tc | abbreviation of tragicommedia (Italian f.), tragicomedia (Spanish f.) |
t.c. | abbreviation of tre corde (Italian: three strings - a mark in piano music indicating the release of the soft, or una corde pedal), 'tenor clef' (suggested by Daniel Magnus Bennét Björck) |
Tchardache | czardas |
Tchécoslovaquie | (French f.) Czechoslovakia |
Tchèque | (French m./f.) Czech |
tchèque | (French) Czech |
Tchikhulu | see madawewe |
Tchindzomana | small drum from Mozambique |
Tchinkounmey | (Benin) funeral music |
T.D. | abbreviation of 'tenor drum', Teachta Dála (Irish: a member of the Irish Parliament) |
T.Dr. | abbreviation of 'tenor drum' |
td(s) | abbreviation of tonadilla(s) (Spanish) |
Te | in solfeggio, te is the syllable indicating the lowered seventh degree of the major scale; in 'fixed do' solfeggio, te is always the note 'B flat' |
(French) or t', you, yourself |
Teachta Dála | (Irish) or T.D., a member of the Irish Parliament or Dáil (Dála is the genitive case of Dáil) |
te acompaño a la puerta | (Spanish) I'll see you out, I'll show you out |
te agradezco tu apoyo | (Spanish) I'm grateful for your support |
Teak | a tall evergreen tree (Tectona grandis) of southeast Asia, having hard, heavy, durable yellowish-brown wood; the wood from that tree |
Teakholz | (German n.) teak |
Teakjong | (Korean) a big gong which is suspended from a wooden frame. It is struck with a kaktoe made of cow horns called su |
Teal | any of a large group of small, short-necked, fresh-water ducks |
Team | (English, German n.) a group of people, animals, etc. working to a common purpose |
Tea Meeting | common on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis, it features a pair of male singers, one competing against the other, in which hecklers play an important role |
¿te animas a venir al cine? | (Spanish) do you fancy coming to the cinema? |
¿te apetece tomar un paseo? | (Spanish) do you fancy going for a walk? |
¿te apetece una copa? | (Spanish) do you fancy a drink? do you feel like a drink? |
Tearful, Tearfully | piangendo (Italian), traurig (German), triste (French) |
te aseguro que... | (Spanish) I assure you that... |
teatral | (Spanish) theatrical (person, gesture, tone) |
teatrale | (Italian) theatrical (person, gesture, tone) |
Teatralidad | (Spanish f.) drama, sense of the theatre |
¿te atreves a hacerlo? | (Spanish) do you dare to do it? dare you do it? |
Teatro | (Italian m., Spanish m.) theatre (the art, the activity and the specialised place in which theatrical pieces are designed to be performed) |
Teatro al aire libre | (Spanish m.) open-air theatre |
Teatro de guiñol | (Spanish m.) puppet theatre |
Teatro dell'opera | (Italian m.) opera house |
Teatro de variedades | (Spanish m.) music-hall (place where the entertainment known as musical hall takes place), variety theatre, vaudeville (US) |
Teatro di gran cartello | (Italian m.) lyric theatre of the first rank |
Teatro diurno | (Italian m.) a lyric theatre in which performances take place by day |
Teatro musical | (Spanish m.) musical theatre |
¿te ayudo? | (Spanish) do you need any help? |
Tebal | a Saharawi drum of about 60 centimeters in diameter, made of a dug out wooden bowl and leather from the skin of a camel or goat. It is played with the hands, almost exclusively by women, producing a dry and deep sound at the same time |
Tech | or 'techie', in the theatre, a general slang term for a member of the technical crew of a show |
or 'technical rehearsal', a rehearsal primarily for the purpose of practicing the technical elements of a play, such as lights and sound |
Tech hardcore | see 'mathcore' |
Tech house | a fusion of house and techno music |
- Tech house from which this short extract has been taken
Techie | see 'tech' |
Tech metal | see 'math metal' |
Technical accuracy | the ability to play or sing with the appropriate timbre, intonation, diction, with correct pitches and rhythms |
Technical drawings | a number of museums and collections make available technical drawings of their instruments |
Technical rehearsal | a rehearsal primarily for the purpose of practicing the technical elements of a play, such as lights and sound |
Technicien (m.), Technicienne (f.) | (French) technician |
Techniek | (Dutch) technique |
Technik | (German f.) technique, technical term(s), technology |
Techniker | (German m.) technician |
Technique | (English, French f.) the ancient conception of art is not foreign to us, but it appears today under other names: craft, skill, or technique. The Greek name for art was techne and as a matter of fact our term "technique" suits the ancient idea of art better than our term "art", which is now used as an abbreviation of fine arts |
"The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all." Pablo Casals Spanish cellist & composer |
technique | (French) technical |
Technique des doigts | (French f.) finger technique, finger dexterity |
Technique des échanges modaux | (French f.) mixed modes technique |
techniquement | (French) technically |
Technique numérique | (French f.) digital technique |
Technique vocale | (French f.) vocal technique |
technisch | (German) technical (including proficiency in the execution of a performance), technically, technological, technologically |
technische Hochschule | (German f.) a technical university, a technical college |
technische Störung | (German f.) a technical fault |
Techno | (English, German m.) machine-generated 'dance music' |
Technoid | an electronic music subgenre that takes its inspiration from IDM, experimental techno and noise music |
- Technoid from which this extract has been taken
Technologie | (French f., German f.) technology |
technologique | (French) technological |
technologisch | (German) technological |
Technopop | see 'electropop' |
Techstep | a major subgenre of drum and bass, characterized by a dark, sci-fi mood, near-exclusive use of synthesised or sampled sound sources, and influences from industrial and techno music at the forefront. Techstep is sometimes confused with neurofunk, a derivative of techstep which places more emphasis on atmosphere and borrows influence from funk music |
- Techstep from which this extract has been taken
Teck | (French m.) teak |
Teckel | (German m.) a dachshund |
Tecla | (Spanish f.) touch, touche (French) |
Tecladista | (Spanish m./f.) keyboard-player |
Teclado | (Portuguese m., Spanish m.) keyboard, clavier (French) |
Tecnica | (Italian f.) technique |
Técnica | (Portuguese f., Spanish f.) technique |
Tecnica della dita | (Italian) finger dexterity |
Tecnica della respirazione | (Italian f.) breath control |
Tecnica digitale | (Italian f.) digital techniques |
Técnicas extendidas | (Spanish f. pl.) extended techniques |
Tecnica vocale | (Italian f.) vocal techniques |
Técnico | (Spanish m.) technician |
técnico | (Spanish) technical |
Tecnico del suono | (Italian) a sound engineer |
Tecnologia | (Spanish f.) technology |
tecnológico | (Spanish) technological |
TeD | abbreviation of Te Deum (Latin) |
Teddeo | (Italian) Te Deum |
Teddybär | (German m.) a teddy bear |
Tedesca | (Italian f.) or todesca, in the late 16th-century, a type of villanella that mocked the accent of Germans speaking Italian |
tedesco (m.), tedesca (f.) | (Italian, literally 'German') used in the sense of German fashion, manner or style, for example, alla tedesca means 'in the German manner' |
Te Deum (laudamus) | (English, German n., Latin, from 'We praise Thee, (O God)') a lengthy hymn or canticle in praise of God in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other Christian liturgies, also called the Ambrosian hymn although the attribution to St. Ambrose is doubtful |
Tedéum | (Spanish m.) Te Deum (laudamus) |
Ted Ross beaming | different publishing houses use different standards for beaming. One of the most common is that proposed by Ted Ross in The Art of Music Engraving and Processing (Hansen Books, 1970) |
Tee | (German m.) tea |
Teebeutel | (German m.) a tea-bag |
Teekanne | (German f.) a teapot |
Teekessel | (German m.) kettle |
Teelöffel | (German m.) a teaspoon |
Teema | (Finnish) motive, motif, fragment of thematic material |
Teen pop | a form of pop music that is light and dancey, made for and often by teenagers |
- Teen pop from which this extract has been taken
Teer | (German m.) tar |
teeren | (German) to tar |
Teesieb | (German n.) a tea-strainer |
Teetasse | (German f.) a teacup |
Teeter | see 'lap organ' |
Teewagen | (German m.) a (tea) trolley |
Tef | Turkish frame drum |
tegenbeweging | (Dutch) contrary motion |
Tegengestelde | (Dutch) antithesis |
Tegenmelodie | (Dutch) counter melody |
Teich | (German m.) a pond |
Teig | (German m.) pastry, dough (for bread, etc.), mixture, batter |
Teigrolle | (German f.) rolling-pin |
Teigroller | (German m.) rolling-pin |
Teigwaren | (German f. pl.) pasta |
Teil (s.), Teile (pl.) | (German m.) or Theil (plural Theile), part, portion, section, movement (part of a larger work), volume (of a set of volumes), division(s) of the bar (measure), component part(s) (of a movement or piece), party (someone involved in an action) |
der vordere Teil (German: the front part) |
Teil | (German n.) spare part, a unit |
teilbar | (German) divisible |
Teilchen | (German n.) particle |
Teilekatalog | (German m.) parts catalogue |
teilen | (German) or theilen, to divide, to share out, to partition (territory), to share |
Teile sind untereinander austauschbar, die | (German) the parts are interchangeable |
teilhaben | (German) to share |
Teilhaber | (German m.) a partner (in business) |
Teilnahme | (German f.) participation, interest, sympathy |
teilnahmslos | (German) apathetic, apathetically |
teilnehmen an | (German) to take part in, to share in |
Teilnehmer (m.), Teilnehmerin (f.) | (German) participant, competitor |
Teilnummer | (German f.) part number |
Teilpunkt | (German m.) split point |
teils | (German) partly |
Teilstrich | (German m.) graduation mark |
Teilton (s.), Tieltöne (pl.) | (German m.) partial, overtone, harmonic, harmonique (French m.) |
Teilung | (German f.) division, partition |
teilwise | (German) partial, partly, partially, in some cases |
Teilzahlung | (German f.) part-payment, instalment |
Teilzeitbeschäftigung | (German f.) a part-time job |
tein | (German) ten |
teindre | (French) to dye |
Teint | (French m., German m.) complexion |
Teinte | (French f.) a shade, a tint |
une teinte de (French: a tinge of) (figurative) |
teinté | (French) gebeizt (German), tinto (Italian), stained, coloured |
teinter | (French) to tint (paper, glass, etc.), to stain (wood) |
Teinture | (French f.) dyeing, dye (the product) |
Teinturerie | (French f.) a dry-cleaner's |
Teinturier (m.), Teinturière (f.) | (French) a dry-cleaner |
Teja | (Spanish f.) tile |
Teja de arcilla | (Spanish f.) clay tile |
Tejado | (Spanish m.) roof |
Tejano | (Spanish, literally 'Texan') or 'Tex-Mex music', a South Texas creation which uses guitars and accordions to blend Mexican musical styles with European polkas and waltzes and that is heavily influenced by honky tonk. It is distinguished by rhythmic, very danceable melodies, and lyrics more upbeat than those of the more melancholic honky tonk |
Tejedor | (Spanish m.) weaver |
Tejemaneje | (Spanish m.) fuss (familiar), scheming (intrigue) |
tejer | (Spanish) to weave, to knit, to crochet |
Tejido (s.), Tejidos (pl.) | (Spanish m.) fabric, material, knitting, crochet, tissue (also figurative), textiles (plural form) |
Tejido adiposo | (Spanish m.) adipose tissue |
tejido a mano | (Spanish) hand-woven |
Tejidos sintéticos | (Spanish synthetic fabrics |
Tejoletas | (Spanish two wooden sticks that are held by the fingers and slapped against each other, like castanets |
Tejón | (Spanish m.) badger |
Teken | (Dutch) sign |
Tekerö | (Hungarian) hurdy-gurdy, that was mentioned and illustrated for the first time in Hungary during the kuruc era (17th century). The resonance box has a string for the tune and two for accompaniment. The strings are sounded by rotating a resinated wooden disc. On the outside of the box a system of wooden keys serve to communicate stoppings, which were completed with a chromatic row of keys. These keys are used to depress the melodic string. The hurdy-gurdy is still played in dances along with melodic instruments (violin, clarinet) in the Szentes and Csongrád regions |
Tekés (s.), Tekédes (pl.) | (probably from the Turkish tekke, literally 'a dervish lodge') a small shop where hashish was smoked and the rebetika were sung |
Teknivals | (the word is a portmanteau of the words tekno and festival) illegal free parties which take place in locations across Europe every summer |
- Teknival from which this extract has been taken
Tekst | (Dutch) text |
Teksthaak | (Dutch) brace |
Tekstschrijver voor liederen | (Dutch) lyricist |
Tel | (Dutch) beat |
tel (m.), telle (f.) | (French) such |
un tel livre (French: such a book) |
Tela | (Spanish f.) material, (spider's) web, skin (on a liquid) |
Telaesthasia | (Pseudo-Greek) the perception of objects at a distance other than by the recognized channels of sense |
Telaio | (Italian m.) frame |
Telar (s.), Telares (pl.) | (Spanish f.) loom, textile mill (plural frorm) |
Telaraña | (Spanish f.) spider's web, cobweb |
Tele | (Spanish f.) television (familiar) |
Télé | (French f.) TV (abbreviation for television) (familiar) |
Telecomando | (Italian m.) remote control |
Télécommande | (French f.) remote control |
Télécommunications | (French telecommunications |
Telecomunicación | (Spanish f.) telecommunication |
Télécopie | (French f.) (tele)fax (the paper message) |
Télécopieur | (French m.) fax machine |
Telediario | (Spanish m.) television news |
teledirigido | (Spanish) remote-controlled |
Telefax | (German n.) a fax |
Teleférico | (Spanish m.) cable-car, cable-railway |
Telefilm | also 'telepic', 'telepix', a feature-length motion picture made for TV |
Téléfilm | (French m.) (tele)film |
Telefon | (German n.) a telephone, a phone |
Telefonabrechnung | (German f.) telephone bill, phone bill |
Telefonanruf | (German m.) a telephone call |
Telefonat | (German n.) a telephone call |
Telefonbuch | (German n.) telephone book, phone book |
telefonear | (Spanish) to telephone |
Telefon Hírmondó | or Telefonhírmondó, a telephone newspaper in Budapest. It was the longest-running telephone newspaper |
Telefonía móvil | (Spanish f.) or telefonía celular (Spanish f.), mobile telephony |
telefónico | (Spanish) telephone |
telefonieren | (German) to telephone, to phone |
telefonisch | (German) telephone, by telephone |
Telefonist (m.), Telefonistin (f.) | (German) telephonist |
Telefonista | (Spanish m./f.) telephonist |
Telefonkarte | (German f.) a phone card |
Telefonnummer | (German f.) telephone number, phone number |
Teléfono | (Spanish m.) telephone |
Teléfono móvil | (Spanish m.) mobile phone |
Telefonzelle | (German f.) telephone box, phone box |
Telegraf | (German m.) telegraph |
Telegrafenmast | (German m.) telephone pole |
Telegrafía | (Spanish f.) telegraphy |
telegrafiar | (Spanish) to telegraph |
telegráfico | (Spanish) telegraphic |
telegrafieren | (German) to send a telegram |
telegrafisch | (German) telegraphic, by telegram |
Telégrafo | (Spanish m.) telegraph |
Telegrama | (Spanish m.) telegram |
Telegramm | (German n.) a telegram |
Télégramme | (French m.) telegram |
Telegraph | (German m.) telegraph |
Télégraphe | (French m.) telegraph |
télégraphier (à) | (French) to telegraph (to), to cable (to) |
télégraphique | (French) telegraphic, telegraph |
téléguidé | (French) radio-controlled |
téléguider | (French) to control by radio |
Telekinesis | (Pseudo-Greek) the movement of objects at a distance but without contact with the motive agent |
Telemachia | the first four books of The Odyssey are together called the Telemachia because they focus on the problems Telemachus faces while waiting for his father Odysseus to return home |
Télématique | (French) computer communications |
Telenn | Breton harp |
Telenovela | (Spanish f.) television soap opera |
Teleobjektiv | (German n.) telephoto lens |
Teleobjetivo | (Spanish m.) telephoto lens |
Télépathe | (French m./f.) a psychic |
télépathe | (French) psychic |
Telepathie | (German f.) telepathy |
Télépathie | (French f.) telepathy |
Telepatía | (Spanish f.) telepathy |
telepático | (Spanish) telepathic |
Téléphérique | (French m.) a cable-car |
Telephon | (German n.) telephone |
Téléphone | (French m.) telephone, phone |
téléphoner à | (French) to telephone, to phone, to call |
Téléphone rouge | (French m.) a hot line |
téléphoner pour | (French) to phone about |
téléphonique | (French) telephonic |
Téléphoniste | (French m./f.) telephone operator |
Telephote | a telelectric apparatus for producing images of visible objects at a distance |
Telepic | see 'telefilm' |
Telepix | see 'telefilm' |
Télescope | (French m.) telescope |
télescoper | (French) to crash into |
telescópico | (Spanish) telescopic |
Telescopio | (Spanish m.) telescope |
télescopique | (French) telescopic |
Télésiege | (French m.) chair-lift |
Telesilla | (Spanish m.) ski-lift, chair-lift |
Telesilla of Argos | (in Greek, Τελέσιλλα) Greek woman warrior poet and musician who rallied the women of the besieged city of Argos with war hymns and chants and led them in defending the city against the invading forces of Cleomenes. The Argives, in order to honour her, set up her statue depicting her putting on her helmet while her books lie on the ground at her side |
Téléski | (French m.) ski-tow |
Teleskop | (German n.) a telescope |
teleskopisch | (German) telescopic |
Telespectador | (Spanish m.) viewer |
Téléspectateur (m.), Téléspectatrice (f.) | (French) television viewer |
Telesquí | (Spanish m.) ski-lift |
Telestich | a poem in which the last letters of successive lines form a word, phrase, or consecutive letters of the alphabet |
Télévente | (French f.) telesales |
Televi | two small gourds filled with seeds and attached to each end of a string from Ghana |
Televidente | (Spanish m./f.) viewer |
televisar | (Spanish) to televise |
télévisée, émission | see émission télévisée |
Téléviseur | (French m.) television set |
Télévision | (French f.) television |
Televisión | (Spanish f.) television |
Télévision | (French f.) television |
Televisione | (Italian f.) television |
Televisor | (Spanish m.) television (set) |
Telex | (German n.) telex |
Télex | (French m., Spanish m.) telex |
telexen | (German) to telex, to send a telex |
télexer | (French) to send a telex, to telex |
Telharmonium | an early electromechanical instrument, the 'Telharmonium' or 'Teleharmonium' (also known as the 'Dynamophone'), was developed in 1897 by Thaddeus Cahill, lawyer, engineer and entrepreneur. The 'Telharmonium', described in a patent entitled 'Art of and Apparatus for Generating and Distributing Music Electronically', was part of a system where the music was broadcast via telephone lines to restaurants, hotels, and private homes. The sound of the world's first synthesiser was to be listened to using telephone receivers. Today's internet radio is the fulfilment of Cahill's dream |
Telle est mon opinion sur | (French) That's my view of |
tellement | (French) so much, so |
tellement de | (French) so much (quantity), so many (number) |
tellen (werkwoord) | (Dutch) to count (bars, beats, lines, pages) |
Tellen per maat | (Dutch) beats per measure |
Teller | (German m.) plate (dinner, side, etc.), plate (of a cymbal) |
Tellern | (German m. pl.) clashed cymbals |
Telltale | a movable piece of ivory, lead, or other material that indicates, by its position, the amount of air left in the air chamber |
Telmányi | see 'Bach bow' |
¡te lo advierto! | (Spanish) I'm warning you! |
te lo agradezco en el alma | (Spanish) I can't tell you how grateful I am |
te lo aseguro | (Spanish) I assure you |
Telón | (Spanish m.) (theatre) curtain |
Telón de acero | (Spanish m.) Iron Curtain |
Telón de fondo | (Spanish m.) backdrop (stage), background (figurative) |
Telone | (Italian m.) (theatre) curtain |
telonero (m.), telonera (f.) | (Spanish) first on stage, support (band) |
tel ou tel | (French) such-and-such |
Tel père, tel fils. | (French) Like father, like son. |
Telpherage | or cable car system, a transportation system in which passengers or goods are carried in containers (or telphers) suspended from cables |
tel que | (French) such as, (just) as |
tel quel | (French) (just) as it is |
Tel qui rit vendredi dimanche pleurera. | (French) Laugh on Friday, cry on Sunday. |
Teltikken | (Dutch) pulse |
Telyn deires | (Welsh) triple harp |
tem. | abbreviation of tempo |
Tema | (Italian m., Portuguese, Spanish m.) topic, subject, theme (for example, the subject of a set of theme and variations), matter (theme) |
(Italian m.) essay (literary composition), report (on a theme), soundtrack (music), theme song |
(Italian m.) (in music) idea, motive, motif, fragment of thematic material |
Tema con variazioni | (Italian m.) theme and variations |
Tema de actualidad | (Spanish m.) topical subject |
Tema di una canzone | (Italian m.) or motivo ricorrente (Italian m.), recurring theme of a song |
Tema e varianti | (Italian m.) theme and variations |
Tema musical | (Spanish m.) theme song, musical theme |
Tema musicale | (Italian m.) theme song, musical theme |
Tema principale | (Italian m.) principal subject |
Temario | (Spanish m.) programme, agenda |
Temática | (Spanish f.) subject matter |
temático (m.), temática (f.) | (Spanish) thematic, of or relating to the stem of a word (linguistics) |
Tembang Sunda | (Sunda, Indonesia) sung poetry, an aristocratic pastime that developed in the 19th century. It is accompanied by zithers and bamboo flute. Typically a suite of tembang Sunda songs begins with several recitative-like songs in free rhythm, and concludes with a metrical piece, imitative of gamelan |
temblar | (Spanish) to tremble, to shake, to shiver, to quiver, to shake with fear (figurative), to dread (figurative), to shudder (figurative) |
Tembleque | (Spanish m.) shaking fit (familiar) |
(Spanish m.) in flamenco, rapidly alternating heelwork, executed without body movement, that produces a trembling sound |
temblón, temblona | (Spanish) trembling (familiar), shaky (familiar) |
Temblor | (Spanish m.) tremor, shudder, shaking, trembling, shivering |
Temblor de tierra | (Spanish m.) earthquake |
tembloroso (m.), temblorosa (f.) | (Spanish) shaking, quivering (voice), shivering, trembling |
Temenos (from Greek, 'to cut') | in Classical Greek culture, a sacred area marked off as holy ground |
temer | (Spanish) to be afraid (of) |
téméraire | (French) rash (unwise, foolhardy) |
temerario | (Spanish) reckless |
temere | (Italian) to be afraid, to be afraid of, to apprehend, to be scared, to be frightened, to fear |
Témérité | (French f.) rashness |
temeroso | (Spanish) frightened |
temerse | (Spanish) to be afraid |
temible | (Spanish) fearsome |
Temir chang | (Afghanistan) metal Jew's harp, also called chang or chang ko'uz |
Temir komuz | Kyrgyz metal Jew's harp |
Témoignage | (French m.) testimony, evidence, account |
the term is more specifically applied to a factual account, by an eye-witness or participant in an important event, that is undistorted by prejudice |
témoignage de | (French) token of |
témoigner | (French) to testify, to show |
témoigner de | (French) to testify to |
témoigner que | (French) to testify that |
Témoin | (French m.) a witness, (sports) a baton |
Témoin oculaire | (French m.) an eye-witness |
Temor | (Spanish m.) fear |
temp. | abbreviation of tempo (Italian: time), tempore (Latin: in the time of), temporary |
Témpano | (Spanish m.) floe |
Temp. Bl. | abbreviation of 'temple blocks' |
Tempe | (French f.) temple (forehead) |
Tempel | (German m.) temple |
Tempelblock | (German m.) temple block |
Tempelglocke | (German f.) temple bell |
Tempera | (Italian, from Latin temperare, literally 'to mix in due proportion') a method of painting in which the pigments are mixed with an emulsion of water and egg yolks or whole eggs (sometimes glue or milk). Tempera was widely used in Italian art in the 14th and 15th centuries, both for panel painting and fresco, then being replaced by oil paint. Tempera colors are bright and translucent, though because the paint dried very quickly there is little time to blend them, graduated tones being created by adding lighter or darker dots or lines of color to an area of dried paint. This technique was also used to apply decoration to the sound boards of early keyboard instruments |
temperado | (Spanish) tempered, tempéré (French) |
Temperament | (English, German n.) a person's characteristic style of behaving, thinking, and feeling. For example, in the domain of social interaction temperament may range from extremely sociable to extremely shy and inhibited |
Temperament | temperamento (Italian m., Spanish m.), Temperatur (German f.), tempérament (French m.), a tuning is laid out with nothing but pure intervals, leaving the Pythagorean or ditonic comma to fall as it must. A temperament involves deliberately mistuning some intervals to obtain a distribution of the comma that will lead to a more useful result in a given context |
solutions can be grouped into three main classes: |
tunings | Pythagorean, just intonation |
regular temperaments | where all fifths, except the wolf fifth, are tempered the same way |
irregular temperaments | where the quality of the fifths around the circle changes, generally so as to make the more common keys more consonant |
temperaments are further classified: |
circulating or closed | if they allow unlimited modulation, i.e. enharmonics are usable (equal temperament, most irregular temperaments) |
non-circulating or open | if they do not allow unlimited modulation (tunings, most regular temperaments) |
the choice of a particular solution depends on many factors: |
the needs of the music (harmonic vs melodic, modulations) |
the tastes of the musicians and listeners |
the instrument to be tuned (organ vs harpsichord - tuning the former is much more work so one needs a more convenient solution) |
aesthetic (Gothic's tense thirds and pure fifths vs the stable, pure thirds of the Renaissance and Baroque) |
theoretical considerations |
ease of tuning (equal temperament is one of the more difficult) |
Tempérament | (French m.) temperament, constitution (physique) |
à tempérament (French: on hire-purchase, on an instalment plan) |
temperamental | (of a person) unreliable, moody |
(of a machine) unreliable, unpredictable |
Tempérament de Vallotti | (French m.) Valotti temperament |
Tempérament égal | (French m.) equal temperament |
Tempérament égal à quintes justes | (French m.) a temperament created by Serge Cordier in which all the fifths are pure, and therefore the octave is wide (in fact 2.003875 rather than 2) |
Tempérament inégal (s.), Tempéraments inégaux (pl.) | (French m.) non-equal temperament(s), including those of Werckmeister (1691), Chaumont (1695), Rameau (1726), d'Alembert (1752), Corrette (1753), Marpourg (1756), Silbermann, Kirnberger, Kellner, Valotti, Young, etc. |
temperamentlos | (German) dull |
Tempérament mésotonique (s.), Tempéraments mésotoniques (pl.) | (French m.) meantone temperament |
Temperamento | (Spanish m., Italian m.) temperament, tempérament (French m.) |
Temperamento comune | (Italian m.) 'standard' 1/4 syntonic comma meantone temperament (so called in the 17th and 18th centuries) |
Temperamento desigual | (Spanish m.) non-equal temperament, tempérament inégal (French) |
Temperamento equabile | (Italian m.) equal temperament |
Temperamento igual | (Spanish m.) equal temperament, tempérament égal (French) |
Temperamento medio | (Spanish m.) meantone temperament |
Temperamento mesotonico | (Italian m.) meantone temperament |
Temperamento pitagorico | (Italian m.) Pythagorean temperament |
Temperament Unit | TU notation is a logarithmic system similar to that of 'cents', but designed to be easier to understand and use when working with divisions of the commas. A TU is defined as 1/720th of the interval of a Pythagorean comma; so that, -720 TU must be distributed among the twelve fifths in a 'circle of fifths' to remove the comma. Other benefits include the fact that the other important comma (syntonic comma) is close 660 TU, and the difference between the two commas (the 'schisma') is almost exactly 60. All three are divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12, divisors commonly used to describe most temperaments. Indded, most temperaments can be described in TUs using only integer values. There are 36828.6282 TU in an octave |
temperamentvoll | (German) vivacious, spirited (horse) |
temperando | (Italian) moderating, mäßigend (German), en modérant (French) |
Temperatur | (German f., Swedish, Danish) temperament, temperature |
Temperatura | (Spanish f.) temperature |
la temperatura baja a 10 grados bajo cero (Spanish: the temperature is 10 degrees below zero) |
la temperatura esta a mas de 40º (Spanish: the temperature is over 40º, or more colloquially, it's over 40º) |
la temperatura esta bajando (Spanish: the temperature is falling, temperature is dropping) |
la temperatura esta muy baja (Spanish: the temperature is very low) |
Temperatura ambiente | (Spanish f.) room temperature |
Temperature (and tuning) | string, percussion and wind instruments and tuning forks are pitch-sensitive to changes in temperature. As temperature rises, wind instruments become progressively sharper (due to the change in the speed of sound in air) while string and percussion instruments become progressively flatter (due to thermal expansion). Dr David Knight, conservation assistant, Council for the Care of Churches, in his MOTs for Organs writes "An organ without reed stops (such as Trumpet, Oboe, Clarinet, Tuba) will usually stay in tune for at least a year: reed stops, however, need more frequent tuning because they react to temperature changes in a different way from the remainder of the instrument and may need tuning twice, and occasionally more than twice more than twice, each year. As the pitch of an organ is particularly sensitive to temperature change, tuning in the winter should only be carried out when the building has reached the temperature at which the organ would normally be used."
For tuning forks the primary source of the dependence of the tuning fork is caused by a temperature dependence in the Young's modulus of the material out of which it is made. The stiffness of the fork changes slightly with temperature causing a change in the resonant frequency of the tuning fork |
Température | (French f.) temperature |
Temperatuur | (Dutch) temperament |
tempéré | (French) tempered (adjusted), temperate (climate) |
Tempered harmony | music performed with a non-just intonation |
tempérer | (French) to temper |
Temperie | (Spanish f.) weather |
Tempestad | (Spanish f.) storm |
tempestosamente | (Italian) tempestuously, furiously |
tempestoso | (Italian) tempestuous, furious, stormy, passionate, boisterous |
tempestuoso | (Spanish) stormy |
Tempestuous, Tempestuously | stormy, passionate, boisterous, furious, tempestuoso (Italian), stürmisch (German), orageux (French m.), orageuse (French f.) |
Tempête | (French f.) a storm |
a storm scene found in many French baroque stage works. The tempestuous music associated with such scenes, often including tremolos and rapid passage work, was sometimes imitated in characteristic movements of overture-suites |
(French f.) a boisterous dance in 2/4 time |
Tempête de neige | (French f.) a snowstorm |
tempêter | (French) to rage (to cry out) |
Temple | (French m.) a temple, a (Protestant) church |
in flamenco, the vocal warm-up at the beginning of a song, consisting of repeated ayes, which enables the singer both to tune to the guitar and to absorb the mood and rhythm of the song |
Temple-bloc | (French) temple block |
Temple block(s) | Korean temple blocks, Chinese temple blocks, blocci di legno (coreano) (Italian) |
the temple block originates in the east. Its design is one of simplicity although some temple blocks are ornately carved in the shape of impressive animals. The block itself is a carved chamber made generally from camphor wood. Sizes can vary dramatically from around an inch up to several feet in diameter. Modern temple blocks generally are in sets of five and are tuned randomly high to low. Many contemporary composers use temple blocks and they are as popular today as they were in the 1920s when many early jazz players used them as an effective addition to their standard kit |
Templars | order of military monks founded in 1119 to assist in the Crusades; also known as the Knights Templar or the Poor Knights of Christ |
Tempo (s.), Tempi (pl.) | the pace or speed of speech and also the degree to which individual sounds are fully articulated or blurred together. The faster the tempo, the more likely sounds will blur or elide |
(English, Italian m., French m., German n.) beat, time, measure (in the sense of duration) |
(Italian m., German n., English) speed (for example, the speed or pace of the musical pulse) |
(Italian m., French m.) in 15th-century dance, one full division of time within a ballo, in which case one tempo equals one 'measure' |
(Italian m.) in 15th-century dance, the term could also refer to the number of specialized steps to be completed in a section of a balli, thus, 'sixteen tempi of saltarelli' would mean 16 saltarello steps |
a quick guide to modern Italian tempo markings expressed as beats per minute: |
tempi veloci, quicker tempi |
prestissimo | above 200 bpm |
presto | 144 - 200 bpm |
vivacissimo | above 170 bpm |
vivace/vivo | 126 - 170 bpm |
allegro | 120 - 150 bpm |
tempi intermedi, moderate tempi |
allegretto | 108 - 120 bpm |
moderato | 80 - 105 bpm |
andantino | may be quicker or slower than andante |
andante | 60 - 90 bpm |
tempi lenti, slower tempi |
adagio | 55 - 76 bpm |
lento | 52 - 65 bpm |
larghetto | 60 - 65 bpm |
largo | 45 - 60 bpm |
grave | 40 - 45 bpm |
Tempo! | (German) hurry up! |
Tempo aanduiding | (Dutch) tempo indication, the speed at which a composition is to be performed |
Tempo alla breve | (Italian m.) 2/1 or 2/2 time (sometime marked with just a single 2), the notes being only half their usual duration [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
see tempo di cappella |
Tempo alla cappella | synonymous with tempo alla breve |
Tempo alla semibreve | (Italian m.) synonymous with tempo ordinario |
Tempoangaben | (German f. pl.) tempo markings, tempo indications |
Tempo anteriore | (Italian m.) former speed |
tempo aussi rapide que possible | (French) as fast as possible |
Tempo balordo | (Italian) nasty weather |
Tempo beschleunigen | (German) increasing the speed |
Tempobeteckning | (Swedish) tempo indication, the speed at which a composition is to be performed |
Tempobetegelse | (Danish) tempo indication, the speed at which a composition is to be performed |
Tempobezeichnung | (German f.) tempo indication, the speed at which a composition is to be performed |
Tempo binario | (Italian m.) duple meter |
Tempo commodo | (Italian) at a speed, usually moderate, to suit the player |
Tempo comodo | (Italian) at a speed, usually moderate, to suit the player |
Tempo composto (in due movimenti) | (Italian) compound time (for example, 6/8) |
Tempo composto (in tre movimenti) | (Italian) compound time (for example, 9/8) |
Tempo composto (in quattro movimenti) | (Italian) compound time (for example, 12/8) |
Tempo debole | (Italian m.) weak beat, unaccented part of the bar |
Tempo del comincio | (Italian) in the same tempo as at the beginning (of the piece) (similar to tempo primo) [entry suggested by John Worrall] |
Tempo deux fois plus lent | (French m.) half-time |
tempo di ballo | (Italian m.) dance speed, in dance time, rather quick |
tempo di bolero | (Italian) in the time of a bolero |
Tempo di borea | (Italian m.) bourrée |
Tempo di cappella | (Italian) synonymous with tempo alla breve, such a piece having two light beats |
Tempo di gavotta | (Italian) in the time of a gavotte |
Hotteterre (1719) tells us that the Italians use the alla breve sign (C with a vertical line through it) for tempo di gavotta |
tempo di marcia | (Italian) in the time of a march |
Tempo di menuetto | (Italian m.) minuet speed |
Tempo di minuetto | (Italian m.) minuet speed |
tempo di Polacca | (Italian) in the time of a polonaise |
tempo di prima parte | (Italian) in the time of the first part |
tempo di sarabanda | (Italian) in the time of a sarabande |
tempo di valse | (Italian) in waltz time |
Tempo double | (French m.) double time |
Tempo fisso | (Italian m.) fixed speed |
Tempo forte | (Italian m.) strong beat, the accented part of the bar |
tempo frettevole | (Italian) in quicker time, hurrying, hastily |
tempo frettoloso | (Italian) in quicker time, hurrying, hastily |
Tempo giusto | (Italian m.) the speed the style demands, the appropriate tempo, strict time |
as well as specifying the choice of an appropriate tempo, the term may also indicate a 'measured performance', that is one that follows closely the notes as written, and the proportions that the notation indicates |
Tempo maggiore | (Italian m.) alla breve |
Tempo mark | or 'tempo marking', a word, phrase or some other indication as to the speed at which a piece should be performed |
tempo markings are traditionally given in Italian - common markings include: |
basic speed in terms of slow |
grave | solemn; very, very slow |
largamente | slow |
largo | broad; very slow |
larghetto | slow |
adagissimo | rather slow |
adagio | slow, tranquil |
adagietto | slow |
andantino | slow |
lento | slow |
andante | a walking pace |
basic speed in terms of fast |
moderato | moderate |
allegretto | quite fast |
allegramente | quite fast |
allegro | fast; cheerful |
vivace | lively |
presto | very fast |
accelerating, getting faster |
accelerando | getting faster |
stringendo | swiftly accelerating usually with an increase in volume (i.e. crescendo) |
affrettando | swiftly accelerating usually with an increase in volume (i.e. crescendo) |
incalzando | swiftly accelerating usually with an increase in volume (i.e. crescendo) |
doppio movimento | twice as fast |
più affrettato | swifter |
più mosso | a new steady rate of speed, but faster than the preceding section |
più moto | a new steady rate of speed, but faster than the preceding section |
veloce | a new steady rate of speed, but faster than the preceding section |
decelerating, getting slower |
rallentando | gradually getting slower |
ritardando | gradually getting slower |
allargando | gradually getting slower |
tardando | gradually getting slower |
slentando | gradually getting slower |
strascinando | gradually getting slower |
ritenuto | a new steady rate of speed, but slower than the preceding section |
meno mosso | a new steady rate of speed, but slower than the preceding section |
meno moto | a new steady rate of speed, but slower than the preceding section |
calando | growing slower as well as softer |
deficiendo | growing slower as well as softer |
mancando | growing slower as well as softer |
morendo | growing slower as well as softer |
sminuendo | growing slower as well as softer |
smorzando | growing slower as well as softer |
returning to original speed |
a tempo | in time; returning to the original pace |
Tempo marking | see 'tempo mark' |
Tempomerkintä | (Finnish) tempo indication, the speed at which a composition is to be performed |
Tempo minore | (Italian m.) tempo ordinario |
Tempo modulation | see 'metric modulation' |
Tempo moyen | (French m.) medium tempo |
Tempo ordinario | (Italian) standard or moderate time, neither too fast nor too slow |
(Italian) the term is applied specifically to 4/4 or 'common time' (sometimes shown with a C as the time signture) |
may be used to mean tempo primo |
tempo perduto | (Italian) interrupted or irregular time |
Tempo precedente | (Italian m.) previous tempo |
Tempo primiero | (Italian m.) or tempo I°, the first tempo |
(Italian m.) or tempo I°, the original tempo |
Tempo primo | (Italian m.) or tempo I°, the first tempo, at the original tempo, in German Tempo wie voher |
Temporada | (Spanish f.) season (a period of time) |
temporaire | (French) temporary |
temporairement | (French) temporarily |
Temporal | when applied in music, this term means parameters such as beat, rhythm, and meter, those having to do with time |
in grammatical and linguistic discussion, related to time. Temporal aspects of speech, for example, are such things as how fast a person produces syllables and how long her pauses are |
the annual cycle of church feasts commemorating the life of Christ |
temporal | (Spanish) temporary |
Temporal masking | temporal masking occurs when a sudden stimulus sound makes inaudible other sounds which are present immediately preceding or following the stimulus. Masking that obscures a sound immediately preceding the masker is called backwards masking or pre-masking and masking that obscures a sound immediately following the masker is called forwards masking or post-masking. Temporal masking's effectiveness attenuates exponentially from the onset and offset of the masker, with the onset attenuation lasting approximately 10 ms and the offset attenuation lasting approximately 50 ms. |
Tempo rapide | (French m.) up tempo |
Tempore | (Latin) or temp, in the time of ... (followed by the name usually of a reigning monarch) |
this term is used when through a lack of precise evidence, the dating can be only rough |
Tempo reggiato | (Italian m.) the time to be accommodated to that of the solo singer or player, colla parte |
temporel (m.), temporelle (f.) | (French) temporal (as opposed to spiritual) |
temporiser | (French) to play for time |
Tempo rubato | (Italian m., rubato, literally 'robbed') freedom to make small changes in tempo during the progress of the piece to enhance its musical effect, irregular tempo. The effect is produced by lengthening, or dwelling upon, some notes of a phrase, and shortening, or hastening, others, the deflection from the strict time being thus counter-balanced |
Tempo sans pulsation reguliere | (French m.) free tempo, tempo rubato |
Tempo semplice (in due movimenti) | (Italian m.) duple time (for example, 2/4) |
Tempo semplice (in quattro movimenti) | (Italian m.) quadruple time (for example, 4/4) |
Tempo ternario | (Italian m.) ternary or triple meter (for example, 3/4) |
Tempo wie vorher | (German m.) the speed as before, tempo primo |
temp. prim. | abbreviation of tempo primo |
Temps | (French m.) a time, a beat, a tense (grammar), a stage, the weather |
Temps astronomique | (French m.) mean time, astronomical time |
Temps atomique | (French m.) atomic time |
Temps binaire | (French m.) duple meter |
Temps commode | (French m.) tempo comodo, convenient speed |
Temps composé | (French m.) (grammar) compound verb tense |
Temps d'accès | (French m.) access time (computers) |
Temps d'antenne | (French m.) airtime |
Temps d'arrêt | (French m.) pause, halt |
Temps de chien | (French m.) filthy weather |
Temps de cuisson | (French m.) cooking time |
Temps de guerre | (French m.) wartime |
Temps de l'ange | (French m.) in dance, a movement that resembles a soubresaut poisson, but where the knees are bent |
Temps de paix | (French m.) peacetime |
Temps de parole | (French m.) air time |
Temps de pose | (French m.) (photography) or exposition (French f.), exposure time |
Temps de réaction | (French m.) reaction time |
Temps de réponse | (French m.) response time |
Temps dérobé | (French m.) an keyboard effect, also called rubato in the 18th-century, where the left hand plays slightly earlier than the right. Nowadays, the technique is called 'dislocation' or 'limping' |
Temps de saignement | (French m.) (medicine) bleeding time (a crude medical test of hemostasis, the arrest or stopping of bleeding. It indicates how well platelets interact with blood vessel walls to form blood clots) |
Temps de valse | waltz time |
Temps différé | (French m.) (computers) batch mode |
Temps faible | (French m.) arsis, weak beat, unaccented part of the bar, low point |
Temps fort | (French m.) strong beat, usually the first beat of the bar |
Temps frappé | (French m.) down-beat, strong beat, accented beat |
Temps levé | (French m.) up-beat, unaccented part of the bar |
in ballet, a hop on one foot with the raised foot in any required position |
Temps libre | (French m.) spare time |
Temps lié | (French m.) in dance, a sequence of movements connected together smoothly |
Temps lié sur les pointes | (French m.) in dance, connected movement on the points |
Temps littéraire | (French m.) (grammar) literary verb tense |
Temps mort | (French m.) stoppage, injury time (sport), lull, slack period |
Temps partagé | (French m.) (computers) time-sharing |
Temps premier | (French m.) original speed, tempo primo |
Temps juste | (French m.) appropriate speed, tempo giusto |
Temps mort | (French m. pl.) dull moments, slack periods, longueurs in a work of music or literature |
Temps perdu | (French m.) periods in the past that are no longer remembered |
Temps sidéral | (French m.) sidereal time |
Temps simple | (French m.) (grammar) simple verb tense |
Temps solaire vrai | (French m.) apparent solar time, real solar time |
Temps surcomposé | (French m.) (grammar) double-compound tense |
Temps ternaires | (French m.) triple meter |
Temps universel | (French m.) universal time |
Temptation motif |
a motif in which one of the protagonist's primary struggles is the conflict between his or her sense of personal honour and ethics and his or her personal desires, ambitions, or wickedness, in particular: |
concupiscentia carnis | physical temptations of the flesh such as gluttony, drunkenness, and illicit sexuality |
concupiscentia oculora | mental temptations for imagined material possessions, power or wealth |
superbia vitae | pride concerning life, the desire humans have to be more than what God created humans to be |
Faustian bargain | temptation motif in which an individual sells his or her soul to the devil |
Tempuku | (Japan) an end-blown flute held vertically, the player directing the breath across the edge of the mouth hole. It comes originally from Kagoshima prefecture but it is rarely used today |
- Tempuku from which this information has been taken
Tempura | a Japanese dish of fried foods in a light batter (actually of Portuguese origin) |
Tempus |
(Latin) in old mensurable music tempus was the time value of the brevis such that in: |
tempus perfectum | the semibreve is divided into three semibreves |
tempus imperfectum | the semibreve is divided into two semibreves |
Tempus imperfectum | (Latin, literally 'imperfect time') binary division of breves into semibreves (i.e. 2 semibreves = 1 breve) |
Tempus imperfectum diminutum | (Latin) note values half those for tempus imperfectum, i.e. twice the speed; alla breve |
Tempus perfectum | (Latin, literally 'perfect time') ternary division of breves into semibreves (i.e. 3 semibreves = 1 breve) |
Tempus ternarium | (Latin) ternary time |
ten. | abbreviation of tenuto (Italian: hold), tenore (Italian: tenor) or 'tenor' |
tenace | (French) stubborn |
Ténacité | (French f.) stubbornness |
Tenaille(s) | (French f.) pincers |
Tenancier (m.), Tenancière (f.) | (French) keeper |
Tenant | (French m.) supporter, holder (of a title) |
Ten-cent magazine | a type of picture magazine that appeared in 1890s United States of America as a result of the fall in the cost of printing and photo reproductive methods |
Tench | a European fresh-water fish of the carp family |
Tendance | (French f.) tendency, leanings (opinions), trend |
Tendency note | a tendency note, or tendency tone, is a note that is a semitone (half-step) away from another note. The note is also dependent, that is, it usually forms a dissonance with another note, and therefore, needs to resolve to a note a semitone (half-step) away. The 4th and 7th degrees of the scale in major keys are tendency notes, since whenever they appear, they have a 'tendency' to move respectively to the 3rd and 8th degree of the scale. Any note can become a tendency note by chromatic alteration, so, for example, although the 4th degree of the scale usually moves to 3rd degree, the sharpened 4th degree tends to move to the 5th degree |
Tendency tone | see 'tendency note' |
Tendential | in grammar, tendential refers to action that has been attempted but remains incomplete, especially interrupted action. This situation is only of minor concern in English grammar, but it is important in Greek and other languages |
Tendenz | (German f.) tendency, trend |
tendere | (Italian) to tighten, to stretch |
Tenderly | gently, caringly, lovingly, amorevole (Italian), con tenerezza (Italian), zärtlich (German), tendrement (French) |
tenderse a la bartola | (Spanish) to take it easy |
Tendeurs | (French pl.) (tuning-)adjusters (devices attached to the tailpiece of string instruments which allow finer control of the tuning of individual strings than is generally possible using the pegs) |
tendieren (zu) | (German) to tend (towards) |
Tendoku | (Japanese) chant style involving a shortened reading of the Buddhist sutras |
Ten.Dr. | abbreviation of 'tenor drum' |
tendre | (French) amorevole (Italian), amoroso (Italian, Spanish), lovingly, tenderly, gently, fondly, affectionately, liebevoll (German), doux (French) |
(French) tender feeling, sentimental affection (towards some person) |
(French) to tighten, to stretch, to set (a trap), to stretch out (arm), to hold out (hand), to crane (neck), to hang (tapestries) |
"In painting it means certain extremely delicate brushstrokes. It is in this sense that one says there are "extremely tender strokes" in a painting." - Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise (1762) |
tendrá unos ... años o por ahí | (Spanish) he must be ... or thereabouts (age in years) |
tendre à | (French) to tend to |
tendre l'oreille | (French) to prick up one's ears |
tendrement | (French) tenderly, delicately, lovingly, tenderly, gently, affectionately, fondly, amorosamente (Italian), amorevolmente (Italian), con affetto (Italian), affettuoso (Italian), affetto (Italian), affettuosamente (Italian), in liebevolle Weise (German), in herzlicher Weise (German), affectueusement (French) |
"This adverb written at the top of an air means a mouvement [tempo] that is lent and doux, sounds that are filé, gracieusement, and that is animated by a tender and touching expressiveness. Italians use the word amoroso to express roughly the same thing. The character of an amoroso involves more stresses and conveys a je ne sais quoi that is less bland and more passionate." - Rousseau (1768) |
Tendresse | (French f.) tenderness, fondness, affection |
¿tendría la amabilidad de cerrar la puerta? | (Spanish) would you be so kind as to close the door? |
tendu | (French) tight (cord), tense (person, situation), outstretched (hand) |
Tenebrae | (Latin, literally 'darkness') a name given to the Roman Catholic service of matins and lauds of the following day, sung on the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Holy Week |
Ténèbres | (French f. pl.) darkness |
ténèbreux (m.), ténèbreuse (f.) | (French) dark |
tenebroso | (Italian) gloomy, dark mood |
tenendo | (Italian) holding, sustaining |
tenendo il canto | (Italian) sustain the melody |
tener a ... en ascuas | (Spanish) to keep ... on tenterhooks (somebody) |
tener agarraderos | (Spanish) to have influence (Latin America) |
tener agujetas | (Spanish) to be stiff |
tener alma de niño | (Spanish) to be a child at heart |
teneramente | (Italian) tenderly, delicately, softly |
tener anginas | (Spanish) to have tonsillitis |
tener apego | (Spanish) to be fond of |
tener aptitud para | (Spanish) to have a flair for |
tener aptitud para los idiomas | (Spanish) to have a flair for languages |
tener arcadas | (Spanish) to retch |
tener argolla | (Spanish - Central America) to have contacts (colloquial) |
tener bemoles | (Spanish) to be difficult |
tener carraspera | (Spanish) to have a frog in one's throat |
tener cartel | (Spanish) to be a hit, to be successful |
tener don de gentes | (Spanish) to have a way with people |
tener don de lenguas | (Spanish) to have a gift for languages |
tenere il broncio a | (Italian) to have a grudge against |
tenere ... in bilico | (Italian) to keep ... in suspense (somebody) |
Tenerezza | (Italian) tenderness, softness, delicacy |
tener la antena puesta | (Spanish) to have one's ears pricked up |
tenerle apego a ... | (Spanish) to be attached to ... (something, somebody) |
tener mucho rostro | (Spanish) to have a lot of nerve (familiar) |
tener muchos bemoles | (Spanish) to be difficult |
tenero | (Italian) tender, soft, delicate, tenderly, softly, delicately |
teneroso | (Italian) tenderly, delicately, softly |
tener pata | (Spanish - Latin America) to have contacts (familiar) |
tener un accidente | (Spanish) to have an accident |
tener un accidente laboral | (Spanish) to have an industrial accident |
Tenet | (Latin, literally 'he holds') a doctrine, principle or opinion held by a person, party or sect |
tenete | (Italian) hold, sustain |
tenete sino alla fine del suono | (Italian) keep down the keys for as long as the sound continues |
Teneur | (French f.) content |
tenez votre droite | (French) keep to the right |
tenez votre gauche | (French) keep to the left |
tenga la amabilidad de esperar aquí | (Spanish) would you mind waiting here? |
tenga usted la amabilidad de esperar | (Spanish) would you be so kind as to wait? |
tengo agujetass en las piernas | (Spanish) my legs are stiff |
tengo ... años | (Spanish) I'm ... (years old) |
tengo la absoluta certeza | (Spanish) I am absolutely convinced |
tengo las manos agarrotadas | (Spanish) my hands are stiff |
tengo mucho sueño atrasado | (Spanish) I have a lot of sleep to catch up on |
tengo problemas con el arranque | (Spanish) I have problems starting the car |
tengo trabajo atrasado | (Spanish) I'm behind with my work |
tengo unas agujetas insoportables en los brazos | (Spanish) my arms are so stiff |
teniamos libertad plena para | (Spanish) to have a free hand in the matter |
tenir | (French) to hold (a violin bow, etc.), to keep, to take up (place), to utter (a proposal), to play (a role) |
tenir à | (French) to be attached to (person, thing, etc.), to cherish (person, memory, etc.), to insist on (doing, acting, etc.), to hold someone to, to be anxious to |
tenir à ce que | (French) to be anxious that |
tenir à faire | (French) to be anxious to do |
tenir à l'écart | (French) to keep out of things (person) |
tenir bon | (French) to stand firm, to hold one's ground |
tenir chaud | (French) to keep warm |
tenir compagnie à | (French) to keep company |
tenir compte de | (French) to take into account, to keep in mind |
tenir dans | (French) to fit into |
tenir de ... | (French) to have got from ..., to take after ..., to resemble ... |
tenir debout | (French) to hold water (figuratively) |
tenir en bride | (French) to keep in check |
tenir le bon bout | (French) to be on the right track |
tenir le coup | (French) to hold out, to make it through |
tenir pour | (French) to regard as |
tenir propre | (French) to keep clean |
tenir tête à | (French) to stand up to |
tenir toujours sa parole | (French) to always keep one's word |
Tenkan | (Japanese) the tube worn on the middle finger of the left hand by the player of zithers such as the yakumogoto |
Tennis | (French m., German n.) tennis |
(French m.) tennis-court, sneakers (soft tennis shoes) |
Tennis de table | (French m.) table-tennis |
Tennisplatz | (German m.) a tennis-court |
Tennisschläger | (German m.) a tennis-racket |
Tenon | a projection at the end of a piece of wood that is shaped to fit into a mortise and form a mortise joint, or fitted into a socket |
Tenon saw | a backsaw (a handsaw that is stiffened by metal reinforcement along the upper edge), a small thin saw with a strong back, used especially for cutting tenons |
Tenor | in common usage, tenor refers to the course of thought, meaning or emotion in anything written or spoken. Among rhetoricians, however, the word tenor more specifically refers to the subject of a metaphor |
(English, Spanish m., Danish, Swedish, Dutch, German m.) tenore (Italian), Tenor (German), ténor (French), the highest normal male voice |
the tenor voice may be subdivided according to the tessitura and timbre and its suitability for various operatic roles: |
England | lyrical tenor, dramatic tenor |
Germany | Heldentenor, Wagnerheldentenor, lyrischer Tenor, Spieltenor, hoher Tenor |
Italy | tenore, tenore leggiero, tenore spinto, tenore di forza, tenore di grazia, tenor-boffo,tenore robusto |
France | ténor, ténor-bouffe, Trial |
from medieval musical compositions in which the part carrying the main melody line (originally plainchant) was called the tenor (from the Latin tenere 'to hold), other voices typically serving as accompaniments to the tenor |
a prefix to instruments whose size places them between the bass instruments which are lower and the alto instruments that are higher, for example, tenor saxophone, tenor violin |
the largest bell in a peal of bells |
Ténor | (French m.) tenor |
Tenora | a tenor folk oboe or shawm |
Tenor altino | see tenore contraltino |
Tenor banjo | (English, Tenorbanjo (German n.)) a four string banjo, used for example, in old-time music |
Tenorbariton | (German m.) or Heldentenor, full dramatic tenor |
Tenor bass | see 'bass guitar' |
Tenor bassoon | tenor member of the bassoon family |
Tenor bell | English term for the largest bell in a 'ring' of bells used for change ringing. American founders in the 19th-century borrowed the term to denote the largest bell in a chime, now called the bourdon |
Tenorblockflöte | (German f.) tenor recorder |
Tenor C | in Helmholtz notation, small c, the C between the second and third line (counting up) of the bass clef, one octave below middle C |
the lowest C in the tenor voice, the lowest string of the viola |
Tenor clef | tenor clef, chiave di tenore (Italian f.), Tenorschlüssel (German m.), clé de ténor (French f.), clef de ténor (French f.), clé d'ut 4e (French f.), clef d'ut 4e (French f.), clave de do en cuarta (Spanish f.), clave de tenor (Spanish f.) |
a 'so-called' C clef |
Tenor contraltino | see tenore contraltino |
Tenor cor | mellophones made by Besson and Rudall Carte, largely obsolete brass instrument in F and with valves, similar to the French horn but with a more conical bore and mouthpiece |
Tenor cornetto | (Italian m.) see cornetto |
Ténor dramatique | (French m.) Heldentenor |
Tenor drum | similar to the side or standard snare drum but larger and, in Britain, without snares. However, elsewhere, the drum is expected usually to have snares |
Tenore | (Italian m.) a tenor voice, part or singer |
Tenore buffo | (Italian m.) a tenor (usually the seond tenor in an opera company) who sings comic parts |
Tenore contraltino | (Italian m.) a specialized form of the tenor voice found in Italian opera around the beginning of the 19th century, mainly in the Rossini repertoire, which rapidly evolved into the modern 'Romantic' tenor. It is sometimes referred to as tenor altino (or contraltino) in English books |
Tenore di forza | (Italian m.) a term used to describe a tenor with the sheer lung power required to raise the roof in such heavy Italian roles as Manrico, Calaf and particularly in Otello |
Tenore di grazia | (Italian m., literally 'tenor of grace') a tenor with the grace, agility, and style, required for Mozart, Rossini, and lighter Donizetti roles |
Tenore drammatico | (Italian m.) heroic tenor, Helden-Tenor |
Tenore eroico | (Italian m.) heroic tenor, Helden-Tenor |
Tenore leggiero | (Italian m.) lyric tenor, a light, sweet tenor voice |
Tenore lirico | (Italian m.) lyric tenor |
Tenore robusto | (Italian m.) a full, powerful tenor voice |
Tenores | (Sardinia, Italy) rural polyphonic chant, sung with four vocal parts: bassu (bass), mesa boghe (middle), contra (counter) and boghe (leader and soloist) |
Tenore-trombone | (Italian) tenor trombone |
Tenorfagott | (German n.) a bassoon a fifth higher than the standard bassoon |
Tenorflöte | (German f.) tenor flute (usually in B flat), tenor recorder |
Tenorgeige | (German f.) viola (or tenor violin, which is a member of the violin family that lies between the viola and the violoncello) |
Tenor guitar | four-string guitar tuned like a tenor banjo, for use by early jazz players as they made the transition from the (acoustically-loud) banjo to the (acoustically- or electronically-loud) guitar |
there are a number of tunings (from low to high) used on the tenor guitar: |
original tuning | CGDA | also called 'viola-' or 'mandola-tuning' |
quasi-guitar tuning | DGBE | the top four strings of a guitar |
violin tuning | GDAE | one octave below the violin or mandolin |
Ténor héroïque | (French m.) Heldentenor |
Tenor horn | (English, Tenorhorn (German n.)) the invention of the valve mechanism for brass instruments at the beginning of the 19th-century resulted in a number of unusual instruments including several models of tenor flugelhorn in E flat, One particular instrument with an unusual figure 8 form was only heard in the 1840s in the military bands of south-western Germany and Austria |
the modern form of the E flat alto saxhorn |
in the UK, a brass instrument pitched in E flat that has a conical bore (gradually widening) and normally uses a deep, cornet-like mouthpiece. It is most commonly used in marching bands, brass bands and similar ensembles |
in the US and Germany, 'tenor horn' usually denotes the 'baritone horn', a bass 'Saxhorn' in B flat, which is at trombone/trumpet pitch |
Tenorhorn | (German n.) tenor horn although the term sometimes denotes the 'baritone horn' |
Mahler's specification of a Tenorhorn in the scoring of his 7th Symphony has often caused confusion. In Britain, the name 'Tenor Horn' is often given to the instrument that in the US is called the Alto Horn (in Eb or F); in Germany this (a contralto saxhorn) is known as the Althorn in Eb or F, and is not the instrument requested by Mahler. Nor does Mahler intend a Euphonium, which in German is called either Euphonium or Baryton. The German Tenorhorn is actually a Bb baritone-pitch saxhorn - the instrument known in Britain and the USA as the 'baritone' |
Tenori | (Finnish) tenor |
Tenori acuti | (Latin, Italian m. pl.) high tenors (i.e. male altos) |
Tenorino | (Italian m., literally 'little tenor') a term, sometimes used rather disparagingly, to describe a tenor with a very small voice |
Tenorio | (Spanish m.) Don Juan, lady-killer, Casanova |
Tenorist | a tenor singer |
Tenorlied | (German n.) German polyphonic song form popular in the 15th- and 16th-centuries that consisted of a tenor line, which had the melody (usually pre-composed or a cantus firmus), and one or more additional lines as contrapuntal accompaniment |
Ténor lyrique | (French m.) lyric tenor |
Tenor mass | the most common of the 'so called' cantus-firmus masses, where the cantus firmus was placed in the tenor line |
Tenormandoline | (German f.) tenor mandolin, mandola, mandora |
Tenor mandola | see 'mandolin, mandoline' |
Tenor oboe | or taille de hautbois, the tenor member of the oboe family was played in the oboe band, where its function was to fill in the harmonies |
Tenoroon | tenor bassoon |
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below [information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80] |
an organ stop which resembles the tenoroon only in compass, the pipes being of the double open diapason species, on the manuals, and terminating at tenor C, the notes in the octave below this note being omitted |
Tenorposaune | (German f.) tenor trombone |
Tenorsaxofon | (German n.) tenor saxophone, saxofón tenor (Spanish m.), sassofono tenore (Italian m.), Tenorsaxophon (German n.), saxophone ténor (French m.) |
Tenorsaxophon | (German n.) tenor saxophone, saxofón tenor (Spanish m.), sassofono tenore (Italian m.), Tenorsaxofon (German n.), saxophone ténor (French m.) |
Tenor saxophone | saxofón tenor (Spanish m.), sassofono tenore (Italian m.), Tenorsaxophon (German n.), saxophone ténor (French m.) |
a member of the saxophone family that lies between the alto (higher) and the baritone (lower) |
Tenorschlüssel | (German m.) tenor clef |
Tenorstimme | (German f.) tenor voice |
Tenor trombone | trombone tenore (Italian), Tenor-Posaune (German), taille-trombone (French), tenor member of the trombone family and the most commonly used |
Tenor-trommel | (German f.) tenor drum |
Tenor tuba | see 'Wagner tuba' |
Tenor viol | the tenor viola da gamba, the tenor member of the viol family |
Tenor-viole | (German) a term applied sometimes to the viola and to the tenor violin |
Tenor violin | tenor member of the violin family, today largely unknown. although the term is has been also applied to the viola |
Tenorzeichen | (German n.) tenor clef |
tensado (m.), tensada (f.) | (Spanish) taut, tautened, tense |
tensar | (Spanish) to tauten, to draw (a bow) |
Tense vowel | any vowel made with the tongue muscles relatively more tense than in a lax vowel. These tense vowels tend to be less central and pronounced higher in the oral cavity than lax vowels. Examples include the vowels [i], [e], [u], and [o] |
Tensile | a term applied to all stringed instruments when considering the overall tension generated by their strings |
Tensile pick-up | the increase in tensile strength that wire strings gain when they are drawn through successively smaller dies. This results in thinner strings have a tensile strength greater than would be expected from their reduced diameter |
Tensile strength | measures the force required to pull something such as rope, wire, or a structural beam to the point where it breaks. Specifically, the tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of tensile stress that it can be subjected to before failure. The definition of failure can vary according to material type and design methodology. This is an important concept in engineering, especially in the fields of material science, mechanical engineering and structural engineering |
there are three typical definitions of tensile strength: |
yield strength | the stress a material can withstand without permanent deformation |
ultimate strength | the maximum stress a material can withstand |
breaking strength | the stress coordinate on the stress-strain curve at the point of rupture |
Tension | (English, French f.) in common usage, tension refers to a sense of heightened involvement, uncertainty, and interest an audience experiences as the climax of the action approaches |
Tensión | (Spanish f.) tension, stress, pressure, tension (voltage), voltage, tenseness, strain (personal), anxiety |
Tension des cordes | (French f.) string tension (which on a grand piano would be between 12 and 15 tonnes) |
Tensión arterial | (Spanish f.) blood pressure |
alta tensión arterial (Spanish: high blood pressure), baja tensión arterial (Spanish: low blood pressure) |
Tensione | (Italian f.) tension |
Tensión nerviosa | (Spanish f.) nervous strain |
Tenso | a stylized, poetic debate between troubadours or trouvères in which the participants argue opposing views on a given topic, usually politics, religion, morality, literature or love |
tenso (m.), tensa (f.) | (Spanish) tense, taut, tense (person), strained (relations) |
tensor | (Spanish) tensile |
Ten string mandoline | see 'mandolin, mandoline' |
Tenth | an interval comprising an octave and a third, also called decima or double tierce |
Tentación | (Spanish f.) temptation |
Tentacule | (French m.) a tentacule |
tentador (m.), tentadora (f.) | (Spanish) tempting, enticing |
tentar | (Spanish) to feel, to touch, to tempt, to entice, to attract, to appeal |
Tentation | (French f.) temptation |
Tentativa | (Spanish f.) attempt, try |
Tentativa de asesinato | (Spanish f.) attempted murder |
Tentative | (French f.) an attempt |
Tente | (French f.) a tent |
tenté de | (French) tempted to |
Tentempé | (Spanish m.) snack, food |
tenter | (French) to try, to tempt |
tenter de faire | (French) to try to do |
tenter le coup | (French) to have a go, to try one's luck |
Tento | (Portuguese, literally 'touch') see tiento |
Tentpole | a movie expected by a studio to be its biggest grossing blockbuster of the season, usually released in the summer. Often the picture is the start of, or an installment in, a franchise (colloquial) |
Tenture | (French f.) (wall-)hanging |
Tentures | (French f. pl.) drapery |
tenu (m.), tenue (f.) | (French) held, held on |
tenu de | (French) obliged to |
ténu | (French) fine (hair, thread), tenuous (connection) |
Tenue | (French f.) dress (clothes), clothes, upkeep (of a house), (good) behaviour, posture |
(French f.) in music, a holding note, a pedal note |
tenue | (French) in string playing, letting a finger continue to rest on a vibrating stopped string after lifting the bow, in order that the note rings on. This technique is often used in chordal or arpeggiated passages |
(Spanish) thin, light, flimsy, thin, subdued (light, sound), faint (light, sound) |
Tenue de soirée | (French f.) evening dress, formal dress |
Tenue de soirée de rigueur | (French f.) black tie (formal dress for a man) |
Tenue de ville | (French f.) town dress, city clothes |
Tenuis (s.), Tenues (pl.) | (Latin, literally 'thin') in linguistics, one of the voiceless stops, k, p, t |
tenute | (Italian) held on, sustained, kept down (a key) |
tenuto (m.), tenuta (f.) | (Italian) held, held on, fermata (the pause sign) |
(Italian) legato |
see 'tenuto mark' |
Tenuto mark |
 | | a short horizontal line over the notehead |
a tenuto mark can mean either hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato) or else play the note slightly louder. In other words, the tenuto mark is sometimes interpreted as an articulation mark and sometimes interpreted as a dynamic mark. When it appears in conjunction with an accent mark, it is of course taken as an indication of articulation, and, conversely, when it appears in conjunction with a staccato mark, it is taken as an indication of a slight dynamic accent. When it appears by itself, its meaning must be determined by its musical context |
- Tenuto from which some of this information has been taken
Teodia | (Italian) a song in praise of the Deity |
Teorban | see torban |
Téorbe | (French) theorbo |
teoretico | (Italian) theoretical |
Teoria | (Italian f.) theory |
Teoría | (Spanish f.) theory |
Teoría acústica | (Spanish f.) acoustic theory, theory of acoustics |
Teoria degli affetti | (Spanish f.) theory of emotions |
see 'affections, doctrine of' |
Teoría de la música | (Spanish f.) music theory |
Teoria del canto | (Italian f.) the theory or art of singing |
Teoria dos conjuntos | (Portuguese f.) set theory |
Teoría musicale | (Spanish f.) music theory |
Teórica | (Spanish f.) theory, theoretics |
Teórico (m.), Teórica (f.) | (Spanish) theorist, theoretician |
teórico (m.), teórica (f.) | (Spanish) theoretic, theoretical, hypothetical |
teorizar | (Spanish) to theorise on, to theorise |
tepidamente | (Italian) coldly, with indifference, showing little emotion, unimpassioned |
Tepidarium | (Latin) the warm room of a Roman bath, as opposed to the hot (caldarium) or cold (frigidarium) room |
tepido | (Italian) unimpassioned, lukewarm |
Tepidità | (Italian f.) coldness, indifference, lukewarmness |
Teponaztli | the teponaztli has deep cultural and spiritual meaning for many Mexican communities. Its name means 'wooden drum' in Nahuatl. In other dialects, it is known as tunkul, quiringua or teponagua. Made from a section of a hollowed hardwood tree trunk (or occasionally from small gourds which also serve as resonators), these instruments characteristically have an elongated H-shaped incision along the top. This cut in the wood forms two vibrating tongues or "keys" ; these have distinct pitches either because they are different lengths or they have been chiseled on the underside to different thicknesses. Sometimes, a rectangular opening is carved in the bottom of the drum to increase its volume. Many of these instruments are decorated with lotus or other symbolic designs, and some are carved in the shapes of alligators |
Teppich | (German m.) a carpet |
Teppichboden | (German m.) a fitted carpet |
Tequila | (Spanish f.) a fermented drink made in Mexico from the sap of the plant Agave americana |
Ter | (Latin) thrice, three times |
Terana | a six beat to the bar (measure) dance |
Terapeuta | (Spanish m./f.) therapist |
Terapéutica | (Spanish f.) therapeutics, therapy |
terapéutico (m.), terapéutica (f.) | (Spanish) therapeutic |
Terapia | (Spanish f.) therapy |
Terapia criolla | an Afro-Colombian music style and dance from Cartagena, on the Caribbean coast, it is a combination of indigenous rhythms, Caribbean beats and African influences, with satirical lyrics, also known as champeta criolla |
terävästi | (Finnish) staccato |
Terça | (Portuguese) third (interval) |
Terce | (Latin) the fourth service of the Divine Office, usually performed at 9:00 a.m, consisting of several responsories and psalms which are sung |
tercer | (Spanish) third |
Tercera | (Spanish f.) the interval of a third, tierce (French) |
(Spanish f.) third class |
Tercera aumentada | (Spanish f.) augmented third |
Tercera de picardía | (Spanish f.) Picardy third, tierce picarde (French), tierce de Picardie (French) |
Tercera disminuída | (Spanish f.) diminished third, tierce diminuée (French) |
Tercera inversión | (Spanish f.) third inversion (of a chord) |
Tercera ligada | (Spanish f.) tierce coulée |
Tercera major | (Catalan f.) major third |
Tercera mayor | (Spanish f.) major third |
Tercera menor | (Spanish f.) minor third |
Tercera persona del singular | (Spanish f.) third person singular |
Tercera picarda | (Spanish f.) Picardy third |
Tercer movimiento | (Spanish m.) third movement |
tercermundista | (Spanish) third-world |
Tercero (m.), Tercera (f.) | (Spanish) third (in a series) |
tercero (m.), tercera (f.) | (Spanish) third |
Tercet | (French) triplet |
composed of three lines of poetry, forming a stanza or a complete poem, a poetic triplet is a tercet in which all three lines follow the same rhyme, i.e. AAA. An enclosed tercet follows the rhyme scheme ABA. If the tercet forms a stanza by itself, it is often called a triplet |
Terceto | (Spanish) tercet (verse), trio (musical) |
terciar | (Spanish) to divide into three, to place diagonally, to place crosswise, to mediate, to arbitrate |
terciar en el debate | (Spanish) to take part in the debate |
terciario (m.), terciaria (f.) | (Spanish) tertiary |
terco (m.), terca (f.) | (Spanish) stubborn, obstinate |
Térébenthine | (French f.) turpentine |
Teremín | (Spanish m.) theremin, théremin, or théreminvox |
Teretism | the Byzantine equivalent of anenaiki, a reference to the specific syllables used in Byzantine chomonie which were te-re-rem |
tergiverser | (French) to procrastinate |
ter inzage | (Dutch) on approval |
Termagant | shrew, a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman |
Terme | (French m.) term (a word), time-limit, end, term (legal) |
Termin | (German m.) a date, an appointment, a dead-line (also letzter Termin) |
terminado (m.), terminada (f.) | (Spanish) finished, completed |
Terminación | (Spanish f.) ending, termination, completion, end |
Terminal (s.), Terminaux (pl.) | (French m.) (airport, railway, etc.) terminal |
terminal (m.), terminale (f.) | (French) terminal |
Terminal double bar | also period double bar or final barline, a type of double barline with a thin line followed by a thick line, is used to mark the very end of a piece of music or of a particular movement within it |
terminale, classe | (French) the sixth form (in British schools) |
Terminal vibrato | a technique invented on the jazz cornet by Louis Armstrong, where a note is held initially with no or only very little vibrato before being given steadily increasing amounts of audible oscillation, thus softening it or giving it character |
terminante | (Spanish) definite, definitive, conclusive, categorical, final |
terminantemente | (Spanish) categorically |
terminar | (Spanish) to finish, to end, to complete, to finish off |
terminar bien | (Spanish) to have a happy ending |
terminar de | (Spanish) to finish doing |
terminar mal | (Spanish) to have an unhappy ending, to come to a sticky end, to end up on bad terms |
Terminaison | (French f.) ending (grammar) |
terminer | (French) to finish, to end |
termingerecht | (German) on schedule |
Termini technici | (Italian pl.) technical terms |
Terminkalender | (German m.) appointments diary |
Terminología musical | (Spanish f.) musical terminology |
Terminologie | (French f., German f.) terminology |
Terminorum musicae diffinitorium | written by the Flemish composer and music theorist of the Renaissance, Johannes Tinctoris (1435-1511), Terminorum musicae definitioruman is an early musical dictionary |
Términos de acentuación | (Spanish m. pl.) terms designed to show where and what expressive effects are required in the performance of a piece of music, for example, whether loud or soft, where smooth or separated, whether strongly or less strongly accented |
Términos de matices | (Spanish f. pl.) terms that indicate dynamic nuance (dynamics levels and particular ways these might change) |
Términos italianos | (Spanish f. pl.) Italian terms, terms in Italian |
Términos musicales | (Spanish f. pl.) musical terms, terms found in music or writings about music |
Terminus | (Latin, English, French m.) the final stop on a bus route or station on a train line |
Terminus ad quem | (Latin) the point to which motion or action tends |
the latest possible date that a literary work could have been written, a potential ending point for dating a manuscript or text |
Terminus a quo | (Latin) the point from which motion or action starts |
the earliest possible date that a literary work could have been written, a potential starting point for dating a manuscript or text |
Terminus vitae | (Latin) the end of life, death |
ternaire | (French) ternary |
ternario | (Italian, Spanish) ternary |
Ternary | in three sections, ternario (Italian, Spanish), dreitheilig (German), dreiteilig (German), ternaire (French) |
Ternary form | also called rondo form, a three section form in which the first section A is repeated, often with some changes, after a middle section B, thus the form is called A B A |
Ternary measure | simple triple time |
Ternary time | simple triple time |
terne | (French) dull, drab |
Terp | to dance (colloquial) |
Terpander of Antissa | (in Greek, Τέρπανδος ο Αντισσαίος) (c. 712 - c. 645 BC) poet and musician. Famous as a singer, he won a prize for music with the kithara at the 26th Olympiad in Sparta. He established a school for musicians and created a system of musical notation |
Terpentin | (German n.) turpentine |
Terper | dancer (colloquial) |
ter perse | (Dutch) in the press |
Terpodion | a keyboard instrument whose sounds are produced from bars of wood by means of a revolving cylinder |
an organ stop of 8ft. pitch |
Terraced dynamics | expressive style typical of some early music in which volume levels shift abruptly from soft to loud and back without gradual crescendos and decrescendos often by changing the number of instruments playing each part |
Terra cotta | (Italian, literally 'cooked earth') a hard unglazed pottery of fine quality, a figurine made of of this material, the brownish-red colour characteristic of this type of pottery |
Terra firma | (Latin) dry land (as opposed to the land under the sea) |
Terra incognita (s.), Terra incognitae (pl.) | (Latin) an unexplored region, territory that is unknown |
Terrain | (French m., German n.) the ground, a piece of land, a plot (of land) |
Terrain d'aviation | (French m.) an airfield |
Terrain de camping | (French m.) campsite |
Terrain de golf | (French m.) a golf-course |
Terrain de jeu | (French m.) a playground |
Terrain vague | (French m.) waste ground |
Terrasse | (French f., German f.) a terrace, the pavement area (of a café) |
Terrassement | (French m.) an excavation |
terrasser | (French) to floor (an adversary), to strike down (with an illness) |
Terrassier | (French m.) a navvy, a labourer, a ditch-digger |
Terrazzo | (Italian m.) a surface made of chips of marble set in white or coloured cement |
Terrassendynamik | (German f.) terraced dynamics |
Terre | (French f.) the earth (ground, planet), land, ground, estate |
terre, à | see à terre |
Terre à terre | (French f.) in ballet, steps where the feet stay close to the ground |
(French f.) down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, unimaginative |
Terreau | (French m.) compost |
Terre cuite | (French f.) terra cotta |
Terre de pipe | (French f.) a fine white clay (in English, pipe-clay), a porcelain manufactured from this clay |
Terre ferme, la | (French f.) dry land, terra firma |
Terre glaise | (French f.) clay |
Terreno | (Spanish) land, plot of land, lot (plot of land), terrain, soil, sphere (action, influence), field (politics, etc.) |
Terreno adyacente | (Spanish m.) adjacent land, land adjacent |
Terreno arenoso | (Spanish m.) sandy soil |
Terreno de juego | (Spanish m.) (sports, playing) field, (sports) pitch |
Terreno en ... | (Spanish m.) land in ... (place) |
Terreno fértil | (Spanish m.) fertile land |
Terreno plantado de viñas | (Spanish m.) field planted with vines |
Terre pisée | (French f.) clay mixed with gravel and rammed between shutterings so as to form a wall |
Terre-plein | (French f.) a platform, central reservation (of a road) |
terrestre | (French) land, earthly (figurative) |
Terreur | (French f.) terror |
terreux (m.), terreuse (f.) | (French) earthy, grubby (dirty) |
Terre verte | (French f.) in art, a natural green earth used as a pigment |
terrible | (French) terrible (awful), terrific (extraordinary) (familiar) |
Terrible sonnets | Gerard Manley Hopkins used the term "terrible sonnets" to designate several of his later religious poems, in which he feels isolated from God |
Terribilità | (Italian f.) qualities in a work of art that inspire awe and dread in the mind |
Terrien (m.), Terrienne (f.) | (French) an earth-dweller |
Terrier | (French m., German m.) (rabbit) burrow, terrier (dog) |
Terriers | the church registers of landed property |
terrifier | (French) to terrify |
Terrine | (German f.) a tureen (for example, for soup) |
(English, French f.) an earthenware dish used for making patés (patés are known as terrines if served in them) |
Territoire | (French m.) territory |
territorial | (French) territorial |
Territorium | (German n.) territory |
Terroir | (French m.) the soil, the region |
Terrorcore | sometimes shortened to terror, a term used to describe a subgenre of hardcore techno. Compared to other hardcore styles like breakcore, which uses the influence of breakbeat, and speedcore, which concentrates on exceedingly high beats per minute, terrorcore is a difficult term to define as each listener has a different definition of what terror is. Terrorcore employs the use of "scary" samples and synthesised sounds to give the tunes their "terror" edge. Also terrorcore can utilize both sped-up drum and bass samples and four-to-the-floor drum patterns similar to speedcore, frequently with tunes switching between both styles and then dropping with both simultaneously |
- Terrorcore from which some of this entry has been taken
terroriser | (French) to terrorize, to fill with terror |
terrorisieren | (German) to terrorize, to fill with terror |
Terrorisme | (French m.) terrorism |
Terrorismus | (German m.) terrorism |
Terrorist | (English, German m.) a person engaged in organized violence against a government, etc. |
Terroriste | (French m./f.) terrorist |
Terry | after Charles Stanford Terry (1864-1936), the cataloguer of music by Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782) |
Ters | (Swedish) the interval of a third |
Terssi | (Finnish) the interval of a third |
Terssien taajuusero luonnollisessa ja Pytagorisessa viritysjärjestelmässä | (Finnish) syntonic comma |
Tertia | (Latin) the third, the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third or a tenth above the foundation stops |
Tertia modi | (Latin) the third degree of a scale |
Tertian | an organ stop composed of two pipes, tierce and larigot, on one slide, sounding the interval of a minor third |
Tertian harmony | or 'tertiary harmony', harmony based upon the interval of the third, particularly predominant in major-minor tonal Western music from the Baroque era through to the 19th-century |
Tertiary | an institution developed in the 13th century, whereby a lay person could live a life devoted to religion without being a full member of a community |
Tertiary harmony | see 'tertian harmony' |
Tertie | (German) the third, the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third or a tenth above the foundation stops |
Tertium quid | (Latin) something related to two definite things but distinct from both of them |
tertius | (Latin) third |
Tertre | (French m.) a mound |
Terts | (Dutch, Danish) the interval of a third |
terughouding | (Dutch) retardation, slowing down |
Ter unca | (Latin, literally 'three-hooked') a demisemiquaver, a thirty-second note |
Terz (s.), Terzen (pl.) | (German f.) the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third above the fifteenth |
Terza | (Italian) the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third above the fifteenth |
Terzadecima | (Italian) an interval of a thirteenth |
Terza rima | (Italian f., 'third rhyme') in linguistics, a form of verse consisting of stanza of three lines each, the first and third rhyming together and the second with the first and third of the following stanza |
Terzdecime | (German f.) an interval of a thirteenth |
Terzdecimole | (German) a group of notes dividing a bar or part of a bar into thirteen equal parts (usually placing 13 notes in the time of 8 notes of the same notated value) |
Terze | (German f.) the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third above the fifteenth |
Terzet | (German n.) terzetto |
Terzett | (German n.) terzetto, a vocal trio |
Terzetto | (Italian m.) three-voice compositional form of the 18th-century, usually short, which may or may not be accompanied |
very occasionally, the term is applied to a three-part instrumental work |
Terzflöte | (German f.) or Terzquerflöte (German f.), a third flute in E flat, a minor third above a standard flute |
(German) an organ stop |
Terz Heckelphone | a small member of the Heckelphone family pitched in E flat, one tone lower than the piccolo Heckelphone |
Terzie | (German) the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third above the fifteenth |
Terzina | (Italian f.) a triplet |
Terzo | (Italian) the interval of a third |
an organ stop sounding a third above the fifteenth |
terzo (m.), terza (f.) | (Italian) third |
Terzo suona | (Italian) a difference tone |
Terzquartakkord | (German m.) four-three chord (second inversion of a seventh chord) |
Terzquartsextakkord | (German m.) the second inversion of a chord of the seventh |
Terzquerflöte | (German f.) or Terzflöte (German f.), a third flute in E flat, a minor third above a standard flute |
Terzquintsextakkord | (German m.) the first inversion of a chord of the seventh |
Terzschichtung | (German m.) stacked thirds (i.e. one third placed on top of another, as, for example, when building triads, seventh chords, etc.) |
Tesafilm | (German m.) a tradename for a product similar to Sellotape |
Teschino cinese | (Italian m.) temple block |
Tesis | (Spanish f.) thesis |
Tesitura | (Spanish f.) tessitura, tessiture (French) |
Tessera (s.), Tesserae (pl.) | (Latin) in art, a msall roughly cubic-shaped piece of marble or coloured stone used for mosaic-work |
Tessitura | (German f., Italian f.) the range and position of a voice or instrument, as in a 'high tessitura' to describe a part which is set high on an instrument. The convention has been that the tessitura describes the notes in the range most often used rather than every note, particularly as the very high and very low notes may be rarely called for |
where a vocal line lies mainly in the higher part of the tessitura, the part is said to 'lie high', and when the vocal line lies mainly in the lower part of the tessitura, the part is said to 'lie low' |
Tessiture | (French f.) tessitura, range (for example, the typical tessitura of a Viennese grand piano is six octaves and a sixth) |
Tessituur | (Dutch) tessitura |
Tesson de bouteille | (French m.) a piece of broken bottle |
Test | (English, French m., German m.) an examination, a check on the condition of a person (health, knowledge, suitability, etc.) or of an object (condition, fitness for purpose, etc.) |
Testa | (Italian f.) head (as related to the voice) |
(Italian f.) note head |
(Italian f.) or riccio (Italian m.), Schnecke (German f.) or Kopf (German m.), tête (la volute et le cheviller) (French f.), the scroll, that part of the violin, etc. where ornmental carving is normally found. On the violin and related stringed instruments it lies at the end of the neck just above the pegbox |
Test Act of 1673 | A law requiring all British officials holding public office to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in accordance with the rituals of the Established Church of England (the Anglican Church). This law was designed to exclude Catholics, Anabaptists, and Scottish Presbyterians from holding positions of importance |
Testa di morto | (Italian f.) Chinese block, temple block, wood block |
Testament | (French m., German n. English) a will, (political, artistic), a statement of beliefs, etc. |
in literature, the term is often used in the sense of affirmation |
Ancien Testament (French: Old Testament), Altes Testament (German: Old Testament) |
Nouveau Testament (French: New Testament), Neues Testament (German: New Testament) |
Testimony of simplicity | the Quaker belief that a person ought to live his or her life simply in order to focus on what is most important and ignore or play down what is least important. It is the practice among Quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends) of being more concerned with one's inner condition than one's outward appearance and with other people more than oneself. Friends believe that a person's spiritual life and character are more important than the quantity of goods he possesses or his monetary worth. Friends also believe that one should use one's resources, including money and time, deliberately in ways that are most likely to make life truly better for oneself and others |
Testamentsvollstrecker | (German m.) executor |
Testata con becco | head joint with beak |
testen | (German) to test |
tester | (French) to test |
Testina | (Italian f.) note head |
Testina magnetica | (Italian f.) magnetic head (for example, found on a tape recorder) |
Testo | (Italian m.) text, libretto |
(Italian m.), or historicus (Latin), part for the narrator in an early oratorio or Passion |
Testudo | a species of lyre fabled to have been made of the shell of a tortoise |
Tétanos | (French m.) tetanus |
Têtard | (French m.) tadpole |
Tête | (French f.) head, face, hair, brain |
(French f. - la volute et le cheviller) Kopf (German m.) or Schnecke (German f.), testa (Italian f.) or riccio (Italian m.), the scroll, that part of the violin, etc. where ornmental carving is normally found. On the violin and related stringed instruments it lies at the end of the neck just above the pegbox |
Tête-à-tête | (French f.) in English, 'head-to-head', private conversation or interview between two people without the presence of a third |
Tête avec bec | (French f.) head joint with beak |
Tête-bêche | (French f.) (in the printing of postage stamps) upside down or sideways in relation one to another, a set so printed |
Tête de la note | (French f.) note head |
Tétée | (French f.) feed |
Tête folle | (French f.) a scatterbrain, an irresponsible person |
tête la première, la | (French) head first |
Tête magnétique | (French f.) magnetic head (for example, found on a tape recorder) |
téter | (French) to suck |
Tétine | (French f.) a teat, a dummy, a pacifier |
Tetrachord | (Greek, German n./m.) the perfect fourth and the set of four diatonic, chromatic, or enharmonic notes that lie therein, which formed the basis of the eight note modes in Ancient Greek music theory, and which medieval attempts to reproduce form the basis of our modern diatonic scales |
in modern music theory, the types of diatonic tetrachord are: |
Lydian mode | a rising scale of two whole tones (whole steps) followed by a semitone (half step) | for example, C D E F |
Dorian mode | a rising scale of tone (whole step), semitone (half step) and tone (whole step) | for example, C D Eb F, or D E F G |
Phrygian mode | a rising scale of a semitone (half step) followed by two tones (whole steps) | for example, C Db Eb F, or E F G A |
Tetrachord-theory, ancient Greek | |
Tétracorde | (French f.) tetrachord |
Tetracordio | (Spanish m.) tetrachord, tétracorde (French) |
Tetracordo | (Italian m.) tetrachord |
Tetrad | a four-note chord |
Tétrade | (French) a four-note chord |
Tetragram | the 4-line staff, for example, as used in Gregorian chant |
Tetragrama | (Spanish m.) or tetragráma, the 4-line staff, for example, as used in Gregorian chant [entry provided by Donald Skoog] |
Tetragrammaton (s.), Tetragrammata (pl.) | (Greek) the four letter Hebrew word YHWH (Jehovah) treated as a mysterious symbol of the name of God |
Tétragramme | (French f.) tetragrammaton |
Tetralogia | (Italian f.) tetralogy |
Tetralogie | (German f.) tetralogy |
Tétralogie | (French f.) tetralogy |
Tetralogy | a grouping formed of four separate elements; for example, the four dramatic works that form the Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner (1813-1883) although, some commentators have pointed out that, more properly, it should thought of as a trilogy, modelled after ancient Greek dramas that were presented as three tragedies and one satyr play. As such, the Ring properly begins with Die Walküre and ends with Götterdämmerung. Rheingold, as such, is a prelude to the trilogy proper |
Tetrardus | the system of dividing the chant repertory into eight modes had its origins in the eight echoi of the Byzantine chant of the Eastern Church. Various terminologies have been used associated with this 'eight-mode system'. While the most widely used is that employed in the modern official chant books of the Catholic Church, in which the modes are simply numbered 1-8 in Roman numerals, other nomenclature, based upon different mediæval theorists, is also encountered. One of these, familiar to Hucbald (c. 840-930), to the 9th-century authors of the treatises Musica Enchiriadis and Scolica Enchiriadis, and to the author of the 9th- or 10th-century Commemoratio Brevis de Tonis et Psalmis Modulandis, is first found in a late 8th- early 9th-century tonary from S. Riquier (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 13159) |
the late 8th- early 9th-century tonary from S. Riquier (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 13159) lists four modes: protus, deuterus, tritus and tetrardus, respectively, the Greek words for first (D is the finalis), second (E is the finalis), third (F is the finalis) and fourth (G is the finalis), and subdivides each of the four into two, the first of each pair being designated authentus (authentic) and the second plagis (plagal): |
number | Greek name | Boethian name | as in Alia musica | the notes of the mode reciting tone in red finalis in blue |
1. | protus authentus | phrygian | dorian | D E F G a b c d |
2. | protus plagis | hypodorian | hypodorian | A B C D E F G a |
3. | deuterus authentus | dorian | phrygian | E F G a b c d e |
4. | deuterus plagis | mixolydian | hypophrygian | B C D E F G a b |
5. | tritus authentus | hypolydian | lydian | F G a b c d e f |
6. | tritus plagis | lydian | hypolydian | C D E F G a b c |
7. | tetrardus authentus | hypophyrigian | mixolydian | G a b c d e f g |
8. | tetrardus plagis | | hypomixolydian | D E F G a b c d |
hypermixolydian | the compass of a plagal mode is generally a fourth lower than the corresponding authentic mode. Today we identify the hypomixolydian as the eighth mode, whose finalis is D, a fourth lower than that of the mixolydian. However, originally the eighth mode was the hypermixolydian, whose pitch duplicates that of the hypodorian but in a higher octave, as specified by Ramis de Pareja (1482) and other commentators of the period |
Tetralogy | a series of four related works for the stage or oratorios, for example Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen based on the twelfth-century German epic poem of the Nibelungenlied |
Tetrameter | a line consisting of four metrical feet |
Tetratonon | (Greek) an interval consisting of four whole tones |
Tetsu-zutsu | Japanese bells |
têtu | (French) stubborn |
teuer | (German) expensive, expensively, dear (costly) |
Teuerung | (German f.) a rise in prices |
Teufel | (German m.) devil |
Teufelskreis | (German m.) a vicious circle |
teuflisch | (German) fiendish |
Teukjong | (Korean) a gong that is suspended from a wooden frame |
Teutonic Order | military order founded in the Holy land after the Third Crusade |
Texas blues | a subgenre of the blues. It has had various style variations but typically has been played with more swing than other blues styles |
Texas Star | one of the figures unique to, or traditionally associated with, square dancing |
Texas Tommy, the | said by many to be the first swing dance because, during the period when it was invented (1909), all the dances were done in 'closed' position. The 'Texas Tommy' was supposedly the first modern dance of the time to include the 'break-away' step, that is steps danced in open position, while using the basic 8 count rhythm of swing dance |
a dance move in the 'Lindy Hop' style of swing dance |
Tex-Mex (music) | dance music played by tejanos (Texan- Mexicans), a simple definition blurred by easy confusion with musica norteña (on the USA--Mexico border), conjunto and even mariachi, much of this summed up as musica chicana (Texan term for anyone of Mexican descent) |
Texoletas | Galician castanets |
Text | (English, German m.) passage (from a book, etc.), words to which music is set, a passage, a caption (to a picture), lyrics (to a song), libretto |
in literary criticism, formalist critics use the term text to refer to a single work of literary art (such as a specific poem, essay, short story). In formalist thinking, this text is an autonomous verbal object - i.e., it is self-enclosed and self-creating, and thus the critic need not necessarily explicate it using the biography of the author, or the historical background of its time-period, or other "extra-textual" details |
Textbuch | (German n.) libretto |
Texte | (French m.) text, subject (of a lesson), passage (from a book, etc.) |
Texte intégral | (French m.) the complete text, a text that is neither abridged nor expurgated |
Texter | (German m.) lyricist, a copy-writer |
Texte und Musik | (German pl) lyrics and music |
Textile | (English, French m.) fabric, cloth or fabrous material, especially if woven |
textile | (English, French) of fabric or cloth |
Textilien | (German pl.) textiles, textile goods |
Textilindustrie | (Gewrman f.) the textile industry |
Textilstift | (German m.) fabric marker |
Texto | (Spanish m.) text |
Text setting | see 'syllabic' and 'melismatic' |
Text-type | that text which serves as the median standard for a large variety of copies, copies which often contain some minor transcriptional or aural errors and other minor deviations. A text-type is intrinsically related to each of its associated manuscripts, just as a trunk is related to its branches. This relatedness is what sets it apart from other text-types |
Textual adjustment | the alteration of the text usually of a song to make it more appropriate either with regard to place or time. Popular songs themselves often enjoyed renewed popularity by being brought 'up-to-date'. A Handful of Maple Leaves by William Westbrook, a very popular song from the South African War (1898-1902), was rejuvenated by substituting "Belgium" for "South Africa" in the second verse with a minor musical adjustment. Another example of textual adjustment, although for different reasons, can be found in Herbert Ivey's extremely successful song Somewhere in France. According to the printer's copies from the Whaley, Royce & Company files, held at Library and Archives Canada, this piece was reprinted at least nine times. As the War ground on, alternative lyrics were included for the last verse - " ... for he doesn't advertise and God bless him where he lies Somewhere in France" became "for he doesn't make a fuss, pray God send him back to us from Somewhere in France". In its final printings, the original lyrics were omitted entirely |
Textual criticism | or lower criticism, a branch of literary criticism that is concerned with the identification and removal of transcription errors in the texts of manuscripts. Ancient scribes often made errors or alterations when copying manuscripts by hand. Given a manuscript copy, several or many copies, but not the original document, the textual critic seeks to reconstruct the original text (the archetype or autograph) as closely as possible. The same processes can be used to attempt to reconstruct intermediate editions, or recensions, of a document's transcription history. The ultimate objective of the textual critic's work is the production of a "critical edition" containing a text most closely approximating the original. There are three fundamental approaches to textual criticism: eclecticism, stemmatics, and copy-text editing. Techniques from the biological discipline of cladistics are currently also being used to determine the relationships between manuscripts. The phrase lower criticism is used to describe the contrast between textual criticism and "higher" criticism, which is the endeavor to establish the authorship, date, and place of composition of the original text |
Textuality | a term for the idea that no single literary work can be studied as an autonomous object, but that each text is part of of a larger, culturally endorsed collection of texts, conventions, codes, and meanings |
Textual variant | a version of a text that has differences in wording or structure compared with other texts, especially one with missing lines or extra lines added. In some cases, textual variants reflect the difference between an author's early version or rough draft of a work and a later version or polished final product |
textuel (m.), textuelle (f.) | (French) literal |
Text underlay | in any performance of music incorporating words, the performer can scarcely afford to ignore their delivery and their relationship to the notes that carry them. This is particularly true in early music, where the words are often fitted to the music in an ambiguous or sometimes even an illogical manner. Therefore, text underlay often becomes one of the most daunting aspects of preparing a given work for performance. In the fourteenth century and well into the fifteenth, only those voice parts having a share of the upper melodic profile were typically provided with words. For a long time scholars had assumed that the untexted lower parts were intended for instrumental performance, but this presumption has been severely challenged in recent years. The later the repertoire, the more likely it is that a given work will have all voices texted in the source. Yet even as early as the fourteenth century, certain pieces are texted in all voices in the manuscript. This circumstance provides concrete evidence that supporting voices had at least the potential to be performed vocally. The problem thus lies in determining how to realize a vocal performance of these untexted lines. Often there are simply not enough notes in a given part to fit the number of syllables in the text. [The editor can adopt] a variety of solutions to this situation: sometimes [he may add] as many words of the liturgical text as would fit the number of notes, taking care to follow the text declamation in the texted voice(s) as closely as possible. In movements with short texts, such as Kyries, this procedure often works perfectly. Alternatively, untexted parts sometimes are simply vocalized on a neutral syllable (such as "ah") or on various syllables in succession |
Textur | (German f.) texture |
Textura | (Spanish f., Portuguese) texture |
(German) a late medieval form of handwriting closely resembling the 'Black Letter' of early printed books |
Textural music | music whose effect derives from the composer's creation of 'atmosphere' through the use of loudness, density and/or orchestration |
Textura musical | (Spanish f.) musical texture |
Texture | (English, French f.) the way in which individual musical lines interact within a musical work - one can talk about the texture being dense, when a lot is 'going on', or use the terms monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic, for example, when discussing medieval works |
Textured paper | a term applied generally to a paper that has not been flattened by pressing it with rollers during production, thus retaining its natural rough finish, and specifically to a paper that has been embossed with a texture by pressing it with rollers incised with a pattern |
Textus receptus | (Latin) the accepted text, the standard text (of an ancient work) |
the text of the Greek New Testament based on Erasmus' Greek text. In spite of considerable errors and flaws, for four hundred years it was accepted as the standard or commonly received text, hence the name textus receptus. It served as the primary text used in scholarly translations (including the King James translation) and in scholarly debate until historical and textual criticism developed further in the 19th century |
Textverarbeitungssystem | (German n.) a word processor |