dies | (German) this, that, this here |
Die Sache ist keine Träne wert. | (German) The matter isn't worth crying over. |
die Sache auf den Punkt bringen | (German) to cut right to the chase |
die Sache auf die Spitze treiben | (German) to bring matters to a head |
die Sache beim Namen nennen | (German) to call a spade a spade |
Die Sache bekommt ein anderes Gesicht. | (German) The matter takes on a different complexion. |
die Sache bemänteln | (German) to mince matters |
die Sache beschlafen | (German) to sleep on the matter |
Die Sache duldet keinen Aufschub. | (German) The matter bears no delay. |
die Sache durcheinander bringen | (German) to confuse the issue |
die Sache durchführen | (German) to carry the matter through |
die Sache durchstehen | (German) to stay the course |
die Sache durchziehen | (German) to stay the course |
die Sache entscheiden | (German) to decide the matter |
die Sache erledigen | (German) to settle the affair, to settle the issue |
Die Sache gefällt mir nicht. | (German) I don't like the look of it. (colloquial) |
die Sache gütlich in Ordnung bringen | (German) to settle the matter amicably |
Die Sache hat aber einen Pferdefuß. | (German) There's just one snag. |
Die Sache hat einen Haken. | (German) There's a rub in it. There's a snag. There is a hitch somewhere. |
Die Sache hat einen Pferdefuß. | (German) There's a sting in the tail. |
die Sache in die eigenen Hände nehmen | (German) to take matters into one's hands |
Die Sache ist die ... | (German) The point is this ... |
Die Sache ist die, dass ... | (German) The fact of the matter is that ... The thing is that ... |
Die Sache ist gelaufen. | (German) It's all over. |
Die Sache ist noch in der Schwebe. | (German) The matter is still up in the air. (figurative) |
Die Sache ist noch nicht entschieden. | (German) The matter is still up in the air. (figurative) |
Die Sache lohnt nicht. | (German) The game is not worth the candle. |
die Sache übertreiben | (German) to overdo things |
die Sache vergeigen | (German) to blow it (colloquial) |
die Sache wert sein | (German) to be worth doing |
Die Sache wird langsam interessant. | (German) The plot thickens. |
die Sache zu weit treiben | (German) to advance the case too far |
die Sachen wechseln | (German) to get changed, to change clothes |
dies Aegyptiaci | (Latin, Egyptian days) or dies mali (Latin, unlucky days - which is the source for the English word 'dismal'), unpropitious days - identified, in the medieval period, as being 1 and 25 January, 4 and 26 February, 1 and 28 March, 10 and 20 April, 3 and 25 May, 10 and 16 June, 13 and 22 July, 1 and 30 August, 3 and 21 September, 3 and 22 October, 5 and 28 November, 7 and 22 December |
Die Saison geht zu Ende. | (German) The season closes. |
Die Saison hat erst begonnen. | (German) The season is young. |
die Sakramente spenden | (German) to administer the sacraments |
dies alles | (German) all this, all of this |
Dies also sind ... | (German) These, then, are ... |
die Samthandschuhe ausziehen | (German) to take off the gloves |
dies ankündigen | (German) to announce so to do |
diesare | (Italian) to place a sharp in front of a note or in the key signature |
die Sau rauslassen | (German) to let it all hang out (colloquial) |
die Sauberkeit übertreiben | (German) to carry cleanliness to extremes |
die Sauerei aufräumen | (German) to clean up the mess |
Dies bestätigte meinen Verdacht. | (German) This confirmed my suspicion. |
diesbezüglich | (German) relevant, regarding this matter, referring to this, in this respect, concerning this matter, as to that, on that score, relating to this, regarding this, in this regard, in that regard, to this effect |
die Schafe von den Böcken trennen | (German) to separate the sheep from the goats |
die Schallgeschwindigkeit überschreiten | (German) to break the sound-barrier |
die Schallmauer durchbrechen | (German) to break the sonic barrier, to break the sound barrier |
die Schau stehlen | (German) to steal the show |
die Schauspielereien weglassen | (German) to cut out the histrionics |
die Scheidung aussprechen | (German) to grant a divorce |
die Scheidung einreichen | (German) to file a petition for divorce, to file for divorce |
die Schiefertafel wischen | (German) to wipe the slate clean |
die Schlacht fortsetzen | (German) to continue the battle |
Die Schlagzeile fiel mir heute Morgen auf. | (German) The headline caught my eye this morning. |
die Schlagzeilen beherrschen | (German) to dominate the headlines |
die schlechte Nachricht | (German) the bad news |
die Schliche kennen | (German) to know the ropes |
die Schlichtung fördern | (German) to encourage conciliation |
die schlimmsten Befürchtungen | (German) the worst fears |
die schlimmsten Reibungsursachen | (German) the worst causes of friction |
Die Schlinge um seinen Hals zieht sich langsam zu. | (German) The noose is slowly tightening on him. (figurative) |
die Schmerzen lindern | (German) to deaden the pain, to ease the pain |
die Schmerzensreiche | (German f.) Our Lady of Sorrows |
die schmutzigen Details | (German) the sordid details |
die Schnauze voll haben | (German) to be fed up to the back teeth (colloquial), to be brassed off (colloquial) |
die schnelle Mark machen | (German, dated) to make a quick buck |
die Schöffen ermahnen | (German) to charge the jury |
die Schöne Helena | (German) Helen of Troy |
die schönen Künste | (German) the fine arts |
die Schönheit beachten | (German) to acknowledge the beauty |
die Schotten | (German pl.) the Scots, the Scottish (people) |
die Schotten dicht machen | (German) to batten down the hatches |
die Schrecken des Krieges | (German) the horrors of war |
die Schriftsteller | (German pl.) the literary world |
die Schritte beschleunigen | (German) to quicken the pace |
die Schuhbänder binden | (German) to knot the laces, to lace one's shoes |
die Schuhe binden | (German) to fasten one's shoes |
die Schuhe schief treten | (German) to wear down the heels of one's shoes |
die Schuhe schnüren | (German) to lace one's shoes |
die Schuhe zuschnüren | (German) to lace up one's shoes |
die Schulbank drücken | (German) to go to school |
die Schuld anderen zuschieben | (German) to shift the blame on others |
die Schuld auf sich nehmen | (German) to take the rap, to take the blame, to shoulder the blame |
die Schuld begleichen | (German) to repay the debt |
die Schuld einklagen | (German) to sue for the debt |
die Schuld eintreiben | (German) to recover the debt |
die Schuld eintreiben lassen | (German) to enforce payment |
die Schuld weitergeben | (German) to shift the blame on others |
die Schuld zurückzahlen | (German) to repay the debt |
die Schuld zuschreiben | (German) to blame |
die Schuldigen | (German) the guilty (ones) |
die Schule abbrechen | (German) to drop out (of school) |
die Schule erfolgreich abschließen | (German) to make the grade |
die Schule schmeißen | (German) to drop out (of school) |
die Schule verlassen | (German) to come out of school |
die Schulreife haben | (German) to be ready to go to school |
die Schultern hängen lassen | (German) to slouch (one's shoulders) |
die Schultern hängenlassend | (German) slouching |
die Schultern hochziehen | (German) to hunch one's shoulders |
die Schweizer | (German pl.) the Swiss |
die Schwierigkeit, diesen Begriff zu definieren | (German) the elusiveness of this concept |
die Schwierigkeiten erkennen | (German) to understand the difficulties |
dies, das und anderes | (German) this, that and the other |
dies, das und jenes | (German) this, that and the other |
diese | (German) this, these, those, that |
Dièse |  | (French m.) sharp sign, a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
Dièse | (French m.) in the seventeenth century, to indicate 'major', for example, fa dièse, F major |
Diese Anordnung wird Ihnen gefallen. | (German) This arrangement will suit you. |
diese Ansicht wird bestärkt durch | (German) this view is encouraged by |
Diese Arbeit ist leicht. | (German) This work is easy. |
Diese Artikel gelten für ... | (German) These articles apply to ... |
Diese Aufgabe übernimmt ... | (German) This is the function of ... |
Diese Ausrede nützte ihm nichts. | (German) This excuse did not avail him. |
Dièse avec trois barres verticales | (French m.) 3/4 tone sharp (in mictotonal notation) |
Dièse barré | (French m.) or demi dièse, one quarter tone sharp |
Diese Befürchtungen wurden bestätigt, als ... | (German) Those fears were realised as ... |
diese beinhalten | (German) these include |
Diese Bemerkung sagte alles. | (German) That remark was a dead giveaway. |
Diese Dokumente sind vorgeschrieben. | (German) These documents are called for. |
diésée | (French) a note that is preceded by a sharp (i.e. sharped) |
die Seele aushauchen | (German) to breathe one's last breath |
die Seele baumeln lassen | (German) to take a break from everyday life |
die Seele von Sünde reinwaschen | (German) to cleanse the soul of sin |
Diese Farben sind waschecht. | (German) These colours are fast. |
Diese Frage befasst sich mit ... | (German) This question deals with ... |
diese ganze Diskussion | (German) all this discussion |
Diese Gedankengänge sind ihm fremd. | (German) Such thoughts are alien to him. |
die Segel beschlagen | (German) to furl the sails |
die Segel killen lassen | (German) to spill the sails |
die Segel streichen | (German) to strike sail |
Diese Geschichte ist der reinste Zündstoff. | (German) That story is pure dynamite. |
die Sehbehinderten | (German pl.) the visually impaired |
die Sehenswürdigkeiten einer Stadt besichtigen | (German) to see the sights (of a town) |
Diese Idee kannst du dir gleich aus dem Kopf schlagen. | (German) You can put that idea right out of your mind. |
die Seinen | (German pl.) his, his family |
die seinen | (German pl.) his |
die Seinigen | (German) his family |
die Seinigen | (German pl.) his, his |
die Seinsfrage | (German f.) the question of being (ontology) |
die Seite überfliegen | (German) to run down the page |
die Seite wechseln | (German) to change one's affiliation, to change sides |
die Seiten wechseln | (German) to change sides, to jump ship (figurative) |
Diesel | (English, German m.) internal-combustion engine in which heat is produced by the compression of air in the cylinder ignites the fuel |
diesel | (Spanish) diesel |
dieselbe | (German) same, the same |
Dieselben ... | (German) These same ..., Those same ... |
dieselben Leute | (German pl.) the selfsame persons |
dieselben Rechte | (German pl.) the same rights |
dieselbetrieben | (German) diesel-powered |
dieselelektrisch | (German) diesel-electric |
Dieselgeruch | (German m.) smell of diesel |
die Seligen | (German) the Blest, the Blessed |
die Seligpreisungen | (German pl.) the Beatitudes |
Diese Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. | (German) This list is not intended to be exhaustive. |
Dieselkraftstoff | (German m.) diesel fuel |
dieselmechanisch | (German) diesel-mechanical |
Dieselmotor | (German m.) diesel engine |
diesem entsprechend | (German) according to this |
diese Nacht | (German) tonight, last night |
die Sendung wiederholen | (German) to rebroadcast (also radio) |
Die Sendung wird fertig sein. | (German) The consignment will be ready. |
diesen Monat | (German) this month |
Diesen Tag werde ich mir im Kalender rot anstreichen. | (German) That's a turn-up for the books. (colloquial) |
Diese Pläne sind zum Scheitern verurteilt. | (German) These plans are destined to fail. |
dieser | (German) this |
diéser | (French) in music, to sharpen (a note), to make sharp |
dieser Art | (German) of this type, of this character, in this vein |
Dieser Artikel ist ersetzt worden. | (German) This article has been superseded. |
Dieser Artikel ist ziemlich gefragt. | (German) This article is quite in demand. |
Dieser Artikel verkauft sich am besten. | (German) This article sells best. |
Dieser Artikel verkauft sich gut. | (German) This article sells well. |
Dieser Artikel verkauft sich überall. | (German) This article sells everywhere. |
Dieser Artikel wird sich leicht verkaufen. | (German) This article will go well. This article will sell well. |
Dieser Auftrag ist vorrangig. | (German) This order has top priority. |
Dieser Bericht ist fundiert. | (German) This report is well founded. |
Dieser Brauch ist von den Japanern nur übernommen worden. | (German) This custom is Japanese only by adoption. |
Dieser Dreck in meinen Taschen. | (German) All this junk in my pocket. |
Diese Rede erheiterte mich. | (German) I was amused at this speech. |
diese Regeln anwenden | (German) to use these rules |
diese Regeln beziehen sich ausschließlich auf | (German) these rules refer solely to |
Diese Regeln sind verbindlich. | (German) These definitions are binding. These provisions are binding. |
dieser ganze Quatsch über ... | (German) all that stuff about ... (colloquial) |
Dieser Gedanke ist mir auch gekommen. | (German) The thought had occurred to me. |
Dieser Hut gehört ihm. | (German) This hat is his. |
Dieser Knopf ist abgegangen. | (German) This button came off. |
dieser komplett Gestörte | (German) this raving lunatic (colloquial) |
Dieser Kragen schnürt mir den Hals ein. | (German) This collar is nearly choking me. This collar is nearly strangling me. |
dies ermöglicht es uns zu | (German) this enables us to |
Dieser Posten ist genau mein Fall. | (German) This job is right up my street. (colloquial) |
dieser Schutz deckt | (German) this protection covers |
dieser spezielle Fall | (German) this particular case |
Dieser Stoff stößt das Wasser ab. | (German) This cloth sheds water. |
dieser Tage | (German) in the next few days, in the last few days, the other day, the other morning, the other evening, the other week |
Dieser Vertrag verfolgt den Zweck ... | (German) The purpose of this contract is ... |
Dieser Wein ist korkig. | (German) This wine is corked. |
Dieser Wein ist sehr süffig. | (German) This wine goes down well. |
Dieser Zug hält in ... | (German) This train will call at ... |
Dieser Zug ist abgefahren! | (German) This ship has sailed! |
dieses | (German) this |
Dieses Angebot ist bindend bis ... | (German) This offer is firm until ... |
Dieses Angebot ist gültig bis ... | (German) This quotation is valid until ... |
Dieses Angebot ist verbindlich bis ... | (German) This offer is firm until ... |
dieses ankündigen | (German) to announce so to do |
dieses besondere Gewerbe | (German) this particular trade |
Dieses Buch gehört mir. | (German) This book belongs to me. |
Dieses Buch habe ich ausgewählt. | (German) This book is my choice. |
Dieses Buch legt man nicht aus der Hand. | (German) This book is unputdownable. (colloquial) |
Dieses Buch liest sich gut. | (German) This book makes good reading. |
dieses eine Mal | (German) this once, this one time |
Diese Seite (nach) oben! | (German) This side up! |
Dieses Gerät ist batteriebetrieben. | (German) This device runs on batteries. |
Dieses Hemd färbt ab. | (German) The dye comes off this shirt. |
dieses Jahr | (German n.) this year |
dieses Jahres | (German) of this year |
dieses Mal | (German n.) this time, this time round, on this occasion |
Dieses Problem wird uns noch einige Zeit begleiten. | (German) This will be a problem for some time to come. |
Diese Stelle wird frei. | (German) This post is going to be vacated. |
diese Straße führt nach | (German) this road leads to |
Diese Straße sollte man meiden. | (German) This street is a no-go area. |
dieses Typs | (German) of this type |
Dieses Verfahren ist allgemein üblich. | (German) This method is generally applied. |
Dieses Verfahren wird allgemein angewandt. | (German) This method is generally applied. |
Dieses Wort sagt mir nichts. | (German) This word conveys nothing to me. |
dieses Zeug | (German n.) those things (colloquial) |
Diese Tabletten halfen mir nicht. | (German) These pills did me no good. |
diese Tatsache allein | (German) this fact alone, this fact by itself |
Diese Tatsache entging mir. | (German) That fact escaped me. |
Diese Tatsachen lassen den Schluss zu, dass ... | (German) These facts lead us to the conclusion that ... |
Diese Tür ist alarmgesichert. | (German) This door is alarmed. |
Diese Vertragsformel ist erarbeitet worden, um ... | (German) The term has been designed to ... |
diese widerlichen ... | (German) these disgusting ..., these sickening ..., these unpleasant ... |
diesfalls | (German) in this case |
Dies fällt in den Bereich von ... | (German) This comes within the limits of ... |
Dies felices | (Latin) happy days |
die Sicherheit vorziehen | (German) to prefer the certainty |
die Sicht beeinträchtigen | (German) to cloud the sight |
die Sicht klären | (German) to clarify the sight |
die sieben mageren Jahre | (German pl.) the seven lean years |
die sieben Todsünden | (German pl.) the seven deadly sins |
die sieben Weltmeere | (German) the seven seas |
die Siegreichen | (German pl.) the victorious |
diesig | (German) hazy, misty |
die signifikante Andere | (German f.) significant other (female) |
Die sinker | also die-sinker or diesinker, a person or machine that makes dies used in stamping or shaping |
Dies irae | (Latin, literally 'day of wrath') a principal movement in the Requiem |
Diesis (s.), Dieses (pl.), Dieseis (pl.) | (English, Spanish f., from Greek) Aristoxenus considered the diesis the smallest melodic interval. Marchettus de Padua (Marchetto Padoano), in his Lucidarium written in 1317/1318, was the first to use it as a standard measure. He divided the whole tone in 5 parts, called a diesis. The chromatic semitone (semitonium enharmonicum) was 2 dieses, the diatonic semitone (semitonium diatonicum) 3 dieses and another chromatic semitone of 4 dieses was meant for some augmentations like C-C giving a very high leading tone. Later, the minor or enharmonic diesis became the difference between three justly tuned major thirds and one octave. There are 29.22634 of it in an octave. It is expressed by the ratio 128:125, and is equal to 41.06 cents. This is the difference between a diatonic and a chromatic semitone. However, the term 'enharmonic diesis' has been used also to mean other similarly small intervals (for example, (a) the interval between the 22 and 23 harmonic, (b) by Adriaan Fokker for the step of 31-tone equal temperament where it is also equal to 1/5 part of a whole tone). The 'normal diesis' is defined by Fokker to be 1/31 part of an octave a convenient measure in which to express 7-limit just intervals |
 | (Italian) sharp sign, a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
Dièsis |  | (French m.) sharp sign, a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
Diësis | (German f.) diesis |
Diesis chromatica | (Greek) the third part, or fraction, of a whole tone |
Diesis enharmonica | (Greek) a quarter tone, the interval between notes that under the system of equal temperament might be considered enharmonically equivalent but which who be experienced when played on an instrument that can be tempered (for example, the difference between G# and Ab when played on the violin) |
Diesis magna | (Greek) a semitone |
Diesis mayor | (Spanish f.) a musical interval defined by the frequency ratio 648:625, equivalent to about 62.6 cents |
Diesis menor | (Spanish f.) a musical interval defined by the frequency ratio 128:125, equivalent to about 41 cents |
Dies ist allerdings nicht ganz richtig. | (German) This is not quite correct though. |
Dies ist allerdings wahr. | (German) This is true enough. |
Dies ist die zweite Möglichkeit. | (German) This is the second possibility. |
Dies ist erhältlich von ... | (German) This can be obtained from ... |
die Sitten verderben | (German) to pervert morals |
die Situation beschönigen | (German) to whitewash the situation |
die Situation entschärfen | (German) to defuse the situation |
die Situation genießen | (German) to savour the situation |
die Situation retten | (German) to remedy the situation |
die Situation unter Kontrolle haben | (German) to have the situation under control |
die Sitze mit ... tauschen | (German) to change seats with ... |
die Sitze tauschen | (German) to change places |
die Sitzung auf morgen verschieben | (German) to postpone the meeting until tomorrow |
die Sitzung beenden | (German) to adjourn the sitting |
diesjährig | (German) this year's |
die Skala hinauf und hinab laufen | (German) to run up and down the scale |
Dies kann ihm nur gelingen ... | (German) He can only succeed in doing so ... |
die Sklaverei abschaffen | (German) to abolish slavery |
Dies lässt sich für unseren Fall anwenden. | (German) This applies to our case. |
Dies mag sich von selbst verstehen. | (German) This may be self-evident. |
diesmal | (German) this time |
Diesmal bist du zu weit gegangen. | (German) This time you've gone too far. |
Diesmal drücke ich ein Auge zu, aber ... | (German) This time I will turn a blind eye to it, but ... |
diesmonatiger (m.), diesmonatige (f.), diesmonatiges (n.) | (German) this month's |
Dies natalis | (Latin) birthday |
Dies non (juridicus) | (Latin) a legal day of rest |
Dies oder gar nichts. | (German) It's Hobson's choice. (i.e. there is no choice) |
Die Sonne geht um ... Uhr unter. | (German) The sun sets at ... o'clock. |
die Sonne spiegeln | (German) to reflect the sun |
Die Sonne steht tief. | (German) The sun is low. |
die Sonne verdecken | (German) to obliterate the sun |
die Sonne verfinstern | (German) to eclipse the sun, to occlude the sun |
die Sorge haben, dass ... | (German) to be concerned that ... |
die Sorgen teilen | (German) to share your sorrow |
Die Spatzen pfeifen es von den Dächern. | (German) It's all over town. |
Die Speisekarte bitte. | (German) The menu, please. |
die Speisen und Getränke liefern | (German) to cater |
die Speisen wohlgefällig darreichen | (German) to serve the food in a way that is pleasing to the eye |
die Spekulationen anheizen | (German) to fuel the flames of speculation |
die Spielregeln kennen | (German) to know the ropes |
die Spitze erreichen | (German) to reach the summit |
die Spitze nehmen | (German) to neutralise (the force of an argument) |
die Sprache der alten Briten | (German) the British language |
die Sprache verderben | (German) to corrupt the language |
die Sprache verschlagen | (German) to floor (figurative) |
die Sprache wieder finden | (German) to find one's voice, to find one's voice again, to recover one's voice |
die Sprache wiederfinden | (German) to find one's tongue |
die sprachlosen Massen | (German pl.) the voiceless |
die Spreu vom Weizen trennen | (German) to separate the wheat from the chaff (also figurative), to winnow |
die Sprüche Salomos | (German) the Book of Proverbs |
die Spur verfolgen | (German) to keep track |
die Spur verlieren | (German) to be thrown off the scent, to be thrown off the track, to lose the scent |
die Spur wechseln | (German) to change lanes |
Dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein. | (German) This seems like a good point. |
diesseitig | (German) secular, temporal, this-worldly |
Diesseitigkeit | (German f., literally 'this-sidedness') the doctrine of materialism, this-worldliness |
Diesseits | (German n.) this life, this world |
diesseits | (German) on this side, on this side of |
diesseits der Alpen | (German) cisalpine |
Dies sollte deutlich gemacht werden. | (German) This should be made clear. |
Dies sollte nicht unerwähnt bleiben. | (German) This should not go unmentioned. |
Diestamping | or relief stamping, an intaglio process of printing in which the resultant impression stands out in relief above the surface of the stamped material, either coloured (using inks) or blind (that is, without colour) |
die Staaten | (German pl.) the States (USA) |
die Staatsangehörigkeit erwerben | (German) to acquire citizenship |
die Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen | (German) to apply for citizenship |
die Staatsbürgerschaft erwerben | (German) to acquire citizenship |
die Stabilität in Frage stellen | (German) to affect the stability |
die Stadt besichtigen | (German) to go sightseeing in the town |
die Stadt Davids | (German) the city of David |
die Stadt New York | (German) New York City |
die Stadt unsicher machen | (German) to paint the town (red) (colloquial) |
die städtische Lebensweise | (German) the urban way of life |
die ständige Berieselung mit ... | (German) the constant stream of ... (music, noise, etc.) |
die Stationen des Kreuzwegs | (German) the Stations of the Cross |
die Staufer | (German) the Hohenstaufen dynasty |
die Stelle bezeichnen | (German) to mark the spot |
die Stelle wechseln | (German) to change a job, to change a position |
die Stellung halten | (German) to hold the fort |
die Sterbenden | (German pl.) the dying |
die Sterne befragen | (German) to consult the stars |
die Steuerbehörde | (German) the taxman (tax authorities) |
die Steuerbehörden betrügen | (German) to defraud the revenue |
die Steuern senken | (German) to reduce taxes |
die Stiefel abwischen | (German) to wipe one's boots |
die Stiefel ausziehen | (German) to pull off one's boots |
die Stiefel wechseln | (German) to change one's boots |
die Stiegen hinaufsteigen | (German) to ascend a staircase, to ascend the stairs, to climb the stairs |
die Stille bewahren | (German) to observe the silence |
die Stille brechen | (German) to break a long silence |
die Stille durchbrechen | (German) to break the silence |
die Stimme ändern | (German) to alter one's voice |
Die Stimme bricht. | (German) The voice breaks. |
die Stimme dämpfen | (German) to soften the voice |
die Stimme erheben | (German) to raise one's voice, to raise the voice |
die Stimme heben | (German) to raise the voice |
die Stimme senken | (German) to deepen the voice |
die Stimme überanstrengen | (German) to strain one's voice |
die Stimme verlieren | (German) to lose one's tongue |
Die Stimme wechselt. | (German) The voice breaks. |
die Stimme wieder erhalten | (German) to recover one's voice |
die Stimmen zählen | (German) to count the votes, to tally the votes |
die Stimmung aufhellen | (German) to lift the mood |
die Stimmung drücken | (German) to dampen the mood, to dempen the spirits |
die Stimmung heben | (German) to raise spirits, to lift the spirits |
die Stimmung hoch halten | (German) to buoy up the spirits |
Die Stimmung ist ziemlich schlecht. | (German) Morale is pretty low. |
die Stimmung oben halten | (German) to buoy up the spirits |
die Stirn bieten | (German) to defy, to affront, to confront |
die Stirn gerunzelt | (German) frowned |
die Stirn haben | (German) to have the nerve |
die Stirn in Falten legen | (German) to wrinkle one's brow, to furrow one's brow |
die Stirn runzeln | (German) to frown, to raise one's eyebrows, to knit one's brow, to wrinkle one's forehead, to wrinkle one's brow, to furrow one's brow |
die Stirn spülen | (German) to bathe one's forehead |
die Stirne kraus ziehen | (German) to knit one's brow |
die Stirne runzelnd | (German) frowning |
Diestra | (Spanish f.) right hand |
die Strafe annehmen | (German) to accept the punishment |
die Strafe bemessen | (German) to assess the penalty |
die Strafe umwandeln | (German) to commute the sentence |
Die Strafe wird nicht ausbleiben. | (German) Punishment is inevitable. |
die Strafe zahlen | (German) to pay the penalty |
die strafrechtliche Verfolgung vermeiden | (German) to avoid prosecution |
die Straße auf und ab gehen | (German) to stroll up and down (the street etc.) |
die Straße ausbessern | (German) to repair the road |
die Straße beschatten | (German) to shade the street |
die Straße betreten | (German) to step into the road |
die Straße entlang | (German) along the road, along the street |
die Straße entlanggehen | (German) to walk along the street |
die Straße entlangjagen | (German) to speed along the street |
die Straße entlangschlendern | (German) to stroll along the street |
die Straße hinauf- und hinabrennen | (German) to run up and down the street |
die Straße hoch | (German) up the road |
die Straße streuen | (German) to grit the road |
die Straße überqueren | (German) to cross the road |
die Straße versperren | (German) to obstruct the road |
Die Straße wird eben ausgebessert. | (German) The road is under repair. |
die Straßen entlang | (German) along streets |
die Straßen säumen | (German) to line the streets |
Die Straßen sind zugeparkt. | (German) The streets are full of parked cars. |
die Straßendecke erneuern | (German) to resurface |
Die Strategie wird sich auszahlen. | (German) The strategy will pay off. |
die Strecke ändern | (German) to alter one's route |
die Streiklinie durchbrechen | (German) to cross the picket line (industrial dispute) |
die streitenden Parteien anhören | (German) to hear the parties of the dispute |
diestro | (Spanish) right, skillful |
die Stromversorgung abschalten | (German) to cut off the electricity supply |
Die Struktur ähnelt ... | (German) The structure is similar to ... |
die Struktur intakt lassen | (German) to leave the structure intact |
die Stunde der Wahrheit | (German) the moment of truth |
Die Stunde hat geschlagen. | (German) The writing is on the wall. |
die Stunde schlagen | (German) to strike the hour |
die Substanz angreifen | (German) to draw on one's resources |
die Suche abbrechen | (German) to abandon the search |
die Suche einengen | (German) to narrow down the search |
die Suche einstellen | (German) to abandon the search, to call off the search |
die Südstaaten | (German) the Southern States (USA) |
dies und das | (German) this and that, bits and pieces |
die Sünde der Undankbarkeit begehen | (German) to commit the sin of ingratitude |
die Sünde des Stolzes begehen | (German) to commit the sin of pride |
dies und jenes | (German) this and that |
die Superreichen | (German pl.) the super-rich |
die Suppe auslöffeln | (German) to face the music (figurative) |
die Suren des Koran | (German) the suras of the Koran |
Dies versetzt uns in die Lage zu ... | (German) This places us in a position to ... |
dies vorausgeschickt | (German) with this proviso |
Dies weckte sofort Verdacht. | (German) This at once awakened suspicion. |
Dies wird es Ihnen sicherlich ermöglichen ... | (German) This will surely enable you to ... |
Dies wird unsere Gewinnspanne schmälern. | (German) This will cut our profit margin. This will eat into our profit margin. |
Dies wirft ebenso viele Fragen auf, wie es beantwortet. | (German) This throws up just as many questions as it answers. |
dieswöchiger (m.), dieswöchige (f.), dieswöchiges (n.) | (German) this week's |
die Syrophönizische Frau | (German f.) the Syrophoenician woman |
die Szene wechseln | (German) to shift the scene |
Dieta | (Italian f., Spanish f.) diet |
die Tabelle anführen | (German) to head the table, to top the standings |
die Tabellenführung übernehmen | (German) to go top of the standings, to take over at the top of the table |
die Tafel wischen | (German) to wipe the blackboard, to clean the blackboard |
Die Tage flogen dahin. | (German) Days flew past. |
die Tage um Ostern (herum) | (German) the days either side of Easter |
Die Tage werden allmählich kürzer. | (German) Days are closing in. |
die Tagesarbeit beenden | (German) to call it a day |
die Taktik ändern | (German) to alter one's tactics, to change tack |
die Talfahrt bremsen | (German) to slow the downward slide |
die Talsohle erreichen | (German) to hit the bottom |
die Taschen durchsuchen | (German) to ransack one's pockets |
die Taschen nach außen stülpen | (German) to turn one's pockets inside out |
die Tasten anschlagen | (German) to strike the keys |
Die Tat wirkt mächtiger als das Wort. | (German) Actions speak louder than words. |
die Täterschaft leugnen | (German) to deny one's guilt |
die Tätigkeit beschränken | (German) to restrict activities |
die Tatsache ändern | (German) to alter the fact |
die Tatsache begreifen, dass ... | (German) to grasp the fact that ... |
die Tatsache eingestehen | (German) to confess the fact |
die Tatsachen akzeptieren | (German) to accept the facts |
die Tatsachen ändern | (German) to alter the facts |
die Tatsachen beschönigen | (German) to whitewash the facts |
die Tatsachen des Lebens | (German) the facts of life |
die Tatsachen nicht erkennen wollen | (German) to be in denial |
die Tatsachen verdrehen | (German) to misrepresent the facts, to pervert the facts |
die tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten | (German pl.) realities |
Diète | (French f.) diet |
die Temperatur erhöhen | (German) to raise the temperature |
die Temperatur herabsetzen | (German) to reduce the temperature |
die Temperatur regeln | (German) to control the temperature |
die Temperatur senken | (German) to reduce the temperature |
Die Temperaturen werden in Grad Celsius angegeben. | (German) Temperatures are given in degrees Celsius. |
Dieter Düsentrieb | (German) Newton |
Die Termine hin- und her schieben | (German) to juggle the appointments around |
Diététicien (m.), Diététicienne (f.) | (French) dietician |
Diététique | (French f.) dietetics |
diététique | (French) dietary |
die Theorie vertreten, dass ... | (German) to have a theory that ... |
die Thronfolge antreten | (German) to succeed to the throne |
die Tiefen von ... | (German) the bowels of ... |
die tiefste Verzweiflung erleben | (German) to plumb the depths of despair |
die Tinte setzen unter | (German) to ink |
Dietista | (Italian m./f.) dietician |
die Todkranken | (German) the terminally ill |
Die Tonart wechselte von Dur nach Moll. | (German) The key modulated from major to minor. |
Die Töne kamen klar. | (German) The notes rang out crisply. |
die törichten Jungfrauen | (German) the foolish virgins |
die Torpfosten verschieben | (German) to move the goalposts (figurative) |
die Toten | (German) the dead |
die Toten auferstehen lassen | (German) to raise the dead |
die Toten beerdigen | (German) to bury the dead |
die Toten wieder zum Leben erwecken | (German) to raise the dead |
die Totenglocke läuten | (German) to sound the knell |
die Totenklage halten | (German) to keen (Irish expression) |
Die Trachinierinnen | (German) The Trachiniae (Sophocles) |
die Tränen abwischen | (German) to wipe away the tears |
Die Tränen schossen ihr in die Augen. | (German) Tears flooded her eyes. |
Die Trauben hängen zu hoch. | (German) It's just sour grapes. |
die Traurigkeit wegzaubern | (German) to charm away melancholy |
die treibende Kraft bei ... sein | (German) to be the driving force behind ... |
die Treppe herabstürmen | (German) to come rushing down the stairs |
die Treppe herunter | (German) downstairs |
die Treppe hinab | (German) downstairs |
die Treppe hinabgehen | (German) to go down the stairs |
die Treppe hinabspringen | (German) to dash down the stairs |
die Treppe hinauf | (German) upstairs |
die Treppe hinauffallen | (German) to get an unexpected promotion (figurative) |
die Treppe hinaufgehen | (German) to go upstairs, to go up the stairs |
die Treppe hinaufrennen | (German) to take the stairs at a run |
die Treppe hinaufspringen | (German) to dash up the stairs |
die Treppe hinunterpoltern | (German) to clatter down the stairs |
die Treppe hinuntersausen | (German) to dash down the stairs |
die Treppe hinunterspringen | (German) to bounce down the stairs, to dash down the stairs |
die Treppen hinaufgehen | (German) to climb the stairs |
Dietrich | (German m.) skeleton key, picklock, lock pick |
Dietro | (Italian m.) back (as in le stanza di dietro (Italian: the back rooms) or le zampe di dietro (Italian: the hind legs)) |
dietro | (Italian) behind, after, back, hind |
Die Troerinnen | (German) The Trojan Women (Euripides) |
dietro le quinte | (Italian) behind the scenes (literal and figurative) |
die Trommel rühren | (German) to beat the drum |
die Trommel schlagen | (German) to beat the drum |
Die Trompeten schallen. | (German) The trumpets call. |
die Truppe besichtigen | (German) to visit the troops |
die Tür aufhalten | (German) to hold the door open |
die Tür aufmachen | (German) to answer the bell, to answer the door |
die Tür beim Läuten öffnen | (German) to answer the doorbell |
die Tür einen Spalt offen lassen | (German) to leave the door ajar |
die Tür fest zumachen | (German) to secure the door |
die Tür hinter sich zumachen | (German) to close the door on the way out |
die Tür hinter sich zuschlagen | (German) to bang the door behind one |
die Tür ins Schloss fallen lassen | (German) to let the door shut |
die Tür ins Schloss werfen | (German) to slam the door shut |
die Tür offen lassen | (German) to leave the door open |
die Tür öffnen | (German) to answer the bell, to answer the door |
die Tür schließen | (German) to shut the door |
Die Tür war nicht ganz zu. | (German) The door wasn't shut too |
die Tür zulassen | (German) to keep the door closed |
die Tür zuschmeißen | (German) to bang the door |
die Tür zusperren | (German) to lock the door |
die Tür zuwerfen | (German) to slam the door, to slam the door shut |
die Türe schließen | (German) to shut the door |
Dieu (s.), Dieux (pl.) | (French m.) god |
die Überbevölkerung mindern | (German) to alleviate overcrowding |
die Übergabe verweigern | (German) to refuse delivery |
die Überholspur freimachen | (German) to pull over, to move over |
die Überlegenheit haben | (German) to have the ascendancy |
die Überschrift ... haben | (German) to be headlined ... |
Die Übersetzung hält sich genau an den Geist des Originals. | (German) The translation is faithful to the spirit of the original. |
die Übersicht behalten über | (German) to keep track of |
die Übersicht verlieren über | (German) to lose track of |
Die Überzahlung ist zurückzuzahlen. | (German) The amount overpaid is to be refunded. |
die übliche Bezeichnung | (German f.) the term used |
die übliche Vorgehensweise | (German) standard practice |
die Üblichen | (German pl.) the regulars |
die üblichen Verdächtigen | (German) the usual suspects |
Dieu et mon droit | (French, literally 'God and my right' - a reference referring to the monarch's divine right to govern) the motto first used by Richard I in 1198 and adopted formally as the motto of the sovereigns of England since Henry VI |
die Uhr aufziehen | (German) to wind up the clock |
Die Uhr bleibt stehen. | (German) The clock stops. |
die Uhr einstellen | (German) to set the clock |
Die Uhr geht nach. | (German) The clock loses. The clock is slow. |
Die Uhr geht vor. | (German) The clock gains. The clock is fast. |
die Uhr stechen | (German) to clock in |
Die Uhr tickt. | (German) The clock is ticking. (figurative) |
die Uhr zurückdrehen | (German) to put the clock back, to turn the clock back |
die Uhren vorstellen | (German) to put the clocks forward |
die Uhren zurückstellen | (German) to move the clocks back |
die Uhrzeit vergleichen | (German) to synchronize watches |
die Umgebung kennen | (German) to be acquainted with the environment |
die Umsätze erhöhen | (German) to boost sales |
die Umsätze steigern | (German) to develop sales |
die Umstände des Lebens | (German) the circumstances of (the) life |
Die Umstände waren schuld gewesen. | (German) The circumstances had been to blame. |
die Umwelt schonen | (German) to save the environment |
die Unberührbaren | (German) the untouchables |
die Unbestechlichen | (German) the untouchables |
die und die | (German) such and such |
die Universität besuchen | (German) to attend university |
die Universität ohne Studienabschluss verlassen | (German) to leave university without graduating |
die Unkosten abziehen | (German) to deduct one's expenses |
die Unseren | (German pl.) ours |
die unseren | (German pl.) ours |
die unsren | (German pl.) ours |
die Unsrigen | (German pl.) ours |
die unsrigen | (German pl.) ours |
die untenstehende Tabelle | (German) the table below |
die Unterdrückten vertreten | (German) to defend the oppressed |
die Unterhaltung dominieren | (German) to dominate the conversation |
die unterlegene Mannschaft | (German) the losing team |
die Unterschrift anerkennen | (German) to acknowledge the signature |
die Unterschrift erteilen | (German) to attach one's signature |
die Unterseite sauber machen | (German) to clean the bottom of something |
die Unterstützung verstärken | (German) to reinforce one's support, to strengthen one's support |
die Unterstützung vorenthalten | (German) to withhold one's support |
die Unterwäsche wechseln | (German) to change one's linen |
die Untoten | (German pl.) the undead |
die Unwägbarkeiten des Lebens | (German) the intricacies of life |
die Unwahrheit beweisen | (German) to confute |
die Ursache sein | (German) to be the cause of |
Die Ursache wurde noch nicht ermittelt. | (German) The cause hasn't yet been established. |
die ursprüngliche Bestimmung des Menschen | (German) what human beings were originally meant to be |
die Usancen | (German pl.) the existing usage |
die Vaterschaft feststellen | (German) to declare paternity |
die Veranstaltung an sich reißen | (German) to nail the performance |
die Verantwortlichen | (German pl.) those responsible |
die Verantwortlichkeit mindern | (German) to reduce accountability |
die Verantwortlichkeit stärken | (German) to promote accountability |
die Verantwortung tragen | (German) to bear the blame |
die Verantwortung abwälzen | (German) to shift responsibility |
die Verantwortung festigen | (German) to improve accountability |
die Verantwortung übergeben | (German) to pass the baton |
die Verantwortung übernehmen | (German) to accept the responsibility, to take up the baton |
die Verbannung aufheben | (German) to lift the ban |
die Verbesserungen finanzieren | (German) to finance the improvements |
die Verbindungen abbrechen | (German) to break one's links |
die Verborgenen | (German pl.) the hidden, those in hiding |
die verbreitetste Form | (German f.) the most frequent form |
die Verdammten | (German pl.) the damned (Last Judgement) |
die Verdauung stören | (German) to cause indigestion |
die Vereinten Nationen | (German) the United Nations |
die Verfolgung aufgeben | (German) to break off the chase, to break off the pursuit, to give up the chase |
die Verfolgung aufnehmen | (German) to take up the chase, to take up the pursuit |
die Verfolgung einstellen | (German) to abandon the prosecution |
die Verfügungsgewalt übertragen | (German) to transfer title |
die Vergangenheit aufarbeiten | (German) to account for the past |
die Vergangenheit bewältigen | (German) to come to terms with the past |
die Vergangenheit ins Gedächtnis rufen | (German) to recall the past |
die Vergangenheit ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen | (German) to recall the past |
die Vergangenheit Revue passieren lassen | (German) to recall the past |
die Vergangenheit ruhen lassen | (German) to let bygones be bygones |
die Vergangenheit Vergangenheit sein lassen | (German) to let bygones be bygones |
die Vergessenen | (German) the forgotten |
Die Verhältnisse sprechen gegen uns. | (German) Conditions are against us. |
die Verhandlung beenden | (German) to adjourn the court, to conclude proceedings |
die Verhandlungen abbrechen | (German) to abandon the negotiations, to terminate negotiations |
die Verhandlungen leiten | (German) to conduct the proceedings, to conduct the negotiations |
Die verkaufte Braut | (German) The Bartered Bride (opera by Smetana) |
die Verliebte spielen | (German) to be lovey-dovey |
die Verlobten | (German pl.) the engaged couple, the betrothed |
Die Verlobung im Kloster | (German) Betrothal in a Monastery (Sergei Prokofiev) |
die Verlobung mit ... lösen | (German) to break off the engagement with... |
Die verlorenen Inseln | (German) The Lost Islands |
die Vermittlung führen | (German) to act as mediator |
die Vernunft walten lassen | (German) to bring reason to bear |
die Veröffentlichung einstellen | (German) to cease publication |
die Veröffentlichung fortsetzen | (German) to continue publication |
die Verpflegung heranbringen | (German) to bring on the food |
die Versammlung beenden | (German) to adjourn the meeting |
die Versammlung begrüßen | (German) to address the meeting |
die Versammlung besuchen | (German) to attend the meeting |
die Versammlung für beendet erklären | (German) to declare the meeting closed |
die verschiedenen Marken | (German) the different brands of goods |
die Versicherungsprämie zahlen | (German) to pay the insurance premium |
die Versorgung verhindern | (German) to cut off the supply |
die Verstorbenen | (German) the deceased (people) |
die Vertagung beantragen | (German) to apply for an adjournment |
die Vertragsbedingungen ändern | (German) to alter the terms of contract |
die Vertrauensfrage stellen | (German) to ask for a vote of confidence, to propose a vote of confidence |
die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies | (German) the expulsion from Paradise |
die Vertreibung der Wechsler aus dem Tempel | (German) the Purification of the Temple |
die Vertretung für ... übernehmen | (German) to deputize for ... |
die Verwaltungsangelegenheiten regeln von | (German) to administer (company, department) |
die Verwendung solcher Abkürzungen | (German) the use of such abbreviations |
die Verwendung von Mitteln bestimmen | (German) to earmark funds |
die vielfache Menge | (German) many times the amount |
die vier Himmelsrichtungen | (German) the four points of the compass, the cardinal points |
die vier Wände anreden | (German) to address the four walls |
die Vogtei Guernsey | (German) the Bailiwick of Guernsey |
die Vogtei Jersey | (German) the Bailiwick of Jersey |
die Volksmassen | (German) the masses |
die volle Bandbreite | (German) the full range |
die volle Verantwortung übernehmen | (German) to accept full responsibility, to assume full responsibility |
die volle Wucht ertragen | (German) to bear the brunt |
die vollständigen Details | (German) the full details |
die vollständigen Einzelheiten | (German) the full details |
die von Griechen bewohnte Welt | (German f.) oecumene |
die von Ihnen benötigten Informationen | (German pl.) the information you require |
die Vor- und Nachteile | (German) the pros and cons |
die vor uns liegende Frage | (German f.) the question before us |
die Voraussetzungen erfüllen | (German) to comply with the requirements, to conform to the requirements, to fulfil the qualifications |
Die Voraussetzungen liegen vor. | (German) The requirements are met. |
die Voraussetzungen schaffen | (German) to create the prerequisites |
die Voraussetzungen schaffen (für ...) | (German) to lay the foundations (for ...) |
die Vorhänge aufziehen | (German) to part the curtains, to part the drapes |
die Vorhänge zuziehen | (German) to draw the curtains, to shut the curtains |
die Vorherrschaft erringen | (German) to obtain superiority |
die vorige Woche | (German) the previous week |
die Vorlage überarbeiten | (German) to rework the original |
Die Vorlegung hat zu erfolgen. | (German) The presentation is to be made. |
die vornehme Welt | (German) the people of quality |
die Vornehmen | (German pl.) the great world, the genteel |
die Vorschrift ändern | (German) to amend the rule |
die Vorschriften ändern | (German) to alter the provisions |
die Vorschriften beachten | (German) to observe the rules |
die Vorschriften umgehen | (German) to bend the rules |
die Vorstellung erwecken, dass | (German) to convey that |
Die Vorstellung ist aus. | (German) The show is over. |
die Vorstellung vermitteln, dass... | (German) to convey the idea that... |
die Vortäuschung einer Krankheit | (German) feigning an illness |
Die Vorteile lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen... | (German) The advantages may be summarised as follows... |
die Vorteile überwiegen die Nachteile | (German) the advantages outweigh the disadvantages |
Die Vorteile überwiegen die Nachteile bei weitem. | (German) The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. |
die Vorzüge von ... kennen lernen | (German) to sample the delights of ..., to sample the pleasures of ... |
die Wache wechseln | (German) to change the guard |
die Waffen aufnehmen | (German) to take up arms |
Die Waffen nieder! | (German) Lay down your arms! |
die Waffen niederlegen | (German) to lay down one's arms |
die Waffen strecken | (German) to lay down arms |
die Wahl fällt auf... | (German) the winner is... |
die Wahl gewinnen | (German) to carry an election |
die Wahl haben | (German) to have the option |
die Wahl leiten | (German) to conduct the election |
die Wahl zwischen Hölle und Fegefeuer haben | (German) to be between the devil and the deep blue sea |
die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera haben | (German) to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea |
die Wahrheit beschwören | (German) to affirm the truth |
die Wahrheit bestätigen | (German) to affirm the truth |
Die Wahrheit besteht darin, dass ... | (German) The truth lies in the fact that ... |
die Wahrheit beweisen | (German) to prove the truth |
die Wahrheit bezeugen | (German) to vouch for the truth of something |
die Wahrheit, die reine Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit | (German) the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth |
die Wahrheit erfahren | (German) to learn the truth |
die Wahrheit erkennen | (German) to realize the truth |
die Wahrheit ermitteln | (German) to ascertain the truth |
die Wahrheit finden | (German) to arrive at the truth |
die Wahrheit gerade heraus sagen | (German) to come straight out with the truth |
die Wahrheit herausfinden | (German) to get at the truth, to make out the truth |
Die Wahrheit ist sehr viel beunruhigender. | (German) The truth is much more disturbing. |
Die Wahrheit kommt (doch) ans Licht. | (German) Truth will (come) out. |
die Wahrheit nicht erkennen wollen | (German) to be in denial |
die Wahrheit sagen | (German) to speak the truth, to tell the truth |
die Wahrheit suchen | (German) to seek the truth |
die Wahrheit unterdrücken | (German) to stifle the truth |
die Wahrheit verbergen | (German) to conceal the truth, to hide the truth, to prevaricate, to strain the truth, to stretch the truth |
die Wahrheit verfälschen | (German) to stretch the truth |
die Wahrheit verraten | (German) to blurt out the truth |
die Wahrheit verzerren | (German) to pervert the truth |
Die Wahrheit wird herauskommen. | (German) The truth will out. |
die Waliser | (German pl.) the Welsh |
die Wand entlang | (German) along the wall |
die Wand hochgehen | (German) to go through the roof |
Die Wand ist sehr hellhörig. | (German) You can hear everything through that wall. |
die Wand überwinden | (German) to scale the wall |
die Wandalen | (German) the Vandals |
die Wangen aufblasen | (German) to blow out one's cheeks |
die Wangen erröten lassen | (German) to raise a blush |
die Ware abnehmen | (German) to receive the goods |
die Ware aufbewahren | (German) to hold onto the goods |
die Ware behalten | (German) to keep the goods |
die Ware beschauen | (German) to examine the goods |
die Ware beschreiben | (German) to describe the goods |
die Ware entgegennehmen | (German) to take delivery of the goods |
Die Ware in der Kiste ist zerbrochen. | (German) The goods in the case are broken. |
die Ware lagern | (German) to warehouse the goods |
die Ware liefern | (German) to deliver the goods, to supply the goods |
Die Ware muss bis ... bei uns sein. | (German) The goods must reach us by ... |
die Ware neu markieren | (German) to re-mark the goods |
die Ware transportieren | (German) to bring the goods |
die Ware übergeben | (German) to deliver the goods |
die Ware übernehmen | (German) to take delivery of the goods |
die Ware unverpackt versenden | (German) to dispatch the goods unpacked |
die Ware verladen | (German) to load the goods |
die Ware versenden | (German) to dispatch the goods |
die Ware versichern lassen | (German) to have the goods insured |
die Ware weitersenden an | (German) to send the goods on to |
Die Ware wurde abgesandt. | (German) The goods have been dispatched. |
Die Ware wurde ordentlich verpackt. | (German) The goods were properly packed. |
Die Ware wurde verschifft. | (German) The goods have been shipped. |
die Ware zur Verfügung stellen | (German) to make the goods available |
die Ware zurückhalten | (German) to retain the goods |
die Ware zurücksenden | (German) to return the goods |
die Waren übergeben | (German) to deliver the goods |
die Wäsche aufhängen | (German) to hang out the washing, to hang out the laundry |
Die Wäsche hängt auf der Leine. | (German) The washing is on the line. |
die Wäsche kochen | (German) to boil the laundry |
die Wäsche machen | (German) to do the washing |
die Wäsche waschen | (German) to do the washing |
die Wechselfälle des Lebens | (German) the ups and downs of life, the vicissitudes of life |
die Wechseljahre | (German pl.) the change of life |
Die Wege des Herrn sind unergründlich. | (German) The Lord moves in mysterious ways. God moves in mysterious ways. |
die Wege ebnen | (German) to smooth the way |
Die Weibervolksversammlung | (German) Ecclesiazusae (Aristophanes), The Assemblywomen (Aristophanes) |
die Weichen stellen | (German) to set the course (figurative) |
die Weihnachtsinseln | (German pl.) the Christmas Islands |
die Weite des Horizonts | (German f.) the sweep of the horizon |
die weitere Entwicklung abwarten | (German) to await further developments |
die Weiterentwicklung verhindern | (German) to obstruct further developments |
die Welt beherrschen | (German) to hold sway over the world |
die Welt betrachten | (German) to view the world |
die Welt da draußen | (German) the world outside |
die Welt des Sports | (German) the sporting world |
die Welt durchwandern | (German) to wander the world |
die Welt in Erstaunen versetzen | (German) to astonish the world |
Die Welt ist aus den Fugen geraten. | (German) The world is out of joint. |
Die Welt liegt dir zu Füßen. | (German) The world is your oyster. |
Die Welt liegt ihm zu Füßen. | (German) The world is his oyster. |
Die Welt liegt vor ihnen. | (German) The world is all before them. |
die Welt umrunden | (German) to circumnavigate the world |
die Welt vor sich hertragen | (German) to carry the world before one |
die Weltbühne verlassen | (German) to vacate the world stage |
die Weltpolizei spielen | (German) to police the world |
die Wende | (German f.) the turnaround (1990, German reunification) |
die Wende schaffen | (German) to turn things around |
die Werbetrommel für sich rühren | (German) to advertise oneself, to promote oneself (advertise) |
die Werbetrommel rühren | (German) to drum up business |
die Werkstätte des Geistes | (German) the laboratory of the mind |
die Werte bestätigend | (German) affirming the values |
die wesentlichen Bestimmungen | (German) the essential provisions, essential provisions |
Die Wette gilt. | (German) You're on. (colloquial) |
die Wichtigkeit beteuern | (German) to affirm the importance |
die Wiege der Menschheit | (German) the cradle of humankind |
die Wilden | (German pl.) savages |
die wilden Zwanziger | (German pl.) the roaring twenties |
die Wildnis | (German) the wilds |
die Windeln wechseln | (German) to change a baby |
die wirklichen Gegebenheiten | (German pl.) actual facts |
die Wirkung mildern | (German) to alleviate the impact |
die Wirren des Krieges | (German) the vicissitudes of war |
die wirren Gedanken des Alten | (German) the old man's wandering mind |
die Wirtschaft ankurbeln | (German) to boost the economy, to kick-start the economy |
Die Wirtschaft dieses Landes steckt in der Krise. | (German) This country is in the midst of an economic crisis. |
die Wirtschaft in Schwung bringen | (German) to boost the economy |
Die Wissenschaft ist sich einig, dass ... | (German) There is a scientific consensus that ... |
die Witterung aufnehmen | (German) to get wind of some animal |
Die Wogen der Erregung gingen hoch. | (German) Feelings ran high. |
die Wogen glätten | (German) to pour oil on troubled waters (figurative) |
die Wohlhabenden | (German pl.) the well-heeled, the affluent |
die Wohlhabenden und Gebildeten | (German) the affluent and well-educated |
die Wohnung räumen | (German) to clear the premises |
die Wohnung wechseln | (German) to move domicile, to change address |
Die Wolkendecke brach auf. | (German) The sky opened up. |
die Wolle einfach nehmen | (German) to use one strand of wool |
die Wonnen der Liebe | (German) the joys of love, the delights of love |
die Wortstellung ändern | (German) to change the position of a word |
die Wucht eines Schlages abwehren | (German) to break the force of a blow |
die Wunde eiterte | (German) the wound turned septic |
die Wünsche der Kunden erkennen | (German) to understand customers' needs |
die Wünsche erfüllen | (German) to answer one's wishes |
die Würde wahren | (German) to preserve one's dignity |
die Würfel rollen lassen | (German) to roll the dice |
Die Würfel sind gefallen. | (German) The die is cast. |
die Würfel werfen | (German) to cast the dice |
die Wurzel Jesse | (German f.) the Root of Jesse (the Tree of Jesse) |
Diez | (Spanish m.) ten |
diez | (Spanish) ten |
die Zahlen schönen | (German) to massage the figures |
die Zahlung betreffende Anweisungen | (German pl.) payment instructions |
die Zähne aufeinanderbeißen | (German) to clench one's teeth |
die Zähne aufeinander beißen | (German, old form) to clench one's teeth |
die Zähne betreffend | (German) dental |
die Zähne blecken | (German) to show one's teeth, to bare one's teeth |
die Zähne fletschen | (German) to bare one's teeth |
die Zähne zusammenbeißen | (German) to clench one's teeth, to grit one's teeth (figurative) |
Die Zauberflöte | (German) The Magic Flute (opera by Mozart) |
Dièze |  | (French) sharp (sign), Kreuz (German), a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch |
die Zeche bezahlen | (German) to pay the piper (figurative) |
die Zehn Gebote | (German) the Ten Commandments, the Decalogue |
die Zehn Gebote übertreten | (German) to break the (Ten) Commandments |
die Zeichen der Zeit | (German) the signs of the times |
die Zeile absetzen | (German) to begin a new line |
die Zeit | (German) Father Time, Old Father Time |
die Zeit ändern | (German) to alter the time, to alter the clock, to change the time |
die Zeit berechnen | (German) to calculate the time |
die Zeit dazwischen | (German) the intervening time |
Die Zeit drängt. | (German) Time is of the essence. |
die Zeit haben, ... zu tun | (German) to have the leisure to do ... |
Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden. | (German) Time is a great healer. Time heals all wounds. Time will heal. |
Die Zeit ist längst abgelaufen. | (German) The time has long expired. |
Die Zeit ist noch nicht reif (dafür). | (German) The time is not ripe (for it). |
Die Zeit ist um. | (German) Time's up. |
Die Zeit läuft ab. | (German) The sands (of Time) are running out. (figurative) |
die Zeit messen | (German) to time |
die Zeit mit ... ausfüllen | (German) to occupy one's time with ... |
Die Zeit schreitet voran. | (German) Time marches on. |
die Zeit totschlagen | (German) to kill time |
die Zeit verbringen | (German) to spend the time, to pass the time |
Die Zeit vergeht im Fluge. | (German) Time flies. |
die Zeit vertreiben | (German) to kill time, to cheat the time |
die Zeit vertrödeln | (German) to fritter away time, to squander time, to waste time |
die Zeit vertrödelnd | (German) dallying |
Die Zeit von Weihnachten bis Epiphanias | (German) Christmastide, Twelve-tide |
Die Zeit wird es erweisen. | (German) Time will tell. |
Die Zeit wird es lehren. | (German) Time will tell. |
Die Zeit wird es weisen. | (German) Time will tell. |
Die Zeit wird es zeigen. | (German) Time will show. |
Die Zeit wird knapp. | (German) Time is getting short. |
Die Zeit wird mir lang. | (German) Time hangs heavy on my hands. |
Die Zeiten ändern sich. | (German) Times are changing. |
Die Zeiten haben sich geändert. | (German) Times have changed. |
Die Zeiten sind aus den Fugen geraten. | (German) The times are out of joint. |
die Zeiten überdauern | (German) to stand the test of time |
Die Zeiten werden sich bessern. | (German) Better times will come. |
die Zeitgeschichte festhalten | (German) to chronicle |
Die Zeitschrift erscheint freitags. | (German) The magazine comes out on Fridays. |
die Zeitung abbestellen | (German) to stop one's subscription |
die Zeitung austragen | (German) to do a paper round |
Die Zeitung hatte eine Auflagenhöhe von ... | (German) The paper had a cirulation of ... |
die zentrale Rolle, die ... zukommt | (German) the central role assigned to ... |
die Zerstörung planen | (German) to plot destruction |
Diezeugmenon | (Greek, literally 'disjunct') the term used in ancient Greek music theory for the tetrachord separated from the one below it by the interval of a tone |
die Ziellinie erreichen | (German) to reach the finish |
die Zinsen senken | (German) to lower the rate of interest |
diezmar | (Spanish) to decimate |
die zu erwartenden Schwierigkeiten | (German) the difficulties we would have |
die zu zahlen sind | (German) which shall be paid |
die zu zahlenden Mitgliedsbeiträge | (German) the membership subscriptions which need to be paid, the membership subscriptions that need to be paid |
die Zügel an sich reißen | (German) to seize the reins |
die Zügel anziehen | (German) to draw in the reins, to tighten the reins (also figurative), to keep a tighter rein (also figurative) |
die Zügel fest in der Hand behalten | (German) to keep things firmly in hand, to keep things firmly under control |
die Zügel fest in der Hand haben | (German) to have things firmly in hand, to have things firmly under control, to hold the reins tightly |
die Zügel fest in der Hand halten | (German) to have things firmly under control |
die Zügel in die Hand nehmen | (German) to take over the reins, to take up the reins |
die Zügel locker lassen | (German) to keep the riens slack, to let the reins slacken, to let the reins go slack, to slacken one's hold on the reins, to loosen the reins (also figurative), to relax the reins (also figurative), to give free rein (figurative) |
die Zügel schleifen lassen | (German) to slacken the reins (also figurative) |
die Zügel straffen | (German) to tighten the strings |
Die Zuhörer gerieten (völlig) aus dem Häuschen. | (German) The audience became delirious. |
Die Zukunft gehört dir. | (German) The future is yours. |
die Zulassung entziehen | (German) to strike off (doctor) |
die Zulus | (German pl.) the Zulu people |
die Zunge herausschneiden | (German) to cut out the tongue |
die Zunge herausstrecken | (German) to stick out the tongue |
die Zunge lösen | (German) to loosen the tongue |
die Zunge wetzen | (German) to wag one's tongue |
die Zunge zügeln | (German) to put a bridle on one's tongue |
die Zusammenarbeit anstreben | (German) to intend to collaborate, to intend to cooperate |
die Zusammenarbeit verweigern | (German) to refuse cooperation, to refuse to cooperate |
die Zusammenkunft verlassen | (German) to abandon the meeting |
die zusätzlichen Kosten übernehmen | (German) to bear the additional costs |
Die Zuschauer gerieten (völlig) aus dem Häuschen. | (German) The audience became delirious. |
die Zuschauer schockieren | (German) to shock the audience |
die Zustimmung geben | (German) to give the okay |
die Zustimmung verweigern | (German) to opt out |
die Zustimmung vorenthalten | (German) to withhold one's consent |
die Zwangswirtschaft aufheben | (German) to deregulate |
die Zwanzigerjahre | (German) the twenties (1920s) |
die zwei | (German) the two of them |
die zwei Bücher der Könige | (German) the two Books of Kings |
die zwei Parteien zusammenführen | (German) to bring the two parties together |
die zweitbeste Sache | (German) the next best thing |
die zweite Geige spielen | (German) to play second fiddle, to take a back seat (figurative) |
Die Zweite Republik | (German f.) The Second Republic (Austria) |
Die Zwillinge gleichen sich aufs Haar. | (German) The twins are the spitting image of each other. |
die zwölf Apostel | (German) the twelve apostles |
di facile abbordo | (Italian) affable, approachable, accessible |
Difamación | (Spanish f.) slander (spoken), libel (written) |
difamar | (Spanish) to slander (spoken), to libel (written) |
difatti | (Italian) in fact |
difendere | (Italian) to defend |
Difensiva | (Italian f.) defensive |
difensivo | (Italian) defensive |
Difensore | (Italian m.) defender |
Diferencia | (Spanish f.) difference, disagreement |
(plural form diferencias) in sixteenth-century Spanish music, elaborate variation(s), as distinct from the much simpler glosas |
(Spanish f.) the elaboration of a melody by the introduction of fast figuration |
Diferencia abismal | (Spanish f.) enormous difference |
diferenciar | (Spanish) to differentiate between, to differ |
diferenciarse | (Spanish) to differ |
diferente | (Spanish) different |
diferido | (Spanish) recorded (TV programme, etc.) |
diferir | (Spanish) to postpone, to defer, to differ |
Difesa | (Italian f.) defence |
difettare | (Italian) to be defective |
difettare di | (Italian) to lack |
difettivo | (Italian) defective |
Difetto | (Italian m.) defect, (moral) fault, lack |
diff. | abbreviation of 'difference', 'different' |
diffamare | (Italian) to slander (in speech), to libel (in writing) |
Diffamation | (German f., French f.) slander (in speech), libel (in writing) |
diffamatoire | (French) defamatory |
diffamatorisch | (German) defamatory |
Diffamazione | (Italian f.) slander (in speech), libel (in writing) |
diffamer | (French) to slander (in speech), to libel (in writing) |
diffamieren | (German) to defame, to blacken (figurative), to vilify |
diffamierend | (German) defamatory |
diffamierende Behauptung | (German f.) defamatory statement |
diffamiert | (German) defamed |
Diffamierung | (German f.) defamation |
différemment | (French) differently |
Difference tone | alternatively 'differential tone' or 'resultant tone', a third note, with a frequency given by the difference in the frequencies of two other notes played together, which is lying well beneath either of the two original notes may produce a jarring effect, called a 'wolf note' or 'wolf tone' |
Différence | (French f.) difference |
différencier | (French) to differentiate |
Différend | (French m.) difference (of opinion) |
différent (m.), différente | (French) different |
differente | (Italian) different |
Differentia (s.), Differentiae (pl.) | (Latin) distinguishing characteristic |
Differentiae | (Latin pl.) in psalmody, a number of pre-constructed cadences written as to provide a smooth transition from one part of a psalm to another |
Differential | (English, German n.) difference between things of the same kind |
differential | (German) differentially |
Differentialgeometrie | (German f.) differential geometry |
Differentialgleichung | (German f.) differential equation |
Differentialmikrofon | (German n.) differential microphone |
Differentialoperator | (German m.) differential operator |
Differentialrechnung | (German f.) differential calculus |
Differential tone | see 'difference tone' |
Differential- und Integralrechnung | (German f.) differential and integral calculus |
Differentialverstärker | (German m.) differential amplifier |
différentiel (m.), différentielle (f.) | (French) differential |
differentielle Wahrnehmbarkeitsschwelle | (German f.) just noticeable difference |
Differenz (s.), Differenzen (pl.) | (German f.) difference, balance, discrepancy, gap |
Differenza | (Italian f.) difference |
Differenzbetrag | (German m.) remaining difference |
Differenzdruck | (German m.) differential pressure |
Differenzen beilegen | (German) to settle differences |
Differenziale | (Italian m.) differential |
differenziale | (Italian) differential |
Differenzialgleichung (s.), Differenzialgleichungen (pl.) | (German f.) differential equation |
differenziare | (Italian) to differentiate |
differenziarsi da | (Italian) to differ from |
differenzieren | (German) to differentiate, to distinguish |
differenzieren zwischen | (German) to differentiate between |
differenziert | (German) sophisticated, differentiated |
Differenziertheit | (German f.) sophistication |
Differenzierung | (German f.) differentiation, segmentation |
Differenzierungsmerkmal | (German n.) distinguishing feature |
Differenzton (s.), Differenztöne (pl.) | (German m.) difference tone |
différer | (French) to postpone |
(French) to differ |
differieren | (German) to be different, to differ, to vary, to dissent |
differierend | (German) varying |
differierende Ansichten | (German pl.) varying viewpoints |
differire | (Italian) to postpone, to be different |
Difficile | (Italian m.) difficulty, hard to please, troublesome to deal with, given to making difficulties |
difficile | (Italian, French) difficult, hard, unlike (improbable) |
difficilement | (French) with difficulty |
difficilior lectio potior | (Latin, literally 'the more difficult reading is the stronger') or lectio difficilior potior, when engaged in textual criticism, the principle that sets a preference for an unusual reading over a more commonplace one |
Difficoltà | (Italian f.) difficulty |
Difficulté | (French f.) difficulty |
Diffida | (Italian f.) warning |
diffidare | (Italian) to warn |
diffidare di | (Italian) to distrust |
diffidente | (Italian) mistrustful |
Diffidenza | (Italian f.) mistrust |
diffizil | (German) meticulous, difficult |
diffondere | (Italian) to spread, to diffuse (heat, light, etc.) |
diffondersi | (Italian) to spread |
difforme | (French) deformed |
Difformité | (French f.) deformity |
Diffraktion | (German f.) diffraction |
diffundieren | (German) to diffuse |
diffundiert | (German) diffused |
diffus | (German) widely distributed, cloudy (argument, position, point of view), diffuse, vague (thoughts), hazy, diffuse (light), diffused (light), scattered (light) |
diffus (m.), diffuse (f.) | (French) diffuse |
diffuser | (French) to broadcast, to diffuse (light, heat, etc.) |
diffuses Licht | (German n.) diffused light |
Diffuse | spread out, not concise, wordy |
to disperse, to spread widely, to intermingle by diffusion |
Diffusion | (English, French f., German f.) interpenetration of substances by natural movement of their particles, diffusing or being diffused |
(German f.) spreading |
(French f.) broacasting, diffusion |
Diffusione | (Italian f.) diffusion, circulation (of a journal) |
Diffusion radiophonique | (French f.) radio transmission |
Diffusion télévisée | (French f.) television transmission |
difícil | (Portuguese, Spanish) difficult, hard |
Dificultad | (Spanish f.) difficulty, problem |
dificultar | (Spanish) to make difficult |
difilato | (Italian) straight, straightaway (at once) |
di fronte a | (Italian) or alle prese con, up against |
di fronte ad esso | (Italian) or alle prese con esso, up against it |
Difteria | (Spanish f.) diphtheria |
Difterite | (Italian f.) diphtheria |
difuminar | (Spanish) to blur, to soften (in painting, drawing, etc.) |
difundir | (Spanish) to spread, to broadcast (TV, radio, etc.) |
difundirse | (Spanish) to spread |
Difunto | (Spanish m.) deceased |
difunto | (Spanish) late, deceased |
Difusión | (Spanish f.) spreading, diffusion (gas, light), broadcast, broadcasting |
difuso (m.), difusa (f.) | (Spanish) diffuse (light), diffuse (style), wordy |
difusor (m.), difusora (f.) | (Spanish) diffusing, spreading (the news), propagating |
dig. | abbreviation of 'digest' (a summary or book), digital |
Diga | (Italian f.) dam, dyke |
di gala | (Italian) gaily, merrily, cheerfully |
Digambar | one of the major sects in Jainism, whose name literally means 'sky clad', a reference to the practice of remaining naked, which is adhered to by the monks belonging to this sect. This practice represents their principle of possessing no earthly things, which is seen as a path leading towards a higher spiritual level. Even the alms they receive are carried in their hands, without resorting to the use of any bowls or utensils. The Digambar sect was formed around third century BC, owing to the disagreement among two groups in the religion over the authenticity of the religious scriptures. The other sect, formed as a consequence of the dispute, was the shwetambar. Each sects has its own version of the Jain scriptures. The Digambar are differentiated from the shwetambar mainly by their dress code, religious scriptures and the code of conduct regarding women. Digambar believe in the renunciation of worldly things, including clothes, for achieving asceticism. They do not believe that women can achieve 'Moksha'. The Digambar are further divided into major sub-sects such as Bisapantha, Terapantha, and Taranapantha. Apart from these major sub-sects there are minor ones such as Gumanapantha and Totapantha |
digamos | (Spanish) let's say |
Digamy | also called deuterogamy, remarriage after the death or divorce of one's first husband or wife |
digérer | (French) to digest, to stomach (endure) |
digerere | (Latin) to edit |
digerieren | (German) to digest |
digerierend | (German) digesting |
digeriert | (German) digested |
digerir | (Spanish) to digest |
digerire | (Italian) to digest |
Digest | periodical synopsis of current literature or news |
methodical summary, especially of laws |
to assimilate food, to understand and assimilate mentally, to summarize |
digeste | (French) digestible |
digestibel | (German) digestible, digestibly |
digestible | (French) digestible |
Digestif | (German m., French m.) after-dinner liqueur, cordial |
digestif (m.), digestive (f.) | (French) digestive |
Digestion | (English, German f., French f.) process of digesting |
Digestión | (Spanish f.) digestion |
Digestione | (Italian f.) digestion |
digestiv | (German) digestive |
Digestivo | (Italian m.) digestive, liqueur |
digestivo | (Italian, Spanish) digestive |
Digestivum (s.), Digestiva (pl.) | (German n.) digestive, digestant |
Digestor | (German m.) fume hood |
Digestorium | (German n.) fume hood, fume cupboard |
Digezi | Chinese whistling top |
di giorno | (Italian) by day |
di giorno in giorno | (Italian) day by day |
Digitação | (Portuguese) or dedilhado, fingering |
Digitación | (Spanish f.) fingering |
Digitación cruzada | (Spanish f.) cross-fingering, fork fingering |
Digitación en horquilla | (Spanish f.) cross-fingering, fork fingering |
Digital | (English, French, German, Spanish) the storage of data in 'digital format', that is, using binary numbers, as opposed to 'analogue format' (analog format in the US) in which some property of the recording is continuously related to the original information |
an individual key on a musical instrument keyboard |
digital | (Spanish) pertaining to the finger |
(German) digitally |
Digital-Analog-Baustein | (German m.) digital-to-analogue module |
Digital-Analog-Konverter | (German m.) digital-(to-)analogue converter |
Digital/Analog-Umsetzer | (German m.) digital-analogue converter |
Digital-Analog-Umwandler | (German m.) digital-analogue converter, digital-to-analogue converter |
Digital-Analog-Umwandlung | (German f.) digital-to-analogue conversion |
Digitalanzeige | (German f.) digital display |
Digital audio | a term referring to audio signals stored in a digital format |
Digital audio converter | see 'audio converter' |
Digital audio tape | magnetic tape on which sound is recorded digitally |
Digital audio workstation | or 'DAW', a system designed to record, edit, and play back digital audio. A key feature of DAWs is the ability to freely manipulate recorded sounds, much like a word processor manipulates typed words |
Digitalausgabe | (German f.) digital output |
Digitalausgang | (German m.) digital output |
Digitalbibliotheken | (German pl.) digital libraries |
Digitalbild (s.), Digitalbilder (pl.) | (German n.) digital picture |
digital codierte Daten | (German pl.) digitally coded data |
digital darstellen | (German) to digitize |
Digital delay line | a discrete element in digital filter theory, which allows a signal to be delayed by a number of samples. If the delay is an integer multiple of samples digital delay lines are often implemented as circular buffers. Digital delay lines are widely used building blocks in methods to simulate room acoustics, musical instruments and digital audio effects. Digital waveguide synthesis shows how digital delay lines can be used as sound synthesis methods for various musical instruments such as string instruments and wind instruments |
Digitale | (Italian f.) foxglove (plant) |
digitale | (Italian) digital, finger |
digitale Abbildungstechnologie | (German f.) digital imaging technology |
digitale Anzeige | (German f.) digital readouts, digital readout |
digitale Archivierung | (German f.) digital archiving |
digitale Auflösung | (German f.) digital resolution |
digitale Aufnahme | (German f.) digital recording |
digitale Aufzeichnung | (German f.) digital recording |
digitale Bibliothek | (German f.) digital library, electronic library |
digitale Bildgebung | (German f.) digital imaging |
digitale Bildverarbeitung | (German f.) digital imaging |
digitale Bildverarbeitungstechnologie | (German f.) digital imaging technology |
digitale Darstellung | (German f.) digital notation, digital representation |
digitale Daten | (German pl.) digital data |
digitale Information | (German f.) digital information |
Digitalelektronik | (German f.) digital electronics |
digitaler Computer | (German m.) digital computer |
digitaler Dekoder | (German m.) digital decoder |
digitaler Filter | (German m.) digital filter |
digitaler Kinomodus | (German m.) digital cine mode |
digitaler Prozessor | (German m.) digital processor |
digitaler Rundfunk | (German m.) digital audio broadcasting |
digitaler Signalprozessor | (German m.) digital signal processor |
digitaler Ton | (German m.) digital audio |
Digitaler Videorundfunk | (German m.) Digital Video Broadcasting |
digitales Aufzeichnungsgerät | (German n.) digital recorder |
digitale Schaltung | (German f.) digital circuit |
digitales Fernkopieren | (German n.) facsimile |
digitale Signatur | (German f.) digital signature |
digitales Klavier | (German n.) digital piano |
digitales Medium | (German n.) digital media |
digitales Radio | (German n.) digital radio |
digitales Signal | (German n.) digital signal |
digitales Tonband | (German n.) digital audio tape |
digitale Unterhaltung | (German f.) digital entertainment |
digitale Unterschrift | (German f.) digital signature |
digitale Vollbildwiedergabe | (German f.) digital full-frame playback |
Digitalfernsehen | (German n.) digital television |
Digitalflügel | (German m.) digital grand (piano) |
Digitalfoto | (German n.) digital photo, digital photograph |
Digitalfotografie | (German f.) digital photography |
Digital hardcore | an abrasive and typically electronic music, created with samplers and drum machines. The music is a combination of techno, electro, drum and bass, and punk rock. It also has close ties to noise music |
digitalisieren | (German) to digitise |
digitalisierend | (German) digitising |
Digitalisierer | (German m.) digitiser |
digitalisiert | (German) digitises, digitised |
Digitalisiertablett | (German n.) digitiser tablet |
Digitalisierung | (German f.) digitisation (for example, to convert an analogue signal to digital form), digitising |
Digitalkamera | (German f.) digital camera, digi-cam (colloquial: digital camera), digicam (colloquial: digital camera) |
Digitalkassettenrekorder | (German m.) digital cassette recorder |
Digital page composition | or DPC, also known as EPCS (electronic page composition system) or CEPS (colour electronic page system) - in printing, a system designed to take a range of page elements (text, linework and images) and integrate them into a user-specified format. Image and text input to the system arrive on magnetic tape, by direct system interconnection or directly from an input scanning system |
Digital paper | also known as interactive paper, patterned paper used in conjunction with a digital pen to create handwritten digital documents |
Digitalplatte | (German f.) compact disc, CD |
Digitalpiano | (German n.) digital piano, electronic piano |
Digitalradio | (German n.) digital radio |
Digitalrechner | (German m.) digital computer |
Digital recording | recording in which the analogue signal of a motion-picture/sound is converted into a stream of discrete numbers, representing the changes in air pressure (chroma and luminace values in case of video) through time; thus making an abstract template for the original sound |
Digital rights management | or 'DRM', technology that protects a piece of intellectual digital property such as a music, video, or text file. With DRM, copyrighted material downloaded from the Web may be restricted so that it cannot be freely distributed |
Digital signal processing | or DSP, the study of signals in a digital representation and the processing methods of these signals. DSP and analog signal processing are subfields of signal processing. DSP has three major subfields: audio signal processing, digital image processing and speech processing |
Digital signal processor | or DSP, a specialized microprocessor designed specifically for digital signal processing, generally in real-time |
Digitalsignalverarbeitung | (German f.) digital signal processing |
Digital-Spannungsmesser | (German m.) digital voltmeter |
Digitaltechnik | (German f.) digital technique, digital technology |
Digital-to-analog | (US) digital-to-analogue |
Digital-to-analogue | in electronics, a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device for converting a digital (usually binary) code to an analogue signal (current, voltage or charges). Digital-to-Analogue Converters are the interface between the abstract digital world and the analogue real life. Simple switches, a network of resistors, current sources or capacitors may implement this conversion |
Digitalübertragung | (German f.) digital transmission |
Digitaluhr | (German f.) digital watch, digital clock |
Digitalumsetzer | (German m.) digitiser |
Digitalumwandler | (German m.) digital converter |
Digitalvoltmeter | (German n.) digital voltmeter |
Digitalzeichengeber | (German m.) digital transmitter |
Digital video disc | or 'DVD', a second-generation CD that holds 4.7 gigabytes or several hours of high-quality video |
di Giugno Synthesizers | the '4C' synthesizer, built by Giuseppe di Giugno at IRCAM, Paris, in 1978 is both small and powerful. This generation of digital synthesizers marked a path of development for future audio systems |
Digitorium | a small portable dummy keyboard with only five keys, employed to exercise and strengthen the fingers |
Digitus minimus | (Latin) little finger |
Digiuno | (Italian m.) fast (i.e. take no food) |
digiunare | (Italian) to fast (i.e. take no food) |
Diglossia | the existence of two official languages in a society |
Diglossie | (German f.) diglossia |
diglossisch | (German) diglossic |
dignarse | (Spanish) to deign |
Dignatario | (Spanish m.) dignitary |
digne | (French) dignified (noble), worthy, in a dignified manner |
digne de | (French) worthy of |
digne de foi | (French) trustworthy, reliable |
Dignidad | (Spanish f.) dignity, office |
Dignità | (Italian f.) dignity, greatness |
Dignitade | (Italian) dignity |
Dignitar | (German m.) dignitary |
Dignitario | (Italian m.) dignitary |
Dignitate | (Italian) dignity |
Dignité | (French f.) dignity |
dignitoso | (Italian) dignified |
Dignity, with | in a composed and serious manner, pomposo (Italian), mit Würde (German), digne (French) |
digno (m.), digna (f.) | (Spanish) worthy, deserving, appropriate, honorable (person, intention), decent (wage, housing), good (decent), living (wage), fit (appropriate) |
digno de ... | (Spanish) worthy of ... (something) |
digno de admiración | (Spanish) worthy of admiration |
digno de alabanza | (Spanish) praiseworthy |
digno de elogio | (Spanish) praiseworthy |
digno de lástima | (Spanish) worthy of pity |
di grado | (Italian) by degrees, by step, step by step (as opposed to di salto (Italian: in jumps)) |
Digraph | any use of two alphabetical letters to indicate a single phonetic sound. For instance, in phonograph, the letters <ph> spell the /f/ sound. Likewise, in the word dumb, the letters <mb> create the /m/ sound, and in pick, the <ck> creates the /k/ sound. English regularly uses digraphs like <ch>, <th> and <sh> to indicate sounds for which there is no single symbol in the commonly used alphabet |
di gran corsa | (Italian) in a great hurry |
Digreción | (Spanish f.) digression |
Digress | (English) depart from the main topic in speech or writing |
Digression | (English, German f., French f.) a departure from the main topic in speech or writing |
Digressione | (Italian f.) digression |
Digressions | the subsiduary or subordinate sections between the repeated principal subject (or refrain) in rondo-form |
digrignare i denti | (Italian) to grind one's teeth |
Digtning | (Danish) poetry |
Digue | (French f.) dike |
Dihedral angle | in geometry, the angle between two planes |
Dihn pa | Vietnamese percussive bamboo tubes struck on the ends by padded sticks |
Dihu | Chinese low pitched bowed lute |
Dijbass | with a hollow body constructed of welded and machined 6061 anodized aluminum, the dijbass uses a system of internal baffles to 'fold' the air flow in half and direct it out the front holes. This allows the acoustics of a full-sized didgeridoo to fit into a 24-inch long package. An internal condenser microphone picks up the didge sounds while the externally-mounted electric pickup amplifies the bass strings |
Dijeridu | see 'didgeridoo' |
Dijon mustard | a prepared mustard (originally made in Dijon, France) which may be either mild or highly seasoned |
Dijonsenf | (German m.) Dijon mustard |
Dikanza (puita) | (Angola) or reco-reco, a long hollow scraper, made of bamboo, popular in Angolan music |
Dikt | (Swedish) poem |
Dikta | (German pl.) dicta, dictums |
Diktafon | (German n.) Dictaphone |
Diktaphon (s.), Diktaphone (pl.) | (German n.) Dictaphone |
Diktat | (English, French m. from the German Diktat) categorical statement or decree, particularly, a treaty or settlement imposed by the victor on a vanquished enemy |
(German n.) dictation |
Diktator (s.), Diktatoren (Pl.) | (German m.) dictator |
diktatorisch | (German) dictatorial, dictatorially, bossy (colloquial) |
Diktatschreiben | (German n.) writing to dictation, writing from dictation |
Diktatur (s.), Diktaturen (pl.) | (German f.) dictatorship, depotism, dictatorial regime |
Diktatur des Proletariats | (German f.) dictatorship of the proletariat |
Diktierapparat | (German m.) dictaphone |
Diktieren | (German n.) dictation |
diktieren | (German) to dictate |
diktierend | (German) dictating |
Diktierender (m.), Diktierende (f.) | (German) dictator |
Diktiergerät | (German n.) dictating machine, dictation machine, dictaphone |
diktiert | (German) dictates, dictated |
diktierte | (German) dictated |
Diktion (s.), Diktionen (pl.) | (German f.) diction, elocution |
Diktum (s.), Dikta (pl.) | (German n.) dictum, adage |
Dilación | (Spanish f.) delay |
dilagare | (Italian) to flood, to spread (figurative) |
dilaniare | (Italian) to tear to pieces |
dilapidare | (Italian) to squander |
dilapider | (French) to squander |
Dilatación | (Spanish f.) dilation, expansion |
dilatado | (Spanish) extensive, long |
dilatar | (Spanish) to expand, to dilate (medical), to prolong |
dilatarse | (Spanish) to expand, to dilate (medical), to extend |
dilatarsi | (Italian) to dilate |
Dilatation | (German f.) dilation, stretching |
dilatieren | (German) to dilate |
dilatiert | (German) dilated |
dilazionare | (Italian) to delay |
Dilazione | (Italian f.) delay |
dileggiare | (Italian) to mock |
di leggiere | (Italian) easily, lightly |
di leggiero | (Italian) easily, lightly |
Dileggio | (Italian m.) mockery |
dileguare | (Italian) to disperse |
dileguarsi | (Italian) to disappear |
Dilema | (Spanish m.) dilemma |
Dilemma (s.), Dilemmas (pl.), Dilemmata (German pl., Greek pl.) | (German n., Italian m., English, from the Greek) a situation that involves making a difficult choice, particularly two choices that are equally disadvantageous to him. One is said then to be 'on the horns of a dilemma', 'in a fix', in a jam' (colloquial) or 'in a quandary' |
Dilemme | (French m.) dilemma |
Diletant (m.), Diletantin (f.), Dilettanten (pl.) | (German) dilettante, dabbler, amateur |
Dilettant (m.), Dilettantin (f.) | (German) dilettante |
Dilettante, Dilettanti (Italian pl.) | (French m./f., Italian m./f., from the Italian delectare which means 'to take delight in') an admirer or lover of the fine arts or of the sciences; popularly, an amateur; especially, one who follows an art or a branch of knowledge, desultorily, or for amusement only |
dilettantisch | (German) amateurish, dilettantish, ragged, amateurish, amateurishly |
Dilettantismus | (German m.) amateurishness, dilettantism, amateurism |
dilettare | (Italian) to delight |
dilettarsi di | (Italian) to delight in |
dilettarsi di musica | (Italian) to love music |
dilettieren | (German) to dabble |
Diletto | (Italian m.) delight |
Diletto (m.), Diletta (f.) | (Italian) beloved (person) |
diletto (m.), diletta (f.) | (Italian) beloved |
dilicatamente | (Italian) delicately, deliciously |
Dilicatezza | (Italian f.) delicateness, softness, neatness |
dilicatissamamente | (Italian) very delicately, the excess softness and delicacy |
dilicatissimo | (Italian) very delicately, the excess softness and delicacy |
dilicato | (Italian) soft, delicate |
Diligencia | (Spanish f.) diligence, job, stagecoach |
diligente | (Italian, Spanish) diligent |
the term is used to describe art that is uninspired, showing rather the results of the artist's industry |
Diligenza | (Italian f.) diligence, care, stage-coach (carriage) |
Dilla | a harp from Chad |
Dill piccolo | a musical instrument invented by Peter Schickele, specifically designed to play sour notes |
Dilruba | a cross between the sitar and sarangi, it is extremely close to the esraj and the mayuri vina, indeed, so close that most people are unable to tell them apart. The difference is to be found in the shape of the resonators and the manner in which the sympathetic strings attach. Still they are so similar that a dilruba player has no trouble playing an esraj or a mayuri vina. The neck has approximately 18 strings but like the sitar, almost all of the playing is performed upon only one string. There are a number of metallic frets, some of which will be moved according to the requirements of the rag. It has a series of sympathetic strings which are tuned to the notes of the rag. The dilruba is bowed with a bow (known as gaz) in a manner very much like the sarangi. It is bowed with the right hand while the left hand fingers the strings. Although the frets are similar to those on the sitar, it is not fingered in exactly the same way; Where the sitar produces a meend (slide) by pulling the strings laterally, the dilruba does not. In short, we can think of the frets of the dilruba as being mere guides for correct finger placement |
Diluant | (French m.) thinner |
dilucidar | (Spanish) to explain, to solve (mystery) |
Diludium | (Latin) an interlude |
Diluendo | (German n.) a gradual dying away until no sound is left |
diluendo | (Italian) fading away, dying away, diminishing in loudness, growing softer until the sound is extinct, thinning out, weakening, auflösend (German), verdünnend (German), en diluant (French) |
diluer | (French) to dilute |
diluiren | (German) to dilute |
diluir | (Spanish) to dilute |
diluire | (Italian) to dilute |
dilungando | (Italian) lengthening, stretching out, en allongeant |
dilungare | (Italian) to prolong |
dilungarsi su | (Italian) to dwell on (a subject) |
Dilute | to add water to |
diluviare | (Italian) to pour (down) |
diluvien (m.), diluvienne (f.) | (French) torrential (rain) |
Diluvio | (Italian m., Spanish m.) downpour, flood (figurative) |
dim. | (Italian) abbreviation of diminuendo (Italian: become quieter), dimanche (French: Sunday), 'dimension', 'diminish', 'diminutive' (diminutive word or suffix) |
dimagrire | (Italian) to slim |
Dimanche | (French m.) Sunday |
Dimba | a Mandinka dance rhythm played for older women |
dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres | (Spanish) a man is known by the company he keeps |
dimenare | (Italian) to wave, to wag (the tail) |
dimenarsi | (Italian) to be agitated |
Dimension (s.), Dimensionen (German pl.) | (English, French f., German f.) size, measurable extent (as in length, height, width, etc.) |
(English) aspect, facet |
Dimensión | (Spanish f.) dimension, size |
dimensional | (German) dimensionally |
Dimensione | (Italian f.) dimension, size |
dimensionieren | (German) to dimension, to scale |
dimensionierend | (German) dimensioning |
dimensioniert | (German) dimensioned |
Dimensionierung | (German f.) dimensioning |
Dimensionsanalyse | (German f.) dimensional analysis |
dimensionslos | (German) dimensionless |
dimensionslose Maßzahl | (German f.) absolute measure |
Dimensionsstabilität | (German f.) dimensional stability |
dimenticarsi | (Italian) to forget |
Dimenticanza | (Italian f.) forgetfulness, oversight |
dime qué te pasa | (Spanish) tell me what's wrong |
dimesso | (Italian) humble, shabby, low (voice) |
Dimestichezza | (Italian f.) familiarity |
dimettere | (Italian) to dismiss, to discharge (from hospital) |
dimettersi | (Italian) to resign |
dimezzare | (Italian) to halve |
dimin. | abbreviation of diminuendo (Italian: become quieter), 'diminutive' |
Diminished | diminuito (Italian), vermindert (German), diminué (French) |
smaller, reduced, made less |
in music, in which a set of rhythmic values are shortened |
see 'diminished interval' |
Diminished chord | one whose highest and lowest notes form a diminished interval |
Diminished fifth | or imperfect fifth, an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a perfect fifth |
Diminished fifth chords | |
Diminished fourth | or imperfect fourth, an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a perfect fourth |
Diminished interval | intervalo disminuído (Spanish), intervallo diminuito (Italian), intervalle diminué (French), vermindertes Intervall (German) |
an interval narrowed by one semitone (half step) from a perfect or minor interval, for example, diminished fourth is one semitone (half step) narrow than a perfect fourth, a diminished seventh is one semitone (half step) narrow than a minor seventh |
Diminished octave | or imperfect octave, an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than an octave |
Diminished prime | see 'diminished unison' |
Diminished scale | see 'octatonic scale' |
Diminished second | an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a minor second |
Diminished seventh | one semitone (half step) smaller than a minor seventh |
Diminished seventh chords |
there are two diminished seventh chords | diminished seventh chords |
chord symbol | in C minor |
half diminished seventh chord halbverminderte Septakkord (German) | also called 'minor 7 flat 5', the intervals from the root are minor third (root to third), minor third (third to fifth) and major third (fifth to seventh) - the half diminished 7th chord is written with a slash (/) through the ° sign, i.e. ø | viiø7 | B-D-F-A |
fully diminished seventh chord verminderte Septakkord (German) | the intervals from the root are minor third (root to third), minor third (third to fifth) and minor third (fifth to seventh) | vii°7 | B-D-F-A flat |
the fully diminished seventh chords can only be formed on three different notes, without duplication (enharmonically, at least). Diminished seventh chords formed on the three roots: C, C#, D are consequently the only possibilities. The diminished seventh chord occurs on the 7th degree of the harmonic minor scale |
Diminished sixth | or imperfect fifth, an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a minor sixth |
Diminished subject | see 'diminished theme' |
Diminished theme | or diminished subject, one repeated or imitated in diminution |
Diminished third | an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a minor third |
Diminished third chord | an inversion of the chord of the augmented sixth, the best known of the inverted diminished third chords being the German sixth |
Diminished triad | a triad consisting of an outer interval of a diminished 5th and a bottom interval of a minor 3rd, for example C-Eb-Gb |
Diminished unison | also imperfect unison or imperfect prime, an interval that is a semitone (half step) smaller than a unison (some theorists forbid this term because the 'upper note' lies below the 'lower note') |
Diminished whole tone scale | see 'altered scale' |
diminué (m.), diminuée (f.) | (French) diminished |
Diminuendo | (German n.) a passage playing with a diminuendo |
diminuendo | (Italian) diminishing, gradually getting softer, diminishing in loudness, sminuendo (Italian), decrescendo (Italian), vermindernd (German), en diminuant (French) |
diminuendo a niente | (Italian) sound dying away to nothing |
Diminuendo pedal | a pedal mechanism on an organ that gradually pushes in the stops so reducing the amount of sound |
diminuendo poi subito fortissimo | (Italian) getting softer then suddenly very loud |
diminuer | (French) to reduce, to decrease, to lessen |
diminuído | (Portuguese) lowered |
diminuire | (Italian) to diminish |
diminuito | (Italian) diminished (applied to an interval, or chord) |
Diminutif | (French m.) diminutive, pet name |
diminutio | (Latin) diminution |
Diminution | (French f.) decrease |
Diminution | (English, German f.) when a melody played in such a way that the time value of every note is shortened, generally halved, in value. Its antonym is 'augmentation' |
the changing of the notes of a subject into notes of shorter duration while keeping intact its melodic progression |
the use of florid divisions of principal notes into rhythmically smaller and melodically differentiated notes, called colorature (see reference below) |
 |
Diminutionskanon | (German m) diminution canon |
Diminutiv (s.), Diminutiva (pl.), Diminutive (pl.) | (German n.) diminutive |
Diminutive | the modification of a word through the addition of a suffix or an affix, thereby conveying the smallness of the object named, intimacy, or endearment. It is the opposite of an augmentative. In some languages diminutives are formed in a regular way by adding affixes to nouns and proper names; in English the alteration of meaning is often but not essentially conveyed through smaller size. English diminutives tend to be shorter and more colloquial than the basic form of the word, diminutives formed by adding affixes in other languages are often longer and not necessarily colloquial. Diminutives are often used for affection. In many languages the meaning of diminution can be translated "tiny" or "wee" and diminutives are used a lot when speaking to small children; adult people sometimes use diminutives when they express extreme tenderness and intimacy by behaving and talking like children |
- Diminutive from which this information has been drawn
Diminutivo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) diminutive |
diminutivo | (Italian, Spanish) diminutive |
diminuto | (Portuguese) lowered |
Diminuzione (s.), Diminuzioni (pl.) | (Italian f.) diminution (also a form of musical ornamentation from the Renaissance), decrease, reduction |
Dimisión | (Spanish f.) resignation |
Dimissioni | (Italian f. pl.) resignation |
dimitir | (Spanish) to resign |
dimittieren | (German) to dismiss, to discharge (dismiss) |
dimmbar | (German) dimmable |
dimmen | (German) to dim (light) |
Dimmer | (German m.) dimmer (switch) |
Dimmerschalter | (German m.) dimmer (switch) |
di molto | (Italian) very, very much, extremely, as in allegro di molto, very quick, extremely fast |
Dimora | (Italian f.) residence |
dimorare | (Italian) to reside |
Dimostrante | (Italian m./f.) demonstrator |
dimostrare | (Italian) to demonstrate, to prove, to show |
dimostrarsi | (Italian) to prove, to prove to be |
dimostrativo | (Italian) demonstrative |
Dimostrazione | (Italian f.) demonstration |
Dimotika | (Greek, from dhimotiki, literally 'current language') poetry sung to the accompaniment of musical instruments |
Dimotikí music | or dhimotiki mousiki, Cretan folk music |
DIN | abbreviation of Deutsche Institut für Normung (German national standards organisation) |
Din. | abbreviation of Dinsdag (Dutch: Tuesday) |
Dinamarca | (Spanish f.) Denmark |
Dinamarqués | (Spanish m.) Dane |
dinamarqués | (Spanish) Danish |
Dinamica | (Italian f.) dynamics, nuance |
Dinámica | (Spanish f.) dynamics, nuance |
Dinâmicas | (Portuguese) dynamics, nuances |
dinamico (m.), dinamica (f.) | (Italian) dynamic, nuanced, dynamique |
dinámico (m.), dinámica (f.) | (Spanish) dynamic, nuanced, dynamique |
Dinamismo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) dynamism |
Dinamita | (Spanish f.) dynamite |
Dinamite | (Italian f.) dynamite |
Dinamo | (Italian f., Spanish m.) dynamo |
dinanzi | (Italian) in front |
dinanzi a | (Italian) in front of |
Dinar | (English, German m.) unit of currency |
Dinaric singing | the stony Dinaric highlands of Croatia are traditionally dominated by sheep- and goat-breeding and fruit growing in contrast to the lowland and costal areas and their emphasis on fishery, olive growing, viticulture and sheep breeding. This distinction is carried over into the two region's cultures. Narrow, non-tempered intervals in vertical and horizontal musical structures and a unique voice quality outsiders describe as "harsh" are typical only of the Dinaric region, in contrast to the characteristic Dalmatian klapa singing, longer than the short, two-line songs from the Dinaric zone, and usually in strophic form, and performed with a relaxed vocal tone quality |
dinarisch | (German) Dinaric |
(German, dated) aquiline (nose, etc.) |
Dinarische Alpen | (German pl.) Dinaric Alps |
dinarische Rasse | (German f.) Dinaric race |
Dinarisches Gebirge | (German n.) Dinaric Alps |
di nascosto | (Italian) secretly |
Dinastia | (Italian f., Spanish f.) dynasty |
Dinde | (French f.) turkey |
Dindon | (French m.) turkey |
Diner | (German n.) formal dinner |
Dîner | (French m.) dinner |
Dîner aux chandelles | (French m.) candlelight dinner |
Dineral | (Spanish m.) fortune |
Dinero | (Spanish m.) money |
dinero bien aprovechado | (Spanish) money well spent |
Dinero contante | (Spanish m.) cash |
Dinero efectivo | (Spanish m.) cash |
Dinero suelto | (Spanish m.) change |
di netto | (Italian) neatly, cleverly |
Dîneur (m.), Dîneuse (f.) | (French) diner |
Ding (s.), Dinge (pl.), Dinger (pl.) | (German n.) thing, entity, object, widget, caper (slang) |
Dinge anders hinlegen | (German) to reposition things |
Ding an sich | (German n.) a thing as it is (or would be) independently of our awareness of it, the reality underlying the appearance of an object, the noumenon |
Dinge auseinanderhalten | (German) to keep things separate |
Dinge, die berücksichtigt werden müssten | (German) matters that should be considered, things that should be considered |
Dinge, die nicht gelöst werden konnten | (German) matters that could not be solved, matters which could not be solved |
Dinge durcheinander bringen | (German) to muddle things up, to get things muddled up things, to mess things up |
Dinge für sich behalten | (German) to keep things to oneself |
Dinge gingen schief. | (German) Things went awry. |
Dinge in Ordnung bringen | (German) to put things straight, to straighten things out |
Dinge laufen lassen | (German) to let things slide |
Dingelchen | (German n.) little thing |
dingen | (German) to hire, to engage (employ) |
Dinge nehmen wie sie kommen | (German) to roll with the punches (colloquial) |
Dingerchen (s./pl.) | (German n.) little thing |
Dingerl | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) little thing |
Dinge schleifen lassen | (German) to chance things |
Dinge schwieriger machen | (German) to complicate matters |
Dinge übers Knie brechen | (German) to force things |
Dinge vermischen | (German) to confound things |
Dinge verwechseln | (German) to confound things |
Dinge zu weit treiben | (German) to carry matters too far |
Dinggedicht | (German n.) object poem, object-poem |
Dingi | (German n.) dinghy |
dinglich | (German) tangible, material |
dinglich belasten | (German) to hypothecate |
Dingo (s.), Dingos (pl.) | (English, German m.) also warrigal or warragal, wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia (Canis dingo) |
Dings | (German n.) widget (gadget), thingamajig (colloquial) |
Dingsbums (s.), Dingsbumse (pl.) | (German n.) gimmick, whatnots (plural form) |
Dingsda (s.), Dingsda (pl.) | (German n.) widget (gadget), thing |
Ding tac ta | used by the Ede people of Vietnam, a free reed pipe with the fibre reed fitted flush with the pipe and covered by a gourd wind chamber, which is played by inhaling |
dingue | (French) crazy (familiar) |
Dingweite | (German f.) camera-to-subject distance (photography) |
Dingwort | (German n.) noun, noun substantive |
Dinh pa | the dinh pa and bass dinh pa are traditional instruments from the highlands of Vietnam. They are made from varying lengths of bamboo pipes fastened together in two rows and stood upright, and played by striking the top ends of the pipes with a padded stick, although originally the open hand was used. The bass dinh pa is simply a much larger version of the standard dinh pa |
Diniego | (Italian m.) denial |
dinieren | (German) to dine |
dinierend | (German) dining |
diniert | (German) dines, dined |
dinierte | (German) dined |
Dinkel | (German m.) spelt (Triticum spelta) |
Dinkelbäckerei | (German f.) spelt bakery |
Dinkelbrot | (German n.) spelt bread |
Dinkelmehl | (German n.) spelt flour |
Dinkelweizen | (German m.) spelt wheat (Triticum spelta) |
Dinner | (English, German n.) meal taken in the evening |
Dinnerparty | (German f.) dinner party |
dinoccolato | (Italian) lanky |
Dinosaure | (French m.) dinosaur |
Dinosaurier | (German m.) dinosaur |
dinosaurierähnlich | (German) dinosaur-like |
Dinosaurierei | (German n.) dinosaur egg |
Dinosaurierskelett | (German n.) dinosaur skeleton |
Dinosauro | (Italian m., Spanish m.) dinosaur |
Dinte | (German f., archaic) ink |
Dintorni | (Italian m. pl.) outskirts (of a village, town, etc.) |
dintorno | (Italian) around |
di nuovo | (Italian) anew, again, once more |
Dio (s.), Dei (pl.) | (Italian m.) god |
dio aviso a la policía | (Spanish) he notified the police, he informed the police |
Diocese | the territorial unit of administration in the church, governed by a bishop; also known as a see |
Diocèse | (French m.) diocese |
Diocesi | (Italian f.) diocese |
Diócesis | (Spanish f.) diocese |
Diocletian [c.244-311] | Roman Emperor from November 20, 284 to May 1, 305. Born to a Dalmatian family of low status, he rose through the ranks of the military to become cavalry commander to the emperor Carus. After the deaths of Carus and his son Numerian on campaign in Persia, Diocletian was acclaimed emperor by the army |
Diode (s.), Dioden | (English, German f.) an electronic component that acts like a one-way valve. As a discrete component or built into a chip, it is used in a variety of functions. Used as a rectifier, it is a key element in changing AC to DC by limiting current flow to a single direction. Diodes are used as temperature and light sensors and light emitters (LEDs). In communications, they filter out analog and digital signals from carriers and modulate signals onto carriers |
Diodengleichrichter | (German m.) diode rectifier |
Diodenschaltung | (German f.) diode circuit |
Diodenverstärker | (German m.) diode amplifier |
Diokletian | (German) Diocletian |
diokletianisch | (German) Diocletian |
Dionysia | the Athenian religious festivals celebrating Dionysus in March-April. Dionysus (Roman Bacchus) was the god of intoxication, celebration, powerful emotion, and loss of self-control. At his festival, priests would sacrifice goats on the theater stage, and then actors would perform tragic plays in honor of the god, interspersed with brief comedies |
Dionysien | (German pl.) Dionysia |
dionysisch | (German) Dionysian, dionysian |
Dionysos | (German m.) Dionysus |
diophantische Gleichung | (German f.) Diophantine equation |
Diopter | (German m.) sighting hole, peep-sight, dioptre |
Dioptervisier | (German n.) peep-sight |
Dioptre | a measurement unit that describes the optical power of a lens or a curved mirror |
Dioptrie | (German f.) dioptre |
Dioptrienwert | (German m.) dioptre value |
Diorama | (German n.) diorama |
Dios (m.), Diosa (f.) | (Spanish) god (m.), goddess (f.) |
Dioscuri | the joint name of Castor and Pollux, the sons of Jupiter and Leda. Their festival, the Dioscuria, was celebrated by the Lacedemonians |
Dioscuria | see dioscuri |
Dioskuren | (German pl.) Dioscuri |
Diouli | (Epirus & Aegina, Greece) an alternative name for the 'violin' |
Dioxia | (Greek) the name given by earlier Greek theorists to the interval of the fifth prior to the introduction of the term diapente, or to the fifth note in a mode or scale |
diözesan | (German) diocesan |
Diözesanadministrator | (German m.) apostolic administrator |
Diözesanbischof | (German m.) diocesan bishop |
Diözese (s.), Diözesen (pl.) | (German f.) bishopric, diocese |
Diözese | (German f.) diocese |
Dip | on a keyboard, the distance that the key can be depressed |
Dip. | abbreviation of 'diploma' (in degrees and qualifications) |
dip. | abbreviation of 'diploma' |
dipanare | (Italian) to wind into a ball, to unravel (figurative) |
Dipartimento | (Italian m.) department |
Dip.Ed | abbreviation of 'Diploma in Education' |
Dipendente | (Italian m./f.) employee |
dipendente | (Italian) depending |
Dipendenza | (Italian f.) dependence, annexe (to a building) |
dipendere da | (Italian) to depend on, to derive from |
di peso | (Italian) or di porta, at once |
DipGSM | abbreviation of 'Diploma in Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama' |
Diphonic singing | see 'throat-singing' |
Diphonium | (Latin) a piece of music for two voices |
Diphtheria | acute infectious bacterial disease with inflammation of a mucous membrane especially of the throat |
Diphtérie | (French f.) diphtheria |
Diphtherie | (German f.) diphtheria |
Diphtherieantitoxin | (German n.) diphtheria antitoxin |
Diphtherieimpfstoff | (German m.) diphtheria vaccine |
Diphtherieimpfung | (German f.) diphtheria vaccination |
diphtherisch | (German) diphtherial |
Diphthong | (English, German m., from Greek phthoggos, 'voice') two written or spoken vowels pronounced in one syllable (as in coin, loud, toy) |
the management of diphthongs when singing is important particularly when enunciated they are slowly. For example, when you pronounce the word "night" slowly, you should hear " n-ah-eye-ee-t." There are three vowels in that word and singers, when they study, learn that the bel canto technique (sustaining on one pure vowel) produces the most beautiful and effortless sound and pitch. Therefore, it is necessary to sustain as long as possible on the first vowel of the diphthong and complete the rest of the diphthong when you are ready to pronounce another word or syllable |
diphthongieren | (German) to diphthongise |
Diphthongierung | (German f.) diphthongisation |
diphthongisch | (German) diphthongic |
diphthongisieren | (German) to diphthongise |
Diphthongisierung | (German f.) diphthongisation |
Diphthongization | the change of a normal vowel into a diphthong |
Diphtongue | (French f.) diphthong |
dipingere | (Italian) to paint, to describe |
dipingersi | (Italian) to make up |
Dipinto | (Italian m.) painting |
dipinto (m.), dipinta (f.) | (Italian) painted |
Dipinto con natura morta | (Italian m.) still-life painting |
di piu voci | (Italian) for several voices, mehrstimmig (German), à plusieurs voix (French), a varias voces (Spanish) |
dipl. | abbreviation of 'diploma' |
Diple | (from Greek) a mark used to indicate a quote, often found placed on the margin of the quoted text, and next to each quoted line - the diple is used in some email programs to indicate quoted text, and to distinguish it from newly composed material |
Croatian reed instrument similar to a bagpipe but without a drone, also known as mih and mjeh |
Diplegia | a sub-type of cerebral palsy based on location of motor impairment. Diplegia refers to primary involvement in the legs with lesser involvement in the arms. Many children born prematurely have this type of cerebral palsy |
Diplegie (s.), Diplegien (pl.) | (German f.) diplegia |
Diplica | Croatian reed instrument |
Diplom (s.), Diplome (pl.) | (German n.) certificate, diploma, degree (university) |
Diploma | (English, Italian m., Spanish m.) a qualification given by a university or professional body, a certificate confirming the award of such a qualification |
the term was originally applied to a type of very formal legal document or charter |
Diplomacia | (Spanish f.) diplomacy |
diplomado | (Spanish) qualifed |
Diplomand | (German m.) graduand, student about to take their diploma |
Diplomarbeit | (German f.) diploma thesis, degree dissertation, final year project, diploma project |
Diplomarbeitsbetreuer | (German m.) thesis adviser |
Diplomat (s.), Dipomatin (f.), Diplomaten (German pl.) | (English, German m.) member of a diplomatic service, tactful person, diplomatist |
Diplomate | (French m.) diplomat |
diplomate | (French) diplomatic |
Diplomatenempfang | (German m.) diplomatic reception |
Diplomatengepäck | (German n.) diplomatic bag |
Diplomatenkoffer | (German m.) attaché case, executive briefcase |
Diplomatenkreise | (German pl.) diplomatic circles |
Diplomatenpass | (German m.) diplomatic passport |
Diplomatenpost | (German f.) diplomatic bag |
Diplomatensprache | (German f.) language of diplomacy |
Diplomatenstatus | (German m.) diplomatic status |
Diplomatenvisum | (German n.) diplomatic visa |
Diplomatico | (Italian m.) diplomat |
diplomatico | (Italian) diplomatic |
Diplomático | (Spanish m.) diplomat |
diplomático | (Spanish) diplomatic |
Diplomatics | forensic palaeography, specifically a branch of study that seeks clues as to the provenance of written documents, especially handwritten documents. It seeks to validate or disconfirm the alleged origin and authenticity of written documents |
Diplomatie | (German f., French f.) diplomacy |
diplomatique | (French) diplomatic |
diplomatisch | (German) diplomatic, diplomatically, politic |
diplomatische Antwort | (German f.) diplomatic answer |
diplomatische Beziehungen | (German pl.) diplomatic relations, diplomatic ties |
diplomatische Beziehungen abbrechen | (German) to break off diplomatic relations |
diplomatische Immunität | (German f.) diplomatic immunity |
diplomatische Kunstgriffe | (German pl.) diplomatic legerdemain (figurative) |
diplomatische Laufbahn | (German f.) diplomatic career |
diplomatische Lösung | (German f.) diplomatic solution |
diplomatische Vertretung | (German f.) diplomatic mission |
diplomatische Wendigkeit | (German f.) diplomatic shiftiness (colloquial) |
diplomatischer Dienst | (German m.) diplomatic service |
diplomatischer Geschäftsträger | (German m.) chargé d'affaires |
diplomatischer Schachzug | (German m.) diplomatic stroke |
diplomatischer Vertreter | (German m.) diplomatic representative |
diplomatisches Korps | (German n.) diplomatic body, diplomatic corps, corps diplomatique (French m.) |
Diplomazia | (Italian f.) diplomacy |
Diplomchemiker | (German m.) graduate chemist |
Diplom-Designer (m.), Diplom-Designerin (f.) | (German) qualified designer |
Diplôme | (French m.) certificate, diploma, degree (university) |
diplômé | (French) qualified |
Diplôme d'associé | (French m.) associate diploma (for example, of a music college) |
diplomiert | (German) qualified |
diplomierter Lehrer | (German m.) certificated teacher |
Diplomingenieur | (German m.) graduate engineer |
Diplomkauffrau | (German f.) business graduate (female) |
Diplomkaufmann | (German m.) business graduate |
Diplom-Kaufmann | (German m.) German business administration degree, similar to MBA |
Diplomlandwirt (s.), Diplomlandwirte (pl.) | (German m.) agronomist |
Diplomprüfung | (German f.) diploma examination |
Diplom-Sozialpädagoge (m.), Diplom-Sozialpädagogin (f.) | (German) qualified social education worker, certified social pedagogue |
Diplomurkunde | (German f.) diploma certificate |
DipMus, Dip.Mus. | abbreviation of 'Diploma in Music' |
DipMusEd, Dip.Mus.Ed | abbreviation of 'Diploma in Music Education' |
Diplomwirtschaftsingenieur | (German m.) graduate industrial engineer |
Diplopia | also called 'double vision', the condition in which a single object appears as two objects |
Diplopie | (German f.) diplopia, double vision, ambiopia |
Dipody | in classical prosody, dipody describes the combination of two feet into another single metrical unit. Often used interchangeably with the more general term syzygy, this dipody involves the substitution of two normal feet, usually iambs or trochees, under a more powerful beat, so that a "galloping" or "rolling" rhythm results |
Dipol | (German m.) doublet, dipole |
Dipolantenne | (German f.) dipole antenna |
Dipolstrahlung | (German f.) dipole radiation |
Dipolverhalten | (German n.) dipole-like behaviour |
di porta | (Italian) at once |
Diporto | (Italian m.) recreation |
di posta | (Italian) at once |
di posto | (Italian) di slancio |
dippen | (German) to dip (flag) |
di primo abbordo | (Italian) or sul primo abbordo (Italian), at first, first of all, to begin with |
di primo piano | (Italian) first-rate |
di proposito | (Italian) on purpose |
Dipsomane (m.), Dipsomanin (f.) | (German) dipsomaniac |
Dipsomania | an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess |
Dipsomanie | (German f.) dipsomania |
Dipsophobia | unusual fear of drinking alcohol |
Dipsophobie | (German f.) dipsophobia |
Diptongo | (Spanish m.) diphthong |
Diptych | two tablets hinged like a book: in relation to liturgical works specifically refers to lists of people and churches to be prayed for displayed in this form |
Diptychon | (German n.) diptych |
di punto in bianco | (Italian) all of a sudden |
Diputación | (Spanish f.) delegation |
Diputación provincial | (Spanish f.) county council |
Diputado | (Spanish m.) delegate, (in Spanish politics) member of the Cortes, (in British politics) Member of Parliament, (in US politics) congressman |
di qua | (Italian) this way |
di qua di | (Italian) on this side of |
di quando in quando | (Italian) now and then, from time to time |
Dique | (Spanish m.) dike |
di qui | (Italian) hence |
di quieto | (Italian) quietly |
dir | (German) you (informal), yourself, ye (archiac), thee (poetic, archiac) |
dir(s). | abbreviation of 'directed by', 'direction(s)', 'director(s)', direxit (Latin: engraved under the direction of), direxerunt (Latin: engraved under the direction of) |
diradare | (Italian) to thin out, to make less frequent (visits) |
diradarsi | (Italian) to thin out, to clear (fog, mist, etc.) |
diramare | (Italian) to issue |
diramarsi | (Italian) to branch out, to spread (diffuse) |
Dir auch! | (German) The same to you! |
dir bene di | (Italian) to speak highly of |
dire | (French) to say, to tell, to think |
dire | (Italian) to say, to tell, to speak |
Direccion | (Spanish f.) direction, address |
(Spanish f.) management, leadership |
dirección prohibida | (Spanish) no entry |
dirección única | (Spanish) one-way |
Direct | see custos |
direct | (French) direct |
Directa | (Spanish f.) top gear (on a car, etc.) |
Directed interval | synonymous with 'ordered pitch interval' |
directement | (French) directly |
Directeur | (French m.) director, conductor, manager, headmaster |
Directeur de conscience | (French m.) a spirtual director |
Directeur musical | (French m.) musical director, director of music |
Direct-fifths | motion to a fifth in similar motion |
Direct flute | duct flute |
directio | (Latin) editorial office |
Direction | (English) directing, supervision, order, instruction, tendency (of a theme, subject, etc.) |
(French f.) direction, management (company, firm, etc.), steering (car) |
Direction of (progressive) movement | in ballroom dancing (as well as in other types of partner dance), directions of (progressive) movement, in particular, directions of steps, can be indicated either in relation to the room or in relation to the body position. Directions of turns, although there are only two of them, may also be indicated in several ways |
Directiva | (Spanish f.) directive, guideline |
Directive | (French f.) instruction |
Directivo | (Spanish m.) executive |
Direct Mailing | (German n.) direct mailing |
Direct mailing | advertising circulars or other printed matter sent directly through the mail to prospective customers or contributors |
Direct modulation | see 'phrase modulation' |
Direct motion | this term can mean either 'parallel motion' (where the interval between two moving parts remains constant) or 'similar motion' (where both parts move in the same general direction although the intervals may vary) |
direct, parallel motion, moto retto e parallelo (Italian), Parallelbewegung (German), mouvement parallèle (French), parallelle beweging (Dutch) |
direct, similar motion, moto retto e simile (Italian), Gleichbewegung (German), mouvement semblable (French), mouvement similaire (French), mouvement pareil (French), gelijke beweging (Dutch) |
Direct mount | a direct method of mounting keys on a wind instrument whereby each post was threaded on the bottom and screwed into a hole tapped in a nonmetallic instrument body |
directo | (Spanish) direct, straight (line), through |
Direct-octaves | motion to an octave in similar motion |
Directoire | (French) (characteristics of) the styles and fashions current under the French Directory (1795-1799), an extravagant imitation of Classical models which anticipates the English Regency style |
Director | (Latin) editor |
Director | see 'musical director' |
see custos |
Director | (Spanish m.) director, conductor (musical), headmaster (school, etc.), editor (journal), manager (business) |
Directora | (Spanish f.) headmistress (school, etc.) |
Director de escena | (Spanish m.) stage manager |
Director de música | (Spanish m.) musical director |
Director de orquesta | (Spanish m.) conductor, concert-master, chef d'orchestre (French) |
Director de producción | (Spanish m.) production director |
Director de una banda | (Spanish m.) bandmaster |
Directorio | (Spanish m.) guía de teléfonos (Spanish f.), telephone book, (telephone) directory |
Director técnico | (Spanish m.) technical director |
Directory | (English, German m.) an approach to organizing information, the most familiar example being a telephone directory |
Direct resolution | see 'resolution' |
Directrice | (French f.) (female) director, (female) conductor, headmistress, manageress |
dire des choses justes | (French) to make some valid points |
direkt | (German) direct, directly, firsthand, squarely, straight, immediate, immediately, peer-to-peer, over the counter, square, straightforward, forthright (person, manner, etc.), plain-spoken, head-on (figurative) |
Direktabsatz | (German m.) direct selling |
direkt am | (German) right next to |
direkt am Meer | (German) right beside the sea |
direkt an die Adresse von | (German) direct to the address of |
direkt aneinanderliegend | (German) contiguous |
direkt angeschlossen an | (German) directly affiliated with |
direkt antworten | (German) to answer straight away |
direkt aus der Quelle | (German) straight from the horse's mouth |
Direktbank | (German f.) online bank |
Direktbefehl | (German m.) direct instruction, immediate instruction |
Direktbesteuerung | (German f.) direct taxation |
Direktbestrahlung | (German f.) direct exposure |
direktbetätigt | (German) directly actuated |
direkt danach | (German) immediately afterwards |
direkt daneben | (German) right beside it |
Direktdatenerfassung | (German f.) online data entry |
direkt da vorne | (German) dead ahead |
direkt durchstellen | (German) to put straight through |
direkte Anfragen | (German pl.) direct inquiries |
direkte Antwort | (German f.) straight answer |
direkte Beleuchtung | (German f.) direct lighting |
direkte Beobachtung | (German f.) direct observation |
direkte Besteuerung | (German f.) direct taxation |
direkte Beteiligung | (German f.) direct participation |
direkte Gespräche | (German pl.) direct talks |
direkt eine Mitteilung machen | (German) to communicate directly |
Direkteinfuhr | (German f.) direct importing |
Direkteinführer | (German m.) direct importer |
direkte Leitung | (German f.) hot line |
direkte Nähe | (German f.) immediate proximity |
direkten Zugang haben | (German) to have direct access |
direkter | (German) straighter, more direct |
direkter Bombentreffer | (German m.) direct bomb hit |
direkter Boykott | (German m.) primary boycott |
direkte Rede | (German f.) direct speech |
direkter Einkauf | (German m.) direct buying |
direkter Import | (German m.) direct import |
direkter Kauf | (German m.) direct buying, direct purchase |
direkter Kurs | (German m.) straight course |
direkter Nachbar | (German m.) next-door neighbour |
direkter Verkauf | (German m.) direct selling |
direkter Vertrieb | (German m.) direct marketing |
direkter Zugriff | (German m.) random access |
direkter Zusammenhang | (German m.) direct link |
direkter Zusammenhang mit | (German m.) direct relation to |
direkte Saldierung | (German f.) net balance |
direkte Sonneneinstrahlung | (German f.) direct sunlight |
direkteste | (German) straightest, most direct |
direkte Steuer (s.), direkte Steuern (pl.) | (German f.) direct tax |
direkte Steuerung | (German f.) direct control |
direkte Ursache | (German f.) proximate cause |
direkte Verbindung | (German f.) peer-to-peer connection |
direkte Verbindung | (German f.) direct connection |
direkte Werbung | (German f.) direct mail |
direkte Werbung durch die Post | (German f.) direct mail advertising |
direkte Zuschrift | (German f.) direct mail |
Direktflug | (German m.) non-stop flight, direct flight |
direkt gehandelt | (German) handled directly, handled over-the-counter |
Direktheit | (German f.) directness, straightforwardness, immediacy |
direkt hier | (German) just here |
Direktion | (German f.) board of directors, administration, (board of) management, head office, manager's office, ministry, agency, the directors |
(German f.) condensed score |
direktional | (German) directional, directionally |
Direktionalmikrofon | (German n.) directional microphone |
Direktionsassistent (m.), Direktionsassistentin (f.) | (German) assistant to top management, assistant to the manager, manager's assistant, assistant manager, manager's assistant |
Direktionsrecht | (German n.) (employer's) managerial authority |
Direktionsstimme | (German f.) performance part for a particular instrument of an ensemble work to which cues have been added for the other instruments to permit the performer of the part also to conduct the performance |
Direktive (s.), Direktiven (pl.) | (German f.) directive |
direkt kommend | (German) coming directly |
direktleitende Verbindung | (German f.) physical connection |
Direktmarketing | (German n.) direct marketing |
direkt miteinander sprechen | (German) to speak face to face |
direkt nebeneinander | (German) in juxtaposition (with each other) |
direkt neben unserem Haus | (German) contiguous to our house |
Direktor (m.), Direktorin (f.), Direktoren (pl.), Direktorinnen (f.pl.) | (German) director (for example, in the theatre), manager (for example, of a bank), head (school), headmaster (m.), headmistress (f.), governor (prison), principal (college, etc.) |
Direktorat | (German n.) directorship, directorate, headmaster's office, principal's office |
Direktor der Werbeabteilung | (German m.) advertising director |
Direktorenamt | (German n.) directorship |
Direktorenstelle | (German f.) directorate |
Direktorium | (German n.) board of managers, Board of Governors, Directoire (French Directorate 1795-99), board of directors |
Direktorsposten | (German m.) directorship |
Direktplazierung | (German f.) direct placement |
Direktrice | (German f.) manageress |
Direktübertragung | (German f.) live transmission |
Direktverbindung | (German f.) direct flight, direct train, direct link, direct connection, direct line (telephone) |
Direktverkauf | (German m.) direct selling, factory outlet, direct sales, direct sale |
Direktvermarktung | (German f.) direct marketing |
Direktvertrieb | (German m.) direct sales, direct selling, house-to-house distribution, direct marketing |
direkt vom Begünstigten | (German) directly from the beneficiary |
direkt vom Regal | (German) off the shelf |
direkt von der Quelle | (German) straight from the horse's mouth |
direkt vor ... liegen | (German) to be staring ... in the face (figurative) |
Direktwahl | (German f.) direct ballot, direct dialling |
Direktwahl-Gespräch | (German n.) automatically dialed call |
Direktwerbemedium | (German n.) direct mail medium |
Direktwerbung (s.), Direktwerbungen (pl.) | (German f.) direct mailing |
Direktwerbungsagentur | (German f.) direct advertising agency |
Direktwert | (German m.) actual value |
direktwirkende Pumpe | (German f.) direct-acting pump |
Direktzahlungen | (German pl.) direct payments |
direkt zu erreichen | (German) directly accessible |
Direktzugriff | (German m.) direct access, direct-access, random access |
Direktzugriffsdatei | (German f.) direct-access file |
Direktzugriffsspeicher | (German m.) random access memory |
direkt zur Sache kommen | (German) to come straight to the point, to go straight to the point, to get straight to the point |
Dir entgeht auch gar nichts! | (German) Nothing gets past you! |
dire que | (French) to say that |
Direttissimo | (Italian m.) fast train |
Direttiva | (Italian f.) directive |
Diretto | (Italian m.) through train |
diretto (m.), diretta (f.) | (Italian) directed, conducted |
diretto a | (Italian) meant for |
Direttore (m.), Direttrice (f.) | (Italian) manager, headmaster/headmistress (of a school) |
Direttore del coro | (Italian m.) choirmaster, choral conductor |
Direttore di scena | (Italian m.) stage-manager |
Direttore d'orchestra (m.), Direttrice d'orchestra (f.) | (Italian) (orchestral) conductor |
dire une connerie | (French) to talk rubbish |
Direx | (German f.) headmistress |
direx. | abbreviation of direxit (Latin: engraved under the direction of), direxerunt (Latin: engraved under the direction of) |
Direzione | (Italian f.) direction, management (of a company) |
Dirge | a slow mournful piece associated with funeral and memorial services, a song of lamentation |
Dirham | (English, German m.) a basic unit of currency in Morocco and United Arab Emirates, a unit of currency in Libya and Qatar |
Dirigat | (German n.) conducting |
Dirigeant (m.), Dirigeante (f.) | (French) manager (company, firm, etc.), leader (politics) |
dirigeant (m.), dirigeante (f.) | (French) ruling (class) |
Dirigeerstok | (Dutch) conductor's baton |
Dir gehört die Zukunft. | (German) The future is yours. |
Dirigent | (Dutch) conductor, choirmaster |
Dirigent (m.), Dirigentin (f.) | (German) conductor, choirmaster, maestro, director (of a choir, orchestra) |
Dirigente | (Italian m./f., Spanish m./f.) (company) executive, (political) leader |
dirigente | (Italian, Spanish) ruling |
Dirigentenpodium | (German n.) conductor's podium |
Dirigentenpult | (German n.) conductor's desk, conductor's stand, podium |
Dirigentenstab | (German m.) (conductor's) baton, baton |
Dirigentenstock | (German m.) (conductor's) baton |
diriger | (French) to lead, to conduct (orchestra), to run, to manage, to direct, to steer (vehicle), to aim (target), to turn |
dirigere | (Italian) to conduct (for example, conduct an orchestra), to direct, to run (print run) |
dirigersi verso | (Italian) to make for |
Dirigibile | (Italian m.) airship |
Dirigieren | (German n.) conducting |
dirigieren | (German, Dutch) to conduct, to direct |
Dirigierfigur | (German f.) conducting pattern |
dirigiert | (German) conducted |
dirigierte um | (German) rearranged |
dirigiert um | (German) rearranges |
dirigir | (Spanish) to lead, to conduct, to run (business), to address (a card, etc.) |
dirigiren | (German, older spelling) to lead, to conduct |
dirigirse | (Spanish) to make one's way, to address |
Dirigisme | (French m.) interventionism, planned economy |
Dirigismus | (German m.) dirigisme |
Dirigiste | (French m./f.) interventionist, an advocate of state planning |
dirigiste | (French) interventionist |
dirigistisch | (German) dirigiste, in a dirigiste manner |
dirimpetto | (Italian) opposite |
dirimpetto a | (Italian) facing |
diritta | (Italian) straight on, direct, in ascending or descending intervals |
Diritti d'autore | (Italian m. pl.) (author's) royalities |
Diritto | (Italian m.) right side |
(Italian m.) right, law |
diritto (m.), diritta (f.) | or dritto (Italian) straight, direct, as in alla diritta (Italian: in direct motion - by degrees not by leaps) |
Dirittura | (Italian f.) straight line |
Dirizzatore | (Italian m.) director |
Dirk | (German m.) Derek |
Dir müssen ja die Ohren klingen. | (German) Your ears must be burning. |
Dirndl | (German n., South German diminutive of Dirne, girl) dress |
(German n. - southern Germany) lass, lassie |
the Bavarian and Austria woman's traditional costume, consisting of a blouse with short puffed sleeves and a skirt gathered tightly at the waist and very full below |
Dirndl-BH | (German m.) plunge bra |
Dirndlkleid (s.), Dirndlkleider (pl.) | (German n.) dirndl dress |
Dirndlkostüm | (German n.) dirndl costume |
Dirndlrock | (German m.) dirndl skirt |
Dirndlschürze | (German f.) dirndl apron |
Dirne (s.), Dirnen (pl.) | (German f.) prostitute, strumpet, harlot, doxy (US), wanton (archaic) |
dirnenhaft | (German) meretriciously (archaic), meretricious (archaic) |
diroccare | (Italian) demolish |
dirocato | (Italian) tumbledown |
dirotto | (Italian) pouring, uncontrollable |
Dir sind die Trauben zu sauer. | (German) It's just sour grapes on your part. |
Dirty south | or 'Southern rap', a style of rap music that popped up in the latter half of the 1990s and is based in southern cities such as Memphis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami,and Houston. Dirty South descended from southern rap |
Dirupo | (Italian m.) precipice |
Dir werde ich helfen, ... | (German) I'll teach you to ... (threatening reprisal) |
dir zuliebe | (German) for your sake |
Dis, dis |
 |
(German n., Dutch) the note called 'D sharp' |
dis. | abbreviation of 'discontinue', 'distance', 'distant'. 'discount' |
Disability | the World Health Organization has described disability as the limitation that a condition places on an individual to function in specific ways |
disabitato | (Italian) uninhabited |
disabituarsi a | (Italian) to get out of the habit of |
diaccentato | (Italian) unaccented |
disaccordare | (Italian) to be out of tune |
Disaccordo | (Italian m.) disagreement |
Disadattato (m.), Disadattata (f.) | (Italian) misfit |
disadattato (m.), disadattata (f.) | (Italian) maladjusted |
disadatto | (Italian) unsuitable |
disadorno | (Italian) unadorned |
disagiato | (Italian) poor, hard (life) |
Disagio | (Italian m.) discomfort, inconvenience, embarrassment |
(Italian m. pl.) hardships (privations) |
(German n.) discount |
dis aliter visum | (Latin, literally 'the gods decided otherwise') it was not fated to happen |
di salto | (Italian) proceeding by leaps, proceeding by skips, in opposition to di grado (Italian: by step) |
Disambiguate | to determine the intended meaning of an ambiguous word as used in a phrase or sentence |
Disambiguation | the process of identifying which sense of a word is used in any given sentence, when the word has a number of distinct senses |
disambiguieren | (German) to disambiguate |
Disambiguierung | (German f.) disambiguation |
disamorare | (Italian) estrange |
disamorarsi di | (Italian) to fall out of love with |
disapprovare | (Italian) to disapprove, to disapprove of |
Disapprovazione | (Italian f.) disapproval |
Disappunto | (Italian m.) disappointment |
disarmare | (Italian) to disarm |
Disarmo | (Italian m.) disarmament |
Disarmonia | (Italian f.) discord, lack of harmony |
disarmonichissimo | (Italian) extremely discordant |
disarmonico | (Italian) disharmonious, discordant |
Disassemblerprogramm | (German n.) disassembler |
disassemblieren | (German) to disassemble |
disassemblierend | (German) disassembling |
disassembliert | (German) disassembled |
Disassemblierung | (German f.) disassembly |
Disaster Recovery | (German n.) disaster recovery (computer management) |
Disastrato (m.), Disastrata (f.) | (Italian) victim |
disastrato (m.), disastrata (f.) | (Italian) devastated |
Disastro | (Italian m.) disaster |
disastroso | (Italian) disastrous |
disattento | (Italian) inattentive |
Disattenzione | (Italian f.) inattention, oversight |
Disavanzo | (Italian m.) deficit |
disavveduto | (Italian) thoughtless |
Disavventura | (Italian f.) misadventure |
Disavvertenza | (Italian f.) inadvertence |
disbrigare | (Italian) to settle |
Disbrigo | (Italian m.) dispatch |
Disc | see 'disk', 'disc music box' |
disc. | abbreviation of 'discovered', 'discoverer', 'discovery', 'discount', 'discord' |
Discant | (from the Medieval Latin discantus, literally 'sounding apart') descant |
in the second half of the thirteenth century, from the term discantus supra librum (Latin: descant according to the rules), a form of Gregorian chant in which only the melody is notated but an improvised polyphony is understood. The discantus supra librum had specific rules governing the improvisation of the additional voicestop voice in a polyphonic structure |
in mediaeval music, the line composed against the tenor, as in the clausula of the Parisian Notre Dame School |
in the style of Notre Dame organum, where all voices are measured, that is, they follow the rhythmic modes |
Discant clausula | a substitute clausula using discant style, that is, all voices follow one of the rhythmic modes |
Discant clef | soprano clef |
Discante | (Spanish m.) descant, déchant (French) |
Discantgeige | (German f.) an obsolete name for the violin |
Discantist | (German) a treble, or soprano singer |
Discanto | (Spanish) descant, discantus |
Discant-Register | (German n.) Discant-Stimmen |
Discant-Saite | (German f.) treble string |
Discant-Sänger | (German m.) treble or soprano voice |
Discant-Schlüssel |
 |
(German m.) the soprano clef, a 'so-called' C clef |
Discant-Stimmen | (German f. pl.) or Discant-Register, the organ stops which comprise only the treble, not the bass notes, also known as Halbe-Stimmen, half-stops |
Discant style | see organum |
Discant-tenor framework | a term from early polyphony describing how two principal voices, the discant and the tenor, provide the harmonic structure, particular at cadences where an interval of a major sixth opens to the octave, or a minor third contracts to the unison |
Discantus | (German m., Latin) discant, descant |
Discantus supra librum | (Latin) see discant |
Discapito | (Italian m.) disadvantage |
Discendente (s.), Discendenti (pl.) | (Italian m./f.) descendant |
discendente | (Italian) descending |
Discendenza | (Italian) descent, descendants |
discendere | (Italian) to descend, to get off (the train), to dismount, to land (in a plane) |
discendere da | (Italian) to be a descendant of |
Discepolo (m.), Discepola (f.) | (Italian) disciple, pupil, scholar |
Discernement | (French m.) discernment |
discerner | (French) to discern |
discernere | (Italian) to discern |
Discernimento | (Italian m.) discernment |
discernir | (Spanish) to distinguish |
Discesa | (Italian f.) descent, slope |
Discesa in picchiata | (Italian f.) nose-dive (in a plane) |
Discharge printing | also called 'dye-and-discharge', a method of printing with a bleaching agent on pre-dyed fabric (usually medium to dark colors). The discharged areas may be left white and/or simultaneously printed with other colours |
dischiudere | (Italian) to open, to disclose |
discinto | (Italian) scantily dressed |
disciogliersi | (Italian) to dissolve, to thaw, to melt |
disciolto | (Italian) skilful, dexterous |
Disciple | (English, French m. from Latin, disco, 'learn') follower of a leader or teacher |
Disciplina | (Italian f., Spanish f.) discipline (field of study) |
disciplinaire | (French) disciplinary |
disciplinar | (Spanish) to discipline |
disciplinare | (Italian) disciplinary |
(Italian) to discipline |
disciplinario | (Spanish) disciplinary |
Disciplinas relacionados | (Spanish f. pl.) related disciplines, related fields |
Discipline | (English, French f., from the Latin disciplina) control exercised over oneself or another aimed at instilling self-control or conformity |
discipliner | (French) to discipline |
Discipulo | (Spanish m.) dsciple, pupil |
Disc jockey | (English, Discjockey (German m.), Diskjockey (German m.)) also called 'DJ' or 'deejay', an individual who selects and plays prerecorded music for an intended audience |
Disclaimer | (English, German m.) a repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection |
Discman | (English, German m.) a personal CD player |
Disc music box | unlike its relative, the cylinder music box, that actuator is a disc not a cylinder or barrel. The disc, sometimes known as a 'record' or 'tune sheet', is a circular sheet of metal, cardboard or composition cardboard-metal on which a musical programme is arranged in the form of perforations or projections extending from the underside. By means of a disc shifting mechanism, some machines could play two tunes set out on the same disc |
Disco (s.), Discos (English pl., German pl.) | (Italian m.) record (for example, an LP, EP, and so on), disc |
(Spanish m.) disc, record (music), discus (sports), dial (telephone), lights (car), signal (railway) |
(English, German f.) discothèque (French f.), discotheque |
dance fad of the 1970s, with profound and unfortunate influence on popular music. The word came from the French discothèque (record library), a club where the entertainment consisted of dancing to records |
Disco ball | or mirror ball, glitter ball or ball mirror, a suspended rotating mirrored sphere which casts moving spots of light across a room when light is projected on it |
Discofox | (English, German m.) or disco fox, a social partner dance evolved in Europe in mid-seventies as a rediscovery of the dance hold in the improvisational disco dance scene dominated by solo dancing, approximately at the same time when hustle emerged in the United States. Both dances were greatly influenced by the Saturday Night Fever starring John Travolta. In various regions it is also known under different names: disco hustle, swing fox, disco swing, rock fox |
- Discofox from which this information has been taken
Discography | to sound recordings as bibliography is to books, a list of sound recordings of a particular period, composer, genre, performer, etc. |
Discokugel | (German f.) disco ball |
discolo | (Italian) unruly |
discolpare | (Italian) to clear |
discolparsi | (Italian) to clear oneself |
Discomusik | (German f.) disco music |
Disconcordia | (Italian) discord |
disconforme | (Spanish) not in agreement |
disconoscere | (Italian) to refuse to acknowledge, to disown |
discontinu | (French) intermittent |
discontinuo | (Italian, Spanish) intermittent, discontinuous |
Disco Polo | Polish nightclub dance music |
Discord | a combination of notes that sound dissonant to the ear |
a dissonant note of a chord |
see 'dissonance' |
Discord, Dissonance | dissonanza (Italian), Dissonanz (German), dissonance (French) |
discordable | (French) scordatura |
discordant | (French) scordatura |
discordant (m.), discordante (f.) | (French) discordant |
discordante | (Italian, Spanish) discordant |
discordantemente | (Italian) discordantly |
Discordanza | (Italian) discord |
Discorde | (French f.) discord |
discorde | (Italian, Spanish) clashing, discordant |
discordé | (French) scordatura |
discorder | (French) to be out of tune |
Discordia | (Italian f., Spanish f.) discord |
Discordia concors | (Latin) harmonious discord, harmony or unity gained by combining disparate or conflicting elements |
Discore | alternate term for 'D-Beat punk' |
discorrere | (Italian) to talk |
discorrere di | (Italian) to talk about |
Discorso | (Italian m.) speech, talk (conversation) |
discosto | (Italian) distant, far away |
Discoteca | (Italian f., Spanish f.) discothèque, disco, record library |
Discotheque | discothèque (French f.) |
Discothèque | (French f.) a place where people gather to dance to amplified recordings, commonly called a 'disco' |
a popular music style of the 1970s characterised by a strong, emphatic repeated beat |
(French f.) record library, record shop |
Discotour | (German f.) disco crawl |
Discount | (English, French m.) amount deducted from a full or normal price |
Discounter | (German m.) discount supermarket, discount store |
Discountladen | (German m.) bargain store, discount store |
discourir | (French) to hold forth, to ramble on (pejorative) |
Discours | (French m.) speech |
Discovery space | a central opening or alcove concealed behind a curtain in the center of the frons scenae. The curtain could be drawn aside to "discover" tableaux such as Portia's caskets, the body of Polonius, or the statue of Hermione. Shakespeare appears to have used this stage device only sparingly [quote by Stephen Greenblatt] |
Disco volante | (Italian m.) flying saucer |
Discreción | (Spanish f.) discretion |
discreditare | (Italian) to discredit |
discréditer | (French) to discredit |
Discredito | (Italian m.) discredit |
Discreet Music (1975) | an album by the British ambient musician Brian Eno, his first purely ambient solo album. It is also the first "Brian Eno" album, as opposed to his previous rock albums released under the name "Eno". Brian Eno's concept of ambient music builds upon a concept composer Eric Satie called "furniture music". This means music that is intended to blend into the ambient atmosphere of the room rather than directly focused upon |
Discrepancia | (Spanish f.) discrepancy, disagreement |
discrepante | (Italian) contradictory |
Discrepanza | (Italian f.) discrepancy |
discrepar | (Spanish) to differ |
discret (m.), discrète (f.) | (French) discreet |
discrètement | (French) discreetly |
Discrétion | (French f.) discretion |
Discretezza | (Italian f.) discretion, reserve |
discreto | (Italian, Spanish) discreet, reserved, moderate, fairly good, subdued (colour) |
discreto | (Italian) discreetly, moderately |
Discrezione | (Italian f.) discretion, discreetly, moderately, reserve, judgement |
(Italian f.) not too loud |
(Italian f.) a marking that indicates that the performer should observe the composer's intensions |
Discriminación | (Spanish f.) discrimination |
discriminar | (Spanish) to discriminate between, to discriminate against |
discriminare | (Italian) to discriminate |
Discriminate | to make or see a distinction, to treat unfavourably or favourably, especially on the basis of race, gender, etc. |
to show good taste or judgement |
Discriminating | showing good judgement or taste |
Discrimination | (English, French m./f.) to treat favourably or unfavourably on the basis of gender, race, etc. |
good taste or judgement |
discriminatoire | (French) discriminatory |
Discriminatory music | music in this category includes the various "dialect songs," musical caricatures, and songs derogatory to an ethnic or gender group. The notion of musical caricature often involves characteristic rhythms - e.g., tom-tom drum beats for "Indian" items. They were extremely popular and it is important to remember that our view now of these pieces may be very different from that when they were originally written or performed |
Discriminazione | (Italian f.) discrimination |
Disculpa | (Spanish f.) apology, excuse |
disculpar | (Spanish) to excuse, to forgive |
disculparse | (Spanish) to apologize |
disculper | (French) to exonerate |
discurrir | (Spanish) to think up, to think, to pass (the time) |
discurrir en | (Spanish) to think about |
Discursante | (Spanish m.) speaker |
discursar | (Spanish) to speak |
discursar sobre | (Spanish) to speak about |
Discursive | tending to digress, rambling |
Discurso | (Spanish m.) speech |
Discus | heavy thick-centred disc thrown in athletic events |
Discusión | (Spanish f.) discussion, argument |
Discussion | (English, French f.) talk on a subject usually in some depth |
Discussione | (Italian f.) discussion, argument |
discutable | (French) debatable |
discuter | (French) to discuss, to question, to talk, to argue |
discuter de | (French) to discuss |
discutere | (Italian) to discuss, to debate, to argue (a case) |
discutere con | (Italian) to discuss with, to debate with, to argue with (a case), to have words with |
discutere sul prezzo | (Italian) to bargain |
discutibile | (Italian, Spanish) debatable, questionable |
discutir | (Spanish) to discuss, to argue about, to contradict, to argue |
Disc valve | the disc valve is characterized by the use of two discs facing each other, one fixed, the other rotating. The rotating disc either blocks the valve slide or allows free passageway to it, hence increasing the overall tube length of the instrument. Originally patented by John Shaw in 1838, an improved disc valve was subsequently introduced by John A. Köhler, who called it the "New Patent Lever Valve." However, the same principle was already known in France in 1835 as plaque tournantes or disques mobiles, where it was developed by the Parisian maker Halary |
Disdain | scorn, contempt |
to regard with disdain, to refrain or refuse out of disdain |
disdegnare | (Italian) to disdain |
Disdegno | (Italian m.) disdain |
Disdetta | (Italian f.) retraction, bad luck, cancellation |
Disdiapason | (Greek) or bisdiapson, the interval of two octaves, the interval of a fifteenth |
disdicevole | (Italian) unbecoming |
disdire | (Italian) to retract, to cancel (annul) |
Dis-Dur | (German n.) the key of 'D sharp major', enharmonically equivalent to the key of 'E flat major' |
Disease | unhealthy condition of the body or mind, plants, society, etc. |
disecar | (Spanish) to dissect, to stuff (dead animal) |
Diseción | (Spanish f.) dissection |
disegnare | (Italian) to draw, to design |
Disegnatore (m.), Disegnatrice (f.) | (Italian) designer |
Disegno | (Italian m.) drawing, design |
in Renaissance art theory, the design of a painting seen in terms of drawing, which was held to be the basis of all art. The term stresses not the literal drawing, but the concept behind an art work. With the Mannerists the term came to mean an ideal image that a work attempts to embody but can in fact never fully realize. As disegno appeals to the intellect, it was considered far more important than coloure (colour), which was seen as appealing to the senses and emotions |
Disembarrass | to relieve (of a load etc.), to free from embarrassment |
Diseminación | (Spanish f.) dissemination |
diseminar | (Spanish) to disseminate, to spread |
Diseñador | (Spanish m.) designer |
diseñar | (Spanish) to design |
Diseño | (Spanish m.) design, sketch (figurative) |
Diseño muy actual | (Spanish m.) very up-to-the-minute design |
disentería | (Spanish f.) dysentery |
Disentimiento | (Spanish m.) dissent, disagreement |
disentir | (Spanish) to disagree |
disentir de | (Spanish) to disagree with |
disentir en | (Spanish) to disagree on |
diseredare | (Italian) to disinherit |
di serra | (Italian) in the evening |
Disertación | (Spanish f.) dissertation |
disertare | (Italian) to desert, to stay away from |
disertare la scuola | (Italian) to stay away from school |
Disertore | (Italian m.) deserter |
Diserzione | (Italian f.) desertion |
Disette | (French f.) (food) shortage |
Diseur (m.), Diseuse (f.) | (French) itinerant vocalists who recited romances and metrical histories in the towns and larger villages of France |
Diseuse de bonne aventure | (French f.) fortune-teller |
disfare | (Italian) to undo, to rip open, to strip, to unpack, to take down, to defeat |
disfarsi | (Italian) to fall to pieces, to melt |
disfarsi di | (Italian) to get rid of |
disfarsi in lacrime | (Italian) to dissolve in tears |
Disfatta | (Italian f.) defeat |
Disfattismo | (Italian m.) defeatism |
Disfattista | (Italian m./f.) defeatist |
disfatto | (Italian) worn out (figurative) |
Disfluency | disruptions in speech flow that are typically word and phrase repetitions, pauses, interjections, and revisions |
Disfraz | (Spanish m.) disguise, fancy dress |
disfrazar | (Spanish) to disguise |
disfrazarse de | (Spanish) to disguise oneself as |
disfrutar | (Spanish) to enjoy, to enjoy oneself |
disfrutar de | (Spanish) to enjoy |
Disfunzione | (Italian f.) disorder |
disgelarsi | (Italian) to thaw |
Disgelo | (Italian m.) thaw |
disgiungere | (Italian) to disconnect |
Disgrâce | (French f.) disgrace |
disgracieux (m.), disgracieuse (f.) | (French) inelegant, awkward, unsightly, ungainly |
Disgrazia | (Italian f.) misfortune, accident, disgrace |
Disgraziato (m.), Disgraziata (f.) | (Italian) unfortunate, wretch |
disgraziato (m.), disgraziata (f.) | (Italian) unfortunate |
disgregar | (Spanish) to break up, to disintegrate |
disgregare | (Italian) to break up, to disintegrate |
disgregarsi | (Italian) to disintegrate |
Disguido-postale | (Italian m.) mistake in delivery |
disgustar | (Spanish) to displease, to annoy |
disgustare | (Italian) to disgust |
disgustarse | (Spanish) to get annoyed, to get upset, to fall out (two people) |
disgustarsi di | (Italian) to be disgusted by |
Disgusto | (Italian m.) disgust |
(Spanish m.) annoyance, trouble, disgust, quarrel, sorrow, grief |
disgustoso | (Italian) disgusting |
Disharmonie (s.), Disharmonien (pl.) | (German f.) discord, dissonance, disharmony |
disharmonisch | (German) dissonant (German), unharmonisch (German), inharmonic, discordant |
disharmonisch machen | (German) to disharmonise |
Dish paper | in cooking, a plain dish paper |
Disidencia | (Spanish f.) disagreement, dissent |
Disidente | (Spanish m./f.) dissident |
disidente | (Spanish) dissident |
disidratere | (Italian) to dehydrate |
disilludere | (Italian) to disenchanted |
Disillusione | (Italian f.) disenchantment |
disimballare | (Italian) to unpack |
disimil | (Spanish, Latin America) dissimilar |
disimparare | (Italian) to forget |
disimpegnare | (Italian) to release, to fulfil, to redeem |
disimpegnarsi | (Italian) to disengage oneself, to manage |
disimular | (Spanish) to conceal, to pretend |
Disinfettante | (Italian m.) disinfectant |
disinfettante | (Italian) disinfectant |
disinfettare | (Italian) to disinfect |
Disinfezione | (Italian f.) disinfection |
disingannare | (Italian) to disabuse |
disintegarsi | (Italian) to disintegrate |
Disintegrazione | (Italian f.) disintegration |
disinteressarsi di | (Italian) to take no interest in |
Disinteresse | (Italian m.) indifference, unselfishness |
disinvolto | (Italian) graceful, easy going, free, self-possessed, jaunty, natural, dextrous, not forced |
Disinvoltura | (Italian f.) confidence |
disinvolturato | (Italian) free, dextrous, in an easy manner, not forced, naturally |
Disipación | (Spanish f.) dissipation, squandering |
disipar | (Spanish) to dissipate, to squander |
Disis, disis |
 |
(German n.) the note 'D double sharp' |
disjecta membra | (Latin) scattered remains, fragments of a literary work not put into any coherent order |
disjoindre | (French) to take apart |
Disjoint | synonymous with 'disjunct' |
Disjunct double appoggiatura | see Anschlag |
Disjunct interval | also 'disjoint interval' or 'skip', a melodic interval between two notes that are not immediate neighbours in a diatonic scale |
linear (melodic) intervals may be described as steps or skips in a diatonic context. Steps are linear intervals between consecutive scale degrees while skips are not, although if one of the notes is chromatically altered so that the resulting interval is three semitones or more (e.g. C to D sharp), that may also be considered a skip. However, the reverse is not true: a diminished third, an interval comprising two semitones, is still considered a skip |
Disjunct motion | or disjoint motion, movimiendo disjunto (Spanish), moto disgiunto (Italian), mouvement (mélodique) disjoint (French), sprunghafte Bewegung (German), sprongsgewijze beweging (Dutch) |
motion or movement where the notes in a melody move in leaps, intervals greater than a tone, rather than from note to neighbouring notes only a semitone or tone different |
Disjunct tetrachords | a term applied by the ancient Greeks to those tetrachords where the lowest sound of the upper one was one degree higher that the highest sound of the lower. the tetrachords are said to be combined in a scale or system by disjunction. In this context, the term conjunct was applied to those tetrachords where the lowest sound of the higher was the same note as the highest sound of the lower, and the tetrachords are said to be combined a scale or system by conjunction. |
disjunkt | (German) disjoint |
Disjunktion | (German f.) disjunction, disjunctive |
disjunktiv | (German) disjunctive |
Disk | also disc, a term applied to gramophone or phonograph records as well as to compact discs |
Diskader | Breton response singer in the kan ha diskan call and response songs |
Diskaner | see kan ha diskan |
Diskant | (Dutch, German m.) descant, discant, treble |
Diskantgeige | (German f.) violino piccolo |
Diskanthorn | (German n.) descant horn |
Diskantklav |
 | (Swedish) treble clef, a sign that shows the position of G on the staff |
Diskantnøgle (Danish) |
 | (Danish) treble clef, a sign that shows the position of G on the staff |
Diskantposaune | (German f.) soprano trombone |
Diskantschlüssel | (German m.) descant clef, soprano clef, discant clef, chiave di soprano (Italian f.), Sopranschlüssel (German m.), clé d'ut 1re (French f.), clef d'ut 1re (French f.), clave de do en primera (Spanish f.), clave de soprano (Spanish f.) |
Diskantstimme | (German f.) treble |
Diskanttiavain |
 | (Finnish) treble clef, a sign that shows the position of G on the staff |
Diskette (s.), Disketten (German pl.) | (English, German f., Spanish m.) floppy disk, floppy-disk |
Diskettenlaufwerk | (German n.) disk drive, diskette drive, floppy disk drive |
Diskettenspeicherung | (German f.) disk storage |
Diskettensteuerung | (German f.) floppy disk controller |
Diskjockey (s.), Diskjockeys (pl.) | (German m.) or Discjockey (German m.), disc jockey |
Disko (s.), Diskos (pl.) | (German f.) short form of Diskothek (German f.), discothèque (French f.) |
diskografisch | (German) discographic, discographically, discographical |
Diskographie | (German f.) discography |
diskographisch | (German) discographic, discographically, discographical |
diskoidal | (German) disc-shaped |
Diskokugel | (German f.) disco ball |
Diskomusik | (German f.) disco (music) |
Diskont | (German m.) discount |
Diskothek | (German f.) also Disco (German f.) or Disko (German f.), discothèque (French f.) |
Diskonter | (German m.) discount store |
diskontierbar | (German) discountable |
diskontieren | (German) to discount |
diskontierend | (German) discounting |
diskontierte | (German) discounted |
Diskontierung | (German f.) discounting |
diskontinuierlich | (German) discontinuous, intermittent |
Diskontinuität | (German f.) discontinuity |
Diskontladen | (German m.) discounter, discount shop |
Diskontpreis | (German m.) cash and carry price, discount price |
Diskontsatz | (German m.) bank rate |
Diskos von Festos | (German m.) also Diskos von Phaestos (German m.) or Diskos von Phaistos (German m.), Phaistos Disc |
Diskothek (s.), Diskotheken (pl.) | (German f.) discotheque, disco, discothèque |
Diskotour | (German f.) disco crawl |
diskreditieren | (German) to discredit |
diskreditierend | (German) discrediting, denigrating |
diskreditiert | (German) discredited |
diskreditierte | (German) discredited |
diskrepant | (German) discrepant, discrepantly |
Diskrepanz (s.), Diskrepanzen (pl.) | (German f.) discrepancy, mismatch, gap |
diskret | (German) discreet, discreetly, tactfully, diplomatically, prudently, discretional, tactful, diplomatic, prudent |
diskrete Verkaufstaktik | (German f.) soft sell |
Diskretion | (German f.) discretion, confidentiality |
diskret vorgehen | (German) to act discreetly |
diskriminieren | (German) to discriminate again |
diskriminierend | (German) discriminatory |
Diskriminierung (s.), Diskriminierungen (pl.) | (German f.) discrimination, invidiousness, victimization |
Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz | (German f.) discrimination at the workplace, discrimination in the workplace |
diskriminierungsfrei | (German) free from discrimination |
Diskriminierungsfreiheit | (German f.) freedom from discrimination |
Diskriminierungsprozesse | (German pl.) discriminatory processes |
Diskriminierungsverbot | (German n.) prohibition of discriminatory practices, ban on discrimination |
Diskurs | (German m.) discourse |
Diskursanalyse | (German f.) discourse analysis |
Diskursethik | (German f.) discourse ethics |
diskursiv | (German) discursive |
Diskursivität | (German f.) discursivity |
Diskurslinien | (German pl.) discursive threads |
Diskursstruktur | (German f.) discourse structure |
Diskussion (s.), Diskussionen (pl.) | (German f.) discussion, argument, debate |
Diskussion am runden Tisch | (German f.) round-table discussion |
diskussionbedürftig | (German) worthy of discussion |
Diskussionsbeitrag (s.), Diskussionsbeiträge (pl.) | (German m.) contribution to the discussion, contribution to a discussion |
diskussionsfähig | (German) discussible |
Diskussionsforum (s.), Diskussionsforen (pl.) | (German n.) discussion forum, panel, forum for discussion |
diskussionsfreudig | (German) keen to debate (person) |
Diskussionsgegenstand | (German m.) subject for a discussion, matter of (some) debate |
Diskussionsgrundlage | (German f.) basis for discussion |
Diskussionsgruppe | (German f.) discussion group |
Diskussionsleiter | (German m.) moderator |
Diskussionsleitung | (German f.) moderation |
Diskussionspapier | (German n.) consultation paper, discussion paper |
Diskussionsrunde | (German f.) discussion forum |
Diskussionsteilnehmer | (German m.) panelist |
Diskussionsthema | (German n.) subject of discussion, topic, subject for discussion, subject for debate |
Diskussionsveranstaltung (s.), Diskussionsveranstaltungen (pl.) | (German f.) discussion meeting |
diskussionswürdig | (German) worthy of discussion |
Diskuswerfen | (German n.) discus throwing |
Diskuswerfer | (German m.) discobolus, discus thrower |
Diskuswurf | (German m.) discus throw |
diskutabel | (German) arguably, debatable |
diskutierbar | (German) arguable, discussible |
diskutieren | (German) to discuss, to debate |
diskutierend | (German) discussing |
diskutiert | (German) discussed |
diskutiert werden | (German) to be under discussion |
Dislessia | (Italian f.) dyslexia |
Dislivello | (Italian m.) difference in height, inequality (figurative) |
dislocare | (Italian) to post (military) |
dislocarse | (Spanish) to dislocate |
Dislocation | (English) called 'limping' by the finest pianist of the last century, Josef Hofmann, the pianistic device of playing the left hand on the beat and the right hand just afterward. Mozart and his contemporaries called this rubato, and it was a Central European expressive form of decoration (when he was traveling in Italy, Mozart wrote to his father that the Italians were astonished when they heard him play rubato). The word rubato later acquired the meaning of any rhythmic irregularity. However, Chopin uses the word rubato very rarely as a direction to the pianist in his works, but when he does, it almost always refers to the reappearance of a theme already played, from which one might believe that he intends by this the same 'dislocation' that Mozart called rubato. (When Chopin wanted the kind of rubato that is a gentle lingering over a few of the notes, he indicated this by writing dots over each of the notes under a slur.)
dislocation has at least three purposes: |
a note can be given expressive quality and importance by making it appear not too easy to produce, for that is the unconscious logic behind the most traditional use of delaying its appearance |
playing the bass note in the left hand before the melody note in the right allows the melody note to enter into an already prepared harmonic frame and also allows the bass string's overtones or harmonics to be reactivated sympathetically when the right hand enters a split second later. This gives the melody note greater sonority and cantabile (or singing) quality, important for performances given in large public halls |
used systematically over a long passage, it allows the player to vary the texture by making it more lively. For the late nineteenth-century pianist, the extensive use of dislocation transformed the texture into something less hard-edged, that is softer |
Dislocation | (French f.) dislocation (of a joint) |
Dislokation | (German f.) displacement, dislocation, moving out of position |
disloquer | (French) to dislocate (joint), to break, to break apart |
dislozieren | (German) to dislocate |
disloziert | (German) displaced, dislocated, relocated |
Dislozierung | (German f.) deployment |
Disminución | (Spanish f.) diminution, decrease |
disminuido (m.), disminuida (f.) | (Spanish) diminished |
disminuir | (Spanish) to diminish |
disminuyendo | (Spanish) diminuendo |
Dismisura | (Italian f.) excess |
dis-Moll |
 | (German n.) the key of 'D sharp minor' |
disobbligarsi | (Italian) to return someone's kindness |
Disoccupato (m.), Disoccupata (f.) | (Italian) unemployed person |
disoccupato (m.), disoccupata (f.) | (Italian) unemployed |
Disoccupazione | (Italian f.) unemployment |
disociar | (Spanish) to dissociate |
disolver | (Spanish) to dissolve |
disolverse | (Spanish) to dissolve |
Disonancia | (Spanish f.) dissonance, disharmony (figurative) |
disonante | (Spanish) dissonant, discordant (figurative and musical) |
disonar | (Spanish) to make a discord, to be out of tune, to sound out of tune, jar |
Disonestà | (Italian f.) dishonesty |
disonesto | (Italian) dishonest |
disonorare | (Italian) to dishonour |
Disonore | (Italian m.) dishonour |
Disopra | (Italian m.) top |
disopra | (Italian) above, upper |
disordinare | (Italian) to disarrange |
disordinato | (Italian) untidy, immoderate |
Disordine | (Italian m.) disorder, untidiness, debauchery |
disorganizzare | (Italian) to disorganize |
disorganizzato | (Italian) disorganized |
disorientare | (Italian) to disorientate |
disorientarsi | (Italian) to lose one's bearings |
disorientato | (Italian) bewildered (figurative) |
disossare | (Italian) to bone (meat) |
Disotto | (Italian m.) bottom |
disotto | (Italian) below, lower |
Dispaccio | (Italian m.) dispatch |
dispar | (Spanish) different, unalike, disparate |
Disparada | (Spanish f.) sudden and wild rush, stampede |
Disparador | (Spanish m.) trigger, shutter release (camera), escapement |
dispararse | (Spanish) to fly or rush off, to get carried away |
Disparität | (German f.) disparity |
disparato | (Italian) disparate |
disparaître | (French) disappear, die |
disparar | (Spanish) to fire, to shoot |
disparar contra | (Spanish) to shoot at |
disparatado (m.), disparatada (f.) | (Spanish) absurd, senseless |
disparatar | (Spanish) to talk nonsense |
Disparate | (Spanish m.) silly thing, mistake, foolish act, blunder, senseless talk, enormity |
Disparate | (English, French) ill-assorted |
disparejo (m.), dispareja (f.) | (Spanish) unequal, uneven |
dispari | (Italian) odd, uneven |
Disparidad | (Spanish f.) disparity, difference |
Disparità | (Italian f.) disparity |
Disparité | (French f.) disparity |
Disparition | (French f.) disappearance, death |
Disparo | (Spanish m.) firing, shot |
Disparu (m.), Disparue (f.) | (French) missing person, dead person |
disparu (m.), disparue (f.) | (French) missing |
Dispendio | (Spanish m.) splurge (i.e. consume in a lavish manner) |
dispendioso | (Italian) expensive |
Dispens | (German f.) dispensation (canon law) |
(German m., Austria also f.) dispensation, exemption |
Dispensa | (Italian f.) pantry, distribution, cupboard, exemption, dispensation, number (of a journal, etc.) |
(Spanish f.) dispensation, exemption |
Dispensaire | (French m.) clinic |
dispensar | (Spanish) to give, to grant, to forgive, to pardon, to exempt, to free from an obligation |
dispensare | (Italian) to distribute, to grant a dispensation, to exonerate |
Dispensario | (Spanish m.) dispensary (medical) |
Dispensationalism | a theological system which breaks history down into discrete epochs, called dispensations, in each of which God has offered humans a different means of salvation. First developed in the mid-19th century by English theologian John Nelson Darby, dispensationalism found its most popular expression in the "Scofield Reference Bible" of the early 20th century |
Dispensationalismus | (German m.) dispensationalism |
Dispense | (French f.) exemption |
dispenser | (French) to exempt |
dispensieren | (German) to dispense |
dispensierend | (German) dispensing |
Dispensierrecht | (German n.) right to dispense |
dispensó una palabra de agradecimiento | (Spanish) he said a few words of thanks |
disperabile | (Italian) in despair, desperate |
disperante | (Italian) in despair, desperate |
disperare | (Italian) to despair |
disperare di | (Italian) to despair of |
disperarsi | (Italian) to despair |
disperato (m.), disperata (f.) | (Italian) despaired of, in despair, desperate, with desperation |
Disperazione | (Italian f.) despair |
disperdere | (Italian) to die away, to die out, ausschwingen (German), cesser de vibrer (French) |
disperdersi | (Italian) to scatter, to disperse |
dispersar | (Spanish) to distribute, to excuse |
dispersarse | (Spanish) to scatter, to disperse |
Dispersed harmony | also called 'extended harmony' or 'open harmony', where the notes that form the various chords are widely dispersed, the converse of 'close harmony' |
disperser | (French) to scatter, to disperse |
Dispersión | (Spanish f.) dispersion |
Dispersione | (Italian f.) dispersion, dispersal |
Dispersionsfarbe | (German f.) emulsion paint |
Disperso | (Italian m.) missing soldier |
disperso | (Italian) scattered, lost |
(Spanish) scattered |
Dispetto | (Italian m.) spite |
dispettoso | (Italian) spiteful |
Dispiacere | (Italian m.) upset, regret, sorrow, worry |
dispiacere a | (Italian) to displease, to be sorry, to regret, to dislike |
dispiaciuto | (Italian) upset, sorry |
Displacement | (English, German n.) act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics |
in linguistics, a term that refers to the ability of language to indicate or signify things not physically present |
an event in which something is displaced without rotation |
(physics, mathematics, etc.) the act of uniform movement |
(chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound |
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one |
to move something from its natural environment |
Display | (English, German n.) what is shown on a visual display unit, etc., displaying, exhibition or show, thing(s) displayed, ostentation, mating rituals of some birds, etc. |
(English) to exhibit, to show, to reveal, to betray (an emotion) |
Dispnoe | (German f.) dyspnoea |
Dispokredit | (German m.) overdraft facility |
disponer | (Spanish) to arrange, to prepare |
disponer de | (Spanish) to have, to dispose of |
disponerse | (Spanish) to get ready |
disponibel | (German) available, disposable |
disponibile | (Italian, Spanish) available, free (of a person) |
Disponibilidad | (Spanish f.) availability |
Disponibilità | (Italian f.) availability |
Disponibilité | (French f.) availability |
disponible | (French) available |
disponieren | (German) to make arrangements, to dispose, to plan |
disponiert | (German) planned |
disponiert | (German) disposed |
disporre | (Italian) to arrange, to dispose, to order (stabilize) |
disporre di | (Italian) to have at one's disposal |
disporsi | (Italian) to line up |
disposé à | (French) prepared to |
disposé envers | (French) disposed towards |
disposer | (French) to arrange |
disposer à | (French) to incline to |
disposer de | (French) to have at one's disposal |
Disposición | (Spanish f.) arrangement, talent, disposal, order (judicial), decree |
Disposición de ánimo | (Spanish f.) frame of mind |
Dispositif | (French m.) device, plan of action |
Disposition | (French f.) mood, tendency |
Disposition | (English, German f., French f.) or 'specification', the list and arrangement of the stops available on a given harpsichord |
(English, German f., French f.) or 'specification', technical term for the design and layout of an organ's mechanism and pipes, indicating the number and type of pipe sections their relative power and their tone qualities, in German also termed Werke |
(German f.) disposal, arrangement, character (arrangement), scheduling, tendency |
Dispositions | (French f.) arrangements, aptitude |
Dispositionskredit | (German m.) overdraft facility |
dispositiv | (German) optional |
Dispositivo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) device |
Dispositivo midi | (Italian m., Portuguese m.) Midi device |
Disposizione | (Italian f.) disposition, order, disposal |
(Italian f.) specification or disposition (for example, the arrangement of stops on an organ or harpsichord) |
disposto | (Italian) ready, disposed |
dispotico | (Italian) despotic |
dispregiativo | (Italian) disparaging |
disprezzare | (Italian) to despise |
Disprezzo | (Italian m.) contempt |
disproportioniert | (German) disproportional |
Disproportionierung | (German f.) disproportionation |
disproportionné | (French) disproportionate |
dispuesto | (Spanish) ready, clever, disposed, helpful |
Disput | (German m.) dispute, contention, contest, polemic, quarrel, set-to (colloquial) |
Disputa | (Italian f., Spanish f.) dispute |
disputabel | (German) disputable |
Disputant (s.), Disputanten (f.) | (German m.) debater, disputant, contender |
disputar | (Spanish) to dispute |
disputare | (Italian) to dispute, to compete |
disputar por | (Spanish) to argue about, to compete in |
disputarsi | (Italian) to contend with each other |
Disputation (s.), Disputationen (German pl.) | (German f.) argument, discussion, expostulation |
Dispute | (English, French f.) quarrel |
disputer | (French) to play (match), to run in, to fight for, to tell off (familiar) |
disputieren | (German) to contend, to contest, to expostulate |
disputierend | (German) contending, disputing |
disputiert | (German) contends, contended |
disputierte | (German) contended, disputed |
Disquaire | (French m./f.) record dealer |
Disqualification | (English, French f.) pronouncement of ineligibility, unsuitability or lack of qualification |
disqualifier | (French) to disqualify |
Disqualifikation | (German f.) disqualification, incapacity |
disqualifizieren | (German) to disqualify, to incapacitate |
disqualifizierend | (German) disqualifying |
disqualifiziert | (German) disqualifies, disqualified, incapacitated |
disqualifizierte | (German) disqualified |
Disqualifizierung | (German f.) disqualification |
Disque | (French m.) record, discus (in sport), disc, disk |
Disque compact | (French m.) a CD (compact disc) |
Disque dur | (French) hard disk (computer storage device) |
Disques mobiles | see 'disc valve' |
Disquette | (French f.) floppy disk |
Disque vinyl | (French m.) a (vinyl) record (usually an LP or EP) |
diss. | abbreviation of 'dissertation' |
Dissanguamento | (Italian m.) loss of blood |
dissanguarsi | (Italian) to bleed |
dissecare | (Italian) to dissect |
disseccarsi | (Italian) to dry up |
Dissection | (English, French f.) detailed analysis or criticism, cutting into pieces as for an examination or post mortem |
dissemblable | (French) dissimilar |
disseminare | (Italian) to disseminate, to spread |
disséminer | (French) to scatter |
disseminieren | (German) to disseminate, to scatter |
disseminierend | (German) disseminating |
disseminiert | (German) disseminated |
Dissens | (German m.) disagreement |
Dissenter | (English, German m.) one who dissents, in particular, one who disagrees with conventional belief and opinion, usually with the Established Church in England (for example, a Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Moravian, etc.) |
Dissenso | (Italian m.) dissent, disagreement |
Dissenteria | (Italian f.) dysentery |
dissentire | (Italian) to disagree |
dissentire da | (Italian) to disagree with |
disséquer | (French) to dissect |
Dissertation (s.), Dissertationen (German pl.) | (English, French f., German f.) essay (often required when taking an university degree), thesis, degree thesis, doctoral thesis, theses (plural form) |
Dissertazione | (Italian f.) dissertation |
disserter sur | (French) to comment upon |
dissertieren | (German) to work on one's thesis |
dissertieren über | (German) to write a dissertation on, to write a thesis on |
Disservizio | (Italian m.) poor service |
dissestare | (Italian) to upset, to damage |
Dissesto | (Italian m.) ruin |
disset | (Catalan) seventeen |
dissetante | (Italian) thirst-quenching |
dissetarsi | (Italian) to quench one's thirst |
Dissezione | (Italian f.) dissection |
Dissidence | (English, French f.) disagreement (e.g. with established government) |
Dissident (s.), Dissidentin (German f.), Dissenten (German pl.) | (English, German m.) a person who disagrees (with an established government, religion, etc.) |
Dissident (m.), Dissidente (f.) | (French) dissident |
dissident (m.), dissidente (f.) | (French) dissident |
Dissidente | (Italian m./f.) dissident |
dissidente | (Italian) dissident |
Dissidententum | (German n.) dissidence |
dissidentisch | (German) dissidently |
Dissidenz | (German f.) dissidence |
Dissidio | (Italian m.) disagreement |
Dissimilation | (English, German f.) a linguistic development in which two sounds become less alike |
Dissimulation | (English, French f., German f.) concealment (for example, about state of one's health), deceit (figurative) |
dissimuler | (French) to conceal |
dissimuler à | (French) to conceal from |
dissimile | (Italian) unlike, dissimilar |
dissimulare | (Italian) to conceal, to dissimulate |
dissipare | (Italian) to dissipate, to squander |
Dissipation | (English, French f., German f.) squandering, misbehaviour, dissolute way of life |
dissipativ | (German) dissipative |
dissipato | (Italian) dissipated |
Dissipazione | (Italian f.) squandering |
dissipé | (French) unruly (pupil) |
dissiper | (French) to dispel, to squander, to lead into bad ways |
dissipieren | (German) to dissipate |
dissipiert | (German) dissipated |
dissociarsi | (Italian) to dissociate |
Dissociative fugue | a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality and other identifying characteristics of individuality. The state is usually short-lived (hours to days), but can last months or longer. Dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity. After recovery from fugue, previous memories usually return intact, however there is complete amnesia for the fugue episode. Importantly, an episode is not characterized as a fugue if it can be related to the ingestion of psychotropic substances, to trauma, to a general medical condition, or to psychiatric conditions such as delerium or dementia, bipolar disorder or depression. Fugues are usually precipitated by a stressful episode, and upon recovery there may be amnesia for the original stressor |
Dissoluble | that can be disintegrated, loosened, or disconnected |
dissolubile | (Italian) dissoluble |
Dissolute | lax in morals, licentious |
Dissolution | (English, French f.) dissolving, being dissolved (e.g. parliament), breaking up, abolition (of an institution), death |
in music, the separation of an inter-parametric unit into its component parts, where usually each part is developed independently, as for example, separate independent lines drawn from a polyphonic passage |
dissoluto | (Italian) dissolute |
Dissolvent | (French m.) solvent, nail polish remover |
dissolversi | (Italian) to dissolve, to dispel |
Dissonance | dissonanza (Italian), Dissonanz (German), dissonance (French) |
(English, French) pitches that played together cause a discord, for example, seconds, sevenths and the tritone |
during the early Middle Ages, the third and the sixth were also considered dissonant |
in the Balkans, the second is sometimes considered consonant |
Dissonance, Discord | dissonanza (Italian), Dissonanz (German), dissonance (French) |
Dissonans | (Swedish, Danish) dissonance |
Dissonanssi | (Finnish) dissonance |
Dissonant | (English, German) discordant, inharmonic |
dissonant | (German) discordant, dissonantly, discordantly |
dissonant (m.), dissonante (f.) | (French) discordant |
Dissonant counterpoint | counterpoint that makes significant use of dissonance more than consonance, first theorized by Charles Seeger, who formulated it as counterpoint but with all the rules reversed. Seeger was not the first to employ dissonant counterpoint, but was the first to theorize and promote it |
dissonante | (Italian) dissonant, out of tune, discordant |
Dissonantie | (Dutch) dissonance |
Dissonant interval | or 'dissonance', intervalo disonante (Spanish), disonancias (Spanish), intervallo dissonante (Italian), dissonanza (Italian), dissonance (French), Dissonanz (German) |
an interval that requires resolution |
Dissonanz | (German f.) dissonance. discord, dissonance, dissonant interval |
Dissonanza | (Italian f.) dissonance, discord |
dissonare | (Italian) to make a discord, to be out of tune, to sound out of tune, to jar, to disagree with (figurative) |
dissoner | (French) to make a discord, to be out of tune, to sound out of tune, to jar |
dissonerende Interval | (Danish) dissonant interval |
dissoniren | (German) to make a discord, to be out of tune, to sound out of tune |
dissonoiva Intervalli | (Finnish) dissonant interval |
Dissoziation | (German f.) dissociation, separation |
dissoziative Fugue | (German f.) dissociative fugue, fugue state, psychogenic fugue |
dissoziieren | (German) to dissociate |
dissuader | (French) to dissuade |
dissuader de | (French) to dissuade from |
dissuadere | (Italian) to dissuade |
dissuasif (m.), dissuasive (f.) | (French) dissuasive |
Dissuasione | (Italian f.) dissuasion |
dissyll. | abbreviation of 'dissyllabic' (having or characterised by or consisting of two syllables) |
Dissyllabic | having or characterised by or consisting of two syllables |
dist. | abbreviation of 'distance', 'distant', 'distinguished', 'district' |
distaccare | (Italian) to detach |
distaccarsi | (Italian) to be detached |
Distacco | (Italian m.) detachment, separation |
Distaff | cleft stick holding wool or flax for spinning by hand |
Distaff side | female branch of a family |
Distal | situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone |
distal | (German) distal, distally |
Distance | (English, French f.) remoteness, space between two points, aloofness, reserve, an interval in time |
in music, the interval between any two sounds differing in pitch |
Distance kilométrique | (French) distance in kilometres |
Distancia | (Spanish f.) distance |
distanciar | (Spanish) to space out, to outdistance |
distanciarse | (Spanish) to fall out (people) |
Distanciation | in Brechtian performance, when actors maintain distance from their character by reminding the audience through often stylized gestures or behaviour that they are simply people pretending, instead of trying to identify with their 'character', an aspect of 'anti-naturalisation' as well as of 'audience alienation' |
distant (m.), distante (f.) | (French) far away, at a specified distance, remote in time or relationship, aloof, abstracted |
distante | (Italian, Spanish) far away, distant |
Distanz | (German f.) distance, displacement, mileage |
Distanza | (Italian f.) distance, space between |
(Italian) an instruction, as in in distanza, meaning 'at a distance', where a piece of music is to be performed as if coming from far away |
(Italian) the 'size' of an interval, for example, unison (Italian, prima), second (Italian, seconda), third (Italian, terza), fourth (Italian, quarta), fifth (Italian quinta), sixth (Italian, sesta), seventh (Italian, settima), octave (Italian, ottava), and so on |
Distanz halten | (German) to keep one's distance, to keep oneself apart, to hold oneself at a distance |
Distanzhalter | (German m.) spacer |
Distanzhülse | (German f.) spacer sleeve |
Distanzhülse mit Gewinde | (German f.) threaded spacer |
distanziare | (Italian) to space out, to outdistance (in sport) |
distanzierend | (German) dissociating from, distancing |
distanziert | (German) dissociates from, distanced, aloof, impersonal (manner, behaviour), upstage (colloquial), clinical (free of emotion) |
distanziert von | (German) dissociated from |
Distanziertheit | (German f.) aloofness |
Distanziertsein | (German n.) aloofness |
Distanzierung | (German f.) standoff, dissociation, alienation |
Distanzierung von | (German f.) dissociation of |
Distanzring | (German m.) spacer ring |
Distanzscheibe | (German f.) spacer washer |
Distanzstück (s.), Distanzstücke (pl.) | (German n.) spacer |
Distanz wahren | (German) to keep one's distance |
distar | (Spanish) to be away, to be far (figurative) |
distare | (Italian) to be distant |
Distel (s.), Disteln (pl.) | (German f.) thistle |
Distelflaum | (German m.) thistle down |
Distelorden | (German m.) Order of the Thistle (order of chivalry, Scotland) |
Distelwolle | (German f.) thistledown |
Distematic notation | a notation where the vertical placement of a graphical symbol on an underlying grid determines that symbol's pitch. Heightened neumatic notation and modern musical notation (also called 'common practice notation) are both distematic |
distendere | (Italian) to stretch, to stretch out, to spread, to lay |
distendersi | (Italian) to stretch, to lie down, to relax |
Distension | (English, German f.) swelling out caused by pressure from within |
Distensione | (Italian f.) stretching, relaxation, détente |
distensivo | (Italian) relaxing |
Distesa | (Italian f.) expanse, expansion, range |
distesa | (Italian) continuously |
disteso | (Italian) extended, spacious, extensive, widespread, flowing (hair) |
Distichon (s.), Distichen (pl.) | (German n.) distich |
Distickstoffoxid | (German n.) laughing gas, nitrous oxide |
distillare | (Italian) to distil |
Distillation | (English, French f.) the process of making of whisky, etc. (by concentrating the essence using repeated cycles of vapourisation and condensation), the extraction of the essential meaning of an idea, proposal, etc. |
distiller | (French) to distil |
Distilleria | (Italian f.) distillery |
Distillerie | (French f.) distillery |
Distinción | (Spanish f.) distinction |
distinct (m.), distincte (f.) | (French) distinct, separate, different, not identical, unmistakable, clearly perceptible |
Distinct, Distinctly | distinto (Italian), deutlich (German), klar (German), distinctement (French) |
distinctement | (French) clear, distinct, clearly, distinctly |
Distinction | (English, French f.) discriminating, distinguishing, different between objects, etc., special honour, excellence, mark of honour |
distingué (m.), distinguée (f.) | (French) distinguished, having an air of distinction |
distinguer | (French) to distinguish |
distinguere | (Italian) to distinguish |
distinguersi | (Italian) to distinguish oneself |
distinguido | (Spanish) distinguished, Honoured (as a form of address) |
distinguieren | (German) to distinguish |
distinguiert | (German) distinguished, in a distinguished manner |
distinguierte Person | (German f,) distinguished person |
distinguir | (Spanish) to distinguish |
distinguirse | (Spanish) to distinguish oneself, to differ, to be visible |
distinguo | (Latin, literally 'I make a distinction') used in argument when there seems to have been some confusion between distinguishable things or issues |
distinkt | (German f,) distinct |
Distinktion | (German) distinction, distinctive |
distinktives Merkmal | (German n,) distinctive feature |
Distinta | (Italian f.) list |
Distinta di versamento | (Italian f.) paying-in slip |
distintamente | (Italian) distinctly |
distinti saluti | (Italian) Yours faithfully |
Distintivo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) badge |
distintivo | (Italian, Spanish) distinctive |
distinto | (Italian, Spanish) distinct, clear, distinguished |
Distinzione | (Italian f.) distinction |
distogliere da | (Italian) to remove from, to dissuade from |
distonare | or stonare, (Italian) to sing or play out of tune, to be out of tune |
distonieren | (German) to go out of tune, to jar, to produce discord either in singing or playing |
distoniren | (German, old spelling) to go out of tune, to jar, to produce discord either in singing or playing |
Distorção | (Portuguese) distortion |
distorcere | (Italian) to twist |
Distorsion | (French f.) distortion |
Distorsión | (Spanish f.) distortion, sprain (medical) |
Distorsione | (Italian f.) distortion, sprain (medical) |
Distortion | (English, German f.) inaccurate transmission (of sound, information, facts, etc.) |
Distorsionstrauma der Halswirbelsäule | (German n.) whiplash injury |
distr. | abbreviation of 'distributor' |
Distracción | (Spanish f.) amusement, absent-minded, inattention |
Distraction | (English, French f.) absent-mindedness, lapse, things that distracts, relaxation, amusement, frenzy, confusion, madness |
distraer | (Spanish) to distract, to amuse, to embezzle, to be entertaining |
distraerse | (Spanish) to amuse oneself, to not pay attention |
distraido | (Spanish) amusing, absent-minded |
distraire | (French) to amuse, to distract |
distrait (m.), distraite (f.) | (French) absent-minded, pre-occupied, thinking of something else |
distraitement | (French) absent-mindedly |
Distraktion | (German f.) distraction |
distrarre | (Italian) to distrct, to amuse |
distrarsi | (Italian) to amuse oneself |
distratto | (Italian) absent-minded, inattentive |
distrayant (m.), distrayante (f.) | (French) entertaining |
Distrazione | (Italian f.) absent-mindedness, inattention, amusement |
Distretto | (Italian m.) district |
distrib. | abbreviation of 'distributive' |
Distribución | (Spanish f.) distribution |
distribuer | (French) to hand out, to distribute, to deliver |
Distribuidor | (Spanish m.) distributor, agent |
Distribuidor automático | (Spanish) vending machine |
distribuir | (Spanish) to distribute |
distribuire | (Italian) to distribute, to arrange, to deal (cards) |
distribuire con parsimonia | (Italian) to dole out |
Distributeur | (French m.) distributor |
Distributeur automatique | (French m.) vending machine, cash dispenser |
Distribution | (English, French f., German f.) distributing or being distributed, a commercial dispersal of goods, etc. |
(French f.) instrumentation, ensemble, cast (of actors), delivery (by courier) |
Distributionskanal | (German m.) distribution channel |
Distributionsunternehmen | (German n.) distribution company |
Distributionszentrum | (German n.) distribution centre |
Distributive | referring to each individual or entity of a group separately rather than collectively, as 'every' in the phrase 'every employee attended the meeting' |
Distributore | (Italian m.) distributor, petrol pump, slot-machine |
Distribuzione | (Italian f.) distribution |
Distribuzione con parsimonia | (Italian f.) doling out |
districare | (Italian) to disentangle |
District | (English, French m.) an area that can be regarded as a single entity (geographical region, adminstrative area, etc.) |
Distrikt | (German m.) area |
Distriktsvertretung | (German f.) regional agency |
Distriktversammlung | (German f.) district assembly |
Distrito | (Spanish m.) district |
distruggere | (Italian) to destroy |
distruttivo | (Italian) destructive |
distrutto | (Italian) destroyed, broken (as in un uomo distrutto (Italian: a broken man)) |
Distruzione | (Italian f.) destruction |
disturbare | (Italian) to disturb, to upset |
disturbarsi | (Italian) to trouble oneself |
Disturbi | (Italian m. pl.) static (interference) |
Disturbio | (Spanish m.) disturbance |
Disturbo | (Italian m.) bother, trouble, interference (radio, TV, etc.) |
Distych | the technical term for a two-line group in which a pair of metrical lines of different lengths together compose or express a complete idea |
disuadir | (Spanish) to dissuade |
disubbidire a | (Italian) to disobey |
disubbidiente | (Italian) disobedient |
Disubbidienza | (Italian f.) disobedience |
disuguale | (Italian) unequal, irregular |
disumano | (Italian) inhuman |
disunire | (Italian) to divide |
Disuso | (Italian m.) disuse |
Disziplin | (German f.) discipline, event |
disziplinär | (German - Austria) disciplinary |
Disziplinarausschuss | (German m.) disciplinary committee |
disziplinarisch | (German) disciplinary |
Disziplinarmaßnahme | (German f.) disciplinary action |
Disziplinarordnung | (German f.) disciplinary code |
Disziplinarverfahren | (German n.) disciplinary action, disciplinary procedure, disciplinary proceedings |
Disziplinarvergehen | (German n.) breach of discipline |
disziplinieren | (German) to discipline, to tutor (archaic) |
disziplinierend | (German) disciplining |
diszipliniert | (German) disciplines, disciplined |
disziplinierteres Vorgehen | (German n.) more disciplined approach |
Disziplinierung | (German f.) disciplining |
disziplinlos | (German) undisciplined |
Disziplinlosigkeit | (German f.) ill-discipline, indiscipline |
Disziplinproblem | (German n.) discipline problem |
Disziplin wahren | (German) to maintain discipline |
dit (m.), dite (f.) | (French) agreed (decided), called (named) |
Dital | a flat button or key that, when pressed with a finger or thumb, raises the pitch of a guitar or lute string by a semitone (half-step) |
Ditale | (Italian m.) thimble, finger-stall |
Dital harp | essentially a cross between a harp and a guitar, this instrument was fashionable for a short period after it had been invented by Edward Light. It was patented in 1816. This type of plucked instrument was preferred by ladies of the day, as it was thought it looked more elegant than bowing a violin or blowing a flute
di tanto in tanto | (Italian) every now and then |
Ditata | (Italian f.) finger-mark, tap of the finger |
Ditchling Artists Colony [1907-1924] | starting with Eric Gill's family house, Sopers, a small colony of artists grew up in the village of Ditchline, Sussex. Following WW1 Gill set up a distinct community - a sort of self-sufficent monastic Craft Guild. The looser artists' colony continued after Gill moved to Wales |
diteggiatura | (Italian) fingering |
Ditessaron | see diatessaron |
Dithering | the process of representing intermediate colours by patterns of tiny coloured dots that simulate the desired colour |
Dithyramb | (English from the Greek, dithyrambos) ancient Greek songs written to be sung during the Dionysia, in praise of Dionysus (in Rome the equivalent subject was Bacchus), in character, wild, impetuous and rhapsodical |
nineteenth-century term applied to music associated with Bacchus |
Dithyrambe | (French, German) dithyramb |
dithyrambic | in a wild manner or style, or in honour of Dionysus or Bacchus |
dithyrambique | (French) in a wild manner or style, or in honour of Dionysus or Bacchus |
dithyrambisch | (German) in a wild manner or style, or in honour of Dionysus or Bacchus |
Dithyrambos | (German m.) dithyramb |
Dithyrambus | (Latin) dithyramb |
ditirambico (m.), ditirambica (f.) | (Italian) dithyrambic |
Ditirambo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) dithyramb |
Dito | (Italian m.) finger, toe |
dito | (German) ditto |
Dito grosso | (Italian m.) thumb |
Diton | (French) ditone |
Ditone | (Greek) the Greek 'major third', which comprise two major tones (the modern major third contains one major and one minor whole tone). The Pythagorean ditone has the ratio 81:64 |
Ditonic comma | see 'Pythagorean comma' |
Ditono | (Italian, Spanish) ditone, ditonus or ditonos, also known as the Pythagorean third, an interval defined by the frequency ratio 81:64 |
Ditonos | (Greek) ditone |
Ditonus | (German m., Latin) ditone |
ditransitiv | (German) ditransitive |
Ditransitive | in grammar, a ditransitive verb is a verb which takes a subject and two objects. According to certain linguistics considerations, these objects may be called direct and indirect, or primary and secondary. This is in contrast to monotransitive verbs, which take only one, direct, object |
di traveso | (Italian) askew |
ditschen | (German) to skim (stones) |
Ditta | (Italian f.) firm |
Dittafono | (Italian m.) dictaphone |
Dittany | a plant of the mint family with oval leaves and clusters of purplish flowers; the pungent, aromatic leaves were used in salads and as a medicinal herb |
Dittatore | (Italian m.) dictator |
Dittatura | (Italian f.) dictatorship |
ditte | (German) this (athough it is better to use dieses) |
Dittied | sung, adapted to music |
ditto | (Latin, literally 'said') aforementioned, the same (originally used only of months but now applied generally) |
Dittongo | (Italian m.) diphthong |
Ditty | a short simple song, a poem to be sung |
Diun diun | see dunun |
diuresefördernd | (German) diuretic |
Diuretikum (s.), Diuretika (pl.) | (German n.) diuretic, drug to increase urine output, diuretic agent |
diuretisch | (German) diuretic |
Diurético | (Spanish m.) diuretic |
diurético | (Spanish) diuretic |
Diurétique | (French m.) diuretic |
diurétique | (French) diuretic |
diurne | (French) diurnal, daytime |
diurno | (Italian, Spanish) diurnal, daytime |
diurnus | (German) diurnal, daytime |
div. | abbreviation of divisi, 'divide', 'division' |
Diva (s.), Diven (German pl.) | (English, German f., Italian f., literally 'goddess') a leading female opera star, a prima donna |
divagar | (Spanish) to digress |
divagare | (Italian) to digress |
Divagations | (French f. pl.) ravings |
Divagazione | (Italian f.) digression |
divaguer | (French) to rave |
divampare | (Italian) to burst into flames |
Divan | (English, French m. from the Persian) low couch or bed without a beck or ends |
Diván | (Spanish m.) settee, sofa |
Divano | (Italian m.) settee, sofa |
Divan sazi | (Turkey) or divan, the largest member of the baglama or saz family, about 140 cm long |
divaricare | (Italian) to open, to open out, to straddle |
Divario | (Italian m.) discrepancy |
diventare | (Italian) to become, to grow, to turn |
Diverbio | (Italian m.) squabble, dispute |
a musical dialogue, often used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to enrich their dramas |
Divergence | (English, French f.) become dispersed, take a different course, depart from a set course |
Divergencia | (Spanish f.) divergence |
Diverge | to spread out from a central point, to become dispersed, to take different courses (for example, 'their interests diverged'), (of opinions etc.) to differ |
Diverge from | to depart from a set course |
Divergent | diverging from another or from a standard |
divergent | (German) divergent (also in mathematics) |
divergent (m.), divergente (f.) | (French) divergent (also in mathematics) |
divergente | (Italian, Spanish) divergent |
Divergenz (s.), Divergenzen (pl.) | (German f.) divergence |
Divergenza | (Italian f.) divergence |
diverger | (French) to diverge |
divergere | (Italian) to diverge |
divergieren | (German) to diverge |
divergierend | (German) divergent, divergently, diverging |
divergiert | (German) diverges, diverged |
divergierte | (German) diverged |
divergir | (Spanish) to diverge |
divers | (English, German) diverse, miscellaneous, various |
divers (m.), diverse (f.) | (French) diverse (varied), various |
diverse | (German) various, miscellaneous, sundry |
diversement | (French) variously |
Diverses | (German n.) miscellaneous |
diversi | (Italian) several (things), several (people) |
Diversidad | (Spanish f.) diversity |
diversificar | (Spanish) to diversify |
diversificare | (Italian) to diversify |
diversifier | (French) to diversify |
Diversifikation | (German f.) diversification |
diversifizieren | (German) to diversify, to variegate |
Diversifizierung | (German f.) diversification, spreading |
Diversion | (English, French f.) recreation, pastime, diverting of attention, diverting or being diverted |
Diversión | (Spanish f.) amusement, entertainment, pastime |
Diversità | (Italian f.) difference |
Diversität | (German f.) diversity |
Diversité | (French f.) diversity |
Diversity | variety |
Diversivo | (Italian m.) diversion |
diverso | (Italian, Spanish) different |
divertente | (Italian) amusing |
divertido | (Spanish) amusing, funny, enjoyable |
Divertikelentzündung | (German f.) diverticulitis |
Divertikulitis | (German f.) diverticulitis |
Divertimento (s.), Divertimenti (pl.) | (Italian m.) amusement, pastime |
(Italian m., English, German n.) most closely associated with Vienna, Austria, a suite or collection of about half-a-dozen dance movements, similar in style to the 'cassation', Nachtmusik, notturno and 'serenade' |
(Italian m., English, German n.) as a keyboard work, similar to the sonata |
(Italian m., English, German n.) a fantasia based on airs from an opera |
(in French, divertissement) stage production, or entr'acte, forming part of an eighteenth-century French opéra-ballet or tragédie lyrique |
the earliest publication to use the name 'divertimento' is by Carlo Grossi, in 1681, in Venice (Il divertimento de' grandi: musiche da camera, ò per servizio di tavola) - and the hint that the 'divertimento' is to accompany 'table service' applies to later ages as well, since this light music was often used to accompany banquets and other social events |
divertir | (French, Spanish) to amuse, to entertain |
divertire | (Italian) to amuse |
divertirse | (Spanish) to enjoy oneself |
divertirsi | (Italian) to enjoy oneself |
Divertissement (s.), Divertissements (pl.) | (French m., literally 'amusement') in eighteenth-century French opéra-ballet or tragédie lyrique, an entr'acte, dances and songs that formed part of each act |
during the grand siècle (1643-1715), extended entertainments lasting one or more days to celebrate royal births, marriages or military victories |
in nineteenth-century France, a fantasia or light character piece |
(French) a short ballad |
Divide | to play divisions |
Divided | divisi (Italian), getheilt (German), geteilt (German), divisé (French) |
Divided accompaniment | a piano accompaniment where both hands have a similar accompanying role |
Divided stop | see 'organ stop' |
divide et impera | (Latin) divide and rule |
Dividend | (German m.) numerator |
Dividende | (German f., French m.) dividend |
Dividendo | (Italian m.) dividend |
dividere | (Italian) to divide, to share |
dividere con | (Italian) to divide with |
dividere un appartamento con | (Italian) to double up with |
dividere una stanza con | (Italian) to double up with |
dividersi | (Italian) to separate |
dividieren | (German) to divide |
dividieren durch | (German) to divide by |
dividir | (Spanish) to divide, to share out |
Divieto | (Italian m.) prohibition |
Divieto di sosta | (Italian) no parking |
divin (m.), divine (f.) | (French) divine |
Divinare | a stopped organ register with a marked tonal beauty |
divinare | (Italian) to divine |
Divination | (English, German f.) the act of divining, a foreseeing or foretelling of future events |
Divinatore | (Italian m.) diviner |
divinatorisch | (German) divinatory |
divincolarsi | (Italian) to wriggle |
Divine Office | recitation of certain prayers in the Breviary, called canonical hours, that the Church obliged be performed at particular times of day. It involves the chanting of Psalms and reading of lessons from Scripture. Traditionally the Office is observed at eight specified hours interspersed through the day and night. In monasteries or other religious communities, the Office is prayed together by the community |
office | time of day |
Matins | 3:00 a.m. | Lauds | daybreak | Prime | 6:00 a.m | Terce | 9:00 a.m | Sext | noon | None | 3:00 p.m. | Vespers | twilight | Compline | before retiring to bed | |
Divinidad | (Spanish f.) divinity |
Divinità | (Italian f.) divinity |
Divinité | (French f.) divinity |
divino | (Italian, Spanish) divine |
Divis | (German n.) hyphen |
Divisa | (Italian f.) uniform, currency (in business) |
(Spanish f.) emblem |
divisar | (Spanish) to make out |
Divisas | (Spanish f. pl.) currency |
divisés | (French, literally 'divided') a division of an orchestra section (most commonly the first or second violins) so that the section plays two musical lines that are generally written as double notes (i.e. one above the other) in the single part, generally used to avoid double stopping |
divisi (m.), divise (f.) | (Italian, literally 'divided' or 'separated') a division of an orchestra section (most commonly the first or second violins) so that the section plays two musical lines that are generally written as double notes (i.e. one above the other) in the single part, generally used to avoid double stopping |
Divisi dots |  |
in string music, a measured tremolo is sometimes indicated by placing divisi dots above the note, in addition to the slashes through the stem. The divisi dots precisely indicate the divisions per note. The slashes through the stem indicate the rhythmic value |
Division | (English, French f., German f.) dividing or being divided, dividing one number by another, disagreement (division of opinion), separation of members for counting votes, one of two or more parts into which a thing is divided, unit of administration (especially a group of army brigades, regiments, etc.) |
in an organ, a manual (or the pedals) together with the set of stops (and hence pipes) that are attached to it is termed a division. Each division has a name and a particular overall tonal character. Of course, organs from different countries have different names for the divisions and traditions have led to differences in their tonal structure. Some commentators use the term 'organ' instead of 'division'. So, 'Pedal division' might be called 'Pedal organ' |
on a small-medium sized English pipe organ, there are usually two manuals and a pedalboard |
Pedal division | plays the bass parts and has the deepest sounds |
Great (lower manual) division | the main and loudest organ sounds (the diapason chorus or principal chorus) |
Swell (upper manual) division | more orchestral and imitative sounds, such as oboes, clarinets and varieties of string-like sounds. It is usually controlled by a swell pedal, which operates shutters in a box that enclose its pipes, allowing the sound volume to be increased or decreased |
on larger English pipe organs |
Choir (third manual positioned below the Great) | softer, plainer stops for accompanying singers |
Solo (fourth manual, positioned above the Choir) | louder, prominent, solo stops |
Echo (fifth manual, positioned above the Solo) | a soft-tone division placed at the top of the organ or away at a distance |
When available the third and fourth manuals are sometimes enclosed in separate swell boxes operated by independent swell pedals |
the description of the different divisions of the organ given above is only common in the English-speaking world (UK/US, etc.) |
in a German organ: | Positivwerk (Positive or Choir division/organ) Rückpositiv (Positive or Choir division/organ when placed in a gallery behind the player's back) Hauptwerk (Great division/organ) (so-called because it is situated at the organist's back) Brüstwerk (Choir division/organ) (so-called because it is situated immediately in front of the organist) Oberwerk (so-called because it is situated on top of (i.e. over) the Hauptwerk) Schwellwerk (Swell division/organ) (in a swell box) Kronwerk or Echowerk (Echo division/organ) (placed at the top of the instrument, or in separate case work a distance from the main instrument) |
in a French organ: | Grand Orgue or Grand Choeur (Grand division/organ) Positif (Positive division/organ) Récit (Swell division/organ) Bombarde (Echo division/organ: on later French organs, a set of loud, brilliant stops to produce a great crescendo) |
in an Italian organ: | Pedale (Pedal division/organ) Positivo (Choir/Positive division/organ) Grand'Organo (Great division/organ) Espressivo (Swell division/organ) Organo Eco (Echo division/organ) Solo Espressivo (Solo division/organ) |
there are numerous variations in other countries as well, for example The Antiphonal, a set of pipes placed away from the main organ to be used when performing a processional piece (when placed in a box they are called the Echo division), but the four (English, French, Italian and German) represent the major organ-building traditions |
División | (Spanish f.) division |
Division (s.), Divisions (pl.) | in seventeenth-century England, a form of variations |
in the 17th- and 18th-centuries, long ornamented vocal lines, for example, diferencias |
in dance, step variations, as for example, in the pavane which, as described by Thoinot Arbeau in his dance manual, is an improvised dance, with the dancers throwing in divisions, or ornamentations, of the steps |
Division durch ... | (German f.) division by ... (a number) |
Divisional piston | a piston only affects one division so that each division on the organ has its own set of pistons that work only on that particular division |
Divisione | (Italian f.) division |
Divisionism | another name for pointillism or chromoluminarism, a painting style preferred by the neo-impressionists, such as Georges Seurat (1859-1891), that relies on the viewer's optical mixing of neighbouring dots of different colours |
Divisionismus | (German m.) divisionism |
Divisionisten | (German pl.) Divisionists |
divisionistisch | (German) divisionist |
Division mark | a slur or bracket place over a group of notes such as duplets, triplets, etc. with a figure, 2, 3 etc. written above or beneath it |
Divisionsrest | (German m.) remainder (after the process of division) |
Divisionszeichen | (German n.) divide symbol, division sign |
División temporal | (Spanish f.) time signature |
Division temporelle | (French f.) or signature temps, time signature |
Division viol | a smaller bass viol designed particularly for the performance of 'divisions' |
Divisive rhythm | in music, a rhythm in which a larger period of time is divided into smaller rhythmic units, this can be contrasted with additive rhythms, which are larger periods of time constructed from sequences of smaller rhythmic units added to the end of the previous unit |
Divismo | (Italian m.) star cult |
Divisor | (English, Spanish m.) number by which another is divided |
Divisore | (Italian m.) divisor |
divisorio | (Italian, Spanish) dividing |
divnou | (Catalan) nineteen |
Divo (m.), Diva (f.) | (Italian) star (actor, actress, opera singer, etc.) |
divorare | (Italian) to devour, to gobble up |
divorarsi da | (Italian) to be consumed with |
Divorce | (English, French m.) legal dissolution of a marriage, separation |
Divorcé (m.), Divorcée (f.) | (French) a divorced person |
Divorciado | (Spanish m.) divorcee |
divorciado | (Spanish) divorced |
divorciar | (Spanish) to divorce |
divorciarse | (Spanish) to get divorced |
Divorcio | (Spanish m.) divorce |
divorziare | (Italian) to divorce |
Divorziato (m.), Divorziata (f.) | (Italian) divorcee |
Divorzio | (Italian m.) divorce |
divotamente | (Italian) devoutly, in a solemn style |
divoto | (Italian) devoutly, in a solemn style |
Divozione | (Italian f.) devoutness, devotion |
divuit | (Catalan) eighteen |
divulgar | (Spanish) to divulge, to spread |
divulgare | (Italian) to divulge, to popularize |
divulgarse | (Spanish) to become known |
divulgarsi | (Italian) to spread |
divulguer | (French) to divulge |
Diwali | (German n.) Diwali (Hindu festival honouring the goddess Lakshmi) |
Diwan | (German m.) divan |
Dix | (French m.) ten |
dix | (French) ten |
Dix-huit | (French m.) eighteen |
dix-huit | (French) eighteen |
Dix-huitième | (French m./f.) eighteenth, double octave to the fourth |
(French) (characteristic of) the eighteenth century, particularly of the art and architecture of that century |
dix-huitième | (French) eighteenth |
Dixi | (Latin) I have spoken |
Dixieland (jazz) | (English, German m.) an early twentieth-century style of jazz, originally from New Orleans, with a simple, cheerful character. Today there are three active streams: 'Chicago style', 'West Coast Revival' and 'New Orleans Traditional' |
Dixième | (French m./f.) tenth, the interval of a tenth, the interval of an octave plus a third |
dixième | (French) tenth |
Dix-neuf | (French m.) nineteen |
dix-neuf | (French) nineteen |
Dix-neuvième | (French m./f.) ninteenth, the double octave to the fifth |
dix-neuvième | (French) ninteenth |
Dix-sept | (French m.) seventeen |
dix-sept | (French) seventeen |
Dix-septième | (French m./f.) seventeenth, double octave to the third |
dix-septième | (French) seventeenth |
DIY Audio | (DIY is an acronym for 'do it yourself') rather than buying a piece of expensive audio equipment, such as an amplifier or high-end cable, a person makes it themself |
- DIY Audio from which this extract has been taken
Diyingehu | see gehu |
Dizaine | (French f.) about ten |
stanza of ten verses |
Dizi | transverse bamboo flute of the Han Chinese that has 6 open holes. Its range is about two and a half octaves. Among many types, bangdi and qudi are the most common nowadays. The shorter type is associated with bangzi opera of northern China. The longer type, the qudi, with its mellow tone, became associated with the kunqu opera of central China. The former is pitched a fourth higher than the latter |
Dizionario | (Italian m.) dictionary |
Dizione | (Italian f.) diction |
DJ | (English, German m.) or, in English, d.j. (or deejay) abbreviation of 'disc jockey' |
or d.j., abbreviation of 'dinner jacket', 'dust jacket' (of a book) |
d.J. | abbreviation of der Jüngere (German: junior - the equivalent English abbreviations are Jun., jun., Jnr or Jr), dieses Jahres (German: of this year) |
d.j. | or 'deejay', abbreviation of 'disc jockey' |
Djabara | West African shakers made out of a hollow gourd, with a loose net, with beads, grains or shells worked into the net |
Djaliba | one of the drums in a Mandingo serouba ensemble |
see serouba |
Djambadon | see jambadon |
Dja mblai | a tranverse blown, single pipe, free reed of the Hmong people of Laos, related to the meo sao (Hmong flutes), the pi joom of Thailand and the bawu of southern China |
Djegok | xylophone used in the Gamelan orchestras of Bali |
Djeli | a caste of praise-singers in Burkina Faso, their function similar to that of the griots elsewhere in West Africa. At any ruler's funeral, djeli recite the names and histories of all the past rulers, and perform too at social gatherings |
Djellaba | (English, German f., French f. from the Arabic) a cloak with a hood and wide sleeves, worn in Algeria and Morocco |
Djembe | also djembé or djimbe, a West African drum, believed to originate with the Malinke people in Northeast Guinea, the djembe migrated to the Mali empire in the ninth century and is now found in Senegal, Burkina Faso (where it is a vital part of Burkinabé traditional music) and Ivory Coast. The cylindrical drum is covered in tanned goat skin |
a Malinke drum ensemble, made up of djembe (playing the solo and companion part) and three dunun bass drums (also known as dundun, doundoun, and djun-djun), called kenkeni, sangban and doundoumba |
Djembé | see djembe |
Djembefola | a master of the art of playing the djembe |
DJH | abbreviation of Deutsche Jugendherberge (German: German youth hostel) |
Djibbah | (English from the Arabic) a long straight cloth coat, open at the front, with long sleeves, worm by Muslims |
Djimbe | see djembe |
Djinnee (m.), Djinneeyeh (f.), Djinn (pl.) | (English, German m., Arabic) a supernatural being of a lower order than the angels, able to appear in human form and to benefit or injure men (in English, djinnee is sometime written as 'genie') |
Djongo (music) | named for the kassena rhythms of southern Burkina Faso, the term means 'dances of the force' an expression that denotes the raising of great clouds of dust when the music is performed in the traditional manner on the bare earth |
balles de poussiéres |
Djundjun | see dunun |
DL | abbreviation of 'down left (of stage)' (theatre) |
dl | abbreviation of drame lyrique (French) |
D-la-sol | in solmisation the name of the note d'' |
D-la-sol-re | in solmisation the name of the note d' |
DLC | abbreviation of 'down left centre (of stage)' (theatre) |
DLitt | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Letters/Literature' |
DLR | acronym for de Larrocha-Riva, the catalogue of the piano works of Enrique Granados (1867-1916) by Douglas Riva & Alicia de Larrocha |
DM | abbreviation of 'Director of Music', 'Doctor of Music', 'direct mail', Deutsche Mark (old German unit of currency) |
d.M. | abbreviation of dieses Monats (German: this month, inst.) |
dm | abbreviation of dramma per musica (Italian) |
DMA | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Musical Arts' |
D major |
 | the key of 'D major' |
 | the scale of 'D major' |
D-Mark | (German f.) Deutschmark (former German currency) |
DME, DMEd | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Musical Education' |
dmg. | abbreviation of 'damage' |
D minor |
 | the key of 'D minor' |
dml. | abbreviation of 'demolish' |
dmn. | abbreviation of 'dimension' |
d-Moll |
 | (German n.) the key of 'D minor' |
DMS | abbreviation of Dis manibus sacrum (Latin: consecrated to the souls of the departed) |
dmstn | abbreviation of 'demonstration' |
DMus | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Music' |
DMusEd | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Music Education' |
DN | abbreviation of de novo (Latin: from the beginning), Dominus noster (Latin: Our Lord) |
Dn | abbreviation of Don (Spanish: Mr) |
dn | abbreviation of 'down', 'dozen' |
Dna | abbreviation of Doña (Spanish: Mrs) |
DNB | abbreviation of 'drum and bass' |
Dne | abbreviation of douane (French: customs) |
D.N.I. | abbreviation of número de identificacion (Spanish m.: passport number, or similar) |
DNJC | abbreviation of Dominus noster Jesus Christus (Latin: Our Lord Jesus Christ) |
Dnyandev | also Dnyaneshwar or Jnaneshwar, boy poet-saint of Maharashtra of the 13th century A.D., author of Dyaneswari, a Marathi commentary on the Gita |