Br | abbreviation of 'Brother' (in the Roman Catholic Church), 'bugler' |
Br. | abbreviation of Bratsche (s.), Bratschen (pl.) (German: viola) |
br. | abbreviation of 'branch', 'bronze', 'brown' |
Brabant | (English, German) of or pertaining to a region and former duchy of the Netherlands that became an independent duchy in 1190 and is now divided between the southern Netherlands and north-central Belgium |
brabbeln | (German) to babble, to jabber, to gibber |
brabbelnd | (German) gabbling |
brabbelt | (German) gabbles |
brabbelte | (German) gabbled |
braccare | (Italian) to hunt |
Bracciale | (Italian m.) bracelet, armband |
Braccialetto | (Italian m.) bracelet, watch-strap |
Bracciante | (Italian m.) day labourer |
Braccio (s.), Braccia (pl.) | (Italian m.) arm, sound (of the sea) |
braccio, da | (Italian, literally 'of the arm') stringed instrument held under the chin or against the upper arm, as opposed to da gamba (of the leg), those held down between the legs or resting vertically on the lap. Although the term was applied originally to both violin and viola, it is in connection with the violda that the term has persisted. In German, the word for viola is Bratsche |
Bracciolo | (Italian m.) arm (of an arm-chair) |
Bracco | (Italian m.) hound |
Bracconiere | (Italian m.) poacher |
Brace | (Italian f.) embers |
Brace | llave (Spanish), corchete (Spanish), graffa (Italian), accolade (French), Klammer (German), Akkolade (German) |
or 'bracket', a perpendicular line with a bracket (called in French accolade) joining multiple staves, for example, as found in piano music. The bracket differs from the brace in that the former connects staves for one instrument - such as a keyboard- while a bracket marks groupings of two or more unlike instruments, identical instruments or instruments of one particular family, such as strings |
when using a single staff for vocal or instrumental parts, no bar-line, bracket or brace should be used at the left end of the staff. The staff lines should remain open with the clef being the leftmost symbol. This rule holds even in score situations where only one part is playing and all but one staff have been omitted to save space |
a wooden strut glued inside a hollow body guitar that provides mechanical strength and serves a secondary role as an influence on the tone quality of the finished instrument. Layout, thickness, height, width and material can vary greatly amongst instruments |
X-brace | by far one of the most popular bracing patterns on flattop guitar tops. The braces of the top intersect to form the shape of an X just below the soundhole |
ladder bracing | top braces which run parallel to themselves like the rungs of a ladder. They run from treble to bass side |
fan bracing | a bracing pattern which fans out like a hand spread open, commonly found on classical style guitars |
scalloped braces | a technique used to decrease the mass of a brace and change the stiffness of the top. A scalloped brace often appears to dip down towards its centre and peak on either end |
popsicle brace | a flat top brace located just in front of the neck block on some acoustic flat top guitar tops |
the leather slide attached to the looped cords on drums |
bracear | (Spanish) to wave one's arms, to swim, to crawl |
Braceo (s.), Braceos (pl.) | arm movement made by flamenco dancers, including the continuous movement of one or both arms passing from one position to another |
Bracero | (Spanish m.) labourer |
brach | (German) broke, fallow, uncultivated |
Brache | (German f.) waste land, uncultivated land, (piece of) fallow land, fallow ground |
Brachflächen | (German pl.) brownfields, fallow land |
brachial | (German) brute (force, etc.), violent |
brachiale Gewalt | (German f.) brute force |
Brachialgewalt | (German f.) brute force |
Brachland | (German n.) fallow land, wasteland, wasteground, waste ground |
Brachlandlinie | (German f.) ley line |
brachliegen | (German) to lie waste, to lie fallow, to lie idle |
brach liegen | (German) to lie idle |
brachliegend | (German) fallow, idle, inactive, unemployed, underused |
brachliegendes Land | (German n.) uncultivated land |
brachte | (German) brought |
brachte das Unternehmen über den Berg | (German) carried the enterprise through |
brachte hervor | (German) begot |
brach völlig zusammen | (German) broke down completely |
Brachycephaly | disproportionate shortness of the head |
Brachykephalie | (German f.) brachycephaly |
Brachylogie | (German f.) brachylogy |
Brachylogy | a figure of speech that is an abbreviated expression |
Brachyzephalie | (German f.) brachycephaly |
Braciere | (Italian m.) brazier |
Bracket | see 'brace' |
used as punctuation, there are four specifically named bracket types (always used in pairs): |
round bracket parenthesis (s.) parentheses (pl.) | () |
square bracket | [] |
curly bracket | {} |
single angle (quote) bracket | ‹› |
double angle (quote) bracket | «» |
brackig | (German) brackish |
brackisch | (German) brackish |
Brackwasser | (German n.) brackish water (any mixture of sea water and fresh water with a salinity of substantially less than 30 parts per thousand (ppt) but greater than 3 ppt) |
Braço | (Portuguese) neck (of a string instrument) |
Brácsa | the Hungarian viola, used in folk ensembles in Szék, Transylvania, with its strings tuned to a, d, and g. All three strings are sounded simultaneously with one stroke of the bow |
Brad. | abbreviation of 'Bradford' |
brader | (French) to sell off |
Braderie | (French f.) open-air sale |
Bradycardia | a slow heart rate |
Bradycardie | (German f.) bradycardia |
Bradykardie | (German f.) bradycardia |
Brag | in Norse mythology, the god of poetry |
Braga | (Spanish f.) underpants, knickers, rope |
Bragas | (Spanish f. pl.) underpants, knickers |
Bragazas | (Spanish m.) hen-pecked man |
Bragueta | (Spanish f.) flies |
Braguette | (French f.) fly |
Braguinha | (Portugal) a cavaquinho from Madeira |
Braguinho | see cavaquinho |
Brahma | Hindu name of God the Creator, one of the Trinity |
Brahmachari | a celibate, one who observes Brahmacharya |
Brahmacharya | code of conduct involving strict observance of chastity or continence in the pursuit of learning, philosophy and God Member of the first of the four castes, whose first duty is the study and teaching of the Vedas and the performance of sacrifices and other religious rituals |
Brahman | (English, German n.) supreme consciousness, absolute reality |
Brahmanism | the early religion of India that emanated from Vedism |
Brahmanismus | (German m.) Brahmanism |
Brahmaputra | (English, German m.) a river having its source in the Mansarovar Lake in present day Tibet and flowing south east to the Bay of Bengal |
Brahmsgitarre | (German f.) Brahms guitar |
Brahms guitar | its name derives from Paul Galbraith's arrangement of Brahms' Variations on an Original Theme Opus 21a for piano, which he transcribed originally for the 6-string guitar. Worried by a certain incompleteness in the bass and the fact that his left hand was stretched to its limits for much of the piece, he thought about increasing the range of the guitar (not a new idea, for even in the nineteenth-century guitarists played and wrote for the 7-string guitar, which carried an extra bass string strung below the traditional six) and felt that one extra string, tuned to a low A (a fifth below the low E string) yet also flexible enough to stand tuning up to a low C, would be sufficient to give the sense of "completeness" in the bass that he was looking for. Following a discussion with his friend, the Italian guitarist Stefano Grondona, it was suggested that in order to increase the available range within one position, and therefore also reduce the stretching, an eighth string could be placed above the high E string, tuned a fourth above to a high A. This would also balance the instrument, as the additional strings would effectively surround the (unaltered) traditional six strings. David Rubio, who was asked to built a suitable instrument, arrived at an inspired solution by basing it on the Renaissance model of the Orphareon which was unique amongst fretted string instruments in that it gave a staggered, rather than uniform, length to the strings, which was achieved by using a slanting bridge and nut, opening up in length towards the bass, with the frets 'fanning out' over the complete length of the fingerboard. Rubio's prototype was an outstanding success: the two outer strings sounded like 'normal' guitar strings and integrated beautifully with the original six. The whole instrument was amazingly full and rich in tone over its entire range, and very natural to play because of some fine adjustments to the width between the strings and thus to the overall width of the neck. During performance, it is supported by a metal spike, similar to that of a cello, which rests on a wooden acoustic box |
Braided strings | see 'twined strings' |
Braies | loose drawers or breeches belted or tied with cord at the waist, the lower end tucked into the hose below the knee. After the thirteenth century, braies become shorter in the leg as the hose grew longer and, by the later fifteenth century, became short underpants |
braille | (English, French m., Spanish m.) the braille system, devised in 1821 by Louis Braille, is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write. Each braille character or "cell" is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the six positions to form sixty-four combinations, counting the space in which no dots are raised. For reference purposes, a particular combination may be described by naming the positions where dots are raised, the positions being universally numbered 1 through 3 from top to bottom on the left, and 4 through 6 from top to bottom on the right. For example, dots 1-3-4 would describe a cell with three dots raised, at the top and bottom in the left column and on top of the right column |
to prevent confusion the proper noun "Braille" is written in English in lower case ('braille') when referring to the writing system |
- braille from which this extract has been taken
Brailledrucker | (German m.) braille printer |
braille music notation | a complete, well developed, and internationally accepted musical notation system that has symbols and notational conventions quite independent of print music notation. It is linear in nature, similar to a printed language and different from the two-dimensional nature of standard printed music notation |
Braille-Notenschrift | (German f.) braille music notation |
Brailler | an all-purpose braille writer enclosed in a grey enamel aluminum case, operated by six keys |
brailler | (French) to bawl |
Brailleschreibmaschine | (German f.) brailler |
Brailleschrift | (German f.) braille |
Braille-Schrift | (German f.) braille |
Brailleschriftdrucker | (German m.) braille printer |
Braindrain | (German m.) brain drain (colloquial) |
Brain drain | the loss, through emigration, of highly trained scientists, doctors, etc. from the country where they were born and trained |
Brains of musicians | musicians have bigger and more sensitive brains than people who do not play instruments, scientists revealed. The auditory cortex, which is the part of the brain concerned with hearing, contains 130 per cent more "grey matter" in professional musicians than in non-musicians. Professionals musicians showed 102 per cent more activity in their auditory cortex than non-musicians. Activity in the brains of amateur musicians was on average 37 per cent higher than in those who did not play an instrument, the researchers said in a report in Nature Neuroscience... The scientists found startling physical differences between the three groups. Those with musical experience had larger amounts of grey matter in the region called the Heschl's gyrus. The structure contained 536 to 983 cubic millimetres of grey matter in professional musicians, 189 to 798 cubic millimetres in amateurs, and 172 to 450 cubic millimetres in non-musicians |
Brainstorming | (English, German n.) a technique used by groups of people to overcome the widespread tendency to overlook various obvious options while solving problems or generating new ideas, where the key principle is to defer judgment, achieved by insistence on first recording all suggested ideas |
Brainstorming-Methode {f} zur Ideenfindung | (German f.) brainstorming |
braire | (French) to bray |
Braise | (French f.) embers, live coals |
stew slowly with a little liquid in a closed container |
Brajbhasha | a dialect of Hindi spoken around Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, the language of the lyrics of Bandish |
Brake drums | tambours de frein (French), Bremstrommeln (German), tamburo di freno (Italian) tambores del freno (Spanish) [German entry corrected by Michael Zapf] |
automobile brake drums are used to produce metal percussion sounds by the comparsas in Cuban carnival |
Brakka | a dance of young exiled Kenyans in the 1960s |
Brakteat | (German m.) bracteate (a very thin medieval European coin with the design impressed on one side showing through to the other side) |
Braktee | (German f.) bract (a modified leaf that bears a flower) |
Bralette | (English, German f.) an unlined, soft cup bra |
Brama | (Italian f.) longing |
bramar | (Spanish) to roar, to moo (cow), to howl |
bramarbasieren | (German) to boast, to bluster |
bramare | (Italian) to long for |
Bramburi | (German pl. - Austria) potatoes |
Bramme | (German f.) slab |
Bramido | (Spanish m.) roar |
Branca | (Italian f.) branch, claw |
Brancard | (French m.) stretcher, shaft |
Brancardier | (French m.) stretcher-bearer |
Branche (s.), Branchen (German pl.) | (French f.) branch |
(German f.) branch, line (field of activity), branch of trade, industry, sector, (line of) business, branch of industry |
branché | (French) trendy |
Branchement | (French m.) connection |
Branchenadressbuch | (German n.) classified directory, trade directory |
Branchenadressbuch der Post | (German n.) directory of business addresses |
Branchenbericht | (German m.) industry report |
Branchenbuch | (German n.) yellow pages, trade directory, business directory, commercial directory |
Branchenflaute | (German f.) industry slowdown |
Branchengeheimnis | (German n.) trade secret |
Branchenjournal | (German n.) industry magazine |
Branchenrepräsentativität | (German f.) trade representation |
branchenspezifisch | (German) sectoral, branch-specific |
branchenüblich | (German) customary (in this line of business) |
branchenüblicher Handelsbrauch | (German m.) custom of the trade |
Branchenverband | (German m.) branch association, industry association, trade group, trade association |
Branchenverzeichnis | (German n.) classified directory, yellow pages, trade directory |
branchenweit | (German) industry-wide |
Branchenwerbung | (German f.) trade advertising |
brancher | (French) to connect, to plug in (electricity) |
Branchia | (Italian f.) gill (of a fish) |
Branco | (Italian m.) pack (of dogs), flock (birds), gang (of people) |
brancolare | (Italian) to grope |
Brand (s.), Brände (pl.) | (German m.) fire, blaze, blight, gangrene, firing (of porcelain enamel, ceramics, etc.), smut, baking (ceramic, etc.) |
Brand- | (German) conflagrative, incendiary (prefix) |
Branda | (Italian f.) camp-bed |
brandaktuell | (German) late-breaking, red-hot (news, etc.), hot from the presses |
brandaktuelle Nachrichten | (German) red-hot news |
Brandanschlag | (German m.) arson attack, incendiary attack |
Brand Awareness | (English, German f.) the expansion of a company's brand in the marketplace |
Brandbekämpfer | (German pl.) fire fighters |
Brandbekämpfung | (German f.) firefighting, fire fighting |
Brandbekämpfungsausrüstung | (German f.) firefighting equipment |
Brandbelüftung | (German f.) fire ventilation, emergency ventilation, smoke control ventilation |
Brandbeschleuniger | (German m.) combustive agent, (fire) accelerant |
brandbeständig | (German) fire resistant |
Brandbestattung | (German f.) cremation burial |
Brandbinde | (German f.) bandage for burns |
Brandblase (s.), Brandblasen (pl.) | (German f.) blister, burn blister |
Brandbombe | (German f.) incendiary bomb, fire bomb, firebomb, incendiary (bomb) |
Brandbrief | (German m.) begging letter, urgent reminder, flame (letter, e-mail) (colloquial) |
Branddetektierung | (German f.) fire detection |
brandeilig | (German) extremely urgent |
Brandeisen | (German n.) branding iron |
Brandello | (Italian m.) scrap |
branden | (German) to break (wave, noise), to surge |
Brandenburg | (English, German n.) the territory of an Elector (of the Holy Roman Empire) that expanded to become the kingdom of Prussia in 1701 |
Brandenburg Gate | a former city gate and one of the main symbols of the city of Berlin, Germany |
Brandenburger Tor | (German n.) Brandenburg Gate |
brandenburgisch | (German) Brandenburg |
Brandenburgisches Konzert (s.), Brandenburgische Konzerte (pl.) | (German n.) BWV 1046-1051 cover the set of six concertos written by J.S. Bach and presented to the Margrave of Brandenburg in 1721 as a bound manuscript for chamber orchestra, works based on the Italian concerto grosso style |
Brander | (German m.) fireship |
Branderkennung | (German f.) fire detection |
Brandermittler | (German m.) fire investigator |
Brandermittlung (s.), Brandermittlungen (pl.) | (German f.) fire investigation |
Brandermittlungsbeamter | (German m.) fire investigator |
brandete auf | (German) broke out (applause) |
Brandfackel | (German f.) firebrand |
Brandflasche | (German f.) Molotov cocktail, petrol bomb |
Brandfleck (s.), Brandflecken (pl.) | (German m.) scorch, burn, singe, burn mark, gangrenous spot (plural form) |
Brandfluchthaube | (German f.) (emergency escape) smoke hood, fire emergency mask |
Brandfühler | (German m.) fire detector |
Brandgase | (German pl.) fire gases, combustion gases |
Brandgefahr (s.), Brandgefahren (pl.) | (German f.) fire hazard |
brandgefährlich | (German) immensely dangerous |
Brandgeruch | (German m.) burnt smell, smell of burning |
Brandgeschoss | (German n.) incendiary projectile, incendiary shell |
Brandgiebel | (German m.) gable end, end wall |
brandheißer Favorit | (German m.) red-hot favourite |
Brandhemmer | (German pl.) flame retardants |
Brandherd | (German m.) source of fire, trouble spot |
brandig | (German) burnt, gangrenous, necrotic |
brandig sein | (German) to have a burning taste |
Branding | (English, German n.) brand development, development of brands |
brandir | (French) to brandish |
brandire | (Italian) brandish |
Brandkatastrophe | (German f.) fire disaster |
Brandlehm | (German m.) burnt clay |
Brandlüftung | (German f.) fire ventilation, emergency ventilation |
Brandmal (s.), Brandmale (pl.) | (German n.) stigma, brand, burn |
Brandmalerei | (German f.) poker work |
Brandmarke | (German f.) burning mark |
brandmarken | (German) to brand (figurative), to denounce, to stigmatise |
Brandmarkenbildung | (German f.) burning, burn marks |
Brandmarkung | (German f.) stigmatisation |
Brandmauer (s.), Brandmauern (pl.) | (German f.) fire wall, firewall, fire partition, fire-proof wall, party wall |
Brandmeldeanlage | (German f.) fire-alarm system, fire detection system, fire alarm system |
Brandmelder | (German m.) fire detector, fire detection device, fire warning device, automatic fire alarm detector, automatic fire incident device |
Brandmeldung | (German f.) fire detection |
brandneu | (German) brand-new |
Brandnotbeleuchtung | (German f.) fire emergency (guidance) lighting |
Brándo | (Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) a sword, branle, braule |
Brandöl | (German n.) carron oil (a mixture comprising equal volumes of linseed oil and lime water which is used for the relief of burns) |
Brandopfer | (German n.) burnt offering, fire victim, burn victim |
Brandort | (German m.) seat of the fire |
Brandpfahl | (German m.) stake |
Brandrede | (German f.) inflammatory speech |
Brandrisiko | (German n.) fire risk |
Brandrodung | (German f.) slash-and-burn (land clearance) |
Brandruinen | (German pl.) burnt-out ruins |
Brandsachverständiger | (German m.) fire investigator |
Brandsalbe (s.), Brandsalben (pl.) | (German f.) burn ointment |
Brandschaden | (German m.) fire damage, fire loss, loss by fire, damage by fire |
brandschatzen | (German) to plunder, to pillage, to sack, to pillage and threaten to burn |
Brandschatzung | (German f.) pillage |
Brandschicht | (German f.) burnt layer |
Brandschott | (German n.) fire wall |
Brandschutt | (German m.) debris from the blaze |
Brandschutz | (German m.) fire prevention, fire control, fire protection |
Brandschutzanstrich | (German m.) fire-proof coating |
Brandschutzausrüstung | (German f.) flame retardant |
Brandschutzbeschichtung | (German f.) intumescent paint |
Brandschutzbestimmungen | (German pl.) fire regulations |
Brandschutzfarbe | (German f.) fire-retarding paint |
Brandschutzmauer | (German f.) fire wall, fire barrier |
Brandschutzordnung | (German f.) fire safety regulations |
brandschutztechnisches System | (German n.) fire protection system |
Brandschutztor | (German n.) fire protection door, fire door |
Brandschutztür | (German f.) (emergency) fire door |
Brandschutzübung | (German f.) fire drill |
Brandschutzverglasung | (German f.) fire-retardant glass, fire-resistant glass, fire-resistant glazing |
Brandschutzvorkehrung | (German f.) fire control |
Brandschutzwand | (German f.) fire wall, fire barrier |
brandsicher | (German) fireproof |
Brandsicherheit | (German f.) fire safety |
Brandsohle (s.), Brandsohlen (pl.) | (German f.) insole, inner sole, innersole, flat insole |
Brandsohlenleder | (German n.) insole leather |
Brandsohlleder | (German n.) insole leather |
Brandspant | (German m.) firewall |
Brandspur | (German f.) burn mark |
Brandstelle (s.), Brandstellen (pl.) | (German f.) scene of fire, burnt spot |
brandstiftend | (German) incendiary |
Brandstifter (s./pl.) | (German m.) arsonist, firebug, incendiary, fire-raiser |
Brandstiftung (s.), Brandstiftungen (pl.) | (German f.) arson, incendiarism, fire-raising |
Brandstiftung begehen | (German) to commit arson |
Brandteig | (German m.) choux pastry |
Brandteigmasse | (German f.) choux pastry dough |
Brandthema | (German n.) burning issue (colloquial) (figurative) |
Brandtür | (German f.) fire door, emergency door |
Brandung | (German f.) surf, breakers, surge |
Brandungshöhle | (German f.) sea cave, littoral cave |
Brandungsreiten | (German n.) surfing |
Brandungsreiten | (German n.) surfing |
Brandungsrückstrom | (German f.) rip current, riptide |
Brandungswelle (s.), Brandungswellen (pl.) | (German f.) surging billow |
Brandungszone | (German f.) surf zone |
Brandursache | (German f.) cause of conflagration, cause of a fire |
Brandverhütung | (German f.) fire prevention |
Brandverhütungsvorschriften | (German pl.) fire prevention regulations |
Brandvermeidung | (German f.) fire prevention |
Brandversicherung | (German f.) fire insurance |
Brandwand | (German f.) firewall, fire-resisting wall |
Brandwunde (s.), Brandwunden (pl.) | (German f.) burn, singe, burn (on) |
Brandwunden durch Zigaretten | (German pl.) cigarette burns (on the body) |
Brandy | (English, German m.) brandy |
Brandzeichen | (German n.) brand, brand mark |
Branle | (English, German m., from French m.) a rustic circle or ring dance in duple time, similar to the gavotte, originating in France |
among the many regional varieties, there were four main types: |
branle simple | in duple time |
branle double | in duple time |
branle gai | in triple time |
branle de Bourgogne | in various metres |
Branle-bas | (French m.) bustle |
Branle-bas de combat | (French m.) bustle |
branler | (French) to be shaky, to shake |
brannte | (German) burnt, fired |
brannte ... durch | (German) eloped |
Branntkalk | (German m.) anhydrous lime, unhydrated lime, caustic lime, burnt lime |
Branntwein (s.), Branntweine (pl.) | (German m.) spirit, spirits, brandy, firewater, fine (ordinary French brandy) |
Branntweinbrenner | (German m.) distiller |
Branntweinbrennerei (s.), Branntweinbrennereien (pl.) | (German f.) distillery |
Branntweinessig | (German m.) brandy vinegar |
Branntwein und Soda | (German m.) brandy-and-soda |
Brano | (Italian m.) piece, passage (from a book) |
Branquia | (Spanish f.) gill |
Bransle | (French m.) branle |
Bransle de Pictou | (French m.) an example of a branle double, a quicker form of the circle dance |
Bransle l'Officiale | (French m.) this medieval bransle has survived to the present day as the tune to the carol Ding, dong, merrily on high! |
Brantle | (English) branle |
braquer | (French) to aim, to fix (with a look), to turn, to hold up (bank) |
Bras | (French m.) arm, arm-rest |
(French labour (figurative), hands |
Bras. | abbreviation of Brasil (Portuguese: Brazil) |
Brasa | (Spanish f.) hot coal |
brasare | (Italian) to braise |
Bras articulé | (French m.) articulated arm |
Bras bas | (French m., literally 'arms low or down') in dance, this is the dancer's "attention." The arms form a circle with the palms facing each other and the back edge of the hands resting on the thighs. The arms should hang quite loosely but not allowing the elbows to touch the sides |
Bras de lumière (s. & pl.) | (French m.) a wall-light |
bras dessus bras dessous | (French) arm in arm |
Bras droit | (French m.) right-hand man (figurative) |
Brasero | (Spanish m.) brazier |
Brasier | (French m.) blaze |
Brasil | (Spanish m.) Brazil |
Brasilbikini | (German m.) brazil bikini |
Brasile | (Italian m.) Brazil |
Brasileño | (Spanish m.) Brazilian |
brasileño | (Spanish) Brazilian |
Brasilero | (Spanish/Latin America m.) Brazilian |
brasilero | (Spanish/Latin America) Brazilian |
Brasilholz | (German n.) brazil wood (Caesalpinia echinata) |
Brasilianer (m.), Brasilianerin (f.), Brasilianer (pl.) | (German) Brazilian |
Brasilianisch | (German) Brazilian |
brasilianischer Bikini | (German m.) Brazilian bikini |
brasilianisches Portugiesisch | (German n.) Brazilian Portuguese |
Brasiliano (m.), Brasiliana (f.) | (Italian) Brazilian |
brasiliano (m.), brasiliana (f.) | (Italian) Brazilian |
Brasilien | (German n.) Brazil |
Brass | (brass instrument section) metales (Spanish), ottoni (Italian), Blechbläser (German), cuivres (French) |
a collective term for the instruments of a band or orchestra normally although not always made of brass |
(for wire, etc. the correct French term is laiton (French m.)) the bright yellow or golden alloy of copper and zinc, in the proportion of about two parts of copper to one part zinc. The zinc makes brass stronger and harder than copper is alone. It is malleable and ductile, though variations in its composition make its properties variable. The alloy of copper and tin is bronze, while alloys with both zinc and tin are called gunmetals. Many of the alloys that are described as bronze are actually brass |
various brass alloys are commonly used in the making of brass instruments: |
yellow brass | 70:30 alloy of copper and zinc | medium hardness most commonly used material for brass instruments |
gold brass | 85:15 alloy of copper and zinc | softer than yellow brass, giving a warmer, darker sound |
nickel-silver brass | 63:27:10 alloy of copper, zinc and nickel | harder than yellow brass, giving a brighter sound |
red brass | 90:10 alloy of copper and zinc | reddish colour, gives a dark sound |
a term applied to wind instruments made usually of brass, for example, trumpet, trombone, tuba, etc. |
a tomb effigy incised in two dimensions in a brass plate |
Brassage | (French m.) mixing, brewing |
Brassard | (French m.) arm-band, a badge worn on the arm, armlet |
Brassband | (German f.) brass band |
Brass band | (English, Brassband (German f.)) a band formed of brass instruments and percussion, similar to a military band but without reed instruments |
some continental 'brass bands' feature saxophones and others woodwind instrument too. We would classify a band featuring both brass and woodwind as being a Blasorchester, a Harmonie or a wind-band |
Brass bass | tubas have been used in jazz since the genre's beginning. In the earliest years, bands often used a tuba for outdoor playing and a double bass for indoor jobs. In this context, the tuba was sometimes called 'brass bass', as opposed to the double bass, which was called 'string bass'; it was not uncommon for players to double on both instruments |
Brasse | (French f.) breast-stroke (swimming), fathom (measure of depth) |
Brassée | (French f.) armful |
Brassen | (German n.) bracing |
brassen | (German) to brace |
brasser | (French) mix, brew (beer), handle a lot of (business) |
Brasserie | (English, German f. from French f.) brewery, café (in which beer and food are served) |
Brasseur | (French m.) brewer |
Brasseur d'affaires | (French m.) big businessman |
Brassière | (French f., literally 'bodice') baby's vest, an underbodice (also soutien-gorge) |
Brass instrument | instrumento de viento-metal (Spanish), instrumento d'ottone (Spanish), Blechinstrument (German), Blechblasinstrument (German), instrument de cuivres (French) |
Brassinstrument | (Swedish) brass (e.g. orchestral section) |
Brass quintet | the standard configuaration consists of two trumpets, French horn, trombone, and tuba |
Brasssektion | (German f.) brass section [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Bras supérieur | (French m.) upper arm |
Brät | (German n.) sausage meat |
Bratapfel | (German m.) baked apple |
Bratapfelkuchen | (German m.) roasting apple cake |
Bratbirne | (German f.) baked pear |
Bratblech | (German n.) roasting tin |
Braten | (German m.) roast, joint, frying |
braten | (German) to roast, to barbecue, to fry (in a pan), to bake |
Bratenduft | (German m.) smell of frying |
Bratenfett | (German n.) dripping |
Bratenform | (German f.) roasting tin |
Bratengabel | (German f.) carving fork, sauté fork |
Bratenheber | (German m.) spatula |
Bratenkruste | (German f.) crackling |
Bratenmesser | (German n.) roast slicer, roast knife |
Bratenplatte | (German f.) meat plate |
Bratenrock | (German m.) Prince Albert (coat), frock coat |
Bratensaft | (German m.) gravy (using juice from roast meat) |
Bratensoße (s.), Bratensoßen (pl.) | (German f.) gravy |
Bratentopf | (German m.) stewing pan |
Bratenwender | (German m.) turnspit |
Bräter | (German m.) roasting dish |
bratfertig | (German) oven-ready |
Bratfett | (German n.) dripping, frying fat |
Bratfisch | (German m.) fried fish |
Bratfisch mit Pommes frites | (German m.) fish 'n' chips, fish and chips |
Bratgut | (German n.) barbecued food |
Brathähnchen | (German n.) roast chicken, fried chicken (in breadcrumbs) |
Brathendl | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) roast chicken, fried chicken |
Brathering | (German m.) fried herring |
Brathühnchen | (German n.) fryer |
Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (b. 1930) | West Indian poet and cultural historian, who used calypso, work songs and other verse-forms to explore the relationship between the legacy of slavery and West Indian ritual, music and dance |
in his poetry Brathwaite has infused European and African influences. He combines spoken word with modernist techniques, and new spellings, and uses rhythms from jazz and folk music. But in Brathwaite, play with words and linguistic inventions are not a manifestation of self-absorbed individualism or postmodern ironic attitude toward aesthetic practices. His poetry is a part of the collective search of Caribbean identity and racial wholeness. Feelings of rootlessness emerge often from Brathwaite's poems, and in an interview he has confessed that his travels have given him a sense of movement and restlessness |
Bratislava | (English, German n.) the capital of Slovakia and the country's largest city |
Bratkartoffel (s.), Bratkartoffeln (pl.) | (German f.) roast potato, fried potato, chip potato, chipped potato, chip, sauté potato |
Bratkartoffelverhältnis | (German n.) meal ticket (colloquial) |
Bratöl | (German n.) frying oil |
Bratpfanne | (German f.) fryer, frying pan, skillet |
Bratröhre | (German f.) oven |
Bratrost | (German m.) grill |
Bratsche (s.), Bratschen (pl.) | (German f.) viola |
Bratschenkonzert | (German n.) viola concerto |
Bratschenschlüssel |  | (German m., literally 'viola clef') the alto clef, viola clef, chiave di Do3 (Italian f.), chiave di contralto (Italian f.), Altschlüssel (German m.), clef alto (French f.), clef d'ut (French f.), clé d'ut (French f.), clef d'ut troisième ligne, (French f.), clé d'ut troisième ligne, (French f.), clave de do (Spanish f.), clave de do en tercera (Spanish f.), clave de contralto (Spanish f.) |
Bratschenspieler | (German m.) viola player |
Bratschenwitz, Bratscherwitz | (German m.) viola joke |
Bratscher (m.), Bratscherin (f.) | (German) violist, a viola player |
Bratschist (m.), Bratschistin (f.) | (German) violist, viola player [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
Bratspieß | (German m.) spit, broach, skewer |
Bratwurst (s.), Bratwürste (pl.) | (German f.) frying sausage, fried sausage |
Bratwurststand | (German m.) (German) bratwurst stand, bratwurst stall |
Bratze | (German f. - Berlin) ugly woman |
Bratzeit | (German f.) frying time |
Bräu | (German n.) brew |
Brauch (s.), Bräuche (pl.) | (German m.) custom (convention), rite, convention, practice, usage, observance |
brauchbar | (German) usable, useful, suitable, convenient, acceptable, efficient, expedient, practicable, serviceable, viable, workable |
brauchbare Erfindung | (German f.) practical invention |
brauchbare Kenntnisse | (German pl.) working knowledge |
brauchbare Lösung | (German f.) workable solution |
brauchbare Mehrheit | (German f.) working majority |
brauchbare Werkzeuge | (German pl.) serviceable tools |
brauchbarer Rat | (German m.) useful advice |
brauchbarer Regenschirm | (German m.) practical umbrella |
brauchbares Ergebnis | (German n.) acceptable result |
brauchbares System | (German n.) practical system |
brauchbares Verfahren | (German n.) practical method |
Brauchbarkeit (s.), Brauchbarkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) usefulness, usability, serviceability |
Brauchbarkeitsgrad | (German m.) degree of usefulness |
brauchen | (German) to need, to require, to want, to be in need of, to consume, to spend, to take (time) [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
brauchend | (German) needing |
braucht | (German) needs, wants |
braucht nicht zurückgegeben werden | (German) unreturnable |
Brauchtum | (German n.) custom, traditions, customs (conventions) |
brauchtümlich | (German) customary (conventional, traditional) |
Brauchtumsrecht | (German n.) customary law |
Braue (s.), Brauen (pl.) | (German f.) eyebrow, brow |
Brauen | (German n.) brewing |
brauen | (German) to brew, to concoct |
brauend | (German) brewing |
Brauer (m.), Brauerin (f.) | (German) brewer |
Brauerei (s.), Brauereien (pl.) | (German f.) brewery, beer company |
Brauereigaul | (German m.) brewery horse |
Brauereigewerbe | (German n.) brewery |
Brauereipferd | (German n.) brewery horse, dray horse |
Brauereiwesen | (German n.) brewing trade |
Braugerste | (German f.) malting barley, brewing barley |
Brauhaus | (German n.) brewhouse |
Brauhefe | (German f.) brewer's yeast |
Brauindustrie | (German f.) brewery, brewing industry |
Braul | (English) branle |
Braumeister (m.), Braumeisterin (f.) | (German) master brewer |
Braun | (German n.) brown, brunatre (heraldic term for the colour brown) |
braun | (German) brown |
braunäugig | (German) brown-eyed |
Bräune aus der Flasche | (German f.) fake suntan |
Bräune | (German f.) quinsy, tan (suntan), suntan |
bräunen | (German) to brown, to tan (in the sun) |
bräunend | (German) tanning |
brauner | (German) browner |
Brauner | (German m.) bay (horse), café au lait (Austria) |
brauner Briefumschlag | (German m.) manilla envelope |
brauner Zucker | (German m.) brown sugar, demerara (sugar) |
braunes Packpapier | (German n.) brown wrapping paper |
braunes Pferd | (German n.) bayard (properly, a bay horse, but often any horse) |
braunes Rauschen | (German n.) brown noise |
braune Ware | (German f.) brown goods (home entertainment equipment) |
braune Zeichentusche | (German f.) sepia |
Braunfäule | (German f.) blight, brown rot |
braungebrannt | (German) sunburnt, suntanned, bronzed, tanned |
braun gebrannt | (German) sunburnt, suntanned, bronzed, tanned |
braungelb | (German) buff |
Braunglas | (German n.) amber glass |
braungrau | (German) taupe (brownish grey) |
braunhaarig | (German) brunette, brown-haired |
braunhaarige Frau | (German f.) brunette |
braunhaariges Mädchen | (German n.) brunette |
Braunhemd (s.), Braunhemden (pl.) | (German n.) brown shirt, brown-shirt, brownshirt, Brownshirt (Nazi organisation) |
Braunkohl | (German m.) kale |
Braunkohle | (German f.) lignite, brown coal |
Braunkohlenteer | (German m.) lignite tar, bituminous tar |
bräunlich | (German) brownish, browny |
bräunlich-schwarz | (German) blackish-brown |
braunrot | (German) puce |
braunsche Röhre | (German f.) Braun tube, cathode ray tube (CRT) |
Braunschweig | (German n.) Brunswick |
Braunschweiger | (German f.) Braunschweiger (pork liver sausage) |
braunschweigisch | (German) Braunschweig, Brunswick |
braunste | (German) brownest |
Braunstein | (German m.) manganese dioxide (a black crystalline compound, MnO2, used in textile dyeing) |
Brauntöne | (German pl.) shades of brown |
Bräunung | (German f.) browning, tanning |
Bräunungsbad | (German n.) tanning session |
Bräunungscreme | (German f.) sunless tanning lotion, self-tanning lotion, fake tan |
Bräunungslotion | (German f.) (quick-)tanning lotion |
Bräunungsmittel | (German n.) tanning lotion |
Bräunungsöl | (German n.) tanning oil |
Bräunungspuder | (German m./n.) bronzing powder |
Bräunungsstreifen | (German m.) tan line |
braun von der Sonne | (German) tanned |
braun werden | (German) to get a (sun) tan, to go brown [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brauprozess | (German m.) process of brewing |
Brause | (German f.) sherbet, rose (on a watering can), soda (soft drink), sprinkler, fizzy drink, shower |
Brausebad | (German n.) shower-bath |
Brausekopf | (German m.) hothead |
Brausekugel | (German f.) citrus bon-bon |
Brausen | (German n.) boom, hum (of traffic) |
brausen | (German) to roar (wind, water, etc.), to rush, to swoosh, to bluster, to race (run quickly), to boom (waves) |
brausend | (German) wuthering, roaring, effervescent |
Brausenmischer | (German m.) shower mixer |
Brausepulver | (German n.) sherbet powder, effervescent powder |
Brausetablette | (German f.) fizzy tablet, effervescent tablet |
Brausetasse | (German f.) shower tray |
Braut (s.), Bräute (pl.) | (German f.) bride, moll (of a gangster), girlfriend, bird (colloquial), lady (colloquial), betrothed, fiancée |
Braut- | (German) bridal (prefix) |
Brautausstattung (s.), Brautausstattungen (pl.) | (German f.) bridal trousseau, trousseau |
Brautaussteuer (s.), Brautaussteuern (pl.) | (German f.) trousseau |
Brautauto | (German n.) bride's car, bridal car |
Brautbad | (German n.) bridal bath, hamam (traditional Turkish bride's bath) |
Brautbett (s.), Brautbetten (pl.) | (German n.) bridal bed, marital bed, nuptial bed |
Braut Christi | (German f.) bride of Christ |
Brauteltern | (German pl.) parents of the bride, bride's parents |
Brautexamen | (German n.) pre-wedding religious examination (Catholic Church) |
Brautfrisur | (German f.) bridal hair style, bridal hairstyle, bridal hairdo, bride's hairdo, bride's hairstyle, bride's hair style |
Brautführer | (German m.) bridesman, best man, garçon d'honneur |
Brautgemach | (German n.) nuptial chamber |
Bräutigam (s.), Bräutigame (pl.) | (German m.) bride groom, bridegroom, groom, fiancé |
Brautjungfer (s.), Brautjungfern (pl.) | (German f.) bridesmaid |
Brautjungferngeschenk | (German n.) bridesmaid gift |
Brautjungfernkleid | (German n.) bridesmaid's gown, bridesmaid's dress |
Brautkleid (s.), Brautkleider (pl.) | (German n.) wedding dress, bridal dress, bridal gown, bride's gown |
Brautkranz | (German m.) bridal crown, bridal garland, bridal wreath |
Brautkrone | (German f.) bridal crown |
Brautkutsche | (German f.) (horsedrawn) bridal carriage, (horsedrawn) bride's carriage, (horsedrawn) bride's coach, (horsedrawn) bridal coach |
Brautleute | (German pl.) engaged couple, bridal couple |
bräutlich | (German) bridal |
Brautlied | (German n.) bridal song, wedding song |
Brautlimousine | (German f.) bridal limousine, bride's limousine |
Brautmesse | (German f.) Nuptial Mass, a Catholic church wedding taking place as part of the Holy Mass [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Brautmode | (German f.) bridal fashion |
Brautmutter | (German f.) bride's mother |
Brautmystik | (German f.) bridal mysticism, nuptial mysticism |
Brautnacht (s.), Brautnächte (pl.) | (German f.) wedding night |
Brautpaar | (German n.) bride and (bride)groom, engaged couple, bridal pair, bridal couple |
Brautparty | (German f.) bridal shower, shower (bridal) |
Brautpreis | (German m.) bride price |
Brautschau halten | (German) to be looking for a wife |
Brautschleier (s./pl.) | (German m.) bridal veil, bride's veil |
Brautschleppe | (German f.) bride's train, bridal train, bridal trail, bride's trail |
Brautschmuck | (German m.) bride's jewels, wedding jewellery |
Brautschuh | (German m.) bridal shoe |
Brautstrauß | (German m.) bridal bouquet, bridal flowers |
Brautunterricht | (German m.) religious instruction before marriage |
Brautunterwäsche | (German f.) bridal lingerie |
Brautvater | (German m.) bride's father |
Braut und Bräutigam | (German) bride and bridegroom, bride and groom |
Brautwäsche | (German f.) bridal lingerie |
Brautzug | (German m.) bridal procession |
Brauwirtschaft | (German f.) brewing industry |
Brauzucker | (German m.) brewer's sugar |
brav | (German) good, well-behaved, prissy (dress, hairstyle), virtuous (child), honest, dutifully, honestly |
brava | see bravo |
Bravache | (French m.) braggart |
Bravata | (Italian f.) bragging |
Bravata | (Spanish f.) boast |
brave | (French) good, brave |
(Italian) see bravo |
bravement | (French) bravely |
braver | (French) to defy |
braver kleiner Junge | (German m.) dear little boy |
braver Patient | (German m.) good patient |
bravi | see bravo |
bravío | (Spanish) wild, coarse (person), uncouth |
bravissimo (m.), bravissima (f.), bravissimi (pl.) | (Italian) exceedingly good, exceedingly well |
Bravo | (French m.) cheer |
(German n.) cheers, bravos |
bravo | (Spanish) brave, wild (animal), rough (sea) |
bravo (m.), brava (f.), bravi (, brave ( | (Italian) good, brave, courageous, clever, skilful |
(English, Italian, German, Spanish) as an exclamation signifying "Well done!" |
Bravour | (German f.) bravura, bravery, boldness |
Bravourarie | (German f.) aria di bravura |
Bravoure | (French f.) bravura, bravery |
bravourös | (German) brilliant (masterful), brilliantly (masterfully) |
Bravourstück | (German m.) bravura performance, bravura piece (a brilliant, showy and technically demanding vocal or instrumental piece) |
(German n.) bravura, brilliant coup |
Bravur | (German f.) bravery |
Bravura | (Italian f.) skill, spirit, as in aria di bravura, an eighteenth-century aria requiring great technical skill |
(Spanish f.) ferocity, courage |
con bravura (Italian: boldly) |
Brawl | (English) branle |
Brawle | (English) branle |
Bray harp | or Schnarrharfe (German), an effect on certain early harps where adjustable pins can be set to lightly touch each string thus creating a loud buzzing tone |
Braz. | abbreviation of 'Brazilian', 'Brazil' |
Braza | (Spanish f.) fathom |
Brazada | (Spanish f.) waving of the arms, stroke (swimming), armful (quantity) |
Brazado | (Spanish m.) armful (quantity) |
Brazal | (Spanish m.) arm-band |
Brazalete | (Spanish m.) bracelet, arm-band |
Brazen | made of or like brass |
Brazilbikini | (German m.) brazil bikini |
Brazil-Bikini | (German m.) brazil bikini |
Brazilian funk | a popular form of music in Brazil that has its roots in Miami Bass style rap music |
Brazilian hip hop | in Brazil, 'hip hop' is often called "funk" (pronounced "FOONK"), with rap enthusiasts referred to as funkeiros |
Brazilian jazz | term for the style of jazz popular or associated with Brazil. The style is sometimes seen as a Brazilian outgrowth of cool jazz as many of the early populists of jazz in Brazil were associated with that sub-genre. It was noted for the bossa nova, which mixes samba and jazz, and a greater use of guitar then in North American jazz |
Brazilian music | |
Brazilian tango | see maxixe |
Brazilslip | (German m.) brazil brief, brazil briefs |
Brazil-Slip | (German m.) brazil briefs, brazil brief |
Brazing | the joining of two pieces of metal (often mild steel) by heating to red heat and using a high-melting-point solder such as copper, zinc, or brass. This is known as 'hard soldering'. A flux such as borax is necessary to aid the flow of the alloy |
Brazo | (Spanish m.) arm, foreleg (animal), branch |
Brazo derecho | (Spanish m.) right-hand man |
Brazo de tocadiscos | (Spanish m.) tone arm (on a record player) |
Br.C. | abbreviation of 'British Columbia' (in Canada) |
brch | abbreviation of 'branch' |
BRD | abbreviation of Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German: Federal Republic of Germany) |
brdcst | abbreviation of 'broadcast' |
Brea | (Spanish f.) tar, pitch |
Breach of confidence | breach of faith, betrayal of trust, abuso di confidenza (Italian m.), Vertrauensbruch (German m.), violation du secret professionnel (French f.), abuso de confianza (Spanish m.) |
Breach of contract | breaking or non-observation of a law, contract, etc., rottura (Italian f.), Vertragsbruch (German m.), rupture (French f.), incumplimiento (Spanish m.) |
Break | (English, German m./n.) the point where the quality of tenor, alto and soprano voices changes (a genuine bass has no break), between the lower range called voce di petto or chest voice and the upper, voce di testa or head voice, although in a properly trained voice, the break, also called 'crack', should be practically imperceptible |
in the clarinet, flute, recorder or other wind instrument, the place between the lower register of the instrument and the higher, for example, the break on the clarinet is between B flat and B natural on the third line of the treble clef |
an imperfectly formed note on the horn, trumpet or clarinet |
a break provides a solo instrumentalist, usually the leader of a jazz or Blue Grass group, to play for a number of bars (usually 2, 4 or 8) without the rest of the ensemble. The rest of the band is said to 'lay out' |
that point on an organ with a limited range where a scale, if descending, involves a return to a higher octave, or, if ascending, a return to a lower octave, in order to complete the sequence |
a momentary silence at the end of a musical phrase, its time being taken from the last note of the phrase (which must, therefore, be shortened) so that there is not time lost between that note and the next |
Break | (French m.) estate car |
Break ad lib | an improvised break |
Break a leg | said by actors before they go out on stage, meaning 'good luck!'. The equivalent phrase in German is Hals- und Beinbruch! [imformation extended by Michael Zapf] |
Breakaway | (English, German m.) or 'Break-a-Way', so-called because the couple would split or breakaway from each other still holding hand(s) and perform a solo impromptu of the same rhythm/beat of the music and come back together again, a 1920s black dance, danced to coloured or blues music, which, in the 1930s, was incorporated into the Lindy Hop, which replaced it as a social dance |
Breakbeat | (English, German m.) one of the most dominant forms of dance music. You can trace the movement back to the days when James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, and Isaac Hayes ruled, through the electro explosion led by Afrika Bambaataa and the Soul Sonic Force, up to the present day nu-breaks movement engineered by Adam Freeleand et al. The early '90s rave boom in Europe was built on it, the West Coast is obsessed with it, and drum and bass (to some extent) grew out of it. Breakbeat gained popularity in the U.K. through seminal tracks like "The Phantom" by Renegade Soundwave, "Papua New Guinea" by Future Sound Of London, and later "Bombscare" by 2 Bad Mice. In the late 90s the commercial success of bands like Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, The Crystal Method, and The Prodigy has both attracted the attention of the major labels and has made the music available to a much wider audience. Many believe that it is this genre that will break electronic music in the U.S. |
Breakbeat Hardcore | (German m.) breakbeat hardcore |
Breakbeat hardcore | popularly known as rave music, originally referred to as simply hardcore in the United Kingdom, with old school hardcore a common term in the twenty-first century, is a style of electronic music that primarily uses breakbeats for its rhythm lines |
Breakcore | (English, German m.) a loosely defined electronic music style that brings together elements of jungle, hardcore techno and IDM into a breakbeat-oriented sound that encourages speed, complexity, impact and maximum sonic density |
- Breakcore from which the extract above has been taken
Breakdance | (English, German m.) see 'breakdancing' |
Breakdancer (m.), Breakdancerin (German f.), Breakdancer (German pl.) | (English, German) a performer of breakdancing |
Breakdancing | originating from the hip-hop movement, it consists of jerky rhythmic patterns, smooth linear robot-like movements, syncopation and so called 'helicopter spins' with the dancer on the floor on his or her back |
Breakdown | in DJayed music, a breakdown is a section where only one part plays. All other parts may be gradually stripped away or suddenly cut out |
in Bluegrass music, a breakdown is a type of instrumental, such as a Hornpipe, a Jig, or an Irish Reel |
Break-even-Kurs | (German m.) break-even price |
Break-even-Point | (German m.) break-even point |
Break for colour | also known as a colour break, or colour separation, to separate mechanically or by software the parts to be printed in different colours |
Breaks | see 'breakbeat' |
Bream | a European fresh-water fish related to the carp; any of various salt-water fishes, as the sea bream |
brear | (Spanish) to ill-treat |
Breath control | the ability to direct the breathing mechanism to provide a well-regulated supply of air to the vocal cords or the mouthpiece of a wind instrument |
Breathing | a term applied to the performance of music on all instruments, including the voice, indicating all silences between sounds, as in the phrase 'let the music breath' |
the adequate provision of breath in order to perform on a wind-instrument or with the voice. Pier Francesco Tosti in his Opinioni de Canbtori Antichi e Moderni Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe (1723) wrote 'the maestro may [instruct the pupil so that he] learns to use the breath well, to provide .. always more than is needed, and to avoid demands with which the chest cannot cope. He should also enable [the pupil] to recognise in any composition the points at which to draw breath without becoming tired, for there are singers who, to the distress of their audience, struggle like asthmatics, and laboriously catch their breath from one moment to the next or reach the last notes expiring from breathlessness.' |
Breathing, circular | see 'circular breathing' |
Breathing mark | respiro (Italian), respiration (French), Atemzeichen (German), Trennungszeichen (German) |
 | or 'breath mark', where, by use of a mark like a large comma, an apostrophe or an inverted V, placed above the stave, the composer or editor suggests that the performer break the musical line (whether taking a breath or not) and/or take an actual breath, in either way contributing to the desired phrase shape |
Breath mark | see 'breathing mark' |
Breath support | in singing, efficient and appropriate use of the breath stream for phonation |
Brebis | (French f.) ewe |
Brebis galeuse | (French f.) black sheep |
Breccia | (Italian f.) breach |
(Italian f.) a composite mass of gravel and ice |
Brecha | (Spanish f.) gap, gash |
Brechanfall | (German m.) vomit |
Brechbohne | (German f.) French bean |
Brechbohnensalat | (German m.) French bean salad |
Brechdurchfall | (German m.) vomiting and diarrhoea |
Brèche | (French f.) gap, breach |
Brecheisen | (German n.) jemmy, crowbar |
Brechen einer Gewohnheit | (German n.) breaking of a habit |
brechen | (German) to crack, to burst, to breach, to break, to diffract, to fracture, to infract, to infringe, to rupture, to override, to vomit, to bear down, to crush |
brechend | (German) breaking, breaching, diffractive |
brechend voll | (German) packed |
Brecher (s./pl.) | (German m.) crusher, breaker, crushing machine |
Brechhammer | (German m.) pick hammer |
Brechkraft | (German f.) refractive power |
Brechmaschine (s.), Brechmaschinen (pl.) | (German f.) crusher, crushing machine |
Brechmittel (s./pl.) | (German n.) emetic (agent) |
Brechnungsvermögen | (German n.) refractivity, refrangibility |
Brechpunkt | (German m.) breaking point |
Brechreiz | (German m.) nausea |
Brechreiz erregend | (German) emetic |
brechreizhemmend | (German) antiemetic |
Brechschale | (German f.) kidney dish |
Brechstange (s.), Brechstangen (pl.) | (German f.) crowbar, lever, crow bar |
Brechtian acting | acting style in which actors intentionally try to alienate the audience as well as reminding them that they are watiching a play (i.e. anti-naturalistic). This approach is derived from the theories of the German dramatist Bertholt Brecht (1898-1956) |
Brechung (s.), Brechungen (pl.) | (German f.) refraction, breaking |
Brechungs- | (German) refractivity, refractive, diffractive (prefix) |
Brechungsindex | (German m.) refractive index, index of refraction |
Brechungslinse | (German f.) refractive lens |
Brechungsstreifen | (German pl.) refraction fringes |
Brechungsvermögen | (German n.) focussing power |
Brechungswinkel (s./pl.) | (German m.) angle of refraction |
Brechwerk | (German n.) crusher |
Brechwurzel | (German f.) ipecac (a medicinal drug used to evoke vomiting, especially in cases of drug overdose or poisoning) |
Brechzahl | (German f.) refractive index |
bredouille | (French) empty-handed |
bredouiller | (French) to mumble |
(French) to perform music in a slovenly, indistinct or confused manner |
Breeches | (English, German pl.) trousers reaching to the knees |
Breeches role | female-to-male cross-dressed parts (or "breeches" roles) became famously popular to the extent that nearly one quarter of all plays produced between 1660 and 1700 contained at least one breeches part. Closely fitting breeches offered audiences an unparalleled opportunity to view the female form in a culture where women's shapes from their waist to their feet otherwise remained hidden from view. As an added bonus, most of these roles derived much of their erotic appeal from the inevitable discovery or unmasking of their gender deception. (In Dryden's The Rival Ladies two cross-dressed women - each of whom thinks the other is a man - simultaneously reveal their breasts as they unbutton their jackets ready to fight each other.) |
the operatic concept of the breeches role assumes that the character is male, and the audience accepts him as such, even knowing that the actor is not. By contrast, a female opera character who dresses in male clothing to deceive other characters - that is, who plays a woman pretending to be a man (e.g. Gilda in Rigoletto) - is not considered a breeches role |
bref (m.), brève (f.) | (French) short, brief, in short |
bref coup de cymbales | (French) short blow on the cymbals, short stroke on the cymbals |
Brega | (Spanish f.) struggle |
bregar | (Spanish) to struggle, to work hard, to slog away |
bregenklöterig | (German - Northern Germany) nuts (colloquial), confused |
Bregenzer Festspiele | (German pl.) Bregenz Festival |
Bregenz Festival | an opera festival with two stages; a traditional opera house (the Festspielhaus), home to rare operas, and a stage under the open sky on the Seebühne (Lake Stage), where productions are given in the most spectacular fashion |
Breguet-Spiralfeder | (German f.) Breguet overcoil spring (invented in 1795, a balance spring whose terminal curve is raised and turned towards the centre so that the spring expands and contracts concentrically) |
Brei (s.), Breie (pl.) | (German m.) pulp, pap, porridge, mash, mush, purée |
breiig | (German) mushy, pappy, pulpy, pasty, paste-like |
breiige Masse | (German f.) pulp |
breiiger | (German) mushier |
Breiigkeit | (German f.) mushiness |
breiigste | (German) mushiest |
Brein | (German m.) millet |
Breischluck | (German m.) barium meal |
breit | (German, literally 'broad' or 'wide') largo (Italian), large (French), in a stately manner, broad (as in bowing or tempo), broadly, wide, stoned (on drugs), spaced out (on drugs) |
breit angelegt | (German) broad |
breit angelegt sein | (German) to be broad in scope |
breit aufgefasster Begriff | (German m.) concept of broad understanding |
Breitaxt | (German f.) broad axe, broad-axe, broadaxe |
Breitband | (German n.) broadband |
Breitbandanschluss | (German m.) broadband connection (Internet) |
Breitbandantibiotikum | (German n.) broad-spectrum antibiotic |
Breitbandfilter | (German m./n.) broadband filter |
breitbandig | (German) broadband |
Breitband-Internet | (German n.) broadband internet |
Breitbandnutzer | (German m.) broadband user |
Breitbandzugang | (German m.) broadband access |
breitbeinig | (German) with one's legs apart |
breitbeinig dastehen | (German) to stand with one's legs apart |
breitbeiniger Gang | (German m.) rolling gait |
breitbeinig stehen | (German) to stand with one's legs apart |
Breitbild | (German n.) wide screen, widescreen |
Breitbildfernseher | (German m.) widescreen television |
Breitbildformat | (German n.) widescreen format |
breitblättrig | (German) broad-leaved |
breitbrüstig | (German) barrel-chested |
breit darstellen | (German) to write up (for example, a review of a musical or theatrical performance) |
Breite (s.), Breiten (pl.) | (German f.) width, breadth, broadness, latitude, gauge, wideness |
breite Basis | (German f.) wide base |
breite Borte | (German f.) deep border |
Breite des Blattes | (German f.) width of page |
Breite einer Hand | (German f.) a hand's breadth |
Breite eines Fahrzeugs | (German f.) width of a vehicle |
breite Hüften | (German pl.) broad hips |
breite Klinge | (German f.) broad blade |
breite Krempe | (German f.) broad brim |
breite Masse | (German f.) the masses |
breiten | (German) spread, broaden |
Breiten- | (German) latitudinal (prefix) |
Breiteneinstellung | (German f.) tentering (stretching of fabric as it dries) |
Breitenforschung | (German f.) mass research |
Breitengrad (s.), Breitengrade (pl.) | (German) latitude, degree of latitude, line of latitude, parallel (as in 49th parallel) |
Breitenkreis | (German m.) parallel, circle of latitude |
Breitenkultur | (German f.) mainstream culture |
Breitensport | (German m.) mass sport, mass sports |
Breitensportler | (German pl.) weekend warriors |
breiten über | (German) spread over |
Breitenwirkung | (German f.) broad effect, wide appeal, broad impact |
breite Öffentlichkeit | (German f.) the public at large (i.e. the greater public) |
breitere Öffentlichkeit | (German f.) wider public |
breite Öffnung | (German f.) wide opening |
breiter | (German) broader, more spread, wider, more broadly |
breiter als hoch sein | (German) to be broader than one is tall |
breiter Dialekt | (German m.) broad dialect |
breiteres Tempo | (German n.) broadening the tempo (i.e. getting slower) |
breitere Streuung | (German f.) wider distribution |
breiter Fluss | (German m.) broad river |
breiter Konsens | (German m.) broad agreement |
breiter machen | (German) to widen, to broaden |
breiter Rand | (German m.) broad brim, broad margin, wide margin |
breiter Streifen | (German m.) swathe (broad strip), swath (broad strip) |
breiter werden | (German) to broaden |
breiter Widerstand | (German m.) broad resistance |
breites Blatt | (German n.) broad blade, broad leaf |
breite Schrift | (German f.) expanded type |
breite Schultern | (German pl.) broad back, broad shoulders, square shoulders |
breites Doppelbett | (German n.) king-size bed |
breites Hutband | (German n.) broad hatband |
breites Messer | (German n.) broad knife |
breite Spalte | (German f.) wide gap |
breites Publikum | (German n.) general public |
breites Sortiment | (German n.) wide range of goods |
breiteste | (German) broadest |
breite Stirn | (German f.) broad forehead |
breites Tor | (German n.) wide door |
breite Straße | (German f.) broad road, broad street, wide road, avenue |
breite Strasse | (German f. - Switzerland) avenue |
breite Streifen | (German m.) belt (geography) |
breite Streuung | (German f.) broad distribution |
breites Wirkspektrum | (German n.) broad spectrum efficacy (antibiotic) |
breites Wissen | (German n.) broad knowledge |
breitete aus | (German) spread |
breite Tür | (German f.) wide door |
Breitformat | (German n.) landscape format |
breit gebaut | (German) square-built |
breitgefächert | (German) widespread, diverse, widely varied |
breit gefächert | (German) diversified, wide-ranging, widespread |
breit gefächerte Interessen | (German pl.) catholic interests, wide-ranging interests |
breit gelagert | (German) widespread |
breitgestreut | (German) widely spread |
breit gestreut | (German) widespread |
breit gestrichen | (German) broadly bowed |
breit grinsen | (German) to grin broadly [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
Breithacke | (German f.) pickaxe, mattock |
breitkrempig | (German) wide-brimmed |
breitkronig | (German) broad-crested |
breit machen | (German) to broaden, to spread |
breitrandig | (German) broad-rimmed, wide-margined (book) |
breitrandiger Cowboyhut | (German m.) ten-gallon hat (US) (colloquial) |
breitrandiger Hut | (German m.) broad-brimmed hat |
Breitschrift | (German f.) wide font |
breitschulterig | (German) broad-shouldered |
breitschultrig | (German) square-shouldered, broad-shouldered |
breitschultrig sein | (German) to be a broad-shouldered individual |
Breitschwanz | (German m.) artifical sable fur |
Breitschwert | (German n.) broadsword |
Breitseite (s.), Breitseite (pl.) | (German f.) long side, broadside |
Breitspur | (German f.) broad gauge |
Breitspurbahn | (German f.) broad gauge railway |
breitspurig | (German) broad gauge |
breit und langsam | (German) largo (Italian), broad and slow |
breit veröffentlicht | (German) widely publicized |
Breitwagen der Schreibmaschine | (German m.) long carriage (on a typewriter) |
Breitwagenschreibmaschine | (German f.) long-carriage typewriter |
Breitwand | (German f.) wide screen (cinema film format) |
Breitwandbauweise | (German f.) wide wall design |
breit werden | (German) to broaden |
breitwürfiges Säen | (German n.) broadcast sowing |
breitwürfig säen | (German) to broadcast |
Breiumschlag | (German m.) cataplasm (poultice) |
breken van akkorden | (Dutch) broken chords |
Brekete | a two-headed round bass drum from Ghana with thin goatskin, which has a thin shell and thin head and is played with sticks |
Brekzie | (German f.) breccia (rock composed of sharp-angled fragments embedded in a fine-grained matrix) |
Brelka | a double-reed Russian instrument |
Bremer ... | (German) Bremen (prefix) |
Bremer (m.), Bremerin (f.) | (German) inhabitant or native of Bremen |
Bremer Stadtmusikanten | (German) Bremen Town Musicians |
bremisch | (German) Bremen |
Bremse (s.), Bremsen (pl.) | (German f.) horsefly, gadfly, botfly |
(German f.) brake, impediment (figurative), retardant |
Bremsen | (German n.) retarding, braking |
bremsen | (German) to retard, to apply the brake, to arrest (stop), to brake, to close brackets, to put on the brake, to put on the brakes, to slow down, to stop, to baffle, to set the brake, to limit, to restrict, to cushion, to rein in, to pull up, to check (stop), to curb, to inhibit, to act as a brake, to slow things down, to moderate (slow down), to cut down on things, to ease up. to restrain (figurative) |
bremsend | (German) braking, reducing the speed |
Bremsenplage | (German f.) plague of biting flies, plague of horseflies |
Bremsenquietschen | (German n.) squeal of brakes, brake squeal |
Bremsenstich | (German m.) horsefly bite |
Bremsflüssigkeit | (German f.) brake fluid |
Bremsgeräusch | (German n.) brake noise |
Bremshügel | (German m.) speed hump, sleeping policeman |
Bremsleuchte | (German f.) brake light, brakelight, (rear) stop lamp, (rear) brake lamp |
Bremslicht (s.), Bremslichter (pl.) | (German n.) brake-light, brake light, stop light, stoplight, (rear) brake lamp [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
Bremsrubbeln | (German n.) braking growl, brake judder |
Bremsschlussleuchte | (German f.) stop and tail lamp |
Bremsschwelle | (German f.) sleeping policeman (colloquial), speed bump |
Bremsspur | (German f.) skid marks, braking marks, skid mark |
Bremstrommeln | (German pl.) brake drums [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
bremste ab | (German) slowed |
Bremsung | (German f.) application of the brakes, brake action, retarding, slow-down, slowing-down, deceleration, moderation, braking |
Brenn- | (German) focal (prefix) |
Brennball | (German m.) burning ball |
brennbar | (German) burnable, combustive, flammable, combustible |
Brennbarkeit | (German f.) combustibility |
Brennbarkeitsprüfung | (German f.) flammability test |
Brennblase | (German f.) still (distillery) |
Brenndauer | (German f.) burning time (candle, rocket, fuse) |
Brennebene | (German f.) focal plane |
Brenneisen | (German n.) brand iron, branding iron, searing iron |
Brennelementwechsel | (German m.) refuelling |
Brennen | (German n.) cauterisation, sting, burning |
brennen | (German) to burn (a CD, etc.), to be on (light), to be alight (cigarette), to smart (sore), to sting, to be on fire, to blaze, to distil (alcohol), to cauterise, to bite, to catch (ignite), to roast (nuts, etc.), to fire (ceramics, etc.), to bake |
brennend | (German) burning, fervent (figurative), ardent, parching, smarting, stinging, firing, blazing, keenly (figurative), lighted (candle) |
brennende Hitze | (German f.) blistering heat |
brennende Kerze | (German f.) lighted candle |
brennender Busch | (German m.) burning bush |
brennender Ehrgeiz | (German m.) burning ambition |
brennender Schmerz | (German m.) sting, searing pain, burning pain |
brennende Sonne | (German f.) scorching sun |
brennende Sorge | (German f.) deep anxiety |
brennendes Problem | (German n.) urgent problem |
brennendes Verlangen | (German n.) ardent desire, ardent longing |
brennendes Zündholz | (German n.) lighted match |
brennend heißer Tag | (German m.) boiling hot day |
brennen wie Zunder | (German) to burn like tinder |
Brenner (s./pl.) | (German m.) burner, Brenner Pass |
Brennerei | (German f.) distillery, still |
Brennessel | (German f., older spelling) stinging nettle [entry clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Brennfleck | (German m.) focus, focal spot (optics) |
Brenngeschwindigkeit | (German f.) rate of combustion, burning rate |
Brennglas | (German n.) burning glass, burning lens |
Brennhaar (s.), Brennhaare (pl.) | (German n.) stinging hair (of stinging nettles, etc.) |
Brennhärten | (German n.) flame hardening |
brennhärten | (German) to flame-harden |
brennheiß | (German n. - Austria) sizzling hot |
Brennholz (s.), Brennhölzer (pl.) | (German n.) firewood, stovewood |
Brennnessel | (German f., new spelling) stinging nettle [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Brennnesselgewächse | (German pl.) nettle family (Urticaceae) |
Brennofen | (German m.) kiln, firing furnace [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
Brennofenbau | (German m.) kiln building |
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme | (German m.) updraught kiln |
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme | (German m.) cross-draught kiln |
Brennofen mit einer Kammer | (German m.) single-chambered kiln |
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme | (German m.) downdraught kiln |
Brennöl | (German n.) fuel oil |
Brennphasen | (German pl.) firing stages |
Brennpunkt (s.), Brennpunkte (pl.) | (German) focus (optics), focal point, fire point, combustion point |
Brennpunkt- | (German) focal (prefix) |
Brennpunkte der Ellipse | (German pl.) foci of the ellipse |
brennpunktlos | (German) astigmatic |
Brennschneiden | (German n.) gas cutting, thermal cutting, flame cutting, welding torch |
Brennspiegel | (German m.) concave mirror, burning mirror, convex mirror |
Brennspiritus | (German m.) denatured alcohol, methylated spirits |
Brennstempel | (German m.) branding iron |
Brennstoff | (German m.) fuel |
Brennstrahl | (German m.) focal ray |
Brennsuppe | (German f. - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) flour soup |
brennt | (German) burns, fires |
Brenntemperatur | (German f.) firing temperature |
brennt gut | (German) burns well |
Brennverhalten | (German n.) flammability |
Brennweite | (German f.) focal length, focal distance |
Brennweitenbereich | (German m.) focal length range |
Brennweiteneinstellung | (German f.) zoom control |
Brennwert | (German m.) calorific value, caloric value |
brenzlig | (German) hairy (colloquial: situation), risky (situation), dicey (colloquial), burnt (smell, taste) |
brenzliger Geruch | (German m.) smell of burning |
brenzlig riechen | (German) to smell of burning |
brenzlig schmecken | (German) to taste burnt |
Bresche | (German f.) breach (figurative), gap, opening crack |
Brésil | (French m.) Brazil |
Brésilien (m.), Brésilienne (f.) | (French) Brazilian |
brésilien (m.), brésilienne (f.) | (French) Brazilian |
Breslau | (German) Wroclaw (a city in southwestern Poland on the Oder) |
Brester Union (1595/96) | (German) Union of Brest |
Brest is a city in Lithuania, with some 50,000 inhabitants, famous in the history of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Russia for the union of the Ruthenians with Catholicism |
Bret. | abbreviation of 'Breton' |
Bretagne | (French f., German f.) Brittany |
Bretaña | (Spanish f.) Brittany |
Bretella | (Italian f.) shoulder-strap |
Bretelle | (Italian f. pl.) braces (for holding up trousers) |
Bretelle | (French f.) shoulder-strap, access road (motorway) |
Bretelles | (French f.) braces (for holding up trousers) |
Breton | a Celtic language spoken in the northwestern part of France |
Breton (m.), Bretonne (f.) | (French) the Celtic inhabitants of Brittany |
breton (m.), bretonne (f.) | (French) from Brittany |
Bretonen | (German pl.) Bretons |
Breton hat | a brimmed hat that rolls up all the way around, a popular shape since the end of the 19th century |
Bretonisch | (German n.) Breton |
bretonisch | (German) Breton |
Bretonistik | (German f.) Breton studies |
Breton lai | or Breton lay, also known as a narrative lay or simply a lay, is a form of medieval French and English romance literature. Lais are short (typically 600-1000 lines), rhymed tales of love and chivalry, often involving supernatural and fairy-world Celtic motifs |
Brett (s.), Bretter (pl.) | (German n.) board, shelf, plank, axe (colloquial: electric guitar) |
Brettbinder | (German m.) plank truss |
Brettchen | (German n.) slat, small board, (small) cutting board |
Brettchenklapper | (German f.) bones |
Brettchenweben | (German n.) tablet weaving, card weaving |
Brettel | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) cabaret |
Bretterboden | (German m.) wooden floor |
Bretterbude | (German f.) shack, shed |
Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten | (German) The stage is the world |
Bretterfußboden | (German m.) boarded floor |
Bretterhütte | (German f.) booth |
Brettermaß | (German n.) board measure |
Bretterschuppen | (German m.) shed |
Bretterverschalung | (German f.) boarding |
Bretterverschlag | (German m.) wooden shed |
Bretterwand | (German f.) boarding |
Bretterzaun (s.), Bretterzäune (p.) | (German m.) board fence, wooden fence, hoarding |
Brettgeige | (German f.) pocket fiddle, a kit-violin [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brettl | (German n. - Southern Austria) cabaret |
(German pl. - Southern Germany, Austria) skis |
Brettschichtholz | (German n.) composite lumber, (glued) laminated timber, glue-laminated timber, laminated wood |
Brettspiel (s.), Brettspiele (pl.) | (German n.) board game [entry corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Bretzeln | (German pl.) pretzels |
Breu |  | (Catalan f.) double whole note, breve |
Breuvage | (French m.) beverage |
Brev | (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) letter |
brev. | abbreviation of breveté (French: 'patent'), brevetto (Italian: 'patent') |
Breve | (Spanish, English, Italian) brève (French), Brevis (German - medieval note), Doppelganze (German - modern note) |
a mark in the shape of a bowl-like half circle that indicates a light stress or an unaccented syllable |
(from the Latin brevis, literally 'short') in mensural notation, an alternative name for the 'brevis', in thirteenth-century notation, a symbol for a note of the shortest duration |
 | (Latin, meaning 'short') Doppelganze (German - modern note), a double whole note equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
 | (Spanish) double whole note, breve, Doppelganze (German - modern note) |
(German n.) brief (papal letter) |
breve | (Italian, Spanish) brief, short |
Brève |  | (French) double whole note, breve, Doppelganze (German - modern note) |
see bref |
breve, alla | see alla breve |
Brevedad | (Spanish f.) shortness |
brevement | (French) abruptly |
brevemente | (Italian) shortly, briefly |
Breve rest |  | (Latin, meaning 'short') a double whole rest equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Brevet | (French m.) diploma, patent |
Brevet d'invention | (French m.) patent |
breveté | (French) patented |
breveter | (French) to patent |
brevettare | (Italian) to patent, to license |
Brevetto | (Italian m.) patent, licence, diploma, certificate, brevet |
Brevetto d'invenzione | (Italian m.) (letters) patent |
Breviario | (Italian m.) breviary |
Breviary | a book of daily services other than the mass, including daily prayers and readings used by priest and monks for Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline. Major feasts began with Vespers (first Vespers) of the previous day. The Roman breviary underwent considerable reform during the 16th century including that by Cardinal Quignonez (published in Rome in 1536 but abandoned in 1558), The Holy See (working with the authority of the Council of Trent - published in 1568), an edition instigated by Clement VIII (published in 1602) and a further revision which included a rewriting of the hymns taking place in 1632. The music book that corresponds with the breviary is called the 'antiphonal' or 'antiphonary' |
Brevier | (German n.) breviary, divine office, extracts, guide |
Brevier beten | (German) to say the divine office |
Breviloquenza | (Italian f.) concise eloquence |
brevi manu | (Italian) by hand (for example, on a letter delivered 'by hand') |
Breviora | (Italian pl.) the shorter works (of a writer) |
Brevis |  | (Latin, literally 'short') in thirteenth-century mensural notation, the brevis (or breve) indicated the short note value while the longa indicated a long note value |
 | (German f., Dutch, French) double whole note, breve |
Brevispause |  | (German f.) a breve rest, a double whole rest equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Brevità | (Italian f.) shortness, brevity |
Brevveksling | (Norwegian) correspondence |
Brezal | (Spanish m.) moor |
Breze | (German f. - Southern Germany) pretzel |
Brezel | (German f.) pretzel |
Brezen (s./pl.) | (German f. - Austria) pretzel |
Brezn | (German f. - Southern Germany) pretzel |
Brezo | (Spanish m.) heather |
Brezza | (Italian f.) breeze |
brezzeggiare | (Italian) to blow a breeze |
brg | abbreviation of 'bearing' |
briaco (s.), briachi (pl.) | (Italian) drunk |
Briacone | (Italian m.) drunkard |
Briard | (English, German m.) Berger de Brie (French m.), an old French breed of large strong usually black dogs having a long tail and long wavy and slightly stiff coat |
Bribes | (French f. pl.) scraps |
Bribón | (Spanish m.) rogue, rascal |
Bribonada | (Spanish f.) dirty trick |
Bribonería | (Spanish f.) dirty trick |
Bric-à-brac | (French m.) odds and ends, miscellaneous curios |
Bricco (s.), Bricchi (pl.) | (Italian m.) large jug, tankard |
Briccola | (Italian f.) catapult |
Bricconata | (Italian f.) dirty trick, low trick |
Briccone | (Italian m.) blackguard, rascal, rogue |
bricconeggiare | (Italian) to cheat, to swindle |
Bricconeria | (Italian f.) roguery |
bricht auf | (German) decamps |
bricht zusammen | (German) collapses |
Briciola | (Italian f.) crumb, grain (figurative) |
Briciolo | (Italian m.) fragment, tiny morsel, bit (fragment) |
Bricolage | (French m.) do-it-yourself job |
(French, from bricoler, equivalent to the English 'do-it-yourself', the core meaning in French being, however, "fiddle, tinker" and, by extension, "make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are to hand (regardless of their original purpose) |
a term used in several disciplines, among them the visual arts and literature, to refer to: the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things which happen to be available, or a work created by such a process |
- Bricolage from which the second and third entries have been taken
Bricole | (French f.) trifle, any oblique or indirect action |
bricoler | (French) do odd jobs, do do-it-yourself jobs, fix up |
Bricoleur (m.), Bricoleuse (f.) | (French) handyman, handywoman, someone who engages in bricolage |
Brida | (Spanish f.) bridle |
Bride | (French f.) bridle |
brider | (French) to bridle, to keep in check (figurative) |
Bridewell | although originally a specific place lying on the banks of the Fleet River in London, the name was soon applied more generally to a house of correction, a place for the short-term confinement and punishment of petty offenders and those who were regarded as anti-social misfits, such as vagrants, itinerants, vagabonds and loose women |
Bridge | (in a stringed instrument) puente (Spanish m.), ponticello (Italian m.), Steg (German m.), chevalet (French m.) |
the device, normally made of wood, that transfers energy from a vibrating string (on a stringed instrument or a 'string-bearing' keyboard instrument) to the belly, table or soundboard |
on a piano, made of hard maple and located on the front side of the soundboard, the bass and treble bridges transfer the vibrations of the strings to the soundboard, resulting in tone |
on a solid body electric guitar, the bridge is generally fixed and holds the saddle that makes contact with the strings |
on archtop guitars, the bridge is usually held in place only by the tension of the strings and can be easily moved - for this reason is is called a 'floating bridge' |
on arch top instruments, the bridge is fixed in place by the tension of the strings passing over it, while on arch top instruments, the bridge may be held in place by screws or glued. Other arch top instruments have moveable bridges which can be re-positioned according to the tuning requirements. On some guitars, the bridge may sit on top of a bridge base plate or bridgeplate |
fixed bridge | for example, violins, viols, lutes, guitars (although some guitar bridges can be adjusted by a thumbwheel built into the bridge) |
the term 'fixed bridge' is also applied to 'non-vibrato bridges' on guitars |
moveable bridges | for example, Indian tambura (or tanpura) and dilruba , Japanese koto, Chinese sè and guzheng, spiked rebab (where the fingers of the player's left hand acts as movable bridges) |
the B section of an AABA song form, also called 'release' or 'channel', which, in jazz, goes into a different often remote key. By extension, a bridge (in this case, also called transition) is any transitional passage connecting two sections of a composition |
(English, German n.) a card game |
Bridgemeisterschaft | (German f.) bridge tournament |
Bridge note | Brückenton (German). In Tonic Sol-fa, a modulation requires a change of key-note, tonic or doh (hence 'movable doh'). The note at the point of modulation is called a 'bridge note' and bears a double name, one according to the old key-note and a second according to the new key-note [entry extended by Michael Zapf] |
Bridge pickup | in electric guitars, this is the pickup that is placed closest to the bridge |
Bridge pins | on an early keyboard instrument, brass pins inserted in the bridge to position the string as it passes across it toward the hitchpin |
on a modern piano, steel pins inserted at critical points along both edges of the treble and bass bridges. They keep the strings in the exact position required, and provide for side-bearing as well |
on solid body guitars, bridge pins anchor the strings on to the bridge |
Bridgespieler | (German m.) bridge player |
Bridiernadel | (German f.) trussing needle |
Brie | (English, German m.) French cheese |
Brief (s.), Briefe (German pl.) | (German m., Dutch) letter, correspondence, epistle (as in the New Testament, etc.) |
an abridged memory aid for presenting arguments in a legal case, or a set of instructions concerning a specific task, operation, or project |
Briefablage | (German f.) letter tray |
Briefabschluss | (German m.) complementary close (words, such as 'Yours sincerely', that appear at the end of a letter and just before the writer's signature) |
Briefadresse | (German f.) postal address |
Briefaktion | (German f.) letter-writing campaign |
Briefaufgabestempel | (German m.) postmark |
Briefaufschrift | (German f.) address |
Brief aus vorformulierten Teilen | (German m.) boiler plate letter (a letter made up of boilerplate text, units of writing that can be reused over and over without change) |
Briefbeilage | (German f.) enclosure |
Briefbeschwerer | (German m.) paper weight, paperweight |
Briefbeutel | (German m.) mailbag |
Briefblock | (German m.) writing pad |
Briefbogen | (German m.) a sheet of notepaper |
Briefbogen | (German m.) letterhead, (sheet of) note paper, (sheet of) writing paper |
Briefbombe | (German f.) letter bomb |
Briefbomber | (German m.) letter bomber |
Briefchen | (German n.) sachet |
Briefchen Nadeln | (German n.) booklet of needles |
Briefchen Streichhölzer | (German n.) book of matches |
Briefchen Zündhölzer | (German n.) book of matches |
Brief des Jeremia | (German m.) Letter of Jeremiah |
Brief des Judas | (German m.) Epistle of Jude, Book of Jude |
Briefdienst | (German m.) letter service |
Briefe abholen | (German) to collect letters |
Briefe an den Herausgeber | (German pl.) letters to the editor |
Briefe austauschen | (German) to correspond, to correspond by letter |
Briefe austragen | (German) to deliver letters |
briefen | (German) to brief |
Briefe sortieren | (German) to sort letters |
Briefestapel | (German m.) pile of mail |
Briefe verfassen | (German) to draft letters |
Briefflut | (German f.) avalanche of letters |
Brieffreund (s.), Brieffreundin (f.), Brieffreunde (pl.) | (German) penfriend, pen pal, pen friend, penpal, correspondent [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
Brieffreundschaft | (German f.) correspondence with a pen friend |
Brief für dich | (German m.) letter for you |
Briefgeheimnis | (German n.) privacy of letters, secrecy of letters, inviolability of the mail |
Briefgestaltung | (German f.) phrasing of a letter |
Briefing | (English, German n.) the oral or written disclosure, before the event, of information or instructions concerning an operation, project, or visit |
Briefkampagne | (German f.) letter-writing campaign |
Briefkarte | (German f.) letter card |
Briefkasten (s.), Briefkästen (pl.) | (German m.) letter box, letter-box, mail box, mailbox, letterbox, postbox, pillar box |
Briefkastenadresse | (German f.) accommodation address |
Briefkastenfirma | (German f.) offshore company, phantom company |
Briefkastenschlüssel | (German m.) letterbox key |
Briefkontakt zu ... halten | (German) to keep up a correspondence with ... |
Briefkopf (s.), Briefköpfe (pl.) | (German m.) letterhead, head of a letter, (letter) heading, letter head, letter-head |
Briefkopierpresse | (German f.) letterpress |
Briefkurs | (German m.) asking price, offer price, price asked, price offered, sellers price |
Briefkursangabe | (German f.) (offer) quotation |
brieflich | (German) by letter, epistolary [corrected by Winfried Bauer] |
briefliche Bestätigung | (German f.) mail confirmation |
brieflicher Antrag | (German m.) postal application |
briefliches Interview | (German n.) postal interview |
brieflich verständigen | (German) to communicate by letter |
Briefmarke (s.), Briefmarken | (German f.) stamp, postage stamp |
Briefmarken sammeln | (German) to collect stamps |
Briefmarkenalbum | (German n.) stamp album |
Briefmarkenausstellung | (German f.) stamp exhibition |
Briefmarkenautomat | (German m.) stamp machine, stamp vending machine |
Briefmarkenblock | (German m.) miniature sheet, souvenir sheet |
Briefmarkenbuch | (German n.) book of stamps |
Briefmarkenfalz | (German m.) stamp hinge |
Briefmarkenhändler | (German m.) stamp dealer, stamp-dealer |
Briefmarkenheft | (German n.) stamp booklet, book of stamps |
Briefmarkenheftchen | (German n.) book of stamps |
Briefmarkenkunde | (German f.) philately |
Briefmarkensammeln | (German n.) collecting stamps, stamp collecting |
Briefmarkensammler (m.), Briefmarkensammlerin (f.) | (German) philatelist, stamp collector |
Briefmarkensammlung | (German f.) stamp collection, collection of stamps, stamp-collection |
Briefmarkenserie | (German f.) series of postage stamps |
Briefmarkentrennung | (German f.) postage stamp separation |
Brief mit einem Scheck | (German m.) letter containing a cheque, letter enclosing a cheque |
Briefmonopol | (German n.) letter monopoly |
Brieföffner | (German m.) letter opener, paper knife |
Brieföffnermaschine | (German f.) letter-opening machine |
Briefordner | (German m.) letter file, letter book (for copies) |
Briefpapier | (German m.) notepaper, stationery, letter paper, writing paper |
Briefpartner | (German m.) correspondent |
Briefporto | (German n.) postal rate (for letters), letter rate (postage) |
Briefpost | (German f.) letter post, snail mail (colloquial) |
Briefroman | (German m.) epistolary novel |
Briefsammlung | (German f.) collected letters |
Briefschreiber (m.), Briefschreiberin (f.) | (German) letter writer |
Briefständer | (German m.) paper holder |
Briefstil | (German m.) phrasing of a letter |
Brieftasche (s.), Brieftaschen (pl.) | (German f.) billfold, wallet, pocket book |
Brieftaube (s.), Brieftauben (pl.) | (German f.) carrier pigeon, homing pigeon, messenger pigeon, racing pigeon |
Brieftelegramm | (German n.) letter telegram |
Briefträger (m.), Briefträgerin (f.), Briefträger (pl.), Briefträgerinnen ( | (German) postman (m.), postwoman (f.), mail carrier, letter carrier |
Briefübungsbüchlein | (German n.) book of letter writing exercises (in which members of the nobility practised their style of letter writing) |
Briefumschlag (s.), Briefumschläge (pl.) | (German m.) envelope, mailer |
Briefverkehr | (German m.) correspondence |
Brief von ihm | (German m.) letter from him |
Briefwaage | (German f.) letter balance, letter scale, letter scales |
Briefwahl | (German f.) absentee voting, voting by mail, postal voting, postal vote |
Briefwähler | (German m.) absentee voter |
Briefwechsel | (German m.) correspondence, exchange of letters |
Briefwerbung | (German f.) direct mailing |
Briefzensur | (German f.) censorship of letters |
Briefzustellung | (German f.) mail delivery, letter delivery |
Briekäse | (German m.) Brie cheese |
Brie-Käse | (German m.) Brie cheese |
Briemesser | (German n.) Brie knife |
Bries | (German n.) sweetbread, thymus (gland) |
Brieschen | (German n.) sweetbread |
Brièveté | (French f.) brevity |
brièvement | (French) briefly |
Brig | a two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts |
Briga (s.), Brighe (pl.) | (Italian f.) care, trouble, quarrel, vexation, strife |
Brigada antidroga | (Spanish f.) drug squad |
Brigade | (French f.) brigade, team (figurative) |
Brigade (s.), Brigaden (pl.) | (German f.) brigade |
Brigade de police | (French f.) squad |
Brigadegeneral | (German m.) brigadier, brigadier general, brigadier-general (military rank) |
Brigadier | (English, German m. - Austria) a general officer ranking below a major general |
Brigadier de police | (French m.) police sergeant |
Brigadiere | (Italian m.) sergeant |
Brigand | (French m.) robber |
Brigandage | (French m.) robbery |
Brigant (s.), Briganten (pl.) | (German m.) brigand |
Brigante | (Italian m.) bandit, rogue |
brigare | (Italian) to scheme |
Brigata | (Italian f.) brigade, group |
Brigg | (German f.) brig |
Brigg Fair | both Percy Grainger and Frederick Delius set folksinger Joseph Taylor's rendition of the English folksong Brigg Fair. Brigg Fair is related to two other English folksongs, Maria Marten and Dives and Lazarus. Dives and Lazarus sometimes bears the title Come all you Faithful Christian Men, or in the Irish tradition, The Star in the Country. The Jolly Miller is a variant of the same melody. Grainger originally collected the folksong from Taylor in 1905 and made his setting, Brigg Fair, for tenor and mixed chorus in 1906. Delius's setting, in his Brigg Fair: An English Rhapsody, was inspired by Grainger's earlier setting and dates from 1907. Delius's setting borrows ideas from Grainger's but does not copy it stylistically |
Bright disco | an extension of typical disco music, but with a strong 1980s touch. It lasted a few years, roughly from 1977 to 1983, in the transition between the disco culture and the 80s fashion |
Brightness | luminosity, the quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light |
intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty |
in printing, the brilliance or reflectance of paper |
in music, a pitch whether specific or general that tends towards sharpness is described as being 'bright' |
in music, a tone that has a lot of high frequency overtones (particularly those above 1000 Hz) may be described as being 'bright' |
brightsche Krankheit | (German f.) Bright's disease |
Bright's disease | nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney |
Brigitte | (German f.) Bridget, Brigid |
Briglia | (Italian f.) rein |
briguer | (French) to seek, to seek after |
Brikett (s.), Briketts (pl.) | (German n.) briquette, briquet |
brill. | abbreviated form of brillante (Italian: brilliant) |
brillamment | (French) brilliantly |
Brillant | brilliant (Italian, Spanish), Glänzend (German), brilliant (French) |
(French m.) shine, diamond |
(German m.) (cut) diamond, brilliant |
brillant | (German) splendid, brilliant, shining, pyrotechnic (figurative), brilliantly |
brillant (m.), brillante (f.) | (French) brilliant, bright, sparkling, shiny, with verve and vivacity, with sparkle |
Brillante | (Italian m., Spanish m.) (cut) diamond |
brillante | (Italian, Spanish) brilliant, bright, sparkling, with verve and vivacity, with sparkle |
brillante ed energico | (Italian) brilliant and energetic |
brillanter Geist | (German m.) lucid mind |
brillanteste | (German) most brilliant |
Brillantez | (Spanish f.) brilliance |
Brillantfeuerwerk | (German n.) cascade, brilliant fireworks |
Brillantgelb | (German n.) brilliant yellow |
brillantgelb | (German) brilliant yellow |
Brillantine | (English, German f.) an oily, perfumed hairdressing, created at the turn of the 20th century, when French perfumer Edouard Pinaud (1810-1868) presented a product he called Brillantine (from the French brillant meaning 'brilliant') at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris |
(English, German f.) a glossy fabric made from cotton and worsted or cotton and mohair, often of alpaca or vicuña |
Brillantring | (German m.) brilliant ring |
brillant sein | (German) to be splendid |
Brillanz | (German f.) splendour, sparkle, brilliance, shine, pyrotechnics (figurative: used with singular verb) |
Brillanz {f} einer Rede | (German f.) sparkle of a speech |
brillar | (Spanish) to shine, to sparkle |
brillare | (Italian) to shine, to glitter (metal), to sparkle |
(Italian) in music, to play or sing in a brilliant style |
brillar por su ausencia | (Spanish) to be conspicuous by one's absence |
Brill Building | built 1930, the Brill Building is located at 1619 Broadway in New York City, just north of Times Square. By 1962 it contained 165 music businesses. A musician could find a publisher and printer, cut a demo, promote the record, and cut a deal with radio promoters, all within this one building. Its creative culture defined the influential "Brill Building Sound" and style of popular music songwriting and recording |
Brille | (German f.) eyeglasses, spectacles, pair of glasses, a pair of spectacles, glasses, specs (colloquial), goggles, toilet seat |
(German f.) or Brillenklappe, ring key (on a musical instrument), anello (Italian m.), anneau (French m.) |
the Brille mechanism is used on some models of bass recorder (in F) for the notes B and Bb (both octaves) fingering. If you press the key and fully cover the litle hole in the key you get the Bb (both holes underneath are closed), if you leave the little hole open but press the ring only (upper hole is closed), it is a B natural. The key just controls 2 holes, that is the mechanism behind it. By using this special key, the fingering for the B is easier than the standard, which is 0 123 -567 [from a note sent to the recorder-onelist by Winfried Bauer (23 Aug 2006), the entry has been further corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brillen- | (German) spectacled (prefix) |
Brillenadapter | (German m.) eyeglass adapter |
Brillenband | (German n.) spectacle cord |
Brillenbass (s.), Brillenbässe (pl.) | (German m., literally 'spectacle bass') where pairs of minims (half notes) are beamed together, indicating that the each pattern of note so represented is to be repeated a set number of times, a notation which in certain circumstances calls for a tremelo [entry clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Brillenetui | (German n.) spectacle case, spectacles case, eyeglasses case, (eye) glasses case, specs case |
Brillenfassung | (German f.) spectacle frame |
Brillengestell | (German n.) spectacles frame, (eye) glasses frame, spectacle frame |
Brillenglas | (German n.) spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens |
Brillenklappe | (German f.) ring key, mechanism is used on some models of bass recorder (in F) for the notes B and Bb (both octaves) fingering. If you press the key and fully cover the litle hole in the key you get the Bb (both holes underneath are closed), if you leave the little hole open but press the ring only (upper hole is closed), it is a B natural. The key just controls 2 holes, that is the mechanism behind it. By using this special key, the fingering for the B is easier than the standard, which is 0 123 -567 [entry by Winfried Bauer, corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brillenoptiker | (German m.) optometrist |
Brillenputztuch (s.), Brillenputztücher (pl.) | (German n.) spectacle cloth |
Brillenrahmen | (German m.) spectacle frame |
Brillensteckscheibe | (German f.) spectacle blind |
Brillenträger | (German m.) spectacle wearer, wearer of glasses |
briller | (French) to shine |
Brille mit dicken Gläsern | (German f.) thick-lensed glasses |
Brille mit goldenem Gestell | (German f.) gold-rimmed glasses |
brilliante Ausführung | (German f.) brilliancy of execution |
Brilliantone mando | see 'mandolin, mandoline' |
brillieren | (German) to shine forth, to shine |
brillo | (Spanish) shine, brilliance, sparkle |
(Italian) tipsy |
Brimade | (French f.) vexation |
Brimborium | (German n.) hoo-ha (colloquial), mumbo-jumbo (colloquial: meaningless ritual), unnecessary fuss |
brimer | (French) to bully, to harass |
Brin | (French m.) strand (of a rope), sprig |
Brina | (Italian f.) hoar-frost |
brincar | (Spanish) to jump up and down |
Brinco | (Spanish m.) jump |
brindando | (Italian) drinking a toast |
brindar | (Spanish) to offer |
brindare | (Italian) to toast |
brindare a ... | (Italian) to drink a toast to ... |
brindar por | (Spanish) to toast, to drink a toast to |
Brin d'herbe | (French m.) blade of grass |
Brindille | (French f.) twig |
Brindis | (Spanish m.) toast |
Brindisi | (Italian m., from the Italian, far brindisi, 'to drink one's health') a toast, a drinking song, as for example Libiamo, libiamo from the La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) |
Brine | in cooking, etc., a preserving solution of water, salt, saltpetre, herbs and spices used for meats |
Brinell hardness | named for Swedish engineer Johan August Brinell, the Brinell scale characterises the indentation hardness of materials through the scale of penetration of an indenter, loaded on a material test-piece. It is one of several definitions of hardness in materials science |
Brinell (hardness) number | abbreviated Bhn or HB, the numerical value assigned to the Brinell hardness of metals and alloys |
Brinellhärte | (German f.) Brinell hardness |
Brinellzahl | (German f.) Brinell (hardness) number |
bring | (English, German) take something or somebody with oneself somewhere |
bringen | (German) to bring, to get, to yield, to convey, to feature (story, picture), to take, to publish, to broadcast (radio), to show (film) |
bringend | (German) bringing |
bringen zu | (German) to cause to |
Bringservice | (German m.) delivery service |
bringt | (German) brings |
bringt zum Schweigen | (German) silences |
bringuebaler | (French) to wobble about |
Brio | (French m.) brilliance |
(Spanish m.) energy, determination |
(English, Italian m.) spirit, vigour, vivacity, animation |
(English, German m.) spirit, vigour, vivacity, animation |
Brioche | (English, German f., from French f.) a delicate, French sweet bread, traditionally served at breakfast |
(French f.) paunch (colloquial) |
Briolette | (French f.) pear-shaped diamond with triangular facts cut in all directions |
Briolka | (Russian) the name given to the jaleika in the Tver region of Russia |
brioso | (Italian) vivaciously, fiery, lively, vigorously |
(Spanish) spirited, elegant, with fire |
Brique | (French f.) brick |
briquer | (French) to polish |
Briquet | (French m.) cigarette-lighter |
Brisa | (Spanish f.) breeze |
Brisant | (French m.) reef |
brisant | (German) explosive (figurative), controversial, dicey (colloquial), volatile (situation, issue) |
brisante Lage | (German f.) volatile situation |
Brisanz | (German f.) explosive power |
Brisb. | abbreviation of 'Brisbane' |
Brise (s.), Brisen (German pl.) | (French f., German f.) breeze, breath of air, puff of wind |
brisé | (French) broken, as in 'arpeggiation' |
in violin playing, to play with short, detached bow strokes, called style brisé |
in dance, small beating step in which the movement is broken. Brisés are commenced on one or two feet and end on one or two feet. They are done dessus, dessous, en avant and en arrière. Fundamentally a brisé is an assemblé beaten and traveled. The working leg brushes from the fifth position to the second position so that the point of the foot is a few inches off the ground, and beats in front of or behind the other leg, which has come to meet it; then both feet return to the ground simultaneously in demi-plié in the fifth position |
- Brisé from which this information has been taken
Brise-bise | (French) a net curtain that obscures only the lower part of the window |
briser | (French) to break |
Brisesoleil | (German m.) brise-soleil |
Brise-soleil | (pseudo-French) a louvred screen designed to protect the walls and windows of buildings from tropical sunshine |
brisé, style | see 'style brisé' |
Briseur de grève | (French m.) strikebreaker |
Brisé volé | (French, literally 'flying brisé') in dance, at the end of this brisé the dancer finishes on one foot after the beat, the other leg crossed either front or back. The foundation of this step is a fouetté movement with a jeté battu. In the Russian and French Schools the raised leg finishes sur le cou-de-pied devant or derrière and the brisé volé is done like a jeté battu. In the Cecchetti method, the working foot passes through the first position to the fourth position, the calves are beaten together and on alighting the free leg is extended forward or back with a straight knee |
- Brisé volé from which this information has been taken
Brisk | vivente (Italian), vivo (Italian), lebhaft (German), vif (French), vive (French), enérgico (Spanish) |
Brist. | abbreviation of 'Bristol' |
Bristling | technique of brushing fabric, often leather, with stiff brushes for a worn look |
Bristol board | also referred to as Bristol paper, a heavyweight paper used for technical drawing, illustration, and other two-dimensional art forms. Common sizes include 22.5" × 28.5" (572 × 724 mm) and its bulk thickness is .006 inches (0.15 mm) or higher[1] and A4, A3, A2 and A1 |
Bristol paper | see 'Bristol board' |
Brit. | abbreviation of 'Britain', 'British', 'Briton' |
Británico | (Spanish m.) a Briton, a British person |
británico | (Spanish) British |
Britannia | a silver-white alloy of tin, antimony, copper, and sometimes other elements, similar to pewter and once widely used in domestic utensils |
britannico | (Italian) British |
Britannien | (German n.) Britannia |
Britannier | (German m.) Briton |
Britannique | (French m./f.) Briton |
britannique | (French) British |
britannisch | (German) Britannic |
britannische Sprachen | (German pl.) Brythonic languages, Brittonic languages, British languages |
Brite (m.), Britin (f.), Briten (pl.) | (German) Briton, Brit (colloquial), British man (m.), British woman (f.) [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brit funk | a music style that has its origins in the British music scene of the 1980s. It mixes elements from jazz and pop music with original funk music |
- Brit funk from which this extract has been taken
Briticism | an expression or word that developed in Britain after the American colonies separated politically from British rule |
britifizieren | (German) to briticise |
britisch | (German) British |
britisch-amerikanisch | (German) British-American |
britische Abkürzung | (German f.) British abbreviation |
Britische Armee | (German f.) British Army |
britische Besitzungen | (German pl.) British possessions |
britische Fremdenverkehrsbehörde | (German f.) British Tourist Authority |
britische Handelsflagge | (German f.) red ensign, red duster (colloquial) |
Britische Inseln | (German pl.) British Isles |
Britische Jungferninseln | (German pl.) British Virgin Islands |
britische Kolonie | (German f.) British colony |
britische Landmeile | (German f.) statute mile (1609 metres) |
britische Nationalität | (German f.) British nationality |
britische Normungsorganisation | (German f.) British Standards Institution |
britische Pfunde | (German pl.) pounds sterling |
britischer Abstammung | (German) of British descent |
britischer Bürger | (German m.) British subject |
britischer Dialekt | (German m.) British dialect |
britischer Filmschauspieler | (German m.) British film actor |
britischer Gewerkschaftler | (German m.) British trade unionist |
britischer Politiker | (German m.) British politician |
britischer Schauspieler | (German m.) British actor |
britischer Schilling | (German m.) bob (colloquial: shilling, pre-decimal coin) |
britischer Staatsangehöriger (m.), britische Staatsangehörige (f.) | (German) British subject |
britischer Staatsangehöriger von Geburt (m.), britische Staatsangehörige von Geburt (f.) | (German) natural-born British subject |
britischer Staatsangehöriger sein | (German) to be a British subject |
britischer Staatsbürger (m.), britische Staatsbürgerin (f.) | (German) British citizen |
britischer Staatsmann | (German m.) British statesman |
britisches Englisch | (German n.) British English |
britisches Gebiet | (German n.) British territory |
britisches Herrschaftsgebiet | (German n.) British dominion |
Britisches Museum | (German n.) British Museum |
Britische Sommerzeit | (German f.) British Summer Time |
britisches Pfund | (German n.) British pound |
britische Spracheigentümlichkeit | (German f.) Briticism |
britische Staatsbibliothek | (German f.) British Library, British national library |
britische Staatsbürgerschaft erwerben | (German) to acquire British citizenship |
britische Staatskirche | (German f.) Church of England |
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean | (German n.) British Indian Ocean Territory |
Britisches Weltreich | (German n.) British Empire |
britische Tonne | (German f.) long ton (1016.05 kg) |
Britische Überseegebiete | (German pl.) British overseas territories |
britische Waren | (German pl.) British goods |
britische Waren kaufen | (German) to buy British goods |
britische Wesensart | (German f.) Britishness |
britische Zeit | (German f.) British Mean Time |
Britisch-Guayana | (German n.) British Guiana (now Guyana) |
Britisch-Kolumbien | (German n.) British Columbia |
Britisch-Nordamerika | (German n.) British North America |
Britisch-Somaliland | (German n.) British Somaliland (now part of Somalia) |
British blues | a type of blues music that originated in the late 1950s |
British chromatic accordion | the favoured diatonic accordion in Scotland, on which the right hand is bisonoric while the left hand follows the Stradella system |
British English | the English language in the British isles, especially in contrast with Canadian, Australian, or U.S. English |
British folk (music) | over the past century, British folk has variously been adopted as an important tool in battling the menace of imperial Germany, a means of inciting a communist revolution, a mellifluous accompaniment to the LSD experience, cosy light entertainment, a brand of pop music, a reaction against pop music, a talisman to ward off Thatcherism, the preferred soundtrack of British fascists and a basis for stand-up comedy |
British folk-rock | a hybrid form derived from North-American style folk-rock with the deliberate incorporation of elements of traditional British folk music and later folk musicians themselves incorporating electrical amplification, and later overt rock elements, into their own music |
British hip hop | |
British Invasion | a term applied to the influx of rock and roll performers from the United Kingdom who became popular in the United States, Australia, Canada and elsewhere. The classic British Invasion was in 1964-1966, but the term may also be applied to later "waves" of UK artists to significantly impact entertainment markets outside of Britain |
British Music Society | the British Music Society was founded in 1979 by enthusiasts who believed an organisation was needed to stem the indifferent attitude generally displayed towards the music of many British composers. Some composers, such as Henry Purcell, Vaughan Williams, Edward Elgar and Benjamin Britten do not need much support, whilst others such as Arthur Sullivan, Frederick Delius, Frank Bridge and Peter Warlock have their own organisations to promote their music. But there are many other composers who have written good music which deserves to be promoted and heard |
British languages | see 'Brythonic languages' |
British rock | born out of the influence of rock and roll and rhythm and blues from the United States, but added a new drive and urgency, the music was exported back and widening the audience for black R & B in the U.S. as well as spreading the gospel world wide. Much of what has made rock music unique, in its ability to unite audiences and adapt new influences, came from British bands in the late 50s and rock groups in the early 60s |
Britizismus | (German m.) Briticism |
Brit.Mus. | abbreviation of 'British Museum' |
Briton | an inhabitant of Britain, especially a Celtic one |
Brit.Pat. | abbreviation of 'British Patent' |
Britpop | (English, German m.) a British alternative rock movement from the mid 1990s, characterised by the prominence of bands influenced by British guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s. Though these bands did not on the whole have a single unifying sound they were grouped together by the media first as a 'scene' and later as a national cultural movement |
- Britpop from which this extract has been taken
Britt. | abbreviation of Britanniarum (Latin: Great Britain) |
Brittany-Spaniel | (German m.) brittany (spaniel) |
Brittany spaniel | tall active short-tailed French breed of bird dog having a usually smooth orange- or liver-and-white coat |
Britton, Thomas (1654?-1714) | Britton's concerts, which began as early as 1678, must be ranked as among the earliest professional concert in London. Their high standard was guaranteed by the many professionals, as well as amateur musicians, who formed his ensemble. The influential journalist, Sir Roger L'Estrange, was among the founder members of the ensemble, described by a contemporary as being "a very musical Gentleman, [...] who had a tollerable Perfection of the Base-Viol". Others included John Banister, "who played the first violin at Drury-lane theatre, and was esteemed one of the best performers in his time"; John Hughes and the music-enthusiast Henry Needler "of the Excise-office", who had been "instructed in the principles of harmony" by Purcell and afterwards become a pupil of John Banister; the portraitist J. Woolaston, too, belonged to the consort, being a "sound performer" on the violin and the flute; the organist and composer Philip Hart; the organist Obadiah Shuttleworth, "a teacher of music, and a transcriber of Corelli's works", who is said to have learned to play the violin primarily in order to be admitted as a member of Britton's consort; John Christopher Pepusch, professor of music and composer, "presided at the harpsichord, 'a Rucker's virginal, thought to be the best in Europe'"; the famous violin-virtuoso Matthew Dubourg made his début as a child with Britton, "the first solo that ever he played in public, and which probably was one of Corelli's, he played at Britton's concert, standing upon a joint-stool; but so terribly was the poor child awed at the sight of so splendid an assembly, that he was near falling to the ground"; the most celebrated player was Georg Friedrich Händel, who "played the organ (which had only five stops)"; Thomas Britton himself, not only a committed organizer and manager, but also an able musician, who had a good command of the recorder and who "frequently played the viol da gamba in his own concert".
Brittonic languages | see 'Brythonic languages' |
Brivido | (Italian m.) shiver, shudder, thrill (of emotion) |
brizzolato | (Italian) going grey (a person), grizzled |
Brjansk | (German n.) Bryansk (a city in Russia, located 379 km southwest from Moscow |
brn | abbreviation of 'brown' |
brng | abbreviation of 'bearing' |
Brnivka | (Slovenia) a wooden strip on a string that is spun over the player's head to produce a whirring sound |
Bro. | abbreviation of 'Brother', 'Brotherhood' |
Broadcast | (English, German m.) to transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use |
Broadcast-Adresse | (German f.) broadcast address, an address broadcast by radio or television |
Broadening out | allargande (Italian), breiteres Tempo (German), en élargissant (French) |
Broadly | largamente (Italian), breit (German), largement (French) |
Broadsheet | in printing, any sheet in its basic size (not folded or cut) |
or broadside, a large sheet of single sided printed paper often contained breaking news or official pronouncement with an illustration added to create greater notice and provide emphasis. Broadsides have long been used to disseminate public information and were often used where newspapers did not exist or were too slow to print news of immediate concern. Today a broadside often refers to a large sheet of advertising |
Broadside (ballads) | printed sheets bearing the words and sometimes the music to a ballad sold by balladmongers as 'broadside ballads'. 80% of English folk songs collected by early twentieth-century collectors have been linked to printed broadsides, including over 90 of which could only be derived from those printed before 1700. It has been suggested the majority of surviving ballads can be traced to 1550-1600 by internal evidence |
Broadsheet ballads | also known as 'street ballads' or 'blackletter ballads', cheaply printed and often topical, humorous, even mildly subversive, were hawked in English streets from the eighteenth century. One sub-genre, the 'murder ballad', usually told from the point of view of the killer, typically recounted the details of the crime, followed by the escape and/or capture and/or execution of the murderer |
Broadway | (English, German m.) where theatrical productions, including musical productions, are staged in one of forty professional New York theatres |
Broadway Artists Colony [c.1885-late 1890s] | a Cotswold village 'discovered' by American illustrator and painter Francis Millet. Millet was joined by a host of English and American friends, namely the painters Edwin Abbey, Sargent, George Boughton, Alfred Parson (illustrator of Dickens' work), Edwin Blashfield, the English illustrator Fred Barnard and the writer Henry James and Edmund Gross who all moved into the village. Serious work was interspersed with tennis, tea, musical evenings, dances and more tennis. Abbot's Grange in the village became a sort of dilapidated rural arts centre. Edmund Gross wrote in 1866, "A mediaeval ruin, a small ecclesiastical edifice, which was very roughly repaired so as to make a kind of refuge for us, and there, in the morning, Henry James and I would write, while Abbey and Millet painted on the floor below, and Sargent and Parsons tilted their easels just outside. We were all within shouting distance, and not much serious work was done, for we were in towering spirits and everything was food for laughter" |
Broadway layout | a layout that sets only four bars on a line. A Broadway show is a work in progress and room must be left for last minute changes, corrections, additions, etc. If music were laid out in a normal, tight format, there would be no room for such changes, which must be physically pasted onto the parts. Although the computer would allow you to reprint the parts, that is usually not an option because they have been marked up by the players. This style also improves sight-readability, since the rule is not strictly four bars on line, but rather that phrases must start at the beginning of a line |
Broad transcription | see 'narrow transcription' |
Broc | (French m.) pitcher |
Broca-Aphasie | (German f.) expressive aphasia, motor aphasia, nonfluent aphasia, ataxic aphasia, Broca's aphasia |
Brocade | (from the Italian brocco, twisted thread) rich, jaquered weave fabric with a woven design of raised figures and floral motifs, pattern emphasized by contrast in weave or colours |
Brocado | (Spanish m.) brocade |
Brocante | (French f.) second-hand goods |
Brocanteur (m.), Brocanteuse (f.) | (French) second-hand goods dealer |
Broca's aphasia | aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired |
Broca's area | a portion of the inferior frontal lobe of the brain that is important for speech production, particularly syntax |
Brocatelle | (French f.) a heavy figured fabric with an embossed pattern, a kind of brocade |
Brocca | (Italian f.) jug |
Broccato | (Italian m.) brocade |
Broccoli | (English, German m.) Brassica oleracea, plant with dense clusters of tight green flower buds |
Broccolisalat | (German m.) broccoli salad |
Broccolo | (Italian m.) Brassica oleracea, plant with dense clusters of tight green flower buds, broccoli |
Broch | (from the Danish) or brogh, a prehistoric stone fort found in north-eastern Scotland, Orkney and Shetland |
Brocha | (Spanish f.) paintbrush, shaving brush |
Broche | (French f.) brooch, roasting spit (cookery) |
Broche | (Spanish f.) brooch, clasp, fastener |
broché | (French) (sheets of paper) stitched (said of a book that has no cover or only a paper one) |
Brochetta | (Spanish f.) skewer |
Brochette | (French f.) skewer |
Brochure | (English, Danish, Dutch, French f.) pamphlet, booklet (often containing descriptive information) |
a pamphlet or booklet, a very small book bound by staples or stitches, or unbound as a trifold (one sheet of paper folded in two places), used, for example, to promote concerts, music publishing businesses, instrument makers, etc. |
Bröckchen | (German n.) crouton [entry corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bröckelig | (German) friable, crumbly, papery (plaster, pastry) |
Bröckeligkeit | (German f.) friableness |
bröckeln | (German) to crumble |
bröckelte | (German) crumbled |
Brocken (s./pl.) | (German m.) gobbet, hunk, crumb, boulder, fragment, chunk, wodge (colloquial), lump, nugget (of information, knowledge) |
brocken | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to pick (fruit, berries) |
Brockengespenst | (German n.) Brocken spectre |
Brocken spectre | Brockengespenst (German n.) also called 'Brocken bow' or 'mountain spectre' is the apparently enormously magnified shadow of an observer, cast upon the upper surfaces of clouds opposite the sun. The phenomenon can appear on any misty mountainside or cloud bank, or even from an aeroplane, but the frequent fogs and low-altitude accessibility of the Brocken, a peak in the Harz Mountains in Germany, have created a local legend from which the phenomenon draws its name. The Brocken spectre was observed and described by Johann Silberschlag in 1780, and has since been recorded often in literature about the region |
brockenweise | (German) bit by bit |
Brockes Passion | the German poet Barthold Hinrich Brockes (1680-1747) published a libretto of Christ's passion in 1712. It is said that not long after its publication Mattheson offered to compete with others and compose passion oratorios based on Brockes's libretto. Indeed, Reihard Keiser (1674-1739) composed such an oratorio in 1712, Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) composed one in 1716, and Handel (1685-1759) composed one in 1716/1717. Later, other composers, including Gottfried Heinrich Stoelzel (1690-1749) and Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758), composed oratorios based on the same libretto |
Brock-Insel | (German f.) Brock Island |
Brock Island | (one of the Canadian arctic islands located in the Northwest Territories, Canada |
bröcklig | (German) friable, crumbly |
Bröckligkeit | (German f.) friability |
brodeln | (German) to bubble up, to bubble, to wallop, to seethe |
brodelnd | (German) seething, bubbling |
Brodem | (German m.) vapour |
broder | (French) to embroider, to embroider the truth (figurative) |
Broderie(s) | (French f.) neighbouring note(s), auxilary note(s) |
(French f.) the term can also refer generally to 'ornaments' or 'embellishments' |
(French f.) embroidery |
Broderie anglaise | (French f.) or, in English, 'Broderie Anglaise', popular stitching technique, known in Europe since the 16th century, whereby small holes are cut out of a white fabric (usually cambric) and the edges over stitched also in white, creating delicate patterns used most often in underwear and trimmings for dresses (in French, anglaise does not require a capital letter) |
Brodo | (Italian m.) broth, stock (cooking) |
Brodo ristretto | (Italian m.) consommé |
Brogh | see broch |
Brogliaccio | (Italian m.) notebook |
Broglio elettorale | (Italian m.) gerrymander |
Brogue | a marked accent, particularly that of the Irish |
in black or brown, a flat heeled, leather, laced-up shoe, patterned with a perforated design, popular as a male shoe shape |
Brokat | (German m.) brocade |
Brokel dantza | Basque combat dance |
Brokenbeat | an electronic music genre first appearing at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Appearing in the western parts of London, the genre is also referred to as West London |
- Brokenbeat from which this material has been drawn
Broken cadence | an interrupted cadence |
Broken chord | accordo arpeggiato (Italian m.), gebrochener Akkord (German m.), accord brisé (French m.), acorde harpejado (Spanish m.), acorde arpeggiado (Spanish m.) |
an arpeggiated chord where the notes are played, not simultaneously, but one after the other as in an Alberti bass or two notes may be immediately followed by another two |
Broken Consort | (German n.) broken consort |
Broken consort | an ensemble consisting of several different kinds of instruments, as opposed to a consort in which all the members were of a single family of instruments, for example, descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders |
Broken heart syndrome | a temporary heart condition brought on by stressful situations, such as the death of a loved one |
Broken octaves | where alternate notes are played an octave apart, a feature of some piano music |
Broken slur | in vocal music where there are two or more verses to the same musical line, a broken slur would show that if the lyrics call for a slur then the slur should be observed, but if not then the slur is omitted |
Broken style | or arpeggio style, where the notes of the chord are written or played one after another |
Broken time | the interposition of short sections (general only a bar or two) in a contrasting time signature; unusual time signatures that can be unsettling to a less experienced player, for example 7/8 or 13/16 |
Brokkoli | (German m.) broccoli (Brassica oleracea) |
Brokkolisalat | (German m.) broccoli salad |
Brom | (German n.) bromine |
Broma | (Spanish f.) joke |
bromas aparte | (Spanish) joking aside |
Brombeerbusch | (German m.) blackberry bush |
Brombeere (s.), Brombeeren (pl.) | (German f.) blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), bramble-berry, brambleberry |
Brombeeren pflücken gehen | (German) to go blackberrying |
Brombeerenkonfitüre | (German f.) blackberry jam |
Brombeerenpflücken | (German n.) blackberrying |
Brombeergestrüpp | (German n.) blackberry bush, bramble, brambles |
Brombeerlikör | (German m.) blackberry liqueur |
Brombeermarmelade | (German f.) blackberry jam |
Brombeersaft | (German m.) blackberry juice |
Brombeerstrauch (s.), Brombeersträucher (pl.) | (German m.) blackberry bush, bramble, bramble bush |
Bromborough Pool [1853-8] | founded by the Wilson brothers, a factory village created by the enlightened owners of Price's candle factory. They built cottages with large gardens and indoor toilets, along with a social club and playing fields. The Wilsons also set up a branch of the Belmont Mutual Improvement Society 'for their workers instruction and intellectual recreation' and to promote "intellectual, moral and social advancement" |
bromear | (Spanish) to joke |
Bromide | in printing, a photographic paper used in graphic reproduction, phototypesetting on which a photographic image is created |
more generally, a commonplace statement |
Bromista | (Spanish m./f.) joker |
bromista | (Spanish) fun-loving |
Bromopnea | also malodor, halitosis or fetor ex ore (Latin), bad breath |
Bromsilberdruck | (German m.) bromide (photographic paper) |
Bronca | (Spanish f.) row, telling-off |
Bronca de abrigo | (Spanish f.) almighty row, almighty telling-off |
Bronce | (Spanish m.) bronze |
bronceado | (Spanish) bronze, tanned (by the sun), sunburnt |
broncear | (Spanish) to tan |
broncearse | (Spanish) to get a suntan |
Bronches | (French f. pl.) bronchial tubes |
Bronchial- | (German) bronchial (prefix) |
Bronchialasthma | (German n.) bronchial asthma |
Bronchial asthma | a condition of the lungs which is characterized by periodic, reversible constriction (narrowing) of the bronchi |
Bronchialkatarrh | (German m.) bronchitis |
Bronchialstimme | (German f.) bronchophony, bronchiloquy |
Bronchial tea | an infusion designed to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis |
Bronchialtee | (German m.) bronchial tea |
Bronchienentzündung | (German f.) bronchitis |
Bronchite | (Italian f., French f.) bronchitis |
Bronchitis | (English, German f.) inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes, chest cold, cold on the chest |
Bronchitisanfall | (German m.) attack of bronchitis |
Bronchophonie | (German f.) bronchophony, bronchiloquy |
Bronchophony | also known as bronchiloquy, the abnormal transmission of sounds from the lungs or bronchii |
Bronchospirometrie | (German f.) bronchospirometry |
Bronchospirometry | the determination of various aspects of the functional capacity of a single lung or lung |
Bronci | (Latin pl.) the two main branches of the trachea or wind-pipe |
Broncio | (Italian m.) sulk |
Bronco | (Spanish m.) an unbroken or only partially broken horse |
bronco | (Spanish) rough |
Bronquitis | (Spanish f.) bronchitis |
Bronteion | (ancient Greece) instrument used in theatres to produce the noise of thunder |
brontolare | (Italian) to grumble, to rumble |
Brontolio | (Italian m.) grumbling, rumbling |
Brontolone (m.), Brontolona (f.) | (Italian) grumbler |
brontophob | (German) brontophobic |
Brontophobia | also known as astraphobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia, an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning |
Bronzage | (French m.) sun-tan |
Bronze | (English, French m., German f.) an alloy of copper (usually about 90 per cent) and tin, often also containing small amounts of other metals such as lead or zinc. Since antiquity it has been the metal most commonly used in cast sculpture because of its strength, durability, and the fact that it is easily workable - both hot and cold - by a variety of processes. It is easier to cast than copper because it has a lower melting-point, and its great tensile strength makes possible the protrusion of unsupported parts - an advantage over marble sculpture. The colour of bronze is affected by the proportion of tin or other metals present, varying from silverish to a rich, coppery red, and its surface beauty can be enhanced when it acquires a patina. A work cast in bronze is sometimes referred to as a bronze. It may also refer to the colour of bronze, a moderate yellowish to olive brown |
bronzé | (French) sun-tanned |
Bronze-Age music, Aegean | see 'Aegean Bronze-Age music' |
Bronzedraht | (German m.) bronze wire |
bronzefarben | (German) bronze (colour) |
Bronzegefäß | (German n.) bronze vessel |
Bronzegießer | (German m.) brass founder, brass-founder |
Bronzegießerei | (German f.) brass foundry |
Bronzeguß | (German m.) bronze casting |
Bronzeinschrift (s.), Bronzeinschriften (pl.) | (German f.) bronzeware script, bronze inscriptions (plural form) |
Bronzelager | (German n.) bronze bearing |
Bronzemedaille | (German f.) bronze medal |
Bronzemedaillengewinner (s.), Bronzemedaillengewinnerin (f.) | (German) bronze medallist |
Bronzemünzen | (German pl.) bronze coins |
bronzen | (German) bronze, aerose (of the nature of, or like, copper) |
bronzeplattiert | (German) bronze-plated |
Bronze Powder | (in gilding) particles of bronze used as a pigment and mixed with a medium to produce a gold-colored finish. These finishes tarnish due to the copper content of bronze powders. They reflect light differently than leaf, the finishes they produce are thereby grainy in comparison. There are binders that allow some degree of burnishing of very finely ground bronze powders, producing a far less grainy and more reflective finish than regular bronze powders would produce. Bronze powders are toxic, especially when air born |
Bronzesarg | (German m.) bronze coffin, bronze casket |
Bronzeskulptur | (German f.) bronze sculpture |
Bronzestatue | (German f.) bronze statue |
Bronzetafel | (German f.) bronze plaque |
Bronzeton | (German m.) bronze colour |
Bronzezeit | (German f.) Bronze Age |
Bronzezeitalter | (German n.) Bronze Age |
bronzezeitlich | (German) Bronze Age |
bronzieren | (German) to brass, to braze, to bronze |
Bronzing | a method used to create the 'Copper Window' effect on postcards without the use of metallic inks. After the image was printed on a card an adhesive pattern would be printed over it, then dusted with a very fine metallic powder while wet. A variety of powders could be used and sometimes this process was repeated to create multiple metallic effects. Bronzing was meant to convey the illusion of illuminated or glistening light. Sometimes this process was used to create pure graphic decoration. Reichner Brothers held the patent on this process. This method should not be confused with images that had metallic inks printed over them. Printing will produce a sharply defined edge while those cards with bronzing tend to have rounder and softer outlines |
Bronzo | (Italian m.) bronze |
Brooker and Clayton's Georgia Minstrels | the first successful African American blackface minstrel troupe. The company was formed in 1865 |
Broqueta | (Spanish f.) skewer |
Bros. | abbreviation of 'Brothers' |
Brosame (s.), Brosamen (pl.) | (German m.) (bread) crumb |
Brosche (s.), Broschen (pl.) | (German f.) brooch, broach, scarf pin |
broschieren | (German) to stitch (book) |
broschiert | (German) paper, paper-bound, bound (book), paperback |
broschierte Ausgabe eines Buches | (German f.) paper edition of a book |
Broschüre (s.), Broschüren (pl.) | (German f.) leaflet, booklet, brochure, folder, pamphlet, flyer, prospectus |
Broschyr | (Swedish) pamphlet |
Brösel (s./pl.) | (German m.) breadcrumb, crumb |
(German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) breadcrumb, crumb |
bröselig | (German) crumbly, friable |
Bröselpfad | (German m.) breadcrumb trail |
Brosjyre | (Norwegian) pamphlet |
Brosse | (French f., literally 'brush') wire or rhythm brush |
Brosse à dents | (French f.) toothbrush |
Brosse à habits | (French f.) clothes-brush |
brosser | (French) to brush, to paint (figurative) |
Brot (s.), Brote (pl.) | (German n.) bread, loaf |
brotar | (Spanish) to bud, to sprout, to break out (medicine), to gush forth, to well up (tears) |
brotartig | (German) bready |
brotartiger Geschmack | (German m.) bready flavour |
Brotaufstand | (German m.) bread riot |
Brotaufstrich (s.), Brotaufstriche (pl.) | (German m.) spread |
Brot aus der Dose | (German n.) canned bread |
Brotbackautomat | (German m.) automatic bread maker, bread maker, bread machine, breadmaker |
Brotbacken | (German n.) bread baking |
Brot backen | (German) to bake bread, to make bread |
Brotbäcker | (German m.) bread-baker |
Brotbackform | (German f.) bread tin, loaf tin |
Brotbaum | (German m.) bread tree |
Brotbelag | (German m.) spread |
Brotbeutel | (German m.) haversack, tommy-bag, breadbag, tuckerbag (Australian) (colloquial) |
Brotbrechen | (German n.) breaking of bread |
Brot brechen | (German) to break bread |
Brotbrett | (German n.) breadboard |
Brotbüchse | (German f.) bread-bin |
Brot buttern | (German) to butter bread |
Brötchen (s./pl.) | (German n.) bread roll, bun, roll, open sandwich (Austria) |
Brötchenbote | (German m.) baker's roundsman |
Brötchengeber | (German m.) employer |
Brotdose | (German f.) bread bin, lunch box (US) |
Brote | (Spanish m.) bud, shoot, outbreak (medicine), gushing (liquid), welling-up (tears) |
Brot einbröckeln | (German) to break bread into milk |
Broterwerb | (German m.) living, earning a living |
Brotfrucht | (German f.) bread-fruit, breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) |
Brotfruchtbaum | (German m.) bread-fruit tree, breadfruit tree (Artocarpus incisa) |
Brotgutschein | (German m.) bread coupon |
Brotherhood Church | established in 1891 in Southgate Road, London, by J. Bruce Wallace. In 1895 the Brotherhood Co-operative Tust was registered and opened a North London store, a 'Mutual Service Circle' was set up using barter notes as an alternative to money. However, legal difficulties were encountered over the issue of barter notes as wages. A coalmine was acquired at Swadlincote in Derbyshire and run as a co-operative |
established in 1921, a Christian anarchist land colony in Stapleton, Yorshire, set up by a group from Leeds. They live by the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, recognising no authority other than that of God, a stance that has brought them into repeated conflicts with the authorities, for erecting dwellings without permission (the group rebuilt the houses everytime time the council demolished them!), failing to register children's births, keeping their children out of state schools, refusing to fill in census forms & to pay the poll tax. They have close links with the Peace Pledge Union (PPU) & War Resisters International holding a 'Strawberry Teaparty' each summer to raise funds for them. During the 1960s they ran a film van for the PPU, showing back-projection peace films in town centres up and down the country. The colony consists of a series of small cottages dotted about a large smallholding. Over the years they have run a market garden, carried out knitting, sold honey and Christmas trees to support themselves as well as running their own small printing business publishing booklets, recipe books and calendars. Over the years the community has developed into a network of extended 'families' that extend beyond the geographic bounds of the colony |
Brothers-in-arms | individuals in medieval warfare who have sworn a military partnership with each other, agreeing to ransom each other from imprisonment if one of the two is captured by the enemy, swearing to abide by the rules established in their company, vowing loyalty to one another, and agreeing to share their plunder amongst themselves in a predetermined way |
Brotherrin | (German f.) employer (female) |
Brotherstellung | (German f.) breadmaking, bread making |
brotig | (German) bready |
Brot in Milch einweichen | (German) to soak bread in milk |
Brot in Milch eingeweicht | (German n.) brewis (a kind of broth thickened with bread or meal) |
Brotkanten | (German m.) crust (crusty end of bread) |
Brotkasten | (German m.) bread bin, bread box, bread tin, breadbox |
Brotkorb (s.), Brotkörbe (pl.) | (German m.) bread basket, breadbasket, bread-tray |
Brotkörbchen | (German n.) bread basket |
Brotkrume (s.), Brotkrumen (pl.) | (German f.) crumb, bread crumb, breadcrumb |
Brotkrümel (s./pl.) | (German m.) breadcrumb, bread crumb |
Brotkrumenpfad | (German m.) breadcrumb trail |
Brotkruste | (German f.) bread crust, outer crust (of bread) |
Brotkügelchen | (German n.) pellet of bread |
Brotladen | (German m.) bread shop, bread store |
Brotlaib (s.), Brotlaibe (pl.) | (German m.) loaf of bread, bloomer (particular type of loaf of white bread), split tin (particular type of loaf of white bread) |
brotlos | (German) breadless, out of bread, without bread, destitute, unprofitable (figurative) |
brotlose Künste | (German pl.) unprofitable arts |
Brotmangel | (German m.) bread shortage |
Brotmehl | (German n.) bread flour, breadmaking flour |
Brotmesser (s./pl.) | (German n.) bread knife |
Brot mit Butter bestreichen | (German) to butter bread |
Brot mit Kleie | (German n.) bran bread |
Brotpudding | (German m.) bread pudding, bread-pudding |
Brotration | (German f.) bread ration |
Brotrinde (s.), Brotrinden (pl.) | (German f.) bread crust |
Brotröster | (German m.) toaster |
Brotsägemesser | (German n.) serrated bread knife |
Brotschale | (German f.) bread bowl |
Brotscheibe | (German f.) slice (of bread) |
Brotschneidebrett | (German n.) bread board, breadboard |
Brotschneidemaschine | (German f.) bread cutter, bread slicer, breadcutter, bread slicing machine |
Brot schneiden | (German) to cut bread |
Brotschnitte (s.), Brotschnitten (pl.) | (German f.) slice of bread |
Brotschrift | (German f.) bread-and-butter type |
Brotsoße | (German f.) bread sauce |
Brotsuppe | (German f.) bread soup |
Brotteig | (German m.) bread dough |
Brotteller | (German m.) bread plate, bread-plate |
Brottopf | (German m.) bread crock |
Brot und Spiele | (German) bread and circuses |
Brotverdiener | (German m.) breadwinner, bread-winner |
Brotverdienst | (German m.) bread and butter |
Brotvermehrung | (German f.) multiplication of the loaves |
Brotwürfel | (German pl.) bread cubes |
Brotzeit | (German f. - Southern Germany) snack, light meal |
Brotzeitdose | (German f. - Southern Germany) lunchbox |
Brouche | (German f.) braies (loose drawers or breeches belted or tied with cord at the waist, the lower end tucked into the hose below the knee) |
Brouette | (French f.) wheelbarrow |
Brouhaha | (French m.) hubbub, fuss and bother, uproar |
Brouillard | (French m.) fog |
Brouille | (French f.) quarrel |
brouillé | (French) scrambled (cookery), quarrelled |
brouiller | (French) to mix up, to blur (vision), to scramble (eggs), to jam (radio), to set at odds |
Brouillon | (French m.) (rough) draft (of a letter or document) |
brouillon (m.), brouillonne (f.) | (French) untidy |
Broussailles | (French f. pl.) undergrowth |
brouter | (French) to graze |
Broutille | (French f.) trifle |
Brown | after Maurice J. E. Brown the cataloguer of music by Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849) |
Brown noise | also called red noise or Brownian noise, a brown noise signal when graphically represented mimics a Brownian pattern. Its spectral density is proportional to 1/f2, meaning it has more energy at lower frequencies, even more so than pink noise. It decreases in power by 6 dB per octave and, when heard, has a "damped" or "soft" quality compared to white and pink noise. Brown noise can be produced by integrating white noise. That is, whereas (digital) white noise can be produced by randomly choosing each sample independently, brown noise can be produced by adding a random offset to each sample to obtain the next one |
- Red noise from which this extract has been taken
browsen | (German) to browse |
Browser | (English, German m.) a software program that allows users to view content on the Internet and World Wide Web |
browserbasiert | (German) browser-based |
broyer | (French) to crush, to grind |
brt | abbreviation of 'bright' |
BRTN | abbreviation of Belgische Radio en Televisie Nederlands |
Bru | (French f.) daughter-in-law |
brucare | (Italian) to graze |
Bruce Road, Children 's House | opened in East London as an outreach of Kingsley Hall Settlement and opened in 1923 by H. G. Wells. Its foundation stones represent: vision, nature, rhythm and music, beauty, health, education, motherhood, internationalism and fellowship. The Children's House is still run today as a Nursery School |
Bruch (s.), Brüche (pl.) | (German m.) break, breaking, burst, fracture (medical), rupture, hernia, fraction (mathematics), breach (figurative), breakup (relationship), breakage, leakage, split, broken number (fraction), discontinuity, disruption (also figurative), rejects, broken pieces, twist-off, fold, breaking-off (figurative), breakaway (figurative), curd, violation, nconsistency, flaw, marshy ground, infringement, parting, crack, scrap, cleavage, rubble, quarry, inconsistency (of style), mire, wreckage, crash, break-in, fault, failure, debris, break (between chest voice and head voice) |
bruchanfällig | (German) fragile |
Bruchband | (German n.) truss |
Bruchbude | (German f.) ramshackle hut, jerry-built house, hovel |
Bruch der beruflichen Schweigepflicht | (German m.) breach of professional secrecy |
Bruch der Freundschaft | (German m.) breach between friends |
Bruch der Neutralität | (German m.) breach of neutrality |
Bruch des Eheversprechens | (German m.) breach of promise |
Bruch des Eises | (German m.) break-up of the ice |
Bruch des Gelöbnisses | (German m.) breach of covenant |
Bruch des Versprechens | (German m.) breach of promise |
Bruche | (German f.) braies (loose drawers or breeches belted or tied with cord at the waist, the lower end tucked into the hose below the knee) |
Brüche auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner bringen | (German) to reduce fractions to a common denominator, to convert fractions to a common denominator |
Bruch eines Eids | (German m.) breach of an oath, breach of oath |
Bruch eines Versprechens | (German m.) breach of promise |
Brüche gleichnamig machen | (German) to reduce fractions to a common denominator, to convert fractions to a common denominator |
Bruchfestigkeit | (German f.) breaking strength, ultimate strength |
bruchfrei | (German) free from breakage |
Bruchgefahr | (German f.) risk of breakage |
bruchgefährdet | (German) fragile |
Bruchgestein | (German n.) rubble |
Bruchglas | (German n.) cullet (broken glass, the excess glass from previous glass manufacture or edge trims off the cutting of glass to size) |
brüchig | (German) fragile, brittle, brash (of wood), flawed (floor, wall), crumbly, unsound, bitty |
brüchig machen | (German) to embrittle, to make brittle |
brüchige Nägel | (German pl.) brittle nails |
Brüchigkeit | (German f.) brittleness, fragility, unsoundness |
Brüchigkeit der Knochen | (German f.) brittleness of the bones |
Bruch im Schutzdamm | (German m.) crevasse |
bruchlanden | (German) to crash-land |
Bruchlandung (s.), Bruchlandungen (pl.) | (German f.) crash landing |
Bruch machen | (German) to crash-land, to crash |
Bruch mit der Vergangenheit | (German m.) break with the past |
Bruchrechnen | (German n.) fractions |
Bruchrechnung (s.), Bruchrechnungen (pl.) | (German f.) fraction |
Bruchschaden | (German m.) breakages, breakage |
bruchsicher | (German) shock-resistant, burstproof, shatterproof, unbreakable, shockproof |
Bruchstärke | (German f.) breaking strength |
Bruchstein | (German m.) rubble, quarrystone, ashlar (square hewn stone) |
Bruchsteinmauer | (German f.) dry-stone wall, drystone wall |
Bruchstelle (s.), Bruchstellen (pl.) | (German f.) breakage, site of fracture, breakpoint |
Bruchstrich (s.), Bruchstriche (pl.) | (German m.) fraction line, fraction bar, horizontal line |
Bruchstück (s.), Bruchstücke (pl.) | (German n.) fragment, piece, splinter, scrap, sliver, smithereens (plural form), broken bits (plural form) |
bruchstückartig | (German) scrappy |
bruchstückartige Information | (German f.) scrappy information |
bruchstückhaft | (German) fragmentary, scrappy, fragmentarily, piecemeal |
bruchstückhafte Kenntnis | (German f.) smattering |
Bruchstückhaftigkeit | (German f.) fragmentariness |
Bruchteil (s.), Bruchteile (pl.) | (German m.) fraction, fractional amount, fractional part |
Bruchteil der Kosten | (German m.) fraction of the cost |
Bruchteilsvermögen | (German n.) joint ownership |
Bruch verhindern | (German) to prevent breakage |
Bruchzahl (s.), Bruchzahlen (pl.) | (German f.) fraction number, fractional number, fraction |
bruciacchiare | (Italian) to scorch |
bruciare | (Italian) to burn, to set fire to |
Bruciato | (Italian) burnt, burnt-out (figurative) |
Bruciatore | (Italian m.) burner |
Bruciatura | (Italian f.) burn |
Bruciore | (Italian m.) burning sensation |
Brücke (s.), Brücken (pl.) | (German f.) bridge, rug (valuable), jumper (in computer, etc.) |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner founded Die Brücke (The Bridge) in Dresden in 1905 with fellow expressionists, such as Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Erich Heckel, Max Pechstein, and Otto Müller. Following Van Gogh and the French Fauvists, especially Matisse, the German expressionists celebrated emotional spontaneity and "naturalness" by experimenting with wild brushstrokes and bold primary colors. The call of the "primitive" - African masks, American "negro music," tropical islands, and so on - was also part of the quest for authenticity. And here, too, they took the cue from Paris: Gauguin, Picasso, and, of course, Matisse |
Brücke mit Gebühr | (German f.) toll bridge |
brücken | (German) to bridge |
Brücken- | (German) pontine (prefix) |
Brücken schlagen zwischen | (German) to forge links between, to bridge the gap between |
Brückenbaluster | (German m.) newel post |
Brückengeländer | (German n.) parapet, bridge parapet, bridge railing |
Brückengeld | (German n.) bridge toll |
Brückenkopf (s.), Brückenköpfe (pl.) | (German m.) bridge head, bridgehead, toehold, beachhead, bridge-head |
Brückenkran | (German m.) overhead crane, gantry crane, pulley block |
Brückenpfeiler | (German m.) pier, bridge pier, bridge pillar |
Brückenschlag | (German m.) bridge building (also figurative) |
Brückensprengung | (German f.) bridge demolition (using explosives) |
Brückenton | (German m.) bridge note, bridge-note [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Brückenzoll | (German m.) bridge toll |
Brücke über einen Fluss | (German f.) bridge across a river |
Bruco | (Italian m.) caterpillar |
Brüden | (German m.) exhaust vapour |
Bruder (s.), Brüder (pl.) | (German m.) brother, sibling, Brother (title of a monk), frater (monk), brethren (plural form) |
Brüderchen | (German n.) kid brother (colloquial), little brother |
Brüder Grimm | (German pl.) Grimm Brothers, Brothers Grimm |
Bruderherz | (German n., dated) dear brother |
Bruderkuss | (German m.) brother's kiss, brotherly kiss |
Bruder Leichtfuß | (German m.) happy-go-lucky chap |
Brüderlein | (German n.) little brother, baby brother |
brüderlich | (German) brotherly, fraternal, fraternally |
brüderliche Gemeinschaft | (German f.) confraternity |
Brüderlichkeit | (German f.) brotherliness, confraternity, fraternalism, fraternity |
Bruderliebe | (German f.) brotherly love |
Bruder Lustig | (German m.) jolly fellow |
Brudermord | (German m.) fratricide |
Brudermörder | (German m.) fratricide |
brudermörderisch | (German) fratricidal |
Bruderschaft (s.), Bruderschaften (pl.) | (German f.) brotherhood, fraternity, brotherhood, fraternity, circle of brothers, congregation, confraternity, sodality |
Brüderschaft von Mönchen | (German f.) confraternity of monks |
Brüder vom Gemeinsamen Leben | (German pl.) Brethren of the Common Life |
Bruderzwist | (German m.) feud between brothers, fraternal strife |
Brufolo | (Italian m.) spot |
Brug | (Dutch) bridge |
Brügge | (German n.) Bruges (Belgian city) |
Brughiera | (Italian f.) heath |
Brühe (s.), Brühen (pl.) | (German f.) broth, stock (culinary), swill, wash, sludge, clear soup, dishwater (colloquial), muck (colloquial) |
Brühe abschöpfen | (German) to skim broth |
Brühe mit Einlage | (German f.) a clear soup with meat balls, dumplings etc. |
brühen | (German) to scald, to boil (dated) |
Brühe von Gemüse | (German f.) vegetable water (the water in which vegetables have been boiled) |
brühheiß | (German) scalding hot |
Brühlsche Terrasse | (German f.) Brühl's Terrace |
Brühl's Terrace | in Dresden, Germany, north of the recently rebuilt Neumarkt Square, is one of the favourite inner-city places of both locals and tourists for walking, people-watching, and having a coffee |
Brühwürfel | (German m.) stock cube, bouillon cube |
Brühwurst | (German f.) scalded sausage |
Brühwürstchen | (German n.) small pre-cooked sausage |
Bruikademhaling | (Dutch) abdominal breathing |
Bruine | (French f.) drizzle |
bruiner | (French) to drizzle |
bruire | (French) to rustle |
bruissement | (French) rustling |
Bruit | (French m.) noise, rumour (figurative) |
Bruitage | (French m.) sound effects |
Bruiteur | (French m.) sound effects engineer |
Bruitism | (from the French, bruitisme, itself from bruit, literally 'noise') music whose compositional elements include noise |
Bruitismus | (German m., from the French, bruitisme, itself from bruit, literally 'noise') bruitism |
Bruja | (Spanish f.) witch |
Brujería | (Spanish f.) witchcraft |
Brujo | (Spanish m.) wizard, magician |
Brújula | (Spanish f.) compass |
Brukdown | a creole mixture of European harmonies, African syncopated rhythms and call-and-response format and lyrical elements from the native peoples of Belize |
- Brukdown from which this extract has been taken
brûlant (m.), brûlante (f.) | (French) burning (hot), red-hot (topic), fiery (hot-blooded) |
Brûlé | (French m.) burning |
brûlé (m.), brûlée (f.) | (French, literally 'burnt') compromised, having lost one's reputation |
brûle-parfums (s. & pl.) | (French) small ornamental brazier for the burning of aromatic substances |
brûle-pourpointe | (French) point-blank |
brûle-pourpointe à | (French) point-blank |
brûler | (French) to burn, to use, to use up, to consume (figurative) |
Brûleur | (French m.) burner |
brulicare | (Italian) to swarm |
Brüllen | (German n.) bellow, bawl, shout loudly and without restraint |
brüllen | (German) to roar, to moo (cow), to bawl, to yell, to bellow, to scream, to holler, to howl, to low |
brüllend | (German) hollering, roaring (noisy), aroar, whooping, uproariously (laugh) |
brüllende Löwen | (German pl.) roaring lions |
brüllender Schrei | (German m.) yell, roar |
Brüller | (German m.) bawler |
brullo | (Italian) bare |
Brûlure | (French f.) burn |
Brûlures d'estomac | (French f.) heartburn |
Brum. | abbreviation of 'Brummagem' (colloquial name for Birmingham, U.K.) |
Bruma | (Italian f.) mist |
(Spanish f.) mist, confusion (figurative) |
Brume | (French f.) mist |
brumeux (m.), brumeuse (f.) | (French) misty, hazy (ideas) |
Brumm | (German m.) hum |
brumm | (German) vroom |
Brummbär | (German m.) growler, grumbler |
Brummbaß | (German m., old form) bourdon, rumbling bass |
Brummbass | (German m.) bourdon, rumbling bass |
Brummagem | (named for the old name for the English city of Birmingham) of or pertaining to things that are cheap, showy, tawdry, or counterfeit |
Brummeinkopplung | (German f.) hum pickup |
Brummeinstreuung | (German f.) hum pickup |
Brummeisen | (German n.) Jew's harp |
brummeln | (German) to mumble, to mutter, to mumble |
Brummen | (German n.) hum, background noise, buzzing, buzz |
brummen | (German) to drone, to grumble, to buzz, to boom, to hum, to mutter, to do time (slang: to be in prison) |
brummend | (German) humming |
Brummer | (German m.) bluebottle |
brummfrei | (German) hum-free |
Brummfrequenz | (German f.) hum frequency |
Brummi | (German m.) truck (US) |
brummig | (German) grumpy, grumpily, peevish, unkind |
brummiger | (German) grumpier |
brummigste | (German) grumpiest |
Brummkompensationsspule | (German f.) humbucking coil |
Brummkreisel | (German m.) humming top |
Brummpegel | (German m.) hum noise level |
Brummschädel | (German m.) headache |
Brummstimme (s.), Brummstimmen (pl.) | (German f.) squeaker (as in a teddybear), bocca chiusa (plural form), wordless humming (plural form) |
Brummton | (German m.) hum, humming noise |
Brummtopf | (German m.) also Rummelpott, friction drum, string drum |
brumoso | (Spanish) misty, foggy |
Brun | (French m.) brown |
Brun (m.), Brune (f.) | (French) dark-haired person |
brun (m.), brune (f.) | (French) brown, dark |
Brunch | (English, German m., French m.) a meal taken between, and often instead of, breakfast and lunch that combines aspects of both |
brunchen | (German) to have brunch |
Brunei | (English, German n.) a sultanate of northwest Borneo on the South China Sea |
Brunei Darussalam | (English, German n.) officially, the State of Brunei |
Bruneier (m.), Bruneierin (f.), Bruneier (pl.) | (German) Bruneian |
bruneiisch | (German) Bruneian |
brünett | (German) brunette, dark-haired |
Brunette | (French f.) a girl with dark hair, a girl with a dark complexion |
(French f., meaning 'little brown one') mostly songs (petits airs tendres) about shepherdesses with brown hair, popular in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, in character simple and gentle |
Brünette (s./pl.) | (German f.) a girl with dark hair, a girl with a dark complexion [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Brunft | (German f.) rut |
brunften | (German) to rut |
Brunftsaison | (German f.) rutting season |
Brunftschrei | (German m.) rutting call |
Brunftzeit | (German f.) rutting time, rutting season |
Brunhilde | (German f.) Brynhildr |
bruñido | (Spanish m.) polish |
Brünieren | (German n.) bronzing, browning, burnishing |
brünieren | (German) to brown |
brünierter Stahl | (German m.) burnished steel, blue steel |
Brünierung | (German f.) bluing, blueing |
Brünig-Napf-Reuss line | a geographical boundary in traditional Swiss culture (Kulturgrenze). Running from the Brünig Pass along the Napf region to the Reuss River (which joins the Aare at Brugg), it partly separates western (Bernese German) and eastern (Zurich German) varieties of High Alemannic, although some places east of the line belong to the western dialect group (Schwyz, Zug). The line runs across the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau |
Brünig-Napf-Reuss-Linie | (German f.) Brünig-Napf-Reuss line |
brunir | (French) to turn brown, to get a tan |
bruñir | (Spanish) to polish |
Brünn | (German n.) Brno (a city of southeast Czech Republic southeast of Prague, founded in the tenth century, and which became a free imperial city in 1243) |
Brünne | (German f.) coat of mail, shirt of mail |
Brunnen (s./pl.) | (German m.) well, fountain, spa-water (source) |
Brunnenbecken | (German n.) basin of a fountain |
Brunnenbohrung | (German f.) well drilling (for water) |
Brunneneinfassung | (German f.) wellhead |
Brunnenfiguren | (German pl.) fountain figures |
Brunnenhaus | (German n.) pump room |
Brunnenhaus | (German n.) well house |
Brunnenvergifter | (German m.) troublemaker (figurative) |
Brunnenvergiftung | (German f.) well poisoning |
Brunnenwasser | (German n.) well water |
bruno | (Italian) brown, dark (eyes, hair, etc.) |
Brunoise | (French) fruit or vegetables diced into small pieces |
Brunst | (German f.) heat, rut |
brunsten | (German) to rut |
brünstig | (German) in rut, rutting, on heat |
Brunstsaison | (German f.) rutting season |
Brunstzeit | (German f.) rutting time, pairing season, rutting season |
bruscamente | (Italian) brusquely, short and abruptly, forcefully accented, coarsely, bluntly |
brusco | (Italian) sharp, brusque, short and abrupt, forceful accent [entry provided by Wesselin Christoph Karaatanassov] |
(Spanish) sudden, brusque |
Bruselas | (Spanish f. pl.) Brussels |
Brushes | a drum stick with metal wires connected to a handle so that the bristles make a rounded fan shape at the beating end that produce a softer more diffuse effect than a standard wooden drum stick. The bristles can be made of metal or plastic; handles are commonly made of wood or aluminum, and are often coated with rubber. Brushes add texture and sound not possible with sticks. For instance, silky swish sounds on coated heads and the delicate "ting" sound on cymbals are only possible with thin wire or nylon brushes |
Brushing | (French m.) blow-dry |
brusio | (Italian) buzzing |
brüsk | (German) brusque, brusquely, curt, curtly, abrupt, abruptly |
brüskieren | (German) to snub |
Brüskierung | (German f.) snub |
brusque | (French) sudden, abrupt, roughness of manner |
the title of a movement from a Suite in d minor from Les pièces de clavessin ... livre second (Paris 1670) by the French harpsichordist and composer Jacques Champion de Chambonnières (c.1602-1672) |
Brusquedad | (Spanish f.) abruptness |
brusquely | bruscamiento (Spanish), bruscamente (Italian), barsch (German), schroff (German), brusquement (French) |
abruptly, in an offhand manner |
brusquement | (French) suddenly, adruptly, brusquely |
brusquer | (French) to rush (hurry) |
Brusquerie | (French f.) roughness or abruptness of behaviour, the behaviour itself |
Brüssel | (German n.) Brussels |
Brüsseler (m.), Brüsselerin (f.) | (German) inhabitant of Brussels, native of Brussels |
Brüsseler ... | (German) Brussels |
Brüsseler Spitze | (German f.) Brussels lace |
Brüsseler Sprossen | (German pl.) Brussels sprouts, Brussel sprouts |
Brust (s.), Brüste (pl.) | (German f.) breast, chest, bosom, bubby (colloquial) |
Brust- | (German) mammary, pectoral, thoracic |
Brustansatz | (German m.) cleavage (décolletage) |
Brustbein | (German n.) breastbone |
Brustbein (s.), Brustbeine (pl.) | (German n.) breastbone, sternum, breast bone |
Brustbeschwerde (s.), Brustbeschwerden (pl.) | (German f.) chest trouble |
Brustbeutel | (German m.) neck pouch (i.e. a purse worn round the neck) [clarified by Micheal Zapf] |
Brustbild | (German n.) half length portrait, portrait, bust, bust portrait |
Brustblatt | (German n.) breast plate (horse), breastplate (horse) |
Brustchirurgie | (German f.) breast surgery |
Brustdrüsenentzündung | (German f.) mastitis |
Brustentfernung | (German f.) mastectomy, breast removal |
Brustfell | (German n.) pleura (the lining around the lung) |
Brustfellentzündung | (German f.) pleurisy |
Brustgurt | (German m.) chest strap |
Brusthaar (s.), Brusthaare (f.) | (German n.) chest hair |
Brustharness | (German m.) chest harness |
Brustharnisch | (German m.) breast-plate, body armour, breastplate |
brusthoch | (German) breasthigh, chest-high, breast-high |
Brusthöhe | (German f.) breast height, chest height |
brusthohe | (German) breast-high, chest-high |
Brustimplantat (s.), Brustimplantate (pl.) | (German n.) breast implant, pectoral implant (for a man) |
Brustkasten | (German m.) chest |
Brustkorb (s.), Brustkörbe (pl.) | (German m.) thorax, chest, ribcage, rib cage, rib-cage |
Brustkorbinfektion | (German f.) chest infection |
Brustkrampf | (German m.) angina pectoris |
Brustkrebs | (German m.) breast cancer |
Brustkyphose | (German f.) thoracic kyphosis (postural 'round back') |
Brustlatz | (German m.) bib |
Brustmilch | (German f.) breast milk |
Brustmuskel | (German m.) pectoral muscle, chest muscle |
Brustmuskulatur | (German f.) pectoral muscles |
Brust-OP | (German f.) boob job (slang) |
Brustpanzer | (German m.) chest protector |
Brustplastik | (German f.) cosmetic breast surgery, mammoplasty |
Brustplatte | (German f.) breast plate, breastplate |
Brustporträt | (German n.) bust portrait |
Brustprotektor | (German m.) chest protector |
Brustregister | (German n.) 'chest register', 'chest voice', 'chest tone' or Brustton (German m.), an adjustment that produces heavy tones suitable for loud singing and the lower range of the voice, where the singer feels the voice coming from the chest as opposed to the head [supplmentary information provided by Michael Zapf] |
Brustschild | (German n.) breast-plate, breast shield |
Brustschmerzen | (German pl.) chest trouble, chest pain, chest pains |
Brustschutz | (German m.) chest protector |
Brustschwimmen | (German n.) breaststroke (swimming) |
brustschwimmen | (German) to do the breaststroke |
Brustschwimmer | (German m.) breast-stroke swimmer |
Brustspezialist | (German m.) chest specialist |
Bruststil | (German m.) breast-stroke, breaststroke |
Bruststimme | (German f.) chest voice |
Bruststraffung | (German f.) breast lifting, breast lift, mastopexy |
Bruststück | (German n.) brisket (of meat) |
Bruststück vom Rind | (German n.) brisket of beef |
Brusttasche (s.), Brusttaschen (pl.) | (German f.) breast pocket |
Brusttee | (German m.) pectoral tea (herbal tea) |
Brusttomosynthese | (German f.) breast tomosynthesis (medical breast-imaging technique) |
Brustton | (German m.) chest tone [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
see Brustregister |
Brusttrommeln | (German n.) chest thumping |
Brustumfang | (German m.) chest measurement, breadth of the chest, bust measurement |
Brüstung (s.), Brüstungen (pl.) | (German f.) balustrade, balusters, parapet, railing, breastwork |
Brustvergrößerung | (German f.) breast enlargement, boob job (slang), breast augmentation |
Brustverkleinerung | (German f.) breast reduction |
Brustwarze (s.), Brustwarzen (pl.) | (German f.) nipple, teat |
Brustwarzenhof | (German m.) areola (Areola mammae) |
Brustwarzenpiercing | (German n.) nipple piercing |
Brustwarzenring | (German m.) nipple ring |
Brustwarzenvorhof | (German m.) areola |
Brustwehr | (German f.) breast-work, parapet, rampart |
Brustweite | (German f.) bust measurement |
Brustwerk | (German n.) a section of shorter pipes built directly above the organist, below the Hauptwerk (German: Great Organ) |
Brut | (German f.) incubation (period), brood (of young), fry (young fish), spawn, brat, breed, covey |
brut | (French) rough (diamond), raw (silk), crude (oil), gross (business), unsweetened (wine) |
brutal | (German) brute, harsh, beastly, bestial, brutal, brutish, vicious, bare-knuckled, violent, boarish (figurative), sledgehammer (figurative), thuggish, savage, viciously, strong-arm, brutally |
brutal angegriffen | (German) brutally attacked |
brutal behandeln | (German) to brutalise |
brutal berechnend | (German) brutally calculating |
brutal diktatorisch | (German) brutally dictatorial |
brutale | (Italian) brutal |
brutale Aggressivität | (German f.) brutal aggression |
brutale Aufrichtigkeit | (German f.) brutal honesty |
brutale Bande | (German f.) brutal gang |
brutale Barbarei | (German f.) brutal savageness |
brutale Besetzung | (German f.) brutal occupation |
brutale Bilder | (German pl.) brutal images |
brutale Dummheit | (German f.) brutal stupidity |
brutale Führerschaft | (German f.) brutal leadership |
brutale Gefangenschaft | (German f.) brutal imprisonment |
brutale Handlungen | (German pl.) brutal acts |
brutal einschüchternd | (German) brutally intimidating |
brutale Kraft | (German f.) brutal force |
brutale Kriegsherren | (German pl.) brutal warlords |
brutale Mahnung | (German f.) brutal reminder |
brutale Maßregelung | (German f.) brutal crackdown |
brutale Massaker | (German pl.) brutal massacres |
brutale Mutter | (German f.) brutal mother |
brutale Niederlage | (German f.) brutal defeat |
brutale Offenheit | (German f.) brutal frankness |
brutale Opposition | (German f.) brutal opposition |
brutale Person | (German f.) brute |
brutaler | (German) beastlier, more brutal |
brutale Rache | (German f.) savage revenge |
brutaler Angriff | (German m.) brutal attack, brutal aggression |
brutaler Diktator | (German m.) brutal dictator |
brutaler Ehemann | (German m.) brutal husband |
brutaler Feldzug | (German m.) brutal campaign |
brutaler Kerl | (German m.) brute, beastly fellow |
brutaler Mensch | (German m.) brute, bully, ruffian, beast (man) |
brutaler Mord | (German m.) brutal murder |
brutal ermordet | (German) brutally murdered |
brutaler Rückschlag | (German m.) brutal cutback |
brutaler Scherz | (German m.) cynical joke |
brutaler Schlag | (German m.) brutal blow |
brutaler Überfall | (German m.) brutal assault, vicious attack |
brutaler Winter | (German m.) brutal winter |
brutales Gemetzel | (German n.) brutal slaughter |
brutales System | (German n.) brutal system |
brutale Strenge | (German f.) brutal strength |
brutales Vorgehen | (German n.) bestial act |
brutale Tötung | (German f.) brutal killing |
brutale Tyrannei | (German f.) brutal tyranny |
brutale Umstände | (German pl.) brutal circumstances |
brutale Ungerechtigkeit | (German f.) brutal injustice |
brutale Vergangenheit | (German f.) brutalized past |
brutale Vergewaltigung | (German f.) brutal rape |
brutal gemordet | (German) brutally murdered |
brutal getroffen | (German) brutally hit |
brutal hässlich | (German) brutally ugly |
Brutalidad | (Spanish f.) brutality, stupidity |
brutaliser | (French) treat roughly, treat roughly, manhandle |
brutalisieren | (German) to brutalise |
brutalisiert | (German) brutalised |
Brutalism | a short-lived architectural movement of the 1950s and 60s that set itself in opposition to the picturesque Scandinavian-influenced mainstream of the period, and instead advocated the brutally frank expression of the nature of modern materials, characterized by unadorned concrete and the blunt detailing of joints and openings |
Brutalismus | (German m.) brutalism |
Brutalità | (Italian f.) brutality |
Brutalität (s.), Brutalitäten (pl.) | (German f.) brutality, beastliness, bestiality |
Brutalité | (French f.) brutality |
brutal offen | (German) brutally frank |
brutal provozierend | (German) brutally provocative |
brutalste | (German) beastliest, most brutal |
brutal zusammengeschlagen | (German) brutally battered |
Brutanstalt | (German f.) hatchery |
Brutapparat | (German m.) incubator |
Brutbetrieb | (German m.) hatchery |
Brute | (English, French f.) someone who behaves roughly or violently |
Brutei (s.), Bruteier (pl.) | (German n.) rotten egg, hatching egg |
Brüten | (German n.) pondering |
brüten | (German) to breed, to brood, to hatch, to incubate, to sit (on eggs), to ponder (figurative) |
brütend | (German) incubating |
brütende Henne | (German f.) broody hen, brooding hen |
brütende Hitze | (German f.) oppressive heat |
brütender Vogel | (German m.) sitter (broody bird) |
brütend heiß | (German) scorching, broiling |
brüten über | (German) to chew over, to brood about, to brood on, to brood over, to ponder over (figurative) |
Brüter | (German m.) breeder, brooder |
Bruterfolg | (German m.) breeding success |
brütete | (German) bred |
Brutgebiet | (German n.) breeding habitat, breeding area |
Brutgefieder | (German n.) breeding plumage |
Brutgerät | (German n.) chicken brooder |
Bruthenne (s.), Bruthennen (pl.) | (German f.) hatcher, sitting hen, breeder hen, breeding chicken, brood hen |
brütig | (German) broody |
Brutkasten | (German m.) incubator, breeder |
Brutkolonie | (German f.) breeding colony |
Brutmaschine | (German f.) incubator |
Bruto | (Italian m.) brute |
bruto | (Italian) brute |
bruto | (Spanish) stupid, rough, uncouth, gross (business) |
Brutpaar | (German n.) breeding pair |
Brutperiode | (German f.) breeding period |
Brutpflege | (German f.) parental care |
Brutplatz (s.), Brutplätze (pl.) | (German m.) hatchery, breeding place, breeding ground, breeding-ground, breeding site |
Brutsaison | (German f.) breeding season |
Brutschrank | (German m.) incubator |
Brutstätte | (German f.) hotbed, breeding place, hatchery, seminary (figurative), breeding ground (figurative) |
Brutstätte der Sünde | (German f.) hotbed of sin |
Brutstätte von Ideen | (German f.) breeding ground for ideas |
Brutta copia | (Italian f.) rough copy |
Bruttezza | (Italian f.) ugliness |
Brutto | (German) gross (as in gross price) |
brutto | (Italian) ugly, bad (behaviour) |
(German) gross |
Brutto-Stichprobe | (German f.) initial sample (before nonresponse and exclusion of ineligibles) |
brutto tiro | (Italian) dirty trick |
Bruttotonne | (German f.) long ton (1016.05 kg), long ton, gross tonne (in metric tons) |
Bruttura | (Italian f.) ugly thing |
brutum fulmen (s.), bruta fulmina (pl.) | (Latin, literally 'a harmless thunderbolt') an empty threat (figurative) |
Brutverhalten | (German n.) breeding behaviour |
Brutzeit | (German f.) incubation period |
brutzeln | (German) to spit, to frizzle, to sizzle, to fry, to splutter |
brutzelnd | (German) sizzling, sputtering |
BruWV | Brunetti-Werke-Verzeichnis, reference to catalogue of works by Gaetano Brunetti (1744-1798) prepared by Olaf Krone |
Brux. | abbreviation of Bruxelles (French: Brussels) |
Bruxelles | (French m./f.) Brussels |
Bruxer | someone who habitually and involuntarily grinds their teeth |
Bruxism | grinding and gnashing the teeth |
Bruxismus | (German m.) bruxism |
bruyamment | (Italian, French) noisily |
bruyant | (Italian) noisy |
bruyant (m.), bruyante (f.) | (French) noisy, rackety |
Bruyère | (French f.) heather |
Bruyèreholz | (German n.) briar (wood) |
Bruzellose | (German f.) brucellosis |
bruzzeln | (German) to sizzle |
Brynhildr | also Brünhild, Brunhilda, Brünnhilde (in the Nibelungenlied), a shieldmaiden and a valkyrie in Norse mythology, where she appears as a main character in the Völsunga saga and some Eddic poems treating the same events. Brynhildr is probably inspired by the Visigothic princess Brunhilda of Austrasia (c.543-613), married with the Merovingian king Sigebert I in 567 |
Brythonic languages | or Brittanic, one of the two branches of the Insular Celtic language family, the other being Goidelic. The name Brythonic was derived by Welsh celticist Sir John Rhys from the Welsh word Brython, meaning an indigenous Briton as opposed to an Anglo-Saxon or Gael. The name Brythonic derives ultimately from the name Prettanic recorded by Greek authors for the British Isles. Some authors reserve the term Brittonic for the modified later Brythonic languages after about AD 600. These languages have been spoken in the British Isles since at least the Iron Age until today, originally as the majority languages but now as minority ones in Wales and Cornwall. In the Isle of Man, Scotland and (possibly) Ireland the Brythonic languages have been replaced by Goedelic ones. By emigration there are also communities of Brythonic language speakers in Brittany, and Patagonia |
brz. | abbreviation of 'bronze' |