music dictionary : Mb - Me 

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MBabbreviation of 'Bachelor of Music', 'Manitoba' (Canada)
Mbaire(Uganda) a large xylophone from Busoga. It is comprised of twenty large keys arranged in a pentatonic scale and was played by six people
M'bal(Senegal) a shorter version of the n'der drum of the Wolof
Mbalaxmodernised Senegalese (Wolof) percussion music, characterized by a combination of Afro-Cuban rhythms, Wolof drumming and American pop music
Mbaqangaor 'township jive', a popular dance music style from the South African townships, its roots dating back to the 1930s, when Zulu and Sotho music were combined with African-American styles. It became very popular in the 1960s and 1970s
M-Base(Macro-Basic Array of Structured Extemporization) a New York-based music movement that pioneered a a concept of how to create modern music. The movement reached its peak in the mid-to-late-80s and early 90s. The word was applied also to the collective of musicians, poets and dancers who espoused the M-base philosophy
MBEabbreviation of 'Member of the Order of the British Empire'
Mbela(Central African Republic) a musical bow composed of an arched branch and a string cut from a vine. The string is stretched between the two ends of the branch and held in front of the half-open mouth. When struck with a thin stick, the string produces a fairly faint single note to bring out another note, the player then touches it with a blade. The mouth cavity, acting as a natural resonator of varying shape and volume, amplifies and modulates the tones
Mbendea celebration dance, coming from the Eastern part of Zimbabwe, with 'talking drum' sounds, performed mostly when a daughter of a chief is about to be wedded. The dance itself is a 'sexual dance'; a man and a woman are paired to suggest the daughter's impending experiences. The dance is to aid movement beyond the age of innocence by emphasizing commitment to new ways of doing things
Mbilaplural form timbila, an African xylophone
Mbiraalso known as sanza, sansa, lukembe, kalimbe or thumb piano, the mbira is a unique kind of tuned percussion instrument, found primarily in the Shona culture of Zimbabwe, on which one produces sound by plucking thin strips or tongues of metal, wood or cane with the thumbs and fingers. The strips are attached to a gourd resonator or wooden box, often with sound holes and, sometimes, jingles or beads are added to the keys to create a rich, buzzing tone. The pitch of each key may be altered by fixing wax to its free end, or by increasing or decreasing its length
Mbira dzavadzimu(Shona, literally 'voice of the ancestors') a musical instrument that has been played by the Shona people of Zimbabwe for thousands of years. The mbira dzavadzimu is frequently played at religious ceremonies and social gatherings
Mbuata free-reed mouth organ of the Meo (Hmong) people of Vietnam
Mbube(literally 'lion') an a cappella choral singing style of South African Zulus, featuring call and response patterns, close-knit harmonies and syncopation
Mbumba(Malawi) songs that were used to praise the leader of the country, and which were regularly sung at meetings and political events, in which he appeared. These songs were then called nyimbo za mbumba (= the songs of mbumba). But the songs themselves came from many different performance groups; for example there were songs that had been borrowed from mbotosyg, a genre of song from northern Malawi, or from chintali, a dance with songs by women, men playing drums, from southern Malawi, etc. All these sources were borrowed and integrated Into the mbumba style, with their original words replaced by words of praise for the achievments of the president. From the moment the name of the president appeared in those songs, they were no longer referred to the original genres, but called mbumba songs. With the change of government in Malawi, in 1994, the genre nyimbo za mbumba has disappeared from the public; but recordings are still available on cassettes
M'bung m'bung bal(Senegal) or m'bung m'bung tungoné, a shorter bass version of the n'der, used to play the accompanying rhythm in a sabar drum set
M'bung m'bung tungonésee m'bung m'bung bal
MCalso spelled "emcee", a rapper who performs for crowds
MCA, M.C.A.abbreviation of 'Master of Creative Arts'
MChabbreviation of Männerchor (German: men's choir - choeur d'hommes (French))
M-CLabbreviation of 'Mechanical-Copyright Licenses Co., a body formed in England in 1910 to administer mechanical rights. It merged with MCPS in 1924
MCPSabbreviation of 'Mechanical Copyright Protection Society Ltd., formed in 1924, to administer mechanical rights. It merged with M-CL in 1924
M.D., m.d.abbreviation of main droite (French), mano destra or mano dritta (Italian) (right hand on the piano)
MDMD-numbers refer to the standard MacDonald Verzeichnis of the Beatles' songs
Mdabbreviation of Mandoline (German: mandolin - mandoline French))
Methe lowered third degree of a major scale; in 'fixed do' solfeggio, me is always the note 'E-flat'
¿me acompañas?(Spanish) will you come with me?
Mea culpa(Latin, literally 'my fault') originally part of the Confession of the Mass, now used more generally to admit responsibility for some blunder
  • Mea culpa
  • Meada wine made from fermented honey
    Mead halla structure built by an Anglo-Saxon lord (hlaford or cyning) as a social centre for his immediate community, especially his thegns and warriors
    me agarré el dedo en ...(Spanish) I caught my finger in ... (something)
    me agradaría mucho verlos allí(Spanish) I would be very pleased to see you there
    me alegra que me haga esa pregunta(Spanish) I'm glad you asked that
    me alegra saberlo(Spanish) I'm pleased to hear it
    me alegro(Spanish) I'm glad (to hear that)
    me alegro de verte it's good to see you(Spanish) it's nice to see you
    me alegro de que todo haya salido bien(Spanish) I'm glad that, I am very pleased that
    me alegro mucho por ti(Spanish) I'm really happy for you
    Mea maxima culpa(Latin, literally 'my most grievous fault') originally part of the Confession of the Mass, now used more generally to admit responsibility for some blunder (entry corrected by Mary O'Grady)
    • Mea culpa
    • Meanobsolete term for the middle part (usually the tenor) or a middle string
      Meanein sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, the middle voice of a composition, between the treble and tenor
      the middle voice of a three voice keyboard composition
      me anestesiaron(Spanish) they gave me an anesthetic
      Meantone scaleor mean-tone scale, the most common form of meantone temperament tunes all the major thirds to the just ratio of 5:4 (so, for instance, if A is tuned to 440 Hz, C#' is tuned to 550 Hz). This is achieved by tuning the perfect fifth a quarter of a syntonic comma flatter than the just ratio of 3:2. It is this that gives the system its name of quarter-comma meantone or 1/4-comma meantone. Another way of describing quarter comma meantone is to notice that the Pythagorean 3-limit scale has been tempered to fit the 5-limit meantone scale by removing the fourth root of the Pythagorean comma from each interval in a chain of four fifths. So in this case 'meantone' is really 'quarter-comma meantone', i.e. (81/80)(1/4)
      Meantone temperamentsee 'meantone scale'
      me armé una confusión(Spanish) I got into a mess (colloquial)
      me armé un lío(Spanish) I got into a mess (colloquial)
      Measurable musicmensurable music
      Measuremisura (Italian), Takt (German), mesure (French)
      in American usage, what in the UK we call a bar, the portion of music lying between two consecutive bar-lines (in American usage, bars). The pural, i.e. 'measures', is sometimes abbreviated mm. (entry amended by Susan Mielke)
      time, the rhythmical division of the portion of music between two consecutive bar-lines
      English term of the Renaissance and Baroque eras signifying a group of dance steps that could be performed to one strain of dance music
      Measured musicmusic comprised of durations with proportional values, as for example in cantus mensuratu (measured chant) and music marked tempo giusto
      Measured performancea descriptive term suggesting a performance that is neither too fast nor too slow, although it might also suggest a performance that is considered 'safe', that is, lacking in verve or vigour
      the term is also used to describe music that observes the note lengths indicated by the proportional notation (for example, cantus mensuratu), as opposed to music that is 'unmeasured', for example, plainchant
      Measure motivea motive whose accent coincides with the first beat of the bar (or measure)
      Measure notethe note indicated by the lower number in the standard time signature, thus for the time signature 3/4 the measure note is the crotchet (quarter note), and a bar (or measure) comprises 3 crotchets
      Measure restthe rest that is equivalent to the note indicated by the lower number in the standard time signature, thus for the time signature 3/4 the measure note is the crotchet (quarter note), therefore the measure rest is a crotchet rest (quarter rest)
      me aventuraría a decir que ...(Spanish) I would go so far as to say that ...
      me avergüenza decírselo(Spanish) I'm embarrassed to tell him
      Mécanique(French f.) action
      Mécanisme des clefs(French m.) key work, meccanismo delle chiavi (Italian m.) Klappenmechanik (German f.), mecanismo de llaves (Spanish m.)
      Mécanisme du piston(French m.) valve (mechanism found on some brass instruments), Ventilmaschine (German f.), mecanismo del pistón (Spanish m.)
      Mecanismo de llaves(Spanish m.) key work, key mechanism, meccanismo delle chiavi (Italian m.) Klappenmechanik (German f.), m&eacuate;canisme des clefs (French m.)
      Mecanismo del pistón(Spanish m.) valve (mechanism found on some brass instruments), macchina (Italian f.), Ventilmaschine (German f.), mécanisme du piston (French m.)
      Meccanica(Italian f.) process, action, mechanism. mechanics (science)
      Meccanica analitica(Italian f.) analytical mechanics
      Meccanica applicata(Italian f.) applied mechanics
      Meccanica celeste(Italian f.) celestial mechanics
      Meccanica classica(Italian f.) classical mechanics
      Meccanica dei liquidi(Italian f.) fluid mechanics
      Meccanica dei quanti(Italian f.) quantum mechanics
      Meccanica ondulatoria(Italian f.) wave mechanics
      Meccanica quantistica(Italian f.) quantum mechanics
      Meccanica teorica(Italian f.) theoretical mechanics
      Meccanismo(Italian m.) mechanism
      Meccanismo delle chiavi(Italian m.) key work, key mechanism, Klappenmechanik (German f.), m&eacuate;canisme des clefs (French m.), mecanismo de llaves (Spanish m.)
      Meccanismo di controllo(Italian m.) control mechanism
      Mecenate(Italian m.) patron
      Mécène(French m.) patron
      méchanceté(French) spitefulness, malicious ill-will
      Mechanical actionon an organ, the keys are connected to trackers which eventually connect to the valves that control the movement of air from the wind chest into the pipe. By pressing the key, the player is opening the valve in the wind chest. In a mechanical action, there is one valve for each note on the keyboard. So, if the organ has 10 stops, there is one valve for all ten pipes which correspond to that note on the keyboard
      Mechanical guslisee gusli
      Mechanical instrumenta musical instrument that is operated mechanically without a human performer, for example, a music box
      Mechanical organa term that is applied to a large family of instruments where the music to be played is provided via a cylinder on which the individual notes have been 'pegged-out'. The earliest members included belly organs (strapped around the waists of travelling musicians who used a crank to turn the cylinder), peg organs (belly organs which when played were supported by a single leg), bird-organs, street-organs, church barrel-organs (that played chorales, etc.), dance organs, band organs, theatre organs and fairground organs. The majority of these had pipes but a variant of the smaller instruments was produced employing reeds rather than pipes called the Meloton. A term commonly used to cover this family is 'barrel-organ' although from the invention by Anselme Gavioli in 1892 of the pneumatic reader, the 'barrel' or cylinder was gradually replaced and these new instruments were called book-organs. Organs that are bigger are usually 'cranked' not manually, but with a motor. These larger instruments are usually fairground organs, band organs, carousel organs, calliopes or orchestrions
      Mechanical paperpaper made from wood that is ground down into a pulp. This type of fibre forms weak bonds and is used in paper made for temporary use such as newsprint. It is high in lignin, a substance within the cellulose, that attracts mould and insects, and raises the paper's acid content
      Mechanik(German f.) action (on a piano)
      Mechanikbogen(German m.) harmonic curve (pertaining to the shape of the bridge on a stringed keyboard instrument)
      Mécanique(French f.) action (on a piano)
      Mécanique à action directe(French f.) upright action (on a piano)
      Mécanique à double échappement(French f.) double-escapement action (on a piano)
      Mécanique à lame(French f.) underdampers (on a piano)
      Mécanique SMR SEILER(French f.) SEILER's Super Magnet Repetition Action (on a piano)
      mechanische Piano(Dutch) player piano
      mechanische Musik(German f.) mechanical music
      mechanisches Instrument(German n.) mechanical instrument
      Mechanismderiving from the French mécanisme, meaning 'technical skill' or 'manual dexterity'
      that portion of an instrument which connects the act of the performer with the sound producing medium
      Mechanisme(Dutch) action
      Mechanoreceptorssensory organs in the body that respond to mechanical stimulation, such as pressure or touch
      méchant (m.), méchante (f.)(French) spiteful, malicious, ill-natured
      Mèche(French f.) that part of the bow consisting of the bowhair
      MECOLICOabbreviation of 'Mechanical-Copyright Licenses Co.', found for many years on stamps affixed to records to show that royalties had been paid
      me consta que(Spanish) I'm sure that
      MEdabbreviation of 'Master of Education'
      me da asco el ajo(Spanish) I can't stand garlic
      Meddelande(Swedish) communication
      Meddelelser(Norwegian) proceedings
      Mededeling(Dutch) communication
      Medeltonstemperatur(Swedish) meantone temperament
      medesimo(Italian) the same
      medesimo moto(Italian) the same time
      medesimo movimento(Italian) the same speed
      medesimo tempo(Italian) the same pace
      Medewerker(Dutch) contributor, collaborator
      Medewerking(Dutch) collaboration
      Media (s.), Mediae (pl.)(Latin) in linguistics, one of the voiced stops, b, d, g, considered as intermediates between the voiceless stops, tenuis, and the aspirates
      media aspirata (Latin) the aspirated voiced stops bh, dh gh found in Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages
      Media C(Spanish f.) the note 'middle C'
      Mediaevalor 'mediæval', see 'medieval'
      Medial cadencesee 'cadence (harmonic)'
      Medial sound(in phonetics) within a word or syllable, neither initial nor final, as the t, a, and n in stand
      Médiane(French f.) median (statistics), medial sound (linguistics), mid-vowel (linguistics)
      medianamente(Spanish) fairly
      medianamente débil(Spanish) fairly weak
      medianamente forte(Spanish) fairly strong
      Mediant(English, Danish, Swedish, Dutch from the Latin) médiante (French), mediante (Italian), modale (Italian), caratteristica (Italian), Mediante (German), mediante (Spanish), the third degree of the scale, called mediant because it is midway between the first degree of the scale (the tonic) and the fifth degree of the scale (the dominant)
      mediant also refers to a relationship between musical keys. For example, relative to the key of C minor, the key of E flat major is the mediant, and often serves as a mid-way point between I and V (hence the name). Tonicization or modulation to the mediant is quite common in pieces written in the minor mode, and usually serves as the second theme group in sonata forms, since it is very easy to tonicize III in the minor (for there is no need to use alternate notes). Tonicization of III in the major is quite rare in classical harmony, at least when compared with, for example, modulation to the V in the major, but mediant tonicization in the major is an important feature of late romantic music
      • Mediant from which some of this material has been taken
      Mediante(German f., Italian f., Spanish f.) mediant
      Médiante(French f.) mediant
      Mediant relationshiptwo chords whose roots are the interval of a third apart are said to be in mediant relationship one with the other
      Mediant seventh chorda seventh chord built on the third degree of the scale, III
      Media pausa(Spanish f.) also silencio de blanca or pausa de blanca, minim rest, half rest, pausa di minima (Italian), halbe Pause (German), demi-pause (French)
      Media playera piece of application software for playing back multimedia files. Most media players support an array of media formats, including both audio and video files
      médiat (m.), médiate (f.)(French) mediate
      Mediatein-between, being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series, occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others, acting through or dependent on an intervening agency
      to intercede, to act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
      Mediate inference(in logic) an inference is said to be mediate when at least two other propositions are required in order to advance a third proposition, while it is said to be immediate when a proposition is inferred from a single other proposition
      Médiateur (m.), Médiatrice (f.)(French) mediator, arbitrator, Ombudsman (UK Parliamentary Commissioner)
      médiateur (m.), médiatrice (f.)(French) mediating, arbitrating
      Mediatio(Latin, literally 'mediation') a semi- or subordinate cadence that occurs midway through a verse in a psalm tone
      Médiation(French f.) mediation, arbitration, mediate inference
      médiatique(French) media
      Médiatisation(French f.) mediatisation, promotion through the media (on TV, etc.)
      médiatiser(French) to mediatise, to promote through the media (on TV, etc.)
      Médiator(French m.) pick, plectrum
      Médiatrice(French f.) median (goemetry)
      Media Venturesa film music company ran by Hans Zimmer and Jay Rifkin, which was known for housing yonug composers and pushing such collaborations between them as conducting, writing additional music, or even co-composing with Zimmer himself
      media voz(Spanish) mezza voce
      Medicina(Spanish f.) medicine
      Medicina alopática(Spanish f.) allopatic medicine, a derogatory term coined by alternative medicine practioners to describe what most people call 'conventional' (i.e. non-alternative) medicine
      the term 'allopathic' is rarely used by practioners of conventional medicine who indeed might not use the descriptor 'conventional' either. More recently, the terms 'evidence-based' and 'science-based' have been applied in place of 'conventional'. The mechanisms advanced for the way that alternative medicines (of which there are a great many) operate are in general not supported by any current understanding of human physiology, nor is their efficacy demonstrable using science-based evidence of outcome. Indeed, where they can be shown to produce any effect, that appears to be only what might be expected from the well-understood 'placebo-effect'
      Medicina alternativa(Spanish f.) alternative medicine
      Medicina antiqua(Spanish f.) ancient medicine (usually that of the ancient Greeks and Romans)
      Medicina bucal(Spanish f.) oral medicine
      Medicina clínica(Spanish f.) clinical medicine
      Medicina comunitaria(Spanish f.) community medicine
      Medicina convencional(Spanish f.) conventional medicine(now termed 'science-based medicine')
      Medicina de urgencias(Spanish f.) emergency medicine
      Medicina familiar(Spanish f.) family medicine
      Medicina fetal(Spanish f.) foetal medicine, fetal medicine
      Medicina general(Spanish f.) general practice
      Medicina geriátrica(Spanish f.) geriatric medicine
      Medicina holistica(Spanish f.) holistic medicine
      Medicina obstétrica(Spanish f.) obstetric medicine
      Medicina preventiva(Spanish f.) preventative medicine
      Medicina privada(Spanish f.) private medicine
      Medicina pública(Spanish f.) public medicine
      Medicina respiratoria(Spanish f.) respiratory medicine
      Medicina tropical(Spanish f.) tropical medicine
      Medicina veterinaria(Spanish f.) veterinary medicine (medicine as applied to non-human animals)
      Medico interno(Italian m.) house surgeon, house physician
      Medieval(from Latin medium aevum, 'the Middle Age' or 'the in-between age') pertaining to the Middle Ages, which for music is generally taken to be the period c.500-1430. While there are no universally accepted demarcations, it is common in older European histories to divide the medieval period into an early period of 'the Dark Ages' and a later period of 'the High Middle Ages'. On the other hand, linguists divide the medieval period in England into the Anglo-Saxon period (about 450-1066) and the Middle English period (about 1066-1450). Some scholars prefer to mark the years 1100-1350 as the "Anglo-Norman" period, since most courtly literature in England was written in Norman-French rather than English. Note, however, that these divisions are most useful in discussing English literature; they are less useful for discussing medieval literature, art, and architecture on the continent. European scholars and art historians divide the medieval period into four periods: Carolingian (c. 750-900), Ottonian (c. 900-1056), Romanesque (c. 1057-1150), and Gothic (1150-1475). The early medieval centuries (often misleadingly called 'the Dark Ages') are marked by the disintegration of classical Greco-Roman culture and the Volkerwanderung of Germanic tribes into western Europe, followed by gradual conversions to Christianity. Its later stages (often called 'the High Middle Ages') are marked by innovative technology, economic growth, and original theology and philosophy
      Medieval dancethe Middle Ages are a period for which there are no known extant choreographies. There is, however, ample music that clearly is for dance. Several researchers and practitioners have made credible new choreographies to suit this music
      Medieval estatessatire a medieval genre common among French poets in which the speaker lists various occupations among the three estates of feudalism (nobles, peasants, and clergy) and depicts them in a manner that shows how short they fall from the ideal of that occupation. In the late medieval period, the genre expanded to discuss the failings of bourgeois individuals as well
      Medievalismin western Europe, a term linked with feudalism in government, guildhouses in economics, monasticism and Catholicism in religion, and castles and knights in chivalrous military custom
      Medieval musicthe term 'Medieval music' encompasses European music written during the Middle Ages. This era begins with the fall of the Roman Empire (476AD) and ends in approximately the middle of the fifteenth century. Establishing the end of the Medieval era and the beginning of the Renaissance is admittedly arbitrary
      Medieval music history
      Medieval music of Cyprus
      Medieval rocka musical genre derived from folk rock. While medieval rock usually mixes traditional rock instruments (e.g. electrical guitars) with instruments commonly found in celtic folk music (e.g. bagpipes), it often also uses more classical instruments, such as harps or violins. Some bands use medieval instruments exclusively, other bands even use synthesizers
      Medieval romancesee 'romance, medieval'
      me dijo sin ambages que no quería volver a verme(Spanish) he told me straight out that he didn't want to see me again
      Medio(Spanish m.) middle
      Medio ambiente(Spanish m.) environment
      medio fuerte(Spanish) mf, mezzo forte
      Medio Oriente, el(Spanish m.) or el Oriente Medio (Spanish m.), the Middle East (geographic region)
      Medio registro(Spanish f.) a term applied to organs, which refers to a stop which functions over only half of the keyboard
      médios(Portuguese) middle
      medio suave(Spanish) mp, mezzo piano
      medio tono(Spanish) semitone, half-step
      Medisma specific form of hypnotism that mixes hypnosis and meditation
      Meditationa thoughtful or contemplative essay, sermon, discussion, or treatise
      Mediumone of the standard jazz tempos, neither 'up' (quicker) nor 'ballad' (slower)
      Médium(French m.) the middle register (of an instrument's range)
      in French, the three parts of an instrument's range are l'aigu, le médium and le grave
      médium(French) middle
      Medium (s.), Media (pl.)any liquid with which pigments are mixed to render them suitable for painting with
      a channel of communication, a system for the dissemination of information, etc.
      Medium (s.), Medien (pl.)(German n.) any liquid with which pigments are mixed to render them suitable for painting with
      a channel of communication, a system for the dissemination of information, etc.
      Medius(Latin) the name of one of the accentus ecclesiastici
      Medlara small, brown, applelike fruit, hard and bitter when ripe and eaten only when partly decayed
      Medlem(Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) member
      Medley(English, German n.) a potpourri of melodies taken from other compositions and strung together. Since the end of the nineteenth century some distinction has been made between potpourri and 'medley', the latter usually denoting pieces that are more closely connected
      me duele un montón(Spanish) it hurts a lot
      Meenda term from Hindustani classical music, a glissando where the player glides from one note to another at the same time faintly sounding the intermediate notes
      me encuentro algo cansado(Spanish) I'm feeling rather tired
      MeerabaiRajput princess of the 16th century A.D., who was a great devotee of Sri Krishna and who composed and sang innumerable songs in the praise of Sri Krishna which have since become popular all over India
      Meerduidigheid(Dutch) ambiguity
      Meerenge(German f.) a sound
      Meerhorn(German n.) tromba marina
      meermaats Rust(Dutch) multibar rest
      Meerschaum(German m., from Persian) or écume de mer (French), hydrous silicate of magnesium, a soft white clay used for the manufacture of pipes and cigarette holders
      Meerstemmig(Dutch) arrangement for several voices
      Meerstemmiger Gesang(German m.) a glee or part-song
      Meerstemmig lied(Dutch) part-song
      meerstimmig(German) in many or several parts
      Meertrompete(German f.) tromba marina
      me estaba quedando atrás(Spanish) I was getting left behind
      Megáfono(Spanish m.) bullhorn, loudhailer, megaphone, megafono (Italian m.), Megaphon (German n.), porte-voix (French), mégaphone (French m.)
      Megalomania(Greek) an illusion of greatness, the mistaken belief that one is an important person, a mania of surrounding oneself with magnificent objects and objects of large size
      Megaphon(German n.) bullhorn, loudhailer, megaphone, megafono (Italian m.), porte-voix (French), mégaphone (French m.), megáfono (Spanish m.)
      Mégaphone(French m.) or porte-voix, bullhorn, loudhailer, megaphone, megafono (Italian m.), Megaphon (German n.), porte-voix (French), megáfono (Spanish m.)
      Megaplexa movie theatre or cinema complex with more than 16 screens
      Megaron (s.), Megara (pl.)(Greek) the oldest form of Greek house, consisting of a single rectangular room with an anteroom
      me gusta un montón(Spanish) I like her a lot, I like him a lot, I like it a lot
      mehr(German) more, many
      mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(German) more than the sum of its parts
      mehrchörig(German) polychoral
      Mehrchörigkeit(German f.) antiphony
      mehrere(German) several
      mehrfach(German) multiple, manifold
      mehrfach bestezt(German) doubled by several players
      mehrfache Intervalle(German n. pl.) compound intervals
      mehrfacher Kanon(German m.) a canon with more than two subjects
      mehrfache Stimme(German f.) an organ stop with several sets of pipes
      mehr oder minder(German) more or less
      mehrsätzig(German) with several movements
      Mehrspurverfahren(German n.) multi-track recording
      mehrstimmig(German) multivoice, polyphonic, in several parts, concerted (music)
      (German) for several voices, di piu voci (Italian), à plusieurs voix (French), a varias voces (Spanish)
      mehrstimmige Gesang(German m.) partsinging
      mehrstimmige Lied(German n.) a part-song
      Mehrstimmigkeit(German f.) polyphony, plurivocality
      mehrtaktige Pause(German f.) multibar rest
      mehrteilig(German) in several parts
      Mehterthe Ottoman form of military band, it contained wind instruments such as the zurna (similar to the oboe), the boru (bugle), the kurrenay and the mehter whistle. It also contained percussion instruments such as the kös (the large drum), the nakkare (a small kettledrum), the zil (cymbals) and the çevgan. The number of instruments in each 'section' was the same, which determined the total number of instruments used. For example, the largest and most important, the Sultan's mehter or Tabl ü alem-i hassa, consisted of nine of each instrument. In later periods, the number of instruments could be as high as 12 or even 16. As well as the sultan's mehter band, the grand vizier (equivalent to the prime minister), ordinary viziers (equivalent to cabinet minister rank), the defterdar (head of the Treasury) and the reisü'l küttab (in charge of the state's foreign relations) would also have their own, and other bands were to be foundd in various provinces and castles. The structure and organisation of the mehter influenced the make-up of European military bands
      Meiasee meio
      Meia ponta(Portuguese) demi pointe (French)
      Mei, Girolamo
      an Italian historian and humanist, famous in music history for providing the intellectual impetus to the Florentine Camerata, which attempted to revive ancient Greek music drama. He was born Florence, and died in Rome. Mei was the first European after Boethius to do a detailed study of ancient Greek music theory. He compiled his findings in a major treatise, De modis musicis antiquorum (not formally published, but written 1568 to 1573)
      Meihua dagu(China) originated in Beijing and popular in North China, the performer tells stories while beating a drum, accompanied by two or three people who play three-stringed instruments, the pipa, and the sihu
      dagu and gushu are terms that denote the same category of qu under the heading of quyi. They consist chiefly of jingyun dagu, xihe dagu and meihua dagu
      (le) meilleur des deux(French) (the) better of the two
      meilleur marché(French) cheaper
      meilleurs voeux(French) best wishes
      me importa un bledo(Spanish) I couldn't care less
      meine ganze Barschaft(German) all I have on me, all I had on me
      Meinungsumfrage(German f.) or Umfrage (German f.), opinion poll
      Meio (m.), Meia (f.)(Portuguese) half, demi (French), demie (French)
      Meio da sala(Portuguese) or centro, the centre of a ballet studio used for exercises and work not requiring the barre
      Meiosisunderstatement, the opposite of exaggeration
      Meio-tom(Portuguese) or semitom, semitone, half tone
      Meiosis(Greek) in linguistics, a figure of speech in which emphasis is achieved by deliberate understatement, one form of which is termed litotes
      Meisenbach processthe first commercial lithographic process used to reproduce photographs by employing halftones. George Meisenbach of Munich and Karel Klietsch of Vienna copyrighted this method in 1883
      Meister(German m.) master, teacher
      Meisterfuge(German f.) synonymous with fuga ricercata
      Meistergesang(German m.) a songwriting and performance tradition found in the Germany of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance
      Meisterlieder(German n. pl.) the principal songs of the Meistersinger, featuring melismatic decoration (called Blumen), usually of sacred verse, the early examples, particularly, following closely the Minnelied Bar form - two identical phrases (Stollen) coupled to a contrasting concluding phrase (Abgesang)
      Meistersänger(German m., literally 'master singer') a guild (Zünfte) of German amateur musicians of the Medieval and Renaissance (active from the late thirteenth to the seventeenth century) who saw themselves as heirs to an earlier aristocratic Minnesinger tradition then in decline, and who relied on the guild for their professional status, which was maintained by adherence to strict rules (set down in the Tablatur). The most important guild was based at Nuremberg, and its most famous member was Hans Sachs (1494-1576), the shoemaker whose has left us more than 6000 works
      mejorado(Spanish) improved
      Mejoranera(Panama) similar to a guitar but slightly smaller and with a shorter neck, this instrument, made of cedar, has five strings which were originally made of the dry fibres of Bejuco, horse hair, gut, and now nylon. It is used to accompany singers and trovadores vernaculares in songs called mejoranas
      • Mejoranera from which this information has been taken
      mejor dicho(Spanish) rather
      me judice(Latin) in my opinion
      Meke(Fiji, Pacific Islands) a traditional folk dance, in which the dancers bodies are said to be possessed by spirits. Meke tell legends and stories of the past - achievements, tragedies and victories. Wars, deaths, marriages and births are all re enacted through Mekes
      melabbreviation of 'melodramma', mélodrame (French)

      unit of subjectively estimated pitch. A sine wave with a frequency of 1000 hertz, 40 decibels above the listener's threshold of hearing, has by definition a pitch of 1000 mels. A sound that a listener judges to be 2 times the pitch of a sound with a pitch of 1000 mels has a pitch of 2000 mels; a pitch judged half of a 1000-mel tone would be 500 mels

      the table below shows the pitch in mels of a pure sine wave at a few frequencies. Do not conclude from this table that there is a one-to-one mapping between the dominant frequency of a musical tone and its pitch. Although frequency is the most important factor in determining pitch, the sensation of pitch is also influenced by other factors
      frequency (hertz) pitch (mels)
      20 0
      40 46
      80 126
      100 161
      400 508
      800 854
      1000 1000
      2000 1545
      4000 2250
      10,000 3075
      [taken from IEEE Society on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing]
      mel.abbreviation of 'melody'
      Melakartathe collection of ragas in Carnatic music. Melakarta ragas are the fundamental ragas from which other ragas may be generated. For this reason the melakarta ragas are also known as janaka (parent) ragas. Melakarta ragas are also known as sampoorna ragas as they contain all seven swaras (notes) of the octave in both the ascending and the descending mode. There are 72 melakarta ragas
      Melamsee pandi melam
      Melancholia(Latin, from the Greek) a morbid condition of the mind characterised by groundless fears and acute depression
      Melancolia(Italian f.) melancholy
      melancolico(Italian) melancholic
      Mélancolie(French f.) melancholy
      Mélange(French m.) medley, pot-pourri, mixture
      mélanger(French) to mix
      Mélangeur de son(French f.) sound mixer
      ¡me las pagarás!(Spanish) you'll pay for this! (figurative)
      ¡me las vas a pagar!(Spanish) you'll pay for this! (figurative)
      Melazasee reggaeton
      Melbourne Shufflea style of dance, originating in the late 1980s in the Melbourne (Australia) underground dance party scene
      Meldeschluß(German m.) closing date
      Mêlée(French f.) a confused encounter, a free-for-all, a heated argument or debate
      Meleketa long Ethiopian trumpet without finger holes
      mêler à(French) to mingle with, to join in
      Melic(Greek) of or pertaining to song
      Melic compositiona musical composition relating to song
      Méli-mélo(French m.) jumble
      Melism(English) melisma
      Melisma (s.), Melismata (pl.)(Greek) in vocal music, where one syllable is set over more than one note, in practise, six or more notes
      (Greek) a vocal grace or embellishment
      Melisma (s.), Melismas (pl.)(German n.) melisma
      Mélisme(French) melisma
      Melismaticthe characteristic of a work containing a number of melismas and where the setting uses several notes on most, if not all, the syllables of the text
      melismático(Spanish) melismatic
      Melismatic organumflorid or Acquitainian organum
      Melismatic songas opposed to syllabic song where each syllable is set to a different note, melismatic song allows a single syllable to be set to more than one note. Many commentators reserve the term 'melismatic melody' to cases where there are seven or more notes to a syllable. When the number of notes lies between two and six, these commentators apply the term 'neumatic'
      Melismatik(Greek) florid vocalisation
      mélismatique(French) melismatic
      melismatisch(German) melismatic
      me llamó la atención que estuviera sola(Spanish) I was surprised she was alone
      Mellermelodrama (colloquial)
      Mellofon(German n.) mellophone
      Mellophon(German n.) mellophone
      Mellophone(English, French m.) a hybrid family of brass-instruments. The original 1880s Kohler & Son mellophone was a 'look-alike' of the 1868 Distin/Boosey & Co. ballad horn, which in turn was a 'look-alike' of the original Courtois Koenig horn of 1855. The Koenig horn itself was not an original instrument in internal design, and is very similar in bore-profile to Germanic instruments made in the Leipzig area by such instrument builders as Johann Joseph Schneider from 1846-1850, and earlier. This family includes the Antoniophone, made by Antoine Courtois, the tenor cors of Besson and Rudall Carte, the Altophone made by Henry Distin, early mellophones that bear Distin's name, though it is doubtful that he had a hand in their manufacture, the mellophone that appeared on various imports to the US between c. 1890 and c. 1910 that was no doubt purely phonetic in origin, the hatbox mellophone with detachable bell, the mellowphone that appeared on early King instruments, the Mellophonium manufactured by C. G. Conn in the 1950s in collaboration with Stan Kenton, the nineteenth-century cavalry models with bell-up and bell-forward designs, the frumpet and finally the marching mellophone. Professor Monks points out that these instruments are not flugel horns in the truest sense, but rather represent a divergence from a common ancestor- the keyed bugle, which essentially is a flugelhorn wrapped into bell-forward configuration and given keys. The direct line from there was the valved flugelhorn, which became extinct circa 1900. The best information thus far is that this later branch dates from the 1820s
      • Al's Mellophone Page written by Greg S. Monks from which this extract has been taken plus information supplied directly by Professor Monks in a personal communication
      Mellophoniummellophone manufactured by C. G. Conn in the 1950s in collaboration with Stan Kenton
      Mellotron(Italian m., English, German n.) arguably the original multi-sampler, each key on the Mellotron had recordings of real instruments on a piece of magnetic tape under each note of the 3-octave keyboard and each key had its own pinch roller and playhead. When a key was pressed, the pinch roller enaged with a master capstan wheel and dragged the key's tape over a playhead
      • Mellotron from which this extract has been taken
      Mélomane(French m./f.) music lover
      Mélotron(French m.) mellotron
      Mellowphoneearly King mellophones
      Mellow rocksee 'soft rock'
      Melodeclamation(from Greek melos, 'song', and Latin declamatio, 'declamation') a music genre, kind of a concert piece using the principles of melodrama, a kind of extended technique, a type of rhythmic vocal writing that bears a resemblance to Sprechstimme. It is a rhythmical speech with musical accompaniment
      Melodeon(English, German n.) small reed organs manufactured in the United States in the early 1800s, known also as 'lap' or 'elbow organs'. These usually have a single keyboard, one or two sets of free reeds (that is, tuned reeds, one for each note), and bellows operated by your elbow or hand. Larger melodeons, also called seraphines, were fitted with pedals so that the player could operate the bellows with his or her feet
      (English, German n.) button keyed accordion with ten keys, giving a twenty-note diatonic range. In England this term includes all button-keyed accordions. In Ireland and Scotland it is more specific to the one row 10-keyed variety. Though now out of favour among musicians and listeners, the melodeon has had a huge influence on the playing of Irish music. The one row melodeon gained popularity in Britain from 1850 onwards and was a cheap and efficient adaptation of earlier French and English designs. By the early 1900s nearly all melodeons played in Britain were of German origin. It held popularity among French, Scottish, English, Irish and Italian musicians, who in turn brought it to the United States. Breton musicians brought it first to Canada and then to the south where the one-row model has a central role in Cajun music
      Melodestik(Greek) the rules or science of melody
      Melodiaan organ stop resembling the clarabella
      (Italian f., Portuguese) melody, air, tune
      Melodía(Spanish f.) melody, mélodie (French)
      Melodía fija(Spanish f.) cantus firmis, fixed melody (for example, in organum, the line of plainchant over which the other lines are constructed)
      Melodía melismática(Spanish f.) melismatic melody. As opposed to syllabic melody where each syllable is set to a different note, melismatic melody allows a single syllable to be set to more than one note. Many commentators reserve the term 'melismatic melody' to cases where there are seven or more notes to a syllable. When the number of notes lies between two and six, these commentators apply the term 'neumatic'
      Melodía neumática(Spanish f.) neumatic melody, a musical setting in which, in the main, there are two to six notes per syllable, although the occasional syllable may only contain a single note
      Melodian hyppivä liike(Finnish) disjunct motion
      Melodía silábica(Spanish f.) syllabic melody, a musical setting where one and only one note is related to one syllable in the text
      Melodicvocal, singable
      in the style of a melody, the progression of a single part
      Melodica (s.), Melodicas (pl.)(English, German f.) a free-reed instrument similar to the 'accordion' and 'harmonica'. It has either a musical keyboard or a set of buttons to select the different notes, and is played by blowing air through a mouthpiece that fits into a hole in the side of the instrument. Pressing a key or button opens a hole, allowing air to flow through a reed. In the case of those with keyboards the range is usually two or three octaves
      Melódica(Portuguese f.) melodic
      Melodic black metalit differs from traditional black metal, because the music is normally slower, and far more structured than its non-melodic counterpart. This genre draws its roots from black metal, melodic death metal and occasionally other forms of music depending on the band
      Melodic contrafactsee 'contrafact'
      Melodic death metaloften referred to as melodeath, a subgenre of 'death metal'. It contains more melodic guitar riffs and solos, which are sometimes acoustic, and also occasional 'clean' singing as opposed to traditional death grunt vocals
      Melodic intervalthe interval between two notes played one in succession to the other, i.e. not played simultaneously
      Melodic major scalemelodic major scale
      so named because it is a mirror of the (ascending) melodic minor scale. In the melodic minor scale the 6th and 7th degrees of the diatonic aeolian mode are sharpened; in the melodic major scale the 6th and 7th degrees of the diatonic major scale are flattened
      Melodic minoralso called 'tonic minor' and widely used in jazz, a scale with a minor 3rd, a major 6th and 7th (which, unlike the melodic minor scale described below, in the same up and down). This scale and its modes (e.g. mode 3, the augmented major 7th; mode 4, the Lydian dominant; mode 6, the half-diminished; mode 7, the altered) form the basis of 'melodic minor harmony'
      Melodic minor scaleascending meldic minor scale
      unusually in musical scales, the melodic minor scale differs when descending from when ascending. When descending, the seventh and sixth degrees are flattened so that the scale is the same as a descending natural minor scale. In the example above, in the descending scale B and A are flattened to Bb and Ab respectively
      Melodic motionthe quality of movement of a melody, including nearness or farness of successive pitches or notes in a melody. This may be described as conjunct or disjunct, stepwise or skipwise, respectively
      Melodic musica term that covers various genres of non-classical music which are primarily characterised by the dominance of a single strong melody line. Rhythm, tempo and beat are subordinate to the melody line or tune, which is generally easily memorable, and followed without great difficulty. Melodic music is found in all parts of the world, overlapping many genres, and may be performed by a singer or orchestra, or a combination of the two
      melodico(Italian) melodic, tuneful
      melódico(Portuguese, Spanish) melodic
      Melodiconan instrument, invented by Peter Riffelsen of Copenhagen (1800), in which tuning forks are struck by means of keys
      Melodic ostinatosee ostinato
      Melodic sequencethe successive repetition of a melodic unit at a high or low pitch
      Melodie(German f., Dutch) melody, song, tune, aria
      developed from simpler forms such as the romance, the bergerette and the scène, the mélodie is the French equivalent of the German Lied, 'art-song' rather than the lighter chanson
      Mélodie(French f.) melody, tune, air, melodía (Spanish f.)
      in music, the term mélodie generally applies to French art songs of the mid-nineteenth century to the present; it is the French equivalent of the German Lied. It is distinguished from a chanson, which is a folk or popular song
      • Mélodie from which the second entry has been taken
      Mélodie bien sentie(French f.) the melody to be well expressed or accented
      Mélodie harmonisée note par note(French f.) chordal or block harmony
      Melodieinstrument(German n.) melody instrument
      Melodiekoppel(German n.) see Koppel
      Melodielehre(German f.) a study of melody
      Melodiesaite(German f.) treble string, corda melodica (Italian f.), corde mélodique (French f.)
      Melodiestem(Dutch) principal part, leading melody
      melodieus(Dutch) melodious, tuneful
      melodieusement(French) melodiously, sweetly
      Melodik(German f.) the science of melody
      melodik(German) melodious, tuneful
      Melodiographa device for preserving a record of music, by recording the action of the keys of a musical instrument as it is being played upon
      Melodiona keyboard instrument invented by J. C. Dietz of Emmerich in 1806 in which the sounds were produced by pressing graduated steel bars against a rotating cylinder
      a glass harmonica
      melodiosamente(Italian) melodiously
      melodioso(Italian, Spanish) melodious, tuneful
      Melodiousmusic with a pleasing melody
      mélodique(French) melodic
      melodisch(German) melodious, melodiously
      melodische Lijn(Dutch) melodic line
      melodische mineur-Toonladder(Dutch) melodic minor scale
      melodische Molltonleiter(German f.) melodic minor scale
      melodisches Moll(German n.) melodic minor
      Melodisch Dur-Leiter(German f.) melodic major scale
      Melodisch Moll-Leiter(German f.) melodic minor scale
      Mélodium(French) a kind of harmonium
      Melodram(German n.) melodrama
      Melodrama(English, German n.) a dramatic work with music where the dialogue is spoken
      particularly in the nineteenth century, genres of opera that use spoken dialogue accompanied or unaccompanied by an orchestra rather than recitative (an early example is to be found in Mozart's unfinished German opera Zaide)
      often applied to scenes in opera, for example, opéra comique and Singspiel, characterised in this way
      more generally, a dramatic form characterized by excessive sentiment, exaggerated emotion, sensational and thrilling action, and an artificially happy ending. Melodramas originally referred to romantic plays featuring music, singing, and dancing, but by the eighteenth century they connoted simplified and coincidental plots, bathos, and happy endings. These melodramatic traits are present in Gothic novels, western stories, popular films, and television crime shows, to name but a few more recent examples
      Mélodrama(French f.) melodrama
      Mélodrame(French m.) melodrama
      Melodramma(Italian m.) a nineteenth-century term for a musical dramma similar to opera
      melodrammatico(Italian) melodramatic
      Melodymelodia (Italian), Melodie (German), chant (French), mélodie (French)
      (Middle English melodie, from Old French, from Late Latin melodia, from Greek meloidia, singing, choral song : melos, tune + aoide, song.) the horizontal dimension in music, a succession of organized pitches having a definite rhythm, where the vertical dimension arises from the harmony
      various terms are used to describe melodic features:
      diatonicthe notes of the major or minor scale, distinct from chromatic
      leapmotion from one pitch to another that is more than a whole tone away
      phrasea natural division of the melodic line, comparable to a sentence of speech
      pitchthe height or depth of a note, i.e. generally expressed in terms of its frequency
      repeated notesreiteration of a note at the same pitch level
      stepmotion from one scale degree to the next, whether by a semitone or a whole tone
      unisonidentity in pitch, for example when all singing or playing the same note
      an air or tune
      Melody dominated homophonymusic in which the top line has a dominant melody in a different rhythm, and all the voices accompany it with homophonic chords. Most popular music can be described as melody dominated homophony. This type of music could be considered a monody, but this term is generally applied to Italian song of the early seventeenth century
      Melographa device which writes down in notes what is extemporised on the pianoforte
      Melologo(Italian) a musical melodrama in which the effect of declamation is enhanced by background music
      Meloman(German m./f.) one who has a 'mania' for music, a music lover
      Mélomane(French m./f.) one who has a 'mania' for music, a music lover
      mélomane(French) music-mad
      Mélomanie(French f.) an extreme passion, or mania, for music
      MelonerasSpanish dance from Daimiel. They are variation of the seguidillas manchegas and are danced by two or four couples at a slow pace, accompanied by castanets
      Melopea(Italian f., Spanish f.) melopoeia
      [Spanish entry provided by Donald Skoog]
      Mélopée(French f.) melopoeia
      Melopoeiathe art of creating melody
      melody, now often used for a melodic passage, rather than a complete melody
      words and music combined
      vocal declamation of a drama
      Melopeya(Spanish f.) melopoeia
      [entry provided by Donald Skoog]
      Melopharea lantern, inside of which music paper, previously soaked in oil, is placed, so that the notes can be read when a light is placed inside (used for serenades at night)
      Mélophonean experimental accordion
      Melopianoa keyboard instrument invented by Caldara of Turin (1870) the unusual hammer action allowing the player to produced sustained sounds and a crescendo and decrescendo
      Melopeo y maestro (1613)written by Pietro Cerone (1566-1625), an Italian music theorist, singer and priest, an enormous music treatise which is useful in the study of compositional practices of the sixteenth century
      Méloplaste(French) a piece of equipment from which the méthode de méloplaste invented by Pierre Galin in 1817, takes its name, a board with staves of five lines and some auxiliary lines, on which the teacher shows the notes he wishes the class to sing by means of a pointer, one end of which bears a small ball that represents a note head
      ¿me lo podría envolver aparte?(Spanish) could you wrap it separately?
      Melopoeïa(Greek) the art of writing melody
      Melorhythmthe melody/rhythm complex that arising in certain genres of African drumming, those using drums that can produce a number of tones at different pitches
      Melos(Greek, literally 'tune, song, melody') melos (song) falls into two divisions - the personal song of the poet, and the choric song of his band of trained dancers. There are remains of old popular songs with no alleged author, in various styles: the Mill Song - a mere singing to while away time - the Spinning Song, the Wine-Press Song, and the Swallow Song, with which the Rhodian boys went round begging in early spring. Rather higher than these were the Skolia, songs sung at banquets or wine-parties
      (Greek) a term used by Richard Wagner (1813-83) to denote vocal progressions in the recitatives in some of his operas that do not have the form or unity of regular melodies
      Melothesia(Greek) the invention of melody
      Melotheta(Greek) composer, musician
      Melotona small cylinder belly organ that had no pipes but instead used reeds
      Melotypie(German) the art of printing notes by type
      melsabbreviation of melodramma serio (Italian)
      melssabbreviation of melodramma semiserio (Italian)
      Membrana(Italian f.) membrane, drumhead, vellum
      Membranofon(German n.) membranophone
      Membranofoon(Dutch) membranophone
      Membranophon(German n.) membranophone
      Membranophonefrom the Sachs-Hornbostel hierarchical scheme for classifying musical instruments, an instrument that produces sound through the vibration of a stretched membrane, one of two forms, the drum and the mirliton
      Membro(Italian m.) member, limb
      Memethe term coined by Richard Dawkins that refers to any piece of information transferable from one mind to another. Examples might include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods. Different definitions of meme generally agree, very roughly, that a meme consists of some sort of a self-propagating unit of cultural evolution having a resemblance to the gene (the unit of genetics)
      • Meme from which this extract has been taken
      même(French) same
      même mouvement(French) in the same time, at the same speed
      même mouvement que précédemment(French) in the same time as that which precedes (it/them)
      Memento(Latin, literally 'remember!') the commemoration of the living or the commemoration of the dead in the Canon of the Mass
      anything that serves to remind one of past events or of absent persons (for example, some object kept for that purpose)
      Memento mori(Latin, literally 'remember that you must die') an object (most commonly a skull) reminding one of the inevitability of death and the need for penitence. Other symbols of mortality include clocks and candles. A danse macabre with only one pair of dancers is also a known as a memento mori
      me miró de arriba abajo(Spanish) he looked me up and down
      Memoir (s.), Memoirs (pl.)(from French mémoire, Latin memoria) a record or report of things done, usually within the personal knowledge of the author
      Memoiren(German pl.) memoirs, reminiscences
      Memoir-novela novel purporting to be a factual or autobiographical account but which is completely or partially imaginary
      memorabile(Italian) memorable
      Memorabilia(Latin pl., 'memorable things') things kept to remind the owner of events from his or her past
      Memorandum (s.), Memoranda (pl.)(Latin, 'a note of') a thing to be remembered (often a note that aids future recollection)
      memore(Italian) mindful, grateful
      Memoria(Italian f., Spanish f.) memory, souvenir
      me la aprendí de memoria (Spanish: I learnt it by heart)
      Memoria fiel(Spanish f.) reliable memory
      Memorial(Spanish m.) notebook, memorial
      Memoriale(Italian m.) memorial
      Memorial reconstructionRenaissance actors, lacking access to promptbooks, reconstructed the text of a play from their own (sometimes faulty) memory, from which reconstruction defective versions of various plays found their way into print
      Memorias(Spanish f. pl.) memoirs (biographical)
      Memoria technica(Latin) a system of mnemonics, a device or system of devices to assist the memory
      Memorie(Italian f. pl.) memoirs (biographical)
      Memorión(Spanish m.) a very good memory
      Memorión (m.), Memoriona (f.)(Spanish) a person with a very good memory
      memorión (m.), memoriona (f.)(Spanish) with a very good memory
      Mémorisation(French f.) storage (for example, on recording tape)
      Mémorisation du son(French f.) sound storage (for example, on recording tape)
      memorístico (m.), memorística (f.)(Spanish) acquired by memory
      Memorización(Spanish f.) memorizing, the act of committing to memory
      memorizar(Spanish) to memorize, to committing to memory
      memorizzare(Italian) memorize, commit to memory
      Memorizzazione(Italian f.) storage (for example, on recording tape)
      Memorizzazione del suono(Italian f.) sound storage (for example, on recording tape)
      Memory playthe term coined by Tennessee Williams to describe non-realistic dramas, such as The Glass Menagerie, in which the audience experiences the past as remembered by a narrator, complete with music from the period remembered, and images representing the characters' thoughts, fears, emotions, and recollections projected on a scrim in the background
      Memphis bluesa type of blues music that was pioneering in the early part of the twentieth century by musicians associated with vaudeville and medicine shows. It was in the Memphis blues that groups of musicians first assigned one guitarist to play rhythm, and one to play lead and solos, which disposition has become standard in rock and roll and much of popular music
      Memphis soula stylish, funky, uptown soul music that is not as hard edged as Southern soul
      Memra(Aramaic) a Syrian preaching homily, in poetic form, that influenced the earliest Byzantine hymnography, the troparion and kontakion
      Memsahib(Hindi from the Arabic) a European married woman (the form of address by which Indian servants address or refer to their European mistress)
      men(Italian) less
      men.abbreviation of meno (Italian: less)
      Menaaneim(Hebrew, literally 'to shake') cymbals, probably the sistrum (2 Samuel 6:5)
      Ménage(French m.) married couple, housework
      (English, from the French) a household (particularly, a man and a woman keeping house together) and the management of the same
      Ménage à trois(French m.) a household consisting of a woman, her husband and her lover, or of a man, his wife and his mistress
      Ménagement(French m.) care and consideration
      ménager(French) to treat gently and with tact, to be sparing in the use of, to prepare (carefully)
      ménager (m.), ménagère (f.)(French) household, domestic
      Ménagère(French f.) housewife
      Ménagerie(French f.) menagerie, a collection of animals
      Mención(Spanish f.) mention
      Mención honorífica(Spanish f.) honourable mention
      Mendisee di
      Mendicantisee Ospedaletto
      Mendicant ordersterm for the friars who engaged in begging because of their dependence on alms for their support
      see 'friars'
      mener le branle(French) to lead the dance
      mener l'enquête(French) lead the inquiry
      Ménesterel (m.), Ménesterelle (f.)minstrel
      Ménestral (m.), Ménestralle (f.)minstrel
      Ménestrel (m.), Ménestrelle (f.)minstrel
      Ménestrels(French m. pl.) minstrels
      Menestrello(Italian m.) minstral
      Ménétriers(French m. pl.) originally a term meaning 'minstrels', but later used to describe rustic mjusicians and particularly 'bad fiddlers'
      Meneur(French m.) leader
      Meneur de jeu(French m.) compère
      Menge(German f.) amount, quantity, crowd (people), set (mathematics)
      mengen(German) mix
      Mengenabweichung(German f.) discrepancy or variance in quantity
      Menhir(Breton) a tall upright monumental stone of a type found throughout Europe, but particularly in Brittany
      Menicus (s.), Menisci (pl.)(Latin, from the Greek) lens that is convex on one face and concave on the other, so that it has a crescent-shaped cross-section
      the convex or concave surface of a liquid in a tube, resulting from the capillary attraction or surface tension
      Ménière's diseasea disease of the inner ear characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss (usually unilateral)
      Meñique(Spanish m.) little finger, auricular (Spanish), auriculaire (French)
      meno(Italian) less, not so
      meno allegro(Italian) not so fast
      meno andante(Italian) slower
      meno forte(Italian) not so loudly
      Menologion (s.), Menologia (pl.)readings from the Bible (usually) to be read at appointed times in the year
      meno mosso(Italian) less quick, less movement, slower, not so fast
      meno moto(Italian) less quick, less movement, slower
      meno piano(Italian) not so softly
      meno presto(Italian) less quick, last fast
      menor(Spanish, Portuguese) minor (reference to key), mineur (French)
      meno vivace(Italian) less quick, slow down
      meno vivo(Italian) not so quick
      Mensa(Latin, literally 'table') the top stone slab of an altar
      Menschengeschlecht(German n.) mankind
      Menschenstimme(German f.) human voice
      Menschlichestimme(German f.) human voice
      menselijke Stem(Dutch) human voice
      Mensile(Italian m.) monthly
      mensile(Italian) monthly
      Mens rea(Latin) guilty mind, criminal intention
      the intention to commit an offence whilst knowing it to be wrong
      Mens sana in corpore sano(Latin) a sound mind in a healthy body
      Menstruum(Latin) a solvent, a liquid in which a solid can be dissolved
      menstruus(Latin) monthly
      mensual(Spanish) monthly
      Mensuel(French m.) monthly
      mensuel(French) monthly
      mensuellement(French) monthly
      Mensur(German f.) mensura
      (German f.) a fencing-match or duel between two German students
      Mensura(Latin) measure
      correct measurement of intervals
      in mensurable music, the word had the meaning of 'time'
      when speaking of organ pipes the term is the equivalent of 'scale' (i.e. the diameter of a pipe)
      Mensuraalschrift(Dutch) mensural notation
      Mensurable musicmeasured music, music written with notes having proportionate time-values as distinguished from Plainsong in which the rhythm is free
      mensural(German) mensurable
      Mensuralgesangmeasured music, music written with notes having proportionate time-values as distinguished from Plainsong in which the rhythm is free
      (German m.) florid vocalisation
      Mensuralmusik(German f.) mensural music
      Mensural notation(English, Mensuralnotation (German f.)) also called 'proportional notation', musical notation that prescribes specific relative durations of notes. In modern notation this is done with crotchets (quarter notes), minims (half notes), etc., assembled into units called bars (measures). Medieval chant notation does not specify such rhythmic values for notes
      Mensural musica term applied to fifteenth- and sixteenth-century unbarred music where the proportional relationship between the note symbols might be duple (as they are today) or triple, depending on the time signature
      Mensuralmusik(German f.) mensural music
      Mensuralnotation(German) mensural notation
      Mensuralnoten(German) mensural notation
      Mensuration(English, French f.) in general, the act, process, or art, of measuring or, collectively, the measurements themselves
      in music of the Renaissance, the relationships (particularly the proportional relationships) between the time values or durations of the various note signs
      Mensuration canonalso called a prolation canon. Mensuration is an early musical term which is analogous to our notion of time signature. A mensuration canon can be described as a mathematical dilation, where each "voice" carries the same melodic line but at a different speed. In some of the early examples of mensuration canons from the 15th and 16th centuries, the melody line is denoted once, along with several time signatures and each musician is expected to perform the line at one of the time signatures. The faster performers might be instructed to repeat their line several times or else the piece might stop short of the slower performers completing the entire melody line
      Mensurstrich(German m.) the barring of modern editions of early music by placing the barline between the staves rather than across the staff, so that the original notation is unaffected by it and the performer can imagine that they are using an unbarred part
      mentalement(French) mentally
      Mentalité(French f.) mental attitude
      mente, allasee alla mente
      Menterie(French f.) untruth, falsehood, lie
      Menteur (m.), Menteuse (f.)(French) liar, fibber
      menteur (m.), menteuse (f.)(French) fallacious, false, illusory (dreams), untruthful (person), lying (person)
      Menthe à l'eau(French f.) a glass of peppermint cordial
      mentholé(French) mentholated (for example, a cough sweet)
      Mention(French f.) a note, a comment
      Mention assez bien(French f.) one grade above a pass (examination result C, lower second class degree)
      Mention bien(French f.) two grades above a pass (examination result B, upper second class degree)
      Mention passable(French f.) pass grade (examination result D, third class degree)
      Mention très bien(French f.) top grade (examination result A, first class degree)
      Mention très honorable(French f.) (doctorate) [with] distinction
      mentir(French) to lie
      mentir à(French) to betray, to belie
      Mentothe most popular native dance of Jamaica, which resembles a Cuban rumba, played in slow tempo
      in a more general sense Mento is the original folk music created by Jamaicans using instruments that range from saxophones, flutes, bamboo fifes, PVC pipes, banjos, violins, bamboo fiddles, guitars, rhumba boxes, double basses, rhythm sticks, shakkas and drums played with both sticks and hands
      Mentonera(Spanish f.) chin-rest (for example, on a violin), mentoniera (Italian f.), Kinnhalter (German m.), mentonnière (French f.)
      Mentoniera(Italian f.) chin-rest (for example, on a violin), mentonera (Spanish f.), Kinnhalter (German m.), mentonnière (French f.)
      Mentonnière(French f.) chin-strap (helmet)
      (French f.) chin-rest (for example, on a violin), mentoniera (Italian f.), Kinnhalter (German m.), mentonera (Spanish f.)
      Menu(French m.) bill of fare
      menu (f.), menue (f.)(French) slender, slim, slight (figure, finger, person, etc.), thin (voice), tiny (hand-writing), fine (cutting)
      Menuet(French m., Dutch) minuet
      Menuett(German n., Swedish) minuet [corrected by Lars Hellvig]
      Menuetto(supposedly Italian) minuet
      German composers used menuetto believing it to be the Italian word for minuet - in fact the correct word is minuetto
      Menuiserie(French f.) joinery, carpentry, a joiner's workshop, piece of joinery
      Menuiserie d'art(French f.) cabinetwork
      Menuisier(French m.) a joiner, a carpenter
      Menuisier d'art(French m.) a cabinet-maker
      Menu peuple(French m.) humble folk
      Menus frais(French m. pl.) incidental expenses, minor expenses
      Menus monnaie(French m. pl.) small change (money)
      Menus plaisirs(French m. pl.) the minor pleasures of life (as measured in terms of money spent)
      historically the term was used generally for entertainments organised for French royalty
      Menus propos(French m. pl.) small talk
      me pagan poco, pero algo es algo(Spanish) they don't pay me much, but it's better than nothing
      Mephistophelesalso Mephistophilus, Mephistophilis, Mephostopheles, Mephisto and variants, a name often given to one representation of the devil or Satan. It is also the name used for the demon in the Faust legend
      Mephisto Polka (S217)a piece of program music written in folk-dance style for solo piano by Franz Liszt in 1882-3. The work's program is the same as that of the same composer's four Mephisto Waltzes
      Mephisto Waltzesfour waltzes composed by Franz Liszt in 1859-62, 1880-81, 1883 and 1885. Nos. 1-2 were composed for orchestra, later arranged for piano, piano duet and two pianos, whereas 3 and 4 were written for piano only. Of the four, the first is the most popular and has been frequently performed in concert and recorded
      Mépris (French m.) contempt, scorn
      méprisable(French) despicable
      Méprise(French f.) mistake
      mépriser(French) to scorn, to despise
      méprisant (m.), méprisante (f.)(French) scornful
      me provocó arcadas(Spanish) it made me retch
      me queda muy ajustado(Spanish) it's too tight (for me)
      meraviglioso(Italian) marvellous
      Mercado(Spanish m.) market
      Mercado Común, el(Spanish) the Common Market
      Mercado de abastos(Spanish m.) wholesale food market, market (selling fresh food)
      Mercado de artesanías(Spanish m.) craft market
      Mercado de divisas(Spanish m.) foreign exchange market
      Mercado de las pulgas(Spanish m.) flea market
      Mercado de trabajo(Spanish m.) job market, labour market
      Mercado nacional(Spanish m.) domestic market
      Mercado negro(Spanish m.) black market
      Mercado paralelo(Spanish m.) parallel market
      Mercado persa(Spanish m.) bazaar, street market
      Mercador's commaan interval defined by the frequency ratio of 53 pure fifths and 31 octaves, equivalant to 3.6 cents
      Mercianthe dialect of Old English spoken in the region of Mercia
      Merci beaucoup(French) Thank you very much
      Merci bien(French) Thanks a lot (sincere and sarcastic)
      merci d'avance(French) thanks in advance
      merci de(French) thank you for (your kindness. etc.)
      Merci mille fois(French) Thanks a million
      merci pour(French) thank you for (the book, etc.)
      Mercysee Gottschalk
      Merengthe Haitian version of the merengue
      Merengue(English, German f.) a spirited dance style from the Dominican Republic, with a syncopated duple rhythm. that is normally accompanied by a small accordion, a two headed drum called the tambora, and a singer who plays the güiro (scraper). It was introduced into Puerto Rico and then the United States during the 1930s, then typically performed by larger ensembles including alto saxophones, trumpets, congas and drums. The same music is called méringue or mereng in Haiti where it is guitar, not accordion based
      tempos vary a great deal and the Dominicans enjoy a sharp quickening in pace towards the latter part of the dance. The most favoured routine at the clubs and restaurants that run a dance floor is a slow bolero, breaking into a merengue, which becomes akin to a bright, fast jive in its closing stages. The ballroom merengue is slower and has a modified hip action. However, whatever the tempo, it is the rhythm that dominates the music, unsyncopated and including an strong beat on 1 and 3
      a style of vallenato music from Colombia
      Merengue de salónthe ballroom version of merengue
      Merengue típico cibaeño(Dominican Republic) the name given in the early twentieth century to the original form of the merengue
      Merenhousesee Merenrap
      Merenrapor Merenhouse, which from the mid-1990s which added 'house' and 'hip hop' elements to merengue
      Merensongoan Afro-Cuban rhythm
      Meretrix (s.), Meretices (pl.)(French f.) a prostitute
      Mergingsee 'levelling'
      Méride1/43 part of an octave. This name was chosen by Joseph Sauveur (1653-1716) in 1696. The méride and eptaméride were the first logarithmic interval measures proposed. Sauveur favoured 43-tone equal temperament because the small intervals are well represented in it. He had set the comma to one step, then found a range of 2, 3 or 4 steps for the chromatic semitone, corresponding to 31, 43 and 55 tones per octave. He found 43 to be optimal because 4 steps is almost exactly a 16:15 minor second and 7 steps almost exactly the geometric mean of three 9:8 and two 10:9 whole tones. The chromatic scale contained in 43-tET is virtually identical to 1/5-comma meantone tuning
      Meridians(in a bell) vertical nodal lines resulting from the bell's geometric form which are associated with vibratory movement
      Méridional (s.), Méridionale (f.)(French) a native of the South of France
      Meringuea confection made of icing-sugar and white of egg, made into small cakes or speared over a pudding
      or merengue, a spirited dance style from the Dominican Republic, with a syncopated duple rhythm. that is normally accompanied by a small accordion, a two headed drum called the tambora, and a singer who plays the güiro (scraper). It was introduced into Puerto Rico and then the United States during the 1930s, then typically performed by larger ensembles including alto saxophones, trumpets, congas and drums. The same music is called méringue or mereng in Haiti where it is guitar, not accordion based
      Merino woolvery fine woollen cloth made from the merino sheep, popular for outdoor garments such as jackets and sweaters
      mériter de(French) to deserve to
      merklich etwas einhaltend(German) noticeably somewhat restrained
      [entry suggested by Robert Lustrea: this marking is found in Mahler 5th Symphony, mvt. 3, 2nd trombone part 13 bars/measures after 23 - translation suggested by Douglas Nasrawi]
      Merlinesee serinette
      Merlona solid portion between two crenels (openings) in a battlement or crenelated wall
      Merodi(Japan) a serrated, flexible plastic pipe, both ends of which are open. The player holds one end and swings the pipe in a circle over his head. If the speed of swinging is increased, higher overtones are heard, so that a kind of melody can be played
      • Merodi from which this extract has been taken
      Merryhappy, joyful, giocoso (Italian), lustig (German), gai (French)
      Merry-andrewslang for a clown or a mountebank's assistant at a fair
      Mersenne, Marin
      also Marin Mersennus or le Père Mersenne, he was a French theologian, philosopher, mathematician and music theorist. Of his works in this connection the best known is Traité de l'harmonie universelle (also referred to as simply Harmonie universelle) of 1636, dealing with the theory of music and musical instruments. It is regarded as a source of information on seventeenth-century music, especially French music and musicians, to rival even the works of Pietro Cerone (1566-1625) whose El melopeo y maestro: tractado de música theorica y pratica; en que se pone por extenso; lo que uno para hazerse perfecto musico ha menester saber, consisting of 22 volumes, 849 chapters, and 1160 pages in the original Spanish, is useful in the studying compositional practices of the sixteenth century
      Mersey beatsee 'Mersey sound'
      Mersey Soundalso known as the 'Liverpool Sound' and 'Mersey Beat', the name the media gave to the music created by Merseyside groups between 1958 and 1964. The most popular line-up comprised lead, rhythm and bass guitars plus drums as popularised by The Beatles and The Searchers
      Merton Abbeycollection of buildings set in some 7acres of grounds on the banks of the river Wandle 7 miles from the centre of London where William Morris set up the workshops for Morris & Co
      merveilleux(French) marvellous
      Mesa(Spanish f.) table, desk, a high table-land or plateau
      Mésalliance(French) an unsuitable marriage (the term is applied particularly to marriage with a person of inferior social position)
      mesarse(Spanish) tear at one's hair
      Mescolanza(Italian f.) a medley, a quodlibet
      (Italian f.) a mixture of discordant sounds, bad harmony
      mescolare con(Italian) to mix with
      mescolarsi con(Italian) to mingle with
      Mescolatore(Italian m.) mixer (electronics)
      Mescolatore di suono(Italian m.) sound mixer
      Mese(Greek) the middle string on the lyre
      Mesembaor 'Angolan semba', a traditional ritual music from Angola in Southern Africa
      me senté atrás(Spanish) I sat in the back, I sat at the back
      Meseta(Spanish f.) plateau, landing (staircase)
      mesiánico(Spanish) Messianic
      Mesias(Spanish m.) Messiah
      Mesilla(Spanish f.) small table
      Mesilla de noche(Spanish f.) bedside table
      Mesne(old French) the holding of an estate of a superior lord (by a feudal lord), occurring at a time intermediate between two dates (as a legal term)
      Mesodiplosisthe repetition of a word or phrase at the middle of every clause
      Mesolabiuma device attributed to Archimedes or Eratosthenes and described by Vitruvius (c. 90-20 BC) in Book IX of his De architectura a textbook written for Roman architects. The mesolabium is a measuring tool for finding two mean proportionals. In 1558, Gioseffo Zarlino published instructions on how to tune a lute using such a device (Part 2 of Zarlino's Le institutione harmoniche)
      Mesón(Spanish m.) inn
      Mesonera(Spanish f.) landlady
      Mesonero(Spanish m.) landlord
      Mesopic visionvision at light levels at which both retinal cones (receptors for colour vision) and retinal rods (receptors for black and white vision) are stimulated
      Mesotónico(Spanish) mean-tuned
      Mesozeugmasee 'zeugma'
      mesquin (m.), mesquine (f.)(French) sordid, shabby
      Mesquinerie(French f.) shabbiness, little-mindedness
      Messa(Italian f.) the Mass
      Messa bassa(Italian f.) a silent Mass, whispered by the priest during a musical performance
      Messa concertata(Italian f.) a Mass consisting of concerted music
      Messa di voce(Italian f., literally 'placing the voice') a crescendo (i.e. swelling) and a diminuendo (i.e. diminishing) on a single sustained note (particular in singing)
      Messa in scena(Italian f.) production, staging
      Messanzo(Italian) mesolanza
      Messa per i defunti(Italian f., literally 'mass for the dead') requiem mass
      Messe(French f., German f.) mass, misa (Spanish)
      Messe basse(French f., German f.) low mass, misa baja (Spanish)
      Messe basse solennelle(French f., literally 'solemn low mass') the Abbé Perrin, in the preface to a collection of his own motet texts (1665), tells us that for Louis XIV's messe basse solennelle, the musical highpoint of daily worship at Versailles, "three [motets] are usually sung: a grand, a petit for the élévation, and a Domine salvum fac regem ('God save the king'). I have made the grands long enough that they can last a quarter of an hour ... and occupy the beginning of the Mass up to the élévation. Those of the élévation are shorter and can last up to the Post-Communion where the Domine [salvum] begins."
      Messe chantée(French f.) a sung Mass, misa cantada (Spanish)
      Messe concertante(French f.) a Mass consisting of concerted music
      Messe de fiançailles(French f.) a betrothal Mass
      Messe de funérailles(French f.) a funeral Mass
      Messe de Nostre Dame(French, 'Mass of Our Lady') a polyphonic mass composed before 1365 by the French poet, composer and cleric Guillaume de Machaut (circa 1300-1377). One of the great masterpieces of medieval music and of all religious music, it is the earliest complete setting of the Ordinary of the Mass attributable to a single composer
      Messe de Requiem(French f.) requiem mass
      Messe des morts(French f., literally 'mass for the dead') requiem mass
      Messe des trépassés(French f.) funeral mass
      Messe en plein air(French f.) outdoor mass, misa de campaña (Spanish)
      Messe grégorienne(French f.) mass using the Gregorian rite
      Messe noire(French f.) black mass
      Messe pontificale(French f.) papal mass, misa pontifical (Spanish)
      Messe solennelle(French f.) solemn mass
      Messe votive(French f.) votive mass (celebrated for a special intention)
      Meßlatte(German f.) surveyor's rod
      Messglöcken(German f.) Sanctus bells
      Messiah, Theoratorio composed by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) to a libretto written by poet and landowner, Charles Jennens, for which there is an almost unbroken performing tradition going back to the eighteenth century. Handel had reached a low point in his London career. Audiences had turned their back on his opera seria and he moved to Dublin. The Lord Lieutenant of Dublin wanted to present a work for charity and Handel began work on the Messiah on August 22 1741. Twenty-three days later it was finished and it received its first Dublin performance on 13 Apr. 1742. Unique among Handel's oratories, Messiah is more religious than his other work; the text is purely scriptural and does not tell a story in the conventional sense. Rather, it is a meditation on Christ's life and ultimate triumph, and a celebration of redemption. It was an immediate success despite some reservations about a work based on a religious theme being performed in a London theatre (Covent Garden). The work was revived 39 times before the composer's death
      Messing(German n.) brass (metal)
      Messingblæsere(Danish) brass (e.g. orchestral section)
      Messingrohr(German n.) brass tubing, brass pipe
      Messingsaite(German f.) brass string, corda d'ottone (Italian f.), corde de laiton (French f.)
      Messingstreifen(German m.) brass strip
      Messinqo(Ethiopia) a one-string fiddle played with a bow, associated particularly with the azmaris
      Messklingeln(German m. pl.) Sanctus bells
      mestamente(Italian) plaintively, grievingly
      Mesteea person with less than one-eighth black ancestry
      Mester de Clerecía(Castilan, 'ministry of Clergy') a Castilian literature genre that can be understood as an opposition and surpassing of Mester de Juglaría. It was cultivated in the thirteenth century by Spanish clergymen
      Mester de juglaría(Castilan, 'ministry of jongleury') a Castilian-language literature genre from the 12th and 13th centuries, transmited orally by "juglares" who made their living by telling and singing these stories in public places and palaces together with performing short theatral scenes, acrobacy or otherwise diverting the public
      Mestizia(Italian f.) sadness
      Mestizaje(Spanish m.) crossbreeding
      Mestizo (m.), Mestiza (f.)(Portuguese, mestiço; French, métis: from Late Latin mixticius, literally 'mixed') a term of Spanish origin used to designate the people of mixed European and indigenous non-European ancestry. The term has traditionally been applied mostly to those of mixed European and indigenous Amerindian ancestry who inhabit the region spanning the Americas; from the Canadian prairies in the north to Argentina and Chile's Patagonia in the south. In the other regions and countries previously under Spanish, Portuguese or French colonial rule, variants of the term may also be in usage for people of other colonial European and indigenous non-European (Asian, African, and Oceanianic, etc.) mixtures. In the Philippines, the term mestiso, or mistiso, is a broad reference to individuals of any non-specific foreign admixture to an ethnic Filipino base stock
      (Spanish) cross-breed (animal)
      • Mestizo from which this extract has been taken
      mestizo (m.), mestiza (f.)(Spanish) cross-bred, half-caste
      Mestizo musicmestizo music, like the mestizo themselves, combines both European and indigenous musical forms and musical instruments
      mesto(Italian) mournful, sad, melancholy, pensive
      mestoso(Italian) mournful, sad, pensive
      Mestre da capela(Portuguese) maestro di cappella
      Mesura(Spanish f.) moderation
      mesurado(Spanish) moderate
      Mesure(French f.) measure (bar), misura (Italian f.), mesura (Spanish f.), Takt (German m.), mesure (French f.)
      in French chivalric literature, the equivalent of Latin moderatio, the ability to follow a golden mean and not go to unreasonable extremes. This trait contrasts with the demesure (excessive actions or unconrolled passions) of figures like the knight Roland in the Chanson de Roland. In the literature of courtly love, a frequent debate is whether the ideal courtly lover should have mesure or demesure
      (French f.) beat, time, tempo
      (French) in fifteenth-century dance, a phrase or measure. The number of doubles (three-movement step pattern done the first step with body lowered, the other two with body raised, found in odd numbers) determines the size of the mesure - petite (1 double), moyenne (3), grande (5), while the presence or absence of simples (always done in sets of two; one short step with the body lowered and one longer step with the body raised) after the doubles determines the mesure's degree of perfection; simples after = mesure parfaite, absence of simples = mesure imparfaite
      "Musical term: a certain regular movement that is made with the hand to guide the singer's voice according to the slow or fast beats of the music. There are various mesures [meters] in music, and they are shown by certain numbers at the beginning of the piece. All the beats of the mesure must be beaten equally. ... Dance term: a sort of cadence [rhythm] and regular movement." - Richelet (1681)
      "I find that we confuse mesure with what is called cadence or mouvement. Mesure refers to the length and equalness of the beats, and cadence is strictly speaking the esprit [spirit] and the soul that must be added to it. This cadence scarcely applies to Italian sonatas. But all our airs for the violin and our pieces for harpsichord, viols, etc., select and seem to wish to express some feeling. Thus, not having invented signs or symbols to communicate our individual ideas, we try to remedy this by marking a few words such as tendrement, vivement, etc., at the beginning of our pieces, to show approximately what we mean." - Couperin, Art de toucher, (1716)
      mesuré(French) measured, moderate
      in strict time
      Mesure à cinq-quatre(French f.) 5/4 time
      Mesure à deux-deux(French f.) 2/2 time
      Mesure à deux-quatre(French f.) 2/4 time
      Mesure à deux temps(French f.) common time, two beats in a bar
      Mesure à la clef(French f.) time signature
      Mesure à neuf-huit(French f.) 9/8 time
      Mesure à neuf-quatre(French f.) 9/4 time
      Mesure à quatre-deux(French f.) 4/2 time
      Mesure à quatre-huit(French f.) 4/8 time
      Mesure à quatre-quatre(French f.) 4/4 time
      Mesure à six-huit(French f.) 6/8 time
      Mesure à six-quatre(French f.) 6/4 time
      Mesure à temps inégaux(French f.) irregular meter
      Mesure à trois-deux(French f.) 3/2 time
      Mesure à trois-huit(French f.) 3/8 time
      Mesure à trois-quatre(French f.) 3/4 time
      Mesure à trois temps(French f.) triple time, three beats in a bar
      Mesure complexe(French f.) irregular meter (for example, 5/4, 7/4)
      Mesure composée(French f.) compound time, triple time, zusammengesetzte Taktart (German)
      Mesure composée binaire(French f.) compound duple time
      Mesure composée ternaire(French f.) compound triple time
      Mesure composite(French f.) uneven meter
      Mesure impaire(French f.) odd meter, uneven meter
      mésurer(French) to measure
      mésurer en (mètres)(French) to measure in (metres)
      Mesure simple(French f.) simple time, duple time, einfache Taktart (German)
      Mesure simple binaire(French f.) simple duple time
      Mesure simple ternaires(French f.) simple triple time
      Mesure ternaire(French f.) triple meter
      Metabbreviation of 'Metropolitan Opera House, New York'
      met.abbreviation of 'metronome'
      Meta(Spanish f.) goal, finish (of a race, course, career, etc.)
      Metà(Italian f.) half
      Metabolismo(Spanish m.) metabolism
      Metacarpiano(Spanish m.) metacarpal
      Metadramadrama in which the subject of the play is dramatic art itself, especially when such material breaks up the illusion of watching reality
      Metafictionfiction in which the subject of the story is the act or art of storytelling of itself, especially when such material breaks up the illusion of "reality" in a work
      Metafísica(Spanish f.) metaphysics
      metafísico(Spanish) metaphysical
      Metáfora(Spanish f.) metaphor
      metafórico(Spanish) metaphorical
      Metais(Portuguese) brass (instruments)
      Metalas applied to metal organ pipes, usually a mixture of tin and lead. Pipes made of pure tin give a clear piercing tone, while those using tin with a small amount of lead give a softer tone. Too much lead produces poor sounding pipes
      (Spanish m.) metal, brass (instruments), timbre (of the voice)
      Metal block(Italian m., English, French m.) a percussion instrument made of a block of metal
      Metal castanetsor 'cymbal tongs', castagnette di ferro or castagnette di metallo (Italian), castagnettes de fer or xastagnettes de métal (French), Metallkastagnetten (German), castañuelas de metal or castañuelas de hierro (Spanish)
      a percussion instrument with a pair of tiny cymbals attached to spring tongs
      Metal clarinetclarinette métallique
      Metalcorea musical genre consisting of a mix between heavy metal and hardcore
      • Metalcore from which this extract has been taken
      Metales(Spanish) brass (section of an orchestra)
      metálico(Spanish) metal (object), metallic (sound)
      Metaliteratureliterary art focused on the subject of literary art itself
      metalizare(Spanish) to become mercenary (figurative)
      metalizzare il suono(Italian) schmettern
      Metallblock(German m.) metal block
      Metal leaf(in gilding) also known as 'Dutch metal' and 'composition leaf'. Metal leaf is an alloy of gold-coloured base metals (copper, tin and zinc). It is produced in leaves that are thicker and larger than gold leaf. They can be manipulated by hand. Metal leaf will tarnish and will eventually disintegrate completely
      metallico(Italian) metallic, of a metallic quality
      metallisch(German) metallic, of a metallic quality
      Metallkastagnetten(German f. pl.) metal castanets
      metallo(Italian) metallic, clear in tone (as with a voice described as bel metallo di voce (Italian: 'a voice that is clear, full and brilliant')
      Metallofon(German n.) metallophone
      Metallophon(German n.) metallophone
      Metallophone(English) metal idiophones are frequently called 'metallophones' or or 'metalophone', for example, an instrument like a pianoforte, where the strings have been replaced with metal bars, or an instrument like the xylophone, but with metallic instead of wooden bars
      Métallophone(French m.) metallophone
      Metallofono(Italian m.) metallophone
      Metalloida nonmetallic element, such as arsenic, that has some of the chemical properties of a metal
      Metallsaite(German f.) metal string
      metallverarbeitende Industrie(German f.) metalworking industry
      Metalófono(Spanish m.) metallophone
      Metalophone(English) synonymous with 'metallophone'
      Métalophone(French m.) metallophone
      Metalurgia(Spanish f.) metallurgy
      metalúrgico(Spanish) metallurgical
      metamórfico(Spanish) metamorphic
      metamorfosear(Spanish) to transform
      Metamorfosis(Spanish f.) metamorphosis
      Metamorphosis (s.), Metamorphoses (pl.)(Greek) a transformation, a complete change of appearance, form, condition or nature
      Metamorphosis of themesor 'thematic metamorphosis', the process of thematic modification so that it retains its essential characteristics, most closely associated with Franz Liszt (1811-1886) who used in a similar way to Richard Wagner's use of leitmotif
      Metano(Spanish m.) methane
      Metaphora rhetorical trope, the application of a name or description to something to which it is not literally applicable (e.g. a glaring error), an instance of this. A particularly unusual metaphor that requires some explanation on the writer's part is often called a metaphysical conceit. The subject (first item) in a metaphoric statement is known as the tenor. The combination of two different metaphors into a single, awkward image is called a "mixed metaphor" or abusio
      Metaphorik(German f.) the study of metaphor
      metaphorisch(German) metaphoric
      Metaphysical conceitsee 'metaphor'
      Metaphysical poetsa loose group of British lyric poets of the seventeenth century, who shared an interest in metaphysical concerns and a common way of investigating them. The label "metaphysical" was given much later by Samuel Johnson in his Life of Cowley. These poets themselves did not form a school or start a movement; most of them did not even know or read each other. Their style was characterized by wit, subtle argumentations, "metaphysical conceits", and/or an unusual simile or metaphor such as in Andrew Marvell's comparison of the soul with a drop of dew. Several metaphysical poets, especially John Donne, were influenced by neo-Platonism. One of the primary Platonic concepts found in metaphysical poetry is the idea that the perfection of beauty in the beloved acted as a remembrance of perfect beauty in the eternal realm. In a famous definition Georg Lukács, the Hungarian Marxist aesthetist, described the school's common trait of "looking beyond the palpable" and "attempting to erase one's own image from the mirror in front so that it should reflect the not-now and not-here" as foreshadowing existentialism (as quoted in The Aesthetics of Georg Lukács by B. Királyfalvi (1975))
      Metaplasmusa type of neologism in which misspelling a word creates a rhetorical effect
      Metapoetrypoetry about poetry, especially self-conscious poems that pun on objects or items associated with writing or creating poetry
      Metastasio(Metastasio is the Greek equivalent of Trapassi) Italian librettist whose work formed the basis of opera seria. Born Pietro Antonio Domenico Bonaventura Trapassi (3 Jan. 1698, Rome), his early education was arranged by his godfather, Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. In 1712, at the age of 14, Pietro wrote his first work, a tragedy, Giustino, conceived in imitation of ancient models. In 1720 he wrote his first stage work intended for a musical setting, Angelica e Medoro, for the birthday of the Habsburg emperor, Charles VI and in 1723 he wrote his first opera libretto, Siface re di Numidia, which was brought to the stage in a setting by Feo. The text was a reworking of Domenico David's La forza del virtù. His first original opera libretto was Didone abbandonata, written in 1724. It was set to music by Sarro and launched his career in Naples. His 27 opera seria librettos written between 1723 and 1771 were set by over 300 composers during a span of over 100 years that stretches well into the nineteenth century. Metastasio's librettos share several fundamental characteristics. The plots concern six or seven characters of royal or noble birth who are involved in complex relationships and dilemmas. The dramas are in three acts, each act an average of twelve scenes. A series of scenes is often linked by a character common to all of them (liaison de scène). Each of the first two acts end with a climactic, unresolved scene, and the following act begins where the action left off. He died in Vienna on 12 Apr. 1782
      Metatarsiano(Spanish m.) metatarsal
      Metátesis(Spanish f.) metathesis
      Metathesis (s.), Metatheses (pl.)(Greek) in linguistics, the transposition of two sounds or letters in a word. The process has shaped many English words historically. Bird in English was once bryd, run was once irnan, horse was hros
      met de rechter hand te spelen(Dutch) M.D., main droite, play with the right hand
      Metedura de pata(Spanish f.) blunder
      Metempsychosis (s.), Metempsychoses (pl.)(Latin, from the Greek) the transmigration of souls, the passage of a soul at death into a new body, either human or animal
      me tendré que aguantarse(Spanish) I'll just have to put up with it
      meteórico(Spanish) meteoric
      Meteoro(Spanish m.) meteorite
      Meteorologia(Spanish f.) meteorology (the study of the weather)
      meteorológico(Spanish) meteorological (pertaining to the weather)
      Meteorólogo(Spanish m.) meteorologist
      Métèque(French) a person living in a country not his own, a resident alien (always with a contemptuous connotation)
      Meteror 'metre', the organisation of music or literary compositions into units of accented and unaccented beats. Literary compositions written in meter are said to be in verse. In music, duple time alternates accented and unaccented beats, while triple time, an accented beat is followed by two unaccented beats. Meter is actually what is heard and is not the same as a time signature, which is what is written. Although a 'time signature' is called a 'meter signature' it is not the meter itself
      in music, there are three kinds of meter:
      simplein simple meter, each beat is normally subdivided into two parts, and the note receiving the beat is always a standard note value (i.e. a crotchet (quarter note), etc.)
      compoundin compound meter, each beat is normally subdivided into three parts, and the note receiving the beat is always a dotted note value (i.e. a dotted crotchet ( dotted quarter note), etc.) This is because a dotted note value may always be easily divided into three equal notes (i.e. a dotted crotchet (quarter note) = 3 quavers (eighth notes))
      asymmetricalasymmetrical meters have an odd number of subdivisions, which means that the bar (measure) cannot be divided into equal beats. This type of meter is easy to recognize, since the top number is an odd number that is indivisible by 3 (i.e. 5, 7, 11, 13, etc.)
      see 'Spanish poetic meter', 'French poetic meter', 'German poetic meter'
      meter(Spanish) to place, to deposit, to score (a goal), to involve, to make (to cause)
      meter baza(Spanish) to interfere
      meter bolas(Spanish) to tell fibs
      meter en el mismo saco(Spanish) to lump together
      meter la pata(Spanish) to put one's foot in it (colloquial)
      Meter, oddsee 'odd meter'
      meterse(Spanish) to get, to meddle
      meterse con uno(Spanish) to pick a fight with someone
      Meter signaturealso called 'time signature', an indication of the meter of a musical composition, usually presented in the form of a fraction - the lower number indicates the unit of measurement, and the upper number indicates the number of units that make up a bar (measure)
      met gedempte stem(Dutch) sotto voce
      met halve stem(Dutch) with half the power of the voice
      Metheglinspiced or medicated mead, popular in Wales
      Methodin music, a method is a kind of textbook for a specified musical instrument or a selected problem of playing a certain instrument. A method usually contains fingering charts or tablatures, etc., scales and numerous different exercises, sometimes also simple etudes, in different keys, in ascending order as to difficulty (= in methodical progression) or with a focus on isolated aspects like fluency, rhythm, dynamics, articulation and the like. Sometimes there are even recital pieces, also with accompaniment
      • Method from which this extract has been taken
      Method actingan acting style in which the ideal of a "true" (or "real") moment or impulse is valued most highly and in which the actors try to feel the emotions of the character so that the actors' choices and the characters' would be as one. This style was pioneered by Konstantin Stanislavski and is currently taught most formally at The Actor's Studio in Manhattan. Many if not most modern teachers have moved away from the original (Stanislavskian ) "method" as it is very difficult to teach well. It has been altered by many secondary and tertiary disciples in the 1960s and 1970s to suit individual agendas, and may produce seemingly uninteresting results in younger actors
      Methode(German f.) method, course, system, school, treatise, manual
      Méthode(French f.) method, course, system, school, treatise, manual
      Methwold Fruit Farm Colony
      founded by Robert Goodrich, a 160 acre Norfolk smallholding scheme. Plots averaged 4 acres each, with little brick-built or wooden cottages. Land was used intensively, with a wide variety of fruit, flowers and vegetables, together with chickens and bees. Diet was primarily vegetarian. Goods not consumed within the colony were sent directly to consumers in London. In 1912 a Post Office was set up and the colony's name was changed to Brookville. Goodrich died in 1917 and with him went the last vestigeof the colony's idealistic days
      Meticulosidad(Spanish f.) meticulousness
      meticuloso(Spanish) meticulous
      Metido(Spanish m.) reprimand
      metido en años(Spanish) getting on (in years)
      Métier(French) a profession, vocation or calling, an occupation in which a person has a special interest or skill
      in painting, the term is applied to a subject with which an artist has a special connection (for example, George Stubbs and horses)
      Metilo(Spanish m.) methyl
      Métis (m.), Métisse (f.)(French) a person born to parents who belong to different groups defined by visible physical differences, regarded as racial. The term is of French origin, and also is a cognate of mestizo in Spanish. In the Western Hemisphere, this term usually is used to describe someone born or descended from the union of a European and an Amerindian. However, the term has been used by other groups around the world, mostly in countries which were under French influence such as Vietnam and is still commonly used by Francophones today
      • Métis from which this entry has been taken
      met linke hand te spelen(Dutch) M.S., mano sinistra play with the left hand
      met nadruk(Dutch) accented
      Metobelusin textual criticism, a mark that looks much like our modern colon : (two dots one above the other), used to indicate the end of a spurious reading or reading
      metódico(Spanish) methodical
      Metodismo(Spanish m.) Methodism
      Metodista(Spanish m./f.) Methodist
      Metodo(Italian m.) method, course, system, school, treatise, manual
      Método(Spanish m.) method, course, system, school, treatise, manual
      Método de construcción (s.), Métodos de construcción (pl.)(Spanish m.) method of construction
      Metodologia(Spanish f.) methodology
      Método matemático(Spanish m.) mathematical method, mathematical system
      Métodos anticonceptivos(Spamish methods of contraception
      Metomentodo(Spanish m.) busybody
      Metonimia(Italian f.) metonymy
      Metonomasia(Italian f.) change of name
      Metonymany specific use or specific example of metonymy, or any symbol in which a specific physical object is used as a vague suggestive symbol for a more general idea
      Metonymythe rhetorical or metaphorical substitution of a one thing for another based on their association or proximity, for example the application of the word gamut, originally the lowest note of a music scale as defined by Guido d'Arezzo, to the whole scale or to the range of an instrument
      Metraggio(Italian m.) length (in metres)
      Metraje(Spanish m.) length
      de largo metraje (Spanish: feature)
      Metralla(Spanish f.) shrapnel
      Metralleta(Spanish f.) sub-machine gun
      Metresee 'meter'
      Metre, English Hymnsee 'English hymn metre'
      Métrica(Spanish f.) meter, metrics
      Métrica irregular(Spanish f.) irregular meter
      Metricalwritten in meter
      Metrical accentsee 'accent'
      Metrical footsee 'foot'
      Metrical psalma biblical psalm translated into (English) verse, either "close fitting" or loose, as, for example, All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Psalm 100, Isaac Watts) or The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want (Psalm 23, Scottish Psalter, 1650)
      Metrical psalmodysee 'metrical psalm'
      Metrical psaltera kind of Bible translation: a paraphrase of all or part of the Book of Psalms in vernacular poetry, meant to be sung as hymns in a church. The composition of metrical psalters was a large enterprise of the Protestant Reformation, especially in its Calvinist manifestation
      Metrical substitutiona way of varying poetic meter by taking a single foot of the normal meter and replacing it with a foot of different meter
      Métrica regular(Spanish f.) regular meter
      Metri causa(Latin) (an emendation in a text, made) for the sake of the metre, to correct a fault in the metre
      Metric linenamed according to the number of "feet" in it, so that it is tetrameter if it has four feet, a pentameter if it has five feet, a hexameter if it has six feet, and so on. English verse tends to be pentameter, French verse tetrameter, and Greek verse, hexameter. When scanning a line, we might, for instance, describe the line as "iambic pentameter" (having five feet, with each foot tending to be a light syllable followed by heavy syllable), or "trochaic tetrameter" (having four feet, with each foot tending to be a long syllable followed by a short syllable)
      This is a list of the various verse structures:
      monometerone foot
      dimetertwo feet
      trimeterthree feet
      tetrameterfour feet
      pentameterfive feet
      hexametersix feet
      heptameterseven feet
      octametereight feet
      nonameternine feet
      Metric modulationalso called 'tempo modulation', the method of changing tempos precisely by making some note value in the first tempo equal to a different note value (or at least a different proportion of the beat) in the second tempo, used first by Elliott Carter (b. 1908)
      Metrico(Italian m.) metrics
      metrico(Italian) metric, metrical (verse, etc.)
      métrico(Spanish) metric, metrical (verse, etc.)
      Metricsthe description of text in terms of how it is spoken. When two sentences are metrically identical, they both have the same number of syllables. However, when we say that two stanzas are metrically identical, then both the sentences and the syllables of the stanzas pair up with one another, and a melody created for one also fits the other
      Metric structuremetric structure includes metre, tempo, and all rhythmic aspects which produce temporal regularity or structure, against which the foreground details or durational patterns are projected
      Metrik(German f.) meter, the study of meter
      Métrique(French) time signature
      metrisch(German) metrical
      Metro(Italian m.) meter, metre, tape measure
      (Spanish m.) metre, meter, underground, subway (US)
      Metro cuadrado(Spanish m.) cubic metre
      Metro cubico(Italian m.) cubic metre
      Metronom(German m., Danish, Swedish) metronome
      Metronome(English, Italian) Metronom (German), métronome (French), a mechanical or electronic device for establishing the tempo of a piece of music
      three metronomes set at speeds of 40, 100 and 232 beats per minutes (BpM) are used by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) at the beginning of his opera L'Heure Espagnole
      Metronome markingexact tempo indication usually as beats per minute, also denoted M.M, Mälzels Metronom, named after Johann Nepomuk Mäzel (1772-1838) who introduced the first successful mechanical metronome in 1815
      Métronome(French m.) metronome
      Metronomi(Finnish) metronome
      Metrónomo(Spanish m.) metronome
      Metrônomo(Portuguese) metronome
      Metronomo(Italian m.) metronome
      Metronoom(Dutch) metronome
      metronoom aanduiding(Dutch) metronome marking
      Metronomangabe(German f.) metronome marking
      Metronomangivelse(Swedish) metronome marking
      Metronomtal(Danish) metronome marking
      Metronomiosoitus(Finnish) metronome marking
      Metropolitana bishop with authority over a group of territorially contiguous dioceses and their bishops; also known as an archbishop
      Metro quadrato(Italian m.) square metre
      Metrum(Latin, Dutch, German n.) meter, time-signature
      (German n.) versification
      met stemverheffing(Dutch) raising the voice
      Metallsaite(German f.) metal string, corda di metallo (Italian f.), corde métallique (French f.)
      Mette(German) Matins, morning service
      mettere(Italian) to put, to place, to lay, to set, to stake, to put on, to cause, to compare, to charge, to draw, to thrust, to turn, to put forth, to lead, to suppose
      mettere a picca(Italian) to provoke, to irritate
      mettere in atto(Italian) to put into action
      mettere in musica(Italian) to set to music
      mettere ... in musica(Italian) to set ... to music
      mettere la sordina(Italian) to put on the mute
      mettersi(Italian) to put oneself, to get into, to enter, to enter into, to begin, to start, to set in, to set out
      mettersi in comunicazione con(Italian) to get in touch with
      mettersi in contatto con ...(Italian) to get through to ...
      Metteur au point(French m.) one who makes a problem clear, or who sheds new light upon it
      Metteur en scène(French m.) the designer of the staging and production of a play, the stage-manager of some dramatic event
      mettez(French, literally 'put!') in organ playing, an instruction to bring a stop into play
      mettez sourd.abbreviation of mettez la sourdine (French: insert mute)
      Mettibocca(Italian m.) meddler, meddlesome talker
      Mettilore(Italian m.) a gilder
      Mettimale(Italian m.) mischief-maker, scandel-monger
      Mettiscandali(Italian m.) mischief-maker, scandel-monger
      Mettitore(Italian m.) putter, placer, gamester, punter
      Mettons que ...(French) Let's say that ... Suppose that...
      mettre(French) to put
      mettre ... heures à faire(French) to take ... hours to do something
      mettre à jour(French) to update
      mettre à la casse(French) to scrap
      mettre à l'épreuve(French) to put to the test
      mettre ... à plat(French) to lay ... down flat
      mettre à sac(French) to ransack (a house), to sack (a city)
      mettre au défi(French) to challenge
      mettre au jour(French) to uncover, to bring into the light
      mettre ... au pas(French) to bring ... in line
      mettre ... au pied du mur(French) to corner ...
      mettre aux enchères(French) to sell by auction
      mettre bas(French) to give birth, to give birth to
      mettre beaucoup de soin à faire(French) to take great care in doing something
      mettre dans le bain(French) to drop in it, to put in the picture (figurative)
      mettre dans le même sac(French) to to lump together
      mettre ... debout(French) to stand ... up
      mettre dehors(French) to put out
      mettre de l'ardeur à faire ...(French) to do ... eagerly
      mettre de l'argent dans(French) to put money into
      mettre de l'argent de côté(French) to lay money aside
      mettre de l'argent pour(French) to pay for
      mettre de l'argent sur(French) to spend money on
      mettre des queues aux zéros(French) to overcharge
      mettre ... droit(French) to set ... straight
      mettre du temps (à faire ...)(French) to take time (to do something)
      mettre en branle(French) to set in motion
      mettre en chantier(French) to get under way, to start
      mettre en chômage technique(French) to lay off
      mettre en commun(French) to share
      mettre en danger(French) to endanger
      mettre en demeure de(French) to order to
      mettre en désordre(French) to make untidy
      mettre en évidence(French) to highlight
      mettre en gage(French) to pawn
      mettre en musique(French) to set to music, to put to music
      mettre en quarantaine(French) to put in quarantine, to quarantine, to send to Coventry (figurative: to ostracise)
      mettre en quartiers(French) to tear to pieces
      mettre en relief(French) to bring out, to enhance, to accentuate
      mettre ... en veilleuse(French) to put ... on the back burner (to temporarily suspend work on a project)
      mettre la radio(French) to turn the radio on
      mettre la sourdine(French) to to mute
      mettre la table(French) to set the table
      mettre le cap sur(French) to steer a course for
      mettre la table(French) to set the table
      mettre le réveil(French) to set the alarm
      mettre le verrou(French) to bolt the door
      mettre l'eau à la bouche de ...(French) to make ...'s mouth water
      mettre les bouts(French) to skedaddle, to scarper (colloquial)
      mettre les informations(French) to turn the news on
      mettre les pieds dans le plat(French) to make a blunder, to do something stupid
      mettre les voiles(French) Get lost! (colloquial)
      mettre ... parmi les grands(French) to rank ... among the greats, to rate ... among the greats
      mettre son espoir dans(French) to pin one's hopes on
      mettre tous ses oeufs dans le même panier(French) to put all of one's eggs in one basket
      mettre un mot dans la bouche de ...(French) to put a word into ...'s mouth
      Metzger, Heinz-Klaus
      a German music critic and theoretician
      Meunier (m.), Meunière (f.)(French) miller, miller's wife (f.)
      Meunière(French f.) referring to a style of cooking whereby a food (usually fish) is sautéed simply in butter, white wine, and garlic
      Meurtre(French m.) murder
      Meurtrier (m.), Meurtrière (f.)(French) murderer, murderess (f.)
      meurtrier (m.), meurtrière (f.)(French) deadly
      Meurtrière(French f.) a small loophole in a castle wall so designed that defenders can fire on attackers from under cover
      Meut(French f.) (troup) pack
      Mevlevisa mystical order established in Konya, Turkey, in the thirteenth century who cultivated music and included famous composers and theorists. The order spread into parts of Syria, Iraq, and North Africa and transmitted various instrumental and possibly vocal and dance forms throughout the region
      Mexicain (m.), Mexicaine (f.)(French) Mexican
      mexicain (m.), mexicaine (f.)(French) Mexican
      Mexican beana dried bean, usually between 12 and 14 inches long, that, when shaken, produces a dry staccatro rattle
      Mexican Hat dancesee jarábe tapatio
      Mexican hip hop
      Mexican marimbasee maderas que cantan, las
      Mexican sonrelated to Cuban son montuno and Venezuelan joropo, Mexican son first appeared as rural music in the eighteenth century. Despite the similarity in name, it is historically and characteristically distinct from, Cuban son montuno. There are many popular styles including mariachi. Mexican son involves audience participation for zapateado, or foot-stamping performed as a counter-rhythm to the band
      Mexican traditional musicMexico has a great variety of musical traditions and styles. Mariachi music with its trumpets and violins is the most well-known internationally. There are also many regional folk styles which include: the son jarocho from coastal Veracruz, which usually features a harp. (La Bamba was originally a son jarocho); the son huasteco, a fiddle tradition from north-eastern Mexico; marimba music from southern Mexico; and the corridos and rancheras of northern Mexico
      Mexican vihuelaa plucked instrument of the guitar family popular in parts of Spanish America, similar but unrelated to the Spanish Renaissance vihuela, that includes a belly for added resonance and five single courses of strings. Standard tuning: A-D-G-B-E, where the ADG are tuned one octave above a guitar
      Mexican violinsee mariachi
      Meythe Turkish name for the Armenian duduk, a small oboe from eastern Anatolia
      Meyer-Eppler, Werner
      physicist, experimental acoustician, phoneticist, and information theorist who after the second world war turned his attention increasingly to phonetics and speech synthesis. In 1947 he was recruited by Paul Menzerath to the faculty of the Phonetic Institute of the University of Bonn, where he became Scientific Assistant on 1 April 1949. During this time, Meyer-Eppler published essays on synthetic language production and presented American inventions like the Coder, the Vocoder, the Visible Speech Machine. He contributed to the development of the Electrolarynx, which is still used today for the speech-impaired. In 1949 Meyer-Eppler published a book promoting the idea of producing music by purely electronic means (Meyer-Eppler 1949), and in 1951 joined the sound engineer/composer Robert Beyer and the composer/musicologist/journalist Herbert Eimert in a successful proposal to the Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk (NWDR) for the establishment of an electronic-music studio in Cologne
      Meyjanaa form of Palestinian popular song
      Meykhana(Azerbaijani: Meyxana) is a distinctive Azerbaijani literary and folk rap tradition, consisting of an unaccompanied song performed by one or more people improvising on a particular subject. Meykhana is distinct from spoken word poetry in that it is performed in time to a beat. The name of this genre comes from the traditional Persian meykhane (tavern, pub), which itself originated from the Persian words mey (wine) and khane (house).
      • Meykhana from which this information has been taken
      Mezabbreviation of Mezzosopran (German), mezzo-soprano, mezzosoprano (French)
      mez.abbreviation of mezzo (Italian: half)
      Mezavolta(Italian) in fifteenth-century dance, a half turn round. This term describes both a turn step that lasts one misura and a simple pivot step that could be attached to the end of another step and takes no counts
      Mezcolanza(Spanish f.) hodgepodge, hotchpotch
      Mezé(Modern Greek from Turkish) a titbit served as an appetizer with a drink
      MezovedNorth African bagpipe
      Mezozeugmaan alternative spelling of mesozeugma
      Mezrab finger pick used to play the sitar
      shaped mallet used to play the santur
      Mezza(Italian f.) half, half-hour, half share, short cue (billiards)
      see mezzo
      Mezza bravura(Italian f.) a song of medium or moderate difficulty, as regards its execution
      Mezzalana (s.), Mezzelane (pl.)(Italian f.) linsey-wolsey, a material that is half wool and half cotton
      Mezzaluna (s.), Mezzelune (pl.)(Italian f.) crescent, half-moon, cleaver, curved knife, lunette (architecture)
      (Italian f.) or cappello cinese, bell tree, chapeau chinoise
      Mezza manica(Italian f.) half-shift (on a fingerboard)
      Mezza misure(Italian f.) half measures
      Mezzana(Italian f.) flat tile or flooring brick, side of bacon, mizzen (sail), go-between, procuress
      (Italian f.) the middle string of a lute
      Mezzanino(Italian m.) entresol, mezzanine (floor)
      Mezzano(Italian m.) go-between, procurer
      mezzano(Italian) mean, middle, middle-sized, middle-class
      Mezzanotte(Italian f.) midnight
      Mezza orchestra(Italian f.) half the number of strings usually found in an orchestra
      Mezzatinta(Italian f.) half-tint
      Mezza verià(Italian f.) half truth
      mezzavia(Italian) half-way
      Mezza voce(Italian f., literally 'half voice') or mezzo voce, sing in a quiet, restrained manner, the equivalent in French is à mi-voix, in German mit halber Stimme
      the French equivalent in the 18th century, à demi or à demi voix, also applied to both vocal and instrumental music
      strictly, the correct form is a mezza voce (Italian: at half voice) but this is now never used
      Mezzetino(Italian) also Mezzetin (French) or Mezzettino (Italian), a character from the Commedia dell'Arte and is considered by Duchartre to be a variant on the stock character Brighella. His name means "half-measure (of liquor)" in Medieval Italian, and he is sometimes called in French and English plays Mezzetin. He first appeared in the sixteenth century
      Mezzetta(Italian f.) a vessel holding half a litre or half a pint
      Mezzina(Italian f.) jug, pitcher
      mezzo (m.), mezza (f.)(Italian) half, medium, middle, for example, mezzo-soprano, a female voice lying between soprano and contralto that, in the nineteenth century, replaced the 'castrato voice' which had a very similar range
      Mezzobusto(Italian m.) bust, head & shoulders, half-length portrait
      mezzo carattere(Italian) a moderate degree of expression and execution
      Mezzocolore(Italian m.) neutral colour
      Mezzo-contraltoa voice with a range that lies slightly lower than a mezzo-soprano but not as low as a contralto
      Mezzodi(Italian m.) noon, midday, south
      mezzo forte(Italian) or mezzoforte (Italian), moderately louder, between forte and piano (loud and soft) with mezzo forte being a little louder than mezzo piano, in German halblaut or mittelstark, in French mi-fort
      mezzoforte(Spanish, Italian) mezzo forte
      mezzo forte piano(Italian) rather loud then soft
      Mezzogiorno(Italian m.) noon, midday, south
      Mezzogravurean intaglio printing process, develped in 1910, designed for use with a rotary press that produces prints with a fine deep tonal range as in mezzotints
      mezzolano(Italian) mediocre, middling
      mezzo legato(Italian) less legato than legato itself
      Mezzo lutto(Italian f.) half mourning
      Mezzo mando(Italian m.) see 'mandolin, mandoline'
      Mezzo manico(Italian m.) the half-shift or second position, on a string instrument, for example, the violin or the viol (although the term was used by some commentators for position other than the first, in which case the term refers to a manner of playing out of first position, than to any position in particular)
      Mezzombra(Italian f.) half-tone (painting)
      Mezzo morto(Italian f.) half dead
      mezzo piano(Italian) or mezzopiano (Italian), moderately soft, between forte (Italian: loud) and piano (Italian: soft) with mezzo piano being a little quieter than mezzo forte, the equivalent terms being halbleise or mittelleise in German, and mi-doux in French
      mezzopiano(Spanish, Italian) mezzo piano
      mezzo punto(Italian) a sixteenth/seventeenth-century Italian pitch (believed to lie between a'=465 and a'=460 Hz) used mainly as an instrumental pitch. The German equivalent, CammerThon, was associated with court entertainments including dinners
      Mezz'ora(Italian) half an hour
      Mezzo rilievo(Italian m.) or mezzo relievo, half-relief, demi-relief (art), sculpture in which the figures project half their true proportion from the surface
      Mezzosopraan(Dutch) mezzo-soprano
      Mezzosopraano(Finnish) mezzo-soprano
      Mezzosopran(German m., Danish, Swedish) mezzo-sopraano
      Mezzo-soprano(Italian m., literally 'half soprano') a voice having a compass somewhere between soprano and contralto, a voice that differs from the soprano by missing some of the higher notes and with a darker tone quality, the normal range is from A below middle C (a) to the F an eleventh above middle C (f"). The terms Dugazon and Galli-Marié are sometimes used to refer to light mezzo sopranos, after the names of famous singers
      Mezzo-soprano(English, French m.) mezzo-soprano
      Mezzosoprano(Spanish) mezzo-soprano
      Mezzo-soprano castratoa castrato with a mezzo-soprano range
      Mezzo-soprano clefchiave di mezzosoprano (Italian f.), Mezzosopranschlüssel (German m.), clé d'ut 2e (French f.), clef d'ut 2e (French f.), clé de mezzo-soprano (French f.), clef de mezzo-soprano (French f.), clave de do en segunda (Spanish f.), clave de mezzosoprano (Spanish f.)
      mezzo soprano C clef
      a 'so-called' C clef
      Mezzosopranschlüssel(German m.) mezzo-soprano clef
      mezzo staccatissimo(Italian) an effect less than staccatissimo, it is signified by a staccatissimo mark over or under the notehead which lies under a slur
      Mezzo staccatissimo marking
      mezzo staccatissimo mark the mezzo staccato marking when placed over a single note, a short horizontal line over a staccatissimo mark both over the notehead
      mezzo staccatomezzo staccato
      (Italian) an effect less than staccato, it is signified by a dot over or under the notehead which is placed under a slur
      Mezzo staccato marking
      mezzo staccato mark the mezzo staccato marking when placed over a single note, a short horizontal line over a staccato dot both over the notehead
      Mezzo tenore(Italian m.) a male voice similar to a baritone
      Mezzotermine(Italian m.) expedient, make-shift, compromise, subterfuge, evasion
      Mezzotintan engraving in which A heavy curved blade with a serrated edge, known as a rocker, is worked across the plate by rocking and pushing. The fine indentations (lines of small incised dots) produce the velvety ground characteristic of mezzotint, which show no hard lines. When the entire surface of the plate is covered with near parallel lines a new set of lines are rocked onto the surface in another direction. This step is repeated to create at least six different directional sets of lines so when completed no discernible lines can be seen. The rest of the design is worked in by scraping and burnishing. This surface is very delicate and it cannot be used for commercial printing. Its textural surface however is alluded to in other look-a-like printing methodologies
      mezzo tuono(Italian) a semitone, a half-tone
      Mezzo vestito(Italian f.) half dressed, half clad
      Mezzovino(Italian m.) thin wine, wine and water
      mezzo voceor mezza voce, sing in a quiet, restrained manner, the equivalent in French is à mi-voix
      mezzovoce(Spanish) mezzo voce
      Mezzuccio(Italian m.) make-shift, mean device
