Kk | after Ralph Kirkpatrick (1911-1984), the cataloguer of the music of Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) |
KK | after Krysztyna Kobylaska, the cataloguer of music by Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849) |
Kkwaenggwari | (Korea) also kkwaengmaegi or soe, a suspended gong used in folk music performances
Kkwaengmaegi | see kkwaenggwari |
Kl. | or Klar, abbreviation of Klarinette (German: clarinet - clarinette (French)) |
kl | abbreviation of klein (German: small - petit (French)) |
Klaaglied | (Dutch) dirge |
Klaagzang | (Dutch) lamentation, plaint |
Klafsky | after Anton Klafsky, the cataloguer of music by Michael Haydn (1737-1806) and Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729) |
Klage | (German) lamentation |
Klagegedicht | (German n.) elegy, lamentation, mournful song |
Klagelied | (German n.) elegy, lamentation, mournful song |
klagend | (German) wailing, lamenting, mournfully, plaintively |
Klageton | (German) plaintive tune or melody |
kläglich | (German) lamentable, mournful, plaintive |
Klaglied | (German n.) an elegy, a lament |
Klama | music and dance associated with puberty rites of the Krobo of Ghana. The celebration of this music and dance highlights the 'outdooring' of girls who have undergone intensive tutoring in mother craft. Klama is now performed on various social occasions |
Klamme | (Danish) brace |
Klammer | (German f., Swedish) brace |
Klampfe | (German f.) guitar |
Klang (s.), Klänge (pl.) | (German m.) a sound, a tune |
(German m.) a composite musical note, the fundamental with its overtones |
(German m.) a chord, as in Dreiklang, meaning 'triad' |
Klangänderung | (German f.) sound modification |
Klangbild | (German n.) a sound |
Klangboden | (German m.) sound-board |
Klangeffekt | (German m.) sound effect |
Klangerzeugung | (German f.) sound production |
Klangfarbe | (German f.) tone, tone-colour, tone quality, timbre |
klangfarblich | (German) timbral |
Klangfarbenmelodie | (German f., literally 'sound-colour-melody') coined by Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) to describe a style of composition that employs several different kinds of tone colors to a single pitch or to multiple pitches, Klangfarbenmelodie is achieved by distributing the pitch or melody among several different instruments |
Klangfülle | (German f.) sonority, fullness of tone |
Klanggedicht | (German) sonnet |
Klanggemisch | (German n.) sound mixture |
Klanggeschlecht | (German n.) mode, scale, genus of sounds (i.e. the diatonic, chromatic and enharmonic genus) |
Klangholz | (German n.) tone wood |
Klanghölzer | (German n. pl.) claves |
Klangköper | (German m.) an orchestra, a chorus |
klanglich | (German) sonorous |
Klanglied | (German) sonnet |
Klangmalerei | (German f.) onomatopoeia |
klangpolyfon | (German) multitimbral |
klangpolyphon | (German) multitimbral |
Klangquelle | (German f.) sound source |
Klangregler | (German m.) tone control |
Klangsaal | (German m.) concert room, music room |
Klangspeicherung | (German f.) sound storage |
Klangstäbe | (German m. pl.) claves |
Klangsteuerung | (German f.) sound control |
Klangsynthese | (German f.) tone synthesis |
Klangumwandlung | (German f.) sound modulation |
Klangvertretung | (German f.) common tone substitution |
klangvoll | (German) sonorous |
Klank | (Dutch) sound, ring (for example, of a bell) |
Klankbord | (Dutch) table (of a stringed instrument), Decke (German), tavola armonica (Italian), table d'harmonie (French) |
Klank-eigen | (Dutch) idiom |
Klankgat | (Dutch) sound hole |
Klankkast | (Dutch) sound box, Schallkasten (German), Resonanzkörper (German), Resonanzboden (German), caisee de résonance (French), cassa armonica (Italian), cassa di risonanza (Italian) |
Klankkleur | (Dutch) tone colour, timbre |
Klankrijk | (Dutch) full-sounding, sonorous |
klankrijk Stem | (Dutch) rich voice |
Klapa | (Croatian, literally 'a group of people') klapa music is a Croatian form of a cappella singing that traces its roots to litoral church singing. The motifs in general celebrate love, wine (grapes), country (homeland) and sea. Main elements of the music are harmony and melody, with rhythm very rarely being very important. A klapa group consists of a first tenor, a second tenor, baritone and bass. It is possibe to double all the voices apart from the first tenor. Although klapa is a cappella music, on occasion it is possible to add a gentle guitar and a mandolin (instrument similar in appearance and sound to tamburitzas). In recent times, female vocal groups have been quite popular, but in general male and female groups do not mix. Klapa songs usually have a slow, free rhythm and are often without a time signature (libero). Sometimes, they may have complex measures. Although the songs are usually serenades, for example, love songs addressing a beloved's girl, satirical songs too also exist. Regardless of a theme, however, they are always in a major key |
Klapites | Latvian clapper |
Klappe (s.), Klappen (pl.) | (German f.) (mechanical) key (of a wind instrument), chiave (Italian f.), clé (French f.), llave (Spanish f.) |
(German f.) valve |
Klappenflügelhorn | (German n.) keyed bugle |
Klappenhorn | (German n.) see 'keyed bugle' |
Klappenmechanik | (German f.) key work, key mechanism, meccanismo delle chiavi (Italian m.) Klappenmechanik (German f.), m&eacuate;canisme des clefs (French m.), mecanismo de llaves (Spanish m.) |
Klappentrompete | (German f.) keyed trumpet |
Klappholz | (German n.) whip |
Klapphut | (German m.) (collapsible) opera hat |
Klappsitz | (German m.) folding seat, tip-up seat |
Klar | or K., abbreviation of Klarinette (German: clarinet - clarinette (French)) |
klar | (German) clear, distinct |
klären | (German) to clarify |
klare Stimme | (German f.) clear voice |
Klarheit | (German f.) clarity, clearness, plainness, distinctness |
Klarina | (German f.) also Heckelklarina (German f.) or Heckel Klarina (German f.), a German alternative for Clarina (German f.) [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Klarinette (s.), Klarinetten (pl.) | (German f.) clarinet, clarinetto (Italian m.), clarinette (French f.), clarinete (Spanish m.) |
Klarinettenblatt | (German n.) clarinet reed, ancia del clarinetto (Italian f.), anche de clarinette (French f.), lenguëta de clarinete (Spanish f.) |
Klarinettenkonzert | (German n.) clarinet concerto |
Klarinettenspiel | (German n.) clarinet playing |
Klarinettist (m.), Klarinettistin (f.) | (German) clarinettist |
Klarino | Greek clarinet |
klärlich | (German) clearly, distinctly |
klarmachen | (German) to make clear |
klaroen | (Dutch) bugle |
Klarsichtfolie | (German f.) transparent film, cling film |
klarstellen | (German) to clarify |
Klärung | (German f.) clarification |
Klass | (German f.) class, form (school), grade (school), classroom |
klass | (German) super (familiar) |
Klassenarbeit | (German f.) (written) test |
Klassenbuch | (German n.) (attendance) register |
Klassenkamerad (m.), Klassenkameradin (f.) | (German) class-mate |
Klassenkampf | (German m.) class struggle |
Klassenzimmer | (German n.) classroom |
klassiek | (Dutch) classical period, classicism |
klassifizieren | (German) classify |
Klassifizierung | (German f.) classification |
Klassik | (German f.) classicism, classical (for example, classical music, classical period) [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Klassiker | (German m.) classical author, classical composer |
Klassikmusik | (German f.) classical music, music of the Classical era |
klassisch | (German) classical, classic |
klassische Ära | (German f.) classical period [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
klassische Epoche | (German f.) classical era [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
klassische Literatur, die | (German f.) the classics |
klassische Musik | (German f.) classical music [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Klassizismus | (German m.) classicism |
Klatsch | (German m.) gossip |
Klatschbase | (German f.) gossip (familiar) |
klatschen | (German) to slap, to clap |
Klausel | (German f.) a cadence, a close, a regular section of a strain or movement |
Michael Zapf writes: generally, Klausel means the ending of a single voice, and Kadenz the one of several voices, without necessarily implying a harmonic approach. However, this rule is not universally adhered to |
Klav | (Swedish) clef |
Klav | abbreviation of Klavier (German: piano) |
Klavarskribo | (Esperanto, literally 'keyboard writing') or 'Klavar', an alternative method of music notation, as introduced in 1931 by the Dutchman Cornelis Pot. In contrast to conventional notation, 'Klavar' writes the pitch horizontally instead of vertically and time vertically from top to bottom |
Klavecimbel | (Dutch) harpsichord, clavecin |
Klaviatur | (German f.) keyboard, a term usually reserved today for the piano |
Klaviaturglockenspiel | (German n.) carillon, keyed glockenspiel |
Klaviaturxylophon | (German n.) keyed xylophone |
Klavichord | (German n.) clavichord |
Klavicitherium | (German n.) variant spelling of Clavicytherium (English, German n.) [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Klavier | (Dutch, German n.) keyboard (of a keyboard instrument) |
(Dutch, German n.) a keyboard instrument, a term usually reserved today for the piano |
"In the foreword to his twelve sonatas (published in 1773, six years before he arrived in Bonn), Neefe uses the term (and spelling) Klavier in two senses, first meaning 'keyboard instrument' in contrast to other instruments, and later indicating the clavichord (which he favored), to the exclusion of two other domestic keyboard instruments: the harpsichord (Flügel) and the pianoforte. To mark the switching point between these two meanings, he uses Klavichord once in the middle of the text."
[from Tilman Skowroneck, Beethoven and the Clavichord. In Essays in Honor of Christopher Hogwood: The Maestro's Direction, ed. Thomas Donahue. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, p. 203]
Klavierausbildung | (German f.) piano studies |
Klavierauszug | (German m.) a piano reduction of a full score, piano arrangement |
(German m.) a score of a vocal work or instrumental concerto with orchestra, in which the latter has been reduced to a piano accompaniment, generally used during rehearsal |
Klavierbauer | (German m.) piano makers |
Klavierdeckel | (German m.) piano lid |
Klavierkonzert | (German n.) piano concerto, piano recital |
Klavierlehrer | (German m.) piano teacher |
klaviermässig | (German) suitable for the piano, in a pianistic style |
Klaviermusik | (German f.) piano music |
Klavierquartett | (German n.) piano quartet |
Klavierrolle (s.), Klavierrollen (pl.) | (German f.) piano roll |
Klaviersatz | see Satz |
Klaviersonate | (German f.) piano sonata |
Klavierspiel | (German n .) piano playing |
Klavierstimme | (German f.) piano part (usually one in a larger work) |
Klavierstimmer | (German m.) piano tuner |
Klavierstück | (German n.) keyboard piece, piano piece |
Klavierstuhl | (German m.) piano stool |
Klavierstunde | (German f.) piano lesson |
Klaviertiger | (German m.) a virtuoso pianist whose attack on his instrument appears ferocious |
Klaviertrio | (German n.) piano trio |
Klavierübung | (German f.) keyboard exercise |
Klaxon | (French m.) car horn |
klaxonner | (French) to hoot one's horn, to sound one's horn, to toot (the horn) |
Klebebild | (German n.) or Abziehbild (German n.), decal |
kleben | (German) to stick, to glue, to cement |
Klebestift | (German m.) Leimstift (German m.), glue stick |
klebrig | (German) sticky, gluey, gooey, tacky, glutinous, viscous, tenacious, vlammily, clammy, glutinously, ropily, ropy, stickily, tenaciously, viscously |
Klebstoff | (German m.) adhesive, glue |
Klebstreifen | (German m.) adhesive tape |
Klecks | (German m.) a stain, a blot, a dab |
klecksen | (German) to make a mess |
Kleenex | (English, French m.) the brand name for facial tissue, soft absorbent paper (usually two or more thin layers) used as a disposable handkerchief |
Kleftika | (Greek) heroic songs, from the early twentieth century, about brigands who fought the Turks, characterized by extensive vocal ornamentation |
Kleid | (German n.) a dress |
kleiden | (German) to dress, to suit |
Kleider | (German n. pl.) dresses, clothes |
Kleiderbügel | (German m.) coat-hanger |
Kleiderbürste | (German f.) clothes-brush |
Kleiderhaken | (German m.) coat-hook |
Kleiderrock | (German m.) a pinafore dress |
Kleiderschrank | (German m.) a wardrobe |
kleidsam | (German) becoming |
Kleidung | (German f.) clothes, clothing |
Kleidungsstück | (German n.) garment |
klein, kleine | (German) small, short |
minor (when speaking of intervals, for example, kleine Terz, minor third) |
Kleinarbeit | (German f.) painstaking work |
Klein-bass | (German) violoncello |
Klein-bass-geige | (German) violoncello |
klein beigeben | (German) give in |
Kleinbühne | (German f.) little theatre |
Kleinbürger | (German m.) petty bourgeois |
Kleinbus | (German m.) minibus |
kleine Bassgeige | (German f.) minor triad |
kleine Dezime | (German f.) minor tenth (which is enharmonic to a sharp ninth) |
kleine Diësis | (German f.) a musical interval defined by the frequency ratio 128:125, equivalent to about 41.06 cent |
kleine Drieklank | (Dutch) minor triad |
Kleine Finger | (German m.) little finger |
kleine Flöte | (German f.) Pikkoloflöte (German f.), piccolo, ottavino (Italian m.), flauto piccolo (Italian m.), Pikkolo (German n.), petite flûte (French f.)flautín (Spanish m.) |
(German f.) a small flute-stop on the organ, of 4 ft. and 2 ft. pitch |
kleine Intervalle | (German n. pl.) minor intervals |
kleine Klarinette | (German f.) soprano clarinet, clarinetto piccolo (Italian), petite clarinette (French f.), clarinete soprano (Spanish) |
kleine None | (German f.) minor ninth, flat ninth |
kleine Orgel | (German f.) regal |
kleine Partitur | (German f.) a musical score not primarily intended for performance use, with the notation and/or text reduced in size, i.e. a pocket or study score |
kleine Pauke | (German f.) small timpano, small kettle-drum |
kleiner Barrégriff | (German m.) half barre, partial barre |
kleiner Bass | (German m.) violoncello, cello |
kleiner chromatischer Halbton | (German m.) minor 5-limit semitone, chromatic diesis, semitone minimus, lesser chromatic semitone or minor chroma, an interval with the ratio 25/24 |
kleiner Ganzton | (German m.) minor whole tone, an interval with the ratio 10/9 |
kleiner Halbton | (German m.) minor semitone |
kleiner Mollseptakkord | (German m.) minor seventh chord |
kleine Sekunde | (German f.) minor second [entry provided by Brian A. Jefferies] |
kleine Septime | (German f.) minor seventh |
kleine Sesonde | (Dutch) minor second |
kleine Sexte | (German f.) minor sixth |
kleines Intervall | (German n.) minor interval |
kleine Terts | (Dutch) minor third |
kleine Terz | (German f.) minor third [entry provided by Brian A. Jefferies] |
kleine Tredezime | (German f.) minor thirteenth |
kleine Trom | (Dutch) side drum, snare drum |
kleine Trommel | (German f.) small drum, side drum, snare drum |
Kleinflügel | (German m.) baby grand |
Klein-gedact | (German) a small covered stop in an organ, a stopped flute |
Kleingeld | (German n.) changes (small denomination coins) |
Kleinhandel | (German m.) retail trade |
Kleinheit | (German f.) smallness, shortness of stature |
Kleinholz | (German n.) firewood |
Kleinigkeit | (German f.) a trifle, a snack |
klein Interval | (Dutch) minor interval |
Kleinkind | (German n.) an infant |
Kleinkram | (German m.) odds and ends, trivia |
kleinlaut | (German) subdued |
kleinlich | (German) petty |
Kleinlichkeit | (German f.) pettyness |
kleinmütig | (German) faint-hearted |
Kleinod | (German n.) jewel |
Kleinstadt | (German f.) a small town |
kleinstädtisch | (German) provincial |
Kleinwagen | (German m.) small car |
Kleister | (German m.) paste |
kleistern | (German) to paste |
Kleistos horos | (Greek) a circle dance from Thessaly |
Klemme | (German f.) a hair-grip |
klemmen | (German) to jam |
Klempner | (German m.) a plumber |
klemtoon | (Dutch) stress |
Klenengan | (Javanese) a gamelan genre, both soft and contemplative, that emphasizes dialogue between performers rather than as an accompaniment to a theatrical production |
Kleos | (Greek, 'What others hear about you') renown, honour, glory, and fair reputation achieved through great deeds, especially battle but to a lesser extent in Olympic games, poetry contests, and literature |
Klep | (Dutch) key, valve |
Kleptomane | (Frrench m./f.) kleptomaniac |
Kleptomania | an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive |
Kleptomaniac | someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive |
Kleptomanie | (Frrench f.) kleptomania |
Klerus, der | (German m.) the clergy (collective) |
Klette | (German f.) burr |
Kletterschuh (s.), Kletterschuhe (pl.) | (German m.) a climbing boot |
Klezmer | (English, German f., from Hebrew, Kly Zemer meaning 'vessel of song' actually referring to the musicians rather than their instruments) a musical style characteristic to Eastern European Jewish culture, performed by a small band comprising 3 or 4 musicians who play double bass with two melodic instruments, often a violin and a clarinet |
Kl.Fl. | abbreviation of kleine Flöte, the piccolo |
Klick | (German m./n.) a click |
Klicken | (German m.) a clicking |
klicken | (German) to click |
klimmend | (Dutch) ascending |
Klingel | (German f.) a small bell |
klingen | (German) to sound, to ring |
klingend | (German) resonant, sounding, ringing, sonorous |
short for klingend notiert, indicating that an instrumental part is notated as it sounds |
many church musicians in Germany who conduct Posaunenchöre teach young people to play B flat instruments klingend (i.e. klingend notiert). While this convention is fine if they play only in church music ensembles, it will cause them problems if they later join a "conventional" orchestra when their parts are transposed so that a written C sounds as a B flat, an E flat or, for F-horns, an F [note provided by Brian Jefferies] |
klingendes Becken | (German) ringing cymbals |
klingend notiert | (German) it is notated as it sounds (that is, the part is not transposed) |
klingen lassen | (German) to let sound, let it ring |
Klinggedicht | (German) sonnet |
Klingstein | (German m.) clinkstone [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Klinkers | (Dutch) vowels |
Klischeevorstellung | (German f.) stereotyped idea |
Kloboto | short open-bottom barrel drum from Ghana, although still larger than the totodzi |
Klok | (Dutch) bell |
Klokkengieter | (Dutch) bell founder |
Klokkespel | (Dutch) chimes, carillon |
Klokkenspeler | (Dutch) carillonneur |
Klokketoren | (Dutch) bell tower |
Klong awe | see klong tueng |
Klong nora | (Southern Thailand) a barrel shaped drum used for the nora dance. It is played with hardwood beaters |
Klong pong | (Thailand) a double sided drum |
K'longput | the k'longput is another instrument unique to Vietnam. It is made from a series of large bamboo pipes of varying lengths, each closed at one end. The pipes are placed on their sides with the open ends facing the musician, who has no direct contact with the instrument. Instead, the performer cups both hands and claps quietly in front of the open ends of the pipes, forcing air down the pipes to produce low resonant sounds. The k'longput is native to the Bahnar people of the central highlands, who are said to have created it after hearing the wind blowing into the openings of bamboo in the forest |
Klong tueng | (Thailand) also called klong awe, a drum about 3.5 metres long, with a single drumhead, which is beaten with a wooden stick. It is played in the temples and in ensembles |
Klopfen | (German) tap (foot) |
(German) Anton Bernard Fürstenau's 1844 term for flattement technique (flattement is a finger vibrato) |
Klopfgeräusch | (German n.) knocking noise |
Klöppel | (German m.) clapper (of a bell), tongue (of a bell) |
Klotz | (German m.) tasseau (French m.), tassello (Italian m.), small pieces of wood (block) glued between the belly and back to strengthen members of the violin and viol family |
Kluster | (German m.) cluster |
km | abbreviation of 'kilometre', 'kilometres' (unit of length) |
km/h | abbreviation of 'kilometre/hour', 'kilometres/hour', kilometre/heure (French: kilometre/hour), kilometres/heures (French: kilometres/hour) (unit of speed) |
Kn | also K or WKO, after Walter Knape (b. 1906), the cataloguer of the music of Karl Friedrich Abel (1723-1787) |
Knabenchor | (German m.) boy's choir |
Knabenstimme | (German f.) boy's voice |
Knaben Wunderhorn | (German n.) the publication in 1805-8 of this collection of folk poems, collected by Clemens Brentano (1778-1842) and his brother-in-law Ludwig Achim von Arnim (1781-1831), began a debate that lasted the whole of the nineteenth century between those who wished to preserve the German 'folk' heritage in its purest form and those who saw it as a malleable commodity for a politico-cultural end. Art, too, exhibited this tension between 'folk' and 'folk-like' material, and Mahler's Wunderhorn songs, which manipulate pre-existing folk material in a 'high-art' setting, fall on the latter side of the debate |
Knackgeräusch | (German n.) click |
Knall | (German m.) a bang, a crack (sound), a snap (sound), a pop (sound) |
Knallbonbon | (German m.) cracker |
knallen | (German) to go bang, to crack, to chuck |
knallig | (German) gaudy |
knallrot | (German) a bright red |
knapp | (German) scant, short, scarce, bare, tight |
knapphalten | (German) keep short |
Knappheit | (German f.) scarcity |
Knarre | (German f.) rattle |
knarren | (German) to creak |
knattern | (German) to crackle, to stutter |
Knee lever | a device found on harpsichords and early pianos, operated by the knee of the player, which is linked to the register, the coupler, or the buff stop to turn it off and on |
Knee-stop |
on the harmonium, knee levers placed under the manual: |
a. | open and shut the swell box (so varying the volume level) |
b. | draw all the stops |
kneifend | (German) plucking, pizzicato |
Kneifzange | (German f.) or Flachzange (German m.), pliers |
Knell | the tolling of a bell on the occasion of a death or at a funeral |
knicken | (German) to curtsy |
Knickerbockers | or bloomers, full loose trousers, cropped and secured at the knee with a buckle or band of fabric, popular sports attire for women in the 1860s |
Knicks | (German m.) a curtsy |
Knie | (German n.) knee |
Kniegeige | (German f., literally 'knee violin') viola da gamba, violoncello |
Knieguitarre | (German f.) see guitarre d'amore |
Knieröhre | (German) a pipe or tube that is bent like a knee |
Knife pleat | very narrow pleats turned in one direction pressed to form regular sharp pleats to skirts and dresses - particularly popular from the 1920s to the 1950s |
Knight | a military aristocrat in medieval Europe and England who swore service as a vassal to a liege lord in exchange for control over land |
Knismesis | scientific term, coined in 1897 by psychologists G. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin, used to describe the light tickle of a feather |
Knopf | (German m.) endpin, bottone (Italian), bouton (French) |
Knopfgriff-Akkordeon | (German m.) button accordion |
Knopfregal | (German n.) synonymous with Apfelregal |
Knoten | (German m.) node |
Knout | (English, French m.) a whip with a lash of leather thongs twisted with wire, used for flogging prisoners |
Knowledge hound | a person who seeks out information, etc. |
Ko | abbreviation of kilo-octet (French: kilobyte) |
Koala | (English, French m.) sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat, that feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark |
Koboz | see kopuz |
Kobsa | plucked lute |
Kobushi | the many different kinds of melisma characteristic of traditional Japanese songs |
Kobuz | see kopuz |
Kobyz | see kopuz |
Kobza |
a traditional Ukrainian stringed musical instrument, from the lute family. The term has a Turkic origin: kobyz or khomus. There are a number of types in current use: |
traditional twelve-string kobza | six strings are strung along the neck and six treble strings strung along the treble side of the instrument |
the four-stringed kobza | designed for orchestral use, which is made in various sizes and uses violin tunings |
the six or seven-stringed kobza | which uses several guitar tunings |
the instrument was also known as the bandura. The terms were interchangeable until about 1800. Eventually the unfrettable starosvitska bandura, which developed in the early nineteenth century, appropriated the bandura name, but continued to be referred to as kobza |
- Kobza from which this extract has been taken
Kobzar | a Ukrainian wandering bard of Cossack times, who played a stringed instrument called a kobza to accompany the recitation of epic dumas. The stereotypical kobzar was a blind war veteran of Cossak wars |
- Kobzar from which this extract has been taken
Kocakenlied | (German n.) Cossack song |
Köchel | after Ludwig Ritter von Köchel (1800-1877), the cataloguer of music by Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) |
Kochlos | (ancient Greece) shell-type instrument, sounding like a trumpet |
Köcsögduda | a large wooden or pottery vessel over which is streched leather or parchment to which is fastened a length of reed or horsehair. In the latter case, the instrument is called bika (bull) by the Csángós. A wet hand moved up and down the reed or horsehair creates an unique sound, similar to that produced by the Iberian zambomba |
Kodály | the Kodály philosophy is a system of music education that has evolved from the inspiration and creativity of Zoltán Kodály. This philosophy was not invented by Kodály, but became famous because of his personal guidance of the Hungarian schools. In 1950 the first 'music primary' school began in Kesckmet, Hungary. It was in this school that children received daily singing lessons, which in turn taught them the foundations of music. From 1950 to the present, this Kodály philosophy has influenced music education in over eighteen nations |
Kodály handsigns | see 'Curwen handsigns' |
Koechel | see Köchel |
Ko e fasi 'o e tu'i 'o e 'Otu Tonga | the national anthem of Tonga. The title literally means "song of the king of the Tonga Islands" in the Tongan language but is daily life better known as fasi fakafonua, which translates to "national song". The lyrics of the anthem were written by Prince Uelingatoni Ngu Tupoumalohi, with the music by Karl Gustavus Schmitt |
Koenig horns | the original Koenig horns belonged to the Fluegel family of instruments, having the same type of bore and taper, and using a deep V-cup mouthpiece. The soprano member of this family was a C instrument, 4 feet in length, that came with mouthpiece crooks for B flat and A, and was played using a "French" horn mouthpiece. The tenor F Koenig horn is the progenitor of the instrument we know today as the mellophone, which has a larger bell, a somewhat altered bore and taper, and today employs the use of a tenor Saxhorn mouthpiece, though originally, like the Koenig and Ballad horns, it employed the use of a deep V-cup mouthpiece
Koda | (German f.) coda |
Ko-daiko | a small Japanese drum |
Kodak | (English, Italian m.) a brand of camera |
Kode | (German m.) code |
Kodhok ngorek | see laras |
Koftos | a Greek dance, danced in Thessaly, Epirus and central Greece |
Kogiri | a xylophone, the principal instrument of the Lobi people of Northern Ghana |
Kohl | (English, from Arabic) also 'kol', kehal (in the Arab world), 'kohal', known as surma or kajal in South Asia, and, in many parts of West Africa, known as kwalli, a mixture of soot and other ingredients (often including powdered antimony) used predominantly by Middle Eastern, African and South Asian women, and to a lesser extent men, to darken the eyelids and as mascara for the eyelashes |
Kohlenstoffaser | (German f.) carbon fibre (material) |
Kohlezeichnung | (German f.) charcoal drawing |
Kohol | see 'kohl' |
Kohotahti | (Finnish) anacrusis, upbeat, the initial note of a melody that occurs before the first barline |
Koine | (Greek, 'common') the common literary language of the ancient Greeks |
now used more generally for any standard literary language accepted over a wide area, i.e., a lingua franca |
Kojang-buk | see sori-buk |
kokett | (German) coquettish, coquettishly |
Kokin | (Japan) this instrument is somewhat smaller than the Chinese-erfu which closely resembles the jing-hu used in Peking opera. It is used in minshingaku ensemble music, in which it plays a melody almost identical to that of the gekkin |
- Kokin from which this information has been taken
Kokkinna | see finguru sanshin |
Kokle | Latvian lap zither or kantele |
Koko | (Central Africa pygmies) wooden clappers of the Mbuti people |
Kokoaskel | (Finnish) whole tone, the interval of a major second |
Kokonuotti |  | (Finnish) whole note, semibreve |
Kokopelli | (Native American) 'the humpbacked flute player', mythical Hopi symbol of fertility, replenishment, music, dance, and mischief. The mysterious Kokopelli character is found in a number of Native American cultures, being especially prominent in the Anazasi culture of the 'Four Corners' area. The figure represents a mischievous trickster or the Minstrel, spirit of music. Kokopelli is distinguished by his dancing pose, a hunchback and flute. His whimsical nature, charitable deeds, and vital spirit give him a prominent position in Native American mysticism |
Kokotauko |  | (Finnish) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Kokoxa | (Angola) a guitar |
Kokyu | Japanese four-string fiddle |
Kol | see 'kohl' |
Koleda | (Polish) Christmas song, carol |
Kolenda | (Romanian) koleda |
Koliosnaya lira | see kolyosnaya lira |
Kolitong | see saludoy |
Kolkhoz | (Russian) Russian collective farm |
Kolkhoze | (French m.) kolkhoz |
kolkhozien (m.), kolkhozienne (f.) | (French) of or pertaining to the kolkhoz |
Kolkkali | a folk art mainly of the agrarian classes, kolkkali is a highly rhythmic dance in which the dancers never miss a beat. In Malabar, kolkkali is more popular among Muslim men |
Kollektivtritt | (in the organ) composition pedal (invented by J. C. Bishop, a pedal that draws out or pushes in several stops at once) [German term supplied by Michael Zapf] |
Kollectivzug | (German m.) composition stop (amended by Michael Zapf) |
Kollegiatkirche | see Stiftskirche [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Kollema (s.), Kollemata (pl.) | places in a papyrus manuscript in which additional strips of papyrus have been added so as to join together another page or sheet |
Kolmanneskymmeneskahdesosanuotti |  | (Finnish) a demisemiquaver or thirty-second note, a note one thirty-second the time value of a semibreve or whole note |
Kolmanneskymmeneskahdesosatauko |  | (Finnish) a demisemiquaver rest or thirty-second rest, a rest one thirty-second the time value of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
Kolmijakoinen | (Finnish) triple meter |
Kolmisointu | (Finnish) triad |
Kolo | (Balkans) a round dance in which a group hold each other by the hands or around the waist, dancing, in a circle. Although these days, kolo is performed to an instrumental accompaniment, the old mute circle dance (nijemo kolo) without musical accompaniment is typical of the dance repertoire of the mountainous region of Croatia |
Kolomyika | a quick duple-time Polish dance |
Kolophonium | (German n.) bow resin, bow rosin, colofonia (Italian f., Spanish f.), colophane (French f.) |
Koloratur | (German f.) coloratura |
Koloraturjodler | (German m.) coloratura yodeller |
Koloraturmezzosopran | (German m.) coloratura mezzo-soprano |
Koloratursopran | (German m.) coloratura soprano |
Koloratursoubrette | (German m.) coloratura soprano |
kolossal | (German) colossal, huge, splendid (colloquial), excellent (colloquial) |
Kolo sv. Tripuna | (Croatia) a chain dance with kerchiefs instead of swords performed by members of the Boka mariners, a male society hundreds of years old from Boka Kotorska |
Kolumnentitel | (German f.) heading, running title |
Kolyosnaya lira | traditional Russian hurdy-gurdy with a violin body, also called the drehleier, leier or vielle à roue. The instrument came to Russia from Europe. It has a single melodic string, that is shorten by keys, and few drone strings that are tuned according to need |
Koma-bue | one of the three side-blown flutes used in gagaku, the other two being ryuteki and kagura-bue |
Koma-gaku | (Japanese) music of the three Korean kingdoms that found its way to ancient Japan |
Komal swara | in Indian classical music, a flattened note |
Kombination | (German f.) combination, choice of organ registration |
Kombinationston (s.), Kombinationstöne (pl.) | (German m.) a combination tone |
Kombu | (Malayalam) a long trumpet or horn, usually played as part of Panchavadyam performances |
Komedia | an arts and entertainment company that operates venues in in the United Kingdom at Brighton and Bath,[1] in addition to sometimes operating temporary venues in Edinburgh during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. It presents a diverse programme of comedy, music, cabaret, theatre and kids shows, featuring local, national and international performers |
- Komedia from which this extract has been taken
Komhalsluitinstrumenten | (Dutch) necked bowl lutes (for example, lute, theorbo and mandoline) |
komisch | (German) comic |
Komische Oper | (German f.) the opera house in Berlin [entry by Michael Zapf] |
komische Oper | (German f.) comic opera (genre) |
Komma | after Karl Michael Komma, the cataloguer of music by Jan Zach (1699-1773) |
(German f., Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Dutch) comma |
in Arabic music a komma is the interval of 1/9 of a tone (whole step) |
(German f.) a musical section, or division |
Kommata | (German f. pl.) plural of Komma |
komma van Pythagoras | (Dutch) Pythagorean comma |
kommende | (Norwegian) forthcoming |
Komödiant (m.), Komödiantin (f.) | (German) comedian [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Komödie | (German f.) comedy, play |
Komori uta | (Japanese) children's lullabies |
Kompa | a popular style of Haitian tropical music created in the 1950s, heavily influenced by Dominican merengue and Cuban music, the word kompa deriving from the Spanish word compás, meaning 'rhythm' or 'beat' |
see Compas Direct |
Kompaß | (German n.) compass |
Komplementærinterval | (Danish) complementary interval |
Komplementärintervall | (German n., Swedish) complementary interval |
Komplet | (German f.) Compline [entry by Michael Zapf] |
komponieren | (German) to compose |
komponiert | (German) composed |
komponiren | (German, archaic spelling) to compose |
komponirt | (German) composed |
Komponist | (German m.) composer |
Komponist des Wiederaufbaus | (German literally 'composer of the reconstruction') title given to Werner Egk who is best remembered for the role he played in rebuilding the musical landscape of a physically devastated and culturally demoralized postwar Germany. Appointed director of the Berlin Music Academy, president of German Composers' Association, and holder of numerous other positions of influence in musical associations in West Germany until his death in 1983 |
- Werner Egk from which this information has been taken
Komposition | (German f.) a composition |
Kompositionslehrer (m.), Kompositionslehrerin (f.) | (German) teacher of composition |
Kompositionstechnik | (German f.) compositional technique |
kompositorisch | (German) compositional |
Kompressor | (German m.) compressor (electronics) |
Komtur | (German m.) commendator, or commander, of an order of knights [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Komturei | (German f.) commandries (or commanderies) of the Teutonic Knights [entry by Michael Zapf] |
see 'commandery' |
Komun-go | also called hyon'gum and hyonhakkum, a Korean six-string zither, the middle three strings have kwae (fixed frets) while the outer three strings have anjok (movable frets) |
in 2000, her goal to achieve a convergence of cultures, bringing traditional Korean musical instruments together with the sounds and aesthetics of the electronic world, Jin Hi Kim worked at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to develop an electronic processing system for her komungo |
Komuso | (Japanese, literally 'priests of nothingness') wandering Buddhist priests who played the shakuhachi as a spiritual discipline, and who, during the Edo Period, had exclusive license to play the instrument |
Komuz | a three stringed lute from Kyrgyzstan |
Kondensatormikrophon | (German n.) condenser microphone |
Kondilyés | music for mandinades (improvised rhymed couplets of fifteen-syllable lines), performed mainly in Eastern Crete |
Konghou | Chinese harp |
Kongo | of all the collective terms used to specify Afro-Cuban origins, Kongo encompasses the greatest diversity of peoples brought to Cuba during the years of slavery. The names of the myriad Cuban Kongo cabildos reflect the geography of the slave trade or else include African ethnic designations. Sometimes they bore the names of slaving ports (Loango, Benguela and Cabinda, the last also very important for Brazil), and sometimes they specified clan origins, such as the Nsobo (Bazombo) and Mayombe (Yombe),who also gave their name to a Cuban-Kongo religion. Members of one surviving Kongo cabildo, San Antonio de los Congos Reales in the old colonial city of Trinidad, are still performing such archaic pantomime dances as the Danza de la Culebra (Serpent Dance), which was well known in colonial Havana as Matar la Culebra (Killing the Snake), and was performed by Kongo comparsas on January 6, the 'Day of the Kings'. Many forms of contemporary Cuban music, including many of the rumba and carnival styles, are full of Kongo references and influences and display continuity with older Kongo forms |
the most common form of secular Kongo music during the nineteenth century incorporated the use of Yuka drums. Played in groups of three, they were made by hollowing out tree trunk sections of various sizes and nailing on cowhide heads. The largest and master drum is called the caja, which in typical Kongo fashion is held between the legs of the drummer. Another musician plays a pair of sticks against the body of the caja, often on a piece of tin that has been nailed to the base of the drum. This stick is called the guagua or cajita, which may also be played on a separate instrument. The middle drum is called the mula, and the smallest is the cachimbo. A guataca is played as a time-keeper, and the caja player often wears a pair of wrist rattles. Yuka dancing featured the vacunao, a pelvic movement also found in Kongo-derived dance styles elsewhere in the Americas |
- Kongo from which this information has been taken
Kongtha | the Jew's harp of Bhutan, made from very thin bamboo |
Kongzheng | Chinese whistling top |
Koni | (Gambia) a small traditional four-stringed lute in the form of a teardrop, also known as ngoni in Mali |
Ko ni | the ko ni, or koni, is a special form of stick fiddle found only in Vietnam. It was developed from the one-string violin of the Jarai people who live in the south central highlands of Vietnam. The modern ko ni has two strings. The player sits, holding the instrument between both legs. The ko ni does not have a resonating chamber or sound box. Rather, the strings are attached by silk cords to a small bamboo or plastic resonating disc that is held in the player's mouth. The player's mouth acts as the resonating chamber, and precise movements of the lips and tongue create a broad range of tonal colors and emotional expressions, giving the ko ni its unique sound |
Konin | a Manding guitar |
Koniseti | (Tonga) concert, a display of dance and song, usually to raise funds for some worthy cause, such as a sports team or a local congregation. Usually, the musicians will consist of singers, guitarists and possibly a church brass band |
Konkoma | a circular dance of the Central and North Ewe of Ghana and Togo, the precursor to the boboobo |
konkordantes Intervall | (German n.) consonant interval |
Konkrete Musik | (German f.) musique concrète |
Konnakol | see solkattu |
Könner (m.), Könnerin (f.) | (German) an expert [corrected by Brian Jefferies] |
Kono | (Ghana) a strummed lute |
(Mali) see wasoulou |
Konpa | see kompa, Compas Direct |
Konpa direk | see kompa, Compas Direct |
Konservatorium | (German n.) music school, conservatory (US, Australia), conservatoire (English, French m.), conservatorio (Sanish m., Italian m.) |
konsonans | (Danish, Swedish) consonance |
konsonanssi | (Finnish) consonance |
Konsonant | (German m.) consonant |
konsonantes Intervall | (German n.) consonant interval |
Konsonanz | (German f.) consonance |
konsonieren | (German) to concord, to match one's sound with that of another, to be consonant (with regard to intervals) [additional information by Michael Zapf] |
konstruktive Kritik | (German f.) constructive criticism |
Konsularabteilung | (German f.) consulate |
Kontakarion | a codex containing a collection of kontakia (sing. kontakion) |
Kontakion | according to Dimitri Conomos, the kontakion is a "long and elaborate metrical sermon, reputedly of Syriac origin, which finds its acme in the work of St. Romanos the Melodos (sixth century)". Like other hymnographical works, these are paraphrases of biblical scripture and were sung during the Orthros, known as the service of the Laudes in Western English churches. The kontakion was sung in a syllabic style. There are eighteen to twenty-four stanzas contained in the kontakion, all of which follow traditional musical formulae. The first stanza in the set, the heirmos, sets the cantillational melody which every other stanza follows with extremely limited musical liberty, for all the stanzas have the same meter as the heirmos. Consequently, any but the most conservative musical alteration would result in a notable mispronunciation of a word in the text, or an error in the well-known melody of the heirmos
the task, then, of the church artist or musician is not self-expression, not creation that reflects individual, personal feelings, attitudes, and principles, but "the comprehension and reproduction of heavenly songs, the re-creation of divine images that were transmitted by means of ancient religious archetypes" |
Kontaktabzug | (German m.) contact print [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Kontaktmikrophon | (German n.) contact microphone |
Kontingo | (Gambia) the Mandinka 5-string version of the West African lute, also known as xalam, halam, ngoni and koni |
Kontra | see contra |
Kontinuo | (German m.) continuo |
Kontoeingang | (German m.) credit to account |
Kontra | Michael Zapf writes "Hungarians make a distinction between the normal 4-string viola (bracs, pronounced 'brotsch') and the 3-string viola
(called kontra or contra) which when referring to the tuning is called the zsido bracs (literally, the 'Jewish viola'). The role of the kontra can be performed by a violin" |
Kontraalt | (German m.) contralto |
kontra-altto | (Finnish) contralto |
Kontrabass (s.), Kontrabässe (pl.) | (German m.) double-bass, bass, contrabbasso (Italian), contrebasse (French), contre-bass (French) |
Kontrabaßist (m.), Kontrabaßistin (f.) | (German) double-bass player, bass player |
Kontrabassklarinette | (German f.) contrabass clarinet, clarinetto contrabbasso (Italian m.), clarinette contrebasse (French f.) |
Kontrabasskonzert | (German n.) contrabass concerto |
Kontrabassposaune | (German f.) trombone contrebasse (French m.) contrabass trombone, double-bass trombone, trombone contrabbasso (Italian m.), trombón contrabajo (Spanish m.) |
Kontrabassspiel | (German n.) contrabass playing |
Kontrabasstuba | (German f.) double-bass saxhorn, tuba contrabbasso (Italian f.), contrebasse à pistons (French f.), saxhorn contrebasse (French m.), tuba contrabajo (Spanish m.), saxhorn contrabajo (Spanish m.) |
Kontrafagott | (German n.) double bassoon, contrabassoon, contrafagotto (Italian m.), contrebasson (French m.), contrafagote (Spanish m.) |
Kontrafaktur | (German f.) contrafactum |
Kontra-Oktave | (German f.) see 'octave' |
Kontrapunkt | (German m., Danish, Swedish) counterpoint |
Kontrapunkti | (Finnish) counterpoint |
kontrapunktisch | (German) contrapuntal |
Kontrapunktlehrer | (German m.) teacher of counterpoint |
Kontrasubjekt | (German n.) countersubject |
Kontratanz | (German m.) Kontretanz |
Kontratenor | (German m., Danish, Swedish) countertenor |
Kontratenori | (Finnish) countertenor |
Kontretanz | (German m.) a country dance derived from the French contredance which in turn came from the English 'country dance' |
Kontrollabteilung | (German f.) inspection department |
kontroverse Frage | (German f.) contentious issue |
Konturenstift | (German m.) lipliner pencil |
Konustrommel | (German f.) conical drum |
Konvalen | or calinda, a Guadeloupean art of stick-fighting |
Konversationslexikon | (German n.) encyclopedia |
Konzentrat | (German n.) concentrate |
Konzentration | (German f.) concentration |
Konzentrationsfähigkeit | (German f.) power of concentration |
Konzentrationsmangel | (German m.) lack of concentration |
Konzentrationsschwäche | (German f.) lack of concentration |
Konzert | (German n.) concert, recital |
(German n.) concerto |
konzertant | (German) concertante |
Konzertband | (German n.) concert band |
Konzertbesucher | (German m.) concert-goer |
Konzertflügel | (German m.) concert grand |
Konzerthalle | (German f.) concert hall, sala da concerto (Italian), sala da concerti (Italian), Konzertsaal (German m.), salle de concert (French f.), sala de conciertos (Spanish) |
Konzertina | Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann (1805-1864) discovered that free-reeds could be played both soft and loud without affecting the pitch of the sound. In 1822 he constructed a 'free reed' instrument with hand operated bellows, valves to aid compression, and buttons to operate the reeds. This was the Hand-Aeoline, the first prototype of the 'accordion', which Buschmann himself called Konzertina |
Konzertkartenpreis | (German m.) price of a ticket to a concert |
Konzertmeister (m.), Konzertmeisterin (f.) | (German) concertmaster |
Konzertpause | (German f.) intermission (in a concert) |
Konzertreise | (German f.) concert tour |
Konzertsaal | (German m.) concert hall, sala da concerto (Italian), sala da concerti (Italian), Konzerthalle (German f.), salle de concert (French f.), sala de conciertos (Spanish) |
Konzertsaison | (German f.) concert season |
Konzertsänger (m.), Konzertsängerin (f.) | (German) concert singer (as distinct from an opera, theatre or church singer) |
Konzertstück | (German n.) concertino , an informal 'concert piece' designed to display the virtuosity of the performers, usually in one movement, for solo instruments and orchestra, Konzertstück, Op. 79 by Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826) |
Kooauau | (Maori) end-blown flute |
Koodiyattam | alternative transliteration of kootiyattom |
Koole | after Arend Johannes Christiaan Koole, the cataloguer of music by Pietro Antonio Locatelli (1695-1764) |
Koor | (Dutch) choir, chorus |
Koordirigent | (Dutch) choral director, choirmaster |
Koothu | a socio-religious art performed in the Koothambalam or the Koothuthara of temples, either independently or as part of kootiyattam. It is a solo narrative performance interspersed with mime and comic interludes |
- Koothu from which this extract has been taken
Kootiyattam | (kootiyattam literally means 'acting together') the earliest classical dramatic art form of Kerala, in Southern India. Based on Natyasasthra written by Sage Bharatha, who lived in the second century, kootiyattam evolved in the ninth century AD. Kootiyattam is enacted inside the temple theatre: there are two or more characters onstage at the same time, with the Chakkiars providing the male cast and the Nangiars playing the female roles. The Nangiars beat the cymbals and recite verses in Sanskrit, while in the background Nambiars play the mizhavu, a large copper drum |
Kopanitsa | see 'Balkan folk dance' |
Kopeck | (English, French m., Italian m.) also copeco (Italian m.), or copeck, a Russian monetary unit (100 kopecks equal 1 ruble) |
je n'ai plus un kopeck (French: I haven't got a sou - equivalent to the English expression, 'I haven't got a brass farthing') |
Koperblazers | (Dutch) brass |
koperblazers Orkest | (Dutch) brass band |
Koper-instrument | (Dutch) brass instrument |
Kopf | (German m.) head |
(German m.) or Schnecke (German f.), testa (Italian f.) or riccio (Italian m.), tête (la volute et le cheviller) (French f.), the scroll, that part of the violin, etc. where ornmental carving is normally found. On the violin and related stringed instruments it lies at the end of the neck just above the pegbox |
Kopf an Kopf | (German m.) shoulder to shoulder |
Kopfhöer | (German m.) headphone |
Kopfstimme | (German f.) head voice, falsetto, voce di testa |
Kopfstück | (German n.) head joint |
Kopfstück mit Schnabel | (German n.) head joint with beak |
kopfüber | (German) headlong (as in 'rush headlong') |
Kopfzeile (s.), Kopfzeilen (pl.) | (German f.) header (text that appears at the top of each page of a score, etc.) |
Kopie | (German f.) copy |
Kopiefolie | (German f.) overhead transparency |
Kopierstift | (German m.) or Tintenstift (German m.), indelible pencil |
Kopist (m.), Kopistin (f.) | (German) copyist |
Kopje | (Dutch) a small rounded hill in South Africa |
Koppel | (German f., literally 'coupler') the mechanical combination of different voices of the organ, as in Basskoppel, Melodiekoppel, Manualkoppel and Pedalkoppel. As a rule, coupling links a louder sound to a weaker one to produce a stronger combination tone, or engage the pipes usually linked to one keyboard (or the pedalboard) so that they can be played on another |
Koppel ab | (German) off coupler |
Koppel an | (German) on coupler |
Kopstem | (Dutch) falsetto, head voice |
koptische Gesang | (German m.) Coptic chant [entry by Michael Zapf] |
koptischer Gesang | (German m.) Coptic chant [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Kopuz | a Central Asian Turkic short lute. The term kopuz has long been used to mean 'instrument' in Central Asia, and is today used to represent instruments that may or may not resemble one another, and appears in different Turkish dialects as komis, kobuz, kobiz, kubuz etc. What is presently referred to as the kobuz has survived in very different form among Turkish communities in Central, Western and Northern Asia |
the same instrument, called the kobuz, has a long history of use in Hungary. It is not known if it was this instrument, described as a lyre by the Csángós, is the same as that used in the 16th to 18th centuries. According to French tradition, after the battle between the combined Roman and Visigoth forces and the Huns at Catalaunum (Chalons sur Marne, nr Reims), one-thousand 'lyre' players accompanied the dead Huns to their graves. This made such an impression on the French, that in this single village they have continued to play the koboz since the time of Attila, who died in 453 AD |
- Kopuz from which this extract has been taken
Kor (s.), Köe (pl.) | (German) choir, chorus |
Kora | a West-African harp-lute with strings numbering from 7 (as on most traditional instruments) to 21 (on the instrument of the Gambian griot Madi Woulendi). It is popular throughout Gambia, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Mali. It has a skin stretched across a large half-calabash (gourd), a wooden neck and gut or nylon fishwire strings stretched across a tall bridge. It is played in a similar way to a harp. The Gambia has more kora players than Mali, Guinea and Senegal. In these countries they sometimes use the French spelling cora |
Koraal | (Dutch) chorale |
Koraalzang | (Dutch) choral song |
Koran | (English, French m.) Muslim scripture |
Kore (s.), Korai (pl.) | (Greek) a statue of a young girl |
Korean court music | modern orchestral Korean court music began its development with the beginning of the Choson Dynasty in 1392 |
there are four kinds of Korean court music: |
aak | an imported form of Chinese ritual music |
hyangak | a pure Korean form of ritual music |
tangak | ritual music that has a combination of Chinese and Korean influences |
chongak | a genre of aristocratic chamber music |
Korean dance | |
Korean hip hop | |
Korean music | Korea is rich in musical culture, and its music is distinctive despite tremendous influences from China. The same is true for Japanese music despite Korean influence. Evidence of these influences can presently be found in the existence of Koreanized-Chinese music called tang-ak in Korea and of Japanized-Korean music called komagaku in Japan. The Korean term tang-ak literally means music from T'ang Dynasty China. Similarly the Japanese term komagaku signifies music from the Koryo Dynasty in Korea. Korean traditional music can be roughly divided into two major categories, chong-ak and sog-ak: music for the ruling class and for the common people |
Korean temple block | see 'temple block' |
Korintsana | Malagasy rattle or shaker, usually made from either a sealed bamboo tube or a tin can on a stick, filled with dried beans |
Koriste | (French m./f.) player of the kora |
Kork | (German m.) cork |
Korkea miesääni | (Finnish) tenor voice |
Korkea naisääni | (Finnish) soprano voice |
Kornett | (German n.) the modern cornet is called cornet (English, French m.), cornetta (Italian f.) or cornetín (Spanish m.) |
the early wooden cornet is called Zink (German m.), cornetto (Italian m.) or cornet à bouquin (French m.) |
Korng tauch | small Cambodian gong circle |
Korng thomm | large Cambodian gong circle |
Kóróhegedü | (Hungarian, sunflower stalk violin) with a body is made of 40-50 cm long sunflower stalks, an a twig acting as pegs, the bow a bent rod, and the strings and bow-hair made of stripped fibres of sunflower stalks, it is possible to play simple tunes on this primitive violin |
Korostus | (Finnish) accent |
Korotusmerkki |  | (Finnish) a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
Körperbehinderte | (German m.) a disabled person |
körpergerecht | (German) body-flattering |
Körpergewicht | (German n.) weight of the body |
körperliche Bewegung | (German f.) physical exercise |
körperliche Stöung | (German f.) disorder |
Körpermerkmal | (German n.) a birth-mark |
Körperpuder | (German m.) talcum power |
Körperschaden | (German m.) disability |
Körpertemperatur | (German f.) boy temperature |
Korpus | (German n.) body |
coffre (French m.), cassa (armonica) (Italian f.), body of a musical instrument |
Korrektor | (German m.) proof-reader |
Korrektur | (German f.) correction |
Korrekturabzug | (German m.) a (printer's) proof |
Korrekturbogen | (German m.) a (printer's) proof |
Korrekturfahne | (German m.) a galleyproof (typography) |
Korrepetitor (m.), Korrepetitorin (f.) | (German) a coach (particularly of singers) |
Korrespondenz | (German f.) correspondence |
korrigering | (Swedish) correction |
korrigert | (Norwegian) corrected |
korrigieren | (German) to correct |
korrigiert | (German) corrected |
korrigiertes Druckexemplar | (German n.) corrected or altered print edition |
Korsförtecken |  | (Swedish) a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
Kortholt | short German Renaissance reed instrument |
kort Melodietje | (Dutch) lick |
Koru | (Finnish) ornament |
Korukuvio | (Finnish) turn (ornament) |
Korunuotit | (Finnish) grace notes |
Korvinkuultava ero äänenkorkeudessa | (Finnish) comma |
Koryaga | a one stringed instrument with a string fixed on a curved branch of a tree. The sound is made by a violin bow or plucked, and the notes are changed with the use of a wire bent over the branches' ends. It was created at the end of the twentieth century by Moscow designer Uri Balashov |
Koryphaeus | (Greek) chief, or leader of the dancers |
Korzenn | (Breton) reed |
kosackisch | (German) in a Cossack style |
Kosackischer Tanz | (German m.) Cossack dance |
Kosake | a national dance of the Cossaks |
Kosha kosha | rattle from Mozambique |
Kosher | (Hebrew) (food) prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws |
the word has entered the English language, meaning 'right' or 'correct', which is its literally meaning in Hebrew |
Koshik | an ancient Uzbeck percussion instrument, made of wood of a mulberry, apricot or juniper tree and resembled two pairs of spoons. It is interesting that even nowadays in the valleys of Surkhandarya province women accompany their dances by tapping painted wooden spoons |
Kosh-nagora | an Uzbeck double drum which consists of two baked clay pots-resonators with their wide open mouths being covered with tight leather membrane |
kosmetische Operation | (German f.) cosmetic surgery |
kosmopolitisch | (German) cosmopolitan |
Kostenka | (German) a type of Serbian dance |
köstliches Buch | (German n.) delightful book |
kostnadsfri | (Swedish) free (as in 'free sample') |
Kostüm | (German n.) costume (in theatre or opera) |
Kotak | (Javanese) a rectangular chest in which wayang puppets and other props are kept, on top of which, and attached to it, are small wooden or metal plates called keprak or kekrek, which are used to provide various sound effects. The inside of the chest may be tapped with a small horn, cempala, or a wooden hammer, tabuh keprak, to guide the gamelan orchestra |
Kotekan | a style of playing fast interlocking parts in most varieties of Balinese gamelan music that is in many ways similar to hocket in medieval music or imban in Javanese gamelan |
Kothorni | (Greek) elegantly laced boots worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedy |
Koto | (English German n.) a 13-string Japanese zither of Chinese origin. It is the longest of the long zithers of East Asia, about 1.8 metres (6 feet) long. The instrument is laid horizontally with waxed silken strings stretched tightly over movable bridges along the length of the instrument. The koto is plucked using ivory picks called tsumen |
Kotoba | (Japanese) recitation |
Kotsari | a Greek dance originally from the Kars region of Pontos, which is now in Turkey |
Kotsuzumi | small Japanese hand drum |
Kottabos | a rowdy Greek drinking game |
Koudi | (China) a horizontal pipe in which the player covers the openings at both ends of the tube with his thumbs and directs his breath into the mouth hole in the centre. It is mainly used as a solo instrument to imitate bird song |
Kouglof | (French m.) Kugelhopf, Kugelhupf, Gugelhopf, Gugelhupf are southern German, Austrian, Swiss and Alsatian terms for a particular type of cake traditionally baked in a special fluted ring mold |
Koumpaneia | a Turkish-inspired musical genre that is popular among Greek Roma and Jews (the latter being some of the most popular performers before World War 2) |
Kouqin | (Mandarin Chinese, literally 'mouth instrument') the generic name for the Jew's harp |
Kouros (s.), Kouroi (pl.) | (Greek) a statue of a boy or of a young man |
Kouseftos | a Thracian dance, whose name is derived from kousevo ('to run' in the Thracian language), performed, not in a circle, but in the form of a labyrinth |
Kouta | (Japanese, literally 'small song') so called to distinguish them from the more formal o-uta used in the ceremonies of the imperial court, kouta were popular songs which have survivied in written form from the sixteenth century. They were sung to the rhythm of a closed fan. Songs in the printed collections also spread and developed into a number of typical Edo period singing styles like Nagebushi |
Koutirnba | one of the drums in a Mandingo serouba ensemble |
see serouba |
Koutirnding | one of the drums in a Mandingo serouba ensemble |
see serouba |
Koweit | (French m.) Kuwait (a country of the northeast Arabian Peninsula at the head of the Persian Gulf) |
Koweitien (m.), Koweitienne (f.) | (French) a native or inhabitant of Kuwait |
koweitien (m.), koweitienne (f.) | (French) of or pertaining to Kuwait |
Kowtow | (Chinese) or kotow (which is a more accurate representation of the Chinese form), to bow deeply so that the forehead strikes the ground in token of submission to a superior, a display of obsequiousness |
Koyemsi | (Native American Hopi Tribe) the Koyemsi is a Hopi sacred clown. He is also commonly known as the Mudhead, who portrays several personalities. He can be a leader, spokesman, clown, singer, dancer, and can dress like other katsinam and accurately portray them |
- Jester from which this extract has been taken
Kozatus | (Croatia) a folk dance with energetic jumps, found in the northern part of Croatia |
Kozuka | (Japanese) a knife carried in the scabbard of a sword |