Se | or S, after Humphrey Searle (1915-1982), the cataloguer of music by Franz Liszt (1811-1886) |
Se | in solfeggio, se is the lowered fifth degree of a diatonic scale; in 'fixed do' solfeggio, se is always the note 'G flat' |
(Chinese) an ancient Chinese stringed instrument, probably the ancestor of many zithers in the east, including the Chinese guzheng and the Japanese koto. It has 25 strings with moveable bridges and has a range of up to five octaves |
se | (Italian) if, in case, provided, as, so |
se abate con facilidad | (Spanish) he has a tendency to get depressed |
¡se acabó! | (Spanish) that's it! |
Sea chanteys | or shanties, songs traditionally sung by sailors to accompany and set the rhythm for certain kinds of heavy, repetitive work on board ship-raising and trimming the sails, raising the anchor, and working the pumps. But sailors sang other sorts of songs, as well: maritime ballads and forecastle songs (sung during times of relaxation, rather than work) also paint portraits of life at sea and on shore |
se admiten tarjetas de crédito | (Spanish) we take credit cards, we accept credit cards (on signs in restaurants, shops, etc.) |
Seal | in cooking, to set the surface of meat in a hot oven or pan, so that it colours and retains the juices |
se alegró muchísimo cuando lo vio | (Spanish) she was really happy when she saw him |
se alejó de su familia | (Spanish) he drifted apart from his family |
sé algo de francés | (Spanish) I know some French |
Sealm-glig | (Old English) a form of psaltery or dulcimer that evidence suggests may have been in use in England prior to the Norman Conquest |
se alquila | (Spanish) to let (to rent) |
se amparó en su inmunidad diplomática | (Spanish) he used his diplomatic immunity to protect himself |
Séance | (French) a session, a meeting of a committee or society |
a meeting held for the purpose of observing or evoking spiritualistic phenomena |
Séance d'essais | (French) a practice session (in motor racing) |
Sean nós |
(Irish, literally 'old style') a musical tradition of stylized ornamentation, very specific to Irish songs and mouth music. The three classifications are: |
goltrai | sad songs, laments |
geantrai | songs with a happy or silly theme, work songs, and mouth music for dance tunes |
suantrai | lullabies |
if a dance tune is sung by mouth music in the sean nós style, it will be both strongly rhythmic and highly ornamented. This is often referred to as 'lilting' or 'diddling' a tune. The most careful lilters use extraordinary breath control to keep exact rhythm in the tune, although many field recordings have been made of folks taking a more casual approach that allows them to breathe where it's convenient, then resume the melody of the mouth music. Vocables associated with 'diddling' or 'lilting' are those which help to provide the essential rhythm or lift to the tune
Sean nós dancing | see 'Irish step dancing' |
se anticipó a su tiempo | (Spanish) he was ahead of his time |
Sea organ | an architectural object located in Zadar, Croatia and an experimental musical instrument which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps. The waves create somewhat random but harmonic sounds. The device was made by the architect Nikola Basic as part of the project to redesign the new city coast (Nova riva), and the site was opened to the public on 15 April 2005 |
- Sea organ from which this information is drawn
se apocó | (Spanish) she lost all her self-confidence |
se apresuró a defenderla | (Spanish) he hastened to her defense, he rushed to her defense |
se armó de paciencia | (Spanish) he summoned up his patience |
se armó de valor | (Spanish) he plucked up courage |
se armó la de Dios es Cristo | (Spanish) all hell broke loose |
se armó la gorda | (Spanish) all hell broke loose |
se arrellenó en el sofá | (Spanish) he settled himself into the sofa |
se arriendan coches | (Spanish) car hire (seen on signs) |
Sea shanty | see 'shanty' |
Seaside pier | although originally constructed as a means of getting steamer passengers from ship to shore, seaside piers became logical extensions of the promenade and were opened, for a fee, to those taking the air or exercise. Much later, piers became the site for funfairs, theatres, concert pavilions and other forms of popular entertainment |
Seasoned | when pertaining to timber, seasoned timber is that which has been allowed to stand long enough after cutting from log, plank, etc. that its natural water content has fallen to a level similar to ambient (i.e. local atmospheric) levels |
of a person, experienced (over an extended time period) |
when pertaining to cooking equipment this means to treat it with oil and/or salt to give it a non stick ability |
when pertaining to food, flavoured |
Seattle sound | see 'grunge' |
Seau à bouteilles (s.), Seaux à bouteilles (pl.) | (French) a wine-cooler, a bucket containing iced water used to chill bottles of wine |
se avergonzó de haberle mentido | (Spanish) she was ashamed of herself for having lied to him |
se bâfrer | (French) to stuff oneself |
se bagarrer | (French) to fight |
se baigner | (French) to go swimming, to go bathing |
se baisser | (French) to bend down |
se balader | (French) to go for a stroll, to wander around |
se balader en auto | (French) to go for a drive, to drive around |
se balancer | (French) to swing, to sway |
se balancer de | (French) to not care about |
se barrer | (French) to hop it |
se battre | (French) to fight |
se battre contre | (French) to fight against |
s'ébattre | (French) to frolic |
s'ébaucher | (French) to form |
se bécoter | (French) to kiss |
Seben | or sebene, the fast-paced final section of a classic rumba-soukous piece which, because of its unchanging rhythm, has become popular for being better-suited for discos and dance floors. Soukous is a highly commercial modern form of Congolese rumba |
Congolese rumba's instrumental bridge, which allows musicians and dancers to stretch out and improvise |
Sebi | Egyptian end-blown reed flute |
se bisogna | (Italian) if necessary, if required |
se blesser | (French) to injure oneself, to hurt oneself |
se bloquer | (French) to jam, (wheel) to lock |
se blottir contre son chien | (French) to cuddle up next to one's dog |
se blottir contre sa mère | (French) to cuddle up next to one's mother |
Sebo | (Spanish m.) tallow, fat, grease, filth |
se bonifier | (French) to improve |
se bornier à | (French) to confine oneself to |
seboso (m.), sebosa (f.) | (Spanish) greasy |
se boucher | (French) to get blocked |
se boucher le nez | (French) to hold one's nose |
s'ébouler | (French) to crumble, to collapse |
se boursoufler | (French) to puff up, to swell |
se bouger | (French) to move |
s'ébranler | (French) to move off |
se braquer | (French) to dig one's heels in |
se briser | (French) to break |
se bronzer | (French) to get a tan, to get a sun-tan |
se brosser les cheveux | (French) to brush one's hair |
se brosser les dents | (French) to brush one's teeth |
s'ébrouer | (French) to shake oneself |
se brouiller | (French) to become confused, to cloud over, to fall out (friends) |
se brûler | (French) to burn oneself |
sec (m.), sèche (f.) | (French) dry, crisp (for example, tone, performance style, wine, champagne, etc.), without water (whisky, etc.) |
(French) similar to staccato, a note or chord played and then quickly released |
(French) when using a pair of cymbals, and in contrast to the instruction laissez vibrer, or l.v., sec is a direction to damp them immediately after they have begun to sound |
(French) plain, simple, to play in a plain unornamented way, a chord played without arpeggiation |
(French) in piano music, release the right pedal |
Seca | (Spanish f.) drought, puff of smoke (Argentina) |
se cabrer | (French) to rear up (horse) |
se cabrer contre | (French) to rebel against |
se cacher | (French) to hide, to be hidden |
Secadero | (Spanish m.) drying room |
Secador | (Spanish m.) dryer, drier |
Secadora | (Spanish f.) clothes dryer, tumble dryer |
Secador de pelo | (Spanish m.) hair-dryer |
se cailler | (French) to clot (blood), to curdle (milk) |
s'écailler | (French) to flake, to flake off |
se calmer | (French) to calm, to calm down, to ease (diminish) |
se cambrer | (French) to arch one's back |
se camper | (French) to plant oneself |
Secante | (Spanish m.) blotting paper |
secante | (Spanish) drying, blotting |
Sécateur | (French) a pair of pruning shears (usually used in the plural sécateurs) |
se cantonner dans | (French) to confine oneself to |
secar | (Spanish) to dry, to wipe, to blot |
se caractériser par | (French) to be characterized by |
se caramboler | (French) to smash into each other (cars) |
secarse | (Spanish) to dry oneself, to dry, to dry up to wither |
secarse las manos | (Spanish) to dry ones hands |
s'écarter | (French) to move away, to move aside |
s'écarter de | (French) to stray from |
se casser | (French) to break |
se casser la figure | (French) to fall flat on one's face, to go bankrupt |
se casser la figure contre | (French) to crash into |
se casser la jambe | (French) to break one's leg |
se casser la tête sur | (French) to wrack one's brains about |
se casser le bras | (French) to break one's arm |
se casser le cou | (French) to fall flat on one's face, to go bankrupt |
se casser le nez | (French) to find no one in, to fail |
se casser net | (French) to break clean off, to break through |
se casser pour | (French) to split, to take off, to work at something |
Seccarara | a Neapolitan dance |
Sección | (Spanish f.) section (object, newspaper, orchestra, geometry, drawing), cut, department |
seccionar | (Spanish) to cut, to section |
Sección central | (Spanish f.) centre section |
Sección con libros prohibidos al público en general | (Spanish f.) restricted section (in a library - books not available to the general public) |
Sección de percusión | (Spanish f.) percussion section (orchestra) |
Sección de instrumentos de percusión | (Spanish f.) rhythm section (band, etc.) |
Sección de revista | (Spanish f.) magazine section |
Sección de sucesos | (Spanish f.) accident report, crime report, incident report |
Sección longitudinal | (Spanish f.) longitudinal section |
Sección musicale | (Spanish f.) musical section |
Sección que marca el ritmo | (Spanish f.) rhythm section (band, etc.) |
Sección transversal | (Spanish f.) cross-section, transverse section |
Secco | (Italian) a short form of fresco secco, painting on plaster that has been allowed to dry |
secco | (Italian) staccato |
(Italian) plain, unadorned |
(Italian) dry, crisp |
(Italian) when using a pair of cymbals, and in contrast to the instruction lasciar vibrare, or l.v., secco is a direction to damp them immediately after they have begun to sound |
in piano music, release the right pedal |
Secco recitative | synonymous with recitativo semplice, recitatives, mainly during the 17th- and 18th-centuries, accompanied by continuo instrument(s) rather than by an entire orchestra |
Secesión | (Spanish f.) secession |
Secesionista | (Spanish m./f.) secessionist |
se chamailler | (French) to squabble |
se changer en | (French) to change into |
s'échapper | (French) to escape |
se charger de | (French) to take charge of, to take care of |
se chauffer | (French) to warm oneself up |
se chausser | (French) to put one's shoes on |
se chercher | (French) to search for an identity |
sécheresse | (French) dryness |
sécher ses cours | (French) to cut one's classes, to play hooky |
se chevaucher | (French) to overlap |
se chiffrer à | (French) to amount to |
s'échouer | (French) to run aground |
sechs | (German) six |
Sechsachteltakt | (German m.) 6/8 time |
sechssaitig | (German) six-stringed |
sechste | (German) sixth |
sechsteilig | (German) six-part (music) |
Sechstelton (s.), Sechsteltöne (pl.) | (German m.) sixth tone |
sechstheilig | (German) six-part (music) |
Sechstongruppe | (German f.) hexachord |
Sechsvierteltakt | (German m.) 6/4 time |
Sechszehntel |  | (German f.) a semiquaver (sixteenth note), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Sechszehntelnote | (German f.) Sechszehntel |
Sechszehntelpause |  | (German f.) a semiquaver rest (sixteenth rest), a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest, , quart de soupir (French) |
Sechszehntheilnote | (German f.) Sechszehntel |
Sechszehntheilpause | (German f.) Sechszehntelpause |
sechzehn | (German) sixteen |
Sechzehntel | (German f.) Sechszehntel |
Sechzehntelnote | (German f.) Sechszehntel |
Sechzehntelpause | (German f.) Sechszehntelpause |
sechzig | (German) sixty |
se cicatriser | (French) to heal, to heal up |
se civiliser | (French) to become civilized |
s'éclairir | (French) to clear, to become clearer (a mystery) |
s'éclaircir la gorge | (French) to clear one's throat |
s'éclaircir la voix | (French) to clear one's throat |
s'éclairer | (French) to become clearer |
s'éclairer à la bougie | (French) to use candle-light |
se claquer un muscle | (French) to pull a muscle |
se classer dernier | (French) to come last |
se classer premier | (French) to come first |
s'éclipser | (French) to slip away |
se cloîtrer | (French) to shut oneself away |
seco (m.), seca (f.) | (Spanish) dry, curt, sharp, plain, thin, skinny |
se coaguler | (French) to coagulate |
se cogner | (French) to knock oneself |
se coiffer | (French) to do one's hair |
se coincer | (French) to get jammed |
secolare | (Italian) age-old, secular |
Secolo | (Italian m.) century, age (in the sense of epoch) |
Secolo dei Lumi | (Italian m.) Age of the Enlightenment |
se communiquer à | (French) to spread to |
se comparer | (French) to be compared |
se complaire dans | (French) to delight in |
se compléter | (French) to complement each other |
se compliquer | (French) to become complicated |
se comporter | (French) to behave, to perform |
se composer de | (French) to be made up of, to be composed of |
se concentrer | (French) to concentrate |
se concerter | (French) to confer |
se concilier | (French) to win, to win over |
se concrétiser | (French) to materialize |
Second | (English, French m.) seconda (Italian), Sekunde (German), seconde (French), segunda (Spanish), segundo grado (Spanish), the smallest non-unison interval, the interval between two conjunct degrees |
the alto part or voice |
the lower of two parts for the same instrument, for example, second violin, second horn |
the highest string but one on a string instrument |
seconda (Italian), Sekunde (German), seconde (French), a time interval, one sixtieth of a minute |
second (m.), seconde (f.) | (French) second (in time, place, etc. immediately after first) |
Seconda | (Italian f.) the interval of a second |
seconda | (Italian) second |
see secondo |
secondando | (Italian) colla voce |
Seconda pratica | (Italian f.) or seconda prattica, a term Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) claimed to have invented and used to distinguish Renaissance polyphony, prima prattica, with flowing strict counterpoint, prepared dissonance, and equality of voices, brought to perfection in the music of Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6-1594), from the newer Baroque style, seconda prattica, using much freer counterpoint with an increasing heirarchy of voices, emphasising soprano and bass. Monteverdi's own works demonstrate the power of this new style in particular the fourth to eight books of madrigal books, dramatic music such as Orfeo and Lasciatemi morire (Arianna's lament) and lighter pieces such as the Scherzi musicali. In his Dichiaratione published in the Scherzi musicali (1607), Giulio Cesare Monteverdi clarified his brother's thoughts on the term seconda prattica thus: "one that turns on the perfection of the melody, that is, the one that considers harmony not commanding, but commanded, and makes the words the mistress of the harmony". In this, Monteverdi followed Plato: "Rithmus et Harmonia orationem sequitur non ipsa oratio Rithmum et Harmoniam sequitur" (Republic, 400D in Monteverdi, Scherzi Musicali, 1607) to further a theory of music expressing the meaning of the text |
Seconda prattica | (Italian f.) see seconda pratica |
Secondary beam | the beam that is furthest from the noteheads, and remains unbroken, and connects a group of notes is called a primary beam. Any beam other than than the primary beam is a secondary beam and may be broken, often dividing the grouping into smaller units for easier reading |
Secondary chords | or subordinate chords, secondary chords relate to the key of the chord which follows (key of the moment) but do not effect a modulation. For example, the secondary chords to the supertonic chord in C major come from the key of d minor. A secondary chord contains at least one chromatically altered note; the chromatically altered note is never doubled. Secondary chords usually have dominant function, Chords must be major or minor in quality to be preceded by secondary chords. In analysis secondary chords are notated using two Roman numerals separated by a slash. The first numeral shows the function and quality of the secondary chord in relation to the following chord; the second numeral shows the following chord |
Secondary dominant chord | usually a dominant 7th chord (i.e. a chord which contains a major 3rd, a perfect 5th and a minor 7th) which is not the dominant of the prevailing key. A secondary dominant chord tonicizes a note other than tonic, by functioning as that note's dominant. The chords that can act as a dominant will be the same as can act as a secondary dominant, namely V, V7, vii°, vii°7 and the half-diminished seventh chord. Secondary dominants are often employed as part of dynamic harmony (normally moving to a chord with a root a 4th higher), don't normally indicate any modulation, and can occur on any degree of the scale. In addition, secondary dominants are normally major chords, not minor; thus, the secondary dominant of VI in C major is considered to be E major, not E minor. This accords with the fact that in a minor key, it is normally the dominant major chord, not the dominant minor, that serves the function of dominant harmony |
in jazz harmony, a secondary dominant is any dominant chord (major-minor 7th chord) which occurs on a weak beat and resolves downward by a perfect 5th. This is slightly different from the traditional use of the term, where a secondary dominant does not have to be a 7th chord, occur on a weak beat, or resolve downward. If a non-diatonic dominant chord is used on a strong beat, it is considered an extended dominant. If it doesn't resolve downward, it may be a borrowed chord |
Secondary leading note | the leading note (leading tone) of a note in the key other than tonic |
Secondary leading tone | US term for 'secondary leading note' |
Secondary set | a 12-note set formed by combining the second half of the first set with the first half of a different form of the first set |
Secondary seventh chord | a seventh chord on any degree of the scale except the dominant |
Secondary sources | studies written about a period, place, event, person or people (etc.), generally based on 'primary sources', as well as other 'secondary sources'. 'Secondary sources' can take the form of books, journal articles, theses, documentaries etc. |
Secondary stress | a stress less prominent than the primary stress - often indicated by a grave accent mark |
Secondary triad |
type | description |
primary triad | a major triad built on the tonic (I), subdominant (IV) and dominant (V) degrees of a major scale |
secondary triad | a minor triad built on other degrees of a major scale |
note: | the triad on the seventh degree (VII) of the major scale when in root position is a discord. Its first inversion is, however, not. For this reason the VII triad is considered neither primary nor secondary |
Seconda volta | (Italian f.) or, IIda volta, second ending, second-time (bar) |
Second corps | (French m.) middle joint (of a wind instrument), pezzo di mezzo (Italian m.), Mittelstück (German n.), cuerpo superior (Spanish m.), cuerpo medio (Spanish m.) |
Second dessus | (French m.) second treble |
Seconde | (Dutch, French f., Italian f. pl.) second |
seconde, à la | (French, literally 'to the second') in dance, a term to imply that the foot is to be placed in the second position, or that a movement is to be made to the second position en l'air, as, for example, in grand battement à la seconde |
Seconde fois | (French f.) second time |
seconde majeure | (French f.) major second |
Second ending | see 'first ending' |
se condenser | (French) to condense |
Second inversion | a triad or chord so arranged vertically that the 5th lies in the lowest 'root' position with the other notes lying above the 'root' |
see 'inversion' |
Second language | in addition to a first language (i.e., a native language), a second language is any language used frequently for communication, trade, diplomacy, scholarship, or other important purposes |
Second-Line | the folk dance practiced by the throngs who follow parading jazz bands in New Orleans. In addition, the term describes a number of the syncopated rhythms prevalent in New Orleans and a gathering where bands play and people dance |
secondo (m.), seconda (f.), secondi (m. pl.), seconde (f. pl.) | (Italian) second |
Secondo partito | (Italian m.) second part. second voice |
Second person | seconda persona (Italian), deuxière personne (French), segunda persona (Spanish) |
one of the three classes of pronouns, verb-forms, etc., where the person speaking is the 'first person', the person spoken to is the 'second person' and the person spoken of is the 'third person' |
Second subject | a typical 'sonata-form' movement consists of a two-part tonal structure, articulated in three main sections (exposition, development and recapitulation). The first section (the exposition) divides into a first group in the tonic and, after transitional material, a 'second group' in another key (usually the dominant in major movements, the relative major in minor ones), often with a codetta to round the section off. Both groups may include a number of different themes and the 'second subject' is the principal theme of the second group |
Second time | secunda volta (Italian), zweites Mal (German), deuxième fois (French) |
Second-time bar | when repeating a section, an alternative bar or phrase that may take the place of another, the original being played the first time and the alternative being played the second time, hence its name |
se conduire | (French) to behave |
Second Viennese school | name given to a group including the composer Arnold Schoenberg and his pupils Alban Berg and Anton Webern, that represents the first efforts in twelve-tone composition and which flourished between 1910-1930 |
se confesser | (French) to confess |
se confier à | (French) to confide in |
se confiner | (French) to confine oneself |
se confiner à | (French) to confine oneself to |
se confiner dans | (French) to confine oneself to |
se confondre | (French) to merge |
se conformer à | (French) to conform to |
se confronter à | (French) to confront |
se conjuguer | (French) to be conjugated (grammar) |
se connâitre | (French) to meet |
se consacrer | (French) to devote oneself |
se consacrer à | (French) to devote oneself to |
se conserver | (French) to keep (cooking) |
se consoler | (French) to be consoled |
se consoler de | (French) to be consoled for |
se constituer prisonnier | (French) to give oneself up |
se consulter | (French) to confer |
se consumer | (French) to be consumed |
se contenir | (French) to contain oneself |
se contenter de | (French) to content oneself with |
se contortionner | (French) to wriggle |
se contracter | (French) to contract |
se contredire | (French) to contradict oneself |
se contrôler | (French) to control oneself |
se convertir | (French) to be converted, to convert |
Secor | an interval of 116.69 cents. More an interval than a measure, it is almost 7/72 part of an octave. Proposed by George Secor in a 1975 Xenharmonikon article as a generator for scales which are nearly 11-limit just |
se corriger de | (French) to cure oneself of |
se cotiser | (French) to club together |
se coucher | (French) to go to bed, to lie down, to set (the sun) |
secouer | (French) to shake (for example, in music, a tambourine) |
se couler | (French) to slip |
s'écouler | (French) to flow, to flow out, to run, to run off, to pass |
se couper | (French) to cut oneself, to intersect (roads) |
se courber | (French) to bend |
se couvrir | (French) to cover up, to put one's hat on, to become overcast (sky) |
se cramponner à | (French) to cling to |
s'écraser | (French) to crash |
s'écraser contre | (French) to crash into |
Sécretaire | (French) or 'secretary' (English), a writing desk with small drawers and pigeon-holes, enclosed by a vertical front which can be let down to form a writing surface, often very similar in design to a cheveret (French) |
Sécretaire à abattant | (French) a fall-front writing-desk |
Secretaria | (Spanish f.) (female) secretary, secretariat |
Secretaria de rodaje | (Spanish f.) continuity girl |
Secretario | (Spanish m.) secretariat, (male) secretary |
Secretario de rodaje | (Spanish m.) continuity man |
Secret de polichinelle | (French) an open secret, a supposed secret that is known to everybody |
Secreto | (Spanish m.) wind-chest (in an organ), sommier (French), secret |
se creuser (la cervelle) | (French) to rack one's brains |
s'écrier | (French) to exclaim |
s'écrire | (French) to be spelt (word) |
se crisper | (French) to tense, to clench (fists) |
se cristalliser | (French) to crystallize |
se croiser | (French) to cross, to pass (each other) (cars, etc.) |
se croiser les bras | (French) to fold one's arms |
se croiser les jambes | (French) to cross one's legs |
s'écrouler | (French) to collapse |
Secta | (Spanish f.) sect |
sectario | (Spanish) sectarian |
Section |
in sectional form, a large work which has its own distinct character is made up of various smaller clear-cut sections in combination that might include an 'introduction' or 'intro', 'exposition', 'recapitulation', 'verse', 'chorus' or 'refrain', 'conclusion', 'coda' or 'outro', 'fadeout', 'bridge' and 'interlude'. Examples of structures like these include: |
strophic form | AA... |
binary form | AB |
ternary form, less often tertiary | ABA |
arch form | ABCBA |
a subdivision of a phrase |
in an orchestra or a band, groupings of instruments of a similar nature, for example, 'woodwind section' for wind instruments (oboes, clarinets, bassoons, etc.), 'string section' (violins, violas, cellos and double basses), etc. |
in printing, a folded sheet of paper forming part of a book; sections are sometimes made of insetted folded sheets of four, eight sixteen or more pages |
Sectional | or 'sectional rehearsal', a rehearsal of a section of an choir, orchestra, band, etc. (i.e. not involving the whole group) |
Sectional form | where a piece is built by combining small clear-cut units, for example, strophic form, binary form, chain form, ternary form, arch form, rondo form and song form |
Section of Painting and Sculpture | or SPS, later known as the Section of Fine Arts or SFA, a division of the Treasury Department, which was comprised of paid artists who produced more than 108,000 easel paintings, 17,000 sculptures, 11,000 print designs, and 2,500 murals |
Secuela | (Spanish f.) consequence |
Secuencia | (Spanish f.) sequence, séquence (French) |
Secuencia armónica | (Spanish f.) harmonic sequence |
Secuencia melódica | (Spanish f.) melodic sequence |
Secular | (English) in relation to clergy, priests living in the world, not under a rule, who are bound by no vows and may possess property, working under the authority of a bishop |
(English) more generally, refers to people who are not clergy, the laity |
(English, Spanish) not concerned with religion, not sacred, wordly |
Secular clergy | clergy who dealt with secular concerns such as the operation and administration of individual parishes and tending to the congregation's spiritual needs. It was composed of the priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals |
Secular music | compositions that have no devotional purposes |
Secular oratorio | an 18th-century English stage form, which consisted of an oratorio on a non-religious topic. There was very little difference from opera, except that it employed a chorus. The best known examples are by Handel: Semele, Samson and Hercules |
secunda | (Italian) second |
secundar | (Spanish) to second, to help |
secundario | (Spanish) secondary |
Secunda volta | (Italian f.) second time |
Secundal chords | chords built of seconds |
Secunde | (German) or sekunde, the interval of a second |
secundieren | (German) to play the second part |
secundiren | (German, older spelling) to play the second part |
Secundo | (Latin) secondly |
Secundo soprano | (Italian m.) second soprano |
Secundum quid | (Latin) in some particular respect only |
secundus | (Latin) second |
se curer les dents | (French) to clean one's teeth |
se curer les ongles | (French) to clean one's nails |
Security papers | papers which incorporate features which can act to identify or authenticate the product as original or features which demonstrate tamper evidence when fraud is attempted, for example, to remove or alter print such as amounts or signatures on a cheque. Examples of this kind of papers are those used for documents and certificates, such as birth certificates and different types of academic certificates |
Securus judicat orbis terracum | (Latin) the whole world cannot be wrong |
Sed | (Spanish f.) thirst |
Seda | (Spanish f.) silk |
Sedan | (historical) an enclosed chair for one, carried on poles by two men (one before and the other behind) |
se dandiner | (French) to waddle |
Sedanny | see 'dargason' |
Sedately | tranquil and dignified, serious, posato (Italian), gemessen (German), posément (French) |
se débarbouiller | (French) to wash one's face |
se débarrasser de | (French) to get rid of, to rid oneself of |
se débattre | (French) to struggle to free oneself |
se déboutonner | (French) to unbutton oneself, to come undone (a garment) |
se débrouiller | (French) to manage, to cope (as best as one can) |
se décanter | (French) to settle |
se déchaîner | (French) to erupt |
se décharger | (French) (battery) to go flat |
se déchirer | (French) to tear |
se décider | (French) to make up one's mind |
se décider à | (French) to make up one's mind to, to decide to |
sedecim | (Latin) sixteen |
Sedecima | (Latin, Italian) the interval of a sixteenth |
an obsolete name for a Fifteenth stop of the organ, more properly called Quindecima although the term may also be applied to a 1 ft. pipe which is properly an octave above a true Fifteenth |
se déclarer | (French) (fire) to break out |
se déclencher | (French) to go off (e.g. a flash in photography) |
se décolorer | (French) to fade (e.g. colour) |
se décomposer | (French) to decompose |
se décontracter | (French) to relax |
se découper sur | (French) to stand out against |
se décourager | (French) to become discouraged |
se découvrir | (French) to uncover oneself, to take off one's hat, to clear (sky) |
se défaire | (French) to come undone |
se défaire de | (French) to rid oneself of |
se défendre | (French) to defend oneself, to manage, to protect oneself |
se défendre de | (French) to refrain from |
se défiler | (French) to sneak off |
se défoncer | (French) to work very hard, to get high (on drugs) |
se dégager | (French) to free oneself, to clear (sky, road), to emanate (smell) |
se dégarnir | (French) to clear, to empty, to go bald |
se déglinguer | (French) to fall to bits |
se dégonfler | (French) to get cold feet |
se dégrader | (French) to deteriorate |
se déguiser | (French) to disguise oneself, to dress up (as for a carnival) |
se déguiser en | (French) to disguise oneself as |
se délasser | (French) to relax |
se délecter de | (French) to delight in |
se délier | (French) to come untied |
se demander | (French) to wonder, to ask oneself |
se demander bien pourquoi... | (French) to not be able to figure out why... |
se demander où | (French) to wonder where |
se demander si | (French) to wonder if |
se démaquiller | (French) to remove one's make-up |
se démener | (French) to move about wildly, to exert oneself |
se démettre | (French) to resign |
se démettre de | (French) to resign from |
se démonter | (French) to come apart |
se démunir de | (French) to part with |
se dénoncer | (French) to give oneself up |
se dénouer | (French) to come undone |
se dépêcher de | (French) to hurry to |
se dépenser | (French) to exert oneself |
se dépêtrer | (French) to get oneself out |
se dépêtrer de | (French) to get oneself out of |
se dépeupler | (French) to become depopulated |
se déplacer | (French) to move, to travel (on a journey) |
se déposer | (French) to settle |
se déprécier | (French) to depreciate (in value) |
sedere | (Italian) to sit |
se dérégler | (French) to go wrong |
se dérober | (French) to slip away |
se dérober à | (French) to shy away from, to hide from |
se dérouiller les jambes | (French) to stretch one's legs |
se dérouler | (French) to unwind, to take place, to unfold (story, countryside) |
sedersi | (Italian) to sit down |
Sederunt | (Latin, literally 'they sat) a sitting of a court, ecclesiastical assembly, company of people for any purpose, etc. |
se désaltérer | (French) to quench one's thirst |
se désespérer | (French) to despair |
se déshabiller | (French) to undress, to get undressed |
se déshabituer de | (French) to get out of the habit of |
se déshydrater | (French) to dehydrate |
se désintégrer | (French) to disintegrate |
se désintéresser | (French) to lose interest in |
se désister | (French) to withdraw |
se dessécher | (French) to dry out, to dry up |
se desserrer | (French) to come loose |
se dessiner | (French) to appear, to take shape |
se destiner à | (French) to intend to take up (a post, a career) |
se détacher | (French) to come off, to break away, to come undone, to stand out |
se détendre | (French) to become slack, to slacken, to be released, to relax |
se détériorer | (French) to deteriorate |
se déterminer | (French) to make up one's mind |
se déterminer à | (French) to make up one's mind to |
se détester | (French) to hate each other |
se détourner | (French) to stray away from |
se détraquer | (French) (machine, equipment) to go wrong |
Sede vacante | (Latin) (during) the vacancy of an episcopal see (for example, the Papal see) |
se dévaloriser | (French) to reduce in value |
se dévaluer | (French) to devalue |
se développer | (French) to develop |
se déverser | (French) to empty out, to pour out |
se dévêtir | (French) to undress |
Sedia | (Italian f.) chair |
Sedia a sdraio | (Italian f.) deck-chair |
Sedia gestatoria | (Latin) the chair carried on the shoulders of bearers, used by the Pope on certain ceremonial occasions |
se dice que | (Spanish) it is said that, they say that |
Sedici | (Italian m.) sixteen |
sedici | (Italian) sixteen |
se différencier | (French) to differ from |
se dilater | (French) to dilate |
Sedile | (Italian m.) seat, bench |
Sedilia | (Latin) a series of three seats (usually recessed in the wall) on the south side of the chancel of a church for the use of the clergy at mass |
se dire | (French) to be said, to say that one is (tired, etc.), to say to oneself, to think, to claim to be |
se diriger | (French) to guide oneself |
se diriger vers | (French) to make one's way to, to head for, to move towards, to make for |
se disculper | (French) to prove oneself innocent |
se disjoindre | (French) to come apart |
se disloquer | (French) to break up, to come apart |
se dispenser de | (French) to avoid |
se dispenser de faire | (French) to avoid doing |
se disperser | (French) to disperse |
se disposer à | (French) to prepare to |
se disputer | (French) to quarrel, to fight over, (a match) to be played |
se dissimuler | (French) to conceal oneself |
se dissiper | (French) to disappear |
se dissoudre | (French) to dissolve |
se distendre | (French) to distend |
se distraire | (French) to amuse oneself |
se divertir | (French) to amuse oneself |
se diviser | (French) to divide |
se documenter | (French) to collect information |
se donner à | (French) to devote oneself to |
se donner à fond dans ... | (French) to give one's all to ... |
se donner bonne conscience | (French) to affect a clear conscience, to ease one's conscience |
se donner comme but de... | (French) to make it one's aim to... |
se donner comme mission de... | (French) to make it one's mission to... |
se donner comme objectif de... | (French) to make it one's objective to... |
se donner de grands airs | (French) to give oneself airs |
se donner de la peine | (French) to take great pains |
se donner des airs de | (French) to act like |
se donner des baisers | (French) to kiss one another |
se donner des coups | (French) to exchange blows |
se donner du bon temps | (French) to have a good time, to have a whale of a time |
se donner du mal | (French) to go to a lot of trouble, to work hard, to take a lot of trouble |
se donner du mal pour faire | (French) to go to a lot of trouble to do |
se donner ... jours de pour | (French) to to give oneself ... days to |
se donner le mot | (French) to pass the word on |
se donner le nom de | (French) to call oneself by the name of |
se donner le temps de faire | (French) to give oneself time to do |
se donner le titre de | (French) to call oneself by the title of |
se donner les moyens de faire | (French) to find the means to do |
se donner ... mois de pour | (French) to to give oneself ... months to |
se donner pour | (French) to claim to be, to profess to be, to make oneself out to be |
se donner pour but de... | (French) to make it one's aim to... |
se donner pour mission de... | (French) to make it one's mission to... |
se donner pour objectif de... | (French) to make it one's objective to... |
se donner pour tâche de... | (French) to make it one's task to... |
se donner rendez-vous | (French) to arrange to meet, to make an appointment |
se donner un coup à la tête | (French) to bang one's head |
se donner un coup au bras | (French) to bang one's arm |
se donner une contenance | (French) to pretend to be composed |
se donner une importance qu'on n'a pas | (French) to act as if one is important when he isn't, to act as if one is important when she isn't |
se donner une nouvelle image | (French) to give oneself a new image |
se donner un président | (French) to choose a president |
se donne un mal de chien à faire | (French) to bend over backwards to do |
se doper | (French) to take dope (drugs) |
se doucher | (French) to have a shower, to take a shower |
se douter de | (French) suspect |
se dresser | (French) to stand (a building), to draw oneself up |
se droguer | (French) to take drugs |
Seducción | (Spanish f.) seduction |
seducir | (Spanish) to seduce, to attract |
Seductor | (Spanish m.) seducer |
seductor | (Spanish) seductive |
séduisant (m.), séduisante (f.) | (French) seductive, bewitching |
se durcir | (French) to harden |
Seduzione | (Italian f.) seduction |
Seducción | (Spanish f.) seduction |
See | properly, the official 'seat' of a bishop. Commonly used for the territorial unit of administration in the church, governed by a bishop; also known as a diocese |
Seegering | (German m.) circlip |
Seele | (German f., literally 'soul') feeling |
(German f.) sound-post (of a stringed instrument) |
Seelenamt | (German) Requiem or Mass for departed souls |
Seelenmesse | (German) Requiem or Mass for departed souls |
seelenvoll | (German) soulful |
se encuentra realmente en su ambiente | (Spanish) he's really in his element |
Seersucker | a lightweight cotton, rayon or silk fabric with a crinkled striped surface |
se fâcher contre | (French) to get mad at |
se faire | (French) to become, to earn (money) |
se faire à ... | (French) to get used to ... |
se faire de bonnes journées | (French) to make good money |
se faire de la bile | (French) to worry |
se faire des idées | (French) to be fooling oneself |
se faire des illusions | (French) to be fooling oneself |
se faire des soucis | (French) to worry |
se faire du mauvais sang | (French) to worry |
se faire du souci | (French) to worry |
se faire échauder | (French) to get one's fingers burnt |
se faire fort de | (French) to be confident |
se faire mal | (French) to hurt oneself |
se faire mal au pied | (French) to hurt one's foot |
se faire passer pour | (French) to pass oneself off as |
se faire rouler (dans la farine) | (French) to get swindled, to be had |
se faire sonner les cloches | (French) to be told off |
se faire tirer le portrait | (French) to have one's picture taken |
se faire tout petit | (French) to try not to be noticed, to make inconspicuous |
se faire tout seul | (French) to be a self-made man |
se faire une idée | (French) to get some idea |
se faire une montagne de ... | (French) to exaggerate the importance of ... |
se faire une raison | (French) to resign oneself to something |
se farder | (French) to apply make-up |
s'effacer | (French) to fade, to step aside |
s'effilocher | (French) to fray |
s'éffondrer | (French) to collapse |
s'efforcer | (French) to try, to try hard |
s'efforcer de | (French) to try to, to try hard to, to endevour to |
s'effrayer | (French) to be frightened |
s'effriter | (French) to crumble |
se fier | (French) to trust |
se fier à ... | (French) to trust ..., to have faith in ..., to have confidence in ..., to rely on ... |
se fue por ahí | (Spanish) she went that way |
seg. | abbreviated form of segue (Italian: it follows) or segno (Italian: sign), 'segment' (particularly a segment or episode of a TV series) |
Sega | (Italian f.) saw |
Segakordeon | see sega tambour |
Segala | (Italian f.) rye |
Sega meccanica | (Italian f.) power saw |
Sega music | an evolved combination of traditional Mauritian and Réunionnais music with European dance music like polka and quadrilles. Sega is especially similar to the Réunionnais folk dance maloya. In its modern form, sega is also combined with genres like soukous, zouk and reggae |
Sega musicale | (Italian f.) musical saw |
Sega ravanne | the Mauritian traditional sega which, compared to Reunionais sega or maloya, has a strongly accentuated beat |
segare | (Italian) to saw |
s'égarer | (French) to get lost, to go astray |
Sega tambour | or segakordeon, the traditional Rodriguan sega which is extremely swift compared to other varieties and is sung mostly by women, and danced by only one couple at a time, accompanied by clapping or the use of improvised percussion instruments like table legs and glasses |
Segatura | (Italian f.) sawdust |
se gaver de (films) | (French) to be a glutton for (movies) |
Seggae | evolved from Mauritian and Réunionnais sega, a fusion of reggae and sega |
Seggio | (Italian m.) seat |
Seggio elettorale | (Italian m.) polling station |
Seggiolone | (Italian m.) high chair (for a baby) |
Seggiovia | (Italian f.) chair-lift |
Segheria | (Italian f.) sawmill |
Seglar | (Spanish m.) layman |
seglar | (Spanish) secular |
Segmento | (Italian m.) segment |
Segnale | (Italian m.) signal, (street) sign |
segnalare | (Italian) to signal, to announce, to point out (indicate) |
segnalarsi | (Italian) to distinguish oneself |
Segnale d'intervallo | (Italian m.) interval signal |
Segnaletica | (Italian f.) signals (pl.) |
Segnaletica stradale | (Italian f.) road signs (pl.) |
Segnalibro | (Italian m.) book-mark |
segnare | (Italian) to mark, to note (take note), to indicate, to score (sport) |
segnare a matita | (Italian) pencilled |
segnarsi | (Italian) to cross oneself (to make the sign of the cross)
Segno | (Italian m.) sign, mark, target |
Segni di interpunzione | (Italian m. pl.) punctuation marks |
Segni di tempo | (Italian m. pl.) time signature |
Segno |  | (Italian m.) sign; for example, [D.C.] dal segno as in [repeat] from the sign |
Segno d'espressione | (Italian m.) expression mark |
Segona major | (Catalan f.) major second |
s'égosiller | (French) to shout one's head off |
s'égoutter | (French) to drain |
Segoviano | (Spanish m.) a person from Segovia |
Segreta | (Italian f.) wind chest |
Segretario (m.), Segretaria (f.) | (Italian) secretary |
Seguace | (Italian m./f.) follower |
segue | (Italian, literally 'it follows' or 'it comes after') go on (to the next section) without a break |
in an improvisation, the term is often used for 'transitions' created as a part of the performance, that lead from one section to another |
in recorded music, a seamless transition between one song and another |
(Italian) simile, for example, used in piano music above chords placed after an arpeggio-like pattern to show that the following chords should also be argeggiated |
segue coro | (Italian) the chorus follows, go on to the chorus |
Séguedille | (French f.) seguidilla |
segue il coro | (Italian) the chorus follows, go on to the chorus |
segue il duetto | (Italian) the duet follows |
segue il menuetto | (Italian) the minuet follows |
segue la coda | (Italian) the coda follows |
segue la finale | (Italian) go on to the finale |
segue l'aria | (Italian) the aria follows |
seguendo | (Italian) or seguente, following, next |
seguendo il canto | (Italian) col canto, colla voce |
seguente | see seguendo |
Seguenza | (Spanish f.) a sequence |
segue senza interruzione | (Italian) go on (to the next part) without stopping |
segue subito senza cambiare il tempo | (Italian) go on immediately without changing the tempo |
Seguidilla | (Spanish f.) old Castilian-Spanish folk dance, in simple triple time and most frequently in a minor key, similar to the bolero, which alternates vocal (coplas, verses sung by the dancers) and instrumental passages |
seguido | (Spanish, of a single entity) continuous |
(Spanish, of a number of entities) consecutive |
sèguita a leggere | (Italian) continues to read |
Seguito | (Italian m.) segue, continuation, series |
Segunda | (Spanish f.) second, seconde (French) |
Segunda aumentada | (Spanish f.) augmented second |
Segunda disminuída | (Spanish f.) diminished second |
Segunda inversión | (Spanish f.) second inversion (referring to the arrangement of the notes of a chord) |
Segunda mayor | (Spanish f.) major second |
Segunda menor | (Spanish f.) minor second |
Segundo | (Portuguese, Spanish m.) second |
the middle (or second) drum in the set of three tumbadoras (called tres golpes) used in Cuban drumming, including particularly those used in rumba style |
Segundo movimiento | (Spanish m.) second movement |
Segundo nombre | (Spanish m.) middle name |
se había anudado un pañuelo a la garganta | (Spanish) she had tied a scarf around her neck |
se hâter de | (French) to hurry to |
se heurter de face | (French) to collide head on |
se heurter de front | (French) to collide head on |
se hicieron amigos durante el verano | (Spanish) they became friends in the summer |
se hicieron muy amigos | (Spanish) they became good friends |
sehnlich | (German) in a style expressive of yearning, ardently |
Sehnsucht | (German f.) desire, longing, yearning, ardour, fervour, nostalgia |
sehnsüchtig | (German) longingly, ardently |
sehnsuchtsvoll | (German) longingly, ardently |
sehr | (German) very, much, extremely |
sehr ausdrucksvoll (gesungen) | (German) very expressive (very expressively sung) |
sehr bestimmt | (German) very resolutely |
sehr betont | (German) very accented, molto accentuato (Italian), très accentué (French) |
sehr bewegt | (German) very lively |
sehr breit | (German) very broadly |
sehr deutlich | (German) very clearly |
sehr drängend | (German) very much pressing forward |
sehr entfernt | (German) very remote |
sehr feierlich aber schlicht (Choralmässig) | (German) very solemn but simple (chorale-like) |
sehr gemächlich | (German) very comfortable (leisurely) |
sehr gesangsvoll | (German) very songful |
sehr gesangvoll | (German) very songful |
sehr getragen | (German) very solemn, measured, slow |
sehr getragen und gesangvoll | (German) very solemn and songful |
sehr herveortretend | (German) very much to the fore |
sehr kurz | (German) very short |
sehr lang | (German) very long |
sehr langsam | (German) very slowly |
sehr langsam beginnend | (German) beginning very slowly |
sehr langsam und gedehnt | (German) very slow and stretched out |
sehr langsam und stetig bis zur höchsten Kraft anschwellend | (German) very slowly and steadily swelling to greatest strength |
sehr langweilig | (German) as dull as ditch water |
sehr laut | (German) very loud, fortissimo (Italian), très fort (French) |
sehr lebhaft | (German) very lively, vivacious and animated |
sehr leise | (German) extremely soft, pianissimo (Italian), très doucement (French) |
sehr markirt | (German) very marked |
sehr mässig und zurückhaltend | (German) very moderate and held back |
sehr rasch | (German) very quick |
sehr scharf rhythmisiert | (German) very strong rhythms |
sehr schnell | (German) presto, very quick |
sehr singbar vorzutragen | (German) perform in a singing style |
sehr stark | (German) very loud |
sehr zart | (German) very tender, very soft |
sehr zurückhaltend | (German) (the tempo) very much held back |
Sei | (Italian m.) six |
sei | (Italian) six |
Seicento | (Italian m.) six hundred |
Seicento, il | (Italian m. short for millesiecento) the seventeenth century (i.e. the sixteen hundreds), the architecture and art of that century much of which is described as Baroque in style, the characteristics of that century |
seicento | (Italian) six hundred |
Seide | (German f.) silk |
Seidel | (German n.) beer-mug |
Seidenpapier | (German n.) tissue paper |
Seidensaite | (German f.) silk string, corda di seta (Italian f.), corde de soie (French f.) |
seidenweich | (German) silky-soft |
seidig | (German) silky |
Seife | (German f.) soap |
Seifenpulver | (German n.) soap powder |
Seifenschaum | (German m.) lather |
seifig | (German) soapy |
Seigneur | (French m.) God or Jesus Christ, when capitalized |
(French m.) a French feudal lord, a French noble taking his title from the name of his estate or fiefdom (seigneurie) |
Seigneurie | (French f.) a fiefdom which, when feudalism held sway, consisted of inheritable lands or revenue-producing property granted by a liege lord, generally to a vassal, in return for a form of allegiance, originally to give him the means to fulfill his military duties when called upon. However anything of value could be held in fief, such as an office, a right of exploitation (e.g., hunting, fishing) or any other type of revenue, rather than the land it comes from. |
Seignior | (from Middle English seygnour, from Anglo-French seignur, from Medieval Latin senior) or seigneur (French), the owner of a seigniory, a feudal lord |
Seigniory | or seigneurie (French f.), fiefdom owned by a feudal lord |
seihen | (German) to strain |
Seikilos epitaph | the Seikilos epitaph is famed as the oldest surviving example of a complete musical composition, including musical notation, from anywhere in the world. The song, the melody of which is recorded, alongside its lyrics, in the ancient Greek musical notation, was found engraved on a tombstone, near Aidin, Turkey (not far from Ephesus). The find has been dated variously from around 200 BC to around AD 100. While older music with notation exists (for example the Delphic Hymns), all of it is in fragments; the Seikilos epitaph is unique in that it is a complete, though short, composition |
Seil | (German n.) rope, cable |
Seilbahn | (German f.) cable railway |
seilspringen | (German) to skip |
Seiltänzer (m.), Seiltänzerin (f.) | (German) tightrope walker |
Seimila | (Italian m.) six thousand |
seimila | (Italian) six thousand |
sein ärgster Feind | (German) his own worst enemy |
sein Äußerste tun | (German) to do one's upmost |
sein Bestes tun | (German) to do one's best |
sein Brot verdienen | (German) to earn one's living |
sein Brot verdienen mit | (German) to earn one's living by |
seine Englischkenntnisse auffrischen | (German) to brush up one's English |
seinen Hustenreiz unterdrücken | (German) to suppress the need to cough, to suppress the urge to cough |
seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen | (German) to earn one's living |
sein Garn spinnen | (German) to pitch a tale (colloquial) |
sein wahres Gesicht zeigen | (German) to show one's true colours |
Seis | (Puerto Rico) originated in the latter half of the 17th-century in the southern part of Spain, dance music, a variant of décima, so-called because originally it was the custom to have six couples perform the dance |
Seis | (Spanish m.) six |
seis | (Spanish) six |
Seiscientos | (Spanish m.) six hundred |
seiscientos | (Spanish) six hundred |
Seisillo | (Spanish m.) or sextillo, sextuplet (group of notes), sextolet (French) |
Seistron | a metallic rattle. the most simple version consisting of little metal bars tied on to two wooden arms. Probably originating from Egypt where it was used for religious ceremonies for the goddess Isis. It was held in the right hand and shaken, from which it derived its name |
seit | (German) from, for, ever since, since |
seit der Zeit | (German) since then |
seit dieser Zeit | (German) since when |
Seite | (German f.) side, for example, one of the skins of a drum |
(German f.) page (of a book, etc.) |
seit einem Jahr | (German) for one year past |
seit einiger Zeit | (German) of late |
Seiteki | (Japanese) transverse flute |
Seitenansicht | (German f.) side elevation |
Seitenbewegung | (German f.) oblique motion |
Seitensatz (s.), Seitensätze (pl.) | (German m.) also called Nebensatz, the second subject in sonata-form or the subject (or subjects) that alternates (or alternate) with the principal subject in rondo form |
Seitenthema | (German n.) 'second theme' as in a movement in 'sonata form' |
Seitentitel | (German m.) lemma |
seit jener Zeit | (German) thenceforward |
seit kurzem | (German) lately |
seit langem | (German) for a long time |
seit Menschengedenken | (German) within living memory |
seit undenklichen Zeiten | (German) from time immemorial |
seit Urzeiten | (German) from time immemorial |
seit vierzehn Tagen | (German) this fortnight |
seit wann? | (German) since when?, how long since? |
Seixanta | (Catalan) sixty |
Seixanta-quatrè de pausa |  | (Catalan m.) a hemidemisemiquaver rest, a sixty-fourth rest, a rest one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest |
Seizième de soupir |  | (French m.) a hemidemisemiquaver rest (sixty-fourth rest), a rest one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest, Vierundsechzigstelpause (German) |
se jeter sur ... | (French) to throw oneself upon ... |
se joindre à | (French) to join |
Sekaran | (Javanese, literally 'flowering') a type of elaboration used in the Javanese gamelan, especially on the bonang barung |
- Sekaran from which this extract has been taken
Sekere | see shekere |
Seke-seke | (West Africa) metal rattle or ears that are used on a jembe, also known as ksink-ksink |
Sekeseke | a handmade violin of the Warao from Venezuela, that is often a copy of a European violin with four strings, with a name that means 'scratch scratch' |
seks | (Danish, Norwegian) six |
Sekst | (Danish) the interval of a sixth |
seksten | (Danish, Norwegian) sixteen |
sekstende | (Danish) sixteenth |
Sekstendedelsnode |  | (Danish) a semiquaver (sixteenth note) a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Sekstendedelspause |  | (Danish) a semiquaver rest (sixteenth rest) a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest |
Seksti | (Finnish) the interval of a sixth |
(Norwegian) sixty |
Sekstol | (Danish) sextuplet |
Sekstoli | (Finnish) sextuplet |
sekund | (Danish) second |
sekund(a), sekunde | (German) second |
Sekundakkord | (German m.) four-two chord, third inversion of the seventh chord |
Sekunde | (German f.) the interval of a second |
sekunti | (Finnish) second |
se laisser | (French) to let oneself be |
se laisser aller | (French) to let oneself go |
se laisser aller à | (French) to stoop to |
se laisser boire | (French) to go down nicely (colloquial), to taste nice |
se laisser dire que ... | (French) to hear that ..., to be told that ... |
se laisser faire | (French) to let oneself be persuaded, to let oneself be talked into, to get pushed around |
se laisser surprendre par | (French) to get caught by, to be surprised by |
Selák | Furiant |
s'élargir | (French) to widen |
Selbstbilnis | (German n.) self-portrait |
Selbstgespräch | (German) soliloquy |
Selbstlaut | (German m.) vowel |
Selbstporträt | (German) self-portrait |
Selbstspielklavier | (German n.) player piano |
selbständig | (German n.) independent, self-employed |
Selbständigkeit | (German f.) independence |
Selección | (Spanish f.) selection |
se lécher les babines | (French) to lick one's chops |
Sélection | (French f.) selection |
se les vio juntos y muy acaramelados | (Spanish) they were engrossed in one another |
se lever | (French) to get up, to rise (sun, curtain, etc.), (day)break |
s'élever | (French) to rise, to soar up |
s'élever à | (French) to amount to |
se lever avant le jour | (French) to get up before dawn |
se lézarder | (French) to crack |
selezionare | (Italian) to select |
Selezione | (Italian f.) selection |
Self-appellation | see 'endonym' |
Self-borrowing | the term "self borrowing" is not only grammatically contradictory (what one owns, one needs not borrow), it also tends to obscure the compositional process. Composers such as Bach and Handel did not stop thinking about musical material once it was committed to paper; rather, they continued to revise and expand on it. In Handel's case, expansion and elaboration of a theme can be seen in manuscript sketches |
Self-reflexivity | writing has self-reflexivity if it somehow refers to itself. Critics also call this being self-referential. Self-reflexivity calls attention to its own artifice, violates verisimilitude, or breaks the boundaries between sign, signifier and signified |
selig | (German) blissfully happy |
Seligkeit | (German f.) bliss |
Selingup | also called selingut or keringut, a five-holed nose flute of the Kayan people of the interior of Sarawak |
Selingut | see selingup |
se livrer à | (French) to give oneself over to, to indulge in, to confide in, to carry out |
se livrer avec abandon à | (French) to indulge in |
Seljefløyte | (Norwegian) willow flute, originally, called 'birch flute', called sälgflöjt in Swedish [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
it exists in two forms: |
an end-blown flute, often called a whistling flute |
a side-blown flute |
Sella | (Italian f.) saddle, Sattel (German m.), sillet (French m.) |
Sell-out | or 'sellout', see 'full house' |
Sell-through | in publishing, the percentage of units shipped which are actually sold |
Selnien | vertical cymbals used by Tibetan monks in Buddhist rites |
Selnyen | see selnien |
se lo agradeceré siempre | (Spanish) I'll always be grateful to her |
s'éloigner | (French) to go away, to move away, to become estranged |
s'éloigner de | (French) to go away from, to move away from, to become estranged from |
selon les dires de | (French) according to |
Selon moi | (French) In my view |
Selpe | in Turkish folk music, a playing technique executed on the baglama, using the fingers of the picking hand to tap the strings against the fingerboard, to sound notes |
Selskap | (Norwegian) society |
Seltenheit | (German f.) rarity |
se luxer un membre | (French) to dislocate a limb |
Selvaggio | (Italian m./f.) savage |
selvaggio | (Italian) wild, savage (primitive) |
selvatico | (Italian) wild |
sem. | abbreviated form of sempre |
Sema | the Whirling Dervish rite |
Semaforo | (Italian m.) traffic-lights |
Semai | dance of the Alevis, also known as 'screaming Dervishes' |
Semaine | (French f.) week |
Semana | (Spanish f.) week |
Semana de Arte Moderna | (Portuguese f.) The Week of Modern Art, an arts festival in São Paulo, Brazil, from February 11 to February 18, 1922. Historically, the Week marked the start of Modernismo (Brazilian Modernism); though a number of individual Brazilian artists were doing modernist work before the Week, it coalesced and defined the movement and introduced it to Brazilian society at large. For Brazil, it was as important as the International Exhibition of Modern Art (also known as the Armory Show), held in New York City in 1913, which became a legendary watershed date in the history of American art. The Week took place at the Municipal Theater in São Paulo, and included plastic arts exhibitions, lectures, concerts, and reading of poems |
semanal | (Spanish) weekly |
Semanario | (Spanish m.) weekly |
Semanario Santa | (Spanish f.) Holy Week |
s'émanciper | (French) to become emancipated |
se manquer | (French) to miss each other |
Semanterion | (Greek, literally 'signal') a wooden board or metal bar, struck with a heavy wooden mallet, used instead of a bell in Orthodox churches and monasteries. It is used under different names in China, Japan, the Balkan countries, the Ukraine and elsewhere |
Semantic | (from the Greek semainein, meaning 'to signify') the meaning of symbols in a philosophical sense, the semantic content of a manuscript refers to the written symbols and their logical order, which bear the meaning intended by the writer |
property of language pertaining to meaning |
Semantica | (Italian f.) semantics |
Semántica | (Spanish f.) semantics |
Semantic bleaching | the process by which a word loses all its original meaning - a phenomenon quite common in toponyms and personal names |
Semantic change | a change in what a word or phrase means |
Semantic contamination | change of meaning that occurs when two words sound alike. Because the words are so similar, often the meaning of one becomes attached to the other. This is especially likely with foreign loan words. For example, the Old English word dream originally meant 'joy'. However, the Scandinavian loan word draumr meant 'vision while asleep' and it is this meaning that has 'contaminated' the English word |
Semantic marking | when the meaning of a word is limited semantically, that word is said to possess a semantic marking |
Semantics | the study of actual meaning in languages - especially the meanings of individual words and word combinations in phrases and sentences - as opposed to other linguistic aspects like grammar, morphology, etymology, and syntax |
se marier | (French) to get married |
se marier avec | (French) to get married to, to marry |
s'emballer | (French) to race (car), to bolt (horse), to get carried away (person) |
s'embarquer | (French) to board, to embark |
s'embarquer dans | (French) to embark upon |
s'embarrasser | (French) to burden oneself with |
s'embêter | (French) to get bored |
semblable | (French) similar |
Semble | (Latin term in law) it appears |
s'emboîter | (French) to fit together |
s'emboîter dans | (French) to fit into |
s'embourber | (French) to get bogged down |
s'embourgeoiser | (French) to become middle-class |
sembrare | (Italian) to seem, to look like |
s'embraser | (French) to flare up |
s'embrasser | (French) to kiss |
s'embrasser à bouche que veux-tu | (French) to kiss eagerly |
s'embrasser à pleine bouche | (French) to kiss right on the lips |
s'embrasser sur la bouche | (French) to kiss on the lips |
s'embrouiller | (French) to get mixed up |
s'embusquer | (French) to lie in ambush |
se me cayó el alma a los pies | (Spanish) my heart sank |
se me está agotando la paciencia | (Spanish) my patience is running out |
se méfier de | (French) to distrust, to beware of |
se me hizo agua la boca | (Spanish) it made my mouth water |
Semeiographie | (Greek) the art of notation, or writing music in notes |
Semel | alternative form of gymel |
se me metió una astilla en el dedo | (Spanish) I have a splinter in my finger |
semer la zizanie | (French) to put the cat among the pigeons |
s'émerveiller de | (French) to marvel at, to be amazed at |
semester | half-year |
semestral | (Spanish) half-yearly |
semestrale | (Italian) half-yearly |
semestralis | (Latin) half-yearly |
Semestre | (Italian m., Spanish m.) semester, half-year, six months |
semestriel | (French) half-yearly |
se mettre à | (French) to start, to set about |
se mettre à ... | (French) to team up with ... |
se mettre à étudier | (French) to start studying |
se mettre à la guitare | (French) to start learning to play the guitar |
se mettre à manger | (French) to start eating |
se mettre à poil | (French) to strip off, to strip down to one's birthday suit, to strip naked |
se mettre à table | (French) to sit down to eat, to come clean |
se mettre au français | (French) to start learning French |
se mettre au lit | (French) to get into bed |
se mettre au régime | (French) to go on a diet |
se mettre autour de | (French) to gather round |
se mettre au travail | (French) to start working |
se mettre au vert | (French) to lie low |
se mettre contre le mur | (French) to stand against the wall |
se mettre dans une situation délicate | (French) to get oneself into an awkward situation |
se mettre debout | (French) to stand up |
se mettre en branle | (French) to get started |
se mettre en chemin | (French) to start out |
se mettre en code | (French) to dip one's headlights |
se mettre en colère | (French) to lose one's temper, to get mad |
se mettre en rang | (French) to line up |
se mettre en route | (French) to set out |
se mettre sur ses gardes | (French) to be on guard, keep one's guard up |
se mettre sur son trente et un | (French) to put on one's Sunday best |
se mettre sur un rang | (French) to form a line, to form a queue |
se mettre une idée dans la tête | (French) to get an idea into one's head |
semi | (Latin) half |
Semibemol | (Spanish) 1/4 tone flat (a microtonal alteration) |
Semi-bemolle | (Italian) 1/4 tone flat (a microtonal alteration) |
Semibiscroma |  | (Italian f.) a hemidemisemiquaver (sixty-fourth note), a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semibreve | semibreve (Italian), ganze Note (German), ronde (French) |
 | (English, Italian, Portuguese) a whole note |
Semi-brève | (French) semibreve |
Semibreve rest |  | a whole rest |
Semibrevis |  | (Latin, literally 'half-short') semibreve; in early mensural music a note that is half or third the value of a breve |
Semichorus | a half chorus, a small choir used as a contrast to a full chorus |
a passage to be sung by a selected portion of the voices, for example by only the female voices |
Semicerchio | (Italian m.) semicircle |
Semicolcheia |  | (Portuguese) a semiquaver (sixteenth note), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semicorchea |  | (Spanish f.) a semiquaver (sixteenth note), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semicorxera |  | (Catalan f.) a semiquaver (sixteenth note), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semicroma |  | (Italian f.) a semiquaver (sixteenth note), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semidemiquaver | an alternative name for 'demisemiquaver' [information supplied by Jay Sinko] |
Semidemisemiquaver | semi biscroma (Italian), Vierundsechzigstelnote (German), quadruple-croche (French) |
 | a hemidemisemiquaver (sixty-fourth note), a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semidiapason | a defective, dminished or imperfect octave; an octave diminished by a lesser semitone, or 4 commas |
Semidiapente | an imperfect or diminished fifth; tritone |
Semidiatessaron | a defective or diminished fourth, also called 'a false fourth' |
Semi-diesis | (Italian) 1/4 tone sharp (a microtonal alteration) |
Semiditone | Pythagorean minor third or lesser third, having as its ratio 6:5 (294 cents) |
Semiditono | (Latin) a minor third |
Semiditonus | (Latin) Pythagorean minor third or lesser third, having as its ratio 6:5 (294 cents) |
Semiditonus cum diapente | (Latin) the interval of minor seventh |
s'émietter | (French) to crumble |
Semifinale | (Italian f.) semifinal (of a competition) |
Semiflat | quarter of a tone flat |
Semi-fretted | a term used to describe instruments where the frets to extend only part of the way along the neck so that the higher notes can be played with the smooth expression possible with a fretless fingerboard, or where the use of frets extends only partway across the fretboard so that some courses of strings are fretted and others fretless |
Semifusa |  | (Latin) in mensural notation, semiquaver or sixteenth note |
 | (Catalan f., Spanish) a hemidemisemiquaver, a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semigarrapatea | (Spanish f.) a note 1/256th of the duration of a semibreve or whole note |
Semihemidemisemiquaver |
 | a one hundred and twenty-eighth note or a note having the time duration of one hundred twenty-eighth of the time duration of a semibreve (whole note) |
Semihemidemisemiquaver rest |
 | a one hundred and twenty-eighth rest or a rest having the time duration of one hundred twenty-eighth of the time duration of a semibreve rest (whole rest) |
Semiminima |  | (Italian) a crotchet (quarter note), a note one quarter the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semina | (Italian f.) sowing |
seminare | (Italian) to sow |
Seminario | (Italian m.) seminar |
(Italian m.) seminary (religious) |
Seminario musical dell' Ospedal della pieta | (Italian m.) see Ospedaletto |
Seminna-worq | (literally 'wax and gold') an Ethiopian poetic form of double entendre whose aim was to enable singers to criticize the government without upsetting the censors |
Seminterrato | (Italian m.) basement |
Semiografia musicale | (Italian f.) or notazione musicale, musical notation (taken as a whole, including duration, pitch, rhythm, etc.) |
Semiographie | (Greek) the art of notation, or writing music in notes |
Semiology | another term for semiotics |
Semi-opera | "Experience hath taught us that our English genius will not relish that perpetual singing", wrote a popular librettist in 1692, for the taste of the time was for adaptations of early 17th-century works by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), John Dryden (1631-1700) and Shakespeare's contemporary, John Fletcher (1579-1625), to which song, dance and instrumental pieces were added, dubbed "semi-operas" by a contemporary of Purcell. One of the finest examples in this genre is The Fairy Queen, by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) which is based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream |
Semiotics | the study of both verbal and nonverbal signs |
Semiotics, musical | see 'musical semiotics' |
Semipausa |  | (Latin) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Semiquaver | semicroma (Italian), Sechszehntelnote (German), double-croche (French) |
 | a sixteenth note, a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Semiquaver rest | pausa di semicroma (Italian), Sechszehntelpause (German), quart de soupir (French) |
 | a sixteenth rest, a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest, quart de soupir (French), Sechzehntelpause (German) |
Semisemia | there were two main Egyptian harp designs. The arched harp became dominant in pharaonic Egypt. It was made with a sound box which was joined smoothly to a curved rod encircled by tuning collars one for each strings. The strings were stretched between their collars and a rib in contact with the skin over the box. When the collars were rotated, the tension and thus the tuning of the attached strings changed. The second type of harp was angular, with a rod that was stuck through a hole in an oblong box. This arrangement resulted in a sharp angle between the rod and box. Arched harps in a shovel shape were used exclusively during the Old and Middle Kingdom's, though their size and the position in which they were played varied. However, the New Kingdom a variety of new shapes and sizes of harps appear. They seem to all have been more or less equally popular. Some of these were considerably different than the earlier shovel harps shaped like a hunting bow, though all had the smooth curve characteristic of arched harps. During the Late Period, Egyptians sought the glory of their former empire and looked reflected this desire in archaized designs in architecture, as well as in harp design. The basic shovel harps were reintroduced, but by the Greco-Roman period, the variety of shapes was much reduced. Though angular harps appear to have been invented in Mesopotamia around 1900 BC, and there they replaced arched harps very quickly, in Egypt their adoption took and complete replacement of the arched harp took more than a millennium. However, when the Egyptian finally did embrace the instrument, they did so with enthusiasm and also with considerable talent. Surviving angular harps differ from their earlier counterparts in having many more strings. Most of the arched harps have fewer than ten strings, and some as few as three. On the other hand, angular harps typically have twenty-one and as many as twenty-nine strings. Perhaps the Egyptian reluctance of adopting the angular harp implies a reluctance to expand the pitch range of their harp music, but that seems to have changed by the end of the first millennium BC. This also implies an early conservatism in Egyptian music, which was an observation confirmed by Plato's assertion that Egyptians were forbidden to introduce any innovations in music |
- Semisemias from which this material has been taken
Semisharp | quarter of a tone sharp |
semisostenido | (Spanish) 1/4 tone sharp (a microtonal alteration) |
Semisuspirum | (Latin) in old mensurable notation, the semiminum, crotchet or crotchet rest |
Semitic | a non-Indo-European family of languages including Arabic and Hebrew |
semitico | (Italian) Semitic |
Semitom | (Portuguese) or meio-tom, semitone, half tone |
Semitone | semituono (Italian), Halbton (German), demi-ton (French) |
half the interval of a tone, a half-step, the interval of a minor second, the smallest interval on a piano or organ |
chromatic semitone | a semitone (or half-step) notated using the same letter name, for example, D, D# |
diatonic semitone | a semitone (or half-step) notated using different letter names, for example, D, E flat |
the diatonic or chromatic semitones of historical European tuning systems varied in size from around 1/3-tone (approx. 63 cents) to around 2/3-tone (approximately 126 cents). Semitones of these specific sizes occur in the equal 19-note division of the octave advocated by the French composer Guillaume Costeley in 1570, or the almost identical meantone temperament with pure minor thirds described by the Spanish theorist Francisco Salinas in 1577
[quoted from What is microtonality? What is paucitonality?] |
Semitonium | (Latin) a semitone, a half-tone |
Semitonium fictum | (Latin) a chromatic semitone, one obtained by a sharp or flat |
Semitonium modi | (Latin) the leading note, or major seventh |
Semitonium naturale | (Latin) a diatonic semitone, not one obtained by a sharp or flat |
Semitono | (Spanish m., Italian m.) semitone, half the interval of a tone, a half-step, the interval of a minor second |
Semitono cromatico | (Italian m.) in Zarlino's natural scale, the chromatic semitone (25/24) |
Semitono diatonica | (Italian m.) in Zarlino's natural scale, the diatonic semitone (16/15) |
Semitonos cromáticos | (Spanish m. pl.) chromatic semitones |
Semitonos diatónicos | (Spanish m. pl.) diatonic semitones |
Semituono | (Italian m.) semitone |
Semivowel | a sound articulated in the same way as a vowel sound, but which functions like a consonant typically. Examples include [w] and [y]. In some languages such as Welsh, these can function as graphemes for pure vowels |
s'emmêler | (French) to get mixed up |
s'emmerder | (French) to get bored |
s'emmitoufler | (French) to wrap up, to wrap up warmly |
Semola | (Italian f.) bran |
Semolino | (Italian m.) semolina |
se monter | (French) to come to, to amount to |
se monter la tête (pour un rien) | (French) to get all worked up (over nothing) |
se monter le bourrichon | (French) to get all worked up, to get ideas (colloquial) |
se montrer | (French) to show oneself, to be, to prove to be |
se moquer de | (French) to make fun of |
s'émouvoir | (French) to be moved |
semp. | abbreviated form of sempre (Italian: always, continually) |
s'emparer de | (French) to seize |
s'empâter | (French) to fill out, to grow fatter |
Semper eadem | (Latin, literally 'always the same') the motto of Queen Elizabeth and of Queen Anne |
Semper fidelis (s.), Semper fideles (pl.) | (Latin) always true (in the sense of trustworthy or faithful) |
s'empiler | (French) to pile, to pile up |
Sempio (s.), Sempi (pl.) | (Italian) in 15th-century dance, a single step, each single normally taking a 1/2 misura, i.e. either 2 counts or 3 counts depending on the misura |
semplice | (Italian) simple, pure, plain |
in parole semplici (Italian: in plain words) |
semplicemente | (Italian) simply, plainly, without ornament |
Sempliciotto | (Italian m./f.) simpleton |
semplicissimo | (Italian) extremely simple, extremely plain |
Semplicità | (Italian f.) simplicity, purity, plainness |
semplificare | (Italian) to simplify |
semplificato | (Italian) simplified |
s'émplir | (French) to fill |
s'employer | (French) to be used |
s'employer à | (French) to devote oneself to |
s'empoigner | (French) to come to blows |
s'emporter | (French) to lose one's temper [corrected by Julien Bisaillon] |
sempre | (Italian) always, still, continually, evermore |
per sempre (Italian: for ever) |
sempre con ped. | (Italian) short for sempre con pedale, with the pedal throughout |
sempre forte | (Italian) always loud, loud throughout |
sempre insistendo | (Italian) still persistent |
sempre in tempo | (Italian) always at the same pace |
sempre legato | (Italian) always smooth, smooth throughout |
sempre piano | (Italian) always soft, soft throughout |
sempre più | (Italian) more and more |
sempre più affrettando il tempo | (Italian) continually increasing the tone |
sempre più animato | (Italian) always more animated |
sempre più forte | (Italian) continually increasing the force |
sempre più stizzita | (Italian) increasingly irritated |
sempre ritardando | (Italian) always slower, slower and slower |
sempre seduta | (Italian) sitting throughout |
s'empresser auprès de | (French) to be attentive to |
s'empresser de | (French) to hasten, to hurry to |
sempre staccato | (Italian) always detached, staccato throughout |
Sempreverde | (Italian m.) evergreen |
sempreverde | (Italian) evergreen |
sen. | abbreviation of senza (Italian: without) |
Señal (s.), Señales (pl.) | (Spanish f.) sign, token (sign), signal, tone (telephone), deposit, down payment |
la operación le dejó una señal (Spanish: the operation left a scar) |
Señal de amor | (Spanish f.) sign of love, token of love |
Señal de auxilio | (Spanish f.) distress signal |
Señal de comunicando | (Spanish f.) engaged tone |
Señal de duelo | (Spanish f.) sign of morning, token of mourning |
Señal de llamada | (Spanish f.) dialling tone, dial tone |
Señal de marcar | (Spanish f.) dialing tone |
Señal de ocupado | (Spanish f.) engaged tone |
Señal de respeto | (Spanish f.) sign of respect, token of respect |
Señal de socorro | (Spanish f.) distress signal |
Señal de tráfico | (Spanish f.) traffic signs |
Señal horaria | (Spanish f.) time signal |
s'en aller | (French) to go away |
s'en aller par tous les bouts | (French) to be falling apart |
Señal para marcar | (Spanish f.) dial tone, dialling tone |
Senape | (Italian f.) mustard |
Senas | (Spanish f.) address |
Senato | (Italian m.) senate |
Senatore | (Italian m.) senator (a member of the senate) |
s'enchaîner | (French) to be linked, to be linked up |
s'enchevêtrer | (French) to become entangled |
Sencillez | (Spanish f.) simplicity |
sencillo | (Spanish m.) simple |
s'encombrer de | (French) to burden oneself with |
s'encroûter | (French) to become doggedly set in one's ways |
s'encroûter dans | (French) to sink into |
s'endetter | (French) to get into debt |
s'en donner | (French) to have the time of one's life |
s'en donner à coeur joie | (French) to enjoy oneself to the full, to have a field day |
s'endormir | (French) to fall asleep |
s'endormir sur son travail | (French) to fall asleep at work |
s'endormir sur un livre | (French) to fall asleep over a book |
Sendung | (German f.) (radio or TV) programme, broadcast, transmission |
s'endurcir | (French) to become hard, to become hardened |
Senegalese hip hop | |
s'énerver | (French) to get worked up |
Senex amans | (from Latin 'ancient lover'; also spelled senex amanz in Old French) a stock character in medieval fabliaux, courtly romances, and classical comedies, the senex amans is an old, ugly, jealous man who is married to a younger, attractive but unhappy woman |
s'en faire | (French) to be worried |
s'enfermer | (French) to shut oneself up |
s'enflammer | (French) to catch fire |
s'enfler | (French) to swell |
s'enfoncer | (French) to sink |
s'enfoncer dans | (French) to sink into |
s'enfuir | (French) to run off |
s'engager | (French) to commit onself, to start, to enlist, to enter |
s'engager à | (French) to get around to |
s'engager à faire | (French) to undertake to do |
s'engager dans | (French) to enter |
Sengkheng | from India, a pair of cymbals with the central part gently pushed out in a half hemispherical shape. Two half hemispheres make one set. A cord is passed through a hole in the centre |
- Sengkheng from which this extract has been taken
s'engloutir | (French) to be engulfed (a ship) |
s'engouer de | (French) to become infatuated with |
s'engouffrer | (French) to rush into (with force) |
s'engourdir | (French) to go numb |
s'engraisser | (French) to get fat |
s'enhardir | (French) to become bolder |
Senh tien | a small hand held percussion instrument made from two pieces of flat wood. The upper piece is grooved to produce a rasping sound when rubbed by a small stick, and the lower piece is struck against the upper as in a clapper. Small bells and jingles are attached. The playing technique is complex, alternating rapidly between rasping, clasping, and jingling sounds |
Seni rabab | very popular during the moghal period, the main characteristic that distingished this from other rababs was the large hook on the back of the head of the instrument used to sling it over the shoulder, thus allowing it to played while marching in processions. The seni rabab is virtually extinct today and should not be confused with the kabuli rabab which is still common. The name seni rabab is a reference to Tansen, a great musician in the court of Akbar. This instrument was held in great esteem in the past. The first Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak, is said to have had a tremendous love for the instrument. It is said that he was accompanied by his friend and musical accompanist Mirdana while he sang the Gurbani |
Senilità | (Italian f.) senility |
s'enivrer | (French) to get drunk |
Senj | Iranian metal castanets |
Senken | (German n.) lowering, lower (also parts of the body: eyes, arms, legs, etc.) |
Senkung | (German f.) lowering, thesis |
as a result of a misunderstanding of the context of the original Greek writings on this subject, Roman and medieval writers reversed the original meaning of arsis and thesis so that for a considerably time Hebung was taken to be the strong beat and Senkung to be the weak beat |
s'enliser | (French) to get bogged down |
s'en mettre partout | (French) to get covered in it, to get something all over oneself |
Sennet | a call on a trumpet or cornet signalling the ceremonial exists and entrances of actors in Elizabethan drama |
Bernstein's Divertimento for Orchestra (1980) begins with a movement entitled Sennets and Tuckets, where a 'tucket' is a trumpet fanfare |
Senno | (Italian m.) sense |
s'ennuyer | (French) to get bored |
s'ennuyer à mourir | (French) to be bored to death |
Seno | (Italian m.) breast (petto), sinus (anatomical) |
se nommer | (French) to be called |
Se non è vero, è (molto) ben trovato | (Italian) if not true, it is yet a (very) happy invention |
s'enorgueillir | (French) to pride oneself on |
s'en prendre à ... | (French) to pick on ... |
s'enquérir | (French) to enquire about |
s'enrhumer | (French) to catch a cold |
s'enrôler | (French) to enlist, to enrol |
s'enrouer | (French) to become hoarse |
s'enrouler | (French) to wind |
s'enrouler dans une couverture | (French) to roll oneself up in a blanket |
Senryu | (Japanese) a type of Japanese satirical verse, similar to haiku in construction, the name deriving from the pseudonym of a famous satirical poet |
Sens | (French m.) sense, meaning |
s'ensabler | (French) to silt up (port, etc.) |
Sensación | (Spanish f.) sensation |
sensacional | (Spanish) sensational |
Sensación de agobio | (Spanish f.) sense of oppression |
Sensale | (Italian m.) broker |
sensato | (Italian) sensible |
sensazionale | (Italian) sensational |
Sensazione | (Italian f.) sensation |
Sense memory | in Method acting, when an actor attempts to recall memories of the physical sensations surrounding prior emotions in order to utilize emotional memory |
sensibile | (Italian) sensitive, sensitiveness, with feeling, considerable |
nota sensibile (Italian: leading note) |
Sensibilia | (Latin pl.) the class of things capable of being perceived by the senses |
Sensibilità | (Italian f.) sensitive, feeling, expression, sensitiveness |
Sensibility, literature of | eighteenth-century literature that values emotionalism over rationalism. This literature tends to perceive feelings as more reliable guides to morality and truth than abstract principles, and thus it tends to view human beings as essentially benevolent - a sharp contrast with the idea of Original Sin and total depravity in Calvinist writings |
Sensibilmente | (Italian) sensibly, expressively |
Sensible | (Spanish) leading note, major seventh |
Sensible | (French f.) leading note, as in note sensible |
Sensible note | the major seventh or leading note of any scale |
Senso | (Italian m.) sense, meaning |
Senso per la musica | (Italian m.) musical sense, musical meaning |
Sensorineural hearing loss | a type of hearing loss in which the root cause lies in the vestibulocochlear nerve (Cranial nerve VIII), the inner ear, or central processing centers of the brain. The Weber test, in which a tuning fork is touched to the head, localizes to the normal ear in people with this condition. The Rinne test, which tests air conduction vs. bone conduction is positive (normal), though both bone and air conduction are reduced equally. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is an otologic emergency, and must be treated with a high dose of steroids |
sensorio | (Spanish) sensory |
Sensorium (s.), Sensoria (pl.) | (Latin) the centre in the brain to which sense-impressions are transmitted by the nerves |
Sensum (s.), Sensa (pl.) | (Latin) something (e.g. an object) perceived by the senses |
Sensu obscaeno | (Latin) where a word, phrase or passage may have several meanings, the meaning that would be considered obscene |
Sensuous | taking delight in beauty |
in literature, sensuous often refers to feeling that seems excessive or unjustified in terms of the circumstances |
Sensu stricto | (Latin) where a word, phrase or passage may have several meanings, the meaning that would be considered most strict or literal |
s'entasser | (French) to pile up |
s'entasser dans | (French) to cram together with |
Sentence | a complete, independent musical idea, usually consisting of two or four phrases, generally not more than sixteen bars long, ending with a cadence, usually a full tonic cadence |
s'entend | (French) of course |
s'entendre | (French) to agree |
s'entendre bien | (French) to get on |
s'entendre bien avec | (French) to get on well with |
s'en tenir à bon compte | (French) to get off easy |
s'enthousiasmer pour | (French) to enthuse over |
s'enticher de | (French) to become infatuated with |
Sentido | (Spanish m.) sense, meaning |
sentie | (French) felt, expressed |
for example, melodie bien sentie (French: the melody well expressed or accented) |
Senti la musica? | (Italian) Can you hear the music? |
Sentiment | (English, French) opinion or feeling (as distinct from its expression, for example, 'the sentiment is good'), emotional or irrational view, mental feeling, mawkish or exaggerated emotion (or display of the same) |
sentimental | (English, German) showing or affected by emotion rather than reason |
sentimentale | (Italian) feeling, sentiment, judgment, delicate expression, feelingly |
sentimentale Lied | (German n.) an excessively-sentimental song, a Schmaltzer |
Sentimentalität | (German f.) sentimentality |
Sentimental novel | an eighteenth-century or early nineteenth-century novel emphasizing pathos rather than reason and focusing on an optimistic view of the essential goodness of human nature |
Sentimental value | value given to a thing because of its associations |
Sentimento | (Italian m.) feeling, sentiment, judgment, delicate expression, feelingly |
Sentinel | sentry or lookout |
sentir | (Spanish) to hear |
Sentir | a Moroccan three-stringed long-necked lute with a body made from a single piece of wood, and covered with camel skin. Also known as sintir, hejhuj, gogo, gnbri, guembri and guimbri |
s'en tirer | (French) to pull through, to cope (familiar) |
s'en tirer à bon compte | (French) to get off lightly |
sentir ancia de hacer ... | (Spanish) to long to do ..., to yearn to do ... (something) |
sentir mucho aprecio por ... | (Spanish) to like ... a lot, to have a high regard for ... (somebody) |
sentirsi a disagio | (Italian) to feel uncomfortable |
sentirsi mancare | (Italian) to feel faint |
sentir vergüenza ajena | (Spanish) to feel embarrassed for somebody |
sentito | (Italian) felt, with expression, with feeling |
s'entraider | (French) to help each other |
s'entraîner | (French) to practise |
s'entrechoquer | (French) to knock against each other |
s'entrecroiser | (French) to intersect (roads, etc) |
s'entrelacer | (French) to intertwine |
s'entremêler | (French) to mingle, to intermingle |
s'entremettre | (French) to intervene |
s'entretenir | (French) to speak |
s'entretenir avec | (French) to speak to |
s'entretenir de | (French) to speak about |
Sentti | (Finnish) cent (musical interval) |
Senufo | a large buzzing Malian xylophone |
s'envenimer | (French) to become embittered |
s'envoler | (French) to fly away, to take off (plane), to blow away (papers) |
senza | (Italian) without |
senza abbandonare la corda | (Italian) without leaving the string, i.e. without lifting the bow |
senza accompagnamento | (Italian) without accompaniment |
senza affretare | (Italian) without rushing |
senza allagare | (Italian) without slackening the tempo |
senza basso | (Italian) without bass |
senza di slentare | (Italian) without slowing down |
senza fallo | (Italian) without fail |
senza fiori | (Italian) without ornaments, without embellishments |
senza fretta | (Italian) without haste |
senza interruzione | (Italian) without interruption, make no pause |
senza le corde | (Italian) snares off |
senza misura | (Italian) not in strict time, in free time, senza tempo |
senza muoversi | (Italian) without moving |
senza oboe | (Italian) without the oboe |
senza organo | (Italian) without the organ |
senza ornamenti | (Italian) without ornaments, without embellishments |
senza passione | (Italian, literally 'without passion') quietly |
senza pedale | (Italian) without the pedals (in piano music, release the right pedal) |
senza piatti | (Italian) a percussionist, using cymbals and bass drum, should only use the drums |
senza rallentare | (Italian) without slowing down, without slackening the pace |
senza repetizione | (Italian) without repetition, without repeats |
senza replica | (Italian) without repetition, without repeats |
senza rigore | (Italian) without regard to strict tempo |
senza rinforzare | (Italian) without growing louder |
senza ritardare | (Italian) without slackening the pace |
senza sordino (m.), senza sordina (f.), senza sordini (pl.) | (Italian) unmuted, on the piano without dampers by using the sustaining or loud pedal, on a stringed instrument by removing the mute, on a brass instrument by removing the leather covered pad, paste-board cone or wooden cylinder (called a mute) from the bell, sans sourdine (French) |
senza sordini or senza sordina (or some variant) is sometimes used to mean keep the sustain pedal depressed, since the sustain pedal lifts the dampers off the strings, with the result that all notes are sustained indefinitely (actually, for as long as the strings themselves continue to vibrate with enough energy to sustain an audible volume from the instrument), ohne Dämpfer (German), sans sourdine (French) |
senza strascicare | (Italian) without dragging |
senza stringere | (Italian) without hastening |
senza suono | (Italian, literally 'without tone') spoken |
senza tempo (rigore) | (Italian) not in strict time, in no definite tempo, senza misura, a piacere |
senza trascicare | (Italian) without dragging |
senza vib. | abbreviated form of senza vibrato an expression mark directing that the player uses no vibrato at all |
senza vibrato | (Italian) without vibrato |
senza vibrazione | (Italian) without vibration |
s'épaissir | (French) to thicken |
s'épancher | (French) to pour out one's feelings, to pour out (liquid) |
s'épanouir | (French) to open out (flower), to beam (smile), to blossom (person) |
separado | (Portuguese) ecarté (French) |
Separata | (Italian f., Spanish) offprint |
separato | (Italian) single, detached, staccato (Italian), abgesetzt (German), getrennt (German), détaché (French) |
séparé | (French, literally 'separated') uncoupled |
s'éparpiller | (French) to scatter, to dissipate one's efforts |
separat | (German) separate, separately |
Separated | detached, separato (Italian), staccato (Italian), abgesetzt (German), getrennt (German), détaché (French m.), détachée (French f.) |
se passer de | (French) to do without |
se payer | (French) to treat oneself to |
se payer la tête de ... | (French) to make fun of ..., to trick ... |
se pelotonner | (French) to curl up |
se pencher | (French) to lean (forward) |
se pencher pour | (French) to bend down in order to |
se pencher sur | (French) to examine (problem, etc.) |
se perdre | (French) to get lost, to lose one's way |
se perdre dans la foule | (French) to get lost in the crowd |
se perdre dans les détails | (French) to get bogged down in details |
se perdre dans ses pensées | (French) to be lost in thought |
se permettre de | (French) to allow oneself to |
Sepia | originally the inky secretions from cuttlefish, sepia was used as a colourant. These melanin secretions produce a dark red-brown color when used in inks and paints. Sepia is not lightfast and has been replaced by more stable synthetic dyes of similar hue. It is best known as brown tint used in photography |
se piace | (Italian) as you like, as you please, at will, at pleasure |
Sepik flutes | (Papua New Guinea) the longest flutes in the world, from Kanengara |
Se-piri | a Korean shawm, slightly narrower than the hyangp'iri |
se plaindre | (French) to complain |
se plaindre de | (French) to complain of, to complain about |
se plaire à | (French) to take pleasure in |
se planquer | (French) to hide |
Sepolcro | Italian performance similar to the oratorio, except that the sepolcro makes use of scenery, costumes, and acting, a sacred, dramatic work performed during Holy Week which was popular in the late 17th-century |
Sepoy | (Hindi from the Persian) a native Indian soldier under British command |
s'éprendre de | (French) to fall in love with |
se prendre pour (un intellectuel) | (French) to think oneself (an intellectual), to consider oneself (an intellectual) |
se préparer à | (French) to prepare onself to |
se présenter en personne | (French) to make a personal application |
se presser de | (French) to hurry to |
se produire | (French) to perform |
se produjo una aglomeración a la entrada | (Spanish) people crowded at the entrance |
Sept | (French m.) seven |
(English) interval of a seventh |
sept | (French) seven |
Septakkord | (German m.) seventh chord |
Sept chord | a seventh chord |
septem | (Latin) seven |
September | (English, German m.) the ninth month of the year |
Septenary | another term for heptameter |
septendecim | (Latin) seventeen [corrected by Dave Bennize] |
Septet | settetto (Italian), Septett (German), septuor (French) |
a group of seven instrumentalists |
in jazz, any group of seven players, usually containing a drum set (pedal bass, snaredrum sometimes brushed, top hat cymbal, brushed cymbal), string bass or electric bass, and groups of one or two of the following instruments, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet or trombone |
a work written for a group such as this to perform |
the Finnish brass septet as established trowards the end of the 19th-century consisted of an E-flat cornet, two B-flat cornets, E-flat alto horn, B-flat tenor horn, B-flat baritone and tuba |
Septeto | (Spanish m.) septet, a group of seven instruments, septuor (French) |
(Spanish m.) the son ensemble that resulted from the addition of the trompeta China (and later the trumpet) to the sexteto ensemble |
Septett | (German n.) septet |
Septette | (French m.) septet |
Septetto | (Italian m.) septet |
Septicaemia | (Latin) septic blood-poisoning |
Septiem | (Dutch) interval of a seventh |
Septiem-akkoord | (Dutch) seventh chord |
Septième | (French) interval of a seventh, séptima (Spanish f.), Septime (German) |
Septième art | (French) a term used in France for 'cinema' |
Septième de dominante, l'accord de | (French) dominant seventh (chord) (7), séptima de dominante (Spanish) |
Septième diminuée | (French) the interval of a diminished seventh |
Septième diminuée, l'accord de | (French f.) diminished seventh chord (dim 7), séptima disminuida (Spanish) |
Septième majeure, l'accord de | (French) major seventh chord (Maj 7) |
Septième sensible, l'accord de | (French) half-diminished minor seventh chord (min 7 flat 5), séptima de sensible (Spanish) |
Septiem met verhoogde negende | (Dutch) seventh with a sharpened ninth |
Septillo | (Spanish m.) septuplet, septolet (French) [corrected by Mónica Groba] |
Septim | (Swedish, Danish) interval of a seventh, séptima (Spanish f.), Septime (German), septième (French) |
Séptima | (Spanish f.) (interval of a) seventh, septième (French), Septime (German) |
Séptima aumentada | (Spanish f.) augmented seventh |
Séptima de dominante | (Spanish f.) dominant seventh (chord), (7), septième de dominante (French) |
Séptima disminuída | (Spanish f.) diminished seventh |
Septimal comma | in tuning theory, the ratio 64/63, with an interval size of approximately 27.264 cents. It is the difference between the Pythagorean or 3-limit 7th (given by the ratio 16/9 : ~ 996.089 cents) and the harmonic 7th (given by the ratio 7/4 : ~ 968.825 cents)
septimales Komma | (German n.) septimal comma [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Septimal meantone temperament | in music, septimal meantone temperament, also called standard septimal meantone or simply septimal meantone, refers to the tempering of 7-limit musical intervals by a meantone temperament tuning in the range from fifths flattened by the amount of fifths for 12 equal temperament to those as flat as 19 equal temperament, with 31 equal temperament being a more or less optimal tuning for both the 5- and 7-limits |
Sèptima major | (Catalan f.) major seventh |
Séptima mayor | (Spanish f.) major seventh |
Séptima menor | (Spanish f.) minor seventh |
Séptima de sensible | (Spanish f.) or séptima semidisminuida, half-diminished minor seventh chord (min 7 flat 5), septième sensible (French) |
Séptima disminuida | (Spanish f.) diminished seventh chord (dim 7), septième diminuée (French) |
(Spanish) the interval of a diminished seventh |
Séptima semidisminuida | (Spanish f.) or séptima de sensible, half-diminished minor seventh chord (min 7 flat 5), septième sensible (French) |
Septime | (German) interval of a seventh, séptima (Spanish f.), septième (French) |
Septime-Akkorde | (German f. pl.) or Sept-Akkorde, seventh chords |
Septimenakkord | (German f.) a chord of the seventh |
Septimenkomma | (German n.) septimal comma [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Septimi | (Finnish) interval of a seventh |
séptimo (m.), séptima (f.) | (Spanish) seventh |
Septimole | (Spanish m.) septuplet [corrected by Mónica Groba] |
Septimus | (Latin) seventh |
Septool | (Dutch) septuplet |
Septole | (German) septuplet |
Septolet | (English, French m.) septuplet, septillo (Spanish) |
Septuagint | (Latin, septuaginta, 'seventy') a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) produced in the third century BC. The Septuagint is still used in the Eastern Orthodox Church as the basis of its liturgy. In medieval writing, the Septuagint is often referred to only as the Roman numerals LXX (i.e., 'seventy') |
septuaginta | (Latin) seventy |
Septuor | (French m.) septet |
Septuplet | a group of seven notes played in the time of four or in the time of six, indicated by the arabic numeral 7 placed above or below the seven notes (or their equivalent) |
Septuple time | a time signature of the form 7/4, 7/8, etc. |
s'épuiser | (French) to become exhausted |
seq(s) | abbreviation of 'sequence(s)' |
seq. | abbreviation of sequens (Latin: the following (singular)) |
seqq. | abbreviation of sequentia (Latin: the following (plural)) |
se qualifier | (French) to qualify |
se qualifier pour | (French) to qualify for |
se quedó mirándola atónito | (Spanish) he stared at her in amazement |
Sequel | (from Latin sequi, 'to follow') a literary work complete in itself, but continuing the narrative of an earlier work. It is a new story that extends or develops characters and situations found in an earlier work. Two sequels following an original work (together) are called a trilogy. Three sequels following an original work together are called a tetralogy. In the late twentieth century, it became common retroactively to write "prequels," a later book with the same geographic setting or characters, but which takes place in an earlier time |
Sequela (s.), Sequelae (pl.) | (Latin) a consequence, a result |
Sequence | a syllabic genre, called prosae (prosa is the singular), which follows the alleluia in the mass. Notker Balbulus (c.840-912) of St. Gall claimed to have invented the sequence by putting words to long untexted melismas as a memory aid. Most sequences were banned by the Council of Trent (1543-1563) and only five survive in modern-day use including the Dies irae which forms part of the Requiem and the Victimae paschali, Lauda Sion salvatorem, Veni Sancte Spiritus and Stabat Mater from the Mass Proper. They were called prosae not because they lacked a rhythmical element (in fact the words flowed from the structure of each musical phrase), but in order to distinguish them from the classical metrical style of poetry |
sequenza (Italian), Sequenz (German), marche harmonique (French) |
a melodic pattern, or a progression of chords, that is repeated at successively higher, or lower, pitches. There are three types of sequence: |
tonal sequence | key unchanged | where the key does not change, and the number but not the quality of the intervals is preserved as the phrase is repeated |
real sequence | key changed | where the repeated phrase is unaltered as the key changes, that is both the number and quality of the intervals is preserved |
modulating sequence | key changed | where the key is changed and the number but not the quality of the intervals is preserved as the phrase is repeated |
Sequencer | (Italian m., English, German m., French m.) a device or program that records and plays back user-determined sets of music performance commands, usually in the form of MIDI data. Most sequencers also allow the data to be edited in various ways, and stored on disk |
Séquenceur | (French m.) sequencer |
Seqüência | (Portuguese) sequence |
Seqüenciador | (Portuguese) sequencer |
Seqüência harmônica | (Portuguese) harmonic sequence |
Seqüência melódica | (Portuguese) melodic sequence |
Sequencing software | see 'sequencer' |
Sequens | (Latin) the following |
(Dutch) sequence |
Sequentia | (Latin, 'the following') a Medieval term, first noted before the year 830 by Amalar of Metz in his Liber officialis, referring to a melody without text, such as the melismatic alleluia, used in opposition to the term prosa, signifying a melody with a text |
(Latin) a sequence |
Sequential modulation | see 'rosalia' |
Sequenz | (German) sequence |
Sequenza | (Italian f.) sequence |
Sequenzer | (German) sequencer |
se quereller | (French) to quarrel (with one another) |
se quereller au sujet | (French) to quarrel about something, to squabble over something, to squabble about something |
s'équilibre | (French) to counterbalance each other (forces) |
s'équiper | (French) to equip oneself |
se quitter | (French) to part |
ser(s) | abbreviation of 'serenata(s)' |
se raconter des histoires | (French) to be kidding oneself, to be fooling oneself, to be lying to oneself |
Seraglio | the sequestered living quarters used by wives and concubines in a Turkish household, from an Italian variant of Turkish saray, meaning 'palace, enclosed courts'. In the context of the turquerie fashion, the seraglio became the subject of works of art, the most famous perhaps being Mozart's Singspiel Die Entführung aus dem Serail. The term can also refer to other traditional Turkish palaces (every imperial prince had his own) and other grand houses built around courtyards |
- Seraglio from which this extract has been taken
ser agua pasada | (Spanish) to be a thing of the past |
ser almas gemelas | (Spanish) to be soul mates |
se ramasser une bûche | (French) to come a cropper (meet with an accident) |
ser amigo de | (Spanish) to be fond of |
serán las once y algo | (Spanish) it must be some time after eleven |
Seraphim | musical glasses |
Seraphine | with thin tongues of brass acting as reeds, this musical instrument, which first appeared, in England, in 1833, has a case and keyboard like that of a piano. Air is delivered to the reeds by foot-operated bellows. The melodeon is a smaller portable form |
ser atento con ... | (Spanish) to be kind to ... (somebody) |
Serb. | abbreviation of 'Serbian' |
Serbano | (Italian) serpent |
Serbian and Montenegrin hip hop | |
Serbian epic poetry | songs of Serbian epic poetry rarely, if ever, rhyme, but they are easy to remember as each line has exactly ten syllables and caesura after fourth syllable. An older form, called bugarshtica, exists, which has fifteen to sixteen syllables. Songs could be recited, but traditionally they are sung along musical instrument called gusle |
ser borracho | (Spanish) be a drunkard |
ser canela | (Spanish) be beautiful |
Serdab | A small concealed chamber in an Egyptian mastaba for the statue of the deceased for the Ka to find |
ser de aúpa | (Spanish) to be difficult, to be cranky, to be uppity (colloquial) |
ser de buen agüero | (Spanish) to augur well, to be a good omen |
ser de mal agüero | (Spanish) to be a bad omen |
ser de una sola pieza | (Spanish - Latin America) to be as straight as a die |
ser digno de aplauso | (Spanish) to be commendable, to be praiseworthy |
Serdu | (Guinea) a thirty-centimetre-long side-blown flute whose three or four holes are placed by the diviner according to a rite. It is also called a tambin, khule, or bur |
ser duro de oido | (Spanish) be hard of hearing |
Serein | (French) a fine rain falling from a clear sky after sunset |
ser el acabóse | (Spanish) be the end, be the limit, be the last straw (figurative) |
se remettre dans le bain | (French) to get back into the swin of thing |
Serenade | (English, German f., from the Italian word sera meaning 'evening') serenata (Italian), Ständchen (German), sérénade (French), music properly played or sung in the evening under a lady's window |
in German, Nachtmusik, has a similar meaning, namely a light and/or intimate piece of no specific form to be played in an open-air evening setting |
Sérénade | (French f.) serenade |
serenamente | (Italian) serenely |
Serenata | (Italian f.) a dramatic cantata |
an instrumental work in chamber music style, midway between and suite and a symphony, frequently suitable for performance in the open air |
(Italian f., Spanish f.) serenade, sérénade (French) |
Serenatella | (Italian) diminutive of serenata |
se rendre | (French) to surrender |
se rendre à | (French) to go to |
se rendre à l'appel de ... | (French) to respond to ...'s appeal |
se rendre à l'avis de ... | (French) to bow to ...'s advice |
se rendre à l'evidence | (French) to face facts |
se rendre aux ordres | (French) to comply with orders |
se rendre aux prières de ... | (French) to yield to ...'s pleas |
se rendre aux raisons de ... | (French) to bow to ...'s reasons |
se rendre compte de | (French) to realise |
Serenidad | (Spanish f.) serenity, calm |
Serenità | (Italian f.) serenity, tranquility, calmness |
Sereno | (Spanish m.) night watchman |
Sereno | (Italian m., Spanish m.) serene, calm, tranquil, cheerful |
se renouveler | (French) to be renewed, to be repeated |
se renseigner | (French) to enquire, to make enquiries, to find out |
se renverser | (French) to overturn (a car), to fall over (a glass, a chair) |
se répandre | (French) to spread, to spill |
se répandre en | (French) to pour forth, to launch forth into |
se reparan zapatos en el acto | (Spanish) shoes repaired while you wait |
se repentir | (French) to repent |
se repentir de | (French) to repent of, to regret |
se répercuter | (French) to echo |
se répercuter de | (French) to have repercussions on |
se repérer | (French) to find one's bearings |
se répéter | (French) to be repeated, to repeat oneself |
se replier | (French) to withdraw |
se replier sur soi-même | (French) to withdraw into oneself |
se reporter à | (French) to refer to |
se reposer | (French) to rest |
se reposer sur | (French) to rely on |
se ressembler comme deux gouttes d'eau | (French) to be like two peas in a pod |
se restaurer | (French) to eat |
se retenir | (French) to restrain oneself |
se retenir à | (French) to hold on to |
se retenir de | (French) to stop oneself from |
Sereu | end-blown flute of the Tepeth people from Northeast Uganda |
Serf | a medieval peasant tied to a specific plot of land in the feudal system of government |
Serfdom | a member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned by a lord and required to perform labour in return for certain legal or customary rights |
Seria | see serio |
Serial | see 'journal' |
pertaining to seralism |
Serialism | a compositional method where various musical elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics and tone colour may be put in a fixed order, an extension of the 12-tone method |
Serialismo | (Portuguese, Spanish) serialism |
Serialized rhythm | a musical passage or work in which the rhythmic aspects are controlled by some predetermined series of durations |
Serial music | dodecaphony |
Serials | publications issued on a regular basis are periodicals. Weekly magazines, scholarly journals and newspapers are all examples of periodicals. Serials are any periodicals, books, yearbooks, or indexes that are issued in a series. So all periodicals are serials but all serials are not periodicals |
seriamente | (Italian) seriously |
¿sería tan amable de ... | (Spanish) would you be so kind as to ... |
¿sería tan amable de indicarme cómo se llega a la plaza mayor? | (Spanish) would you be so kind as to show me the way to the main square? |
Seriatim | (Latin) one after another, one by one (in succession) |
Serie | (Danish, German f.) series, volume (of a book) |
(German f.) a term sometimes found on the back of postcards printed in Germany, it can be in reference to the set (Bildersatz) the card belongs to or more often to the entire numbered group (Gruppe) of which the card is part |
Série | (French f.) row |
Serie armonica naturale, la | (Italian f.) harmonic series |
Serie de armónicos | (Spanish f.) harmonic series |
Série de hauteurs | (French f.) tone row |
Série de trilles | (French f.) a succession or chain of trills |
Serie di corde | (Italian f.) course (of strings) |
Serie dodecafónica | (Spanish f.) twelve tone row |
Série dodécaphonique | (French f.) twelve tone row |
Série harmônica | (Portuguese) harmonic series |
Série harmonique | (French f.) harmonic series |
sériel (m.), sérielle (f.) | (French) serial |
serielle Musik | (German f.) serial music |
Seriennummer | (German f.) serial number |
Series | a number of novels related to each other by plot, setting, character, or some combination of these traits |
a succession of musical elements to be used as fundamental material in a composition |
Series harmónicas | (Spanish pl.) harmonic series |
sérieusement | (French) seriously, gravely, earnestly |
sérieux (m.), sérieuse (f.) | (French) serious, serious-minded, earnest, not frivolous |
s'ériger en | (French) to set oneself up as |
Serigraph | another name for screen printing. It is sometimes used in the description of fine art works in order to provide them with a higher status than that of commercial printing despite the fact that the actual technique is identical |
Serinati | (Corsica) languorous songs sung by young people to their beloved |
Serinette | (French) there was a very small barrel-organ in use during the 18th- and 19th-centuries, known as the bird-organ (French: serinette, turlutaine, merline). One of these now in the collection of the Brussels Conservatoire is described by V. C. Mahillon. The instrument is in the form of a book, on the back of which is the title Le chant des oiseaux, Tome vi. There are ten pewter stopped pipes giving the scale of G with the addition of Fb and A two octaves higher. The whole instrument measures approximately 8 x 52 x 24ins and plays eight tunes. Mozart wrote an Andante for a small barrel-organ |
serio, seria, serioso, seriosa | (Italian) grave, serious, tragic, in a serious style |
seriös | (German) respectable, respectably, reliable, reliably, serious |
seriosamente | (Italian) seriously |
seriöser Bass | (German m.) dramatic bass |
serioso | (Italian) grave, serious, tragic, in a serious style |
Serious | serioso (Italian), ernst (German), sérieux (French m.), sérieuse (French f.) |
(of music, literature, etc.) intellectual in content or appeal (often with the connotation 'not popular) |
ser la muerte | (Spanish) to be hell (colloquial), to be murder (colloquial), to be fantastic (colloquial) |
ser lo último | (Spanish) to be marvellous, to be awful |
Sermon | an oration by a prophet or member of the clergy. Sermons address a Biblical, theological, or religious topic, usually expounding on a type of belief or law |
- Sermon from which this extract has been taken
Sermonette | a short sermon |
Sermon joli | another term for a sermon joyeaux |
Sermon joyeaux | see 'mock sermon' |
Sermon on the Mount | the first major discourse delivered by Jesus (described in Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6:20-49) |
ser muy amigos | (Spanish) to be good friends |
Serouba | (Gambia and South Senegal) Mandingo drum ensemble which like djembe and other drum ensemble traditions, use a number of different-sized or role-specific drums: koutirnba (bass drum), koutirnding (tenor drum) and djaliba (which performs a solo role |
se rouler les pouces | (French) to twiddle one's thumbs |
se rouler par terre de rire | (French) to roll on the ground laughing |
serpeggiando | (Italian) gently winding and creaping onwards |
Serpent | (English, French m., German m.) serpentone (Italian m.), serpentón (Spanish m.), Schlangenbass (German m.) |
said to have been invented in 1590 by a French cleric, Canon Edme Guillaume, the serpent was conceived as the bass member of the cornett family (the group of instruments - including the cornett, bass horn, serpent and ophicleide - that preceded today's modern keyed brass instruments), the serpent immediately found a home accompanying the plainsong of the Church. It became popularized in England in the eighteenth century where in addition to being used in church services, it became the bass of the military wind band. Although some commentators classify the serpent with the cornetto, Paul Schmidt points out because of its distinct fingering system, the serpent should be classed on its own [many thanks to Paul Schmidt for his comments on this subject] |
name | type | range & description |
soprano serpent or 'worm' in c' | serpent | modern instrument made by Christopher Monk |
tenor serpent, serpet or serpenteau in c | serpent | modern instrument made by Christopher Monk |
bass serpent in D | serpent | made by Christopher Monk, a slightly smaller version of the standard bass serpent in C |
bass serpent in C | serpent | the serpent was employed within the orchestra by such composers as Handel, Mendelssohn (oratorio Paulus, 1836), Rossini, Wagner (Rienzi, 1842), and Verdi (The Sicilian Vespers) used, it was said as late as 1876, to strengthen the bass in orchestras. In 1825 a serpentone was in use at La Scala in Milan. A military serpent with 14 keys (12 on the front and two on the back) made, appropriately, by Thomas Key, 20 Charing Cross, London (c. 1830-40) was used in St. John's Church in Cardiff. Another serpent by Key with 14 keys is in the Metropolitain Museum of Art's collection in New York City. Military serpents would have been held horizontally to facilitate marching or walking while playing. The serpent was still in use until the 1890s, a feature of oratorio festivals |
contra-bass serpent or 'anaconda' in CC | serpent | an original is in the Edinburgh University Collection of Historical Musical Instruments. Made in 1840 in Huddersfield, England, by two brothers with the surname of Wood, it was frequently played by Andrew van der Beek in the London Serpent Trio and made a famous appearence at Royal Albert Hall during the November, 1956 Hoffnung Music Festival Concert |
a reed-stop in some old organs |
Serpent à pavillon | (French m.) upright serpent |
Serpent droit | (French m.) upright serpent |
Serpente | (Italian) serpent |
Serpent Forveille | (French m.) Forveille is credited with inventing this version of the upright serpent |
Serpentón | (Spanish m.) serpent (English, French m.), serpentone (Italian m.), Serpent (German m.), Schlangenbass (German m.) |
Serpentone | (Italian m.) serpent (English, French m.), serpentón (Spanish m.), Serpent (German m.), Schlangenbass (German m.) |
(English, Italian m.) often also called corno di basso (bass horn), a more advanced version of this instrument came from England and was a kind of serpentone in the form of a bassoon, made of brass and with nine finger-holes. It had the same range as the earlier serpentone. At this time the term cimbasso described both types of serpentone. The instrument from England presumably found its way into orchestral music by way of military bands and stage music. It is known to have been used at La Scala in Milan between 1815 and 1820. Later, similar instruments of the same type were called Russian bassoon or Austrian contrabassoon in Italy: their body was made of wood, the bell of brass and the mouthpiece of horn. The six finger-holes and two keys enabled a range from C2 to G4. The timbre of these instruments was said to be pure and powerful |
(Italian m.) a reed-stop in an organ |
Serraggia | an ancient one-string bowed instrument from Sardinia (Italy), used during carnival. It is made of a cane with one brass string. The instrument is played with a bow made from horse hair |
Serranas | a flamenco style with the same beat structure as the siguiriyas, although less intense, its themes revolving around the concerns of mountain bandits |
serrando | (Italian) pressing, getting faster, tightly |
serrant | (French) pressing, getting faster |
Serrata | (Italian f.) a concluding performance |
serrato | (Italian) pressed, getting faster, tightly |
serré | (French) pressed, getting faster, tight, drawn together |
serrer ... contre sa poitrine | (French) to hug ... |
serrer ... contre son coeur | (French) to hug ... |
serrer la main à ... | (French) to shake hands with ... |
Serrucho musical | (Spanish m.) musical saw |
Sertanejo | or música sertaneja, found in the South and Central-West of Brazil, sertanejo resembles American country music, with simple tunes and themes of love, nostalgia, and hardship |
Serunai | used throughout Islamic-influenced countries in eastern Europe, northern Africa and much of central Asia, an ancient double reed instrument with a long, conical wooden body and a flared bell |
ser un águila | (Spanish) to be very sharp (figurative) |
águila (Spanish f.: eagle) is a feminine noun that takes the masculine article in the singular |
ser un alma bendita | (Spanish) to be a kind soul |
ser un alma de Dios | (Spanish) to be a kind soul |
ser una pieza de museo | (Spanish) to be a museum piece (familiar) |
ser un arma de doble filo | (Spanish) to be a double-edged sword |
ser un asco | (Spanish) to be a disgrace |
ser un besugo | (Spanish) to be stupid |
Servante | (French) a concealed shelf beneath a table used for conjuring |
Servant Songs | first identified by Bernhard Duhm in his 1892 commentary on Isaiah, the songs are four poems taken from the Book of Isaiah written about a certain "servant of YHWH." God calls the servant to lead the nations, but the servant is horribly abused. The servant sacrifices himself, accepting the punishment due others. In the end, he is rewarded. The passage is known for its interpretation by many Christians to be a prophecy of the coming of Jesus, being written over 500 years before his birth. This interpretation is rejected by Jewish theologians, many of whom identify the servant to be the nation of Israel |
- Isiah 53 from which this information has been taken
Service | a Christian liturgical gathering, containing fixed prayers, songs, and responses |
an Anglican Church term that denotes music for the unchanging morning and evening prayers and for communion |
service compris | (French) service included, including service, tip included |
service non compris | (French) service not included, not including service, tip not included |
Service Tree | (German Speierling, French Cormier, European Species: Sorbus domestica, S. torminalis: Average Weight: 40 pounds per cubic foot) the Service Tree produces a very hard wood used for tools such as planes and rake handles |
Servicio a domicilio | (Spanish m.) home delivery service |
Servicio puerta a puerta | (Spanis m.) door-to-door service |
Serviererin | (German f.) a waitress |
Servierwagen | (German m.) a trolly |
Serviette | (German f.) napkin, serviette |
Serviettenring | (German m.) a napkin ring |
servir à | (French) to serve to |
Servus servorum Dei | (Latin, literally 'the servant of the servants of God') one of the titles of the Pope |
SESAC | the 'Society of European Stage Authors & Composers' (SESAC) is the smallest of three performing rights organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1930, sixteen years after ASCAP and nine years before BMI |
se salir | (French) to get dirty |
se sauver | (French) to run away, to be off (familiar) |
S'escandalari | a colorful peasant dance from Ibiza, Spain that celebrates planting and harvesting |
Sesenta | (Spanish m.) sixty |
sesenta | (Spanish) sixty |
se sentir barbouillé | (French) to feel liverish |
se sentir brimé | (French) to feel put down |
se sentir mieux | (French) to feel better |
se sentir valorisé | (French) to feel valued |
se servir de | (French) to make use of |
Sesh | session, meeting (colloquial) |
se siente atraído por ella | (Spanish) he feels attracted to her |
Sesión | (Spanish f.) session, showing (of a film), performance (in a theatre) |
Sesión continuoa | (Spanish f.) continuous performance (of a film) |
Sesión de apertura | (Spanish f.) opening session (conference, etc.) |
se sonner les oreilles | (French) to have ringing ears |
se soucier de | (French) to care about |
se soûler | (French) to get drunk |
se soulever | (French) to lift oneself up, to raise oneself up, to rise up |
se soumettre à | (French) to submit oneself to |
se soutenir | (French) to support oneself (to hold on to) |
se soustraire à | (French) to escape from |
se souvenir de | (French) to remember |
se souvenir que | (French) to remember that |
s'espacer | (French) to become less frequent |
se spécialiser (dans) | (French) to specialize (in) |
Sesquialter | see sesquialta, sesquialtera, sesquialtra |
Sesquialta | (Latin) the ratio 3:2, which was often used in Medieval music theory |
an organ stop with bright overtones, that pulls two ranks of pipes sounding the fifth (2 2/3 ft.) and the tenth (1 3/5 ft.) |
sometimes the two ranks are the twelfth and the seventeenth |
Sesquialtera | (Latin) the ratio 3:2, which was often used in Medieval music theory |
an organ stop with bright overtones, that pulls two ranks of pipes sounding the fifth (2 2/3 ft.) and the tenth (1 3/5 ft.) |
sometimes the two ranks are the twelfth and the seventeenth |
Sesquialtra | (Latin) the ratio 3:2, which was often used in Medieval music theory |
an organ stop with bright overtones, that pulls two ranks of pipes sounding the fifth (2 2/3 ft.) and the tenth (1 3/5 ft.) |
sometimes the two ranks are the twelfth and the seventeenth |
Sesquicentenary | a 150-year anniversary |
Sesquiflat | three-quarters of a tone flat |
Sesquisharp | three-quarters of a tone flat |
Sesquitone | a minor third, or an interval of three semitones (half-steps) |
s'esquiver | (French) to slip away |
sessanta | (Italian) sixty |
Sessel | (German m.) an armchair |
Sesselbahn | (German f.) a chair-lift |
Sessie | (Dutch) session |
Session | (English, German f.) a period of playing (for example, in a recording studio where the regular studio-based players are often called 'session musician' |
Session musician | studio musician |
s'essouffler | (French) to get out of breath |
s'essuyer | (French) to dry oneself, to wipe oneself |
Sesta | (Italian f.) the interval of a sixth, the sixth degree of the scale |
Sestet | the last part of an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet, it consists of six lines that rhyme with a varying pattern. Common rhyme patterns include CDECDE or CDCCDC |
any six-line stanza or a six-line unit of poetry |
a piece of music for six voices or instruments |
Sestetto | (Italian m.) a sextet |
Sestina | (Italian) sextuplet |
a poetic form said to have been invented by the 13th-century Provençal troubadour Arnaut Danièl |
16th-century theorists recognised a sestina as a chord comprising the intervals octave, fifth, fourth, major third, minor third, for example C C G C E G, having pitches related in the proportions (1:2:3:4:5:6) |
sesto (m.), sesta (f.) | sixth |
s'estomper | (French) to become blurred |
se suffire à soi-même | (French) to be self-sufficient |
se suicider | (French) to commit suicide |
se suivre | (French) to follow each other |
se supo poner a la altura de las circunstancias | (Spanish) she was able to meet the challenge |
set | (Catalan) seven |
Set (s.), Sets (pl.) | the physical objects and props necessary as scenery in a play (if they are left on-stage rather than in a character's possession) |
in music, a collection of twelve notes, that cover each of the tones of the twelve-tone scale, as in 12-tone compositional theory |
synonymous with 'system' |
in music, a collection of musical elements (not necessarily or only notes) that may, for example, be subject to serial or other compositional techniques |
a collection of pieces played sequentially during a performance |
standardized package(s) of instrumental parts, orchestral sets vary from 'Wind-Set' (one of each wind, brass, percussion) to 'Complete Set' (same, but includes a standard minimum number of strings). There are also some standard sets such as 'Set B' (wind-set plus strings 5-5-3-3-3) and 'Set C' (wind-set plus strings 8-8-5-5-5) |
s'établir | (French) to establish oneself |
s'établir à son compte | (French) to set up on one's own |
se tacher | (French) to get stains (marks or spots) on one's clothes |
s'étager | (French) to rise at different levels |
se tailler | (French) to clear off (familiar) |
se taire | (French) to be silent, to be quiet, to fall silent |
s'étaler | (French) to stretch out, to fall flat |
s'étaler sur | (French) to be spread over (payment) |
se tamponner | (French) to crash into each other (cars, etc.) |
setanta | (Catalan) seventy |
se taper | (French) to put away (a meal) (familiar), to do (familiar) |
Setâr | (literally 'three strings') a member of the târ family of long-necked lutes |
se targuer de | (French) to boast about |
se tarir | (French) to dry up |
se tasser | (French) to sink, to squeeze up |
Set dances | sometimes called "country sets", set dances are a popular form of folk dancing in Ireland. Set dances are based on quadrilles. The latter were court dances which were transformed by the Irish into a unique characteristic of Irish rural communities. A combination of Céilí dance and Rock and Roll in the 1950s caused many sets and set dances to die out. In the 1980s a revival started and many sets that have not been done for forty years or more are still being recovered and danced again. Set dances differ from square dances and round dances in that they does not require a caller |
- Set Dance from which this extract has been taken
s'éteindre | (French) to go out (fire), to hang out (washing), to extend |
se teindre les cheveux | (French) to dye one's hair |
se télescoper | (French) to smash into each other (cars, etc.) |
Se-tenant | (French m., literally 'hold one another') a block of commemorative stamps printed together on the same sheet but differing in design, colour, value, or overprint |
se-tenant | (French) designating or of postage stamps joined together as pairs or larger sets, but differing in design, denomination, overprint, etc |
s'étendre | (French) to stretch out, to spread, to stretch |
s'étendre sur | (French) to dwell on (subject), to spread out over |
se tenir | (French) to remain, to stand, to be held |
se tenir à | (French) to hold on to |
se tenir au courant de | (French) to keep informed about |
se tenir bien | (French) to behave (oneself) |
se tenir debout | (French) be standing, stand |
se tenir en équilibre | (French) to balance (person), to be balanced (object) |
se tenir mal | (French) to misbehave |
se tenir sur ses gardes | (French) to be on guard, to keep one's guard up |
setenta | (Spanish) seventy |
se terminer | (French) to end |
se terminer par | (French) to end with |
se ternir | (French) to tarnish |
setet | (Catalan m.) septuplet |
Sétima | (Portuguese) seventh (interval) |
se tirer | (French) to clear off (familiar), to leave, to push off (familiar), to clear out (familiar) |
s'étirer | (French) to stretch |
se tirer de | (French) to get out of, to get oneself out of, to cope with |
se tirer dessus | (French) to shoot at each other |
se tirer des pattes de ... | (French) to get out of ...'s clutches |
Set neck | on a guitar, a neck that is glued into the body and uses no bolts for attachment, a constructional characteristic normally associated with electric guitars |
Set of pieces | partita (Italian), Partie (German), suite (French) |
Setolo-tolo | an African musical bow |
s'étonner | (French) to be amazed |
s'étonner de | (French) to be amazed at |
se tordre | (French) to twist, to bend, to writhe |
se tordre de rire | (French) to split one's sides (with laughing) |
se tortiller | (French) to wriggle, to wiggle |
se toucher | (French) to touch (lines) |
s'étouffer | (French) to suffocate, to choke (when eating) |
se tourment | (French) to worry |
se tourner | (French) to turn |
se tracasser | (French) to worry |
se traîner | (French) to crawl (on the ground) |
s'étrangler | (French) to choke |
se transformer | (French) to change, to be transformed |
se transformer en | (French) to turn into |
se transformer (à) | (French) to take oneself (to) |
se transmettre de bouche à oreille | (French) to be spread by word of mouth |
se trémousser | (French) to wriggle, to wiggle |
se tremper | (French) to have a dip (to bathe) |
se trimbaler | (French) to trail around (familiar) |
se tromper | (French) to be mistaken |
se tromper de route | (French) to take the wrong road |
se tromper de train | (French) to take the wrong train |
se troubler | (French) to become flustered |
se trouver | (French) to find oneself, to be, to feel |
se trouver mal | (French) to faint |
se trouver obligé de | (French) to have to, to be obliged to |
settanta | (French) seventy |
Sette | (Italian) seven |
Settecento | (Italian m.) seven hundred |
Settecento, il | (Italian m. short for millesettecento) the eighteenth century (i.e. the seventeen hundreds), the architecture and art of that century, the characteristics of that century |
Settetto | (Italian n.) septet (a group of seven musicians, or music written for such a group) |
Set theory, musical | from the outset it should be noted that the terminology and methods used in musical set theory bear little in common with the same terms and techniques used in the set theory of mathematics. Although both theories say they make use of 'sets', in the mathematical theory a set is an unordered collection of things, while, in music theory a 'set' is what, in mathematics, is termed a 'sequence', an ordered collection of things. Musical set theory also uses the terms linear and nonlinear for ordered and unordered sets. Allen Forte's book, The Structure of Atonal Music, one of the primary developments in musical set theory, has been criticised for its supposedly faulty calculations and terminology. Musical set theory may, however, be considered a field totally unrelated to mathematical set theory, but which has adapted some terms and techniques from mathematical set theory for its own uses. In addition to octave and enharmonic equivalency assumed in twelve tone theory (the concept of pitch-class, for example), set theory also makes use of inversional and transpositional equivalency. However, many theorists question or do not use inversional equivalency while Solomon simply adds a distinction to the end of the Forte prime form number of any sets which would be considered inversionally equivalent in his own Solomon Prime form number. Set theory, like the twelve tone technique, makes use of integer notation and modulo 12 |
Settima | (Italian f.) interval of a seventh, the seventh degree of the scale |
settimana | (Latin) week |
settimanale | (Latin) weekly |
Settimino | (Italian m.) septet |
settimo (m.), settima (f.) | (Italian) seventh |
Setting | the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which the action of a fictional or dramatic work occurs; the setting of an episode or scene within a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place |
or musical setting, the result of composing a musical accompaniment to prose, poetry, etc. to create a song, ballad, chant, etc. (for example, the earliest musical settings of the Mass are Gregorian chant, an example of a liturgical setting) |
se tuer | (French) to kill oneself, to be killed (accidently) |
Setzart | (German f.) style or manner of composition |
setze | (Catalan) sixteen |
setzè de pausa |  | (Catalan m.) a semiquaver rest, a sixteenth rest, a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest |
setzen | (German) to compose |
Setzer | (German m.) a composer |
Setzkunst | (German f.) art of musical composition |
Seú | (Curaçao) performed during the harvest festival during traditional times, but is now continued during annual parades in the city of Willemstad. Formerly the seú was a march through the fields, during which the workers brought the crops to the warehouses, the men playing drums, kachu and chapi, while the women carried produce on their heads. It was accompanied by a dance called wapa, which gracefully re-enacted the movements associated with planting and harvesting, often including work songs in Guene, the old slave language. On Bonaire it is known as simadan |
Seuche | (German f.) epidemic |
Seudónimo | (Spanish m.) pseudonym |
seufzend | (German) sighing |
Seufzer | (German m.) sigh |
seul, seule, seuls, seules | (French) alone |
Seung | (Thailand) a plucked lute with a round body and metal strings, played with a horn plectrum |
SEV | referring to the Strauss-Elementar-Verzeichnis, a catalogue of the music of Johann Strauss II (1825-1899), the son of Johann Strauss I |
se valoir | (French) to be as good as each other (to be equivalent) |
se vanter (de) | (French) to boast (about) |
s'évaporer | (French) to evaporate |
se vautrer | (French) to sprawl |
se vautrer dans | (French) to wallow in (vice, mud, etc.) |
se vêtir | (French) to dress (to put on clothes) |
Sevdah | see sevdalinka |
Sevdalinka | (from a Turkish word sevdah literally 'passion' or 'lovesickness') or sevdah, a traditional genre of folk music originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina, charactericized by a slow or moderate tempo and rich harmony, leaving a melancholic feeling with the listener, traditionally performed with a saz, but now typically led by a vocalist accompnied by the accordion along with snare drums, upright bass, guitars, clarinets or violins |
- Sevdalinka from which some of this extract has been taken
s'éveiller | (French) to wake, to awaken, to be aroused |
se vendre (en bouteilles) | (French) to sell (in bottles) |
se venger (de) | (French) to take one's revenge (for) |
Seven-string electric guitar | a regular electric guitar with an additional bass string, usually tuned to A. This feature allows bass, chords and solos to be played simultaneously |
Seven-string guitar | a guitar with seven strings instead of the usual six. Such guitars are rather rare, but have been utilized by musicians playing in different styles |
see 'Russian guitar' |
see 'seven-string electric guitar' |
Seventeenth | an interval of two octaves and a third |
in the organ, another name for the stop called Tierce |
Seventh | settima (Italian), Septime (German), septième (French), séptima (Spanish), séptimo grado (Spanish) |
a major seventh is a semitone smaller than an octave |
a minor seventh is a whole tone smaller than an octave |
see 'seventh chord' |
Seventh chord | accordo di settina (Italian), Septimenakkord (German), l'accord de septième (French) |
a chord consisting of a root note, the third above the root, the fifth above the root and the seventh above the root, that is, a triad with a 7th added, of which there are eight types: |
major seventh major/major seventh | maj7, M7, Δ7 | root, major third, perfect fifth, major seventh |
minor seventh minor/minor seventh | m7,-7 | root, minor third, perfect fifth, minor seventh |
major/minor seventh dominant 7th | | root, major third, perfect fifth, minor seventh |
half diminished diminished/minor seventh minor seventh, flat five (in jazz) | m7b5, -7b5, ø | root, minor third, diminished fifth, minor seventh |
diminished seventh diminished/diminished seventh | °7 | root, minor third, diminished fifth (tritone), diminished seventh (enharmonic major sixth) |
minor major seventh | mM7, mmaj7, mΔ7, -Δ7 | root, minor third, perfect fifth, major seventh |
altered chord | 7alt | root, third, diminished fifth (or augmented fifth), flat seventh, flat ninth (or sharp ninth) |
augmented major seventh | maj7(#5), maj+7, Δ+7 | root, major third, augmented fifth, major seventh |
Seventh chord inversions | see 'inversion' |
several voices, for | see 'for several voices' |
severamente | (Italian) severe, severely, strict, rigorously, strictly |
sévère | (French) strict |
Severità | (Italian f.) severity, strictly, strictness, rigour |
severo | (Italian) severe |
(Italian) with strict observance of all tempo, dynamic and other expression marks |
s'évertuer à | (French) to struggle hard to |
se vexer | (French) to be upset, to be hurt |
Sevillanas | a very popular colorful and festive Spanish folk dance from Seville, derived from the seguidilla and the fandango, consisting of six or seven couplets (coplas). Each copla is a little dance in itself divided into three parts and consisting of twelve bars (measures) of music. Couples dance it at fairs and pilgrimages. In recent years, sevillanas have become popular across Spain. Women usually wear a colorful Gypsy dress while men wear short black jackets or vests |
se viste así para llamar la atención | (Spanish) he dresses like that to attract attention (to himself) |
se voir | (French) to see each other |
se voir contraint de | (French) to be compelled to |
se voir dans l'obligation de | (French) to be obliged to |
se voir en cachette | (French) to meet secretly |
Sew | in printing, to fasten the sections of a book together by passing thread through the center fold of each section in such a way as to secure it to the slips; in distinction from stitch |
Sewing-cabinet piano | meant for the boudoir of a young girl from a wealthy family, a high-pitched piano with four octaves of tiny keys is set in a decorative exotic rosewood sewing box and dressing case. A shallow tray above the diagonal strings holds spools for thread and compartments for sewing materials; another removable tray rests above the keys, and a looking glass hinges inside the lid, which is inlaid on top with foliate scrollwork and musical instruments. A knee lever beneath the box raises the piano's dampers. The unusual pedestal design perhaps simulates bamboo |
sex | (Latin, Swedish) six |
sexaginta | (Latin) sixty |
Sex appeal | a term now in common usage meaning to be attractive to audiences owing to sexual aura |
s'exclamer | (French) to exclaim |
s'excuser | (French) to apologise |
s'excuser de | (French) to apologise for |
s'exercer (à) | (French) to practise |
s'exiler | (French) to go into exile |
s'expatrier | (French) to leave one's country |
s'exposer à | (French) to expose oneself to |
s'exprimer | (French) to express oneself |
s'exprimer avec lyrisme sur | (French) to wax lyrical about, to enthuse over |
Sext | one of the canonical hours, the fifth service of the Divine Office, usually performed at noon, and consisting of several responsories and psalms which are sung |
(Swedish, Dutch) the interval of a sixth |
in the organ, a compound organ stop of two ranks (a 12th and a 17th) which are the interval of a sixth apart |
Sexta | (Latin, Spanish f., Portuguese f.) sixth, the interval of a sixth, sixte (French) |
Sexta aumentada | (Spanish f.) augmented sixth |
Sexta disminuída | (Spanish f.) diminished sixth |
Sext akkoord | (Dutch) sixth chord |
Sextakkord | (German m.) sixth chord |
Sexta major | (Catalan f.) major sixth |
Sexta mayor | (Spanish f.) major sixth |
Sexta napolitana | (Spanish f.) Neapolitan sixth, sixte napolitaine (French) |
s'extasier sur | (French) be ecstatic about |
Sexta toni | (Latin) the sixth interval from the tonic |
Sexte | (German) the interval of a sixth |
(German) an organ stop with two ranks of pipes, sounding an interval of a major sixth, a twelfth and tierce on one slide |
Sextet | sestetto (Italian), Sextett (German), sextuor (French) |
a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play |
in jazz, any group of six players, usually containing a drum set (pedal bass, snaredrum sometimes brushed, top hat cymbal, brushed cymbal), string bass or electric bass, and groups of one or two of the following instruments, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet or trombone |
Sexteto | (Spanish m.) sextet, a group of six instruments, sextuor (French) |
(Spanish m.) the initial form of son group emanating from the changui groups consisting of the tres, contrabass, guitar, bongos, maracas and clave with vocals |
Sexteto de cuerdas | (Spanish m.) string quintet |
Sexteto de piano | (Spanish m.) piano quintet, a group of five instruments of which one is a piano |
Sexteto de vientos | (Spanish m.) wind quintet |
Sextett | (German n.) sextet |
Sextette | (French m.) sextet |
Sextetto | (Italian m.) sextet |
Sextillo | (Spanish m.) or seisillo, sextuplet, sextolet (French) |
sextio | (Swedish) sextuplet |
Sextiofjärdedelnot |  | (Swedish) a hemidemisemiquaver (sixty-fourth note), a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Sextiofjärdedelspaus |  | (Swedish) a hemidemisemiquave rest (sixty-fourth rest), a rest one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest |
sexto | (Spanish) sixth |
Sext-Oktavkadenz | (German f.) or Sext-Oktavklausel (German f.), sixth-to-octave cadence |
Sext-Oktavklausel | (German f.) or Sext-Oktavkadenz (German f.), sixth-to-octave cadence |
Sextole | (German) sextuplet, seisillo (Spanish), sextillo (Spanish) |
Sextolet | (French) sextuplet, seisillo (Spanish), sextillo (Spanish) |
sexton | (Swedish) sixteen |
Sextondelsnot |  | (Swedish) a semiquaver (sixteenth note) a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Sextondelspaus |  | (Swedish) a semiquaver rest (sixteenth rest) a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest |
sextool | (Dutch) sextuplet, seisillo (Spanish) |
Sextuor | (French m.) a sextet |
Sextuple meter | or 'sextuple time', a compound meter with six beats to every bar |
Sextuplet | a group of six notes of equal value that have the equivalent time value normally of four |
the name is sometimes wrongly applied to a group of two triplets |
Sextuple time | see 'sextuple meter' |
sextus | (Latin) sixth |
Sextus | the sixth part in Renaissance vocal polyphony |
Seyir | (Turkish) melodic progressions, a feature of Ottoman music |
Seyogo | see janggoo |