, ultrasound) it will include popular, college, degree and advanced material arranged to make it useful to as wide a range of readers as possible. We will include links to related sites, include a series on 'table-top' experiments you can do at home, a series of 'live on-screen' projects using 'java' technology. We hope our readers will tell us of areas they would like included.
Where they do not fit easily into the general text, support pages will be written to make the more advanced material accessible. It is not our aim to make the subject easy by leaving out the maths but we will supplement the maths with 'physical' insight so that even the non-math trained layman can follow what is going on.
Readers who would like to make comments about improvements, correction of error, clarification, possible extensions, other links, or whatever are invited to drop us a line.