AE | abbreviation of 'acoustic emission', 'adult education' |
ae. | abbreviation of aetatis (Latin) 'at the age of', 'aged' |
AEA | abbreviation of 'acoustic emission analysis' |
AEd | abbreviation of 'Associate in Education' |
Aediles | the Roman censors under the early Emperors who were required to approve or reject any play or musical work intended for public performance |
Aedui | or Haedui, Gallic people, occupying in the 1st century BC a part of what later became Burgundy |
a efecto de | (Spanish) with the purpose of |
a efectos de | (Spanish) with the object of, with the purpose of |
a efectos de jubilación | (Spanish) pensionable |
AEFM | abbreviation of Association européenne des festivals de musique (French: European Association of Music Festivals) |
a.e.g. | abbreviation of 'all edges gilt', a term used in bookbinding |
à égalité | (French) equal |
Aegean Bronze-Age music |
there is no music surviving from this period but there is a wealth of archeological evidence that instruments were played during the Bronze-Age, from its dawning on the Cycladic Isles in the third millennium BC to its later flowering in Minoan Crete and then in the Mycenaean centres and finally to its mysterious disappearance in the twelfth century BC |
Cycladic culture (Crete) | in the Aegean sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea), north of Crete lies a group of small islands known as the Cyclades. On one of these, the island of Keros, two marble statues from the late Neolithic culture called Early Cycladic culture (2900 BC-2000 BC) were discovered together in a single grave in the nineteenth century. They depict a standing double flute player and a sitting musician playing a triangular-shaped lyre or harp. The harpist is approximately 23 cm (nine inches) high and dates to around 2700-2500 BC. The meaning of these and many other figures is not known; perhaps they were used to ward off evil spirits or had religious significance or served as toys or depicted figures from mythology |
Minoan culture (Crete) | while very little Minoan culture remains for us - no writings, music, or religious texts - we do have Minoan art which includes painting, pottery and frescoes |
Mycenaean culture (mainland Greece) |
Aegis | (Latin, from the Greek) shield, protection, patronage |
a reference to the shield of Zeus which was made by Hephaestus the god of fire and covered with the skin of the goat Amalthea who had suckled Zeus as an infant. Hence, 'under the aegis of' meaning 'under the protection of' |
Aegrotat | (Latin, literally 'he is ill') a certificate leading to an unclassed degree awarded to an undergraduate who is too ill to attend University examinations |
aehnlich | (German) similar, like [corrected by Isabel Sterner] |
a elección | (Spanish) ad libitum |
a ella le toca | (Spanish) it's her turn, it's her move |
a ellas les toca | (Spanish) it's their turn, it's their move |
a él le toca | (Spanish) it's his turn, it's his move |
a ello | (Spanish) thereto |
a ellos les toca | (Spanish) it's their turn, it's their move |
a empellones | (Spanish) by force, pushing violently |
a empujones | (Spanish) by force, by fits and starts, in jerks, roughly, brusquely |
AEn | abbreviation of 'Associate in English' |
aendern | (German) ändern |
Aenderung | (German) Änderung |
aendrede | (Danish) revised |
aengstlich | (German) anxiously |
à en-tête | (French) headed |
Æola | a deluxe 8-sided model of the standard 6-sided concertina, produced by C. Wheatstone & Co. from about 1900. Before the 8-sided model, the name was used by Wheatstone for a deluxe 6-sided model (1890-1900) [information supplied by Jim Lucas] |
Æolian attachment | a device often attached to a pianoforte, which prolongs the vibrations, increases the volume of sound, etc., by forcing a stream of air upon the strings |
Æolian harp | (named for Aeolus, the Greek god of the four winds) a box across which lie strings of various thicknesses, stretched and tuned in unison, which when placed in a window and the strings are excited by the wind, emits chords of harmonics, believed to have originiated in India and China |
Æolian lyre | alternative name for the Æolian harp |
Æolian mode | (Aeolian or Æolian, of or pertaining to Æolia or Æolis, in Asia Minor, colonized by the Greeks, or to its inhabitants) or 'Aeolian mode', the fifth Authentic mode of the ancient Greeks |
the authentic mode on A |
a mode consisting of the rising interval sequence T-S-T-T-S-T-T (T=tone or whole-step, S=semitone or half-step), equivalent to the natural-minor mode |
Æolian piano | see Aeolsklavier |
Æolian pipe | one of a group of 'violin' or 'string' pipes with a delicate, bright tone, found on many German Orchestrions |
Æolian twins | a term suggested by Ger Tillekens, for major-minor relatives, that is analogous to 'Dorian twins' |
Æolidicon | or Æolodion, the earliest 'accordion-like' instrument, constructed in 1800 by J. T. Eschenbach of Hamburg, which was a bellows-blown keyboard instrument with free reeds. This was followed by numerous other free reed instruments, all with exotic names: Melodeon,
Seraphine, etc.
They varied in size and shape, from foot-bellows blown to hand-bellows blown, sometimes with wooden reeds vibrated by a metal roller or vice versa, some purely melodic to be attached to and used with a pianoforte, and from this assortment eventually emerged the foot-blown harmonium or 'reed organ', the hand-operated accordion and concertina, and the mouth-blown harmonica or 'mouth-organ' |
Æolina | a chord harmonica, on which one can play chords in a limited number of keys (for example, C, D, and G), is the precursor of the modern harmonica |
Æoline | a reed stop in an organ, in imitation of the Æolian harp |
Æoline bells | wind chimes in the shape of bells, each being tuned to a different pitch |
Æoline reed | a soft-string organ stop |
Aeolische mode | (Dutch) Æolian mode |
Æolodicon | see Æolidicon |
Æolodion | see Æolidicon |
Æolomelodicon | also called Choralion or Choraleon (for 'hymn accompaniment'), a small free-reed organ invented by Hoffmann, and built in Warsaw in 1825, on which the player could modify both the character and the volume of its sound |
Æolopantalon | a combination of the Æolomelodicon and the piano, invented in 1825 by Dlugosz of Warsaw, and played on in recitals by the young Chopin |
Æolophon | a free-reed organ manufactured by Day and Münch (c.1830), with a range of six octaves and fitted with three pedals, one for operating the bellows, the others for regulating the swell |
(German) or Windmaschine, wind machine |
Aeolsklavier | (German n.) an obsolete keyboard wind instrument invented in 1825 by Schortmann of Buttelstädt, with wooden reeds, which produced a soft pleasing tone |
Æolus modus | (Latin) Æolian mode |
à épisodes | (French) serialized |
aequal | (German from Latin) a term signifying 'of eight feet', and is applied to organ stops |
Aequalstimmen | (German f. pl.) the 8 ft., pipes in an organ |
(German f. pl.) equal voices |
Æquisonans | (Latin) unison, of the same, or like, sound |
Æquisonant | (Latin) unison of the same, or like, sound |
Æquisonus | (Latin) unison of the same, or like, sound |
Æquivagans | (Latin) a term used to signify that all the parts in a passage of music deviate from the natural order of the bar as the same time |
Æquo animo | (Latin) quietly, with serenity |
AERA | abbreviation of 'Associated Engaver, Royal Academy' |
Áere | (Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) a tune or aire of a song or ditty |
aéré | (French), aereo (Italian) arioso (Italian), airy, luftig (German) |
aereo | (Italian) arioso (Italian), airy, luftig (German), aéré (French), aéreo (Spanish) |
aéreo | (Spanish) air, aeril (photograph), overhead (wires), flimsy (figurative) |
aérer | (French) to lighten (text) |
Aérobic | (French) aerobics |
Aerobica | (Italian f.) aerobics |
Aeróbica | (Spanish f.) aerobics |
Aerobic dance | a form of dance exercise |
aerobico | (Italian) aerobic |
Aerodeslizador | (Spanish m.) hovercraft |
Aerodinámica | (Spanish f.) aerodynamics |
aerodinámico (m.), aerodinámica (f.) | (Spanish) aerodynamic |
Aeródromo | (Spanish m.) aerodrome |
aerodynamisch | (German) aerodynamic |
aeroespacial | (Spanish) aerospace |
Aerofaro | (Spanish m.) beacon |
Aerofono (s.), Aerofoni (pl.) | (Italian m.) aerophone |
Aerofono ad ancia doppia | (Italian m.) double-reed aerophone |
Aerofono ad ancia libera | (Italian m.) free-reed aerophone |
Aerofono ad ancia semplice | (Italian m.) single-reed aerophone |
Aerofono con tastiera e leve | (Italian m.) keyed aerophone |
Aerofono senza tastiera e leve | (Italian m.) unkeyed aerophone |
Aérogramme | (French) airmail letter, aerogram (in the US) |
Aerolito | (Spanish m.) meteorite |
Aeronauta | (Spanish m./f.) aeronaut |
Aeronáutica | (Spanish f.) aeronautics |
aeronáutico (m.), aeronáutica (f.) | (Spanish) aeronautical |
Aeronautik | (German f.) aeronautics |
aeronautisch | (German) aeronautical, aeronautically, aeronautic |
Aeronave | (Spanish f.) airship |
Aerophagie | (German f.) aerophagy, aerophagia |
Aerophagia | or aerophagy, a condition that occurs when a person swallows too much air, which goes to the stomach. It causes abdominal bloating, frequent belching and may cause pain |
Aerophon | (German n.) aerophone |
see 'Aerophor' |
Aerophone | (from two Greek words for air, aeros and sound, phone) in the Sachs-Hornbostel hierarchical scheme for classifying musical instruments, aerophones are instruments such as flutes, whistles, organ pipes and horns that produces sound by using air as the primary mechanism for generating vibrations |
Aerophor | or Aerophon, an instrument invented by B. Samuels in 1912, which supplements the air from a wind-instrument player by that from a small foot-operated bellows placed on the floor which the player utilizes when long-held notes, or extended melodies require an air capacity beyond that of the player alone |
Aeroplane waltz | one of the most popular dances in its time that was often used in connection with the Hesitation waltz. Joan Sawyer helped make this dance popular in the early 1910s and is a very pretty dance for children. The Aeroplane waltz was dedicated to a Mr. Wm. P. Baltz, Philadelphia, PA. and was originally danced to Come Josephine in my Flying Machine, but can be any 3/4 tempo waltz with dancers in tango dance position |
Aeropuerto | (Spanish m.) airport |
Aerosol | (English, German n., Spanish m.) pressurized container releasing a substance as a fine spray, system of minute particles suspended in gas (for example, fog or smoke) |
Aes. | abbreviation of Aesop, (sixth century BC, Greek author of fables) |
AES | abbreviation of 'Audio Engineering Society' |
a esa edad | (Spanish) at that age |
a esa razón | (Spanish) to that matter |
a esas alturas ya no me importaba | (Spanish) by that stage I didn't mind |
a esa velocidad | (Spanish) at that speed |
a escala nacional | (Spanish) at a national scale, nation-wide, nationwide |
a escape | (Spanish) at breakneck speed |
a escobazos | (Spanish) with a broom |
a escondidas | (Spanish) in secret, behind one's back, on the quiet, on the sly, under the counter, under the table, furtively |
a escondidas de | (Spanish) behind, without the knowledge of |
a escondidas de ellas | (Spanish) behind their back |
a escondidas de ellos | (Spanish) behind their back |
a escondidas mías | (Spanish) behind my back, at my back |
a escondidas suyas | (Spanish) behind your back, behind their back |
a escopetazos | (Spanish) with a shotgun |
a escuadra | (Spanish) at right angles |
a ese entonces | (Spanish) by that time, by the time |
a ese lugar | (Spanish) to that place, thereto, thereunto |
a ese motivo | (Spanish) to that matter, to that reason, thereto, thereunto |
a ese paso | (Spanish) at that rate, at that speed, at this rate |
a ese respecto | (Spanish) in that regard, in that connection, in that respect |
a ese ritmo | (Spanish) at that rate, at this rate |
a eso | (Spanish) thereto, thereunto |
a eso de | (Spanish) at about, around, about, at the approximate time of, at approximately |
Aesop | a deformed Phrygian slave (c.620-560 BCE) who is the traditional author of a collection of animal fables. Many of the fables predate him and are found on Egyptian papyri dating almost 1000 years earlier |
a eso quiero llegar | (Spanish) that's what I'm driving at, that's the point I'm trying to make, that's what I'm trying to say, that's what I mean |
a espaldas | (Spanish) behind someone's back |
a espaldas de | (Spanish) behind |
a espaldas de él | (Spanish) behind his back, at his back, behind him |
a espaldas de ella | (Spanish) behind her back, at her back, behind her |
a espaldas de ellas | (Spanish) behind their back, at their back, at their backs |
a espaldas de ellos | (Spanish) behind their back, at their back, at their backs |
a espaldas de usted | (Spanish) behind your back, at your back |
a espaldas mías | (Spanish) behind my back, behind me, hidden from me |
a espaldas nuestras | (Spanish) behind our back |
a espaldas suyas | (Spanish) behind your back, at your back, behind you, at his back, at her back, behind your back, behind their back |
a espaldas tuyas | (Spanish) behind your back, behind you |
a espaldas vuestras | (Spanish) behind your back |
a espetaperro | (Spanish) at breakneck speed, like a bat out of hell |
a esta distancia | (Spanish) at this distance |
a esta hora | (Spanish) by this time, at this time, at this hour, by now |
a estas alturas | (Spanish) at this stage, by that stage, by now, till now, this late on, at this point, at this advanced stage, at this juncture, at this time of day |
a estas alturas del año | (Spanish) this late on in the year |
¡a estas alturas me vienes con eso! | (Spanish) you wait till now to bring this to me! |
a estas alturas ya deberías conocerlo | (Spanish) you should know him by now |
a esta sazón | (Spanish) at this juncture |
a estas fechas | (Spanish) by now, by this time |
a estas horas | (Spanish) at this time, now, by now |
a esta velocidad | (Spanish) at this speed |
a este efecto | (Spanish) for that purpose, to that end |
a este fin | (Spanish) to this end, hereto |
a este paso | (Spanish) at this rate, at this speed |
a este respecto | (Spanish) in this respect, in this regard |
a este ritmo | (Spanish) at this rate |
a este tono | (Spanish) in this way |
a este tren | (Spanish) at this rate (colloquial) |
aesth. | abbreviation of 'aesthetics' |
Aesthesiophysiology | the physiology of sensation and the sense organs |
Aesthetic distance | an effect of tone, diction, and presentation in poetry creating a sense of an experience removed from irrelevant or accidental events |
Aesthetic Institution [1839-1842] | J. P. Greaves developed his ideas on sacred socialism at 49 Burton St., Bloomsbury, London whilst gathering a group of followers together through meetings at his house and writing articles for the Monthly Magazine |
Æstheticism | the belief that the pursuit of beauty is the most important goal, and that it is the artist's duty to orchestrate selected elements from nature into a composition that, like music, exists for its own sake, without regard to moral or didactic issues. This belief developed from the view held by the influential German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) that art can be judged only by its own criteria and not by anything external to it. Flourishing in the nineteenth century, it carries now the connotation of decadence or preciousness. Also spelled 'estheticism'. It is often associated with the fin de siècle circle of writer Oscar Wilde (English, born Ireland, 1854-1900), painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American, 1834-1903), and illustrator Aubrey Beardsley (English, 1872-1898) but among its most severe critics were John Ruskin (1819-1900) and William Morris (1834-1896) |
"l'art pour l'art" (art for art's sake) Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) French writer |
"I have one aim - the grotesque. If I am not grotesque I am nothing" Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) English illustrator
Æsthetic judgment | beauty is an important part of our lives. Ugliness too. It is no surprise then that philosophers since antiquity have been interested in our experiences of and judgments about beauty and ugliness. They have tried to understand the nature of these experiences and judgments, and they have also wanted to know whether these experiences and judgments were legitimate. Both these projects took a sharpened form in the twentieth century, when this part of our lives came under a sustained attack in both European and later in American intellectual circles. Much of the discourse about beauty since the eighteenth century had deployed a notion of the 'aesthetic', and so that notion in particular came in for criticism. Perhaps this disdain for the aesthetic has roots in a broader cultural Puritanism, which fears the connection between the aesthetic and pleasure. Even to suggest, in the recent climate, that an artwork might be pleasurable, as opposed to cognitively, morally or politically beneficial, is to court derision. The twentieth century has not been kind to the notions of beauty or the aesthetic. Nevertheless, there are some thinkers who are unperturbed by the relatively recent turn against these ideas. These thinkers - philosophers, as well as others in the study of particular arts - have persevered in thinking about beauty and the aesthetic, despite the unfashionableness of these topics |
Æsthetic response | an emotional response one may experience while listening to music because of perceptions of interacting musical elements which create unity and variety, tensions and resolutions |
Æsthetics | the philosophy of art, the theory of taste |
the science of the beautiful, expressive, sublime or pleasurable in art |
in music, the field of study that follows upon questions such as 'What is music?', 'Does music express emotions?', 'Is music a language?', and so on |
Æsthetics of music | the study of the relationship of music to the human senses and intellect [definition taken from Harvard Dictionary of Music by Willi Apel] |
Æsthetic value | the value (worth) a thing or event has due to its capacity to evoke pleasure that is recognized as arising from features in the object traditionally considered worthy of attention |
Aestivate | or 'estivate', sleep during summer |
a estratos | (Spanish) layered |
aet. | abbreviation of aetatis (Latin: at the age of, aged) |
Aetatis (suae) | (Latin) aged ... (always followed by a number) |
Aetiological tale | myths and stories both serious and fanciful, that offer reasons for why certain things exist (or have existed in the past) and for their properties and/or behaviour |
Aeuia | abbreviated form of Alleluia, used occasionally in manuscripts of Gregorian chant |
aeussere Stimmen | (German also äussere Stimmen or äußere Stimmen, the outer parts [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
aeusserst | (German) also äusserst or äußerst, extremely |
aeusserst rasch | (German) also äusserst rasch, äußerst rasch, extremely quick |
Aevia | abbreviated form of Alleluia, used occasionally in manuscripts of Gregorian chant |
a excepción de | (Spanish) with the exception of, aside from, exception made of, other than |
a expensas de | (Spanish) at the expense of, at the expenses of |
a expensas de ellas | (Spanish) at their expense |
a expensas de ellos | (Spanish) at their expense |
a expensas de otros | (Spanish) at the expense of others, at other people's expense, at someone else's expense |
a expensas mías | (Spanish) at my expense |
a expensas nuestras | (Spanish) at our expense |
a expensas suyas | (Spanish) at your expense, at his expense, at her expense |
a expensas tuyas | (Spanish) at your expense |
a expensas vuestras | (Spanish) at your expense |
AF | abbreviation of Académie Française (French literary academy) |
abbreviation of 'audiofrequency' or 'autofocus' |
a.f. | abbreviation of anno futuro (Latin: next year) |
A/F | abbreviation of 'as found' (a term used in auction catalogues) |
AFA | abbreviation of 'Associate in Fine Art' |
Afabilidad | (Spanish f.) affability |
afable | (Spanish) affable |
a falta de | (Spanish) for lack of, for want of, in default of, in the absence of, failing |
a falta de mejor expresión | (Spanish) for want of a better expression, for lack of a better expression |
a falta de pan buenas son cemitas | (Spanish) beggars can't be choosers |
a falta de pan buenas son las tortas | (Spanish) half a loaf is better than none, we'll just have to make do |
a falta de pan buenas son tortas | (Spanish) half a loaf is better than none, we'll just have to make do |
a falta de pan las tortas son buenas | (Spanish) we'll just have to make do |
a falta de pan tortillas | (Spanish) half a loaf is better than none |
a falta de una mejor expresión | (Spanish) for lack of a better expression, for want of a better expression, lacking a better expression |
a falta de una mejor forma de expresarlo | (Spanish) for lack of a better expression, for want of a better expression, lacking a better expression |
afamado (m.), afamada (f.) | (Spanish) famous, well-known |
Afán | (Spanish m.) hard work, thirst (eagerness), desire, eagerness, zeal, effort, hurry (Colombia) |
afanado (m.), afanada (f.) | (Spanish m.) busy (person), in a hurry (Colombia, Peru) |
afanar | (Spanish) to pinch (familiar: steal), to nick (familiar: steal), to lift (familiar: steal) |
afanar la cartera | (Spanish) to pinch his wallet, to nick his wallet, to lift his wallet |
afanarse | (Spanish) to strive, to toil |
afanarse en | (Spanish) to toil at |
afanarse en hacer ... | (Spanish) to strive to do ... (something) |
afanarse por hacer ... | (Spanish) to strive to do ... (something) |
afanarse por triunfar | (Spanish) to strive to succeed, to one's best to succeed |
Afán de agradar | (Spanish m.) eagerness to please |
Afán de aprender | (Spanish m.) eagerness to learn |
Afán de aventuras | (Spanish m.) thirst for adventure |
Afán de hacer ... | (Spanish m.) eagerness to do ... (something) |
a fanegadas | (Spanish) in great abundance, abundantly, plentifully |
afanoso (m.), afanosa (f.) | (Spanish) laborious, keen, eager, hard, tough |
afastado | (Portuguese) degagé (French) |
a favor | (Spanish) in favour, pro |
a favor de | (Spanish) in favour of, for the benefit of, in favour of, in support of, on the side of |
a favor de él | (Spanish) on his behalf, in his favour |
a favor de ella | (Spanish) on her behalf, in her favour |
a favor de ellas | (Spanish) on their behalf, in their favour |
a favor de ellos | (Spanish) on their behalf, in their favour |
a favor de nosotros | (Spanish) on our behalf, in our favour |
a favor de usted | (Spanish) on your behalf |
a favor del viento | (Spanish) downwind, before the wind, on the wind |
a favor mío | (Spanish) on my behalf, in my favour |
a favor nuestro | (Spanish) on our behalf, in our favour |
a favor suyo | (Spanish) in his favour, on her behalf, in her favour, on his behalf, on your behalf, in your favour, on their behalf |
a favor tuyo | (Spanish) on your behalf, in your favour |
a favor vuestro | (Spanish) on your behalf, in your favour |
a favor y en contra | (Spanish) pro and con |
a favor y en contra de | (Spanish) for and against |
Afdeling | (Danish, Dutch) part, volume |
a fe | (Spanish) in truth, truly |
Afeamiento | (Spanish m.) disfigurement |
afear | (Spanish) to disfigure, to spoil, to make ugly, to make ... look ugly (somebody), to make ... look awful (somebody), to censure, to criticize |
afearse | (Spanish) to lose one's looks |
Afección | (Spanish f.) disease, (medical) condition, affliction (archaic) |
Afectación | (Spanish f.) affectation |
Afectado (m.), Afectada (f.) | (Spanish) affected (those affected by a disaster, disease, sadness, etc.) |
afectado (m.), afectada (f.) | (Spanish) affected (upset, had an affect on) |
afectar | (Spanish) to affect (person, illness, sadness), to sadden, to feign |
afectísimo (m.), afectísima (f.) | (Spanish) affectionate |
afectísimo amigo | (Spanish) my dear friend (in a card) |
Afectividad | (Spanish f.) emotional nature |
afectivo (m.), afectiva (f.) | (Spanish) sensitive, emotional, affective |
Afecto | (Spanish m.) affection |
afecto (m.), afecta (f.) | (Spanish) sympathetic |
Afectuosidad | (Spanish f.) affection |
afectuoso (m.), afectuosa (f.) | (Spanish) affectionate |
a fe de | (Spanish) on the word of |
Afeitado | (Spanish m.) shave |
Afeitadora | (Spanish f.) electric razor |
afeitar | (Spanish) to shave |
afeitarse | (Spanish) to (have a) shave |
afelpado (m.), afelpada (f.) | (Spanish) velvety |
a fe mía | (Spanish) on my word of honour, for the life of me, on my word, upon my faith, upon my honour |
Afeminado | (Spanish m.) effeminate person |
afeminado (m.), afeminada (f.) | (Spanish) effeminate |
Afeminamiento | (Spanish m.) effeminacy |
afeminarse | (Spanish) to become effeminate |
aferrar | (Spanish) to grasp |
aff. | abbreviation of 'affiliate', 'affiliated' or 'affix' |
affabile | (Italian) in a gentle pleasant manner, in an affable (elegant or courteous) manner, leutselig (German), freundlich (German), gefällig (German), angenehm (German), affable (French) |
Affabilità | (Italian f.) affability, with ease and freedom, with elegance, in a pleasing and agreeable manner |
affabilmente | (Italian) with ease and freedom, with elegance, in a pleasing and agreeable manner |
affable | (French) affabile (Italian), in a gentle pleasing manner, in an affable manner, elegant, leutselig (German) |
affaccendarsi a | (Italian) to busy oneself with |
affacciarsi alla finestra | (Italian) to appear at the window |
affaiblissant | (French) weakening, diminuendo, a steady softening (in volume) |
affaiblissement | (French m.) weakening, softening |
Affaire | (French f.) matter, affair, deal (transaction), business (firm), case (legal) |
affairé (m.), affairée (f.) | (French) busy, preoccupied |
Affaire de coeur | (French f.) a love affair |
Affaire d'honneur | (French f.) a matter of honour, a duel |
Affaissement | (French m.) subsidence |
affanare | (Italian) to leave breathless |
affanarsi | (Italian) to get worked up |
affanato | (Italian, literally 'breathless') alternative spelling of affannato, for example found in Skryabin, Preludes (4), op.48 no. 3 (Capricciosamente affanato) |
affannato | (Italian) in a distressed or anxious manner, anguished, breathless, panting, agitated, sad, mournful, excited, hurried, atemlos (German), bekümmert (German), betrübt (German), essouflé (French) |
Affano | (Italian m.) breathlessness, worry (figurative) |
affannosamente | (Italian) distressingly or anxiously, restlessly, breathlessly, agitatedly, excitedly, hurriedly, con angustia (Italian), con affanno (Italian), affannoso (Italian), anxious, with anxiety, bangend (German), tourmenté (French), anxieusement (French) |
affannoso | (Italian) con angustia (Italian), con affanno (Italian), languishing, distressed, anguished, restless, mournful, anxious, sad, sadly, bangend (German), anxieusement (French) |
affanosamente | (Italian) alternative spelling of affannosamente |
affanoso | (Italian) alternative spelling of affannoso |
Affare | (Italian m.) matter, transaction, deal |
Affäre (s.), Affären (pl.) | (German f.) affair (especially amorous), fling (colloquial), scandal, episode, incident |
Affari | (Italian business |
Affarista | (Italian m./f.) speculator |
affascinante | (Italian) fascinating |
affascinare | (Italian) to charm, to bewitch, to fascinate |
affastellare | (Italian) to tie up in bundles |
affato | (Italian) completely |
Affe (s.), Affen (pl.) | (German m.) monkey, ape |
Affectation | (French f.) assignment, appointment, posting |
affecté | (French) manierato (Italian), affettato (Italian), affected, mannered, geziert (German), affektiert (German), maniéré (French) |
affecter | (French) to assign, to appoint, to post |
affectif (m.), affective (f.) | (French) emotional |
Affection | affettuoso (Italian), mit Gefühl (German), avec sentiment (French) |
a persistent emotional state of mind, such as wonder, fear, joy, rage |
(French) ailment |
affectionner | (French) to be fond of |
Affections, doctrine of | in German Affektenlehre |
Behind the traits that mark music as baroque, then, are their reason for being: the passions, or as they were more often called then, the affections. Affections are not the same as emotions. A sixteenth-century poetic-critic, Lorenzo Giacomini, defined an affection as "a spiritual movement or operation of the mind in which it is attracted or repelled by an object it has come to know." He described it as a result of an imbalance in the animal spirits and vapors that flow continually throughout the body. An abundance of thin and agile spirits disposes a person to joyous affections, while torpid and impure vapors prepare the way for sorrow and fear. External and internal sensations stimulate the bodily mechanism to alter the state of the spirits. This activity is felt as a 'movement of the affections,' and the resulting state of imbalance is the affection. Once this state is reached, the body and mind tend to remain in the same affection until some new stimulus produces an alteration of the combination of vapors. Affection and passion are two terms for the same process, the former describing it from the point of view of the body, the latter from the standpoint of the mind. The alteration of the blood and spirits affects the body, while the mind passively suffers the disturbance |
quotation written by the musicologist Claude V. Palisca (In Baroque Music, 2d ed., Prentice-Hall, 1981)
Affectueusement | (French m.) affection, emotion |
affectueusement | (French) lovingly, affectionately, fondly, with affect (i.e. with emotion), con affetto (Italian), affettuoso (Italian), affetto (Italian), affettuosamente (Italian), in herzlicher Weise (German), tendrement (French) |
affectueux (m.), affectueuse (f.) | (French) with warmth, very expressively, with tenderness, with passion, with emotion, pathetic, tenderly, affectionate, tender, expressive, affettuoso (Italian), affettuoso (Italian), gemütsbewegend (German) |
Affekt | (German m.) fervour, affect, feeling, emotion |
Affektenlehre | (German f.) in musical aesthetics, doctrine of the affections, a theory in musical aesthetics popular in the Baroque era (1600-1750) but which fell out of favour in the 19th century. It derived from ancient theories of rhetoric and was widely accepted by late-Baroque German theorists and composers, for example, in the writings of John Mattheson (1681-1764) Der vollkommene Capellmeister (1739), Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773), Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg (1718-1795) and Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729). The essential idea is that just one unified and "rationalised" Affekt should be aimed at by any single piece or movement of music, and that to attempt more was to risk confusion and disorder |
(German f.) in psychology, the theory of emotions, a term applied specifically to the theory developed by Philipp Lersch (1898-1972) |
Affekthandlung | (German f.) emotional act |
affektieren | (German) to affect |
affektiert | (German) manierato (Italian), affettato (Italian), affected, mannered, geziert (German), affecté (French), maniéré (French) |
(German) affectedly, mincingly, finicky, lackadaisically, mouthed, smirkingly, drawling, la-di-da |
affektierte Manieren | (German pl.) affected manners |
affektierte Person | (German f.) affected person |
affektierter Stil | (German m.) affected style |
affektiertes Benehmen | (German n.) affected behaviour |
affektiertes gedehntes Sprechen | (German n.) affected drawl |
affektiertes Verhalten | (German n.) la-di-da behaviour |
Affektiertheit | (German f.) artificialness, affectation, preciosity, affectedness |
affektiert sprechen | (German) to drawl |
Affektion | (German f.) affection |
affektioniert | (German) affectionate |
affektiv | (German) affectively, affective |
Affektlosigkeit | (German f.) emotionlessness |
Affekttheorie | (German f.) doctrine of affections |
affektvoll | (German) full of fervour |
affenartig | (German) apelike, simian |
affengeil | (German) awesome (US) (colloquial) |
affengleich | (German) ape-like |
Affenhitze | (German f.) awful heat, real scorcher (colloquial) |
Affenkäfig | (German m.) monkey cage, turmoil (figurative), rumpus (figurative) |
Affenkasten | (German m.) turmoil, rumpus |
Affenkomödie | (German f.) antics, buffoonery, turmoil, rumpus |
Affenliebe | (German f.) doting love |
Affenschande | (German f.) crying shame, beastly shame (colloquial) |
Affenspektakel | (German n.) hullabaloo (slang) |
Affenstall | (German m.) turmoil, rumpus |
Affentest | (German m.) random test |
Affentheater | (German n.) charade, farce (ridiculous business), crazy business (colloquial) |
Affenzirkus | (German m.) three-ring circus (US) (figurative) |
affermare | (Italian) to affirm, to assert |
Affermazione | (Italian f.) affirmation, assertion, achievement (success) |
afferrare | (Italian) to seize, to grasp |
afferrare a volo | (Italian) to be quick on the uptake |
affetto | abbreviation of affettuoso (Italian: expressively, passionately) |
affettato | (Italian) manierato (Italian), affected, mannered, geziert (German), affektiert (German), affecté (French), maniéré (French) |
Affetto (s.), Affetti (pl.) | (Italian m.) feeling, affection, emotion, pathos, tenderness, Gemütsbeweung (German f.) |
(Italian m.) an ornament found in early sonatas for violin denoting a tremolo or arpeggio |
the term appears as the title of various publications that appeared at the beginning of the seventeenth century, probably to emphasize the emotional character of the music |
affettuosamente | (Italian) affectionately, tenderly, pathetically, with affect (i.e. with emotion), con affetto (Italian), in herzlicher Weise (German), ausdrucksvoll (German), affectueusement (French), tendrement (French) |
affettuoso (m.), affettuosa (f.) | (Italian, literally 'with feeling') con affetto (Italian), with warmth, very expressively, with tenderness, with passion, with emotion, with affect (i.e. with emotion), with pathos, with tenderness, gemütsbewegend (German), mit innerer Bewegung (German), affectueux (French) |
in the 17th- and 18th-centuries, for example, in the music of François Couperin (1668-1733) and Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764), affettuoso was a tempo indication somewhat quicker than adagio but slower than andante |
affezionarsi | (Italian) to grow fond of |
affezionato a | (Italian) devoted to |
Affezione | (Italian f.) affection, ailment |
affiancare | (Italian) to put side by side, to support (figurative) |
Affiant | a person who makes an affidavit |
affiatamento | (Italian) (domestic) harmony |
affiatarsi | (Italian) to get on well together |
Affichage | (French m.) billposting, (electronic) display |
Affiche | (French f.) (public) notice, poster, playbill (a term generally applied to a notice fixed or attached to a wall, etc.) |
affiché (m.), affichée (f.) | (French) conspicuous, notorious (specifically in one's relationship with another person) |
Affiche de comédie | (French f.) playbill |
Affiche de théâtre | (French f.) playbill |
afficher | (French) to put up (notice), to announce (an event), to display, to flaunt, to parade, to exhibit |
Affichette | (French f.) small public notice, small poster, small playbill |
Afficheur | (French m., German m.) bill-poster, billsticker |
affichieren | (German) to post (advertisements on wall, hoarding, etc.), to display placards |
Affichiste | (French m./f.) a designer of playbills, posters, etc. |
Affidamento | (Italian m.) confidence |
affidare | (Italian) to entrust |
Affidavit | (Latin) a sworn statement that can be used as evidence in court |
Affidé (m.), Affidée (f.) | (French) a confederate, an accomplice, a henchman |
affievolendo | (Italian) weakening, indebolendo (Italian), abschwächend (German), schwächer werden (German), en affaiblissant (French) |
affievolirsi | (Italian) to grow weak |
affig | (German) affected, vain, arty, apish, apishly, silly |
affiger | (German) sillier |
affiggere | (Italian) to affix |
Affigkeit | (German f.) foppishness |
affigste | (German) silliest |
affilé (m.), affilée (f.) | (French) sharp (knife, etc.), keen (intelligence) |
affiler | (French) to sharpen, to whet, to hone |
affiliare | (Italian) to affiliate |
affiliarsi | (Italian) to become affiliated to |
Affiloir | (French m.) a sharpener, a whetstone, a steel (for sharpening knives) |
Äffin | (German f.) female monkey, female ape |
Affinage | (French m.) refining (metal), fining (glass), maturing (cheese) |
affinché | (Italian) so that, in order that |
affine | (Italian) similar |
Affinement | (French m.) refinement (manners, etc.) |
affiner | (French) to refine (metal), to refine (thoughts, etc.), to polish (style), to sharpen (mind), to make keener (mind) |
Affinità | (Italian f.) affinity |
Affinität | (German f.) attraction, liking, affinity |
Affinité | (French f.) affinity |
Affinity, keys of |
or 'relative keys', in a musical work, the relationship between the primitive or principal key (in which, generally, the works begins and ends) and those keys to which, during its progress, the work may modulate. We give two examples below: |
primitive key | C major | A minor |
first relative key | D minor | C major |
second relative key | E minor | D minor |
third relative key | F major | E minor |
fourth relative key | G major | F major |
fifth relative key | A minor | G major |
affiorare | (Italian) to emerge, to come to light |
affirmatif (m.), affirmative (f.) | (French) assertive, affirmative, positive |
Affirmation | (French f.) assertion, affirmation |
affirmativ | (German) assertive |
affirmieren | (German) to affirm |
äffisch | (German) apish |
Affittacamere | (Italian m./f.) landlord, landlady |
Affitto | (Italian m.) rent (payment) |
affizieren | (German) to affect |
affiziert | (German) affected, irritated |
Afflatus | (Latin, literally 'breathing on') poetic or prophetic inspiration |
affligé | (French) distressed |
affligé de | (French) afflicted with |
affliger | (French) to grieve |
affliggere | (Italian) to torment |
afflitto | (Italian) distressed, afflicted, sad, melancholy, betrübt (German), traurig (German) |
Affixation | the process of making words by adding an affix to a previously existing base word or stem. For instance, the affix -ly can be added to the base word (or stem) quick to create the word quickly |
Afflizione | (Italian f.) distress, affliction (figurative) |
afflizione, con | (Italian) or con accoramento (Italian), sorrowfully, with affliction, with grief, mit Betrübnis (German), trübselig (German), attristé (French) |
Affluence | (French f.) crowd, crowds |
Affluenza | (Italian f.) crowd |
Affolement | (French m.) panic |
affoler | (French) to throw into a panic |
affollarsi | (Italian) to crowd |
affollato | (Italian) crowded |
affrancare | (Italian) to stamp (a letter) |
Affrancatura | (Italian f.) postage |
affranchir | (French) to stamp, to frank (with a machine), to emancipate, to free (figurative) |
Affranchissement | (French m.) postage (rate, tariff) |
affranto | (Italian) worn out (exhausted) |
Affresco | (Italian m.) fresco |
affréter | (French) to charter |
affrettando | (Italian, literally 'becoming agitated') accelerating, hurrying, pressing (onwards), in a quickening tempo, stringendo (Italian), accelerando (Italian), beschleunigend (German), eilend (German) |
affrettando e rubando il tempo | (Italian) perform with increasing speed, dwelling on the accented notes |
affrettare | (Italian) to hurry, to speed up |
affrettarsi | (Italian) to hurry |
affrettatamente | (Italian) in a hurrying manner |
affrettate | (Italian) hurrying, quickening, accelerating the time |
affrettato | (Italian) hasty, hurried, hastening the tempo, piu mosso (Italian), rasch (German), beschleunigt (German), schneller (German) |
affrettioso | (Italian) quick, hurried, accelerated |
affretto | (Italian) abbreviated form of affrettando |
affrettoso | (Italian) hurried, hurrying, pressing, in a quickening tempo, hastening the tempo |
affrettuoso | (Italian) hurried |
affreusement | (French) hideously, awfully |
affreux (m.), affreuse (f.) | (French) hideous, awful |
Affricative | or affricate, a sound stop with a fricative release. Affricatives involve a stop plus a movment through a fricative position (i.e., the blade of the tongue initially moves up in the position of a stop, but then move through a fricative or spirant position rather than remaining in the "stop" position).The affricatives include two different sounds. The first sound is found in judge, gem, soldier, and spinach. The second affricative sound is that sound found in church, butcher, itch, niche, and cello |
affriolant (m.), affriolante (f.) | (French) enticing |
Affront | (English, German m.) insult, slight |
affrontare | (Italian) to face, to confront, to meet |
Affront gegen | (German m.) slight against |
afft | abbreviation of 'affidavit' (a sworn statement) |
affusolare | (Italian) to taper (off) |
affusolato | (Italian) tapering |
Afgano (m.), Afgana (f.) | (Spanish) Afghan |
afgano (m.), afgana (f.) | (Spanish) Afghan |
afgezaagd | (Dutch) trite, unimportant |
Afhanling | (Danish) essay |
Afianzamiento | (Spanish m.) strengthening (reinforcing), guarantee |
afianzarse | (Spanish) to become established |
Afición | (Spanish f.) liking, fans (collectively), the term is often applied to an informed interest in bull-fighting |
Aficionado (m.), Aficionada (f.) | (Spanish) an enthusiastic follower or amateur participant, a fan (individual) |
Aficionado a la música | (Spanish m.) music lover, music fan |
aficionado (m.), aficionada (f.) | (Spanish) keen, fond |
aficionado a (m.), aficionada a (f.) | (Spanish) keen on, fond of |
Aficionar | (Spanish) to make fond |
Aficionarse | (Spanish) to take a liking to |
Afilador (m.), Afiladora (f.) | (Spanish) knife-grinder |
Afiladura | (Spanish f.) sharpening |
afilar | (Spanish) to sharpen |
afilarse | (Spanish) to get sharp, to grow thin |
Afiliación | (Spanish f.) affiliation |
afiliado (m.), afiliada (f.) | (Spanish) affiliated |
afiliarse | (Spanish) to become a member |
afiliarse a | (Spanish) to become a member of |
afiligranado (m.), afiligranada (f.) | (Spanish) filigreed, delicate (figurative) |
Afillá | (Spanish) a quality of flamenco voice which is both hoarse and earthy |
afin | (Spanish) similar, adjacent (near), related (people) |
Afinação | (Portuguese) pitch |
Afinación | (Spanish f.) tuning (of a musical instrument, for example the notes to which the strings of a guitar or violin are tuned), accordage (French) |
(Spanish f.) refining, tuning (of a car engine) |
Afinación científica | see afinación filosófica |
Afinación de cámara | (Spanish f.) standard pitch, a' (A4 or la3)=444Hz. (from the nineteenth century) |
Afinación estándar | (Spanish f.) standard pitch, a' (A4 or la3)=440Hz. (set by ISO 16 (1975)) |
Afinación filosófica | (Spanish f.) or afinación científica, philosophical or scientific pitch, a' (A4 or la3)=430.54Hz. (from the nineteenth century) |
afinado (m.), afinada (f.) | (Spanish) in tune, finished |
Afinador (m.), Afinadora (Spanish f.) | (Portuguese m., Spanish) tuner |
a final de | (Spanish) at the end of, at the end of the |
a final de cuentas | (Spanish) after all is said and done, when it comes down to it |
a finales de | (Spanish) about the end of, by the end of, late in, toward the end of |
a finales de año | (Spanish) at the end of the year |
a finales de los | (Spanish) in the late |
a finales de siglo | (Spanish) at the end of the century |
a finales del año calendario | (Spanish) by the end of the fiscal year, by the end of fiscal year |
a finales del siglo | (Spanish) at the end of the century |
afinar | (Spanish) to tune (car, musical instrument, chord), accorder (French), accordare (Italian), stimmen (German) |
(Spanish) to be in tune, to refine, to sharpen, to finish |
afinarse | (Spanish) to become more refined |
afincarse | (Spanish) to settle |
a fin de | (Spanish) at the end of the, at the end of, in order to, so as to |
a fin de año | (Spanish) by the end of the year, at the end of the year |
a fin de cuentas | (Spanish) when it comes down to it, at last, finally, after all, after all is said and done, at the end, in the last analysis, to sum it all, when all is said and done, when you come right down to it, ultimately |
a fin de qué | (Spanish) why |
a fines | (Spanish) at the end |
a fines de | (Spanish) at the end of, about the end of, around the end of, toward the end of, in order to, so as to |
a fines de este año | (Spanish) late this year |
a fines del año calendario | (Spanish) by the end of the fiscal year, by the end of fiscal year |
Afinidad | (Spanish f.) affinity, relationship (parental) |
a fior di labbra | (Italian) sung or spoken very lightly and softly |
Afirmación | (Spanish f.) affirmation |
afirmar | (Spanish) to make firm, to affirm |
afirmarse | (Spanish) to confirm, to steady oneself |
afirmativo (m.), afirmativa (f.) | (Spanish) affirmative |
AF-Kamera | (German f.) autofocus camera |
Afl | abbrevation of Alt-Flöte (German: alto flute - flûte alto (French)) |
A flat |
the flattened sixth note of the scale of C major, which in 'fixed do' solfeggio is called le
A flat major |
 | the key of 'A flat major' |
 | the scale of 'A flat major' |
A flat minor |
 | the key of 'A flat minor' |
à fleur d'eau | (French) just at water-level |
Aflevering | (Dutch) issue (of a magazine) |
Aflicción | (Spanish f.) afflication |
aflictivo (m.), aflictiva (f.) | (Spanish) distressing |
Afligido (m.), Afligada (f.) | (Spanish) afflicted (person) |
afligido (m.), afligada (f.) | (Spanish) distressed |
afligir | (Spanish) to distress |
afligirse | (Spanish) to grieve |
Aflojamiento | (Spanish m.) loosening |
aflojar | (Spanish) to loosen, to ease (relax), to let up |
Afloramiento | (Spanish m.) outcrop |
aflorar | (Spanish) to appear on the surface |
a flor de | (Spanish) flush with, on the surface of |
a flor de agua | (Spanish) at water level, awash, between wind and water, near the water's surface, on water's surface |
a flor de la tierra | (Spanish) near the earth's surface, on the earth's surface |
a flor de labio | (Spanish) on the tip of one's tongue |
a flor de piel | (Spanish) skin-deep |
a flor de suelo | (Spanish) on the surface |
a flor de tierra | (Spanish) on the surface, at ground level |
a flote | (Spanish) afloat |
Afluencia | (Spanish f.) flow |
Afluente | (Spanish m.) tributary |
afluente | (Spanish) flowing |
afluir | (Spanish) to flow |
afluir a | (Spanish) to flow into |
AFM | abbreviation of 'American Federation of Musicians' |
abbreviation of 'audiofrequency modulation' (used in telcommunications) |
afmo. | abbreviation of afectisimo (Spanish: very affectionately - used when writing a letter) |
AFNIL | abbreviation of Agence francophone pour la numérotation internationale du livre (French: the French agency for International Standard Book Numbers, ISBN) |
A Fofa | see A Chufa |
à fond (perdu) | (French) to the bottom, thoroughly |
a fondo | (Spanish) in depth, deeply, inside out, thoroughly, to the bone, to the hilt |
Afonia | (Spanish f.) hoarseness |
afónico (m.), afónica (f.) | (Spanish) hoarse |
afono | (Italian) voiceless |
Aforisma | (Italian m.) aphorism |
Aforismo | (Spanish m.) aphorism |
Aforo | (Spanish m.) capacity |
a fortiori | (Latin) with yet stronger reason, all the more |
afortunado (m.), afortunada (f.) | (Spanish) fortunate, lucky |
Afoxé | in Brazil, afoxé came to be associated with a Candomblé religious procession and rhythm performed during carnival in Salvador, Bahia, by the bloco afros and in ceremonies for the orixas. The instrumentation is like a reduced samba batucada, and the rhythm is somewhat similar to samba |
Afoxê | an Afro-Brazilian gourd instrument covered with a net of seeds, in which the sound is made by agitating the net to create friction against the gourd |
afrancesado (m.), afrancesadora (f.) | (Spanish) francophile |
Afrenta | (Spanish f.) insult, disgrace |
afrentar | (Spanish) to insult |
afrentoso (m.), afrentosa (f.) | (Spanish) insulting |
África | (Spanish f.) Africa |
África del Sur | (Spanish f.) South Africa |
Africain (m.), Africaine (f.) | (French) African |
africain (m.), africaine (f.) | (French) African |
Africaine. L | (French f.' literally 'The African Woman') an opera in five acts by the German-born French composer Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) which because of frequent interruptions, although begun in 1837, was not completed until 1864. Meyerbeer died while supervising rehearsals for the first performance in Paris |
African-American folk song | see 'spiritual' |
African American music | also called 'black music' or 'race music', an umbrella term given to a range of musical genres emerging from or influenced by the culture of African Americans, who have long constituted a large ethnic minority of the population of the United States |
African-American spiritual | see 'spiritual' |
African American Vernacular English | see 'black vernacular' |
African hip-hop | |
African music | music of the societies that have flourished on the second largest continent, comprising 20 per cent of the total land surface of the earth. This field of study wilmay also include the fusion of these cultures with those of the West, Asia and the Americas |
africano | (Spanish m.) African |
Africano (m.), Africana (f.) | (Italian, Spanish) African |
africano (m.), africana (f.) | (Italian, Spanish) African |
African Sanctus | a 1972 choral Mass and is the best-known work of British composer and ethnomusicologist David Fanshawe (b.1942) |
Afrika | (German n.) Africa |
Afrikaans | an Indo-European language, derived from Dutch and thus classified as Low Franconian West Germanic |
Afrikaner (m.), Afrikanerin (f.) | (German) African |
afrikanisch | (German) African |
Afrikanistik | (German f.) African studies |
Afrika südlich der Sahara | (German n.) sub-Saharan Africa |
Afrique | (French f.) Africa |
Afrique du Sud | (French f.) South Africa |
Afro | a rhythmic style combining adaptations of sacred Batá drum rhythms popularized in Cuba in the 1940s, and often used to interpret lullabies |
Afro-American | a term to describe the traditions of music and dance brought by enslaved Africans to the American continent that inform more modern generes including tap-dancing, jazz and jive |
afro-amerikanischer Mann | (German m.) soul brother |
Afro-Asiatic | a family of languages separate from Indo-European languages. The two main branches of Afro-Asiatic are Hamitic and Semitic |
Afrobeat | (Nigeria) a term coined by Fela Anikulapo Kuti for the unique musical hybrid he created fusing elements of Yoruba music with jazz, funk and big band |
Afrocentrism | a belief that African cultural heritage must be more greatly represented in humanities curricula. Types of Afrocentrism vary widely, from straightforward demonstrations of black pride to claims that classic Greek philosophy was plagiarized from lost black sources and that the ancient Egyptians were actually black Africans. The term is most closely associated with the academic books of Molefi Kete Asante |
Afro-Cuban jazz | a variety of Latin jazz, Afro-Cuban Latin Jazz includes salsa, merengue, songo, son, mambo and cha cha cha |
Afro-Cuban music |
Afrodisíaco | (Spanish m.) aphrodisiac |
Afrodisíaco | (Spanish m.) aphrodisiac |
afrodisiaco (m.), afrodisiaca (f.) | (Spanish) aphrodisiac |
afrodisiaco (m.), afrodisiaca (f.) | (Spanish) aphrodisiac |
Afro-Frisur | (German f.) Afro hairdo |
Afro-juju | a style of Nigerian popular music, a mixture of fuji music and Afrobeat |
afro-karibischer Abstammung | (German f.) of Afro-Caribbean origin |
afrokubanischer Jazz | (German m.) Afro-Cuban jazz |
Afroma | in Malawi in the 1970s, a fusion of American rock-and-roll, soul and funk |
afrontar | (Spanish) to bring face to face, to face, to confront |
afrontar las consecuencias | (Spanish) to face the consequences, to face the music (colloquial) |
a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi | (Latin) a precipice in front, wolves behind (literally 'between a rock and a hard place') |
Afro-Peruvian music | the result of an intermingling of native Peruvian music with the African traditions, rhythms, and roots from the black slaves who, after emancipation, finally settled along the southern coast of the country |
Afro-rock | a style of music which relies heavily on the use of Western string instruments (electric guitars and bass) and guitar effects played with a rock feel, but played in an african plucked style. The additional use of percussion helps refine and identify the music as African, while the vocal style is rock |
Afro-soul | that distinct blend of 'African Grooves' and American-style Soul music that can be heard in Nigeria's urban centres |
Afroxé | see afoxé |
Afrozentrismus | (German m.) afrocentrism |
AFRS | abbreviation of 'Armed Forces Radio Service' |
AFR&TS | abbreviation of 'Armed Forces Radio & Television Service' |
afsd | abbreviation of 'aforesaid' |
afsluiter | see 'cancel' |
Afspringende wisselnoot | (Dutch) changing note |
aft(s) | abbreviation of 'after', 'afternoon', 'afterpiece(s)' |
Aftab-e-Mousiqui | a title of honour conferred on an eminent musician of the Hindustani classical music tradition |
After-beat | an accent placed on any beat in a bar (measure) other than the first, for example, up beat, off beat, back beat |
the ending of a modern trill, consisting of the lower auxiliary and the principal note |
Aftermieter | (German m.) subtenant |
Afternoon of the faun, the | see Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune |
After note | an unaccented appoggiatura |
the unaccented note of a pair of notes |
Afterpiece | a short, usually humorous one-act playlet following the main attraction, the full-length play, and concluding the theatrical evening |
in the early days of the minstrel show, the 'afterpiece' was often a skit set on a Southern plantation that usually included song-and-dance numbers and featured Sambo- and Mammy-type characters in slapstick situations |
Aftershave | (German n.) aftershave (lotion) |
Aftershave-Lotion | (German f.) aftershave lotion |
Aftershavelotion | (German f.) aftershave lotion |
After-Show-Party | (German f.) after-show party |
After-striking | a note or chord in the bass register that accompanies a melody but which is played after the melody note to which it is related |
Aftertouch | (English, German m.) the pressure applied to a synthesizer keyboard after the key is depressed |
aftn | abbreviation of 'afternoon' |
Aftryk | (Danish) edition |
Afuche | or cabaca, a Brazilian shaker comprised of a dried hollow gourd, or cylinder, with a serrated surface and handle over which a net of metal beads hang loosely. The beads are moved around the cylinder creating its characteristic sound |
a fuego lento | (Spanish) slowly, little by little |
a fuego moderado | (Spanish) at a moderate heat |
a fuego vivo | (Spanish) over a high flame |
a fuego y sangre | (Spanish) mercilessly |
afuera | (Spanish) out, outside |
¡afuera! | (Spanish) out of the way! |
Afueras | (Spanish outskirts |
a fuer de | (Spanish) in the manner of |
a fuercioris | (Spanish) by force |
a fuero | (Spanish) according to custom |
a fuero de | (Spanish) in the manner of |
a fuerza | (Spanish) by force |
a fuerza de | (Spanish) as a result of, by means of, by dint of, by force of |
a fuerza de brazos | (Spanish) by hard work |
a fuerza de ir todo mal comienza por ir todo bien | (Spanish) every cloud has a silver lining |
a fuerza de la costumbre | (Spanish) through force of habit |
a fuerza de mucho trabajo | (Spanish) through much hard work |
a fuerza viva | (Spanish) by sheer force, by sheer strength |
afzonderlijk | (Dutch) single, separate |