NAACP | acronym for 'The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People' which was founded in 1909 under the leadership of W.E.B DuBois as an institution dedicated to fighting discrimination against African-Americans. Originally, the organization planned protests and participated in court cases to draw attention and opposition to racism. The also lobbied to pass laws against racism |
Nabal | see nahbal |
Na bas singing | (Croatia) the newer style of diatonic two-part singing from Croatia. What distinguishes the older style from the more modern, na bas singing, are the endings. They in on the unison in the older tradition, but on a perfect fifth in the newer tradition, na bas style |
Nabatny bell | in Russia, the public tocsin or alarm bell |
Nacaire | (French m.) a brass kettle-drum with a loud, metalic sound, once much used in France and Italy |
(French m.) nakers |
Nácar | (Spanish m.) mother-of-pearl, nacreous, pearly |
Nacara | (German f.) nakers |
nacarado (m.), nacarada (f.) | (Spanish) mother-of-pearl, nacre |
nacarino (m.), nacarina (f.) | (Spanish) mother-of-pearl, nacre |
Naccara | (Italian f. s.) a castanet, a kind of Turkish drum |
Naccare | (Italian f. pl.) also nacchere or gnaccare, castanets |
Nacchera (s.), Nacchere (pl.) | (Italian f.) see naccara, naccare |
Naccheretta | (Italian f.) a small kettle-drum |
Naccherino | (Italian m.) a kettle-drummer |
Naccherone | (Italian m.) nakers, a large pair of kettle-drums |
Nacelle | (English from French f., literally 'little boat') the protective covering over a generator or motor, a separate streamlined enclosure on an aircraft for sheltering the crew or cargo or housing an engine, basket or car suspended from a hot-air balloon, the bowl-like framework enclosing the front or rear lamps of a motor-car |
nacer | (Spanish) to be born, to hatch, to hatch out, to sprout, to come up (a plant), to begin to grow, to spring, to spring up, to originate, to start, to arise |
nach | (German) after, to (in the sense of 'going from one thing to another') |
(German) according to |
nachahmen | (German) to imitate, to copy, to counterfeit, to emulate, to mime, to mimic, to simulate, to taker the edge off something |
nachahmend | (German) imitative |
nachahmenswert | (German) worth imitating |
Nachahmer | (German m.) an imitator, an echo |
Nachahmung | (German f.) an imitation, a copy, an imitation, a shadow, a sham, a simulacrum, a take-off |
als Nachahmung von (German: in imitation of) |
die genaue Nachahmung von (German: the echo) |
nach Art der/des/von | (German) in the manner of, alla maniera di (Italian), a la maniera (Italian), à la manière (French) |
nach Art der Zigeuner | (German) alla zingarese (Italian) alla zingara (Italian), in a gypsy style, in the style of gypsy music, à la tzigane (French) |
nach außen | (German) outwards |
Nachbarton (s.), Nachbartöne (pl.) | (German m.) neighbouring note, neighbouring tone |
nach Belieben | (German) or frei in Vortrag (German), free in style or delivery, as you like, at (the performer's) pleasure), ad libitum (Latin), a piacere (Italian), a bene placito (Italian), à volonté (French) |
nach dem Spiegel geschnitten | (German) débité sur maille (French), taglio radiale (Italian), quarter-cut, wood cut in a radial direction to form a wedge, rather like cutting a slice of cake |
nach diesem Buch | (German) according to this book |
Nachdruck (s.), Nachdrucke (pl.) | (German m.) emphasis, accent, expressiveness, energy |
(German m.) reprint, reproduction |
nachdrücklich | (German) emphatic, energetic, forcible, strongly marked, accented, expressive |
nachdrücksam | (German) emphatic, energetic, forcible, strongly marked, accented, expressive |
nach Feierabend | (German) after work |
Nachfolge | (German) imitation |
nachgeben | (German) give way, relax, rallentando |
nachgebend | (German) cedendo (Italian), getting slower, yielding, en cédant (French) |
nach Gefallen | (German) ad libitum |
nachgehend | (German) following |
nachglassen | (German) posthumous |
nachgiebiger | (German) still slower |
Nachhall (s.), Nachhalle (pl.) | (German m.) an echo, a reverberation, a response |
nachhallen | (German) to echo, to reverberate |
nach jedem Schlag abdämpfen | (German) dampen after each beat |
Nachklang | (German m.) a resonance, an echo, a reverberation |
nachklingen | (German) to ring, to resound, to echo |
Nachlass (s.), Nachlass (pl.), Nachlässe (pl.) | (German m.) discount, estate, legacy (also figurative), rebate, reduction, property (inheritance), abatement, bequest, deduction, allowance, residue (of an estate), assets, diminution, drawback, sales discount |
(German m.) or Nachlaß, used in academia to describe the collection of manuscripts, notes, correspondence, and so on left behind when a scholar dies. The word is not commonly used in English, and when it is, it is often italicized or printed in capitalized form to indicate its foreign provenance |
nachlassen | (German) slackening speed (usually while reducing the volume) |
nachlassend | (German) slackening speed (usually while reducing the volume), releasing, rilasciando |
nachlässig | (German) carelessly, negligently |
Nachmittagsvorstellung | (German f.) afternoon performance, matinee |
nach oben abrunden | (German) to round (a number) up |
Nachricht | (German f.) communication, report, notice |
Nachrichtentrommel | (German f.) talking drum |
Nachsatz (s.), Nachsätze (pl.) | (German m.) fugal answer, comes, response, antithesis, consequent (i.e. what follows) |
(German m.) postscript |
(German m.) transcript |
nachschallen | (German) to ring, to resound, to echo |
Nachschlag (s.), Nachschläge (pl.) | (German m., literally 'after-beat') the two notes that sometimes terminate a trill, and which, when taken in combination with the last two notes of the shake, may form a turn |
(German m., literally 'after-beat') in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a supplementary note that, placed after a main note, 'steals' time from it, similar to the 'springer' |
nach sich ziehen | (German) entail (figurative) |
Nachsilbe | (German f.) suffix |
nachsingen | (German) to repeat a song, to sing after |
Nachspiel | (German n.) postlude, or concluding piece |
(German n.) sequel (figuratively) |
nachstehend | (German) following, below |
nächstemal, das | (German) next time, the |
nächsteverwandte Töne | (German m. pl.) the nearest relative keys |
nachstimmen | (German) to retune |
Nachtanz | (German m., literally 'after dance') the second of two contrasting dances, the first rather slow and the second normally a quick dance in triple time, for which reason it is also called Proportz (a reference to the particular relationship between the meters of the two dances) or Tripla (because it is in triple meter) |
Nachtglocke | (German) night bell, curfew |
Nachthorn | (German n,) a covered stop in the organ, usually at 2 ft., 4 ft. or 8 ft. pitch, with a horn-like tone |
Nachtigall | (German f.) nightingale |
nach Tisch | (German) after the meal |
Nachtlokal | (German n.) a night-club |
Nachtmusik | (German f., literally 'night music') a serenade, as, for example, Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik |
Nachtrag | (German m.) appendix, postscript, supplement |
nachträglich | (German) subsequent, later |
Nachtschall | (German m.) Nachthorn |
Nachtschläger | (German m.) nightingale |
Nachtstück (s.), Nachtstücke (pl.) | (German n., literally 'night-piece') nocturne |
(German n.) a work that evokes the sounds and atmosphere of night |
nach türkischer Art | (German) alla turca (Italian), à la turque (French), im Stil der Janitscharen-Musik (German), in the Turkish style |
Nachtwächter, Der | or Hajnal, a melody found in many sources from central and eastern Europe and often quoted by eighteenth-century composers, often appearing in Christmas pastorellas. Haydn quotes it in Symphony No. 60; Divertimento a nove (Hoboken II/17); Sextet for Horns and Strings in Eb (original versions of H.II/21); the canonic setting of Hagedorn's Wunsch (H.XVIIb/13), Baryton Trio No. 35 (H.XI/35), Piano Sonata in C# minor (H.XVI/36), and Baryton Duo No. 19 (H.XII/19). Haydn's characteristic use of folk material is well demonstrated in these works |
nach und nach | (German) bit by bit, little by little, gradually, by degrees, poco a poco, peu à peu |
nach und nach immer rascher, schneller | (German) by degrees, continually increasing the speed |
nach und nach schneller | (German) gradually quicker, getting quicker by degrees |
nach ungarischer Art | (German) all'ungarese (Italian), all'ongherese (Italian), in the Hungarian style, which usually means 'in the Gypsy style', à la hongroise (French) |
nach unten | (German) down (downwards), downstairs (the floor below) |
nach unten abrunden | (German) to round (a number) down |
Nachweise | (German f.) proof, record |
nach wie vor | (German) 'as before', 'as previously' |
Nachwort | (German n.) concluding remarks, epilogue, afterword, postscript |
nach Wunsch | (German) at pleasure, a piacimento (Italian), a piacere Italian), a bene placito (Italian), ad libitum (Latin) |
nacido (m.), nacida (f.) | (Spanish) born |
Naciente | (Spanish m.) East |
naciente | (Spanish) new, recent, growing, rising (sun) |
Nacimiento | (Spanish m.) birth, origin (figurative), beginning (figurative), source (of a river), Nativity scene, crib, crèche |
Nación | (Spanish f.) nation, country, state, people |
Nacional | (Spanish m./f.) national (person of a particular country) |
nacional | (Spanish) national, domestic |
Nacionalidad | (Spanish f.) nationality |
Nacionalismo | (Spanish m.) nationalism |
Nacionalista | (Spanish m./f.) nationalist |
nacionalista | (Spanish) nationalistic |
Nacionalización | (Spanish f.) naturalisation, nationalisation |
nacionalizar | (Spanish) to nationalise, to naturalize |
nacionalizarse | (Spanish) to become nationalised, to become naturalised |
nacionalizarse español | (Spanish) to take up Spanish nationality |
nació para músico | (Spanish) he was born to be a musican |
Nacktkultur | (German f.) nudism, the expression of the belief that absence of clothing leads to emancipation of the spirit. In German the movement became part of the Freikörperkultur (German: Free Body Culture), a movement that endorsed a naturistic approach to sports and community living |
Nada | the Javanese concept of 'note', see laras |
in the Indian classical music tradition, 'sound', 'cosmic energy' |
(Spanish f.) nothingness |
nada | (Spanish) nothing, anything |
Nadador (m.), Nadadora (f.) | (Spanish) swimmer |
Nadales | (Spain) the name given to Christmas songs in Catalonia and Galicia |
nadar | (Spanish) to swim |
nadar entre dos aguas | (Spanish) to sit on the fence |
Nadaswaram | a South Indian version of the shehnai, it is also called nagaswaram. It is substantially larger than the shehnai and has a simple double reed rather than the more complex quadruple reed. It is considered an auspicious instrument and is found at temples and at weddings. It is normally accompanied by a surpeti, ottu and a tavil. There is a smaller version of the nadaswaram which is played in folk music and is known as the mukhavina |
Nadel | (German f.) needle (on a gramophone player) |
Nadelspitze | (German f.) needlepoint |
nadie acudió en su ayuda | (Spanish) nobody went to his aid |
nadie trabaja por amor al arte | (Spanish) nobody works out of the goodness of his heart |
Nádihegedü | (Hungarian, literally 'reed violin') an instrument formed of a length of hollow dried reed over which are stretched two strings, attached to small wooden pegs, that are bowed with a primitive arched bow |
Nadimba | an African name for the marímbula |
Nadir | (Arabic) the point in the celestial sphere opposite the zenith, and thereofre directly below the observer |
in general usage, the lowest point, the time of greatest degradation |
Nadruk | (Dutch) stress |
Naenia | (Latin) dirge |
Naevus (s.), Naevi (pl.) | a birthmark, a mole (small permanent dark spot on the skin) |
Nafa | (Tonga) huge drums made from discarded 200 litre, iron, fuel drums, covered with a leather skin |
Nafiri | an Indian trumpet |
Nagado-daiko | long-bodied Japanese drum |
Nagahk | (Korean) or nagak, a low toned, whistle-like instrument, introduced to Korea from the Ming dynasty, made of shells |
Nagak | (Korean) nagahk |
Nagaswaram | see nadaswaram |
Nagauta | (Japanese, also called 'long song') Japanese classical music form derived from kabuki |
Nagel | (German m.) fingernail |
Nagelgeige | (German f.) violino di ferro (Italian), nail-fiddle, violon de fer (French) |
Nagellack | (German m.) nail varnish |
Nagellackentferner | (German m.) nail varnish remover (a solvent) |
Nagelzange | (German f.) nail clippers |
Naghmeh | see naymeh |
Nagkula | a simple Indian bamboo-stick zither |
Nagla | a dance performed by the Kasena Nankeni people of Paga and Navrongo in the Upper East Region of Ghana. In the olden days, it was performed at funerals but today, even though it still maintains this function, it can also be seen on most social occasions excluding marriage ceremonies. Movements in nagla reflect the spirit of togetherness |
Nagphani | a serpentine horn from Tibet |
Nag's Head Swell | developed by Kirkman, a form of lid swell, it consisted of two frames with, if you will, fixed shutters (flush to the face of the frame). These frames were, in turn, placed on the front of a three-sided box. One frame was positioned vertically in front of the other, and was arranged so that it could be raised or lowered, thus altering the co-incidence of the horizontal openings, creating more, or less egress for the tone to emerge. I believe that there was a counter-balancing device, to assist in moving the weight of the frame [part quoted from a contribution to Mander Organs Forum] |
nah am Steg | (German) near the bridge (for example, the direction for playing flageolet tones on a guitar) |
Nahbal | (Korean) a one-note Korean brass instrument |
nahe | (German) near, close to |
nahe am Griffbrett | (German) near or on the fingerboard, sul tasto (Italian), sulla tastiera (Italian), flautando (Italian), sur la touche (French) |
nahe am Korpus anzupfen | (German) near the soundboard |
nahe daran | (German) on the point |
nähere Angabe | (German) particulars |
näher kommend | (German) coming nearer |
nahverwandte Tonart (s.), nahverwandte Tonarten (pl.) | (German f.) closely related key [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Nai | Romanian panpipes with about 20 pipes, each of different length and diameter, set in a row |
see ney |
naïf (m.), naïve (f.) | (French) unaffected, simple, artless, sincere, without artifice, natural, artless, ingenuous |
in English, the feminine form is used as the general form, written 'naive' |
Nailhead | decorative carved design of a line of pyramids |
Nailon | (Spanish m.) nylon |
Nail pizzicato | on a stringed instrument, plucking the strings with the fingernail |
Nail violin | violino di ferro (Italian), Nagelgeige (German), violon de fer (French) |
a wooden board into which nails are driven, set in a semicircle, which the German violinist Johann Wilde is credited with inventing in 1740, and which was played with a violin bow |
naiv | (German) simple, simple, unaffected, artless, naïve |
naïve | see naïf |
Naïve art | a classification of art that is often characterized by a childlike simplicity in its subject matter and technique. While many naïve artists appear, from their works, to have little or no formal art training, this is often not true |
- Naïve art from which this extract has been taken
naïvement | (French) plainly, artlessly, simply, naively |
Naïveté | (French) ingenuousness, absence of affectation, artlessness, simplicity of a person who does not use disguises |
"It is also used for that natural simplicity with which something is expressed or represented according to truth and verisimilitude. It also means a simplicity that is niais." - Dictionnaire de l'Académie Françoise, 1694 |
Nairile haolaibao | (Inner Mongolia) one of the forms of Mongolian quyi known as haolaibao, specifically one in which the singer is accompanied by more than one musical instrument |
Nakajiru | (Okinawan, literally 'middle-string') the middle of the three strings of the sanshin |
Naked | also called 'bare', a two note chord (a dyad) is said to be 'naked' which requires an additional note to make the combination more pleasing to the ear |
Naked fifth | two notes of a triad, the root and the fifth, with the third missing |
Nakers | from the Arabic naqqarat, small Medieval kettledrums used mainly for marital music, but also for processionals, dance music and ensemble music |
Nakhchivan music | - Nakhchivan - a region of Azerbaijan with its own distinctive folk music tradition
Nallari | see taepyongso |
Namaskar | the Indian salute with folded hands |
Namaz (1469-1538 or 1539 AD) | founder of Sikhism |
Name batten | the narrow strip of wood at the bottom edge of the nameboard on a keyboard instrument which must be taken off to permit the keyboard(s) to be removed. The maker of the instrument often inscribes his name on this piece |
Nameboard | the fixed part of the case of a harpsichord or bentside spinet which is located transversely above the keys. To be distinguished from the 'name batten' which is screwed or pegged to it |
Namenszug | (German m.) signature, monogram |
Naming notes | see 'pitch names' |
Naming octaves | see 'octaves' |
nämlich | (German) the same, namely |
Nam-shub | an incantation, chant, poem, or speech thought to have magical power in Sumerian texts |
Nana | (Spanish f.) lullaby |
Nanako shakuhachi | (Japan) an instrument with two finger holes more than the traditional five-hole shakuhachi, the extra holes been added in an attempt to improve the instrument's capacity to produce a chromatic scale. It was used by the Kinko school, but fell into disuse after World War II |
Nanaru a ting ting | a vertical slit drum of the South Pacific |
Nanda | (Brazil) a goblet-shape drum found in Amazonia |
Nanga | (Uganda) a seven-string harp, cousin to the ancient Egyptian harp |
Nangara | an Indian two-piece drum played with sticks |
Nanhu | see erhu |
Nänie | (German) naenia |
Nankasa | Ugandan drum |
Nanne | (Corsica) lullabies that mothers sing to their children |
Nanourismata | (Greek) lullabies |
Nao | see bo |
Naobo | see bo |
Ñaøn baàu | an instrument consisting of a trapezoidal wooden resonator, on which is stretched a brass string. Fastened at one end to a peg and at the other to a flexible bamboo plate, the string passes again and again through a gourd shaped wooden amplifier. The thin bamboo plate is used to modulate of pitch |
Naphil (s.), Nephilim (pl.) | (probably derived from Hebrew napal, 'to fall') in ancient Hebrew tradition, a race of giants |
Naphtaline | (French f.) mothballs |
Napolitana (s.), Napolitane (pl.) | (Italian) in French Napolitaine, an early light madrigal of Neapolitan origin (whose greatest master was Giovanni de Nola who died in Naples in 1570), revived in modern times as a type of popular song in which the verse is in the minor and the chorus is in the major |
Napolitain (m.), Napolitaine (f.) | (French) Neapolitan |
napolitain (m.), napolitaine (f.) | (French) Neapolitan |
Napolitaine | (French f.) napolitana |
Nappage | (French m.) in cooking, coating |
näppäillen | (Finnish) pizzicato |
Nappe | (French f.) table-cloth, the sheet of water falling over a weir, layer (of water, petrol, etc.) |
Nappe d'autel | (French f.) altar cloth |
Nappe de brouillard | (French f.) blanket or layer of fog |
Nappe de feu | (French f.) sheet of flame |
Nappe-phréatique | (French f.) ground water |
napper | (French) in cookery, to coat or mask with sauce |
Napperon | (French m.) (cloth) table mat, doily, mat (for a vase, light, etc.) |
Napperon individuel | (French m.) place mat |
Naqqara | or naqqare, North African kettledrums, tuned a third or fourth apart, played in pairs with two thin, stick-like beaters, one in each hand |
Naqqare | see naqqara |
Naqqarat | see naqqara |
naquit | (French) was born |
Naqus | small Egyptian cymbals |
nar(s) | abbreviation of 'narrator(s)' |
Narcisse | (French) Narcissus |
(French m.) narcissus (bulb, flower) |
(French m.) narcissistic individual |
Narcissique | (French m.) narcissist |
narcissique | (French) narcissistic |
Narcissism | self-love, an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself |
Narcissisme | (French m/f.) narcissism |
Narcissus | in Greek mythology, a young man who pined away in love for his own image in a pool of water and was transformed into the flower that bears his name |
nadar en la abundancia | (Spanish) to be rolling in money |
Narghile | (Persian, literally 'coconut') an Oriental pipe in which the smoke bubbles through scented water before being inhalded through a long flexible tube (so called because the tobacco-bowl was originally made from a coconut) |
narguer | (French) to mock |
Narimono | Japanese term for small, handheld percussion instruments, as, for example, those used to accompany kabuki theatre |
Narine | (French f.) nostril |
Nariz | (Spanish f.) nose, nostril |
Narodna muzika | (Serbian) indigenous folk music |
narquois (m.), narquoise (f.) | (French) derisive, bantering, mocking, sneering |
Narración | (Spanish f.) narration, narrative, account |
Narrador (m.), Narradora (f.) | (Spanish) narrator |
narrante | (Italian, Spanish) narrating, in a declamatory manner |
narrar | (Spanish) to narrate, to tell |
narrare | (Italian) to narrate, to tell |
Narrate | give a continuous story or account of, provide a spoken accompaniment for (a film, etc.) |
Narrateur (m.), Narratrice | (French) narrator |
Narration | (French f.) narrative, narration, composition (a piece of writing) |
narration is the act of telling a sequence of events, often in chronological order. Alternatively, the term refers to any story, whether in prose or verse, involving events, characters, and what the characters say and do |
Narrativa | (Spanish f., Italian f.) narrative, fiction |
Narrative | na story that is created in a constructive format (as a work of writing, speech, poetry, prose, pictures, song, motion pictures, video games, theatre or dance) that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events |
- Narrative from which this extract has been taken
Narrative ballet | a ballet in one act that has a plot, or story |
Narrative mode | (also known as the mode of narration) the set of methods the author of a literary, theatrical, cinematic, or musical story uses to convey the plot to the audience. The collection of all narrative modes in order to construct a complete narrative is also called the narration (the process of creating the narrative); the terms are sometimes differentiated. It encompasses several overlapping areas of concern, most importantly narrative point-of-view, which determines the person whose perspective the story is viewed through, narrative voice, which determines how the story is expressed to the audience, and narrative tense, which determines whether the story occurs in the past, present, or future |
narrativo (m.), narrativa (f.) | (Spanish, Italian) narrative |
Narratology | examines what all narratives, and only narratives, have in common as well as what enables them to differ from one another qua narratives. It aims to describe the narrative-specific system of rules presiding over narrative production and processing. The term 'narratology' is a translation of the French term narratologie - introduced by Tzvetan Todorov in Grammaire du Décaméron (1969) - and the theory historically falls into the tradition of Russian Formalism and French Structuralism. Narratology exemplifies the structuralist tendency to consider texts (in the broad sense of signifying matter) as rule-governed ways in which human beings (re)fashion their universe. It also exemplifies the structuralist ambition to isolate the necessary and optional components of textual types and to characterize the modes of their articulation. As such, it constitutes a subset of 'Semiotics', the study of the factors operative in signifying systems and practices. One important starting point in the development of narratology was the observation that narratives are found, and stories told, in a variety of media: oral and written language (in prose or in verse), of course, but also sign languages, still or moving pictures (as in narrative paintings, stained-glass windows, or films), gestures, (programmatic) music, or a combination of vehicles (as in comic strips). Furthermore, a folktale can be transposed into a ballet, a comic strip turned into a pantomime, a novel brought to the screen, and vice versa. This arguably means that narrative, or more specifically, the narrative component of a narrative text, can and should be studied without reference to the medium in which it occurs |
Narrator | the 'voice' that speaks or tells a story, a story teller (for example, in a dramatic work), someone who provides a spoken accompaniment (to a film, etc.) |
in Passion music, the Evangelist, by convention a tenor, narrates the story to recitative |
Narratore (m.), Narratrice (f.) | (Italian) narrator |
Narrator, unreliable | sometimes used for purposes of irony or humour, an unreliable narrator is a storyteller who "misses the point" of the events or things he describes in a story, who plainly misinterprets the motives or actions of characters, or who fails to see the connections between events in the story |
Narrazione | (Italian f.) narration, story |
Narrazione con le immagini | (Italian f.) photojournalism (narration through images) |
narrer | (French) to narrate |
Narrowcast | network or programming aimed at a specialised audience |
Narrow-minded | rigid or restricted in one's views, intolerant |
Narrow-mindedness | the state of being narrow-minded |
Narrow transcription | in linguistics, phonetic transcription that shows minute details, i.e., highly accurate transcription. The opposite term, broad transcription, implies quickly made or comparative transcriptions designed primarily to illustrate general pronunciation |
Narsiga | (Nepal) or narsiha, a snake shaped metal trumpet, an instrument of the pance baja instrumental ensemble |
- Narsiga from which this extract has been taken
Narsiha | see narsiga |
Narthex | (Greek) the rear portion of the nave of an early Christian church, partitioned off for use of women and catechumens (Christian converts under instruction before baptism) |
Narwhal | (English from Dutch which is itself from Danish) Arctic white whale, the male of which has a long tusk |
nasaal | (Dutch) nasal |
Nasal | in linguistics, any sound that involves movement of air through the nose |
(English, German, French, Spanish) or 'nasality', one of the most important yet misunderstood aspects of singing technique, is the routing of air from vocal folds directly through the nostrils (nose) so as to impart a buzzy intense character to the voice. In general speech, the letters m, n and ng are sounded through the nose (you can demonstrate this by trying to sound the letters while pinching the nose so that air cannot pass through it) |
nasale | (Italian) nasal |
Nasalización | (Spanish f.) nasalisation |
nasalizar | (Spanish) to nasalise |
nasallant | (German) nasal sound, or tone |
Nasallaut | (German m.) nasal sound (in phonetics) |
Nasard | (French) an organ stop found at a variety of pitches including 1 1/3 ft., 2 2/3 ft., 5 1/3 ft. and the pedal stop Grossnasat, 10 2/3 ft. |
Nasarde | nasard |
Nasat | nasard |
Nasb | (Arabic) secular songs |
nascere | (Italian) to be born, to sprout (to germinate), to rise |
nascere da | (Italian) to arise from (figurative) |
Nascita | (Italian f.) birth |
nascondersi | (Italian) to hide |
Nascondiglio | (Italian m.) hiding-place |
Nascondino | (Italian m.) hide-and-seek |
nascosto | (Italian) hidden |
Nase | (German f.) nose |
Nasello | (Italian m.) hake (fish) |
Nasenflöte | (German f.) nose flute |
Nasetto | (Italian m.) point (or tip) of a bow |
Nasheeds | many Muslims have adopted the idiom of a cappella music, songs known as nasheeds, since mainstream traditional Islam prohibits the use of instruments except for some basic percussion |
Nashville notation | a method of writing, or sketching out, musical ideas, using numbers in place of chord names |
Nashville number system | similar to the method invented by J. J. Rouseau and developed by Galin, Paris and Chevé for numbering the different notes in a scale, the Nashville number system is widely used for notating chords |
Nashville sound | a style of music created in the late 1950s that includes piano, strings, and background vocals along with the more traditional sounds of banjo and solo fiddle. The two record producers thought to be responsible for 'the sound' are Chet Atkins and Owen Bradley |
Nasis | Central American vessel rattle |
naslag-akkorden-spel | (Dutch) after-beat |
Naso | (Italian m.) point (or tip) of a bow |
(Italian m.) nose |
Nason | or 'nason flute', in older organs, a very quiet, sweet-toned flute stop of 4 ft. scale, which makes a pleasing addition when combined with the diapasons |
Nassart | nasard |
Nassat | nasard |
Nastro | (Italian m.) ribbon, tape |
Nastro magnetico | (Italian m.) magnetic tape |
Nastro trasportatore | (Italian m.) conveyor belt |
Nasturzio | (Italian m.) nasturtium |
nat. | abbreviation of naturale (Italian: natural - a mark instructing the player to discontinue a special effect, such as col legno, sul tasto, sul ponticello or playing in harmonics) |
Natale | (Italian m.) Christmas |
natale | (Italian) birth |
Natalità | (Italian f.) (number of) births |
natalizio | (Italian) Christmas, of one's birth |
Natante | (Italian m.) craft (boat) |
natante | (Italian) floating |
Nataraja | (literally, 'The King of Dance') the dancing posture of Lord Shiva, the aspect of God as the Destroyer in Hinduism. To understand the concept of Nataraja we have to understand the idea of dance itself. Like yoga, dance induces trance, ecstasy and the experience of the divine. In India, consequently, dance has flourished side by side with the austerities of meditation (as fasting, absolute introversion etc.). Shiva, therefore, the arch-yogi of the gods, is necessarily also the master of the dance. Dancing is an art in which artist and the art he creates are one the same, evoking the oneness of God and Creation, This dance is also called the 'Dance of Bliss' (anandatandava) |
- Nataraja from which this extract has been taken
Natica | (Italian f.) buttock |
natio | (Italian) native |
National anthem | a song, usually an anthem, fanfare, march, or hymn, that is used as a national symbol, one of the oldest being the British, God Save the Queen or God Save the King depending on circumstances |
inno nazionale (Italian m.), Nationalhymne (German f.), hymne national (French m.), himno nacional (Spanish m.) |
see 'Royal anthem' |
Nationalhymne | (German f.) national anthem, inno nazionale (Italian m.), hymne national (French m.), himno nacional (Spanish m.) |
Nationalism | in music, a pride in those musical elements that can be identified with a particular country, nation or ethic group, and which were then incorporated into new works written during the nineteenth century |
Nationalist | music identified with a particular nation, in particular that inspired by folk music, a term applied to certain nineteenth-century composers |
National music | see 'nationalist' |
Native American hip hop | |
Native American music |
Native language | see 'first language' |
Natividad | (Spanish f.) nativity |
Natividad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo | (Spanish f.) nativity of Jesus, celebrated annually in the Roman Catholic Church on the evening of 24th and the 25th December |
Nativity | the birth of Christ |
nato | (Italian, Spanish) born |
nato con la camicia | (Italian) born lucky, born with a silver spoon in one's mouth |
Natura, artis magistra | (Latin) nature, the mistress of art |
Natural | a note that is neither sharpened nor flattened, or the sign that is used to contradict a sharp or flat in a key signature or that was used as an accidental earlier in the bar |
a white key on a piano keyboard |
Natural |  | or 'natural sign' bequadro (Italian), Auflösungszeichen (German), Quadrat (German), bécarre (French), béquarre (French), the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened |
Natural accent | see 'regular accent' |
naturale | (Italian) natural, that is neither flattened (flatted) nor sharpened (sharped) |
(Italian) in a natural (or normal) manner, for example, without using the mute (for example as a marking cancelling a special effect) |
(Italian) natural, easy, free |
(Italian) a mark instructing the player to discontinue a special effect, such as col legno, sul tasto, sul ponticello or playing in harmonics) |
Natural flat | see 'double accidental' |
Natural frequency | also call the 'normal mode', the frequency of vibration or oscillation which a system (anything from a road bridge to an violin string) will inherently adopt according to its structure given a suitable excitation, such as a gale force wind or a bow |
Natural gender | the assignment of nouns to grammatical categories based on the gender or lack of gender in the signified object or creature. This term contrasts with grammatical gender, in which the designations are more or less arbitrary and do not correspond closely with any gender in the signified object or creature |
Natural harmonics | a vibrating string stopped at both ends, produces a fundamental note, determined by its unit mass, tension and length, as well as an infinite series of steadily frequencies, each an integral multiple of the fundamental. Thus, for a string with a fundamental frequency of 100Hz, the harmonic series will be notes with frequencies given by 100*n where n is an integer, i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. Vibrating columns of air also have associated harmonic series |
on a stringed instrument, an effect produced when whilst bowing, the player lightly touches the string at a nodal point with a finger of the left hand. This produces a light, "fluted" sound. When a harmonic is required the composer will write a small circle above the note |
there is a lack of consistency in the use of the terms 'natural harmonics' and 'artifical harmonics'. Many writers distinguish between the harmonics present in any note, the contribution of which gives a note its particular character (which they call 'natural' because to some degree they are a feature of any note and are therefore part of the 'nature of the note'), and those which have to be produced by the intervention of the performer (for example, by the careful placing of a finger on a vibrating string, in order to stiffle particular harmonics including the fundamental, while allowing the presence of others, thereby causing a change in the pitch of the resultant note), which they term 'artificial' because the string is no longer vibrating in its natural modes. Other writers make no distinction and use both terms synonymously. |
natural harmonics are only obtainable at certain positions along each string: |
1/2 of the way along | an octave above the pitch of the open string |
1/3 of the way along | octave + 5th above the pitch of the open string |
1/4 of the way along | two octaves above the pitch of the open string |
1/5 of the way along | two octaves + a major 3rd above the pitch of the open string |
there are more natural harmonics, but these are relatively unreliable |
Natural harmonic series | the sequence of natural harmonics |
Natural harmony | the harmony of the triad or common chord |
Natural hexachord | see 'hexachord' |
Natural horn | a valveless horn |
Natural interval | any interval between two notes of a diatonic major scale, unaltered by an accidental |
naturalis, naturale | (Latin) natural |
Naturalism | in art, naturalism refers to the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting. The Realism movement of the nineteenth century advocated naturalism in reaction to the stylized and idealized depictions of subjects in Romanticism, but many painters have adopted a similar approach over the centuries. One example of Naturalism is the artwork of American artist William Bliss Baker, whose landscape paintings are considered some of the best examples of the naturalist movement. An important part of the naturalist movement was its Darwinian perspective of life and its view of the futility of man up against the forces of nature |
Natural key | a key whose signature contains neither sharps nor flats, C major or A minor |
naturalmente | (Italian) naturally, easily, simply, in an unaffected style |
Natural minor scale | scala minore naturale (Italian), forme du mode mineur ancien (French), reines Moll (German) |
a mode consisting of the rising interval sequence T-S-T-T-S-T-T, (T=tone or whole-step, S=semitone or half-step) |
Natural modulation | a transition from one key to one of its relative keys |
Natural note | any note produced on a wind instrument with a cupped mouthpiece without using keys, values or the slide |
Natural pitch | the pitch of any wind instrument when it is not overblown |
Natural scale | a scale written without flats or sharps, i.e. a term applied particularly to the C major and A natural minor scales |
Natural sharp | see 'double accidental' |
Natural sign | see 'natural' |
Natural tone | see 'natural note' |
Natural trumpet | tromba naturale (Italian f.), Naturtrompete (German f.), trompette naturelle (French f.), trompeta naturale (Spanish f.) |
see 'baroque trumpet' |
Natural turn | |
Nartura non facit saltum | (Latin, literally 'nature does not make a jump') nature works by gradual progression |
Nature | (French f.) nature |
nature | (French) plain, unadulterated |
Naturel | (French m.) nature, naturalness |
naturel (m.), naturelle (f.) | (French) natural |
(French) native character, temperament, or disposition |
naturelement | (French) naturally |
Nature morte | (French f.) still life, a representation of cut flowers, etc. |
Naturhorn | (German n.) the natural horn, the horn without valves |
Naturklangspeicher | (German m.) sound sampler |
natürlich | (German) in a natural (or normal) manner, for example, without using the mute (for example as a marking cancelling a special effect) |
natürliche Intervalle | (German n.) natural intervals, those proper to the key, i.e. not altered by additional sharps or flats. More especially, those belonging to the C major scale without any sharps or flats at all |
natürliche Position | (German f.) bell down (when holding the French horn) |
natürliches Flageolettton | (German m.) natural harmonic |
natürliches Moll | (German n.) natural minor |
natürliche Molltonleiter | (German f.) natural minor scale |
Natürlich-Moll-Tonleiter | (German f.) natural minor scale |
Naturtheater | (German n.) outdoor theatre |
Naturton (s.), Naturtöne (pl.) | (German m.) natural or open note, one member of the natural harmonic series which on a horn, for example, can be produced without stopping or any mechanical means |
Naturtonreihe | (German f.) natural harmonic series |
Naturtrompete | (German f.) natural trumpet (trumpet without valves), tromba naturale (Italian f.), trompette naturelle (French f.), trompeta naturale (Spanish f.) |
natus | (Latin) born |
natuurlijke mineur Toonaard | (Dutch) natural minor scale |
Naufrage | (French m.) shipwreck |
Naufragé (m.), Naufragée (f.) | (French) shipwrecked person |
naufragé (m.), naufragée (f.) | (French) shipwrecked |
Nauh | (Arabic) sung elegies |
nauséabond (m.), nauséabonde (f.) | (French) nauseating |
Nausée | (French f.) nausea |
nautique | (French) nautical, aquatic (sports) |
Navaho violin | or 'Apache fiddle', a chordophone of North America which consists of a wooden tube with a single horsehair string that is strung over a bridge and tuned with a peg. The instrument is played with a horsehair bow. It is apparently a cross between the European fiddle and the Native Indian musical bow |
Navarin | brown stew of lamb or mutton |
Navarraise | a Spanish dance originating from Navarre |
Nave | the western arm of a church, and more specifically the central axial section of that arm, used by the congregation and for sermons |
Navet | (French m.) turnip, dud (film, etc.) |
Navette | (French) shuttle (service) |
Navidad | (Spanish f.) Christmas |
Navidás | (Spanish f. pl.) Christmas songs |
Navideño | (Spanish) Christmas |
Navigateur | (French m.) seafairer, navigator (aeroplane) |
naviguer | (French) to sail, to navigate |
Navire | (French m.) ship |
n'avoir de cesse que | (French) have no rest until |
n'avoir plus pied | (French) to be out of one's depth |
navré | (French) sorry |
navrer | (French) to upset |
Naw | see hulusheng |
Nawb | nawbah |
Nawbah (s.), Nawbat (pl.) | (Arabic, literally, 'turn') Zaryab (who died c. 850), a freed slave who moved from Baghdad to Cordoba where he became a highly respected singer, 'ud player, and music teacher, is credited with compiling a repertoire of twenty-four nawbat, each of which was a composite of vocal and instrumental pieces in a certain melodic mode. The nawbat were reportedly associated with the different hours of the day. According to Dr. Subhi Anwar Rasheed in his reference book Mujaz Tarikh Al Musiqa Wa Al Ghinae Al-'Arabi, published in Baghdad in 2000, the term nawba in its literary meaning was first used during the Abbasid Era (750-1258 AD), more exactly, under the reign of the third Caliph Al-Mahdi Ibn Abi Ja'afar Al-Mansur (Caliph from 775 to 785). The term was used to designate whose turn it was to entertain the Caliph. It was, hence, the poet's nawba, the dancer's nawba, the singer's nawba, etc., meaning the poet's turn, the dancer's turn, the singer's turn, etc. Under Harun Ar-Rasheed (Caliph from 786 to 809), the meaning of the term widened and started to be assigned to the actual program performed by an artist. It wasn't a turn anymore, but rather the structure of the repertoire performed. The structure of the nawba evolved over time and varied from one place to another |
Nay | see ney |
Naymeh | Iranian fishermen's songs from Bushehr |
Nazad | nasard |
Nazard | nasard |
n.b. | abbreviation of nota bene (Latin: note well - observe carefully) |
NBC | abbreviation of 'National Broadcasting Company' |
N.C. | chords may be notated using chord symbols, for example, C, F#m, Badd9, etc. The symbols are written above the top staff of the written music usually where the chords change. Sometimes, when reading chord symbols, there may be a bar (or several of them) that has no chord symbol. In this case, the performer continues playing the same chord as indicated in the previous bar (or measure). N.C., meaning 'no chord', is used where no specific chord is to be used at that point in the music, although when the melodic material has a strong harmonic element the marking N.C. is probably inappropriate [entry prompted by Tammy Ford] |
Nconfi | a 5-stringed lyre of Congolese origin |
n.d. | abbreviation of 'no date of publication' |
Ndende | (Senegal) a low-pitched Wolof drum |
N'der | (Senegal) a high-pitched solo Wolof long drum, with open bottom, used in a sabar drum set |
Ndere | African end-blown flute |
Ndingidi | Ugandan one stringed fiddle |
Ndomu | (Central Africa) Pygmy bow harp |
NDLR | abbreviation of note de la rédaction (French: editor's note) |
Ndombolo | a variant of kwassa kwassa, a Congo dance form |
Ndongo | an African bowl lyre with eight-strings |
NDR | abbreviation of Norddeutscher Rundfunk (German) |
NdT | abbreviation of note du traducteur (French: translator's note) |
Ndzumara | (Comoros) a small flute |
Ne | (French) or n', used in French to mean 'not' |
Né | (French m.) born |
il est né (French: he was born), premier-né (French: first born), dernier-né (French: last born) |
NEA | abbreviation of 'National Endowment for the Arts' |
néanmoins | (French) nevertheless |
Néant | (French m.) nothingness, none |
le néant is used particularly with reference to existentialist philosophy |
Neapolitan chord |  in music theory, a Neapolitan chord (or simply a "Neapolitan") is a major chord built on the lowered second (supertonic) scale degree. It most commonly occurs in first inversion so that it is notated either as bII6 or N6 and normally referred to as a Neapolitan sixth chord |
Neapolitanische Opernschule | (German f.) Neapolitan school of opera |
neapolitanischer Sextakkord | (German m.) any chord built upon the flat second degree of the tonic key |
Neapolitan mandoline | see 'mandolin, mandoline' |
Neapolitan mass | also called 'cantata' mass, a style in which the text (especially the Gloria and Credo) is divided into a number of short sections or movements each set variously as arias and choruses in contrasting styles. Although this style was associated with early eighteenth-century Neapolitan composers, the greatest work of this style is Bach's Mass in B minor |
Neapolitan opera | see opera seria |
Neapolitan scale |  |
Neapolitan minor scale |  |
Neapolitan School | in the 18th century, a school of composition supposedly centred around Naples, comprising the likes of Alessandro Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Cimarosa, and others, many of whom were active outside Naples |
Neapolitan sixth | or 'Neapolitan sixth chord', the first inversion of a major chord on the flattened second degree (bII) of a major scale, also called a 'flat two chord', which in the key of C would be the notes F-A flat-D flat, called 'sixth' because it is a first inversion. Harmonically, the F-A flat-D flat followed by the triad E-G-C involves three descending semitones (F to E, Ab to G and Db to C) which provides the strong 'pull' between the triads. Altthough, from its name, one might expect it to have been a characteristic of music written by the Neapolitan school it is to be found beyond Naples and much earlier, for example, in the music of Purcell and Corelli |
an equivalent analysis of the chord would be to say that the chord is composed of a minor third and a minor sixth to the sub-dominant (4th degree) of the scale, although this would tend to mislead as to why it is called a 'sixth chord' |
Neapolitan sixth chord | see 'Neapolitan sixth', 'Neapolitan chord' |
Nearly | almost, quasi (Italian), beinahe (German), wie (German), presque (French) |
Near rhyme | another term for inexact rhyme or slant rhyme |
Nebel | (Hebrew) translated as 'psaltery' (1 Samuel 10:5), the name of various large harps |
Nebelhorn | (German n.) siren, foghorn |
neben | (German) near, 'at the side of', subsidiary |
Nebenbedeutung | (German f.) cobbotation |
Nebendominante | (German f.) secondary dominant |
Nebendreiklang (s.), Nebendreiklänge (pl.) | (German m.) secondary triad |
Nebeneingang | (German m.) side entrance |
Nebeneinkommen | (German n.) additional income |
Nebengebäude | (German n.) outbuilding |
Nebengedanke (s.), Nebengedanken (pl.) | (German m., literally 'subsidiary thought') accessory idea, secondary subject |
Nebendarsteller (m.), Nebendarstellerin (f.) | (German) supporting actor (m.), supporting actress (f.) |
Nebenbebäude | (German n.) outhouse |
nebeneinanderstellen | (German) to juxtapose |
nebeneinanderstellung | (German f.) juxtaposition |
Nebengeräusch | (German n.) background noise |
Nebenhandlung | (German f.) episode |
nebenher | (German) incidentally |
Nebenkosten | (German f.) extra charges, extra expenses |
nebenläufig | (German) concurrent |
Nebenlinie (s.), Nebenlinien (pl.) | (German f.) leger line, ledger line |
Nebennote (s.), Nebennoten (pl.) | (German f.) secondary note, auxiliary note |
Nebenregister | (German n.) secondary or accessory stops in an organ, such as couplers, tremulant, bells, etc. |
Nebenrolle | (German f.) bit part, minor part, minor role (in the theatre, etc.) |
nebensächlich | (German) accidental, incidental, circumstantial, indifferent, immaterial |
Nebensatz | (German m.) see Seitensatz |
nebenstehend | (German) accompanying |
Nebenstimme (s.), Nebenstimmen (pl.) | (German f.) subsiduary, subordinate or secondary voice or line, a term first used by Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) |
Nebenstimmen | (German f. pl.) secondary or mutation stops in an organ |
Nebenstunden | (German f.) off-peak hours |
Nebentätigkeit | (German f.) additional work |
Nebentonart | (German f.) secondary key area |
Nebenverdienst | (German m.) additional income |
Nebenzimmer | (German n.) adjoining room |
Nebesko | (Croatia) a folk dance with energetic jumps, found in the northern part of Croatia |
nébuleux (m.), nébuleuse (f.) | (French) nebulous, cloudlike, indistinct, vague |
Nebra Sky Disc | attributed to a site near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt in Germany, and associatively dated to c.1600 BC and associated with the Bronze Age Unetice culture, this bronze disk of around 30 cm diameter, with a blue-green patina, is inlaid with gold symbols. These are interpreted generally as a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades). Two golden arcs along the sides, marking the angle between the solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes (of uncertain meaning, variously interpreted as a Solar Barge with numerous oars, as the Milky Way or as a rainbow) |
nebst | (German) 'together with', including |
Nebula (s.), Nebulae (pl.) | (Latin) a luminous patch of gaseous or stellar matter lying in space beyond the solar system |
Nebuloso | (Spanish) misty, vague, indistinct |
necesidad acuciante de dinero | (Spanish) pressing need for money |
necesito alejarseme de todo | (Spanish) I need to get away from everything |
necesito que alguien me aconseje | (Spanish) I need some advice |
necesito silencio absoluto para poder escribir | (Spanish) I need total silence to be able to write |
Nécessaire | (French m.) a bag, kit |
le Nécessaire (French: the neccessities) |
nécessaire | (French) necessary |
nécessairement | (French) necessarily |
necessario | (Italian) necessary |
Nécessité | (French f.) necessity |
Nécessité fait loi. | (French) Beggars can't be choosers. |
nécessiter | (French) to necessitate |
Neck (of a stringed instrument) | manico (Italian m.), Hals (German m.), manche (French m.), the part of a stringed instrument which bears the finger- or fretboard |
Neck block | in a string instrument, the neck block is found inside of the body at the base of the neck. It provides a strong point where the neck in attached to, or mounted on, the body |
Necked lute |
a large family of related instruments many from the Middle East including: |
tanbur(s) | which includes long-necked lutes called tanbur, tambura, etc. but excluding those found in South Asia |
nefer(s) | spiked lute from North Africa |
pandour(s) | including the long-necked lutes of Ancient Greece and Byzantium, as well as pandir, panturi, fandyr, etc. |
saz(s) | Turkish long-necked lutes found in Asia Minor |
bozuq(s) | long-necked lutes found in the vicinity of the Arabian Peninsula |
sehtar(s) | the long-necked lutes of Iran |
dutar(s) | long necked lutes of Afghanistan and Central Asia |
dombra(s) | Central Asian and Eastern European lutes including dumbrak, dambura, dambiro, etc. |
sitar(s) and tamburas | long-necked lutes of South Asia excluding those found above |
neckisch | (German) teasing |
Neck pickup | on a guitar, a reference to the pickup closest to the neck |
Neck plate | in some models of guitar, a metal plate screwed to the neck which is the means to fastening the neck to the guitar body |
Neck press | equipment that uses gentle heat and pressure to straighten a guitar neck |
Neck reset | a procedure performed on guitars, the purpose of which is to restore the correct angle between the fingerboard bridge which provides the correct action needed to play the instrument |
Necrologia | (Spanish f.) obituary (column, etc.) |
Nécrologie | (French f.) obiturary (column, etc.) |
Necropolis | (Greek, literally 'city of the dead') an Egyptian burial ground |
Necrosis | (Latin, from Greek) the mortification of death of a piece of bone or tissue |
Nectar | (Latin, from Greek) the drink of the Gods (in Classical mythology), any delicious drink, the sugary fluid produced by plants and collected by bees |
Nederpop | a Dutch term that was invented during the early 1980s to name the sudden growth of Dutch language pop music from the Netherlands. The name roughly translates to Netherpop (obviously a play on the name of the country and of the language) |
- Nederpop from which this extract has been taken
Née | (French f.) born |
née Smith (French: [a woman] born with the surname 'Smith') |
Needle feeling | the sensation perceived by the operator when the insertion of an acupuncture needle reaches the acupuncture point |
Needle spring | the term pertains to some of the post and rod key designs found on key wind instruments in which round, tapered springs wedged into small post holes controlled key return for some or all of the keys that pivoted on a hinge rod assembly. They usually work in parallel to the axis of the key, and the narrow end of the spring is engaged by a small hook brazed to a key element |
Needle stick injury | accidental puncture of the skin by needles while in use or as a result of inappropriate disposal with the risk of introducing infectious agents |
neergaande Beweging | (Dutch) descending motion |
Néerlandais | (French m.) Dutch (language) |
Néerlandais (m.), Néerlandaise (f.) | (French) a person from the Netherlands, a Dutchman or Dutchwoman |
néerlandais (m.), néerlandaise (f.) | (French) Dutch |
Neerslag | (Dutch) downbeat |
neerwaartse Stok | (Dutch) downward stem (of a note) |
Nef | (French f.) nave |
Nefas | (Latin) not right, not proper (usually, socially or according to convention) |
néfaste | (French) harmful, ill-fated |
néfaste à | (French) harmful to |
Nefertiti [c.1370 BC - c.1330 BC] | the Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten |
Negarit | Ethiopian kettledrum, played with sticks |
Négatif (m.), Négative (f..) | (French) negative |
négatif (m.), négative (f..) | (French) negative |
Negativfilm | (German m.) negative (of photographic film) |
negen | (Dutch) nine |
negende | (Dutch) ninth |
negentig | (Dutch) ninty |
Neghinoth | (Hebrew) or Neginoth, a term prefixed to certain of the psalms which is believed to indicate that they were to be sung to particular tunes or accompanied or performed in a particular manner |
negli | (Italian pl.) in the, at the |
other forms include nel (s.), nella (s.), nello (s.), nell' (s.), nei (pl.), nelle (pl.) |
Negligé | (Spanish m.) négligée |
Négligé | (French) informal dress (especially that worn by a woman), a 'wrap', a thin dressing gown |
Negligee | (English, from French) a 'wrap', a thin dressing gown |
Negligencia | (Spanish f.) negligence, carelessness |
Negligente | (Spanish m./f.) negligent person, neglectful person, careless person |
negligente | (Spanish) negligent, neglectful, careless |
negligénte | (French) negligently, unconstrained, careless |
negligente | (Italian) negligently, unconstrained, careless |
negligentemente | (Italian) negligently, unconstrained, careless |
Negligenzia | (Italian) negligence, carelessness |
negociable | (Spanish) negotiable |
Negociación | (Spanish f.) negotiation |
Negociación colectiva | (Spanish f.) collective bargaining |
Negociado | (Spanish m.) department, section, shady deal (Latin America) |
Negociador (m.), Negociadora (f.) | (Spanish) negotiator |
negociador (m.), negociadora (f.) | (Spanish) negotiating |
Negociante | (Spanish m./f.) dealer |
Negocio de compraventa | (Spanish m.) second-hand shop |
Negozio di rigattiere | (Italian m.) junk shop |
Negra |  | (Catalan f., Spanish f.) a crotchet (quarter note), a note one quarter the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Negras por minuto | (Spanish) crotchets or quarter notes to the minute (a tempo marking) |
nègre | (French) Negro |
negrear | (Spanish) to turn black, to turn dark |
Negrero (m.), Negrera (f.) | (Spanish) black-slave trader, slave driver (figurative) |
negrero (m.), negrera (f.) | (Spanish) of the black slave trade |
Negri, Cesare (c.1535-c.1605) | Italian dancer and choreographer. Born in Milan, he founded a dance academy there in 1554. He was an active court choreographer for the nobility in Milan. He wrote Le Grazie d'Amore, the first text on ballet theory to expound the principle of the "five basic positions". It was republished in 1604 as Nuove lnventioni di Balli (New Inventions of the Dance) |
negrilla | (Spanish) bold (face) |
Negrillas | colonial Spanish villancicos written in rhythms understood to be the rhythms of African music with lyrics generally written in the creole dialect of West African slaves |
negrita | (Spanish) bold (face) |
Negrito nose flute | a nose flute from the Negrito (pygmy) peoples of Central Malaysia |
Négritude | (French) an idea of 'blackness', of 'belonging to a black culture', that developed in the 1930s led by a group that included the future Senegalese President Léopold Sédar Senghor, Martinican poet Aimé Césaire, and Léon Damas. The Négritude writers found solidarity in a common black identity as a rejection of French colonial racism. The term négritude was first used in 1935 by Aimé Césaire in the 3rd issue of L'Étudiant noir, a magazine which he had started in Paris with fellow students Léopold Senghor and Léon Damas, as well as Gilbert Gratiant, Leonard Sainville, and Paulette Nardal |
- Négritude from which this extract has been taken
Negro (m.), Negra (f.) | (Spanish) negro, negress |
Negro como el azabache | (Spanish) jet black |
Negro spiritual | (English, Spanish m., Negrospiritual (German m.)) see 'spiritual' |
NEH | abbreviation of 'National Endowment for the Humanities' |
nehmen | (German) to take |
nehmen nach und nach die Dämpfer ab | (German) remove mutes one by one (i.e. one player at a time) |
Nehrung | (German f.) a spit of land which nearly encloses the mouth of a river |
nei, nel, nello, nella, nell', nelle | (Italian) in the, at the (see also negli) |
Neiderstrich | (German m.) down-bow |
nei dintorni di | (Italian) in the vicinity of |
Neige | (French f.) snow, (in cooking) egg whites beaten to a froth |
neiger | (French) to snow |
Neighboring tone | (US) see 'neighbouring note' |
Neighbouring note | or 'neighbour note' (US, 'neighbor tone'), a non-harmonic note (tone) that leaves and returns to the same chord note by a tone (whole step) or semitone (half step) |
ne jamais | (French) never |
nel battere | (Italian) at the downbeat, on the accented part of the bar |
nel bel mezzo | (Italian) right in the middle |
nel corso di | (Italian) during |
Ne le prends pas sur ce ton | (French) Don't take it like that |
Neljännesosanuotti |  | (Finnish) crotchet or quarter note, a note one quarter the time value of a semibreve or whole note |
Neljännesosatauko |  | or |  | (Finnish) crotchet rest or quarter rest, a rest one quarter the time value of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
nella parte di sopra | (Italian) in the higher (or highest) part |
nell'insieme | (Italian) as a whole |
nel stilo antico | (Italian) in the ancient style |
nel tempo | (Italian) in time, in the previous time |
Nembutsu | songs originally used by Buddhist priests to popularize Buddhist teachings, but which, after substituting the Buddhist prayers with folk texts, became the songs that precede eisa dance |
nem.con. | abbreviation of nemine contradicente (Latin: with no opposition) |
the term is often used to mean 'unanimous' although this is incorrect. Nemine contradicente may still imply that there were abstentions |
nem.diss. | abbreviation of nemine dissentiente (Latin : with no one disagreeing) |
Nemesis | (Greek) the goddess of vengeance, retributive justice (an inevitable consequence of doing wrong) |
Ne mets pas tous tes oeufs dans le même panier. | (French) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. |
Nemine contradicente | (Latin, 'with no one speaking in opposition') with no opposition |
the term is often used to mean 'unanimous' although this is incorrect. Nemine contradicente may still imply that there were abstentions |
Nemine dissentiente | (Latin) with no one disagreeing |
Nemo propheta in patria (sua) | (Latin) 'no one is a prophet in their own country' |
Nene | (Spanish m./f.) baby, child |
Nenia | (Italian) naenia |
n'en pas se laisser | (French) to not be taken in, to be easily fooled |
ne pas arriver à | (French) to not be able to |
ne pas être dans son élément | (French) to be out of one's element |
ne pas être d'attaque | (French) to not feel up to it |
ne pas être en forme | (French) to not feel well |
ne pas être libre | (French) to not be free, to not be available |
ne pas laisser de | (French) to not fail to, to not refrain from |
ne pas laisser ... faire sans réagir | (French) to not let ... get away with |
ne pas réveiller le chat qui dort | (French) to let sleeping dogs lie |
ne pas ouvrir la bouche | (French) to not say a word |
ne pas pouvoir faire autrement que de | (French) to have no choice but to |
ne pas savoir ce que c'est la honte | (French) to have no shame |
ne pas savoir où donner de la tête | (French) to not know which way to turn |
ne pas savoir où se mettre | (French) to not know what to do with oneself |
ne pas se le faire dire deux fois | (French) not to have to be told twice |
Nénuphar | (French m.) waterlily |
neo | (Greek) a prefix indicating a revived interest in something old, for example, neo-classical and neo-romantic |
Neobarock | see Neubarock |
neoclásico | (Spanish) neo-classical, néoclassique (French), neoclassisch (German) |
Neoclassic | an adjective referring to the Enlightenment |
Neo-classical | (literally, 'new classicism') in music, a twentieth-century interest in concerto grosso form and contraputal writing, both associated with music from the classical period |
in European art and architecture, a style in vogue from the mid-eighteenth century until the end of the nineteenth century. Based as it was on the use of ancient Greek and Roman models and motifs, its development was greatly influenced by the excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum, and by the theories of the German art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717-1768). Intellectually and politically it was closely linked to the Enlightenment's rejection of the aristocratic frivolity of Rococo, the style of the Ancien Régime. Among Neoclassicism's leading figures were the French painter Jacques-Louis David (1744-1825), the German painter Anton Raffael Mengs (1728-1729), and the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822) |
Neoclassical ballet | a term describing the ballet style which uses traditional ballet vocabulary, but is generally more expansive than the classical structure allowed |
Neoclassic couplet | see 'heroic couplet' |
Neoclassicism | sometimes rendered as Neo-Classicism or Neo-classicism, the name given to quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture. These movements were in effect at various times - during the English Restoration, the Enlightenment and the early twentieth century. What any "neo"-classicism depends on most fundamentally is a consensus about a body of work that has achieved canonic status. These are the "classics." Ideally - and neoclassicism is essentially an art of an ideal - an artist, well-schooled and comfortably familiar with the canon, does not repeat it in lifeless reproductions, but synthesizes the tradition anew in each work. This sets a high standard, clearly; but though a neoclassical artist who fails to achieve it may create works that are inane, vacuous or even mediocre, gaffes of taste and failures of craftsmanship are not commonly neoclassical failings. Novelty, improvisation, self-expression, and blinding inspiration are not neoclassical virtues; neoclassicism exhibits perfect control of an idiom. It does not recreate art forms from the ground up with each new project, as modernism demanded. "Make it new" was the modernist credo of the poet Ezra Pound |
Neoclassic movement | another name for the Enlightenment |
néoclassique | (French) neo-classical, neoclásico (Spanish), neoclassisch (German) |
neoclassisch | (German) neo-classical, néoclassique (French), neoclásico (Spanish) |
Neoclassicismo | (Italian m.) neo-classicism |
Neo-Dada | the term refers to musicians who use elements of the bizarre and outrageous in an integral way. Picking up where the Dadaists left off, these artists assault you with an array of disparate influences and sounds, making strange and wonderful contributions to the world of music |
Neofito (s.), Neofiti (pl.) | (Italian) neophyte |
Neofolk | a form of folk music that emerged from European ideals and post-industrial music circles. Neofolk can either be solely acoustic folk music or a blend of acoustic folk instrumentation aided by varieties of accompanying sounds such as pianos, strings and elements of industrial music and experimental music. The genre encompasses a wide assortment of themes including traditional music, heathenry, romanticism and occultism. Neofolk musicians often have ties to other post-industrial genres such as neoclassical and martial music, or have links with Heathen circles and various other societies |
- Neofolk from which this extract has been taken
Neo-Gallican chant | a style of composition for the neo-Gallican religious movement in seventeenth-century France, consisting mainly of pseudo-plainchant |
Neo-grammarian | see Junggrammatiker |
neoklassisch | (German) neoclassical |
Neoklassizismus | (German m.) neoclassicism |
Néo kýma | (Greece) in the 1960s, a mixture of éntekhno and French chansons |
Neo-Latin | Latin forms or words (especially scientific ones) invented after the medieval period, as opposed to classical or medieval Latin as a naturally occurring language |
Neolatino | (Italian) neo-Latin, Romance |
neolitico | (French) neolithic |
Neologism | a word, term, or phrase which has been recently created ("coined") - often to apply to new concepts, or to reshape older terms in newer language form. Neologisms are especially useful in identifying inventions, new phenomena, or old ideas which have taken on a new cultural context. Occasionally, the neologism is so useful it becomes a part of common usage, such as the word 'new-fangled' that Chaucer invented in the 1300s |
Néologisme | (French m.) neologism |
Neologismo | (Italian) neologism |
neonato | (Italian) new-born |
Neonato (m.), Neonata (f.) | (Italian) new-born child, infant, baby |
Neoprene | a man-made fabric, used for wetsuits and other water sports attire that has a stiff, body hugging quality that seals body heat in |
Neo-progressive | or 'neo-prog', a sub-genre of rock music, a form of progressive rock developed and briefly popular in the 1980s, although it lives on today |
Neo-romantic | the use of nineteenth-century Romantic forms in twentieth-century idiom |
neoromantisch | (German) neo-Romantic |
Neoromantizismus | (German m.) neoromanticism |
Neo soul | a mixture of 1970s soul-styled vocals and instrumentation with a contemporary R & B sound and hip hop beats and rap interludes that appeared in the mid-1990s |
Neoteric | of recent origin, modern |
Neoterism | a neologism |
Neoterist | an innovator, expecially a coiner of new words |
Neotraditional country | also known as "new traditional" country, a country music style that rejects most elements of modern Top 40 country music. Neotraditional country emphasizes the instrumental background, and often even the dress and fashions, of country music of the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s. Some neotraditional artists are frequently associated with the alternative country movement |
see 'alternative country' |
Néo-zélandais (m.), Néo-zélandaise (f.) | (French) New Zealander |
néo-zélandais (m.) néo-zélandaise (f.) | (French) New Zealand |
Nepalese hip hop | |
Nepal pepper | timur, winged prickly-ash, a red sweet chilli (Zanthoxylum armatum) |
Nepalpfeffer | (German m.) or Flügelstachelige Stachelesche (German f.), Nepal pepper |
ne pas | (French) no, not |
ne pas être dans son assiette | (French) feel out of sorts |
ne pas mâcher ses mots | (French) not mince one's words |
Nepal pepper | timur, winged prickly-ash, a red sweet chilli (Zanthoxylum armatum) |
Nephilim | see naphil |
ne plus | (French) no longer, not any more |
ne plus avoir de raisons de vivre | (French) to have nothing left to live for |
ne plus ultra | (Latin) no further, beyond which one cannot go, the uttermost limit (usually of perfection) |
ne point | (French) no, not |
Nepotismo | (Italian m.) nepotism |
neppure | (Italian) not even |
ne que | (French) only |
Ne quittez pas. | (French) Please hold. (speaking on the telephone) |
Nequizia | (Italian f.) wickedness, iniquity |
Nera |  | (Italian f.) or semiminima, a crotchet (quarter note), a note one quarter the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
nerastro | (Italian) blackish |
Nerdcore hip hop | or geeksta rap, a subgenre of hip hop music that is performed by nerds, and is characterized by themes and subject matter considered to be of general interest to nerds |
Nereggiamento | (Italian m.) blackening |
nereggiare | (Italian) to turn black, to be nearly black, to appear black |
Neretto | (Italian m.) heavy type, thick type |
neretto | (Italian) blackish |
Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort. | (French) Let sleeping dogs lie. |
Nerezza | (Italian f.) blackness |
Nerf | (French m.) nerve, stamina (figurative: stamina) |
nericcio | (Italian) blackish |
ne rien avoir à perdre | (French) to have nothing to lose |
ne rien donner | (French) to have no effect |
ne rien laisser à désirer | (French) to be all that one could hope for |
ne rien laisser voir | (French) to show no sign of, to show no inkling of |
Nero | (Italian m.) a black man, a black boy, a man of colour |
nero | (Italian) black, dark, swarthy, brown (bread), gloomy |
Nerofumo | (Italian m.) lamp-black |
nerognolo | (Italian) blackish |
Nerone | (Italian m.) Nero |
Nerume | (Italian m.) quantity of black, black things |
Nervatura | (Italian f.) nervous system, ribbing (book-binding, architecture) |
nerveo | (Italian) nerve, of the nerves |
nerveusement | (French) nervously |
nerveux (m.), nerveuse (f.) | (French) nervous, nervy, nerve- (centre), responsive (car) |
Nervio | (Spanish m.) nerve, sinew |
nervioso | (Spanish) nervous, sinewy, highly-strung |
Nervo | (Italian m.) nerve, sinew, vein (leaf), rib (architecture), energy (figurative), vigour (figurative) |
nervosissima | (Italian) very nervous |
Nervosità | (Italian f.) nervousness |
Nervosité | (French f.) nervousness, touchiness (irritability) |
nervoso | (Italian) in an agitated or vigorous style, nervous, vigorous (style) |
nescientemente | (Italian) unknowingly, unwittingly |
n'est-ce pas? | (French) right? isn't that so? |
Nestinarstvo | (Bulgaria) the Nestinari dance in which villagers fell into a trance and danced on hot coals as part of the joint feast of Sts Konstantin and Elena on May 21 |
Nestorianism | the doctrine that Christ exists as two persons, the man Jesus and the divine Son of God, or Logos, rather than as two natures (True God and True Man) of one divine person. The doctrine is identified with Nestorius (c. 386-c.451), Archbishop of Constantinople. This view of Christ was condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431, and the conflict over this view led to the Nestorian schism, separating the Assyrian Church of the East from the Byzantine Church |
... n'est pas donné à tout le monde. | (French) Not everyone is gifted with ... |
NET | abbreviation of 'National Educational Television' |
net | (French) neat, clear, plain, neatly, clearly, plainly |
net, nette, netto, netta | (Italian) neat, clear, plain, neatly, clearly, plainly |
Nete | (Greek) the last and highest string of the lyre |
Ne tourne pas autour du pot! | (French) Don't beat around the bush! |
Netsuké | (Japanese) a small piece of carved wood or ivory worn by the Japanese on a cord suspended from the belt |
nett | (German) neat, clear, plain, neatly, clearly, plainly |
nettamente | (Italian) neatly, clearly, plainly (in a neat, clear, distinct style) |
Nette | (French) neatness, clarity, plainness |
nettement | (French) neatly, clearly, plainly (in a neat, clear, distinct style) |
Netteté | (French) neatness, clarity, plainness |
Nettheit | (German) neatness, clarity, plainness |
Nettigkeit | (German) neatness, clarity, plainness |
netto (m.), netta (f.) | (Italian) neat, clear, quick, nimble |
Network Improvisation | the Hub, formed in 1984 in and around San Francisco, by Tim Perkis, John Bischoff, Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Phil Stone, Chris Brown, and Mark Trayle, used a network approach to improvisation, where each player controlled an aspect of the same compostion |
- The Hub from which this extract has been taken
neu | (German) new |
(French) new |
Neuanfrage | (German f.) new request |
Neuaufl. | (German) abbreviation of Neuauflage (German: reprint, new edition) |
Neuauflage | (German f.) new edition, reprint, remake |
neu auflagen | (German) to reprint |
Neuausg. | (German) abbreviation of Neuausgabe (German: reissue, revival) |
Neuausgabe | (German f.) reissue, revival |
Neubarock | (German m.) or Neobarock, neobaroque |
neu belebend | (German) enlivening |
Neubesetzung | (German f.) recast (play, etc.) |
Neudruck | (German m.) reprint |
neue | (German) new |
neue Abdruck | (German m.) reissue |
Neue Bach-Ausgabe | the most recent effort by Bärenreiter, Kassel (from 1954) to publish a critical edition of J. S. Bach's entire musical oeuvre. It replaces the Gesamtausgabe der Bach-Gesellschaft that was published over a century ago |
Neue Bach-Gesellschaft | see Bach Gesellschaft |
neue Folge | (German f.) new series, new issue |
this term is used to distinguish the serial numbers of the volumes of a journal which has changed editorship or passed into different hands |
Neueinstudierung | (German f.) a fresh study of a work of art, a re-appraisal of an artist's intentions |
Neue Musik | (German f.) new music, contemporary music |
neue Reihe | (German f.) new series |
Neue Sachlichkeit | (German f., literally 'new objectivity') a German artistic movement from the late 1910s. The term Neue Sachlichkeit was first used by museum director Gustav Hartlaub in 1923 in preparation for an exhibition of recent paintings that he said were grounded in the depiction of reality. Two major trends were identified under Neue Sachlichkeit. The so-called Verists, including Otto Dix and George Grosz, aggressively attacked and satirized the evils of society and those in power and demonstrated in harsh terms the devastating effects of World War I and the economic climate upon individuals. Max Beckmann was connected with these artists. A second term, Magic Realists, has been applied to diverse artists, including Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Alexander Kanoldt, Christian Schad, and Georg Schrimpf, whose works were said to counteract in a positive fashion the aggression and subjectivity of 'German Expressionist' art. They employed a controlled manner and naturalistic coloring in painting unpeopled city views, seemingly airless spaces, escapist themes, portraits, and family scenes. Neue Sachlichkeit was replaced in the 1930s by the conservative style prescribed by the Nazis. In theatre and music the Neue Sachlichkeit movement found expression through Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) (1931) by Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) and Kurt Weill (1900-1950), in Brecht songs set by Hanns Eisler (1898-1962) and Paul Dessau (1894-1979) and in many of the German cabaret songs of this inter-war period |
neues Buch | (German n.) new book |
Neue Tanz | (German f.) the Ausdruckstanz movement, which flourished alongside the Bauhaus movement in art and architecture, in the work of Mary Wigman (1886-1973), a pioneer of German Expressionism in dance |
neuf | (French) nine |
(French) new |
Neufassung | (German f.) new version |
Neuinszenierung | (German f.) a new production or staging of a dramtic or operatic work |
Neuma | (Greek, Spanish f.) neume |
Neumae | (Latin) old term for divisions |
neumático | (Spanish) pneumatic |
Neumatic melody | a musical setting in which, in the main, there are two to six notes per syllable, although the occasional syllable may only contain a single note |
Neumatic notation | notation neumatique (French f.), notación neumática (Spanish f.), neumes are an ancient musical notation used to write down Gregorian chant, a monophonic singing style used by the Catholic church throughout its history |
the notation of neumes was never standardised although certain characteristics allow one to distinguish betwen them: |
type of notation | description | where used |
accent-neumes | use mainly strokes (virgae) in a cursive hand that make ligatures bound together | Sangallian (the abbey of St. Gall, in modern-day Switzerland), French (Isle de France), Norman (Laon, Chartres, Montpellier), Beneventan (from the monastery of St. Benevant in southern Italy) |
point-neumes | virga rarely used so that the ligatures are not tied | Aquitanian (southern France, also used in Spain), Paleofrankish |
mixed point and accent-neumes | employ both forms | Messine (from the monastery of Metz in northeast France) |
mixed point and accent-neumes | employing thicker-cut quills of the Gothic era, a darker, heavier form derived from Messine notation | Gothic or Hufnagel (in Germany Gothic neumes continued to be used until the sixteenth century) |
accent-neumes | employing thicker-cut quills of the Gothic era, darker heavier form derived from Norman notation | Square (in thirteenth-century England, Sarum chant was notated using square noteheads, a practice which subsequently spread throughout southern Europe) |
Neume (s.), Neumes (English pl.) | (English, German f., Dutch, Greek, literally 'gesture' or 'sign') a neum is a note or a group of notes (melisma) belonging to one syllable, one of the set of symbols (simple or compound) used in medieval times for writing music. Neumes are quite different from modern musical symbols, both in appearance and meaning |
Neumen | (German f. pl., Dutch) neumes |
Neumenschrift | (Dutch) neumatic notation |
Neumes, diastematic | see 'diastematic neumes' |
Neumes, heightened | see 'heightened neumes' |
neun | (German) nine |
Neunachteltakt | (German m.) 9/8 time |
neunte | (German) ninth |
Neunvierteltakt | (German m.) 9/4 time |
neunzehn | (German) nineteen |
neunzig | (German) ninety |
Neurasthenia | (Greek) functional nervous debility |
neuriend | (Dutch) mouth closed |
Neurofunk | commonly abbreviated 'neuro', a subgenre of 'Drum and bass' |
Neurofunk from which this extract has been taken |
Neurosis (s.), Neuroses (pl.) | (pseudo-Greek) a functional nervous disorder |
Neutral clef | see 'indefinite pitch clef' |
Neutral second | there is no such a thing as a quarter tone in Persian music, but there are two intervals not used in Western music. One is the neutral second, which is very flexible, but always noticeably larger than the minor second (half-step, semitone) of our western scale, and smaller than the major second (whole-step, tone). The other interval peculiar to some of the Persian modes is an interval which is larger than the major second, but not as large as an actual augmented second. In authentic Persian music the Western augmented second is not used |
neuve | (French) new |
Neuvième | (French) the interval of a ninth |
neuvième | (French) ninth, the interval of a ninth |
ne varietur | (Latin, literally 'that it may not vary') (a document, edition, etc.) intended to be definitive and authoritative |
Névé | (French m.) granulated snow on the upper part of a glacier, not yet compressed into ice |
Neven-toonaarden | (Dutch) related keys |
ne voir aucun mal à ... | (French) to not see any harm in ... |
New Acoustic Music | an alternative term for 'New Age music' |
New Age music | (English, Newage-Musik (German f.)) a compositional style conducive to meditation, produced by layering sounds over sounds to produce a deep, many-faceted wave of music, including natural sounds such as waves, rain, birds, wind, etc. |
New Beat | New Beat music was a contemptorary genre to Techno and House music from Detroit and Chicago respectively, although not intrinsically linked |
- New Beat from which this extract has been taken
New comedy | the Greek comedy the developed circa 300 BC, stressing romantic entanglements, wit, and unexpected twists of plot |
New Country | known also as 'Country Pop', 'Hot Country' or 'Poptry', 'New Country' is contemporary, highly produced, pop-oriented country music style, commonly played on commercial country-music radio and cable TV stations |
New Culture Movement (1917-1923) | a Chinese socio-cultural movement, embedded within which the movement for a 'New Literature' encouraged writing in the vernacular language, which had only just replaced classical Chinese as the country's official written language. In terms of genre, the New Literature drew heavily on Western examples, preferring the realist novel and short story over traditional romance, the spoken drama over Peking Opera and free verse over rhymed lyrics. The New Culture Movement, spearheaded by young, partly Western-educated intellectuals, was an anarchist movement that promoted Esperanto, forged links between social radicals and labor and helped to understand the Russian Revolution. It aimed to overthrow Confucian tradition and modernise China on the basis of science, democracy and respect for the freedom of the individual. Participants in this movement advocated all manners of change, reform or revolution, some more extreme than others. Perhaps the one thing on which all New Culture advocates agreed was the necessity to overhaul the Confucian family system and to allow young men and women to make their own life choices, including especially their choice of marriage partner. It culminated in the 'May Fourth Movement' of 1919 |
New England Contradance | an American traditional dance evolved from English country dance and European contredanse |
New England School | late nineteenth-century group of American New England composers, trained in the Germanic tradition, who aimed to create a music which was distinctly American but within the contemporary German aesthetic |
New England short O | in linguistics, this term refers to the lax vowel used by some New Englanders in road and home corresponding to tense [o] in standard English |
New Flamenco | see Nuevo Flamenco |
New Forest Shakers [1872-1886] | founded by Mary Ann Girling, a community of 160 'Shakers' who lived at New Forest Lodge, Hordle, Hampshire. They were the followers of Mrs Girling who they saw as a female messiah. They were evicted from the Lodge in 1875 and moved to a farm at Tiptoe |
New German organ tablature | or NGOT - according to Ibo Ortgies this should be more properly termed New German 'Organist's' tablature to discern it from the Old GOT that used letters only in the lower parts (tenor, bass), while the treble was written in mensural notation. The later NGOT gave up the mensural notation of the treble and was an all-letter-notation - the way in which organists from Northern Germany notated not only organ compositions (i.e. study material for improvisation and composition), but also vocal-instrumental repertoire. The first known source in NGOT is in the hand of the famous painter Albrecht Dürer from some time at the beginning of the 16th century! NGOT was spread in Germany in it's then boarders of the Holy Roman Empire (even in print, especially in the earlier phase, like Wolz, Bernhard Schmid, et al.), and regions influenced by German culture, especially Scandinavia, the Baltic area in general, and the Netherlands. The tradition faded out shortly after about 1700 - due, among other reasons, to the rise of modern minor-major tonality that made notation of remote keys awkward. Also the newer staff notation had advantages to the letter notation. Bach, early on in his career. Later in his life he used it to notate some of his own music (for example the Orgel-Büchlein et al. - where he seems to have used it only when running out of space, making good use of the place-saving properties of NGOT) and that of others (for example the recently discovered and probably earliest extant copies of the large chorale fantasias by Buxtehude and Reincken) |
Newgrass | see 'progressive bluegrass' |
New jack swing | (English, New Jack Swing (German m.)) or 'swingbeat', is a hybrid style popular from the late-1980s into the mid-1990s, which fuses the rhythms, samples and production techniques of hip-hop with the urban contemporary sound of R&B |
Newlyn Artists Colony [1883-c.1914] | artists settled in Newlyn after a series of summer painting seasons. Some had been at the French artists colonies. They lived in lodgings and used fishermen's huts as studios. An art school and gallery were set up. The artists ran an Amateur Dramatic Society and played an annual cricket match with the colony at St Ives |
Newman, John Henry (1801-90) | author of the poem The Dream of Gerontius set to music by Edward Elgar (1857-1934) |
New Music | see 'contemporary music' |
New musicology | the cultural study, analysis, and criticism of music. It is often based on the work of Theodor Adorno (and Walter Benjamin) and feminist, gender studies, or postcolonial hypotheses. As Susan McClary says, "musicology fastidiously declares issues of musical signification off-limits to those engaged in legitimate scholarship," including politics |
New Negro Movement | see 'Harlem Renaissance' |
New Philharmonic pitch | in England, the name of a pitch also called Diapason Normal or Concert where a'=439 Hz at 68° Fahrenheit (middle C=261 Hz.). The Old Philharmonic or military (Kneller Hall) pitch was higher (a'=455 Hz. and middle C = 270Hz.) |
New Objectivity | see Neue Sachlichkeit |
New Orleans blues | the phrase New Orleans blues is sometimes used to refer to a type of blues or R & B music that is characterized by extensive use of piano and horn sections, complex rhythms and celebratory lyrics. The lazy, plodding rhythms are perhaps most distinctive of all of Louisiana blues |
New Orleans jazz | an early style of jazz originating in New Orleans in the first two decades of the twentieth century, produced by small ensembles and involving improvisation based on formulas and conventional figurations |
New Romanticism | a term applied to the 'neo-romanticism' movement that flourish in 1970s United States |
New Romantic | a 'new wave' music subgenre and fashion movement that occurred primarily in England during the early 1980s |
New Simplicity | a 1970s movement among composers from Germany, Holland and Scandinavia who had been hugely influenced by American 'minimalism' |
Newsprint | low-cost, non-archival paper most commonly used to print newspapers, plus other publications and advertising material. It usually has an off-white cast and distinctive feel. It is designed for use on printing presses that employ a long web of paper (web offset, letterpress and flexographic) rather than individual sheets of paper |
New Testament | the latter part of the Bible, particular to the Christian religion, detailing the life, death and resurrection of Christ and its aftermath |
New Wave | an American response to punk rock, utilising poetic lyrics and simple melodies |
New Wave of New Wave | or 'NWONW', a term coined by music journalists to describe a sub-genre of the British alternative rock scene in the early 90s. NWONW bands typically consisted of young, white, working class males playing guitar-based rock music. The movement was short lived and several of the bands involved were later linked with the more popular and commercially successful Britpop |
New York blues | a type of blues music, characterized by significant jazz influences and a more modernized, urban feel than the country blues. It arose in New York City in the early part of the twentieth century, and quickly spread to other urban areas and, often, more affluent listeners than country blues, which is distinctively rural in nature |
New Zealand hip hop | |
Nexo | (Spanish m.) link |
Nexus | (Greek) old term for a phrase or sequence |
(Latin) a link or connection, a cluster of connected ideas or images suggested by a single stimulus |
Nexus anacamptos | (Greek) descending |
Nexus circumstans | (Greek) descending and ascending |
Nexus rectus | (Greek) ascending |
Ney | (from old Persian ney, literally 'reed') a Middle Eastern flute, the ney, probably the oldest pitched instrument known to man, is an oblique rim blown reed flute with five finger holes in front and one thumb hole in the back. It is one of the principle instruments in traditional Persian music. The ney has a range of two and a half octaves. The upper end is covered by a short brass cylinder which is anchored in the tiny space between the player's upper incisors. Sound is produced when a stream of air is directed by the tongue toward the opening of the instrument. In this way, sound is produced behind the upper teeth, inside the mouth, which gives the ney a distinct timbre than that of the sound produced by the lips on the outside of the mouth |
Ney-anbon | Iranian bagpipe, the earliest-known bagpipe, originating thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia |
Ney-hindi | Indian flute played in Iran |
Neylavak | (Iran) a wooden transverse flute with a tapered bore |
- Neylavak from which this information has been taken
Nez | (French m.) nose |
NF | abbreviation of norme française (French: approved French standard of manufacture, French seal of approval) |
Nga chen | large pan-like bass drums, struck with curved drumsticks, by Tibetan monks as part of Buddhist rites |
Ngbiti | the mouht bow of the Aka Pygmies |
Ngo | (Bali) a free reed instrument cut from a pice of sugar cane bark. The back surface of the instrument is placed tightly against the lips, and a sound is made by inhaling and exhaling |
- Ngo from which this information has been taken
Ngoma | also known as palo ("stick") drums, the ngoma were the instruments used in ceremonies and celebrations of the Palo Order. This religion was brought to Cuba by various ethnic groups of the Bantu peoples. The ngoma ensemble may have two, three or four drums of different sizes which together produce complicated cross-rhythms. In general these drums are barrel-shaped, although sometimes they may also be of a tubular cylindrical shape. They have a single head stretched over the upper opening while the lower end is open. The head is tacked to the wooden body of the instrument and its tone is brightened by placing it near a fire |
each drum is named in reference to the function it serves: |
caja | the largest drum, also called llamador (caller) |
mula | the middle-sized drum, also called segundo and dos y dos |
cachimbo | the smallest drum, also called quinto |
the ngoma drum can be played with the drummer seated with the drum between the legs and resting on the ground. The drumhead is struck with both hands using both palms and fingers. Occasionally the drummer might strike the head with one or two sticks. The resulting cross-rhythms underlay the improvisations of a singer alternating with responses sung by a chorus. The music may serve a religious purpose for a ritual of the Palo Order, although it is also used for secular celebrations staged by people of Congo heritage. The ngoma or palo drums are also used to accompany the kinfuiti drum. This practice, however, survives only in the village of Quiebra Hacha in the province of Havana, Cuba
Ngombi | (Central Africa) a stringed instrument from the Baka forest people of southeast Cameroon and the Central African Republic. The strings are made from fibres that run the length of a bamboo stem. If a string breaks, another can be separated from the body of the instrument. It is also known as the arched harp |
Ngomi | extended improvised musical works, performed by orchestras made up of a dozen or so mbila (a xylophone from Mozambique, plural form timbila), the music, associated with the Chopi people of the coastal Inhambane region |
N'goni | or ngoni, from Burkina Faso, Niger, Sengal and Mali, a small traditional four-stringed lute in the form of a teardrop, also known as koni in Gambia |
Nguga | Tanzanian Gogo ankle bells |
Nguyeät | (Vietnam) also called the kìm, a guitar-like instrument with a long neck, which emits muted sounds, having 2 strings made of silk braid |
Nhac Hue | (Vietnam) Hue music, one of the two genres of Vietnamese chamber music |
Nhac tài tu | (Vietnam) tài tu music, one of the two genres of Vietnamese chamber music |
NHK | Nippon Houso Kyokai (Japanese Broadcasting Company) housed the first institutional electronic music studio in Japan, founded in 1955 |
Nhò | (Vietnam) a fiddle with two braided silk strings and a resonator covered with a snake skin membrane |