recorder method onlinetreble/alto exercises
Dr. Brian Blood

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Moving Between Notes (Both Hands)

Where both hands are required moving between notes can be more difficult. Obviously, the first problem is to read the notes and their appropriate fingerings quickly. This is best achieved by playing the piece slowly. The next problem is to have the fingers ready to move by keeping them close to the recorder when raised. The height of a finger raised above its finger hole must be sufficient to avoid it compromising the tuning but no higher, and the finger's position should be directly above the relevent finger hole. Make sure all fingers reach the surface of the instrument at the same time and that when they move they move neatly. If you hear clicks or other extraneous sounds between notes it may be that a finger is lagging behind the others and, that your fingers are not in position when you tongue the note. Start by playing all the notes detached. Only once you are secure should you make the notes less detached and more legato.

img src="tex007.jpg" in preparation