music dictionary : Bs - Bz

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BSabbreviation of 'British Standard' (indicating the catalogue or publication number of the British Standards Institution)
abbreviation of 'Bachelor of Science'
Bsabbreviation of Benedictus (Latin)
b.s.abbreviation of 'back stage', 'balance sheet'
BSaxabbreviation of Bass-Saxophon (German: bass saxophone - saxophone basse (French))
Bsb.abbreviation of 'Brisbane'
BScabbreviation of 'Bachelor of Science'
bscabbreviation of 'basic'
bsd.abbreviation of besonders (German: especially - the equivalent abbreviation in English is esp.)
'B' Sectionin jazz, the 'bridge' passage
B-Seite(German f.) B-side, flip side (colloquial)
BSGabbreviation of 'British Standard Gauge'
b.s.g.d.g.abbreviation of breveté sans garantie du gouvernement (French: patented without government guarantee)
B sharp
note B sharp
the sharpened seventh note of the scale of C major. si diesis (Italian), si dièse (French)
in German, the note B sharp is called 'His' - the note B natural is called 'H'
B sharp majorthe key of 'B sharp major', enharmonically equivalent to the key of 'C major'
scale of B sharp major
scale of B sharp major'
B sharp minorthe key of 'B sharp minor', enharmonically equivalent to the key of 'C minor'
B-sidealso called the 'flip side', the second or reverse side of a vinyl record
BSLabbreviation of 'British Sign Language'
BSMabbreviation of 'Bachelor of Sacred Music'
bsmtabbreviation of 'basement'
BSOabbreviation of 'Boston Symphony Orchestra', 'Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra'
BSWabbreviation of 'British Standard Whitworth' (type of screw thread)
btabbreviation of 'beat'
BTAabbreviation of 'British Theatre Association'
btcaabbreviation of biblioteca (Spanish: library)
Bteabbreviation of Benedicite (Latin)
btéabbreviation of breveté (French: patent)
B-Team(English, German n.) second-string side
btlabbreviation of 'bottle'
btmabbreviation of 'bottom'
btnabbreviation of 'button', 'baton'
BTrpabbreviation of Bass-Trompete (German: bass trumpet - trompette basse (French))
BTubabbreviation of Bass-Tuba (German: bass tuba - tuba basse (French))
BTWabbreviation of 'by the way'
BTXabbreviation of Bildschirmtext (German: videotext system)
Bu(Korean) a percussion instrument which is made of chomt'o or chinhuk (sticky clay) in the shape of a cooking pot. It is played by striking or 'brushing' its edge with a stick made of bamboo cut into nine pieces to form a 'brush'
Bub(German m.) boy, lad
Bubania Kosovar Albanian short wooden cylinder covered at each open end with leather stretched with rope, played with two wooden drumsticks
Bubblegum(English, German m, from South Africa) a mix of disco, variety, and techno that appeared in the 1980s
Bubblegum popalso called 'bubblegum rock', 'bubblegum music', a genre of popular music and rock and roll. Some of the defining characteristics of 'bubblegum pop' include catchy melodies, simple three-chord structures, and repetitive riffs or "hooks." 'Bubblegum pop' is also characterized by its lightweight lyrics, often surrounding themes of romance and courtship
Bübchen(German n.) little boy
Bube (s.), Buben (pl.)(German m.) boy, knave, jack (in pack of cards)
Buben(Russian, Czech) a musical instrument of the percussion family similar to a tambourine that consists of a wooden or metal hoop with a tight membrane stretched over one of its sides (although some bubens have no membrane at all). Some types of buben are fitted with sounding metal rings, plates, cymbals or small bells. It is held in the hand and by stroking or shaking the jingles, or striking with hand it can be used to accompany dancers, instruentalists or singers
in Russia, the term was used formerly for any type of drums or military timpani
Bubencharme(German f.) boyish charm
Bubenstück(German f., dated) knavery
Büberei(German f., dated) knavery
Bubi (s.), Bubis (pl.)(German m.) (young) lad
Bubikopf(German m.) bob (hair style)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Bubonenpest(German f., archaic) bubonic plague
Buca(Italian f., literally 'hole', 'hollow') prompter's box
Buca della lettere(Italian f.) post-box
Buca dell'orchestra(Italian f.) also golfo mistico or fossa dell'orchestra, orchestra pit
bucal(Spanish) oral (pertaining to the mouth)
Bucaneve(Italian m.) snowdrop
bucare(Italian) make a hole in, prick, punch, have a puncture
bucarsi(Italian) prick oneself
Bucato(Italian m.) washing
Buccia(Italian f.) peal, skin
Buccina four-foot-long brass instrument, with a powerful middle register, created during the French Revolution for outdoor music and called for in the Kyrie of Berlioz' Messe solonnelle (1825) and in Pines of Rome by Respighi
Buccina(Latin) a wind instrument of ancient Rome believed to have resembled the trumpet
buccinare(Italian) to sound a trumpet
Buccolica(Italian f.) rustic song or verse
buccolico (m.), buccolica (f.)(Italian) rustic, bucolic
buccolique(French) rustic, bucolic
bucear(Spanish) dive, explore (figurative)
Bucephalusthe celebrated war horse of Alexander the Great, a type of branding mark anciently used on horses
Buch (s.), Bücher (pl.)(German n.) book, quire, scenario, screenplay, script, volume
Buch als Weihnachtsgabe(German n.) book for Christmas
Buchanfang(German m.) beginning of a book
Buchara(German n.) Bukhara, Bukhoro, Bokhara (a city of southern Uzbekistan)
Bucharisch(German n.) Bukhori, Bukhari, Bukharic, Bukharan, Bukharian (an Indo-Iranian language)
bucharische Juden(German pl.) Bukharan Jews, Bukharian Jews, Bukhari Jews (Jews from Central Asia who speak Bukhori)
Buch aufnehmen(German) to catalogue a book, to list a book
Buchausgabe(German f.) book edition, circulation desk
Buchausleihe(German f.) book lending
Buchauswahl(German f.) book selection
Buchauszug(German m.) extract of a book
Buchband(German m.) volume
Buchbände einzeln verkaufen(German) to sell volumes singly
buchbar(German) bookable
Buch Baruch(German n.) Book of Baruch
occasionally referred to as 1 Baruch, it is called a deuterocanonical or apocryphal book of the Bible. Although not in the Hebrew Bible, it is found in the Greek Bible (LXX) and in the Vulgate Bible, and also in Theodotion's version. There it is found among the prophetical books which also include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets. It is named after Baruch ben Neriah, Jeremiah's scribe. Scholars propose that it was written during or shortly after the period of the Maccabees. In the Vulgate, the King James Bible, and many other versions, the Letter of Jeremiah is appended to the end of the Book of Baruch as a sixth chapter
Buchbesprechung(German f.) book review
Buchbestand(German m.) bookstock, collection, stock of books
Buchbinden(German n.) bookbinding
Buchbinder (m.), Buchbinderin (f.), Buchbinder (pl.)(German) bookbinder, binder, book-binder
Buchbinderei (s.), Buchbindereien (pl.)(German f.) bindery, bookbindery, book bindery, bookbinder's shop, bookbinding business, bookbinder's, bookbinding (plural form)
Buchbinderhobel(German m.) plough knife (used in book binding)
Buchbinderlehrling(German m.) apprentice bookbinder
Buchbinderleinwand(German f.) book cloth
Buchblock(German m.) body of the book, innerbook
Buchdeckel(German m.) board
Buch der Bibel(German n.) book of the Bible
Buch der Bücher(German n.) Bible
Buch der Magie(German n.) book of magic
Buch der Offenbarung(German n.) Book of Revelation
Buch der Psalmen(German n.) Book of Psalms
Buch der Richter(German n.) Book of Judges
Buch der Sprüche Salomons(German n.) Book of Proverbs
Buchdruck(German m.) letterpress
Buchdrucker (m.), Buchdruckerin (f.)(German) printer, bookprinter
Buchdruckerei(German f.) printing office
Buchdruckerkunst(German f.) art of printing
Bûche(French f.) log
Buche (s.), Buchen (pl.)(German f.) beech (tree) (genus Fagus)
Bûche de Noël(French f.) Christmas log
Buchecker(German f.) beechnut
Bucheinband (s.), Bucheinbände (pl.)(German m.) book binding, book cover, book wrapper, book-cover, bookbinding (binding of a book)
Bucheinbanddesign(German n.) book-cover design
Bucheinlage(German f.) insert in a book
Buch einordnen(German) to put the book in order, to shelve a book
Bucheinsicht(German f.) access to books and accounts
Buchen(German n.) booking, accounting
buchen(German) to book, to enter, to post (for example, enter transaction into company books)
Buchenbaum(German m.) beech tree
Buchenblatt (s.), Buchenblätter (pl.)(German n.) beech leaf
Buchende(German n.) end of the book
Buchen eines Flugs(German n.) booking of a flight
Buchenhain(German m.) beech grove
Buchenholz(German n.) beech wood, beechwood
Buchenmast(German m.) beech mast
Buchenmöbel(German pl.) beechwood furniture
Buchenparkett(German n.) beechwood parquet
Buchenschälfurnier(German n.) rotary-cut beech veneer
Buchenwald(German m.) beech forest
Buchenwäldchen(German n.) beech grove
bûcher(French) slog away (at)
Bücher aufstapeln(German) to pile up books
Bücherauslieferungslager(German n.) book distribution centre
Bücherausstellung(German f.) book exhibition
Bücher beschaffen(German) to procure books
Bücherbeschreiber(German m.) bibliographer
Bücherbestand(German m.) holding of books
Bücherbord(German n.) bookshelf
Bücherbrett(German n.) bookcase, bookshelf, book board, shelf
Bücher der Firma(German pl.) company's books
Bücher der Zeitgeschichte(German pl.) chronicles
Bücherei(German f.) library
bucherellare(Italian) riddle
Bücher entleihen(German) to take out books
Bücherflohmarkt(German m.) book flea market, flea market for books
Bücherfreund (m.), Bücherfreundin (f.)(German) bibliophile, booklover, book lover
Bücher frisieren(German) to manipulate accounts
Bücher führen(German) to keep books (accounting), to keep accounts (accounting)
Büchergelehrsamkeit(German f.) book-learning
Büchergemeinschaft(German f.) book club
Büchergestell (s.), Büchergestelle (pl.)(German n.) book-rack, book-case, bookstand
Büchergilde(German f.) book club
Bücherkarren(German m.) book carriage, book-trolley
Bücherkatalog(German m.) book catalogue, catalogue of books
Bücherkenner(German m.) bibliographer
Bücher künstlerisch ausgestalten(German) to do the art work for books
Bücherläden(German pl.) bookshops
Bücherleidenschaft(German f.) bibliomania
Bücherlesung(German f.) book reading
Bücherliebhaber (m.), Bücherliebhaberin (f.)(German) book-lover, booklover, bibliophile, book lover
Bücherliste(German f.) book list
Büchermappe (s.), Büchermappen (pl.)(German f.) briefcase
Büchermarkt(German m.) book market
Büchermensch(German m.) bookman
Büchermesse(German f.) book fair
Büchernarr(German m.) bibliomaniac
Bûcheron(French m.) woodcutter
Bücher prüfen(German) to audit, to audit books
Bücherregal(German n.) bookcase, bookshelves
Bücherregal (s.), Bücherregale (pl.)(German n.) bookcase, bookshelf, book-rack, book-shelf, shelf
Bücher reinigen(German) to bowdlerise
Bücher revidieren(German) to audit
Bücherrevision (s.), Bücherrevisionen (pl.)(German f.) audit (of the accounts)
Bücherrevisor(German m.) accounter, controller of accounts
Büchersaal(German m.) library
Büchersammler(German m.) book collector
Büchersammlung(German f.) book collection, collection of books
Bücher schließen(German) to close the books
Bücherschrank(German m.) bookcase
Bücherschrank (s.), Bücherschränke (pl.)(German m.) bookcase, library cupboard, book case
Bücherschrank mit sechs Fächern(German m.) bookcase with six shelves
Bücherschreiben(German) bookmaking
Bücherschreiber(German m.) bookmaker
Bûches de Noël(French f. pl.) Christmas logs
Bücherselbstbedienungsladen(German m.) bookateria, booketeria
Büchersendung(German f.) book post, bookpost
Bücherstand(German m.) book-stand, bookstall, bookstand
Bücherstapel(German m.) pile of books
Bücherstellage(German f. - Austria, dated) book shelf
Bücherstube(German f.) bookshop, bookstore
Bücherstudium(German n.) bookwork
Bücherstütze (s.), Bücherstützen (pl.)(German f.) bookend, book end
Bücherverbrennung(German f.) book burning
Bücherverkauf(German m.) book sale
Bücherverkäufer(German m.) book salesman
Bücherverkaufsstand(German m.) book-stall, bookstall
Bücherverlagswesen(German n.) book-publishing business
Bücherversteigerung(German f.) book auction
Bücherverzeichnis(German n.) bibliotheca
Büchervorrat(German m.) book stock
Bücher wälzen(German) to pore over books
Bücherwand(German f.) bookshelves, book shelves
Bücher wie diese(German) books like those
Bücher wie jene(German) books like that
Bücherwissen(German n.) booklore
Bücherwurm (s.), Bücherwürmer (pl.)(German m.) book-worm, bookworm (also figurative: bibliophile)
Buchexemplar(German n.) copy of a book
Bûcheur (m.), Bûcheuse (f.)(French) a slogger
Buchfink(German m.) chaffinch
Buchforderung (s.), Buchforderungen (pl.)(German f.) book claim
Buchform(German f.) book form
Buchformat(German n.) book size
Buch führen(German) to keep a record, to keep an account (accounting)
Buch führen über(German) to keep tab on, to keep a record of, to keep a tally of
Buchführer(German m.) accountant
Buchführung(German f.) accounting, accountancy, bookkeeping
Buchführung und Fakturierung(German f.) accounting and billing
Buchführungspflicht(German f.) legal obligation to keep records
Buchführungsrichtlinien(German pl.) accounting principles, accounting guidelines
Buchführungssystem(German n.) accounting system
Buchführungsvorschriften(German pl.) accounting provisions
Buch für Anfänger(German n.) beginner's book
Buch für Buch(German) book upon book
Buch für die Ausleihe(German n.) book that may be loaned out
Buch für Kinder(German n.) book for the use of children
Buch für Studenten(German n.) book intended for students
Buchgattung(German f.) genre, type of book
Buch geeignet für junge Leute(German n.) book suitable for young people
Buchgelehrten(German pl.) theorists
Buchgelehrter(German m.) bookman
Buchgemeinschaft (s.), Buchgemeinschaften (pl.)(German f.) book club
Buchhalter (m.), Buchhalterin (f.)(German) accountant (bookkeeper), accounting clerk, accounts clerk, book keeper, bookkeeper, bookkeeping clerk, number cruncher (colloquial: bookkeeper)
Buchhaltung (s.), Buchhaltungen (pl.)(German f.) accountancy, accounting department, accounts department, book keeping, bookkeeping, accounting, accountants department, accountants' department
Buchhaltungsabteilung(German f.) accounts department, bookkeeping department
Buchhaltungsfehler(German m.) bookkeeping error
Buchhaltungsprogramm(German n.) accounting software
Buchhaltungsrichtlinien(German pl.) accounting conventions, accounting rules
Buchhaltungssystem(German n.) accounting system
Buchhandel(German m.) bookselling, book trade, book-trade, bookselling trade
Buchhandelserscheinungen(German pl.) publications from publishing houses
Buchhändler (m.), Buchhändlerin (f.)(German) bookseller, book-seller, book peddler
Buchhändlerstand(German m.) bookstall
Buchhandlung(German f.) bookshop, bookstore, bookseller's shop, book shop
Buchherstellerin(German f.) book maker (female)
Buchherstellung(German f.) bookmaking
Buchhülle(German f.) book wrapper, book jacket, book-jacket, wrapper of a book
Buchisee bachi
Buchillustration (s.), Buchillustrationen (pl.)(German f.) book illustration
Buch im Folioformat(German n.) book in folio form
Buch Judit(German n.) Book of Judith
Buchkauf(German m.) book-purchasing
Buchklub(German m.) book club
Buchkritik(German f.) book review
Buchkritiken(German pl.) book reviews
Buchkritiker(German m.) book reviewer, book critic
Buchkunst(German f.) book art
Buchladen(German m.) book store, book shop, bookseller's, bookshop, bookstore
Buchla synthesiserin 1964, Donald Buchla developed one of the first analog modular synthesizers. The modules, such as oscillators, filters, envelope generators, amplifiers, and mixers, were mounted together in a wooden case and connected via patch cords. Buchla's system also included a keyboard that could simply be touched to trigger a note and a sequencer that allowed a composer to program a series of sounds to play automatically
Büchlein (s./pl.)(German n.) booklet, little book
Buchliebhaber (m.), Buchliebhaberin (f.)(German) bibliophile, booklover
Buchmachen(German n.) bookmaking
Buchmacher (m.), Buchmacherin (f.), Buchmacher (pl.)(German) bookie (colloquial), bookmaker, turf accountant
Buchmaler(German m.) illuminator
Buchmalerei(German f.) illumination
buchmäßig(German) in the books
Buchmesse(German f.) book fair, bookfair
Buch mit Abbildungen(German n.) book containing plates, illustrated book
Buch mit Eselsohren(German n.) dog-eared book
Buch mit goldenem Einband(German n.) book with a gilt top
Buch mit graphischen Darstellungen(German n.) book with diagrams in the text
Buch mit Karikaturen(German n.) comic book
Buch mit sieben Siegeln(German n.) book of seven seals
Buch mit Tabellen im Text(German n.) book with figures in the text
Buchname(German m.) bookname
Buchnummer(German f.) book number
Buchpräsentation(German f.) book launch, book presentation
Buchpreisbindung(German f.) price fixing for books, book (retail) price maintenance
Buchprüfer(German m.) auditors, certified general accountant (CGA), auditor
Buchprüfung(German f.) audit
Buchprüfungsdienst(German m.) accountancy service
Buchprüfungsfirma(German f.) accountancy firm
Buchregal(German n.) bookshelf
Buchreihe(German f.) book series
Buchrolle(German f.) scroll
Buchrücken(German m.) spine (of a book), back of a book, back of book, saddle
Buchs(German m.) box (tree), box (shrub)
Buchsammlung(German f.) book-collection
Buchsbaum(German m.) box (Buxus spp.), box tree, boxtree, boxwood
Buchsbaumgewächse(German pl.) box family (genus Buxaceae)
Buchsbaumhecke(German f.) box hedge
Buchsbaumholz(German n.) boxwood
Buch schließen(German) to close a book
Buchse(German f.) bush, jack, socket, connector, female jack, female connector, socket jack, bushing, sleeve
Büchse (s.), Büchsen (pl.)(German f.) box, tin, can, (sporting) gun, rifle
Büchse der Pandora(German f.) Pandora's box
Buchseite(German f.) page, book page
Büchsen-(German) canned (prefix)
Büchsenfleisch(German n.) canned meat, tinned meat
Buchsenkontakt(German m.) socket contact, female contact
Büchsenmacher (s./pl.)(German m.) gunsmith
Büchsenmilch(German f.) condensed milk, evaporated milk
[corrected by Winfried Bauer]
Büchsenöffner(German m.) tin opener, can opener
Büchsenpatronen(German pl.) rifle cartridges
Buchsenverbindung(German f.) female connection
Büchse Ölsardinen(German f.) tin of sardines in oil
Buchserie(German f.) book series
Buchsring(German m.) bushing
Buchstabe (s.), Buchstaben (pl.)(German m.) letter, alphabetic character, character
Buchstabe mit Akzent(German m.) accent-bearing letter
Buchstaben-(German) literal (prefix)
Buchstabenabstand(German m.) letter spacing, letter-spacing, letterspacing, letter pitch
Buchstabenanordnung(German f.) letter arrangement, arrangement of letters
Buchstabencode(German m.) letter code
Buchstabendreher(German m.) scrambled letters
Buchstabendrucker(German m.) character printer
Buchstabenfolge(German f.) letter string
buchstabengetreu(German) literal, to the letter
buchstabengetreue Rechtschreibung(German f.) spelling pronunciation (a pronunciation that, instead of reflecting the way the word was pronounced by previous generations of speakers, is a rendering in sound of the word's spelling)
Buchstabenglaube(German m.) literalism
Buchstabengruppe(German f.) group of letters
Buchstabenhöhe(German f.) letter height, character height
Buchstabenkette (s.), Buchstabenketten (pl.)(German f.) alphabetic string
Buchstabenleser(German m.) character reader
Buchstabenmodus(German m.) character mode
Buchstabennotation(German f.) Boethian notation
[entry supplied by Michael Zapf]
Buchstabenrätsel(German n.) anagram
Buchstabenschloss(German n.) combination lock
Buchstabenschlüssel(German m.) alphabetic key (to a code, etc.)
Buchstabenspiel (s.), Buchstabenspiele (pl.)(German n.) word game
Buchstabensuppe(German f.) alphabet soup
Buchstabensymbol(German n.) literal
Buchstabentaste(German f.) alphabetic key
Buchstabentreue(German f.) word-for-word fidelity, word-for-word accuracy
Buchstabenübertragungsrate(German f.) character transfer rate
Buchstabenumordnung(German f.) letter rearrangement
Buchstabenumriss(German m.) character outline
Buchstabenvorrat(German m.) alphabetic character set
Buchstabieralphabet(German n.) phonetic alphabet
Buchstabieren(German n.) spelling
buchstabieren(German) to spell, to chop up, to spell out
buchstabierend(German) spelling
Buchstabierer (s./pl.)(German m.) speller
buchstabiert(German) spelled
buchstabiert(German) spelt
Buchstabiertafel(German f.) spelling alphabet, phonetic alphabet
buchstabierte(German) spelt
Buchstabierwettbewerb(German m.) spelling bee
buchstäblich(German) literal, literally
buchstäblicher Sinn(German m.) literal sense
buchstäbliche Vernichtung(German f.) literal annihilation
Buchstütze (s.), Buchstützen (pl.)(German f. pl.) book-ends
Buch Tobit(German n.) Book of Tobit (Book of Tobias in older Catholic Bibles)
Buch über Frankreich(German n.) book on France
Buchverkäufer (m.), Buchverkäuferin (f.)(German) book-seller (a person who works selling books in a book shop)
Bucht (s.), Buchten (pl.)(German f.) bay (geological feature), cove, bight, embayment
Buchtbildung(German f.) embayment (process)
Buchteil(German m.) part of a book, such as a chapter, a section or a range of pages
Buchtipp(German m.) book tip
Buchtitel (s./pl.)(German m.) book title, book-title, booknames (plural form)
Bucht von Guanabara(German f.) Guanabara Bay
Bucht von Kotor(German f.) Bay of Kotor
Bucht von Plymouth(German f.) Plymouth Sound
Bucht von San Francisco(German f.) San Francisco Bay
Buchumschlag (s.), Buchumschläge (pl.)(German) jacket, wrapper, book cover
Buchung (s.), Buchungen (pl.)(German f.) booking, reservation, (book) entry (business), posting, ticketing, accounting, accounting entry, accounting transation
Buchungsbeleg(German f.) voucher
Buchungsbestätigung(German f.) confirmation of reservation, booking confirmation
Buchungsfehler(German f.) accounting error
Buchungsgebühr(German f.) booking fee, booking-fee
Buchungsklasse(German f.) class of reservation, travel class
Buchungskontrolle(German f.) audit trail
Buchungsmaschine(German f.) accounting machine
Buchverfilmung(German f.) adaptation
Buchverkäufer(German m.) book salesman
Buchverkäufer (m.), Buchverkäuferin (f.)(German) bibliopole (archaic), bookseller
Buchverlag (s.), Buchverleger (pl.)(German m.) publishing house, book-publishing house
Buchveröffentlichung(German f.) book publication
Buchverschluss(German m.) clasp of book
Buchvorlage(German f.) book on which the film was based
Buchvorstellung(German f.) book launch
Buchweizen(German m.) buckwheat
Buchweizenmehl(German n.) buckwheat flour
Buchweizenpfannkuchen(German m.) buckwheat pancake
Buchwissen(German n.) book learning, book-learning, book knowledge
Buchzeichen(German n.) earmark, bookmark, ex libris
Buciuma Romanian alphorn
Buckboardan open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels, that has a seat attached to a flexible board between the two axles
Buck Dancing(German n.) buck dancing
Buck dancinga solo male competitive/display style, percussive with a great use of heel and toe
Buckel (s./pl.)(German m.) hump, hunchback, stud, hunch, mogul (bump on a ski slope), boss, round back, stoop, back (Austria, Southern Germany)
Buckelbrücke(German f.) hump-back bridge
buckelig(German) hunchbacked, hunched, humped, humpback
Buckeliger (m.), Buckelige (f.), Buckeligen (pl.)(German) humpback
Buckeln(German n.) bucking
buckeln(German) to bend the back, to hump the back, to be servile (Austria), to be subservient (Austria), to bow (Austria), to buck (horse)
buckelnd(German) bucking
Bücken(German n.) stoop
Buckfast Abbey
a new monastic order originally set up in Devon by French monks fleeing persecution. The self-sufficient community rebuilt the original Abbey church and produced their own successful tonic wine
Bucklewaves or bulges that appear in paper, canvas and thin strips of wood, generally from too much moisture and uneven drying. Keyboard instrument soundboards are particularly prone to this kind of warping if they are subjected to elevated humidity levels
Buckler(German m.) buckler (archaic)
bucklig(German) hunchbacked, humped, humpbacked
Bucklige(German m./f.) hunchback
Buckliger(German m.) hunchback
buckliger Kerl(German m.) hunchback
Bückling (s.), Bücklinge (pl.)(German m.) smoked herring, bloater, kipper, bow (incline head or body in greeting)
Bücklingsfilet(German n.) smoked herring filet
Buckram(English, German m.) a coarse cotton fabric heavily sized with glue, used for stiffening garments and in bookbinding
Bucksabbreviation of 'Buckinghamshire'
Buckwheat notationan alternative name for 'Shape notation'
Bucle(Spanish m.) curl
Buco(Italian m.) hole
(Spanish m.) diving
bucolico(Italian) rustic, bucolic
Bucolique(French f.) rustic song or verse
BUCOPabbreviation of 'British Union Catalogue of Periodicals'
Budapest(English, German n.) capital and largest city of Hungary, located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary
Budapester(German m.) brogue
Buddel(German m. - Northern Germany) bottle
buddeln(German) to dig (informal)
Buddelschiff(German n.) ship in a bottle
(c.563-c.483 BC)
(English, German m.) the Founder of Buddhism, also known as Gautama, Siddhartha, Sakyamuni, etc.
Buddhabaum(German m.) peepul tree (Ficus religiosa), Sacred Fig
Buddhaskulptur(German f.) Buddha sculpture
Buddhastatue(German f.) Buddha statue
Buddhismus(German m.) Buddhism
Buddhist (m.), Buddhistin (f.), Buddhisten (pl.)(German) Buddhist
Buddhist chanta form of musical verse or incantation, in some ways analogous to Hindu or Christian religious recitations. They exist in just about every part of the Buddhist world, from the Wats in Thailand to the Lamaist temples of India. Almost every Buddhist school has some tradition of chanting associated with it, regardless of being Theravada or Mahayana
buddhistisch(German) Buddhist
buddhistisches Kloster(German n.) bonzery, Buddhist monastery
Bude (s.), Buden (pl.)(German f.) hut, kiosk, (market) stall, room, (student) digs, booth, hangout, shack, shanty, shebang, joint, den, pad (room)
Budel(German f. - Southern Germany, Austria) counter
Budenbesitzer(German m.) stallholder
Budenzauber(German m.) jamboree
Budget(English, French m., German n.) sum estimated, allowed or reserved for planned expenditure
Budget-(German) budgetary (prefix)
budgétaire(French) budgetary
budgetieren(German) to budget
Budgetierung(German f.) budgeting
Budin(Spanish m.) pudding
Budino(Italian m.) pudding
Budismo(Spanish m.) Buddhism
Budista(Spanish m./f.) Buddhist
Bue (s.), Buoi (pl.)(Italian) ox, oxen
Buée(French f.) mist, condensation
Buen agüero(Spanish m.) good omen
¡buena la has armado!(Spanish) you've really done it now! (colloquial)
buenamente(Spanish) easily, willingly
Buena pata(Spanish f.) good luck
¡buenas noches!(Spanish) good night!
Buenas notacias(Spanish good news
¡buenas tardes!(Spanish) good afternoon!, (later in the day) good evening!
¡buenas días!(Spanish) good morning!
Buenaventura(Spanish f.) good luck, fortune
buen deseo(Spanish) good intentions
buen gusto(Spanish) good taste
bueno(Spanish) good, fit, kind, fine (weather)
Buen vivir, el(Spanish m.) the good life
Buerger's disease also called thromboangiitis obliterans, an acute inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) of arteries and veins of the hands
Buerger-Syndrom(German n.) Buerger's disease
Buey(Spanish m.) ox
Büezer(German m. - Switzerland) blue-collar worker, workman, manual worker
Bufalo(Italian m.) buffalo
Búfalo(Spanish m.) buffalo
Bufanda(Spanish f.) scarf
bufar(Spanish) snort
Bufera(Italian f.) storm, blizzard
Bufete(Spanish m.) writing-desk, lawyer's office
Büfett (s.), Büfetts (pl.)(German n.) sideboard, bar, buffet
Büfettier (s./pl.)(German m.) bartender
Buffa caricata(Italian f.) a comic character in an Italian opera
Buffalo Loopone of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing
Buff batten(in German, Lautenzugleiste) on a harpsichord, a strip of wood placed under the strings, usually positioned close to the nut, whose purpose is to hold small pieces of felt, leather or sometimes rubber (sometimes called buffs, buff felts, etc.) so that they can be made to contact the strings if desired
Büffel (s./pl.)(German m.) buffalo
Büffelei(German f.) swotting
Büffelhaut(German f.) buffalo skin
Büffelkäse(German m.) buffalo cheese
Büffelleder(German m.) buffalo hide, buffalo leather
Büffelmilchkäse(German m.) buffalo milk cheese
Büffeln(German n.) swotting, cramming (intensive study)
büffeln(German) to swot, to bone up on, to cram (colloquial: intensive study), to slog (figurative: cram for exams)
Büffelschule(German f.) cramming school (especially in Japan), crammer (college especially in the UK)
Buffet(French m.) body, case (of an organ)
(French m., German n.) sideboard, credenza, sideboy
(English, German n., French m., originally 'sideboard') food prepared for a reception, a refreshment bar
Büffet(German n.) sideboard
Buffet d'orgue(French m.) organ case, caja de órgano (Spanish)
Buffet mit Appetithappen(German n.) finger buffet
Buffet mit warmen und kalten Speisen(German n.) hot and cold buffet
Büffetwagen(German m.) buffet car (on a train)
Buffetzange(German f.) buffet tongs
Buffle(French m.) buffalo
Büffler(German m.) crammer (student)
Buffo (m.), Buffa (f.)(Italian, 'funny thing', possible deriving from the Italian for toad, bufo, a reference to the inflated gloves worn by actors when exchanging comic blows on stage) comic, humorous, as in opera buffa (Italian: comic opera)
buffo(Italian) funny, comic, burlesque
Buffo caricato(Italian m.) a comic character in an Italian opera
Buffonata(Italian f.) scherzo, joke
Buffone(Italian m.) a buffoon, a jester, a comic singer in an opera
buffonescamente(Italian) buffoon-like, comically, in a burlesque manner
Buffonesco (m.), Buffonesca (f.)(Italian) buffoon-like, droll
Buffoniste(French m./f.) a supporter of the Italian faction in the guerre des bouffons
Buffonistenstreit(German m.) guerre des bouffons (French f.)
Buffo songa humorous song
Buff stopas many soft leather pads as there are notes mounted on a moveable batten (buff batten) which is placed next to the eight foot nut or sixteen foot nut. When the batten is moved sideways, the pads damp one choir of strings producing a harp-like sound. Sometimes called harp stop or the orbo stop, and, in error, lute stop (a mistranslation of the German Lautenzug)
Bufido(Spanish m.) snort, outburst (anger)
bufo(Spanish) comic
Bufón(Spanish m.) buffoon
bufón(Spanish) comical
Bufonada(Spanish f.) joke
Bug(German m.) prow, nose (aircraft), bow (ship)
Bug des Schiffes(German m.) bow of the ship
Bugaku(Japanese) Japanese court dance
Buganda, Royal Music of the Kabaka ofsee 'Royal Music of the Kabaka of Buganda'
Bugarabusee bougarobou
Bugarshticaan older form of Serbian epic poetry which, instead of the now more usual ten syllables and caesura after fourth syllable, has fifteen to sixteen syllables
see 'Serbian epic poetry'
Bugattyu(Hungarian) a piece of wood or shingle tied to a string and twirled to make a rhythmic humming sound
Bügel (s./pl.)(German m.) frame, coat hanger, stirrup, sidepiece (glasses), U-bolt, yoke, clamp, frame, bow, temple, binder, half-arch (of a crown), C-frame, wire (bra), mounting bracket, support bracket, pantograph, bout (on a string instrument), shackle (of padlock), clevis (a coupler shaped like the letter U with holes through each end so a bolt or pin can pass through the holes to complete the coupling)
Bügel-Baumsäge(German f.) framed pruning saw
Bügel-BH(German m.) wire bra, underwired bra, wired bra, underwire (bra)
Bügelbrett(German n.) ironing-board
Bügelbrettbezug(German m.) ironing board cover
Bügeldraht(German m.) underwiring (bra)
bügelecht(German) ironable
Bügeleisen(German n.) iron, flat iron, flatiron
Bügelfalte (s.), Bügelfalten (pl.)(German f.) crease
bügelfertig(German) ready for ironing
Bügelfolie(German f.) heat shrink film
bügelförmig(German) bow-shaped
bügelfrei(German) non-iron, wash-and-wear, drip-dry, permanent-press
Bügelhorn(German n.) bugle, flugelhorn, saxhorn
Bügelkorsage(German f.) wired corsage, underwired corsage
Bügel-Korsage(German f.) underwired corsage, wired corsage
Bügelkorsett(German n.) underwired corset
Bügel-Korsett(German n.) underwired corset
Bügelleder(German n.) stirrup leather
bügellos(German) non-wired (bra)
bügelloser BH(German m.) wire-free bra
Bügelmaschine(German f.) (electric) ironing machine, pressing machine, rotary iron, plating machine (for leather), garment press
Bügelmessschraube(German f.) outside micrometer
Bügeln(German n.) ironing, (hot) pressing (trousers)
bügeln(German) to iron, to press
Bügelpresse(German f.) ironing press, plating machine (for leather)
Bügelpresse für Hosenbeine(German f.) trouser-leg press
Bügelpresse für Strick- und Wirkwaren(German f.) knitwear press
Bügelriemen(German m.) stirrup leather
Bügelsäge(German f.) hacksaw, hack saw, hacksaw frame, hack saw frame, bucksaw (for wood)
Bügelsägeblatt(German n.) hacksaw blade
Bügelsägemaschine(German f.) hacksaw
Bügelschelle(German f.) bolt clamp
Bügelschloss(German n.) shackle lock, U-lock, D-lock
Bügelschraube(German f.) U-bolt, stirrup bolt
bügelt(German) irons
bügelte(German) ironed
Bügeltisch(German m.) ironing board, pressing bed, ironing table
Bügeltuch(German n.) pressing cloth
Bügelverschluss(German m.) clip-lock, lever closure, swing top (bottle)
Bügelwäsche(German f.) ironing
bugfrei(German) bug-free
Buggelenk(German n.) point of shoulder (horse)
Buggy(German m.) pushchair, buggy
Bugholz(German n.) bentwood
Bugholz-(German) bentwood (prefix)
Bugholzstuhl(German m.) bentwood chair
Bugia(Italian f.) lie
Bugia pietosa(Italian f.) white lie
Bugiardo (m.), Bugiarda (f.)(Italian) liar
bugiardo (m.), bugiarda (f.)(Italian) lying
Bugigattolo(Italian m.) cubby-hole
Bugkorb(German m.) pulpit
Bugle(English, French m., Spanish m.) clarín (Spanish), clairon (French) or corno segnale (Italian), Bügelhorn (German), Signalhorn (German)
a bugle is a brass wind instrument with a cup-mouthpiece, made from coiled brass or copper tubing with a wide conical bore and flaring bell. Having no valves, it produces only the natural harmonics of the tubing's fundamental pitch. The B-flat bugle sounds a tone lower. Some bugles have a single valve that lowers the pitch by a fourth. A semi-circular bugle, one of various European signal horns, was adopted about 1800 by German and English infantry units. Soon after, the coiled shape became common. In the nineteenth century, the bugle developed several derivatives. The keyed-bugle, or 'Kent bugle', with key-controlled finger holes, was the first treble brass instrument with a full scale. It was popular in bands until displaced by the 'cornet'. The bass keyed-bugle, or 'ophicleide', was the common brass bass before the tuba. The flugelhorn is a German valved bugle. It should not be confused with the field trumpet which was a cylindrical-bore natural horn over 2/3rds of its length
Bugle à clefs(French m.) see 'keyed bugle'
Bugle à piston(French m.) flugelhorn
Bugle callsbugle calls are musical signals that announce schedules and certain non-scheduled events on military installations. Theese 'so-called' field calls include 'the charge', 'the alarm', reveille', 'lights out' and 'tattoo' (also known as the 'last post')
Bugle des llaves(Spanish m.) see 'keyed bugle'
bugsieren(German) to jockey, to tow, to manoeuvre
bugwärts(German) forward, towards the bow
Bugwelle(German f.) bow wave
Buharda(Spanish f.) attic
Buhardilla(Spanish f.) attic, vertical window in sloping roof
Buhei(German n.) fuss, hoopla (colloquial: unnecessary fuss)
buhen(German) to barrack (colloquial), to boo
Buhle(German m.) leman (archaic: sweetheart, lover, mistress)
buhlen um(German) to tout for, to court
Buhler (m.), Buhlerin (f.)(German) wooer
Buhmann(German m.) bogeyman
Bühne (s.), Bühnen (pl.)(German f.) scene, stage, band-stand, bandstand, the boards (theatre), groyne, platform (podium), footlights (stage)
Bühnen-(German) scenic (prefix)
Bühnenanweisung (s.), Bühnenanweisungen (p.)(German f.) stage direction
Bühnenarbeiter (s./pl.)(German m.) stagehand, stage-hand, stage hand, scene shifter
Bühnenaufbau(German m.) décor
Bühnenauftritt(German m.) stage appearance
Bühnenausstattung(German f.) decor
Bühnenautor (m.), Bühnenautorin (f.)(German) playwright
Bühnenbearbeitung(German f.) adaption for the stage, stage version, dramatisation
Bühnenbeleuchtung(German f.) stage lighting
Bühnenbild(German n.) stage design, scenery, stage setting, décor, (stage) set
Bühnenbilddepot(German n.) scenery dock
Bühnenbildmaler(German m.) decorative painter, scene painter
Bühnenbildner(German m.) set decorator, production designer, set designer, stage designer, scene designer
Bühnenbildnerei(German f.) scenography, scene painting
Bühnendichter(German m.) dramatist, playwright
Bühneneffekt(German m.) stage effect, stage-effect
Bühneneingang(German m.) stage door
Bühnenerfahrung(German f.) stage experience
Bühnenerfolg(German m.) box-office success
Bühnenfassung(German f.) stage version
Bühnenfestspiel(German n.) stage festival play
Bühnenflüstern(German n.) stage whisper
bühnengeeignet(German) stageworthy
Bühnengeeignetheit(German f.) stageworthiness
Bühnenhaus(German n.) fly tower
Bühnenkomiker (m.), Bühnenkomikerin (f.)(German) stand-up comedian, stand-up comic
Bühnenkunst(German f.) stagecraft
Bühnenlaufbahn(German f.) stage career
Bühnen-Make-up(German n.) stage make-up
Bühnenmaler(German m.) scene painter
Bühnenmalerei(German f) scenography, scene painting
[corrected by Winfried Bauer]
bühnenmäßig(German) stagy, stagey
Bühnenmusik(German f.) incidental music (usually performed on the stage), stage music
Bühnenoutfit(German n.) stage clothes, stage outfit
Bühnenplattform(German f.) stage platform (in the Elizabethan theatre)
Bühnenportal(German n.) proscenium arch
Bühnenpräsenz(German f.) stage presence
Bühnenproduktion(German f.) stage production
Bühnenrand(German m.) edge of (the) stage
bühnenreif(German) ready for the stage, stagy (humorous: theatrical)
Bühnen-Schminke(German f.) stage make-up
Bühnenschminke(German f.) stage make-up
Bühnenschriftsteller (m.), Bühnenschriftstellerin (f.)(German) playwright
Bühnenschule(German f.) stage school
Bühnenshow(German f.) stage show
Bühnenspiel(German n.) stage play
Bühnenstück(German n.) stage play
Bühnentanz(German m.) stage dance
Bühnentechnik(German f.) stagecraft, stage machinery
Bühnenunterhaltung(German f.) stage entertainment
Bühnenverlag(German m.) play publishing house
Bühnenversion(German f.) stage adaptation
Bühnenweihfestspiel(German n., literally 'stage-consecrating festival play') Wagner's description of his last dramatic work Parsifal
Bühnenwerk (s.), Bühnenwerke (pl.)(German n.) dramatic work, stage work
Bühnenzauberei(German f.) stage magic
Búho(Spanish m.) owl
Buhonería(Spanish f.) pedlar's wares
Buhonero(Spanish m.) pedlar
Buhruf (s.), Buhrufe (pl.)(German m.) boo, catcall, booing (plural form)
Buhrufe aus der Menge(German pl.) boos from the crowd
Buik(Dutch) sound plate
Buio(Italian m.) darkness
buio(Italian) dark
buio pesto(Italian) pitch dark
buioso(Italian) in a gloomy, obscure manner
Buis(French m.) box (tree, wood)
Buisinemedieval herald's trumpet, usually between 1 - 2 metres in length, made of brass or silver, and having a cylindrical or slightly conical bore
Buisklokken(Dutch) chimes
Buisson(French m.) bush
a garnish of small groups of shrimps, also a method of twisting up pastry to a point
Buistrom(Dutch) tubular drum
BuitaAngolan percussion
buitenland(Dutch) pamphlet
Bujia(Spanish f.) candle, spark-plug, sparking-plug
BukTibetan cymbals used by Buddhist monks
Korean drum
buk(German) baked
Bukathe introductory section of a Javanese gamelan composition, played by a solo instrument
Bukarest(German n.) Bucharest (national capital and largest city of Romania in southeastern Romania)
Buk drumChinese suspended drum, played vertically by one or two drummers, who also dance as they play the drum
Bukephalos(German m.) Bucephalus
Bukett(German n.) bouquet (flowers), bouquet (wine), nose (wine)
bukkal(German) buccal, buccally
bukkolingual(German) buccolingual
bukolisch(German) bucolic
Bukowina(German f.) Bukovina (a village and municipality in northern Slovakia)
bul.abbreviation of 'bulletin'
Bula(Spanish f.) bull
Buláthe smaller drums used in tumba francesa, a dance style originating in the Oriente (eastern) province of Cuba, amongst the Africans who left Haiti after the Haitian Revolution of 1791
Bulamonan ancient Uzbeck wind instrument that resembles the surnay. However, there is a distinction: rather than the conical bore of the surnay, the bulamon has a cylindrical bore into the upper part of which a small cane tube with a cut reed is inserted
bulbär(German) bulbar
Bulbärparalyse(German f.) bulbar paralysis, glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis, Duchenne's disease
Bulbar paralysisan acute or chronic disease of middle age, due to involvement of the motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata, and characterized by paralysis of the lips, tongue, larynx, and pharynx, resulting in impairment of speech, phonation, mastication, and deglutition
Bulbe(French m.) bulb
Bulbo(Spanish m.) bulb
Bulbo(Italian m.) bulb, eyeball
Bulbul(Arabic) a species of thrush admired in the East for its song
Bulbul tarangalso known as the 'banjo', is a common instrument in India. The name bulbul tarang literally translates to 'waves of nightingales'. It is made of a number of strings passing over what resembles a finger board. However, instead of directly fingering the keys, they are pressed with a series of keys rather like a piano. Sometimes the keys are similar to a piano keyboard, but more often they resemble typewriter keys
Buleadorone the basic rhythmic patterns of the Bomba style played on the Bomba drum or on congas
Buleríaor Bulerías, a festive type of Gypsy flamenco song and dance that originated in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. It's usually danced by a whole group and provides enormous scope for improvisation on the part of dancers, singers and guitarists. It is wild, frenzied and lively, but nevertheless contains the germ of sorrow that is almost always present in flamenco
Bulería al golpea bulerías style which highlights the golpe
Bulería por soleaa slower bulerías
Bulette(German f.) burger, rissole
Bulevar(Spanish m.) avenue, boulevard
Bulg.abbreviation of 'Bulgaria', 'Bulgarian'
Bulgare(French m./f.) Bulgarian
Bulgare (m.), Bulgarin (f.), Bulgaren (pl.), Bulgarinnen ( Bulgarian, Bulgars (plural form)
Bulgarien(German n.) Bulgaria
Bulgarisch(German n.) Bulgarian
bulgarisch(German) Bulgarian
bulgarischsprachig(German) Bulgarian-speaking
Bulgarischwörterbuch(German n.) Bulgarian dictionary
bulgare(French) Bulgarian
Bulgarian folk music
Bulgarie(French f.) Bulgaria
Bulgarien(German n.) Bulgaria
Búlgaro(Spanish f.) Bulgarian
búlgaro(Spanish) Bulgarian
Bulgaro (m.), Bulgara (f.)(Italian) Bulgarian
bulgaro (m.), bulgara (f.)(Italian) Bulgarian
Bulimiaa disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and self-condemnation
Bulimie(German f.) bulimia, bulimarexia, binge-purge syndrome
Bulimiker (m.), Bulimikerin (f.)(German) bulimic
bulimisch(German) bulimic
Bulkin printing, a term for the relative thickness of a sheet or sheets, for example, a bulky paper and a thin paper both of the same weight display different "bulk"
Bulk packin printing, boxing printed product without wrapping or banding
Bulkware(German f.) goods in bulk, bulk material, bulk
bull.abbreviation of bulla (seal used on a papal bull), 'bulletin'
Bulla(Spanish f.) uproar, crowd
Bullacea purple wild plum, damson
Bullauge(German n.) bull's eye, porthole, port light, side light
Bulldog (m.), Bulldogge (f.), Bulldoggen (pl.)(German) bulldog
Bulldozer(English, German m.) earth moving machine with caterpiller tracks
Bulle(French f.) bubble
Bulle (s.), Bullen (pl.)(German f.) bull (papal edict), seal (as on a document), bulla, screw, bull, big shot, brass, gorilla (figurative), cop (colloquial), heavyweight
bullenartig(German) bullish
Bullenbeißer(German m.) bulldog, bad-tempered person, grump (colloquial)
Bullenhaut(German f.) bull hide
Bullenhitze(German f.) scorching heat, sweltering heat
Bullenkalb(German n.) bull-calf
bullenstark(German) strong as an ox, beefy (colloquial), brawny
Bullerenguean Afro-Colombian song and dance from the Bolívar and Córdoba departments in both of which, women play an important role
bullern(German) to roar (fire), to bubble (away)
bullern (an)(German) to bang (on)
bullern (gegen)(German) to bang (against)
Bulletin (s.), Bulletins (pl.)(English, German n.) short offical news report, news letter produced by a society
(French m.) bulletin, report, report (scholarly), ticket, ballot-paper
Bulletin board systema computerised meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and record observations and points of view without having to be simultaneously connected to the system at any given time
Bulletin de salaire(French m.) pay-slip
Bulletin de vote(French m.) ballot-paper
Bulletin d'information(French m.) news bulletin
Bulletin météorologique(French m.) weather report
Bulletin réponse(French m.) reply slip
Bull fiddlesee 'double bass'
Bullico(Spanish m.) hubbub, bustle
bullicoso(Spanish) bustling, noisy
bullig(German) beefy (colloquial), brawny
Bullionmünze(German f.) bullion coin
bullir(Spanish) stir, move, boil, bubble, bustle (figurative)
bullisch(German) bullish
Bullmastiff(English, German m.) bull mastiff
Bull mastifflarge powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff
Bullo(Italian m.) bully
Bullone(Italian m.) bolt
bullös(German) bullous
Bullousa blister is a small pocket of fluid within the upper layers of the skin
Bull roarer(English, Bull-Roarer (German pl.)) planchette ronflante (French), rhombe (French), Schirrholz (German), Bora-Bora (German), Waldteufel (German), rombo (Italian, Spanish)
also 'thunder stick or 'turndun', made up of slabs of wood, rhomboid, and sometimes carved and pierced with a small hole at one end for attaching to a length of cord, it is twirled around in the air, the performer holding one end of the piece of cord in his or her hand
Bull-Roarer(German pl.) bull roarer
Bull Terrier(English, German m.) a powerful short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers
Bulo(Spanish m.) hoax
Bülte(German f.) tussock
Bulto(Spanish m.) volume, size, shape, package, lump
Bumb(India) huge drum from the Braj area in Uttar Pradesh
Bumbaalternative name for the berra-boi, the largest member of the berimbau family
Bumba-meu-boia Brazilian dance that uses drama, dance, instrumental music and song to recount the mythical tale of the death and resurrection of an ox
Bum-barrelbum-roller or waist-bolster, a padded roll tied around the waist and worn under the skirt, to hold it out
Bumblebeealso humblebee or dumbledore, any of various large, hairy, social bees of the genus Bombus that nest underground
Bumbo(Portuguese) bass drum
Bumerang(German m.) boomerang
bumerangförmig(German) boomerang-shaped
Bumm!(German) Boom!
Bummel(German m.) stroll, saunter, ramble, flânerie
Bummelant(German m.) slacker, dawdler, loafer
Bummelei(German f.) dawdling, carelessness, dawdle
bummelig(German) slow, careless, dallying, dawdling
Bummelliese(German f.) slowcoach (colloquial)
Bummeln(German n.) ramble
bummeln(German) to stroll, to dally, to dawdle away, to loiter, to saunter, to traipse, to slack, to dilly-dally (colloquial), to hang behind
bummelnd(German) loafing, dawdling, rambling
Bummelstreik(German m.) go-slow (industrial action)
Bummelzug(German m.) slow train, stopping train
Bummerl(German n. - Austria) small cumulus (cloud)
Bummler (s./pl.)(German m.) drifter, loafer, truant, loiterer, saunterer, laggard
Bums(German m.) thump, bang, thud, bump
bumsen(German) to thump
Bumskneipe(German f.) dive (colloquial)
Bumslokal(German n.) dive (colloquial)
Bumsmusik(German f.) oompah music (colloquial)
Bund (s.), Bünde (m. pl.), Bunde (n. pl.)(German n.) bunch (of flowers, etc.), bundle
(German m.) league, alliance, coalition, confederacy, confederation, federation (political), association, federal government, union, covenant
(German m.) waistband (clothes), flange, collar, truss
(German m.) a fret (on a string instrument), tasto (Italian m.), sillet (French m.)
Bundbolzen(German m.) collar stud
Bündchen(German n.) cuff
Bund der Südstaaten(German m.) the Southern Confederacy
Bund Deutscher Mädel(German m.) League of German Girls
the female counterpart of the Hitler Youth. Up to the age of fourteen girls were known as Young Girls (Jungmädel) and from seventeen to twenty-one they formed a special voluntary organization called Faith and Beauty (Glaube und Schonheit). The duties demanded of Jungmädel were regular attendance at club premises and sports meetings, participation in journeys and camp life. The ideal German Girls' League member exemplified early nineteenth-century notions of what constituted the essence of maidenhood. Girls who infringed the code by perming their hair instead of wearing plaits or the Grechen wreath of braids had it ceremoniously shaved off as punishment
[from A Social History of the Third Reich (1971) by Richard Grunnberger]
Bunde(Ecuador) an Afro-Ecuadorean folk music genre
Bündel (s./pl.)(German n.) bale, bundle, pack, sheaf, bunch, batch, package, cluster, pencil (flame, jet)
[corrected by Winfried Bauer]
Bündel Aufträge(German n.) bunch of orders
bündelbar(German) bundlable, bundleable
Bündel Briefe(German n.) batch of letters, bundle of letters, packet of letters
Bündel von Dokumenten(German n.) bundle of papers
Bündel von Sanierungsmaßnahmen(German n.) rescue package
bündeln(German) to bale, to multiplex, to bunch, to bundle, to concentrate, to focus, to make up in bundles, to package, to place in a package, to bundle up, to pool (resources, etc.)
[corrected by Winfried Bauer]
bündelnd(German) bundling
Bündelung(German f.) grouping, beaming, bundling, concentration, focusing, package, pooling
Bündelung der Interessen(German f.) pooling of interests
Bündelung des Lichts(German f.) concentration of rays of light
bündelweise(German) by the bundle, in bundles (straw, etc.)
Bundes-(German) federal, (German) Federal, confederative
Bundesagentur(German f.) federal agency
Bundesangestellter (m.), Bundesangestellte (f.), Bundesangestellte (pl.)(German) federal employee
Bundesarchiv(German n.) federal archive
Bundesbeamte (m.), Bundesbeamtin (f.), Bundesbeamten (pl.)(German) federal civil servant
Bundesbürger(German m.) German citizen, citizen of the Federal Republic (of Germany)
Bundesdruckerei(German f.) Federal Printing Office
bundeseigen(German) federally owned
Bundesflagge(German f.) federal flag (name of Germany's national flag)
Bundesgenosse (s.), Bundesgenossen (pl.)(German m.) ally, associate, confederate
Bundesgesetzgebung(German f.) federal regulation
Bundeshauptstadt(German f.) federal capital
Bundeskanzler(German m.) Federal Chancellor, Head of the Federal Chancellery (Switzerland)
Bundeslade(German f.) Ark of the Covenant, federal state (in Germany),state (in Germany or Austria)
Bundeslandhauptstadt(German f.) state's capital city
Bundesminister (m.), Bundesministerin (f.)(German) federal minister
Bundespräsident(German m.) Federal President, President of the Federal Council (Switzerland)
Bundesrat(German m.) upper house of the German parliament, Federal Assembly, Federal Council of Germany, Federal Council (upper house of the Austrian parliament), (Swiss) Federal Council
Bundesrat (m.), Bundesrätin (f.)(German) Federal councillor (Switzerland)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland(German f.) German Federal Republic, Federal Republic of Germany
Bundesrepublik Nigeria(German f.) Federal Republic of Nigeria
Bundesschluss(German m.) making of the Covenant
bundesstaatlich(German) federal
Bundesstraße(German f.) through road, federal highway (US), National Primary Road (Ireland), A-Road (UK)
Bundestag(German m.) Lower House of German Parliament
Bundestürken(German pl.) German citizens of Turkish origin
bundesweit(German) nationwide, nationally, throughout Germany
bundesweit einheitlich(German) uniform nationwide
Bündezange(German f.) band nipper
Bundfalte (s.), Bundfalten (pl.)(German f.) tuck, pleated waistband, pleat
Bundfaltenhose(German f.) pleated trousers, pleated slacks, pleat-front trousers
bundfrei(German) unfretted, particularly an 'unfretted clavichord' where each note is played with a separate string
Bündnis(German n.) alliance
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Bunggula style of Indigenous Australian music that arose around the Mann River and is known for its intense lyrics, which are often stories of epic journeys and continue, or repeat, unaccompanied after the music has stopped
Bundhaube(German f.) coif
bundiert(German) fretted (string instrument)
bündig(German) flush, concise, succinct, succinctly, conclusive
bündig ausgerichtet(German) justified
bündig montiert(German) flush mount, flush-mounted
bündiger Stil(German m.) concise style, succinct style
Bündigkeit(German f.) compactness, conciseness, terseness
Bundkragen(German m.) spigot
bundlos(German) fretless (string instrument)
Bündnerfleisch(German n. - Switzerland) air-dried meat produced in the Grisons canton of Switzerland
Bündnis (s.), Bündnisse (pl.)(German n.) alliance, confederacy, confederation, federation, league
Bündnis mit(German n.) alliance with
Bündnispartner (s./pl.)(German m.) ally
Bundschraube(German f.) collar screw, jack screw
Bundsteg(German m.) gutter margin, binding margin
Bundweite(German f.) waist size, waist measurement
Bundzettel(German m.) bundle label, facing slip
Bungalow (s.), Bungalows (pl.)(English, German m.) a small house with a single story
Bungkaosee bungkau
Bungkauor bungkao, the Jew's harp of the Kadazan and Dusun people of Northern Sabah, Malaysia, made from palm stem
Bunker (s./pl.)(German m.) bunker, dugout, (sand) trap (golf)
bunkern(German) to bunker, to stash (away) (colloquial)
Bunkhouse basssee 'double bass'
Bunny Hop(English, German m.) a novelty dance, a variation on the 'conga', that was created in a San Francisco high school in 1953. It is a social dance mixer, sometimes also referred to as a "party" or "dance party" dance
Bunny Huga dancing style performed by young people, especially flappers, in the early twentieth century. It is thought to have originated in San Francisco, California in 1911 at the Fairmont Hotel along with the 'Texas Tommy', 'Turkey Trot' and 'Grizzly Bear'
  • Bunny Hug from which this extract has been taken
Bunrakutraditional Japanese puppet theatre, in which each puppet is animated by black-clad puppeteers, that has its origin in the Edo period. Bunraku and kabuki are closely related with respect to their subjects. Bunraku plays are accompanied by the music of traditional Japanese music instruments
Bunsenbrenner(German m.) Bunsen burner
bunt(German) colourful, coloured, gay (gaily coloured), multicoloured, colourfully, pied, gaudy, varied, confused (colours)
bunt bemalt(German) colourfully painted, painted with bright colours, painted in vivid colours
bunt durcheinander(German) higgledy-piggledy
bunte Farben(German pl.) gay colours
bunt eingezeichnet(German) crayoned
bunte Karriere(German f.) colourful career (figurative)
bunte Mischung(German f.) varied mixture, potpourri, smorgasbord
bunter Abend(German m.) social evening
bunter Reigen von Melodien(German m.) varied selection of melodies
buntes Gemisch(German n.) conglomerate
buntes Glas(German n.) stained glass
buntes Kirchenfensterglas(German n.) stained glass
bunteste(German) most colourful
bunte Szene(German f.) varied scene
bunt geblümt(German) with a colourful flower pattern, with a colourful flower design
bunt gefärbt(German) multicoloured, many-coloured
bunt gefiedert(German) with bright feathers, with bright plumage, with multicoloured feathers, with multicoloured plumage
bunt gefleckt(German) spotted, mottled
bunt gekleidet(German) pied
bunt gemischt(German) variegated, varied, diverse, ragtag
buntgestreift(German) with contrasting horizontal stripes
bunt gestreift(German) with coloured stripes
buntgewebt(German) colour-woven
buntgewürfelt(German) promiscuous
Buntglas(German n.) stained glass
Buntglasfenster(German n.) stained-glass window
Buntheit(German f.) colourfulness, variegation, piedness
bunt kariert(German) with a coloured check (pattern)
bunt kariertes Hemd(German n.) lumberjack shirt
Buntmesser(German n.) serrated decorating knife, decorator knife
Buntmetall(German n.) non-ferrous metal
buntscheckig(German) pied
buntscheckig machen(German) to chequer
bunt schillernd(German) iridescent, colourful, chequered (past)
Buntschneidemesser(German n.) serrated decorating knife, decorator knife
Buntschriftstellerei(German f.) miscellany
Buntstift (s.), Buntstifte (pl.)(German m.) coloured pencil, colouring pencil, crayon
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Buntstiftzeichnung(German m.) crayon drawing
bunt zusammengewürfelt(German) ragtag, scratch
Buñuelo(Spanish m.) doughnut, mess (figurative)
Buonaccordo(Italian) a small spinet with narrow keys designed to be played by children
buona compleanno(Italian) happy birthday
buona fortuna(Italian) good fortune
buona Mano(Italian m., literally 'good hand') a performer with a brillant techinque
buona Natale(Italian) happy Christmas
Buona nota(Italian f.) accented note
buona notta(Italian) good night
buona sera(Italian) good evening
Buona pezza(Italian f.) long time
buon cantante(Italian m.) an accomplish singer
buon fresco(Italian m.) painting executed on wet plaster, wet plaster ready for painting
Buongustaio, Buongustaia(Italian) gourmet
buon gusto(Italian m.) good taste, refinement of style
Buono(Italian m.) good, voucher, bond
buono(Italian) good, fit, kind, fine (weather)
buono giorno(Italian) good morning, good afternoon
buono senso(Italian) common sense
Buontempone (m.), Buontempona (f.)(Italian) happy-go-lucky person
Buon umore(Italian m.) good temper, good humour
buonumore(Italian) good tempered, good humoured
Buonuscia(Italian f.) retirement bonus, golden handshake
BUPabbreviation of Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente (Spanish: secondary school education)
Bupa large Tibetan cymbal
Buque(Spanish m.) ship, boat
Bursee serdu
bur.abbreviation of 'bureau', 'buried'
Buraliste(French m./f.) tabacconist, (post) clerk
Burattino(Italian m.) puppet
burbero(Italian) surly, rough
Burbuja(Spanish f.) bubble
burbujear(Spanish) bubble, sparkle
Burbujeo(Spanish m.) bubbling
Bürde(German f.) burden (figurative), onus, piability, load (burden)
Burdel(Spanish m.) brothel
Burdena refrain based on nonsense syllables, like 'fa la la la la'
a drone of a bagpipe or a hurdy-gurdy
a bass part
a dance accompaniment sung without instruments
Bürdenwiderstand(German m.) load resistance
burdo(Spanish) rough, coarse, clumsy (excuse)
Bure(German m.) Boer (Afrikaner, a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans)
Bureau (s.), Bureaux (French pl.), Bureaus (English pl.)(English, French m., literally 'baize') office (for the transaction of official business), writing-desk (with a sloping front that is let down to provide a writing surface), board (committee)
a type of box specifically manufactured for the storage of collected postcards popular in the early days of postcard collecting. They were designed for the easy handling of large quantities of cards and often came with dividers so the cards could be sorted
Bureau à cylindre(French m.) a roll-top desk
Bureaucrate(French m./f.) bureaucrat
Bureaucratie(French f.) bureaucracy
bureaucratique(French) bureaucratic
Bureau de change(French m.) a money-changer's office
Bureau de location(French m.) booking-office, box-office (theatre)
Bureau de poste(French m.) post office
Bureau des renseignements(French m.) information desk
Bureau de tabac(French m.) tabacconist's shop
Bureau de vote(French m.) polling station
Bureau plat(French m.) a flat-topped writing-table, a library table
Bureautique(French f.) office automation
Burenkrieg (s.), Burenkriege (pl.)(German m.) Boer War (1899-1902)
Burenrepubliken(German pl.) Boer Republics
Burette(French f.) oilcan
Bürette(English, German f.) a long narrow glass tube with a tap at the bottom used in analytical laboratories, etc.
Bürette mit Eichstrichen(German f.) graduated burette
Bürettenstativ(German n.) burette stand
Burg (s.), Burgen (pl.)(German f.) castle
Burg-(German) castle (prefix)
Burgbezirk(German m.) castellany (land belonging to a castle)
Bürge (m.), Bürgin (f.), Bürgen (pl.)(German) bailsman, bailswoman (f.), guarantor, warrantor, bail, bondsman, bondswoman (f.), sponsor, surety
bürgen(German) to bail, to guarantee, to stand surety, to sponsor
bürgend(German) guaranteeing, bailing
Burgenerbauer(German m.) castle-builder
bürgen für(German) to vouch for, to guarantee (figurative)
Burgenland(English, German n.) the easternmost federal state of Austria
Burgenlandkroaten(German pl.) Croatian minority in Austria
burgenreich(German) full of castles
Burger(English, German m.) a sandwich consisting of a bun, a cooked beef patty, and often other ingredients such as cheese, onion slices, lettuce or condiments
Bürger (m.), Bürgerin (f.), Bürger (pl.)(German) bourgeois, burgher, citizen, commoner, townsman (m.), townswoman (f.), national, burgess, denizen, towsfolk (plural form)
Bürgeraktion(German f.) citizens' initiative, citizens' action group
Bürgerbeauftragter (m.), Bürgerbeauftragte (f.)(German) ombudsman (m.), ombudswoman (f.)
Bürgerbegehren(German n.) citizens' initiative
Bürger beraten(German) to advise members of the public
Bürgerbewegung(German f.) citizens' movement
Bürgerentscheid(German m.) referendum
Bürgerfamilie(German f.) communal family
Bürgerforum(German n.) citizens' forum
bürgerfremd(German) ignorant of one's fellow citizens' interests
bürgerfreundlich(German) resident-friendly
Bürgergeist(German m.) civic spirit
Bürgergesellschaft(German f.) civic society
Bürgerhaus(German n.) civic auditorium, community centre, town house (of commoner)
Burger-Highlife(English, German m.) a distinctive form of highlife music created by Ghanaian immigrants to Germany. It is considered a German musical style
Bürgerinitiative (s.), Bürgerinitiativen (pl.)(German f.) pressure group, citizens' initiative, action group, public campaign
Bürgerkrieg(German m.) civil war
bürgerkriegsähnlich(German) civil war-like
Bürgerkunde(German f.) civic studies, civics
bürgerlich(German) bourgeois (French), civic, civil, middle-class, bourgeois, untitled
Bürgerliche (m.), Bürgerlicher (f.), Bürgerlichen (pl.)(German) commoner, commons (plural form)
bürgerliche Eheschließung(German f.) common-law marriage
bürgerliche Ehrenrechte(German pl.) civil rights
bürgerliche Freiheit(German f.) civil liberty
bürgerliche Gesellschaft(German f.) civil society, bourgeoisie
Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch, das(German n.) Civil Code, the
[clarified by Michael Zapf]
bürgerliche Küche(German) plain cooking
bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte(German pl.) civil rights
Bürgerliche Recht, das(German n.) civil law, the
[clarified by Michael Zapf]
bürgerlicher Name(German m.) real name
bürgerliches Recht(German n.) common law
bürgerliches Trauerspiel(German n.) domestic tragedy
bürgerliches Zusammenleben(German n.) common-law cohabitation
bürgerliche und militärische Obrigkeiten(German pl.) civil and military authorities
bürgerliche Unruhen(German pl.) civil commotions
Bürgerlichkeit(German f.) middle-class way of life, bourgeois way of life
Bürgermeister (m.), Bürgermeisterin (f.), Bürgermeister (pl.)(German) mayor, burgomaster, provost (Scotland), mayoress (f.)
Bürgermeister-(German) mayoral (prefix)
Bürgermeisteramt(German n.) mayor's office, townhall, city hall (US)
bürgermeisterlich(German) mayoral
bürgernah(German) citizen-oriented, in touch with the people
Bürgerpflicht (s.), Bürgerpflichten (pl.)(German f.) civil duty
Bürgerrecht (s.), Bürgerrechte (pl.)(German n.) franchise, civil liberty, civil right, citizen's rights (plural format)
Bürgerrechtler(German m.) civil rights campaigner, civil liberties campaigner
Bürgerrechtsanwalt(German m.) civil rights lawyer
Bürgerrechtsära(German f.) civil rights era
Bürgerrechtsbewegung(German f.) civil rights campaign, civil rights movement
Bürgerrechtsgruppe(German f.) civil liberties group
Bürgerrechtsgruppierung(German f.) civil rights group
Bürgerrechtskämpfer(German m.) civil rights campaigner
Bürgerschaft(German f.) citizenry, bourgeoisie, citizens, citizenship, middle classes
(German f.) legislative assembly of the German states of Bremen and Hamburg
bürgerschaftliches Engagement(German n.) citizens' involvement
Bürgerschreck(German m.) enfant terrible
Bürgersfrau(German f.) bourgeoise
Bürgersteig (s.), Bürgersteige (pl.)(German m.) pavement, footpath (pavement)
Bürgertugend (s.), Bürgertugenden (pl.)(German f.) civic virtue
Bürgertum(German n.) bourgeoisie, middle classes
Bürgerunruhen(German pl.) civil unrest
Bürgervolk(German n.) commonalty (a class, or estate, composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank)
the estates of the realm were the broad divisions of society, usually distinguishing nobility, clergy, and commoners recognized in the Middle Ages and later in some parts of Europe. While various realms inverted the order of the first two, commoners were universally tertiary, and often further divided into burghers (also known as bourgeoisie) and peasants, and in some regions, there also was a population outside the estates. An estate was usually inherited and based on occupation, similar to a caste
Bürger von(German m.) citizen of
Bürgerwache(German f.) citizen guard, civic guard, the watch (as in the Night Watch)
Bürgerwehr(German f.) militia, civil defence corps., Home Guard (UK), trainband (16th-18th century England), vigilante group
Bürger zweiter Klasse(German m.) second-class citizen
Burgfräulein(German n.) damsel
Burgfried(German m.) castle tower
Burggraben(German m.) moat, castle moat
Burggraf (m.), Burggräfin (f.)(German) governor of a castle, castellan (the keeper or governor of a castle), burgrave (a nobleman ruling a German castle and surrounding grounds by hereditary right), chatelaine (the mistress of a castle or of a large, fashionable household)
Burgherr(German m.) lord of a castle
Burghof(German m.) bailey, castle courtyard, castle yard, precinct
Burgkapelle(German f.) castle chapel
Burgmauer (s.), Burgmauern (pl.)(German f.) castle wall
Burg mit Graben(German f.) castle with moat
Burgooa stew or thick soup
Burgruine (s.), Burgruinen (pl.)(German f.) castle ruin, ruined castle
Bürgschaft (s.), Bürgschaften (pl.)(German f.) surety, sponsion (the act of becoming surety for another), security, guarantee, bond, del credere, guaranty, sponsorship, suretyship, pledge, bail
in German the genitive form of the noun is more usual, i.e Das Leisten einer/der Bürgschaft
[comment from Michael Zapf]
Bürgschaft leisten(German) to stand surety
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Bürgschaft für eine Schuld(German f.) surety for a debt
Bürgschaft leisten(German) to stand surety, to stand bail, to stand security
Bürgschaftsempfänger(German m.) bailee
bürgschaftsfähig(German) bailable
Bürgschaftsschein(German m.) bail bond
Bürgschaft übernehmen(German) to stand surety
Burgtor(German n.) castle gate
Burgués(Spanish m.) middle-class person
burgués(Spanish) middle-class, bourgeois
Burguesía(Spanish f.) middle-class, bourgeoisie
Burgund(German n.) Burgundy, Bourgogne
Burgunde (m.), Burgundin (f.)(German) Burgundian
Burgunder(German m.) Burgundy, Burgundy wine
Burgunder (m.), Burgunderin (f.)(German) Burgundian
burgunderfarben(German) burgundy (colour)
burgunderrot(German) burgundy
Burgunderschinken(German m.) burgundy ham
Burgundertraube(German f.) Burgundy grape
Burgunderwein(German m.) burgundy, Burgundy wine
Burgundian basse dancethe regular Burgundian basse dance was composed of five steps the reverence, branle, simple, double, and reprise. Each step had a specific place in the mesure [measure or, more accurately, phrase] and the number and combinations of steps created mesures of differing sizes. The reverence, for example, is the bow that begins and ends each choreography. The branle, a step not to be confused with the sixteenth-century choreographies of the same name, is a swaying movement to both sides, that follows the reverence, and ends each mesure. The simples are always done in sets of two; one short step with the body lowered and one longer step with the body raised. They always precede the doubles, and may or may not follow them, as well. The double, a three-movement step pattern done the first step with body lowered, the other two with body raised, is found in odd numbers (1, 3, or 5)
Burgundian cadencea modern alternative for what is also termed the Landini cadence
Burgundian chansona fifteenth-century French composition usually for three voices, where some or all of the parts may be played on instruments
Burgundian Circlean Imperial Circle of the Holy Roman Empire, created in 1512, it was comprised of the Franche Comté (Free County of Burgundy) and a circle roughly covering the Low Countries, (the areas currently known as the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) as well as two northern districts of France (Artois, Nord)
Burgundian danceour primary knowledge of Burgundian dance in the late Middle Ages is based on a manuscript housed in the Brussels Bibliothèque Royale, Les Basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche, published c. 1490. The manuscript, printed on black paper and with gold and silver calligraphy, contains music and a shorthand form of tablature for the description of more than fifty bassesdanses
Burgundian Schoola term used to denote a group of composers, active in the fifteenth century in what is now eastern France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, centered on the court of the Dukes of Burgundy. The main names associated with this school are Guillaume Dufay, Gilles Binchois, and Antoine Busnois. The Burgundian School was the first phase of activity of the Franco-Flemish School, the central musical practice of the Renaissance in Europe
Burgundisch(German n.) Burgundian
burgundisch(German) Burgundian
Burgundische Pforte(German f.) Belfort Gap, Burgundy Gate
Burgundischer Kreis(German m.) Burgundian Circle
burgundische Schule(German f.) Burgundian School (15th century musical style)
burgundrot(German) burgundy (colour)
Burgundy GateBelfort is the capital of the Territory of Belfort (a department), Eastern France, in Alsace. It has long been an important industrial and transportation centre with large cotton mills and metalworks. This major fortress town has, since the 17th century, commanded the Belfort Gap, or Burgundy Gate, between the Vosges and the Jura Mountains, thus dominating the roads from France, Switzerland, and Germany. An Austrian possession, Belfort passed to France by the Peace of Westphalia (1648) and was fortified by Vauban. During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) the garrison withstood a siege of 108 days. Partly in acknowledgment of this heroism, the Germans left Belfort and the surrounding territory to France when they annexed the rest of Alsace. The many Alsatians who then took refuge in the town contributed significantly to its industrial growth. The siege is commemorated by a huge statue, the Lion of Belfort, by Bartholdi
Burgverlies(German n.) (castle) dungeon, oubliette
Burgvogt(German m.) castellan, warden, keeper, constable
Burgvogtei(German f.) castellany (land belonging to a castle)
Burin(French m.) cold chisel
or graver, the name of the sharp metal instrument used to incise lines on metal, made in many sizes and forms
burisch(German) Boer
Burjatien(German) Buriatia (a federal subject of the Russia Republic)
Burka (s.), Burkas (pl.)(German f.) burka, burqa
Burkina Faso(English, German n.) landlocked country in western Africa that was formerly Upper Volta under French rule but gained independence in 1960
Burkiner (m.), Burkinerin (f.)(German) Burkinabe, Burkinan
burkinisch(German) of Burkina Faso, Burkinabe, Burkinan
burl.abbreviation of 'burlesque'
Burla(Italian f.) jest, joke (at the expense of another person), in a playful style
(Spanish f.) taunt, joke (at the expense of another person), trick
in music, a playful composition, a musical joke
Burlador(Spanish m.) seducer
burlador(Spanish) mocking
burlando(Italian, from burla meaning 'joke') jestingly, in a playful style, in a humorous manner
burlar(Spanish) trick, deceive, seduce
burlare(Italian) make a fool of
burlarse de(Spanish) mock, make fun of
burlarsi di(Italian) make fun of
Burlesca(Italian f.) a movement of a jocular character
burlescamente(Italian) in a merry, comical manner, in a burlesque style, in a playful style
burlesco(Spanish) funny
burlesco (m.), burlesca (f.)(Italian) burlesque, jocular, in a playful style
burlesk(German) burlesque
Burleske (s.), Burlesken (pl.)(German f.) burlesque, spoof (colloquial)
Burlesqueburlesco (Spanish, Italian), Burleske (German), burlesque (French)
(French, literally 'ludicrous') in the nineteenth century, the term burlesque was applied to a wide range of comic plays, including non-musicals. Beginning in the 1840s, these works entertained the lower and middle classes in Great Britain and the United States by making fun of (or "burlesquing") the operas, plays and social habits of the upper classes. These shows used comedy and music to challenge the established way of looking at things. Everything from Shakespearean drama to the craze for Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind could inspire a full-length burlesque spoof. On Broadway, the burlesque productions of actor managers William Mitchell, John Brougham and Laura Keene were among Broadway's most popular hits of the mid-nineteenth century
in twentieth-century America, the form became associated with a variety show in which striptease is the chief attraction
Burletta(Italian, from burla literally 'a little joke') a light comic opera, a whimsical farce
the name used in England for late eighteenth-century Italian comic operas, later for their English imitations
burlón(Spanish) mocking
Burm.abbreviation of 'Burma', 'Burmese'
Burma(English, German n.) for former name of Myanmar, a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal
Burma Bella smallish, flat piece of resonant metal cut into a two-dimensional bell shape and tied to a length of string, which is struck with a beater then whirled around
Burmese (m.), Burmesin (f.), Burmesen (pl.)(German) Burmese (a native or inhabitant of Burma)
Burmese cata short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or grey coat
Burmese musical instrumentsthere are five kinds of musical instruments from Burma, namely, kyay (made of an alloy containing copper ), kyo (bearing strings), tha-yay (covered in hide), lay (air) and lekkoke (clapper). The musical instruments can be further categorized into two groups, those used in a concert (anyeint) and those used in an orchestra (saing-waing)
burmesisch(German) Burmese
Burmesisch(German n.) Burmese
Burmesische Katze(German f.) Burmese cat
Burnthe term given to the process of writing a DVD, CD-R, or CD-RW. CD and DVD writers are sometimes called burners a reference to the fact that the digital information is written to the disk using a laser
in printing, exposing a printing plate to high intensity light or placing an image on a printing plate by light
Burnishing(in gilding) rubbing a surface with stone or a hard implement condensing the surface and creating a reflective surface. In gilding, rubbing the clay and/gold surface with a hound's tooth, agate or hematite stone. Burnishing a water-gilt surface produces the most reflective gold surface possible. Burnishing is often employed selectively to enhance decoration by creating depth or accenting architectural aspects of the object. It is the properties of the rabbit skin glue that allow for burnishing. Other glues also have properties that enable burnishing like fish glue and gelatin
Burnoose(French, from the Arabic, burnus) also burnous or burnouse, cloaklike garment and hood woven in one piece, worn by Arabs and Moors
combination cloak and hood worn by women
Burnus(German m.) burnous, burnouse, burnoose
Büro (s.), Büros (pl.)(German n.) office, bureau, bureaux (plural form)
Büro...(German) secretarial (prefix)
Büroabenteuer(German n.) office fling (colloquial), office affair
Büroaffäre(German f.) office affair, office fling (colloquial)
Büroaktenschrank(German m.) office filing cabinet
Büroalltag(German m.) everyday office life, office routine
Büroangestellter (m.), Büroangestellte (f.), Büroangestellte (pl.)(German) white-collar worker, clerk, office worker, office employee, office clerk, office assistant, filing clerk
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Büroanwendung(German f.) office-based application
Büroanzug(German m.) office suit
Büroarbeit(German f.) paperwork, clerical work, desk work, office work, secretarial job, secretarial work, office job
Büroarbeiten(German pl.) secretarial work
Büroarbeiter (m.), Büroarbeiterin (f.)(German) office worker
Büroarbeitszeit(German f.) office working hours
Büroartikel (s./pl.)(German m.) item of office equipment, office supplies (plural form), office equipment (plural format)
Büroatmosphäre(German f.) office atmosphere
Büroaufwand(German m.) office expenses
Büroausleuchtung(German f.) office illumination
Büroausstattung(German f.) office equipment, office fittings
Bürobau(German m.) office building
Bürobedarf(German m.) office supply, office supplies, stationery, office equipment
Bürobedarfsartikel(German pl.) office supplies
Bürobekleidung(German f.) office clothing, office clothes
Bürobelegschaft(German f.) clerical staff, office personnel, office staff, secretarial staff
Bürobeleuchtung(German f.) office lighting
Bürobereich(German m.) office area
Bürobeschäftigter (m.), Bürobeschäftigte (f.)(German) office employee
Büroblock(German m.) office block, office complex
Bürobluse(German f.) office blouse
Bürobote (m.), Bürobotin (f.)(German) messenger, office boy (m.), office messenger
Bürobriefpapier(German n.) office stationery
Bürobrille(German f.) office glasses, office spectacles, office specs
Bürochef (s.), Bürochefs (pl.)(German m.) head clerk, senior clerk
Bürocomputer(German m.) business computer, office computer, desktop computer
Burocracia(Spanish f.) civil service
Burócrata(Spanish m./f.) civil servant
Burocrate(Italian m.) bureaucrat
burocratico(Italian) bureaucratic
burocrático(Spanish) bureaucratic
Burocrazia(Italian f.) bureaucracy
Bürodame(German f.) office lady
Bürodiktiergerät(German n.) office dictating machine
Bürodrehsessel(German m.) office swivel armchair
Bürodrehstuhl(German m.) office swivel chair, swivel (desk) chair, swivel (office) chair
Bürodrucker(German m.) office printer
Büro eines Agenten(German n.) agency
Büroeingang(German m.) office entrance
Büroeinrichtung(German f.) office equipment, office furnishings
Büroerfahrung(German f.) office experience
Bürofete(German f.) office party, office fête
Bürofläche(German f.) office space, office area
Büroflächenbedarf(German m.) demand for office space
Bürofrau (s.), Bürofrauen (pl.)(German f.) office woman
Bürogebäude(German n.) office building, office block
Bürogehilfe (m.), Bürogehilfin (f.)(German) clerical assistant, junior clerk, (office) junior, office boy (m.), office girl (f.)
Bürogerät (s.), Bürogeräte (pl.)(German n.) office machine, office equipment (plural form)
Bürogeschwätz(German n.) office tittle-tattle (colloquial), office gossip
Bürohaus(German n.) block of offices, office block, office building
Bürohelfer (m.), Bürohelferin (f.)(German) office helper
Bürohemd(German n.) office shirt
Bürohengst(German m.) pen-pusher, pencil pusher
Bürohilfe(German f.) office hand, office help
Bürohochhaus(German n.) multistorey office block, high-rise office block, high-rise office building, office tower
Bürohocker(German m.) office stool
Bürohose(German f.) office trousers, office slacks
Büroimmobilie (s.), Büroimmobilien (pl.)(German f.) office property
Bürojob(German m.) clerical job, office job, desk job, white-collar job
Bürokauffrau(German f.) office clerk, office administrator (female)
Bürokaufmann(German m.) office clerk, office administrator (male)
Büroklammer (s.), Büroklammern (pl.)(German f.) paper-clip, paper clip, clip
Büroklatsch(German m.) office gossip, office tattle
Bürokleid(German n.) office dress
Bürokleidung(German f.) office clothes, office clothing
Büroklima(German n.) office atmosphere, office climate (also figurative)
Bürokollege (m.), Bürokollegin (f.)(German) office co-worker, office colleague
Bürokomplex(German m.) office block, office complex
Bürokopierer(German m.) office copy machine, office copier
Bürokopiergerät(German n.) office copier, copying machine
Bürokostüm(German n.) office suit (for women)
Bürokrat (s.), Bürokratin (f.), Bürokraten (pl.)(German) bureaucrat, mandarin
Bürokratendeutsch(German n.) bureaucratese, bureaucratic verbiage
Bürokratensprache(German f.) bureaucratese, bureaucratic verbiage
Bürokratie (s.), Bürokratien (pl.)(German f.) bureaucracy, officialdom, red tape
bürokratisch(German) bureaucratically, bureaucratic
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
bürokratische Entscheidung(German f.) bureaucratic decision
bürokratische Hindernisse(German pl.) administrative barriers
bürokratische Regelung(German f.) bureaucratic government
bürokratisieren(German) to bureaucratise
bürokratisiert(German) bureaucratised
Bürokratisierung(German f.) bureaucratisation
Bürokratismus(German m.) red tape, bureaucracy
Bürolandschaft(German f.) office environment
Büroleiter(German m.) office manager
Büroler(German m.) pen-pusher (colloquial), pen pusher (colloquial), pencil pusher (colloquial)
Büroliebe(German f.) office love affair, office romance
Büromädchen(German n.) office girl
Büromaschine (s.), Büromaschinen (pl.)(German f.) office machine, business machine
Büromaterial(German n.) office supplies, stationery, (office) stationery
Büromateriallager(German n.) stationery store
Büromaus(German f.) office mouse (colloquial)
Büromensch(German m.) office drudge
Büromensch(German m.) pen-pusher, pencil pusher, office worker
Büromief(German m.) dreary office atmosphere (figurative), depressing office atmosphere (figurative), oppressive office atmosphere (figurative), stale office air
Büromitarbeiter (m.), Büromitarbeiterin (f.)(German) office co-worker, office colleague, office coworker
Büromöbel(German n.) office furniture, piece of office furniture
Büromöbelstück(German n.) piece of office furniture
Büromuff(German m.) dreary office atmosphere (figurative), depressing office atmosphere (figurative), oppressive office atmosphere (figurative), stale office air
Büronummer(German f.) office (phone) number, office (room) number
Büro-Nummer(German f.) office (phone) number
büroorientiert(German) office-oriented
Büropapier(German n.) stationery
Büroparty(German f.) office party
Büropersonal(German n.) clerical staff, office personnel, clerical employees, clerical workers, office employees, office staff, office workers
Büroposten(German m.) office job
Büropraktikum(German n.) office traineeship, office internship
Büropraxis(German f.) office practice, office experience
Büroraum (s.), Büroräume (pl.)(German m.) office space, office room, office (room)
Bürorechner(German m.) office computer, business computer, desktop computer
Bürorock(German m.) office skirt
Büroromanze(German f.) office romance
Büroschluss(German m.) (office) closing time, end of office hours
Büroschrank(German m.) office cupboard, office cabinet
Büroschreibmaschine(German f.) office typewriter
Büroschreibtisch(German m.) office desk
Bürosessel(German m.) office armchair, office arm chair, office chair
Bürosprache(German f.) officialese
Bürostandort(German m.) office location
Bürostuhl(German m.) office chair
Bürostunden(German pl.) office hours
Bürotätigkeit(German f.) office work
Buroticsa term applied to the fusion of several technologies that are mainly covered by the term Business technology. It includes: data organisation; word processing; facsimile; teletext and videotex; reproduction equipment; time registration; and business management systems
Bürotisch(German m.) office table, (office) desk
Bürotratsch(German m.) office tittle-tattle (colloquial), office gossip, office tattle
Bürotür(German f.) office door
Büroumgebung(German f.) office environment
Bürozeit(German f.) office hours
Burra(Anglo-Indian) large
Burra sahib(Anglo-Indian) an important person, the head of a department
Burrasca(Italian f., literally 'storm') music written in imitation of a storm
burrascoso(Italian) stormy
Burrito(English, German m.) a flour tortilla wrapped around a filling of beef, beans, or cheese
Burro(Italian m.) butter
(Spanish m.) donkey, ass (figurative)
see 'Venezuelan drums'
Bursa(German f.) pyx (a container in which the Eucharist is carried to the sick)
Bürschchen(German n.) stripling
Bursche (s.), Burschen (pl.)(German m.) lad, bloke, chap, fellow, laddie, beggar, blade, boy
Burschenschaft(German f.) (student) fraternity
Burschenschaft (s.), Burschenschaften (pl.)(German f.) a special type of Studentenverbindungen (student fraternities). Burschenschaften were founded in the nineteenth century as associations of university students inspired by liberal and nationalistic ideas
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
burschikos(German) hearty, mannish, pert, boyish, boisterous
Burse(German f.) hostel
Bursitis(English, German f.) inflammation (swelling, pain, and warmth) of a bursa (most commonly at the shoulder or hip). A bursa is a flat, fluid-filled sac found between a bone and a tendon or muscle
Bürstchen(German n.) small brush
Burst bindingin printing, a type of adhesive binding in which the back of the book block is not sawn off, but is slit in place to allow glue to penetrate
Bürste (s.), Bürsten (pl.)(German f.) brush, scrubber, bristle bursh, bristle-brush
bürsten(German) to brush
Bürstenabzug(German m.) proof
Bürstenbinder (m.), Bürstenbinderin (f.)(German) brush-maker
bürstend(German) brushing
Bürstenhaarschnitt(German m.) crewcut, crew cut (hair cut)
Bürstenhalter(German m.) brush holder
bürstenlos(German) brushless
Bürstenmassage(German f.) brush massage
Bürstenmattierung(German f.) satin finish
Bürstenreiniger(German m.) brush cleaner
Bürstenschnitt(German m.) crew cut (hair style)
Bürstenstiel(German m.) brush handle
Bürstenstrich(German m.) brush stroke (for example, with a hairbrush)
bürstete(German) brushed
Burthenalternative spelling of 'burden'
Burton grip(in German, Burtons Vibraphon-Spieltechnik mit je zwei Mallets pro Hand) a method of holding two mallets in each hand in order to play a mallet percussion instrument, such as a marimba or a vibraphone, using 4 mallets at once. It is formed as a variant of the cross grip, with the mallets held as follows: the outside mallet is placed and crossed over the inside mallet. The end of the inside mallet is held with little finger, and outside mallet is held between index and middle finger. The thumb is generally placed inside the inside mallet, but it sometimes is placed between the mallets to widen the interval
Buru(Belize) music and dance associated with the loggers, which was often satirical in nature, and eventually grew more urban. It was accompanied by a donkey's jawbone, drums and a banjo
  • Brukdown from which this information has been taken
Burundi(English, German n.) a landlocked republic in east central Africa on the northeastern shore of Lake Tanganyika
Burundier (m.), Burundierin (f.), Burundier (pl.), Burundierinnen ( Burundian
burundisch(German) Burundian
Bürzel(German m.) rump
bus.abbreviation of 'business'
Bus (s.), Busse (pl.)(German m.) bus, coach
Busaun(German f.) or Buzain, sackbut, a reed stop in an organ
[clarified by Michael Zapf]
Busbahnhof(German m.) bus station, coach station, bus terminal, coach terminal
Busbegleiterin(German f.) bus hostess
buscar(Spanish) to look for, to look
buscábamos algo así(Spanish) we were looking for something like this, we were looking for something like that
buscársela(Spanish) ask for it
buscarsi(Italian) catch
Buscarruidos(Spanish m.) trouble-maker
buscar una aguja en un pajar(Spanish) to look for a needle in a haystack
Busch (s.), Büsche (pl.)(German m.) bush, shrub, scrub, outback
buschartig(German) shrubby, bushy, shrub-like
Buschbohne (s.), Buschbohnen (pl.)(German f.) dwarf bean, French bean
Buschbrand(German m.) wild fire, hill fire, bush fire
Buschehr(German n.) Bushehr (a city on the southwestern coast of Iran, on the Persian Gulf)
Büschel (s./pl.)(German n.) tuft, crest, fascicle, tussock, bunch, bundle, clump, cluster, hank (of hair), truss (of flowers, etc.), pencil (of rays of light)
Büschel bilden(German) to cluster
büschelig(German) in tufts, tufted, tufty, in clusters
büschelweise(German) in handfuls, in bunches (flowers, etc.), in clumps (flowers), in tufts (grass, hair, etc.)
Buschenschank(German m. - Austria) wine restaurant
Buschfeuer(German n.) bush fire, bushfire
buschig(German) bushy, scrubby, bosky, copsy, shrubby
buschige Augenbrauen(German pl.) bushy eyebrows, shaggy eyebrows
buschige Brauen(German pl.) beetle brows
buschiger Schwanz(German m.) bushy tail
buschiges Haar(German n.) bushy hair
Buschigkeit(German f.) bushiness
Buschland (s.), Buschländer (pl.)(German n.) veld (elevated open grassland in southern Africa), bush, scrubland, scrub
Buschmann(German m.) bushman (a member of the race of nomadic hunters and gatherers who live in southern Africa)
Buschmesser (s./pl.)(German n.) bushwhacker, bush knife, machete, cutlass
Buschrose(German f.) bush rose
Buschtomate(German f.) bush tomato (Solanum ellipticum, Solanum quadriloculatum, Solanum cleistogarnum or Solanum centrale)
Buschtrommeln(German pl.) bush telegraphy (figurative)
Buschwald(German m.) brushwood, coppice, coppice-wood, bushes
Buscona(Spanish f.) prostitute
büseln(German - Austria) to sleep
Busen(German m.) bosom, bust, breast
Busenfeind(German m.) bosom enemy (ironic)
busenfrei(German) topless
busenfreie Korsage(German f.) topless corsage
busenfreier BH(German m.) topless bra
busenfreies Abendkleid(German n.) topless (evening) gown
busenfreies Kleid(German n.) topless dress
busenfreies Korsett(German n.) topless corset
busenfreies Oberteil(German n.) topless top
busenfreies Top(German n.) topless top
Busenfreund (m.), Busenfreundin (f.)(German) bosom friend, bosom-friend, chum, bosom buddy
Busenfreundschaft(German f.) bosom friendship
Busengröße(German f.) bust size
Busenhalter (s./pl.)(German m.) often abbreviated to BH, bra
Busennadel(German f.) breast-pin, breastpin
Busfahrer (m.), Busfahrerin (f.)(German) bus driver, coach driver, coach-driver
Bus-Fahrkarte(German f.) coach ticket
Busfahrplan(German m.) bus schedule, bus time-table
Busfahrspur(German f.) bus lane
Busfahrt(German f.) bus ride, bus journey, coach ride, coach journey, coachride
Busgesellschaft(German f.) bus company
Bushaltestelle (s.), Bushaltestellen (pl.)(German f.) bus stop
Bush balladssongs and verses that romanticize the Australian outback, sheep shearing, droving, etc.
Bushehra unique blend of Persian, Arabic, African and Indian traditions from the southern provinces of Iran
Bushera unique blend of Persian, Arabic, African and Indian traditions from the southern provinces of Iran
Bushido(Japanese, literally 'way of the warrior') a Japanese code of conduct and a way of life, loosely analogous to the European concept of chivalry. Bushido developed between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries as set forth by numerous translated documents dating from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries. However, some dependable sources also state the document might have been formulated in the seventeenth century. According to the Japanese dictionary Shogakukan Kokugo Daijiten, 'Bushido is defined as a unique philosophy (ronri) that spread through the warrior class from the Muromachi (chusei) period"
  • Bushido from which this extract has been taken
Bushing clothon a piano and made of the finest woven wool felt, bushing cloth is used to provide bearings for the centre-pins of the piano section. It is also used in other parts of the piano, for various purposes
Busilis(Spanish m.) snag
Busillis(Latin) baffling puzzle, difficult point
Business(English, German n.) a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it
also called stage business, the gestures, expressions, and general activity (beyond blocking) of actors on-stage. Usually, business is designed to illicit laughter. Such activity is often spontaneous, and may vary from performance to performance
Businessman's carda type of postcard larger than average size used exclusively for advertising. They were introduced in 1897 when allowed by new postal regulations. These cards were manufactured in three basic sizes. One was only slightly larger than the average size card and was occasionally die cut into shapes. The more common size for a businessman's card was about 8 x 10 inches. Many times they contained nothing but text but elaborate graphics and illustration were also used on them. There was also a larger jumbo size available
Businessclass(German f.) business class
Business-Class(German f.) business class
Business environmenta term encompasses all those factors that affect a company's operations, and includes customers, competitors, stakeholders, suppliers, industry trends, regulations, other government activities, social and economic factors, and technological developments
Business fliegen(German) to fly business class
Businessklasse fliegen(German) to fly business class
Business plana detailed study of the current and anticipated future activities of an enterprise, and of all the factors (such as marketing, development and production, and financial aspects) that will have a bearing on those activities which would be used to determine future decisions about the business' management strategy
Business technologya term that refers to the integration of computer and communications technologies in support of administrative applications and procedures within an organisation
Business-to-Business-(German) business-to-business (prefix)
Buskor 'busk it', to improvise on preset harmonies
Buskarte(German f.) bus ticket
Buskera street performer of any kind
in music, a person who plays music on the street
Buskinsfooted leggings with thick sole made from expensive soft leathers and embroidered and brocaded fabrics
originally called kothorni in Greek, the word buskins is a Renaissance term for the elegantly laced boots worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedy. The buskins later became elevator shoes that made the actor wearing them unusually tall to emphasize the royal status or importance of the character
Busk itor 'busk', to improvise informally
[entry prompted by Michael Zapf]
Busladung(German f.) busload
Busleitung(German f.) highway, bus line, bus route
Buslinie(German f.) bus route, bus line
bus.mgr.abbreviation of 'business manager'
Bus mit nur einem Mann als Besatzung(German m.) one-man operated bus
busorientiert(German) bus-oriented
Buspiron(German n.) buspirone (a drug (trade name BuSpar) designed specifically for anxiety)
busqué(French) hooked
Búsqueda(Spanish f.) search
Busreise(German f.) coach tour, coach trip
Busreisegruppe(German f.) coach party
Busrundfahrt(German f.) coach tour
Busrundfahrt durch(German f.) coach tour of, coach tour through
Busrundreise(German f.) coach tour
Buß-(German) penitential (prefix)
Bußandacht(German f.) penitential service, service of penance
bussare(Italian) knock
Busschaffner (m.), Busschaffnerin (f.)(German) bus conductor (m.), bus conductress (f.)
Buße(Swiss-German f.) penance, fine (court), repentance, atonement, penitence
[entry clarified by Michael Zapf]
busseln(German - Southern Germany, Austria) to kiss
büßen(German) to atone, to expiate
Busserl(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) peck (colloquial), kiss
büßen für(German) atone for, pay for (figurative)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Büßer (m.), Büßerin (f.)(German) ascetic, penitent
Büßerhemd(German n.) hair shirt
Buße tun(German) to do penance
Bußfeier(German f.) penitential service, service of penance
bußfertig(German) penitent, repentant
Bußfertigkeit(German f.) penitence, repentance
Bußgang(German m.) penitential pilgrimage
Bußgebet(German n.) prayer of penitence, prayer of repentance, penitential prayer
Bußgeld(German n.) fine (court), motoring fine
Bußgeld wegen Falschparkens(German n.) parking fine
Bußgeld wegen Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung(German n.) speeding fine
Bußgeldbescheid(German m.) penalty notice
Bußgottesdienst(German m.) penitential service, service of penance
Bußgürtel(German m.) cilice (a coarse cloth, haircloth - used for pentitential garments)
Bussi(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) kiss, peck (colloquial)
Bussola(Italian f.) compass
Bussone(Italian) obsolete wind-instrument
Bußpredigt(German f.) penitential sermon
Bußpriester(German m.) penitentiary (since 1215, an officer in some dioceses vested with power from the bishop to absolve in cases reserved to him)
Bußpsalm(German m.) penitential psalm
Busspur(German f.) bus lane
Bußsakrament(German n.) sacrament of penance
Busstation(German f.) bus station
Bußtag (s.), Bußtage (pl.)(German m.) day of penance
Buß- und Bettag(German m.) Day of Prayer and Repentance, day of repentance, day of repentance and prayer
Bußzahlungen(German pl.) punitive damages
Busta(Italian f.) envelope, case
Busta paga(Italian f.) pay packet
Bustarella(Italian f.) bribe
Buste(French m.) bust
Büste (s.), Büsten (pl.)(German f.) bust (sculpture), dressmaker's dummy
Büste einer Frau(German f.) female bust, bust of a woman (sculpture)
Büste eines jungen Mädchens(German f.) bust of a young girl (sculpture)
Büste eines jungen Mannes(German f.) bust of a young man (sculpture)
Büste eines Jünglings(German f.) bust of a boy (sculpture)
Büste eines Mädchens(German f.) bust of a girl (sculpture)
Büste eines Mannes(German f.) bust of a man (sculpture)
Büstenhalter (s./pl.)(German m.) often abbreviated BH, bra, brassiere (bra)
Büstenhebe(German f.) shelf bra
Büstenkörbchen(German n.) brassiere cup, bra cup
Bustier(German n.) tube top, boob tube (colloquial), cami top, pullover bra, bra top
Bustier mit geschnürtem Rücken(German n.) lace-up back bustier
Bustier mit Nackenträger(German n.) halter top (colloquial)
Bustlepad or frame worn at base of the back, used to drape the skirt over to distend skirts; also known as 'dress improvers' and often associated with the higher classes of the 17th and 18th centuries
Busto(Italian m.) bust, girdle
Busto(Spanish m.) bust
Bustreiber(German m.) bus driver
Bustrophedon(German n.) boustrophedon (an ancient writing system, having alternate lines written in opposite directions)
Busunfall(German m.) bus accident
Busunglück(German n.) bus accident
Busunternehmen(German n.) bus company, coach operator
Busverbindung(German f.) bus connection
But(French m.) target, aim, goal
but(conjunction) pero (Spanish), ma (Italian), aber (German), mais (French)
but.abbreviation of 'button'
Butaca(Spanish f.) armchair, a seat in the stalls in the theatre
Butan(German n.) butane
Butangas(German n.) butane gas
Butanol(German n.) butanol (a flammable alcohol derived from butanes and used as a solvent)
Butcher papercheap but sturdy paper that is sold in large rolls. Butcher paper is white, made from kraft pulp and is generally considered to be between 30 lb/3000 sq ft (45 g/m2) and 50 lb/3000 sq ft (81 g/m2) basis weight of paper. Originally sold to butchers for the purpose of wrapping meat and fish, butcher paper is now used for a wide variety of purposes, notably in primary education where it is used for arts and crafts including posters of clubs, and upcoming events
But de promenade(French m.) the object of the exercise (figurative)
buté(French) obstinate
buter contre(French) knock again, come up against (a problem), antagonize
Butes(English, German m.) an Argonaut, son of Teleon, who was Aphrodite's lover, a famous bee keeper and a Sicilian king. He was the father of Eryx by Aphrodite
Boreas' son, who offended Dionysus and was made insane
the son of Pandion I and Zeuxippe. He was a priest of Poseidon and Athena and was worshipped as a hero by the Athenians
Butin(French m.) booty, loot
butiner(French) gather nectar
Butler(English, German m.) or steward, a manservant (usually the head servant of a household) who has charge of wines and the table
Butohor buto, identical to buyoh (Japanese: dance, dancing)
Butoh Dancesee ankoku butoh
Butoir(French m.) doorstep
Butoir de porte(French m.) doorstep
Butor(French m.) lout (pejorative)
Buttto adjoin without overlapping
buttare(Italian) throw
buttare giù(Italian) knock down, gulp down, scribble down, put on, dishearten
buttarsi(Italian) throw oneself, jump
Butte(French f.) mound, an isolated hill arising from a plain
(German f. - Austria, Switzerland) tub
Bütte(German f.) butt, tub
Büttel (s./pl.)(German m.) beadle, bailiff, court official
Büttenpapier(German n.) laid paper
Büttenrand(German m.) deckle edge
Büttenrede(German f.) carnival speech
Büttenredner(German m.) carnival orator
Butter(German f.) butter
butterartig(German) buttery, butyraceous (containing butter)
butterato(Italian) pock-marked
Butter aufstreichen(German) to spread butter
Butterbemme(German f.) (piece of) bread and butter
Butterblume(German f.) buttercup, field buttercup, crowfoot, ranunculus
Butterbonbon(German f.) butterscotch
Butterbrot (s.), Butterbrote (pl.)(German n.) bread and butter, sandwich, piece of bread and butter, slice of bread and butter, buttered bread
Butterbrotpapier(German n.) grease-proof paper, sandwich paper
Buttercreme(German f.) buttercream, mock cream
Buttercremetorte(German f.) butter-cream cake
Butterdose (s.), Butterdosen (pl.)(German f.) butter dish
Butter durch Margarine ersetzen(German) to substitute margarine for butter
Butterfass (s.), Butterfässer (pl.)(German n., new form) (butter) churn, butter tub
Butterfaß(German n., old form) churn, butter tub
Butterfett(German n.) ghee (clarified butter), butterfat
Butterfly Whirl(English, German m.) in contradance, a basic figure in which the gentleman and lady turn around, while keeping hold of their partner's waist. Facing the same direction, with inside arms reaching across their partner's backs, in a circle the lady walks forward and the gent backs up. This often leads into a ladies' chain, or something with the ladies in the center. A common prequel to this figure is the following: gentlemen do a left hand allemande, then "scoop up" their partner by putting their arm around their lady's waist. Next the gents let go of each other and the two couples butterfly whirl back to place
Butterflymesser(German n.) balisong, butterfly knife, Batangas knife (a Philippine folding pocket knife with two handles counter-rotating)
Butterfly Whirl (Helvetia)one of the big circle figures danced by all couples in one large circle facing the centre which are traditionally associated with square dancing
Buttergelb(German n.) butter yellow
buttergelb(German) butter yellow
butterhaltig(German) buttery, butyraceous (containing butter)
Butterherstellung(German f.) butter-making, buttermaking
butterig(German) buttery, butyraceous (containing butter)
Butterkartoffeln(German pl. - Austria) potatoes tossed in butter
Butterkäse(English, German m.) a mild, full-fat cheese
Butterkeks (s.), Butterkekse (pl.)(German m.) shortbread, butter biscuit, butter cookie
Butterkloß(German m.) butter dumpling
Butterkrem(German f.) butter cream
Butter lampa conspicuous feature of Tibetan Buddhist temples and monasteries throughout the Himalayas. The lamps traditionally burn clarified yak butter (ghee), but now often use vegetable oil
Butterlampe(German f.) butter lamp
Buttermesser(German n.) butter knife
Buttermilch(German f.) buttermilk
Buttermilkliquid remaining from the churning of butter
Buttermodel(German m.) butter mould
buttern(German) to make butter, to churn (butter), the churn milk, to spread butter on (bread, etc.)
Butternusskürbis(German m.) butternut squash
Butterplätzchen(German pl.) butter cookies
Butterreinfett(German n.) clarified butter
Butterroller(German m.) butter curler
Butterschmalz(German n.) clarified butter, ghee (clarified butter)
Butterseite(German f.) buttered side (also figurative)
Butterstollen(German m.) butter stollen (cake)
Butterstreicher(German m.) butter spreader
Butterstreichmesser(German n.) butter spreader knife
Butterstückchen (s./pl.)(German n.) knob of butter
Butter teaknown as Po Cha, a traditional drink of the Tibetans that is also consumed in Bhutan
Buttertee(German m.) butter tea
Butterteig(German m.) puff paste
Buttertoffee(German m.) fudge, butterscotch
butterweich(German) as soft as butter, beautifully soft
Butt fitin printing, printed colours that overlap one row of dots so they appear to butt
ButtonPlättchen (German n.), Zäpfchen (German n.), talon (French m.), bouton (French m.), nocetta (Italian f.), on a violin, etc., the small semicircular extension of the back that provides extra gluing surface for the crucial neck joint, and is neglected when measuring the length of the back. Occasionally a half-circle of ebony surrounds the button, either to restore material lost in resetting the neck of an old instrument, or to imitate that effect
Button accordionon button accordions the melody-side keyboard consists of a series of buttons (rather than piano-style keys). There exists a wide variation in keyboard systems, tuning, action and construction of these instruments
see 'accordion', 'diatonic button accordions'
Button-downof a collar, able to be buttoned down to the shirt, as over a necktie
serious, staid, businesslike
Button-Down-Hemd(German n.) button-down shirt
Button-throughclosure on jacket or coat with buttonholes cut through entire nap of fabric
Buttressa mass of masonry or brickwork projecting from or built against a wall to give additional strength
Buttress fingeringfor very many notes which use a few of the left hand fingers only, it is possible to add the ring finger of the right hand without detriment to the tone or intonation. In doing so the hold on the recorder is greatly improved. This technique, known as "buttress finger technique" was common in the C18, but largely disregarded except by advanced players, today. It is a valuable tool, to be used alongside alternative fingerings to facilitate rapid passage work. Many players, particularly those familiar with the Boehm flute, where the right hand little finger key is depressed for most notes, will drop their right hand little finger onto the wood between the two lowest holes for support without conscious thought. Take great care if you do this! The little finger hole has a great and unpredictable affect on other notes. On the sopranino it is a very dangerous practice because there is so little room. (It is interesting to note that Boehm reversed the action of the G# key on his new design, but retained the old D# action because of the support it gave. The new G# never caught on and is hardly ever seen today.)
Bux, BuxWV(WV is the abbreviation of Werke-Verzeichnis) indicating the catalogue by Georg Karstadt of the music of Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
buttrig(German) buttery, butyraceous (containing butter)
Butylalkohol(German m.) butanol (a flammable alcohol derived from butanes and used as a solvent)
Butylkautschuk(German m.) butyl rubber (synthetic rubber made by polymerising isobutylene)
Butz(German m.) (apple) core
Butze(German f. - Berlin, Northern Germany) flat
Butzemann(German m.) bogeyman, hobgoblin
Butzen (s./pl.)(German m.) snuff, scrap, slug, (apple) core, pocket of ore, hickey (a small inflamed elevation of the skin)
Butzenscheibe(German f.) bull's eye pane (a glass pane with a pontil mark surrounded by concentric ridges, the central part of a large pane of crown glass)
buuhuuu!(German) boo-hoo
Buvard(French m.) blotting-paper
Buvette(French f.) a refreshment bar, a roadside inn
Buveur (m.), Buveuse (f.)(French) drinker
Büx(German f. - Northern Germany) slacks, trousers
Buxe(German f. - Northern Germany) slacks, trousers
buy.abbreviation of 'buyer', 'buying'
Buyohidentical to butoh (Japanese: dance, dancing)
Buyooor Nihon buyoo, classical Japanese dance
Buzainsee Busaun
Buzinar(Portuguese) blare
Buzo(Spanish m.) diver
Buzón(Spanish m.) postbox
Buzuksee buzuq
Buzukusee buzuq
Buzuqor buzuk, long-necked fretted lute with metal strings. It is generally associated with itinerant Gypsies, has a carved sound box, and resembles the Turkish saz from which it appears to have been derived
Buzuqui(Spanish m.) bouzouki
Buzza low, vibrating sound
Buzzer(English, German m.) an object that, when activated, emits a buzzing sound
Buzzurro(Italian m.) yokel
Buzzword(English, German n.) stock phrase that has become nonsense through endless repetition
BV, B.V.,abbreviation of Beatitudo Vestra (Latin: Your Holiness), bene vale (Latin: farewell), Besloten Vennootschap (Dutch: used to identify a private limited company), 'Bible Version' (of Psalms), Beata Virgo (Latin: Blessed Virgin)
BVacronym for Busoni-Verzeichnis, the catalogue of music by Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924) prepared by Marc-André Roberge working from Jürgen Kindermann's catalogue
b.v.abbreviation of 'book value'
BV Bacronym for Busoni-Verzeichnis Bearbeitung, the catalogue of music by Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924) prepared by Marc-André Roberge working from Jürgen Kindermann's catalogue
BVM, B.V.Mabbreviation of Beata Virgo Maria (Latin), 'Blessed Virgin Mary'
BVNreference to catalogue of works by Rued Langgaard prepared by Bendt Viinholt Nielsen
b.w.abbreviation of bitte wenden (German: please turn over, PTO)
b/wabbreviation of 'black and white' (photography, etc.)
Bwana(Swahili) master
bwdabbreviation of 'backward'
BWGabbreviation of 'Birmingham Wire Gauge'
BWVabbreviation of Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), by Wolfgang Schmieder (1901-1990) (sometimes designated by 'S'), Leipzig, 1950, 1990, the standard reference number system, the equivalent to the Köchel-Verzeichnis for the works of W. A. Mozart
bxabbreviation of 'box'
b.y.abbreviation of 'billion years'
Byam-Martin-Insel(German f.) Byam Martin Island
Byam Martin Islandone of the Canadian arctic islands located on the northern side of the Viscount Melville Sound in the territory of Nunavut
Byat saunthe Burmese name for the Chinese lute
Byat saungthe Burmese harp was introduced some time before AD 802 (during the Thiri Khatayar Dynasty). The Burmese name for 'harp' is saung. There was two types in Burmese harp: byat saung and saung gauk, literally 'bent saung'. In the tenth century AD, musicians used only 5 strings on their harp. During the eighteenth century the number of strings increased to 7 strings. During the reign of King Bodaw Pharar the art of playing harp was much encouraged by the King. Improvements included a further increase in the number of strings, to 13, by Mya Waddi Mingyi U Sa. Later changes saw a further increase, to 14 and 15 strings, by the legendary harpist U Thein. The instrument today has 16 strings. The modern harp is about 18 inches length at its base and about 39 inches high. The hollow body is made of rosewood, padauk or mahogany, the flat bar made of cutch wood, the strings made of silk, and the whole is covered with the leather of a female deer
ByawBurmese drum
Bycoketa form of headgear, a cap or headdress with a peak both in front and behind
By earto perform on a musical instrument or sing without the use of printed music
Bygdedans(Swedish) term used in Sweden for old regional dance forms
Bylot-Insel(German f.) Bylot Island
Bylot Islandan island that lies off the northern end of Baffin Island in Nunavut Territory, Canada
BYOabbreviation of 'bring your own'
BYBOabbreviation of 'bring your own bottle' (of wine, beer, etc.)
Byoo-daikoJapanese nailed-head drums
Bypass(English, German m.) an alternative way of getting from place to another so as to avoid a restriction or obstruction. For example, a road that directs traffic away from the centre of a town or village, a means of redirecting blood to overcome an obstruction, etc.
Bypassoperation(German f.) by-pass operation, bypass surgery
Bypass-Operation(German f.) by-pass operation
Byronic heroan antihero who is a romanticized but wicked character. Conventionally, the figure is a young and attractive male with a bad reputation. He defies authority and conventional morality, and becomes paradoxically ennobled by his peculiar rejection of virtue
Byronkult(German m.) Byron cult
Byssinose(German f.) byssinosis, 'brown lung'
Byssinosisor 'brown lung', obstructive airway disease in people who work with unprocessed cotton, flax, or hemp
Byssus(Latin from the Greek) a highly-prized fine linen fabric
BYTabbreviation of 'bright young things'
Byte (s.), Bytes (English, German pl.)(Swedish) exchange
(English, German n.) in computing, a group of eight binary digits (often representing a single character)
Bytes per secondor Bps, a rate of data transfer, not to be confused with bits per second. A byte is a number of bits that are usually treated as a unit. Bytes of eight bits usually represent either one letter or two numerals
Bythiniaan ancient region, kingdom and Roman province in the northwest of Asia Minor, adjoining the Propontis, the Thracian Bosporus and the Euxine (today Black Sea)
  • Bythinia from which this extract has been taken
Bythinien(German n.) Bythinia
By-tonesa term given to the moving of a voice, in harmony, from one harmony note to another harmony note of the same chord, whilst the bass remains stationary (in other words, the disposition of the upper notes of a chord alters while the bass remains unchanged)
Bytte(Danish, Norwegian) exchange
Byz.abbreviation of 'Byzantine'
Byzaanchyor byzaantzy, four-stringed fiddle with interlocking bow, from Tuva, held on the knee when played
Byzaantzysee byzaanchy
Byzantinereferring to the eastern Roman Empire, based in Constantinople, after the fall of Rome
Byzantine chantcanto bizantino (Italian, Spanish), Byzantinische Gesang (German), chant byzantin (French)
liturgical music from the Eastern Orthodox rite, named after the ancient city of Byzantium, which is now Istanbul in Turkey. Byzantine chant counts for nearly a million manuscript pages of music. Byzantine musical notation, principally ekphonetic, appeared in the third century and has continued to develop to this day

[link provided by Michael Zapf]
Byzantine musicthe music of the Byzantine Empire and by extension the music of its culture(s) as they continued in the Orthodox Christian parts of the population after the fall of the empire to the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The term Byzantine music is commonly associated with what should more correctly be termed the medieval sacred chant of Christian Churches following the Orthodox rite. The identification of "Byzantine music" with "eastern Christian liturgical chant" is a misconception due to historical cultural reasons. Today, far too few sources and studies exist about Byzantine music on the whole. It is beyond doubt that Byzantine music included a rich tradition of instrumental court music and dance
Byzantine neumesa neumatic notation system that comes in several forms, old Byzantine, middle Byzantine, late Byzantine and post-Byzantine, and Neo-Byzantine (reformed)
Byzantine scalesee 'double harmonic major scale'
byzantinisch(German) Byzantine
Byzantinischblau(German n.) Byzantine blue (a colour used in Byzantine frescos, often reserved for images of Christ and of the Virgin Mary)
byzantinische Musik(German f.) Byzantine music
[entry corrected by Michael Zapf]
byzantinischer Ritus(German m.) Byzantine Rite
byzantinisches Kaiserreich(German n.) Byzantine Empire
byzantinisches Kreuz(German n.) Byzantine cross
Byzantinisches Reich(German n.) Byzantine Empire
byzantinisierend(German) Byzantinising (subject to the influence of Byzantine practices)
Byzantinistik(German f.) Byzantine studies
Byzantion(German n., from Greek) Byzantium
Byzanz(German n.) Byzantium
bzgl.abbreviation of bezüglich (German :regarding, concerning)
bzw.abbreviation of beziehungsweise (German: respectively - respectivement (French))
