music dictionary : Hao - Hd 

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Haolaibao(Mongolian) also called haolibao, a singing and storytelling form of quyi popular with the Mongolian people which dates back to the twelfth century. The singers accompany themselves on the sihu (a four-stringed musical instrument)
HaotongChinese trumpet
Hapax legomenon (s.), Hapax legomena (pl.)(Greek) a word or expression of which there is only one example in the surviving records of a language. The word's rarity makes it difficult for modern scholars to figure out its meaning by context
haphephob(German) haphephobic, haphophobic
Haphephobiaalso known as aphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, haptophobia or thixophobia, a morbid fear of being touched
Haphephobie(German f.) haphephobia, haphophobia
Happa-happa(German n.) din-din (baby talk)
Häppchen (s.), Häppchen (pl.)(German n.) bit, niblet (small piece of food), nibble, morsel
häppchenweise(German) bit by bit
Happen(German m.) morsel, bite, nibble, morceau (tiny piece)
Happening(English, German n.) composer John Cage (1912-1992) was at Black Mountain College, near Asheville, North Carolina, USA, for the summer sessions of 1948, 1952, and 1953. During the 1952 session he worked with Merce Cunningham, M.C. Richards, Robert Rauschenberg, and David Tudor to produce a mixed media theatrical event, which has become known as The Happening. This term is now applied generally to multimedia events, for example, those organised by members of Fluxus
happig(German) steep (colloquial: bill, price, rent, etc.), hefty
Happycorea variety of swift, hard trance music
Happy End(German n.) happy ending
Happyend(German n.) happy ending
Happy hardcorea form of dance music typified by a very fast BPM (usually around 165-180), female vocals, and saccharine lyrics. Its characteristically 4/4 beat "happy" sound distinguishes it from most other forms of breakbeat hardcore, which tend to be darker
HapsburgsAnglicised name for the House of Habsburg, sometimes referred to as the House of Austria, which was one of the most important royal houses of Europe and is best known for being an origin of all of the formally elected Holy Roman Emperors between 1438 and 1740, as well as rulers of the Austrian and Spanish Empires and several other countries. Originally from Switzerland, the dynasty first reigned in Austria, which they ruled for over six centuries. A series of dynastic marriages brought Burgundy, Spain, Bohemia, Hungary, and other territories into the inheritance. In the 16th century, the family separated into the senior Habsburg Spain and the junior Habsburg Austrian branches, who settled their mutual claims in the Oñate treaty
haptephob(German) haptephobic
Haptephobiaalso known as aphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haphephobia, haptophobia or thixophobia, a morbid fear of being touched
Haptephobie(German f.) haptephobia, haptophobia
Haptictactile, of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch
Haptik(German f.) haptic, surface feel
haptisch(German) haptic
Haptonastie(German f.) haptonasty
haptonastisch(German) haptonastic
Haptonastythe growth movement of a plant in response to a touch or contact stimulus (as in a Venus fly-trap)
Haptophobiaalso known as aphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haphephobia, haptephobia or thixophobia, a morbid fear of being touched
Haptophobie(German f.) haptophobia, haptephobia
Haptotropismthe movement of parts of a plant (especially tendrils) in response to a touch stimulus
Haptotropismus(German m.) haptotropism
Harakiri(German n.) hara-kiri
Hara-kiri(Japanese) or seppuku, ritual suicide
in Japanese, hara-kiri is a colloquialism, seppuku being the more formal term. Samurai (and modern adherents of bushido) would use seppuku, whereas ordinary Japanese (who in feudal times as well as today looked askance at the practice) would use hara-kiri. Hara-kiri is the more common term in English, where it is often mistakenly rendered hari-kari
jigai was a traditional method of ritual suicide for women in Japan (for example, that of Cio-Cio-San (Madame Butterfly)). Although the term literally means 'self damage' and in principle can refer to suicide in general, in practice it normally refers to the ritual suicide of women by the cutting of the jugular vein with a tanto (6-12 inch knife) or kaiken (6 inch knife). Often, they would be hidden prior within the sash of their kimono. Cio-Cio-San uses her father's dagger - the weapon with which he committed suicide - and reads its inscription: "To die with honour, when one can no longer live with honour." She takes the sword and a white scarf behind a screen, and emerges a moment later with the scarf wrapped round her throat
  • Jigai from which the relevant comment has been taken
  • Seppuku from which the relevant comment has been taken
Harakiri begehen(German) to commit hara-kiri
Harald(German m.) Harold
Haraldstrompete(German f.) herald's trumpet
Harass(German m. - Switzerland) box (wooden crate)
Härchen(German n.) a small hair, little hair, tiny hair
Hardanger fiddleHaardingfele (Italian), Hardanger Fiedel (German), violon de Hardanger (French), a Norwegian folk fiddle with 4 strings above the fingerboard and 4 or 5 sympathetic strings below, the fingerboard being narrower and shorter than the standard violin
Hardanger Fiedel(German f.) Hardanger fiddle, Haardingfele (Italian), violon de Hardanger (French)
Hardarta musical instruent invented by Peter Schickele which consists of a variety of tone-generating devices mounted on the frame of an Automat (a coin-operated food dispenser). It is used in the Concerto for Horn and Hardart, a play on the name of proprietors Horn & Hardart, who pioneered the North American use of the Automat
Hardbackor hardcover, a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers
Hardbasssee 'Hardstyle'
Hard bopthe style of the late 50s, engineered by Horace Silver, Art Blakey, etc. Still essentially 'bebop', the style used hard-driving rhythmic feel and vehement, biting lines and harmony drenched with urban blues, rhythm 'n blues and gospel. Original compositions were stressed over the old standards used in 'bebop', ranging from simple riff-based blues to elaborate compositions, sometimes using whole-tone scales. Hard bop had a black, street flavor - a reaction, in part, to the intellectuality of the Cool School
Hardcopy(English, German f.) in information handling, a hard copy is a permanent reproduction, or copy, in the form of a physical object, of any media suitable for direct use by a person (in particular paper), of displayed or transmitted data
Hardcorehardcore (sometimes 'ardcore) is a term that has been used to describe a variety of related electronic dance music styles over almost two decades. While the term "hardcore" was first used in a musical genre title with the emergence of hardcore punk in the late 1970s, it was also used in the early 1990s in reference to both hardcore techno, an intensified and harsh form of techno that emerged from the United States and the Netherlands, and breakbeat hardcore, which emerged in the UK from acid house and breakbeat
see 'hardcore punk'
Hardcore dancinga form of 'mosh' (or 'slamdancing'), an activity performed in a 'mosh' pit at hardcore music shows. Generally the dancing is done to certain visceral parts of hardcore songs specially written to make the audience move around. Common names for these parts are "breakdowns", "beatdowns", and "two-steps"
Hardcore Emoa style of music that existed primarily in the early-mid 90s, also known as "chaotic emo"
Hardcore punkor hardcore, a faster and heavier version of 'punk rock' usually characterized by short, loud, and often passionate songs with exceptionally fast tempos and chord changes
Hardcore technoa kind of techno music typified by fast repetitive beats, often with a compressed kick-drum
Hardcore trancea hybrid of 'trance' music and 'happy hardcore' with 'house' elements. The style focuses largly on fast 4/4 beats with uplifting leads, looped vocals (often sampled from cult films) and extended builds leading to frantic crescendos, before 'dropping the beat'
Hardcover(German n.) hardcover edition, hardback edition
Hard Cover(German n.) hardcover edition, hardback edition
Hardcover-Ausgabe(German f.) hardcover edition, hardback edition
Harddisk (s.), Harddisks (pl.)(German f.) hard disk
Hard diska rigid magnetic disk fixed permanently within a drive unit and used for storing computer data
Hard gospela new style of singing 'Negro spirituals' that largely eclipsed jubilee singing by the 1950s, a more improvisational and fervent style of a cappella quartet singing
Hard hexachordsee 'hexachord'
Hard housea style of electronic music that evolved from mixing techno and house music in the 1990s. Hard house is typified by a set formula of up-tempo compressed kick drums, signature acid house style basslines and the use of 'hoover' type sounds. Generally hard house is part of a wider group of styles called hard dance and has little in common with the modern techno or house scenes
  • Hard house from which this extract has been taken
hardi(French, literally 'rash') daring, bold, impudent, ardito
"Brave, valiant, courageous .... Also means impudent, saucy. ... Is sometimes simply the opposite of modest. ... Also sometimes means assured, firm, and is especially said about the hand: "That writer has a hand that is hardi, that lutenist's hand is hardi, his playing is fort and brilliant." - Furetière (1690)
Hardiesse(French f.) boldness, daring, the quality of someone who is hardi
hardiment(French, literally 'rash') boldly, freely without hesitating, firmly
Hardingfelesee 'Hardanger fiddle'
Hardingfelasee 'Hardanger fiddle'
Hardkey(German m.) hard key
Hard keya hard key is a button associated with a single fixed function or a fixed set of functions, while a soft key is a button flexibly programmable to invoke any of a number of functions
Hardlinefirm and uncompromising
Hardliner(English, German m.) or hard-liner, a person who is hardline in his opinions
Hard of hearingduro d'orecchi (Italian), schwerhörig (German), dur d'oreille (French), duro de oído (Spanish)
Hard rock(English, Hardrock (German m.), Hard Rock (German m.)) or heavy rock, a form of rock and roll music which finds its closest roots in early 1960's garage rock
  • Hard rock from which this extract has been taken
Hard shuffle(or 'hard swing') in jazz, the augmentation of the first and diminution of the second of a pair of even notes such that the ratio of their lengths is 2:1 is called 'shuffle' or 'swing'. If the effect is exaggerated, so that the ratio become 3:1, the result is called 'hard shuffle'
Hardstepa drum and bass subgenre which emerged in 1996 and is characterized by fast speed beats, steelhard breaks, and thumping bass lines
  • Hardstep from which this extract has been taken
Hardstylesometimes referred to as hardbass, a sub-genre of trance music that is closely related to nu style gabber and hard trance
  • Hardstyle from which this extract has been taken
Hard swingsee 'hard shuffle'
Hard taila term used to describe an electric guitar without a vibrato bridge
Hardtop(English) indoor movie theatre (colloquial)
(English, German m./n.) sports sedan (US)
Hard tranceor Hardcore Trance, an aggressive sounding subgenre of trance music. Originating in Frankfurt, hard trance incorporates influences from hardcore techno and euro house
Hard turninga single-point machining process, carried out on a lathe, on materials having a Rockwell C hardness greater than 45, typically performed after parts have been heat treated
Hardware(English) on the guitar, the term is applied to the different parts including jacks, bridge, tuners, and so on
(English, German f.) all those parts of a computer except the software (i.e. programs)
Hardwarebauteil(German m.) hardware component
Hardwareentwicklungsingenieur(German m.) hardware design engineer
Hardwarefehler(German m.) hardware fault
Hardware-Fehler(German m.) hardware failure
Hardwarehochrüstung(German f.) hardware upgrade
Hardware-Hochrüstung(German f.) hardware upgrade
Hardwareinstallation(German f.) hardware installation
Hardwarekompatibilität(German f.) hardware compatibility
Hardware-Kompatibilität(German f.) hardware compatibility, equipment compatibility
hardwareverträglich(German) hardware compatible
Hardwarezusätze(German pl.) additional hardware
Harem(English, German m., Italian m., Arabic) the part of the household forbidden to male strangers. The world knows the harem by way of the Ottoman Empire. The word itself means privacy that is very respected and honoured. In Western languages such as English, this term refers collectively to the women in any polygynous household as well as to the "no men allowed" area, or in more modern usage to a number of women followers or admirers of a man. In other Western languages, the term seraglio - from an Italian variant of Persian saraay, meaning 'palace, enclosed courts' - has much the same connotation
  • Harem from which this extract has been taken
Harem pantsloose fitting trousers tied or gathered at the ankle, very popular in Turkish dress and 'belly dancing'
Haremsdame(German f.) lady of the harem
Haremsfrau(German f.) harem woman, odalisque
Haremshose(German f.) harem pants, harem trousers
Haremsmädchen(German n.) harem girl
Haremswächter(German m.) harem guard
hären(German) (made) of hair
härenes Gewand(German n.) hair shirt
härenes Hemd(German n.) cilice, haircloth
Häresiarch(German m.) heresiarch
Häresie (s.), Häresien (pl.)(German f.) heresy
Häresiographie(German f.) heresiography
Häresiologie(German f.) heresiology
häresiologisch(German) heresiological
Häretiker (m.), Häretikerin (f.), Häretiker (pl.)(German) heretic
häretisch(German) heretical, heretic, heretically
Harfe (s.), Harfen (pl.)(German f.) harp, arpa (Italian f., Spanish f.), harpe (French f.)
Harfenbass(German m.) an arpeggiated bass, for example, an Alberti bass
Harfener(German m.) harpist
Harfenett(German n.) a small harp
harfenförmig(German) harp-shaped
Harfenist (m.), Harfenistin (f.)(German) harpist
Harfenklang(German m.) sound of a harp, sound of the harp
Harfen-saite(German) harp string
Harfensockel(German m.) pedestal
Harfenspiel(German n.) harp playing
Harfenspieler (m.), Harfenspielerin (f.)(German) harpist, harp player, player of the harp
Harfen-spieler(German) harpist
Harfenzug(German m.) harp, harp stop (for example, on a harpsichord)
Harfne citre(Slovenia) harp zither
Harfner (s.), Harfnerin (f.)(German) harper, harpist
Harfnerlieder(German pl.) harpist's songs (ancient Egyptian literary genre)
Haricot(French m.) bean
Haricot vert(French m.) French bean, string bean
Harijan(literally 'child of God') a term coined by Gandhi for Dalits (untouchables), which is now considered patronising
  • Harijan from which this extract has been taken
Härjedalspipawooden whistle from Härjedalen, a county about 300km north of Stockholm
[information supplied by Tore Hellström]
Harke (s.), Harken (pl.)(German f.) rake
harken(German) to rake
harkend(German) raking
Harlekin(German m.) harlequin (character)
Harlekinade(German f.) harlequinade
Harlem Renaissanceor the 'New Negro Movement', named after the term used in the anthology The New Negro, edited by Alain Locke and published in 1925. Centred in the Harlem neighbourhood of New York City, the movement impacted urban centres throughout the United States. Across the cultural spectrum (literature, drama, music, visual art, dance) and also in the realm of social thought (sociology, historiography, philosophy), artists and intellectuals found new ways to explore the historical experiences of black America and the contemporary experiences of black life in the urban North. Challenging white paternalism and racism, African-American artists and intellectuals rejected imitating the styles of Europeans and white Americans, and instead celebrated black dignity and creativity. Asserting their freedom to express themselves on their own terms, they explored their identities as black Americans, celebrating the black culture that had emerged out of slavery, as well as cultural ties to Africa
Harlequina clown or buffoon (after the Harlequin character in the commedia dell'arte)
variegate with spots or marks (for example, the harlequin ladybird)
Harlequinadethat part of a play or pantomime in which the Harlequin and the clown play leading parts, but now come to mean foolish or comic pranks
Harmabbreviation of Harmonium (German: harmonium)
Harm(German m. - dated) grief
Harmagedon(German n.) Armageddon
Harmattan(English, German m., from Fanti) a dry land wind that blows on the coast of West Africa between December and February, filling the air with reddish dust
harm. gliss.abbreviated form of 'harmonic glissando'
Harmolodicsa term coined by saxophonist Ornette Coleman (born 1930) for the theory that melody, harmony and rhythm should have equal importance in collective improvisation, so that any group member, at any stage in the improvisation, might play a harmonic, rhythmic or melodic role
harmlos(German) harmless, harmlessly, innocuous, innocuously, inoffensive, unoffending, unoffendingly, benign, inoffensively, innocent, innoxious, naive, non-threatening, guileless
harmlose Freizeitbeschäftigung(German f.) inoffensive pastime
harmlose Lüge(German f.) white lie
harmlose Methode(German f.) harmless method
harmlose Schlangen(German pl.) harmless snakes
harmloser(German) more harmless
harmloses Heilmittel(German n.) innoxious remedy
harmloses Tier(German n.) inoffensive animal
harmloseste(German) most harmless
Harmlosigkeit(German f.) harmlessness, inoffensiveness
Harmon-Dämpfer(German m.) Harmon® mute
Harmonia(Greek, Latin, Italian, Finnish) harmony
harmoniajärjestelmä(Finnish) functional harmony
Harmonicarmonica (Italian), harmonisch (German), harmonique (French), relating to harmony, for example, harmonic minor scale, and to the theory and practice of harmony
or harmonics, suoni armonici (Italian pl.), Übertöne (German pl.), sons harmoniques (French pl.), a series of notes, called partials that accompany the fundamental (prime tone, generator) when it is produced with a string, a pipe, the human voice, etc. The fundamental frequency is called 'first harmonic', the 'first partial' or the 'first mode'. If all the partials are harmonic then the numbering of the harmonics matches that of the partials. On a string, harmonics can be produced by lightly stopping it at various points along its length
there is a lack of consistency in the use of the terms 'natural harmonics' and 'artifical harmonics'. Many writers distinguish between the harmonics present in any note, the contribution of which gives a note its particular character (which they call 'natural' because to some degree they are a feature of any note and are therefore part of the 'nature of the note'), and those which have to be produced by the intervention of the performer (for example, by the careful placing of a finger on a vibrating string, in order to stiffle particular harmonics while allowing the presence of others, thereby causing a change in the pitch of the resultant note), which they term 'artificial' because the string is no longer vibrating in its natural modes. Other writers make no distinction and use both terms synonymously.
Harmonicaor glass harmonica, a set of glass bowls set horizontally to rotate in a water filled chamber where the sound is generated by touching lightly the edge of one of the bowls with a wettened finger (musical glasses)
or glass dulcimer, a glockenspiel with strips or plates of glass rather than strings
(English, French m.) also known, among other things, as a 'mouth organ', 'French harp', 'tin sandwich', 'blues harp', simply 'harp', 'Mississippi saxophone', Mundharmonika (German f). The prototype of the harmonica was undoubtedly the work of Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann (1805-1864) son of the maker of the Terpodion, another 'free-reed' instrument. In 1821 he constructed a small mouth-blown instrument of 15 reeds as an aid to tuning. He discovered that the free-reeds could be played both soft and loud without affecting the pitch of the sound, and he proceeded to make an improved model, called the Aura, which he described in a letter in 1828 as being suitable for melodic playing accompanied by the Terpodion
see 'chromatic harmonica'
Harmônica(Portuguese f.) harmonic
Harmonica à bouche(French f.) mouth organ, harmonica
Harmonica à clavier(French f.) keyed harmonica, melodica
Harmonica-ätherisch(German) in German organs, a mixture stop of very delicate scale
Harmonic accompanimentmusic, usually chordal, played to accompany a melody line
Harmonica de bois(French f.) xylophone, xilofono (Italian m.), Xylophon (German n.), xylophone (French m.), xilófono (Spanish m.), xilofón (Spanish m.)
Harmonica de verre(French f.) a glass harmonica
Harmonic cadencecadencia (armónica) (Spanish), cadenza (armonica) (Italian), cadence harmonique (French), Schlusskadenz (German)
see 'cadence (harmonic)'
Harmonic curvecurva della meccanica (Italian f.), Mechanikbogen (German m.), console (French f. - neck, of a harp), the particular shape of the neck of the harp, or of the bridge on a piano or harpsichord, which is determined by the length and gauge of the strings required for each note as well as the string material being used, and the disposition of tension on the bridge, and through it, on the soundboard, that the designer believes will give the instrument the tonal characteristics desired
Harmonic divisionZarlino's theory of harmony, Istituzioni harmoniche (1558), is based partly on comparing two sequences, one harmonic or geometric (indicated by the fractions 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1) and the other arithmetic (indicated by the fractions 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6=1). The harmonic sequence (divisio harmonica) produces the natural harmonics and particularly the major triad, while the former (divisio arithmetica) gives the notes of a minor triad
Harmonicelloa baritone string instrument with five playing strings made of gut and ten sympathetic strings made of metal
Harmonic figurationbroken chords
Harmonic flutesee 'harmonic stop'
Harmonic forma reference to one of the forms of the minor scale, namely 'the harmonic minor scale'
Harmonic functiontraditional harmonic theory holds that chords have 'functions'. These functions are believed to spring from the idea of a harmonic axis consisting of I and V. The other sonorities, or chords are considered to be substitutes for I or V, or for the IV, called the dominant preparation. The function of I is that of resolution and stability, whereas V represents instability, tension and drive
Harmonic glissandoproduced by sliding the finger lightly over the string rather then pressing the string against the fingerboard (as for a normal glissando). The effect is notated by placing a small o over the notehead and also with the instruction harm. gliss.
Harmonic handsee 'Guidonian hand'
Harmonichordalso known as the piano-violin, violin-piano and the tetrachordon, a keyed-instrument invented by father and son Johann Gottfried and Johann Friedrich Kaufmann in 1810. It resembles a piano in appearance and is played like a piano, but produces a sound like a violin. The sound is produced by the pressure of the keys which sets a revolving wooden cylinder covered with leather, and charged with rosin, in action on the strings
Harmonici(Italian pl.) harmonics
Harmonic intervalthe interval between two notes in a chord
generally, two notes played simultaneously
Harmoniciste(French m./f.) harmonica player
Harmonic legatoa performing device on the piano which Chopin liked to use but which today is largely forgotten
Harmonic markin violin music, a sign (o) placed over a note signifying that a harmonic note is required
Harmonic major scaleharmonic major scale
the harmonic major scale is the same as the major scale, except that the sixth degree, VI, is lowered by a semitone (half step) both when the scale is ascending and when it is descending. It can also be thought of as the harmonic minor scale with the third degree sharpened or as a mode of the inversion of the harmonic minor scale
[corrected by Mat]
Harmonic major thirdthe interval between two notes whose frequencies are in the ratio (5:4)
Harmonic minor scaleharmonic minor scale
the harmonic minor scale is the same as the natural minor scale, except that the leading note, the seventh degree, VII, is raised by a semitone (half step) both when the scale is ascending and when it is descending. An important characteristic of the harmonic minor scale — in contrast to the natural minor — is its inclusion of two sets of chords whose inversions are structurally identical, and hence have ambiguous tonality. These are the diminished seventh chord (found on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th degrees) and the augmented chord (found on the 3rd, 5th and 7th degrees)
a mode consisting of the rising interval sequence T-S-T-T-S-T+S-S (T=tone or whole-step, S=semitone or half-step, T+S=three semitones or half-steps)
Harmonic minor thirdthe interval between two notes whose frequencies are in the ratio (6:5)
Harmonic notesee 'flageolet-tone'
also called 'harmonic tone', a note that is part of the chord that is sounding
Harmônico(Portuguese m.) harmonic, overtone
Harmoniconan orchestrion, a musical instrument consisting of a large barrel-organ, containing, in addition to the ordinary pipes, others to imitate the different wind-instruments, and an apparatus to produce the effects of drums, triangles, cymbals, etc. so that the combined sounds produced the effect of a military band
a harmonica
a keyed harmonica combined with flue stops
Harmonic ostinatosee ostinato
Harmonic overtoneuse of the term overtone is generally confined to acoustic waves, especially in applications related to music. Despite confused usage, an overtone is either a harmonic or a partial. A harmonic (or harmonic overtone) is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. A partial or inharmonic overtone is a non-integer multiple of a fundamental frequency
Harmonic piano pedal
the harmonic pedal give three effects :
"sounding-on" for all the strings, while at the same time the player may use an articulated playing style
a resonance (or sustain) effect usually produced with the classical damper pedal
a sostenuto for notes already played, without compromising the use of the damper pedal when playing other notes
the harmonic pedal allows the "storage" of any notes chosen that are to be kept in resonance. The hand is free to release these notes, and can now play other notes
Harmonic piccolosee 'harmonic stop'
Harmonic progressionthe movement from one chord to another, usually in terms of their function
Harmonic reedsan organ stop, one of the 'harmonic stops'
Harmonic regressionan unconventional sequence of chords that functions in opposition to conventional harmonic theory concepts
Harmonic rhythmthe rate of harmonic change
HarmonicsClaudius Ptolemaeus (c.100-c.178), who we call Ptolemy, wrote an influential work, Harmonics on music theory. After criticizing the approaches of his predecessors, Ptolemy argued for basing musical intervals on mathematical ratios (in contrast to the followers of Aristoxenus) backed up by empirical observation (in contrast to the overly-theoretical approach of the Pythagoreans). He presented his own divisions of the tetrachord and the octave, which he derived with the help of a monochord. Ptolemy's astronomical interests also appeared in a discussion of the music of the spheres
  • Ptolemy from which this extract has been taken
suoni armonici (Italian pl.), Übertöne (German pl.), sons harmoniques (French pl.), the elements of the aural spectrum
there is a lack of consistency in the use of the terms 'natural harmonics' and 'artifical harmonics'. Many writers distinguish between the harmonics present in any note, the contribution of which gives a note its particular character (which they call 'natural' because to some degree they are a feature of any note and are therefore part of the 'nature of the note'), and those which have to be produced by the intervention of the performer (for example, by the careful placing of a finger on a vibrating string, in order to stiffle particular harmonics while allowing the presence of others, thereby causing a change in the pitch of the resultant note), which they term 'artificial' because the string is no longer vibrating in its natural modes. Other writers make no distinction and use both terms synonymously.
the harmonics of a freely vibrating string fixed at both ends - where all the partials and overtones are harmonic
element namealternative nameswavelengthfrequency
fundamental frequency
first harmonic
first partial
first mode
second harmonicsecond partial
second mode
first overtone
third harmonicthird partial
third mode
second overtone
fourth harmonicfourth partial
fourth mode
third overtone
fifth harmonicfifth partial
fifth mode
fourth overtone
nth harmonicnth partial
nth mode
(n-1)th overtone
Harmonics, artificialsee 'artificial harmonics'
Harmonic scalethe succession of harmonic notes
Harmonic seriesan alternative term for the harmonics that derive from a particular fundamental note or tone
Harmonic sequencethe successive repetition of a particular harmonic pattern at a high or lower pitch
Harmonic singingsee 'throat-singing'
Harmonics, naturalsee 'natural harmonics'
Harmonic stopa full-sounding stop invented by the French organ builder Cavaillé Coll, in which organ pipes both flue and reed, twice the ordinary length but pierced mid-way, produce the second harmonic, i.e. one octave higher than the expected fundamental. Two stops of this type are the harmonic flute (8 ft. in length, but sounding as a 4 ft. stop) and the harmonic piccolo (4 ft. in length but sounding as a 2 ft. stop)
Harmonic tonesee 'flageolet-note'
see 'harmonic note'
Harmonic triadthe chord of a note with its third and fifth
Harmonie (s.), Harmonien (German pl.)(French f., German f.) a band of wind, usually woodwind, brass and percussion
(French f., German f.) the wind section of an orchestra
(German f.) in the late eighteenth century, a group of wind players employed on festive occasions or the music played by such a group (also called Harmoniemusik) usually comprising pairs of horns, bassoons, oboes, clarinets plus double bass
(French f., German f., Dutch) harmony, concord
(German f.) chime (figurative)
(German f.) sympathy, reconciliation, harmoniousness, harmony, consonance
Harmonie, cor d'(French f.) French horn without valves
Harmonie de quartes(French f.) quartal harmony
Harmonie de quintes(French f.) quintal harmony
Harmonie der Farben(German f.) harmony of colours
Harmonie der Töne(German f.) consonance of sounds, harmoniousness of sounds
Harmonie de secondes(French f.) secondal harmony
Harmonie de tierces(French f.) tertial harmony
Harmonie en quartes(French f.) quartal harmony
Harmonie en quintes(French f.) quintal harmony
Harmonie en secondes(French f.) secondal harmony
Harmonie en tierces(French f.) tertial harmony
harmoniefremder Ton(German m.) non-harmonic note
Harmonie imitative(French f.) onomatopoeia
Harmonieleer(Dutch) the study of harmony, a treatise on harmony
Harmonielehre(German f.) the study of harmony, a treatise on harmony, (theory of) harmony, harmonics
Harmoniemusik(German f.) a band of woodwind, brass and percussion (usually pairs of horns, bassoons, oboes, clarinets plus double bass)
(German f.) the music written for a wind band
Harmonien(German pl.) plural of Harmonium, plural of Harmonie
Harmonieorchester(German n. - Switzerland) wind ensemble
Harmonie-regeln(German) the rules, or laws, of harmony
harmonieren(German) to harmonise, to chime in with, to tone in, to chime together
harmonieren mit(German) to tone in with, to sound well with
harmonierend(German) harmonising
harmoniert(German) harmonised
Harmonies(French f. pl.) plural of harmonie
Harmonie, Trompette d'(French) the modern-day trumpet
Harmonie Universelle, l' (1636-37)an important wide-ranging treatise on music, published in Paris and written by the French monk Marin Mersenne (1588-1648)
harmonieusement(French) harmoniously
harmonieux (m.), harmonieuse (f.)(French) harmonious, well matched (colours, etc.)
Harmonie-verständiger(German) harmonist, one versed in harmony
Harmonie von Bergen und Wäldern(German f.) harmony of mountain and woodland
Harmonie von Farben(German f.) colour matching
Harmonie zwischen den Rassen(German f.) racial harmony, racial accord
Harmonik(German f.) harmony, harmonics
Harmonika (s.), Harmoniken (pl.)(German f.) harmonica, accordion, concertina
instruments with multiple tuned plates, reeds or pipes like the xylophone, marimba, etc.
(Russian) see garmon
Harmonika-(German) accordion (prefix)
Harmonikaphänomen(German n.) concertina effect (for example, associated with facial ageing)
Harmonikaspieler(German m.) concertina player
Harmonikatür(German f.) accordion door (folding door)
harmoninen kadenssi(Finnish) harmonic cadence
Harmonioussweet sounding, consonant, armonioso (Italian), harmonisch (German), harmonieux (French m.), harmonieuse (French f.)
Harmoniphoninvented in 1837, a wind musical instrument with a keyboard, in which the sound, which resembles that of an oboe, is produced by the vibration of thin metallic plates, acted upon by blowing through a tube
Harmonique(French m.) harmonic, Teilton (German m.)
harmonique(French) harmonic
applied to organ pipes of double length, see, for example, 'harmonic flute'
Harmonique inférieure(French) undertone
harmoniquement(French) harmonically
harmoniren(German) to harmonise, to be in unison
(German) archaic spelling of harmonieren
Harmonisation(English, French f.) co-ordinating national policies and technical standards so that products and services can be traded freely throughout the EU
(English, French f.) (in music) a piece of harmonised music
on a piano, harmonisation is the process carried out on a new piano that entails adjusting the touch, tone, etc. so that they are even throughout the instruments range. The process may be repeated when an instrument it overhauled
harmonisch(German) harmonic, harmonious, harmonical, concordant, tuneful, harmoniously, harmonically, in chime, apollonian (balanced, harmonious)
harmonisch ausgewogen(German) beautifully modulated (voice)
Harmonische(German f.) harmonic
harmonische Beziehung(German f.) harmonious relationship
harmonische Cadens(Dutch) harmonic cadence
Harmonische Durskala(German f.) harmonic major scale
Harmonische Dur-Tonleiter(German f.) harmonic major scale
harmonische Folge(German f.) harmonic progression
harmonische Mineur-toonladder(Dutch) harmonic minor scale
harmonische Mollskala(German f.) harmonic minor scale
harmonische Molltonleiter(German f.) harmonic minor scale
Harmonische Moll-Tonleiter(German f.) harmonic minor scale
Harmonischen(Dutch) harmonics
harmonische Oberschwingung(German f.) overtone
harmonische Progression(German) harmonic progression
harmonischer(German) more harmonious
harmonische Reihe(German f.) harmonic series
harmonischer Oszillator(German m.) harmonic oscillator
harmonischer Rhythmus(German m.) harmonic rhythm
harmonische Schwingung(German f.) harmonic
harmonisches Ganze(German n.) blend
harmonisches Glockengeläute(German n.) chimes
harmonisches Moll(German n.) harmonic minor
harmonisches Verhältnis(German n.) rapport
harmonische Teilung(German f.) harmonical division
harmonische Töne(German m. pl.) harmonics
harmonische Tonleiter(German f.) harmonious musical scale
harmonische Verhältnis(German n.) balance
harmonische Verzerrung(German f.) harmonic distortion
harmonische Zusammenfügung(German f.) concinnity
harmonische Zusammenstellung(German f.) harmonious combination, blend
harmonisch machen(German) to harmonise
Harmonisch Moll-Leiter(German f.) harmonic minor scale
harmonisch sein(German) to be in harmony
harmonischste(German) most harmonious
Harmoniseto bring a selection of colours together, which when together, complement each other
in music, adding parts or voices to a melody
Harmoniseror 'harmonizer', the automatic provision of harmony available on certain electronic keyboards
a musician who sings or plays in harmony
a mediator who brings one thing into harmonious agreement with another
harmoniser(French) to harmonise
harmonisieren(German) to harmonise, to resonate
harmonisierend(German) harmonising
harmonisiert(German) harmonised
harmonisierte Norm(German f.) harmonised standard
Harmonisierung(German f.) harmonisation, alignment
harmonisk Kadence(Danish) harmonic cadence
harmonisk Kadens(Swedish) harmonic cadence
Harmonistone acquainted with the laws and science of harmony
Harmonist (s.), Harmonisten (pl.)(German m.) harmoniser
Harmoniste(French m./f.) one acquainted with the laws and science of harmony
Harmonium(English, German n., French m.) also called, in English, reed organ or pump organ, an organ-like keyboard instrument, invented in 1843 by A. Debain of Paris, in which air is pumped, using foot operated pedals, outward through a set of metallic reeds
in India, the 'harmonium' also known as peti or baja. This instrument is not a native Indian instrument. It is a European instrument which was imported in the nineteenth century. It is a reed organ with hand pumped bellows. Although it is a relatively recent introduction, it has spread throughout the subcontinent. Today, it is used in virtually every musical genre except the south Indian classical genre
Harmonium indien(French m.) Indian harmonium, peti, baja
Harmonium, noisesee 'Rumorarmonio'
Harmonizador(Portuguese) harmoniser, harmonizer
Harmonizeror 'harmoniser', the automatic provision of harmony available on certain electronic keyboards
Harmon® mutea trumpet mute that gives the instrument a metallic buzz sound. It is composed of two parts, a bulb that fits into the bell of the trumpet into which all the player's air is directed, and a stem or tube that can be inserted into the mute or left out completely. In the late 1950s, Miles Davis famously used a Harmon® mute without the stem to achieve his unique sound
Harmonometer(German) an instrument, now obsolete, for measuring the relative pitch of sounds
Harmonomètre(French) Harmonometer
Harmonyarmonía (Spanish), armonia (Italian), harmonie (French), Harmonie (German), Zusammenklang (German)
the relationship between notes when heard together, often described as the vertical dimension in music, where melody (or counterpoint) is the horizontal
Harmony flutea term aplied to flute sizes other than the concert flute and piccolo
Harmony Hall
founded by Robert Owen, the official Owenite community sponsored by the Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists. Conceived on a grand scale it consisted of a series of farms around an impressive 3 storey communal house. The scheme was beset with problems almost from the start, the only sucesses being on the farming side. Much of the failure of the community must be blamed on Owen's mismanagement, despite attempts by others to save the project. The failure of Harmony Hall marked the end of Owenite socialism as a movement
Harmony of the Universe, Pythagoreansee 'Music of the Spheres'
Harmos1/1728 part of an octave. A twelve-based measure suggested by Paul Beaver: 1728 is 123. In the 1960s he asked John Chalmers to compute a table of Harmos, which he did later in decimal and duodecimal notation
Harn(German m.) urine
Harn-(German m.) urinary, uric (prefix)
harnacher(French) to harness
Harnais(French m.) harness
Harnblase (s.), Harnblasen (pl.)(German f.) urinary bladder (Vesica urinaria)
Harnblasen-(German) vesical
Harnblasenentzündung(German f.) cystitis
harnen(German) to micturate, to urinate
Harness(English, German m.) harness
Harninfekt(German m.) urinary tract infection
Harninkontinenz(German f.) urinary incontinence, incontinence of urine
Harnisch(German m.) harness, suit of armour, armour
Harnkatheter(German m.) urinary catheter
Harnkatheterisierung(German f.) urinary catheterisation
Harnlassen(German n.) urination
Harn lassen(German) to pass urine
Harnprobe(German f.) urine sample, urine specimen
Harnröhrenentzündung(German f.) urethritis, inflammation of the urethra
Harnröhrenkatarrh(German m.) urethritis
Harnröhrenspiegelung(German f.) urethroscopy
Harnsäure(German f.) uric acid (Acidum uricum)
Harnstein (s.), Harnsteine (pl.)(German m.) urinary stone, urinary calculus, urolith
Harnstoff (s.), Harnstoffe (pl.)(German m.) urea
Harnstoff-Formaldehydharz(German n.) urea-formaldehyde resin
Harnstrenge(German f.) dysuria (difficult urination)
Harntrakt(German m.) urinary tract
Harntraktinfektion(German f.) urinary tract infection
harntreibend(German) diuretic
harntreibendes Mittel(German n.) diuretic, drug to increase urine output, diuretic agent
Harnuntersuchung (s.), Harnuntersuchungen (pl.)(German f.) urine test
Harnvergiftung(German f.) uraemia
Harnwege(German pl.) urinary tract
Harnweginfektion(German f.) infection of the urinary tract
Harnwegsinfektion(German f.) urinary tract infection
Harparpa (Italian, Spanish), Harfe (German), harpe (French f.)
an instrument of ancient lineage in which strings are plucked individually or in groups with the fingers and thumbs of one or two hands
single-strung harpthe orchestral, pedal harp is single strung as is the standard lever harp where seven strings are set for each octave and levers or pedals provide inflections (i.e. flats and/or sharps) and to help the player locate the position of each octave certain strings are coloured, for example, every C is red, and every F is black or blue
double-strung harpa harp which has strings that run in two parallel rows
triple-strung harpa harp, mainly used in Wales, that has two parallel rows plus a third row of strings up the centre that are the sharp/flats. The third row is slightly offset so that the player hooks their finger between the outer rows and reaches in between the outer strings to reach the accidentals
see 'triple harp'
cross-strung harpa harp that has two rows of strings, but the strings are not in parallel rows. Instead, the strings cross in the centre of the harp, just like a big X. The harp is tuned so that the right hand reaches "up" for the naturals and "down" for the flats, and the left hand does the opposite. The advantage of a cross-strung harp is that all of the notes are available to the fingers at all times. The disadvantage is that the space required for an octave is much wider because you have to allow room for an additional 5 strings to vibrate within that octave. This means that you have to stretch your hand much wider to reach an octave. It also means that a cross-strung harp either has a small note range or is very large
in African culture, an instrument distinguished from a lyre by its triangular shape and the unequal length of its strings. Called dilla (Chad), ouombi (Gabon), ngombi (Central Africa), loma (Liberia), kinde (Islamicized regions), and ougdye (Cameroon), it has spread throughout Africa with a wide diversity of shapes (angled, arched), it is used commonly for praises, healing ceremonies, and bardic songs
Harpalternative name for the 'harmonica' or 'mouth organ'
in nyabinghi, a religious movement that influenced many Jamaican Rastafari, 'harp' is the generic term for drums, in particular, a bass drum and two middle-pitched drums called akete (also called the 'repeater') and funde that accompany nyabinghi chants (also binghi)
  • Nyabinghi from whihc this information has been taken
Harpa(Spanish f., Portuguese) harp
Harpaxophobiamorbid fear of being robbed
Harpaxophobie(German f.) harpaxophobia
Harp, ditalsee 'dital harp'
Harpe(French f., Norwegian) harparpa (Italian, Spanish), harpe (French)
Harpe à crochets(French f.) hook or hooked harp
Harpe à double accrochement(French f.) double-action harp, arpa a doppio movimento (Italian f.), Doppelpedalharfe (German f.), arpa de doble acción (Spanish f.)
Harpe à double mouvement(French f.) double-action harp, arpa a doppio movimento (Italian f.), Doppelpedalharfe (German f.), arpa de doble acción (Spanish f.)
Harpe aeolienne(French f.) an Aeolian harp
(French) a harmonium stop
Harpe à pédale(French f.) pedal harp
Harpe celtique(French f.) Celtic harp
Harpe d'Eole(French f.) an Aeolian harp
Harpe dital(French f.) dital harp
Harpe éolienne(French f.) Aeolian harp
Harpejador(Portuguese) arpeggiator
Harpejo(Portuguese) arpeggio
HarpeleikNorwegian fretless zither
Harp guitara multi-string instrument, shaped much like a guitar, but with an extended second neck, stretching above the main neck of the instrument. This second neck holds up to seven unfretted bass strings, which are plucked like those of a harp. The six central strings are fretted on the standard guitar neck, and are frequently strummed like on a standard guitar. There are also eight unfretted treble strings below these 'guitar' strings, which are also plucked. The same modification has been applied to the Hawaiian guitar and the ukulele
Harpicordo(Italian) harpsichord
Harpistone who plays the harp
Harpiste(French m./f.) harpist
Harp lutea modern stringed instrument, a cross between the harp and the guitar, with frets, twelve strings with a pleasant but not very powerful sound
see 'lute harp'
Harp mandolinharp mandolins were made at the turn of the twentieth century. While the harp guitar combines a number (usually 4) tunable bass strings that can be plucked like a harp, with a standard guitar, the harp mandolin has no bass strings although the body extends on the bass side all the way upwards to the headstock
Harpolyrepatented by Jean Francois Salomon in 1829 (and built by Andre Augustin Chevrier), this is a very interesting instrument, and a difficult one to classify. Since it is fully fretted, it cannot technically qualify as a "true" harp guitar by any definition. Yet it was clearly designed to be played very much like an intricate harp guitar. Ergo, I created the new classification of "fretted harp guitars"
Harpon(French m.) harpoon
harponner(French) to harpoon, to detain (familar)
Harpouditarcreated by Fred Carlson, this instrument is a combination of wire-strung harp or zither, mid-eastern oud and classical guitar
Harpsecola corruption of the word 'harpsichord'
Harpsicala corruption of the word 'harpsichord'
Harpsichordclavicembalo (Italian), Cembalo (German), clavecin (French), a large family of keyboard instruments, in which the strings are plucked by plectra, including also spinets and virginals
Harpsichord, pedalsee 'pedal harpsichord'
harpspeler(Dutch) harpist
Harp stopsee 'buff stop'
Harp symbolspart of SMuFL, a specification that provides a standard way of mapping the thousands of musical symbols required by conventional music notation into the Private Use Area in Unicode’s Basic Multilingual Plane for a single (format-independent) font. The goal of SMuFL is to establish a new standard glyph mapping for musical symbols that is optimised for modern font formats and that can be adopted by a variety of software vendors and font designers, for the benefit of all users of music notation software. [entry recommended by C.F. Nieweg]
Harpune (s.), Harpunen (pl.)(German f.) harpoon
Harpunenkanone(German f.) harpoon gun
Harpunenspitze(German f.) harpoon tip
Harpunier(German m.) harpooneer
harpunieren(German) to harpoon
harpunierend(German) harpooning
Harpunierrakete(German f.) whaling rocket
harpuniert(German) harpooned
harren(German) to abide (literary: to wait for)
harren auf ...(German) to look for ... (something), to hope for ... (something), to await ... (something)
Harrier(English, German m.) any of a breed of hunting dogs resembling a small English foxhound and originally bred for hunting rabbits
Harringtonjacke(German f.) Harrington jacket
Harrington jacketa lightweight waist-length jacket, made of cotton, polyester, wool or suede - usually with traditionally Fraser tartan or check-patterned lining
Harris tweeda soft thick tweed woven from hand dyed woolen yarns, popular for coats and suits for both men and women
Harry Partch's 43-tone scalethe 43-tone scale is a just intonation scale with 43 pitches in each octave invented and used by Harry Partch. It is somewhat ironic that Partch became so associated with this 43-tone scale, because the number 43 is more or less arbitrary. In fact, the first of Partch's "four concepts" is The scale of musical intervals begins with absolute consonance (1 to 1) and gradually progresses into an infinitude of dissonance, the consonance of the intervals decreasing as the odd numbers of their ratios increase. Nevertheless, almost all of Partch's music is written in the 43-tone scale, and although most of his instruments can play only subsets of the full scale, it's useful as an all-encompassing framework. If an interval isn't found in Partch's 43-tone scale, it probably isn't of great importance to Partch's music
Harsch(German m.) snow crust, frozen snow, crusted snow
harsch(German) gravelly (snow), crusted (snow), biting (wind), harsh (words)
harsche Kritik(German f.) harsh criticism, abrasive criticism, animadversion
harschen(German) to freeze over
Harschschnee(German m.) crusted snow
Harst(German m. - Switzerland) advance guard
hart(German) firm, callous, rigorously, toughly, unkind, rigorous, sternly, austere, grim, severe, stony, bitter, stern (test, times, opposition, etc.), punishing, rough, harsh, tart (wine), dour (struggle), hard-fought (competition, battle, game), tough, dourly, cruel, hard-nosed, trying (punishing), hard (water, etc.), hard-edged (figurative: uncompromising)
(German) major (in respect to intervals and scales)
hart abbremsen(German) to brake hard
hart aber gerecht(German) firm but fair
Hartal(German m.) or hartaal, a term in many Indian languages for strike action, used often during the Indian Independence Movement
hart am Wind(German) close-hauled (sailing)
hart am Wind segeln(German) to sail close to the wind (also figurative)
hart an der Schmerzgrenze sein(German) to be a bit close to the bone (colloquial)
hart anpacken(German) to slam
hart arbeiten(German) to keep working hard, to labour, to work hard, to toil
hart arbeitend(German) hard-working
(hart) auf dem Boden der Realität aufschlagen(German) to come (back) down to earth (with a bang, with a bump, with a jolt)
(hart) auf dem Boden der Tatsachen aufschlagen(German) to come (back) down to earth (with a bang, with a bump, with a jolt)
hart auf seinen Fersen(German) hard on his heels
härtbar(German) temperable, hardenable (steel)
härtbarer Stahl(German m.) hardening steel
Härtbarkeit(German f.) temperability, hardenability
hart bedrängt werden(German) to be hard pressed
Hartbefestigung(German f.) hard paving
hartbeschichtet(German) hard-coated
hart drängen(German) to press hard
Hartdrehen(German n.) hard turning
(hart) durchgreifen(German) to take drastic measures
hart durchgreifen gegen ...(German) to crack down on ... (something)
Härte (s.), Härten (pl.)(German f.) hardiness, harshness, flintiness, hardness, relentlessness, rigorousness, severity, steeliness, stoniness, rigour, hardship, pitilessness, strictness, rigidity, toughness
harte Anforderungen(German pl.) severe requirements
harte Arbeit(German f.) tough job, drudgery, hard work, donkey work (colloquial)
Härteausgleich(German m.) compensation for hardship, hardship allowances
harte Beanspruchung(German f.) heavy duty
harte Bedingung (s.), harte Bedingungen (pl.)(German f.) stringent condition, harsh condition
harte Behandlung(German f.) severe treatment
Härtebestimmung(German f.) determination of hardness (material property)
harte Bestrafung(German f.) harsh penalty, harsh sentence, severe punishment, stiff punishment
Härte des Gesetzes(German f.) harshness of the law
Härte des Wassers(German f.) water hardness
harte Droge(German f.) hard drug
harte Eier(German pl.) hard-boiled eggs
Härte einer Strafe(German f.) harshness of a sentence
Härte eines Urteils(German f.) severity of a judgement, sharpness of a judgement
harte Entscheidung(German f.) harsh decision
Härtefall(German m.) case of hardship
Härtefallklausel(German f.) hardship clause
Härtefallregelung(German f.) hardship provision
Härtegrad (s.), Härtegrade (pl.)(German m.) degree of hardening, degree of hardness
harte Hirnhaut(German f.) dura mater
Härteklausel(German f.) hardship clause
harte Knospen(German pl.) hard nipples
harte Konkurrenz(German f.) fierce competition
harte Kritik(German f.) severe criticism
harte Linie(German f.) tough line
Härtelösung(German f.) hardening solution
harteloxiert(German) hard-anodised
Härtemessung(German f.) hardness measurement
Härtemittel (s.), Härtemittel (pl.)(German n.) hardener, hardening agent
Härten(German n.) hardening
härten(German) to harden, to cure (harden), to indurate, to anneal, to temper, to ruggedise (equipment)
härtend(German) hardening, indurating
harte Nippel(German pl.) hard nipples
harte Nuss (s.), harte Nüsse (pl.)(German f.) hard nut, brain twister (colloquial), headscratcher (figurative), brain-teaser (colloquial), poser (colloquial: difficult problem or question), facer (colloquial: major difficulty)
Härteofen(German m.) annealing oven
Härteöl(German n.) hardening oil, tallow oil
Härteprüfer(German m.) hardness tester
Härteprüfgerät(German n.) hardness tester
Härteprüfung(German f.) hardness test, hardness testing
harte Prüfung(German f.) acid test
Härter(German m.) hardener, curing agent
härter(German) flintier, harder, steelier, tougher
harter Brocken(German m.) puzzler
harter Bursche(German m.) toughie (tough person)
Härterei(German f.) heat treatment shop (hardening shop)
harter Einstaz(German m.) soft attack
härtere Sanktionen(German pl.) tougher sanctions
härtere Strafe(German f.) harsher penalty
harter Gaumen(German m.) hard palate
härter gegen ... vorgehen(German) to toughen up on ... (something)
harter Kampf(German m.) uphill struggle (figurative)
hart erkämpft(German) hard-earned, hard-won
harter Keks(German m.) cracknel
harter Kern(German m.) hard core
harter Kritik von allen Seiten ausgesetzt sein(German) to run the gauntlet
harter Kurs(German m.) hard line
harter Preis(German m.) stiff price
harter Schanker(German m.) syphilis
harter Schlag(German m.) hard blow, severe blow, wallop (colloquial), considerable blow
harter Schnitt(German m.) abrupt transition
harter Tag(German m.) tough day
harter Test(German m.) acid test
harter Typ(German m.) hard type (person)
harter Verbrecher(German m.) case-hardened criminal
harter Verfechter(German m.) hard-liner
harter Wettbewerb(German m.) bitter competition, fierce competition, severe competition
hartes Bild(German n.) high-contrast picture
hartes Durchgreifen(German n.) drastic measures, clampdown
hartes Leben(German n.) hard life, life of hardship
hartes Stück Arbeit(German n.) stiff piece of work, tough job
härteste(German) flintiest, hardest, steeliest, toughest
harte Strafe(German f.) stiff penalty, severe sentence
harte Strafmaßnahme(German f.) severe sanction
hartes Urteil(German n.) severe sentence
Härtetest(German m.) endurance test, acid test (figurative), test of stamina (figurative)
harte Umstände(German pl.) hardship
harte und weiche Aufsatzbacken(German pl.) hard and soft top jaws (chuck jaws)
harte Vorgaben(German pl.) tough targets
harte Wirklichkeit(German f.) facts of life
harte Worte(German pl.) hard words, sharp words
Härtezeit(German f.) curing time, hardening time
harte Zeit (s.), harte Zeiten (pl.)(German f.) tough time, torrid period, difficult time, trying time
Härtezulage(German f.) hardship allowance
Hartfaserplatte(German f.) hardboard
Hartfaserplatte(German f.) hardboard, fibreboard
Hartfett(German n.) hydrogenated fat
Hartfolie(German f.) hard foil, rigid film
hartgebrannt(German) high-fired (ceramics)
hartgefroren(German) hard with frost (ground)
hartgekocht(German) hard-boiled
hart gekocht(German) hard-boiled
hart gekochtes Ei(German n.) hard-boiled egg
Hartgeld(German n.) specie (coin), hard cash, change (coin), coins
hartgelötet(German) brazed
hart gelötet(German) brazed
hartgelötet(German) braze-jointed
hartgelötete Verbindung(German f.) brazed joint
hart geschlagen(German) struck hard
hartgesotten(German) hard-boiled (also figurative), hardened, obstinate, obdurate
hartgesottener Inspektor(German m.) hard-boiled detective
Hartgewebe(German n.) laminate
hartgezogen(German) hard-drawn
Hartgummi(German m.) ebonite, hard rubber, vulcanite
Hartharz(German n.) brittle resin
harthäutig(German) callous
hartherzig(German) flinty, hard hearted, remorseless, remorselessly, hard-heartedly, merciless, steel-hearted, stone-hearted, callous, cold-hearted, marble-breasted (poetic), iron-hearted
hartherzig sein(German) to be hard-hearted
hartherziger(German) more hard-hearted
Hartherzigkeit(German f.) hard-heartedness, remorselessness
hartherzigste(German) most hard-hearted
Hartholz (s.), Harthölzer (pl.)(German n.) hardwood
Hartholzfußboden(German m.) hardwood flooring, hardwood floor
Hartholzkeil(German m.) hardwood wedge
hart im Nehmen sein(German) to be tough
Hartkäse(German m.) hard cheese
Hartkäsemesser(German n.) hard-cheese knife
Hartkernbombe(German f.) concrete-piercing bomb
hart klingend(German) hard-sounding, of a harsh sound
Hartkopie(German f.) hard copy, hard copy printout
hartleibig(German) intransigent, constipated (dated)
Hartlot(German n.) brazing solder, hard solder
Hartlöten(German n.) hard-soldering, brazing
hartlöten(German) to braze, to hard-solder (with an alloy of brass and zinc)
Hartlötflussmittel(German n.) brazing flux
Hartlötung(German f.) brazing
Hartmannbund(German m.) German association of physicians
Hartmantel(German m.) self-hardening finish
Hartmetall(German n.) cemented carbide, carbide
hartmetallbeschichtet(German) carbide-coated
hartmetallbestückt(German) carbide-tipped
Hartmetallbohrer(German m.) tungsten carbide burr
Hartmetalleinsatz(German m.) carbide insert
Hartmetall-Gewindebohrer(German m.) carbide tap
Hartmetalllunge(German f.) welder's lung (medical condition)
Hartmetallschneide(German f.) carbide tip
Hartmetallspike(German f.) tungsten carbide stud
hartnäckig(German) stubborn, stubbornly, persistent, persistently, refractory, besetting, insistent, pertinacious, pertinaciously, refractorily, tough, obstinate, confirmed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, stiff-necked, tenacious, mulish, dogged, dourly, dour, adamant, adamantly, persevering, doggedly, obdurate, hard-edged (uncompromising), die-hard, recalcitrant, importunately, importunate, tenaciously, intractable (problem, conflict, difficulty)
hartnäckig auf Erwerb ausgerichtet(German) aggressively acquisitive
hartnäckig auf seinem Standpunkt beharren(German) to tough it out (colloquial)
(hartnäckige) Bindehautentzündung(German f.) trachoma
hartnäckige Flecken(German pl.) persistent stains, stubborn stains
hartnäckige Haltung(German f.) stubborn attitude
hartnäckige Krankheit(German f.) deep-seated disease, intractable disease
hartnäckige Opposition(German f.) stiff opposition
hartnäckiger(German) more obstinate
hartnäckiger Fall(German m.) obstinate case
hartnäckiger Fehler(German m.) persistent error
hartnäckiger Fleck(German m.) stubborn stain
hartnäckiger Gegner(German m.) inveterate enemy, inveterate foe
hartnäckiger Husten(German m.) nasty cough, persistent cough
hartnäckigerweise(German) tenaciously
hartnäckiger Widerstand(German m.) obstinate resistance, strong resistance
hartnäckiges Fieber(German n.) persistent fever
hartnäckiges Problem(German n.) obstinate problem
hartnäckige Verteidigung(German f.) vigorous defence
Hartnäckigkeit (s.), Hartnäckigkeiten (pl.)(German f.) stubbornness, persistence, hardheadedness, inveteracy, inveterateness, pertinacity, positiveness, deep-rootedness, obstinacy, persistency, tenaciousness, tenacity, toughness, doggedness
hartnäckigste(German) most obstinate
hartnäckig verteidigen(German) to defend tooth and nail (figurative)
hartnäckig zanken(German) to stickle
Hartpapier(German n.) paxolin, bakelite
Hartplatte(German f.) hard disk
Hartplatz(German m.) hard pitch, hard court (tennis)
Hartporzellan(German n.) hard porcelain, hard-paste porcelain
Hartpostpapier(German n.) bond paper
Hartriegel(German m.) dogwood (genus Cornus), cornel
Hartschalenknieschoner(German m.) hard-shell knee protector
Hartschalenkoffer(German m.) hard protective case
hartschalig(German) hard-shelled
Hartschaum(German m.) hard foam, rigid foam
Hartschaumstoffe(German pl.) rigid foams
hart schlagen(German) to strike hard, to swat (fly, etc.)
[corrected by Brian A. Jefferies]
hart sein(German) to be hard, to be severe
Hartsilberoberfläche(German f.) hard silver-finish
Hartstahl(German m.) high carbon steel
hartstochtelijk(Dutch) passionate
hart treffen(German) to come hard
Harttrockenglanzöl(German n.) gloss oil
hart umgehen mit(German) to deal severely with
hart umkämpft(German) hard-fought, highly competitive
hart umkämpfter Staat(German m.) battleground state (US election, etc.)
hart und fest(German) cast-iron (figurative)
hart und lange arbeiten(German) to have one's nose to the grindstone (colloquial), to keep one's nose to the grindstone (colloquial), to put one's nose to the grindstone (colloquial)
Hartung(German f. - dated) name for January in older German calendars
Härtung(German f.) hardening, tempering
Härtungsart(German f.) type of tempering
Härtungsgrad(German m.) degree of cure
Härtungstiefe(German f.) hardness depth
Härtungsverfahren(German n.) hardening process
Härtungszeit(German f.) cure time
Hartverchromen(German n.) hard chromium-plating
hartverchromt(German) hard chrome-plated
hartvergoldet(German) hard gold-plated
hart verhandeln(German) to drive a hard bargain
hartverminderte Dominante(German f.) half-diminished seventh chord (Tristan chord)
hartvernickelt(German) hard nickel-plated
hartversilbert(German) hard silver-plated
hart vorgehen gegen ...(German) to crack down on ... (osmething)
hart weiterarbeiten(German) to labour on
Hartweizen(German m.) durum wheat, durum (Triticum durum)
Hartweizengrieß(German m.) durum wheat semolina
Hartweizenmehl(German n.) durum wheat flour
hart werden(German) to stiffen, to consolidate (become solid, solidify)
hart wie Diamant(German) adamantine
hart wie Eisen sein(German) to be as hard as iron (figurative)
hart wie Granit sein(German) to be as hard as granite
hart wie Kieselsteine sein(German) to be as hard as pebbles
hart wie Stein(German) hard as stone
Hartwurst(German f.) hard-cured sausage
hartzen(German) to be on the dole (receiving unemployment benefit)
Hartzinn(German n.) pewter
hart zuschlagen(German) to strike hard
Haruspex (s.), Haruspexe (German pl.), Haruspizes (German pl.), Haruspices (English pl.)(English, German m. from Latin) (in ancient Rome) one of a class of minor priests who practiced divination, especially from the entrails of animals killed in sacrifice
Haruspizium (s.), Haruspizien (pl.)(German n.) haruspication, haruspicy
Harvardprofessor(German m.) Harvard professor
Harz(German n.) rosin, resin
rosin is also known as colophony or colophonia resina from its origin in Colophon, an ancient Ionic city
Harz(German m.) Hercynian Forest, Harz Mountains
Harz (s.), Harze (pl.)(German n.) resin, pitch (resin), gum, resina
harzabsondernd(German) resiniferous
harzartig(German) resin-like
harzbeschichtet(German) resin-coated
Harzbeschichtung(German f.) resin coating
Harzduft(German n.) pine-fragrance
Harz cheesesour milk cheese, from the Harz Mountains, made from low fat curd cheese
Harzer(German m.) Harz cheese
Harzer Käse(German m.) Harz cheese
Harzer Roller(German m.) rolled Harz cheese, Harz cheese
Harzer Rotvieh(German n.) Harz red mountain cattle
Harzester(German m.) ester resin
harzfrei(German) resin-free
Harzgalle(German f.) resin pocket, gum pocket, pitch pocket, resin gall, gum gall, poche de gomme (French)
harzgetränkt(German) resin-impregnated
Harzgewinnung(German f.) resin extraction
Harzgummi(German m./n.) resin rubber
harzig(German) resinous
Harzinjektionsverfahren(German n.) resin transfer moulding
Harz liefernd(German) resiniferous
Harzlösung(German f.) gloss oil
Harz-Öl-(German) oleoresinous
harzreich(German) resinous
Harzstreifen(German m.) resin pocket, pitch streak
Häs(German n.) carnival costume
Hasael(German m.) Hazael (king of Damascus)
Hasapi(Indonesia) two-stringed mandolin from Sumatra
Hasapicosee hasapiko
Hasapikasee hasapiko
Hasapiko(Greek) also transliterated 'hassapiko', 'hasapika' and 'hasapico', a Greek traditional dance that originated among members of the Butcher's Guild in Constantinople in Byzantine times, and was originally called makellarikos horos, although some only use this term for the fast version of this dance, usually in 2/4 meter, which is also called grigoro hasapiko, grigoros hasapikos, sousta or hasaposerviko. The slower version, usually in 4/4 meter, is called hasapiko vari or hasapikos varis
Hasápikossee hasapiko
Hasapikos horossee hasapiko
Hasapiko varisee hasapiko
Hasaposervikosee hasapiko
Hasard(French m.) chance, coincidence
hasarder(French) to risk, to venture (a remark)
Hasardeur(German m.) plunger (reckless gambler, reckless squanderer), gambler (also figurative)
hasardeux (m.), hasardeuse (f.)(French) risky
Hasardspiel(German n.) gamble
Hasardspieler(German m.) reckless player
Hasch(German n.) hash (slang: hashish)
Hasch mich!(German) Catch me!
Haschee(German n.) hash (slang: hashish)
Haschemit(German m.) Hashemite
haschemitisch(German) Hashemite
haschen(German) to snatch, to catch, to smoke pot (colloquial)
Häschen (s.), Häschen (pl.)(German n.) little hare, bimbo (slang: attractive brainless female), bunny (also colloquial), young hare, leveret, (little) lambkin (term of endearment), sweetheart (term of endearment), sweetie-pie (term of endearment), sweetie (term of endearment)
haschend(German) snatching
Häschenkostüm(German n.) bunny suit, bunny costume
Häscher(German m. - dated) bailiff, henchman
Hascherl(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) poor thing
Haschisch(German n.) hashish, hash (slang: hashish)
Haschischöl(German n.) hashish oil
Haschischsucht(German f.) hashishism
Haschischzigarette(German f.) joint (cigarette containing hashish)
Haschkeks(German m.) hash cookie
Haschöl(German n.) hash oil
hascht(German) snatches
Hase (m.), Häsin (f.), Hasen (pl.)(German) bunny (colloquial: child's term for a rabbit), hare, rabbit, doe (female hare)
Hasel(German f.) hazel (Corylus avellana)
Haselblatt(German n.) hazel leaf
Haselmaus (s.), Haselmäuse (pl.)(German f.) dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), dormice (plural form)
Haselnatter(German f.) smooth snake (Coronella austriaca)
Haselnuss (s.), Haselnüsse (pl.)(German f.) filbert, hazelnut
Haselnussallergie(German f.) hazelnut allergy
Haselnussblatt(German n.) hazel leaf
haselnussbraun(German) hazel
Haselnusskrokant(German m.) hazelnut brittle
Haselnussöl(German n.) hazelnut oil
Haselnussstollen(German m.) hazelnut stollen (cake)
Haselnussstrauch(German m.) hazel, hazel bush
Haselstrauch (s.), Haselsträucher (pl.)(German m.) hazel bush
Hasen-(German) leporine (prefix)
hasenartig(German) leporine
Hasenauge(German n.) lagophthalmos
Hasenbemmerl(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) rabbit droppings
Hasenbraten(German m.) roast hare, roast rabbit
Hasendraht(German m.) chicken wire
Hasenfuß(German m.) scaredy cat, coward, yellow-belly (colloquial)
Hasenfutter(German n.) rabbit food
Hasenglöckchen(German n.) bluebell (Endymion nonscriptus) (wild hyancinth)
Hasenhetze(German f.) hare coursing
Hasenjagd(German f.) hare shooting, hare hunting
Hasenjunges(German n.) leveret
Hasenklein(German n.) jointed hare
Hasenleim(German m.) rabbit-skin glue
Hasenohr (s.), Hasenohren (pl.)(German n.) rabbit ear, bunny ears (plural form: colloquial)
Hasenpaar(German n.) brace of hares
Hasenpfeffer(German m.) jugged hare
Hasenpfote(German f.) rabbit's foot (good luck charm)
Hasenrücken(German m.) saddle of hare
Hasenrückenfilet(German n.) saddle of hare
Hasenscharte (s.), Hasenscharten (pl.)(German f.) harelip, cleft lip
Hasenschmorbraten(German m.) pot roast hare
Hasenstall(German m. - Austria) rabbit hutch
Haserl (s.), Haserl (pl.)(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) bunny (young attractive girl)
Hash-Code(German m.) hash code (see 'hash function')
Hash-Code-Anwendung(German f.) hashing (see 'hash function')
Hash functionan algorithm that turns a variable-sized amount of text into a fixed-sized output (hash value)
Hash-Funktion(German f.) hash function
Hashish(Arabic) a preparation of Indian hemp, that may be smoked or drunk
Hashtag(German n.) hash tag (Twitter)
ha sido de gran ayuda(Spanish) it has been a great help
Haskala(German f.) Haskalah
Haskalahthe Jewish Enlightenment movement founded in the late 18th century by Moses Mendelssohn to restudy the Torah in the light of modern secular knowledge
Häslein(German n.) bunny
Haslemere Peasant Industriesset up in 1896 by Godfrey Blount and his wife Ethel, an artistic community with the aim of integrating work, leisure and the country life and the philanthropic principles of the home industries movement. The Peasant Industries was an umbrella organisation of small workshops that employed local craftworkers. It also ran a shop in London. Along with C.R.Ashbee's wife Janet, the Blounts were prominent members of the Healthy and Artistic Dress Union (1890) which promoted the wearing of "unusually comfortable, loose-fitting clothes made of hand-woven cloth."
Hasmonäer(German pl.) Hasmoneans
hasmonäisch(German) Hasmonean
Hasmoneansa family of Jewish priests who led a successful revolt that began in 168 BC against the Hellenised Selucid rulers of Syria. The Hasmoneans, nicknamed the Maccabees, ruled the land of Israel from 142 to 63 BC
Haspa metal fastener with a hinged slotted part that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin, bolt, or padlock
Haspe(German f.) hasp
Haspel(German f.) windlass
Haspel(German f.) reel, swift
(German m.) winch
Haspelkette(German f.) hand chain
Haspeln(German n.) reeling
haspeln(German) to sputter (hasty explosive speech)
Hass(German m.) hate, hatred, rancour, loathing
Haß(German m. - old form) hatred
Hassapiaan ancient Thracian dance that simulates a stealth approach on an enemy camp, leading to victory
Hassapikosee hasapiko
Hass auf(German m.) hatred of
Hassausbruch(German m.) burst of hatred, eruption of hatred
Hassbekundung(German f.) expression of hatred
Hass bis zum Tode(German m.) mortal hatred
Hassbrief (s.), Hassbriefe (pl.)(German m.) hate letter, hate mail (plural form)
hassen(German) to hate, to loathe, to detest, to despise, to abhor
hassend(German) hating
hassenswert(German) hateful
Hasser (s.), Hasser (pl.)(German m.) hater
hasserfüllt(German) vitriolic, hate-filled, hateful (speech)
Hass erregen(German) to arouse hatred
Hass erwecken(German) to arouse hatred
Hass gegen(German m.) hatred for, hatred of
Hass gegen englisches Wesen(German m.) Anglophobia
Hass hegen(German) to nourish hatred
Hass hervorrufen(German) to arouse hatred
hässig(German - Switzerland) ill tempered, grouchy, grumpy
hässlich(German) ill-favoured, nasty, ugly, unsightly, hideous, beastly, aesthetically challenged (colloquial), homely (unattractive)
haßlich(German - old form) ugly, nasty, nastily
hässliche Alte(German f.) old hag, old crone
häßliche Alte(German f. - old form) old hag, old crone
hässliche alte Frau(German f.) ugly old woman
häßliche alte Frau(German f. - old form) ugly old woman
hässliche alte Hexe(German f.) ugly old witch
häßliche alte Hexe(German f. - old form) ugly old witch
hässliche Bemerkung(German f.) nasty remark
häßliche Bemerkung(German f. - old form) nasty remark
hässliche Frau(German f.) munter
hässliche Narbe(German f.) ugly scar, hideous scar
hässliche Person(German f.) ugly person
hässlicher(German) uglier
hässlicher(German) unsightlier
hässlicher Anblick(German m.) ugly sight
hässliches Entlein(German n.) ugly duckling (also figurative)
hässliches Gebäude(German n.) ugly building
hässliches Gesicht(German n.) ugly face
hässliches Mädchen(German n.) nasty girl
hässliches Wetter(German n.) nasty weather
hässliche Symptome(German pl.) nasty symptoms
hässlich gemacht(German) deformed
Hässlichkeit(German f.) ugliness, deformedness (rare: ugliness)
Haßlichkeit(German f. - old form) ugliness, nastiness
hässlich machen(German) to deform, to uglify (US)
hässlichste(German) unsightliest, ugliest
hässlich wie die Sünde(German) as ugly as sin, as ugly as the devil
Hassliebe(German f.) love-hate (relationship)
Hassobjekt(German n.) object of hate
Hassprediger(German m.) hatemonger, preacher of hate
Hasspredigt(German f.) hate sermon
Hass schüren(German) to stir up hatred
Hasst du es nicht auch, wenn ...(German) Don't you just hate it when ...
Hasstirade(German f.) torrent of hatred, tirade
Hassverbrechen(German n.) hate crime
Hass war mir nicht fremd.(German) I was no stranger to hate.
Hass wecken(German) to arouse hatred
Hast(German f.) haste, rashness, precipitation, hurry, bustle, flurry, hastiness, press of business, impetuosity
hasta ahí llego yo(Spanish) that's as far as I'm prepared to go
hasta ahora(Spanish) so far, up to now, until now, until this moment
¡hasta ahora!(Spanish) see you soon!, see you later!
hasta aquí(Spanish) this far
hasta donde alcanzaba la vista(Spanish) as far as the eye could see
hasta la nada(Spanish) to nothing, bis zum Nichts (German), al niente (Italian)
a diminuendo that fades through pianississimo until nothing is heard
see smorzando
hasta la nada(Spanish) al niente, to nothing
hasta la vista(Spanish) farewell!, a rivederci (Italian), auf Wiedersehen (German), au revoir (French)
hasta los codos(Spanish) up to one's neck
hasta luego(Spanish) goodbye! (implying a further meeting is expected or planned for later the same day)
Hast bricht Beine.(German) More haste, less speed.
hasten(German) to hasten, to hurry
Hast der Arbeit(German f.) press of work
Hast du Angst?(German) Are you afraid?
Hast du das gehört?(German) Did you hear that?
Hast du deine Zunge verschluckt?(German) Haven't you got a tongue in your head?
Hast du deinen Verstand verloren?(German) Are you out of your senses?
Hast du den gleichen Weg wie ich?(German) Are you coming my way? Are you going my way?
Hast du dich amüsiert?(German) Did you enjoy yourself?
Hast du dich im Spiegel angeschaut?(German) Did you look at yourself in the mirror?
Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum ...?(German) Ever wonder why ...? (informal address)
Hast du dich nicht getroffen gefühlt?(German) Didn't you think that it applied to you?
Hast du dir das schon mal überlegt?(German) Have you ever thought of that?
Hast du eine Ahnung!(German) You haven't (got) the faintest idea!
Hast du eine Zahnbürste übrig?(German) Do you have a spare toothbrush?
Hast du es eilig?(German) Are you in a hurry?
Hast du es sehr eilig?(German) Are you in a great hurry? Are you in a terrible hurry? (colloquial)
Hast du es?(German) Have you got it?
Hast du Freunde?(German) Do you have any friends?
Hast du Geld?(German) Have you any money?
Hast du heute Abend etwas vor?(German) Are you doing anything tonight? Have you anything on tonight?
Hast du Hunger?(German) Are you hungry?
Hast du je was von ... gehört?(German) Did you ever hear about ...?
Hast du kein Leben?(German) Get a life! (colloquial)
Hast du kein Schamgefühl?(German) Have you no shame?
Hast du keine Augen im Kopf?(German) Use your eyes!
Hast du Lust mitzukommen?(German) Would you like to come with us? Would you like to join us?
Hast du morgen etwas vor?(German) Are you doing anything tomorrow?
Hast du 'ne Ahnung, was ... ?(German) (Do) You have any idea what ... ? (colloquial)
Hast du nicht irgendetwas vergessen?(German) Aren't you forgetting something?
Hast du niemals den Wunsch gehabt, ... ?(German) Haven't you ever wanted to ... ?
Hast du schon mal daran gedacht?(German) Have you ever thought of that?
Hast du schon mal davon gehört?(German) Have you ever heard of that?
Hast du sie noch alle?(German) Are you crazy? Are you daft? (colloquial)
Hast du sie verstanden?(German) Got her? (colloquial)
Hast du sie wirklich gern?(German) Do you really like them?
Hast du so etwas schon einmal gesehen?(German) Have you ever seen one like that?
Hast du Töne!(German) Did you ever!
Hast du überhaupt etwas gesagt?(German) Did you speak at all?
Hast du verstanden?(German) Do you get it? (colloquial)
Hast du Wasser aufgesetzt?(German) Have you put on some water?
Hast du wirklich Lust, ... (bestimmtes) zu tun?(German) Do you really feel like doing ....? (something)
Hast du's endlich geschnallt?(German) Has it finally clicked? (colloquial)
Haste ...?(German) Have you ...?
hasten(German) to scurry, to make haste, to hasten, to hurry, to rush, to dispatch (archaic: make haste)
hastend(German) bustling, scurrying
Hastening the time, Hastening the tempoaccelerando (Italian), stringendo (Italian), affrettando (Italian), drängend (German), treibend (German), en pressant (French), pressez (French)
hastet(German) bustles
hastete(German) bustled
Hast Glück, dass ...(German) (You are) Lucky (that) ... (colloquial)
hastig(German) quick, hasty, hurried, impetuous, hastily, hurriedly, precipitant, precipitantly, rashly, abrupt, rash, precipitate
hastig beiseiteschaffen(German) to hastily put aside
hastige Notiz(German f.) scribble
hastiger(German) hastier
hastig erledigen(German) to rush through
hastige und oberflächliche Niederschrift(German f.) scribble
hastig handeln(German) to act hastily
Hastigkeit(German f.) hurriedness, hastiness
hastigste(German) hastiest, rashest
hastig trinken(German) to gulp (drink)
hastig verschlingen(German) to bolt down (food)
hastig weglaufen(German) to scurry off, to scurry away
hastig zusammengeschustert(German) hastily cobbled together
hastig zusammenstellen(German) to knock together
Hast modernen Lebens(German f.) press of modern life
hastunichtgesehen(German) pronto (colloquial)
Hasur(Hebrew) an ancient instrument with ten strings
¿has venido andando?(Spanish) did you come on foot?, did you walk?
hat(German) hath (archaic), haveth (archaic)
Hat a daosee ca tru
Hatbox mellophonea mellophone with a detachable bell
hâté(French) hurried
Hatecorea style of hardcore punk with white supremacy-themed lyrics
hâter(French) to hasten
Hat er das wirklich?(German) Has he indeed?
Hat er das wörtlich so gesagt?(German) Did he actually say that?
Hat er irgendwelche besonderen Merkmale?(German) Anything distinctive about him?
Hat er nicht verstanden?(German) Did he not understand? Has he not understood?
Hat es dir die Sprache verschlagen?(German) Has the cat got your tongue? Haven't you got a tongue in your head?
Hat es Ihnen geschmeckt?(German) Did you enjoy your meal?
Hat es Ihnen noch niemand gesagt?(German) Hasn't anyone told you?
Hat es sich gelohnt?(German) Was it worth while?
Hat hier (zufällig) jemand einen Stift?(German) Anybody got a pen?
hâtif (m.), hâtive (f.)(French) hasty, early (precocious)
Hat jemand Bock auf ... ?(German) Is anyone on for ... ? (colloquial)
Hat jemand von euch zufällig ... ?(German) Do any of you happen to have ... ?
Hat man so was schon erlebt?(German) Did you ever seen the likes of it?
Hat noisee ca tru
Hatschek(German n.) wedge, hácek, caron (diacritic)
Hätschelei(German f.) cosseting
hätscheln(German) to cuddle, to fondle, to nuzzle, to coddle
hätschelnd(German) cuddling, nuzzling
hatschen(German - Austria) to hobble
hatschi(German) atishoo
Hat's geschmeckt?(German) Did you enjoy your meal?
Hat sie Fieber?(German) Does she have a temperature?
Hat sie wirklich.(German) She did indeed.
Hat super geklappt.(German) Worked out really well. (colloquial)
Hätte ich mir eigentlich denken können.(German) I might have guessed.
hatte mehr Ähnlichkeit mit ... als mit ...(German) was more akin to ... than ...
Hätte nie gedacht, dass ich mal auf diesen Sound stehe.(German) Never thought I'd love to hear that sound.
Hätten Sie die Güte zu kommen?(German) Would you be so kind as to come?
Hättest du das doch gleich gesagt!(German) Why didn't you tell me straightaway?
Hattiansan ancient people who inhabited the land of Hatti in present-day central and southeastern parts of Anatolia, Turkey, beginning from at least ca. 2500, until they were gradually displaced and absorbed by Indo-European Hittites (who adopted their name) ca. 2000-1700 BC
Hattier(German pl.) Hattians
Hattisch(German n.) Hattic
Hattusa(English, German n.) the capital of the Hittite Empire
Hattuscha(German n.) Hattusa
... hat uns an Sie verwiesen.(German) We have been referred to you by ...
Hau ab!(German) Beat it! (colloquial) Buzz off! (colloquial) Clear out! (colloquial) Get lost! (colloquial) Go away! (colloquial) Hop it! (colloquial) Away you go! (colloquial)
Haubarkeitsalter(German n.) maturity (wood)
Haube (s.), Hauben (pl.)(German f.) hood, bonnet, cap, crest, cowl, cover, cosy (for teapot)
Haubois(French) corruption of hautbois
Hauben-(German) crested (prefix)
Haubenemblem(German n.) lid emblem
haubenförmig(German) cap-shaped
Haubenlokal(German n. - Austria) gourmet restaurant
haubenlos(German) crestless
Haubitze(German f.) howitzer
Hauch (s.), Hauche (pl.)(German m.) puff, bloom, soupçon, smack, aspiration, whiff, umbrage (hint), tang (figurative), breath (of air), mist (colloquial), breeze, waft
Hauch auf einer Frucht(German m.) bloom
hauchdünn(German) gauzily, sheer, filmy, gossamer, wafer-thin, razor-thin, gauzy, paper-thin (also figurative), flimsy, extremely thin, ultra-thin, pencil-thin (objects), very thin
hauchdünne Seide(German f.) sheer silk
hauchdünner Baumwollstoff(German m.) sheer cotton
hauchdünner Rock(German m.) sheer skirt
hauchdünner Sieg(German m.) knife-edge victory
hauchdünner Stoff(German m.) sheer fabric
hauchdünnes Kleid(German n.) sheer dress
hauchen(German) to breathe, to aspirate, to whisper, to breath something (to whisper)
hauchfein(German) sheer (fabrics), extremely fine
Hauch frischer Luft(German m.) whiff of fresh air, breath of fresh air
Hauch Grün(German m.) touch of green
hauchig(German) breathy
Hauchlaut(German m.) aspirate
hauchvergoldet(German) (gold) flash-plated
Hauch von(German m.) touch of, whiff of
Hauch von Grün(German m.) touch of green
Hauch von Rauch(German m.) whiff of smoke
Hauch von Romantik(German m.) touch of romance
hauchzart(German) gossamer, sheer (fabrics), very light, extremely delicate (meat, etc.)
hauchzarter Stoff(German m.) sheer fabric
Haudegen(German m.) warhorse
Hau den Lukas(German m.) ring-the-bell (funfair game)
Haue(German f.) hoe, adze, spanking
hauen(German) to bash, to hew, to clobber (colloquial), to hoe, to clonk (colloquial), to bonk (colloquial: to hit), to cut (in stone), to chop, to poke (colloquial: punch), to carve, to whack (colloquial: to punch), to sock (colloquial: to punch)
hauend(German) hewing, whaling
hauen nach(German) to slash at
Hauen und Stechen(German n.) fierce competition (figurative), hewing and stabbing (with a sword)
Hauer (s.), Hauer (pl.)(German m.) tusk, fang (of a boar, also of a person), cutter, hewer, face worker (in a coal mine), pikeman
(German m. - Austria) wine grower
Hauerwein(German m. - Austria) wine directly from a small-scale grower
Häufchen(German n.) (pile of) ... muck, small heap
Haufe(German m. - dated) horde
Haufen (s.), Haufen (pl.)(German m.) pile, accumulation, heap, clamp, cluster, lot (heap, group), stack, mound (heap, lot), parcel, crowd (group), clutch, bunch (colloquial: of people)
häufen(German) to heap, to accumulate, to aggregate, to amass, to pile up
Haufen Abfall(German m.) heap of rubble
Haufen an Informationen(German m.) pile of information
Haufen bilden(German) to bunch up
häufend(German) heaping, massing
Haufen Geld(German m.) mint (of money), pile of money, packet (of money), wad (of money)
Haufen Lügen(German m.) pack of lies
Haufenschichtwolke(German f.) stratocumulus (cloud)
Haufen Schwindler(German m.) bunch of swindlers
Haufen von(German pl.) heaps of
haufenweise(German) in heaps, heaps of (colloquial), galore
Haufenwolke(German f.) cumulus (cloud)
häufig(German) frequent, frequently, prevalently, often, at frequent intervals, continual, in many cases, a lot (frequently), abundant, common
häufig an einem Ort verkehren(German) to resort to a place (frequent)
häufig anzutreffen(German) common
häufig anzutreffend(German) common (animal, bird)
häufig anzutreffende falsche Vorstellung(German f.) common misconception
häufig benutzt(German) widely used
häufig besuchen(German) to frequent
häufig den Partner wechseln(German) to be promiscuous
häufige Abwesenheit(German f.) frequent absence
häufige Fehlannahme(German f.) common misconception
häufige Unglücksstelle(German f.) black spot
häufig gefundene Pflanze(German f.) common plant
häufig gemachter Fehler(German m.) common mistake
häufig genannt(German) frequently mentioned
häufig gestellte Fragen(German pl.) frequently asked questions
häufig mit ... konfrontiert werden(German) to be frequently confronted with ... (something)
häufiger(German) more frequent, more frequently, more often
häufiger als je zuvor(German) more frequently than ever
häufiger Anblick(German m.) common sight
häufiger Besucher(German m.) constant visitor
häufiger Irrtum(German m.) common misconception
häufiger Partnerwechsel(German m.) promiscuous behaviour, promiscuity
häufig sein(German) to be often
häufiges Ereignis(German n.) common event, frequent occurrence
häufiges Missverständnis(German n.) common misconception
häufiges Nichterscheinen(German n.) absenteeism (workplace, school, etc.)
häufig vorkommen(German) to be common (widespread, frequent)
häufig vorkommend(German) commonly occurring
häufig wechselnder Geschlechtsverkehr(German m.) promiscuous behaviour
häufig wiederkehrend(German) frequently recurrent
Häufigkeit (s.), Häufigkeiten (pl.)(German f.) commonness, frequency, abundance, rate, prevalence (crime, disease)
Häufigkeit der Unterbrechung(German f.) frequency of interruption
Häufigkeit des Auftretens(German f.) frequency of occurrence
Häufigkeit des Einkaufs(German f.) frequency of purchase
Häufigkeit innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraumes(German f.) periodicity
Häufigkeitsanalyse(German f.) frequency analysis
Häufigkeitskurve(German f.) frequency curve
Häufigkeitsmuster(German n.) abundance pattern
Häufigkeitsrate(German f.) frequency rate, incidence rate
Häufigkeitsverfahren(German n.) probability calculation method
Häufigkeitsverteilung(German f.) frequency distribution, frequency scale
Häufigkeit und Prognose(German f.) incidence and prognosis
häufigste(German) most frequent, most common, most abundant
häufigste Form(German f.) most frequent form
häufigster Leistungswert(German m.) modal performance
häufigster Wert(German m.) mode
häufigst vorkommender Zeitwert(German m.) weighted average time
Häuflein(German n.) small group, small pile
Häufung(German f.) burst, accumulation, concourse, clustering
Häufungs-(German) accumulative
Häufungspunkt(German m.) limit point, cluster point, accumulation point
Haufwerk(German n.) material to be screened
Haugeanthe name of a pietistic state church reform movement intended to bring new life and vitality into a Norwegian State Church. The Haugean movement took its name from the lay evangelist Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771-1824)
  • Haugean from which this information has been taken
Haugianer(German pl.) Haugeans
Haumesser(German n.) slasher
Haunghaung(China) a Jew's harp made of bamboo with a metal tongue to which a cord is attached
  • Haunghaung from which this information has been taken
Haupangothe Mexican Haupango is a descendant of the Spanish son, but its rhythm is definitely of the new world, combining 2/4 time with 3/4 time and 6/8 time, creating cross rhythms of great complexity
Haupt (s.), Häupter (pl.)(German n.) head, principal, chief, pilot, root, pate (archaic: head)
Haupt-(German) main, cardinal, major, general, master, chief, prime, key, cardinal (rule, virtue, sin, etc.), mainline, mainstream, principal
Hauptabendprogramm(German n.) prime time programme (TV)
Hauptabmessungen(German pl.) main dimensions
Hauptabsatzgebiet(German n.) chief market
Hauptabsperrhahn(German m.) main stopcock
Hauptabsperrvorrichtung(German f.) main shut-off device (gas, water)
Hauptabteilung(German f.) main department, principal department
Hauptabwasserleitung(German f.) main sewer
Hauptabwasserrohr(German n.) main drain
Hauptachse(German f.) principal axis, major axis
Hauptader (s.), Hauptadern (pl.)(German f.) mother lode, artery
Hauptakteur (s.), Hauptakteure (pl.)(German m.) key player, leading light
Hauptaktivität(German f.) core activity
Hauptakzent(German m.) main accent, primary accent, main stress, primary stress, main emphasis
Hauptaltar(German m.) high altar, main altar
Hauptamt(German n.) telephone main exchange
hauptamtlich(German) full-time
Hauptanalyse(German f.) fundamental analysis
Hauptanbaugebiet(German n.) main production area, key production area
Hauptanbauländer(German pl.) main producing countries
Hauptanbieter(German m.) primary provider
Hauptangeklagter(German m.) main defendant, principal defendant
Hauptangelegenheit(German f.) principal matter
Hauptanimator(German m.) supervising animator, key animator
Hauptanliegen(German n.) chief concern, main object, main objective, prime concern, main concern
Hauptanschluss(German m.) main connection, main station, main terminal
Hauptanspruch(German m.) principal claim
Hauptanteil(German m.) lion's share
Hauptantrieb(German m.) main drive
Hauptantriebswelle(German f.) main drive shaft
Hauptanwendung(German f.) main application
Hauptanziehungspunkt(German m.) main attraction
Hauptarbeit(German f.) chief work
Hauptärgernis(German n.) pet peeve
Hauptargument(German n.) main argument, principal argument, basic argument
Hauptarmee(German f.) main army
Hauptarten(German pl.) primary types
Hauptartikel(German m.) lead story
Hauptaspekt(German m.) main aspect
Hauptast(German m.) main bough (tree, etc.)
Hauptattraktion(German f.) chief attraction, star turn, centrepiece, main attraction, principal attraction, main feature (show, fair)
Hauptaufgabe (s.), Hauptaufgaben (pl.)(German f.) main task, chief task, key task, major task, principal duty, principal task, primary task
Hauptauftrag(German m.) primary mission
Hauptaugenmerk(German n.) focus
Hauptausgabe(German f.) main edition
Hauptausgang(German m.) main exit, main output
Hauptautor (s.), Hauptautoren (pl.)(German m.) main author, principal author
Hauptbahn(German f.) main line (railway system)
Hauptbahnhof(German m.) main railway station, central station, central terminal, main station
Hauptbalken(German m.) baulk (archeology)
Hauptbau(German m.) main building
Hauptbauteile(German pl.) principal components
Hauptbecken(German n.) main body (of a lake)
Hauptbedienpult(German n.) central control desk
Hauptbedienungspult(German n.) central control desk
Hauptbedingung(German f.) first-order condition
Hauptbelastungszeit(German f.) peak time, peak hours
Hauptbelastungszeuge(German m.) main prosecution witness, principal prosecution witness, chief prosecution witness
Hauptberuf(German m.) regular occupation
hauptberuflich(German) full-time (at work)
hauptberuflicher Vertreter(German m.) full-time agent
Hauptbeschäftigung(German f.) regular occupation, preoccupation, full-time job, chief occupation, chief activity, main occupation
Hauptbestandteil (s.), Hauptbestandteile (pl.)(German m.) basis, body (main component, principal element), main component, chief ingredient, principal component, principal constituent, chief constituent, main constituent, main ingredient, principal ingredient, essential element, essential part, primary component
Hauptbetätigungsfeld(German n.) main sphere of activity
Hauptbeweggrund(German m.) main motive, main inducement
Hauptbeweisstück(German n.) key piece of evidence
Hauptbezichtigung (s.), Hauptbezichtigungen (pl.)(German f.) gravamen
Hauptbörse(German f.) main stock exchange
Hauptbuch(German n.) ledger, general ledger, journal (ledger)
Hauptbuchführer(German m.) book-keeper
Hauptbuchhalter(German m.) chief accountant
Hauptbüro(German n.) central office, head office, main office
Hauptcharakter(German m.) main character, protagonist
Hauptcomputer(German m.) host (computer)
Hauptdarsteller (m.), Hauptdarstellerin (f.)(German) male/female lead (actor/actress in a leading role), headliner, leading actor, chief character, principal actor, leading man (m.), lead (leading man/woman), actor in leading role, leading actress (f.), premiere (f.: leading female actress), leading lady (f.), principal actress (f.), actress in leading role (f.)
Hauptdatei(German f.) main file, master file
Hauptdeck(German n.) main deck (ship)
Hauptdiagonale(German f.) main diagonal, principal diagonal (matrix)
Hauptdialekte(German pl.) major dialects
Hauptdienstleistungsprogramme(German pl.) basic utilities
Hauptdozent(German m.) senior lecturer
Hauptdrehkreuz(German n.) main hub
Hauptdreiklang (s.), Hauptdreiklänge (pl.)(German m.) primary triad
Hauptdreiklang(German m.) primary triad
Haupteigenschaft(German f.) primary quality, main feature
Haupteingang(German m.) main entrance
Haupteingang(German m.) front entrance, main entrance, portal
Haupteinheit(German f.) master unit, main unit
Haupteinkäufer(German m.) chief buyer
Haupteinkaufsstraße(German f.) main shopping street
Haupteinkommen(German n.) chief income, principal income
Haupteinnahmequelle(German m.) main source of income
Haupteinspeisung(German f.) main power supply
Haupteintragung(German f.) main entry
Haupteinwand(German m.) main objection
Hauptelement(German n.) principal element
Hauptempfehlungen(German pl.) main recommendations
Haupterbe (m.), Haupterbin (f.)(German) principal heir, principal heiress (f.)
Haupterbe(German n.) principal inheritance
Hauptereignis(German n.) the outstanding event, the main event
Hauptereignis(German n.) chief event
Hauptereignisse des Jahres(German pl.) chief events of the year
Hauptergebnis(German n.) main result, key result
Haupterwartungen(German pl.) chief expectations
Haupterwerbsquelle (s.), Haupterwerbsquellen (pl.)(German f.) main livelihood, principal occupation
Haupterzeugnis(German n.) main product, staple
Hauptexponat(German n.) main exhibit
Hauptfach(German n.) main subject, basic subject, major subject, major (principal subject of study)
Hauptfahrbahn(German f.) main carriageway
Hauptfaktor(German m.) chief factor, main factor, principal factor
Hauptfarbe(German f.) main colour
Hauptfeder(German f.) mainspring
Hauptfehler(German m.) chief defect, principal defect, principal fault, major defect, main defect
Hauptfeind (m.), Hauptfeindin (f.)(German) the principal enemy, the main enemy
Hauptfeind(German m.) main enemy
Hauptfeld(German n.) peloton (cycling), pack (cycling race)
Hauptfelsgrund(German m.) bedrock
Hauptfenster(German n.) main window
Hauptfigur(German f.) central character, chief character (in a story), protagonist, main character, main figure
Hauptfiliale(German f.) main branch (of a family)
Hauptfilm (s.), Hauptfilme (pl.)(German m.) feature film
Hauptflughafen(German m.) main airport
Hauptfokus(German m.) main focus
Hauptforderung(German f.) principal claim
Hauptform (s.), Hauptformen (pl.)(German f.) principal form
Hauptfoyer(German n.) main lobby
Hauptfrage(German f.) principal question, main question, pivotal question
Hauptfrau (s.), Hauptfrauen (pl.)(German f.) chief wife, principal wife
Hauptfreunde(German pl.) chief friends
Hauptfriedhof(German m.) main cemetery
Hauptfunktion(German f.) major function, main function
Hauptgang (s.), Hauptgänge (pl.)(German m.) main course, entrée, central gangway, main corridor, central aisle (in church, theatre)
Hauptgasleitung(German f.) gas main
Hauptgast(German m.) chief guest, principal guest
Hauptgebäude(German n.) main building, central building
Hauptgedanke(German m.) principal thought, main thought, keynote, keystone
Hauptgefahr(German f.) chief danger
Hauptgefreite(German m.) corporal
Hauptgegenstand(German m.) chief subject
Hauptgegner(German m.) main opponent, chief opponent
Hauptgerät(German n.) mainframe
Hauptgericht(German n.) main course, entrée, pièce de résistance
Hauptgerinne(German n.) main channel
Hauptgesang(German m.) the principal melody, the main melody
Hauptgeschäft (s.), Hauptgeschäfte (pl.)(German n.) core business, head office, central office, main store, bread-and-butter line
Hauptgeschäftsführer(German m.) chief executive officer (of a corporation)
Hauptgeschäftsführung(German f.) executive board
Hauptgeschäftssitz(German m.) primary location for a company, principal place of business, business headquarters
Hauptgeschäftsstelle(German f.) headquarters (with singular or plural verb), main branch, principal office, head office
Hauptgeschäftsstunden(German pl.) peak hours
Hauptgeschäftsviertel(German n.) central business district
Hauptgeschäftszeit(German f.) peak sales period, rush hour
Hauptgeschäftszentrum(German n.) central business district
Hauptgeschoss(German n.) principal floor
Hauptgesims(German n.) entablature
Hauptgesprächsthema(German n.) main topic of conversation, main talking point
Hauptgewerk(German n.) main work
Hauptgewinn (s.), Hauptgewinne (pl.)(German m.) first prize, jackpot, top prize
Hauptgewinner(German m.) main winner
Hauptgipfel(German m.) main peak (mountain)
Hauptgläubiger(German m.) principal creditor
Hauptgott(German m.) principal deity
Hauptgottesdienst(German m.) main (church) service
Hauptgottheit(German f.) main deity
Hauptgrund (s.), Hauptgründe (pl.)(German m.) chief reason, main reason, prime cause, main cause, prime reason, principal reason
Hauptgrund für dieses Schreiben(German m.) main reason for our writing
Hauptgruppe(German f.) main group
Haupthaar(German n.) (head) hair
Haupthafen (s.), Haupthäfen (pl.)(German m.) main port, principal port
Haupthahn(German m.) main valve, main tap
Haupthalle(German f.) main hall
Haupthandlung(German f.) main plot
Haupthaus(German n.) main building
Hauptheiligtum(German n.) principal sanctuary, main sanctuary
Hauptherausforderer(German m.) main challenger
Hauptherausgeber(German m.) editor-in-chief
Haupthindernis(German n.) main obstacle
Hauptideal(German n.) principal ideal
Hauptidee(German f.) central idea, principal idea
Hauptindex(German m.) master index, main index
Hauptinhalt(German m.) gist, main content
Hauptinhaltsverzeichnis(German n.) root directory
Hauptinsel(German f.) main island, principal island
Hauptinteresse(German n.) centre of interest, main concern, primary topic of interest, main interest
Hauptkammer(German f.) main chamber
Hauptkampfgebiet(German n.) main battle area
Hauptkandidat(German m.) prime candidate
Hauptkasse(German f.) box office, main cash desk (shop)
Hauptkassier(German m.) chief cashier, head cashier
Hauptkassierer(German m.) chief cashier, head cashier, head teller
Hauptkatalog(German m.) main catalogue
Hauptkategorie (s.), Hauptkategorien (pl.)(German f.) main category
Hauptkennlinie(German f.) principal characteristic
Hauptkennzeichen(German n.) main feature, chief (or principal) characteristic
Hauptkette(German f.) main chain
Hauptkirche(German f.) cathedral, metropolian church, mother church, main church
Hauptklasse (s.), Hauptklassen (pl.)(German f.) main class
Hauptkomponente (s.), Hauptkomponenten (pl.)(German f.) main component, major constituent
Hauptkomponist(German m.) main composer, principal composer
Hauptkonkurrent(German m.) chief competitor, chief rival, main competitor
Hauptkontakt (s.), Hauptkontakte (pl.)(German m.) main contact
Hauptkontrolleinheit(German f.) central control unit
Hauptkontrollpult(German n.) central control desk
Hauptkontrollraum (German m.) central control room
Hauptkontrollsystem(German n.) central control system
Hauptkriegsverbrecher(German pl.) major war criminals
Hauptküche(German f.) central kitchen
Hauptkunden(German pl.) main customers, main clients
Hauptlager(German n.) main store
Hauptland(German n.) mainland
Hauptlärmquelle(German f.) major noise source, main source of noise
Hauptlast(German f.) brunt
Hauptlast der Arbeit(German f.) burden of work
Hauptlehrer(German m.) senior master (senior teacher)
Hauptleidtragender sein(German) to bear the brunt
Hauptleissee 'pilgrim songs (German)'
Hauptleistung(German f.) main performance
Hauptleistungspflichten in einem Vertrag(German pl.) conditions (major terms)
Hauptleitung(German f.) trunk line, trunking, mains
Hauptleitungsrohr(German n.) main pipe
Hauptleute(German pl.) captains
Hauptlieferant(German m.) main supplier, principal supplier
Häuptling(German m.) chieftain, chief, clan chief, headman (of a tribe, clan), bigwig (colloquial)
Häuptlingschaft(German f.) chieftaincy
Häuptlingstum(German n.) chiefdom
Hauptlinie(German f.) main line, stem (of family tree)
Hauptluftbehälter(German m.) main air reservoir
Hauptmacht(German f.) main body
Hauptmahlzeit(German f.) dinner, principal meal, main meal, meat (archaic)
Hauptmann(German m.) captain
the correct plural is Hauptleute (German pl.: captains)
Hauptmanual(German) the keyboard of the Great organ, the Great organ
Hauptmarke(German f.) leading brand
Hauptmarkt(German m.) central market, primary market, principal market, main market
Hauptmaschine(German f.) master machine
Hauptmaße(German pl.) main dimensions
Hauptmasse(German f.) body, bulk (main body)
Hauptmaterial(German n.) chief material
Hauptmeinungsführer(German pl.) key opinion leaders
Hauptmelodie(German f.) principal melody
Hauptmenü(German n.) main menu
Hauptmeridian(German m.) principal meridian
Hauptmerkmal (s.), Hauptmerkmale (pl.)(German n.) characteristic feature, feature, key feature, principal characteristic
Hauptmieter(German m.) principal tenant
Hauptmietvertrag(German m.) head lease agreement
Hauptmotiv(German n.) principal motif, principal theme, chief motive, leading motive, prime motive, main motive
Hauptnahrung(German f.) principal food, staple, staple food, staple diet
Hauptnahrungsmittel(German n.) (dietary) staple, staple diet, main source of food
Hauptnavigation(German f.) principal navigation
Hauptnenner(German m.) common denominator (in mathematics: also figurative)
Hauptnetz(German n.) mains, principal network
Hauptniederlage(German f. - dated) principal place of business
Hauptniederlassung(German f.) head office, principal place of business, principal office, central office, headquarters
Hauptnote(German f.) an essential note, an accented note, a principal note (for example, the note over which a turn, trill or shake sign might be placed)
Hauptnutzer (m.), Hauptnutzerin (f.), Hauptnutzer (pl.)(German) main user
Hauptnutzung(German f.) primary use
Hauptöffnung(German f.) main opening
Hauptort(German m.) main place, main town (on an island, etc.), chief village (on a small island, etc.), chief city (in a region)
Hauptpartie(German f.) a principal part
Hauptpatent(German n.) main patent
Hauptperiode(German f.) the principal period in a musical phrase
Hauptperson(German f.) principal character (in a play), kingpin, leading character, cock of the walk (colloquial), main charatcer, protagonist
Hauptpfeiler(German m.) main pillar (also figurative)
Hauptplan(German m.) master plan
Hauptplatine(German f.) motherboard, mainboard, board (colloquial)
Hauptplattform(German f.) main platform
Hauptplatz(German m.) main square, central plaza, centre court (tennis)
Hauptportal(German n.) main entrance (for example, of a church)
Hauptpost(German f.) general post office, main post office
Hauptpostamt(German n.) central post office, main post office, general post office
Hauptpreis(German m.) first prize, star prize
Hauptprinzip(German n.) main principle
Hauptprobe(German f.) the final rehearsal, usually that immediately before the Generalprobe (German f.: full-dress rehearsal)
Hauptproblem(German n.) main problem, central problem, major problem, key problem, primary problem
Hauptprodukt(German n.) main product, chief product, core product, primary product
Hauptproduzent(German m.) main producer
Hauptprogramm(German n.) main routine, master routine, main programme
Hauptprojekte(German pl.) main projects
Hauptprozessor(German m.) central processor, main processor, central processing unit (CPU)
Hauptprüfer(German m.) chief examiner
Hauptprüfung(German f.) main exam
Hauptpunkt (s.), Hauptpunkte (pl.)(German m.) gist, salient point
Hauptquartier (s.), Hauptquartiere (pl.)(German n.) headquarters
Hauptquelle(German f.) key source, principal source, major source
Hauptrad(German n.) main wheel
Hauptrechner(German m.) central computer, main computer, mainframe
Hauptrechner im Verbund(German m.) master computer
Hauptrechner-Satellitenrechner-(German) master-slave (prefix)
Hauptredner(German m.) keynote speaker
Hauptreferenzwerke(German pl.) main reference publications
Hauptreihe(German f.) main sequence
Hauptreisezeit(German f.) (peak) tourist season
Hauptrelais(German n.) main relay, primary relay
Hauptresidenz(German f.) principal residence
Hauptresultat(German n.) main result, primary result
Hauptrevision(German f.) major overhaul
Hauptrichtung(German f.) principal direction
Hauptrisikofaktor(German m.) major risk factor
Hauptrivale(German m.) main rival
Hauptrohr(German n.) main pipe
Hauptrolle (s.), Haupttrollen (pl.)(German f.) lead (leading part), leading role, main part (in a film, play, etc.), chief part, leading part, central character, primary part, principal character, star role, starring role, dominant role
Hauptroute(German f.) primary route
Hauptroutine(German f.) leading routine
Hauptsache(German f.) essential, main point, main thing, principal thing, chief thing
Hauptsache ist, dass ...(German) The main thing is that ... The main point is that ...
Hauptsachen(German f.) a fundamental
hauptsächlich(German) in the main, especially, first, generally, major, chiefly, mainly, primal, primarily, principally, mostly, main, chief, cardinal, central, especially, largely, primary, principal, pre-eminently, basically (mainly), prime (cause, objective, target), predominantly
hauptsächlich beschäftigt mit(German) principally involved in
hauptsächlich betreffend(German) in the main affecting
hauptsächlich gebildet(German) principally formed
hauptsächlich spezialisiert auf(German) primarily specialising in
hauptsächlich verwendet(German) principally used
hauptsächlich vorgesehen für(German) primarily intended for
hauptsächliche Rohstoffquelle(German f.) key resource
hauptsächliche Vertragsformeln(German pl.) chief terms
hauptsächliche Vertragspflicht(German f.) primary obligation
hauptsächlicher Bereich(German m.) main sector
hauptsächlicher Inhalt(German m.) chief contents
hauptsächlicher Mangel(German m.) chief defect
hauptsächlicher Unterstützer(German m.) principal supporter
Hauptsachtitel(German m.) full title, main title
Hauptsaison(German f.) busy season, peak season, high season
Hauptsatz (s.), Hauptsäze (pl.)(German m.) first subject (in sonata form), principal theme, main theme, main clause, fundamental theorem, principal clause, substantive clause, matrix sentence
Hauptsäule(German f.) main pillar (also figurative), mainstay
Hauptschalter(German m.) main switch, master switch, main breaker
(German m.) main ticket desk, main ticket counter, main booking office, main desk, main counter
Hauptschaltraum(German m.) master control room
Hauptschiff(German n.) nave (in a church)
Hauptschiff einer Kirche(German n.) main aisle
Hauptschifffahrtsweg(German m.) principal waterway
Hauptschlachtfeld(German n.) key battleground (also figurative)
Hauptschlafzimmer(German n.) master bedroom
Hauptschlagader(German f.) aorta, main artery
Hauptschluss(German m.) perfect or full close
Hauptschlüssel(German m.) master key, pass-key, passe-partout, skeleton key
(German m.) (music) principal key of a composition
Hauptschriftleiter (s.), Hauptschriftleiterin (f.)(German - on some Nazi publications) editor in chief (also called editor-in-chief), executive editor
Hauptschulabschluss(German m.) secondary modern school qualification
Hauptschulbildung(German f.) secondary education
Hauptschuld(German f.) primary debt, main share of the blame
Hauptschuldiger(German m.) chief culprit
Hauptschuldner(German m.) principal debtor, person primarily liable
Hauptschule(German f.) secondary modern school
Hauptschullehrer(German m.) secondary school teacher
Hauptschütz(German n.) main contactor
Hauptschwäche(German f.) principal weakness
Hauptschwierigkeit (s.), Hauptschwierigkeiten (pl.)(German f.) chief difficulty
Hauptsegel(German n.) mainsail
Hauptseite(German f.) home page, homepage, main page (of a website)
Hauptseminar(German n.) advanced seminar
Hauptsendezeit(German f.) peak viewing hours, prime time (TV)
Hauptsicherung(German f.) main fuse, master fuse
Hauptsitz(German m.) headquarters, head office, principal office, central office, legal seat (registered office), siège social (French)
Hauptsorge(German f.) primary concern, main worry
Hauptspann(German m.) main title
Hauptspant(German m.) main bulkhead
Hauptspantschnitt(German m.) main bulkhead
Hauptspeicher(German m.) central memory, general storage, main memory, primary storage, computer memory, main storage
Hauptspeise (s.), Hauptspeisen (pl.)(German f.) main course, main dish
Hauptspiegel(German m.) primary mirror (telescope)
Hauptsponsor(German m.) lead sponsor, main sponsor
Hauptsprache(German f.) main language
Hauptstadt (s.), Hauptstädte (pl.)(German f.) capital, metropolis, capital city, main town (region), state capital (US, Austrialia, etc.)
Hauptstadtbewohner(German pl.) inhabitants of the capital
Hauptstädter(German m.) metropolitan
hauptstädtisch(German) metropolitan, of the capital
Hauptstandbein der Wirtschaft(German n.) economic mainstay
Hauptständer(German m.) centre stand
Hauptstandort(German m.) headquarters
Hauptstelle(German f.) central office, main branch
Hauptstellung(German f.) primary position
Hauptsteuerpult(German n.) central control desk
Hauptstimme(German f.) principal part or voice, a term first coined by Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951)
hauptstimmig(German) obbligato
Hauptstoß(German m.) brunt
Hauptstraße (s.), Hauptstraßen (pl.)(German f.) high street, main road, main street, main thoroughfare, principal road, first-class road
Hauptstrecke(German f.) main line
Hauptstrom(German m.) power line, main stream, main current
Hauptstromanschluss(German m.) main terminal
Hauptstromkreis(German m.) main circuit
Hauptströmung(German f.) mainstream, main flow, main current
Hauptstruktur(German f.) major structure
Hauptstück(German n. - dated) chapter
Hauptstudie(German f.) main study
Hauptstudienfach(German n.) major field of study, main subject
Hauptstudium(German n.) main course, main studies
Hauptstütze (s.), Hauptstützen (pl.)(German f.) mainstay
Hauptsymptom(German n.) predominant symptom, main symptom
Haupttabelle(German f.) main table
Haupttaktgeber(German m.) master clock
Haupttäter(German m.) principal offender, main perpetrator
Haupttätigkeit(German f.) principal activity, main activity, chief activity
Hauptteil(German m.) main part, principal part, body, bulk, main body (of church, speech, army, etc.)
Hauptteil des Briefes(German m.) body of a letter
Hauptteil einer Internetseite(German m.) body of an Internet page
Hauptteil eines Briefes(German m.) body of a letter
Hauptteil eines Buches(German m.) body of a book
Haupttempel(German m.) main temple, principal temple
Haupttempo(German n.) original tempo, tempo primo
Hauptterminal(German n.) main terminal
Haupttextteil(German m.) main body (of text)
Hauptthema (s.), Hauptthemen (pl.)(German n.) principal theme, main subject, central theme, main topic, principal topic, main theme, main issue, primary theme
Haupttitel(German m.) title proper, main title
Haupttitelseite(German f.) title page
Hauptton (s.), Haupttöne (pl.)(German m.) the key note, the fundamental note, the tonic, primary stress
Haupttonart(German f.) the prevalent key of a piece
Haupttor(German n.) main gate
Hauptträger(German m.) main girder
Haupttreffer(German m.) first prize, jackpot
Haupttreppe(German f.) main staircase, principal staircase
Haupttribüne(German f.) grandstand, main stand
Haupttugenden(German f.) cardinal virtues, prime virtues
Hauptturm(German m.) donjon
Hauptuhr(German f.) master clock
Hauptumschlagplatz(German m.) hub (transport)
Hauptumspanner(German m.) main transformer
Hauptunternehmer(German m.) main contractor, principal contractor
Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmal(German n.) key differentiator
Hauptunterschied(German m.) main difference, chief difference, key difference
Hauptunterstützung(German f.) chief support
Hauptuntersuchung(German f.) main survey, general inspection
Haupturlaubszeit(German f.) vacation period
Hauptursache(German f.) chief cause, principal cause, main cause, major cause, root cause, primary cause
Hauptventil(German n.) main valve
Hauptventilator(German m.) main fan
Hauptveranstaltung(German f.) main event
Hauptverantwortliche(German pl.) persons mainly responsible
Hauptverantwortung(German f.) main responsibility
Hauptverband(German m.) national association (for example, trade association)
Hauptverbindlichkeit(German f.) principal obligation
Hauptverbindung(German f.) main line
Hauptverbraucher(German m.) main consumer, principal consumer
Hauptverbündeter(German m.) main ally
Hauptverdächtiger (m.), Hauptverdächtige (f.)(German) prime suspect, chief suspect, primary suspect
Hauptverdiener(German m.) main earner, main wage earner, principal earner, main bread-winner
Hauptverfahren(German n.) main trial, main proceedings, main hearing
Hauptverhandler(German m.) chief negotiator
Hauptverhandlung(German f.) main negotiation, main trial
Hauptverhandlung ohne Jury(German f.) summary trial, non-jury trial
Hauptverkehr(German m.) bulk of the traffic
Hauptverkehrsader (s.), Hauptverkehrsadern (pl.)(German f.) principal artery (traffic), main artery (traffic), throughfare
Hauptverkehrsstraße (s.), Hauptverkehrsstraßen (pl.)(German f.) main highway, arterial road, main road, main street, trunk road, main thoroughfare (within a town)
Hauptverkehrszeit(German f.) rush hour, peak time, traffic peak hour
Hauptversammlung(German f.) general business meeting, general assembly, general meeting
Hauptversion(German f.) major release
Hauptverstärker(German m.) main amplifier
Hauptverteidiger (s.), Hauptverteidigerin (f.)(German) leading counsel (for the defence)
Hauptvertrag(German m.) prime contract, main contract
Hauptvertreter(German m.) leading exponent (of a philosophy, etc.), main proponent (of a theory, etc.)
Hauptverwaltung(German f.) head office, administrative centre, central administration, central office, headquarters
Hauptverzeichnis(German n.) root directory
Hauptvoraussetzung(German f.) key prerequisite
Hauptvorhang(German m.) stage curtain, grand drape (opera house, theatre, etc.)
Hauptvorkommen(German n.) principal occurrence
Hauptvorstand(German m.) executive board
Hauptvorteil (s.), Hauptvorteile (pl.)(German m.) chief advantage
Hauptw.abbreviated form of Hauptwerk
Hauptware(German f.) staple
Hauptwasserleitung(German f.) main water pipe
Hauptwasserrohr(German n.) water main
Hauptweg(German m.) primary route
Hauptwerk(German n.) chief work, magnum opus, main work, principal work, main works (collective), most important work
(German n., literally 'great organ') also called the 'Great' division, to which the majority of the organ's pipes, including those too large to fit elsewhere, belong, often abbreviated to Werk
Hauptwert(German m.) principal value
Hauptwettbewerber(German m.) major competitor
Hauptwidersacher (m.), Hauptwidersacherin (f.)(German) main antagonist, chief adversary
Hauptwiderspruch(German m.) main contradiction (Marxism)
Hauptwinde(German f.) main winch
Hauptwindrichtung(German f.) prevailing wind direction
Hauptwirkung einer Medizin(German f.) chief virtue of a medicine
Hauptwirt(German m.) primary host
Hauptwirtschaftsfaktor(German m.) economic mainstay
Hauptwohnsitz(German m.) principal residence, main residence
Hauptwohnung(German f.) principal domicile
Hauptwolkenuntergrenze(German f.) (cloud) ceiling
Hauptwort (s.), Hauptwörter (pl.)(German n.) noun, substantive, substantive noun, noun substantive
Hauptwurzel(German f.) main root, primary root
Hauptzahlung(German f.) main payment, principal payment
Hauptzahlungstermin(German m.) principal payment date
Hauptzeichner(German m.) lead underwriter
Hauptzeitmaß(German n.) original tempo, tempo primo
Hauptzeitmass(German n.) original tempo, tempo primo
Hauptzentrum(German n.) main centre
Hauptzeuge(German m.) principal witness, prime witness, key witness
Hauptzeuge für die Staatsanwaltschaft(German m.) chief witness for the crown
Hauptziel(German n.) primary object, chief aim, chief object, chief purpose, main aim, main object, main objective, prime objective, prime target, chief target, major goal, primary objective, main goal, primary target, primary goal, main purpose
Hauptzielgruppe(German f.) main target audience
Hauptzollamt(German n.) main customs office
Hauptzufluss(German m.) principal tributary, main tributary, chief tributary
Hauptzug(German m.) main feature, principal feature, chief characteristic
(German m.) scheduled train (railway)
Hauptzuständigkeit(German f.) core competency
Hauptzweck(German m.) principal purpose, main purpose
Hauptzweig(German m.) main branch, stem, stem (of family tree)
Hauptzyklus(German m.) major cycle
Hauptzylinder(German m.) master cylinder
Hau ruck!(German) Heave-ho!
Hauruckdiät(German f. - rare) crash diet
Haus (s.), Häuser (pl.)(German n.) domicile, mansion (astrology), shell (snail, etc.), house (also astrology), House of ... (Windsor, Lancaster, Valois, etc.), house (figurative: performance hall), home
Haus-(German) inter-office, domestic, home, house (prefix)
Haus am Meer(German n.) house beside the sea, house by the shore, house on the seafront
Haus an der Küste(German n.) house by the seaside
Hausagentur(German f.) house agency
Hausaltar(German m.) home altar
Hausandacht(German f.) family prayers
Hausangestellter (m.), Hausangestellte (f.), Hausangestellte (pl.)(German) domestic servant, maid (f.), help (domestic), biddy (cleaning woman), domestic worker, domestic staff (plural form), household help (plural form), domestics (plural form)
Hausanschluss(German m.) home phone
Hausanschlussleitung(German f.) house connection line (gas, water, etc.)
Hausanteil(German m.) rake (poker)
Hausanzug(German m.) leisure suit
Hausapotheke(German f.) medicine chest, home medicine chest
Hausarbeit (s.), Hausarbeiten (pl.) (German f.) chore, homework (assignment), domestic work, indoor work, term paper, housework, household chore, household task, seminar paper
Hausarbeitsraum(German m.) domestic utility room
Hausarbeit verrichten(German) to char (housework)
Hausarme(German pl.) or verschämte Arme (German pl.) deserving poor
Hausarrest(German m.) curfew order, house detention
Hausarrest geben(German) to gate
Hausarrest haben(German) to be confined to quarters (colloquial), to be gated (colloquial)
Hausarznei(German f.) domestic remedy (medical treatment)
Hausarzt (m.), Hausärztin (f.)(German) family doctor, general practitioner, family practitioner, primary care doctor
hausärztliche Versorgung(German f.) general practitioner care
Hausarztpraxis(German f.) GP surgery
Hausa traditional music(Nigeria) the Hausa represent one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria. Based primarily in the Northern states of Nigeria the largest populations of Hausa are centered around the ancient City States of Kano, Zaria and Sokoto. Hausa music and culture are highly diverse and many dynamic musical instruments, such as Kakaki (brass trumpet) goge (1 or 2 string fiddle) molo (3 string lute) are used to accompany the primarily vocal based music
Hausaufgabe (s.), Hausaufgaben (pl.)(German f.) piece of homework, homework, homework assignment, prep (plural form)
Hausaufgaben am Wochenende(German pl.) weekend homework
Hausaufgaben machen(German) to do homework, to be doing one's homework
Hausaufgabenbetreuung(German f.) supervised homework
Hausaufgabenheft(German n.) homework book, diary
Haus aus Adobeziegeln(German n.) adobe (house)
Haus aus Holz(German n.) house of wood
Haus aus Stein(German n.) house of stone
Hausautor(German m.) in-house writer, in-house author
hausbacken(German) home-made, plain (figurative), homely (pejorative: person, style, etc.)
Hausball(German m.) private ball, dinner and dance, carpet dance (dated)
Hausbar(German f.) house bar, liquor cabinet
Hausbau(German m.) house construction, house building
Hausbedarf(German m.) household necessities
Hausbediensteter (s.), Hausbedienstete (pl.)(German m.) household servant
Hausbeleuchtung(German f.) domestic lighting
Hausberg(German m.) local mountain
Hausbeschallungsanlage(German f.) home sound system
Hausbesetzer (s.), Hausbesetzer (pl.)(German m.) squatter
Hausbesetzung(German f.) squatting
Hausbesitzer (m.), Hausbesitzerin (f.), Hausbesitzer (pl.)(German) homeowner, landlord, house owner, owner of a house, ratepayer, landlady (f.)
Hausbesorger (m.), Hausbesorgerin (f.)(German - Austria) janitor
Hausbesuch(German m.) house call, home visit, visit of (the) doctor
Hausbesuche machen(German) to make house calls, to conduct house calls (old-fashioned)
Hausbewirtschaftung(German f.) property management
Hausbibliothek(German f.) private library
Hausboot(German n.) houseboat, house boat
Hausbrand(German m.) domestic fuel, domestic coal, house fire
Hausbrandkohle(German f.) house coal, domestic coal (coal for household use), household coal
Hausbrauerei(German f.) craft brewery, boutique brewery
Hausbuch(German n.) housebook
Hausbuchmeister(German m.) Master of the Housebook (15th-century artist-engraver)
Häuschen (s.), Häuschen (pl.)(German n.) lodge, cottage, small house, little house, box (signal box), cot
Häuschen aus Naturstein(German n.) stone cottage
Hausdach(German n.) rooftop
Haus der Innungen(German n.) guildhall
Haus der Jugend(German n.) youth centre
Haus der Kindheit(German n.) childhood home
Hausdiener (s.), Hausdiener (pl.)(German n.) man-servant, valet, menial (domestic servant), hotel servant
Hausdienste(German pl.) domestic services
Hausdienstleistungen(German pl.) domestic services
Hausdrache(German m.) shrew
Hausdrachen(German m.) scold (archaic), nagging wife
Hausdurchsuchung(German f.) house search
Hausecke(German f.) corner of a house
hauseigen(German) in-house, on-site
hauseigene Marke(German f.) own brand
Hauseigentümer (m.), Hauseigentümerin (f.)(German) homeowner, house-owner, houseowner, owner of a house, householder, home owner, land-lady (f.)
Hauseingang(German m.) house entrance
Häusel(German n. - Austria) privy
Häuselbauer(German m. - Southern Germany, Austria) home-builder
Hauselektriker(German m.) in-house electrician
hausen(German) to dwell, to reside, to live
(German - Switzerland) to be economical
Hausenblase(German f.) isinglass
hausend(German) residing
Hausente(German f.) domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos dom.)
Häuserblock (s.), Häuserblöcke (pl.), Häuserblocks (pl.)(German m.) block of houses
Häuserfassaden(German pl.) house facades
Häuserflucht(German f.) row of houses
Häuserfront(German f.) house facade
Häusergruppe(German f.) group of houses, cluster of houses
Häuserkampf(German m.) house-to-house fighting, urban warfare
Häusermakler(German m.) house-agent, estate agent
Häusermeer(German n.) mass of houses, sea of houses (figurative)
Häuserpreise(German pl.) house prices
Häuserreihe(German f.) row of houses, line of houses
Häusertausch(German m.) house swap
Häuserzeile(German f.) row of houses
Hausfassade(German f.) house front
Hausfeuer(German n.) hearth fire
Hausflur(German m.) corridor, hallway, hall
Hausfrau (s.), Hausfrauen (pl.)(German f.) housewife, a German housewife (suggesting a woman whose attractions are mainly domestic)
Hausfrauenaugen(German pl.) household eyes (puffy eyes)
Hausfrauentum(German n.) housewifely existence
hausfraulich(German) housewifely
Hausfraulichkeit(German f.) housewifeliness
Hausfrau und Mutter(German f.) stay-at-home mum
Hausfreund(German m.) family friend, gallant
Hausfrieden(German m.) domestic peace
Hausfriedensbruch (s.), Hausfriedensbrüche (pl.)(German m.) trespass
Hausgans(German f.) domestic goose (Anser anser domestica)
Hausgast(German m.) house guest
hausgebacken(German) home-made (baked), home-baked
hausgebackener Kuchen(German m.) home-made cake, home-baked cake
Hausgebrauch(German m.) domestic use, household use
Hausgeburt(German f.) home birth, home childbirth
Hausgeflügel(German n.) poultry, domestic poultry
Hausgehilfin(German f.) housemaid
Hausgeist(German m.) puck (house spirit)
Hausgeld(German n.) common area charge (maintenance charge)
hausgemacht(German) home-made, homemade, man-made (figurative), of one's own doing (problems, etc.)
Hausgemeinde(German f.) house church
Hausgemeinschaft(German f.) household
Hausgenosse (m.), Hausgenossin (f.), Hausgenossen (pl.)(German) cohabitee (in house), cohabitant (in a house), housemate
Hausgerät(German n.) household appliance, household utensil
Hausgimpel(German m.) house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)
Hausglocke(German f.) doorbell (of a house)
Hausgott (m.), Hausgöttin (f.), Hausgötter (pl.)(German) household god, household goddess, household deity, household gods (plural form: Lares, Penates, etc.)
Hausgrille(German f.) house cricket (Gryllus domesticus or Acheta domestica)
Hausgrundstück(German m.) premises
Hausgruppe(German f.) group of adjoining houses, cluster of homes
Haus Habsburg-Lothringen(German n.) House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Haushalt (s.), Haushalte (pl.)(German m.) household, budget, home, menage (group)
Haushalten(German n.) husbandry
haushalten(German) to budget, to keep house (colloquial), to economise, to husband
haushaltend(German) economising
Haushalter(German m.) steward, housekeeper, head of household
Haushälter(German m. - dated) housekeeper, head of the household
Haushälterin (s.), Haushälterinnen (pl.)(German f.) housekeeper, contriver, house keeper
haushälterisch(German) economical, thriftily, frugal, thrifty
Haushalterschaft(German f.) stewardship
Haushaltgegenstände(German f.) household equipment
haushaltliche Geräte(German pl.) household aids
Haushalts-(German) household, budgetary (prefix)
Haushaltsabfall(German m.) household rubbish, domestic rubbish
Haushaltsangelegenheiten(German pl.) household affairs, household matters, (the) household, budgetary matters
Haushaltsansatz (s.), Haushaltsansätze (pl.)(German m.) budget estimate
Haushaltsarbeit(German f.) housework, domestic work
Haushaltsartikel (s.), Haushaltsartikel (pl.)(German m.) household article, household item
Haushaltsauflösung(German f.) breaking up of a household, liquidation of an estate (through sale)
Haushaltsausgaben(German pl.) household expenditure, household spending
Haushaltsausschuss(German m.) appropriations committee, budget committee
Haushaltsbedarf(German m.) domestic needs
Haushaltsbefragung(German f.) household survey
Haushaltsbuch(German n.) book of household accounts, housekeeping book, (house) account book, household account book
Haushaltsbudget(German n.) household budget
Haushaltseinkommen(German n.) household income
Haushaltselektronik(German f.) household electronics
Haushaltserhebung(German f.) household survey
Haushaltsfolie(German f.) domestic aluminium foil
Haushaltsführung(German f.) homemaking, housekeeping
Haushaltsgaszähler(German m.) domestic gas meter
Haushaltsgegenstände(German pl.) household objects, household items
Haushaltsgehilfin(German f.) daily help (female), domestic help (female)
Haushaltsgeld(German n.) housekeeping allowance, housekeeping money
Haushaltsgerät (s.), Haushaltsgeräte (pl.)(German n.) household appliance, domestic appliance, home appliance, appliance, white goods (plural form)
Haushaltsgerätehersteller(German m.) domestic appliance manufacturer
Haushaltsgröße(German f.) household size
Haushaltshandschuhe(German pl.) household gloves
Haushaltshilfe (s.), Haushaltshilfen (pl.)(German f.) home help, domestic help, household help, domestic aid
Haushaltshilfe gesucht(German) home help wanted
Haushaltskeramik(German f.) domestic pots
Haushaltskerze(German f.) white candle (paraffin candle)
Haushaltskonten(German pl.) household accounts, household expenses, housekeeping costs
Haushaltskunde(German m.) household customer
Haushaltslampe(German f.) household lamp
Haushaltsmehl(German n.) all-purpose flour
Haushaltsmitglieder(German pl.) members of the household
Haushaltsmüll(German m.) household refuse, domestic refuse
Haushaltspackung(German f.) family-size package
Haushaltspflichten(German pl.) housekeeping duties, household chores
Haushaltsprodukte(German pl.) household products
Haushaltsreiniger(German m.) household detergent
Haushaltsreinigung(German f.) housecleaning
Haushaltsrezept(German n.) home recipe
Haushaltsroboter(German m.) household robot
Haushaltsschere(German f.) household scissors, kitchen scissors
Haushaltssorgen(German pl.) household worries
Haushaltsstichprobe(German f.) household sample, sample of households
Haushaltstag(German m.) day off
Haushaltstechnik(German f.) household equipment
Haushaltstextilien(German pl.) (table) linen (collective term)
Haushaltstitel(German m.) budget item
haushaltsüblich(German) common-household
Haushaltsverbraucher(German pl.) domestic consumers
Haushaltsvorstand (s.), Haushaltsvorstände (pl.)(German m.) householder, head of the household
Haushaltsware (s.), Haushaltswaren (pl.)(German f.) home appliance, hardware (household goods), homeware
Haushaltung(German f.) housekeeping
Haushaltungsvorstand(German m.) head of the household
Haushaltzubehör(German n.) household accessories
Hausheft(German n.) exercise book (for home-work, assignments, etc.)
Hausheiliger (m.), Hausheilige (f.), Hausheilige (pl.)(German) patron saint
Hausherr (m.), Hausherrin (f.)(German) host (m.), hostess (f.), landlord, landlady (f.), man of the house, lady of the house
Haushilfe(German f.) household help
haushoch(German) as high as a house
haushoch überlegen(German) vastly superior
Haushofmeister(German m.) steward, majordomo
Haushofmeisterämter(German pl.) stewardships
haushohe(German) as high as a house, house-high
Haus Hohenzollern(German n.) House of Hohenzollern (German noble family)
haushoher Favorit(German m.) runaway favourite
Haushuhn(German n.) domestic fowl, domestic hen
Haushund(German m.) (domestic or domesticated) dog (Canis lupus familiaris), pet dog
hausieren(German) to hawk, to peddle, to truck
hausierend(German) peddling
Hausierer(German m.) hawker (peddler), huckster, pedlar
Hausiererei(German f.) hucksterism
Hausiererin sein(German) to be a door-to-door saleswoman
Hausierer sein(German) to be a door-to-door salesman
Hausierhandel(German m.) pedlary (archaic)
Hausierschein(German m. - dated) hawker's licence
hausiert(German) peddles, peddled
hausierte(German) peddled
Haus in dem ein Schatz lagert(German n.) treasure trove
Hausindustrie(German f.) cottage industry
Hausinstallation(German f.) domestic electrical installation
hausintern(German) in-house
hausinterne Mitteilung(German f.) inter-office memo
hausinterne Telefonverbindung(German f.) inter-office communication
Hauskaninchen(German n.) domestic rabbit, tame rabbit, pet rabbit
Hauskapelle(German f.) private chapel
Hauskatze (s.), Hauskatzen (pl.)(German f.) pet cat, house cat, (domestic) cat (,i>Felis catus)
Hauskauf(German m.) house purchase
Hauskäufer(German m.) home buyer
Hauskirchenbewegung(German f.) house-church movement
Hausklamotten(German pl.) undress
Hauskleid (s.), Hauskleider (pl.)(German n.) house frock, housecoat, negligee, morning dress (ladies)
Hauskleidung(German f.) indoor dress
Hausknecht(German m.) manservant, boots (manservant)
Hauskreis(German m.) home group
Hauslaube(German f.) loggia
Häusle(German n. - schwäbisch) small house
Häuslebauer(German m. - schwäbisch) home-builder
Hauslehrer (m.), Hauslehrerin (f.)(German) tutor (m.), private tutor (m.), home tutor (m.), governess (f.), private tutoress (f.)
Hausleinen(German n. - dated) home-spun linen
Häusler(German m.) cottager
häuslich(German) domestic, homely, domestically, familial, household, domiciliary, stay-at-home, domesticated (person), housewifely (woman), home
häusliche Gemeinschaft(German f.) common household
häusliche Gewalt(German f.) spousal abuse, domestic violence, domestic (colloquial: domestic violence), domestic abuse
häusliche Krankenpflege(German f.) home health-care
häusliche Küche(German f.) home cooking
häusliche Pflege(German f.) home care, domiciliary care, home health-care
häusliche Pflichten(German pl.) domestic duties, household duties, home duties
häuslicher(German) more domestic
häuslicher Frieden(German m.) domestic harmony
häuslicher Komfort(German m.) home comforts
häuslicher Mensch(German m.) homebody
häuslicher Unfall(German m.) domestic accident
häuslicher Zwischenfall(German m.) domestic incident
häusliches Arbeitszimmer(German n.) home office (an office within the home)
häusliches Glück(German n.) domestic bliss
häusliches Leben(German n.) domesticity
häusliches Milieu(German n.) family background, home environment
häusliche Umgebung(German f.) homely environment
Häuslichkeit(German f.) domesticity
häuslichste(German) most domestic
Hauslicht(German n.) hallway light
Hauslosigkeit(German f.) homelessness
Hausmacher-(German) homemade (prefix)
Hausmacher Bratwurst(German f.) homemade bratwurst
Hausmacht(German f.) allodium, power base
Hausmädchen(German n.) house maid, housemaid, parlour maid, maid (female servant), chalet girl
Hausmakler(German m.) estate agent
Hausmalerei(German f.) the painting of porcelein as a cottage industry, the porcelein produced under this system
(German f.) house painting
Hausmann(German m.) director of music for the town
Hausmann(German m.) house husband, homemaker (male)
Hausmannskost(German f.) plain fare, home cooking, good traditional fare, plain cooking
Hausmantel(German m.) dressing gown, housecoat
Hausmarke(German f.) private brand, in-house brand, specialty, own label, own brand, home brand, house sign
Hausmauern(German pl.) house walls
Hausmaus(German f.) house mouse (Mus musculus)
Hausmeerschweinchen(German n.) domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
Hausmeier(German m.) majordomo, steward (Scotland: historical)
Hausmeister (m.), Hausmeisterin (f.)(German) concierge, caretaker, groundskeeper, apartment manager, concierge
hausmeisterlich(German) janitorial
Hausmeisterraum(German m.) janitorial room
Hausmesse(German f.) in-house exhibition, in-house trade fair
Hausmiete(German f.) rent
Hausmilbe(German f.) house mite (Glycyphagus domesticus)
Haus mit Aussicht aufs Meer(German n.) house overlooking the sea
Haus mit Blick aufs Meer(German n.) house overlooking the sea
Haus mit drei Stockwerken(German n.) house of three storeys
Haus mit Luxusapartments(German n.) block of luxury flats
Hausmitteilung(German f.) company newsletter (for customers), internal memo (for employees)
Hausmittel (s.), Hausmittel (pl.)(German n.) household remedy, home remedy, domestic remedy
Hausmöbel(German pl.) household furniture
Hausmobiliar(German n.) home furnishings, household effects
Hausmüll(German m.) household rubbish, domestic waste, household waste, domestic refuse
Hausmüllsortierung(German f.) sorting of domestic waste (for recycling)
Hausmusik(German f.) domestic music, family music-making, salon music, music making in the home, home concert, house concert (for a small circle of friends, etc.)
see Gebrauchsmusik
Hausmutter(German f.) matron
Hausname(German m.) house name
Haus Nassau(German n.) House of Nassau
Haus nebst Nebengebäude(German n. - dated) premises
Hausnummer(German f.) house number, street number, ballpark figure (figurative)
Hausnummerierung(German f.) house numbering
Hausnummernschild(German n.) house number plaque
Hausoberer(German m.) house superior
Haus- oder Wohnungstausch(German m.) house swap, house exchange
Hausoffizier(German m.) house officer (servant)
Haus Oranien-Nassau(German n.) House of Orange-Nassau
Hausordnung(German f.) rules of the house, house rules, site rules
Hausorgel(German f.) chamber organ
Hausorthographie(German f.) in-house orthography (rules of spelling, etc.)
Hausparteien(German pl.) tenants (in a block of flats)
Hausparty(German f.) house party
Hauspersonal(German n.) domestic servants
Hauspflege(German f.) home care, personal care at home (for the elderly, etc.)
Hauspfleger (m.), Hauspflegerin (f.)(German) home care assistant, home care worker, district nursing assistant
Hauspost(German f.) inter-office mail, internal mail, company mail (in-house)
Hauspostille(German f.) breviary
Hauspreis(German m.) house price
Hausputz(German m.) spring cleaning, house-cleaning
Hausrat(German m.) furniture, contents, household effects, personal chattels
Hausratsversicherung(German f.) contents insurance, household insurance
Hausratte(German f.) black rat (Rattus rattus), ship rat
Hausratversicherung(German f.) household contents insurance
Hausrecht(German n.) householder's rights, domiciliary rights
Hausregeln(German pl.) company rules, house rules
Hausrezept (s.), Hausrezepte (pl.)(German n.) home recipe, home remedy, in-house recipe
Hausrezeptur(German f.) (chemist's) nostrum (patent medicine)
Hausrinder(German pl.) domestic cattle, cattle
Hausrock(German m.) smoking jacket
Hausruf(German m.) internal telephone number (extension)
Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha(German n.) House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Haussafe(German m.) house safe (in-house safe)
Haussammlung(German f.) house-to-house collection
Hausschaf(German n.) domestic sheep (Ovis aries)
Hausschlüssel(German m.) front door key, latchkey, house key
Hausschuh (s.), Hausschuhe (pl.)(German m.) slipper, bedroom slipper
Hausschuhsocken(German pl.) slipper socks
Hausschwalbe(German f.) house-martin
Hausschwamm(German m.) dry rot
Hausschwein(German n.) domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica), hog, squealer (also figurative)
Hausse(German f.) boom, rise in the market, rise in prices
Hausse (d'archet)(French f.) the nut (heel or frog) of a violin, viola, etc. bow, tallone (Italian m.), Frosch (German m.), talon (French m.)
haussé (m.), haussée (f.)(French) raised
Haussegen(German m.) domestic bliss, house blessing, house benediction
Haussegler(German m.) house swift (Apus affinis)
hausser(French) to raise, or sharpen, the pitch
haussieren(German) to boom, to rise sharply, bullish (about the economy, etc.)
Haussklave(German m.) household slave
Haussperling(German m.) house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Hausstand(German m.) household
Hausstaub(German m.) house dust
Hausstauballergie(German f.) house-dust allergy
Hausstaubmilbe (s.), Hausstaubmilben (pl.)(German f.) (house) dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus / farinae)
Haussuche(German f.) house hunting, search for a house, house-hunting
Haussuchung(German f.) house search, house-to-house search
Haussuchungsbefehl(German m.) search warrant (police)
Haustarifvertrag(German m.) company agreement (for example, wage agreement)
Haustaube(German f.) domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica)
Haustausch(German m.) house swap, house exchange
Haustechnik(German f.) building services
Haustechniker(German m.) in-house technician
Haustechnikraum(German m.) plant room (housing heating, ventilating, lift machinery, etc. in a building)
Haustelefon(German n.) inter-office communication, house telephone, intercom
Haustelephon(German n.) inter-office communication, house telephone, intercom
Haustier (s.), Haustiere (pl.)(German n.) domestic animal, pet, household pet, companion animal (jargon), house pet
Haustierarten(German pl.) types of pet
Haustierbesitzer (m.), Haustierbesitzerin (f.), Haustierbesitzer (pl.)(German) pet owner
haustierfreundlich(German) pet-friendly
Haustierfutter(German n.) pet food
Haustiergesundheit(German f.) pet's health
Haustierhaltung(German f.) keeping of pets
Haustierpflege(German f.) pet care
Haustierprodukte(German pl.) domestic pet products
Haustierversicherung(German f.) pet insurance
Haustierwerdung(German f.) domestication
Haustochter(German f.) lady's help
Haustor(German n. - Austria) front door (block of flats, etc.)
Haustür(German f.) front door (of house), street door
Haustüraktion(German f.) house-to-house canvass
Haustürgeschäft(German n.) door-to-door sale, cold calling
Haustürschlüssel(German m.) front door key, latchkey
Haustürverkauf(German m.) door-to-door selling, peddling, hawking (peddling)
Haustürverkäufer(German m.) door-to-door salesman, door-to-door peddler, hawker (peddler)
Haustyrann(German m.) domestic tyrant
Hausübung(German f.) homework, home assignment (Austria)
Hausumbau (s.), Hausumbauten (pl.)(German m.) house alteration
Haus- und Geschäftsräume(German pl.) domestic and business premises
Haus und Herd(German) hearth and home
Haus und Hof aufs Spiel setzen(German) to bet the house
Hausunterricht(German m.) home schooling, home education
Hausvater(German m.) paterfamilias (also figurative), housefather (archaic, also figurative: father of a family)
Hausväterliteratur(German f.) household literature
Hausverbot(German n.) ban on entering the house, ban on entering the pub, house ban
Hausverbot bekommen(German) to get barred
Hausverdrahtung(German f.) house (electrical) wiring
Hausverkäufer(German m.) home-seller
Hausversicherung(German f.) home insurance
Hausverstand(German m. - Austria) common sense
Hausverwalter(German m.) caretaker, custodian
Hausverwaltung(German f.) property management, house management
Haus voll(German) houseful
Haus voller Reichtümer(German n.) treasure house
Haus von gutem Ruf(German n.) a good house
Haus von ordentlicher Größe(German n.) decent-sized house
Haus von ziemlicher Größe(German n.) sizeable house
Hausvorsteher (m.), Hausvorsteherin (f.)(German) housemaster (school), housemistress (f.)
Hausvorteil(German m.) house edge, house advantage (in a casino, on-line betting, etc.)
Hauswand(German f.) exterior wall (of a house)
Hauswanze(German f.) (common) bed bug (Cimex lectularius)
Hauswärmepumpe(German f.) domestic heat pump
Hauswart (m.), Hauswartsfrau (f.)(German) custodian (janitor, caretaker), janitor, caretaker
Hauswein(German m.) house wine
Haus Welf(German n.) House of Welf, House of Guelf, House of Guelph
Hauswesen(German n.) household affairs, household matters, (the) household
Haus Windsor(German n.) House of Windsor
Hauswinkelspinne(German f.) domestic house spider (Tegenaria domestica)
Hauswirt (m.), Hauswirtin (f.), Hauswirte (pl.)(German) landlord, landlady (f.)
Hauswirte und Mieter(German) landlords and tenants
Hauswirtschaft(German f.) home economics
Hauswirtschafter (m.), Hauswirtschafterin (f.)(German) housekeeper
hauswirtschaftliche Versorgung(German f.) household assistance
Hauswirtschaftslehre(German f.) domestic science, home economics
Hauswirtschaftslehrerin(German f.) (female) domestic science teacher
Hauswirtschaftsraum(German m.) utility room
Hauszeitschrift(German f.) house magazine
Hauszeitung(German f.) company magazine, house gazette, house magazine
Hauszelt(German n.) frame tent, ridge tent
Hausziegel(German m.) building brick
Haus-zu-Haus-Verkauf(German m.) door-to-door selling
Hauszustellung(German f.) house delivery
Haus zu verkaufen(German n.) house on sale
Haus zu verkaufen(German) house for sale (sign)
Haus zu verpachten(German) house to let (sign)
Hauszwetschge(German f.) damson
Hauszwetschke(German f. - Austria) damson
Haut (s.), Häute (pl.)(German f.) skin, dermis, integument, membrane, derma, skimming (of the top of a liquid)
haut(French) high class
Haut.abbreviated form of hautboy
Haut-(German) cutaneous, dermal, skin-related (prefix)
haut (m.), haute (f.)(French) high, acute
(French) loud, shrill
Hauta(Japanese) from the Edo period (1603-1867), popular songs, usually very short, some slow and romantic, others fast and witty with lively shamisen music, some folk songs were brought into the big cities, but for the most part, songs created in the separate urban centres, songs in Kansai and songs in Edo
Hautabschürfung(German f.) abrasion, excoriation, graze (of the skin), dermabrasion
Hautabzieher(German m.) skinner
hautähnlich(German) dermatoid
hautain(French) superbo (Italian), altero (Italian), haughty, hochmütig (German)
Hautallergie(German f.) skin allergy
Hautalterung(German f.) skin ageing
Hautanalyse(German f.) skin analysis
Hautanhang(German m.) dermal appendage (anything attached to the skin, for example, in birds, contour feathers, quills, and down)
Hautanhängsel(German n.) skin tag, acrochordon
Hautareal(German n.) skin area
hautartig(German) dermatoid
Hautarzt (m.), Hautärztin (f.)(German) dermatologist
hautärztlich(German) dermatological
Hautaufheller(German m.) skin lightener
Hautaufhellung(German f.) skin lightening, skin whitening
Hautausschlag(German m.) rash, eczema, (skin) eruption, skin rash
Hautbläschen(German n.) bleb on the skin
Hautblase(German f.) blister
Hautbois(French m.) a reed stop in the organ
(French m., literally 'high wood', where 'high' refers to its volume rather than its pitch) oboe (English, Italian m.), Oboe (German f.), or before the mid-seventeenth century, a shawm
Hautbois d'amour(French m.) oboe d'amore (English, Italian m.), Oboe d'amore (German f.), Liebesoboe (German f.), oboe de amor (Spanish)
Hautbois de Poitou(French m.) a type of shawm
Hautbois rustique(French m.) bombarde
Hautboiste(French m./f.) oboist
Hautbois traditionel aragonais(French m.) dulzaina
Hautboy(English) hautbois
an 8 ft. scale organ reed stop with a thin penetrating character
Hautboy clarionsee 'octave hautboy'
Häutchen(German n.) cuticle
häutchenförmig(German) pellicular
haut comme trois pommes(French) knee-high to a grasshopper
Hautcreme(German f.) cream, skin cream
Hautdesinfektion(German f.) skin disinfection
Haut-dessus(French m.) a high soprano
Charpentier composed a piece for three women, the parts being marked haut dessus, dessus and bas dessus
Haute bourgeoisie(French f.) the upper middle classes, the professional classes
Haute-contre(French f.) a high tenor, the voice of the leading tenor in baroque opera, alto or contralto voice, or an instrument with a similar range. The vocal haute-contre disappeared some time in the early nineteenth century
[correction supplied by Daniel Paradis]
Haute-contre trombone(French m.) alto trombone
Haute Couture(German f.) high fashion
Haute couture(French f.) fashionable dress-designing, dress-designing as a fine art
Haute-Couture-Mode(German f.) high-fashion clothing
Haute Couturier(German m.) haute couture designer
Haute Cuisine(German f.) haute cuisine
Haute cuisine(French f.) cookery considered as a fine art
Haute dance(French, literally 'elevated dance') a dance in which the feet are lifted from the ground, as opposed to the 'basse dance' where the feet were kept close to the ground
Haute époque(French f.) (the architecture and furniture of) the reigns of the French kings Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI (1643-1793)
Hauteffloreszenz(German f.) efflorescence of the skin (a redness of the skin or an eruption, as in a rash)
hauteigen(German) skin's own
Hautelastizität(German f.) skin elasticity
Haute-lice(French f.) high-warp (loom) in which the warp threads are vertical, a textile or fabric produced on such a loom
hautement(French) haughtily, dignified
(French) briskly, boldy
Häutemesser(German n.) skinner
Häuten(German n.) skinning (of animals), peeling (of onions, etc.), flaying (also historically)
häuten(German) to skin, to flay
haut, en(French) in ballet, the positioning of the arms above the head
hauteng(German) skintight, skin-tight, skinny, slinky (stockings, dress, etc.)
hautenge, elastische Skihose(German f.) ski tights
hautenger Rock(German m.) skin tight skirt
Hautentzündung(German f.) dermatitis, skin inflammation
Haute politique(French f.) high politics, intrigue beyond the understanding of the common man
Hauterkrankung(German f.) skin disorder, skin disease, disease of the skin, dermatosis
Haute taille(French f., literally 'high waist') a term applied to a type of quadrille of the mid-Atlantic region which were considered prestigious because of their strong European influences, while at the same time they offered parodies of polite society
Hauteur (d'une note)(French f.) pitch (of a note)
Hautevolaute(German f.) top nobs (colloquial)
Haute Volaute(German f.) top nobs (colloquial)
Haute-Volaute(German f.) top nobs (colloquial)
Hautevolee(German f.) glitterati, haute monde, haut monde, fashionable society, upper crust, top nobs (colloquial)
Haute vulgarisation(French f.) scholarly popularisation, skilled presentation of a technical subject by a non-specialist
Hautfalte (s.), Hautfalten (pl.)(German f.) skin fold, fold of skin
Hautfaltendickenmesser(German m.) skinfold caliper
Hautfarbe (s.), Hautfarben (pl.)(German f.) colour of the skin, complexion, skin colour
hautfarben(German) skin-coloured
hautfester Künstleranzug(German m.) leotard
Hautfett(German n.) skin oil, skin fat
Hautfetzen(German m.) flap of skin
Hautfleck(German m.) fleck, macule (skin discoloration)
hautfreundlich(German) pleasant (next) to the skin
hautgalvanische Reaktion(German f.) galvanic skin response
Hautgout haben(German) to be high (venison)
häutig(German) membranous
-häutig(German) complected (suffix: marked by or having a particular facial complexion)
Haut instruments(from the French haut, literally 'loud') instruments that are most suited to being played out of doors, for example, shawms and sackbuts
a peculiarity of the fifteenth-century Burgundian instrumental style is that the dukes preferred music for loud (that is haut) instruments (trumpets, tambourins, shawms, bagpipes) and more of this survives than for other current instruments such as the lute or the harp. In contemporary practice, the loud instruments would usually play from an elevated location, such as a balcony, while the other instruments would play closer to the dancers
Hautirritation(German f.) skin irritation
Hautkampfstoff(German m.) blister agent
Hautknötchen(German n.) papule
Hautkontakt(German m.) skin contact
Hautkrankheit (s.), Hautkrankheiten (pl.)(German f.) skin disease, skin disorder, disease of the skin
Hautkrankheiten betreffend(German) dermatological
Hautkrebs(German m.) skin cancer
Hautlappen (s.), Hautlappen (pl.)(German m.) lappet
Hautläsion(German f.) skin lesion
Hautleim(German m.) hide glue
Hautlotion(German f.) skin lotion
Hautmesser(German n.) skinning knife
Haut monde(French m.) 'Society', the world of fashion
hautnah (German) (very) close, tight, at first hand, (really) up close (colloquial)
hautnah berühren(German) to touch skin to skin
hautnah dabei(German) close to the action
hautnah dabei sein(German) to be close to the action
hautnaher Sitz(German m.) skin-tight fit
Hautnaht(German f.) skin suture
Hautoberfläche(German f.) skin surface
Hautöl(German n.) skin oil
Hautpanzer(German m.) exoskeleton
Haut-parleur(French m.) loudspeaker
Haut-parleur en coffret(French m.) speaker cabinet
Hautpartie(German f.) section of the skin, patch of skin
Hautpflege(German f.) care of the skin, skin care
Hautpflegecreme(German f.) skincare cream, skin care cream
Hautpflegemittel(German n.) skin care product
Hautpflegeöl(German n.) skin care oil
Hautpflegeprodukt(German n.) skin care product
Hautpickel(German m.) pimple
Hautreaktion(German f.) skin reaction
Hautregionen(German pl.) areas of skin
hautreizend(German) skin-irritant, skin-irritating
hautreizender Stoff(German m.) skin irritant
Hautreizung(German f.) skin irritation, irritation of the skin
Hautriss(German m.) skin crack, chap
Hautrotz(German m.) farcy, glanders
Hautsack(German m.) pouch
Hautsalbe(German f.) skin ointment, skin salve, skin unguent
Hautschäden(German pl.) skin damage, injuries to the injuries
Hautschädigung(German f.) skin injury
Hautschädigung(German f.) skin irritation
Hautschere(German f.) cuticle scissors
Hautschicht (s.), Hautschichten (pl.)(German f.) layer of skin
Hautschnitt(German m.) skin incision
Hautschrift(German f.) skin writing, dermographism, dermographia, dermatographism, dermatographic urticaria
Hautschuppe (s.), Hautschuppen (pl.)(German f.) dander, scurf (for example, dandruff), dandruff (plural form)
Hautschutz(German m.) skin protection
Hautschutzcreme(German f.) skin protection cream, barrier cream
Hautschutzmittel(German n.) skin protection product
Hautsensibilisierung(German f.) skin sensitisation
Hautskelett(German n.) exoskeleton
Hautstraffung(German f.) skin tightening
hautsympathisch(German) skin friendly
Haut-taille(French m.) see taille
(French m.) high tenor, upper tenor, first tenor
Hauttest(German m.) skin test
Hautton(German m.) skin tone, flesh tint
Haut ton(French m.) the highest social distinction, people of the world of fashion
Hauttonus(German m.) skin tone
Hauttransplantat(German n.) skin graft, skin transplant
Hauttransplantation (s.), Hauttransplantationen (pl.)(German f.) skin grafting, skin transplantation, skin graft
Hauttyp(German m.) skin type
Haut und Knochen(German) bag of bones, skin and bones (colloquial: very thin)
Haut und Knochen sein(German) to be a bag of bones, to be all skin and bones (colloquial: very thin)
Häutung (s.), Häutungen (pl.)(German f.) skinning, flaying, moulting (insect larva), moult (reptile)
Hautunreinheit (s.), Hautunreinheiten (pl.)(German f.) skin blemish
Hautunverträglichkeit(German f.) skin incompatibility (leading to an adverse reaction)
Hautveränderungen(German pl.) skin alterations (for example, degenerative changes)
Hautverätzung(German f.) skin burn (chemical)
Hautverjüngung(German f.) skin rejuvenation
Hautverlust(German m.) loss of skin, skin loss
hautverträglich(German) skin-friendly, kind to the skin
Hautverträglichkeit(German f.) skin-friendliness
Hautwolf(German m.) chafing, intertrigo
Hautwunde(German f.) skin wound
Hautzellen(German pl.) skin cells
Havanaise(French) habanera
Havanesea native or inhabitant, or the people, of Havana
a breed of dog of the Bichon type
Havaneser(German m.) Havanese
Havanna(German f.) Havana cigar
(German n.) Havana (capital of Cuba)
Havarie(German f.) accident, damage
(German f. - Austria) motor vehicle accident
Havariebericht(German m.) survey report (to assess damage)
havarieren(German) to sustain damage (vehicle, structure)
(German - Austria) to have a car accident
havariert(German) damaged, stricken (ship, aircraft)
HavdalahJewish religious ceremony performed at the completion of the Sabbath. Havdalah is recited with a special candle, a cup of wine, and fragrant spices
Haverly's United Mastodon Minstrelsa blackface minstrel troupe created in 1877 when J. H. Haverly merged four of the companies he owned and managed
Hawaii(English, German n.) a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Art Violinukelin-type instrument
see ukelin
Hawaiianer (m.), Hawaiianerin (f.), Hawaiianer (pl.), Hawaiianerinnen ( Hawaiian
Hawaiian guitarHawaiian steel guitar, lap steel slide guitar, chitarra hawaiana (Italian), Hawai-Gitarre (German), guitare hawaïenne (French)
Hawaiianisch(German n.) Hawaiian
hawaiianisch(German) Hawaiian
hawaiianische Inseln(German pl.) Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian music
Hawaiian tipleor marxochime, the Hawaiian tiple is an instrument with zither-like and lap steel-like qualities. It is played by plucking, strumming and using a slide. It was created by Marxochime Colony. Marxochime Colony developed a number of novel instruments during the first half of the twentieth century
Hawaii-BH(German m.) hula bra, Hawaiian bra
Hawaii-Gitarre(German f.) Hawaiian (steel) guitar, lap steel slide guitar, chitarra hawaiana (Italian), guitare hawaïenne (French)
Hawaiihemd(German n.) Hawaiian shirt
Hawaiiinseln(German pl.) Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiirock(German m.) Hawaiian skirt
Hawaiisch(German n.) Hawaiian
hawaiisch(German) Hawaiian
hawaiische Inseln(German pl.) Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiisches Englisch(German n.) Hawaiian English
hawaiische Sprache(German f.) Hawaiian language
Hawala(English, German f., from Arabic) a system for remitting money, primarily in Islamic societies, in which a financial obligation between two parties is settled by transferring it to a third party
Hawdalakerze(German f.) Havdalah candle
Hawdalaleuchter(German m.) Havdalah candleholder
Hawkera peddler, someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
less common, a term used for a member of the lower classes who hunted with goshawk, sparrowhawk or kestrel
Hawthorn(German Weissdorn, French Epine, Dutch Meidoorn, European Species: Crataegus monygna) a tree or shrub used for hedging and other small uses such as for making tool handles
Hawziifrom Algeria, a fusion of the old Moorish Andalusian tradition with local tradition including the use of colloquial language. The lyrics for Hawzii are drawn from the famous vernacular poets of the 16th-19th centuries. The region of Tlemcen is in fact quite rare in possessing a continuous written colloquial poetic tradition dating back several centuries. The Hawzii tradition is often referred to as lying halfway between the medieval Andalusian repertory and modern popular music
Haxe (s.), Haxen (pl.)(German f. - Southern Germany) knuckle
(German f. - Southern Germany, Austria) hock
(German f.) pin (leg) (more usually used in the plural form)
Haxl (s.), Haxln (pl.)(German n. - Austria) knuckle
Hayor 'haye', a type of round dance or bransle, from the French word for 'hedge'
¿hay alguien ahí?(Spanish) is anyone there? is anybody there?
Hayashigeneral term for a Japanese musical ensemble that includes drums, for example, as in noh theatre
Hayashi-buebamboo transverse flute used in hayashi music
Hayesee 'hay'
hay que tener agallas(Spanish) it takes guts (colloquial)
Hays Code(English, German m.) the Motion Picture Production Code, the set of industry censorship guidelines which governed the production of the vast majority of United States motion pictures released by major studios from 1930 to 1968. It was originally popularly known as the Hays Code, after its creator, William Harrison Hays (Will H. Hays) (1879-1954), chairman of the Republican National Committee (1918-1921) and U.S. Postmaster General from 1921 to 1922. He was the stuio's choice as the first president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) until he retired in 1945. In the postwar period, this organization would be renamed the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Haywardor 'hedge warden' was chosen by the lord of the manor or elected by the villagers to lead the sowing and harvesting, to impound stray cattle, and to supervise hedging and temporary fencing around hay meadows. The hayward's symbol of office was a horn, which he blew to give warning that cattle were invading the crops
Hazara(English, German pl.) a member of an Afghan ethnic minority Persian-speaking Shiite group, believed to be descended from the army of Genghis Khan (c.1162-1227)
Hazardspiel(German n.) long-shot (figurative: gamble with unfavourable (i.e. long) odds)
Hazel(German Haselnuss, French Noisette, Dutch Hazelnoot, European Species: Corylus avellana: Average Weight: from 35-45 pounds per cubic foot) Hazel is a common hedge tree or bush and was frequently coppiced. Hazel rods were used for wattles and fencing as well as basketry. The nuts can be used for food and oil
hazlo así(Spanish) do it this way
hazlo que te apetezca(Spanish) do whatever you like
Hazienda(German f.) hacienda
Hazzât(Arabic) ornaments
Hb.abbreviated form of Hoboe
H-Bombe(German f.) H-bomb, hydrogen bomb
H-bridgean electronic circuit which enables a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction
H-Brücke(German f.) H-bridge
H.C.abbreviated form of haute-contre
Hcau loun patt(Burmese, literally 'six drums') in fact this term is applied to a set of eight drums played by a single musician. Two large double-headed drums dominate and are used to set the underlying rhythmic pattern, while, a row of six smaller drums, set in front of the player, are used to create constrasting higher pitched patterns
hdabbreviation of händig (German: -handed - à mains (French))
HDTV(English, German n.) abbreviation for 'high-definition television'
key of B major(German n.) the key of 'B major'
