music dictionary : Eo - Erl

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EOabbreviation of 'education officer'
e.o.abbreviation of ex officio
e/o(Italian abbreviation) and/or
EOAabbreviation of 'examination, opinion and advice'
Eocenegeological time, from 58 million to 40 million years ago, the second geologic epoch of the Paleogene, characterized by a warm climate and the development of mammals
e.o.d.abbreviation of 'every other day'
EOEon an invoice, abbreviation of 'errors and omissions excepted'
e.o.h.p.abbreviation of 'except otherwise herein provided'
eo ipso(Latin) by that very fact
Eolia(Italian) Aeolian, Æolian
Eolian(Greek) Aeolian, Æolian
Eolian harpsee Æolian harp
Eólico (m.), Eólica (f.)(Spanish) Aeolian, Æolian
Eolien (m.), Eolienne (f.)(French) Aeolian, Æolian
Eolien modesee 'Æolian mode'
Eolifono(Italian m.) wind machine
Eolio(Italian) Aeolian, Æolian
Eólio(Portuguese) Aeolian, Æolian
Éoliphone(French m.) wind machine
eolique(French) Aeolian, Æolian
e.o.m.abbreviation of 'every other month', 'end of month'
e.o.o.e.abbreviation of erreur ou omission exceptée (French: errors and omissions excepted; on invoice forms)
E-Orgel(German f.) short for elektronische Orgel (German f.), 'electronic organ'
Eosin(English, German n.) or eosine, a red fluorescent dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein; used in cosmetics and as a biological stain for studying cell structures
eosinieren(German) to stain with eosin
Eosophobiaa morbid fear of dawn or daylight
Eosophobie(German f.) eosophobia
eozän(German) Eocene
Eozän(German n.) Eocene
EPabbreviation of 'educational psychologist'. 'expanded polystyrene', 'extended-play' (gramophone record)
Ep.abbreviation of Episcopus (Latin: Bishop), 'epistle'
e.p.abbreviation of editio princeps (Latin: first edition)
Épagneul (m.), Épagneule (f.)(French) spaniel (breed of dog)
epagogisch(German) epagogic
épais, épaisse(French) thick
Épaisseur(French f.) thickness
Epanadosrepeating a word in the middle of a clause in either the opening or the conclusion of the same sentence for artistic effect
Epanalepse(German f.) epanalepsis
Epanalepsisrepeating a word from the beginning of a clause or phrase at the end of the same clause or phrase
Épanchement(French m.) out-pouring, effusiveness
épanoui(French) beaming (happy visual expression), radiant
Épanouissement(French m.) blossoming, full bloom
Eparch(English, German m.) bishop in the Eastern churches
Eparchie (s.), Eparchien (pl.)(German f.) eparchy
Épargne(French f.) saving, savings
Épargnant (m.), Épargnante (f.)(French) saver
épargner(French) to save, to spare
éparpiller(French) to scatter
épars, éparse(French) scattered
épatant, épatante(French) amazing
épater(French) to amaze
Épaule(French f.) shoulder
Épaulement(French, literally 'shouldering') in dance, the placing of the shoulders. A term used to indicate a movement of the torso from the waist upward, bringing one shoulder forward and the other backwith the head turned or inclined over the forward shoulder. The two fundamental positions of épaulement are croisé and effacé. When épaulement is used the position of the head depends upon the position of the shoulders and the shoulder position depends upon the position of the legs. Épaulement gives the finishing artistic touch to every movement and is a characteristic feature of the modern classical style compared to the old French style, which has little épaulement
épauler(French) to raise (an army), to support (aid)
Epaulett(German n.) epaulette
Epaulette (s.), Epaulettes (pl.)(English, German f.) shoulder ornament or trimming designed to give effect of width to shoulder line; originated as a device to hold shoulder belt and protect shoulder during wartime
Épaulette(French f.) epaulette
Épave(French f.) wreck
EPCabbreviation of 'Educational Publishers' Council', 'evaporative pattern-casting'
EPCSacronym for 'electronic page composition system'
see 'digital page composition'
EPDabbreviation of 'earliest practicable date'
Épée(French f.) a sword, the foil (with a point protected by a button) used in fencing
épeler(French) to spell
Epen(German pl.) epics, epic poems
Epenthese(German f.) epenthesis
Epenthesis (s.), Epentheses (pl.)also called infixation, adding an extra syllable or letters in the middle of a word, often to make its pronunciation easier. Epenthesis has resulted in new words in English - the word 'thimble' developed from an earlier word 'thimel'
Epentheticof or pertaining to epenthesis
Epeolatryworship of words
éperdu(French) wild, frantic, distracted
éperdument(French) wildly, frantically
éperdument amoureux (m.), éperdument amoureuse (French) desperately in love
Epergne(English, from the French épargne, literally 'economy' or 'saving') or dessus de table, an ornamental centre-piece holding flowers or friuit for a dinner-table
Éperon(French m.) spur
éperonner(French) to spur, to spur on
Épervier(French m.) sparrow-hawk
Epexegesis (s.), Epexegeses (pl.)the addition of a word or words to improve the sense of a phrase
Ephebus (s.), Ephebi (pl.)(Latin from Greek) a young man (originally, a Greek citizen between 18 and 20 years of age)
Ephemera(English, German pl.) written and printed matter published with a short intended lifetime
  • Ephemera from which this extract has been taken
éphémère(French) ephemeral
Ephemeride(German f.) ephemeris
Éphéméride(French f.) tear-off calendar
Ephemeris (s.), Ephemerides (pl.)(Greek) astronomical almanac
Ephemeron (English s., Greek s.), Ephemera (Greek pl., English f.), Ephemerae (English pl.)
Ephemeras (English pl.)
(English from Greek) any person or thing that has only a transitory existence
Epheser (s./pl.)(German m.) Ephesian (a person born or living in Ephesus)
Epheserbrief(German m.) (Epistle to the) Ephesians
Ephesos(German n.) Ephesus
Ephesusan ancient Greek city on the western shore of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey; site of the Temple of Artemis
EPH-Gestose(German f.) pre-eclampsia
Ephoren(German pl.) ephors
Ephorsone of a body of five elected magistrates exercising a supervisory power over the kings of Sparta
Ephräm der Syrer(German) Ephrem the Syrian
Ephrem the Syrianalso Ephraem the Syrian, a Syriac deacon and a prolific Syriac-language hymnographer and theologian of the 4th century
Épi(French m.) ear (wheat, etc.)
E-Piano(German n.) short for elektronisches Piano (German n.), 'electronic piano', 'electric piano'
Epiaula(Greek) the ancient Greek song of the millers
Epibulbarsituated upon the eyeball
epibulbär(German) epibulbar , epiocular (rare, synonymous with epibulbar)
EPICabbreviation of 'Engineering and Production Information Council'
Epicin its most specific sense, a genre of classical poetry. The term applies most accurately to classical Greek texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey
epicamente(Italian) in an epic style
Épice(French f.) spice
épicé(French) spicy
Epicede(English) epicedium
Epicède(French) epicedium
Epicedio(Italian) epicedium, an elegy, dirge, funeral song or ode
Epicedion (s.), Epicedia (pl.)(Anglicized Greek) epicedium (Latin), an elegy, dirge, funeral song or ode
Epicedium (s.), Epicedia (pl.)(Latin) epikedeion (Greek), funeral song, elegy
Epicene pronouna gender-neutral pronoun for human beings. English does have gender-neutral pronouns for objects (it, its), but it does not have epicene pronouns for people - only masculine and feminine ones (he, him, his or she, her, her). Increasingly, common speech has been using the plural pronouns they, them, and their to fulfil this function, though this often grates on the ears of traditional grammarians when this plural pronoun is applied to a singular antecedent
Epicentrethe point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
épicer(French) to spice
Épicerie(French f.) grocery shop, groceries
Épicier (m.), Épicière (f.)(French) grocer
epico(Italian) epic, heroic
Epic of Gilgameshan epic poem from Ancient Mesopotamia and is among the earliest known works of literary fiction
Epic operahighly dramatic musical theatre associated with Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) and Kurt Weill (1900-1950). The Threepenny Opera, Brecht and Weill's most famous collaboration was first performed in 1928. It was revolutionary for its staging, which ignored conventions like the 'fourth wall' as well as using slide projections simultaneously with live action, for the way that the actors broke character, carrying picket signs or conversing with the audience, and for the fact that the roots of its music lay in cabaret and jazz rather than the classical genre. Brecht wanted to create a new form of theatre, one he called 'Epic', one designed to raise political awareness in its audience
Epicrisisa circumstance in which a speaker quotes a passage and comments on it, often amusingly or ironically
a critical or analytical summing up especially of a medical case history
a secondary crisis occurring in the course of a disease
Epic similea formal and sustained simile. Like a regular simile, an epic simile makes a comparison between one object and another using "like" or "as." However, unlike a regular simile, which often appears in a single sentence, the epic simile appears in the genre of the epic and it may be developed at great length, often up to fifty or a hundred lines
Epict.abbreviation of Epictetus (Greek Stoic philosopher (c.55-110 AD))
EpictetusGreek Stoic philosopher (c.55-110 AD)
Epic theatretheatrical movement of the early 1920s and 1930s, popularized by the German dramatist and poet Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), characterized by the use of such artificial devices as cartoons, posters, and film sequences distancing the audience from theatrical illusion and allowing focus on the play's message
Epic trancesee 'uplifting trance'
Epicureanismthe Greek philosophy of Epicurus (341-270 BC), who espoused a life of gentle hedonism ameliorated by rational moderation. In late Roman times, aristocrats adopted and perverted the older Greek Epicurean doctrine. They focused on overindulgence. Food, wine, entertainment, and slave girls became the chief pleasures
EpicurusGreek philosopher, (341-270 BC), who believed that the world is a random combination of atoms and that pleasure is the highest good
Epicyclea circle that rolls around (inside or outside) another circle, generating an epicycloid or hypocycloid
Epicycloidthe plane locus described by a point on the circumference of a circle as the circle rolls on the outside of the circumference of a second, fixed circle
epid.abbreviation of 'epidemic'
Épi de cheveux(French m.) tuft of hair
Epideicticdesigned primarily for rhetorical display
Epideicticsor praise and blame rhetoric, one of the three branches, or "species" of rhetoric as outlined in Aristotle's Rhetoric
Epideiktik(German f.) epideictics
epideiktisch(German) epideictic, epideictical
Epidemie (s.), Epidemien (pl.)(German f.) epidemic
Épidémie(French f.) epidemic
Epidemiefall(German m.) case of epidemic
Epidemiologe(German m.) epidemiologist
Epidemiologie(German f.) epidemiology
epidemiologisch(German) epidemiological, epidemiologic, epidemiologically
epidemiologische Untersuchung(German f.) epidemiological investigation
epidemisch(German) epidemic
Épiderme(French m.) skin
Epidermis(English, German f., from Greek) skin, cuticle
epidermisch(German) epidermal
Epidermophyt (s.), Epidermophyten (pl.)(German m.) epiphyte (plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain, usually growing on another plant but not parasitic on it)
Epidiascopean optical projector that gives images of both transparent and opaque objects
Epidiapente(Greek, literally 'a fifth above') canon at the fifth
Epidiaskop(German n.) epidiascope
Epidotonos(Italian) the third above
épier(French) to spy on
epigäisch(German) epigeal
Epigealliving or occurring on or near the surface of the ground
Epigenese(German f.) epigenesis
Epigenesistheory holding that development is a gradual process of increasing complexity
Epigeneticsthe study of heritable changes in gene function that occur without a change in the sequence of the DNA
Epigenetik(German f.) epigenetics
epigenetisch(German) epigenetic, epigenetical, epigenetically
epigenetisch vererbt(German) epigenetically inherited
epiglottal(German) epiglottal
Éiglotte(French f.) ancia (Italian f.), reed (on a wind instrument), Rohrblatt (German n.), anche (French f.), caña (Spanish), lengüeta (Spanish f.)
Epiglottis(English, German f.) the flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food does not enter the lungs
epiglottisch(German) epiglottic
epigonal(German) unoriginal, epigonic (rare)
Epigone(English, German m., from Greek) disciple, follower, imitator, usually in a later generation
Èpigone(French m.) epigone
Epigoneion(Greek) also epigonion or epigonium, a 40 string kithara placed and played on one's knees, epi gonatos although others suggest the instrument is named after its inventor. or introducer, Epigonus
Epigonen(German pl.) Epigoni, the sons of the Seven against Thebes
epigonenhaft(German) imitative, unoriginal
Epigonentum(German n.) epigonism
Epigonicof or pertaining to a second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher
Epigonin(German f., from Greek epigone) female disciple, female follower, female imitator, usually in a later generation
Epigonisman artistic or literary imitation of an artist by a later generation
Epigonos(Greek, literally 'born after') the sons of the chiefs that fell in the first war against Thebes were called epigonoi, meaning 'after-born'. The expression has been applied to those composers who follows paths established by their predecessors rather than striking out on their own
Epigraf(German n.) epigraph
Epigrafik(German f.) epigraphy
epigrafisch(German) epigraphical
Epigram(from Greek epigramma, 'an inscription') What is an epigram? A dwarfish whole, / its body brevity, / and wit its soul.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English critic & poet (1772-1834)
a short verse or motto appearing at the beginning of a longer poem or the title page of a novel, at the heading of a new section or paragraph of an essay or other literary work to establish mood or raise thematic concerns
an inscription in verse or prose on a building, tomb, or coin
Epigramm(German n.) epigram
epigrammatisch(German) epigrammatic, epigrammatically, epigrammatical
Epigraphik(German f.) epigraphy, epigraphics
epigraphisch(German) epigraphical, epigraphic
Epigraph(English, German n.) an inscription, as on a statue or building
(English, German n.) a motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme
Epigraphy(Greek, literally 'written upon') the study of inscriptions or epigraphs engraved into stone or other permanent materials, or cast in metal, the science of classifying them as to cultural context and date, elucidating them and assessing what conclusions can be deduced from them. The person who studies this is called an epigrapher. The study of ancient handwriting, usually in ink, is a separate field, paleography
  • Epigraphy from which this extract has been taken
Epik(German f.) epic poetry
Epikrise(German f.) epicrisis, (medical) case discussion
epikritisch(German) epicritic, epicritical
Epiktet(German m.) Epictetus
Epikur(German m.) Epicurus
epikureisch(German) Epicurean, epicurean
Epikureismus(German m.) epicureanism
epil.abbreviation of 'epilogue'
Epilation(English, German f.) loss of hair, the result of removing hair
Epilatora depilatory, a cosmetic for temporary removal of undesired hair
an electrical device used to remove unwanted hair
Epilenia(Greek) the ancient Greek song of the grape-gatherers
Epilepsie(German f.) epilepsy
Épilepsie(French f.) epilepsy
Epilepsieanfall(German m.) epileptic fit
Epilepsya disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions
Epileptiker (m.), Epileptikerin (f.), Epileptiker (pl.)(German) epileptic
Épileptique(French m./f.) epileptic
épileptique(French) epileptic
epileptisch(German) epileptic
epileptische Erkrankung(German f.) epileptic disorder
epileptische Krankheit(German f.) epileptic disorder
epileptischer Anfall(German m.) epileptic seizure, epileptic fit
Epileptologie(German f.) epileptology
Epileptologista neurologist with special training who treats patients with epilepsy
Epileptologythe study and treatment of patients with epilepsy
épiler(French) to remove unwanted hair from, to pluck (hair)
Epilierer(German m.) epilator
Epiliergerät(German n.) epilator
Epilimnion(English, German n.) the top-most layer in a thermally stratified lake, occurring above the deeper hypolimnion
Epilog (s.), Epiloge (pl.)(German n.) epilogue
a term coined by Wilhelm Fischer to describe a cadential phrase, especially in a Vivalian ritornello, the reestablishes the tonic key
Epiloguein music, concluding piece or part, coda
a conclusion added to a literary work such as a novel, play, or long poem. It is the opposite of a prologue
Épilogue(French m.) epilogue, outcome (figurative)
Epimanikion (s.), Epimanikien (German pl.), Epimanikia (English, Greek pl.)(English, German n., Greek) cuffs worn over the sticharion by clergy in the Greek Orthodox Church, corresponding to a maniple in other catholic churches
Epimetheus(English, German m.) (Greek mythology) brother of Prometheus, who accepted Pandora as his wife despite Prometheus's warning against gifts from Zeus
Epimythiuma summary of the moral of the fable appearing at the end of the main narrative. If it is found at the beginning of the narrative, it is called a promythium
Épinard(French m.) spinach (plant)
Épinards(French m.) spinach (food)
Épine(French f.) thorn, prickle, spine (of an animal)
Épine dorsale(French f.) backbone
Épinette(French f., literally 'spinet') often used in France as a general word to refer to any jack-action instrument including, at times, the harpsichord
Épinette á l'italienne(French f., literally 'Italian-style spinet') term used in France during the 17th- and 18th-centuries to refer to bentside spinets
Épinette des Vosges(French f.) French instrument of the dulcimer family, it is oblong, often with 7 strings, 3 of which are fretted
épineux (m.), épineuse (f.)(French) thorny
Épingle(French f.) pin
Épingle de nourrice(French f.) safety-pin
Épingle de sûreté(French f.) safety-pin
épingler(French) to pin, to nab (arrest)
Epinicio(Italian, after the Greek) song of victory, a triumphal song
Epinicion (s.), Epinicia (pl.)(after the Greek) or epinicium, song of victory, a triumphal song
Epinikion(German n.) epinicion
Epiodion(Greek) funeral song
Epionion(Greek) epigoneion
epipelagisch(German) epipelagic
Epiph.abbreviation of 'Epiphany'
Epiphania(German f.) epiphany
Epiphanias(German n.) Epiphany, Twelfthtide
Epiphanie(German f.) epiphany
Epiphänomen(German n.) epiphenomenon
Epiphänomenalismus(German m.) epiphenomenalism
Epiphanyfeast of the 6th January, associated with the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus
the sudden realisation or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something. The term was widely used, in this sense, by James Joyce in his critical writings, and the stories in Joyce's Dubliners are commonly called 'epiphanies'
Christian thinkers used this term to signify a manifestation of God's presence in the world
Epiphany villancicoscapitalizing on the non-biblical tradition that one magus traveled from Ethiopia, they tend to employ literary stereotypes of ethnic others in order to stress the idea of the universality of the Roman church. Subgenres of stereotyped villancicos, including the negrilla and the jácara, dramatize groups of ethnic others and low-class Spaniards adoring the Christ child through dance and song. Musical settings of such texts feature asymmetric rhythms and hemiola patterns seemingly evocative of popular genres, yet unequivocally characteristic of elite Spanish musics
Epipharyngitis(English, German f.) postnasal catarrh
Epiphenomenalismin philosophy of mind, a view according to which some or all mental states are mere epiphenomena (side-effects or by-products) of physical states of the world
Epiphenomenon(Latin, from Greek) a secondary development, a secondary symptom
Epiphora(English, German f.) (in rhetoric) repetition of the ends of two or more successive sentences, verses, etc.
(medicine) an abnormal overflow of tears down the face, due usually to stricture of the nasolacrimal duct
Epiphyt (s.), Epiphyten (pl.)(German m.) epiphyte
Epiphyteplant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain, usually growing on another plant but not parasitic on it
Epipolargeometrie(German f.) epipolar geometry
Epipolar geometrythe geometry of stereo or 3D-vision
épique(French) epic
Epis.abbreviation of 'Episcopalian', 'epistle'
episch(German) epic, epical
epische Breite(German f.) epic broadness
epischen Ausmaßes(German) of epic proportions
epischer Sagenkreis(German m.) epic cycle
episches Theater(German n.) Epic theatre
Episcopalin relation to the authority of a bishop
Episcopalismthe belief that authority in a church government should lie in a group of bishops
Episcopethe opaque projector, epidioscope, epidiascope or episcope is a device which displays opaque materials by shining a bright lamp onto the object
Episcopus vagans (s.), Episcopi vagantes (pl.)(Latin) a 'wandering' bishop (a bishop with no see who is free to administer priest's order in any part of the world)
Episkop(German n.) episcope
Episkopale(German m./f.) episcopalian
Episkopalismus(German m.) episcopalism
Episkopalisten(German pl.) Episcopalians
Episkopat(German m.) office of bishop, bishopric, episcopal office, episcopate
Episode (s.), Episoden (German pl.)(English, German f.) épisode (French), divertissement (French), sviluppo (Italian), elaborazione (Italian), episodio (Spanish)
a subsiduary or subordinate part of a work, a digression. For example, the music written between the repeated section (or refrain) of a rondo, or between the entries of the subjects in a fugue or sonata. The episode in a fugue, which lies between appearances of the theme, is a medium for modulation from one key, or groups of keys, to another
a scene involving the actors' dialogue and action rather than the chorus's singing, or sections of such scenes in a classical Greek tragedy. Divisions separating the episodes were called stasima. During the stasima, the chorus sang. Note that Greek tragedies were performed without any breaks or intermissions
Épisode(French m.) episode
episodenhaft(German) episodic
Episodiathe Greek word for episode
Episodicoccurring in a long string of short, individual scenes, stories, or sections, rather than focusing on the sustained development of a single plot
Episodical forman example of ternary or ABA form, episodical form consists of three parts: statement of the principal theme, an episode (for example, in a rondo, a theme or subject matter of secondary importance to the principal theme), and finally a repeat of the principal theme
a term sometimes used synonymously with 'rondo form'
episodicamente(Italian) in the manner of an episode
episodico(Italian) episodic, digressive
episódico (m.), episódico (f.)(Spanish) episodic, digressive
Episodio(Spanish m.) episode
episodio(Italian) episodic, digressive
Episódio(Portuguese m.) episode
Episódio harmônico(Portuguese m.) harmonic episode
Episódio melódico(Portuguese m.) melodic episode
épisodique(French) occasional
episodisch(German) episodic, episodical, episodically, in the manner of an episode
(German) intermittent (of streams, lakes or springs)
episodische Ataxie(German f.) episodic ataxia (an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by sporadic bouts of ataxia)
Epistel(German f.) epistle
Epistemicof or relating to epistemology
epistemisch(German) epistemic
Epistemologie(German f.) epistemology
epistemologisch(German) epistemological
Epistemologythe philosophical theory of knowledge
Epistlea recited section of the mass that precedes the gradual
a poem addressed to a patron, friend, or family member, thus a kind of "letter" in verse
an actual prose letter sent to another
a distinct part or section of such a poem or letter
Epistle Sonatasat various times they have been called 'Organ Sonatas', 'Epistle Sonatas', 'Sonatas for Various Instruments with Organ', 'Festival Sonatas', Sonata da chiesa, and 'Church Sonatas', but in his autographs Mozart simply called them 'Sonata' and in a letter he referred to them as Sonate all' epistola (Sonata at the Epistle)
Epistola(Spanish f.) epistle
Epistolaryof or pertaining to a letter, epistle or personal correspondence
a liturgical book containing the Epistle readings for the Mass arranged according to the liturgical year
Epistolary love affairan affair carried out through the medium of love letters
Epistolary novela novel written as a series of documents. The usual form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper clippings and other documents are sometimes used
Epistolary stylea style based around letters or other forms of personal correspondence
Epistolographie(German f.) letter writing, composition of letters
Epistrophe(from the Greek) in music, the recurrence at the end of a movement of a melody which had appeared in another movement of the same work
repetition of a concluding word or word endings: "He's learning fast; are you earning fast?" When the epistrophe focuses on sounds rather than entire words, we normally call it rhyme
Epistylion(German n.) architrave
epit.abbreviation of 'epitaph', 'epitome'
Epitalamio(Italian) epithalamium
Epitaph (s,.), Epitaphe (German pl.)(English, German n.) literally, an inscription carved on a gravestone, also known as a cenotaph. In a more general sense, an epitaph is the final statement spoken by a character before his death
Épitaphe(French f.) epitaph
Epithalamas(French) epithalamium
Epithalamion (s.), Epithalamia (pl.)(Greek) wedding song, a nuptial song or ode, sung in classical Greece outside the bride's room on her wedding night, a tradition revived by Renaissance poets and later enjoyed a brief respite during the Romantic period
Epithalamium (s.), Epithalamia (pl.)Latin term for epithalamion
Epithese (s.), Epithesen (pl.)(German f.) epithesis
Epithesisthe addition of a letter at the end of a word, without changing its sense (for example, 'numb' for 'num', 'whilst' for 'whiles')
Epitheta short, poetic nickname, often in the form of an adjective or adjectival phrase, attached to the normal name. Frequently, this technique allows a poet to extend a line by a few syllables in a poetic manner that characterizes an individual or a setting within an epic poem
Épithète(French f.) epithet
Epitheticsa term used to characterize a person or thing, such as 'rosy-fingered' in 'rosy-fingered dawn' or 'the Great' in 'Catherine the Great'
Epithetik(German f.) epithetics
Epitheton (s.), Epitheta (pl.)(German n.) epithet
Epitheton necessarium(English, German n.) an epithet required to distinguish the bearers (for example, as an alternative to ordinals after a prince's name - such as 'Richard the Lionheart', 'Charles the Fat' or 'Charles the Bald')
Epitheton ornans(English, German n.) epithets can easily be omitted without serious risk of confusion (for example, 'loyal Achates', where 'loyal' could be omitted)
Epitomator(German m.) epitomator
Epitome(English, German f.) a series of extracts from or condensed version of a written work, an abridgment, a compendium
Epitome musicale, l' (1556)short form of the title of Epitome musical, sons et accordz, es voix humaines, fleustes d'Alleman, fluestes ... neuf trous, violes, et violons, written by Philibert Jambe de Fer (c.1520-c.1566), published in Lyon, and which includes information about the recorder, the transverse flute, the viola da gamba and members of the violin family
Epitrachelion(English, German n. from Greek) the liturgical vestment worn by priests and bishops of the Orthodox Church as the symbol of their priesthood, corresponding to the Western stole
Épître(French f.) epistle
Épîtres farcies(French f. pl., literally 'glossed or farsed epistles') vernacular contrafacta of tunes such as the hymn Veni creator, commenting on the Latin epistles. A farse was a word or phrase inserted into the ordained words of prayers and of the Roman Catholic Mass. From the 9th to the 12th centuries, tropes (extra phrases) began to be added both to the music and to the texts of the Latin liturgy
epixyl(German) epixylic, epixylous
Epixylicgrowing on wood surfaces
epixylisch(German) epixylic, epixylous
Epizentrum(German n.) epicentre
Epizeuxisalso palilogia or diacope, the uninterrupted repetition of a single word or phrase, or repetition with only one or two words between each repeated word or phrase
Epizykel(German m.) epicycle
epizyklisch(German) epicyclic
Epizykloide(German f.) epicycloid
éploré(French) tearful
Épluche-légumes(French m.) (potato) peeler
Épluchage(French m.) peeling, scrutiny (figurative)
éplucher(French) to peel, to scrutinize (figurative)
Épluchure(French f.) piece of peel, peeling
Épluchures(French f. pl.) peelings
EPNdBabbreviation of 'effective perceived noise decibels'
EPNSabbreviation of 'electroplated nickel silver'
Época medieval(Spanish f.) medieval period
Épocas anteriores(Spanish f.) earlier times
Epochera, a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
epochal(English, German) highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era
Epoche (s.), Epochen (pl.)(German f.) era, epoch, age (era)
Epoche machen(German) to be epoch-making
Epoche machend(German) epoch-making
epochemachend(German) epoch-making
epochenübergreifend(German) epoch-spanning
Epoch-makingan event so significant and momentous as to characterize the beginning or making of the beginning of a period
Epode(from the Greek) the concluding part of an ode
e poi(Italian) and then
e poi la coda(Italian) and then to the coda
e poi segue la coda(Italian) and then follows the coda
Epoista writer of epic poetry
Éponge(French f.) sponge
éponge, baguette d'(French f.) a sponge-headed drum stick
éponger(French) to sponge up (liquid), to sponge down (a surface), to mop, to wipe out (debts)
Eponym(English, German n.) a word that is derived from the proper name of a person or place
eponym(German) eponymous
Eponymousbeing or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym
Eponymous archonan official in classical Athens. The holder of this office arranged the production of tragedies and comedies at annual festivals honouring Dionysus. Each year was named after the officiating eponymous archon
Eponymus(German m.) eponym (person for whom something is named)
Épopée(French f.) epic, an epic poem, epic poetry in general
Époque(French f.) time, period
Époque classique(French f.) Classical period
Époque de la Renaissance(French f.) Renaissance period
Époque médiévale(French f.) Medieval period
Époque romantique(French f.) Romantic period
EPOSabbreviation of 'electronic point of sale'
Epos(German n., Greek) epic poem, a sequence of unwritten narrative poems put together later into epic poems, a series of heroic events considered fit to be recorded in an epic
époumoner(French) to tire the lungs
Épouse(French f.) wife
épouser(French) to marry
(French) to assume (shape, idea), to embrace, to adopt
épousseter(French) to dust
époustouflant (m.), époustouflante (f.)(French) staggering
épouvantable(French) appalling
Épouvantail(French m.) scarecrow
Épouvante(French f.) terror
épouvanter(French) to terrify
Époux(French m.) husband
époux, les(French) the married couple
Epoxid (s.), Epoxide (pl.)(German n.) epoxy
Epoxidgießharz(German n.) epoxy casting resin
Epoxidharz (s.), Epoxidharze (pl.)(German n.) epoxy resin
Epoxidharzklebstoff(German m.) epoxy resin adhesive
Epoxidharzlack(German m.) epoxy enamel, epoxy resin varnish
Epoxidharz-Streckmittel(German n.) epoxy resin extender
epoxidiert(German) epoxy-enhanced
Epoxidpulver(German n.) epoxy powder
Epoxy (adhesive)a two-part adhesive that cures (dries) by chemical interaction between the two parts
Epoxyd(German n.) epoxy
EPRabbreviation of 'ethylene-propylene rubber'
Épreuve(French f.) test, event (sporting), ordeal, print (photograph), proof (printer's)
Épreuve de qualification(French f.) qualifying heat (sport, etc.), qualifying round (sport, etc.)
épris (m.), éprise (m.)(French) captivated, on the point of falling in love
EPROMabbreviation of 'erasable programmable read-only memory'
éprouvé(French) proven, well-proven
éprouvant (m.), éprouvante (f.)(French) testing
éprouver(French) to test, to experience, to distress
Éprouvette(French f.) test-tube
Epsilon(English, German n., Greek) the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (Ε, ε)
EPTabbreviation of 'ethylene-propylene terpolymer' (a synthetic rubber)
Eptacorde(French f.) a scale of seven notes
(French) the interval of a seventh
a seven-stringed lyre of the Greeks
Eptacordo(Italian m.) eptacorde
Eptamérideor heptaméride, 1/301 part of an octave. Both spellings are used by Sauveur (see méride and savart). Sauveur's rule to find the number of eptamérides of intervals smaller than 7/6 is as follows: multiply the difference of numerator and denominator with 875 and divide by the sum of numerator and denominator and round the result to the nearest integer. This is known as the bimodular method of approximating logarithms and can be used for other measures as well
Eptanissian music(Greek) or 'Heptanesian cantatha', the songs of the Ionian islands, which during the Ottoman period of mainland Greece were under Italian rule and influence. The songs known as Eptanissian, became the forerunners of the Greek modern song
épuisé(French) out of print (book, etc.)
épuisé (m.), épuisée (f.)(French) exhausted, worn out
Épuisement(French m.) exhaustion
épuiser(French) to exhaust (tire)
Épuisette(French f.) fishing-net
Epulis(English, German f.) a tumour of the gums, usually found between the teeth
Épuration(French f.) purification, purge (politics)
épurer(French) to purify, to purge (politics)
Epus.abbreviation of Episcopus (Latin: Bishop)
Epyllion (s.), Epyllia (pl.)(English, German n., Greek, diminutive of epos) a miniature epic poem, resembling an epic in metre and/or style but not in length
eq.abbreviation of 'equal', 'equate', 'equation', 'equator', 'equatorial', 'equipment', 'equity', 'equivalent'
eqnabbreviation of 'equation'
eqptabbreviation of 'equipment'
equabile(Italian) equable
(Italian) even, uniform, alike, equal
equabilmente(Italian) equably, similarly, smoothly, evenly
Equador(German n.) Ecuador
Equale (s.), Equali (pl.)(Italian, literally 'equal') or eguale, in 18th- and early 19th-centuries, the music for a funeral quartet of trombones
music for any quartet where all the instruments are the same
Equal counterpointcounterpoint using equal temperament
Equal interval methodLyle "Spud" Murphy spent many years teaching his composing and arranging process and among the noted musicians who trained under him were the pianists Oscar Peterson, Herbie Hancock and Gerald "Wig" Wiggins, the trumpeter Quincy Jones and the flautist Buddy Collette. David Blumberg, who wrote arrangements for the Grammy-winning Ray Charles album Genius Loves Company, teaches courses on Murphy's method, which he describes as "a simple way to deal with 12 notes by using six intervals. And that use of six intervals, when mastered, would allow anyone to write any style of music freely." The method, says Blumberg, "is an encyclopaedia of musical tools that you can use all your life"
Equalisation(English, German f.) the result of using a device called an 'equaliser'
Equaliser(English, German m.) or 'equalizer', a device, which allows attenuation or emphasis of selected frequencies in the audio spectrum. Equalizers usually contain many bands to allow the user a fine degree of frequency control over the sound
Equalizer(English, German m.) see 'equaliser'
Equalizzatore(Italian m.) equaliser
Equal-loudness contoura measure of sound pressure (dB SPL), over the frequency spectrum, for which a listener perceives a constant loudness. The unit of measurement for loudness levels is the phon, and by definition two sine waves that have equal phons are equally loud
equalmente(Italian) evenly, alike
Equal temperamenttemperamento igual (Spanish), temperamento equabile (Italian), tempérament égal (French), gleichschwebende Stimmung (German)
the modern method of tuning, also called '12-tet', '12-eq', '12edo', '12-et' or '12-equal', where the interval of an octave is exact (2:1) and the interval, expressed as the ratio of the two frequencies, between each successive semitone is equal to the twelfth root of 2 (i.e. 2^(1/12))
Tom Dent, in a contribution to the clavichord yahoo group, writes "Every equal temperament can be obtained by dividing the octave into equal intervals. Every equal temperament (including those with 19, 31, etc. notes per octave) is regular, but not every regular temperament is equal. A regular temperament is equal if and only if it has a closed cycle of fifths - i.e. you get back to the starting pitch after a fixed number of steps."

frequency Hz (octaves)









































































by removing the twelfth root of the Pythagorean comma from each interval in a chain of twelve fifths (3/2), the Pythagorean 3-limit scale is tempered to fit the 2-limit equal temperament (based on powers of 2/1)
various equal temperaments:12-tone : 19-tone : 22-tone : 24-tone : 31-tone : 53-tone : 72-tone
Equal voicesoriginally the term applied to choral works where all the voices were identical, for example, sopranos
the term is now used to indicated all voices of the same type, i.e. boy's voices (soprano and alto), women's voices (soprano, mezzo-soprano and contralto) or male voices (tenor, baritone and bass)
Équateur(French m.) equator
Équation(French f.) equation
Equatorthe great circle on the surface of a body formed by the intersection of the surface of the body and the plane passing through the centre of the body at right angles to the axis of rotation
équatorial(French) equatorial
Équatorial (s.) équatoriaux (pl.)(French m.) equatorial
Équerre(French f.) set square, square
Équestrienne(pseudo-French) a female horse-rider, a female circus rider
this word does not exist in standard French
equil.abbreviation of 'equilibrium'
Equilibre(French m.) balance
équilibré(French) well-balanced
équilibrer(French) to balance
Equilibrist (m.), Equilibristin (German f.)(English, German) tightrope walker
Équilibriste(French m./f.) tightrope walker
Equilibrium(Latin) a state of even balance, neutrality or indifference in judgment
equinophob(German) equinophobic
Equinophobiaa morbid fear of horses
Equinophobie(German f.) equinophobia
Équinoxe(French m.) equinox
equip.abbreviation of 'equipment'
Equipage (s.), Equipagen (German pl.)(English, German f.) equipment or furnishings, horse-drawn carriage with attendants, a retinue (as of a noble or royal personage), a set of household articles (for example, a tea service), a collection of small articles for personal use
Équipage(French m.) crew
Equipamento(Portuguese) 'gear' (the colloquial term for the equipment of a band)
Equipe(German f.) team
Équipe(French f) team
Équipe de jour(French f.) day shift
Équipe de nuit(French f.) night shift
Équipée(French f.) escapade
Equipment(English, German n.) an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
Équipement(French m.) equipment
Équipements(French m. pl.) amenities, facilities
équiper(French) to equip
équiper de(French) to equip with
Équipier (m.), Équipière (f.)(French) team member
Equisonancethe consonance of the unison and its octaves
Equisonantof the same, or like sound (thus, a unison, octaves, double octave, etc.)
in guitar music, a term used to express the different ways of stopping the same note
Equisonnance(French) the consonance of the unison and its octaves
Equisono(Italian) equisonant (i.e. in unison, octaves, double octave, etc.)
équitable(French) fair
équitablement(French) fairly
Équitation(French f.) riding, horse-riding
Équité(French f.) equity
equiv.abbreviation of 'equivalent'
Équivalence(French f.) equivalence
Équivalence des octaves(French f.) octave equivalence
Equivalence intervalalso called 'interval of equivalence' or 'formal octave' is that interval (much larger than a unison) which, when it occurs between two pitches, they are considered to be, in some sense, (formally if not perceptibly) the same note. For most scales this is the octave 2:1
équivalent (m.), équivalente (f.)(French) equivalent
Equivalente enarmónica(Spanish f.) enharmonic equivalent
Equivalent rectangular bandwidththe equivalent rectangular bandwidth or 'ERB' is a measure used in psychoacoustics
équivaloir à(French) to be equivalent to
équivaut(French) is equivalent to
equivocado(Spanish) mistaken
Equivocalchords that by a slight change in notation belong to more than one key
Equivocal chorda chord which can be resolved into several distinct keys, one whose intervals, being all minor thirds, do not clearly indicate its fundamental tone or root, i.e. the diminished triad, and the diminished seventh chord
Equivocale(Italian) equivocal
equivocarse(Spanish) to be mistaken
Equivoquesee 'pun'
Équivoque(French f.) ambiguity
équivoque(French) equivocal, questionable
ERabbreviation of Eduardus Rex (Latin: King Edward), Elizabeth Regina (Latin: Queen Elizabeth), 'efficiency report', 'emergency room'
erabbreviation of 'elder'
er (m.), sie (f.)(German) he (m.), she (f.), it
Érable(French m.) Ahorn (German m.), Esdoorn (Dutch), legno di acero (Italian m.), maple
Erachten(German n.) opinion
erachten(German) to consider
erachten als(German) to deem
erachtend(German) deeming, considering
erachten für(German) to deem
erachtet(German) deemed, considered
Eradikation(German f.) eradication
érafler(French) to scratch
Éraflure(French f.) scratch
erahnen(German) to have a presentiment, to surmise, to conjecture, to guess
éraillé (m.), érailleé (f.)(French) raucous (voice, etc.)
er allein(German) he alone
E'raqyehan Egyptian oboe
erarbeiten(German) to work (hard) for, to develop, to acquire, to compile
erarbeitet(German) elaborates, acquired
Er arbeitet von früh bis spät.(German) He works from morning to night.
Erarbeitung(German f.) working out, preparation, development
Eras.abbreviation of 'Desiderius Erasmus' (Dutch scholar and humanist (1466-1536))
erasmisch(German) Erasmian
Erb-(German) hereditary (prefix)
Erbanlage (s.), Erbanlagen (pl.)(German f.) genes, genetic make-up, genetic endowment, hereditary factor
Erbanspruch(German m.) hereditary title
Erbärmdebild(German n.) an artwork presenting Jesus as the Man of Sorrows
Erbarmen(German n.) pity, commiseration, compassion, mercy
erbarmenswert(German) pitiable
erbarmenswerter Zustand(German m.) pitiable condition
erbärmlich(German) depressingly, paltrily, paltry, piteous, piteously, pitiful, pitifully, beggarly, pitiable, wretched, pathetic, miserable, abject, wimpy, measly (colloquial), disgraceful, abjectly, wretchedly, deplorable, pathetically (contemptibly), sadly
erbärmliche Not(German f.) poor need
erbärmlicher Anblick(German m.) pitiable sight
erbärmlicher Trick(German m.) pitiful trick
erbärmlicher Versuch(German m.) wretched attempt
erbärmlicher Wicht(German m.) miserable wretch
erbärmlicher Zustand(German m.) beggary
erbärmliche Umstände(German pl.) miserable circumstances
erbärmliche Zustände(German pl.) squalor
Erbärmlichkeit(German f.) piteousness, pitifulness, scabbiness, wretchedness, abjectness (misery)
erbärmlich schwache Entschuldigung(German f.) sorry excuse
erbärmlichste(German) most pathetic
erbärmlich zumute sein(German) to feel wretched
erbarmungslos(German) merciless, pitiless, without mercy, without remorse, remorselessly, remorseless, relentless, inexorable, pitilessly, unrelenting, inexorably, mercilessly
erbarmungslose Hitze(German f.) pitiless heat
erbarmungsloser Wettkampf(German m.) rat race
erbarmungsvoll(German) compassionate
erbarmungswürdig(German) heartrendering, pitiable, pitiful
erbat(German) requested
erbauen(German) to construct, to edify, to uplift (figurative), to elevate (person, spirit)
erbauend(German) edifyingly
Erbauer (m.), Erbauerin (f.), Erbauer (pl.)(German) constructor, erector, builder
erbaulich(German) elevating, edifying, inspiring, uplifting (story, tale)
Erbausstattung(German f.) genotype
erbaut(German) edifies, edified, built, erected
erbaute(German) edified
erbaut von(German) built by (palace, cathedral, etc.)
Erbauung(German f.) edification, uplifting
Erbauungsbuch(German n.) devotional book
Erbauungsliteratur(German f.) devotional literature
Erbauungsschrift(German f.) devotional work, devotional writing
Erbbaurecht(German n.) building lease, leasehold
Erbbauzins(German m.) ground rent
Erbbegräbnis(German n.) family vault
erbberechtigt(German) entitled to inherit, inheritable
Erbberechtigte(German pl.) legal heirs
erbbiologisch(German) genetic
Erbe (s.), Erbin (f.), Erben (pl.), Erbinnen ( m.) heir, inheritor, successor, inheritance, legacy, bequest, heritage, heiress (f.), inheritrix (f.), inheritress (f.)
erbeben(German) to shudder, to quake, to tremble (with fear)
erbeben lassen(German) to thrill
erbeigen(German) allodial (inalienable, owned freely and is clear of any encumbrances such as liens or mortgages)
erben(German) to inherit, to come into one's inheritance, to come into (protperty, etc.)
erbend(German) inheriting
erbeten(German) requested
erbetene Daten(German pl.) requested data
erbeuten(German) to capture, to entrap, to come into one's hands, to acquire, to attain, to obtain, to catch, to grapple, to bag (colloquial), to carry off, to prey
erbeutend(German) capturing
erbeutet(German) captured
erbfähig(German) able to inherit, inheritable
Erbfähigkeit(German f.) ability to inherit
Erbfaktor (s.), Erbfaktoren (pl.)(German m.) gene, (hereditary) factor
Erbfehler(German m.) hereditary defect
Erbfeind (s.), Erbfeinde (pl.)(German m.) hereditary enemy
Erbfolge(German f.) succession
Erbfolgegesetz(German n.) law of succession
Erbfolgekrieg(German m.) war of succession
Erbgang(German m.) succession
Erbgut(German n.) allodium, genotype, genetic makeup
erbgutschädigend(German) genetically harmful
erbgutverändernd(German) mutagenic
erbiete(German) offer to
erbietend(German) offering to
erbietet(German) offers to
Erbinformation(German f.) genetic information
erbitten(German) to ask for, to request, to solicit, to petition
erbittend(German) requesting
erbittern(German) to exacerbate, to embitter
erbitternd(German) exacerbating
erbittert(German) amareggiato (Italian), embittered, acrimonious, exacerbates, rancorous, exacerbated, rancorously, acrimoniously, desperate, fierce, fiercely, intense, hard-fought, bitter, verbittert (German), aigri (French)
erbitterte Debatte(German f.) acrimonious debate
erbitterte Feindschaft(German f.) bitter enmity
erbitterte Jagd(German f.) desperate hunt
erbitterter Feind (s.), erbitterte Feinde (pl.)(German m.) bitter enemy
erbitterter Hass(German m.) bitter hatred
erbitterter Kampf (s.), erbitterte Kämpfe (pl.)(German m.) tough fight, bitter struggle, desperate fight, fierce struggle
erbitterter Schlag(German m.) desperate blow
erbitterter Streit(German m.) fierce quarrel
erbitterter Wettkampf(German m.) sharp contest
erbitterter Widerstand(German m.) formidable opposition
erbitterter Zweikampf(German m.) grudge match (figurative)
erbittertes Ringen(German n.) desperate struggle
Erbitterung (s.), Erbitterungen (pl.)(German f.) exacerbation, exasperation, agitation (exacerbation), animus
Erbkrankheit(German f.) hereditary disease, genetic disease, inherited disease, genetic disorder, congenital disorder, congenital disease
erblassen(German) to turn pale, to blench, to fade
erblassend(German) turning pale, growing pale
Erblasser (m.), Erblasserin (f.), Erblasser (pl.), Erblasserinnen ( testator, decedent, testatrix (f.), testatrixes (, testatrices (
Erblast(German f.) dead hand
Erblehre(German f.) study of heredity
erbleichen(German) to blanch, to bleach, to blench, to change colour, to go pale, to turn pale
erbleichend(German) blanching
erbleicht(German) bleached
erblich(German) hereditarily, hereditary, heritable, hereditable, inheritable
erblich bedingt sein(German) to be inherited
erblich (bedingt) sein(German) to run in the family (disease)
erblich sein(German) to be inherited
erblich vorbelastet sein(German) to have an inherited defect
erbliche Ritterschaft(German f.) baronetage, baronetcy
Erblichkeit(German f.) heredity, heritability
erblicken(German) to catch sight (of), to behold, to catch sight of, to clap eyes on, to get sight
erblickend(German) seeing, beholding
erblickt(German) seen, beheld
erblickte flüchtig(German) glimpsed
erblinden(German) to go blind, to darken, to lose one's vision, to lose one's eyesight
erblindend(German) going blind
erblindet(German) gone blind
Erblindung(German f.) blindness, loss of sight
erblühen(German) to bloom, to blossom
erblühend(German) blossoming, blooming
erblühen zu(German) to blossom into
Erbmasse (s.), Erbmassen (pl.)(German f.) genotype
Erbmaterial(German n.) genetic material
Erbmonarch(German m.) hereditary monarch
Erbmonarchie(German f.) hereditary monarchy
Erbonkel(German m.) rich uncle
erbosen(German) to incense
erbost(German) angered, angry, furious, incensed
Erbpachtgrundstück(German n.) leasehold
erbpachtrechtliche Überlassung(German f.) building-lease
Erbprinz (m.), Erbprinzessin (f.)(German) heir to the throne, hereditary prince (m.), heir to the throne (f.)
Erbquote(German f.) proportional right to an inheritance
erbrach(German) regurgitated, vomitted
erbracht(German) adduced, rendered (profit, service, etc.)
erbrachte Dienstleistungen(German pl.) services rendered
erbrachte Leistungen(German pl.) services rendered
erbrechen(German) to vomit, to break, to break open, to purge (vomit)
Erbrechen(German n.) regurgitation, vomitting
erbrechend(German) regurgitating, vomitting
Erbrecht(German n.) law of succession, right to an inheritance, right of succession, right to succeed, claim to an inheritance, hereditary right, law of inheritance, inheritance law
erbricht(German) regurgitates
erbringen(German) to adduce, to yield, to bring, to effect, to generate, to perform, to produce, to render, to bring forth
erbringend(German) adducing
erbrochen(German) regurgitated
Erbrochenes(German n.) vomit
Erbschaft (s.), Erbschaften (pl.)(German f.) heritage, inheritance, legacy, inheritage
Erbschaftsabtretungsurkunde(German f.) deed of variation
Erbschaftsausschlagung(German f.) renouncement of inheritance
Erbschaftsplanung(German f.) estate planning
Erbschaftsschulden(German pl.) debts of the estate
Erbschaftssteuer (s.), Erbschaftssteuern (pl.)(German f.) death duties, estate tax, inheritance tax
Erbschaftsteuer(German f.) death duties, inheritance tax
Erbschleicher (m.), Erbschleicherin (f.)(German) legacy hunter
Erbschleicherei(German f.) legacy hunting
Erbse (s.), Erbsen (pl.)(German f.) pea, pease (archaic)
erbsenähnlich(German) pealike
Erbsenbrei(German m.) mushy peas
erbsenförmig(German) pea-shaped, pisiform
erbsengroß(German) pea-sized, the size of a pea
Erbsengrün(German n.) pea green
erbsengrün(German) pea-green
Erbsenhülse(German f.) pea pod
Erbsenmus(German n.) mushy peas
Erbsen pulen(German) to pod (peas)
Erbsenpüree(German n.) pea puree, mushy peas
Erbsen schälen(German) to shell peas
Erbsensuppe(German f.) pea soup
Erbsentopf(German m.) pea soup
Erbsenzähler (s./pl.)(German m.) bean counter (colloquial/derogatory: accountant)
Erbsenzählerei(German f.) bean counting (colloquial/derogatory: accountancy)
Erbspüree(German n.) pea puree, mushy peas
Erbstreitigkeit(German f.) inheritance dispute
Erbstück(German n.) heirloom
Erbsünde(German f.) original sin
Erbswurst(German f.) dried, ground peas compressed into sausage shape
erbt(German) inherits
erbte(German) inherited
Erbteil (s.), Erbteile (pl.)(German n.) portion of an inheritance (also m.), inherited trait
Erbteilung(German f.) division of the estate
Erbtochter(German f.) daughter-heir (the inheriting daughter)
Erbuntertänigkeit(German f.) hereditary serfdom
Erbverzicht(German m.) renunciation of inheritance
Erd-(German) terrestrial, earth (prefix)
Erdabsenkung(German f.) (ground) subsidence
Erdachse(German f.) axis of the earth
erdacht(German) conceived (thought up)
erdähnlich(German) earth-like
Erdanhäufung(German f.) bank of earth
Erdanschluss(German m.) earth connection, earthing (electricity)
Erdantenne(German f.) ground aerial
Erdanziehung(German f.) earth's gravitational pull
Erdanziehungskraft(German f.) gravity, force of gravity, gravitational force
Erdapfel (s.), Erdäpfel (pl.)(German m. - Austria, Southern Germany) potato
Erdäpfelkoch(German n. - Austria, Southern Germany) mashed potatoes
Erdäpfelpüree(German n. - Austria, Southern Germany) mashed potatoes
Erdäpfelsalat(German m. - Austria, Southern Germany) potato salad
Erdartischocke(German f.) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
Erdatmosphäre(German f.) atmosphere of the earth, Earth's atmosphere
Erdbagger(German m.) excavator
Erdbahn(German f.) earth's orbit
Erdball(German m.) globe, terrestrial globe
Erdbeben(German n.) earthquake, quake, convulsion, tremor
Erdbebengebiet(German n.) quake-hit area
Erdbebengefahr(German f.) earthquake risk
Erdbebenherd(German m.) seismic centre
Erdbebenkunde(German f.) seismology
Erdbebenmesser(German m.) seismograph
Erdbebenopfer(German pl.) earthquake victims
Erdbebenregion(German f.) earthquake area
Erdbebenschaden (s.), Erdbebenschäden (pl.)(German m.) earthquake damage
erdbebensicher(German) earthquake-proof, quakeproof (colloquial), earthquake-resistant
erdbebensicher machen(German) to (make) quakeproof (colloquial)
Erdbeben von Lissabon(German n.) Great Lisbon Earthquake (1 November 1755)
Erdbebenwarte(German f.) seismological station
Erdbebenwelle(German f.) seismic wave
Erdbeerblüte(German f.) strawberry flower
Erdbeerbowle(German f.) strawberry punch
Erdbeere (s.), Erdbeeren (pl.)(German f.) strawberry
Erdbeereis(German n.) strawberry ice cream
Erdbeeren mit Sahne(German pl.) strawberries and cream
Erdbeerernte(German f.) strawberry picking
erdbeerfarben(German) strawberry-coloured
Erdbeergeschmack(German m.) strawberry flavour
Erdbeerjoghurt(German m.) strawberry yogurt
Erdbeerkaltschale(German f.) cold strawberry soup
Erdbeerkonfitüre(German f.) strawberry jam
Erdbeerkuchen(German m.) strawberry tart, strawberry pie
Erdbeerlikör(German m.) strawberry liqueur
Erdbeermark(German n.) strawberry puree
Erdbeermarmelade(German f.) strawberry preserves, strawberry jam
Erdbeerpflanzen(German pl.) strawberry plants
erdbeerrot(German) strawberry red
Erdbeersorbet(German n.) strawberry sorbet
Erdbeersoße(German f.) strawberry sauce
Erdbeertorte(German f.) strawberry cake
Erdbeerzeit(German f.) strawberry season
Erdbeobachtungssatellit(German m.) earth-viewing satellite
Erdbeschleunigung(German f.) gravity, force of gravity, acceleration due to gravity
Erdbeschleunigungskonstante(German f.) gravitational constant
Erdbeschreibung(German f.) geography
Erdbestattung(German f.) burial (in the earth, in a grave)
Erdbewohner (m.), Erdbewohnerin (f.), Erdbewohner (pl.), Erdbewohnerinnen ( terrestrial
Erdbirne(German f.) groundnut (Apios americana)
Erdbirne(German f.) potato
Erdboden(German m.) ground, earth, soil
Erdbohrer(German m.) auger, trepan, auger drill
Erdbraun(German n.) earth brown
erdbraun(German) earth brown, earthy-brown
Erdbrocken(German m.) hard clump of earth
Erddraht(German m.) ground wire, earthing wire
Erddrehung(German f.) earth's rotation
Erde (s.), Erden (pl.)(German f.) terra, Earth, ground, soil, ground, earth, world
Erde zu Erde(German) dust to dust
Erdeichhörnchen(German n.) gopher
erdelos(German) soilless
erden(German) to earth (electricity)
Erdenball(German m.) globe
Erdenbürger(German m.) mortal
erdenfern(German) far from the earth
erdenkbar(German) devisable
erdenken(German) to conceive, to construct, to devise, to think up
erdenklich(German) imaginable, imaginably, conceivable, conceivably
Erdenkloß(German m.) clod of dirt, clod of earth
Erdenrund(German n.) world
Erderschütterung(German f.) convulsion, convulsion of nature
Erderwärmung(German f.) global warming
Erdfall(German m.) depression
Erdfarbe(German f.) earth colour
erdfarben(German) earth-coloured
erdfarbene Brauntöne(German pl.) earthy browns
Erdferne(German f.) apogee
Erdgas(German n.) natural gas
erdgebunden(German) earthbound, pedestrian
Erdgegend(German f.) area on Earth
Erdgeist(German m.) the 'Earth Spirit' or 'Spirit of the Earth' whom Johann Wolfgang von Goethe describes in Faust, Part 1, widely considered to be one of the greatest works in the history of German literature. Goethe depicts Erdgeist as a timeless being who endlessly weaves at the Time-Loom - both in life and in death. In this conception, Erdgeist is the means by which the immaterial becomes manifest
in the German language, erdgeist literally means Earth spirit. In the context of German folklore, erdgeist specifically refers to a gnome, the quintessential earth elemental invented by Paracelsus
  • Erdgeist from which both entries have been taken
Erdgeschichte(German f.) history of earth
erdgeschichtlich jung(German) geologically young
Erdgeschoß(German n., old form) ground floor
Erdgeschoss (s.), Erdgeschosse (pl.)(German n.) downstairs, ground floor, first floor (US), ground storey
Erdgeschossarkaden(German pl.) ground floor arcade
Erdgestalt(German f.) shape of the Earth
Erdgleiche(German f.) ground level
Erdgöttin(German f.) earth goddess
Erdgravitation(German f.) earth's gravity
Erdhälfte(German f.) hemisphere
Erdharz(German n.) bitumen
Erdhöhle(German f.) burrow
Erdhörnchen(German n.) gopher, ground squirrel
Erdhügel(German m.) mound, mound of earth
Erdhütte(German f.) pit-dwelling
erdichten(German) to invent
erdichtet(German) romanced, invents, fictional, fictionally, bogus, fabled, fictitious, invented
erdichtete(German) invented
Erdichtung(German f.) fiction
erdig(German) earthy
erdig braun(German) earthy-brown
erdiger(German) earthier
Erdigkeit(German f.) earthiness
erdigste(German) earthiest
Erdinnere(German n.) Earth's interior
Erdkabel(German n.) buried cable, underground cable
Erdkeller(German m.) earth cellar
Erdkern(German n.) Earth's core
Erdklima(German n.) global climate
Erdklumpen(German m.) ball of earth, clod of earth, lump of earth
Erdkörper(German m.) terrestrial body
Erdkreis(German m.) globe, world
Erdkröte(German f.) common toad (Bufo bufo), European toad
Erdkrume(German f.) (top) soil
Erdkrümmung(German f.) earth's curvature, curvature of the earth
Erdkruste(German f.) Earth's crust
Erdkugel(German f.) globe, terrestrial globe
Erdkunde (s.), Erdkunden (pl.)(German f.) geography
Erdkundelehrer (m.), Erdkundelehrerin (f.)(German) geography teacher
erdkundlich(German) geographical, geographic
Erdleiter(German m.) earth wire, earthing wire, ground wire
Erdleitung(German f.) earth return, ground connection, earth wire. earthing wire
Erdling(German m.) earthling, earthman
Erdloch (s.), Erdlöcher (pl.)(German n.) dugout (shelter), hole in the ground
erdlotfeste Gierachse(German f.) vertical axis
Erdmagnetfeld(German n.) earth's magnetic field
Erdmagnetismus(German m.) terrestrial magnetism, magnetism of the Earth, geomagnetism
Erdmantel(German m.) arth's mantle
Erdmutter(German f.) earth mother
Erdnähe(German f.) perigee
erdnaher Asteroid(German m.) near-Earth asteroid, earth-grazer (asteroid)
Erdneuzeit(German f.) Cenozoic (approximately the last 63 million years)
Erdnuss (s.), Erdnüsse (pl.)(German f.) peanut, groundnut, ground-nut, monkey nut (colloquial)
Erdnussanbau(German m.) peanut growing
Erdnussbutter(German f.) peanut butter
Erdnussgröße(German f.) size of a peanut
Erdnusskrokant(German m.) peanut brittle
Erdnuss-Krokant(German m.) peanut brittle
Erdnussöl(German n.) peanut oil, groundnut oil, arachis oil, ground-nut oil
Erdnusspaste(German f.) peanut butter
Erdoberfläche(German f.) earth's surface, surface of the earth
Erdöl(German n.) petroleum, mineral oil, crude oil, kerosene
erdölbürtig(German) mineral oil based, petroleum-based
erdolchen(German) to stab to death
erdolchend(German) stabbing, stabbing to death
erdolcht(German) stabs to death, stabs, stabbed (to death)
erdolchte(German) stabbed, stabbed to death
Erdölderivat(German n.) petroleum product
Erdölerzeuger(German m.) oil producer
Erdölerzeugnis(German n.) petroleum product
erdölfördernd(German) oil-producing
erdölführend(German) petroliferous, oil-bearing
Erdölgesellschaft(German f.) oil company
Erdölharz(German n.) petroleum resin
Erdölkohlenwasserstoff(German m.) petroleum hydrocarbon
Erdölpipeline(German f.) oil pipeline
Erdölprodukt(German n.) petroleum product
Erdos-Zahl(German f.) Erdos number
Erdpech(German n.) bitumen
Erdpol(German m.) terrestrial pole
Erdpotential(German n.) earth potential
Erdrauschen(German n.) Earth's noise
Erdreich(German n.) soil
erdröhnen(German) to resound
erdrosseln(German) to strangle, to throttle, to garrotte
erdrosselnd(German) strangling, garroting, throttling
erdrosselt(German) garrotes, throttles, strangled
erdrosselte(German) garroted, throttled
Erdrotation(German f.) earth's rotation
erdrücken(German) to crush, to overwhelm, to crush to death
erdrückend(German) crushing, stifling, overwhelming, oppressive, overbearing, damning (evidence)
erdrückende Atmosphäre(German f.) stifling atmosphere
erdrückende Beweislast(German f.) overwhelming evidence
erdrückende Förmlichkeit(German f.) stifling formality
erdrückende Hitze(German f.) stifling heat
erdrückende Last(German f.) oppressiveness (of taxes)
erdrückt(German) crushed
Erdrutsch (s.), Erdrutsche (pl.)(German m.) landslip, slip, landslide
erdrutschartig(German) landslide, devastating (election defeat, election victory)
erdrutschartige Niederlage(German f.) devastating defeat
erdrutschartiger Sieg(German m.) landslide victory
Erdrutschsieg(German m.) landslide victory
Erdsatellit(German m.) earth satellite
Erdschatten(German m.) shadow of the earth
Erdscheibe(German f.) flat earth
Erdschicht (s.), Erdschichten (pl.)(German f.) stratum, layer of earth
Erdschlipf(German m.) landslide
Erdschnake(German f.) daddy longlegs (colloquial), crane fly
Erdscholle(German f.) clod (of earth)
Erdschwere(German f.) gravity, force of gravity
Erdsicht(German f.) (visual) ground contact
Erdspalte(German f.) crevice
Erdstoß (s.), Erdstöße (pl.)(German m.) convulsion, shock of earthquake, earth tremor
Erdstrahlen(German pl.) terrestrial radiation
Erdsymbol(German n.) symbol for ground, symbol for earth
Erdtank(German m.) buried tank, underground tank
Erdteil (s.), Erdteile (pl.)(German m.) continent, part of the world
Erdtöne(German pl.) earth tones, earthy tones (any of various rich warm colours with tones of brown)
Erdtrabant(German m.) Earth's moon
Erdüberdeckung(German f.) height above ground
erdulden(German) to undergo, to suffer, to endure, to tolerate
erduldend(German) undergoing, bearing
erduldet(German) suffers, undergoes, undergone
erduldete(German) suffered, undergone
Erdumdrehung(German f.) rotation of the earth
Erdumfang(German m.) circumference of the earth
erdumkreisend(German) orbiting (orbiting the earth)
Erdumkreisung(German f.) orbital flight, orbit around the earth
Erdumlaufbahn(German f.) (earth) orbit, orbit around the earth
Erdumsegelung(German f.) circumnavigation (of the globe, of the earth) (sailing)
Erdungseinrichtung(German f.) earthing device
Erdungssymbol(German n.) grounding symbol, earth symbol
Erdverkabelung(German f.) underground cabling
erdverlegt(German) buried
erdverlegtes Kabel(German n.) buried cable, underground cable
erdverlegtes Rohr(German n.) underground pipe
Erdvermessung(German f.) geodesy
erdverwurzelt(German) earthbound
Erdwachs(German n.) solid paraffin
Erdwall (s.), Erdwälle (pl.)(German m.) earthwork, mound, earth wall, dike, rampart, earth mound
Erdwärme(German f.) terrestrial heat, geothermics
Erdwärmekraftwerk(German n.) geothermal power station
erdwärts(German) earthward, earthwards
Erdwerk(German n.) earthwork
Erdwissenschaft (s.), Erdwissenschaften (pl.)(German f.) earth science, geoscience
Erdwohnung(German f.) dugout (shelter)
Erdwurm(German m.) earthworm
Erdzeitalter(German n.) era, geological era
Erdzweige(German pl.) earthly branches (astrology)
Ère(French f.) era
Erechtheion(German n.) Erechtheum
Erechtheuman ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens in Greece, containing famous examples of Ionic architecture
Érection(French f.) erection
Erede(Italian m./f.) heir, heiress (f.)
Erede universale(Italian m.) sole heir
Eredità(Italian f.) inheritance, heredity (biology)
ereditare(Italian) to inherit
ereditario(Italian) hereditary
ereifern(German) to get excited
ereifert(German) sputtered
Ereignis (s.), Ereignisse (pl.)(German n.) occurrence, event, incident, ongoing, happening, incidence, occasion, sensation
Ereignisablauf(German m.) course of events
Ereignisanzeige(German f.) event viewer
ereignisarm(German) uneventful
ereignisgesteuert(German) event-driven
Ereignishorizont(German m.) event horizon
ereignislos(German) uneventful, uneventfully, eventless
ereignisloses Leben(German n.) uneventful life
Ereignismenge(German f.) set of events
ereignisreich(German) eventful, eventfully
ereignisreicher Tag(German m.) eventful day
Ereignisse abwarten(German) to await events
Ereignisse ahnen(German) to anticipate events
Ereignisse der Zeitgeschichte(German pl.) chronicle of events
Ereignisse fallen zusammen(German) events coincide
Ereigniswahrscheinlichkeit(German f.) event probability
ereilen(German) to befall (fate) (literary)
ereilt(German) overtakes, befallen (fate) (literary)
ereilter(German) overtaken
éreinter(French) to exhaust, to criticize severely (figurative)
Eremeticalrelating to the life of a hermit
Eremit (m.), Eremitin (f.)(German) hermit, eremite, anchorite
Eremita(Italian m.) hermit
Eremitage(German f.) Hermitage (museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, one of the world's foremost houses of art)
Eremitea religious hermit, one who deliberately lives alone seeking spiritual enlightenment in the desert, forest, or wilderness
eremitenhaft(German) eremitical
Eremitentum(German n.) hermitism, eremitism
eremitisch(German) eremitic
eremophob(German) eremophobic
Eremophobiaan abnormal fear of being lonely
Eremophobie(German f.) eremophobia
Eremwu eua rhythmic a cappella song of the Garifuna of Honduras and Belize
ererben(German, dated) to inherit
ererbt(German) patrimonial, patrimonially, hereditary, ancestral, inbred, inherited
ererbte(German) inherited
Ererbtes(German n.) inheritance
Er erlangte vor allem als einer von Beethovens frühen Lehrern Berühmtheit.(German) His main claim to fame is that he was one of Beethoven's early teachers.
Er erschien nicht.(German) He failed to appear. He failed to turn up.
Er erweist sich als ein Tor.(German) It proves him to be a fool.
Eresia(Italian f.) heresy
Eres un anticuado(Spanish) you're so old-fashioned
erethisch(German) erethistic
Erethisman abnormal extreme irritability or sensitivity of an organ, tissue, etc.
Erethismus(German m.) erethism
Eretico(Italian m./f.) heretic
eretico(Italian) heretical
eretto(Italian) erect
Ereuthophobiamorbid fear of redlights, irrational fear of blushing, morbid fear of the colour red
Ereuthophobie(German f.) ereuthophobia
Erezione(Italian f.) erection, building
erfahrbar(German) tangible
erfahren(German) to learn, to come to a person's knowledge, to come to a person's notice, to come to know, to experience, to hear, to undergo, to suffer (to undergo)
(German) experienced, adept, adeptly, sophisticated, expert, practical, skilful, proficient, old hand, conversant, practised, seasoned (person), skilled, versed, veteran
erfahrend(German) experiencing
erfahren, dass(German) to learn that, to receive word that ...
erfahrene Person(German f.) cautious person, experienced person, seasoned person
erfahrener Angestellter(German m.) senior employee
erfahrener Arbeiter(German m.) old hand, seasoned worker, skilled workman
erfahrener Bediener(German m.) skilled operator
erfahrener Jurist(German m.) veteran lawyer
erfahrener Lehrer (m.), erfahrene Lehrerin (f.)(German) veteran teacher
erfahrener Mann(German m.) old hand
erfahrener Mitarbeiter(German m.) trouper
Erfahrenheit(German f.) adeptness, sophistication
erfahren im Umgang mit ... sein(German) to be adept at doing ...
erfahren in(German) conversant with
erfahren in geheimen Künsten(German) wise
erfahren sein(German) to have been around
erfahrenste(German) most experienced
erfahren von(German) to hear about
Erfahrung (s.), Erfahrungen (pl.)(German f.) experience, expert knowledge, know-how, empirical knowledge, lesson learned
Erfahrung benötigen(German) to need experience
Erfahrungen austauschen(German) to compare notes, to exchange experiences
Erfahrungen machen(German) to experience, to gain experience
Erfahrung in einem Bereich(German f.) experience in a field
Erfahrung mit Leuten(German f.) experience with people
Erfahrungs-(German) empirical (prefix)
Erfahrung sammeln(German) to gather experience, to gain experience
Erfahrungsaustausch(German m.) exchange of experiences
Erfahrungsbereich(German m.) field of experience
Erfahrungsbericht(German m.) progress report, report on one's experiences, experiential report
erfahrungsgemäß(German) empirical, empirically, experientially, from experience, empiric, as experience teaches
Erfahrungskurve(German f.) learning curve
Erfahrungsmangel(German m.) lack of experience
Erfahrungsregel(German f.) rule of thumb
Erfahrungssatz(German m.) empirical judgement
Erfahrungsschatz(German m.) wealth of experience
Erfahrungstatsache(German f.) rule of thumb
Erfahrungstheologie(German f.) empirical theology
Erfahrungswert (s.), Erfahrungswerte (pl.)(German m.) experience value, practical value, empirically established figure, figure based on experience
Erfahrungswissen(German n.) practical knowledge
Er fand es spaßig.(German) He found it funny.
Er fand viel Arbeit vor.(German) He found plenty of work to do.
erfand wieder(German) reinvented
erfassbar(German) penetrably, ascertainable
Erfassbarkeit(German f.) ascertainability, conceivableness
Erfassen(German n.) conception, grasp (comprehension)
erfassen(German) to apprehend, to capture, to gather, to embrace, to grasp (idea, concept), to record, to acquire, to realise, to collect, to comprehend, to conceive, to grasp, to include, to register, to account for, to cover, to hit (car), to understand (idea, concept), to appreciate (view), to key in (type in), to file, to sweep away (in a stream), to strike (hit), to carry away (in a stream), to catch (involve), to seize (anguish, anxiety), to list (data), to count (numerically)
erfassend(German) apprehending, conceptive
Erfassen von Daten(German n.) gathering of data
erfasst(German) includes, on target, seizes, ascertained
erfasste(German) seized
Erfassung(German f.) acquisition, coverage, gathering, logging, ascertainment, census, compilation, detection, registration, capture (data)
Erfassung der Fakten(German f.) finding of facts
Erfassung von Buchungen(German f.) recording of entries
Erfassung von Daten(German f.) acquisition of data, collection, collection of data
Erfassung von Information(German f.) acquisition of information
erfindbar(German) contrivable
erfinden(German) to invent, to weave, to forge, to cook up, to devise, to fabricate (a story, etc.), to trump up (a false accusation, excuse)
erfindend(German) contriving, inventing
Erfinder (m.), Erfinderin (f.)(German) deviser, inventor, forger, originator, contriver, innovator
Erfindergeist(German m.) inventive talent
erfinderisch(German) ingenious (person), imaginative, inventive, originative, resourceful, innovative, resourcefully
erfinderischer Geist(German m.) good contriver, inventive mind, original genius
erfinderisches Talent(German n.) constructive talent
Erfinder neuer Wörter(German m.) neoterist
Erfinderschutz(German m.) protection of inventors
Erfindervergütung(German f.) inventor's royalties
Er findet leicht Freunde.(German) He makes friends easily.
erfindet wieder(German) reinvents
Erfindung (s.), Erfindungen (pl.)(German f.) concoction, contrivance, figment, invention, widget (gadget), fabrication, fiction, device, brainchild (figurative)
Erfindung des Teufels(German f.) invention of the devil
Erfindungsgabe(German f.) contrivance, contrivancy, ingeniosity, ingenuity, inventiveness
Erfindungsgeist(German m.) ingeniosity
erfindungsgemäß(German) according to the invention, inventive
Erfindungshöhe(German f.) degree of invention
Erfindungsmeldung(German f.) invention disclosure
Erfindungspatent(German n.) invention patent
erfindungsreich(German) ingenious, inventive
Erfindungsreichtum(German m.) inventiveness, ingenuity
Erfindungsschutz(German m.) protection of inventions
Erfindungswert(German m.) invention value
erflehen(German) to crave
erfleht(German) craved
Er flocht seine Finger zwischen ihre.(German) He intertwined his fingers with hers.
Erfolg (s.), Erfolge (pl.)(German m.) prosperity, prosperousness, success, achievement, hit, performance, profit or loss, result, triumph
Erfolg anstreben(German) to aim at success
Erfolg der Arbeit(German m.) fruit of one's labours
Erfolg eines Unternehmens(German m.) success of a venture
erfolgen(German) to take place, to follow, to happen, to ensue (follow), to be made (payment)
Erfolg haben(German) to meet with success, to succeed, to achieve success, to attain success, to be successful, to make a hit, to obtain success, to score a success, to make the grade, to prevail, to thrive, to work out (be successful), to come off (to succeed)
Erfolg haben als(German) to succeed as
Erfolg habend(German) succeeding, prospering
Erfolg im Geschäft(German m.) success in business
Erfolg in Aussicht(German m.) success in sight
Erfolg kommt nicht von ungefähr.(German) Success is no accident.
erfolglos(German) failed, unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, failing, fruitless, ineffective, inefficient, negative, sterile, without results, without success, abortive, to no avail, of no avail, inefficacious, unlucky (unsuccessful), empty-handed, luckless (attempt), flopped (colloquial)
erfolglose Ausgabe(German f.) dead issue
erfolglose Pfändung(German f.) unsuccessful garnishment
erfolgloser(German) more unsuccessful
erfolgloser Anruf(German m.) ineffective call
erfolgloser Kandidat(German m.) failing candidate
erfolgloser Kandidat(German m.) also-ran (colloquial/figurative)
erfolgloser Versuch(German m.) unsuccessful attempt, failed attempt
erfolgloses Unterfangen(German n.) dead issue
erfolgloseste(German) most unsuccessful, least successful
erfolglose Unternehmen(German pl.) unsuccessful enterprises
Erfolglosigkeit (s.), Erfolglosigkeit (pl.)(German f.) failure, inefficacy, lack of success
erfolglos sein(German) to fail
erfolgreich(German) triumphant, prosperous, prosperously, successful, successfully, triumphantly, effective, effectively, efficient, lucky (archaic: successful), prolific, thriving (business), palmy (figurative)
erfolgreich beim Finden(German) successful in finding
erfolgreich beim Verkauf(German) successful in selling
erfolgreich durchführen(German) to bring off
erfolgreiche Ideen(German pl.) productive ideas
erfolgreiche Partei(German f.) bandwagon
erfolgreicher(German) more successful
erfolgreicher Abschluss(German m.) successful conclusion
erfolgreicher Außenseiter(German m.) dark horse (figurative)
erfolgreicher Bewerber(German m.) successful candidate
erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann(German m.) successful businessman
erfolgreicher Kandidat(German m.) successful candidate
erfolgreicher Kaufmann(German m.) prosperous merchant
erfolgreiche Seite(German f.) bandwagon
erfolgreiches Ergebnis(German n.) successful result
erfolgreiches Experiment(German n.) successful experiment
erfolgreiches Geschäftsunternehmen(German n.) prosperous business
erfolgreiches Wirtschaftsjahr(German n.) successful trading year
erfolgreich sein(German) to achieve success, to be a hit, to be a success, to be fortunate, to be successful, to catch on (colloquial), to meet with success, to prosper, to succeed, to be going places, to prevail
erfolgreichste(German) most successful
erfolgreich teilgenommen(German) successfully completed
erfolgreich umgehen(German) to deal successfully with a matter
erfolgsabhängig(German) profit-related, success-related, depending on success, profit-based, depending on good results
Erfolgsalbum(German n.) successful album, hit album
Erfolgsaussicht (s.), Erfolgsaussichten (pl.)(German f.) prospect of success
Erfolgsautor (m.), Erfolgsautorin (f.)(German) best seller, best-selling author, successful author
Erfolgsbeteiligung(German f.) profit-sharing
Erfolgsbilanz(German f.) record of success, track record
Erfolgsbuch(German n.) bestseller, best-selling book
Erfolgschance (s.), Erfolgschancen (pl.)(German f.) chance of success
Erfolgsdruck(German m.) pressure to succeed
Erfolgsduo(German n.) successful duo
Erfolgsentlohnung(German f.) payment by results
Erfolgserlebnis(German n.) sense of achievement, lift
Erfolgsfilm(German m.) hit film, successful film
Erfolgsgeheimnis(German n.) secret of success
Erfolgsgeschichte (s.), Erfolgsgeschichten (pl.)(German f.) track record, success story
Erfolgsgrundlage(German f.) basis for success
Erfolgshaftung(German f.) strict liability
Erfolgshonorar(German n.) contingency fee, success fee
erfolgshungrig(German) hungry for success
Erfolg sichern(German) to assure success, to ensure success
Erfolgsjahr(German n.) successful year
Erfolgskonto(German n.) profit and loss account
Erfolgskontrolle(German f.) measurement of results, testing
Erfolgskonzept(German n.) concept for success
Erfolgskurs(German m.) successful course
Erfolgsleiter(German f.) ladder of success
Erfolgslohn(German m.) incentive wage
Erfolgsmensch(German m.) achiever
erfolgsorientiert(German) success-oriented
Erfolgsprämie(German f.) success fee
Erfolgsquote(German f.) success rate
Erfolgsrate(German f.) success rate
Erfolgsrechnung (s.), Erfolgsrechnungen (pl.)(German f.) income statement, profit and loss account (pl.)
Erfolgsrezept(German n.) formula for success, recipe for success
Erfolgsschriftsteller (m.), Erfolgsschriftstellerin (pl.)(German) best-selling author
Erfolgsserie(German f.) winning streak, successful series, series of successes
erfolgssicher(German) assured of success
Erfolgssingle(German f.) hit single
Erfolgsstory(German f.) success story
erfolgsträchtig(German) very likely to be successful
Erfolgstrainer(German m.) successful manager
erfolgsversprechend(German) promising
erfolgsverwöhnt(German) spoiled by success
Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit(German f.) probability of success
Erfolgszahlen(German pl.) sales figures
erfolgt(German) takes place, ensued
erfolgversprechend(German) promising
Erfolg versprechend(German) promising
Erfolg voraussetzen(German) to augur success
Erfolg vorweisen(German) to produce success
erforderlich(German) demandable, needed, required, requisitely, necessary, as may be necessary, consequential, essential, needful, requisite, needfully
erforderliche Befähigung(German f.) necessary qualification
erforderliche Befähigungsnachweise(German pl.) required qualifications
erforderliche Dokumente(German pl.) documents required
erforderliche Genauigkeit(German f.) required accuracy
erforderliche Grenzpapiere(German pl.) documents required
erforderliche Größe(German f.) required size
erforderliche Information(German f.) information to be requested
erforderliche Maßnahmen(German pl.) necessary measures, required steps
erforderliche Qualifikation(German f.) necessary qualification, required qualification
erforderliche Schritte(German pl.) necessary steps, steps to be taken
erforderliche Voraussetzungen(German pl.) required qualifications
erforderliche Vorbereitungen(German pl.) necessary preparations
erforderliche Vorbildung(German f.) educational requirements
erforderliche Zeit(German f.) time required
erforderlichenfalls(German) if necessary, should the occasion arise
erforderlicher Bezugspunkt(German m.) relevant point of reference
Erforderlichkeit(German f.) necessity
erforderlich machen(German) to necessitate, to require
erforderlich sein(German) to be necessary, to be needed, to be required, to require
erforderlich zu(German) necessary for
erfordern(German) to require, to necessitate, to involve, to indicate, to demand, to warrant (require)
erfordernd(German) necessitating
Erfordernis (s.), Erfordernisse (pl.)(German n.) requisite, condition, demand, need, prerequisite, desideratum, desiderata (pl.), must, exigency, requirement (also f.)
Erfordernis der Sparsamkeit(German n.) need for economy
Erfordernissen genügen(German) to meet requirements
Erfordernissen nachkommen(German) to meet requirements
Erfordernis ... zu tun(German n.) need to do ...
erfordert(German) requested, required, necessitated
erforderte(German) necessitated
Erforderung (s.), Erforderungen (pl.)(German f.) entailment
erforschbar(German) plumbable, explorable
erforschen(German) to investigate, to delve into, to explore, to probe, to research
erforschend(German) investigating, delving, investigative, explorative, exploratory, investigatory
Erforscher(German m.) investigator, explorer
erforschlich(German, dated) searchable
erforscht(German) explored, investigated, delved
Erforschung (s.), Erforschungen (pl.)(German f.) exploration, investigation, probing, sounding, study, probe
Erforschung des Sachverhalts(German f.) fact finding
erfragen(German) to inquire, to enquire
Er fragt einem ein Loch in den Bauch.(German) He can't stop asking questions.
erfreuen(German) to please, to gladden, to gratify, to cheer, to comfort, to delectate, to delight, to regale (give delight to)
erfreuend(German) delighting, gladdening, gratifying, regaling, pleasing
erfreulich(German) joyful, beautifully, enjoyable, gratifying, gratifyingly, delectable, delightful, pleasant, delightfully, joyfully, rejoicing
erfreuliche Nachrichten(German pl.) pleasant news, pleasing news
erfreulicher(German) more delightful
erfreulicherweise(German) fortunately, happily, joyfully
Erfreulichkeit(German f.) enjoyableness
erfreulichste(German) most delightful
erfreut(German) delighted, gladdened, gladdens, regales, regaled, joyful, pleased, elated, jolly
erfreute(German) gladdened, regaled
erfreut sein, .... tun zu können(German) to be pleased to be able to do ...
erfreut über(German) pleased about, jolly over
erfreut zu hören(German) pleased to hear, rejoiced to hear
erfrieren(German) to freeze to death
erfrierend(German) freezing to death
Erfrierung(German f.) frostbite
Erfrierungen haben(German) to suffer (from) frostbite
erfrischen(German) to refresh, to brace, to freshen, to recreate
erfrischend(German) recreating, bracing, brisk, cooling, freshening, invigorating, refreshing
erfrischende Luft(German f.) lively air
erfrischender Wind(German m.) brisk wind
erfrischendes Getränk(German n.) refreshing drink
erfrischendes Klima(German n.) bracing climate
erfrischt(German) refreshes, refreshed
erfrischte(German) refreshed
Erfrischung (s.), Erfrischungen (pl.)(German f.) refreshment
Erfrischungen reichen(German) to serve refreshments
Erfrischungsgetränk (s.), Erfrischungsgetränke (pl.)(German n.) cooling drink, liquid refreshment, refreshing drink, soft drink
Erfrischungsraum(German m.) refreshment room, station-buffet
Erfrischungstuch(German n.) towelette, wet wipe
erfroren(German) frostbitten, frozen to death
Er fügte hinzu, dass ...(German) He added that ...
Er fühlte sich wie im Traum.(German) He felt as if he were dreaming.
Er führte das große Wort.(German) He did all the talking.
erfüllbar(German) grantable, compliable, satisfiable
Erfüllbarkeit(German f.) satisfiability
erfüllen(German) to comply, to preoccupy, to prepossess, to perform, to accomplish, to comply with, to execute (a will, etc.), to fulfil, to pervade, to implement, to impregnate (figurative), to satisfy (needs), to inform with (impregnate), to imbue (fill)
erfüllend(German) complying, imbuing, preoccupying, prepossessing, fulfilling, pervading
erfüllen mit(German) to infuse with (for example, optimism)
erfüllt(German) fulfilled, imbues, preoccupies, prepossesses, complied, prepossessed, met, replete (for example, spirit)
erfüllte(German) imbued, prepossessed
erfülltes Leben(German n.) fulfilled life
Erfülltheit(German f.) richness (of life)
erfüllt von(German) abuzz with, imbued with, replete with (for example, spirit)
Erfüllung (s.), Erfüllungen (pl.)(German f.) fulfilment, acquittance, compliance, fruition, implementation, accomplishment, acquittal, completion, delivery, discharge, gratification, performance, satisfaction, realisation, pursuance (of duties), self-fulfilment
Erfüllung bietender Beruf(German m.) fulfilling job
Erfüllung der Ansprüche(German f.) settlement of a claim
Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen(German f.) compliance with the requirements
Erfüllung des Zeitsolls(German f.) timekeeping
Erfüllung einer Pflicht(German f.) acquittal of a duty, discharge of a duty, performance of a duty
Erfüllung einer Verpflichtung(German f.) performance of an obligation
Erfüllung finden(German) to come to fulfilment
Erfüllung Ihres Auftrags(German f.) completion of your order
Erfüllungsgehilfe (m.), Erfüllungsgehilfin (f.)(German) agent, proxy, vicarious agent, rubber stamp (figurative), accomplice (also figurative), accessory (to a crime), subcontractor, creature (figurative), (willing) tool (figurative)
Erfüllungspolitik(German f.) policy of appeasement
Erfüllung verlangen(German) to demand settlement
erfunden(German) invented, contrived, fictional, bogus, phoney (colloquial), imaginary, devised, made-up
erfundene Geschichte(German f.) work of fiction, fiction, made-up story
Er fürchtet sich die Wahrheit zu sagen.(German) He is afraid to tell the truth.
Er fürchtet sich vor der Wahrheit.(German) He is afraid of the truth.
ergab(German) resulted
Er gab keine Antwort.(German) He made no reply.
Er gab mir zu verstehen, dass alles in Ordnung war.(German) He gave me the thumbs up.
Er gab mir zu verstehen, dass es nicht in Ordnung war.(German) He gave me the thumbs down.
Er gab sich große Mühe.(German) He tried hard.
Er gab zu, der Autor zu sein.(German) He avowed himself the author.
ergangen(German) fared
er ganz allein(German) all by himself
ergänzen(German) to supplement (with), to recruit, to complete, to eke (archaic), to complement, to add, to add to, to amend, to endorse, to make up, to replenish, to fill in (replenish)
ergänzen, was gesagt wurde(German) to complete what was said
ergänzend(German) subsidiary, complemental, eking, integrating, supplemental, complementary, supplementary, complementing, supplementing, additional, ancillary, completive, adjuvant
ergänzend dazu(German) in addition to this
ergänzende Auslegung(German f.) supplementary interpretation
ergänzende Bestimmungen(German pl.) supplementary provisions
ergänzende Einzelheiten(German pl.) supplementary details
ergänzende Heilmethode(German f.) complementary medicine
ergänzende Zahlung(German f.) supplementary payment
ergänzt(German) ekes, appendixed, eked (archaic), complemented
ergänzte(German) eked, supplemented
ergänzte Version(German f.) expanded version
ergänzte Vertragsformeln(German pl.) amended terms
Ergänzung (s.), Ergänzungen (pl.)(German f.) supplement, completion, complement, supplementation, addition, appendix, appendices (pl.), amending statement, endorsement, addendum, addenda (pl.)
Ergänzungband(German m.) supplement (to a book)
Ergänzungs-(German) complementary (prefix)
Ergänzungsabgabe (s.), Ergänzungsabgaben (pl.)(German f.) supplementary tax, surcharge, surtax
Ergänzungsantrag(German m.) amendment
Ergänzungsband(German pl.) supplemental volume
Ergänzungsfach(German n.) complementary subject
ergänzungsfähig(German) amendable
Ergänzungshypothese(German f.) supplementary hypothesis
Ergänzungskriterium(German n.) supplementary criterion
Ergänzungsmittel(German n.) supplement
Ergänzungsprodukt(German n.) add on product, add-on product
Ergänzungsstudium(German n.) complementary studies
Ergänzungsteil(German n.) integral part
Ergänzungsunterricht(German m.) additional tuition, remedial teaching
Ergänzungsvereinbarung(German f.) supplementary agreement
Ergänzungswahl(German f.) by-election
Ergänzungswerk(German n.) supplementary series, supplementary value
Ergänzungswinkel(German m.) complementary angle
Ergänzung zu(German f.) supplement to
ergasiophob(German) ergasiophobic
Ergasiophobiaa fear of work of any kind
Ergasiophobie(German f.) ergasiophobia
Ergastulum (s.), Ergastula (pl.)(Latin) a private prison or place of punishment for slaves
ergativ(German) ergative
Ergativ(German m.) ergative, ergative case
Ergative casethe grammatical case that identifies the subject of a transitive verb in ergative-absolutive languages
Ergativität(German f.) ergativity
ergattern(German) to snatch, to scavenge, to get hold of, to manage to grab
ergatternd(German) getting hold of
ergattert(German) got hold of
ergaunern(German) to wangle, to get by underhand means, to scam
ergaunertes Geld(German n.) boodle, grift (US slang)
ergeben(German) to result in, to yield, to give, to amount to (sum), to reveal
(German) acquiescent, addicted, devoted (to), acquiescently, devoted, addicted to, loyal, respectfully, staunch (member, supporter), wrapped up (in) (devoted), resulting in, yielding
Ergebener(German m.) minion
ergebener(German) more loyal
Ergebenheit(German f.) resignedness, submissiveness, uxoriousness, addictedness, loyalty, devotion
Ergebenheitsadresse(German f.) declaration of loyalty, loyal address (to the Monarch)
rgebenst(German) sincerely
ergebenste(German) most loyal
Ergebnis (s.), Ergebnisse (pl.)(German n.) outcome, result, upshot, sum, effect, conclusion, consequence, findings, fruit (effort, endevour), output, performance, produce, yield, payoff (colloquial), offspring
ergebnisabhängig(German) performance-linked
ergebnisbezogene Leistungsbewertung(German f.) appraisal by results
Ergebnisliste(German f.) list of results
ergebnislos(German) inconclusive, without result, without any result, inconclusively, sterile, abortive, abortively
ergebnisloses Bemühen(German n.) vain endeavour
ergebnisorientiert(German) performance-linked
Ergebnispotenzierung(German f.) synergy
Ergebnisprotokoll(German n.) summary minutes
Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahl(German pl.) parliamentary results
Ergebnisse des Untersuchungsausschusses(German pl.) findings of the commission
Ergebnisse eines Experiments(German pl.) results of an experiment
Ergebnisse annullieren(German) to invalidate results
Ergebnisse auswerten(German) to analyse results
Ergebnisse bringen(German) to produce results
Ergebnisse erhalten(German) to obtain results
Ergebnisse erzielen(German) to get results
Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen(German pl.) search engine result pages
Ergebnisse prüfen(German) to check results
Ergebnisse sichern(German) to assure results, to ensure results
Ergebung (s.), Ergebungen (pl.)(German f.) acquiescence, resignation, submission (surrender)
ergehen(German) to be enacted
ergehend(German) faring
Er gestand ein, dass ...(German) He admitted that ...
Er gesteht ein, dass ...(German) He admits that ...
ergetzen(German) to delight, to charm, to delectate
ergibt(German) results, results in
Er gibt einen guten Schauspieler ab.(German) He makes a good actor.
Er gilt als einer der ...(German) He is ranked as one of ...
Ergibtzeichen(German n.) colon equal (:=)
ergiebig(German) fruitfully, productive, heavyset (tree, bush), yieldingly, fertile, fruitful, profitable, rich, rich in, yielding, high-yield, abundant (rain, snow), economical
Ergiebigkeit(German f.) productiveness, fertility, fruitfulness, productivity
ergiebigste(German) most productive, most prolific
ergießen(German) to gush
Er ging spazieren, um einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen.(German) He went for a walk to blow the cobwebs away.
Er ging und kehrte niemals wieder.(German) He departed, nevermore to return.
Erginos(German m.) Erginus
Erginusin Greek mythology, Erginus was king of Minyan Orchomenus in Boeotia
erglänzen(German) to appear (sun, light), to begin to sparkle (sea, diamonds), to gleam, to shine
Er glaubt, er hat die Weisheit gepachtet.(German) He thinks he knows it all.
Er glaubt, er hat die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen.(German) He thinks he knows it all.
Erglühen(German n.) incandescence
erglühen(German) to flush (blush deeply), to glow
erglühend(German) glowing
erglüht(German) glows, glowed
erglühte(German) glowed
ergo(English, German, Latin) therefore
Eergodicityan attribute of stochastic systems - generally, a system that tends in probability to a limiting form that is independent of the initial conditions
ergodisch(German) ergodic
Ergodizität(German f.) ergodicity
Ergometer(English, German n.) dynamometer (a measuring instrument designed to measure power)
Ergometrie(German f.) ergometry
ergometrisch(German) ergometric, ergometrical, ergometrically
Ergometrythe study of physical work activity, including that performed by specific muscles or muscle groups
Ergonomicsthe branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments
Ergonomie(German f.) ergonomics, biotechnology
Ergonom (m.), Ergonomiker (m.), Ergonomin (f.)(German) ergonomist
ergonomisch(German) ergonomic, ergonomical, ergonomically
ergonomische Gestaltung(German f.) ergonomic design
ergonomisches Design(German n.) ergonomic design
Ergota disease of rye and other cereal grasses, caused by a fungus of the genus Claviceps, especially C. purpurea
Ergotamin(German n.) ergotamine
Ergotaminean alkaloid derived from but less toxic than ergot and causes constriction of blood vessels and is used to treat migraine
ergoter(French) to quibble
Ergotherapeut(German m.) occupational therapist
Ergotherapie(German f.) ergotherapy, occupational therapy
Ergotismpoisoning caused by ingestion of ergot-infected grain products
Ergotismus(German m.) ergotism, ergot poisoning
ergotrop(German) ergotropic
Ergotropicof or relating to ergotropism
Ergotropisman affinity for work
Ergötzen(German n.) delectation
ergötzen(German) to delectate, to feast, to regale, to amuse, to delight, to captivate, to enthral (please greatly)
ergötzend(German) feasting
ergötzlich(German) delectable, pleasurable, delightful, pleasing
Ergötzlichkeit(German f.) deliciousness
ergötzt(German) feasts, feasted
ergötzte(German) feasted
ergraben(German) excavated
ergrauen(German) to turn grey, to grey
ergrauend(German) greying, turning grey
Ergrauen des Haares(German n.) greying of the hair
ergraut(German) hoary, turns grey, greys, greyed
ergraute(German) turned grey
Ergrauung(German f.) greying
Ergreifen rechtlicher Mittel(German n.) law-and-order response
ergreifen(German) to catch hold of, to take hold of, to seize, to take, to apprehend (take into custody), to capture, to catch, to clap hold of, to clutch, to grasp, to grip, to usurp, to grab, to embrace
ergreifend(German) affectingly, seizing, reaching, gripping, stirring, moving, pathetic, thrilling, hauntingly, lachrymose, movingly, poignant (figurative)
ergreifende Geschichte(German f.) gripping story
ergreifende Szene(German f.) pathetic scene
ergreifendes Stück(German n.) thriller
ergreift(German) seizes
Ergreift sie!(German) Seize them!
Ergreifung (s.), Ergreifungen (pl.)(German f.) seizure, apprehension (in the act)
ergriffen(German) struck, affected, gripped, stirred, deeply moved, seized, clasped, smitten, stricken, moved (emotionally)
Ergriffenheit (s.), Ergriffenheiten (pl.)(German f.) emotion, agitation, state of strong emotional turmoil
ergriffen werden(German) to be seized
ergrimmen(German) to become angry, to become furious
ergrimmend(German) becoming angry
ergrimmt(German) angry, become angry, wroth (chiefly literary)
ergründen(German) to fathom, to comprehend, to get to the bottom, to sound, to feel out, to figure out, to plumb (figurative)
ergründend(German) bottoming, fathoming
ergründet(German) fathoms, fathomed
ergründete(German) fathomed
ergründlich(German) fathomable
Ergrünen(German n.) greening
Erguss (s.), Ergüsse (pl.)(German m.) effusion, outpouring, efflux
erhaben(German) sublime, lofty, noble, convex, convexly, elevated, sublimely, illustrious, loftily, raised, domed, august (majesty), high-toned (colloquial), exalted (lofty, sublime)
erhaben arbeiten(German) to boss
erhaben ausarbeiten(German) to emboss
erhabene Arbeit(German f.) embossed work
erhabene Gemme(German f.) cameo (for example, as in a broach)
erhabener(German) loftier
erhabener Platz(German m.) dais
erhabener Stil(German m.) lofty style, elevated style, noble style
erhabenes Relief(German n.) bold relief
erhabenes Ziel(German n.) noble aim
erhaben gearbeitet(German) embossed
Erhabenheit (s.), Erhabenheiten (pl.)(German f.) augustness, convexity, loftiness, sublimeness, transcendence, illustriousness, dignity, transcendency, sublimity, grandeur, majesty, superiority, nobility
erhabenrund(German) convex
erhaben sein über(German) to be above something
erhabenste(German) loftiest, noblest
erhaben tun(German) to act in a superior manner
Erhalt(German m.) receipt, retention, preservation (conservation)
erhält aufrecht(German) upholds
erhalten(German) to conserve, to preserve, to obtain, to receive, to get, to retain, to maintain, to achieve, to attain, to come by, to gain, to save, to uphold, to poll, to survive (ancient books, etc.), to survive (writing, tradition, etc.)
(German) preservable, received, obtained, preserved, surviving (old piece of literature, manuscript, score, etc.), extant (old manuscripts, etc.)
Erhalt einer Rechnung(German m.) receipt of an invoice
Erhalt eines Briefes(German m.) receipt of a letter
Erhalt eines Schreibens(German m.) receipt of a letter
erhaltend(German) conserving, retentivity, retentive, conservant, conservative, conservatory, preservative, obtaining, receiving
erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Verkaufsverträge(German pl.) advances on sales contracts
erhaltene Beträge(German pl.) amounts received, receipts
erhaltene Dokumente(German pl.) documents received
erhaltener Betrag(German m.) amount received
erhaltenes Geld zurückgeben(German) to refund money received
erhaltene Werke(German pl.) surviving works
erhaltene Zahlung (s.), erhaltene Zahlungen (pl.)(German f.) payment received
erhalten sein(German) to survive (old piece of literature, etc.)
erhaltenswert(German) worthy of preservation
Erhalter (s./pl.)(German m.) upholder, conservator, maintainer
erhältlich(German) obtainable, procurable, available
erhältlich bei(German) obtainable at
erhältlich durch(German) obtainable by
erhältliche Bücher(German pl.) books in print
erhältlich sein(German) to come (be sold)
erhältlich von(German) obtainable from
Er hält mit seiner Meinung nicht hinterm Berg.(German) He's not one to keep his opinions to himself.
Erhaltung(German f.) conservation, preservation, maintenance, upkeep, retention
Erhaltung der Arbeitsplätze(German f.) preservation of jobs
Erhaltung der Energie(German f.) conservation of energy
Erhaltung der Macht(German f.) maintenance of power
Erhaltung des Gestaltswertes(German f.) preservation of the cultural value
Erhaltung eines Gebäudes(German f.) preservation of a building
Erhaltung von(German f.) preservation of
Erhaltungsbedingungen(German pl.) preservation conditions
Erhaltungsbehandlung(German f.) maintenance treatment
Erhaltungsgrad(German m.) state of preservation
Erhaltungszustand(German m.) state (of conservation), conservation status
Erhalt von Geld(German m.) receipt of money
erhält wieder(German) reobtains
erhandeln(German) to get by bargaining, to bargain for
erhängen(German) to hang
erhängend(German) haltering
erhängt(German) hanged
erhängt aufgefunden werden(German) to be found hanged
erhängte(German) haltered
Er hängte sich auf.(German) He hanged himself.
erhärten(German) to prove, to substantiate, to confirm, to corroborate, to solidify
erhärtend(German) supporting
Erhärtung(German f.) substantiation, corroboration
erhaschen(German) to catch, to snatch
erhascht(German) catches, caught (glimpse), snatched (glimpse)
er hat(German) he's (he has)
Er hat alles zurechtgebogen.(German) He has straightened everything out. (figurative)
Er hat ausdrücklich darum gebeten, dass Sie ...(German) He expressly asked for you to ...
Er hat das Aussehen eines Schurken.(German) He has the air of a villain.
Er hat das ganz hervorragend gemacht.(German) He has done a magnificent job.
Er hat das Gehabe eines Gentleman.(German) He has the air of a gentleman.
Er hat das Gehabe eines Schurken.(German) He has the air of a villain.
Er hat das Glück gehabt, zu ...(German) He was lucky enough to ...
Er hat den Gipfel des Ruhms erklommen.(German) He rose to the pinnacle of fame.
Er hat den Vogel abgeschossen.(German) He stole the show.
Er hat die Bemerkung nicht verstanden.(German) The remark went over his head. (colloquial)
Er hat die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen.(German) He makes a great show of learning.
Er hat eine gute Auffassungsgabe.(German) He has a good grasp.
Er hat einen sehr scharfen Verstand.(German) He has a very keen mind.
Er hat einen wunden Punkt berührt.(German) He has touched a sore spot.
Er hat es im Beruf weit gebracht.(German) He has done well in his career.
Er hat jemanden gedingt.(German) He has hired somebody.
Er hat jemanden gedungen.(German) He has hired somebody.
er hat kein Verhältnis zur Zeit(German) he has no notion of time
Er hat keine Lebensart.(German) He has no manners.
Er hat keine Manieren.(German) He has no manners.
Er hat keinen Funken Anstand.(German) He has'nt a spark of decency.
Er hat keinen Sinn dafür, wie man sich gut anzieht.(German) He has no dress sense at all.
Er hat meinen Rat in den Wind geschlagen.(German) He turned a deaf ear to my advice.
Er hat mir eine Stelle besorgt.(German) He has found me a job.
Er hat mir ganz neue Welten erschlossen.(German) He opened up a whole new world to me.
Er hat nicht begriffen, worauf ich hinauswollte.(German) He missed the point of what I was saying.
Er hat nichts mehr von sich hören lassen.(German) He wasn't heard from again.
Er hat nur Dummheiten im Kopf.(German) His head is always full of silly ideas.
Er hat Recht, wenn er sagt ...(German) He is correct in saying ...
Er hat sein Herz am rechten Fleck.(German) His heart is in the right place.
Er hat sein Leben in den Dienst der Forschung gestellt.(German) He has dedicated his life to scientific research.
Er hat seinen eigenen Kopf!(German) He has a mind of his own!
Er hat sich ausgezogen.(German) He has undressed himself.
Er hat sich entschlossen, sich zurückzuziehen.(German) He has decided to retire.
Er hat sich mit der Tatsache abgefunden.(German) He is resigned to the fact.
Er hat sich todschick zurechtgemacht.(German) He was dressed to kill. (colloquial)
Er hat (sich) den Fuß verstaucht.(German) He sprained his ankle.
er hatte(German) he'd (he had)
Er hatte allem Anschein nach sein Vermögen verloren.(German) He was understood to have lost his fortune.
Er hatte das Geld verzweifelt nötig.(German) He desperately needed the money.
Er hatte den Faden verloren.(German) He had lost the thread of the conversation.
Er hatte die ganze Nacht gewacht.(German) He had been awake the entire night.
Er hatte einen Aussetzer.(German) His mind went blank for a moment.
Er hatte einen Filmriss.(German) His mind (just) went blank.
Er hatte nur Augen für sie.(German) He only had eyes for her.
Er hatte seinen Hut frech aufgesetzt.(German) He wore his hat at a rakish angle.
Er hat uns freundlicherweise Ihre Anschrift gegeben.(German) He has kindly given us your address.
Er hat zu tun.(German) He is busy.
Er hat zwei linke Hände.(German) His fingers are all thumbs.
erhebbar(German) leviable (tax, duty, charges, etc.)
erheben(German) to elevate, to levy, to uplift, to upraise, to raise, to arch up, to charge (a fee), to bring (an action at law), to ascertain (date, fact), to extol (virtues), to lift (voice), to survey, to raise, to lift up the hand (for example, when beating time)
erhebend(German) arising, elevating, extolling, levying, uplifting, upraising, alzando (Italian), en élevant, (French)
erhebendes Buch(German n.) elevating book
Erheber eines Einwands(German m.) objector
Erhebet eure Herzen!(German) Lift up your hearts! (Latin versicle of the Roman Catholic Church: Sursum Corda)
erheblich(German) relevant, considerable, a good deal, formidable, sizeable, substantial (considerable), vastly, significantly, considerably, substantially, significant
erhebliche Auswirkung(German f.) significant effect
erhebliche Gewinne(German pl.) substantial gains
erhebliche Rechtsverletzung(German f.) material violation of law
erheblicher Gewinn(German m.) substantial profit
erhebliche Risiken(German pl.) substantial risks
erhebliche Unterschiede aufweisen(German) to show considerable differences
erheblich günstiger(German) significantly more favourable, considerably more favourable (prices, etc.)
Erheblichkeit(German f.) relevancy, relevance, pertinence, substantiality
erhebt(German) raises, extols, levies, uplifts, upraises
Erhebt euch, Sir ...!(German) Arise, Sir ...!
Erhebung (s.), Erhebungen (pl.)(German f.) rising, raising (for example, the pitch of a note), elevation (for example, of the hand when beating time), elatedness, ennoblement, exaltation, levy, upheaval, uprising, inquiry, census, charging, raise, survey, rise (in the ground), evocation (elicitation)
Erhebungsart(German f.) type of survey
Erhebungsfehler(German m.) sampling error
Erhebungswinkel(German m.) angle of elevation
Erhebung von Steuern(German f.) collection of taxes
Erhebung von Zöllen(German f.) collection of duties
Erhebungszeichen(German n.) a sign that indicates the chromatic raising of the pitch of a note, i.e. a sharp or double sharp sign
Erhebungszeitraum(German m.) enquiry period, period under review
Er heiratete im Alter von 20 Jahren.(German) At twenty he married.
erheitern(German) to exhilarate, to amuse, to brighten, to brighten up, to cheer, to cheer up, to light up
erheiternd(German) exhilarating, exhilarative, exhilarant
erheiternde Stimmung(German f.) exhilarating feeling
erheitert(German) exhilarated, exhilarates
Erheiterung(German f.) exhilaration, amusement
erhellen(German) to lighten, to light, to brighten, to light up (night sky), to illuminate, to illumine
erhellt(German) lit up
Erhellung(German f.) illumination
Erheucheln(German n.) affectation
erheuchelt(German) affected, assumed
erheuchelte Kühle(German f.) affected coldness (mood, demeanor)
erheuchelter Ernst(German m.) affected gravity (seriousness, demeanor)
Er hielt sein Wort.(German) He kept his word.
erhielt wieder(German) reobtained
Er hinterlässt zwei Töchter.(German) He is survived by two daughters.
erhitzen(German) to heat, to warm
erhitzend(German) heating
Erhitzen im Mikrowellenofen(German n.) heating in a microwave (oven)
Erhitzer (s./pl.)(German m.) boiler, heater
erhitzt(German) igneous, heated
erhitzte Aussprache(German f.) heated debate
erhitzte Diskussion(German f.) heated discussion
erhitzte Emotionen(German pl.) wrought-up emotions
erhitzte Gemüter(German pl.) raised tempers
Erhitzung(German f.) build-up (heat), heat build-up, calefaction
erhob(German) levied, uplifted, upraised
erhoben(German) exalted, extolled, upraised, levied, raised, compiled (data), poised (suspended, for example, hand), erect (tail), uplifted
erhobene Steuer (s.), erhobene Steuern (pl.)(German f.) collected tax, taxes levied (pl.)
erhobenen Hauptes(German) with one's head held high
erhoffen(German) to anticipate
erhoffend(German) hoping for
erhofft(German) anticipated, hoped-for
erhoffter Ertrag(German m.) aspiration
erhoffter Gewinn(German m.) anticipated profit
Er hofft es.(German) He hopes so.
erhöhen(German) to raise, to elevate, to lift up the hand (for example, when beating time), to exalt, to heighten, to increase, to increment, to advance, to boost, to enhance, to enlarge, to mark up, to scale up, to step up, to ramp up, to ratchet up, to jack up
erhöhend(German) elevating, enhancing, exalting, heightening
erhöht(German) elevated, exalts, increased, incremented, boosted, enhanced, heightened, lofty, raised, added, augmented
erhöhte Anstrengung(German f.) accelerated effort
erhöhte Bedeutung(German f.) increased significance
erhöhte Gefahren(German pl.) increased risks
erhöhte Kosten(German pl.) increased costs
erhöhte Lebenserwartung(German f.) increased expectation of life
erhöhte Lebenshaltungskosten(German pl.) increased cost of living
erhöhte Leistung(German f.) increased efficiency, increased performance
erhöhte Nachfrage(German f.) increased demand
erhöhter Augeninnendruck(German m.) raised intraocular pressure
erhöhter Bedarf(German m.) increased requirements
erhöhter Blutdruck(German m.) raised blood pressure, elevated blood pressure
erhöhter Einfuhrzoll(German m.) increased import duty
erhöhter Fußsteig(German m.) causeway
erhöhter Standard(German m.) raised standard
erhöhter Wettbewerb(German m.) increased competition
erhöhtes Adipositasrisiko(German n.) increased risk of obesity
erhöhtes Beförderungsentgelt(German n.) penalty fare
erhöhte Schmerzempfindlichkeit(German f.) elevated pain sensitivity
erhöhte Schwierigkeiten(German pl.) increased difficulties
erhöhte Sitz(German m.) a dais
erhöhtes Risiko(German n.) bad risk, aggravated risk, abnormal risk, excess risk, elevated risk, heightened risk
erhöhte Steuerlast(German f.) increased taxation
erhöhte Wertfestsetzung(German f.) increased valuation
Erhöhung (s.), Erhöhungen (pl.)(German f.) raising (for example, the pitch of a note), elevation (for example, of the hand when beating time), exaltation, increment, rise, advance, increase, aggrandizement, boost, enhancement, enlargement, mark-up, raise, ridge, hill, hike (price hike)
Erhöhung der Nachfrage(German f.) increase in demand
Erhöhung der Steuern(German f.) increase of taxes, rise in taxes
Erhöhung der Umsätze(German f.) rise in sales
Erhöhung des Bestands an unfertigen Erzeugnissen(German f.) increase in work in progress
Erhöhung des Risikos(German f.) increase in the risk
Erhöhung des Verbrauchs(German f.) increase of consumption
Erhöhung des Wertes(German f.) enhancement
Erhöhung des Zinssatzes(German f.) raising of the rate of interest
Erhöhungszeichen(German n.) signe d'élévation (French m.), a sign that indicates the chromatic raising of the pitch of a note, i.e. a sharp or double sharp sign
erholen(German) to recreate, to recruit
erholend(German) recovering
erholsam(German) recreative, restful, restorative, restfully, relaxing
erholsamer(German) more relaxing
erholsamer Urlaub(German m.) relaxing vacation
Erholsamkeit(German f.) restfulness
erholsamste(German) most relaxing
erholt(German) recovers, recreated, recuperated, regained
Erholung(German f.) recreation, recuperation, convalescence, rebound, recovery, recovering, relaxation, rest, revival, vacation, rest and relaxation (R & R), bounceback (recovery), bounce-back (recovery)
Erholung der Konjunktur(German f.) economic pick-up, pick-up
Erholungs-(German) recreational (prefix)
Erholungsanlage(German f.) recreation park
Erholungsfähigkeit(German f.) buoyancy (resilience, ability to recover)
erholungsfördernd(German) recuperative
Erholungsgebiet (s.), Erholungsgebiete (pl.)(German n.) recreation area, area for recreation, recreational area
Erholungsheim(German n.) recuperation home, convalescent home, rest home
Erholungsort(German m.) resort
Erholungspause(German f.) rest period
Erholungsphase(German f.) recovery phase
Erholungsraum(German m.) recreational space, recreation room
Erholungsurlaub (s.), Erholungsurlaube (pl.)(German m.) holiday, vacation
Erholungszeit(German f.) convalescence, recuperation time, relaxation time
Erholungszentrum(German n.) recreation park, recreation centre
Erholungszwecke(German pl.) recreational purposes
Erholzeit eines Zeitgliedes(German f.) recovery time
erhört(German) answered (of prayers)
Erhu(English, German f., Chinese) or er-hu, a Chinese bowed instrument, also called the hu-qin or nanhu, similar to a violin but with only two strings (tuned a fifth apart) and a range of three octaves, which, although dating back to the Song Dynasty (c.1100 AD), has been used as a solo instrument only since the early twentieth century. The instrument measures around three feet long with a long neck and a relatively small soundbox three or four inches in diameter and five to six inches deep available in several shapes (round, hexagonal, or octagonal). The scroll is often decorated with a carving of a dragon's head or a crescent moon and the soundbox is often decorated. The erhu is also used with a metal clamp or silk string clamp that acts as a capo to change the open pitches of the strings. The bow is made of bamboo. The sound of the erhu is similar to a violin although much thinner in its timbre
panhu'piccolo' form that sounds one octave higher then the standard erhuin a Chinese orchestra, the principal erhu player will perform on it as required
gaohusounds a fourth higher than the standard erhudeveloped from the erhu by the renowned Cantonese musician Lui Man-shing in the 1920s
erhuthe standard instrumentduring the period 1910-1930, the celebrated musician Liu Tianhua developed the instrument from being mainly an accompanying instrument to that of a solo instrument. It is now one of the main instruments in the Chinese orchestra
zhonghu'alto' erhu, available in three different sizesplays tenor parts, those played below the parts played by the standard erhu. These parts are also played by the gehu and the bei-da-ge-hu
Er-husee erhu
Er hütete sich wohl, davon zu sprechen.(German) He was careful, though, not to speak about it.
ERIabbreviation of Edwardus Rex et Imperator (Latin: Edward King and Emperor)
ERICabbreviation of 'Educational Resources Information Center'
Eric the Red
(950-c. 1003)
founder of the first Nordic settlement in Greenland
Eriesee(German m.) Lake Erie (the fourth largest of the Great Lakes, linked to the Hudson River by the New York State Barge Canal)
erigieren(German) to become erect
erigiert(German) erect
Erika(German f.) erica (genus Erica), heather
Erik der Rote(German) Eric the Red
Erikundishakers used with the biankomeko drums of the Abakwa people
Er informierte mich.(German) He put me in the picture.
Eringer(German) Hérens, a district in the canton of Valais in Switzerland
Eringerrasse(German - Switzerland) Eringer breed (of cattle)
Erin go bragh(pseudo-Irish, an English invention) Ireland forever!
Erinnere dich daran.(German) Remember that.
erinnerlich(German) rememberable
erinnern(German) to remember, to remind
erinnern an(German) to be reminiscent of, to remind of, to recall (to make think of)
Erinnern Sie sich an mich?(German) Do you remember me?
erinnernd(German) reminding, remembering, reminiscent, commemorative
erinnernd an(German) commemorative of
erinnernswert(German) rememberable
Erinnerst du dich?(German) Do you remember?
erinnert(German) remembered, remembers, reminded
Erinnert Sie der Name an jemanden?(German) Does that name ring a bell? (colloquial)
Erinnerung (s.), Erinnerungen (pl.)(German f.) memento, recollection, remembrance (of), reminder, retrospection, memory, keepsake, souvenir, memoirs (pl.)
Erinnerung an(German f.) reminiscence
Erinnerung aus der Kindheit (s.), Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit (pl.)(German f.) childhood memory, memory of childhood
Erinnerung durch Gedächtnishilfe(German f.) aided recall
Erinnerungen wachrufen(German) to awaken memories, to conjure up memories
Erinnerungen wecken(German) to awake memories
Erinnerungen wieder aufleben lassen(German) to revive memories
Erinnerungen zurückrufen(German) to bring back memories
Erinnerungs-(German) commemorative (prefix)
Erinnerungsansprache(German f.) commemorative speech
Erinnerungsanzeige(German f.) follow-up advertisement
Erinnerungsausgabe(German f.) commemorative edition
Erinnerungsausstellung(German f.) commemorative exhibition
Erinnerungsbild(German n.) souvenir picture
Erinnerungsbriefmarke(German f.) commemorative stamp
Erinnerungsfälschung(German f.) memory falsification
Erinnerungsfeier(German f.) commemoration
Erinnerungsfest(German n.) commemorative festival
Erinnerungsfoto(German n. - in Switzerland also f.) souvenir photo
Erinnerungsgebet(German n.) commemorative prayer
Erinnerungsgedicht(German n.) commemorative poem
Erinnerungsgottesdienst(German m.) commemorative service
Erinnerungskreuz(German n.) remembrance cross (medal)
Erinnerungsleistung(German f.) memory act (performance)
Erinnerungslücke (s.), Erinnerungslücken (pl.)(German f.) memory gap, blackout (memory gap)
Erinnerungsmedaille(German f.) commemorative medal
Erinnerungsmelodie(German f.) theme melody, theme song
Erinnerungsmethode(German f.) method of recall
Erinnerungsmotiv(German n.) reminiscence motif, reminiscence motive
Erinnerungsmünze(German f.) commemorative coin
Erinnerungsort(German m.) memorial site, place of remembrance
Erinnerungsplakette(German f.) commemorative plaque
Erinnerungspolitik(German f.) politics of memory
Erinnerungsposten(German pl.) pro memoria items
Erinnerungsrede(German f.) commemorative words
Erinnerungsschreiben(German n.) reminder
erinnerungsselig(German) with pleasant memories
Erinnerungsstücke(German pl.) memorabilia
Erinnerungstafel(German f.) commemorative tablet, plaque of remembrance, memorial plaque
Erinnerungstäuschung(German f.) memory falsification
Erinnerungsverfälschung(German f.) memory falsification
Erinnerungsverlust(German m.) amnesia
Erinnerungsvermögen(German n.) memory, powers of recollection, powers of recall
Erinnerungsvision(German f.) reminiscential
Erinnerung wach halten(German) to bear in remembrance
Erinnerung wachhalten(German, old form) to bear in remembrance
Erinnerungswerbung(German f.) follow-up advertising
erinnerungswert(German) memorable
Erinnerungszeichen(German n.) commemoration
Erinnye (s.), Erinnyen (pl.)(German f.) Erinys (s.), Erinyes (pl.)
Erinye (s.), Erinyen (pl.)(German f.) Erinys (s.), Erinyes (pl.)
Erinys (s.), Erinyes (pl.)(English, from Greek) also the Eumenídes, in Roman mythology, the Furies, were female, chthonic deities of vengeance or supernatural personifications of the anger of the dead. They represent regeneration and the potency of creation, which both consumes and empowers
Eris(English, German f., Greek) (in classical mythology) goddess of discord
Erisapfel(German m.) apple of discord (in classical mythology, a golden apple thrown into a banquet of the gods by Eris (goddess of discord) who had not been invited)
er ist(German) he's (he is)
Er ist 18 geworden.(German) He has turned 18.
Er ist als Nächster dran.(German) It's his turn (next).
Er ist arbeitslos.(German) He's out of work.
Er ist auf Besuch.(German) He's on a visit.
Er ist auf dem Weg zu ...(German) He is on his way to ...
Er ist außer Atem.(German) He is out of breath. He has lost his wind.
Er ist Beidhänder.(German) He is ambidextrous.
Er ist bis über beide Ohren verliebt.(German) He's head over ears in love.
Er ist der Angeschmierte.(German) The joke is on him.
Er ist der Boss.(German) It's his show. He's the Boss.
Er ist der postmoderne Künstler schlechthin.(German) He is the epitome of the postmodern artist.
Er ist Diplomkaufmann.(German) He's got a business degree.
Er ist Doktor der Anglistik.(German) He has a PhD in English.
Er ist durch nichts aus der Fassung zu bringen.(German) He's unflappable.
Er ist eher ein langsamer Denker.(German) He's a bit slow (on the uptake). (colloquial)
Er ist ein alter Hase.(German) He's an old stager.
Er ist ein anständiger Mensch.(German) He's a decent fellow.
Er ist ein Engländer durch und durch.(German) He is an Englishman to the core.
Er ist ein großer Schwätzer.(German) He is all talk.
Er ist ein guter Gesellschafter.(German) He's good company.
Er ist ein Mann, dem man vertraut.(German) He's a man that one can trust. He's a man who can be trusted.
Er ist ein Müßiggänger.(German) He's a man about town.
Er ist (ein) Deutscher.(German) He is (a) German.
Er ist (ein) Förderer der schönen Künste.(German) He's a friend of the arts.
Er ist eine Klasse für sich.(German) He's in a class of his own. (figurative)
Er ist einer der herausragendsten Komponisten.(German) He is a prince among composers.
Er ist eitel selbstzufrieden.(German) He is smugly self-confident.
Er ist Engländer.(German) He's English. He's an Englishman.
Er ist Epileptiker.(German) He is epileptic.
Er ist Fachübersetzer für Medizin.(German) He specializes in medical translation. He specializes in medical translations.
Er ist fort.(German) He is away.
Er ist Franzose.(German) He is French.
Er ist ganz in seinem Element.(German) He is completely in his element.
Er ist ganz Ohr.(German) He's all ears.
Er ist gar nicht so dumm.(German) He knows a thing or two.
Er ist gekommen.(German) He came.
Er ist gelaufen.(German) He ran.
Er ist gesundheitlich heruntergekommen.(German) His health has deteriorated.
Er ist glattrasiert.(German) He's clean-shaven.
Er ist gut in Französisch.(German) He's good at French.
Er ist ihnen durch die Lappen gegangen.(German) He slipped through their fingers.
Er ist ihnen entronnen.(German) He has escaped from them.
Er ist ihnen zutiefst unsympathisch.(German) They cordially dislike him.
Er ist ihr mit Haut und Haar / Haaren verfallen.(German) He's head over heels in love with her.
Er ist im besten Alter.(German) He's in his prime.
Er ist im Kampf gefallen.(German) He fell in battle. He fell in action.
Er ist im Zweifel, ob er gehen soll.(German) He's in two minds as to whether he should go or not.
Er ist in (einer) Bombenform.(German) He is in top form.
Er ist in schlechter Verfassung.(German) He's in bad shape.
Er ist innerlich jung geblieben.(German) He is young at heart.
Er ist Italiener.(German) He's an Italian.
Er ist kaum zufrieden zu stellen.(German) He's a hard man to please.
Er ist kein guter Tänzer.(German) He's not much of a dancer.
Er ist kein übler Bursche.(German) He is not a bad fellow.
Er ist leer ausgegangen.(German) He went away empty handed.
Er ist mein ältester Sohn.(German) He is my eldest son.
Er ist mir ein Dorn im Auge.(German) He's a thorn in my side.
Er ist mir noch mehr zuwider als sein Bruder.(German) He's more repugnant to me than his brother.
er ist mir unsympathisch(German) I don't like him
Er ist nicht auf den Mund gefallen.(German) He has the gift of (the) gab.
Er ist nicht auf der Höhe.(German) He is not at his best.
Er ist nicht da.(German) He's not in.
Er ist nicht gekommen.(German) He hasn't come.
Er ist nicht mehr.(German) He has died.
Er ist nicht mehr hier.(German) He isn't here any more.
Er ist nicht verpflichtet ...(German) He is not responsible ...
er ist ... , nicht wahr?(German) he is ... , isn't he?
Er ist Nichttänzer.(German) He doesn't dance.
Er ist nie erreichbar.(German) You just can't get hold of him.
Er ist noch nicht auf.(German) He isn't up yet.
Er ist nun einmal so.(German) He is like that.
Er ist Schotte.(German) He's Scottish. He's a Scotsman.
Er ist schrecklich langweilig.(German) He's an awful bore.
Er ist schuld.(German) It's his fault.
Er ist (schwer) auf Draht.(German) He knows his stuff.
Er ist sehr töricht.(German) He's a damned fool.
Er ist sehr wählerisch.(German) He's very particular.
Er ist seinem Vater wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten.(German) He's the spitting image of his father.
Er ist Spanier.(German) He's Spanish.
Er ist vielleicht nicht der, der er vorgibt zu sein.(German) He may not be who he says he is.
Er ist voreingenommen.(German) He's prejudiced.
Er ist weg.(German) He left.
Er ist weltweit eher bekannt als ...(German) He is better known across the world as ...
Er ist zerstreut.(German) He is absentminded.
Er ist zwar arm, aber (dennoch) ehrlich.(German) Though he's poor, he's an honest man.
Eritrea(English, German n.) an African country to the north of Ethiopia on the Red Sea, that achieved independence from Ethiopia in 1993
Eritreer (m.), Eritreerin (pl.), Eritreer (pl.), Eritreerinnen ( Eritrean
eritreisch(German) Eritrean
Eriwan(German n.) Yerevan (capital of Armenia)
Erkalten(German n.) cooling
erkalten(German) to cool down, to cool, to solidify (lava, metal)
erkältend(German) catching a cold
erkältetes Kind(German n.) child with a cold
erkältet sein(German) to have a cold
Erkältung (s.), Erkältungen (pl.)(German f.) cold, chill
Erkältung begleitet von Fieber(German f.) cold attended with fever
Erkältung im Kopf(German f.) cold in the head
Erkältung in der Nase(German f.) cold in the nose
Erkältungsgefahr(German f.) risk of catching a cold
Erkältungskrankheiten(German pl.) coughs and sneezes
Erkältungsmittel(German n.) cold remedy
Erkältungswelle(German f.) outbreak of the common cold
Er kam allein.(German) He came by himself.
Er kam auf einen Sprung herein.(German) He dropped in.
Er kam erst, als ...(German) He did not come until ...
Er kam ihr zu Hilfe.(German) He came to her aid.
Er kam mir zu Hilfe.(German) He came to my aid. He came to my assistance.
erkämpfen(German) to eke out (an existance)
Er kam rechtzeitig an.(German) He arrived in good time.
Er kam zu Pflegeeltern.(German) He was placed with foster parents.
Er kam zuletzt.(German) He came last.
Er kann aus Dreck Gold machen.(German) He has the Midas touch.
Er kann den Brief nicht geschrieben haben.(German) He can't have written the letter.
Er kann doch nichts dafür!(German) It's not his fault!
Er kann einfach keine Kritik vertragen.(German) He can't just take criticism.
Er kann Englisch.(German) He can speak English.
Er kann es getan haben.(German) He may have done it.
Er kann ihn nicht ausstehen.(German) He can't abide him.
Er kann kaum ein Wort Deutsch.(German) He can hardly speak a word of German.
Er kann nicht mit Geld umgehen.(German) He can't handle money.
Er kann noch nicht einmal lesen.(German) He can't even read.
Er kann sich einfach nicht anpassen.(German) He just won't fit in.
Er kann sich nicht benehmen.(German) He doesn't know how to behave. He can't behave.
erkannt(German) recognised, realised, identified, perceived
erkanntes Konto(German n.) account credited
erkaufen(German) to buy, to purchase (obtain by hard work or sacrifice)
erkaufend(German) buying
Er kauft immer sehr preisgünstig ein.(German) He always shops around for bargains.
erkauft(German) buys, purchased
Erkenchoa South-American instrument made from the horn of a cow with the smaller blowing end shaped to take a single reed, usually of thin bone
erkennbar(German) identifiable, discernible, transparent, perceptible, discernibly, identifiably, discernable, distinguishable, noticeable, recognisably, recognisable, measurable (perceptible), observable (visible, noticeable), detectable (effect, sign), visible, foreseeable
erkennbarer Schaden(German m.) noticeable damage
erkennbarerweise(German) recognisably
Erkennbarkeit(German f.) perceptibility, distinguishability, recognisability
Erkenne dich selbst.(German) Know yourself. Know thyself (archaic)
Erkennen(German n.) cognition
erkennen(German) to discern, to perceive, to detect, to realise, to catch sight of, to identify, to spot, to recognise, to register, to distinguish (make out), to tell, to understand
erkennend(German) cognitive, discerning, realising, recognising, perceiving
erkennen, dass ein Fehler gemacht wurde(German) to realize that a mistake was made
erkennen, dass Frauen mächtig sind(German) to acknowledge women to be powerful
erkennen, dass Männer verwundbar sind(German) to acknowledge men to be vulnerable
erkennender Richter(German m.) trial judge
erkennen lassen(German) to indicate, to reveal (knowledge, motives, ignorance), to bespeak, to signal, to be indicative of (showing)
erkennen, was gemeint ist(German) to realise what is meant
erkennen wie es beschaffen ist(German) to realise what it is like
erkennen wie schwierig es war(German) to realise how difficult it was
Erkennst du mich denn nicht?(German) Don't you recognise me?
erkennt(German) perceives
erkenntlich(German) grateful, recognisable, thankful
erkenntlicher(German) more grateful
Erkenntlichkeit (s.), Erkenntlichkeiten (pl.)(German f.) sign of gratitude, gratitude
erkenntlichste(German) most grateful
Erkenntnis (s.), Erkenntnisse (pl.)(German f.) cognition, realization, perception, knowledge, insight, cognisance, realisation, realising, rationale, understanding, finding, sentence (legal system), verdict (legal system), lesson learned
Erkenntnisakt(German m.) act of cognition, cognitive act
Erkenntnisgrund(German m.) basis for knowing
Erkenntnislehre(German f.) epistemology
erkenntnismäßig(German) cognitional, cognitive
erkenntnisreich(German) insightful
erkenntnistheoretisch(German) epistemic, epistemically, epistemological
erkenntnistheoretischer Fundamentalismus(German m.) foundationalism
Erkenntnistheorie (s.), Erkenntnistheorien (pl.)(German f.) epistemology, theory of cognition
Erkenntnisvermögen(German n.) cognitive faculty
Er kennt sich aus.(German) He knows his stuff.
Erkennung(German f.) cognition, detection, identification, recognition
Erkennungsalgorithmus(German m.) recognition algorithm
Erkennungsangaben(German pl.) identifying information
Erkennungsmarke(German f.) identity disc, identity tag, dog tag
Erkennungsmelodie(German f.) theme song, signature tune, theme tune
Erkennungsmerkmal (s.), Erkennungsmerkmale (pl.)(German n.) distinctive feature, distinguishing mark, distinguishing characteristic
Erkennungsnummer(German f.) identifying number, identification number
Erkennungssatz(German m.) identifying label
Erkennungs-Symbole anbringen(German) to place identifying symbols
Erkennungswort(German n.) password
Erkennungszeichen (s./pl.)(German n.) distinctive mark, marking, shibboleth, identifying letter, identification, badge
Erkennungszeichen anbringen(German) to place identifying marks
Erkennungszeichen für(German n.) sign of
Erkennung von Bildmustern(German f.) image pattern recognition
Erkennung von Synonymen(German f.) identification of synonyms
Erker(German m.) bay, oriel
Erkerfenster(German n.) bay window, bow window, oriel window
Erkerzimmer(German n.) room with a bay window, room with an oriel window (recess)
erkiesen(German, dated) to predestine, to choose
Erkiesung(German f., dated) election, choice
erklärbar(German) allegeable, explicable, explainable
Erkläre mir - und ich vergesse. Zeige mir - und ich erinnere mich. Lass mich tun - und ich verstehe.(German) Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Let me do and I understand. (aphorism attributed to Confucius)
erklären(German) to give an account of, to account for, to expound, to meld, to profess, to explain, to declare, to state, to elucidate, to comment, to define, to explicate, to illustrate, to interpret, to illuminate, to represent
erklärend(German) declaring, explaining, explanatory, expounding, melding, professing, declaratory, descriptive, explicative, explicatory, expositive, expository, illustrative, elucidatory, clarificatory, elucidative
Erklären Sie mir eins.(German) Tell me one thing.
Erklären Sie, was es dort alles gibt.(German) Explain everything that is there.
Erklärer(German m.) annotator
erklärlich(German) explainable, explicable, explicably, accountable
erklärt(German) explained, expounds, melds, professes, illustrated, manifested, professed, avowed, expounded, declared (given)
erklärte(German) expounded, melded, professed
erklärte Absicht(German f.) purport
erklärter Atheist(German m.) declared atheist
erklärtermaßen(German) declaredly, by definition, avowedly
erklärter Wert(German m.) declared value
erklärter Wille(German m.) declared intention
erklärtes Ziel(German n.) stated aim
erklärt nichtig(German) nullifies
erklärt werden(German) to be pronounced
Erklärung (s.), Erklärungen (pl.)(German f.) assertion, explanation, declaration, legend (to a graph, etc.), comment, explication, illustration, pronouncement, statement, clarification, exposition, avowal, representation, elucidation (of text)
Erklärung der Abkürzungen(German f.) explanation of abbreviations
Erklärung der Einzelheiten(German f.) statement of particulars
Erklärung eines Mysteriums(German f.) solution of a mystery
erklärungsbedürftig(German) in need of explanation
Erklärungskraft(German f.) explanatory power
Erklärungsmodell(German n.) explanatory model
Erklärungsmöglichkeit(German f.) possible explanation
Erklärungsmuster(German n.) explanatory model
Erklärungspotential(German n.) explanatory potential
Erklärungsversuch(German m.) attempt at an explanation, attempt to explain
Erklärungswert(German m.) explanatory value
Erklärung unter Eid(German f.) declaration on oath, sworn statement
Erklärung zu(German f.) profession of
erklecklich(German) considerable
Er kleidete sich eilig.(German) He clothed himself hurriedly.
erkletterbar(German) climbable
erklettern(German) to scale (mountain), to climb, to ascend
erklettert(German) climbed
erklimmen(German) to clamber, to climb, to scale (mountain), to crest
erklimmend(German) cresting
erklingen(German) to sound, to resound, to ring
erklingend(German) sounding
erklingen lassen(German) to cause to sound, to clang
erklingt(German) sounds
erklommen(German) crested (reached the top (of a hill), climbed)
erklungen(German) sounded (rung out)
Er kocht auch nur mit Wasser.(German) He's the same as everyone else.
Er kommt mir vor wie jemand, der ...(German) He seems to me like somebody who ...
Er kommt vielleicht morgen.(German) He may come tomorrow. He may come tomorrow. He might come tomorrow.
Er kommt wie gewöhnlich zu spät.(German) He's late as usual.
Er konnte ihren Anblick nicht ertragen.(German) He couldn't stand the sight of her.
Er konnte keine Zugeständnisse machen.(German) He could not compromise.
Er konnte mit dem Lachen nicht aufhören.(German) He couldn't stop laughing.
Er konnte nicht umhin zu bemerken, dass ...(German) He could not fail to note that ...
Er konnte sich kaum beherrschen.(German) He could hardly contain himself.
erkoren(German) selected, predestined (chosen)
erkranken(German) to sicken, to be taken ill, to fall sick, to fall ill
erkranken an(German) to get (contract an illness), to come down with, to contract, to fall ill with, to fall sick with
erkrankend(German) falling ill, sickening
erkrankt(German) falls ill, sickens, sick, fallen ill, diseased, sickened
erkrankt an(German) ill with
Erkrankter (m.), Erkrankte (f.), Erkrankte (pl.)(German) ill person, sick person
erkrankt sein an(German) to be laid up with
Erkrankung (s.), Erkrankungen (pl.)(German f.) disease, affection, ailment, complaint, disorder, indisposition, sickness
Erkrankung des Herzens(German f.) heart disease
Erkrankung des Ohrs(German f.) affection of the ear
Erkrankungsziffer(German f.) morbidity rate
Er kümmert sich um jeden Dreck.(German) He pokes his nose into everything.
erkunden(German) to sound out, to reconnoitre, to explore, to investigate, to scout, to prospect
erkundend(German) reconnoitring
erkundenswert(German) worth exploring
Erkunder(German m.) explorer
erkundet(German) reconnoitred, reconnoitres, explored
Erkundigung (s.), Erkundigungen (pl.)(German f.) inquiry, enquiry, query, information (pl.)
Erkundigungen einziehen(German) to gather information
Erkundigungen einziehen über(German) to make inquiries into
Erkundigungen einziehen wegen(German) to make inquiries about
Erkundung (s.), Erkundungen (pl.)(German f.) survey, exploration, investigation, query, reconnaissance, research
Erkundungsarbeiten(German pl.) exploratory works
Erkundungsfahrt(German f.) exploratory trip
Erkundungsgang(German m.) exploratory walk
Erkundungsmission(German f.) fact-finding mission, exploratory mission
Erkundungstour(German f.) scouting expedition
Erkundungsversuch(German m.) exploratory experiment
erkünstelt(German) factitious
erküren(German, dated) to predestine
Er küsste ihr die Tränen fort.(German) He kissed her tears away.
Er küsste ihre Tränen fort.(German) He kissed away her tears.
Erl(German m.) tang (of a knife, sword etc.)
Erl.abbreviation of Erläuterung (German: explanatory note)
Er laboriert schon seit Wochen an einer Grippe.(German) He's been trying to shake off the flu for weeks. (colloquial)
Er lächelte während er vorbeiging.(German) He smiled as he passed.
Er lachte sich ins Fäustchen.(German) He laughed up his sleeve.
Er lachte übers ganze Gesicht.(German) He was all smiles.
Er lacht sich einen Ast.(German) He's splitting his sides with laughter.
erlag(German) succumbed, succumbed to
Erlagschein(German m. - Austria) payment slip
erlahmen(German) to slacken, to flag (decline in vigor, wane (in interest, enthusiasm)), to grow weak, to wane (interest, enthusiasm)
erlahmend(German) flagging, slackening
erlahmende Aktivität(German f.) slackening of activity
erlahmt(German) slackens, slackened
erlahmte(German) slackened
erlangbar(German) obtainable, attainable, procurable
Erlangen(German n.) getting
erlangen(German) to attain, to reap something, to acquire, to win, to gain, to come at, to derive, to get, to obtain
erlangen von(German) to derive from
erlangt(German) attained, achieved, gained, obtained
Erlangung(German f.) attainment, procurement
Erlass(German m.) edict, writ
Erlass (s.), Erlasse (pl.)(German m.) abatement, ukase, decree, remission, waiver, enactment (of law), fiat, firman (in Islamic countries), deduction (rebate), reduction (rebate)
erlassen(German) to abate, to cancel, to decree, to exempt, to issue, to remit (debt, fee, sentence), to enact (ordinance), to waive (debt)
(German) remitted
erlassend(German) remitting
erlassene Steuer(German f.) tax abatement
Erlassjahr(German n.) Year of Jubilee
erlässlich(German) remittable
erlässt(German) remits
Er lässt grüßen.(German) He said to say hello. (on his behalf)
Er lässt sich die Haare schneiden.(German) He's having his hair cut.
Er lässt sich nicht überzeugen.(German) There is no convincing him.
Er lässt sich nichts sagen.(German) You can't tell him a thing. He won't be told. He won't listen to reason.
Er lässt sich von mir nichts sagen.(German) He won't listen to anything I say.
Erlassung(German f.) remittal
Erlau(German n.) Eger (a city in northeast Hungary on the Eger River, that was occupied by the Turks from 1596 to 1687)
Erlaube mir, dir zu helfen.(German) Let me help you.
erlauben(German) to license, to permit, to allow, to let, to concede, to admit, to admit of, to consent, to authorise
erlaubend(German) allowing, permitting, permissive, enabling
Erlauben Sie?(German) Do you mind?
Erlauben Sie die Bemerkung ...(German) Permit me to remark ...
Erlauben Sie mir, mich vorzustellen.(German) Allow me to introduce myself.
Erlauben Sie uns ...(German) Permit us ...
Erlauben Sie uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen ...(German) Allow us to inform you ...
Erlaubnis (s.), Erlaubnisse (pl.)(German f.) admission, allowance, compliance, licence, permission, certificate, concession, consent, leave (permission), say-so (colloquial: permission), fiat (authorization), permit
Erlaubnis beantragen(German) to apply for permission
Erlaubnis bekommen(German) to get permission
Erlaubnis erhalten(German) to obtain permission
Erlaubnis erteilen(German) to give permission, to give permission to do something
Erlaubnis erteilt.(German) Permission granted.
Erlaubnisschein(German m.) permit
Erlaubnis verweigern(German) to refuse permission, to withhold permission
erlaubt(German) allowed, permitted, unprohibited, allowedly, admissible, allowable, permissible
erlaubte Höchstgeschwindigkeit(German f.) speed limit
erlaubterweise(German) allowedly
Erlaubtheit(German f.) permissiveness
Erlaubt ist, was gefällt.(German) Do as you like.
erlaucht(German) noble, illustrious, august
erlauscht(German) overheard
erläutern(German) to explain, to elucidate, to exemplify, to annotate, to illustrate, to outline, to illuminate, to expound
erläuternd(German) commenting, elucidating, illustrative, illustratively, explanatory, elucidatory, explanatorily
erläuternde Bemerkung(German f.) explanatory remark
erläuterndes Beispiel(German n.) illustrative example
erläutert(German) elucidates, elucidated, annotated, expounded
erläuterte(German) elucidated
Erläuterung (s.), Erläuterungen (pl.)(German f.) elucidation, exemplification, explanation, comment, annotation, commentary, illustration, exposition (explanation), illumination (figurative), (explanatory) note
Erläuterungen geben(German) to comment
Erläuterungsbericht(German m.) explanatory report
Erle(German f.) alder (tree)
Erleben(German n.) experience
erleben(German) to experience, to undergo, to live to see, to witness
erlebend(German) undergoing
Erlebnis (s.), Erlebnisse (pl.)(German n.) experience
Erlebniscafé(German n.) themed café
Erlebnisfähigkeit(German f.) capacity for experience
Erlebnisgesellschaft(German f.) thrill-seeking society
Erlebnismystik(German f.) experiential mysticism
Erlebnispark(German m.) adventure park, amusement park
erlebnisreich(German) eventful
Erlebnisrestaurant(German n.) themed restaurant
Erlebnis von großer Tragweite(German n.) momentous experience
Erlebniswelt(German f.) world of experience
erlebt(German) undergoes, undergone
Er lebt allein.(German) He lives alone.
erlebte neu(German) re-experienced
erlebte wieder(German) relived
Er lebt für sich.(German) He keeps to himself.
Er lebt hinter dem Mond.(German) He's behind the times.
Er lebt noch.(German) He is still alive.
erledigen(German) to deal with, to finish (off), to see to, to take care of, to attend (to), to dispose (of), to manage, to bowl over, to bring down, to clinch, to dispatch, to handle (deal with), to kill, to settle, to do, to carry out
erledigt(German) done, fit, finished, agreed, agreed on, agreed upon, cleared, discharged, transacted, settled (resolved), dispatched (killed), dead (colloquial: exhausted)
Erledigt!(German) Job done!
erledigte Arbeit(German f.) work done, past work
erledigte Sache(German f.) thing of the past
erledigt sein(German) to be broken, to be for the high jump, to be done for (collouqial), to be done in (colloquial)
Erledigung (s.), transactions (pl.)(German f.) transaction, settling, conclusion, execution, handling, settlement, peremption
Erledigung der Aufgabe(German f.) job completion
Erlegen(German n.) culling (act of selection and killing)
erlegen(German) to bring down, to kill, to shoot down, to slay, to bag (kill), to cull (to select and kill)
(German) succumbed
erlegt(German) kills, slain
erlegt auf(German) enjoins
Er legte die Krone ab.(German) He laid down the crown.
erlegtes Wild(German n.) kill
Erlegung(German f.) culling (act of selection and killing)
Er lehnte an der Wand.(German) He leaned against the wall.
Er lehnte sich aus dem Fenster.(German) He leaned out of the window.
erlehren(German) to acquire by teaching
erleichtern(German) to facilitate, to alleviate, to relieve, to ease, to assuage, to lighten, to simplify, to make easier (task), to unburden, to leaven (atmosphere) (elevated style)
erleichternd(German) alleviative, assuaging, easing, facilitating, facilitative, lightening, relieving, soothing, alleviating
erleichternde Maßnahme(German f.) alleviating measure
erleichtert(German) facilitated, lightens, eased, at ease, relieved, alleviated
erleichtert aufatmen(German) to heave a sigh of relief, to sigh with relief, to be relieved
erleichtert aufatmen bei(German) to be relieved at
erleichterte(German) lightened
erleichterter Blick(German m.) look of relief
erleichtert sein(German) to be relieved, to feel relieved
Erleichterung (s.), Erleichterungen (pl.)(German f.) simplifed version, relief, easement, facilitation, alleviation, assuagement, ease, easing, facility, gladness, relaxation, tempering
Erleichterung bieten(German) to afford relief
Erleichterung bringen(German) to bring relief
Erleichterungen gewähren(German) to grant facilities
erleiden(German) to suffer, to sustain
erleidend(German) incurring
Erlenbusch(German m.) alder shrub
Erlendickicht(German n.) alder thicket
Erlenholz(German n.) alder (wood), alder wood, alderwood
Erlenmeyerkolben(German m.) Erlenmeyer flask, conical flask
erlernbar(German) learnable
Erlernbarkeit(German f.) learnability
Erlernen(German n.) learning
erlernen(German) to learn
erlernt(German) learned, learnt
Er lernte das Gedicht stur auswendig.(German) He learned the poem parrot-fashion.
erlernte Hilflosigkeit(German f.) learned helplessness
erlesen(German) choice, delicate, exquisite, recherché, vintage (of classic quality), select, distinguished
erlesene Kunst(German f.) distinguished art
erlesene Qualität(German f.) choice quality, select quality
erlesene Universität(German f.) distinguished university
erlesener Geschmack(German m.) delicate taste
erlesener Wein(German m.) vintage (quality wine)
erlesenes Mahl(German n.) regale (a great feast, a choice food, a delicacy, refreshment)
Erlesenheit(German f.) choiceness, selectness, delicateness, elegance
erlesenste Schokoladen(German pl.) choicest chocolates
erleuchten(German) to enlighten, to illume (literary: illuminate), to illuminate, to light, to lighten
erleuchtend(German) enlightening, illuminating
erleuchtet(German) alit, enlightened, enlightens, illumes, illuminated, illuminates, alight, lighted
erleuchtete(German) illumed
Erleuchtung (s.), Erleuchtungen (pl.)(German f.) satori, enlightenment, epiphany, inspiration, brainwave (colloquial)
erliegen(German) to succumb
erliegend(German) succumbing, succumbing to
erliegt(German) succumbs, succumbs to
Er liegt auf der Intensivstation.(German) He's in intensive care.
Er liegt seit einer Woche flach (im Bett).(German) He's been laid up (in bed) for a week.
erließ(German) remitted
Er ließ sich die Haare schneiden.(German) He had his hair cut.
Er ließ sich entschuldigen.(German) He asked to be excused.
Er ließ sich leicht überreden.(German) He was easily persuaded.
Er ließ sich nicht so schnell breitschlagen.(German) It took a lot of arm-twisting to get him to agree. (colloquial)
Er ließ sie aufsitzen.(German) He stood her up. (He failed to appear for the date)
Er liest viel.(German) He reads a good deal.
erlitten(German) suffered
erlittener Schaden(German m.) loss sustained, damages suffered, damages sustained
erlittener Verlust(German m.) sustained loss
Erlkönig(German m.) erl-king, erlking, prototype
erlogen(German) bogus
Erlös (s.), Erlöse (pl.)(German m.) proceeds, receipts, avail, avails, income (pl.)
Erlös aus einem Verkauf(German m.) proceeds of a sale
Erlös aus einer Erfindung(German m.) benefit of an invention
Erlöschen(German n.) expiry, extinguishment, forfeiture, termination, expiration, cessation
erloschen(German) extinct (volcano), defunct, lapsed, terminated, dead (feelings, fire), spento (Italian) stinto (Italian), erlöscht (German), éteint (French)
erlöschen(German) to go out (light), to lapse, to go off, to discontinue, to terminate, to die down (music, noise, clamour), to be extinguished (love), to die (love), to expire, to become extinct (volcano)
erlöschend(German) becoming weakened, expiring
Erlöschen der Mitgliedschaft(German n.) termination of membership
Erlöschen eines Patents(German n.) expiration of a patent, lapse of a patent
erlöschen lassen(German) to extinguish
erloschene Firma(German f.) defunct company, defunct firm
erloschener Vulkan(German m.) dead volcano, extinct volcano
Erlöschensfrist(German f.) period of validity
Erlös der Versteigerung(German m.) auction proceeds, proceeds of an auction
erlöscht(German) spento (Italian), stinto (Italian), extinguished, very quiet, éteint (French)
Erlöse aus Straftaten(German pl.) proceeds of crime
erlösen(German) to release, to deliver, to save, to ransom, to redeem
erlösen von(German) to deliver from
erlösend(German) redemptive, cathartic, redemptory, salvific, redeeming
erlösender Augenblick(German m.) redeeming moment
Erlöser(German m.) Redeemer, liberator, saviour
Erlöserkirche(German f.) Church of the Redeemer
Erlöserorden(German m.) Order of the Most Holy Saviour
Erlöse uns von dem Bösen.(German) Deliver us from evil.
Erlöse uns von der Sünde.(German) Deliver us from sin.
Erlösspanne(German f.) profit margin
erlöst(German) released (from agony), redeemed
erlöster Betrag(German m.) amount realized
erlöster Preis(German m.) price obtained
Erlösung(German f.) release, redemption, salvation, ransom, deliverance
Erlösungswerk(German n.) saving ministry, (work of) redemption, atonement
Erlösung von(German f.) deliverance from
