Beil (s.), Beile (pl.) | (German n.) hatchet, axe |
beil. | abbreviation of beiliegend (German: enclosed - the English abbreviation encl.) |
Beiladung | (German f.) additional cargo, extra cargo |
Beilage (s.), Beilagen (pl.) | (German f.) supplement, appendix, pullout, addendum, insert (in a newspaper), enclosure, annexure |
other German words with a similar meaning to that above include Anhang and Beiheft |
(German f.) short for Beilagescheibe (German f.) shim (engineering) |
(German f.) garnish, side dish, fixings (plural form), trimmings (plural form) or accompaniments (plural form) - for example Fleisch mit Gemüse als Beilage (German: meat served with vegetables) |
(German f.) inclosure (enclosure of land) |
Beilage zu einer Zeitung (s.), Beilagen zu einer Zeitung (pl.) | (German f.) newpaper insert |
Beilagengerichte | (German pl.) side dishes |
Beilagenteller | (German m.) side plate |
Beilager | (German n., dated) nuptials |
Beilagescheibe | (German f.) shim |
Beilagezettel | (German m.) package insert |
Beilagscheibe | (German f.) flat washer, washer |
bei langsamem Trab | (German) at a slow trot |
bei langsamer Geschwindigkeit | (German) at a slow pace, at a slow rate, at a sluggish pace |
beiläufig | (German) casual, casually, parenthetically, incidental, in passing, en passant, desultorily, random, approximately, roughly |
beiläufige | (German) parenthetical |
beiläufige Bemerkung | (German f.) casual remark, passing remark |
beiläufiges Geschäft | (German n.) incidental business |
beiläufiges Wort | (German n.) passing word |
bei lebendigem Leib verbrennen | (German) to burn alive |
beilegbar | (German) attributable |
beilegen | (German) to attribute, to enclose, to attach, to accommodate, to compromise, to settle, to patch up (quarrel), to resolve (crisis, dispute, differences), to heave to, to compound (a problem) |
beilegend | (German) subjoining, attributive |
Beilegung (s.), Beilegungen (pl.) | (German f.) attribution, settlement |
Beilegung einer Streitigkeit | (German f.) settlement of a dispute |
Beilegung eines Streits | (German f.) reconciliation of a quarrel, settlement of a dispute |
Beilegung von Unstimmigkeiten | (German f.) settling of differences |
beileibe nicht | (German) by no means, certainly not, on no account whatever |
Beileid | (German n.) condolence, sympathy |
Beileid aussprechend | (German) condolatory |
Beileids- | (German) condolatory |
Beileidsanruf | (German m.) call of sympathy |
Beileidsbekundung | (German f.) expression of sympathy, letter of sympathy |
Beileidsbesuch | (German m.) visit of condolence |
Beileidsbezeigung | (German f.) expression of sympathy |
Beileidsbrief | (German m.) letter of condolence, letter of sympathy |
Beileidschreiben | (German n.) letter of sympathy |
Beileidskarte | (German f.) sympathy card, condolence card |
Beileidstelegramm | (German n.) telegram of sympathy |
bei Lieferung | (German) on delivery |
bei Lieferung zahlen | (German) to pay cash on delivery |
beilförmig | (German) hatchet-shaped, dolabriform (pick-shaped, attached along the middle) |
Beiliegen | (German n.) lying to |
beiliegen | (German) to be enclosed, to lie to, to lie with (dated) |
beiliegend | (German) accompanying, annexed, attached, enclosed |
beiliegende Dokumente | (German pl.) accompanying documents |
beiliegender Auftrag | (German m.) accompanying order |
beiliegender Prospekt | (German m.) accompanying prospectus |
beiliegendes Muster | (German n.) accompanying sample |
Beilkespiel | (German n.) shuffleboard |
Beilklinge | (German f.) axe blade |
Beilkopf | (German m.) axe head |
beim | (German) near the, on (the), at (the), by the |
bei Mahlzeiten | (German) at meals |
beim allerersten Besuch | (German) at the very first visit |
beim allmächtigen Gott schwören | (German) to swear by Almighty God |
beim alten Eisen landen | (German) to end up on the scrap heap |
beim Anblick von | (German) at the sight of |
beim Anfang | (German) at the onset |
beim augenblicklichen Stand der Dinge | (German) as things are now |
beim Auspacken | (German) on unpacking |
beim Auspacken der Ware | (German) when unpacking the goods |
beim Ausverkauf | (German) at the sales |
beim Baden ertrinken | (German) to be drowned while bathing |
beim Barbier | (German) at the barber's |
beim besten Willen nicht | (German) not with all the will in the world, not by any stretch of the imagination, by no stretch of the imagination, not with the best will in the world |
beim bloßen Anblick | (German) at the mere sight |
beim Buchhändler | (German) at the bookseller's |
beim Durchsehen | (German) perusing |
beim Einbrechen der Nacht | (German) at the coming of night (poetical) |
bei meinem Eid | (German) upon my oath |
bei meinem Seelenheil | (German) upon my soul |
bei meinem Wort | (German) upon my word |
bei meiner Abreise | (German) on my departure, when I left, when I leave |
bei meiner Ankunft | (German) on my arrival |
bei meiner Rückkehr | (German) on my return |
beim Einschalten | (German) during power-up (computer, etc.) |
beim Ende der Sitzung | (German) at the close of the meeting |
beimengen | (German) to admix, to work in |
beimengend | (German) admixing |
Beimengung (s.), Beimengungen (pl.) | (German f.) addition (of a substance), admixture, addition, impurities (plural form) |
beim Eröffnungsball | (German) at the inauguration ball |
beim ersten Anblick | (German) upon first sight |
beim ersten Anzeichen von | (German) at the first sign of |
beim ersten Auftreten | (German) at (the) first appearance |
beim ersten Hahnenschrei | (German) at cock's crow |
beim ersten Hahnenschrei aufstehen | (German) to rise at cockcrow |
beim ersten Mal | (German) the first time |
beim ersten Schritt | (German) at the first step |
beim ersten Schub | (German) at the first push |
beim ersten Tagesgrauen | (German) at the peep of the day |
beim ersten Tageslicht | (German) at the first light of dawn |
beim ersten Versuch | (German) at the first push, at the first attempt, at the first try |
beim ersten Wort | (German) at the first word |
beim ersten Wurf | (German) at the first throw |
beimessen | (German) to attach, to impute, to ascribe, to attribute |
beim Essen | (German) at dinner |
beimessend | (German) attaching importance to |
beim Essen sein | (German) to be at dinner, to be at table |
beim Frühstück | (German) at breakfast |
beim Gebet sein | (German) to be at prayer |
beim Gedanken an | (German) at the thought of |
beim Gehen einknicken | (German) to go over on one's ankle |
beim Gehen humpeln | (German) to walk with a limp |
beim Gehen pfeifen | (German) to whistle as one walks |
beim geringsten Anlass | (German) at the slightest provocation, on the slightest pretence |
beim geringsten Druck schmerzen | (German) to ache at the least pressure |
beim geringsten Geräusch | (German) at the slightest sound |
beim Gottesdienst | (German) at church, in church |
beim Gottesdienst sein | (German) to be at church |
beim Großhändler bestellen | (German) to order goods from a wholesaler |
beim Hahnenschrei | (German) at cock-crow, at cockcrow |
beim Heer dienen | (German) to serve in the army |
beim Info-Stand | (German) at the information desk |
bei mir | (German) at my place, in my case |
bei mir daheim | (German) at my home, at my house, at my place, in my home, in my house |
bei mir zuhause | (German) at my place |
beimischen | (German) to admix, to admix with, to mix into |
Beimischung (s.), Beimischungen (pl.) | (German f.) admixture, admixtion, spice |
Beimischung von Zugaben | (German f.) admixtures or additions |
Beimischvorgang | (German m.) mixing process |
beim Juwelier | (German) at the jeweller's |
beim Kartenspiel betrügen | (German) to cheat at cards |
beim Kartenspiel schwindeln | (German) to cheat at cards |
beim Kartenspielen betrügen | (German) to cheat at cards |
beim Kochen | (German) at the boil |
beim Kragen nehmen | (German) to collar |
beim Lebensende | (German) at the close of his life |
beim Lebensmittelhändler | (German) at the grocer's |
beim Lesen | (German) when reading, while reading [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
beim Lesen sein | (German) to be reading |
beim letzten Atemzug | (German) at one's last gasp |
beim Menschen | (German) in humans |
beim Metzger | (German) at the butcher's |
beim Militär | (German) in the services |
beim nochmaligen Hinsehen | (German) on second sight |
beim obersten Gericht zugelassener Anwalt | (German m.) barrister-at-law |
bei monatlicher Kündigung | (German) at a month's notice |
bei Morgengrauen | (German) at dawn |
beim Pfandleiher | (German) at the pawnbroker's |
beim Prüfen der Ware | (German) on examining the goods, on looking over the goods |
beim Publikum ankommen | (German) to be a crowd-pleaser (colloquial) |
beim Reiseberater | (German) at the travel agent's |
beim Schneider | (German) at the tailor's |
beim Schreiben entstehend | (German) scribal |
beim Spielen | (German) at play |
beim Spielen danebengreifen | (German) to play the wrong note |
beim Start | (German) at the start |
beim Tee | (German) at tea |
beim Theater | (German) at the theatre |
beim Thema bleiben | (German) to stick to the point |
beim Tod | (German) at death |
beim Unterricht | (German) at school, in class |
beim Versetzen mit | (German) on addition of, on mixing with |
beim Wickel fassen | (German) to collar |
beim Zählen durcheinander kommen | (German) to lose count |
beim Zoll | (German) at customs |
beim Zoll liegen | (German) to be in customs |
beim Zollamt | (German) at the customhouse |
beim zweiten Mal | (German) the second time |
Bein | (German n.) leg, bone |
Beinachse | (German f.) mechanical axis |
bei nächster Gelegenheit | (German) at the next opportunity |
bei Nacht | (German) by night |
bei Nacht und Nebel | (German) stealthily (like a thief in the night), in the dead of night |
bei Nacht und Nebel abhauen | (German) to do a moonlight flit (colloquial) |
beinahe | (German) almost, nearly, near, next to, much (nearly), all but (archaic) |
beinahe aufhören | (German) to virtually cease |
beinahe ausgeglichen | (German) near-balance |
Beinahe-Ausgeglichenheit | (German f.) near-balance |
Beinaheauslöschung | (German f.) near-extinction |
Beinahekatastrophe | (German f.) near catastrophe, near disaster |
beinahe nie | (German) hardly ever |
bei näherem Nachdenken | (German) on second thought |
bei näherer Prüfung | (German) on closer examination, upon closer examination |
bei näherer Überprüfung | (German) on closer examination |
beinahe überfahren werden | (German) to come near being run over |
Beinaheunfall | (German m.) near-accident, close call, near miss |
Beinahevorkommnis | (German n.) near incident |
Beinahe-Vorkommnis | (German n.) near incident |
Beinahezusammenstoß (s.), Beinahezusammenstöße (pl.) | (German m.) near-collision, near miss |
Beiname (s.), Beinamen (pl.) | (German m.) surname, sobriquet, byname, epithet |
Beinamputation | (German f.) leg amputation |
beinamputierte Frau | (German f.) leg-amputee (female) |
beinamputierter Mann | (German m.) leg-amputee |
Beinarbeit | (German f.) foot work, footwork |
bei Nässe oder Glätte | (German) when wet or icy |
Beinbewegung (s.), Beinbewegungen (pl.) | (German f.) leg movement |
Beinbruch (s.), Beinbrüche (pl.) | (German m.) fracture of the leg |
Beine | (German pl.) legs, pins (colloquial), jacket legs |
beinern | (German) bony, made of bone |
Beinfreiheit | (German f.) freedom of leg movement, legroom |
Beinhaare | (German pl.) leg hair |
beinhalten | (German) to contain, to imply, to comprise, to include, to implicate |
beinhaltend | (German) containing, comprising, including, consisting of |
beinhaltet | (German) contains, comprised |
Beinhaus | (German m.) ossuary |
Beinhaus | (German n.) charnel house |
bei Nichtgebrauch | (German) when not in use |
bei Nichtgefallen Geld zurück | (German) satisfaction or money back |
bei niederer Temperatur kochen | (German) to boil lightly |
bei niedrigem Wasserstand | (German) at a low ebb |
bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit | (German) at low speed |
bei niedriger Temperatur backen | (German) to bake in a slow oven |
bei niedrigster Ebbe | (German) at the lowest ebb |
bei Niedrigstwasser | (German) at the lowest ebb |
bei Niedrigwasser | (German) at low water |
beinig | (German) legged |
Beininnenlänge | (German f.) inside leg |
Beinkleid | (German n.) trousers |
Beinlänge | (German f.) leg length |
Beinlinge | (German pl.) chausses (mail protection for the legs, either in the form of mail hose or strips of mail laced round the front of the leg) |
Beinnahebankrott | (German m.) near-bankruptcy |
bei nochmaligem Überlegen | (German) reconsidering |
bei nochmaliger Überlegung | (German) on second thought |
bei nochmaliger Überprüfung | (German) on re-examination, upon re-examination |
Beinoperation | (German f.) operation on the leg |
Beinposition | (German f.) leg position |
Beinprothese | (German f.) artificial leg |
Beinschienen | (German pl.) greaves, platelegs |
Beinschuss | (German m.) shot in the leg |
Beinschützer | (German m.) leg guard |
Beinstütze | (German f.) legrest |
Beinwärmer | (German pl.) legwarmers |
bei obiger Adresse | (German) at the above address |
bei offenem Fenster | (German) with the window open |
beiordnen | (German) to co-ordinate |
beipacken | (German) to enclose |
Beipackzettel | (German m.) instruction leaflet, package leaflet, package insert, package slip, patient information leaflet, despatch note, dispatch note |
bei passender Gelegenheit | (German) at a suitable opportunity, at your leisure |
beipflichten | (German) to agree, to accede, to endorse, to assent, to consent, to subscribe, to concur |
beipflichtend | (German) acceding, agreeing |
Beipflichtender (m.), Beipflichtende (f.), Beipflichtende (pl.) | (German) assenter, person who assents |
Beiprodukt | (German n.) byproduct, by-product |
Beirat | (German m.) advisory council, counsellor, adviser, advisory board, advisory body, advisory committee, consultative committee, advisory panel |
bei regionalen Unterschieden | (German) with regional variations |
bei reiflichem Überlegen | (German) on second thought |
bei Richtigbefund | (German) if (found) correct |
Beiried | (German n. - Austria) sirloin |
bei Rotlicht | (German) at the red light |
beirren | (German) to mislead, to confuse, to divert from, to lead astray |
beirrend | (German) misleading |
beirrt | (German) misleads, misled |
beirrte | (German) misled |
beisammen | (German) together |
Beisammensein | (German n.) get-together, togetherness |
beisammen sein | (German) to be together, to be all there (colloquial), [corrected Michael Zapf] |
beisammen sitzen | (German) to sit together |
bei Sammlern beliebt | (German) popular among collectors |
Beisasse | (German m.) citizen without full civil rights |
Beisatz | (German m.) admixture |
Beißblock | (German m.) bite block (in intraoral radiography, a film holder that the patient bites to provide stable retention of the film packet) |
bei Schafen | (German) ovine (of, relating to, or characteristic of sheep; sheeplike) |
Beischlaf | (German m.) coitus, sexual intercourse |
beischlafen | (German) to sleep with, to have sexual intercourse |
bei schlechter Gesundheit | (German) in bad health, in low health |
bei schlechter Gesundheit sein | (German) to be in poor health |
bei schlechter Laune | (German) in a bad mood |
bei schlechter Laune sein | (German) to be in a bad temper |
bei schlechtestem Stand | (German) at its worst |
beischließen | (German - Austria) to enclose |
bei schnellen Schritten | (German) at a great pace |
bei schwacher Hitze kochen | (German) to cook in a gentle oven, to cook over a low fire, to cook over a low heat, to cook on a low heat, to cook slowly |
Beisein | (German n.) presence |
bei seinem ehrlichen Ruf | (German) by his reputation for honesty |
bei seinem Tod | (German) at his death, when he died |
bei seiner Geburt | (German) at his birth, when he was born |
bei seiner Haltung bleiben, dass... | (German) to stick to one's view that |
beiseite | (German) aside, apart |
beiseitelegen | (German) to lay aside, to shelve, to put aside, to put by, to set aside, to shunt, to cast aside |
beiseite legen | (German, old form) to put aside, to put by |
beiseite rücken | (German) to move over |
Beiseiteschaffen | (German n.) abstraction, secretion |
beiseiteschaffen | (German) to hide, to abstract, to shuffle aside |
Beiseiteschaffung | (German f.) abstraction |
beiseiteschieben | (German) to brush aside, to shove away, to shove by, to wave aside, to shunt, to push aside, to cast aside, to shove aside |
beiseite stellen | (German) to put aside |
beiseitestoßen | (German) to thrust aside |
beiseitetreten | (German) to stand aside, to step aside |
beiseitewerfen | (German) to cast aside |
beiseitewischen | (German) to sweep aside (figurative) |
Beisel | (German n. - Austria) pub (colloquial: public house) |
beisetzen | (German) to bury, to inter, to entomb, to lay to rest [corrected Michael Zapf] |
beisetzend | (German) burying |
Beisetzung (s.), Beisetzungen (pl.) | (German f.) burial, entombment, funeral, interment, laying to rest |
Beisetzungsfeierlichkeiten | (German pl.) obsequies (a funeral is a ceremony marking a person's death) |
Beisetzungsort | (German m.) burial site |
bei sich denken | (German) to think to oneself |
bei sich haben | (German) to have with one, to have on one's person |
bei sich überlegen | (German) to debate with oneself |
bei Sicht | (German) at sight, on demand, on sight |
bei Sichtkontakt | (German) on sight |
beisitzender Richter | (German m.) associate judge |
Beisitzer | (German m.) assessor, committee member (panel member) |
Beisl | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) pub (colloquial: public house) |
bei solch einer Zeit | (German) at such and such time |
bei Sonnenaufgang | (German) at sunrise, at the rising of the sun |
bei Sonnenuntergang | (German) at set of sun, at sundown, at sunset, at the setting of the sun |
Beispiel (s.), Beispiele (pl.) | (German n.) example, instance, paradigm, model, sample |
see z.B., zum Beilspiel |
Beispiel aus der Praxis | (German n.) example from real life |
Beispieleintrag | (German m.) sample entry |
Beispiel für das Gegenteil | (German n.) instance to the contrary |
beispielgebend | (German) exemplary |
beispielhaft | (German) exemplary, model, by way of example, paradigmatic, as an example, paradigmatically |
beispielhafter | (German) more exemplary |
beispielhafteste | (German) most exemplary |
beispielhalber | (German) by way of example |
beispiellos | (German) unprecedented, unprecedentedly, unparalleled, unparalleledly, unequalled, without example, matchless, unheard of, without parallel, peerless |
beispielloser | (German) more unprecedented |
beispielloseste | (German) most unprecedented |
Beispiellosigkeit (s.), Beispiellosigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) singularity |
Beispiel par excellence | (German n.) epitome |
Beispielsammlung | (German f.) collection of examples |
Beispielsatz | (German m.) example sentence, sample sentence |
Beispiel schlechten Geschmacks | (German n.) instance of bad taste |
Beispiel seiner Arbeit | (German n.) specimen of his work |
Beispiel seines Stils | (German n.) specimen of his style |
beispielshalber | (German) by way of example |
beispielsweise | (German) for instance, exempli gratia, for example |
Beispielzeichnung | (German f.) representative drawing |
Beispiel zur Nachahmung | (German n.) model for imitation, example for imitation |
beispringen | (German) to accommodate, to aid, to assist, to help somebody out, to stand by |
beispringender | (German) standing by |
Beißen | (German n.) bite |
beißen | (German) to bite, to sting (e.g. wasp, bee), to itch |
beißend | (German) biting (figurative), caustic (also figurative), nippy (colloquial) (wind), mordantly, acrid, acrimonious, cutting, pungent, sarcastic, stinging, astringent, vitriolic (criticism, remark), choking, salty (figurative) (humour), trenchant (figurative), bitter (figurative), mordant (sarcasm) |
beißende Bemerkung | (German f.) astringent remark, bitter remark, cutting remark, sarcastic remark |
beißende Ironie | (German f.) cutting irony, deadly irony |
beißende Kälte | (German f.) stinging cold, nipping air, biting cold |
beißende Kritik | (German f.) carping criticism, scorching criticism |
beißend kalt | (German) bitingly cold, nippy, nipping |
beißender | (German) nippier |
beißender Geruch | (German m.) penetrating smell, pungent smell, sharp smell |
beißender Humor | (German m.) wicked (sense of) humour |
beißender Sarkasmus | (German m.) pungent sarcasm |
beißender Spott | (German m.) sarcasm |
beißender Wind | (German m.) biting wind, nipping wind |
beißender Witz | (German m.) caustic wit |
Beißendes | (German n.) pungency |
Beißer | (German, modern spelling) in the eighteenth century, a mordent (ornament) |
Beisser | (German, older spelling) in the eighteenth century, a mordent (ornament) |
Beißkorb | (German m.) muzzle |
Beißring | (German m.) teething ring |
beißt zusammen | (German) clenches (teeth) |
Beißwerkzeuge | (German pl.) jaws |
Beißzange | (German f.) pliers, pincers, pair of nippers, cutting pliers |
Beistand (s.), Beistände (pl.) | (German m.) help, assistance, adviser, backup, standby, help, succour, amicus curiae |
Beistand benötigen | (German) to need support |
bei starker Hitze kochen | (German) to cook over high heat |
beistehen | (German) to assist, to bestead |
beistellen | (German - Austria) to make available, to provide |
Beistelltisch (s.), Beistelltische (pl.) | (German m.) side table, occasional table |
Beistellung | (German f.) supply |
beisteuern | (German) to contribute, to thorw in (money) |
beisteuernd | (German) contributing, contributory |
beistimmen | (German) to agree, to accede |
bei Stimme sein | (German) to be in voice |
Beistimmung | (German f.) acquiescence, assent |
Beistrich | (German m.) comma |
Michael Zapf comments, "this is an Austrian, rather than a German usage" |
bei strömendem Regen | (German) in (the) pouring rain |
bei Tag | (German) by day, at daytime |
bei Tagesanbruch | (German) at break of dawn, at break of day, at dawn, at first light, at the break of dawn, at the break of day, at the peep of the day, at the crack of dawn, at daybreak |
bei Tagesende | (German) at the close of day, at nightfall |
bei Tageslicht | (German) by daylight, in daylight |
bei Tageslicht besehen | (German) in the cold light of the day |
bei Tagesschluss | (German) at the close of day |
Beitel | (German m.) chisel |
Beitisch | (German m.) end table |
bei Tisch | (German) at table, during dinner |
bei Tisch bedienen | (German) to serve at table |
bei Tisch nach dem Essen | (German) at table after eating |
bei Tisch sitzen | (German) to be at table |
bei Todesstrafe verboten | (German) forbidden under penalty of death |
Beitöne | (German m. pl.) harmonics, overtones |
Beitrag (s.), Beiträge (pl.) | (German m.) due, contribution, contingent, article, share, subscription, segment, premium, paper (instead of a speech), piece (article in newspaper, magazine, etc.), post (forum, newsgroup), posting (forum, newsgroup), input (to a discussion, conversation, argument, etc.) |
beitragbar | (German) contributable |
Beiträge leisten | (German) to pay dues |
beitragen | (German) to contribute, to conduce, to concur, to add |
beitragend | (German) contributing, contributive, contributory |
Beitragender (m.), Beitragende (f.), Beitragende (pl.) | (German) contributor |
beitragender Faktor | (German m.) contributory factor |
beitragen zu | (German) to add to |
Beitrag für eine Pensionskasse | (German m.) contribution to a pension fund |
beitragsfrei | (German) non-contributory |
Beitrag zu einem Streitgespräch | (German m.) contribution to a controversy |
Beitrag zur Debatte | (German m.) contribution to the debate |
beitreten | (German) to accede, to enter, to join, to affiliate, to opt in, to associate oneself |
beitretend | (German) acceding |
Beitritt | (German m.) accession (to a party), joining, accedence, adhesion, admittance, participation [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
bei Übergabe | (German) on delivery |
bei Überschreiten der Reling | (German) at the ship's rail |
bei uns | (German) at our house, at our place |
bei uns daheim | (German) at our home |
bei uns zulande | (German) in our country |
bei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten | (German) at varying speeds |
bei Verfall | (German) at maturity, when due |
bei verschiedenen Angelegenheiten | (German) on several occasions |
bei verschiedenen Anlässen | (German) on several occasions |
bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten | (German) on several occasions |
bei Versteigerung erzielter Preis | (German m.) auction price |
bei vielen Gelegenheiten | (German) on numerous occasions |
bei voll laufendem Gebläse | (German) at full blast |
bei vollem Lohn | (German) on full pay |
bei vollem Verstand sein | (German) to be of sound mind, to be in one's right mind |
bei voller Drehzahl | (German) at full speed |
bei voller Geschwindigkeit | (German) at full speed |
bei voller Kapazität | (German) at full capacity |
bei Vollmond | (German) at full moon |
bei vorgehaltenem Degen | (German) at the point of the sword |
bei vorgehaltener Pistole | (German) at pistol point |
bei Vorlage | (German) at sight, on demand, on presentation, on production of |
Beiwacht | (German f.) bivouac |
Beiwagen | (German m.) side car, sidecar, trailer car (railway, tramway) |
Beiwagenmaschine | (German f.) side-car motorcycle, motorcycle and sidecar |
bei Wasser und Brot sein | (German) to be on bread and water (former prison punishment diet) |
bei Weißglut | (German) at a white heat |
bei weitem | (German) by far, easily, (by) far and away, much (by far) |
bei weitem mehr | (German) above and beyond |
bei weitem nicht | (German) not nearly, nowhere near, not by a long shot (colloquial), not by a long chalk (colloquial), not by a long sight (colloquial) |
bei weitem nicht zufriedenstellend | (German) far from being satisfactory, far from satisfactory |
Beiwerk | (German n.) attachment, accessories, accessory, accessory parts, padding, props, requisites, accoutrements (trappings) |
Beiwert | (German m.) coefficient |
beiwohnen | (German) to be present at, to lie with (archaic), to attend, to witness |
Beiwort (s.), Beiworte (pl.) | (German n.) epithet |
Beiz | (German f.) pub (colloquial: public house) |
bei Zahlung innerhalb von 10 Tagen 2%, netto bei Zahlung innerhalb von 30 Tagen | (German) 10 days 2%, 30 days net (payment terms) |
Beizbad | (German n.) pickling bath |
Beize | (German f.) hawking, stain (for wood), disinfectant, marinade, seed dressing, mordant, pickling solution, corrosive fluid, sauce, lye (strong alkaline chemical solution) |
beizeiten | (German) in good time, betimes (literary) |
Beizen | (German n.) disinfecting, hawking, marinading, bating (tannery), staining (wood), pickling (metal), steeping in corrosive fluid, mordanting |
beizen | (German) to hawk, to stain (wood), to cauterise, to corrode, to disinfect, to dress (seed), to marinade, to baste, to marinate, to bate (tannery), to mordant |
beizend | (German) corrosive |
Beizer | (German m.) publican (owner of a public house) |
bei Zimmertemperatur | (German) at room temperature |
Beizkraft (s.), Beizkräfte (pl.) | (German f.) causticity |
Beizmittel | (German n.) corrosives, corrosive |
bei zunehmender Dunkelheit | (German) in the gathering darkness |
Beizvorgang | (German m.) pickling process |
bejagen | (German) to hunt |
bejagt | (German) hunted |
Bejagung | (German f.) hunting |
bejahen | (German) to approve of, to answer in the affirmative, to affirm |
bejahend | (German) affirmative, affirming, assertive, positive, affirmatively |
bejahend antworten | (German) to answer in the affirmative |
bejahende Antwort | (German f.) affirmative reply, answer in the affirmative, affirmative answer |
bejahrt | (German) aged, elderly, old |
bejaht | (German) affirms, affirmed |
bejahte | (German) affirmed |
Bejahung (s.), Bejahungen (pl.) | (German f.) affirmation, affirmative answer, affirmative response, positive affirmation |
bejammern | (German) to bemoan |
Béjart, Maurice (1927-) | Marseille-born choreographer who was trained as a classical dancer before touring with the International Ballet in London in 1946. In 1949, he discovered 'choreographic expressionism' with the Cullberg Ballet in Sweden. Based in Brussels until 1987, Béjart developed his ideas of ballet as total theatre to explore the complex forces buffeting the individual in contemporary society. His highly theatrical and often shocking productions, some on such a grand scale that they had to be staged in stadium-size arenas, have attracted new, youthful audiences in unprecedented numbers. In 1987, Maurice Béjart settled in Lausanne, Switzerland and created the Béjart Ballet Lausanne. In 1992, he opened the Rudra studio-school of dance in Lausanne |
bejubeln | (German) to cheer |
bejubelt | (German) acclaimed |
bekalmen | (German) to becalm |
bekalmt | (German) becalmed |
bekam | (German) got |
bekam hin | (German) wangled |
bekämpfbar | (German) opposable |
bekämpfen | (German) to antagonize, to combat, to controvert, to antagonise, to oppose, to tackle (problem) |
bekämpfend | (German) combating, combatting, fighting |
bekämpft | (German) fights, fought, combatted |
Bekämpfung (s.), Bekämpfungen (pl.) | (German f.) fight, fight against, combat, control, countering, combatting, abatement, prevention of |
bekannt | (German) well-known, familar, acquainted, known, conversant, conversantly, noted, popular (well-known), notably, established (well-known), famous, familiar, avowed |
bekannt als | (German) alias, known as, reputed |
bekannt als großer Musiker | (German) renowned as a great musician |
bekannte | (German) avowed |
Bekannte (m.), Bekannter (f.), Bekannte (pl.) | (German) acquaintance, friend |
bekannte Firma | (German f.) well-known firm |
bekannte Gaunerei | (German f.) known trickery |
bekannte Menge | (German f.) known quantity |
bekannte Persönlichkeit | (German f.) public character |
bekannte Tatsache (s.), bekannte Tatsachen (pl.) | (German f.) well-known truth, known fact, established fact |
Bekanntenkreis | (German m.) circle of acquaintances, acquaintance, connections, set of acquaintances |
Bekannter | (German m.) friend, acquaintance |
bekannter | (German) more known, better known |
bekannter Artikel | (German m.) familiar article |
bekannter Klavierspieler | (German m.) renowned pianist |
bekannter Kunde | (German m.) familiar customer |
bekannter Redner | (German m.) renowned orator |
bekannter Verlust | (German m.) known loss |
bekanntermaßen | (German) notoriously, as you know, as is known |
Bekannter von | (German m.) acquaintance of |
bekannterweise | (German) renownedly |
bekannteste | (German) most known, best known, most noted |
bekannt für | (German) noted for |
bekannt für seine Fertigkeit | (German) renowned for his skill |
Bekanntgabe | (German f.) publication, announcement, notification, publishing, issuing of an announcement |
Bekanntgabe der Geschäftsaufgabe | (German f.) closing-down announcement |
bekanntgeben | (German) to declare, to make public, to publish, to intimate (dated), to bill (dated), to announce (dated) [corrected and comment below by Michael Zapf] |
was announced - sie bekanntgaben, sie gaben bekannt |
(German) intimated (dated) |
bekannt geben | (German) to intimate, to bill, to announce, to deliver, to make public |
bekanntgebend | (German) intimating, notifying, announcing |
bekannt gebend | (German) intimating, notifying, announcing |
bekanntgeben, dass ... | (German) to let it be known that ... |
bekanntgemacht | (German) made known |
bekannt gemacht | (German) announced, made known |
Bekanntheit | (German f.) renownedness, prominence, awareness, name recognition |
Bekanntheit einer Marke | (German f.) brand awareness |
Bekanntheitsgrad | (German m.) (degree of) familiarity, level of awareness, name recognition |
Bekanntheitsgrad einer Person | (German m.) extent of someone's fame |
bekanntlich | (German) you know ..., as is generally known, as is well known |
bekanntmachen | (German) to publish, to announce (dated), to manifest (dated), to make known (dated), to make public (dated), to circularise (dated), to publicise |
bekannt machen | (German) to make known, to manifest, to popularise, to divulge, to make public, to advertise, to bring to light, to declare, to proclaim, to publish, to circularise, to announce, to publicise |
bekanntmachend | (German) acquainting (dated), making known (dated), circularising (dated) |
bekannt machend | (German) acquainting, making known, circularising |
Bekanntmachung (s.), Bekanntmachungen (pl.) | (German f.) disclosure, announcement, circularisation, proclamation, notice, manifestation, notification, official statement, publication, public notice, pronunciamento |
Bekanntmachungsblatt | (German n.) bulletin |
bekannt mit | (German) acquainted with |
Bekanntschaft (s.), Bekanntschaften (pl.) | (German f.) acquaintance, acquaintances, friends, acquaintanceship |
bekannt sein | (German) to be known, to be renowned, to be well known, to have a reputation |
bekannt sein als | (German) to be known as |
bekannt sein mit | (German) to be acquainted with |
bekannt wegen | (German) renowned for, noted for |
bekannt werden | (German) to become acquainted, to become apparent, to come out, to come to be known, to get out, to take air, to transpire, to become known, to leak out [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bekannt werden mit | (German) to get acquainted with |
bekehren | (German) to convert to, to proselytise |
bekehrend | (German) converting to, proselyting, proselytising |
Bekehrer | (German m.) converter, proselytser |
bekehrt | (German) converted, proselytises, proselytised |
Bekehrte | (German m./f.) proselyte |
bekehrte | (German) converted to, proselyted |
Bekehrter | (German m.) convert |
Bekehrung | (German f.) conversion |
Bekehrung zum Christentum | (German f.) Christianization |
Bekehrungseifer | (German m.) proselyte, proselytism, proselytising zeal |
Bekehrungssendungen im Fernsehen | (German pl.) televangelism |
Bekehrungstätigkeit | (German f.) evangelism |
Bekeimung | (German f.) seeding |
Bekennen | (German n.) confession |
bekennen | (German) to confess, to avow, to acknowledge, to admit, to avouch, to profess |
bekennend | (German) avowing |
Bekennende Kirche | (German f.) Confessing Church |
bekennender Christ | (German m.) professing Christian |
Bekenner | (German m.) confessor |
Bekennerschreiben | (German n.) claim of responsibility |
bekennt | (German) avows |
Bekenntnis (s.), Bekenntnisse (pl.) | (German n.) avowal, confession, acknowledgement, denomination, creed, commitment, profession (of belief) |
Bekenntnis der Schulden | (German n.) confession of one's sins |
Bekenntnisroman | (German m.)confession novel |
Bekenntnisschriften | (German pl.)confessional documents |
Bekenntnisschule | (German f.) denominational school |
bekenntnisunabhängig | (German) creedless |
Bekenntnis zu | (German n.) commitment to, profession of |
Bekenntnis zu ... | (German n.) declared belief in ... |
Bekertrom | (Dutch) goblet-shaped drum |
bekehren | (German) to convert |
Bekehrung | (German f.) conversion |
bekennen | (German) to confess, to profess |
Bekenntnis | (German n.) confession, (religious) denomination |
bekielen | (German) to quill (harpsichord, spinet, virginals) |
bekielt | (German) quilled (harpsichord, spinet, virginals) |
bekiest | (German) gravelled, gravel |
bekifft | (German) stoned (slang) |
Bekkens | (Dutch) cymbals |
beklagen | (German) to lament, to bemoan, to bewail, to complain, to moan, to deplore |
beklagend | (German) bemoaning, bewailing, bitching, lamenting, mourning |
beklagenswert | (German) lamentable, sorrowful, rueful (situation), unfortunate, woeful, deplorable |
beklagenswerte Angelegenheit | (German f.) deplorable affair |
beklagenswerterweise | (German) lamentably |
beklagt | (German) bemoans, bewails, bitches |
beklagtliechkeit | (German) bitches |
beklagt | (German) laments, bewailed, mourned, sued |
beklagte | (German) bemoaned, bewailed, bitched, lamented |
beklagte Personen | (German pl.) respondents |
Beklagter (m.), Beklagte (f.) | (German) defendant, culprit, respondent, defender (Scotland) |
beklatschen | (German) to applaud |
Bekleben | (German n.) bonding |
beklebend | (German) labelling |
beklebt plasters | (German) sticks all over |
beklebt plastered | (German) stuck all over |
bekleckernd | (German) blotting |
bekleckert | (German) blotted |
beklecksen | (German) to splotch, to blot |
beklecksend | (German) splotching, blotting |
bekleckst | (German) splotches, splotched |
bekleckste | (German) splotched |
bekleiden | (German) to clothe, to attire, to endue, to coat, to deck, to dress, to enrobe, to vest, to habit (archaic), to invest (clothe, attire) |
bekleiden | (German) to hold (office, position) [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
bekleidend | (German) clothing, enduing, vesting |
bekleidet | (German) dressed, endues, vested, vests, clad |
bekleidete | (German) clothed, endued |
bekleidete neu | (German) reclothed |
bekleidete sich | (German) vested |
bekleidet mit | (German) dressed in |
bekleidet neu | (German) reclothes |
Bekleidung | (German f.) clothing, lining, apparel |
Bekleidungsgewerbe | (German n.) clothing trade |
Bekleidungsindustrie (s.), Bekleidungsindustrien (pl.) | (German f.) clothing industry, garment industry, rag trade (colloquial) |
Bekleidungskette | (German f.) clothing chain |
Bekleidungsladen | (German m.) clothes shop |
Bekleidungsmarkt | (German m.) clothes market |
Bekleidungsregeln | (German pl.) dress code |
Bekleidungsstück | (German n.) article of apparel, article of clothing, item of clothing |
Bekleidungszubehör | (German m./n.) clothing accessories |
beklemmend | (German) nightmarish, oppressive |
beklemmt | (German) anguished, oppressed |
Beklemmung (s.), Beklemmungen (pl.) | (German f.) feeling of oppression, trepidation, anxiety |
Beklemmungsgefühl | (German n.) feeling of constriction (mostly caused by anxiety) |
beklommen | (German) uneasy, anxious, anxiously, anguished, oppressed, apprehensive |
beklommen zumute sein | (German) to be afraid |
beklommen zu Mute sein | (German) to be afraid |
Beklommenheit | (German f.) apprehensiveness, trepidation, anxiety, uneasiness |
beklopfen | (German) to percuss |
bekloppt | (German) barmy (colloquial), wacky (colloquial), batty (colloquial), bats (colloquial), daft (colloquial), dopey (colloquial) |
bekloppt sein | (German) to be bananas (colloquial), to be out of one's head (colloquial) |
beknackt | (German) ill-adjusted, bonkers {adj} (colloquial), daft (colloquial), idiotic |
Beko | (Madagascar) a singing style with three or four voices, of religious inspiration, belonging to the Antandroy tradition |
bekommen | (German) to obtain, to get, to acquire, to gain, to receive, to develop (a disease), to have (a baby), to catch (a cold) |
(German) gotten (US), got |
bekommend | (German) getting |
bekommen haben | (German) to have got |
bekömmlich | (German) digestible |
bekömmlichste | (German) lightest |
bekommt | (German) gets, receives |
bekommt es hin | (German) wangles |
beköstigen | (German) to feed |
Beköstigung | (German f.) board, food, feeding |
bekräftigen | (German) to affirm, to corroborate, to bear out, to confirm, to reinforce, to substantiate, to support |
bekräftigend | (German) affirming, confirmatory, corroborating, fortifying, affirmative, confirmative, corroborative, supporting |
bekräftigender Vorschlag | (German m.) affirmative proposition |
bekräftigt | (German) affirms, corroborates, fortifies, affirmed, corroborated, reinforced |
bekräftigte | (German) affirmed, corroborated, fortified |
Bekräftigung (s.), Bekräftigungen (pl.) | (German f.) affirmation, substantiation, confirmation, corroboration |
Bekräftigung einer Zustimmung | (German f.) sanction |
Bekräftigung eines Verbots | (German f.) sanction |
bekränzen | (German) to bind, to crown with a wreath, to garland |
Bekränzung | (German f.) crowning (Orthodox wedding) |
bekriegte | (German) warred |
Bekritteln | (German n.) cavilling (the raising of annoying, petty objections, quibbling, carping) |
bekritteln | (German) to cavil (to raise annoying, petty objections, to quibble, to carp) |
bekritzeln | (German) to scribble on, to scribble over, to scrawl on, to scrawl over |
bekümmern | (German) to grieve, to worry |
bekümmernd | (German) grieving |
bekümmert | (German) troubled, worried, concerned, considerate, sorrowful, sorry, distressed, grieved, downcast, sad, solicitious |
bekümmerte | (German) grieved |
Bekümmertheit | (German f.) sorrowfulness |
bekümmert sein | (German) to sorrow |
bekümmert um | (German) solicitious about, solicitious of |
bekunden | (German) to show, to testify, to evince, to manifest, to prove, to state, to express, to profess |
bekundend | (German) evincing, manifesting, evincible |
bekundet | (German) evinces, manifests, manifested, evinced |
bekundete | (German) evinced |
Bekundung | (German f.) expression, manifestation, statement, testimony, avowal, demonstration, evidence |
bel (m.), belle (f.) | (French) fine, beautiful, beautiful (girl), hansomee (man), big (large) |
beau is often used instead of bel |
bel | the unit of level, named after Alexander Graham Bell. The bel unit is itself rarely used - the decibel (or one-tenth of a bel) being much more common. The level (in bels) between two signals may be determined by evaluating the logarithm (base-10) of the ratio of two quantities proportional to power |
see 'decibel' |
Bel. | abbreviation of 'Belgian', 'Belgium' |
belachen | (German) to laugh at [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
belächeln | (German) to smile at, to sneer, to deride [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Beladebreite | (German f.) load width |
Beladehöhe | (German f.) load height |
Beladen | (German n.) loading |
beladen | (German) to load, to be laden, to charge (to load), to load up, to stow, to stevedore |
(German) laden, loaded |
beladend | (German) lading |
beladen mit | (German) laden with |
beladener Frachtkahn | (German n.) freight-laden barge |
Beladesystem | (German n.) loading system |
Beladung | (German f.) loading |
Beladungsgrenze | (German f.) maximum load |
Belag (s.), Beläge (pl.) | (German m.) coating, film (water, oil, etc.), facing, coat, plaque, fur (tongue), covering, surfacing, topping (bread, pizza, etc.), tartar (teeth), lining (brake, filling (sandwiches), surface (road), road surface) |
Belagerer | (German m.) besieger, beleaguerer |
belagern | (German) to besiege, to beleaguer, to siege, to lay siege to |
belagernd | (German) beleaguering, besieging, mobbing |
belagert | (German) beleaguers, besieges, sieges, beleaguered, besieged, mobbed, invested (besieged) |
belagerte | (German) beleaguered, besieged |
Belagerung (s.), Belagerungen (pl.) | (German f.) besiegement, siege |
Belagerungsartillerie | (German f.) siege artillery |
Belagerungsmaschine | (German f.) siege engine |
Belagerungsramme | (German f.) siege ram, battering ram |
Belagerungsstreitmacht | (German f.) besieging forces |
Belagerungsturm | (German m.) siege tower, belfry (siege tower) |
Belagerungszustand (s.), Belagerungszustände (f.) | (German m.) state of siege, siege |
Bel-air | (Martinique and Guadeloupe) a bass version of the tanbour |
in Dominica, the tambou drum, which is properly made of goat skin stretched over a hallowed tree trunk, is used to produce deep booming notes during performances of the bélé, the name of which is believed to be a corruption of the word belle-air |
Belamentengo | the smallest of the Mandinka drums |
belämmert | (German) embarrassed, lousy (colloquial), sheepish, like an idiot, miserable |
belangbar | (German) actionable, triable |
Belange (s.), Belange (pl.) | (German m.) relevance, issue, importance, interest, concern, significance |
belangen | (German) to prosecute |
belanglos | (German) irrelevant, trivial, unimportant, insignificantly, irrelevantly, inconsequential, of no consequence, petty, insignificant, paltry, nugatory, beside the question, negligible, fiddling (trivial), niggling (petty), niggly (petty) |
belanglose Angelegenheit | (German f.) matter of no consequence, small matter |
belangloser | (German) more irrelevant |
belangloseste | (German) most irrelevant |
Belanglosigkeit (s.), Belanglosigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) triviality, immaterialness, irrelevance, trifle, inconsequentiality (insignificance), trivia (plural form) |
belanglos reden | (German) to shoot the breeze (colloquial) (US) |
belangvoll | (German) important |
belare | (Italian) to bleat |
Belarto | (Italian m.) bleating |
Balarus | a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, that borders Russia to the north and east, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the north |
Belarusse (m.), Belarussin (f.), Belarussen (pl.) | (German) Belarusian |
Belarussisch | (German n.) White Russian |
belarussisch | (German) Belarusian |
Belasco, David (1859-1931) | US dramatist who wrote two plays Madame Butterfly and The Girl of the Golden West on which Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) based the libretti of his operas |
belassen | (German) to leave |
(German) left |
Belassung | (German f.) retention, preservation, leaving undisturbed |
belastbar | (German) debitable, loadable, able to withstand stress, resilient |
Belastbarkeit | (German f.) ability to cope with pressure (strain), capacity, load-carrying ability, resilience, load-bearing capacity, ability to withstand stress, ability to cope with stress, load-carrying capacity, power rating (electrical equipment), loading capacity (structure, building) |
belasten | (German) to load, to burden (figurative), to strain, to put a strain on, to debit (commerce), to incriminate, to stress, to encumber, to charge, to depress, to tax (to burden) |
belastend | (German) burdening, cumbering, debiting, encumbering, incriminatory, irksome, burdensome, depressive, incriminating, loading, damning (evidence) |
belastende Dokumente | (German pl.) paper trail |
belastende Faktoren | (German pl.) negative factors |
belastendes Ereignis | (German n.) stressful event |
belastende Situation | (German f.) downer (colloquial), (state of depressive) |
belastendes Beweisdokument | (German n.) smoking memo (colloquial: like the smoking gun, a derogatory (damaging, indiscrete, etc.) memo that indicates who sent it) |
belastendes Umfeld | (German n.) high-pressure environment |
belastende Unterlagen | (German pl.) paper trail |
belasten mit | (German) to burden with |
belastet | (German) debited, burdened, charged (burdened), cumbers, debits, encumbered, encumbers, on load, strained, stressed, loaded, fraught |
belastete | (German) burdened, cumbered, debited |
belastetes Gelenk | (German n.) weight-bearing joint |
belastet mit | (German) burdened with, saddled with |
belastet mit Schulden | (German) saddled with debts, burdened with debts |
belastet mit Steuern | (German) burdened with taxes |
Belästigen | (German n.) molesting |
belästigen | (German) to discommode, to harass, to importune, to incommode, to pester, to molest, to annoy, to disturb, to trouble, to stalk, to bother, to inconvenience |
belästigend | (German) annoying, discommoding, encumberingly, harassing, importuning, incommoding, inconveniencing, molesting, pestering, bothering, irritating, plaguing, tormenting |
Belästiger | (German m.) pesterer |
belästigt | (German) inconveniences, irritated, discommodes, harasses, importunes, incommodes, molests, pesters, annoys, bothers, annoyed, harassed, pestered, importuned |
belästigte | (German) annoyed, discommoded, harassed, hassled, importuned, incommoded, inconvenienced, molested, pestered, bothered |
belästigt mit | (German) irritated (with), annoyed with |
belästigt werden | (German) to be molested |
Belästigung (s.), Belästigungen (pl.) | (German f.) annoyance, inconvenience, nuisance, molestation, pestering, bother, botheration, disturbance, harassment, vexation, disruption, trouble |
Belastung (s.), Belastungen (pl.) | (German f.) load, strain (figurative), burden, debit (commerce), encumbrance, stress, charge, charging, debiting, exposure, weight bearing, liability, workload, incrimination, loading, pollution |
Belastung eines Grundstücks | (German f.) mortgage |
Belastung für | (German f.) strain on |
Belastungsanzeige | (German f.) debit note, debit advice |
Belastungsasthma | (German n.) exercise-induced asthma |
Belastungsfähigkeit | (German f.) ability to withstand stress |
Belastungsfähigkeit | (German f.) exercise capacity |
Belastungsgrenze | (German f.) breaking point (figurative: limit of what somebody can take) |
belastungsinduzierbar | (German) stress-inducible |
Belastungsmaterial | (German n.) evidence for the prosecution, incriminating evidence |
Belastungsprobe | (German f.) severe test, endurance test, test of stamina (figurative) |
Belastungssyndrom | (German n.) stress syndrome, stress disorder |
Belastungswiderstand | (German m.) load resistor |
Belastungszeuge (s.), Belastungszeugen (pl.) | (German m.) witness for the prosecution |
belaubt | (German) foliate, leafy, leaved, leafed |
belaubter | (German) leafier |
belaubteste | (German) leafiest |
Belaubung | (German f.) foliation, leafiness, foliage, leaves |
beläuft sich auf | (German) totals |
belauschen | (German) to eavesdrop on, to overhear |
belauschend | (German) overhearing |
belauscht | (German) overhears, overheard |
belauschte | (German) overheared, overheard |
Bel canto | (Italian m., literally 'beautiful singing voice') a term used to describe a style of singing, seen in lyrical song-type melodies popular in Venice and Rome in the very early decades of opera (1620s/30s), for example, Cavalli songs, as opposed to the more stringent, text-driven recitative style called stile rappresentativo. Manfred Bukofzer, author of Music in the Baroque Era (1947), used the term in this way, and this meaning, distinct from that below, has become part of general usage |
(Italian, beautiful singing voice) a lyrical, smooth vocal style associated with eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Italian professional singers and designed to show off the singer's voice, the term first appears in Vaccai's ariette da camera (before 1840). This is the vocal style associated with the works of Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti, particularly Italian operas written during the first half of the nineteenth century |
Beldad | (Spanish f.) beauty |
Bélé | probably the earliest Creole dance, virtually unchanged from its African roots in mating and fertility dance rites. There is a single instrument - the tambou drum - made with goat skin stretched over a hallowed tree trunk. The drum rhythm follows the steps of the single dancer who performs in a circle of spectators who also form the chorus or lavway for the lead or chantuelle. Although there are two dancers, only one usually dances at a time except at the end |
in his article Tangled Roots: Kalenda and Other Neo-African Dances in the Circum-Caribbean Julian Gerstin asks does bèlè come from French bel air, (literally 'pretty tune') or from the Kongo boela, a dance, or Kikongo mbele, a word meaning 'sword' |
beleben | (German) to revive (figurative), to enliven, to animate, to liven, to vivify, to vitalise, to freshen, to act as a tonic, to breath life into, to cheer up, to invigorate, to quicken, to stimulate, to resuscitate (figurative), to regenerate, to encourage (to promote), to variegate (to make something more diverse and varied) |
belebend | (German) enlivening, animating, animando, en animant, animatedly, freshening, variegating, vivifying, zippy (colloquial), exhilarent, invigorating, stimulative, stimulatory, vitalising, bracing |
belebende Kraft | (German f.) stimulating force, vitalising power |
belebende Wirkung | (German f.) stimulating effect |
belebt | (German) animated, brisk, lively, animates, enlivened, enlivens, freshens, livens, variegates, vitalises, vivifies, busy, vitalised, alive, bouncing, invigorated, swarming with, variegated, vitalises, vivified, animate, enlivened, freshened, variegated, vivified |
belebte Diskussion | (German f.) animated discussion |
belebte neu | (German) reanimated, reinvigorated |
belebter | (German) more animated, brisker, busier |
belebter Geist | (German m.) animating spirit, animus |
belebteste | (German) busiest |
belebte Wesen | (German pl.) animate beings |
belebte wieder | (German) resuscitated, revitalised, revivified, revived |
belebte Zeiten | (German pl.) strenuous times |
Belebtheit | (German f.) animacy |
belebt neu | (German) reanimates, reinvigorates |
belebt von | (German) animated by |
belebt wieder | (German) resuscitates, revitalises, revives, revivifies |
Belebung (s.), Belebungen (pl.) | (German f.) enlivenment, vitalisation, vivification, encouragement, increase, pick-up, revival, stimulation, upturn, resuscitation (figurative) |
Belebung alter Traditionen | (German f.) revival of old traditions |
Belebung der Konjunktur | (German f.) reflation |
Belebung der Nachfrage | (German f.) pick-up in demand |
Belebung der Wirtschaft | (German f.) revival of the economy, upturn of the economy |
Belebung des Handels | (German f.) encouragement of trade, stimulation of trade |
Belebung des Marktes | (German f.) stimulation of the market |
Belebung des Wohnungsmarktes | (German f.) upturn in the housing market |
belecken | (German) to lick |
Beleg (s.), Belege (pl.) | (German m.) evidence, voucher, sheet, slip, attest (archaic), supporting document, testament, instance (evidence), sales slip (US), receipt (sale's receipt, etc.) |
Belegabteilung | (German f.) archiving department, in-patient ward |
Belegarbeit | (German f.) research paper |
Belegart | (German f.) document type |
belegbar | (German) allocable, allocatable |
Belegbearbeitung | (German f.) document processing |
Belegbreite | (German f.) document width, sheet width |
Belegdatum | (German m.) voucher date, document date |
belegen | (German) to cover, to garnish, to reserve, to enrol for (University), to provide (evidence for), to use, to engage, to occupy, to seize, to allocate, to belay, to coat, to attest, to attend (seminar, lecture, course, etc.) |
belegend | (German) allocating, occupying, overlaying |
Belegerstellung | (German f.) document preparation |
Belegexemplar | (German n.) specimen copy, voucher copy |
Belegfrist | (German f.) enrolment period |
Beleg für | (German m.) instance of, proof of |
Beleg für Ausgaben | (German m.) expense voucher |
Beleggestaltung | (German f.) document design, document layout |
Beleggröße | (German f.) sheet size |
Beleglänge | (German f.) document length |
Belegleser | (German m.) document reader |
beleglos | (German) voucherless, without voucher |
beleglose Datenerfassung | (German f.) primary data entry |
Belegmaterial | (German n.) documentary evidence |
Belegnagel | (German m.) belaying pin, pin |
Belegnaht | (German f.) facing seam |
Belegnummer | (German f.) document number, reference number |
Belegsammlung | (German f.) audit trail |
Belegschaft | (German f.) staff, personnel, work force, workforce, shop floor (factory) [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Belegschaftsaktienaktion | (German f.) share purchase scheme for employees |
Belegschaftsangehöriger | (German m.) company employee |
Belegschaftsdaten | (German pl.) personnel records |
Belegschaft der Redaktion | (German f.) editorial staff |
Belegschaftsgröße | (German f.) size of the workforce |
Belegschaftsmitglied | (German n.) staff member, employee |
Belegschaftsraum | (German m.) staff room, staffroom |
Belegschaftsstand | (German m.) workforce level |
Belegschaftsversammlung | (German f.) staff meeting, meeting of the staff |
Belegschaftsvertreter | (German m.) employee representative |
Belegschaftszimmer | (German n.) staff room |
Belegschaftszugang | (German m.) additions to the staff |
Belegspeicherung | (German f.) document storage |
Belegstapel | (German m.) stack of documents |
Belegstelle (s.), Belegstellen (pl.) | (German f.) quotation, reference, instance |
belegt | (German) occupied, allocates, overlays, busy (occupied), proved, documented, engaged, reserved, staffed, used, proven, coated, husky (voice, tone), breathy (voice, tone) |
belegtes Brot (s.), belegte Brote (pl.) | (German n.) sandwich |
belegtes Schnittchen | (German n.) canapé |
belegte Stimme | (German f.) breathy voice |
belegte Zeit | (German f.) busy time |
belegte Zunge | (German f.) coated tongue, furred tongue |
Belegung | (German f.) allocation, occupancy |
Belegungsplan | (German m.) layout |
Belegungszeit | (German f.) busy time |
Belegunterkante | (German f.) bottom edge of document |
Belegverarbeitung | (German f.) document processing |
belehren | (German) to instruct, to inform, to tutor, to indoctrinate |
belehrend | (German) instructive, informatory, edifying, preceptive |
belehrende Werbung | (German f.) educational advertising |
belehren über | (German) to inform of |
belehrt | (German) teaches, instructed |
belehrt eines Besseren | (German) disabuses |
belehrt werden | (German) to take advice |
Belehrung | (German f.) indoctrination |
beleibt | (German) corpulent, stout, stoutly, obese, corpulently, portly |
beleibter Mann | (German m.) stout, man, corpulent man, portly man |
Beleibtheit | (German f.) corpulence, fatness, stoutness, obeseness, portliness |
beleidigen | (German) to insult, to offend, to (cause) affront, to libel, to shock, to slander, to abuse (verbally) |
beleidigend | (German) abusive, abusively, affronting, offending, offensively, slighting, scathing, insulting, libellous, offensive, slanderous, abusing |
beleidigende Ausdrücke | (German pl.) offensive language |
beleidigende Bemerkungen | (German pl.) abusive remarks |
beleidigender Angriff auf eine Person | (German m.) assault on a person |
beleidigender Ausdruck | (German m.) abusive term |
beleidigender Ton | (German m.) tone of offence |
beleidigende Sprache | (German f.) bad language, offensive language |
beleidigende Worte | (German pl.) abusive language, abusive speech, abusive words, insulting words, offensive words |
beleidigend werden | (German) to become abusive |
beleidigt | (German) insults, affronts, libels, offends, slights, libelled, scathingly, affronted, aggrieved, offended, huffily, pissed off (vulgar), huffy (colloquial), sulkily, verbally abused, abuses, sore (colloquial: offended) |
beleidigt abziehen | (German) to go off in a huff, to leave in a huff (colloquial) |
beleidigte | (German) insulted, affronted, offended, scathed, slighted |
Beleidigtsein | (German n.) huffiness |
beleidigt sein | (German) to be offended, to be sore (figurative), to be upset, to take offence |
Beleidigung (s.), Beleidigungen (pl.) | (German f.) insult, indignity, offence, affront, libel, slander, assault, personal offence, shock, invidiousness, slight (against), slap in the face (figurative), slur, abuse (verbal), wrongs (plural form) |
Beleidigungen erdulden | (German) to accept insults |
Beleidigung meiner Gefühle | (German f.) outrage to my feelings |
Beleidigungsklage | (German f.) libel action, libel suit, action for defamation |
Beleidigungsprozess | (German m.) libel action, libel suit |
beleihbar | (German) lendable, acceptable as collateral |
beleihen | (German) to grant a loan, to lend, to lend against security |
beleihend | (German) granting a loan |
beleihst | (German) grant a loan |
beleiht | (German) grants a loan |
Beleihung | (German f.) mortgaging, raising of a loan, raising a mortgage |
beleihungsfähig | (German) acceptable as collateral |
belemmert | (German, dated) miserable |
Belén | (Spanish m.) crib, nativity scene, confusion |
Belengo | the second smallest of the Mandinka drums |
bêler | (French) to bleat |
belesen | (German) well-read |
belesen | (German) well-read, literate, studied |
belesener Gelehrter | (German m.) well-read scholar |
belesener Mann | (German m.) man of extensive reading, man of wide reading |
Belesenheit | (German f.) erudition, wide reading, book learning, book-learning, literacy, reading (person of vast reading) |
Bel esprit (s.), Beaux esprits (pl.) | (French m.) someone with good sense, discernment and refinement, a brilliant wit (often ironic) |
Bel étage | (French m.) the most sumptuous storey of a house, usually the first floor, piano nobile (Italian) |
bel et bien | (French) well and truly |
beleuchten | (German) to illumine, to light, to illuminate |
beleuchtend | (German) illumining, illuminating |
Beleuchter (m.), Beleuchterin (f.) | (German) illuminator, electrician (member of gaffer's crew), spark (colloquial: electrician), light board operator, best boy (gaffer) |
beleuchtet | (German) illuminates, lighted, illuminated, illumined, lit-up |
beleuchtete | (German) illumined, illuminated, lit |
beleuchtete Anzeige | (German f.) illuminated display, lighted display |
beleuchtete Kopfbandlupe | (German f.) lighted headband magnifier |
beleuchteter Kosmetikspiegel | (German m.) illuminated vanity mirror |
beleuchteter Make-up-Spiegel | (German m.) illuminated vanity mirror |
beleuchtet sein | (German) to be lighted, to be illuminated |
Beleuchtung (s.), Beleuchtungen (pl.) | (German f.) illumination, (electric) lighting, light, illuminating |
Beleuchtungsbedingungen | (German pl.) lighting conditions |
Beleuchtungsgrade | (German pl.) lighting levels |
Beleuchtungskörper (s./pl.) | (German m.) light fitting, lighting fixture, luminaria (plural form) |
Beleuchtungsmeister | (German m.) master electrician |
Beleuchtungsmesser | (German m.) illuminance meter |
Beleuchtungsstärke | (German f.) illuminance, illumination, intensity of illumination, light intensity, level of illumination |
Beleuchtungsstärkemesser | (German m.) illuminance meter |
Beleuchtungssystem | (German n.) lighting system |
Beleuchtungstechnik | (German f.) lighting technology |
beleumundet | (German) reputed |
bel ex. | abbreviation of bel exemplaire (French: fine copy - of a book or engraving) |
bel exemplaire | (French) fine copy (of a book or engraving) |
belfern | (German) to bellow |
Belfried | (German m.) belfry, donjon (French m.) |
Belfry | the upper storey of a tower where bells are hung, or a special purpose building for the hanging of bells |
Belg. | abbreviation of 'Belgian', 'Belgium' |
Belga | (Italian m./f., Spanish m./f.) Belgian |
belga | (Italian, Spanish) Belgian |
Belge | (French m./f.) Belgian |
belge | (French) Belgian |
Belgian hip hop | |
Belgian music (Renaissance) | Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474), Johannes Ockeghem (c.1410-1497) and Josquin Desprez (c.1455-1521) were all born and trained in the area of the modern France-Belgium border, and so the polyphonic style with which they are associated is termed Franco-Flemish. Adrian Willaert (c.1490-1562) transplanted the Northern style to Italy, beginning the investigation of sonority in both choral and instrumental music which later gave rise to the Venetian Baroque. A continuing link between Northern Europe and Spain can be seen in the career of Nicolas Gombert (c.1500-1557) although by the sixteenth century Spain and its neighbour Portugal would develop strong identities of their own. The polyphonic style of the late Renaissance was perfected in the music of Orlando di Lasso (or Lassus) (1532-1594) who was the most widely admired composer of his day. He was also well-traveled (from what is now Belgium, working mostly in Munich after a stay in Italy) and cosmopolitan in his outlook, with an immense musical output including virtually every vocal genre. In many ways, he best represents the wide-ranging spirit of the time |
Belgian music (twentieth century) | Belgium is a cultural crossroads where Flemish Dutch-speaking and Walloon French-speaking inhabitants mix with German minorities and immigrant communities from Republic of the Congo and other distant countries |
Bélgica | (Spanish f.) Belgium |
Belgic syllables | in solmization, the syllables bo, ce, di, ga, lo, ma, ni also called 'bobesation', voces belgicae or solmisatio belgica |
Belgien | (German n.) Belgium |
Belgier (m.), Belgierin (f.), Belgier (pl.), Belgierinnen ( | (German) Belgian |
Belgio | (Italian m.) Belgium |
Belgique | (French f.) Belgium |
belgisch | (German) Belgian |
belgisch-britisch | (German) Belgo-British |
belgisch-niederländisch | (German) Belgo-Dutch |
Belgrad | (German n.) Belgrade |
Belichten | (German n.) exposure |
belichten | (German) to expose (photography) |
belichtend | (German) exposing, exposed |
Belichtung | (German f.) exposure, exposure to light |
Belichtungsautomatik | (German f.) automatic exposure |
Belichtungsmesser | (German m.) exposure meter, light meter |
Belichtungszeit | (German f.) length of exposure, period of exposure, exposure time |
belicoso | (Spanish) warlike, aggressive |
Belieben | (German n.) convenience |
Belieben, nach | (German) at will, at your pleasure, ad libitum |
beliebig | (German) optional, any, any desired, arbitrary, as you like, as you choose, at will, as you wish, random, optional, gratuitous, gratuitously |
beliebiger Wert | (German m.) arbitrary value |
beliebig gewählt | (German) chosen freely |
Beliebigkeit | (German f.) arbitrariness, randomness, whateverism (colloquial) (pejorative) |
beliebig lang | (German) as long as one likes (implying spatial length), as long as one wants [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
beliebig lange | (German) as long as one likes (implying length of time), as long as one wants [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
beliebig oft | (German) as often as one likes, as often as one wants, any number of times |
beliebig viele | (German) any number |
beliebt | (German) popular, liked, admired, well-liked, fancied, favoured, affected (well-liked) |
beliebt bei jungen Leuten | (German) popular with young people |
beliebte Handelsmarke | (German f.) popular brand |
beliebte Musik | (German f.) popular music |
beliebter | (German) more popular |
beliebter Fehler | (German m.) common error |
beliebter Lehrer | (German m.) popular teacher |
beliebter Roman | (German m.) popular novel |
beliebter Schriftsteller | (German m.) popular writer |
beliebtes Ausflugslokal | (German n.) popular destination for day trippers (inn, restaurant, bar, etc.), popular restaurant destination |
beliebtes Bild | (German n.) popular image |
beliebtes Fabrikat | (German n.) popular make |
beliebtes Ferienziel | (German n.) popular vacation destination |
beliebteste | (German) most popular |
beliebt gemacht | (German) ingratiated |
Beliebtheit (s.), Beliebtheiten (pl.) | (German f.) popularity, vogue |
Beliebtheitsgrad | (German m.) popularity (rating) |
Beliebtheitswettbewerb | (German m.) popularity contest |
beliebt machen | (German) to ingratiate, to popularise |
beliebt machend | (German) ingratiating |
beliebt sein | (German) to be popular |
beliefern | (German) to supply, to provide, to deliver, to stock |
beliefernd | (German) supplying |
beliefern mit | (German) to supply with, to provide with |
beliefert | (German) provided, issued, supplied |
belieferte | (German) supplied |
Belieferung | (German f.) supply, delivery |
belieh | (German) granted a loan |
Bélier | (French m.) ram |
Bélière | (French) bell-clappers |
beligerante | (Spanish) belligerent |
Bel inconnu | (from Breton French le bel inconnu, 'the fair unknown') a motif common to fairy tales, folklore and medieval Romance in which the protagonist's identity remains unknown until some suitably dramatic moment |
Belize | (English, German n.) formally the country of British Honduras, Belize is now a country that comprises a large portion of the southeastern Yucatan Peninsula |
Belizer (m.), Belizerin (f.), Belizer (pl.) | (German) Belizean |
belizisch | (German) Belizean |
Bell | campana (Italian, Spanish), Glocke (German), cloche (French) |
(Anglo-Saxon bellan, to roar; Old Norse bjalla, bell or bylja, to resound) made from a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials, including clay, wood, metals of all kinds, and animal hooves, bells are classified as percussive instruments |
there are two basic kinds: |
the body may be closed at one end and open at the other (these are called cup bells) |
it may be entirely closed and hollow, with a metal pellet inside (these are termed crotals) |
some have clappers (also called beaters or tongues), or internal attachments which strike the body when the bell is shaken. Clapperless wooden bells such as the Chinese temple block are struck on the outside surface with a mallet or rod |
the flared end of a musical instrument, for example, the end of a trumpet, horn, etc., pavillon (French m.), campana (Italian f., Spanish f.), Schalltrichter (German n.), Schallbecher (German m.), pabellón (Spanish m.) |
sound radiation from the bell of a brass instrument: |
the open end of a straight pipe is an inefficient radiator of sound waves, especially at low frequencies |
the bell offers a more gradual impedance transition between the high inner tube impedance and the very low outside air impedance |
the effective length of the bell increases with frequency. Thus, high frequency input impedance peaks of a pipe and bell combination will be lowered in frequency proportionately more than lower frequency peaks |
the radiation/reflection characteristics of the bell have to be carefully balanced to simultaneously produce stable oscillations (via reflections) as well as efficient radiation into the outside environment |
also orchestral bells, Glockenspiel (German), Glocken (German), metallofoon (Dutch), klokkenspel (Dutch), in automatic music players, particularly band organs and orchestrions, the bells were actually small metal chime bars that produced a clear high pitch tone. In music boxes, tuned cup-shaped saucer bells were used to produce the same result |
Bellaco | (Spanish m.) rogue |
bellaco | (Spanish) wicked |
Bella copia | (Italian f.) fair copy |
Belladonna | (English, German f.) deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna, a source of atropine |
the poisonous substance extracted from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and from which the drug atropine is obtained. Atropine has powerful effects on the parasympathetic nervous system, blocking nerve transmissions. With the parasympathetic nervous system out of action, the sympathetic system is left to function unopposed. Thus, atropine mimics some of the stimulatory actions of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenaline. Small doses cause the heart rate to increase. Atropine is used in some cough mixtures for the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough. It is also used to dilate the pupils for eye examination, relieve peptic ulcers, and to relax the smooth muscle of the intestines and stomach before a general anaesthetic |
bellaquear | (Spanish) to cheat |
Bellaqueria | (Spanish f.) dirty trick |
Bellas artes | (Spanish fine arts |
Bell cage | or Glockenstuhl (German), a wooden or metal framework, which rests on the bell deck rather than on beams embedded in the tower wall. It is within this cage that the bells are mounted so that they can swing, as in English change ringing |
Bell carriage | also flag carriage, carrocio (Italian), Glockenwagen or Fanderwagen (German) |
from the early Middle Ages, the bell carriage was a Palladium which was also the army's symbol of honor. It consisted of a wagon on which a bell was hung from a frame, pulled by luxuriously harnessed oxen. This was rung whenever danger threatened or when the whole army had to attend a religious service |
Bell chord | a musical arranging device in which a chord as a succession of sustained notes is sung by each voice in turn |
Bell deck | a term used in England for the floor of the belfry |
Bell diapason | an organ stop, usually of 8 ft. pitch, the open, bell mouthed pipes |
see flûte à Pavillon |
Belle | (French f.) beauty, a beautiful woman (which unlike the masculine form, beaux, has no implication of irony) |
Belle | (Old English, literally 'bell') also called clucge, bells are known and were probably used for music as well as for churches and animals. A magnificent example of a church bell was excavated at Hedeby in Northern Germany together with a section of the wooden hanger, or hinge, on which it would have swung. A trio of bell ringers (although they only have a pair of bells between them) can be seen on the Skog tapestry, c.1100, from Sweden. Handbells (O.E. handbelle) appear in the Bayeux tapestry (an embroidery created shortly after the battle of Hastings, 1066) |
Belle Dame sans Merci, La | (French, literally 'The Beautiful Lady without Pity') a ballad written by the English poet John Keats |
Belle époque, la | (French) in France, the period from about 1890 to 1914, a way of life destroyed by the First World War |
belle fatto | (Italian) ready-made |
Bell effect | also known colloquially as 'bells', a technique used in musical arrangement where single notes of a chord are played in sequence by different instruments which sustain their individual notes to allow the chord to be heard. It is, in effect, an arpeggio played by several instruments sequentially. This is also known as a "pyramid" |
Belle-fille | (French f.) daughter-in-law, stepdaughter |
Belle indifférence | (French f.) serene indifference |
Belle laide | (French f.) a woman whose plainess can be attractive or charming |
Belle-lettres | (from French, literally 'fine writing') or belle lettres, a term that draws attention to the imaginative and artistic quality of literary writing (drama, poetry, fiction, criticism and essays), as opposed to its informative, didactic, philosophical, or intellectual content. It may be used thus in a pejorative sense to indicate writing that is considered artificial or lacking in substance |
Belle-mère | (French f.) mother-in-law, stepmother |
Bellen | (German n.) bark, bay (hounds), baying |
bellen | (German) to bark, to bay (hounds), to bow-wow, to bowwow |
bellend | (German) barking, baying |
bellender Husten | (German m.) barking cough |
Belle peinture | (French f.) naturalistic painting |
Beller (m./pl.) | (German m.) barker (one, such as a dog, that makes a bark or a barking sound) |
Belles-lettres | (French f. pl.) works of literary criticism or of a philosophical nature (works that are serious but are neither fiction nor poetry) |
Belle-soeur | (French f.) sister-in-law |
Belletristik | (German f.) (poetry and) fiction, belles lettres (French f. pl.), books of fiction, fiction books |
belletristisch | (German) belletristic |
Belleza | (Spanish f.) beauty |
Bellezza | (Italian f.) beauty, grace |
(Italian f.) in music, a term used to describe beauty of tone and expression |
Bell founder | the person casts bells by pouring molten metal, usually of bronze, into a mould |
bellfreudig | (German) prone to barking |
Bell gamba | a sweet-toned 8 ft. pitch gamba stop in an organ, the body of the pipe being conical, the top of which is flared like the bell of a trumpet, horn, etc. |
Bell harmonica | bell harmonicas were all the rage from 1890 to 1930. Most have two bells mounted on top, which were played more for rhythm than for musical effect |
Bell harp | a psaltery |
Bellhusten | (German m.) barking cough |
bellicosamente | (Italian adverb form) warlike, martial, in a martial style |
bellicoso | (Italian) warlike, aggressive, martial, in a martial style |
belligérant | (French) belligerent |
belligerante | (Italian) belligerent |
Bellimbusto | (Italian m.) dandy |
Bellingshausenmeer | (German n.) Bellingshausen Sea |
Bellingshausen Sea | an area along the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula between Alexander Island and Thurston Island |
belliqueux (m.), belliqueuse (f.) | (French) warlike, bellicose |
Bellizist | (German m.) warmonger |
Bell-Lähmung | (German f.) Bell's palsy |
Bell lyra | or 'bell lyre', the marching version of a glockenspiel made in the shape of a lyre, which when used in a marching band is held upright and supported by a strap around the performer's waist |
Bell lyre | see 'bell lyra' |
Bellmen | bellmen were watchmen, but also had responsibility for public safety and order, for ensuring that street lamps were lit and to watch for signs of fire. They called out the hours and 'All's well' during the night. Bellmen's verses were distributed each year at Christmas by bellmen (or criers) and also by lamplighters in the expectation of a tip. The verses, which followed a set formula, would be modified to reflect current concerns |
Bell metal | the traditional material from which most metal bells are cast, a bronze alloy of roughly 80 percent copper and 20 percent tin |
Bell metronome | a metronome which includes a bell that can be engaged to mark the first beat of every bar, i. e. every beat (for one beat in a bar), every second beat (for two beats in a bar), every third beat (for three beats in a bar), etc. |
Bell mould | consisting of an inner core of brick and clay, over which is placed an outer form called the cope, the bell mould is used in the casting of metal bells. The molten metal, usually bronze, is poured in to fill the space between core and cope. Once the metal has cooled sufficiently, the mould is opened and the casting extracted |
Bello | (Italian m.) beauty, sweetheart |
bello | (Italian) beautiful, handsome, good-looking, fine (weather) |
bello | (Spanish) beautiful |
Bell, orchestral | see 'orchestral bell' |
Bellota | (Spanish f.) acorn |
Bellows | a pneumatic device that pumps air into a pipe organ |
the pleated centre section of instruments in the accordion family that collects air when expanded and pushes the air across reeds to produce the musical pitch(es) when squeezed |
in older organs, before electricity, this was used to pump air into a reservoir - it was made of two wedge shaped pieces of wood joined by an expandable, fan-like piece of leather - closing the bellows forced air into the reservoir |
on automatic music players that featured pipe organs, the bellows, which could pump air into a reservoir, or, by sucking air out of the reservoir, create a partial vacuum, were also known as 'feeders' or 'pneumatics' |
Bellowshake | (English, German m.) bellow shake |
Bellow shake | or bellowshake, the rapid in and out movement of the bellows on an accordion or concertina, an effect similar to the tremolo on other instruments |
Bellows normal | in German Ende des Balgtremolos, see B. N. |
Bellows release | the button found on most bellows-driven free-reed instruments used to open a valve which permits air enter and exit the bellows without passing through a reed. It is found on the left side of a 'Club System' instrument, near but not adjacent to the bass buttons |
Bellpipe | in a brass musical instrument, the tube segment which terminates in the bell. This may include the bow next to the bell |
Bell plates | campane in lastra di metallo (Italian), Plattenglocken (German), cloches-plaques (French) |
see 'plate bells' |
Bell rattle | a rattle to which bells are attached |
Bell ringer | most popular in the period 1910 to 1920, a figure found on some automatic music players which holds a small beater that strikes a bell often linked to the mechanism that controls the bass drum |
Bell ringing | see 'change-ringing' |
Bells | see 'bell effect' |
Bell's palsy | facial paralysis normally affecting the eye, mouth, and nose |
Bellsche Parese | (German f.) Bell's palsy, peripheral facial paralysis |
Bells of Justice | for many centuries, in China, a bell was hung outside the palace gate to be rung by a citizen seeking redress for an injustice |
bellt | (German) barks |
bellte | (German) barked, bayed |
Bell tones | a series of tones generally emulating the sound of a bell; a hard attack followed by immediate decay in sound. Brass instruments usually work best and trombones will sound better at it than trumpets; a common technique used in trombone choir music. The goal is to outline a harmony, usually ascending, with varying entrances, but usually consistent entrances. The words 'Bell Tone' should be written on each part in the appropriate place and with an accent placed above the note |
Bell tree | long stick with cup shaped-bells, ordered in pitch, suspended from it |
Belly | the upper surface of a stringed instrument on which the bridge rests, also called 'table', 'soundboard' or 'sounding board', usually made of softwood and, when present, containing the soundholes |
the soundboard of the pianoforte |
Belly dance | |
see raks sharki |
Belly organ | small portable barrel organ that was strapped with a belt around the stomach of wandering musicians. They were later put on a leg when they were termed peg organs |
Bellwether | (from 'wether', a castrated ram) from the fifteenth century, a contemptuous term for a leader whom only sheep would follow, especially one who possessed of more mouth than judgement, but used today for something that leads or indicates a trend |
bel metallo di voce | (Italian) a voice (usually a soprano) that has a clear, full and brilliant tone |
Belo | (Portuguese) beauty |
Belobigung | (German f.) praise, commendation |
belogen werden | (German) to be lied to |
belohnen | (German) to reward, to recompense, to remunerate, to requite, to award |
belohnend | (German) recompensing, remunerating, requiting, rewarding |
belohnt | (German) recompenses, remunerates, requites, rewarded, rewards, recompensed, remunerated, requited |
belohnte | (German) recompensed, remunerated, requited, rewarded |
Belohnung (s.), Belohnungen (pl.) | (German f.) prize, remuneration, reward, recompense, award, consideration, bounty |
belohnungsorientiert | (German) reward-orientated |
Belonephobia | fear of pins and needles |
Belonephobie | (German f.) belonephobia |
Belorußland | (German n., old form) Belarus |
Belorussland | (German n.) Belarus |
below | (más) abajo (Spanish), sotto (Italian), unter (German), sous (French) |
lower in position, amount, status, etc., than |
beneath the surface of (water) |
further forward on a page or in a book (for example, the comment 'as noted below') |
Belting | a style of singing that uses an adjustment producing heavy tones through the vocal range |
belud | (German) laden, loaded |
belüften | (German) to ventilate, to aerate |
Belüfter | (German m.) blower, ventilator, diffusor, aerator |
belüftet | (German) ventilated, aired, aerated |
Belüftung | (German f.) ventilation, aeration, airing, (artificial) ventilation, air supply, venting |
Belüftung eines Raumes | (German f.) ventilation of a room |
belügen | (German) to lie to (deceive) |
belügend | (German) lying to |
belügt | (German) lies to |
belustigen | (German) to amuse, to divert |
belustigend | (German) amusing, gay |
belustigt | (German) amused |
Belustigung (s.), Belustigungen (pl.) | (German) amusement, merriment, merrymaking |
Belutschistan | (German n.) Baluchistan (a former province of British India located in the northern parts of modern Balochistan province) |
Belutschistan | (German n.) Balochistan (a desert region of western Pakistan bounded by Iran, Afghanistan and the Arabian Sea) |
Belva | (Italian f.) wild beast |
Belvedere | (from the Italian m. bel vedere, 'fine view') viewing spot, viewpoint, a turret or summerhouse that commands a fine view |
Belvédère | (French m.) viewing spot, viewpoint |
Bema | (English, German n. from Greek) platform in synagogue for scripture readings, altar platform in Christian Orthodox church |
bemächtigend | (German) taking possession of |
bemächtigte | (German) took possession of |
bemächtigte sich | (German) usurped |
bemächtigt sich | (German) takes possession of, usurps |
Bemächtigung | (German f.) empowerment |
Bemaerkning | (Danish) note |
bemalen | (German) to paint |
bemalt | (German) painted |
bemaltes Glasfenster | (German n.) stained-glass window |
bemängeln | (German) to criticise, to fault |
bemängelnd | (German) criticising |
bemängelt | (German) criticises, criticised |
bemängelte | (German) criticised |
Bemängelung | (German f.) notation |
bemannen | (German) to crew, to man, to supply with men |
bemannend | (German) manning |
bemannt | (German) manned |
bemannt | (German) manned |
Bemannung | (German f.) manpower (especially of soldiers, sailors, etc.), crew |
bemänteln | (German) to cloak, to varnish, to palliate (figurative), to gloss over, to cover up (figurative) |
bemaß | (German) rated, scrimped |
bemaßen | (German) to dimension |
Bemaßung | (German f.) dimensioning |
Bemaßungstoleranzen | (German pl.) dimension tolerances |
Bembé | sacred Afro-Cuban ceremony in which saints are praised |
a set of three drums made from hollowed palm tree logs, with nailed-on skins which are tuned with heat and used in the Bembé ceremonies |
bemehlen | (German) to flour, to dust with flour |
bemehlt | (German) floured |
bemerkbar | (German) observable, marked, noticeable, perceivable |
(German) in music, to be played in a prominent manner |
bemerken | (German) to notice, to remark, to become aware of, to observe, to annotate, to comment, to note, to perceive, to detect, to realize, to register (perceive) |
bemerkend | (German) noticing, noting |
bemerken, dass | (German) to make the point that |
bemerkenswert | (German) remarkable, observable, notable, notably, noteworthy, noticeable, noticeably, observably, remarkably, exceptional, appreciable, conspicuous, striking, worth remarking, singular, signally |
bemerkenswerte Angelegenheit | (German f.) singular matter |
bemerkenswerte Geschichte | (German f.) distinguished history, remarkable history |
bemerkenswerte Karriere | (German f.) distinguished career, notable career |
bemerkenswerter Text | (German m.) noteworthy text |
bemerkenswerter Zufall | (German m.)remarkable coincidence |
bemerkenswerterweise | (German) remarkably |
bemerkenswert wegen | (German) distinguished for |
Bemerkning | (Norwegian) note |
bemerkt | (German) detected, perceived, noticed |
Bemerkung (s.), Bemerkungen (pl.) | (German f.) remark, comment, notice, commentary, annotation |
Bemerkungen äußern | (German) to address one's remarks |
Bemerkungen machen | (German) to comment |
bemessen | (German) to scrimp, to measure |
(German) assessed, measured |
bemessend | (German) scrimping |
Bemessung | (German f.) assessment, calculation |
Bemessungsfehler | (German m.) design error |
bemisst | (German) rates, scrimps |
bemitleiden | (German) to commiserate, to pity |
bemitleidend | (German) pitying, commiserating |
bemitleidenswert | (German) pitiful |
Bemitleider | (German m.) pitier |
bemitleidet | (German) commiserates, pitied, pities, commiserated |
bemitleidete | (German) commiserated, pitied |
Bemitleidung | (German f.) commiseration |
bemittelt | (German) well off, well-to-do |
Bemme | (German f.) slice of bread |
bemogeln | (German) to cheat |
Bemol |  | (Spanish, Portuguese) flat sign, B (German), a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone |
Bémol |  | (French m.) a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone |
bémol | (French) in the seventeenth century, denoting a minor key, for example mi bémol, E minor |
Bémol barré | (French m.) also bémol inversé or demi bémol, one quarter tone flat |
bemol, doble | (Spanish) double flat |
Bémol inversé | (French m.) also bémol barré or demi bémol, one quarter tone flat |
bémolisée | (French) a note that is preceded by a flat (i.e. flatted) |
bémoliser | (French) to place a flat in front of a note |
bemolizado | (Portuguese) flattened, flatted (the pitch of a note) |
Bemolle |  | (Italian m.) a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone |
bemollizzare | (Italian) to place a flat in front of a note |
bemol y medio | (Spanish) 3/4 tone flat (a microtonal alteration) |
bemoost | (German) moss-grown, mossy |
Bemühen | (German n.) effort, anxiety, attempt, endeavour, struggle |
bemühen | (German) to trouble |
bemühend | (German) bestirring, exerting, endeavouring |
bemüht | (German) bestirs, exerts, anxious, willing |
bemühte | (German) bestirred, exerted |
bemüht Fehler zu vermeiden | (German) anxious to avoid mistakes |
bemüht sein | (German) to endeavour, to try hard, to strive |
bemüht sein zu | (German) to endeavour to [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bemüht sich | (German) endeavours |
Bemühung (s.), Bemühungen (pl.) | (German f.) endeavour, effort, struggle, trouble (effort) |
bemuskelt | (German) muscled |
Bemusterung | (German f.) sampling |
Bemuttern | (German n.) mothering |
bemuttern | (German) to dry-nurse, to wet-nurse, to mother |
bemutternd | (German) mothering |
bemuttert | (German) mothered, mothers |
bemutterte | (German) mothered |
Ben | or B, referring to Rita Benton, the cataloguer of music by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel (1757-1831) |
ben, bene | (Italian) well, much, good |
ben marcato (Italian: well marked) |
ben. | abbreviated form of benedictio (Latin: blessing) |
Bena | Sardinian cane clarinet |
Benaaba | the head drummer in the sacred Bendré music of Burkina Faso |
benachbart | (German) adjacent, contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent to, adjoining, contiguous to, flanking, next to, vicinal, next door, collateral |
benachbarte Gemeinde | (German f.) neighbouring municipality |
benachbarte Kanten | (German pl.) adjacent edges |
benachbarte Räume | (German pl.) adjacent rooms |
benachbarter Winkel (s.), benachbarte Winkel (pl.) | (German m.) adjacent angle |
benachbartes Dorf | (German n.) neighbouring village |
benachbarte Staaten | (German pl.) adjoining states, adjoining countries |
benachbartes Wort | (German n.) nneighbouring word |
benachbartes Zimmer | (German n.) nadjoining room |
benachbart sein | (German) to be bordering each other |
benachrichtigen | (German) to inform, to notify, to apprise, to advise, to advertise, to certify, to give notice, to give notification |
benachrichtigend | (German) informing, apprising, informational, notifying, notificational |
Benachrichtiger | (German m.) informant, notifier |
benachrichtigt | (German) informs, apprises, informed, notified, apprised |
benachrichtigte | (German) informed, apprised |
Benachrichtigung (s.), Benachrichtigungen (pl.) | (German f.) information, apprisement, notification, advice, communication, letter of advice |
Benachrichtigung in angemessener Weise | (German f.) reasonable notice |
Benachrichtigung über Aktivitäten | (German f.) information about activities |
Benachrichtigung von einem Ereignis | (German f.) notice of event |
Benachrichtigungsschreiben | (German n.) letter of advice |
benachteiligen | (German) to discriminate against, to treat unfairly, to affect adversely, to place at a disadvantage, to adversely affect |
benachteiligend | (German) discriminating, discriminatory |
benachteiligt | (German) disadvantaged, discriminates, unprivileged, aggrieved, at a disadvantage, handicapped, discriminated, underprivileged |
benachteiligte | (German) discriminated |
Benachteiligter (m.), Benachteiligte (f.), Benachteiligte (pl.) | (German) underdog |
benachteiligtes | (German) discriminated |
benachteiligtes Viertel | (German n.) deprived area |
benachteiligt sein | (German) to be disadvantaged |
benachteiligt wegen seines Alters | (German) handicapped due to his age |
benachteiligt werden | (German) to be disadvantaged |
Benachteiligung (s.), Benachteiligungen (pl.) | (German f.) discrimination, disadvantage |
Benachteiligung gewisser Tätigkeiten | (German f.) job discrimination |
Benachteiligung von | (German f.) discrimination against |
benadrukken | (Dutch) to emphasize |
Benadelung | (German f.) aglet, aiglet (plated cord with tagged metal point hanging from the shoulder upon the breast of a uniform jacket) |
benahm | (German) behaved |
benahm sich | (German) demeaned, behaved |
benahm sich schlecht | (German) misbehaved |
benamsen | (German) to name |
benannt | (German) named, termed, labelled |
benannte | (German) termed, named |
benannte falsch | (German) misnamed |
benannte Person | (German f.) nominated person, nominee |
benannte um | (German) renamed |
benannt nach | (German) named for, named after, so called from |
benannt sein | (German) to be named |
benannt werden | (German) to be named |
ben articolato | (Italian) clearly and neatly phrased or pronounced |
ben bene | (Italian) very well, truely |
benché | (Italian) though, although |
Bench end | refers to the ends of pews or choir stalls, often elaborately carved |
Benchmark | (English, German m./f.) a standard, used for comparison |
Benchmarking | (English, German n.) the process of establishing standards that can be used for comparison |
Benchmark-Tests | (German pl.) benchmarks |
Bench stock | a stock of low-cost, repetitively used, consumption type supplies and repair parts, established at or near points of consumption or use to ensure continuous and uninterrupted operations |
Bencina | (Spanish f.) petrol |
Bend | (English, German m.) a change in the pitch of a note for expressive purposes, so named because on the guitar the effect is produced, literally, by bending the string, although on synthesizers specialized potentiometer-oscillators, or 'benders' are used and on brass instruments the effect is produced using half-valving |
(English, German m.) on the saxophone, the pitch change follows starting the note at the correct pitch and bending it downwards, or starting at a lower pitch and bending it upwards. This is the opposite of the guitar which bends a note upwards from pitch or downwards into pitch. On the saxophone, the technique involves slackening the jaw which increases the gap between the reed and tip of the mouthpiece |
(English, German m.) bending performs two main functions on the harmonica: |
wailing effect | it creates a sound effect that is very human and at the same time animal-like. The bending effect can sound like crying or wailing or moaning
adding missing notes | the bending technique allows the player to produce notes that are otherise missing on the diatonic harmonica. For example, bending the hole 4 draw of a key of a "C" diatonic harmonica, a Db ( or C#) note may be sounded which, otherwise, is a missing note between hole 4 blow ("C") and hole 4 draw ("D"). With the basic draw and blow bends a diatonic instrument may be played chromatically [entry suggested by Michael Zapf] |
bending also creates the glissandos characteristic of much blues harp and country music |
Benda | (Italian f.) bandage, blindfold |
bendare | (Italian) to bandage, to blindfold |
bendecir | (Spanish) to bless |
Bendel | (German m./n., dated) ribbon |
bendición | (Spanish f.) blessing |
Bending | (English, German n.) see 'bend' |
Bendir | (Maghreb) a frame drum from Morocco, with string snares that buzz when the drum is struck. It is particularly associated with the Jilala Sufi brotherhood, known for their hypnotic and otherworldly music |
bendito | (Spanish) blessed, holy, lucky, happy |
Bendré | from Burkina Faso, an ancient membranophone made from a gourd with its top cut off, covered with goat or sheep skin. The same instrument is called bara in Mali and dumaa among the Hausa in Benin |
Bend-skin | an urban Cameroonian popular music |
Bene | (Latin) good |
bene | see ben |
bene avviato | (Italian) thriving |
benebeln | (German) to befuddle, to bemuse, to besot, to mist (fine droplets of water applied to plants, etc.) |
benebelnd | (German) befogging |
benebelt | (German) befogged, woozy (colloquial), bemused, besotted, hazy, woolly, in a daze, dopey (colloquial), befuddled, muzzy, muddled (person), fuddled, addled (head, brain) |
bene decessit | (Latin, 'he has left well') a testimonial certifying that the bearer did not leave his or her employment due to misconduct |
benedeien | (German) to bless |
benedetto | (Italian) blessed |
Benedicite | (Latin) the canticle uttered by Sidrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they remained unharmed upon being cast into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar for refusing to adore a golden statue he had set up (Daniel 3:57-88, 56). It begins Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, Domino (Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord), and is included in the Liturgy of the Hours for Morning Prayer on Solemnities (incl. Sundays), and Feasts throughout the year |
Benedictine | rder of monks or nuns living according to the Rule of St Benedict |
Bénédiction | (French f.) blessing |
Benedictional | a book of prayers for use in the mass |
Bendicite | (Latin) bless! |
Benedick | a newly married man (especially one who has long been a bachelor), a reference to the confident bachelor (in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing) who courts and finally marries Beatrice |
Bendictine liqueur | originating in about 1510, made of herbs, roots and sugar with a Cognac base, a fortified liquer originally used to revive tired Benedictine monks |
Benedictus | (Latin, literally, 'blessed') the second part of the Sanctus of the Mass, named for the opening words Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini (Latin: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord) |
Benedikt | (German m.) Benedict |
Benedikt von Nursia | (German) Saint Benedict (480-547) (Italian monk who founded the Benedictine order in about 540) |
Benediktiner (s./pl.) | (German m.) Benedictine monk, benedictine (liqueur) |
Benediktinerabtei | (German f.) Benedictine abbey |
Benediktinerin | (German f.) Benedictine nun |
Benediktinerkloster | (German n.) Benedictine monastery, Benedictine abbey |
Benediktinerlikör | (German m.) Benedictine liqueur |
Benediktinermönch | (German m.) Black Monk |
Benediktinerorden | (German m.) Benedictine Order |
Benediktinerstift | (German n.) Benedictine monastery |
benediktinisch | (German) Benedictine |
Benediktion | (German f.) benediction, blessing |
Benediktional | (German n.) benedictional |
benedire | (Italian) to bless |
Benedizione | (Italian f.) blessing |
beneducato | (Italian) well-mannered |
bene esse | (Latin) prosperity, well-being, luxury |
benef. | abbreviation of 'benefice' |
Benefactor (m.), Benefactora (f.) | (Spanish) benefactor, benefactress |
Benefattore (m.), Benefattrice (f.) | (Italian) benefactor, benefactress |
beneficare | (Italian) to help |
Benefice | the means of generating an income to support a priest |
Bénéfice | (French m.) profit (gain), benefit (advantage) |
Beneficencia | (Spanish f.) charity |
Beneficenza | (Italian f.) charity |
Bénéficiaire | (French m./f.) beneficiary, one who profits or benefits by something |
beneficiar | (Spanish) to benefit |
beneficiare | (Italian) to profit, to profit by |
Beneficiario | (Spanish m.) beneficiary, payee (cheque) |
Beneficiario (m.), Beneficiaria (f.) | (Italian) beneficiary |
beneficiario (m.), beneficiaria (f.) | (Italian) beneficiary |
beneficiarse | (Spanish) to benefit |
bénéficier de | (French) to benefit from, to enjoy, to have |
Beneficio | (Italian m.) benefit |
(Spanish m.) benefit, advantage, profit, gain |
beneficioso | (Spanish) beneficial, advantageous |
benefico | (Italian) beneficial, charitable |
benéfico | (Spanish) beneficial, charitable |
bénéfique | (French) beneficial |
Benefit | (German m.) benefit |
Benefiz- | (German) benefit (prefix) |
Benefizauftritt | (German m.) charity appearance |
Benefizium | (German n.) benefice |
Benefizkonzert | (German n.) tribute concert, charity concert, benefit concert |
Benefizlauf | (German m.) charity run |
Benefizspiel | (German n.) benefit match, charity match |
Benefizveranstaltung | (German f.) benefit performance |
Benefizvorstellung | (German f.) benefit, benefit night, benefit performance |
Benehmen | (German n.) behaviour, discipline, conduct, deportment, demeanour, behaving, comportment, conduct of life, manners |
benehmen | (German) to take away |
benehmend | (German) behaving |
Benehmen wie ein Bauer | (German n.) boorish manners |
benehmend | (German) behaving |
beneiden | (German) to begrudge, to envy, to grudge |
beneidend | (German) envying, begrudging, begrudgingly, grudging |
beneidenswert | (German) enviable, enviably |
beneidenswerte Lage | (German f.) enviable position |
beneidenswerter | (German) more enviable |
beneidenswerteste | (German) most enviable |
beneidet | (German) begrudges, envies, grudges, begrudged, grudged |
beneidete | (German) begrudged, envied, envyed, grudged |
beneidet werden | (German) to be envied, to meet with envy |
Benelux | reference to Belgium (in German, Belgien), Netherlands (in German, Niederlande) and Luxembourg (in German, Luxemburg) |
Bénélux | (French m.) Benelux |
Beneluxländer | (German pl.) Benelux countries |
Benelux-Länder | (German pl.) the Low Countries |
Beneluxstaaten | (German pl.) Benelux countries |
bene marcato | (Italian) well marked, in a clear distinct and strongly accented manner |
benemerito | (Italian) worthy |
benemérito | (Spanish) worthy |
benennen | (German) to denominate, to call, to label, to style, to term, to nominate |
benennend | (German) appellative, naming |
benennt | (German) names |
benennt falsch | (German) misnames |
benennt um | (German) renames |
Benennung (s.), Benennungen (pl.) | (German f.) naming, denomination, titling, appellation, appointment, definition, denotation, name, nomination, style, designation |
Benennung eines Kandidaten | (German f.) nomination of a candidate |
bene placimento | (Italian) when preceded by A or A suo the phrase means ad libitum |
Beneplácito | (Spanish m.) approval |
bene placito | (Italian) when preceded by A or A suo the phrase means ad libitum |
bene pronunziato | (Italian) distinctly, clearly pronounced |
Benesh Movement Notation | a system of dance notation that can document any form of human movement. Invented by Joan and Rudolf Benesh in the late 1940s, the system uses abstract symbols based on figurative representations of the human body. Benesh notation uses a five staff stave that is read from left to right with bar lines to mark the passage of time. Because of this, Benesh can be presented with a timeline or musical accompaniment. Each staff in the Benesh stave coincides with the head, shoulders, waist, knees and floor (from top to bottom) and addition signs are used to notate the dimension and quality of the movement. Benesh movement notation one of the most widely used dance notation systems in western culture |
Benessere | (Italian m.) well-being |
Benestante | (Italian m./f.) well-off person |
benestante | (Italian) well-off |
benestare | (Italian) to consent |
Benêt | (French m.) simpleton |
Benét, Stephen Vincent | see 'The Devil and Daniel Webster' |
benetzbar | (German) moistenable, wettable |
Benetzbarkeit | (German f.) wettability |
benetzen | (German) to bedabble, to bedew, to bewet, to dabble, to moisten, to bathe |
benetzend | (German) wetting |
benetzt | (German) wets, wetted |
benetztes Thermometer | (German n.) wet-bulb thermometer (a thermometer with a bulb that is covered with moist muslin, that is used in a psychrometer to measure humidity) |
Benetzung | (German f.) wetting |
Benetzungsmittel | (German n.) wetting agent (substance that improves surface contact by reducing the surface tension of a liquid) |
Benevent | (German n.) Benevento |
Beneventan rite | medieval liturgical texts and melodies, perhaps predating Gregorian chant, contained in manuscripts displaying the distinctive writing known as 'Beneventan', a type of script first used towards the middle of the eighth century in the southern Italian Duchy of Benevento (to which general region the hand owes its name). The chant itself gradually disappeared over the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries (indeed Beneventan chant was abolished by papal decree in 1058), in favour of the now universal chant known as Gregorian but there is evidence that it continued to be practiced until at least the middle of the sixteenth century (and into the eighteenth in a 'pseudo-Beneventan' form). 'Beneventan' was written throughout the area comprising the Duchy and also along the Dalmatian coast, the script having been transported there, as a result of changing practices, and deliberate suppression, by Benedictine monks who came to found or to populate monasteries |
Beneventanischer Gesang | (German m.) Beneventan chant, Beneventian chant |
Beneventian rite | alternative spelling for 'Beneventan rite' |
Benevento | a town and comune of Campania, Italy, capital of the province of Benevento, 50 km northeast of Naples |
bénévole | (French) voluntary |
Benevolencia | (Spanish f.) benevolence |
Benevolenza | (Italian f.) benevolence |
benevolo | (Italian) benevolent |
Benga | (Kenya) a style that appeared in the 1960s, marrying local rhythms, especially those of the Omutibo, with Cuban or Congolese rumba and South African kwela, and forcefully performed with guitars and brass |
Bengal | a region whose eastern part is now Bangladesh and whose western part is included in India |
Bengala | (Spanish f.) flare |
Bengale (m.), Bengalin (f.) | (German) Bengali, Bengalese |
Bengalen | (German n.) Bengal |
Bengali | (German n.) Bengali |
Bengalisch | (German n.) Bengali |
bengalisch | (German) Bengali |
Bengalische Feige | (German f.) banyan (Ficus bengalensis) |
bengalisches Feuer | (German n.) Bengal light, Bengal firework |
Bengal firework | or Bengal light, a firework or flare that burns with a steady bright blue light, formerly used as a signal |
Bengal Renaissance | a reference to a social reform movement during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the region of Bengal in undivided India during the period of British rule. The Bengal renaissance can be said to have started with Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1775-1833) and ended with Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), although there have been many stalwarts thereafter embodying particular aspects of the unique intellectual and creative output. Nineteenth century Bengal was a unique blend of religious and social reformers, scholars, literary giants, journalists, patriotic orators and scientists, all merging to form the image of a renaissance, and marked the transition from the 'medieval' to the 'modern |
Bengaluru | (English, German n.) the official name of Bangalore, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka, located on the Deccan Plateau in the south-eastern part of Karnataka |
Bengel (s./pl.) | (German m.) boy, lout, rascal, urchin, scoundrel |
Bengtsson | after Ingmar Bengtsson, cataloguer of the music of Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758) |
Beniamino | (Italian m.) favourite |
benigne | (German) benign |
Benignidad | (Spanish f.) benignity, kindness, mildness |
Benignität | (German f.) benignity, kindness, mildness |
benigno | (Italian, Spanish) kind, kindly, mild, mildly, gentle, gently, benign (medicine) |
Benimmregeln | (German pl.) etiquette |
benimmt sich | (German) behaves |
benimmt sich schlecht | (German) misbehaves |
Benin | (English, German n.) a country of western Africa that was originally made up of several ancient kingdoms colonised by France in the 19th century |
bénin (m.), bénigne (f.) | (French) mild, slight, benign (tumour) |
Beniner (m.), Beninerin (f.), Beniner (pl.), Beninerinnen ( | (German) Beninese |
beninisch | (German) Beninese |
beninteso | (Italian) of course |
bénir | (French) to bless |
bénit (m.), bénite (f.) | (French) holy (water), consecrated (bread) |
Bénitier | (French m.) stoup |
benjamin (m.), benjamine (f.) | (French) youngest child |
ben marcato | (Italian) well marked, in a clearly distinct and strongly accented manner |
ben miserato | (Italian) ben misurato, well measured (see, for example, Victor Ullmann (1898-1944), Piano Sonata No. 7, Alla marcia, ben miserato) |
ben moderato | (Italian) very moderate time |
Benna | (Antigua and Barbuda) an Afro-Caribbean style of percussion, dance and song |
Benne | (French f.) scoop (of a crane), skip (waste) |
Ben oil | oil from seeds of ben (Moringa) trees, used in foods, cosmetics, perfumes, and laxatives and as a lubricant |
Benöl | (German n.) ben oil |
benommen | (German) stunned, fuzzy, dazed, light-headed, stupid, torpid, dopey (colloquial), muzzy, numbly, giddily, dizzily, woozy (colloquial), dizzy, numb (emotionally) |
benommen durch einen Schlag | (German) silly from a blow (colloquial: dazed by a blow) |
benommener Zustand | (German m.) dazed state, stunned state |
benommenes Gefühl | (German n.) stuffy feeling |
Benommenheit | (German f.) numbness, daze, dazedness, stupefaction, torpidity, torpidness, dopiness, dazed feeling, muzziness (dazed state), light-headedness, dizziness, wooziness (colloquial), drowsiness, lightheadedness, stupor, presyncope |
Benommensein | (German n.) daze |
benommen machen | (German) to daze, to stupefy |
benommen machend | (German) dazing |
benommen sein | (German) to be in a daze |
benommenste | (German) groggiest |
Benois, Alexandre Nikolayevich (1870-1960) | probably the most important member of the artistic Benois family. His influence on the modern ballet and stage design has been seminal |
benoten | (German) to grade (to mark), to mark |
benötigen | (German) to want, to need, to require, to lack, to warrant (require) |
benötigend | (German) needing |
benötigt | (German) needed, needs, required |
benötigt auch in Zukunft | (German) continues to require |
Benötigte | (German n.) desideratum |
benötigte Aufstellungsfläche | (German f.) floor space required |
benötigte Informationen | (German pl.) needed information |
benötigte Zeit | (German f.) time required, time taken |
benötigt werden | (German) to be needed |
Benotung | (German f.) grading |
Benotungssystem | (German n.) marking system, grading system, grading scale |
Benperidol | (English, German n.) a drug which is a highly potent butyrophenone derivative, a potent neuroleptic |
ben pronunziato | (Italian) clearly enunciated |
ben ritmico | (Italian) the rhythm to be clearly and precisely defined, bien rythmé (French), sehr rhythmisch (German) |
Benshi | (Japanese) performers who provided live narration for Japanese and Western silent films. During the silent film, the benshi stood to the side of the movie screen and introduced and related the story to the audience. In theatrical style, benshi often spoke for the characters onscreen and played multiple roles. Stemming from the traditions of kabuki and Noh theatres, the benshi's narration and general commentary were an important part of the Japanese silent film experience |
- Benshi from which this extract has been taken
bensi | (Italian) rather, but rather |
ben sostenuto | (Italian) well held, well sustained |
Bentazepam | (English, German n.) (also known as thiadipone) a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative and possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant properties |
Benten | the Japanese goddess of love, eloquence, wisdom, the arts, music, knowledge, good fortune and water. She is the patroness of geishas, dancers, and musicians |
- Benten from which this extract has been taken
ben tenuto | (Italian) well held, well sustained |
Benthal | (German n.) benthic zone |
benthal | (German) benthic |
Benthic | living on or in the seabed |
benthisch | (German) benthic |
Benthonic | of or relating to or happening on the bottom under a body of water |
benthonisch | (German) benthonic |
Bentonia School | a style of guitar-playing sometimes attributed to blues players from Bentonia, Mississippi, features a shared repertoire of songs, guitar-tunings and chord-voicings with a distinctively minor tonality not found in other styles of blues music. While not all blues musicians from Bentonia played in this style, one particular blues player, Skip James (1902-1969), had a distinct, complicated, and highly sophisticated style that veered from typical blues guitar playing. His style became known as Bentonia School |
- Benten from which this extract has been taken
Bent note | see 'blue note' |
Bent pitch | a note the pitch of which rises or falls while being played |
see 'blue note' |
ben trovato (s.), ben trovati (pl.) | (Italian) ingeniously invented |
Bentside | the curved side of a harpsichord or spinet case |
Benummerung | (German f.) numbering |
benutzbar | (German) available, usable |
benutzen | (German) to use, to utilise, to use (Southern Germany) |
benutzend | (German) using |
Benutzer (m.), Benutzerin (f.), Benutzer (pl.) | (German) user, borrower (library, etc.), reader (library, etc.), end-user |
Benutzerabfrage | (German f.) login |
benutzerfreundlich | (German) user-friendly. ease of use |
Benutzerfreundlichkeit | (German f.) usability, user-friendliness, ease of use |
Benutzergruppe | (German f.) user group |
Benutzerhandbuch | (German n.) user guide, user manual, user's guide, owner's manual |
Benutzername | (German m.) username, user name |
Benutzerzufriedenheit | (German f.) user satisfaction |
benutzt | (German) used, utilises, used (Southern Germany), uses (Southern Germany) |
Benutzung (s.), Benutzungen (pl.) | (German f.) use |
Benutzung {f} auf eigene Gefahr | (German f.) use at your own risk |
Benutzungsbedingungen | (German pl.) terms of usage |
Benutzungsdokumentation | (German f.) user documentation |
Benutzungsgebühr | (German f.) service charge, utilisation fee, toll (road, tunnel, bridge, etc.) |
Benutzungshinweise | (German pl.) directions for use |
Benvenuto | (Italian m.) welcome |
benvenuto | (Italian) welcome |
benzen | (German - Austria) to beg, to complain |
Benzin | (German n.) petrol, gasoline (US), gas (US), benzine |
Benzina | (Italian f.) petrol |
Benziner | (German m.) petrol-driven car (as opposed to diesel-driven, LPG-driven, electric, etc. vehicle) |
Benzinfass | (German n.) steel drum, steel pan |
Benzinfeuerzeug | (German n.) fuel (cigarette) lighter, petrol (cigarette) lighter |
Benzingeruch | (German m.) smell of petrol |
Benzingestank | (German m.) reek of petrol |
Benzinkanister | (German m.) jerrycan, petrol can, petrol canister |
Benzinkocher | (German m.) petrol stove, gasoline stove (US), petrol heater |
Benzochinone | (German pl.) benzoquinones |
Benzodiazepin (s.), Benzodiazepine (pl.) | (German n.) benzodiazepine |
Benzodiazepine | a chemical that is often used as the active ingredient in mind-affecting drugs such as tranquilizers |
Benzoeharz | (German n.) styrax resin, benzoin resin |
several species of the popular ornamental tree found in parks and gardens produce a benzoin resin, in particular, S. benzoides and S. benzoin) native to Sumatra, Java, and Thailand. It is the dried exudation from the pierced bark that is used in perfumes, some kinds of incense and medicine. The resin includes small amounts of styrene, this hydrocarbon being named after the genus |
Benzoe-Harz | (German n.) styrax resin, benzoin resin |
Benzoquinones | a class of aromatic yellow compounds including several that are biologically important as coenzymes or acceptors or vitamins, and other used in making dyes |
beobachtbar | (German) noticeable |
Beobachtbarkeit | (German f.) observability |
beobachten | (German) to watch, to observe, to monitor, to notice, to scout, to study |
beobachtend | (German) observating, observing, watching, observantly, observant |
Beobachter | (German m.) observer, lurker (slang), watcher, look-out |
Beobachterstand | (German m.) blister |
Beobachterstatus | (German m.) observer status |
Beobachtersystem | (German n.) laboratory system |
beobachtet | (German) observes, observed, watched |
beobachtete | (German) observed |
Beobachtung (s.), Beobachtungen (pl.) | (German f.) observation, monitoring, notice, observance, study, supervision, watching |
Beobachtungen anstellen | (German) to make observations |
Beobachtungsgabe | (German f.) power of observation, powers of observation |
Beobachtungspunkt | (German m.) observation point, viewpoint (observation point) |
Beobachtungsstation | (German f.) observation ward (hospital), monitoring station |
Beobachtungsstelle | (German f.) observation point |
Beobachtungswinkel | (German m.) viewing angle |
Beobachtungszeitraum | (German m.) observation period, period under consideration, period under observation, period under review |
beodo | (Spanish) drunk |
Beopgo | (Korean) or beopgu, a Korean drum which is slightly bigger than the sogo |
Beopgu | beopgo |
beordern | (German) to summon |
beordert | (German) summoned |
Beot | (Anglo-Saxon) a ritualized boast or vow made publicly by Anglo-Saxon warriors known as thegns before the hlaford in a mead-hall the night before a military engagement |
Beotian | or 'Boeotian', pertaining to the great rivals of ancient Athens, the peoples living in Boeotia. To the Athenians particularly the Boeotians seemed dull and thick-witted, a condition which Cicero and Horace ascribed to the dampness of the atmosphere. It seems true that Boeotia was backward artistically, but its contribution to music and literature was considerable: Hesiod, Corinna, Pindar, and Plutarch were all Boeotians. The dialect in the classical period was Aeolic, as spoken in Lesbos and Thessaly, but had some features in common with west Greek and a vowel-system peculiar to itself |
Béotien (m.), Béotienne (f.) | (French) philistine |
Beowulf | (English, German) an Old English heroic epic poem |
bepacken | (German) to load [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bepacken mit | (German) to load with [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bepackt | (German) loaded |
bepflanzen | (German) to plant [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bepflanzend | (German) planting |
bepflanzen mit | (German) to plant with [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
bepflanzt | (German) planted |
Bepflanzung | (German f.) planting, planting of vegetation |
bepflastern | (German) to plaster (also figurative) |
bepfründeter Richter | (German m.) stipendiary magistrate |
beplanken | (German) to cover with |
Beplankung | (German f.) planking, covering |
Beplattung | (German f.) plating |
bepreisen | (German) to price |
Bepreisung | (German f.) pricing |
beproben | (German) to sample |
Beprobung | (German f.) sampling |
beq. | abbreviation of 'bequeath' |
Be quadrat | or 'B quadrat', B natural (as opposed to 'B rotundum', which is B flat) |
Bequadro |  | (Italian m.) the 'natural' sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened (sharped) or flattened (flatted) |
Béquarre |  | (French m.) or bécarre, the 'natural' sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened (sharped) or flattened (flatted) |
bequem | (German) convenient, cushy, modest, conveniently, readily, commodious, comfy (colloquial), easily, cosy, with ease, comfortable, easy, comfortably, leisurely, easily, lazy, light and easy, at ease, with agility, mild, moderate, easy-tempered, unconstrained, ready-witted, handy, agevole (Italian), aisé (French) |
bequem angeordnet | (German) conveniently arranged |
bequeme Einrichtung | (German f.) convenience |
bequeme Entschuldigung | (German f.) convenient excuse |
bequeme Kleidung | (German f.) casual dress, comfortable clothes |
bequemer | (German) cushier, more comfortable, comfier (colloquial) |
bequemer Anzug | (German m.) comfortable suit |
bequeme Reise | (German f.) comfortable journey |
bequem erreichbar | (German) conveniently situated |
bequemer Sessel | (German m.) easy chair |
bequemer Sitzplatz | (German m.) comfortable seat |
bequemerweise | (German) conveniently |
bequemes Gerät | (German n.) convenience |
bequemes Leben | (German n.) easy life |
bequeme Vorrichtung | (German f.) convenience |
bequeme Zeit | (German f.) convenience |
Bequemlichkeit (s.), Bequemlichkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) comfort, laziness, cushiness, ease, accommodation, convenience, snugness, amenities (plural form) |
bequemste | (German) cushiest (colloquial), most comfortable, most convenient, comfiest (colloquial) |
bequem in der Hand liegen | (German) to lie comfortably in the hand |
Béquille | (French f.) crutch |
a system for shortening the strings of a harp invented by Georges Cousineau (1733-1800) - the béquilles were a pair of small metal levers, one on each side of the string, which pinched the string from opposite sides when a pedal was depressed, thereby chaging its sounding length and thus its pitch |
beqt. | abbreviation of 'bequest' |