He | (Chinese) old Chinese name for the sheng |
He! | (German) Hey! Eh! (colloquial) Oy! (colloquial) Oi! (colloquial) |
Head | a tight membrane, originally of animal skin but now of a plastic material, stretched across the end of a drum that is struck by a stick to create sounds. When made of natural materials, the tension of the head is sensitive to changes in humidity, for example, damp conditions may cause the pitch to fall which the heat generated by television lights may cause the head to 'dry out' and pitch to rise. Plastic heads can reduce these problems and many timpanists have switched to them |
the carved elements at the top of the neck of a string instrument including the scroll and pegbox, which is where the tuning pegs are inserted |
the tip of sticks used to strike drums with |
point of a bow |
abbreviation of 'notehead', that part of a note, black or white, that is placed on a line or space to denote its pitch |
in jazz, the composed melody and changes of a tune |
in jazz, a tune composed by a jazz musician based on the changes to a standard |
in jazz, the first time through the melody of a tune, before the solos begin |
Head arrangement | in jazz, when a band plays an arrangement, worked out during rehearsal but never written down, that is, from memory |
headbangen | (German) to headbang |
Headbanging | a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with music, most commonly heavy metal music |
Headline | (English, German f.) the heading or caption of a newspaper article |
Headline act | the top act in a vaudeville or revue bill |
Headliner | (English, German m.) or, in English, 'headline act', the top act or performer on a vaudeville or revue bill |
Head-motiv | see 'motto theme' |
Head of bell | the top of the bell proper and the main node of its vibrations. In England, it is known as the crown |
Headphones | also known as earphones, stereophones, headsets, or the slang term 'cans', a pair of transducers that receive an electrical signal from a media player or receiver and use speakers placed in close proximity to the ears (hence the name earphone) to convert the signal into audible sound waves |
Head register | see 'head voice' |
Headroom | (electronics) the difference between the average operating power level of a circuit and the point at which distortion occurs |
Head rhyme | another term for alliteration - especially alliteration of consonants at the beginning of words, rather than alliteration of internal consonants within the bodies of words. The name is something of a misnomer, since "head rhymes" usually involve no rhyme at all! |
Headset | (English, German n.) a pair of headphones often with a voice transmitter (microphone) attached |
Headstock | or 'peg head', on a guitar, that part of the neck where the tuning pegs or machine heads (called 'tuners') are attached |
Head tone | see 'head voice' |
Head voice | 'head tone' or 'head register', the highest register of the voice, producing light, flute-like tones, conducive to soft and high singing, so named because when sung the singer feels that the vibrations are being produced in the head |
may also be referred to as 'light register' |
see also 'chest voice' |
the term is used as an alternative to falsetto |
Hearing | or 'audition', one of the traditional five senses and refers to the ability to detect sound. In human beings, hearing is performed by the ears, which also perform the function of balance, a sense in itself but not one of the traditional list (due to Aristotle). This is in common with most mammals. Many other organisms also have some form of hearing, either by some sort of ear, or by other structures, or by a combination |
see 'auditory apparatus' and 'auditory system' |
Hearing impairment | a hearing impairment is a decrease in one's ability to hear (i.e. perceive auditory information). It is important to note that the term "hearing-impaired" is considered offensive by many deaf and hard-of-hearing people, who prefer the two latter terms |
Hearpere | (Anglo-Saxon, literally 'harper') a poet or storyteller who, we may imply from this word, used the instrument or the lyre from which it developed |
Heartland rock | in the late 1970s and 1980s, one of the most popular forms of rock and roll was heartland rock. It was characterized by a straightforward musical style, a concern with the average American life, and a conviction that rock music had a social or communal purpose beyond just entertainment |
Heat-set drying | in printing, drying a web or sheet of paper or board by passing it through a drying unit which forms part of the machine. Special heat-setting inks have to be used |
Heavens | sometimes used synonymously with "the aloft" and "the above," the term refers more specifically to the canopy over the stage in open-air theatres to protect actors and their costumes from the elements |
Heavy, Heavily | pesante (Italian), schwer (German), gewichtig (German), lourd (French) |
Heavy jig | a jig danced in an aggressive manner in heavy shoes, which produce a stamping sound. The heavy jig, Saint Patrick's Day, is the only dance all Irish dancing schools have in common. It is a traditional set dance, with eight people in jig time |
Heavy metal | (English, Heavymetal (German n.)) genre developed from late-1960s blues progressions played by 'power trios' like Cream and the Jimi Hendrix Experience. According to Allmusic.com, "Of all rock & roll's myriad forms, heavy metal is the most extreme in terms of volume, machismo, and theatricality. There are numerous stylistic variations on heavy metal's core sound, but they're all tied together by a reliance on loud, distorted guitars (usually playing repeated riffs) and simple, pounding rhythms." |
Heavy-stress rhyme | another term for a masculine ending in a rhyme |
Heb. | abbreviation of 'Hebrew' |
Hebamme (s.), Hebammen (pl.) | (German f.) female midwife, delivery nurse, accoucheuse (f.), midwife (Austria: male midwife, accoucheur) |
Hebammendienst | (German m.) midwifery (assistance at childbirth) |
Hebammenkunst | (German f.) midwifery |
Hebammenpraxis | (German f.) midwifery (practice) |
hebbar | (German) removable |
Hebbarkeit | (German f.) removability |
Heb die Hand! | (German) Hold up your hand! |
Hebdomadaire | (French m.) weekly |
hebdomadaire | (French) weekly |
Hebe- | (German) lifting (prefix) |
Hebeanlage | (German f.) lift station, lifting system, pumping station, pumping equipment |
Hebearm | (German m.) lifting arm |
Hebebrücke | (German f.) lifting bridge, lift bridge |
Hebebühne | (German f.) lifting platform, hydraulic ramp, tail lift (vehicle), service lift, hydraulic lift, hoist |
Hebeeisen | (German n.) pinch bar |
Hebegeräte | (German pl.) lifting gear |
Hebegeschirr | (German n.) lifting gear |
Hebegriff | (German m.) lifting handle |
Hebegurt | (German m.) hoisting sling |
Hebei bang zi | see 'clapper opera' |
Hebel (s.), Hebel (pl.) | (German m.) hand gear, lever, leverage |
Hebelanordnung | (German f.) leverage |
Hebelansatz | (German m.) leverage |
Hebelarm | (German m.) lever arm, lever |
hebelbetätigt | (German) lever-operated, lever-actuated |
Hebelbewegung | (German f.) lever movement |
Hebeleistung | (German f.) lifting capacity (lift, hoist, crane) |
hebelgeschaltet | (German) lever-controlled |
Hebelgriff | (German m.) lever handle |
Hebelift | (German m.) lifting device |
Hebelkorkenzieher | (German m.) lever corkscrew |
Hebelkraft | (German f.) leverage |
Hebellagerung | (German f.) lever bearing |
Hebelmechanismus | (German m.) lever mechanism |
hebeln | (German) to leverage, to lever |
hebelnd | (German) levering |
Hebelprinzip | (German n.) lever principle
Hebelschneider | (German m.) paper cutter
Hebelstein | (German m.) ruby pin |
Hebelsteuerung | (German f.) lever control |
Hebelventil | (German n.) lever valve |
Hebelverhältnis | (German n.) leverage ratio |
Hebelwirkung | (German f.) lever action, leverage, leverage effect |
Hebemagnet | (German m.) lifting magnet |
Hebemittel (s.), Hebemittel (pl.) | (German n.) means of lifting means |
Heben | (German n.) lifting, hoisting, lift, raising (also parts of the body: eyes, arms, legs, etc.) |
heben | (German) to heave, to lift, to hoist, to elevate, to heighten, to raise, to uphold (raise, lift upward: eyes, etc.), to enhance |
hebend | (German) heaving, lifting, levating, hoisting |
Heben und Senken | (German n.) lifting and lowering |
Heben wir uns den Spaß für später auf. | (German) Let's save the fun for later. |
Hebeöse | (German f.) lifting eye |
Hebephrenia | a type of schizophrenia characterised by foolish mannerisms, senseless laughter, delusions, hallucinations and regressive behaviour |
Hebephrenie | (German f.) hebephrenia |
Hebepunkt | (German m.) lifting point |
Heber | (German m.) (weight) lifter, lever (for example, on a clarinet), jack (to lift a car) |
Heber, Reginald (1783-1826) | Bishop of Calcutta (1822-26), writer of hymns including From Greenland's icy Mountains, Brightest and Best and Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty |
Hebestange | (German f.) crowbar |
Hebestange mit Nagelklaue | (German f.) wrecking bar (with nail claw) |
Hebestutzen | (German m.) jack socket |
Hebevorrichtung | (German f.) lifting gear, lifting device |
Hebewerk | (German n.) elevator, pumping station |
Hebezeug | (German n.) lifting gear, hoist |
Hebezug | (German m.) hoist |
hebr. | abbreviation of hebräisch (German - hébraïque (French)), Hebrew (English) |
Hebräer (m.), Hebräerin (f.), Hebräer (pl.) | (German) Hebrew |
Hebräerbrief | (German m.) Epistle to the Hebrews, Letter to the Hebrews |
hébraïque | (French) Hebrew, hebräisch (German) |
hebräisch | (German) Hebrew, hébraïque (French) |
Hebräisch | (German n.) Hebrew |
hebräisch | (German) Hebrew, Hebraic |
hebräische Bibel | (German f.) Tanakh, Hebrew Bible |
hebräische Brailleschrift | (German f.) Hebrew Braille |
hebräische Sprache | (German f.) Hebrew (language) |
hebräischsprachig | (German) Hebrew-speaking |
Hebräismus | (German m.) hebrewism |
Hebraistik | (German f.) Hebraic studies |
Hebriden- | (German) Hebridean (prefix) |
Hebrideninsel | (German f.) Hebridean island (island off the coast of mainland Scotland) |
Hebu mataro | (Warao, literally 'spirit calabash') the sacred rattle of the wisiratu, the shaman of the Warao of Venezuela, also called the hebu-arotu (the keeper of the hebu) |
Hebung (s.), Hebungen (pl.) | (German f.) recovery, raising, elevation, improvement, heightening, lifting, arsis, stressed syllable, accented syllable, heaving, heave, uplift |
as a result of a misunderstanding of the context of the original Greek writings on this subject, Roman and medieval writers reversed the original meaning of arsis and thesis so that for a considerably time Hebung was taken to be the strong beat and Senkung to be the weak beat |
Hecate | (ancient Greek) or Hekate, a chthonic Greco-Roman goddess associated with magic, witches, ghosts and crossroads |
Hecatomb | a large-scale sacrifice or slaughter, in particular, a sacrifice to the ancient Greek and Roman gods consisting originally of 100 oxen or cattle |
Hechel | (German f.) hackle (flyfishing), heckle (flax) |
Hechelatmung | (German f.) panting, rapid shallow respiration, rapid shallow breathing |
Hechelkamm | (German m.) gill (spinning) |
Hecheln | (German n.) panting (for breath) |
hecheln | (German) to pant, to heckle (flax), to tattle, to gossip |
hechelnd | (German) panting |
hecho un basiliscos | (Spanish) furious |
Hecht (s.), Hechte (pl.) | (German m.) pike (fish) |
hechten | (German) to dive headlong, to jackknife, to throw oneself sideways |
Hechtsprung | (German m.) dive, jackknife (dive) |
Hechtsuppe | (German f.) pike broth |
Heck | (German n.) stern, rear, back, tail, poop, tailpiece |
Heckantrieb | (German m.) rear-wheel drive |
Heckausleger | (German m.) tail boom |
Heckbalken | (German m.) transom |
Heckdeckel | (German m.) boot lid |
Hecke (s.), Hecken (pl.) | (German f.) covey, hedge, hedgerow, quickset (hedge) |
Heckelfon | (German n.) Heckelphone |
Heckelklarina | (German f.) or Klarina (German f.), alternative name for Heckel's clarina (see 'clarina') |
Heckelphon | (Italian m. from German n.) Heckelphone |
Heckelphone | (English, French m.) Heckelphon (Italian m., from German n.) |
(English, French m.) a double-reed woodwind instrument with the fingering of an oboe, pitched an octave lower (it is about 4 feet long), descending to the bottom of the bass clef (low A). It is similar to a bass oboe (also called 'baritone oboe' or 'baryton oboe'), but has a wider bore. The "general rule" for increasing the bore width when making a bass version of an instrument is to double the cross-sectional area of the bore for each octave down. The Heckelphone has a bore twice the diameter of an oboe bore. The instruments were created after composer Richard Wagner visited the Heckel factory in the 1880s and asked for an instrument that was in the range of a bass oboe and that had some of the qualities of an alphorn. By the time the instrument had been completed Wagner was dead. Fortunately, Richard Strauss 'fell under it's spell' and used it in his operas Salome and Elektra, as well as in his Alpine Symphony. Paul Hindemith wrote a trio for Heckelphone, Viola and Piano |
hecken | (German) to breed, to hatch |
Heckenahorn | (German m.) hedge maple, field maple (Acer campestre) |
Heckenausdruck | (German m.) hedge |
Heckenbogen | (German m.) hedge arch |
Heckenbraunelle | (German f.) dunnock, hedge sparrow, hedge warbler (Prunella modularis) |
Heckengehölze | (German pl.) hedging shrubs |
heckenhüpfen | (German) to hedgehop |
Heckenlandschaft | (German f.) hedgerow country, landscape of fields and hedgerows |
Heckenpflanze | (German f.) hedge plant,hedging plant |
Heckenrose | (German f.) dog rose (Rosa canina) |
Heckenschere | (German f.) hedge trimmer, hedge shears, hedge clippers, a pair of shears, clippers (hedge clippers) |
Heckenschneider | (German m.) hedge cutter, hedge trimmer |
Heckenschütze (m.), Heckenschützin (f.), Heckenschützen (pl.) | (German) sniper |
Heckenschützenfeuer | (German n.) sniper fire |
Heckenschützengewehr | (German n.) sniper rifle |
Heckentor | (German n.) hedge door |
Hecken trimmen | (German) to prune hedges, to trim hedges |
Heckenzaun | (German m.) hedge fence |
Hecker | (German m. - Southern Germany) hiccup |
Heckersche Realschule | (German f.) Hecker's Realschule |
Hecker's Realschule | established at Berlin in 1747 by Hecker, the ökonomisch-mathematische Realschule may be regarded as the prototype of the modern-day Realschule to be found in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. The Realschule was an outgrowth of the rationalism and empiricism of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. While efforts were made to introduce more science into the classical schools generally, the Realschule offered a more scientific emphasis than the Gymnasium, with its emphasis on classics and humanities |
Heckfederung | (German f.) rear suspension (car, etc.) |
Heckfenster | (German n.) rear window |
Heckflosse | (German f.) tail fin |
Heckflügel | (German m.) rear wing |
Heckgeländer | (German n.) taff rail |
Heckgeschütz | (German n.) tail gun |
Heckkamera | (German f.) rearview camera |
Heckkastell | (German n.) sterncastle |
Heckklappe | (German f.) tailgate (of car), stern flap |
Heckkonus | (German m.) boat tail |
Heckkorb | (German m.) stern pulpit |
Heckkotflügel | (German m.) rear wing |
hecklastig | (German) back-heavy, tail-heavy |
Heckle | a comb with long metal teeth for cleansing raw flax or hemp. Flax straw pulled through the iron teeth to separate fibres |
Heckler | a person who shouts a disparaging comment at a performance or event, or interrupting set-piece speeches, for example at a political meeting, with intent to disturb its performers or participants |
Heckleuchte | (German f.) tail-light, tail-lamp |
Hecklicht (s.), Hecklichter (pl.) | (German n.) tail-light, tail-lamp |
Heckmeck | (German m./n.) nonsense |
Heckmotor | (German m.) rear engine, rear-mounted engine |
Heckrad | (German n.) stern wheel |
Heckruder | (German n.) tail fin |
Heckscheibe | (German f.) rear window, back window |
Heckscheibenaufkleber | (German m.) rear window sticker |
Heckscheibenheizung | (German f.) rear window heating |
Heckscheibenwischer | (German m.) rear wiper, rear window wiper |
Heckscheinwerfer | (German m.) tail-light, tail-lamp |
Heckschott | (German n.) aft bulkhead (aircraft) |
Heckschraube | (German f.) tail rotor |
Heckspiegel | (German m.) transom |
Heckspoiler | (German m.) rear spoiler (car) |
Hecksporn | (German m.) tail bumper |
Hecktür | (German f.) hatchback, tailgate, rear door |
Hecktürmodell | (German n.) hatchback |
Heckverkleidung | (German f.) rear panelling, rear cover |
heckwärts | (German) aftward, aftwards, abaft, towards the stern, sternwards |
Heckwelle | (German f.) wake (ship, etc.) |
Hecto- | a prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one hundred (102) |
Hectogram | a metric unit of mass equal to 100 grams |
Hectograph | a machine employing a glycerin-coated layer of gelatin in order to make copies of typed or written material |
Hectolitre | a volumetric unit equal to 100 litres |
Hectometre | a unit of length equal to 100 metres |
Hectopascal | a unit of pressure to 100 pascals (100 newton per square meter) |
Heda! | (German) Hey! |
Hede | (German f.) buckwheat |
(German f. - North German) tow |
Hedera-Zeichen | (German n.) floral heart (small heart-shaped bullet) |
Hedonie | (German f.) hedonism |
Hedonism | the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle |
Hedonismus | (German m.) hedonism |
Hedonist (m.), Hedonistin (f.), Hedonisten (pl.) | (German) hedonist |
hedonistisch | (German) hedonistic, hedonistically, hedonic |
hedonistisches Interesse | (German n.) vested interest |
Hedonophobia | an abnormal fear of pleasure |
Hedonophobie | (German f.) hedonophobia |
Hedschra | (German f.) Hegira (also written as Hejira, Hijra or Hijrah) |
Hedwigs-Kathedrale | (German n.) St. Hedwig's Cathedral (in Berlin) |
Heel | the end of the violin bow at which it is held |
on a guitar, that part of the neck where it curves or is reduced to join the body |
Heer (s.), Heere (pl.) | (German n.) army, host (figurative, archaic: army) |
Heerdenglocken | (German f. pl.) cow bells |
Heeres- | (German) army (prefix) |
Heeresabteilung | (German f.) corps |
Heeresdienst | (German m.) military service |
Heeresdienstvorschrift | (German f.) army regulation |
Heeresdivisionen | (German pl.) army divisions |
Heeresdruckvorschrift | (German f.) army manual |
Heereseinheit | (German f.) army unit |
Heeresflieger | (German m.) army aviator |
Heeresflugzeug | (German n.) army plane |
Heeresführer | (German m.) army commander |
Heeresführung | (German f.) army command |
Heeresgerät | (German n.) army equipment |
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum | (German n.) Military History Museum |
Heereshubschrauber | (German m.) army helicopter |
Heereslager | (German n.) army camp, military camp |
Heereslieferant | (German m.) army contractor |
Heeresrichter | (German m.) (chief) military judge (Ottoman Empire: kazasker) |
Heeresschar | (German f.) army troop |
Heeresspital | (German n. - Austria) military hospital |
Heeresvorschrift | (German f.) field manual |
Heereszeugamt | (German n.) army ordnance depot |
Heerführer | (German m. - dated) commander-in-chief, general |
Heergewedde | (German n. - dated) heriot (archaic: feudal death duty) |
Heer-horn (s.), Herr-Hörner (pl.) | (German n.) military trumpet |
Heerkörper | (German m.) corps |
Heerlager | (German n.) army camp, military camp |
Heer-pauke | (German) kettle-drum, tymbal |
Heer-pauker | (German m.) kettle-drum player, military drummer |
Heerschar | (German f.) host |
Heerzug | (German m.) campaign (military), army train (army on the march) |
Hefe (s.), Hefen (pl.) | (German f.) yeast, leavening, leaven, barm |
Hefebrot | (German n.) yeast bread |
Hefebrötchen | (German n.) barm |
Hefeextrakt | (German m.) yeast extract (including Marmite®, Vegemite®, Promite, Cenovis) |
Hefegebäck | (German n.) yeast pastry |
Hefekranz | (German m.) savarin |
Hefekuchen | (German m.) leavened cake, yeast cake |
Hefekultur | (German f.) yeast culture |
Hefepulver | (German n.) yeast powder |
Hefeschnecke mit Rosinen | (German f.) Chelsea bun |
Hefestück | (German n.) yeast pastry, Danish pastry |
Hefeteig | (German m.) leavened dough, yeast dough |
hefetrüb | (German) yeast-clouded (beer) |
Hefeweißbier | (German n.) wheat beer |
Hefeweizen | (German n.) wheat beer |
Hefewürfel | (German m.) yeast cube |
Hefezopf | (German m.) challah, plaited yeast bun, braided yeast bun |
hefig | (German) yeasty, barmy (yeasty), dreggy (beer, etc.) |
hefiger | (German) yeastier |
hefigste | (German) yeastiest |
Heft (s.), Hefte (pl.) | (German n.) book, notebook, booklet, pamphlet, magazine, fascicle, exercise book, issue, number (magazine, etc.), part (single number of a volume issued in parts), helve, haft, hilt, grip, handle |
Heftchen | (German n.) booklet |
Heftdraht | (German m.) stitching wire |
Heftdrahtschere | (German f.) stitching-wire scissors (cutters) |
Hefte | (Danish, Norwegian) part |
Heftel | (German n.) hook and eye |
heften | (German) to tack, to crimp, to baste |
heftend | (German) tacking |
Hefter | (German m.) stapler, tacker, stitcher (magazines, etc.), file (folder) |
Heftfaden (s.), Heftfäden (pl.) | (German m.) tacking thread, basting thread |
Heftgarn | (German n.) basting cotton |
Heftgerät | (German n.) stapler |
heftig | (German, Dutch) violent, impetuous, passionate, boisterous, fervent, vehement, hard, boisterously, impetuously, testily, vehemently, heavy, bold, acute, deeply, eager, ferocious, fierce, fiercely, hefty, intense, intensive, keen, severe, shrewd, tempestuously, violently, stormy, virulent (figurative), strenuously, vivid (intense), volcanic (figurative), tempestuous (argument, rage), irascible, vigorous, stormily, forcefully (push, knock), vicious (headache), ferociously, rough-and-tumble, furious (storm, wind, etc), vigorously, powerful, stiff (critic, etc.), staggering (blow) |
heftig aneinandergeraten | (German) to clash violently |
heftig aneinander geraten | (German - old form) to clash violently |
heftig angreifen | (German) to attack furiously, to attack vigorously, to attack violently, to excoriate |
heftig beschimpfen | (German) to rate |
heftig blasen | (German) to blow heavily |
heftig bluten | (German) to bleed copiously, to bleed profusely |
heftig drängend | (German) violently pressing forward |
heftige Abwehr | (German f.) sturdy defence |
heftige Anstrengungen | (German pl.) strenuous efforts |
heftige Auseinandersetzung | (German f.) battle royal, donnybrook (heated argument) |
heftige Beleidigung | (German f.) stinging insult |
heftige Debatte | (German f.) ferocious debate, passionate debate |
heftige Diskussion | (German f.) full discussion |
heftige Erregung | (German f.) violent temper |
heftige Erwiderung | (German f.) sharp reply |
heftige Gegenwehr | (German f.) strenuous opposition |
heftige Gewissensbisse | (German pl.) pangs of remorse |
heftige Herausforderung | (German f.) vehement challenge |
heftige Konkurrenz | (German f.) keen competition |
heftige Kritik | (German f.) flak (colloquial: criticism), loud criticism, diatribe |
heftige Kritik an | (German f.) diatribe on |
heftige Kritik einstecken | (German) to take flak (figurative) |
heftige Nachfrage | (German f.) passionate demand, vehement demand |
heftiger | (German) violent, more passionate, testier |
heftiger Anfall | (German m.) severe attack |
heftiger Angriff | (German m.) fierce attack, savage attack, vehement attack |
heftiger Atem | (German m.) heavy breathing |
heftiger blasen | (German) to blow harder |
heftige Regenfälle | (German pl.) heavy rain |
heftiger Einwand | (German m.) vehement objection |
heftigere Worte einsetzen | (German) to sharpen one's words |
heftiger Kampf | (German m.) sharp struggle |
heftiger Protest | (German m.) strong protest, vehement protest |
heftiger Regen | (German m.) fierce rain, severe rain |
heftiger Schlag | (German m.) smart blow, stinging blow, ferocious blow, huge blow, savage blow, vehement blow, violent blow |
heftiger Schlag auf die Finger | (German m.) smart rap over the knuckles |
heftiger Schmerz | (German m.) acute pain, keen pain, severe pain, agony |
heftiger Schneesturm | (German m.) heavy snowstorm, blizzard |
heftiger Stoß | (German m.) bump |
heftiger Streit | (German m.) violent altercation, bitter quarrel, heated quarrel |
heftiger Sturm | (German m.) strong gale, violent storm, wild storm |
heftiger Wettkampf | (German m.) close contest |
heftiger Widerspruch | (German m.) vehement protest |
heftiger Widerstand | (German m.) vehement resistance, bitter opposition |
heftiger Wind | (German m.) strong wind, vehement wind |
heftiger Zorn | (German m.) wild rage |
heftige Schmerzen | (German pl.) intense pain, throes, violent pain |
heftiges Erdbeben | (German n.) heavy earthquake |
heftiges Leugnen | (German n.) strenuous denial |
(heftiges) sexuelles Verlangen | (German n.) sexual craving |
heftige Strömung | (German f.) riptide |
heftiges Verlangen | (German n.) craving, sharp desire |
heftige Verteidigung | (German f.) vehement defence |
heftige Worte | (German pl.) hot words, passionate words |
heftig gegen ... sein | (German) to be fiercely against ... (something) |
Heftigkeit (s.), Heftigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) intensity, impetuosity, vehemence, tempestuousness, sharpness, vehemency, violence, acuteness, fierceness, virulence, severity (of pain, storm), fury (of war, storm) |
Heftigkeit des Sturms | (German f.) intensity of the storm |
Heftigkeit eines Kampfes | (German f.) sharpness of a struggle |
Heftigkeit eines Sturmes | (German f.) violence of a storm |
Heftigkeit eines Temperaments | (German f.) sharpness of a temper |
Heftigkeit eines Verlangens | (German f.) intensity of a desire, sharpness of a desire, acuteness of a desire |
heftig leugnen | (German) to deny strenuously |
(heftig) pochen | (German) to bang |
heftig pochend | (German) banging |
(heftig) reißen (an) | (German) to tug (at) |
heftig regnen | (German) to rain hard, to rain heavily |
heftig schelten | (German) to rate |
(heftig) scheltend | (German) objurgatory |
heftig schlagen | (German) to batter |
heftigste | (German) testiest |
heftig umkämpfter Markt | (German m.) fiercely competitive market |
heftig wehen | (German) to blow furiously |
Heftinhalt | (German m.) content of the magazine |
Heftklammer (s.), Heftklammern (pl.) | (German f.) staple, stapler, clip, retaining clip |
Heftmappe | (German f.) binder |
Heftmaschine | (German f.) stapler |
Heftnadel | (German f.) sewing needle |
Heftpflaster | (German n.) adhesive plaster, plaster, sticking plaster, adhesive tape |
Heftpflasterverband | (German m.) (adhesive) strapping |
Heftroman | (German m.) dime novel |
Heftschweißen | (German n.) tack welding, tacking |
eftschweißen | (German) to tack-weld |
Heftstich | (German m.) saddle stitch (bookbinding) |
Heftung | (German f.) sewing |
Heftzwecke | (German f.) drawing-pin, push pin, thumbtack (US) |
Heftzwinge | (German f.) clamp |
Hege | (German f.) gamekeeping |
Hegedü | Hungarian violin |
Hegelianer (s.), Hegelianer (pl.) | (German m.) Hegelian |
Hegelianism | a collective term for schools of thought following or referring to G. W. F. Hegel's philosophy which can be summed up by the dictum that "the rational alone is real," which means that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories |
Hegelianismus | (German m.) Hegelianism |
Hegelian Left | the Young Hegelians, later known as the Left Hegelians, were a group of students and young professors at the University of Berlin following Georg Hegel's death in 1831 |
hegelsch | (German) Hegelian |
Hegel'sch | (German) Hegelian |
hegelsche Linke | (German f.) Hegelian Left |
(Hegel'sche) Trias These-Antithese-Synthese | (German f.) (Hegelian) triad thesis-antithesis-synthesis |
Hegemon | (English, German m. from Greek) the predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others |
hegemonial | (German) hegemonic, hegemonial, hegemonical |
Hegemonialmacht | (German f.) hegemonic power |
Hegemonie | (German f.) hegemony |
hegemonisch | (German) hegemonic |
Hegemony | the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others |
Hegen | (German n.) nurture |
hegen | (German) to feed, to nourish, to care for, to cherish, to treasure, to foster, to nurture (idea, ambitions), to tend (deer, plants), to harbour (hopes, ambition), to nurse (hopes, ambition), to bear (grudge, hatred), to conceive (wish) |
Hegen und Pflegen | (German n.) loving care (baby, infant) |
hegen und pflegen | (German) to nourish and cherish |
Heger | (German m.) gamekeeper |
Hegira | (Latin, from the Arabic) or Hijra (the withdrawal), is the emigration of Muhammad and his followers to the city of Medina in 622. Alternate spellings of this Arabic word in the Latin alphabet is Hijrah |
Hegumen | (Greek & Russian Orthodox) also hegumenos, igumen, or ihumen, the head of a monastery of the Eastern Church |
Hegumenos | (English, German m., from Greek) hegumen |
Hegung | (German f.) nurturance |
Hehl | (German m./n.) secret |
hehlen | (German) to receive stolen goods |
Hehler | (German m.) concealer, fence (colloquial: dealer in stolen goods), receiver of stolen goods, dealer in stolen goods |
Hehlerei | (German f.) fencing (colloquial), receiving (stolen goods), receiving of stolen goods, receiving of stolen property, dealing in stolen goods |
Hehlerei treiben | (German) to receive stolen goods |
Hehlerware (s.), Hehlerwaren (pl.) | (German f.) stolen goods |
hehr | (German) sublime, august, noble |
hehre Motive | (German pl.) noble motives |
Hei! | (German) Hey! |
Heia | (German f.) beddy-byes (child-speak) |
Heia machen | (German) to go beddy-byes |
Heiabettchen | (German n.) beddy-byes (child-speak) |
Heide | (German f.) heath, heather, moor |
Heide (m.), Heidin (f.), Heiden (pl.) | (German) pagan, Gentile (non-Jew), heathen, non-Christian, paynim |
Heidegrütze | (German f.) buckwheat |
Heidekorn | (German n.) buckwheat |
Heidekraut | (German n.) heather, heath, erica (genus Erica), moorland herb (unspecific) |
Heidekrautgewächse | (German pl.) heath family (family Ericaceae) |
Heideland | (German n.) moor land, wold, heath, wolds, moorland, heathland |
Heidelandschaft | (German f.) heath, moor |
Heidelbeere (s.), Heidelbeeren (pl.) | (German f.) bilberry, huckleberry, blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), whortleberry, whinberry |
Heidelbeerkraut | (German n.) bilberry bush |
Heidelbeerkuchen | (German m.) blueberry pie |
Heidelbeermarmelade | (German f.) blueberry jam |
Heidelbeermilch | (German f.) blueberry milk |
Heidelbeerstrauch | (German m.) bilberry bush |
Heidelberger Fass | (German n.) Heidelberg Tun |
Heidelberger Kapsel | (German f.) Heidelberg capsule |
Heidelberger Katechismus | (German m.) Heidelberg Catechism |
Heidelberg capsule | a diagnostic device, a miniature transmitter that is swallowed, and used to monitor acid secretions and pH of the stomach |
Heidelberg Catechism | a Protestant confessional document taking the form of a series of questions and answers, for use in teaching Reformed Christian doctrine. It has been translated into many languages and is regarded as one of the most influential of the Reformed catechisms |
Heidelberg Tun | Großes Fass (German), an extremely large wine vat in the cellars of Heidelberg Castle, the last of four known to have been constructed. The present one, of 220,000 litre capacity and using 130 oak trees, was made in 1751. Rarely used as a wine barrel, it is today little more than a tourist attraction and since one was constructed on top of it, a dance floor |
Heidelerche | (German f.) woodlark (Lullula arborea) |
Heidemoor (s.), Heidemoore (pl.) | (German n.) moorland |
Heiden | (German m. - Austria) buckwheat |
Heidenangst | (German f.) mortal fright, jitter |
Heidenapostel | (German m.) apostle to the Gentile (St. Paul) |
Heidenarbeit | (German f.) a lot of work |
Heidenaufwand | (German m.) heck of a lot of effort (colloquial) |
Heidenchristen | (German pl.) Gentile Christians |
Heidenchristentum | (German n.) Gentile Christianity |
Heidenelke | (German f.) maiden pink Dianthus deltoides) |
Heidenglaube | (German m.) heathen faith |
Heidenmehl | (German n. - Austria) buckwheat flour |
Heidenrespekt | (German m.) healthy respect |
Heidenspaß | (German m.) huge fun |
Heidentum | (German n.) paganism, heathenism, heathendom, pagandom |
Heideröslein | (German) Little Rose of the Field (also: Rose on the Heath: text by Goete, music by Franz Schubert) |
Heidevegetation | (German f.) heath vegetation |
heidnisch | (German) heathen, pagan, heathenish, heathenistic, Gentile (non-Jewish) |
heidnische Rituale | (German pl.) profane rites |
Heidrun | (English, German f.) a goat in Norse mythology |
Heidschnucke | (German f.) German heath |
Heiduck | (German m.) (Hungarian) herdsman |
Heiermann | (German m.) five-mark piece |
Heightened neumes | neumes displaced vertically in order to give some indication of relative pitch |
heikel | (German) subtle, fussily, fussy, queasily, queasy, scabrous, scabrously, touchily, trickily (situation, problem), awkward, dainty, delicate, picky, precarious, shaky, ticklish (figurative), thorny (figurative), dodgy (colloquial), fastidious, particular, sensitive (mission, issue), touchy (subject), tricky (situation, problem) |
heikeler | (German) fussier, queasier, touchier, trickier, pickier (colloquial) |
heikelste | (German) fussiest, pickiest (colloquial), queasiest, touchiest (subject), trickiest (situation, problem), sorest (subject) |
heikle Angelegenheit | (German f.) touchy subject, delicate issue, delicate matter, delicate business (issue, matter) |
heikle Frage | (German f.) delicate question, fishy question |
heikle Lage | (German f.) pretty kettle of fish (colloquial), precarious situation, delicate situation, sticky situation (colloquial) |
heikle Mission | (German f.) delicate mission |
heikle Operation | (German f.) delicate operation |
heikle Sache | (German f.) slippery affair |
heikle Situation | (German f.) awkward situation, delicate situation, sticky situation (colloquial) |
heikler | (German) sorer (subject), fussier |
heikler Gedanke | (German m.) delicate thought |
heikler Mechanismus | (German m.) delicate piece of mechanism |
heikler Punkt | (German m.) tender spot, sore point, subtle point, tender point, tricky spot |
heikles Problem | (German n.) prickly problem |
heikles Thema | (German n.) sensitive topic, tender subject, sore subject, fishy subject |
heikles Werkstück | (German n.) delicate piece of machinery |
heiklig | (German - Austria) difficult, ticklish (situation, problem, etc.), finicky (choosy eating) |
Heil | (German n.) salvation, health (dated: soul's health), well-being |
heil | (German) hail (salutory), whole, in one piece |
Heiland | (German m.) saviour, Redeemer |
Heilandsack! | (German) Holy cow! (colloquial) |
Heilanstalt (s.), Heilanstalten (pl.) | (German f.) sanatorium |
Heilbad (s.), Heilbäder (pl.) | (German n.) therapeutic bath, spa, health spa |
heilbar | (German) curable, curably, healable, remediable, remediably |
Heilbarkeit (s.), Heilbarkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) curability, curableness (plural form) |
Heilbehandlung | (German f.) treatment |
Heilberufler | (German m.) health professional, healthcare professional |
heilbringend | (German) salutary, salvific |
Heilbutt | (German m.) halibut (fish) |
Heilbutte | (German f.) halibut (fish) |
Heilbuttleberöl | (German n.) halibut liver oil |
Heilbuttschnitte | (German f.) flitch (halibut steak) |
Heileigenschaften | (German pl.) healing properties |
Heilen | (German n.) healing |
heilen | (German) to heal, to cure, to remedy, to mend (fracture) |
heilend | (German) curative, curing, healing, curatively, remedial, medicative, sanative (dated: curative) |
heilende Wirkung | (German f.) medicinal properties |
Heilen mit Steinen | (German n.) crystal healing (alternative therapy) |
Heiler (m.), Heilerin (f.), Heiler (pl.) | (German) healer, leech (archaic) |
Heilerde | (German f.) healing earth |
Heilerfolg | (German m.) successful cure |
heile Welt | (German f.) idyllic world, ideal world |
(Heil- und) Pflegeanstalt | (German f.) mental asylum (archaic), mental hospital |
heil und gesund | (German) safe and sound |
heil und unversehrt | (German) safe and sound |
heil zurückgelangen | (German) to get back safely |
Heilfasten | (German n.) therapeutic fasting |
heilfroh | (German) delighted |
heilfroh sein | (German) to be jolly glad |
Heilfürsorge | (German f.) remedial care, therapeutic care |
Heilgehilfe | (German m. - dated) nursing auxiliary |
Heilgymnastik | (German f.) remedial gymnastics, therapeutic gymnastics |
heilig | (German) holy, sacred, saintly, sacredly, divine, sacramental, sacramentally, inviolable (law, etc.), Saint |
Heiligabend | (German m.) Christmas Eve |
Heilige Allianz | (German f.) Holy Alliance |
Heilige Birma | (German f.) (Sacred) Birman (breed of cat) |
Heilige Drei Könige | (German f.) Epiphany |
Heilige Familie | (German f.) Holy Family |
Heilige Jungfrau | (German f.) Blessed Virgin |
Heilige Kommunion | (German f.) Holy Communion |
heilige Kuh | (German f.) sacred cow (also figurative) |
Heilige Lanze | (German f.) Spear of Destiny, Holy Lance |
Heilige Liga | (German f.) Holy League |
heilige Messe | (German f.) (Holy) Mass |
Heilige Mutter Kirche | (German f.) Holy Mother Church |
heiligen | (German) to hallow, to sanctify |
Heilige Nacht | (German f.) night before Christmas, Christmas night, Holy Night, Christmas Eve |
Heiligenanrufung | (German f.) invocation of the saints |
heiligend | (German) hallowing, sanctifying |
Heiligendarstellung | (German f.) depiction of saints |
Heiligengebete | (German pl.) prayers to the saints |
Heiligengeschichte | (German f.) hagiography |
Heiligengrab (s.), Heiligengräber (pl.) | (German n.) shrine |
Heiligenkalender | (German m.) calendar of saints |
Heiligenlegende (s.), Heiligenlegenden (pl.) | (German f.) Act of the Saints |
Heiligenlitanei | (German f.) Litany of the Saints |
Heiligenreliquien | (German pl.) saint's relics, sacred relics |
Heiligenschein (s.), Heiligenscheine (pl.) | (German m.) nimbus, gloriole, glory, halo, aura, aureole |
Heiligenverehrung | (German f.) veneration of saints, cult of the saints |
Heiligenverzeichnis | (German n.) canon (sacred text) |
Heiligenviten | (German pl.) lives of the saints |
heilige Pflicht | (German f.) sacred duty |
heiliger | (German) hallower, holier |
Heiliger (m.), Heilige (f.), Heilige (pl.) | (German) saint, hallow (archaic: saint) |
Heiliger Abend | (German m.) Christmas Eve |
(Heiliger) Berg Athos | (German m.) Mount Athos |
Heiliger Christ | (German m.) Christmas |
Heiliger Donnerstag | (German m.) Holy Thursday
heiliger Eid | (German m.) solemn oath
Heiliger Feigenbaum | (German m.) bo tree (Ficus religiosa)
Heiliger Geist | (German m.) pneuma |
heiliger Hain | (German m.) sacred grove (pre-Christian) |
heiliger Krieg | (German m.) holy war |
heiliger Kriegszug der Mohammedaner | (German m.) crescentade |
heiliger Ort | (German m.) sanctuary |
heiliger Rasen | (German m.) hallowed turf |
Heiliger Rock | (German m.) Holy Coat (of Trier) |
Heiliger Stuhl | (German m.) Apostolic See (used today to denote the Pope as well as the Curia) |
Heiliger Vater | (German m.) Holy Father |
heiliger ... von ... | (German m.) Saint ... of ... (male saint named for a place) |
Heiliges Antlitz | (German n.) Holy Face |
heiliges Blut | (German n.) Precious Blood (of Christ) |
Heilige Schrift (s.), heilige Schriften (pl.) | (German f.) Holy Scripture, Holy Writ (dated), scripture, sacred writing |
Heiliges Kanonenrohr! | (German) Good grief! |
Heiliges Kreuz | (German n.) tree (archaic or literary) |
Heiliges Land | (German n.) a reference to Palestine and Israel |
Heiliges Römisches Reich | (German n.) Holy Roman Empire |
heilige Stadt | (German f.) holy city, sacred city |
heilige Stätte (s.), heilige Stätten (pl.) | (German f.) sacred site, holy site |
heilige ... von ... | (German f.) Saint ... of ... (female saint named for a place) |
Heilige Wandlung | (German f.) transubstantiation |
heiliggesprochen | (German) sainted, canonised |
heilig gesprochen | (German) canonised, declared a saint |
Heiligkeit (s.), Heiligkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) sacredness, saintliness, sanctity, sainthood, holiness |
Heiligkeitsbewegung | (German f.) Holiness movement |
Heiligkeitsgesetz | (German n.) Holiness Code (Leviticus 17-26) |
heiligmäßig | (German) saintly |
Heiligs Blechle! | (German - schwäbisch) Holy cow! (colloquial) |
heiligsprechen | (German) to canonise, to declare a saint |
heilig sprechen | (German - old form) to canonise, to declare a saint |
Heiligsprechung | (German f.) canonisation |
heiligste | (German) holiest |
Heiligtum (s.), Heiligtümer (pl.) | (German n.) sainthood, sanctuary, shrine, temple |
Heiligung | (German f.) hallowing, sanctification, sacralisation, (religious) observance, justification |
Heiligungsbewegung | (German f.) Holiness movement |
heilklimatisch | (German) with a healthy climate |
Heilkraft (s.), Heilkräfte (pl.) | (German f.) curativeness, healing power |
heilkräftig | (German) curative, sanative |
heilkräftiger | (German) more curative |
heilkräftigste | (German) most curative |
Heilkraut (s.), Heilkräuter (pl.) | (German n.) (medicinal) herb |
Heilkunde | (German f.) medical science, (the practice of) medicine, healing arts, leechcraft (archaic) |
Heilkunst | (German f.) medicine, art of healing |
heillos | (German) unholy (colloquial), hopeless, hopelessly, terrible, frightful, awful, utter |
heilloses Durcheinander | (German n.) utter confusion, bedevilment |
heillos verschuldet sein | (German) to be up to one's ears in debt |
Heilmagnetiseure | (German pl.) mesmerists |
Heilmassage | (German f.) therapist massage, remedial massage |
Heilmasseur (m.), Heilmasseurin (f.) | (German) massage therapist, therapeutic masseur (m.), therapeutic masseuse (f.) |
Heilmittel (s.), Heilmittel (pl.) | (German n.) elixir, cure, remedy, medicinal substance, healer (herb, etc.) |
Heilmittellehre | (German f.) pharmacology |
Heilnahrung | (German f.) therapeutic diet, therapeutic food |
Heilpädagoge (m.), Heilpädagogin (f.) | (German) remedial teacher |
Heilpädagogik | (German f.) orthopaedagogy, therapeutic pedagogy, remedial teaching |
Heilpflanze (s.), Heilpflanzen (pl.) | (German f.) medicinal plant, simple (medicinal plant), officinal plant |
Heilpflanzengarten | (German m.) medicinal plants garden |
Heilphase | (German f.) healing period |
Heilpraktiker (m.), Heilpraktikerin (f.) | (German) healer, alternative practitioner, non-medical practitioner, natural health professional |
Heilquelle | (German f.) mineral spring, spa, medical spring |
Heilsalbe | (German f.) healing ointment, salve |
heilsam | (German) beneficial, healthful, healthfully, medicative, salubrious, salutary, wholesome |
heilsame Erfahrung | (German f.) salutary experience |
heilsame Lehre | (German f.) salutary lesson |
heilsame Lektion | (German f.) wholesome lesson |
Heilsamkeit | (German f.) salubrity |
Heilsanstalt | (German f.) institution of salvation (the church) |
Heilsarmee | (German f.) Salvation Army |
Heilsbedeutsamkeit | (German f.) relevance to salvation |
Heilsbedeutung | (German f.) salvific meaning, soteriological significance |
Heilsbotschaft | (German f.) message of salvation, gospel |
Heilsbringer | (German m.) saviour |
Heilsediment | (German n.) medicinal mud |
Heilsereignis | (German n.) event of salvation, saving event |
Heilserwartung | (German f.) hope of salvation, expectation of salvation |
Heilsgeschehen | (German n.) saving event |
Heilsgeschichte | (German f.) salvific history, history of salvation, salvation history |
heilsgeschichtlich | (German) salvation-historical |
Heilsgewissheit | (German f.) certainty of salvation, conviction of salvation, assurance of salvation |
Heilshandeln | (German n.) saving action, saving work |
Heilshoffnung | (German f.) hope of salvation |
Heilslehre | (German f.) doctrine of salvation |
Heilsmächtigkeit | (German f.) power to save, salvific power |
Heilsmittel | (German n.) means of salvation |
Heilsmittler | (German m.) mediator of salvation |
heilsnotwendig | (German) necessary for salvation |
Heilsökonomie | (German f.) economy of salvation |
Heilsopfer | (German n.) peace offering, selamim (Hebrew) |
Heilsordnung | (German f.) order of salvation (Christian jargon) |
Heilsplan | (German m.) plan of salvation |
heilsschaffend | (German) salvific |
Heilssicherheit | (German f.) assurance of salvation |
Heilsspiegel | (German m.) Mirror of Human Salvation (Speculum humanae salvationi) |
Heilssuche | (German f.) quest for salvation |
Heilstätte | (German f.) sanitarium |
heilste | (German) safest |
Heilstein | (German m.) healing stone |
heilstiftend | (German) salvific |
Heilsuniversalismus | (German m.) universal salvation |
Heilsvermittlung | (German f.) mediation of salvation |
Heilsverwirklichung | (German f.) realisation of salvation |
Heilsweg | (German m.) way of salvation |
Heilswerk | (German n.) work of salvation |
Heilswille Gottes | (German m.) God's saving will |
heilswirksam | (German) salvific |
Heilswirksamkeit | (German f.) salvific efficacy |
Heilswort | (German n.) salvific word, word of salvation |
Heiltrank | (German m.) elixir |
Heiltum | (German n. - dated) relic |
Heilung | (German f.) cure, healing |
Heilung aus der Begegnung | (German f.) healing through meeting |
Heilung durch Gesundbeten | (German f.) faith cure |
Heilung eines Aussätzigen | (German f.) cleansing of a leper |
Heilungsevangelist | (German m.) healing evangelist |
Heilungsgottesdienst | (German m.) healing service |
Heilungsprozess | (German m.) healing process |
Heilungsrate | (German f.) cure rate |
Heilverfahren | (German n.) therapy, cure, care process, healing process |
heilvoll | (German) salvific |
Heilwasser | (German n.) healing waters, curative waters, curative water |
Heilwunder | (German pl.) miraculous cures |
Heim (s.), Heime (pl.) | (German n.) home, fireside, retirement home, asylum (institution), hostel (institution), home (dated - for people needing care) |
Heimabend | (German m.) social evening |
Heimanwender | (German m.) home user |
Heimarbeit | (German f.) homework, outwork, piece of homework, home-work, telework |
Heimarbeiter | (German m.) home worker, homeworker, outworker |
Heimat | (German f.) home country, home, habitat, native country, native land, homeland |
Heimat- | (German) native, home (prefix) |
Heimatabend | (German m.) cultural evening, folkloric evening |
Heimatanschrift | (German f.) home address |
heimatberechtigt | (German f. - Switzerland) having civil rights, place of origin (entry in Swiss passports) |
Heimatbezirk | (German m.) home county |
Heimatboden | (German m.) native soil |
Heimatdichter | (German m.) regional writer, regional poet |
Heimatdichtung | (German f.) regional literature, regional poetry |
Heimatdorf (s.), Heimatdörfer (pl.) | (German n.) home village, native village |
Heimaterde | (German f.) native soil, home soil |
Heimatfilm | (German m.) sentimental film in idealised regional setting |
Heimatflughafen | (German m.) home airport |
Heimatflugplatz | (German m.) home airfield |
Heimatforscher | (German m.) local history researcher, local historian |
Heimatforschung | (German f.) research into local history |
Heimatfront | (German f.) home front |
heimatgebunden | (German) attached to one's native soil |
Heimatgefühl | (German n.) sense of home |
Heimathafen | (German m.) port of registry, home port |
Heimatinsel | (German f.) home island, native island |
Heimatkunde | (German f.) local history |
heimatkundlich | (German) local history |
Heimatkunst | (German f.) regional art |
Heimatland | (German n.) mother country, homeland, native land, home country, native country |
heimatlich | (German f.) native, local, homelike |
heimatliche Gefilde | (German pl. - dated) home pastures (poetical) |
heimatliche Gewässer | (German pl.) home waters |
heimatliche Scholle | (German f. - dated) native soil |
Heimatliebe | (German f.) love of one's native country |
heimatlos | (German) homeless, homelessly, unhoused |
heimatlose Kinder | (German pl.) waifs and strays |
Heimatloser (m.), Heimatlose (f.), Heimatlosen (pl.) | (German) waif, displaced person |
heimatloses Kind | (German n.) waif (child) |
Heimatlosigkeit | (German f.) rootlessness, homelessness (lack of a homeland) |
Heimatmarkt | (German m.) domestic market, home market |
Heimatmuseum | (German n.) local museum, museum of local history |
Heimatort | (German m.) home town, native place, home village, place of origin (on a birth, marriage or death certificate), one's native heath |
Heimatplanet | (German m.) home planet |
Heimatprovinz | (German f.) home province |
Heimatrecht | (German n.) right of residence, right of domicile |
Heimatregion | (German f.) native region |
Heimatschein | (German m. - Switzerland) certificate of family origin |
Heimatscholle | (German f.) the old sod |
Heimat sein für | (German) to be home to |
Heimatsort | (German m.) home town |
Heimatsprache | (German f.) vernacular, native dialect, native language, native tongue |
Heimatstaat | (German m.) home state |
Heimatstadt | (German f.) home town, native town, native city, home city |
Heimatstandort | (German m.) home base |
Heimatstil | (German m.) Domestic Revival |
Heimat- und Geschichtsmuseum | (German n.) heritage centre |
Heimaturlaub | (German m.) home leave, furlough, R & R (rest and recuperation, rest and recreation) |
Heimatverlust | (German m.) forced displacement |
Heimatvertreibung | (German f.) forced displacement |
heimatvertrieben | (German) displaced |
Heimatvertriebener (s.), Heimatvertriebene (pl.) | (German m.) displaced person |
Heimatwelt | (German f.) homeworld |
Heimatzugehörigkeit | (German f.) homeland affiliation |
heimbegleiten | (German) to see home |
heimbegleitend | (German) seeing home |
heimbegleitet | (German) seen home |
Heimbewohner (m.), Heimbewohnerin (f.), Heimbewohner (pl.) | (German) resident of a home, home resident |
heimbringen | (German) to bring home |
Heimbüro | (German n.) home office |
Heimchen | (German n.) cricket, house cricket, domestic cricket Gryllus domesticus or Acheta domestica) |
Heimcomputer | (German m.) home computer |
heimeilen | (German) to hurry home |
Heimeinweisung | (German f.) institutionalisation (placement in an institution) |
heimelig | (German) homelike, cosy |
heimeliger | (German) more homelike |
heimeligste | (German) most homelike |
heimfahren | (German) to drive home |
Heimfahrt | (German f.) journey home, return voyage, voyage home, return journey, drive home |
Heimfall | (German m.) devolution, reversion |
heimfallen | (German) to revert |
heimfällig | (German) revertible |
Heimfarben | (German pl.) home colours (sport kit) |
heimfinden | (German) to find one's way home |
Heimfindevermögen | (German n.) homing instinct, homing ability |
heimführen | (German) to take home |
Heimführung | (German f.) repatriation |
Heimgang | (German m.) passing (on, away) (death) |
heimgegangen | (German) returned home |
Heimgegangene | (German pl.) deceased (people) |
heimgehen | (German) to return home, to go home, to pass away (to die) |
heimgehend | (German) returning home |
heimgeleuchtet | (German) told off (scolded) |
heimgesucht | (German) infested, obsessed, afflicted, smitten, stricken, haunted, beset |
heimgesuchtes Gebiet | (German n.) afflicted area |
heimgesucht sein | (German) to be smitten |
heimgesucht werden von | (German) to be afflicted with |
heimgezahlt | (German) paid back |
heimgurken | (German) to head home (to set off for home) |
Heimhelferin | (German f. - Austria) home help |
heimholen | (German) to fetch home |
Heimindustrie | (German f.) home industry, cottage industry |
heimisch | (German) homelike, indigenous, native, domestic, home, regional, home-like, local, familiar |
heimische Erzeugnisse | (German pl.) home-produced products |
heimische Industrie | (German f.) domestic industry, national industry |
heimischer Markt | (German m.) domestic market, home market |
heimischer Wertschöpfungsanteil | (German m.) domestic content |
heimisches Publikum | (German n.) home crowd |
heimische Vogelart | (German f.) native (species of) bird |
heimische Wirtschaft | (German f.) domestic industry, home industry, national industry |
heimisch in | (German) endemic to |
heimisch in Nordeuropa | (German) native to Northern europe |
heimisch sein | (German) to be a native (resident) |
Heimkampf | (German m.) home match (sport), home fight (boxing, etc.) |
Heimkehr | (German f.) home coming, homecoming, returning home |
heimkehren | (German) to return home, to come home, to home (pigeon) |
heimkehrend | (German) homing (pigeon) |
Heimkehrer (m.), Heimkehrerin (f.) | (German) homecomer, repatriate, returnee |
Heimkind (s.), Heimkinder (pl.) | (German n.) institutionalised child |
Heimkino | (German n.) home cinema, home (movie) theatre |
heimkommen | (German) to come home, to get home |
heimkönnen | (German) to be able to go home |
Heimkunft | (German f.) homecoming |
heimlaufen | (German) to go home |
Heimleiter | (German m.) warden, housemaster |
Heimleitung | (German f.) management (of a home) |
Heimleuchte | (German f.) domestic luminaire |
heimleuchten | (German) to tell off (colloquial: to reprimand) |
heimleuchtend | (German) telling off |
heimlich | (German) secret, furtive, stealthy, gioioso, secretly, mysteriously (with an air of mystery), hidden, clandestine, clandestinely, cryptical, on the sly, stealthily, thievishly, underhand, covertly, underhandedly, underhanded, backdoor, by stealth, in secret, on the quiet, privily, sly, on the QT (colloquial), furtively, surreptitious, secretively, surreptitiously, closet, covert (surveillance), sneaking |
heimlich abheuern | (German) to jump ship (sailor) |
heimlich anstoßen | (German) to nudge |
heimlich ausziehen | (German) to flit (to move house) |
heimlich beobachten | (German) to tout (colloquial) |
heimliche Begünstigung | (German f.) connivance |
heimliche Ehe | (German f.) hedge marriage |
heimliche Eheschließung | (German f.) clandestine marriage |
heimliche Geschäfte | (German pl.) clandestine dealings, under-the-counter dealings |
heimliche Liebe | (German f.) secret love |
heimliche Neigung | (German f.) sneaking inclination |
heimlich entnehmen | (German) to abstract |
heimlich entweichen | (German) to abscond |
heimlich entwischen | (German) to sidle off |
heimliche Presse | (German f.) clandestine press |
heimlicher Abzug | (German m.) decampment |
heimlicher Aufbruch | (German m.) decampment |
heimlicher Ehrgeiz | (German m.) sneaking ambition |
(heimlicher) Homosexueller | (German m.) closet homosexual |
heimlicher Sieger | (German m.) secret winner |
heimlicher Verdacht | (German m.) sneaking suspicion |
heimlicher Vorrat | (German m.) secret hoard |
heimlicherweise | (German) sneakily |
heimlicher Wunsch | (German m.) sneaking desire |
heimliches Einverständnis | (German n.) connivance |
heimliches Treffen | (German n.) clandestine meeting |
heimliches Vergnügen | (German f.) guilty pleasure |
heimliche Veröffentlichung | (German f.) clandestine publication |
heimliche Zahlung | (German f.) backhander (colloquial: secret payment) |
heimliche Zusammenkunft | (German f.) conventicle |
(heimlich) gucken | (German) to peep |
Heimlich-Handgriff | (German m.) Heimlich manoeuvre |
heimlich heiraten | (German) to elope (figurative: to get married secretly) |
Heimlichkeit (s.), Heimlichkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) covertness, furtiveness, secrecy, stealth, privacy, stealthiness (plural form) |
Heimlich manoeuvre | an emergency technique used to eject an object, such as food, from the trachea of a choking person |
heimlich ... mit den Füßen berühren | (German) to play footsies secretly with ... (somebody) |
(heimlich) mit einem Betäubungsmittel versetzen | (German) to spike (slang: a drink) |
(heimlich) spähen | (German) to peep |
heimlich, still und leise | (German) on the QT (colloquial: quietly and secretly) |
heimlich tun | (German) to be secretive |
heimlich verliebt | (German) secretly in love |
heimlich verschwinden | (German) to take French leave, to slope off (colloquial) |
heimlich weitergeben | (German) to sneak |
heimlich zusammenspielen | (German) to collude |
Heimlichtuerei | (German f.) secretive manner, sneakiness, slyness, secretiveness |
heimlichtuerisch | (German) secretive |
heimlichtun | (German) to be secretive |
Heimmannschaft | (German f.) home side, home team |
Heimmarkt | (German m. - Austria, Switzerland) home market |
heimmüssen | (German) to have to go home |
Heimordnung | (German f.) house rules |
Heimorgel | (German f.) home organ |
Heimreise | (German f.) homeward journey, journey home, return journey |
heimreisen | (German) to travel home |
Heimsauna | (German f.) home sauna |
heimschicken | (German) to send home |
Heimsparbüchse | (German f.) home safe |
Heimstatt | (German f.) homestead, home (literary) |
Heimstatt der Vorfahren | (German f.) ancestral estate |
Heimstätte (s.), Heimstätten (pl.) | (German f.) homestead |
heimsuchen | (German) to infest, to obsess, to afflict, to distress, to haunt, to trouble, to visit on, to visit upon, to befall, to stalk |
heimsuchend | (German) infesting, obsessing, besetting |
Heimsuchung (s.), Heimsuchungen (pl.) | (German f.) infestation, visitation, plague, affliction |
Heimtextilien | (German pl.) household textiles, home textiles |
Heimtier | (German n.) pet |
Heimtierfutter | (German n.) pet food |
Heimtierhaltung | (German f.) pet keeping |
Heimtiernahrung | (German f.) pet food |
Heimtonanlage | (German f.) home audio system |
Heimtrainer | (German m.) exercise bike |
Heimtücke | (German f.) dastardliness, insidiousness, maliciousness, treachery, malice, treacherous nature, malevolence |
heimtückisch | (German) dastardly, insidious, insidiously, perfidiously, sneakily, perfidious, catty (figurative), sneaky, sneakingly, malignant, underhand, malicious, treacherous, treacherously, cattish, malevolent |
heimtückischer | (German) sneakier |
heimtückischer Blick | (German m.) leer (evil look) |
heimtückischste | (German) sneakiest |
Heim und Herd | (German) house and home |
Heimunterhaltungsmarkt | (German m.) home entertainment market |
Heimunterhaltungstechnik | (German f.) home entertainment technology |
Heimunterricht | (German m.) home schooling |
heimwärts | (German) homeward, home, homewards |
heimwärts steuern | (German) to head homewards, to head for home, to head home (head for home) |
Heimweg (s.), Heimwege (pl.) | (German m.) way home |
Heimweh | (German n.) homesickness, nostalgia, home sickness |
Heimweh bekommen | (German) to become homesick |
Heimweh haben | (German) to be homesick, to long for (one's) home |
Heimwehgefühl | (German n.) nostalgia |
heimwehkrank | (German) homesick |
Heimwerken | (German n.) do it yourself, home improvement, DIY (do-it-yourself) |
Heimwerker (m.), Heimwerkerin (f.), Heimwerker (pl.) | (German) handyman (colloquial), handywoman (f.), do-it-yourself enthusiast, do-it-yourselfer (colloquial), DIY'er (colloquial)
Heimwerker- | (German) do-it-yourself (prefix) |
Heimwerkerbedarf | (German m.) do-it-yourself products |
Heimwerkermarkt | (German m.) do-it-yourself store |
heimwollen | (German) to want to go home |
heimzahlen | (German) to pay back |
heimzahlend | (German) paying back |
Heimzahlung | (German f.) retaliation |
heimzu | (German) homewards |
Heini | (German) Harry |
Heinichen's circle of fifths | see 'circle of fifths' |
Heinrich | (German m.) Harry, Henry |
Heinrichskapellen | (German n.) Henri-Chapelle |
Heinz | (German m.) Henry |
Heinzelbank | (German f.) shaving horse |
Heinzelmännchen (s.), Heinzelmännchen (pl.) | (German n.) brownie, leprechaun, good folk |
Heiopei | (German m.) dumbo (pejorative) |
Heirarchy | an arrangement of objects, people, elements, values, grades, orders, classes, etc., in a ranked or graduated series/td> |
Heirarchy of scale | in art, an artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance |
Heirat | (German f.) marriage |
Heirat des Geldes wegen | (German f.) marriage for money |
Heirat des Vorteils wegen | (German f.) marriage of convenience |
Heirate in Eile, bereue mit Muße. | (German) Marry in haste, repent at leisure. |
Heirate mich. | (German) Marry me. |
heiraten | (German) to marry, to wed, to tie the knot (colloquial), to splice (colloquial), to get spliced (colloquial) |
Heiraten (s.), Heiraten (pl.) | (German n.) marriage |
heiratend | (German) marrying |
Heiraten in Eile bereut man in Weile. | (German) Marry in haste, repent at leisure. |
Heiratsabsichten | (German f.) marriage plans, intentions (relating to courtship and marriage) |
Heiratsallianz | (German f.) marriage alliance |
Heiratsalter | (German m.) marital age |
Heiratsangebot | (German n.) proposal of marriage, marriage proposal |
Heiratsannonce | (German f.) marriage announcement |
Heiratsantrag | (German m.) proposal of marriage, marriage proposal, suit, wedding proposal |
Heiratsanzeige | (German f.) marriage announcement, wedding announcement |
Heiratsbund | (German m.) alliance |
Heiratsdatum | (German n.) date of marriage |
Heiratserlaubnis | (German f.) marriage licence |
heiratsfähig | (German) eligible, marriageable, nubile |
heiratsfähiges Alter | (German n.) marriageable age |
Heiratsfähigkeit | (German f.) marriageableness, marriageability, nubility |
Heiratsgut | (German n.) dowry |
Heiratsinserat | (German n.) (wedding) banns |
heiratslustig | (German) eager to get married, keen to get marriage |
Heiratsmarkt | (German m.) marriage market |
Heiratspolitik | (German f.) marriage politics (dynastic) |
Heiratsregister | (German n.) register of marriages, marriage register |
Heiratsschein | (German m.) marriage certificate |
Heiratsschwindler | (German m.) marriage impostor |
Heiratsurkunde | (German f.) marriage certificate, certificate of marriage |
Heiratsverbot | (German n.) prohibition of marriage |
Heiratsvermittler | (German m.) matchmaker, marriage broker |
Heiratsversprechen | (German n.) promise of marriage |
Heiratsvermittlung | (German f.) marriage bureau, matchmaking, marriage brokering |
Heiratsversprechen | (German n.) promise to marry, promise of a marriage, promise of marriage |
heiratswillig | (German) wanting to get married |
Heirat unter Blutsverwandten | (German f.) consanguineous marriage |
Heirat untereinander | (German f.) inter-marriage (within groups) |
Heirat zwischen Cousin und Cousine | (German f.) cousin marriage |
Heirmologion | a codex containing heirmoi (sing. heirmos) |
Heirmos | the leading stanza of a kontakion |
Heischebrauch | (German m.) cadging custom |
heischen | (German) to beg for, to ask for (dated), to demand |
heiser | (German) croaky, hoarse, hoarsely, huskily, husky, raucous, throaty (hoarse) |
heisere Stimme | (German f.) hoarse voice, husky voice |
heiserer Schrei | (German m.) squawk (from a bird), caw (crow) |
Heiserkeit | (German f.) hoarseness, croakiness, huskiness, raucousness |
heiser machen | (German) to hoarsen (make hoarse) |
heiser werden | (German) to hoarsen (become hoarse) |
heiß | (German) hot, ardent, ardently, fervent, fervently, torrid, very warm, hot (figurative: stolen, radioactive), steamy (colloquial: torrid, sexy) |
heiss | (German - old form) hot, ardent |
Heißarbeiten | (German pl.) hot work |
heiß argumentieren | (German) to argue hotly |
heiß baden | (German) to have a hot bath |
heißbegehrt | (German) much sought-after, much sighed-for |
heiß begehrt | (German) highly coveted |
heißbegehrter Gegenstand | (German m.) sighed-for object, highly coveted object |
heiß biegen | (German) to bend hot |
heißblütig | (German) passionate, red-blooded, hot-blooded, hot-tempered, full-blooded, sultry |
heißblütiger | (German) more passionate |
Heißblütigkeit | (German f.) hot-bloodedness |
heißblütigste | (German) most passionate |
heiß darauf sein, ... zu tun | (German) to be fired up about doing ... (something) |
heiß duschen | (German) to take a hot shower |
heiße Aktien | (German pl.) hot issues |
heiße Atmosphäre | (German f.) heated atmosphere |
heiße Diskussion | (German f.) heated discussion |
heiße Emission | (German f.) hot issue |
heiße Getränke | (German pl.) hot beverages |
heiße Kompresse | (German f.) hot compress |
heiße Luft | (German f.) warm words (colloquial) |
heiße Malzmilch | (German f.) Horlicks (malted milk drink) |
heiße Mineralquellen | (German pl.) hot mineral springs |
heißen | (German) to be called, to mean, to signify |
heißend | (German) being called |
heiße Phase | (German f.) crunch mode |
heiße Probe | (German f.) walk through |
heiße Quelle (s.), heiße Quellen (pl.) | (German f.) boiling spring, hot spring |
heißer | (German) hotter |
heißer Draht | (German m.) hot wire |
heißer Draht | (German m.) hotline (between governments) |
heißer Favorit | (German m.) hot favourite (colloquial) |
heißer Kaffee | (German m.) hot coffee |
heißer Kakao | (German m.) hot chocolate |
heißer Krieg | (German m.) shooting war |
heißer Punkt | (German m.) hot spot |
heißer Raum | (German m.) furnace |
heiß ersehnt | (German) much longed for, eagerly anticipated |
heißer Stuhl | (German m.) hot seat (special seat in group therapy) |
heißer Tag | (German m.) hot day |
heißer Tipp | (German m.) hot tip |
heiß erwartet | (German) eagerly-awaited |
heißer werden | (German) to hot up (colloquial) |
heißer Wettbewerb | (German m.) keen competition |
heißer Wettkampf | (German m.) well-contested race |
heißer Wunsch | (German m.) ardent wish, burning desire |
heißes Bad | (German n.) hot bath |
heiße Schokolade | (German f.) hot chocolate |
heißes Eisen | (German n.) hot potato (figurative) |
heißes Geld | (German n.) hot money |
heißes Interesse | (German n.) warm interest |
heißes Klima | (German n.) warm climate |
heiße Sommer | (German pl.) hot summers |
heiße Spur | (German f.) hot scent |
heißes Rendezvous | (German n.) hot date |
heißeste | (German) hottest |
heißes Verlangen | (German n.) ardent desire, ardent longing, greed |
heißes Wetter | (German n.) warm weather |
heißes Würstchen | (German n.) hot dog (frankfurter, wiener) |
heiße Tränen | (German pl.) scalding tears, burning tears |
heiße Verfolgung | (German n.) hot pursuit |
heiße Verfolgungsjagd | (German n.) hot pursuit |
heiße Zitrone | (German n.) hot lemonade |
heiße Zone | (German n.) torrid zone |
Heißfolienprägung | (German n.) hot foil stamping |
Heißformgebung | (German n.) hot-pressing |
heiß geführte Diskussion | (German n.) passionate discussion |
heißgelaufen | (German) overheated, red-hot (figurative) |
heißgeliebt | (German) beloved, ardently loved |
heiß geliebt | (German) dearly beloved |
heißgemischt | (German) hot-mix, hot-mixed |
heißgeräuchert | (German) hot-smoked |
Heißgetränk (s.), Heißgetränke (pl.) | (German n.) hot beverage |
Heißhunger | (German m.) ravenous appetite, greed, ravenousness, voracious appetite, ravenous hunger |
Heißhunger auf ... haben | (German) to have a craving for ... (something) |
Heißhunger auf ... verspüren | (German) to feel a craving for ... (something) |
Heißhungeressen | (German n.) binge-eating |
Heißhunger nach | (German m.) voracious appetite for |
heißhungrig | (German) ravenous, voracious, voraciously, ravenously |
Heißkanal | (German m.) hot runner (injection moulding) |
Heißkanalsystem (s.), Heißkanalsysteme (pl.) | (German n.) hot runner system (injection moulding) |
Heißkanalwerkzeug | (German n.) hot runner mould (injection moulding) |
Heißklebepistole | (German f.) hot glue gun |
Heißkleber | (German m.) hot glue (also known, in English, as hot melt adhesive, HMA, thermoplastic adhesive) |
Heißlauf | (German m.) overheating |
heißlaufen | (German) to overheat, to chafe, to become heated, to run hot (also figurative) |
heiß laufen | (German) to run hot |
heißlaufend | (German) overheating |
Heißläufer | (German m.) hot box |
Heißleim | (German m.) hot glue |
Heissleim | (German m. - Switzerland) hot glue (also known, in English, as hot melt adhesive, HMA, thermoplastic adhesive)< |
Heißleiter | (German m.) thermistor |
Heißluft | (German f.) hot air |
Heißluftballon | (German m.) hot-air balloon |
Heißluftballonfahren | (German n.) hot air ballooning |
heißluftbeständig | (German) resistant to hot air |
Heißluftdesinfektion | (German f.) hot-air disinfection |
Heißluftdusche | (German f.) hot air (blower) (as therapeutic agent), electric hair dryer (dated) |
Heißlüfter | (German m.) hot air blower |
Heißluftgerät | (German n.) hot air blower |
Heißluftheizung | (German f.) hot-air heating |
Heißluftherd | (German m.) fan-assisted oven |
Heißluftpistole | (German f.) heat gun, hot air gun |
Heißlufttrockner | (German m.) hot-air dryer |
Heißmangel | (German f.) rotary iron |
Heißöse | (German f.) lifting eye, lifting eyebolt |
Heißplatte | (German f.) heat plate (in book-binding machine) |
Heißpolymerisat | (German n.) hot-cure acrylic |
Heißprägemaschine | (German f.) hot stamping machine |
heißprägen | (German) to hot-stamp |
Heißprägen | (German n.) hot stamping |
Heißprägepresse | (German f.) hot stamping press |
Heißprägung | (German f.) hot stamping |
Heißpunkt | (German m.) hotspot, hotshot |
Heißquelle | (German f.) hot spring (rare) |
Heißsäge | (German f.) hot saw |
heiß sein | (German) to be on fire (colloquial) |
heiß-siegelfähig | (German) heat-sealable |
Heißsporn | (German m.) hothead, firebrand, hotspur |
Heißspritzen | (German n.) hot spraying |
Heißstempel | (German m.) hot stamp |
Heißt das ... ? | (German) Does that mean ... ? |
Heißtrub | (German m.) hot break |
heiß umkämpft | (German) hotly contested, fiercely fought over, fiercely contested, fiercely disputed |
heiß umkämpfte Wahl | (German f.) tightly contested election, hotly contested election |
heiß umstritten | (German) hotly debated, highly controversial |
heiß und fettig | (German) hot and greasy |
Heißverleimung | (German f.) hot gluing |
Heißwachsmalerei | (German f.) hot wax painting (encaustic painting) |
heiß waschen | (German) to wash in hot water, to wash with hot water |
Heißwasser | (German n.) hot water |
Heißwasserbereiter | (German m.) hot-water boiler |
Heißwasserfluss | (German m.) hot (water) spring |
Heißwasserpumpe | (German f.) hot water pump |
Heißwasserspeicher | (German m.) boiler |
heiß wie in einem Backofen | (German) baking hot, scorching hot |
Heißwind | (German m.) hot blast |
heiter | (German) calm, cheerful, clear, alacritous, cheerfully, cheery, gay (dated: light-hearted), genially, jovial, jovially, mirthfully, sanguine, serenely, fair (weather: fine and dry), blithe, alacritously, sanguinely, jocular, smiling, debonair, gaily, buoyantly, humorous, humorously, light-hearted, sunnily, mirthful (poetic), jocund, fine, sunny (also figurative), funny (amusing), merry (also: slightly drunk), hilarious (exuberant), buoyant (lively, cheery), bright (colours, room), cheerful, serene (sky), bright (weather) |
heitere Gegend | (German f.) serene landscape |
heitere Landschaft | (German f.) smiling landscape |
heiteren Sinnes | (German) cheery |
heitere Perioden | (German pl.) bright patches |
heiterer Gleichmut | (German m.) serenity |
heiterer Himmel | (German m.) bright sky, clear sky, serene sky, smiling sky |
heitere Seite | (German f.) bright side |
heiteres Gemüt | (German n.) buoyant disposition, buoyant spirit, serene mind |
heiteres Gesicht | (German n.) bright face |
heiteres Temperament | (German n.) cheerful temperament, sanguineness |
heiteres Wetter | (German n.) serene weather |
heiterhell | (German) very bright |
Heiterkeit (s.), Heiterkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) serenity, hilarity, hilariousness, brightness, exhilaration, jauntiness, cheeriness, merriment, gaiety, mirth, cheerfulness, amusement (as reaction), jovialness, joviality, jocularity |
Heizanlage | (German f.) heating system |
Heizapparat | (German m.) heater |
Heizbalg | (German m.) diaphragm, bladder |
Heizband | (German n.) heating tape |
heizbar | (German) heatable |
Heizblock | (German m.) heating block |
Heizdecke | (German f.) electric blanket, heating blanket |
Heizdraht | (German m.) filament, heating wire, heated filament |
Heizelement | (German n.) heating element (electric kettle, etc.) |
Heizelementschweißen | (German n.) hotplate welding |
Heizen | (German n.) heating |
heizen | (German) to heat, to stoke, to have the heating on, to have one's heating on, to speed (travel too fast), to burn, to give off heat |
Heizer (s.), Heizer (pl.) | (German m.) fireman, stoker, boilerman, radiator, heating element |
Heizfaden | (German m.) filament |
Heizfläche | (German f.) heating surface |
Heizform | (German f.) heating mould |
Heizgas | (German n.) heating gas, fuel gas |
Heizgerät | (German n.) space heater, heater, heating appliance |
Heizkabel | (German n.) heating cable |
Heizkessel | (German m.) furnace, boiler, heating boiler |
Heizkissen | (German n.) electric pad, heating pad |
Heizkörper (s.), Heizkörper (pl.) | (German m.) radiator, heater |
Heizkörperhitze | (German f.) radiator heat |
Heizkörperlack | (German m.) radiator enamel |
Heizkörperverkleidung | (German f.) radiator cover |
Heizkosten | (German pl.) heating costs, fuel bill |
Heizkostenrechnung | (German f.) heating bill |
Heizkraft | (German f.) heating power |
Heizkraftwerk | (German n.) combined heat and power station |
Heizlüfter | (German m.) fan heater |
Heizmantel | (German m.) jacket heater, heating jacket |
Heizmantelrohr | (German n.) jacketed pipe |
Heizmaterial | (German n.) heating fuel, fuel (heating) |
Heizmatte | (German f.) heating pad |
Heizofen | (German m.) heating stove, heating furnace |
Heizöl | (German n.) fuel oil, heating oil, fuel (oil) |
Heizöleinsatz | (German m.) use of heating oil |
Heizölhändler | (German m.) (heating) oil dealer |
Heizpatrone | (German f.) heating cartridge |
Heizperiode | (German f.) heating period |
Heizpilz | (German m.) heating mantle, patio heater, umbrella heater, mushroom heater |
Heizplatte | (German f.) hot plate |
Heizplattentrockner | (German m.) jacketed shelf drier |
Heizraum | (German m.) boiler room |
Heizrippe | (German f.) radiator |
Heizschlange | (German f.) heating coil |
Heizsonne | (German f.) electric bowl fire |
Heizspirale | (German f.) heating element |
Heizspule | (German f.) heating coil |
Heizstab | (German m.) heating element, heater rod |
Heizstoff verbrauchen | (German) to consume heating fuel |
Heizstrahler | (German m.) electric fire, radiant heater |
Heizsystem | (German n.) heating system |
Heiztechnologie | (German f.) heating technology |
Heiztherme | (German f.) boiler |
Heiztisch | (German m.) hot plate |
Heizung (s.), Heizungen (pl.) | (German f.) heater, firing, heating, radiator, filament |
Heizung, Lüftung, Klima | (German) heating, ventilation, air conditioning |
Heizungsanlage | (German f.) heating system |
Heizungsbauer | (German m.) heating engineer, heating contractor (firm) |
Heizungsgebläse | (German n.) heater blower |
Heizungsinstallateur | (German m.) heating engineer, heating installer, heating and ventilation fitter, heating contractor (firm) |
Heizungskeller | (German m.) boiler room |
Heizungskessel | (German m.) boiler |
Heizungsmonteur | (German m.) heating engineer, heating installer, heating contractor (firm) |
Heizungspumpe | (German f.) heating pump |
Heizungsrippe | (German f.) radiator rib |
Heizungsrohr (s.), Heizungsrohre (pl.) | (German n.) steam heating pipe |
Heizwärme | (German f.) thermal heat |
Heizwasser | (German n.) heating water |
Heizwasser-Verrohrung | (German f.) hot water piping |
Heizwendel | (German f.) heating coil |
(German m./f./n.) filament |
Heizwerkzeuge | (German pl.) heated tools |
Heizwicklung | (German f.) heating coil |
Heizwiderstand | (German m.) heating resistor |
Heizzone | (German f.) heating zone |
Hejaz | a coastal region of the western Arabian Peninsula bordering on the Red Sea, which includes Jeddah and both Mecca and Medina |
Hejjuj | Arabic word for Gnawan lute, the sintir |
Hekate | see 'Hecate' |
Hekatombe | (German f.) hecatomb (also figurative) |
Hekt | 1/13000 part of a pure twelfth. The Hekt was defined by Heinz Bohlen as the hundredth part of a step of the equal tempered version of the Bohlen-Pierce scale: the 13th root of 3/1. Hekt are therefore the BP analogon to cents. See H. Bohlen, 13-Tonstufen in der Duodezime, Acustica vol. 39, 1978. There are 820.2086796 Hekt to the octave |
Hektar (s.), Hektare (pl.) | (German m./n.) hectare (10,000 square metres) |
Hektare (s.), Hektaren (pl.) | (German f. - Switzerland) hectare (10,000 square metres) |
Hektik | (German f.) hecticness, rush, flurry of activity, fuss (flurry, rush) |
hektisch | (German) hasty, hectic, hectically, frenzied, frantic, frenetic (activity, pace, period) |
hektisch arbeiten | (German) to work frantically |
hektische Betriebsamkeit | (German f.) a frenzy of activity |
hektischer | (German) more hectic |
hektisches Fieber | (German n.) hectic fever |
hektischste | (German) most hectic |
Hekto- | (German) hecto- (102) |
Hektografie | (German f.) hectography |
hektografieren | (German) to hectograph |
Hektogramm | (German n.) hectogram |
Hektographie | (German f.) hectography |
hektographieren | (German) to hectograph |
Hektoliter | (German m.) hectolitre |
Hektometer | (German m./n.) hectometre |
Hektopascal | (German n.) hectopascal |
Hektor | (German m.) Hector |
Hel | (English, German f.) Norse goddess of the underworld |
Hel, hel | (Swedish, Danish) whole [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Held | tenuto (Italian), ausgehalten (German), tenu (French) |
Held (m.), Heldin (f.), Helden (pl.), Heldinnen (f.pl.) | (German) hero (m.), heroine (f.), brave man (m.), brave woman (f.), heroic character (hero/heroine), heroic figure (hero/heroine), champion (hero/heroine) |
Held back | ritenuto (Italian), zurückgehalten (German), retenu (French) |
Held der Arbeiterklasse | (German m.) working class hero |
Heldenbariton | (German m.) or Hoherbass, dramatic or heroic baritone |
Heldendichtung | (German f.) heroic poetry, epic poetry |
Heldenepos | (German n.) heroic epic |
Heldenfigur | (German f.) heroic figure |
Heldenfriedhof | (German m.) military cemetery, war cemetery |
Heldengedenktag | (German m.) Memorial Day (US) |
Heldengedicht (s.), Heldengedichte (pl.) | (German n.) epic poem, heroic poem |
Heldengeschichte | (German f.) heroic story |
Heldengestalt | (German f.) heroic character, heroic figure |
heldenhaft | (German) heroic, heroically, valiant, brave, courageous, valiantly, bravely, courageously, heroical, lion-hearted |
heldenhafte Leistung | (German f.) heroic feat |
heldenhafter | (German) more heroic |
heldenhafter Abenteurer | (German m.) heroic adventurer |
heldenhafterweise | (German) heroically |
heldenhafteste | (German) most heroic |
Heldenlied | (German) heroic song |
Heldenmut | (German m.) valour, bravery, heroism, prowess, heroic courage |
Heldenmut besitzend | (German) heroic |
Heldenmut beweisend | (German) heroic |
heldenmütig | (German) heroically, heroic |
Heldenrolle | (German f.) heroic part |
Heldensage | (German f.) heroic saga, hero tale, heroic legend |
Heldentat (s.), Heldentaten (pl.) | (German f.) heroic deed, exploit, achievement, act of heroism, brave action, act of bravery, brave deed, brilliant feat, brilliant feat of arms, daring exploit, deed of arms, feat, heroic action, heroic feat, derring-do (dated), heroics (plural form)
Heldentenor (s.), Heldentenöre (pl.) | (German m.) or Tenorbariton, full dramatic tenor, heroic tenor |
Heldentod | (German m.) death of a hero, heroic death |
Heldentum | (German n.) heroism |
Helden verehren | (German) to venerate heroes |
Heldenverehrung | (German f.) hero worship |
Heldenzeitalter | (German n.) heroic age |
Helder | (German m./n. - Northern Germany) marshland wiythout dykes |
heldisch | (German) heroically, heroic |
Heldreichs Ahorn | (German m.) Greek maple, Heldreich's maple Acer heldreichii) |
Helena | (German f.) Helen |
Helene | (German f.) Helen |
Hele | (Finnish) (musical) ornament |
Hele noot |  | (Dutch) whole note, semibreve |
Hele rust |  | (Dutch) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Hele toon | (Dutch) whole tone, the interval of a major second |
Hele toonsafstand | (Dutch) whole step, tone |
Hele-toons toonladder | (Dutch) whole note scale |
helfen | (German) to assist, to help, to aid, to lend a hand, to support, to avail, to second, to give a hand, to befriend, to bestead, to bolster |
helfend | (German) helping, aiding, assisting, assistant, auxiliary, helpful, adjuvant |
helfen, ... zu finanzieren | (German) to help finance ... (something) |
Helfer (m.), Helferin (f.), Helfer (pl.), Helferinnen (f.pl.) | (German) aide, aide worker, assistant, backer, helper, auxiliary, hand (helper, helping hand), reliever, cohort (assistant, colleague), accomplice (in a crime), domestique (cycling) |
Helfer bei der Autopsie | (German m.) assistant at an autopsy |
Helfer bei Dreharbeiten | (German m.) grip (film industry) |
Helfer {m} in Steuersachen | (German m.) tax expert |
Helferlein | (German n.) little helper |
Helfer {m} nach der strafbaren Handlung (m.), Helferin nach der strafbaren Handlung (f.) | (German) accessory after the fact |
Helfer nach der Tat (m.), Helferin nach der Tat (f.) | (German) accessary after the fact |
Helfer- oder Rettergeschwister | (German pl.) saviour siblings |
Helfershelfer (m.), Helfershelferin (f.), Helfershelfer (pl.) | (German) abetter, abettor, accessory, accomplice, confederate |
Helfersyndrom | (German n.) (helpless) helper syndrome |
Helfer vor der strafbaren Handlung (m.), Helferin vor der strafbaren Handlung (f.) | (German) accessory before the fact |
Helfer vor der Tat (m.), Helferin vor der Tat (f.) | (German) accessary before the fact |
Helferzimmer | (German n.) assistants' room |
Helfet einander! | (German) Help one another! |
Helfgott! | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) Bless you! (reaction to somebody sneezing) |
Helfs- | (German) auxiliary |
Helft einander! | (German) Help one another! |
Heliciculture | or snail farming, the process of farming or raising land snails specifically for human consumption |
Helicon | elicon (Italian m.), Helikon (German n.), hélicon (French m.), helicón (Spanish m.), a type of tuba, invented in Vienna in 1845, that coils around the players body, the precursor of the sousaphone |
a mountain in central Greece, on which was situated a spring and a sanctuary sacred to the Muses |
(ancient Greek) or Helikon, an ancient instrument or construction invented by Ptolemy, for demonstrating, or measuring, consonances, or sounds |
a mountain in central Greece, that was believed to be the legendary abode of the Muses and was considered sacred to Apollo |
Helicón | (Spanish m.) helicon, elicon (Italian m.), Helikon (German n.), hélicon (French m.) |
Hélicon | (French m.) helicon, elicon (Italian m.), Helikon (German n.), helicón (Spanish m.) |
helikal | (German) helical, helically |
helikale Form | (German f.) helical form |
Helikon | (German n.) helicon, elicon (Italian m.), hélicon (French m.), helicón (Spanish m.) |
(ancient Greek) or Helicon, an ancient instrument or construction invented by Ptolemy, for demonstrating, or measuring, consonances, or sounds |
(German m.) Helicon (mountain in Greece) |
Helikopter (s.), Helikopter (pl.) | (German m.) helicopter |
Helikopterpilot | (German m.) helicopter pilot |
Heliogabalus | or Elagabalus, a Syro-Roman sun god |
heliografisch | (German) heliographic |
Heliograph | or heliogravure, a process invented by Nicephore Niepce in which a metal plate is coated with photosensitive bitumen and exposed to light, either through a positive transparency, or directly by placing the plate in a camera. Light makes bitumen insoluble so the image areas can be washed out with solvent that exposes the plate. The plate can now be etched and printed in the intaglio method resulting in a gravure-like continuous toned print. The process was mostly used for commercial printing between 1870 and 1914, though it is occasionally still used today |
(English, German m.) a device for transmitting messages by reflecting sunlight, a device for photographing the sun |
heliographieren | (German) to heliograph |
heliographiert | (German) heliographed |
heliographisch | (German) heliographic |
Heliogravur | (German f.) heliogravure |
Heliogravüre | (German f.) heliogravure, photogravure |
heliophob | (German) heliophobic |
Heliophobia | in psychology, a morbid fear of sunlight |
in medicine, where it is more commonly termed photophobia, an excessive sensitivity to sunlight |
Heliophobie | (German f.) heliophobia |
Heliopolis | (English, German n.) an ancient city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of modern Cairo, the center of worship of the sun god Ra |
Helios | (English, German m.) (Greek mythology) ancient god of the sun, who drove his chariot across the sky each day (identified with Roman god Sol) |
Heliosphäre | (German f.) heliosphere |
Heliosphere | the region inside the heliopause containing the sun and solar system through which the solar wind extends |
heliotrop | (German) heliotropic |
Heliotrop | (German m.) heliotrope (semi-precious stone) |
Heliotrope | or bloodstone, green chalcedony with red spots that resemble blood |
Heliotropism | an orienting response to the sun |
Heliotropismus | (German m.) heliotropism |
Heliotype | a variant of the collotype process developed by the London photographer Ernest Edwards in 1869 (patented 1870) |
heliozentrisch | (German) heliocentric, heliocentrically |
heliozentrisches Weltbild | (German n.) heliocentrism |
Heliocentrism | or heliocentricism, the astronomical theory that posits that the movement of the planets as seen from Earth can be best explained by assuming that the Earth and planets orbit around a stationary Sun |
Heliozentrismus | (German m.) heliocentrism |
Heliport | (English, German m.) a place for helicopters to land and take off |
Heliskiing | (German n.) heli-skiing |
Heli-skiing | off-trail, downhill skiing that is accessed by a helicopter, not a ski lift |
Helium | (English, German n.) an inert, gaseous element present in the sun's atmosphere that occurring naturally on Earth as a product of radioactive decomposition |
heliumgefüllt | (German) helium-filled |
heliumgekühlt | (German) helium-cooled |
Helium-Neon-Laser | (German m.) helium-neon laser |
Heliumsucher | (German m.) helium leak detector |
Heliumverbrauch | (German m.) helium consumption |
Heliumverlust | (German m.) helium loss |
Helium voice | WARNING - Breathing helium can be very dangerous |
many people, on hearing the voice of someone who has breathed helium, believe wrongly that the person's speech pitch has increased |
a cavity will have certain resonant frequencies. These frequencies depend on the shape and size of the cavity and on the velocity of sound within the cavity. Human vocal cords vibrate non-sinusoidally in the vocal tract, giving rise to a range of frequencies above the fundamental. The vocal tract mainly enhances lower frequency components imparting the recognizable voice spectrum |
the velocity of sound in helium is much greater than in air, so breathing helium will raise the vocal tract's resonant frequencies. Although the vocal cords' vibrational frequencies are little affected by helium, the effect of higher cavity resonances is to alter substantially the relative amplitudes of the voice spectrum components thus leading to apparent pitch change
Helix (s.), Helices (pl.) | (English, German f., from Latin from Greek) anything have the shape of the thread of a screw |
Helizikultur | (German f.) heliciculture |
Helizität | (German f.) helicity |
hell | (German) clear, bright, light, lucid, brightly, radiant, fair (of skin), radiantly, light-toned (colour, shade), lightish (in colour), pale (colour) |
Helladic (era) | a modern archaeological term meant to identify a sequence of periods characterising the culture of mainland ancient Greece during the Bronze Age |
Helladikum | (German n.) Helladic era |
helladisch | (German) Helladic |
hellauf | (German) highly (enthusiastic, indignant) |
hell auf der Platte | (German) canny |
hellauf lachen | (German) to yell with laughter |
Hellbeige | (German n.) oatmeal (colour) |
hellbeige | (German) oatmeal (colour) |
hellblau | (German) light blue |
hellblond | (German) very fair, tow-coloured, light blonde |
Hellbraun | (German n.) tan (colour) |
hellbraun | (German) fawn, light brown, tan (colour) |
hell brennen | (German) to burn brightly, to burn briskly |
Helldunkel | (German n.) chiaroscuro |
Helldunkelmalerei | (German f.) chiaroscuro |
Helle | (German f.) brightness |
helle | (German) bright (colloquial: clever) |
helle Augenblicke | (German pl.) lucid moments |
Hellebarde (s.), Hellebarden (pl.) | (German f.) halberd, halbert |
Hellebardier | (German m.) halberdier |
Hellebardist | (German m.) halberdier |
helle Eiche | (German f.) light oak (wood) |
helle Farbe (s.), helle Farben (pl.) | (German f.) light colour, bright colours |
helle Flamme | (German f.) bright flame |
helle Köpfe | (German pl.) bright minds |
Hellen | (English, German m.) the mythological patriarch of the Hellenes |
Hellene (m.), Hellenin (pl.) | (German) Greek, a native or inhabitant of Greece
Hellenenbund | (German m.) Hellenic League |
Hellenic | in linguistics, the branch of Indo-European including classical and modern Greek |
Hellenic League | the association of Greek city states against the Persians during the Greco-Persian Wars, 5th century BC |
the League of Corinth, an association of Greek city states under the domination of Philip of Macedon and Alexander the Great, 4th century BC |
the association of Greeks under Antigonus and Demetrius I Poliorcetes against Cassander, 302 BC |
the association of Greek states, also known as the Symmachy, under Antigonus III Doson originally formed to fight Cleomenes III of Sparta, 226 BC |
the association of Greek cities under Hadrian, 131 AD |
hellenisch | (German) Hellenic |
Hellenische Republik | (German f.) Hellenic Republic (official name of the country Greece) |
hellenisch-römisch | (German) Helleno-Roman |
hellenisieren | (German) to Hellenise |
Hellenisierung | (German f.) Hellenisation |
Hellenism | an idiom or custom peculiar to the Greeks, the civilization and culture of ancient Greece |
Hellenismus | (German m.) Hellenism |
Hellenisten | (German pl.) Hellenists |
hellenistisch | (German) Hellenistic |
heller | (German) brighter, clearer |
hellere Seite | (German f.) bright side |
heller Fleck | (German m.) bright spot |
heller Himmel | (German m.) bright sky |
heller Klang | (German m.) high, clear sound |
heller Kopf | (German m.) bright guy (colloquial) |
hellerleuchtet | (German) brightly lit |
heller machen | (German) to lighten |
heller Mond | (German m.) bright moon |
heller Neid | (German m.) pure envy |
heller Schal | (German m.) bright shawl |
heller Sonnenschein | (German m.) bright sun, bright sunshine, brilliant sunshine |
heller Tag | (German m.) bright day, clear day, daytime |
heller Ton | (German m.) high, clear sound |
heller Unsinn | (German m.) sheer nonsense |
heller Wahnsinn | (German m.) sheer madness |
heller werden | (German) to dawn |
(heller) Zuckersirup | (German m.) golden syrup |
Helles | (German n.) pale beer |
helles Bier | (German n.) lager, pale ale, light beer |
helles Blau | (German n.) light blue |
helles Feuer | (German n.) blaze, bright fire |
helles freundliches Zimmer | (German n.) cheerful room |
helles Gelb | (German n.) maize |
helles Grün | (German n.) bright green |
helles Haar | (German n.) light hair |
helles Holz | (German n.) bright wood, blond wood (furniture) |
helles Lachen | (German n.) ringing laughter |
helles LED-Nählicht | (German f.) bright LED sewing light |
helles Licht | (German n.) bright light, intense light, vivid light |
helles Tageslicht | (German n.) broad daylight, bright daylight |
helle Stimme | (German f.) high and clear voice, silver voice |
helles Weiß | (German n.) brilliant white |
helles Zimmer | (German n.) bright room |
hellfarbig | (German) blond, light-coloured |
Hellfeld | (German n.) bright field |
Hellfeldmikroskop | (German n.) bright-field microscope |
hellgelb | (German) pale yellow, straw yellow, light yellow, bright yellow |
hell glänzen | (German) to shine brightly |
hell glühend | (German) blazing |
hellgrau | (German) light grey |
Hellgrün | (German n.) bright green, chartreuse |
hellgrün | (German) light green, chartreuse, bright green |
hellhäutig | (German) Caucasian, fair-skinned, pale-skinned, light-skinned |
Hellhören | (German n.) clairaudience, clear hearing |
hellhörig | (German) sensitive, keen-eared (figurative), poorly soundproofed (house, room), badly soundproofed (house, room), keen of hearing (dated), sharp-eared (figurative), wafer-thin (wall) |
Hellhörigkeit | (German f.) clairaudience |
hellhörig sein | (German) to have keen senses |
hellhörig werden | (German) to start to listen attentively |
hellicht | (German) lightsome |
Helligkeit | (German f.) brightness, brilliancy, brilliance, intensity, light, lightness (brightness) |
Helligkeitsausbruch | (German m.) outburst |
Helligkeitsniveau | (German n.) brightness level |
Helligkeitsregelung | (German f.) brightness control, brilliance control |
Helligkeitsregler | (German m.) brightness control, brilliance control, intensity control, dimmer (control) |
Helligkeitssteuerung | (German f.) brightness control |
Helligkeitssteuerung am Monitor | (German f.) brightness control (on a monitor screen) |
Helligkeitswahrnehmung | (German f.) brightness perception |
hell in der Birne sein | (German) to be bright (colloquial) |
Helling (s.), Hellings (pl.), Hellinge (pl.) | (German f.) launch slip, slipway |
Hellin-Regel | (German f.) Hellin's rule |
Hellin's Rule | the ratio of of twin births to single births is 1 out of 86, of triplet births is 1 out of 862 (= 862), and so forth |
hellklingend | (German) high-pitched |
hell lachen | (German) to give a ringing laugh |
hell leuchtend | (German) incandescent (figurative) |
hell leuchtende Farben | (German pl.) dazzling colours |
hellleuchtende Lampe | (German f.) shining lamp |
helllicht | (German) bright (of daylight, etc.) |
helllichter Tag | (German m.) broad daylight |
Hell mouth | when medieval theatre developed, it was common to paint the entry onto a stage so the entry would resemble a gaping demon's mouth. This "hell mouth" would either be located on one side of the stage or it would be a trap-door in the floor. During morality plays and mystery plays, actors playing demons would enter through the hell mouth in order to dramatically grab sinners and drag them off to hell. By the time of the Renaissance, the term 'hell mouth' was used to refer to any trap-door in the bottom of the stage. At Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, for instance, the cellerage, or the entire area under the stage was referred to as "hell," and the area above the stage, where musicians played, was often referred to as "the heavens" |
hellorange | (German) bright orange |
Hellraumprojektor | (German m. - Switzerland) overhead projector |
hellrosa | (German) light pink, bright-pink |
Hellrot | (German n.) bright red |
hellrot | (German) light red, bright red, bright scarlet, bright-red |
hellroter Rock | (German m.) bright-red skirt |
hellrotes Kleid | (German n.) bright red dress |
hellrötlich | (German) bright reddish |
Hellschreiber | (English, German m.) facsimile-based teleprinter invented by Rudolf Hell |
Hellsehen | (German n.) clairvoyance, second sight, divination |
hellsehend | (German) clairvoyant |
hellsehen können | (German) to be psychic, to have second sight |
Hellseher (m.), Hellseherin (f.) | (German) clairvoyant, visionary, psychic |
Hellseherei | (German f.) clairvoyance |
hellseherisch | (German) clairvoyant, fey (clairvoyant) |
hellsichtig | (German) clear-sighted |
hellsichtiger | (German) more clear-sighted |
hellsichtigste | (German) most clear-sighted |
hellste | (German) brightest, clearest |
hellste Bildteile | (German pl.) highlights |
Helltasten | (German n.) highlighting |
helltasten | (German) to intensify, to highlight |
hellwach | (German) wide awake, awakened |
Hellwachsein | (German n.) wide-awakeness |
hellwach sein | (German) to be wide awake |
hell werden | (German) to get light (in the morning) |
Helm (s.), Helme (pl.) | (German m.) helmet, tin hat (colloquial), casque (helmet), spire |
Helm ab! | (German) Helmets off! Helmet off! |
Helm ab zum Gebet! | (German) Helmets off for prayer! |
Helmbarde | (German f.) halberd, halbert, halberd |
Helmbusch | (German m.) panache |
Helmdach | (German n.) polygonal spire, helm roof |
Helmdecke (s.), Helmdecken (pl.) | (German f.) mantling |
helmförmig | (German) helmet-shaped |
Helmholtz pitch notation | |
Helmholtz resonators | resonance in acoustics occurs when some mass-spring combination is supplied with energy. Many musical instruments rely on air resonance to improve their sonority. If you blow across the mouth of a bottle you can often get a note. The bottle behaves as a Helmholtz resonator. The main volume of air inside the bottle is analogous to a spring, whilst the "plug" of air in the neck acts as an attached mass |
the resonant frequency of a Helmholtz resonator is roughly given by |
f = { c √ (S/LV) } / 2π
c is velocity of sound
S is the surface area of the neck opening
V is bottle volume
L is the effective length of the neck, i.e. the actual length plus end correction
End correction ~ 1.5 times radius of neck opening
Example: A 75 cl (7.5E-4 m3) wine bottle with neck diameter 19 mm, bottle neck length 8 cm, air temp = 20 deg C |
calculated resonance = 109 Hz (actual resonance was 105 Hz)
Helmholtz resonators are sometimes employed as a means of passive noise control in air conditioning ducts. They may also be hidden in the wall design of auditoria and offices in order to improve the acoustics
Helmholtz temperament | see 'schismatic temperament' |
Helminthe (s.), Helminthen (pl.) | (German f.) helminth, intestinal worm |
Helmintheninfektion | (German f.) helminth infection |
helminthophob | (German) helminthophobic |
Helminthophobia | fear of worms or of being infested with them |
Helminthophobie | (German f.) helminthophobia |
Helmpflicht | (German f.) requirement to wear a helmet |
Helmvisier | (German n.) helmet visor |
Helnode |  | (Swedish, Danish) whole note, semibreve [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Helnodespause |  | (Danish) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Helnot |  | (Swedish, Danish) whole note, semibreve [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Helots | one of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta, neither a slave nor a free citizen |
Heloten | (German pl.) Helots |
Helpaus |  | (Swedish) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Help Desk | (German m.) help desk |
Helpdesk | (German m.) help desk |
Helper accidentals | on an accordion, buttons with assigned notes which fall outside the diatonic system, notes often needed by players but which either do not appear in the diatonic system, or appear only in one bellows direction |
Helper row | on an accordion, the row closest to the bellows on the 'Club System' instrument, the helper row contains only helper accidentals |
Helton | (Swedish) whole tone, the interval of a major second |
Heltone | (Danish) whole tone, the interval of a major second |
Helvetia Figures | one of the big circle figures danced by all couples in one large circle facing the centre which are traditionally associated with square dancing |
Helvetic Confession | the name given to two documents expressing the common belief of the Reformed churches of Switzerland |
Helvetic Republic | (Swiss history) the Helvetic Republic (1798-1803) represented an early attempt to impose a central authority over Switzerland, which until then consisted mainly of self-governing cantons united by a loose military alliance, and conquered territories such as Vaud. A constitutional arrangement imposed by French military might, the Republic existed as a state for only five years but failed to achieve widespread popular support among its citizens. However, some aspects of it have survived into present-day Switzerland. |
Helvetier | (German pl.) Helvetii |
Helvetii | a Celtic people inhabiting western Switzerland during the time of Julius Caesar |
helvetisch | (German) Helvetian (Swiss) |
Helvetische Konfession | (German f.) Helvetic Confession |
Helvetische Republik | (German f.) Helvetic Republic |
Helvetisches Bekenntnis | (German n.) Helvetic Confession |
Helvetism | one of a large group of words typical for Swiss Standard German, which do not appear in either of Standard German or Standard German dialects |
Helvetismus | (German m.) Helvetism |
Hembra | the larger of any two paired percussive instruments (e.g. bongos, clave, timbales) generally considered to be the 'female' element |
Hemd (s.), Hemden (pl.) | (German n.) chemise, shirt, sark (Scottish) |
Hemdärmel | (German m.) shirtsleeve |
Hemdbluse (s.), Hemdblusen (pl.) | (German f.) shirt blouse, shirt |
Hemdblusenkleid | (German n.) shirt-waist dress |
Hemdbrust | (German f.) dickey or dicky (false shirt-front) |
Hemdenkragen | (German m.) collar of a shirt, shirt collar |
Hemdenmacher (m.), Hemdenmacherin (f.) | (German) shirtmaker |
Hemden nähen | (German) to sew shirts |
Hemdenstoff | (German m.) shirting |
Hemdentasche | (German f.) breast pocket |
Hemden wechseln | (German) to change shirts |
Hemden zur einmaligen Benutzung | (German pl.) throwaway shirts |
Hemdjacke | (German f.) shirt jacket |
Hemdkleid | (German n.) chemise dress |
Hemdknopf (s.), Hemdknöpfe (pl.) | (German m.) shirt button |
Hemdkragen | (German m.) shirt collar |
Hemdsärmel | (German m.) shirt sleeve |
hemdsärmelig | (German) shirt-sleeved, in shirtsleeves, shirt-sleeve, casual (figurative), down-to-earth (figurative) |
Hemdschlitz | (German m.) shirt slit, shirt-slit |
Hemdtasche | (German f.) shirt pocket |
Hemdzipfel | (German m.) shirt tail |
Hemeraloper (m.), Hemeralope (f.), Hemeralope (pl.) | (German) hemeralope |
Hemeralopia | inability to see clearly in bright light |
Hemeralopie | (German f.) hemeralopia |
Hemiachromatopsia | partial or complete colour-blindness involving one half of the field of vision |
Hemiachromatopsie | (German f.) hemiachromatopsia |
Hemianesthesia | or unilateral anesthesia, the inability to feel sensations from touch on one side of the body |
Hemianästhesie | (German f.) hemianaesthesia (unilateral anesthesia) |
Hemianopsia | or hemianopia, blindness in one half of the visual field of one or both eyes |
bitemporal hemianopsia is blindness in the temporal field of vision of both eyes |
Hemianopsie | (German f.) hemianopsia (hemianopia) |
Hemiachromatopsia | colour vision deficiency in half, or in corresponding halves, of the visual field |
Hemichromatopsie | (German f.) hemiachromatopsia |
Hemidemisemiquaver |  | a sixty-fourth note, a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve, Vierundsechzigstelnote (German), quadruple croche (French f.) |
Hemidemisemiquaver rest |  | a sixty-fourth rest, a rest one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest, Vierundsechzigstelpause (German), seizième de soupir (French) |
Hemidiapente | (Greek) an imperfect or diminished fifth |
Hemiditone | a minor third |
Hemiditonos | (Greek) a lesser, or minor, third |
hemifazial | (German) hemifacial |
hemifazialer Spasmus | (German m.) hemifacial spasm |
Hemiglossal | or hemilingual, of or pertaining to one half of the tongue |
Hemiglossitis | (English, German f.) inflammation of one half of the tongue |
Hemihyperaesthesia | increased sensibility to tactile stimulation and pain on one side of the body |
Hemihyperästhesie | (German f.) hemihyperaesthesia |
hemilingual | (German) hemiglossal, hemilingual |
Hemiola | (Greek hemiolios, literally 'the whole and a half') also called 'cross-rhythm', a rhythmic pattern where two notes are played in the time allotted to three or where three notes are played in the time allotted to two (the latter is also called a 'triplet') |
an interval of a fifth, so called because expressed in string-lengths the interval represents two sounding strings of identical gauge and under identical tension the ratio of whose lengths is 3:2 |
Hemiole | (German f.) hemiola |
Hemiolia | (English) hemiola |
Hemiope | (Greek) a small ancient fife or flute with three holes |
Hemiparese | (German f.) hemiparesis |
Hemiparesis | weakness on one side of the body |
not to be confused with hemiplegia, which is total paralysis of the arm, leg and trunk on the same side of the body |
Hemiplegia | total paralysis of the arm, leg and trunk on the same side of the body |
Hemiplegie (s.), Hemiplegien (pl.) | (German f.) hemiplegia |
hemiplegisch | (German) hemiplegic |
Hemisphäre (s.), Hemisphären (pl.) | (German f.) hemisphere |
Hemisphärenkonvexität | (German f.) hemispheral convexity |
hemispherisch | (German) hemispherical, hemispheric |
Hemitone | a semitone (half-step) |
Hemitonic scale | a term describing a scale that includes, between successive notes, one or more intervals of a semitone (half step) |
Hemitonium | a semitone, a half-step |
Hemlocktanne | (German f.) hemlock (,i>Tsuga spp) |
hemmbar | (German) inhibitable |
hemmen | (German) to inhibit, to clam, to clog, to retard, to frustrate, to arrest, to block, to dam, to delay, to embarrass, to estop, to obstruct, to stop, to stunt, to manacle (figurative), to hamper, to hinder, to check, to stem (flow) |
hemmend | (German) obstructing, clamming, clogging, dwarfing, inhibiting, arrestive, obstructive, repressive, retarding, inhibitory, debilitating |
hemmender Faktor | (German m.) inhibiting factor |
Hemmer (s.), Hemmer (pl.) | (German m.) inhibitor |
Hemmklotz | (German m.) brake shoe |
Hemmnis | (German n.) restraint, baulk, damp, bar (hindrance), barrier, check, clog, delay, constraint, hindrance, impediment |
Hemmnisse {pl} für die Fortentwicklung | (German pl.) barriers to progress |
Hemmschuh (s.), Hemmschuhe (pl.) | (German m.) skid, stumbling block, brake shoe, obstacle (figurative), impediment (figurative) |
Hemmschuh für | (German m.) obstacle to (figurative), impediment to (figurative) |
Hemmschwelle | (German f.) inhibition threshold, inhibition level |
Hemmstoff | (German m.) inhibitor, retardant |
hemmte | (German) dwarfed |
Hemmung (s.), Hemmungen (pl.) | (German f.) stoppage, inhibition, suspension, arrest, check, delay, restraint, repression, escapement (clock) |
Hemmungslappen | (German m.) pallet |
hemmungslos | (German) unarrested, self-indulgent, free from restraint, free from restraints, incontinent, unbridled (figurative), unrestrainedly, out-and-out, unrestrained, unscrupulous, unscrupulously, without restraint, uncontrollably (laugh, cry, scream) |
hemmungslose Kampagne | (German f.) no-holds-barred campaign |
hemmungsloser | (German) more uncontrolled |
hemmungsloseste | (German) most uncontrolled |
Hemmungslosigkeit | (German f.) self-indulgence, abandon (literary), incontinence, lack of restraint, unscrupulousness |
Hemmungsrad | (German n.) escape wheel |
Hemmwerk | (German n.) escapement mechanism |
hemos tenido una charla muy amena | (Spanish) we had a very pleasant chat |
Henan opera | commonly called Henan bangzi, the name 'Henan Opera' began to be used after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Henan Opera is popular among the provinces or regions of Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Ningxia, Xinjing, and so on, making it one of the most influential operas in China |
Hendecagon | (in geometry) also undecagon, an 11-sided polygon |
Hendekagon | (German n.) hendecagon |
Hendiadyoin | (German n.) hendiadys |
(German n.) two for one |
Hendiadys | (Latin from Greek) in linguistics, a figure of speech in which a concept normally expressed by adjective and noun is expressed by two nouns joined by 'and' |
- Hendiadys from which this extract has been taken
Hendl | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) chicken, (roast) chicken |
Hendlhaxe | (German f. - Austria) chicken drumstick |
Hendljunge | (German n. - Austria) chicken giblets |
Hendrix chord |  in music, the dominant 7#9 chord, now known among guitarists as the Hendrix chord, or the Purple Haze chord, is an extended dominant chord using the sharpened or augmented ninth, named for guitarist Jimi Hendrix. The notes of the chord are G B D F A# |
- Hendrix chord from which this information and image have been taken
Hengchui | (Chinese, literally 'blowing horizontally') the name given to flutes during the the reign of the second emperor of the Han Dynasty, first century BC |
Henge | (English, German n.) primarily neolithic, a roughly circular or oval-shaped flat area enclosed and delimited by a boundary earthwork - usually a ditch with an external bank |
Hengitysmerkki | (Finnish) breath mark |
Hengst (s.), Hengste (pl.) | (German m.) stallion, male (horse, etc.), jack (ass), jackass, stud (also human) |
Hengstfohlen | (German n.) colt |
Henkel (s.), Henkel (pl.) | (German m.) handle (of cup, vase, etc.), handhold |
Henkelattasche | (German f.) handle attachment |
Henkelkorb | (German m.) market basket |
Henkelkreuz | (German n.) ankh, handled cross |
Henkelmann | (German m.) lunch pail, tiffin box (especially in India) |
Henkel ziehen | (German) to pull a handle |
henken | (German) to gibbet, to execute by hanging (on a gibbet) |
Henker (s.), Henker (pl.) | (German m.) hangman, executioner |
Henkersbaum | (German m.) hanging tree (for example, Tyburn near London) |
Henkersbeil | (German n.) executioner's axe |
Henkerschlinge | (German f.) hangman's noose |
Henkersknecht | (German m.) hangman's assistant |
Henkersknoten | (German m.) slipknot, hangman's knot |
Henkersmahl | (German n.) last meal (of a condemned person or, figuratively, before an exam, etc.) |
Henna | (German f./n.) a reddish-brown dye obtained from leaves of the henna plant and used especially on hair |
Hennarot | (German n.) henna red |
hennarot | (German) henna red |
Hennastrauch | (German m.) henna shrub (Lawsonia inermis) |
Henne (s.), Hennen (pl.) | (German f.) hen, layer, biddy (colloquial)
Henne-Ei-Problem | (German n.) chicken-and-egg problem |
Hennenküken | (German n.) pullet chick |
Henotheism | belief in one particular god without denying the existence of others |
Henotheismus | (German m.) henotheism |
Henotheist | the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods or spiritual powers, as opposed to monotheism (the belief in and worship of one god), dualism (the belief that one good and one evil deity of equal power exists, often with one associated with the spiritual world and the other associated with the material world), or polytheism (the belief in and worship of multiple gods) |
Heortologarion | in the Orthodox rite, a codex containing all the chants to be sung on the Great Feasts of the Church |
Hepar | (German n.) liver |
Heparin | (English, German n.) a type of blood thinner used by physicians to thin the blood, so as to prevent new blood clots from forming |
heparinisieren | (German) to heparinise |
heparinisiert | (German) heparinised |
Heparintoleranztest | (German m.) heparin tolerance test |
hepatisch | (German) hepatic |
hepatische Erkrankung | (German f.) hepatic disease, disease of the liver |
Hepatisierung | (German f.) hepatisation |
Hepatitis | (German f.) hepatitis |
Hepatomancy | also haruspicy or hepatoscopy, a Roman and Etruscan religious practice in which a haruspex (plural haruspices) or auspex (plural auspices), a man trained to practice divination by examining the liver of an animal, practised divination with animal entrails |
Hepatomantie | (German f.) hepatomancy |
Hepatotoxizität | (German f.) hepatotoxicity |
Hephaestus | (Greek mythology) the lame god of fire and metalworking in ancient mythology, identified with the Roman Vulcan |
Hephaistos | (German m.) Hephaestus |
Hephäst | (German m.) Hephaestus |
Hephästus | (German m.) Hephaestus |
Hep-Hep Unruhen | (German pl.) Hep-Hep riots (early 19th-century pogroms against German Jews) |
Hephthaliten | (German pl.) Hephthalites |
Hephthalites | a Central Asian nomadic confederation of the AD 5th-6th centuries whose precise origins and composition remain obscure. According to Chinese chronicles, they were originally a tribe living to the north of the Great Wall and were known as Hoa or Hoa-tun. Elsewhere they were called White Huns, known to the Greeks as Hephthalite and the Indians as the Turukshas |
Hepp-Hepp-Krawalle | (German pl.) Hep-Hep riots (early 19th-century pogroms against German Jews) |
Heptachord | (English, German m.) the interval of a seventh (heptachord), a collection of seven diatonic notes (heptatonic scale) |
(English) an instrument having seven strings, a seventh chord |
Heptachordon | (Greek) the major seventh |
Heptacorde | (French m.) heptachord |
Heptacordo | (Spanish m.) heptachord |
Heptadecagon | (in geometry) or 17-gon, a seventeen-sided polygon |
Heptadekagon | (German n.) heptadecagon |
Heptagon | (English, German n.) a seven-sided polygon |
Heptaméride | or eptaméride, 1/301 part of an octave. Both spellings are used by Sauveur (see méride and savart). Sauveur's rule to find the number of heptamérides of intervals smaller than 7/6 is as follows: multiply the difference of numerator and denominator with 875 and divide by the sum of numerator and denominator and round the result to the nearest integer. This is known as the bimodular method of approximating logarithms and can be used for other measures as well |
Heptameter | also called 'septenary', a line consisting of seven metrical feet |
Heptanesian cantatha | (Greek) or Eptanissian song', an urban popular song usually sung by three male voices in chorus, it is characterized by simple harmonic improvisations and accompanied by guitar, mandolin or other similar instruments. Although Italian music greatly influenced this serenading type of music with its sweet, nostalgic melody and romantic words based primarily on love, it originated in Kephalonia. at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Due to its popularity, it spread rapidly to other Ionian islands, especially Zakynthos and Kerkyra before eventually reaching the mainland of Greece |
Heptarchie | (German f.) heptarchy |
Heptarchy | the seven territories or kingdoms making up Anglo-Saxon England, namely, Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Wessex |
Heptatonia seconda | ascending melodic minor scale |
Heptatonic scale | a scale of seven notes |
Heptatonik | (German f.) heptatonic |
heptatonisch | (German) heptatonic |
her | (German) fro |
Hera | (English, German f.) Greek Mythology. The goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth; the wife and sister of Zeus |
herab | (German) down |
herabblicken | (German) to look down |
herabdrücken | (German) to press down, to depress |
herabdrückend | (German) pressing down |
Herabfallen | (German n.) falling off |
herabfallend | (German) falling |
herabgedrückt | (German) pressed down |
herabgehängt | (German) sagged |
herabgelassen | (German) lowered |
herabgesetzt | (German) at a discount, at a reduction, knocked down, degraded, reduced, lowered, commuted, depreciated (in worth), disparaged |
herabgesetzter Preis (s.), herabgesetzte Preise (pl.) | (German m.) bargain price, marked-down price |
herabgesetzter Tarif | (German m.) reduced rate |
herabgesetztes Gehalt | (German n.) reduced salary |
herabgesetzte Version | (German f.) cut-rate version |
herabgesetzte Ware (s.), herabgesetzte Waren (pl.) | (German f.) cut-price line, cut-price goods (plural form) |
herabgestiegen | (German) climbed down |
herabhandeln | (German) to beat down, to cheapen |
herabhängen | (German) to droop, to dangle (towards observer) |
herabhängend | (German) droopy, sagging, drooping, droopily, dangly |
herabhängender | (German) droopier |
herabklettern | (German) to come down |
herabkommen | (German) to come down |
herabkühlen | (German) to cool down (lowering of temperature) |
Herabkunft | (German f.) descent (for exmaple, of the Holy Spirit) |
herablassen | (German) to let down, to lower |
herablassend | (German) condescending, condescendingly, high and mighty, deigning, patronising, contemptuous, disdainfully, disdainful, patronisingly, supercilious, dismissively, cavalierly (arrogantly) |
herablassende Haltung | (German f.) air of condescension |
herablassender | (German) more patronising |
herablassender Ton | (German m.) condescending tone |
herablassendes Lächeln | (German n.) condescending smile, deprecating smile |
herablassendste | (German) most patronising |
herablassend nicken | (German) to give a condescending nod |
Herablassung | (German f.) condescension, condescendence |
herabmindern | (German) to belittle, to disparage, to minimise (problem, difficulty, etc.) |
herabregnen | (German) to shower down |
Herabschätzung | (German f.) slight |
herabscheinen auf | (German) to shine down on |
herabschießen | (German) to swoop |
herabsehen (auf) | (German) to look down (at) |
herabsehend | (German) looking down at |
Herabsenkung | (German f.) depression (dejection) |
herabsetzbar | (German) depreciable |
herabsetzen | (German) to degrade, to depreciate, to disparage, to belittle, to remit (reduce), to reduce, to decrease, to abate, to bring down, to cheapen, to curtail, to depress, to lessen, to lower, to mark down, to price down, to cut (reduce), to diminish (price, authority), to level down (prices), to deflate (prices) |
herabsetzend | (German) degrading, depreciating, detractive, disparaging, pejorative, depreciatory |
herabsetzende Bemerkung | (German f.) put-down |
Herabsetzung (s.), Herabsetzungen (pl.) | (German f.) abatement, decrement, detraction, curtailment, debasement, degradation, mark-down, reduction, decrease, put-down (colloquial), depreciation, disparagement |
Herabsetzung der Ware | (German f.) slander of goods |
Herabsetzung des Rentenalters | (German f.) lowering of the retirement age |
Herabsetzung durch falsche Darstellung | (German f.) defamation |
Herabsetzung von Preisen | (German f.) mark-down (prices) |
herabsinken | (German) to degenerate, to decay |
herabsinkend | (German) degenerative, alighting |
herabsteigen | (German) to climb down, to come down, to descend (from) |
herabsteigend | (German) climbing down |
herabsteigen von | (German) to descend from |
herabstrich | (German) down-bow on a violin or viola |
herabstufen | (German) to downgrade, to degrade |
Herabstufung | (German f.) demotion, downgrading |
Herabstürzen | (German n.) precipitation |
herabstürzen | (German) to come crashing down, to descend rapidly (avalanche), to come rushing down (rocks, water, etc.), to cascade (waterfall, etc.) |
herabtropfend | (German) dripping down |
herabwünschen | (German) to imprecate |
herabwünschend | (German) imprecating |
herabwürdigen | (German) to debase, to vilify, to disparage, to vulgarise, to degrade |
herabwürdigend | (German) derogatory, derogative, degrading |
herabwürdigende Bemerkung | (German f.) abusive remark |
Herabwürdigung | (German f.) prostitution, vilification |
herabziehen | (German) to pull down |
Heraclides, Ponticus (387-312 BC) | also known as Heraklides, a Greek philosopher who lived and died at Heraclea, now Eregli, Turkey, the first to state that the earth rotates on its axis |
Heraclitus (c.535-c.475 BC) | Greek philosopher of Ephesus |
Heraea Games | dedicated to the goddess Hera (also spelled Heraia) these Games were the first sanctioned (and recorded) women's athletic competition to be held in the stadium at Olympia, possibly in the Olympic year, prior to the men's events. It is dated as early as the 6th century BC |
Heräen | (German pl.) Heraea Games |
Herakles | (German m.) Heracles |
Heraklestaten | (German pl.) labours of Hercules |
Herakliden | (German pl.) Heraclides (descendants of Hercules) |
Heraklides | (English, German m.) |
Heraklit | (German m.) Heraclitus |
heraklitisch | (German) Heraclitean |
Heraldic composition | in art, a composition that is symmetrical on either side of a central figure |
Heraldik | (German f.) heraldry |
heraldisch | (German) heraldic |
Heraldry | the study of coats-of-arms and aristocratic insignia, or the creation of such items according to medieval custom |
heranbilden | (German) to train (up) |
Heranbildung des Führungsnachwuchses | (German f.) management development |
heranbrausend | (German) onrushing |
heranbringen | (German) to transport to the spot, to bring on |
heranbringend | (German) transporting to the spot |
heranfahren | (German) to pull over |
heranfahren an | (German) to track in on |
heranführen | (German) to lead to |
herangebracht | (German) transported to the spot |
Herangehen | (German n.) approach |
herangehen | (German) to approach, to go up |
Herangehen an | (German n.) approach to |
Herangehensweise | (German f.) approach, strategy, take |
herangekommen | (German) come near |
herangeschlichen | (German) sneaked up to |
herangetragen werden | (German) to waft |
herangezogen | (German) consulted |
herankommen | (German) to close in, to come on |
herankommend | (German) coming near |
Herannahen | (German n.) approach |
herannahen | (German) to approach, to come nearer |
herannahend | (German) approaching (storm) |
heranorgelnde Granate | (German f.) whistling incoming shell |
heranpreschend | (German) onrushing |
heranreichen an | (German) to touch |
heranreiten | (German) to ride up (on horse) |
heranrücken | (German) to approach, to move closer |
heranrückender Sturm | (German m.) advancing storm, approaching storm |
heranschleichen | (German) to sneak up to, to sneak, to stalk |
heranschleichend | (German) sneaking, sneaking up to, stalking |
Heranschnitt | (German m.) cut-in (film editing) |
heranstürmend | (German) fast-approaching |
herantraben | (German) to trot up |
heranwachen | (German) to stay up late expectantly |
Heranwachsen | (German n.) growing up |
heranwachsen | (German) to grow up |
heranwachsend | (German) adolescent, growing up |
Heranwachsender (m.), Heranwachsende (f.), Heranwachsende (pl.) | (German) adolescent, youth |
heranziehen | (German) to pull up, to raise, to grow, to adduct, to bring up (children), to use (evidence, resources), to gather (clouds), to call on |
heranziehende Wolken | (German pl.) gathering clouds |
Heranziehung | (German f.) citation (of) |
heranzoomen | (German) to zoom in |
heranzüchten | (German) to rear, to cultivate |
herauf | (German) upstairs, up, uphill, upwards |
heraufbeschworen | (German) evoked |
heraufbeschwören | (German) to conjure up, to provoke, to magic up, to evoke, to summon (evoke, provoke), to invoke (spirits) |
heraufbeschwörend | (German) evocative |
heraufbitten | (German) to ask up, to invite up |
heraufbringen | (German) to bring up |
herauffahren | (German) to drive up, to ride up |
heraufgehen | (German) to ascend |
heraufgekommen | (German) come up |
heraufgezogen | (German) pulled up |
heraufkommen | (German) to come up |
heraufkommend | (German) coming up |
Heraufladen | (German n.) upload (process of uploading), uploading |
heraufpumpen | (German) to pump up |
heraufreden | (German) to talk up |
heraufrufen | (German) to call up |
heraufschalten | (German) to gear up, to shift up (car), to change up (car) |
heraufschrauben | (German) to level up (price) |
heraufsetzen | (German) to raise, to scale up, to price up, to up (to raise) |
Heraufsetzung | (German f.) markup |
Heraufsetzung der Ansprüche | (German f.) upgrading of requirements |
heraufspielen | (German) to talk up |
heraufsteigen | (German) to walk up (towards me), to dawn (day, era), to break (dawn), to well up (memories, etc.) |
heraufstrich | (German) up-bow on a violin or viola |
heraufwachsend | (German) growing up on |
heraufziehen | (German) to pull up, to loom (storm), to draw near, to draw night (literary), to gather (storm), to dawn (day, era) [entry partly provided by Michael Zapf] |
heraufziehend | (German) pulling up, looming, approaching (storm, thunderstorm) |
heraus | (German) forth, out |
herausarbeiten | (German) to work out (bring about by work, effort or action), to carve out (wood, stone) |
herausbekommen | (German) to get out, to find out (detect, determine), to figure out, to glean (information) |
herausbilden | (German) to evolve |
Herausbildung | (German f.) forming, development |
herausbohren | (German) to gouge out |
herausbrechen | (German) to break out, to quarry, to lever out, to quarry out |
herausbringen | (German) to bring out, to issue, to produce |
herausbringen aus | (German) to sift from |
herausbringend | (German) bringing out |
herausdrehen | (German) to unscrew |
herausdrücken | (German) to press out |
Herausfallen | (German n.) dropping out |
herausfallen | (German) to drop out, to fall out |
herausfiltern | (German) to filter out, to sift out (also figurative), to select |
herausfiltern aus | (German) to filter from, to select from |
herausfinden | (German) to spy out, to spot, to find out (ascertain), to come to know, to make out, to search out, to sift out, to work out (find the answer to something), to figure out (ascertain) |
herausfinden, dass | (German) to suss (out) that (colloquial) |
herausfinden, wann der Zug abfährt | (German) to find out when the train starts, to find out when the train departs, to find out when the train leaves |
herausfinden, woher der Wind bläst | (German) to find out how the wind blows |
herausfindend | (German) finding out |
Herausforderer (m.), Herausforderin (f.), Herausforderer (pl.), Herausforderinnen (f.pl.) | (German) challenger, contender, defier |
herausfordern | (German) to defy, to challenge, to provoke, to ask for, to brave, to call out |
herausfordernd | (German) challenging, defying, defiantly, defiant, provocative, provoking, provocatively, teasingly (provocatively), challengingly, arrogant, inviting |
herausfordernde Haltung | (German f.) defiantness |
herausfordernde Idee | (German f.) challenging idea |
herausfordernder Blick | (German m.) provoking look, come-hither look |
herausforderndes Projekt | (German n.) challenging project |
herausforderndes Verhalten | (German n.) defiantness |
Herausforderung (s.), Herausforderungen (pl.) | (German f.) challenge, defiance, provocation, dare (challenge), call out (duel) |
Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts | (German pl.) challenges of the 21st century |
herausfühlen | (German) to sense |
Herausgabe (s.), Herausgaben (pl.) | (German f.) issuance, publishing, surrender, redaction (a book) |
Herausgabeanordnung | (German f.) production order |
herausgearbeitet | (German) worked out, carved out (wood, stone) |
Herausgeben | (German n.) editing |
herausgeben | (German) to edit, to publish, to issue, to redact, to put out, to release, to bring out |
(German) to hand over, to give change (in return for sum proffered), to surrender, to return (give back) |
herausgebend | (German) surrendering, redacting, releasing |
Herausgeber (m.), Herausgeberin (f.), Herausgeber (pl.), Herausgeberinnen (f.pl.) | (German) editor, editress (f.), publisher, anthologist [entry corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
see Redakteur |
Herausgeberschaft | (German f.) publishership |
Herausgeber- und Mitarbeiterverzeichnis | (German n.) credits |
herausgebildet | (German) evolved |
herausgebracht | (German) brought out |
herausgedrängt | (German) squeezed out |
herausgefischt | (German) fished out (colloquial) |
herausgefordert | (German) challenged, defied |
herausgeforderte Person | (German f.) challengee (the person challenged) |
herausgefunden | (German) found out |
herausgegeben | (German) surrendered, released, redacted, edited, published, published by [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
see publiziert |
herausgegeben von ... | (German) edited by ...., published by ... |
herausgegriffen | (German) picked |
herausgehen | (German) to come off, to come out |
herausgehoben | (German) stressed (accentuated) |
herausgekommen | (German) come out |
herausgenommen | (German) taken out |
herausgeplatzt | (German) blurted out |
herausgeputzt | (German) smartened, tarted up, bedizened, dandified |
herausgeputzt sein wie ein Pfau | (German) to be (all) dressed up to the nines, to be (all) dolled up to the nines, to be dressed up like a peacock |
herausgeputzt sein wie ein Zirkuspferd | (German) to be dolled up like a dog's dinner, to be dressed up like a dog's dinner |
herausgeragt | (German) projected, risen |
herausgerissen | (German) torn out, ripped out |
herausgerissene Seite | (German f.) torn-out page |
herausgerufen | (German) called out |
herausgerutscht | (German) slipped out |
herausgesägt | (German) sawn out |
herausgeschält | (German) emerged |
herausgeschmückt | (German) decked out |
herausgeschrien | (German) vociferated |
herausgesprungen | (German) jumped out |
herausgestellt | (German) exposed, put out |
herausgestreckt | (German) puffed out, protruded |
herausgestreckte Zunge | (German f.) outstretched tongue |
herausgewachsen aus | (German) outgrown (clothes) |
herausgewagt | (German) ventured out |
herausgewunken werden | (German) to be flagged down (by the police) |
herausgreifen | (German) to single out |
herausgreifend | (German) picking |
heraushalten | (German) to keep out of something |
heraushämmern | (German) to beat out, to hammer out |
heraushängen | (German) to stick out, to hang out (towards observer), to loll (tongue) |
heraushauen | (German) to quarry out |
herausheben | (German) to lift out, to single out (emphasise), to haul out (a boat), to bring out (to make clear), to stress |
Herausholen | (German n.) extraction (of confession, money) |
herausholen | (German) to retrieve (to bring back out of a place), to haul out, to withdraw |
Herausholung (s.), Herausholungen (pl.) | (German f.) elicitation |
herausjagen (aus) | (German) to put to rout |
herauskippen | (German) to tilt out |
herauskitzeln | (German) to tease out (figurative), to winkle (out) (rare: information, facts) |
herausklappen | (German) to swing out, to pull out (to extend outwards), to unfold |
herausklatschen | (German) curtain call |
herauskommen | (German) to issue, to be published, to come forth, to come out, to come up, to get out, to result, to seep out, to out, to come to light (figurative), to emerge, to eventuate (formal) |
herauskommend | (German) coming out |
herauskommen sollen | (German) to be due out (magazine, CD, etc.) |
herauskonfigurieren | (German) to unconfigure |
herauskopieren | (German) to copy out |
herauslassen | (German) to let out (air, dress) |
herauslesen | (German) to read out |
Herauslocken | (German n.) elicitation |
herauslocken | (German) to decoy a person out, to elicit |
Herauslocker | (German m.) elicitor |
herauslösen | (German) to liberate, to dissolve out, to unhinge |
herausmarschieren | (German) to debouch |
herausmessen | (German) to size off |
Heraus mit der Sprache! | (German) Spit it out! Come out with it! Speak up! |
Herausnahme | (German f.) removal |
herausnehmbar | (German) removable |
Herausnehmen | (German n.) extraction, detachment |
herausnehmen | (German) to take out, to gut (fish), to draw (chicken, etc.), to fleece (familiar), to rarefy, to unbag, to uncase, to abstract (draw out), to remove, to take from, to detach [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
herausnehmend | (German) taking out |
herauspicken | (German) to choose, to pick out |
herausplatzen | (German) to burst out laughing |
herausplatzen | (German) to blurt, to blunder out |
herausplatzend | (German) blurting, blurting out |
herausplatzen mit | (German) to blurt out |
herauspräparieren | (German) to extract surgically |
herauspressen | (German) to screw out |
herauspumpen | (German) to evacuate, to pump out |
herausputzen | (German) to bedizen, to dandify, to smarten, to smarten up, to array |
herausputzend | (German) dandifying |
herausquellen | (German) to well forth, to ooze out, to ooze |
herausquetschen | (German) to squeeze out |
Herausragen | (German n.) saliency, protrusion |
herausragen | (German) to jut, to protrude, to stick up, to stick out, to project, to shoot out, to stand out, to poke out, to be proud (protrude), to stand proud (nail, etc.), to rise |
herausragend | (German) projecting, jutting, outstanding, prominent, shining, singular, protruding, excellent, rising, stellar, pre-eminent, proud (protruding), preeminent, larger-than-life, summa cum laude (US: outstanding) |
herausragende Bedeutung | (German f.) outstanding importance |
herausragende Persönlichkeit | (German f.) outstanding personality, leading light |
herausragende Position | (German f.) high position, prominent position |
herausragendes Beispiel | (German n.) signal example |
(herausragendes) Können | (German n.) mastery |
herausragendes Talent | (German n.) shining talent |
herausragendes Teil | (German n.) protruding part |
herausragen über | (German) to rise above |
herausrechnen | (German) to subtract out |
herausreden | (German) to make excuses |
herausreißen | (German) to pull out (to extract), to tear out, to root out, to root up, to rip out |
herausreißend | (German) tearing out, ripping out, rooting out |
herausretuschieren | (German) to airbrush out (also figurative) |
Herausrollen | (German n.) rolling out |
herausrollen | (German) to roll out |
herausrücken | (German) to debouch |
herausrufen | (German) to call out |
herausrufend | (German) calling out |
herausrutschen | (German) to slip out |
heraussägen | (German) to saw out |
herausschaffen | (German) to bring out |
herausschaufeln | (German) to roll out |
herausschießen | (German) to shoot out, to sluice out, to spout (water), to leap out (flames), to shoot out (flames) |
herausschlagen | (German) to drive out |
herausschmuggeln | (German) to smuggle out |
herausschneiden | (German) to resect, to cut out, to excise (cut out) |
herausschneidend | (German) resecting |
herausschöpfen | (German) to bail out |
herausschrauben | (German) to unscrew |
herausschreiben | (German) to write out |
herausschreiend | (German) vociferating |
herausschwenken | (German) to pan |
heraussickern | (German) to seep out, to ooze out |
herausspringen | (German) to jump out, to exit, to hop out, to yield (profit) |
Herausspringen der Kniescheibe | (German n.) dislocation of the patella |
herausspringend | (German) jumping out |
herausspritzen | (German) to spout, to squirt, to spout out, to spurt |
herausspritzen aus | (German) to spurt from |
herausspritzend | (German) spouting, squirting |
heraussprudeln | (German) to bluster forth, to bluster out, to bubble out, to spout, to gush (out) (liquid) |
herausspucken | (German) to spit out |
herausstechen | (German) to stand out, to protrude (figurative), to shine out, to stick out |
herausstehen | (German) to stick up, to stick out, to protrude, to stand out (protrude) |
herausstehend | (German) salient |
herausstellen | (German) to expose, to emphasise, to underline, to put out (ready) |
herausstellend | (German) exposing, putting out |
Herausstellung | (German f.) singularisation |
herausstemmen | (German) to lever out |
herausstolzieren | (German) to flounce out |
herausstottern | (German) to stutter out |
herausstrecken | (German) to protrude |
herausstreckend | (German) protruding |
herausstreichen | (German) to blazon abroad, to blazon forth, to boast, to stress |
herausströmen | (German) to ooze out, to stream out, to pour out, to gush out |
herausströmend | (German) gushing |
herausstürzen | (German) to bolt out (rush out) |
heraussuchen | (German) to seek out, to pick out, to select, to choose, to single out |
heraustragen | (German) to bring out |
heraustreiben | (German) to charm a thing out of a person |
heraustrennen (aus) | (German) to separate (from) |
heraustreten | (German) to step out |
herausverlagern | (German) to outsource |
herausverlangen | (German) to reclaim |
herauswachsen | (German) to outgrow |
herauswachsen aus ... | (German) to grow out of ... (something) |
herauswachsend | (German) growing out |
herauswagen | (German) to venture, to venture out |
herauswagend | (German) venturing (out) |
herauswickeln | (German) to untuck |
herauswindend | (German) squirming |
herauswinken | (German) to flag down |
herauszaubern | (German) to charm |
herausziehbar | (German) extensible (pull-out) |
herausziehbarer Griff | (German m.) retractable handle |
Herausziehen | (German n.) extraction |
herausziehen | (German) to yank, to extract, to abstract, to extract from, to pull out (to extract), to extricate |
herausziehend | (German) pulling out, yanking, extractive, unplugging |
herauszoomen | (German) to zoom out |
herauszüchten | (German) to breed out |
herb | (German) harsh, harshly, tart (flavour), tartly, sour, dry, bitter, not sweet, brut (of wine, especially champagne), rough, austere (manner) |
Herbarium (s.), Herbaria (pl.), Herbarien (German pl.) | (English, German n., Latin) a collection of plants, originally dried, systematically arranged |
(German n.), herbal |
Herbartian | pertaining to the German philosopher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841), or to his system of philosophy |
Herbartianer | (German m.) Herbartian |
Herbe | (German f.) acerbity, austerity |
herbe Enttäuschung | (German f.) bitter disappointment |
herbefehlen | (German) to summon |
herbefohlen | (German) summoned |
herbeibringen | (German) to bring, to bring on, to fetch up |
herbeieilen | (German) to come running |
herbeieilend | (German) coming running |
herbeiführen | (German) to precipitate, to induce, to bring about, to bring to pass, to cause, to effect |
herbeiführend | (German) precipitating |
Herbeiführung | (German f.) bringing about |
herbeigeführt | (German) precipitated, brought about |
herbeigeführt durch | (German) brought about by |
herbeigelaufen kommen | (German) to come running |
herbeigerufen | (German) sent for, hailed |
herbeigesehnt | (German) long yearned for |
herbeigezaubert | (German) conjured |
herbeiholen | (German) to fetch |
herbeirufen | (German) to send for, to call forth, to call in, to call, to summon |
herbeirufend | (German) sending for |
herbeiwinken | (German) to beckon, to flag down (taxi) |
herbeizaubern | (German) to conjure, to conjure up, to knock up |
herbeiziehen | (German) to attract |
Herbeiziehung | (German f.) citation, enlisting (help) |
herbeizitieren | (German) to summon |
herber | (German) drier (wine) |
Herberge (s.), Herbergen (pl.) | (German f.) harbourage, hostel, shelter, lodging house, hostelry (archaic) |
Herberge einer Poststation | (German f.) coaching inn |
herber Geschmack | (German m.) harsh taste |
Herbergseltern | (German pl.) youth hostel wardens |
Herbergsgast | (German m.) (youth) hosteller |
Herbergssuche | (German f.) Joseph and Mary asking for lodging (Christmas custom) |
Herbergsvater | (German m.) warden, warden of a youth hostel |
herber Schock | (German m.) rude shock |
herbestellen | (German) to ask to come |
herbestellt | (German) asked to come |
herbeten | (German) to rattle off (colloquial) |
Herbheit | (German f.) acerbity, acridness, sourness |
Herbivore (s.), Herbivoren (pl.) | (German m.) herbivore |
Herbivorie | (German f.) herbivory |
Herbizid (s.), Herbizide (pl.) | (German n.) herbicide, weed killer |
herbizidtolerant | (German) herbicide-tolerant |
herbringen | (German) to bring |
Herb salt | a salt flavoured with herbs |
Herbst | (German m.) autumn, harvest, fall (autumn) |
Herbst- | (German) autumnal |
Herbstabend | (German m.) autumn evening, autumn eve (chiefly literary) |
Herbstanfang | (German m.) beginning of autumn |
Herbstäquinoktium | (German n.) autumnal equinox |
Herbstbeginn | (German m.) beginning of autumn |
Herbstblatt (s.), Herbstblätter (pl.) | (German n.) autumn leaf |
Herbstblume | (German f.) autumn flower |
herbste | (German) driest |
Herbstfarbe (s.), Herbstfarben (pl.) | (German f.) autumnal colour, autumn colour |
Herbstfärbung | (German f.) autumn tints, autumn colouring |
Herbstferien | (German pl.) autumn holiday, autumn vacation |
Herbsthimmel | (German m.) autumn sky |
Herbsthochwasser | (German n.) autumn flood |
Herbstkalender | (German m.) autumn calendar |
Herbstkatalog | (German m.) autumn catalogue |
Herbstkleidung | (German f.) autumn wear |
Herbstkollektion | (German f.) autumn collection |
Herbstlandschaft | (German f.) autumn landscape, autumn scenery |
Herbstlaub | (German n.) autumn foliage, autumn leaves |
herbstlich | (German) autumn, autumnal, autumnally, autumn-like |
herbstliche Dunkelheit | (German f.) autumn darkness |
herbstliche Kälte | (German f.) autumnal cold |
herbstliche Tag-und-Nachtgleiche | (German f.) autumnal equinox |
Herbstlied | (German n.) autumn song |
Herbstmesse | (German f.) Autumn Fair |
Herbstmode | (German f.) autumn fashion |
Herbstmonate | (German pl.) autumn months |
Herbstmond | (German m.) harvest moon, month of September (old name) |
Herbstmorgen | (German m.) autumn morning |
Herbstnachmittag | (German m.) autumn afternoon |
Herbstnacht | (German f.) autumn night |
Herbstpflanzen | (German pl.) autumn plants |
Herbstregen | (German m.) autumn rain |
Herbstrose | (German f.) hollyhock (Alcea rosea) |
Herbstsaat | (German f.) autumn sowing |
Herbstsaison | (German f.) autumn season |
Herbstsemester | (German n.) Michaelmas term (legal, college), fall term, autumn term, autumn semester |
Herbstsonne | (German f.) autumn sun |
Herbststimmung | (German f.) autumnal atmosphere |
Herbststurm | (German m.) autumn storm |
Herbsttag (s.), Herbsttage (pl.) | (German m.) autumn day, day in autumn, autumnal day |
Herbst-Tagundnachtgleiche | (German f.) autumn equinox |
Herbsttrimester | (German n.) autumn term |
Herbstwetter | (German n.) autumn weather, autumnal weather |
Herbstwind | (German m.) autumn wind |
Herbstwoche | (German f.) week in (the) autumn |
Herbstzeit | (German f.) autumn time |
Herbstzeitlose | (German f.) autumn crocus, meadow saffron, naked lady (Colchicum autumnale) |
hercio (s.), hercios (pl.) | (Spanish m.) hertz, Hz (unit of frequency = 1 cycle per second) |
Herd (s.), Herde (pl.) | (German m.) stove, hearth, cooker, fireside, cockle, range (cooker), lesion, focus, epicentre, seat (focus) |
Herdapfel | (German m. - Switzerland) potato |
Herdboden | (German m.) hearth |
Herdbuch (s.), Herdenbücher (pl.) | (German n.) stud book, breed registry, herd book (for cattle, etc.) |
Herdbuchführung | (German f.) herd registry |
Herde (s.), Herden (pl.) | (German f.) herd, drove, fold (deer), flock (sheep) |
Herd einer Infektion | (German m.) seat of an infection |
Herde Känguruhs | (German f. - old form) mob of kangaroos |
Herde Kängurus | (German f.) mob of kangaroos |
herdenartig zusammenhaltend | (German) gregarious |
Herdendenken | (German n.) herd thinking |
Herdengeist | (German m.) herd mentality |
Herdenglocke | (German f.) cowbell (also percussion instrument) |
Herdengröße | (German f.) size of the herd |
Herdenhaltung | (German f.) herding |
Herdeninstinkt | (German m.) herd instinct |
Herdenleben | (German n.) herd life |
Herdentier | (German n.) gregarious animal |
Herdentrieb | (German m.) herd instinct |
Herdenvieh | (German n.) the herd (derogatory) |
herdenweise | (German) in herds |
Herde von 50 Stück Vieh | (German f.) herd of 50 head of cattle |
Herde von Milchkühen | (German f.) dairy herd |
Herdfeuer | (German n.) open hearth |
herdförmig | (German) focal |
Herdinfektion | (German f.) focal infection |
Herdöpfel | (German m. - Switzerland) potato |
Herdplatte | (German f.) hotplate, stove top, hob (hotplate) |
Herdringen manuscripts 9820/9821 | copied by a German speaker probably in the 1540s, the Herdringen manuscripts 9820 and 9821 contain some sixty works presented in score. The selection of pieces is rather different from that of most other retrospective collections of these years, such as those of the Glareanus circle or the printers in Nuremberg and Frankfurt. The works of Josquin chosen include otherwise unknown or obscure chansons and the motet Misericordias Domini as well as his four-voice En l'ombre d'ung buissonet ascribed to Ockeghem. And they appear alongside a surprising group of works by Agricola, Brumel, Antoine de Févin and others, including many apparently unknown pieces. The books represent what is, in the context of other known collections, a fresh and original view of the years around 1500. In addition, the copyist plainly looked at the works with an analytical intent. Marks on the scores draw attention to parallel movement, difficult suspensions, odd simultaneities, and so on |
Herdruk | (Dutch) reprint |
Herdsteuer | (German f.) hearth tax |
Herd und Heim verteidigen | (German) to defend hearth and home |
hereditär | (German) hereditary |
Heredität | (German f.) heredity |
Heredity | the process by which characteristics are transmitted from parent to child by genes |
Heredodegeneration | (English, German f.) A disease process in which the nervous system progressively and irreversibly deteriorates |
Heredofamilial | (medicine) of or pertaining to a disease or disorder having a familial pattern of occurrence and thought |
heredofamiliär | (German) heredofamilial |
herein | (German) in |
Herein! | (German) Come in! In! |
hereinbekommen | (German) to get in (colloquial: fresh stocks, etc.) |
hereinbittend | (German) inviting in |
Hereinbrechen | (German n.) irruption |
hereinbrechen | (German) to befall |
hereinbrechend | (German) befalling, irruptive, onrushing |
hereinbrechende Dunkelheit | (German f.) falling night |
hereinbringen | (German) to introduce, to bring in |
hereindrängen | (German) to pile (colloquial) |
hereinfallen | (German) to fall into a trap |
hereinfallend | (German) being taken in |
hereinfegen | (German) to breeze in |
hereinführen | (German) to show in, to usher in |
hereinführend | (German) showing in |
hereingebeten | (German) invited in |
hereingebracht | (German) brought in |
hereingebrochen | (German) befallen |
hereingefallen | (German) been taken in |
hereingefallen sein | (German) to be taken in, to be bitten (figurative) |
hereingeflitzt kommen | (German) to dart in |
hereingeführt | (German) shown in |
hereingehen | (German) to go in, to go inside |
hereingekommen | (German) come in |
hereingelegt | (German) cheated, deceived, taken in |
hereingelegt werden | (German) to be fooled, to be taken in, to be tricked, to get suckered (colloquial) |
hereingeplatzt | (German) burst in |
hereingeschaut | (German) looked in |
hereingeschnauft kommen | (German) to come in panting |
hereingeschneit | (German) snowed into |
hereingeschossen kommen | (German) to dash in |
hereinholen | (German) to canvass, to rack up |
hereinkommen | (German) to come inside, to step in, to enter, to walk in, to roll in (figurative: money, profits, etc.) |
hereinkommend | (German) coming in, incoming, inward bound |
hereinkommende Nachricht | (German f.) breaking story |
hereinkommender Anruf | (German m.) inbound call |
hereinkommender Ruf | (German m.) inbound call |
hereinkommen zu | (German) to come in for |
hereinlassen | (German) to admit to, to let in, to admit, to show in |
hereinlegen | (German) to trick, to take in, to hoodwink, to double-deal, to bite (colloquial: cheat) |
hereinlegend | (German) taking in |
hereinlocken | (German) to decoy a person in |
Hereinnahme | (German f.) acceptance, taking in, introduction |
Hereinnahme | (German f.) ehrenhalber acceptance for honour |
hereinnehmen | (German) to take in |
Hereinnehmer | (German m.) taker |
Hereinnahme {f} von Einlagen | (German f.) deposit taking |
hereinplatzen | (German) to bolt in (rush in), to burst in, to break in on, to barge in (colloquial: abruptly enter) |
hereinplatzend | (German) bursting in |
hereinrufen | (German) to call in |
hereinschauen | (German) to look in, to drop by, to drop in, to come by |
hereinschauend | (German) looking in |
hereinschaufeln | (German) to roll in |
hereinschicken | (German) to send in |
hereinschießen | (German) to dart in, to dash in |
hereinschleichen | (German) to sneak in, to creep in, to slip in |
hereinschneien | (German) to snow into, to turn up unexpectedly, to drop in |
hereinschneiend | (German) snowing into |
hereinschweben | (German) to sail in (colloquial: enter) |
hereinspaziert kommen | (German) to wander in |
hereinstolzieren | (German) to flounce in, to strut in |
hereinströmen | (German) to roll in (crowds of people, etc.) |
hereinstürmen | (German) to come rushing in |
hereinstürzen | (German) to dash into, to bolt in (rush in) |
hereintragen | (German) to carry in |
hereintreten | (German) to step in, to step inside |
hereintrudelnd | (German) inswinging |
hereinwählen | (German) to vote in |
hereinziehen | (German) to draw in, to come in (wind, breeze) |
hereinzoomen | (German) to zoom in |
Herero | (English, German n.) the Bantu language of a pastoral people living in Namibia, Botswana, and Angola |
Heresiarch | the founder or head of a heresy or heretical sect |
Heresiography | a treatise on heresy, a systematic exposition on heresy |
Heresiology | the study of heresy |
Heresy | (from Greek, 'choice') the formal denial or doubt of any defined doctrine of the church |
Heretic | person who has expressed formal denial or doubt of any defined doctrine of the church |
Herfahrt | (German f.) journey here |
herfallen über | (German) to attack, to infest |
herfinden | (German) to find one's way here |
Hergang | (German m.) course of events |
hergeben | (German) to give away, to yield |
hergebend | (German) giving away |
hergebeten | (German) invited |
hergebracht | (German) conventional, brought here |
hergebrachte Form | (German f.) conventionalism |
hergegeben | (German) given away |
hergehören | (German) to be pertinent (to an ongoing discussion) |
hergekommen | (German) come here |
Hergelaufener | (German m.) perfect stranger (pejorative) |
hergelaufener Kerl | (German m.) johnny (slang) |
hergeleitet | (German) derivated |
hergemacht | (German) set about |
hergenommen | (German) taken from |
hergerichtet | (German) arranged |
hergerufen | (German) called over |
hergerührt | (German) come from |
hergeschaut | (German) looked here |
Hergeschaut! | (German) Look here! |
hergesehen | (German) looked here |
hergestellt | (German) constructed, fashioned, made, compounded, manufactured, produced |
hergestellte Menge | (German f.) manufactured quantity, produced quantity |
hergestellt von | (German) produced by, made by |
hergewagt | (German) ventured to come near |
hergezogen | (German) pulled near |
Herhaal | (Dutch) repeat |
Herhaling | (Dutch) repetition, reprise |
herhalten | (German) to serve as something |
herhören | (German) to pay attention by listening (attentive) |
Hering (s.), Heringe (pl.) | (German m.) herring, tent peg |
Heringsfilet | (German n.) herring filet |
Heringsfischer | (German pl.) herring fishermen |
Heringssalat | (German m.) pickled herring salad |
Heringszeit | (German f.) herring season |
herinnen | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) in here |
Heriot | (Anglo-Saxon here + geatwe, "army-gear") Heriot has two different meanings, depending upon whether we speak of the early Anglo-Saxon period or the later part of the medieval period. In its earliest sense, heriot was the gift of arms and armour an Anglo-Saxon chieftain or hlaford would give to his thegn, a warrior who vowed to serve him, to fight for him, and to avenge his master's death. Upon the thegn's death, the heriot would return to the hlaford. This gift of weaponry was a essential part of Anglo-Saxon warrior culture. In later historical periods, when the custom of direct military service became less vital, heriot degenerated into a tribute or service given to a lord on the death of his tenant, in which the eldest son of the tenant would provide the service much like the eldest son of the ancient thegn might return the arms and armour to the chieftain who originally gave it to the thegn |
Heritage Craft School | established in Chailey, Sussex, in 1903 as a spin off from the Bermondsey Settlement, set up by Grace Kimmins under the banner of the "Guild of the Brave Poor Things". The Heritage Craft Schools and Hospitals for Cripples believed that disabled children could not be trained to their full capacity in city slums and so set up residential schools in the country. The Guild motto was "Happy in My Lot" |
Herkommen | (German n.) convention, conventionality |
herkommen | (German) to come, to come of, to come here, to come from, to hail from |
herkommend | (German) coming here |
herkommen von | (German) to come here, to come from, to hail from |
herkömmlich | (German) conventionally, customarily, traditionally, conventional, customary, traditional, time-honoured, plain old |
herkömmliche Gewohnheiten | (German pl.) accepted customs |
herkömmliche Meinung | (German f.) accepted opinion, conventional wisdom |
herkömmliche Methoden | (German pl.) conventional methods |
herkömmlicherweise | (German) traditionally |
Herkömmlichkeit | (German f.) conventionality |
Herkules | (German m.) Hercules, Heracles |
Herkulesarbeit | (German f.) Herculean task (figurative) |
Herkules-Aufgabe | (German f.) Herculean task |
Herkulestat | (German f.) Herculean effort |
herkulisch | (German) Herculean |
Herkunft | (German f.) descent, parentage, provenance, sources, origin, birth, fountain, ancestry, point of origin, source (money, capital, revenue, etc.), extraction (ancestry), derivation, background (for example, to be of German background), nativity, stock (descent) |
Herkunftsangabe | (German f.) indication of source |
herkunftsbedingt | (German) class-related |
Herkunftsbezeichnung | (German f.) designation of origin |
herkunftsbezogen | (German) source-related |
Herkunftsfamilie | (German f.) family of origin |
Herkunftsgarantie | (German f.) guarantee of origin |
Herkunftsgebiet | (German n.) region of origin |
Herkunftskennzeichnung | (German f.) mark of origin |
Herkunftskultur | (German f.) culture of origin |
Herkunftsland | (German n.) country of origin, state of origin, country of provenance, home country, the old country (familiar) |
Herkunftsnachweis | (German m.) proof of origin |
Herkunftsort | (German m.) place of origin, point of origin |
Herkunftssprache | (German f.) language of the old country |
Herkunftsstaat | (German m.) country of origin |
Herkunftstäuschung | (German f.) mispresentation of origin |
Herkunftswörterbuch | (German n.) dictionary of etymology, etymological dictionary |
Herkunftszeugnis | (German n.) certificate of origin |
herlaufend | (German) running here |
herleiern | (German) to drone |
herleihen | (German) to lend |
herleitbar | (German) deducible |
herleiten | (German) to affiliate, to deduce, to establish (a bound) |
herleiten aus | (German) to deduce from |
herleitend | (German) deriving |
herleiten von | (German) to derive from, to deduce from |
Herleitung | (German f.) derivation |
Herleving | (Dutch) revival |
Herm (s.), Herma (pl.), Hermai (pl.) | in Greco-Roman archeology, a herm is a stone, bronze, or terracotta marker - originally placed at cross-roads or at estate and territorial boundaries, though in classical Athens, homeowners would erect herma outside the entrances of their houses for good luck |
hermachend | (German) setting about |
Hermana | (Spanish f.) sister |
Hermanastro | (Spanish m.) stepbrother |
Hermanastra | (Spanish f.) stepsister |
Hermann | or HV (Herrman-Verzeichnis), reference to Hildegard Hermann's Thematisches Verzeignis der Werke von Joseph Eybler (pub. Munich, 1976) |
(German m.) Herman |
Hermannsschlacht | (German f.) Battle of the Teutoburg Forest |
described as clades Variana, the Varian disaster by Roman historians) took place in AD 9 when an alliance of Germanic tribes led by Arminius (also known as "Hermann"), the son of Segimer of the Cherusci, ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions |
Hermano | (Spanish m.) brother |
Hermaphrodit | (German m.) hermaphrodite |
hermaphroditisch | (German) hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic |
Hermaphroditismus | (German m.) hermaphroditism |
Hermelin | (German m.) ermine (fur), ermine (Mustela erminea) |
Hermelinmantel | (German m.) ermine coat |
Hermeneut | (English, German m.) a practitioner of hermeneutics, someone who interprets texts |
Hermeneutics | the development and study of theories of the interpretation and understanding of texts |
Hermeneutik | (German f.) hermeneutics, hermeneutic (one strand of interpretation) |
Hermeneutiker | (German m.) hermeneuticist, hermeneut |
hermeneutisch | (German) hermeneutic, hermeneutical |
Hermes | (English, German m.) (Greek mythology) messenger and herald of the gods, god of commerce and cunning and invention and theft, identified with the Roman Mercury |
Hermesianism | a rationalising theory of the relation of reason to faith, propounded by Georg Hermes (1775-1831), a German Roman Catholic theologian, and accepted by many German Catholics, but condemned after his death by the Holy See |
Hermesianismus | (German m.) Hermesianism |
Hermessäule | (German f.) Mercurial statue |
Hermesstab | (German m.) caduceus (symbol of the medical profession: winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it) |
Hermeticism | or the Western Hermetic Tradition, a set of philosophical and religious beliefs based primarily upon the Hellenistic Egyptian pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus |
a historiographical phrase describing the work that attempts to reconstruct the mode of thought held by 17th century scientists. It primarily traces out the connections of Renaissance (16th century) modes of thought with those of the Scientific Revolution (17th century) |
(not Hermetism) a poetic movement originating in Italy in the early 20th century. Its works were characterised by unorthodox structure and illogical sequences |
Hermetik | (German f.) Hermeticism (Western Hermetic Tradition) |
hermetisch | (German) hermetic, hermetical, hermetically |
hermetisch abdichten | (German) to seal hermetically |
hermetisch abgeriegelt | (German) hermetically sealed (figurative: world, existence) |
hermetische Abdichtung | (German f.) air-tight sealing |
hermetische Trennwand | (German f.) watertight bulkhead |
hermetisch verschlossen | (German) air-tight, hermetically sealed |
Hermetizität | (German f.) hermeticity (the property of being sealed so that the object is gas tight) |
hermitesch | (German) Hermitian |
hermitescher Operator | (German m.) Hermitian operator (mathematics) |
Hermunduren | (German pl.) Hermunduri |
Hermunduri | or Hermanduri, Hermunduri, Hermunduli, Hermonduri, or Hermonduli, an ancient tribe of Germanic people who occupied the area around what is now Thuringia, Saxony, and Northern Bavaria, from the first to the third century. The Thuringii may have been the descendants of the Hermunduri |
hermüssen | (German) to be a must (colloquial) |
hernach | (German) hereafter, afterwards, after that |
hernehmend | (German) taking from |
Hernie (s.), Hernien (pl.) | (German f.) hernia |
hernieder | (German) downward |
herniederbrennen | (German) to beat down (sun) |
herniederprasseln | (German) to spatter down
Hernienchirurgie | (German f.) hernia surgery
Herodes | (German m.) Herod |
Herodianer | (German pl.) Herodians |
Herodians | (Jewish history) a party among the Jews, composed of partisans of Herod of Galilee |
herodisch | (German) Herodian |
Herodot | (German) Herodotus |
Heroen | (German pl.) heroes |
Heroengeschichten | (German pl.) heroic tales |
Heroic | of, fit for, or like a hero, very brave, eroico (Italian), heroisch (German), héroïque (French) |
Heroic Age of Greece | also known as the Homeric Age, the period between 1200-800 BC |
Heroic couplet | (English, Heroic Couplet (German n.) two successive rhyming lines of iambic pentameter. The second line is usually end-stopped. It was common practice to string long sequences of heroic couplets together in a pattern of aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, and so on. Because this practice was especially popular in the Neoclassic Period between 1660 and 1790, the heroic couplet is often called the neoclassic couplet if the poem originates during this time period |
Heroicomical | a humorous poem taking the conventions of heroic Greek literature and using them to comic effect |
Heroics | high-flown language or sentiments, unduly bold behaviour |
Heroin | (German f.) heroine |
(English, German n.) a white, odourless, bitter crystalline compound, that is derived from morphine and is a highly addictive narcotic |
Heroin spritzen | (German) to shoot heroin (colloquial) |
Heroinabgabe | (German f.) heroin distribution, heroin prescription |
heroinabhängig | (German) addicted to heroin, dependent on heroin, heroin-dependent, heroin-addicted |
heroinabhängig sein | (German) to be on heroin |
Heroinabhängiger (m.), Heroinabhängige (f.) | (German) heroin addict |
Heroinabhängigkeit | (German f.) heroin addiction |
Heroindealer | (German m.) heroin pusher, heroin dealer |
Heroine (s.), Heroinen (German pl.) | (English, German f.) a woman noted for courage and daring action, awoman noted for special achievement in a particular field, the principal female character in a work of literature |
Heroinentzug | (German m.) heroin withdrawal |
Heroinhändler | (German m.) heroin dealer |
Heroinkonsument | (German m.) heroin user |
Heroinlieferant | (German m.) heroin supplier |
Heroinrausch | (German m.) heroin high |
Heroinspritze | (German f.) heroin syringe |
Heroinsucht | (German f.) heroin addiction, addiction to heroin |
heroinsüchtig | (German) addicted to heroin, heroin-addicted |
Heroinsüchtiger (m.), Heroinsüchtige (f.) | (German) heroin addict |
heroinsüchtig sein | (German) to be on heroin, to be a heroin addict, to be hooked on heroin (colloquial) |
Herointoter (m.), Herointote (f.), Herointote (pl.) | (German) heroin victim |
Heroinverschreibung | (German f.) heroin distribution, heroin prescription |
Héroïque | (French) heroic |
heroisch | (German) heroical, heroic, valiant |
heroische Gestalt | (German f.) heroic character, heroic figure |
heroischer Vers | (German m.) heroic verse |
Heroisierung | (German f.) heroisation |
Heroísmo | (Spanish m.) heroism |
Heroismus | (German m.) heroism |
Herold | (German m.) herald, harbinger |
Heroldsamt | (German n.) College of Arms, College of Heralds |
Heroldsbild | (German n.) division of the field |
Heroldsstab | (German m.) caduceus |
Heroldstab | (German m.) caduceus |
Heroldstrompete | (German f.) herald trumpet |
Heroon | (English, German n.) also called heroum, a shrine, often erected over his supposed tomb or cenotaph, dedicated to an ancient Greek or Roman hero and used for the commemoration or worship of the hero |
Heros | (German m.) hero |
Herostrat | (German m.) a person in constant pursuit of fame, who plans to commit a crime as a means of achieving fame |
Herr (s.), Herren (pl.), Herrin (f.), Herrinnen (pl.) | (German) Mr (m.: title), Mrs (f.: title), gentleman (m.), gentlewoman (f.), master (m.), mistress (f.), mister (colloquial: m.: title), signor (m.), signora (f.), sir (m.), mam (f.), guv (colloquial) |
Herr ... | (German) Mister ... (address) |
Herramienta artística | (Spanish f.) artistic device, artistic tool |
Herr aus dem Weg | (German m.) cross-body lead (dancing) |
Herrchen eines Hundes | (German n.) master of a dog |
Herr der alten Schule | (German m.) gentleman of the old style |
Herr der Daten | (German m.) data owner |
Herr der Finsternis | (German m.) spirit of the dark |
Herr der Lage | (German m.) master of the situation |
Herr der Lage sein | (German) to be in control of a situation, to have the ball at one's feet (figurative), to have the situation under control |
Herr der Marken (s.), Herren der Marken (pl.) | (German m.) Marcher lord |
Herr der Tiere | (German m.) lord of the animals |
herreichen | (German) to pass |
Herren | (German) men (pictogram: symbol indicating toilet facility) |
Herrenabend | (German m.) stag party |
Herrenanzug | (German m.) man's suit, suit |
Herrenartikelgeschäft | (German n.) haberdashery (store) |
Herrenausstatter | (German m.) haberdasher, man's clothier, gentlemen's outfitters |
Herrenbekleidung | (German f.) men's wear, menswear, men's apparel, men's clothing |
Herrendiener | (German m.) valet stand, clothes valet |
Herrendoppel | (German n.) men's double, men's doubles, men's pairs (tennis, etc.) |
Herrenduft | (German m.) men's fragrance, fragrance for men |
Herreneinzel | (German n.) men's single |
Herrenfahrer | (German m.) gentleman driver |
Herrenfahrrad | (German n.) men's bicycle, men's bike, gents' bicycle, man's bicycle |
Herrenflorett | (German n.) men's foil |
Herrenfriseur | (German m.) barber |
Herrenfriseurladen | (German m.) barber's, barber's shop |
Herrengedeck | (German n.) boilermaker |
Herrenhalbschuh | (German m.) men's low shoe, brogue (good quality shoe) |
Herrenhandtasche | (German f.) man's handbag |
Herrenhaus | (German n.) manor-house, manor, manor house, mansion |
(German n.) House of Lords, upper house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly (1867-1918) |
(German n.) House of Peers, variant name of the upper house of the Imperial Assembly, Cisleithania (1867-1918) |
Herrenhäuser Gärten | (German pl.) Herrenhausen Gardens (Hannover) |
Herrenhemd | (German n.) man's shirt |
Herrenhemdhosen | (German pl.) cami boxers (underwear) |
Herrenhintern | (German m.) man's bottom, man's behind, man's backside (colloquial) |
Herrenhose | (German f.) pair of men's trousers, men's trousers |
Herrenjacke | (German f.) man's jacket |
Herrenjackett | (German n.) (men's) jacket |
Herrenjock | (German m.) jockstrap |
Herrenkleidung | (German f.) clothes for men |
Herrenklub | (German m.) gentleman's club |
Herrenkollektion | (German f.) men's collection, men's wear, men's ready-to-wear clothes, men's (wear) department |
Herrenkorsett | (German n.) male corset |
herrenlos | (German) abandoned, unappropriated, unowned, ownerless, adrift, derelict, stray (animal), masterless, unclaimed (goods, property) |
herrenloser Besitz | (German m.) abandoned property |
herrenloser Regenschirm | (German m.) unclaimed umbrella |
herrenloses Eigentum | (German n.) unclaimed property |
herrenloses Gut | (German n.) abandoned property |
herrenloses Tier | (German n.) estray (archaic) |
herrenloses Vieh | (German n.) maverick |
Herrenlosigkeit | (German f.) abandonment |
Herrenmahl | (German n.) Lord's Supper |
Herrenmantel | (German m.) man's overcoat |
Herrenmode | (German f.) men's fashion, menswear, fashion for men |
Herrenmoral | (German f.) master morality |
Herrennachthemd | (German n.) nightshirt |
Herrenpo | (German m.) man's bottom |
Herrenrad | (German n.) men's bike, men's bicycle |
Herrenrahmen | (German m.) men's frame (bicycle) |
Herrenrasse | (German f.) master race |
Herrenring | (German m.) men's ring |
Herrenschneider | (German m.) men's tailor |
Herrenschnitt | (German m.) Eton crop (hair cut for women) |
Herrenschuhe | (German pl.) gents' shoes |
Herrensitz | (German m.) manor, stately home |
Herrenslip | (German m.) (men's) briefs |
Herrenspeise | (German f.) food for the upper classes |
Herren-String | (German m.) posing pouch |
Herrentag | (German m.) or Vatertag (German m.), Father's Day |
Herren-Taillenformer | (German m.) mirdle (male girdle or bodyshaper) |
Herrentier | (German n. - dated) primate |
Herrentoilette | (German f.) gents' toilet, men's lavatory, men's toilet, the Gents, Gentlemen (on signs) |
Herrentrikotagen | (German pl.) men's clothing |
Herrenturnier | (German n.) men's tournament |
Herrenuhr | (German f.) men's watch, man's watch |
Herrenumkleide | (German f.) men's dressing room, men's changing room, men's fitting room, men's bathing cubicle (swimmming baths) |
Herrenumkleidekabine | (German f.) men's dressing room, men's changing room, men's fitting room, men's bathing cubicle (swimmming baths) |
Herrenumkleideraum | (German m.) men's changing room, men's dressing room, men's locker room (sports centre) |
Herrenunterwäsche | (German f.) men's underwear |
Herrenvelo | (German n. - Switzerland) men's bicycle |
Herrenvolk | (German n.) the master-race, a race predestined to rule the world |
Herrenworte | (German pl.) dominical sayings |
Herrenzimmer | (German n.) study (room) |
Herr, erbarme dich unser. | (German) Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy upon us. (religious formula) |
Herrgott! | (German) Jesus! |
Herr Gott (nochmal)! | (German) Jesus Christ! |
Herrgott nochmal! | (German) For God's sake! |
Herrgottsakra! | (German) By God! |
Herrgottskäfer | (German m.) regional alternative to Marienkäfer (German m.: ladybird (beetle)) |
Herrgottswinkel | (German m.) family altar |
(German m. - Southern Germany, Austria) domestic shrine (Christian shrine often placed in a corner) |
herrichten | (German) to adapt, to adjust, to arrange, to get in order, to prepare, to get ready, to put in order, to renovate |
herrichtend | (German) furbishing |
Herrichtung | (German f.) arrangement, preparation |
Herrin der Lage | (German f.) mistress of the situation |
Herrin vom See | (German f.) Lady of the Lake |
herrisch | (German) authoritative, imperious, authoritatively, imperiously, masterfully, bossy (colloquial), dictatorial, domineering, lordly (tone of voice), overbearing, overbearingly, bullying, masterful (imperious: manner, tone, person) |
herrische Art | (German f.) bossiness, imperiousness |
herrischer | (German) more imperious |
herrischer Ton | (German m.) peremptory tone, tone of command |
herrischste | (German) most imperious |
Herrje! | (German) Crumbs! (colloquial) Jesus! |
Herrjemine! | (German) Hell's bells! Heavens (above)! |
Herr Lehrer! | (German - dated) Sir! (addressing a teacher) |
herrlich | (German) blissful, funny, glorious, gloriously, magnificent, pretty, splendiferous, superb, splendiferously, superbly, capital, delightful, delightsome, glamorous, lovely, ripping (colloquial: dated), splendid, marvellous, gorgeous, gorgeously, august, beautiful (excellent), luscious (figurative) |
herrliche Aussicht | (German f.) wonderful view |
herrliche Landschaft | (German f.) superb landscape |
herrliche Plätze an den Seen | (German pl.) wonderful lake-side sites |
herrlicher Anblick | (German m.) delightful sight |
herrlicher Ausblick | (German m.) glorious view, panoramic view, superb view |
herrlicher Ausflug | (German m.) delightful excursion, delightful trip |
herrlicher Feiertag | (German m.) delightful holiday |
herrlicher Garten | (German m.) delightful garden |
herrlicher Sonnenuntergang | (German m.) gorgeous sunset |
herrliches Wetter | (German n.) jolly weather |
Herrlichkeit | (German f.) delightfulness, glory, grandeur, superbness, wonderfulness, loveliness, magnificence, splendour, marvellous thing, treasure |
(German f.) territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights |
herrlichster Urlaub des Lebens | (German m.) vacation of a lifetime |
herrlich und in Freuden leben | (German) to live a life of ease |
Herrn ... | (German) Mr. ... (written) |
Herrnhuter (s.), Herrnhuter (pl.) | (German m.) one of the Moravians, so called from the settlement of Herrnhut (literally: the Lord's Watch) made, about 1722, by the Moravians at the invitation of Nicholas Lewis, count of Zinzendorf, upon his estate in the circle of Bautzen |
Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine | (German m.) the Moravian Church (also known as Unitas Fratrum (literally: United Brethren), or as the Bohemian Brethren). This evangelical Protestant denomination, inspired by the life and death of Jan Hus (c.1369-1415), that embraces certain doctrines associated with Eastern Orthodoxy, places a high premium on Christian unity, personal piety, missions and music |
Herr Ober! | (German) Waiter! |
Herr Rat! (m.), Frau Rat! | (German - Austria) Your Honour! (address) |
Herr Wichtig (m.), Frau Wichtig (f.) | (German) busy-body |
Herr sein | (German) to be the master |
Herr seiner Leidenschaften sein | (German) to be in control of one's passions |
Herr sein über | (German) to be master of |
Herrschaft (s.), Herrschaften (pl.) | (German f.) dominion, lordship, masteries, mastery, rule, regimen, governance (of), dominance, domination, command, control (power), leadership, sovereignty, sway (dominion), regiment (archiac: government, rule), hegemony, barony, lordship, seignory, manor, reign |
(German f.) territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights |
Herrschaft der Demagogen | (German f.) demagogism |
Herrschaft der Hundert Tage | (German f.) (Napoleon's) Hundred Days |
Herrschaft der Neuen | (German f.) neocracy |
Herrschaft der Plünderer | (German f.) kleptocracy |
Herrschaft des Rechts | (German f.) rule of law |
Herrschaft des Terrors | (German f.) reign of terror |
Herrschaft Gottes | (German f.) kingdom of God |
herrschaftlich | (German) grand, lordly (house) |
herrschaftlicher Wohnsitz | (German m.) mansion |
herrschaftliches Anwesen | (German n.) stately home |
herrschaftliches Zimmer | (German n.) stateroom |
Herrschaft nochmal! | (German f.) For heaven's sake! |
Herrschaftsanspruch | (German m.) claim to power |
Herrschaftsantritt | (German m.) accession to power |
Herrschaftsbereich | (German m.) domain, territory |
Herrschaftselite | (German f.) ruling elite |
Herrschaftsform | (German f.) form of rule, type of rule, form of sovereignty, form of governing |
Herrschaftsgebiet (s.), Herrschaftsgebiete (pl.) | (German n.) barony, dominion, territory (dominion) |
Herrschaftsgewalt | (German f.) political authority |
Herrschaftsinstrument | (German n.) instrument of power |
Herrschaftsjahre | (German pl.) years of reign |
Herrschaftslosigkeit | (German f.) anarchy |
Herrschaftsordnung | (German f.) system of rule |
Herrschaftsraum | (German m.) territory |
Herrschaftsstruktur (s.), Herrschaftsstrukturen (pl.) | (German f.) power structure, hegemonic structure |
Herrschaftssystem | (German n.) system of government |
Herrschaftsträger | (German pl.) rulers |
Herrschaft über sich selbst | (German f.) command over oneself |
herrschen | (German) to rule, to govern, to dominate, to reign, to obtain (conditions), to prevail, to have dominion (especially biblical) |
herrschend | (German) commandingly, dominantly, dominating, prevailingly, regent, regently, prevalent, controlling, dominant, ruling, prevailing, regnant, current (trend, etc.) |
Herrschende | (German pl.) rulers |
herrschende Elite | (German f.) ruling elite, meritocracy |
herrschende Gesellschaftsschicht | (German f.) ascendant class (of society) |
herrschende Klasse | (German f.) ruling class, master class |
herrschende Kraft | (German f.) controlling force |
herrschende Meinung | (German f.) prevailing opinion |
herrschender Block | (German m.) ruling bloc |
herrschendes System | (German n.) regime |
herrschendes Unternehmen | (German n.) controlling enterprise |
herrschen über | (German) to dominate over |
Herrscher (m.), Herrscherin (f.), Herrscher (pl.) | (German) sovereign, ruler, monarch, patriarch, swayer, lord |
Herrscherbild | (German n.) portrait of a ruler |
Herrscherfamilie | (German f.) ruling family |
Herrschergeschlecht | (German n.) ruling dynasty |
Herrscherhaus | (German n.) dynasty, ruling house |
Herrscherkult | (German m.) ruler cult |
Herrscherschicht | (German f.) ruling class |
Herrscherstellung | (German f.) position as a ruler |
Herrschsucht | (German f.) imperiousness, bossiness (colloquial) |
herrschsüchtig | (German) domineering, bossy (colloquial) |
herrufen | (German) to call over |
herrufend | (German) calling over |
herrühren | (German) to arise, to originate |
herrührend | (German) coming from, issuing from, stemming from, arising from (coming from) |
herrühren von | (German) to issue from, to spring from, to arise from, to stem from, to proceed from (illness) |
Herr und Gebieter | (German) lord and master |
Herr und Meister | (German) lord and master |
Herr Vorsitzender | (German m.) your honor (US spelling: male judge) |
Herr Wachtmeister | (German m.) officer, constable (police) |
Herr werden | (German) to overcome |
(Herr) Zebaoth | (German m.) Jehovah |
hersagen | (German) to recite |
herschauen | (German) to look here |
herschicken | (German) to send along |
herschreibend | (German) coming from |
hersehen | (German) to look here |
hersehend | (German) looking here |
hersingen | (German) to sing, to recite in a singing manner |
Herr Soundso | (German) Mr Such-and-such, Mr So-and-so, Mr Such-and-such |
herstammen | (German) to descend from, to originate, to hail from, to spring |
herstammend | (German) descending from |
herstammen von | (German) dating from, to originate from, to spring from, to hail from |
Hersteld Apostolische Zendingkerk | (German f.) Restored Apostolic Mission Church |
herstellbar | (German) producible, contrivable, manufacturable |
Herstellbarkeit | (German f.) producibility |
Herstelldatum | (German n.) date of construction |
herstellen | (German) to produce (manufacture), to manufacture, to fabricate, to confect, to make, to prepare, to establish |
herstellend | (German) manufacturing, fashioning, fabricating |
Hersteller (m.), Herstellerin (f.), Hersteller (pl.) | (German) fabricator, manufacturer, producer, maker |
Herstellerangabe (s.), Herstellerangaben (pl.) | (German f.) manufacturer information, manufactuer's data (plural form) |
Herstellerbezeichnung | (German f.) manufacturer's designation |
Hersteller eines Originalsystems | (German m.) original equipment manufacturer |
Herstellererklärung | (German f.) manufacturer's declaration |
Herstellerfirma | (German f.) manufacturing company |
Herstellergarantie | (German f.) manufacturer's warranty |
Herstellergewährleistung | (German f.) manufacturer's warranty |
Herstellerhaftpflichtversicherung | (German f.) producer's liability insurance |
Herstellerhaftung | (German f.) manufacturer's liability, producer's liability |
Herstellerkennung | (German f.) manufacturer identifier |
Herstellermarke | (German f.) manufacturer's brand |
Herstellername | (German m.) manufacturer's name |
Herstellerpreis | (German m.) manufacturer's price, producer price |
Herstellersiegel | (German n.) manufacturer's seal |
herstellerspezifisch | (German) manufacturer-specific |
Hersteller von Augenprothesen (m.), Herstellerin von Augenprothesen ocularist (f.) | (German) ocularist |
Hersteller von Kämmen | (German m.) comb manufacturer, comb-maker |
Hersteller von Rüstungsgütern | (German m.) armaments manufacturer |
Hersteller von Süßwaren | (German m.) confectionery manufacturer |
Hersteller von Wolldecken | (German m.) blanket maker |
Herstellerwerbung | (German f.) manufacturer's advertising |
Herstellerwerk | (German n.) manufacturer's works |
Herstellingsteken |  | (Dutch) the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened |
Herstellkosten | (German pl.) production cost |
Herstelltoleranz | (German f.) manufacturing tolerance |
Herstellung (s.), Herstellungen (pl.) | (German f.) make, fabrication, making, preparation, manufacturing, manufacture, production, creation, manufacturing |
Herstellung einer Geschäftsverbindung | (German f.) establishment of a business connection |
Herstellungs... | (German) producing, manufacturing (prefix) |
Herstellungsablauf | (German m.) production process |
Herstellungsanweisungen | (German pl.) manufacturing directions |
Herstellungsaufwand | (German m.) production costs, manufacturing costs |
Herstellungsbereich | (German m.) manufacturing sector |
Herstellungsdatum | (German n.) date of manufacture, date of production, manufacturing date |
Herstellungsdefekt | (German m.) manufacturing defect |
Herstellungserfahrung | (German f.) manufacturing experience |
Herstellungsfehler | (German m.) manufacturing defect, manufacturing fault, construction fault, manufacturing flaw, manufacturing error |
Herstellungsgemeinkosten | (German pl.) production costs |
Herstellungsgenauigkeit | (German f.) manufacturing accuracy |
Herstellungsjahr | (German n.) year of manufacture |
Herstellungskosten | (German pl.) cost of production, cost of manufacture, factory costs, manufacturing costs, production costs, costs of manufacturing |
Herstellungsland | (German n.) country of production, country of manufacture |
Herstellungsleiter | (German m.) production manager |
Herstellungslizenz | (German f.) manufacturing licence |
Herstellungsmethode | (German f.) method of manufacturing, production technique, fabrication technique |
Herstellungsnebenkosten | (German pl.) manufacturing expenses |
Herstellungsort | (German m.) place of manufacture |
Herstellungsprozess | (German m.) process of manufacture, production process, manufacturing process |
Herstellungsstufe | (German f.) manufacturing stage |
Herstellungstoleranzen | (German pl.) fabrication tolerances |
Herstellungsverbot | (German n.) ban on production |
Herstellungsverfahren | (German n.) manufacturing method, manufacturing process, manufacturing technique, production process, processing method |
Herstellungsvorschriften | (German pl.) manufacturing instructions |
Herstellungsweise | (German f.) manner of preparation, production method |
Herstellungszentrum | (German n.) manufacturing centre |
Herstellung von Käse | (German f.) cheesemaking |
Herstellung von Kleidung | (German f.) clothing manufacture |
Herstellung von Konfektionsware | (German f.) apparel production |
Herstellung von Wolldecken | (German f.) blanketing |
Herstrich | (German m.) the stroke of the bow from heel to point on the cello or double-bass, which corresponds to the down stroke on a violin or viola |
Hertz (German), hertz (English) | (English, German n.) the unit in which the frequency of a note is measured where one hertz is one cycle per second (cps), named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) a German physicist who was the first to produce radio waves artificially - the frequency range of human hearing is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (20,000 Hz). It is abbreviated using an upper-case initial letter (Hz) and is written in full using an lower-case initial letter (hertz) |
one kHz = 103 Hz = 1000 Hz; one MHz = 106 (one million) Hz; one GHz = 109 Hz |
hertzio | (Spanish) hertz (unit of frequency, cycles per second) |