music dictionary : An - Ang

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ANabbreviation of 'audible noise'
An, an(German) on, by, to, at, upon, in, onwards, on (power, light, etc.), about
in organ music, an indication that the stop in question is to be drawn
an.abbreviation of anno (Latin: year), 'anonymous', 'answer'
a.n.abbreviation of 'above named'
A/Nabbreviation of 'advice note'
Anabaptismus(German m.) Anabaptism
Anabaptist(English, German m.) various groups at various times have been called Anabaptist, but the term is most commonly used to refer to the Anabaptists of 16th century Europe. Today the descendants of the 16th century European movements (particularly the Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, Brethren in Christ, and other respective German Baptist variants) are the most common bodies referred to as Anabaptist. Believer's baptism is one of the defining characteristics of Anabaptist beliefs, but was considered heresy by the other major religious groups of the reformation period. As a result, Anabaptists were heavily persecuted during the 16th century and into the 17th
Anabaptista(Spanish) Anabaptist
anabaptista(Spanish) Anabaptist
Anabasis(Greek, literally 'going up') or ascensus, the response to such verbal ideas as 'going up' with rising musical phrases, a succession of ascending sounds
(Greek) a military advance
see Anakamptos
Anabaticwind flowing up an incline, such as up a hillside, upslope wind
anabatisch(German) anabatic (wind or air current)
Anabiose(German f.) anabiosis
Anabiosissuspended animation in organisms during periods of extreme drought from which they revive when moisture returns
anabol(English, German) anabolic
Anabolesynonymous with fantasia, ricercar, prelude, preambulum, and prooemium
anaboles Steroid (s.), anabole Steroide (pl.)(German n.) anabolic steroids
Anabolicreferring to something that causes a building-up of tissue, or anabolism
Anabolikum (s.), Anabolika (pl.)(German n.) anabolic agents
Anabolismus(German m.) anabolism
Anabolizante(Spanish m.) anabolic steroid
Anacamptossee Anakamptos
Anacaraor ancarista, kettle drum
anacarado (m.), anacarada (f.)(Spanish) pearly
Anacardo(Spanish m.) cashew nut
Anachoret (m.s.), Anachoretin (f.s.), Anachoreten (pl.)(German) anchorite, anchoress (f.) (a person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons)
Anachoretentum(German n.) anchoritism
anachoretisch(German) anchoritic
Anachreonticin a Bacchanalian or drinking style
anachronique(French) anachronistic
Anachronismanacronismo (Italian m., Spanish m.), Anachronismus (German m.), anachronisme (French m.), something wrongly dated and so in the wrong chronological relationship with other things and events. In literature, placing an event, person, item, or verbal expression in the wrong historical period
Anachronisme(French m.) anachronism
Anachronismus(German m.) anachronism
Anachronist(German m.) anachronist
anachronistisch(German) anachronistically, anachronistic
Anacletic(from Greek) summoning or recall (for example, an anacletic hymn is a hymn sung to summon a diety, etc.)
Anacoloutha(Greek) substituting one word with another whose meaning is very close to the original, but in a non-reciprocal fashion; that is, one could not use the first, original word as a substitute for the second. This is the opposite of acoloutha
Anacoluthon (s.), Anacolutha (pl.)(Greek) a rhetorical device that can be loosely defined as a change of syntax within a sentence. More specifically, anacoluthons (or anacolutha) are created when a sentence abruptly changes from one structure to another. Grammatically, anacoluthon is an error; however, in rhetoric it is a figure that shows excitement, confusion, or laziness. In poetics it is sometimes used in dramatic monologues and in verse drama. In prose, anacoluthon is often used in stream of consciousness writing, such as that of James Joyce, because it is characteristic of informal human thought
anacoluthon is sometimes (wrongly) confused with anacoloutha, a term that denotes metaphorical substitutions
Anaconda(English, Spanish f.) large non-poisonous snake killing its prey by constriction
Anacoreta(Spanish m.) hermit
Anacreon of the Twelfth Century, Thethe author of verse that became a famous drinking-song, Meum est propositum in taberna mori (Latin: It is my intention to die in an inn), the ecclesiastic Walter Map or Mapes (1140-1210)
Anacreonticsnamed for the Greek lyric poet Anacreon (c.572-c.488 BC) who wrote mainly in praise of wine and love, anacreontics are verses on these topics, or the metrical form in which such verses are written
Anacreontic Societya popular gentlemen's club of amateur musicians in London founded in 1766. These barristers, doctors, and other professional men named their club after the Greek court poet Anacreon, who lived in the sixth century B.C. and whose poems, "anacreontics", were used to entertain patrons in Teos and Athens. Dubbed "the convivial bard of Greece", Anacreon's songs often celebrated women, wine, and entertaining. The society presented regular concerts of music, and included among their guests such important musicians as Franz Joseph Haydn, who was the special guest at their concert in January 1791.
anacrónico (m.), anacrónica (f.)(Spanish) anachronistic
Anacronismo(Italian m., Spanish m.) anachronism
Anacrouse(French f.) anacrucis
Anacrusa(Spanish f.) anacrusis
Anacruse(Portuguese f.) anacrusis
Anacrusi(Italian f.) anacrusis, upbeat, the initial note of a melody that occurs before the first bar-line
Anacrusis (s.), Anacruses (pl.)(Italian, Spanish, from Latin, from the Greek anakrousis, 'a striking up') in poetry, unstressed (i.e. unaccented) syllable(s) that precede the first accented note of a line of verse, these additions are not considered part of the regular metrical count
(Italian, Spanish, from Latin, from the Greek anakrousis, 'a striking up') in music, a single note, where it is also called an up-beat or pickup note, or a group of notes, that occurs before the first strong beat
Anacrustica phrase that starts and ends in the middle of a bar; a phrase that begins on the downbeat of a bar and ends at the end of a bar is said to be crustic
Añada(Spanish f.) season, year, period
Spanish lullaby
Ánade(Spanish m./f.) duck
añadido (m.), añadida (f.)(Spanish) added
for example, nota añadida (Spanish: added note)
Añadidura(Spanish f.) addition
a nadie le amarga un dulce(Spanish) don't refuse a gift
a nadie le importa(Spanish) nobody cares, who cares
Anadiplosisthe repetition of the last word of a preceding clause, line or sentence at the beginning of the one following. Extended anadiplosis is called gradatio
añadir(Spanish) to add
añadir a(Spanish) to add to
a nado(Spanish) by swimming
Anadolu rockTurkish rock music
anaerob(German) anaerobic
anaerobio (m.), anaerobia (f.)(Spanish) anaerobic
anaerobisch(German) anaerobic
Anaesthesia(Latin, from the Greek) absence of feeling, insensibility, (in medicine) the artificial production of insensibility to pain
Anafe(Spanish m. - Chile, Mexico) or anafre, portable stove
Anafilfrom the Arabical-nafir, a natural trumpet
anag.abbreviation of 'anagram'
Anaglypha type of two dimensional image that creates the illusion of three dimensions that is produced when two photographs taken of the same scene at slightly different angles, one through a red filter and the other through a blue, green, or cyan filter, are printed together in different solid colours as a single image. A special pair of filtered glasses needs to be worn to experience the 3D effect. The red filter of the glasses makes the red ink of the image appear white and the blue ink as black. The blue filter has a complementary affect on the blue ink. The brain interprets the differences seen by each eye as space. Ducos du Hauron patented this process in 1891. Its popularity has been sporadic, used in such mediums as movies and comics
Anaglyphenbrille(German f.) anaglyph glasses
Anaglyph glassesglasses designed to produce a 3D-effect when viewing suitably prepared two-dimensional images
Anagnorisis(Greek, literally 'recognition') a term used by Aristotle in the Poetics to describe the moment of tragic recognition in which the protagonist realizes some important fact or insight, especially a truth about himself, human nature, or his situation
Anagogicalin fourfold interpretation, the anagogical reading is the fourth type of interpretation in which one reads a religious writing in an eschatological manner, that is, the passage is interpreted as a revelation concerning the last days, the end of time, or the afterlife
Anagrafe(Italian f.) registry office, register
Anagrama word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. An anagram that functions by merely writing a name backwards is known more specifically as an ananym
Anagrama(Spanish m.) anagram
[corrected by Leonardo Waisman]
Anagramma(Italian m.) anagram
Anagramme(French f., German n.) anagram
Anakamptos(Greek) or Anacamptos, the response to such verbal ideas as "going down" with falling musical phrases, a succession of descending sounds
see Anabasis
Anakaristatympanist or kettledrum-player
anakreontisch(German) Anacreontic, anacreontic
often written in trochiac tetrameter, an anacreontic praises wine, women, and song written in adaptation or imitation of the Greek poet Anacreon
Anakrusis(German f., from Greek) anacrusis, the up-beat in conducting or beating time
anakrustisch(German) anacrustic
an akuten Schmerzen leiden(German) to suffer acute pain
an Akzeptanz gewinnen(German) to gain credence
anal.abbreviation of 'analogous', 'analogy', 'analyse', 'analysis', 'analytic'
Analeptikum(German n.) analeptic (a restorative or stimulatant used as a drug or medication)
analeptisch(German) analeptic
Anales(Spanish annals
Añales(Spanish - Latin-America) ages (colloquial: a long time)
Analfabeta(Italian m./f.) illiterate person
analfabeta(Italian) illiterate
analfabetismo(Italian m., Spanish m.) illiteracy
Analfabeto (m.), Analfabeta (f.)(Spanish) illiterate (person), ignoramus (pejorative, familiar)
analfabeto (m.), analfabeta (f.)(Spanish) illiterate
Analgésico(Spanish m.) analgesic, pain-killer
analgésico (m.), analgésica (f.)(Spanish) analgesic
Analgesie(German f.) analgesia
Analgetikum (s.), Analgetika (pl.)(German n.) analgesic (agent)
analgetisch(German) anodyne, analgesic, analgic (capable of soothing or eliminating pain, relaxing)
analgetisches Mittel (s.), analgetische Mittel (pl.)(German n.) analgesic (agent)
Análise(Portuguese f.) analysis
Analisi(Italian f.) analysis, test (medical)
Analisi musicale(Italian f.) musical analysis
Análisis(Spanish m.) analysis, test (medical)
Analisi Schenkeriana(Italian f.) Schenkerian analysis
Análisis de sangre(Spanish m.) blood test
Analista(Italian m./f., Spanish m./f.) analyst
analítico (m.), analítica (f.)(Spanish) analytic, analytical
analizar(Spanish) to analyze, to examine, to parse (linguistics)
analizarse(Spanish) to undergo analysis, to have analysis (colloquial)
analizzare(Italian) to analyze, to test (medical)
Analkrebs(German m.) anal cancer
an alle, die es angeht(German) to all whom it may concern
an allen Ecken sparen(German) to pinch and scrimp
an allen Ecken und Kanten sparen(German) to cut corners (colloquial)
an allen vier Gliedern gelähmt sein(German) to have all four limbs paralysed (quadriplegic)
analog(German) analogously, analogous, analogue
Analog-Ausgabeeinheit(German f.) analog output unit
Analog-Digital-Umsetzer(German m.) analog-to-digital converter, analog-digital converter
Analog-Digital-Wandler(German m.) analog to digital converter (ADC)
Analog Digitalwandler(German m.) analog digital converter, A to D converter
analoge Situation(German f.) analogous situation
analoge und digitale Signalverarbeitung(German f.) analogue and digital signal processing
analog hergestellt(German) analogously prepared
Analogia(Italian f., Spanish f.) analogy
analógico (m.), analógica (f.)(Spanish) analog, analogue
Analogie(French f., German f.) analogy
Analogie (s.), Analogien (pl.)(German f.) analogy, correspondence
Analogielehre(German f.) doctrine of analogy
Analogismus(German m.) analogism
analogo(Italian) analogous
análogo (m.), análoga (f.)(Spanish) analogous, similar
Analogon(German n.) analogy, analogue
Analog recordingUS spelling of 'analogue recording'
Analog signal processingUS spelling of 'analogue signal processing'
Analog synthesizerUS spelling of 'analogue synthesizer'
Analog-to-digital conversionUS spelling of 'analogue-to-digital conversion'
Analoguein literature, a story that contains similar characters, situations, settings, or verbal echoes to those found in a different story. Sometimes analogues reveal that one version was adopted from or inspired by another, or that both tales originate in a lost, older text
analogue(French) similar
Analogue recordingthe first approach used to store sounds for later playback. It was first successfully used by Thomas Alva Edison
Analogue signal processingany signal processing conducted on analogue signals
Analogue synthesizera synthesizer, which uses voltage controlled analogue modules to synthesize sound. Dr. Robert Moog invented the concept of a variety of analogue modules all of which can interconnect via a standardized voltage control system
the three main voltage controlled modules/components in an analogue synthesizer are:
voltage controlled oscillatorVCOproduces the raw tone wave
voltage controlled filterVCFaffects the tone or sharpness of the sound
voltage controlled amplifierVCAcontrols the volume characteristics
Analogue-to-digital conversionthe electronic process of changing continuously varying wave-form data into digital quantities that represent the magnitude of the data at the moment the conversion is made. The most common use is to change analog signals into a form that can be manipulated by digital computer, as in data communications
Analoguhr(German f.) analog clock, analog watch
Analogy (in music)Charles Ives's Fourth of July is characterized by polymeter, polytonality, dense textures, and quotations from popular and folk tunes. It is a fully integrated work whose multiple layerings and quotations had deep philosophical implications for the composer. Ives, the Transcendentalist, was able to perceive a unity among superficial and discordant events. In this work, he creates analogies to four types of events: acoustical (music of parades, church services, and so on); natural phenomena (violin glissando passage representing smoke); psychological phenomena; and non-programmatic musical unity
Analogy, linguisticthe modification of grammatical usage from the desire for uniformity
analog zu(German) analogous to
Analphabet (m.s.), Analphabetin (f.s.) Analphabeten (pl.)(German) illiterate (person)
Analphabète(French m./f.) illiterate (person)
analphabète(French) illiterate
Analphabetenrate(German f.) illiteracy rate
Analphabetentum(German n.) illiteracy
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Analphabeticrelating to or expressed by a writing system that is not alphabetic
analphabetisch(German) analphabetic
Analphabetismus(German m.) illiteracy
an Altersschwäche sterben(German) to die of old age
Analys(Swedish) analysis
Analyse (s.), Analysen (German pl.)(French f., Dutch, German f.) analysis
(German f.) breakdown, run-down, study, evaluation, assay
Analyse des kritischen Wegs(German f.) critical path analysis
Analysefähigkeit(German f.) analytical skill, analytical ability
analyser(French) to analyse
analysierbar(German) analysable
analysieren(German) to assay, to analyse to dissect (figurative), to parse, to break down (analyse), to study
analysierend(German) analysing
analysiert(German) dissected (figurative)
Analysierungen(German pl.) analyses
Analysis(English, German f.) the separation of the parts of a subject for individual study, in order to find out their nature, function, and meaning. Exercising the ability to break down learned material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood, analysis represents the fourth level of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain - the level of understanding just beyond comprehension and application because they require an understanding of both the content and the structural form of the material. Analysis may include the identification of the parts, analysis of the relationships between parts, and recognition of the organizational principles involved. Objectives of lessons which will increase a student's ability to analyse knowledge can be stated with such behavioural terms as: analyze, appraise, audit, break down, characterize, check, classify, compare, conclude (draw conclusions), contrast, debate, deduce, determine, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, dissect, distinguish, examine, experiment, generalize, graph, illustrate, inspect, infer, inventory, map, point out, outline (no format given), question, reason, refute, relate to, research, screen, scrutinize, search, section, select, separate, sift, simplify, solve, study, subdivide, survey, syllogize, test, and uncover. The next higher thinking skill is synthesis
different methods and types of analysis have been applied to music, including:
formDonald Tovey (1875-1940) Essays in Musical Analysis (7 vol., 1935-45); a collection of his program annotations Musical Form and Matter (1934)
harmonic analysisin its most restricted sense, harmonic analysis involves little more than determining the structure of individual chords (and naming them) and deciding their purpose in a particular context (which is where Roman numerals are used). However, music is much more than a progression of chords, and so limited a viewpoint will tells us very little about how music is organised and how that logical organisation produces music that 'makes sense', is 'aesthetically satisfying', or meets whatever criterion we believe should be its purpose. Roger Scruton has argued that "(you may) describe it as you like so long as you hear it correctly". In spite of this caveat, it is necessary to understand the laws of harmony, and to be able to understand how a particular piece of tonal music abides by them
fundamental structure
linear analysis
Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935) Harmony (1906); Counterpoint (1910-12); articles in two journals he published, Der Tonwille (1921-24) and Das Meisterwerk in der Musik (1925-30); Five Graphic Music Analyses (Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln) (1932). Schenker's theory constitutes a remarkable definition of classical diatonic tonality, especially as confined to the period to which he himself consigns it: from Bach to Brahms
Felix Salzer (1904-1986) Structural Hearing (1952 and 1962); Counterpoint in Composition: The Study of Voice Leading (with Carl Schachter, 1969); the periodical The Music Forum (initiated 1967). Gregory Proctor writes, "Salzer understood the entire corpus of Western music as subject to his theory, quite the contrary of Schenker's Bach-through-Brahms constraint. To get this breadth of application to work, Salzer had to undermine Schenker's theory at its core. Schenker's theory envisages a musical composition as a layered series of conceptual states, of slices of musical time, where each layer is the structure for the subsequent layer, and each subsequent layer is one of an infinite number of musical realizations of the prior layer. Salzer's theory posits points of "structure" separated by webs of "prolongation". A Schenkerian seeks to determine how each layer expresses the contrapuntal/harmonic facts of its adjacent layers (much in the way that variations relate to their theme and to the other variations). A Salzerian eliminates or adds notes to the facts of the adjacent layer, thereby either bringing the points of structure literally closer together (in the direction of structure) or spreading them farther apart (in the direction of prolongation). All textbooks in Schenkerian theory and most examples in the scholarly literature are Salzerian. In general, Schenker makes more analytic decisions than do Salzerians, and this is often reflected in the relatively large number of what Daniel Harrison refers to as 'floating note heads! in Salzerian graphs"
phrase structureHugo Riemann (1849-1919) Musikalische Syntaxis. Grundriß einer harmonischen Satzbildungslehre (1877); Neue Schule der Melodik. Entwurf einer Lehre des Contrapunkts (1883); Musikalische Dynamik und Agogik (1884); Systematische Modulationslehre als Grundlage der musikalischen Formenlehre (1887); Handbuch der Harmonielehre (1887); Lehrbuch des einfachen, doppelten und imitierenden Kontrapunkts (1888); Handbuch der Phrasierung (1890); System der musikalischen Rhythmik und Metrik (1903)
motivic, thematic processRudolph Réti (1885-1957) The Thematic Process in Music (1951); Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality: A study of some trends in twentieth century music (1958)
wordless functional analysisHans Keller (1919-1985) an analytical method in which a large musical work is shown, purely be listening to extracts from it, to be built up from a number of cell-like motifs or ideas
set theoryAllan Forte (b. 1926) The Structure of Atonal Music (1973)
information theoryLeonard B. Meyer (b. 1918) Emotion and Meaning in Music (1956)
Analyst (s.), Analystin (f.)(German) analyst
Analytica language is analytic if it requires a certain word order to make grammatical sense--often this requires extensive use of prepositions and auxiliary verbs. For instance, take the sentence, "The dog bit the boy." We know in modern English that dog is the subject and boy is the direct object because of word order, the common analytical pattern being subject-verb-object. Examples of analytic languages include French, Spanish, Modern English (but not Old English) and Italian. The opposite type of language uses declensions (special endings stuck on the ends of words) to show what case each word has. This type is called an inflected or synthetic language
Analytical comparisoncomparison using more and most instead of -er and -est
Analytiker (s.), Analytikerin (f.)(German) analyst
analytique(French) analytical
analytisch(German) analytic, analytical, analytically
analytische Chemie(German f.) analytical chemistry
analytische Geometrie(German f.) coordinate geometry, analytical geometry
analytische Grammatik(German f.) analytical grammar
analytische Philosophie(German f.) analytic philosophy
analytische Psychologie(German f.) analytic psychology, analytical psychology
analytischer Beweis(German m.) analytic proof
analytischer Chemiker(German m.) analytical chemist
analytischer Geist(German m.) analytical mind
analytisches Training(German n.) analytical training
analytisches Verfahren(German n.) analytic method
analytische Untersuchung(German f.) analytical study, analytical investigation
analytische Vorgehensweise(German f.) analytic procedure
Analyzed rhymealso called inexact rhyme, in prosody, the use of assonance and consonance in a complex pattern at the ends of alternate lines of a quatrain, as in head, mat, met, had
Anämie(German f.) anaemia
anämisch(German) anaemic
Anamnese(German f.) case history, medical history, anamnesis (liturgy)
Anamnesisa term used in medicine, philosophy, psychoanalysis and religion, the transliteration of a Greek word for "remembering"
Anamnesticof or relating to anamnesis, aiding the memory
anamnestisch(German) anamnestic
anamorph(German) anamorphic
Anamorphic pictureone that has been distorted so that it appears normal when viewed from a particular direction or with a suitable mirror or lens
Ananás(Spanish m.) pineapple
Ananas (s.), Ananasse (pl.)(German f.) pineapple
Ananas-Erdbeere(German f. - Austria) strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa]
Ananassaft(German m.) pineapple juice
Ananasstücke(German pl.) pineapple chunks
Anancasmany form of repetitious stereotyped behaviour which, if prevented, results in anxiety
Anandalaharisee khomok
Anandatandavasee Nataraja
an anderen Orten(German) elsewhere
Ananke(Greek) the force of destiny or the natural order of things, to which, the ancient Greeks considered, even the Gods themselves were subject
(Greek) absolute necessity
Anankasmus(German m.) anancasm
anankastisch(German) anancastic
anankastische Persönlichkeitsstörung(German f.) anancastic personality disorder
an Antenne angeschlossen(German) connected to an aerial
Ananymsee 'anagram'
Anapäst(German m.) anapest
anapästisch(German) anapestic (US), anapaestic
Anapest(English, Swedish) a musical foot comprising two short notes or syllables, followed by one long one
Anapeste(French) anapest
Anapesto(Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) anapest
Anapher(German f.) anaphora
Anaphora(English, German f., from Greek) the intentional repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of every clause. Anaphora is the opposite of epistrophe, in which the poet or rhetorician repeats the concluding phrase over and over for effects
in music, 'anaphora' can denote various kinds of repetitive device, such as the development of a subject through imitation (fugue)
anaphorisch(German) anaphoric
anaphylaktisch(German) anaphylactic
anaphylaktischer Schock(German m.) anaphylactic shock
Anaphylaxie(German f.) anaphylaxis
Anaplasiaa change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other, which are characteristic of malignancy
Anaplasie(German f.) anaplasia
anaplastisch(German) anaplastic
Anapodotonan example of a rhetorical scheme, deliberately creating a sentence fragment by the omission of a clause
Anaptyxisin linguistics, anaptyxis is the appearance of an intrusive vowel sound between two consonants when that vowel is unexpected historically or when it shouldn't be there according to the normal rules of language development
Anaquel(Spanish m.) shelf
Anaranjado(Spanish m.) orange
anaranjado (m.), anaranjada (f.)(Spanish) orange, orangish (colour), orangey (taste)
Anarchie(German f.) anarchy
anarchisch(German) anarchic, anarchical, anarchically, anarchistic
Anarchismus(German m.) anarchism
Anarchist (m.), Anarchistin (f.), Anarchisten (pl.), Anarchistinnen ( anarchist
anarchistisch(German) anarchistic
anarchistische Partei(German f.) anarchist party
Anarcho-punksometimes known as peace-punk, is a subgenre of the punk rock movement consisting of groups and bands promoting specifically anarchist ideas. While one punk might see anarchy as an expression of chaos and violence, other punks may see it as an expression of peace and equality
Anarmonia(from Greek) dissonance, false harmony
Anarquía(Spanish f.) anarchy
anárquico(Spanish) anarchic
Anarquismo(Spanish m.) anarchism
Anarquista(Spanish m./f.) anarchist
anarquista(Spanish) anarchistic
anarquizar(Spanish) to cause chaos in, to cause anarchy in
an Arthritis Leidender (m.), an Arthritis Leidende (f.)(German) arthritic
Anasarcaa species of dropsy
Anasarka(German f.) anasarca
Anästhesie(German f.) anaesthesia
anästhesieren(German) to anaesthetise
Anästhesiologie(German f.) anaesthesiology
Anästhesist (m.), Anästhesistin (f.)(German) anaesthetist
Anästhetikum(German n.) anaesthetic
anästhetisch(German) anaesthetic
anästhetisieren(German) to anaesthetise
Anastigmat(German m/n.) anastigmatic lens, anastigmat
Anastigmatic(of a lens system) constructed so that the astigmatism of each element is canceled out
anastigmatisch(German) anastigmatic
Anastrophe(English, German f.) inversion of the usual, normal, or logical order of the parts of a sentence. Anastrophe is specifically a type of hyperbaton in which the adjective appears after the noun when we would expect to find the adjective before the noun
AnataAndean duct flute usually used in ensembles
  • Anata from which this extract has been taken
Anatema(Spanish m.) anathema
Anathem(German n.) anathema
Anathema (s.), Anathemata (pl.)(English, German n., from Greek) the curse of God, something to be hated, something that is detestable, a denunciation and excommunication
anathematisieren(German) to anathematise
Anatineof or pertaining to a duck
Anatole(French m.) an idiomatic term for 'rhythm changes'
(French m.) the cadential progression VIIIVI
Anatoliana branch of Indo-European languages spoken in Asia Minor, including Hittite
Anatolian rockthe Turkish rock scene began in the mid- to late 1960s, when popular United States and United Kingdom bands became well-known. Soon, Turkish performers created a distinctively Turkish fusion of rock and folk; this was called 'Anatolian rock', a term which now generically describes most any kind of Turkish rock
Anatolien(German n.) Anatolia
Anatolier (m.), Anatolierin (f.)(German) Anatolian
anatolisch(German) Anatolian
anatolische Sprachen(German pl.) Anatolian languages
Anatomía(Spanish f.) anatomy
anatómico (m.), anatómica (f.)(Spanish) anatomical, anatomically designed
Anatomie (s.), Anatomien (pl.)(German f.) anatomy
anatomieren(German) to anatomise
Anatomiesaal(German m.) dissecting room
anatomisch(German) anatomic, anatomical, anatomically
anatomisches Modell(German n.) anatomical model, anatomical figure
Anatriptica remedy to be applied by friction or rubbing
Anatripsis(English, German f.) the use of friction or rubbing as therapy, a form of massage
anatriptisch(German) anatriptic
a natura(Spanish) naturally
An-Aus-Schalter(German m.) on-off switch
anbacken(German) to stick (to), to adhere (to)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Anbackung(German f.) deposit build-up
anbahnen(German) to initiate
anbahnend(German) initiating
Anbahnung(German f.) initiation
anbandeln (mit)(German - Austria, Southern Germany) to flirt (with)
anbändeln (mit)(German) to flirt (with)
anbändelnd (German) flirting
Anbau(German m.) addition (to building), cultivation, extension, annexe, attachment, growing
Anbau an ein Gebäude(German m.) continuation to a building, extension of a building
Anbau hinter dem Haus(German m.) back porch
anbaubar(German) growable
anbauen(German) to grow, to cultivate, to build an extension to a house, to attach, to add-on to a building, to add on, to add to a house
[entry provided by Michael Zapf]
anbauend(German) growing
Anbauer(German m.) grower
anbaufähig(German) cultivatable, arable
anbaufähiges Land(German n.) arable land
Anbaugebiet(German n.) arable land
Anbauländer(German m.) producing countries
Anbaumethoden(German m.) farming methods
Anbaumöbel(German n.) modular furniture, unit furniture
Anbausaison(German f.) growing season
Anbauschrank(German m.) cupboard unit
Anbauten(German pl.) penthouses, additions (to building), extensions (to buildings)
an Bedeutung abnehmen(German) to dwindle in importance
an Bedeutung abnehmend(German) shrinking in importance
an Bedeutung gewinnen(German) to gain in importance, to become more important
an Bedeutung verlieren(German) to become less important
an Bedeutung verlierend(German) receding in importance
an Bedingungen knüpfen(German) to attach conditions to
Anbeginn(German m.) inception
anbehalten(German) kept on, to keep on
anbehaltend(German) keeping on
anbei(German) enclosed
an beiden Ufern des Rheins(German) on both banks of the Rhine
anbei unsere Tratte für ...(German) herewith we enclose our draft for
anbeißen(German) to take the bait, to bite into, to take a bite of
anbeißend(German) biting into
anbelangen(German) to concern
anbelangend(German) concerning
anbellen(German) to bark at, to bay at
anbellend(German) barking at
anberaumen(German) to fix
anberaumt(German) fixed (time of meeting, etc.)
Anberaumung eines Termins(German f.) scheduling
anbeten(German) to worship, to idolise, to adore
anbetend(German) adoring, adoringly
Anbeter (m.), Anbeterin (f.)(German) idoliser, worshipper, adorer, idolater
anbetreffen(German) to concern
Anbetung(German f.) worship, adoration
anbetungswürdig(German) adorably, adorable
Anbetungswürdigkeit(German f.) adorability
Anbetungswürdigkeiten(German pl.) adorableness
anbiedernd(German) chumming up
Anbiederung(German f.) currying favour
anbieten(German) to offer, to supply, to run (course of study, etc.), to proffer, to provide, to tender, to quote, to advertise, to present, to serve
[corrected by Micahel Zapf]
anbieten ... zu tun(German) to offer to do ...
anbietend(German) volunteering, tendering, proffering, offering, providing
Anbietender(German m.) tenderer
Anbieter (m.), Anbieterin (f.)(German) (potential) seller, provider, host, supplier, tenderer, vendor
anbinden(German) to tie, to lash, to tether, to tie up
anbindend(German) fastening, tethering
Anbindung(German f.) connexion (outdated), binding, accessibility, connection, tie-down
Anbindung nach oben(German f.) uplink
Anbindung nach unten(German f.) downlink
Anbiss(German m.) bite
an Blähungen leidend(German) windy (colloquial: flatulent)
Anblasen(German n.) tower music
anblasen(German) to blow, to blow at, to blow on (for example, to try out a new wind instrument to find out whether it sounds freely and possesses a clear tone)
[entry extended by Michael Zapf]
anblasend(German) blowing at
Anblasrohr(German n.) blow pipe (component of a bagpipe)
Anblick (s.), Anblicke (pl.)(German m.) spectacle (object of attention), look, sight, view, aspect, perspective
anblicken(German) to look at
anblickend(German) looking at
anblinzeln(German) to blink at
anblinzelnd(German) blinking at
anblitzen(German) to glare
anblitzend(German) glaring
an Bluthochdruck leiden(German) to have high blood pressure
an Boden gewinnen(German) to gain ground
an Boden gewinnen (German) to gain traction, to gain momentum (figurative)
an Boden verlieren(German) to decline, to lose ground
anbohren(German) to center-drill
an Bord(German) aboard ship, on board, aboard, on board ship
an Bord des Schiffes(German) aboard the ship, on board the vessel
an Bord eines Flugzeugs(German) aboard an aircraft
an Bord eines Flugzeugs gehen(German) to board a plane
an Bord eines Schiffes(German) aboard a ship
an Bord eines Schiffes gehen(German) to go on board a ship
Anbordgehen(German n.) embarkation, boarding
an Bord gehen(German) to go aboard, to embark, to board a ship, to board, to go on board, to step on board, to climb aboard
an Bord sein(German) to be aboard
an Bord verladen(German) to load on board
Anbot(German n. - Austria) tender, offer
anbraten(German) roast gently, browning
anbratend(German) roasting gently
anbrechen(German) to start on, to break into, to broach, to break, to fall (e.g. night, darkness), to descend (e.g. night, darkness), to dawn (day, era)
anbrennen(German) light, burn, catch fire
anbrennen(German) to burn
anbrennend(German) burning
anbringen(German) to add, to mount, to attach, to apply, to affix, to fasten, to bring on, to bring (along), to fix (fasten)
anbringend(German) bringing
Anbringung(German f.) attachment, affixing
Anbringung der Siegel(German f.) affixing of seals
Anbringung des Nummernschilds(German f.) affixing of a number-plate
Anbringung von Bleiplomben(German f.) attaching of lead seals, attaching of leaden seals
Anbruch (s.), Anbrüche (pl.)(German m.) dawn (figurative), advent, beginning
Anbruch der Dunkelheit(German m.) nightfall
Anbruch der Nacht(German m.) nightfall
Anbruch des Tages(German m.) daybreak, break of day
Anbruch eines neuen Tages(German m.) dawn of a new day (figurative)
anbrüllen(German) to roar at, bellow at, to bawl out to
anbrüllend(German) roaring at
ANCabbreviation of 'active noise control
anc.abbreviation of 'ancient'
Anca(Italian f.) hip, flank (of an animal)
(Spanish f.) haunch, rump, bottom
in Spanish, a feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular
Ancas de rana(Spanish frogs' legs
Ancestralbelonging to or inherited from one's ancestors
ancestral(Spanish) ancient, primitive, ancestral
Ancestryfamily descent, lineage, ancestors (collectively)
Ancêtre(French m.) ancestor
Ancestorperson, animal or plant from which another has descended or evolved
prototype or forerunner
Ancestral(English) belonging to or inherited from one's ancestors
ancestral(Spanish) ancestral
ancestrale(Italian) ancestral
Anch(German n.) key of the Nile, looped tau cross, handled cross, ansated cross, ankh
Anche (s.), Anches (pl.)(French f.) tongue
(French f.) reed (on a wind instrument), reed stops in an organ, ancia (Italian f.), canna (Italian f.), linguetta (Italian f.), Rohr (German), Rohrblatt (German n.), anche (French f.), éiglotte (French f.), caña (Spanish), lengüetta (Spanish f.)
(French f.) mouthpiece (of a clarinet)
anche(Italian) also ,too, even, still, likewise
Anche battante(French f.) striking reed, beating reed, ancia battente (Italian f.), aufschlagendes Rohrblatt (German n.), Gegenschlagzunge (German f.), Aufschlagende (German f.), Zungestimme (German f.), lenguëta batiente (Spanish f.)
Anche de clarinette(French f.) clarinet reed, ancia del clarinetto (Italian f.), Klarinettenblatt (German n.), lenguëta de clarinete (Spanish f.)
Anche de hautbois(French f.) oboe reed, ancia per oboe (Italian f.), Oboerohr (German n.), lenguëta de oboe (Spanish f.)
Anche double(French f.) double reed, on a wind instrument
Anche double(French f.) or caña doble (Spanish f.), double reed, ancia doppia (Italian f.), Doppelrohrblatt (German n.), Doppelzunge (German f.), lengüeta doble (Spanish f.)
Anche libre(French f.) free reed, linguetta libre (Italian f.), Freischwebende, (German f.), Zungestimme (German f.), lenguëta libre (Spanish f.)<
Anche métallique (s.), Anches métalliques (pl.)(French f.) metal reed
ancher(French) to fit a reed to a musical instrument
anche se(Italian) even if
Anche simple(French f.) or caña simple (Spanish f.), single reed, einfaches Rohrblatt (German n.), lengüeta simple (Spanish f.), ancia semplice (Italian f.)
Ancho(Spanish m.) width, breadth, gauge (railway line)
ancho (m.), ancha (f.)(Spanish) wide, broad, loose-fitting (clothes), relieved (figurative), too big, smug
Anchoa(Spanish f.) anchovy
an Cholera erkrankt(German) affected with cholera
Anchoressa female anchorite, eremite or hermit who, in the medieval period, would request permission from the local pastor to be walled up alive in a small cell attached to the side of the church. There the anchoress would live out the rest of her days, relying upon the charity of the local community to provide food and water through a small opening
Anchorholdin medieval times, an enclosure in the wall of a church where an anchorite or anchoress would be sealed up alive as a gesture of faith
Anchoriteor anchorete, eremite or hermit who, in the medieval period, would request permission from the local pastor to be sealed up alive in a small cell attached to the side of the church. There the anchorite would live out the rest of his days relying upon the charity of the local community to provide food and water through a small opening
Anchorman (m.), Anchorwomen (f.), Anchormen (pl.)(English, German) coordinator, particularly one who acts as comperé in a radio or televised broadcast
Anchovis(German f.) anchovy
Anchura(Spanish f.) width, breadth, measurement
Anchura de caderas(Spanish f.) hip measurement
Anchylosisor ankylosis, the stiffening of a joint
Ancia(Italian f.) tongue
(Italian f.) reed (on a wind instrument), Rohrblatt (German n.), anche (French f.), éiglotte (French f.), caña (Spanish), lengüeta (Spanish f.)
(Italian f.) reed stops in an organ
Ancia battente(Italian f.) striking reed, beating reed, aufschlagendes Rohrblatt (German n.), Gegenschlagezunge (German f.), anche battante (French f.)
ancia del clarinetto(Italian f.) clarinet reed, Klarinettenblatt (German n.), anche de clarinette (French f.), lenguëta de clarinete (Spanish f.)
Ancia doppia(Italian f.) or caña doble (Spanish f.), double reed, lengüeta doble (Spanish f.), Doppelrohrblatt (German n.), Doppelzunge (German f.), anche double (French f.)
Ancia libera(Italian f.) free reed
Ancianato(Spanish m. - Colombia, Venuzuela) old people's home
Anciano (m.), Anciana (f.)(Spanish m.) elderly person, old person, elderly man (m.), elderly woman (f.), elder (male, in a religious community)
los ancianos (Spanish old people)
anciano (m.), anciana (f.)(Spanish) elderly, old, ancient, very old
Ancia per oboe(Italian f.) oboe reed, Oboerohr (German n.), anche de hautbois (French f.), lenguëta de oboe (Spanish f.)
Ancia semplice(Italian f.) or caña simple (Spanish f.), single reed, einfaches Rohrblatt (German n.), anche simple (French f.), lengüeta simple (Spanish f.)
Ancien (m.), Ancienne (f.)(French) senior, elder
ancien (m.), ancienne (f.)(French) old, ancient, antique, former, ex-, senior
Ancien fascicule(French m.) back number
Ancien régime(French m., literally 'old order') the feudal, absolute monarchy in France before the French Revolution in 1789
the term may also be applied more generally to any regime that has been superseded, or to a period that comes immediately before any significant date
Ancien Régime(German n.) Ancien régime
Ancientold, usually very old
formerly, a flag, standard or standard-bearer (in this sense, a corruption of 'ensign')
Ancien Testament(French m.) Old Testment
Ancient Form of Weavinga "twin guitar" relationship, that thrives on the energy developed by the successive tossing of lead and rhythm between two guitarists. By having one guitarist play lead while the other plays rhythm and then quickly switching, a "discussion" can develop and no one guitarist can be singled out as performing solo
Ancient Greek music
Ancient minor scalealternative name for the 'natural minor scale'
Ancient musicmusic that predates the Medieval period (i.e. before 500 A.D.)
Ancilla (s.), Ancillae (Latin pl.)(Greek) the shields, the clang of which, the ancient Greeks used the mark the beat of their music on festive occasions
(Latin) maid, slave-girl, handmaid, female slave, auxiliary, accessory
Ecce ancilla Domine (Latin: 'Behold, I am the Lord's handmaid' - the words spoken to Mary by Gabriel at the time of the Annunciation (celebrated on March 25)
Ancilla Domini(Latin, 'Handmaid of God') the alternative title to a set of poems (published in 1857, entitled May Carols or Ancilla Domini) by the Irish poet Aubrey de Vere (1814-1902) that celebrate the Blessed Virgin
Ancilliary characters(Latin, ancilla, literally 'helper' or 'maid') less important characters who are not the primary protagonist or antagonist, but who highlight these characters or interact with them in such a way as to provide insight into the narrative action. Typical ancillary characters include foils, choric characters, deuteragonists, soubrettes, tritagonists, and stock characters
Ancillula (s.), Ancillulaa (pl.)(Latin) slave girl, servant-girl
Ancla(Spanish f.) anchor
Ancladero(Spanish m.) anchorage
anclar(Spanish) to anchor, to drop anchor
Anco(Spanish m.) width
ancor, ancora(Italian) also, still, yet (for example, used with tempo indications)
(Italian) again, once more, still more, repeat
Áncora(Spanish f.) anchor, refuge (figurative)
ancora forte(Italian) still loud
ancora meno mosso(Italian) still more slowly
ancora piano(Italian) continue singing (or playing) softly
ancora più forte(Italian) yet still louder
ancora più mosso(Italian) yet still faster, a little quicker yet
ancora più piano(Italian) yet still more softly
ancora una volta(Italian) once more
ancor più mosso(Italian) still faster
Ancragea semiotic concept, as applied to film-making, in which music is used to anchor the instability of visual signification
anct.abbreviation of 'ancient'
Ande (Italian), ed (Italian), und (German), et (French)
and(Danish) second
and.abbreviation of andante (Italian: at a moderate speed)
¡anda!(Spanish) come on! go on!
anda a comprar el periódico(Spanish - South America) go and buy the newspaper
¡anda, atrévete!(Spanish) go on then, I dare you (to)
andaba apurado(Spanish) he was in a hurry
andaban muy apurados de tiempo(Spanish) they were pushed for time
anda buscando pelea(Spanish) he's looking for a fight
Andacht (s.), Andachten (pl.)(German f.) devoutness, devotion, (silent) prayer, devotional, reverence, prayers, devotions
andächtig(German) devoutly, devout, reverent, reverently, rapt, raptly, with devotion, devotional, pious, prayerful, attentive
Andachtsbild(German n.) devotional picture, holy picture
Andachtsbuch(German n.) breviary
Andachtskerze(German f.) devotional candle
Andachtslied(German n.) devotional hymn
andachtslos(German) irreverent
Andachtslosigkeit(German f.) irreverence
Andachtsräume(German pl.) oratories
Andachtsübung (s.), Andachtsübungen (pl.)(German f.) religious exercise, spiritual training, devotions (plural form)
andachtsvoll(German) devout
anda contando por ahí tu vida y milagros(Spanish) he's telling everybody all about you
¡anda! ¡déjame en paz!(Spanish) oh, leave me alone!
Andaderas(Spanish baby-walker
Andador (a.), Andores (pl.)(Spanish m.) baby-walker, Zimmer frame (for the elderly or infirm), reins (plural form: for a baby or young child)
andador(Spanish) good at walking
Andadura(Spanish f.) walking, walk (manner of walking)
anda en Londres(Spanish) he's in London
Andai dance(Inner Mongolia) stemming from a collective dance of the Kulun Qi in the south of the Horqin Grassland, 'Andai dance' began as a religious dance used in praying to the god and curing sicknesses. People would perform this dance to gain the blessing of the god, to prevent disease, and to forestall misfortune. Later, the dance gradually became a means of entertainment
ándale(Spanish - Latin-America) let's go
Andalouse(French) Andaluz
Andalucía(Spanish f.) Andalusia (region in Spain)
Andalusan tangoa popular Argentinean dance that was usually danced entirely by women and was the forerunner of the Argentinean tango
Andalusithe art music of the Maghreb (the area in North Africa, west of Libya), so called because it first developed in southern Spain, where Muslims ruled from the eighth to the fifteenth century
Andalusian cadencea term adopted from flamenco music for a chord progression comprising four chords descending stepwise (for example, the sequence may be notated ibVIIbVIV although there are many variations). It is otherwise known as the minor descending tetrachord. Traceable back to the Renaissance, its effective sonorities made it one of the most popular progressions in classical music
Andalusian classical musicnow found mainly throughout North Africa, it evolved during the period when the Moors ruled in Cordoba. The Baghdad-born musician Zyriab is usually credited with its invention. He invented the nuba, a suite which forms the basis of al-âla, the primary form of Andalusian classical music today, along with gharnati and milhûn. There used to be twenty-four nuba linked to each hour of the day, but only four nuba have survived in their entirety, and another seven in fragmentary form
in a complete nuba, the rhythms occur in the following order:
basît6/4 meter
qaum wa nusf8/4 meter
darj4/4 meter
btâyhi8/4 meter
quddâm 3/4 or 6/8 meter
an entire nuba can last six or seven hours and it is divided into five parts called mizan, each with a corresponding rhythm. Each mizan begins with instrumental preludes called either tuashia, m'shaliya or bughya, followed by as many as twenty songs (sana'a)
having left Spain when the Arabs were driven out of the country, the Andalusian classical schools spread across Morocco. Valencia's school is now in Fez, while Granada's is located in Teouan and Chaouen. Cities like Tangier and Meknes have their own orchestras as well. The instruments most commonly used in Andalusian classical music include oud (lute), rabab (fiddle), darbouka (goblet drums), taarija (tambourine), qanún (zither) and kamenjah (violin)
Andalusien(German n.) Andalusia
Andalusier (m.), Andalusierin (f.), Andalusier (pl.)(German) Andalusian
andalusisch(German) Andalusian
Andaluz, Andaluza(Spanish, literally 'Andalusian') in French andalouse, various dances of Spanish origin including the fandango and the polo
andaluz (m.), andaluza (f.)(Spanish) Andalusian
Andaman marblean exceptionally hard timber grown in the Andaman Islands, of the same family as ebony
Andamento(Italian m., literally 'going' or 'walking') movement of a running character, a rather slow tempo
(Italian m.) a long subject, an episode or an accessory idea in a fugue (in Italian, if the 'subject' is very short it is called attacco, while a theme neither over long nor over short is called soggetto)
(Italian m.) in the eighteenth-century, a term for 'sequence', or for an extended fugal subject
(Portuguese) tempo, pace, speed
Andamento rapido(Italian m.) a quick movement
Andamiaje(Spanish m.) or andamio (Spanish m.) scaffolding
Andamio(Spanish m.) platform
Andamios(Spanish scaffolding
¡anda! ¡mira quién está aquí!(Spanish) well, well! look who's here!
andamos algo apretados(Spanish) we're a little short of money (colloquial)
Andana(Spanish f.) row
andando(Italian, literally 'going on') easy and flowing
Andante(Italian m.) a passage or movement taken at an andante tempo
andante(English, German, Italian, from andare meaning 'to go') moving along, flowing, at a walking pace, faster than adagio but slower than allegretto
there is some disagreement among composers as to whether andante is a 'quick' or a 'slow' tempo marking. If andante were a 'fast' tempo marking, andante molto or molto andante would be quicker than andante. However, if andante were a 'slow' tempo marking, andante molto or molto andante would be slower than andante
andante affettuoso(Italian) slow and tenderly
andante affetuoso(Italian) slow and tenderly
andante agitato(Italian) a hurrying andante
andante allegro(Italian) a lively andante
the mood follows from allegro, the speed from andante
andante cantabile(Italian) slow and in a singing style
andante con moto(Italian) a flowing, more animated motion
andante maestoso(Italian) slow and majestic, stately
andante malinconico(Italian) slow and melancholy
andante ma non troppo e con tristezza(Italian) moving easily but not too slowly, and with pathos
andantemente(Italian) smoothly and flowingly
andante moderato(Italian, literally, 'moderately slow') slow, but not as slow as andante
andante moltoBrahms uses this marking at the end of the andante from the piano sonata op. 5 to indicate a faster tempo. However, if andante is a 'slow' tempo, andante molto should mean 'more slowly' or 'slower', a convention some other composers follow
andante mosso(Italian) a flowing slow, but not as slow as andante
andante non troppo(Italian) flowing but not too fast
andante pastorale(Italian) flowing with a tranquil simplicity
andante quasi allegretto(Italian) an andante almost as quick as an allegretto
andante sostenuto(Italian, literally 'slow and sustained') slower than andante
andante stretto(Italian) andante agitato
andante un peu plus allant(French) a little more quickly
andante un poco allegretto(Italian) a flowing, somewhat animated movement
andantino(English, German, Italian) in the eighteenth century, this word means slower than andante, although today it means quicker than andante
it is, therefore, best avoided without further clarification (for example, a metronome marking)
as the title of a piece of music, andantino is used for a short andante
andantino sostenuto e simplicemente, il canto un poco più forte(Italian) rather slowly, in a sustained and simple manner, with the melody a little louder than the other notes
Andanzas(Spanish adventures
Andanzas de juventud(Spanish youthful adventure, adventures as a young man (or woman)
¡anda! ¡qué casualidad!(Spanish) good heavens! what a coincidence!
Andar (s.), Andares (pl.)(Spanish m.) walk, gait
andar(Spanish) to cover, to go (South America), to walk, to be, to move, to work (function), to have on (Latin America), to to carry with oneself (Latin America), to take with oneself (Latin America)
andar a caballo(Spanish - Latin America) to ride a horse
andar a la brega(Spanish) to work hard
andará por los ... (años)(Spanish) he must be around ... (years old), he must be about ... (years old)
andará por los cincuenta(Spanish) she's about fifty
andar con ...(Spanish) to mix with ... (person), to go out with ... (person), to carry (familiar, Latin America: money, revolver), to wear ... (familiar, Latin America: hat, etc.)
andar detrás de ...(Spanish) to be after ... (in pursuit of something or somebody)
andar diritto(Italian) go straight on
Andare(Italian m.) going
andare(Italian) to go on, to move on, to go, to suit, to fit, to work (function)
andare all'aria(Italian) to come to nothing
andare a zonzo(Italian) to stroll about, to loaf, to saunter about, to loiter
andare d'accordo(Italian) to agree
andare diritto(Italian) to go straight on
andare dritto(Italian) to go stright on
andaré el tortuoso camino(Spanish) I'll walk the winding road
andare in tempo(Italian) to keep strict time
andar en bicicleta(Spanish - Latin America) to ride a bicycle
andariego(Spanish) fond of walking, wandering (itinerant)
Andarivel(Spanish m. - Latin America) (cable) ferry cable, lane (swimming pool), lane divider
andarse(Spanish) to go away
andarsene(Italian) to go away, to disappear, to die
Andas(Spanish portable platform (used in religious processions)
an das Amt gebundene Pflichten(German pl.) duties attaching to his office
an das Bett gefesselt(German) bed-ridden
¡anda! ¡se me ha vuelto a olvidar!(Spanish) damn! I've forgotten it again! (colloquial)
an das Lächerliche grenzen(German) to border on the ridiculous
an das Netz anzuschließend(German) mains-operated
an das Stromnetz angeschlossen sein(German) to be on the electrical grid
an das Unvermeidliche angepasst(German) adjusted to the inevitable
Andata(Italian f.) going, outward journey
ándate con cuidado(Spanish) take care, be careful
ándate de aquí(Spanish - Latin America) get out of here
ándate luego(Spanish - Latin America) get going, get a move on (colloquial)
Andatura(Italian f.) walk, bearing (posture, carriage)
Andauern(German n.) continuation
andauern(German) to last (persist), to continue, to persist, to endure, to hang over (from), to stand, to continue, to last, to hold up (hope), to hold out (for good weather)
andauernd(German) on-going, continuously, continually, lasting, continuing, persistent, persistently, constant, constantly, prolonged, enduringly, enduring, permanently, continually, continuous, ongoing, permanent, progressive
andauernd ... tun(German) to keep doing ...
andauernde Besiedlung(German f.) perpetual settlement
andauernde Bewegung(German f.) permanent movement
andauernder Lärm(German m.) incessant noise
andauerndes Murren(German n.) continual grumbling
andauerndes Problem(German n.) ongoing problem
andauerndes Summen(German n.) bur
andauerndes Tropfen(German n.) continual trickle
andauernde Wirkung(German f.) persistent effect, enduring effect
andauernd necken(German) to belabour
andauert(German) persists
Andean harpthe Andean harp, with its great, boat-like, half-conical sounding box, adds a bass voice to a Peruvian instrumental ensemble
Andean musicthe Andes region expands through much of South America (including Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and North of Chile), and therefore innumerous quantities of rhythms, musical styles and melodies - each stemming from particular areas - fit under the term: "traditional Andean music." The most familiar of these rhythms, styles or melodies are the: Huayno, Sikuri, San Juanito, Carnavalito, Trote, Saya, Tuntunas, Huaylas, Yaravi, Marinera, Cueca, Pandilla, Llamerada, Cuyahuada, Bailecito, Pasillo, San Juan, Albaso, Diablada, Tondero, Samba, etc.
the instruments that the natives use (and/or the different materials with which they make them) are also particular to specific areas, and are directly related to the natural elements at hand for the making of the instruments. While in one area the back of a charango might be made with the carcass of an armadillo, in another it might be made with the shell of a tortoise; while in one area the sikus flute (pan flute) might be made from thin and long bamboo, producing a windy sound, in another area it might be made with thick and wide bamboo, producing a full sound, or, while in one area a dried gourd (the guiro) might be used for percussion, in another a dried bean pod (the vaina) might serve instead
winds : in the sikus (pan pipe) family there is the chili, ica, malta, sanka or bastos, toyos, lakitas, jula jula, tablasico, incasico, surisico, palla palla, mimula, rondador, antaras, etc. In the family of quenas (reed-like flutes) there is the quenilla, quena, quenacho, mohoseno, pifano, marimacho, choquela, funa, alma pinquillo, kharhuani, jula, wacatinque, etc. There are other wind instruments such as the cana, tarcasalina, pututu, etc.
percussion: huangara, bombo, tinya, congas, timbales, guiro, chajchas, rain stick, bells, vaina, etc.
strings: chillador, charango, ronrocco, mandolin, bandolin, tiple, guitar, guitarron, bass, Andean harp, violin, etc.
Andean New Age a mixture of native Peruvian and Western musics which arose in tourist areas in Lima, Cuzco and Ollantaytambo
an Deck(German) on deck
an deinem Ende(German) at your end
an deiner Stelle(German) in your position
ándele que llegames tarde!(Spanish - Mexico, Colombia) come on, we'll be late! (colloquial)
an dem Bestimmungsort(German) at the destination
an dem Geschäft verlieren(German) to lose on the transaction
an dem Ladeplatz(German) at the loading berth
an dem Ort(German) at the place
an dem Projekt weiterarbeiten(German) to proceed with the project
an dem Punkt angekommen sein, an dem ...(German) to have reached the point when ...
an dem Tag(German) on that day
An dem Wagen entstand Totalschaden.(German) The car was totalled. (colloquial: completely beyond repair)
an dem wir beide interessiert sind(German) to our mutual advantage
An dem, was er sagt, ist was dran.(German) There's something in what he says. (colloquial)
an demselben Tag(German) on the same date
Anden(German pl.) the Andes, Andes Mountains
Andén(Spanish m.) platform, quayside, pavement, sidewalk (US)
Anden-(German) Andean (prefix)
an den Aussteller zurück(German) to refer to drawer
an den benannten Lieferort(German) to the named place of delivery
an den Bettelstab bringen(German) to reduce to beggary, to reduce to poverty, to beggar
an den Bettelstab geraten(German) to be reduced to poverty (figurative)
an den Feind verraten(German) to betray to the enemy
an den Fingern(German) at one's fingers' ends
an den Fingern kleben bleiben(German) to stick to the fingers
an den Flanken(German) on the flanks
an den Folgen von ... sterben(German) to die from the consequences of ...
an den Frachtführer(German) to the carrier
an den Galgen gebracht werden(German) to be sent to the gallows
an den Grenzübergangsstellen(German) at the frontiers
an den griechischen Kalenden(German) at the Greek calends (figurative: never)
an den Haaren herbeigezogen(German) far-fetched
an den Inhaber bezahlt(German) paid to the holder
Andenken (s./pl.)(German n.) memory, souvenir, token, keepsake, memento, keep-sake, remembrance
Andenkenladen(German m.) souvenir shop
an den Kräften zehren(German) to debilitate
an den Mann bringen(German) to get rid of ...
an den meistbietenden verkaufen(German) to sell to the highest bidder
an den Nägeln kauen(German) to bite one's nails, to bite one's fingernails
an den Nerv der Sache rühren(German) to get to the heart of the matter
an den Originalschauplätzen gedreht(German) filmed at the actual locations, shot at the actual locations
an den Polen abgeplattet(German) oblate
an den Pranger gestellt(German) pilloried
an den Rand der Verzweiflung bringen(German) to bring to the verge of despair
an den Rand des Abgrunds bringen(German) to bring to the brink of the abyss
Andenregion(German f.) Andean region
an den Rollstuhl gefesselt(German) wheelchair-bound (figurative)
an den Rollstuhl gefesselt sein(German) to be confined to a wheelchair
Andenstaat(German m.) Andean country
an den Strand gehen(German) to go to the beach
an den Strand gespülte Leiche(German) body washed ashore
an den Tag kommen(German) to come to light (figurative)
Andentanne(German f.) monkey puzzle (tree) (Araucaria araucana)
an den vereinbarten Bestimmungsort(German) to the named destination
an Depressionen Leidender (m.), an Depressionen Leidende (f.)(German) depressive
an depressiven Episoden leiden(German) to suffer from depressive episodes
ander, andere(German) other, different, next
an der Arbeit(German) in the work
an der Armutsgranze leben(German) to live on the breadline (figurative)
an der Armutsgrenze(German) at the poverty line
an der Aufklärung eines Verbrechens arbeiten(German) to be trying to solve (clear up) a crime
an der Außenfläche(German) peripheral
an der Auslastungsgrenze(German) approaching full capacity
änderbar(German) variable, changeable, alterable
an der Bar arbeiten(German) to work at the counter
änderbarer Festspeicher(German m.) alterable read-only memory (AROM)
an der Bogenspitze(German) or an der Spitze (German), at the point or tip of the bow, colla punta d'arco (Italian), alla punta d'arco (Italian), avec la pointe de l'archet (French), de la pointe (French), à la pointe (French), con la punta del arco (Spanish)
andere(German) other, another, others
andere ähnliche Dokumente(German) other similar douments
andere Angelegenheit(German f.) separate occasion, different matter
andere Anordnung erzwingen(German) to compel another arrangement
andere Ansicht(German f.) alternative viewpoint, different view, different point of view
andere Art(German f.) different sort
andere Art der Forschung(German f.) different kind of research
andere Auswahlkriterien(German pl.) other selection criteria
andere Baustelle(German f.) another matter altogether (figurative)
andere belästigen(German) to make a nuisance of oneself
andere Bezeichnung(German f.) synonym
an der Ecke(German) at the corner
an der Ecke von(German) at the corner of
andere Gefühle vortäuschen(German) to dissemble one's emotions
andere Gründe(German pl.) different reasons
an der Ehre rühren(German) to affect one's honour
an der eigentlichen Frage vorbeigehen(German) to beg the question
andere Interessen vortäuschen(German) to dissemble one's interests
andere Klasse(German f.) different class
Andere Länder, andere Sitten!(German) When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
andere Maßnahmen ergreifen(German) to take the matter further, to take other steps, to adopt other means, to adopt other measures
andere Meinung(German f.) different opinion
andere Möglichkeit(German f.) alternative
andere Möglichkeiten ausschließen(German) to rule out other possibilities
Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter.(German) There are plenty of other fish in the sea. (figurative)
anderenfalls(German) but for that, alternatively, or else, otherwise, else
anderen Kurs einschlagen(German) to adopt another course
anderenorts(German) elsewhere
anderentags(German) (on) the next day, (on) the following day
anderen voraus(German) ahead of others
andere Pläne haben(German) to have other ideas
andere Position(German f.) alternate position
andere Quellen(German pl.) other sources
anderer (m.), andere (f.), anderes (n.)(German) other
anderer Anlass(German m.) separate occasion
anderer Ansicht sein(German) to have a different view
anderer Bewertungssatz(German m.) different set of values
andere Realität(German f.) different reality
anderer Geschmack(German m.) different taste
anderer Meinung sein(German) to be at variance with somebody, to be of a different opinion, to think differently, to havew a different opinion, to dissent
anderer Plan(German m.) alternative plan
andere Sache(German f.) different matter
andere Saiten aufziehen(German) to get tough, to change one's tune (figurative)
andere schlechtmachen(German) to run down other people (figurative)
andere Schuhe anziehen(German) to put some other shoes on
andere schulden einem Geld(German) to have money owing
andererseits(German) on the other hand
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
andererseits(German) apart from that, otherwise, alternatively, on the other hand, by the same token, then again, on the other side
Andererseits ...(German) On the contrary, ... (from another point of view)
Andererseits, ... ?(German) But then, ... ?
andererseits gibt es(German) on the contrary, there is
anderes Ich(German n.) alter ego
andere staatliche Sammlungen(German) other national collections
andere Unterkunft(German f.) alternative accommodation
andere Vertragspartei(German f.) the other party
andere vertreten(German) to act as an agent for others
andere Vorteile(German pl.) other advantages
andere Wahl(German f.) alternative
andere Wahlmöglichkeit(German f.) alternative
an der Flussmündung(German) at the mouth of the river
an der frischen Luft(German) al fresco, alfresco
an der Front(German) at the front
an der Garderobe arbeiten(German) to check coats (US)
an der gesellschaftlichen Basis(German) at the grassroots level
an der Gesundheit geschädigt(German) affected in health
an der Grenze(German) at the border, at the frontiers, marginal, on the edge, on the border, at the frontier
an der Grenze liegend(German) marginal
an der Grenze von(German) at the limits of
an der Grenze zu(German) bordering
an der Haustür(German) at the door
an der Idee festhalten(German) to adhere to the idea
an der Kanalküste(German) on the English Channel (coast)
an der Kante(German) on the edge, on the brink
an der Kasse(German) over the counter
an der Kasse zahlen(German) to pay at the cash desk
Anderkonto(German n.) escrow account, trust account
an der Kreuzung(German) at the cross-roads, at the crossways
An der Kreuzung rechts.(German) Turn right at the junction.
an der Kurve(German) at the bend of the road, at the curve
an der Küste(German) at the seaside, at the shore, at the coast, by the sea, on the coast, by the seaside, on the waterfront, at the sea-side, on shore, inshore, by the seashore, seafront
an der Küste gelegen(German) coastal
an der Küste gestrandet(German) stranded on the coast
an der Macht(German) in power
an der Macht sein(German) to be in power
an der Matratze horchen(German) to kip (down) (colloquial: take a nap)
an der Messe teilnehmen(German) to attend mass
ändern(German) to alter, to modify, to amend, to change, to alter, to shift, to commute, to adjust an entry, to vary
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
an der nächsten Ecke(German) at the next corner
an der natürlichen Schönheit erfreuen(German) to delight in natural beauty
ändernd(German) varying, modifying, altering, changing
andernfalls(German) or else, else, otherwise, failing that, failing this
andernorts(German) elsewhere
anderntags(German) (on) the following day , (on) the next day
ändern zu(German) to alter into
an der Oberfläche erscheinen(German) to appear at the surface
an der Oberfläche härten(German) to case-harden
anderorts(German) elsewhere
an der Pforte des Todes(German) at death's door
an der Quelle(German) at the source, at the fountain-head
an der Quelle besteuern(German) to deduct at source
an der Regierung(German) in government
an der Regierung sein(German) to be in office (party), to hold office (party)
an der Reihe sein(German) to have a turn
an der richtigen Stelle(German) in position
anders(German) otherwise, unlike, in another way, different, else, differently
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
an der Saite(German) on the string
anders als(German) different from, other than, unlike, as distinguished from
anders als bei(German) unlike (in, if, where, when etc.)
anders als bisher(German) in a break from tradition
anders als manch andere(German) different to many others
anders als sonst (üblich)(German) in a departure from convention
anders arrangieren(German) to arrange differently
andersartig(German) different
Andersartigkeit(German f.) otherness
anders ausdrücken(German) to rephrase
anders ausdrückend(German) rephrasing
anders ausgedrückt(German) in other words, put another way
anders ausstatten(German) to reconfigurate, to reconfigure
anders bekannt als(German) otherwise known as
An der schönen blauen Donau(German) By The Beautiful Blue Danube (also known as the Blue Danube Waltz by Johann Strauss)
an der Schwelle des Todes(German) at death's door, at the point of death
an der Schwelle zu ... stehen(German) to be on the cusp of ....
andersdenkend(German) of a different opinion, dissident, dissenting, differently minded
anders denkend(German) differently minded, dissenting, of a different opinion, dissident
andersdenkend als(German) dissident from
anders denkend als(German) dissident from
Andersdenkender (m.), Andersdenkende (f.), Andersdenkende (pl.)(German) dissenter, dissident
an der Seite(German) at a person's side, alongside, by my side
anderseits(German) on the other hand, then again
andersfarbig(German) of different colour
anders formulieren(German) rewording, to reword
andersgeartet(German) different
anders geartet(German) different
andersgeartet sein als ...(German) to be different from ..., ro be different to ...
anders geartet sein als ...(German) to be different from ..., ro be different to ...
anders genannt(German) alias
anders gesagt(German) otherwise put, in other words, put another way
andersgeschlechtlich(German) of the other sex, of the opposite sex
anders gesinnt(German) of a different opinion
andersgläubig(German) of a different faith, of a different creed, of a different religion, heretical, heretic, heterodox
Andersgläubiger (m.), Andersgläubige (f.), Andersgläubige (pl..)(German) dissenter, heretic
Andersgläubigkeit(German f.) heterodoxy
andersherum(German) vice versa, the other way round
Anders ist es nicht zu erklären.(German) It can't be explained in any other way.
anderslautend(German) alternative, to the contrary, contrary
anders lautend(German) to the contrary, contrary
anders lautende Berichte(German pl.) contrary reports
anders lernen(German) to learn differently
Anderson, Lucy (1790-1878)taught the piano to Queen Victoria and her children. She was the first female pianist to play at the concerts of the Philharmonic Society
an der Spitze(German) ahead, at the top, paramount, in the lead, at the head, on top
(German) in string playing, a direction to play 'at the point (of the bow)'
an der Spitze der Tafel sitzen(German) to preside at the head of table
An der Spitze lebt es sich einsam.(German) It´s lonely at the top.
an der Spitze sein(German) to be in the fore, to be in the vanguard
an der Spitze spielen(German) to play at the point (of the bow)
an der Spitze stehen(German) to head
an der Spitze stehen von(German) to be in the vanguard of
an der Spitze von(German) at the head of
andersrum(German) the other way round, vice versa
anders rum(German) the other way round, vice versa
Anderssein(German n.) differentness, otherness
anderssprachig(German) in other languages, of other languages, foreign-language
Anderssprachige(German pl.) speakers of other languages
an der Stelle(German) in place
an der Straße(German) by the side of the road
an der Straße entlang(German) along the road
an der Straßenecke(German) at the corner of the street, at the street corner
an der Straßenkreuzung(German) at the crossroads
an der Strippe hängen(German) to hog the phone (figurative)
Anderswelt(German f.) otherworld
anders werden(German) to become different
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
anderswo(German) somewhere else, elsewhere, someplace else
anderswoher(German) from elsewhere, from somewhere else
anderswohin(German) elsewhere, somewhere else, someplace else, to another place
ändert(German) modifies, changes, alternates, altered
änderte maßstäblich neu(German) rescaled
anderthalb(German) one and a half
anderthalb Stunden(German pl.) an hour and a half, one and a half hours
anderthalbfach(German) one and a half times
anderthalbgeschossig(German) one-and-a-half storey
anderthalbjährig(German) one-and-a-half year
anderthalb Stunden(German) an hour and a half
ändert maßstäblich neu(German) rescales
ändert sich(German) varies
an der Tür(German) at the door
an der Türe kratzen(German) to scratch at the door, to rattle at the door
Änderung (s.), Änderungen (pl.)(German f.) alteration, change, variation, rearrangement, adjustment, revision, mutation, amendment, modification, edits (plural form)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Änderung der Anschrift(German f.) change of address
Änderung der Bedeutung(German f.) alteration of the meaning
Änderung der Bedingungen(German f.) amendment of the terms
Änderung der Beleuchtung(German f.) alteration of the lighting
Änderung der Form(German f.) change in form
Änderung der Körperhaltung(German f.) postural change
Änderung der Kurse(German f.) alteration in prices
Änderung der Mode(German f.) change in fashion, changes of fashion
Änderung der Politik(German f.) change of policy
Änderung der Prioritäten(German f.) alteration of priorities
Änderung der Qualität(German f.) change in quality
Änderung der Reihenfolge(German f.) variation of the order
Änderung der Schriftart(German f.) change of font
Änderung der Stimmung(German f.) change in mood
Änderung der Taktik(German f.) variation in tactics
Änderung der Umstände(German f.) change of circumstances
Änderung des Benehmens(German f.) change of behaviour
Änderung des Gerichtsstandes(German f.) change of venue
Änderung des Inhalts(German f.) alteration of the contents
Änderung des Kurses(German f.) alteration in the price
Änderung des Pulses(German f.) change in the pulse rate
Änderung des Regierungssystems(German f.) change of regime
Änderung des Vertrages(German f.) modification of the contract
Änderung des Wesens(German f.) change in character
Änderung des Wetters(German f.) change in the weather
Änderung des Wortlauts(German f.) alteration of the wording
Änderung, die ohne praktische Bedeutung ist(German f.) musical chairs (figurative)
Änderung eines Vertrags(German f.) alteration of a contract
Änderungen akzeptieren(German) to roll with the punches
Änderung anstreben(German) to seek to amend
Änderungen der technischen Verfahrensweisen(German pl.) technological changes
Änderungen der Verfahrensweise(German pl.) changes in procedures
Änderungen treffen(German) to innovate
Änderungen vorbehalten(German) subject to qualifications, subject to modifications, subject to alterations
Änderungen vornehmen(German) to make modifications, to make alterations
Änderung im Status(German f.) change of status
Änderung in der Geschäftsführung(German f.) change in the management
Änderung in einem Dokument(German f.) change in a document
Änderungsbenachrichtigung(German f.) notice of amendment
Änderungsdraht(German m.) jumper wire
Änderungsgebühr(German f.) alteration fee
Änderungsgebühren(German pl.) amendment charges
Änderungsindex(German m.) revision index, amendment index
Änderungsliste(German f.) list of modifications
Änderungsschneider(German m.) alteration tailor
Änderungssensibilität(German f.) responsiveness
Änderungsumfang(German m.) extent of modifications
Änderungsversuch(German m.) attempt to alter something, attempt to change something
Änderungsvorbehalt(German m.) subject to alterations (reservation of right)
Änderungsvorschlag(German m.) proposal for modification, proposal for amendment, suggested change
Änderung vorbehalten(German) subject to change
an der Universität(German) at the university
an der Vergangenheit hängen(German) to cling to the past
an der Wahlurne(German) at the polls (also figurative)
an der Wand(German) on the wall
an der Wand angebracht(German) wall-mounted
anderwärts(German) somewhere else, elsewhere, in other places
anderweit(German) otherwise
anderweitig(German) other, elsewhere, otherwise, ulterior
anderweitig ausdrücklich vereinbart(German) otherwise expressly agreed
anderweitig beschäftigt(German) otherwise engaged, otherwise occupied
anderweitig bestellen(German) to place our orders elsewhere
anderweitig gebunden(German) otherwise occupied
anderweitig nicht vorgesehen(German) not otherwise provided
anderweitige Unterbringung(German f.) alternative premises, alternative accommodation
an der Wende des Jahrhunderts(German) at the turn of the century
an der Wurzel von(German) at the root of
an der Zahl abnehmen(German) to decrease in number
an der Zahl nachlassen(German) to dwindle in number
an derselben Stelle(German) on the very spot
Andes(English, Spanish mountain range that runs from north to south through much of western South America
andeuten(German) to indicate, to hint (at), to drive at, to signify, to adumbrate, to insinuate, to suggest, to imply, to intimate
andeutend(German) hinting, adumbrative, implicative, implicatory, insinuating, adumbratively, indicatively, suggestive
Andeutung(German) allusion, indication, sign, suggestive remark, hint, adumbration, inkling, insinuation, intimation, suggestion, tang (hint)
Andeutung (s.), Andeutungen (pl.)(German) indication, hint
andeutungsweise(German) in outline, suggestively, allusively
Andeutung von Skandal(German f.) breath of scandal
andiamo!(Italian) come on!
andichten(German) to address verses to
andichtend(German) addressing verses to
andicken(German) to thicken
an die(German) circa
an der Tür klopfen (German) to knock at the door
an die Tür klopfen(German) to knock at the door
an die Adresse von(German) in the direction of
an die Arbeit gehen(German) to go to work, to set to work
an die Börse gehen(German) to go public (company)
an die Decke gehen(German) to go ballistic (colloquial), to be raging, to hit the ceiling (colloquial/figurative), to hit the roof (colloquial/figurative)
an die Dunkelheit angepasst(German) dark-adapted
an die elektrische Leitung angeschlossen(German) connected to the mains
an die Felsen(German) against the rocks
An die ferne Geliebte(German: "To the distant beloved") song-cycle Op. 98 by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), considered by many to be the first true song cycle
an die Front geschickt werden(German) to be sent to the front
an die gegenwärtigen Umstände(German) in the present circumstances
an die Grenzlinie kommen(German) to come up to the scratch
an die Hand nehmen(German) to take by the hand
an die Jahreszeiten gebunden(German) linked to the seasons
an die Kälte gewöhnt(German) accustomed to the cold
an die Kette hängen(German) to chain up, to put on the chain
an die Küste(German) ashore
an die Küste gehen(German) to go to the seaside
an die Luft gehen(German) to take the air, to have an airing
an die Macht kommen(German) to come to power, to come into power, to take over
andienen(German) to tender, to offer
Andienung(German f.) delivery
Andienungsanzeige(German f.) delivery note
Andienungsort(German m.) delivery point
Andienungspreis(German m.) invoice total, invoice amount, amount invoiced
an die Oberfläche bringen(German) to evoke
an die Oberfläche kommen(German) to surface
an die Öffentlichkeit bringen(German) to bring to light
an die Öffentlichkeit dringen(German) to get out
an die Öffentlichkeit gehen(German) to go public
an die Regierung kommen(German) to take office (party)
an die Reihe kommen(German) to be one's turn, to be one's go
an die Seite(German) alongside
an die Seite fahren(German) to pull over
an diesem Beispiel(German) by this example
an diesem besonderen Tag(German) on this particular day
an diesem Ende(German) at this end
an diesem Ort(German) at this place
an diesem Punkt(German) at the point, at that point
an diesem Punkt in der Geschichte(German) at this point in the story
an diesem Punkt ist zu sagen(German) at this point it must be said
an diesem Tag(German) (on) that day
an diesem Treffpunkt(German) at this juncture
An diesem Wettbewerb kann sich jeder beteiligen.(German) This competition is open to all comers.
an diesen Tagen(German) in these days, on those days (demonstrative)
An dieser Frage scheiden sich die Geister.(German) Opinions differ on this question.
an dieser Stelle(German) incidentally , at this point
an die Spitze kommen(German) to get to the top
an die Stelle setzen(German) to substitute
an die Stelle treten(German) to supercede
an die Stelle treten von(German) to take the place of
an die Tropen angepasst(German) tropicalised
an die Tür klopfen(German) to knock on the door, to bang on the door, to rap at the door
an die Tür pochen(German) to bump against the door
an die Tür schlagen(German) to bang on the door
an die unteren Schichten gerichtet(German) down-market
an die Wand(German) against the wall
an die Wand lehnen(German) to lean against the wall
an die Wand nageln(German) to nail to the wall
an die zuständige Abteilung(German) to whom it may concern
Andimeschk(German n.) Andimeshk (is a city in Khuzestan province, Iran)
andin(German) Andean
andino (m.), andina (f.)(Spanish) Andean
Andirivieni(Italian m.) coming and going
Andirona firedog, one of a pair of short horizontal bars, with legs or a supporting stand, for holding the ends of logs in an open fireplace
Andinismo(Spanish m. - Latin America) mountaineering, mountain climbing, climbing
Andinista(Spanish m./f. - Latin America) mountaineer, mountain climber, climber
Andito(Italian m.) passage
Andningstecken(Swedish) breath mark
andnoabbreviated form of andantino
Andocken(German n.) docking, berthing
andocken(German) to berth, to dock, to latch on (baby)
Andorra(English, Spanish f.) a small republic in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France
Andorraner (m.), Andorranerin (f.), Andorraner (pl.), Andorranerinnen ( Andorran
andorranisch(German) Andorran
Andorrano (m.), Andorrana (f.)(Spanish) Andorran
andorrano (m.), andorrana (f.)(Spanish) Andorran
andra(Swedish) second
Andragogik(German f.) adult education
Andrajo (s.), Andrajos (pl.)(Spanish m.) rag, rags (plural form), tatters (plural form)
andrajoso (m.), andrajosa (f.)(Spanish) ragged, tattered
Andrang(German m.) rush, crush, boom, storm, run, press, congestion
Andrang der Leute(German m.) press of people, rush of people
Andrang nach(German) rush for
Andrea Chénieran opera in four acts by Umberto Giordano (1867-1948) to a libretto by Luigi Illica (1857-1919), loosely based on the life of the French poet, André Chénier, and first performed in Milan in 1896
Andreas(German m.) Andrew
Andreaskreuz(German n.) saltire, diagonal cross, St. Andrew's cross, railway crossing sign
Andreastag(German m.) St. Andrew's day
andrehen(German) to switch on, to turn on
andrehend(German) turning on
andrerseits(German) on the other hand, then again, but then again
Andrewin old plays, a name used for a valet or manservant
Andringen(German n.) urging
andringen(German) to advance (enemy)
an Dritte vergeben(German) to contract out
An droBreton circle dance
Androcentriccentered or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women
Androgenyin costume, a look of indeterminate gender, often featuring traits associated with the opposite gender to the wearer
andrógino (m.), andrógina (f.)(Spanish) androgynous
androgyn(German) androgynously, androgynous
Androgynie(German f.) androgyny
androhen(German) to menace, to threaten
androhend(German) menacing
Androhung des Rücktritts(German f.) threat of resignation
Androhung des Streiks(German f.) threat of strike
Androhungen(German pl.) menaces
Androhung von Gewalt(German f.) threat of force
Androide(German m.) android
Andron(Greek) or andronitis is part of a Greek house which is reserved for men, as distinguished from the gynaeceum (Greek gunaikeion), the women's quarters. This area, where the men of the house would entertain guests, usually consisted of 3-4 couches and tables, oil lamps, and artworks
Androne(Italian m.) entrance
androzentrisch(German) androcentric
Andruck(German m.) gravitational force, (final) proof, G-force
Andruck-(German) press-on, clip-on
Andruckbauelement(German n.) clip-on device
Andruckbogen(German m.) proof sheet (printing)
andrucken(German) to proof, to pull a proof
andrücken(German) to press on
andteabbreviated form of andante
andtoabbreviated form of andantino
andünsten(German) to braise lightly
Andurriales(Spanish out-of-the-way place (familiar), godforsaken place (pejorative)
Anecdota(Latin) unpublished materials
Anécdota(Spanish f.) anecdote
Anecdote(from the Greek anekdota, literally, 'things unpublished') short, especially true, account or story of an amusing, unusual, revealing, or interesting event
anecdótico (m.), anecdótica (f.)(Spanish) anecdotal (story, tale), incidental (interest, value)
anecdotique(French) anecdotal
Anechoic(literally, 'without echo) a term applied to a space that acts as a 'free field' (i.e. having no boundary or reflecting surfaces). A similar result can be achieved by constructing boundaries that absorb all incident sound energy. This is achieved by forming walls with highly irregular surfaces. Rooms like this, called 'anechoic chambers', are used to test loudspeakers, microphones and other sound equipment
a necias(Spanish) foolishly, stupidly
anecken(German) to scandalise
aneckend(German) scandalising
Aneddoto(Italian m.) anecdote
anegadizo(Spanish) a subject to flooding
anegar(Spanish) to flood, to inundate
anegarse(Spanish) to be flooded, to be inundated, to flood
aneignen(German) to get, to usurp, to appropriate, to take possession of
aneignend(German) appropriative
Aneignung (s.), Aneignungen (pl.)(German f.) appropriation, adoption, occupancy, acquirement, acquisition, annexation
Aneignungsbegehren(German n.) compulsive desire for new acquisitions
aneinander(German) together, of one another, next to each other, close to, against each other, next to each other
[additional entries by Michael Zapf]
aneinander angrenzende Schichten(German pl.) adjacent layers
aneinander befestigen(German) to clamp together
aneinanderfügen(German) to put together, to join together
aneinander fügen(German, old form) to put together, to join together
aneinandergeraten(German) to come to blows, to encounter, to tangle with
aneinander geraten(German, old form) to encounter, to tangle with
aneinandergeraten mit(German) to tangle with
aneinandergeschmiegt(German) huddled up to one another
aneinandergrenzen(German) to border on each other, to adjoin each other
aneinander grenzen(German) to adjoin each other
aneinander grenzen(German, old form) to border on each other, adjacent to one another
aneinandergrenzend(German) adjacent to one another
aneinanderhängen(German) to be linked (together), to link together
aneinander halten(German) to hold against each other, to be attached to each other (figurative) (people)
Aneinanderkettung(German f.) concatenation
aneinander kleben(German) to be stuck together, to be glued together, to stick together
aneinander koppeln(German) to link up, to couple
aneinanderlegen(German) to butt-joint
aneinander lehnen(German) to lean on each other, to lean against each other
aneinander liegen(German) to be adjacent (to each other), to be next to each other
aneinander prallen(German) to collide, to clash
aneinanderreihen(German) to be strung together, to string together
aneinander reihen(German, old form) to string together, to be strung together
Aneinanderreihung von Kleinigkeiten(German f.) succession of trivialities (one after another)
aneinanderschlagen(German) to clash
aneinander schmiegen(German) to snuggle up (to each other)
aneinander setzen(German) to put together
aneinander stellen(German) to put together
aneinanderstoßen(German) to bang together, to collide, to bump into each other
aneinander stoßen(German, old form) to bang together, to collide, to bump into each other
aneinander vorbeireden(German) to talk at cross purposes
aneinander vorbei reden(German) to talk at cross purposes, to get one's wires crossed (colloquial)
an ein Land grenzen(German) to adjoin a country, to border on a country
an ein Versprechen erinnern(German) to recall a promise
an ein Wunder grenzen(German) to be almost a miracle
an eine Anschrift senden(German) to direct to the address, to send to an address
an eine Aufgabe herangehen(German) to approach a task
an eine Meinung verhaftet sein(German) to cling to an opinion
an einem Punkt angekommen sein, an dem ...(German) to have reached a point when ...
an einem Begräbnis teilnehmen(German) to attend a funeral
an einem bestimmten Ort(German) at a certain place
an einem bestimmten Punkt(German) at a certain point
an einem bestimmten Tag(German) on a given day
an einem Bewerbungsgespräch teilnehmen(German) to interview (for a job)
an einem Blog schreiben(German) to blog
an einem der nächsten Tage(German) one of these days
an einem dieser Tage(German) one of these days
an einem fernen Platz(German) at a remote place
an einem fernen zukünftigen Zeitpunkt(German) at some (remote) future date
an einem Gebäude vorbeigehen(German) to pass a building
an einem Geschäft beteiligt(German) engaged in a business
an einem Geschäft beteiligt sein(German) to have a hand in a business, to be engaged in a business
an einem Lehrgang teilnehmen(German) to go on a course (training)
an einem Ort ankommen(German) to arrive at a place, to reach a place
an einem Ort Zuflucht suchen(German) to take refuge in a place
an einem Ort zusammenkommen(German) to converge on a place
an einem Orte wohnen(German) to abide in a place (archaic)
an einem Plan arbeiten(German) to work at a plan
an einem seidenen Faden hängen(German) to hang by a thread (also figurative)
an einem sicheren Ort(German) safe, in a sure place
an einem sicheren Platz sein(German) to be in a safe place, to be out of harm's way
an einem Strang ziehen(German) to pull together, to act in concert
an einem toten Ende(German) at an impasse
an einem toten Punkt enden(German) to end in deadlock
an einem Training teilnehmen(German) to undergo training
an einem Unfall beteiligt(German) involved in an accident
an einem Unfall beteiligt sein(German) to be involved in an accident
an einem Verbrechen unschuldig sein(German) to be innocent of a crime
an einem voraus bestimmten Tag(German) on a predetermined date
an einem vorgegebenem Punkt(German) at a given point
an einem vorher vereinbarten Tag(German) on a previously agreed date
an einem Werk mitarbeiten(German) to collaborate in a work
an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmen(German) to enter a contest
an einem Wettkampf teilnehmen(German) to compete
an einem Wiederholungskurs teilnehmen(German) to attend a refresher course
an einem zentralen Punkt(German) at a central point
an einen Ausschuss überweisen(German) to refer to a committee
an einen Baum binden(German) to bind to a tree
an einen Baum gefesselt sein(German) to be tied to a tree
an einen Computer angeschlossen(German) connected to a computer
an einen Flug Anschluss haben(German) to connect with a flight
an einen kleineren Maßstab anpassen(German) to adapt to a smaller scale
an einen Ort verschlagen werden(German) to end up (somewhere)
an einen Tisch bringen(German) to bring together
an einen Zug Anschluss haben(German) to connect with a train
an einer alten Tradition festhalten(German) to keep to an old tradition
an einer Aussage festhalten(German) to adhere to a statement
an einer Ausschreibung teilnehmen(German) to participate in a tender
an einer bestimmten Stelle(German) at a certain point
an einer breiteren Stelle(German) at a wider spot
an einer empfindlichen Stelle berühren(German) to touch on the raw
an einer Erfindung tüfteln(German) to refine an invention
an einer Idee festhalten(German) to cherish an idea
an einer Konferenz nicht teilnehmen(German) to absent oneself from a meeting
an einer Konferenz teilnehmen(German) to attend a meeting, to attend a conference, to be at a conference
an einer Krankheit sterben(German) to die of illness, to die of an illness
an einer Kreuzung(German) at a cross-roads
an einer Kriegsneurose leidend(German) shell-shocked
an einer Meinung festhalten(German) to cling to an opinion
an einer Politik festhalten(German) to adhere to a policy
an einer Sache drehen(German) to wangle something
an einer Sache festhängen(German) to get caught on something
an einer Sache herumdoktern(German) to tweak something (colloquial) (system, rules, text)
an einer Sache merken, dass ...(German) to tell by something that ...
an einer Sache polken(German) to fiddle with something
an einer Sache sparen(German) to skimp on something
an einer Schule(German) at a school
an einer Sitzung teilnehmen(German) to attend a sitting
an einer Straße liegen(German) bordering on a road
an einer Überdosis sterben(German) to die of an overdose
an einer Universität(German) at a university
an einer unwirklichen Hoffnung festhalten(German) to hope against hope
an einer Verletzung sterben(German) to die as a result of an injury
an einer Wunde sterben(German) to die as a result of a wound
an Einfluss gewinnen(German) to gain influence
an Einfluss verlieren(German) to lose ground
an einigen Stellen(German) in spots
an Eisenmangel leidend(German) deficient in iron
Anejo(Spanish m.) annexe, appendix (of a book, etc.), supplement
anejo(Spanish) attached
añejo (m.), añeja (f.)(Spanish) mature (wine, cheese), stale (bread, etc.), old (custom), ancient (custom)
Anekdötchen(German n.) short anecdote
Anekdote(German f.) anecdote
Anekdotenerzähler (m.), Anekdotenerzählerin (f.)(German) a recounter of anecdotes, anecdotist, raconteur (m.), raconteuse (f.)
anekdotenhaft(German) anecdotal, anecdotally
anekdotisch(German) anecdotal
anekeln(German) to disgust, to nauseate (to disgust)
anekelnd(German) disgusting
Anelaceor anlace, a heavy, broad-bladed, sharp-pointed, double-edged knife
anelantemente(Italian) ardently, anxiously
Anelanza(Italian) shortness of breath
anelare a(Italian) to long for
Anelito(Italian m.) longing, shortness of breath
Anello (s.), Anelli (pl.)(Italian m.) ring, link (in a chain)
(Italian m.) ring key (on a wind instrument), Brille (German f.), anneau (French m.)
Anello del pollice(Italian m.) thumb hold
Anemia(Italian f., Spanish f.) anaemia
anemico(Italian) anaemic
Anémico (m.), Anémica (f.)(Spanish) anaemic person
anémico (m.), anémica (f.)(Spanish) anaemic
Anemochordalso called Animo corde, a keyboard-wind instrument, with a chromatic range of 5 octaves, invented in 1798 by Johann Jacob Schnell which had strings instead of pipes or reeds, a type of Æolian harp
Anemometer(English, German n.) instrument used to measure wind speed, usually measured either from the rotation of wind-driven cups or from wind pressure through a tube
(English, German n.) a wind-gauge used to 'weigh the wind' (that is, measure the air or wind pressure) in an organ
anempfehlen(German) to commend
anempfinden(German) to share the feelings of others, to appreciate
Anenaikia feature of the performance of Russian (Znemenny) chant during the sixteenth and seventeenth century, anenaiki was the term used for long coloraturas sung to nonsense syllables a-ne-na, a practice called chomonie
an Entbehrung sterben(German) to die from want
an Entkräftung sterben(German) to die of exhaustion
Anerbieten(German n.) advance, offering
Anerbietungen machen (German, archaic) to make offers
Anergie(German f.) anergy
Anergythe loss or weakening of the body's immunity to an irritating agent, or antigen. Anergy can be thought of as the opposite of allergy
Ânerie(French f.) stupidity, stupid remark
anerkannt(German) arrived (achieved success), accepted, credited with, recognised, canonical, recognized, authorised, approved, accredited, admitted, acknowledged, received (accepted, standard)
anerkannt harte Zeiten(German) acknowledged hard times
anerkannt hervorragender Journalist(German m.) distinguished journalist
anerkannte Abhängigkeit(German f.) acknowledged dependence
anerkannte Aussprache(German f.) received pronunciation
anerkannte Händler(German pl.) authorised dealers
anerkannte Institution(German f.) accredited institution
anerkannte Normen(German pl.) established standards
anerkannte Regeln(German pl.) generally accepted rules
anerkannter Fachmann(German m.) acknowledged expert
anerkanntermaßen(German) admittedly
anerkannterweise(German) acceptedly, admittedly
anerkannte Schule(German f.) approved school, recognized school
anerkanntes Ferienstudium(German n.) approved vacation study
anerkannte Theorie(German f.) accepted theory
anerkannte Wahrheit(German f.) accepted truth, established truth, acknowledged truth
anerkennbar(German) admissible
anerkennen(German) to acknowledge, to recognise, to appreciate, to confess, to accredit, to homologate, to honour, to admit, to allow, to validate, to approve, to accept, to respect
anerkennend(German) recognizing, appreciatively, appreciatory, appreciative, acknowledging, commendatory, approvingly, approving, recognising
anerkennen, dass(German) to acknowledge that, to acknowledge that, to appeciate that, to recognise that
anerkennende Bemerkung(German f.) appreciative remark
anerkennende Kritik(German f.) appreciative criticism
anerkennendes Schulterklopfen(German n.) slap on the back (figurative)
anerkennenswert(German) commendable, appreciable, creditable
anerkennenswerterweise(German) commendably
anerkennt(German) acknowledges
anerkenntlich(German) acknowledgeable
Anerkenntnis(German f.) acknowledgement, confession, recognisance
Anerkenntnis einer Zahlungsverpflichtung(German f.) acknowledgement of debt
Anerkenntnisurteil(German n.) consent decree
Anerkennung (s.), Anerkennungen (pl.)(German f.) acknowledgement, recognition, appreciation, accolade (approval), appreciation, tribute, allowance, compliment
Anerkennung als akademischer Abschluss(German f.) validation of a degree course
Anerkennung bekommen(German f.) to receive credit
Anerkennung bieten(German f.) to provide validation
Anerkennung der Autorität(German f.) acceptance of authority
Anerkennung der Leistung(German f.) validation of performance
Anerkennung einer Bemühung(German f.) appreciation of an effort
Anerkennung einer Schuld(German f.) debenture
Anerkennung eines Anspruchs(German f.) acceptance of a claim
Anerkennung verdienen(German f.) to deserve credit
Anerkennung verdienend(German f.) meritorious
Anerkennung von Ansprüchen(German f.) allowance of claims
Anerkennungsgebühr(German f.) nominal fee
Anerkennungsprämie(German f.) appreciation award
Anerkennungsrecht(German n.) right of attribution
Anerkennungsschreiben(German n.) testimonial
Anerkennungsverfahren(German n.) validation process
Anerkennungsverpflichtung(German f.) recognisance
anerkennen, verschiedener Meinung zu sein(German) to agree to disagree
Aneroid(German n.) aneroid (barometer)
Aneroidbarometer(German n.) aneroid barometer
an erster Stelle(German) paramount, leading, top priority, in the first place
an erster Stelle liegen(German) to be in first place, to lie in first place
an erster Stelle stehen(German) to be in first place, to come first, to rank foremost, to rank first
anerziehen(German) to instil into
anerziehend(German) instilling into
anerzogen(German) acquired
anerzogener Geschmack(German m.) acquired taste
a nessuna cosa(Italian) to nothing (an indication to hold a fermata until it dies away naturally)
Anestesia(Spanish f.) anaesthesia
Anestesia epidural(Spanish f.) epidural (anaesthesia)
Anestesia general(Spanish f.) general anaesthesia
Anestesia local(Spanish f.) local anaesthesia
anestesiar(Spanish) to anesthetize, to give an anaesthetic
Anestésico(Spanish m.) anaesthetic
anestésico (m.), anestésica (f.)(Spanish) anaesthetic
Anestesista(Spanish m./f.) anaesthetist
Aneuploidie(German f.) aneuploidy
Aneuploidyvariation in chromosome number involving one or a small number of chromosomes that commonly involves the gain or loss of a single chromosome
Aneurisma(Spanish f.) aneurysm
Aneurysmor aneurism, a localized widening (dilatation) of an artery, vein, or the heart
Aneurysma(German n.) aneurism, aneurysm
Anexión(Spanish f.) annexation
anexionar(Spanish) to annex
Anexo(Spanish m.) annexe, appendix (to a document), enclosure (in a card), extension (Chile: telephone)
anexo (m.), anexa (f.)(Spanish) attached, joined, added, appended, enclosed (in a card)
anexo a (m.), anexa a (f.)(Spanish) attached to, joined to
anfachen(German) to stoke up (also figurative), to foment (figurative)
anfachend(German) kindling
anfahren(German) deliver (although anliefern is more usual), snap at, start (car), start up
anfahrend(German) snubbing, starting
Anfahrrollenhebel(German m.) roller lever
Anfahrt(German f.) avenue, drive, approach, carriage drive, journey
an Fahrt gewinnen(German) to pick up speed (train)
Anfahrtsbeschreibung(German f.) directions, description of how to get there
Anfahrtsstraße(German f.) approach road
Anfall (s.), Anfälle (pl.)(German m.) spell (period of time), bout, insult, attack, fit, aggression, seizure, accrual (interest, etc.)
Anfall geistiger Umnachtung(German m.) brainstorm
Anfall von Bedauern(German m.) pang of regret
anfallen(German) to accrue, to arise, to assail
anfallend(German) incidental (as a consequence), attacking, accruing, contingent, arising (accruing)
anfallende Beträge(German pl.) accruals
anfallende Kosten(German pl.) costs incurred
anfallende Nebenkosten(German pl.) incidental expenses
anfallende Zahlungen(German pl.) payments falling due
anfällig(German) susceptible, delicate, fragile (health), vulnerable, prone (accident, ilness), susceptible, unimmunised
anfällig für(German) prone to
anfällig für Missbrauch(German) open to abuse
anfällig für Reizüberflutung(German) prone to sensory overload
Anfälligkeit(German f.) sensitivity, liability, susceptibility, vulnerability
Anfälligkeit für(German f.) liability to
Anfälligkeit für Reizüberflutung(German f.) vulnerability to sensory overload
anfallsartige Luftnot(German f.) paroxysmal dyspnoea
paroxysmal dyspnoea is a condition where a person experiences breathing difficulty while lying down is an abnormal condition. A person with this condition must keep the head elevated (by sitting or standing) to be able to breathe deeply or comfortably. The condition may also cause a person to wake up suddenly during the night, feeling short of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)
anfallsfrei(German) seizure-free
anfallsweise auftretende Atemnot(German f.) asthma
an falsche Stelle setzen(German) to misplace
Anfang (s.), Anfänge (pl.)(German m.) start, beginning, commencement, onset, initiation, starting, startup, inception, beginnings, debut, opening, setout, top, origin, incipience, outset, first lines (plural form)
[clarification by Michael Zapf]
Anfang an, von(German) see von Anfang an
Anfang April(German m.) beginning of April
Anfang April(German) early in April
Anfang der Laufzeit(German m.) beginning of the term
Anfang der Nachricht(German m.) start of message
Anfang der Saison(German m.) beginning of the season
Anfang der Zeile(German m.) beginning of a line
Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts(German m.) beginning of the 20th century
Anfang des Absatzes(German m.) beginning of a paragraph
Anfang des Jahres(German) earlier this year
Anfang des Monats(German m.) beginning of the month
Anfang des Monats(German) earlier this month
Anfang dreißig sein(German) to be in one's early thirties
Anfang einer Schicht(German m.) beginning of a shift
anfangen(German) to begin, to start, to do, to commence, to become, to start off, to set off, to open, to initiate, to get going, to take up, to strike up
anfangen abzunehmen(German) to begin to decrease, to begin decreasing
anfangen wollen(German) to be eager to begin
anfangen zu arbeiten(German) to begin working
anfangen zu bluten(German) to begin bleeding
anfangen zu wirken(German) to kick in (colloquial) (drugs)
anfangen, ... zu tun(German) to proceed to do ...
anfangend(German) incipient
Anfänger (m.), Anfängerin (f.), Anfänger (pl.)(German) beginner, newcomer, rookie, freshman, novice, tiro, tyro, amateur, neophyte, learner, newbie, boon, debutante (female form)
Anfängerbuch(German n.) book for beginners
Anfängerfehler(German m.) beginner's mistake
Anfängerglück(German n.) beginner's luck
Anfängerhügel(German m.) nursery slope (skiing)
Anfängerkurs(German m.) elementary course, beginners' course, course for beginners
Anfänger sein(German) to be taking one's first steps
Anfängerwörterbuch(German n.) elementary dictionary
Anfang Jänner(German - Austria) early in January
Anfang Januar(German) early in January
Anfang Juli(German) at the beginning of July
anfänglich(German) initial, initially, early, at first, primarily, ab initio, incipiently, incipient
anfängliche Prämie(German f.) initial premium (insurance, etc.)
anfänglicher Ehrgeiz(German m.) initial ambition
Anfangs(German m.) start, beginning
[clarification by Michael Zapf]
anfangs(German) introductory, at the outset, to begin with, near the beginning, at the start, at first, in the early days, primary, in the beginning, at the beginning, initially
[clarification by Michael Zapf]
Anfangs-(German) commencing, initial
[clarification by Michael Zapf]
Anfangsanfälligkeit(German f.) debugging (software)
Anfangsbeanspruchung(German f.) initial strain, initial stress
Anfangsbedingung(German f.) initial condition
Anfangsbestand(German f.) initial inventory, opening stock
Anfangsbuchstabe (s.), Anfangsbuchstaben (pl.)(German m.) initial, initial letter, first letter
Anfangsdatum(German n.) commencing date, beginning date
Anfangsdruck(German m.) initial pressure
Anfangserfolg(German m.) initial success
Anfangsfinanzierung(German f.) initial finance, front-end finance, initial financing
Anfangsfrage(German f.) initial question
Anfangsgehalt (s.), Anfangsgehälter (pl.)(German n.) commencing salary, commencing-salary, initial salary, beginning salary, starting salary
Anfangsgeld für die Sparbüchse(German n.) seed money (for a commercial venture)
Anfangsgeschwindigkeit(German f.) initial velocity
Anfangsgewinne(German pl.) early gains
Anfangsgründe(German pl.) elements, (first) principles, rudiments
Anfangsjahre(German pl.) early years, first years
Anfangskapital(German n.) starting capital, seed capital
Anfangskurs(German m.) initial quotation
Anfangslage(German f.) start position
Anfangslaufzeit(German f.) initial term
Anfangslehrbuch(German n.) primer
Anfangslohn(German m.) starting wage, starting rate of pay, commencing wages
Anfangsparameter(German m.) initial parameter
Anfangsphase (s.), Anfangsphasen (pl.)(German f.) opening stages, opening, early stage
Anfangsposition(German f.) initial position
Anfangsprozedur(German f.) initial procedure
Anfangspunkt(German m.) starting point
Anfangsrand(German m.) left-hand margin
Anfangsrendite(German f.) initial rate of return
Anfangsritornell(German m.) introductory symphony to an air, etc.
Anfangssaldo(German m.) opening balance
Anfangsschwierigkeiten(German pl.) teething troubles
Anfangsseite(German f.) welcome page
Anfangssemester(German n.) first semester
Anfangsstadium(German n.) elementary stage, primary stage, beginnings, initial stage, early stage
Anfangsstellung(German f.) entry-level job, initial position
Anfangsstufen(German pl.) early stages
Anfangssymptom(German n.) initial symptom
Anfangssymptome einer Krankheit(German pl.) initial symptoms of a disease
Anfangstage(German pl.) early days
Anfangstemperatur(German f.) initial temperature
Anfangstempo(German n.) original speed
[entry corrected by Michael Zapf]
Anfangstermin(German m.) start date
Anfang und Ende(German m.) alpha and omega
Anfangsunterricht(German m.) elementary instruction
Anfangsverdacht(German m.) initial suspicion
Anfangsverkäufer(German m.) junior salesman
Anfangsverschleiß(German m.) initial wear and tear
Anfangswert(German m.) original value, initial value
Anfangswert für Zufallsgenerator(German m.) random seed (for random number generator)
Anfangswiderstand(German m.) initial resistance
Anfangszeichen(German n.) initial character
Anfangszeile(German f.) initial line
Anfangszeit(German f.) starting time, seminal period
Anfangszins(German m.) initial interest
Anfangszustand(German m.) primary status, initial state, initial condition, original condition
Anfangszwischenraum(German m.) initial gap
Anfärben(German n.) dyeing
anfärben(German) to dye
Anfärbung(German f.) dyeing
anfasen(German) to chamfer
anfassbar(German) touchable
anfassen(German) to catch hold of, to handle, to take hold of, to touch, to tackle (a problem, etc.)
anfassend(German) touching
anfauchen(German) to snarl at somebody
anfaulen(German) to go bad
anfaulend(German) going bad, rotting
anfaxen(German) to send a fax
anfechtbar(German) disputable, reviewable, impeachable, challengeable, controvertible, contestable, voidable, avoidable, refutable, impugnable, annullable, subject to appeal, open to question, unsound (ill-founded)
Anfechtbarkeit(German f.) annullability, unsoundness (of argument), questionableness, contestability
anfechten(German) to challenge, to contradict, to refute, to litigate, to dispute, to arraign, to contest
anfechtend(German) contesting, arraigning, annulling
Anfechter(German m.) contestant
Anfechter einer Wahl(German m.) contestant in an election
Anfechtung(German f.) challenge, refutation, impugnment, rescission, contesting, mpeachment, appeal, temptation
Anfechtung einer Theorie(German f.) refutation of a theory
Anfechtung einer Vereinbarung(German f.) avoidance of an agreement
Anfechtungsklage(German f.) action for annulment
anfeinden(German) be hostile to, to treat with hostility
anfeindend(German) being hostile to
Anfeindung (s.), Anfeindungen (pl.)(German f.) hostility, animosity, ll will
anfertigen(German) to make, to manufacture, to produce, to draw up
anfertigend(German) manufacturing, making
Anfertigung (s.), Anfertigungen (pl.)(German f.) manufacture, production, making
Anfertigung eines psychologischen Profils(German f.) psychological profiling
Anfetamina(Spanish f.) amphetamine, speed (argot)
anfeuchten(German) to moisten, to damp, to wet, to pampen, to make damp, to humidify
anfeuchtend(German) moistening, wetting
Anfeuchter(German m.) dampener, moistener
Anfeuchtmaschine(German f.) humidifying machine, humidifer
Anfeuchtung(German f.) humidification, moistening
Anfeuerer(German m.) cheerleader
Anfeuern(German n.) rooting, cheering, spurring on, encouraging, whooping
anfeuern(German) to fire, to encourage, to cheer, to root for, to spur on, to light (gas), to whoop
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
anfeuernd(German) incentive, cheering, encouraging, whooping
anfeuernde Rede(German f.) invigorating speech
anfeuernde Rufe(German pl.) cheers (of encouragement)
anfeuernde Schreie(German pl.) whooping screams
anfeuernde Zurufe(German pl.) cheers (of encouragement)
Anfeuerung(German m.) spurring on, ignition charge (gas oven)
Anfeuerungsruf (s.), Anfeuerungsrufe (pl.)(German m.) chant, cheer (of encouragement), yell, shout of encouragement
Anfibio(Spanish m.) amphibian
anfibio (m.), anfibia (f.)(Spanish) amphibious
an Fingernägeln kauen(German) to gnaw one's nails
Anfiteatro(Italian m., Spanish m.) amphitheatre, upper circle (theatre, cinema), gallery (cinema), dress circle (theatre), lecture hall (university), natural ampitheatre (geological feature)
Anfitrión (m.), Anfitriona (f.)(Spanish) host (m.), hostess (f.)
anflehen(German) to supplicate, to implore, to beseech, to entreat, to beg
anflehend(German) invoking, imploring, supplicating
Anflehung(German f.) supplication
anfliegen(German) to head for, to approach
anfliegend(German) heading for
Anflug(German m.) whiff, soupçon (French), touch, run-up, approach
Anflug an(German m.) approach to
Anflug von Humor(German m.) touch of humour
Anflug von Hysterie(German m.) edge of hysteria
Anflug von Ironie(German m.) touch of irony
Anflug von Traurigkeit(German m.) touch of melancholy, dash of sadness
Ánfora(Spanish f.) amphora
feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular
anforderbar(German) orderable
anfordern(German) to request, to solicit, to demand
anfordernd(German) requisitioning
Anforderung (s.), Anforderungen (pl.)(German f.) solicitation, attention, demand note, requisition, requirement, demand, request
Anforderung einer Preisliste(German f.) request for a price list
Anforderungen bestehen(German) to satisfy requirements, to meet challenges
Anforderungen erfüllen(German) to meet requirements
Anforderungen stellen an(German) to put demands on, to put demands on
Anforderungsformblatt(German n.) requisition form
Anforderungsliste(German f.) list of requirements
Anforderungsprofil(German n.) job profile
Anforderungsstufe(German f.) classification grade
Anforderungszeichen(German n.) prompt
Anfrage (s.), Anfragen (pl.)(German f.) enquiry, inquiry, query, question (in parliament), request, information request, letter of enquiry, letter of inquiry
Anfrage betreffend die Lieferung von(German f.) inquiry about the delivery of
Anfrage betreffend eine Firma(German f.) inquiry about a firm
Anfrageformular(German n.) inquiry form, enquiry form
anfragen(German) to inquire, to enquire, to ask, to request, to apply
anfragend(German) inquiring, asking, enquiring
Anfragender (m.), Anfragende (f.)(German) inquirer
Anfrager(German m.) inquirer
Anfragesprache(German f.) query language
anfräsen(German) to mill, to erode (rust), to eat away (teeth), to pit (rust)
anfressend(German) fretting
anfreunden(German) to become friends, to become chums (colloquial)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
anfreundend(German) making friends
anfrieren(German) to freeze on
anfrierend(German) freezing on
anfügbar(German) attachable
anfügen(German) to join, to append, to attach, to annex, to enclose, to add, to affix, to butt-joint
anfügend(German) annexing, attaching
Anfügung(German f.) attachment, appendage
Anfügungspunkt(German m.) point of attachment
anfühlen(German) feel (touch)
Anfuhr(German f.) carriage
anführbar(German) adducible
anführen(German) to lead, to invoke, to adduce, to spearhead (figurative), to quote, to head, to cite, to allege, to point out (an argument), to bring in (example), to give (example)
anführend(German) leading
an führender Stelle liegen(German) to be in the lead
an führender Stelle stehen(German) to be in the lead
Anführer (m.s./pl.), Anführerin (f.), Anführerinnen ( leader, chief, ringleader, commander
Anführer der Bürgerrechtsbewegung(German m.) civil rights leader
Anführer der Rebellion(German m.) leader of the rebellion
Anführer von Splittergruppen(German pl.) factional leaders
Anführer sein(German) to act as a leader
anführerlos(German) leaderless, acephalous
Anfuhrkosten(German pl.) cartage
Anführung(German f.) citation
Anführungen(German pl.) quotations
Anführungsstriche(German pl.) quotation marks, inverted commas
Anführungszeichen (s./pl.)(German n.) quotation mark, inverted comma, quote (colloquial), quote sign
Anführungszeichen oben(German pl.) close quotation marks
Anführungszeichen unten(German pl.) open quotation marks
anfüllen(German) to infuse, to fill (up), to clutter up, to fulfil
an fünfter Stelle liegen(German) to lie fifth
anfunkeln(German) to flash (one's eyes) at
anfunken(German) to raise, to radio
ang.abbreviation of 'angle', 'angular'
Ang, Anga(Hindustani, literally 'limb' or 'part') the term, part of raga-ang, indicates the root to which a given raga might belong, i.e. a characteristic element
Angabe (s.), Angaben (pl.)(German f.) statement, instruction, representation, specification, information, allegation, posing (question), declaration, indication, bravado, swank (colloquial), indications (f./pl.)
Angabe der Taktart(German f.) time signature
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Angabe des Grundes(German f.) stating the reason
Angabe des Wechselkurses(German f.) specifying an exchange rate
Angabe in Worten und in Zahlen(German f.) words and figures
Angaben machen(German) to provide information, to furnish particulars
Angaben zu einer Sendung(German pl.) particulars of a shipment
Angaben zur Person(German pl.) particulars, personal data, personal details
Angabepflicht(German f.) disclosure requirement
Angabe über(German f.) statement on (data on), statement about (data about)
Angabe von Referenzen(German f.) quotation of references, indication of references
angaffen(German) to gaze, to gape at, to gape
angaffend(German) gaping at, gaping
angängig(German) permissible, feasible
Ange(French m.) angel
angearbeitetes Produkt(German n.) semifinished product
angebändelt(German) flirted
angebaut(German) attached, built-on, cultivated, lean-to, grown
angebauter Schuppen(German m.) built-on storage shed, lean-to (shed)
angebbar(German) assignable
angebellt(German) barked at
angeben(German) to specify, to adumbrate, to show off, to state, to indicate, to brag, to boast, to declare, to denounce, to quote, to squeal, to crow, to represent, to act up, to quote (state price), to claim (slang), set (tempo), to give a sound
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
(German) den Ton angeben, to give out the tune
angeben, dass(German) to declare that, to state that
angebend(German) stating
angeben weshalb(German) to state why
angeben wie(German) to state how
Angeber (m./pl.), Angeberin (f.), Angeberinnen ( show-off, graggart, rodomont, showoff, boaster, bouncer, swaggerer, tinhorn, poser, bragger, bighead, phony (colloquial), phoney (colloquial), blowhard (colloquial), gobshite (Irish, vulgar)
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Angeberei(German f.) swank (colloquial), rodomontade, swaggering, bigheadedness, blatancy, show-off, showing-off, bravado, swagger
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
angeberisch(German) bragging, swanky (colloquial), swankily (colloquial), sophomoric, sophomorically, pretentious
angebetet(German) worshipped, adored
angebetete Frau(German f.) goddess (figurative)
Angebinde(German n.) gift
angebissen(German) bitten into
angeblasen(German) blown at
angeblich(German) alleged, allegedly, reputedly, supposedly, reputed, pretended, ostensibly, ostensible, supposed, putative, asserted, professedly (purportedly), reportedly, soi disant, so-called (alleged), purportedly
angeblich rechtmäßiger Inhaber(German) pretender
angeblich revolutionär(German) alleged revolutionary
angeblicher Dieb(German m.) alleged thief
angeblicher Vater(German m.) alleged father
angeblicher Wert(German m.) asserted value
angebliches Missverständnis(German n.) alleged misunderstanding
angeblickt(German) looked at
angeblinzelt(German) blinked at
angeblitzt(German) glared
angebohrt(German) bored (with a drill)
angeboren(German) innate, inherently, temperamental (laziness, etc.), connate, native, natively, congenitally, inborn, congenital, natural, inherent, consistutional, inbred, instinctive
angeborene Anomalien(German pl.) congenital abnormalities
angeborene Bescheidenheit(German f.) native modesty
angeborene Fehlentwicklung(German f.) dysgenesis, malformation
angeborene Genialität(German f.) native genius
angeborene Hüftdysplasie(German f.) congenital hip dysplasia
angeborene Ideen(German pl.) innate ideas
angeborene Mißbildung(German f., old form) congenital malformation
angeborene Missbildung(German f.) congenital malformation, congenital deformity
angeborener Fehler(German m.) congenital defect
angeborener Herzfehler(German m.) congenital heart disease
angeborene Schwäche(German f.) constitutional weakness
angeborenes Recht(German n.) inherent right
angeborene Stoffwechselkrankheit(German f.) congenital metabolic disease, congenital metabolic disorder
angeborene Syphilis(German f.) congenital syphilis
angeborene Zungenverwachsung(German f.) ankyloglossia
ankyloglossia is a condition in which there is a foreshortened or tethered lingual frenulum commonly known as "tongue-tie" so that the tongue is tethered to the floor of mouth
Angeborensein(German n.) innateness
angeboren sein(German) to run in the blood
Angebot (s.), Angebote (pl.)(German n.) offer, range (choice), proposal, bidding, offering, offerings, proposition, quotation, supply, bargain, tender, bid, choice of products, overture (opening), quote
Angebot als Paket(German n.) package deal
Angebot auf eine Ausschreibung(German n.) submission
Angebot, das der Auftragsbestätigung bedarf(German n.) offer subject to confirmation
Angebot der Bürgschaft(German n.) offer of security
Angebot der Hilfe(German n.) offer of help
Angebot der Unterstützung(German n.) offer of support, offer of assistance
Angebot der Vermittlung(German n.) offer of mediation
Angebot einer Lösung(German n.) offer of a solution
Angebot eines Geldbetrags(German n.) offer of a sum of money
Angebot eines Vergleichs(German n.) offer of a settlement
Angebot eines Verkaufs(German n.) offer for sale
Angebote einholen(German) to invite offers
Angebote erbitten(German) to invite offers
angeboten(German) proffered, offered, provided
angeboten als(German) offered as
angebotene Marke(German f.) brand on offer
angebotener Preis(German m.) quoted price, price quoted
angebotene Ware(German f.) products on offer
angeboten werden(German) to be on offer, to come on offer
Angebotsabgabe(German f.) proposal submittal
AngebotsÄnderung(German) shift in supply
Angebotsanforderung(German f.) request for quotation
Angebotsanfrage(German f.) request for proposal, inquiry, enquiry
Angebotsbedingungen(German pl.) bid terms, terms of a bid
Angebotsbindung(German f.) period of validity of an offer
Angebotserstellung(German f.) preparation of an offer
Angebotsfrist(German f.) deadline for submission of quotations
Angebotskurs(German m.) asking price, offered rate, offered price, asked price
Angebotslücke(German f.) gap in supplies
Angebotsmonopol(German n.) supply monopoly
angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik(German f.) supply-side economics
angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie(German f.) supply-side economics
Angebotspreis(German m.) advertised price, bid price, bargain price, offer price
Angebotsprospekt(German n. - Switzerland) offer document
Angebote vergleichen(German) to shop around
Angebote werden vorgelegt.(German) Quotes are provided.
Angebot für die Lieferung von(German n.) tender for the supply of
Angebot gültig, solange der Vorrat reicht.(German) Offer good while supplies last.
Angebot mit allen Einzelheiten(German n.) offer with full details
Angebot mit festem Preis(German n.) fixed-price offer
Angebot mit Preisangabe(German n.) quotation
Angebot und Annahme(German n.) offer and acceptance
Angebot und Nachfrage(German) supply and demand
Angebot unter Wert(German n.) underbid
angebracht(German) expedient, (appropriate, advantageous), applicable, judicious, affixed, indicated, apposite, advisable, appropriate, suitable
angebrachte Glaubwürdigkeit schenken(German) to give credit where credit is due
angebracht sein(German) to be in order (appropriate), to be indicated
angebracht sein, ... zu tun(German) to be advisable to do ...
angebrannt(German) burnt, roasted gently
angebrochen(German) begun, broken (day, twilight)
an gebrochenem Herzen sterben(German) to die of a broken heart
angebrüllt(German) roared at
angebunden(German) fastened, tethered, bound on, pegged onto, tied
angebunden an(German) tied to
angedacht(German) planned, envisaged
angedeihen(German) to grant to
angedeihend(German) granting to
Angedenken(German n.) remembrance, souvenir
angedeutet(German) suggested (hinted at, intimated), insinuated, hinted, signified, implied, indicated, addressed verses to
angedreht(German) turned on
angedroht(German) menaced, threatened
angedrohter Zusammenschluss(German m.) threatened amalgamation
angeeckt(German) scandalised
angeekelt(German) disgusted, distastefully, nauseated
angefacht(German) whipped (flames), kindled, fanned
angefahren(German) snubbed
angefahren werden(German) to be hit
angefallen(German) attacked, accrued
angefallene Kosten(German pl.) expenses incurred, costs incurred, accrued expenses, incurred cost, incurred costs
angefallene Zinsen(German pl.) accrued interest, accumulated interest
angefangen(German) inchoate, commenced
angefangen bei ... bis hin zu ...(German) from ... through to ..., starting with ... (right) through to ...
angefangen bei ... bis hinunter zu(German) from ... downwards to
angefasst(German) touched
angefault(German) gone bad, half-rotten
angefeindet(German) been hostile to
angefeuchtet(German) wetted, damped
angefeuert(German) inspired, pepped up, fired up
angefeuert werden(German) to be fired up
angeflacht(German) flattened
angefleht(German) implored, invoked
angefleht(German) supplicated
angeflogen(German) headed for
angefochten(German) contested, annulled, avoided, disputed
angefochtene Erbschaft(German f.) contested inheritance
angefochtene Lehrbehauptung(German f.) controvertial doctrine
angefochtenes Testament(German n.) contested will
angefochtenes Urteil(German n.) contested judgment
angefochtene Wahl(German f.) contested election
angefordert(German) requested
angeforderte Größe(German f.) requested size
angefordertes Angebot(German n.) solicited offer
angefragt(German) inquired, enquired
angefressen(German) eroded, fretted (annoyed), miffed (colloquial) (annoyed), peeved (colloquial), pissed off (colloquial, vulgar)
angefreundet(German) made friends
angefroren(German) frozen on
angefügt(German) annexed, attached, appended
angeführt(German) led
angeführt von(German) headed by
angefüllt(German) full
angegafft(German) gaped at
angegangen(German) gone off, high (slightly decomposed), gamey (strong smell)
angegeben(German) listed, indicated, declared, specified, given, stated, denoted, quoted
angegebene Frist(German f.) stated period
angegebener Betrag(German m.) amount stated
angegebener Wert(German m.) stated value, declared value
angegebenes Datum(German n.) stated date
angegebenes Konto(German n.) account stated
angegebene Strecke(German f.) advertised route
angeglichen(German) adjusted, harmonized, adapted, equalised
angegliedert(German) attached, joined, affiliated, associated
angegliederte Gesellschaft(German f.) associated company, affiliated society, affiliate
angegliederte Gewerkschaft(German f.) affiliated union
angegliederte Organisation(German f.) affiliated organization
angegliederter Frachtdienst(German m.) integrated cargo service
angegliedertes College(German n.) affiliated college
angegliederte Schule(German f.) affiliated school
angegliedertes Unternehmen(German n.) affiliated company
angegliederte Universität(German f.) affiliated university
angegraut(German) greyed
angegrenzt(German) adjoining
[entry supplied by Michael Zapf]
angegrenzt(German) bordered, adjoined, flanked
angegriffen(German) worn out, poor (health), under-fire, en prise (chess), offended, assaulted, affronted
angegriffene Gesundheit(German f.) poor health
angegriffene Person(German f.) affected person
Angegriffenheit(German f.) unsoundness (of health)
angegriffen werden(German) to get jumped (colloquial), to be assaulted, to be attacked
angegrinst(German) grinned at
angegurtet sein(German) to wear a seat belt
angehabt(German) had on
angehalten(German) stopped, halted, compelled
angehängt(German) appended, foisted, trailed, adhered, suffixed
angehängte Pedale(German pl.) pull down pedals (organ, pedal clavichord)
angehaucht(German) breathed on
angehäuft(German) accumulated, piled up, cluttered, aggregate, accumulative, agglomerated, clustered
angeheftet(German) affixed, attached, bracketed, clinched
angeheiratet(German) related by marriage, in-law
angeheirateter Onkel(German m.) uncle by marriage
angeheirateter Verwandter(German m.) relative by marriage
angeheiratete Verwandte(German f.) female relative by marriage
angeheiratete Verwandte(German pl.) in-laws (colloquial)
angeheitert(German) tiddly (colloquial), buzzed (colloquial), mellow, merry (colloquial: tipsy), tipsily, tipsy, pixilated
angeheizte Debatte(German f.) heated-up debate
angehen(German) to begin, to start, to come on (radio, light), to go on (light), to ask, to concern, to approach, to invole in, to involve with, to address (problem), to start (burning)
angehend(German) future, budding (artist)
angehend(German) budding, prospective
angehender (m.), angehende (f.), angehendes (n.)(German) -to-be, future, prospective
angehender Arzt(German m.) doctor-to-be
angehender Hochschulabsolvent(German m.) graduand (s0meone who has graduated from a college, university, etc.)
angehender Vater(German m.) father-to-be
angehetzt kommen(German) to come rushing along
angeheuert(German) chartered
angeheuerte Beifallklatscher(German pl.) claque
angeheuerter Schläger(German m.) goon (colloquial)
angehoben(German) lifted, raised
angehören(German) to belong to, to belong with, to associate
angehörend(German) belonging to
angehörig(German) affiliated
Angehörige der Braut(German pl.) family of the bride, bridal party
Angehörige des anderen Geschlechts(German pl.) members of the opposite sex
Angehörige des gleichen Geschlechts(German pl.) members of the same sex
Angehörige des zutreffenden Geschlechts(German pl.) members of the appropriate sex
Angehöriger (m.), Angehörige (f.), Angehörige (pl.)(German) relative, member (of a club, society, etc.), dependant (person), loved one, kinsman (m.), kinswoman (f.), member (partnership, political party, etc.)
[entry corrected by Michael Zapf]
Angehöriger des Ordens des Britischen Weltreiches(German m.) Member (of the Order) of the British Empire (MBE)
Angehöriger einer ethnischen Minderheit(German m.) member of an ethnic minority
Angehöriger einer Familie(German m.) member of a family
Angehöriger eines Staates(German m.) citizen
Angehörigkeit(German f.) membership (of a political party, etc.)
angehört(German) belonged to
angekauft(German) purchased
angekettet(German) chained, on a chain, chained up
angeklagt(German) impeached, indicted, accused, arraigned
angeklagt wegen(German) accused of, charged with
angeklagt wegen Beihilfe(German) accused of aiding and abetting
Angeklagter (m.), Angeklagte (f.), Angeklagte (pl.)(German) defendant, accused, accused person, defendant, culprit
angeklammert(German) clipped
angeklebt(German) stuck on
angeklebter Strafzettel(German m.) sticker
angekleidet(German) dressed
angeklemmt(German) tapped
angeklingelt(German) phoned (colloquial)
angeklopft(German) knocked at
angeknipst(German) switched on
angekocht(German) parboiled
angekommen(German) arrived
angekommen sein(German) to have arrived
angekreidet(German) chalked up (on a board, etc.)
angekreuzt(German) ticked off
angekündigt(German) announced, advertised, signaled, billed, advised
angekündigter Bezugspreis(German m.) advertised price
angekurbelt(German) stimulated
Angelin theatrical parlance, the financial backer of a play, musical, etc.
in general use, a kindly, helpful or beautiful person
(German f.), fishing rod, rod and line, tang (of a file, knife, sword, etc.), hinge (door, window, etc.)
a typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth, especially in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. In Chritianity, the last of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. From the highest to the lowest in rank, the orders are: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels
"It may be that when the angels go about their task of praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart and that then too our dear Lord listens with special pleasure" (Karl Barth, theologian)
Ángel(Spanish m.) angel, charm (magic)
angelächelt(German) smiled at
angelacht(German) laughed at
angelangen(German) to arrive at
angelangt(German) arrived at
angelangt sein(German) to have reached
angelassen(German) tempered
angelaufen(German) tarnished, initiated
angelaufene Abschreibungen(German pl.) accumulated depreciation
angelaufen kommen(German) come running up, call at (ships at ports)
angelaufene Verluste(German pl.) losses accrued
Angelausflug(German m.) fishing expedition
an Geldautomaten(German) at cashpoints
Angelegenheit (s.), Angelegenheiten (pl.)(German f.) cause, issue, liaison, affair, case (matter, issue), business, concern, matter, subject matter
Angelegenheiten von großer Tragweite(German pl.) affairs of great moment
Angelegenheiten ordnen(German) to arrange matters
Angelegenheit für den Nebeneingang(German f.) backdoor business
Angelegenheit von Bedeutung(German f.) matter of consequence
Angelegenheit von einiger Bedeutung(German f.) matter of some consequence, matter of importance
Angelegenheit von höherer Bedeutung(German f.) major issue
Angelegenheit von nationaler Bedeutung(German f.) cause of national importance
Angelegenheit von öffentlichem Belang(German f.) matter of public concern
Angelegenheit von öffentlichem Interesse(German f.) matter of public concern, matter of public interest
Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung(German f.) matter of relative importance
Angelegenheit zum Nachdenken(German f.) matter for reflection
angelegentlich(German) thoroughly, earnestly, particularly, pressing (urgent)
angelegt(German) laid out, arranged, invested, applied
angelegtes Kapital(German n.) capital invested
angelehnt(German) leant, ajar (window, door), to (for example, the door was pushed to)
angeleimt(German) glued on
angeleint(German) leashed
angeleitet(German) instructed
angelenkt(German) hinged
angelenkter Rückdeckel(German m.) hinged back
Angelerlaubnis(German f.) fishing licence
angelernt(German) learned, semiskilled, semi-skilled
angelernte Arbeitskraft(German f.) semi-skilled labour, semi-skilled worker
Angelernter(German m.) trainee (on the job)
angelernter Arbeiter(German m.) semi-skilled labour, semi-skilled worker
angelerntes Verhalten(German n.) learned behaviour
Angelferien(German pl.) fishing holidays
Angelgerät (s.), Angelgeräte (pl.)(German n.) fishing tackle, fishing gear
Angelhaken (s/.pl.)(German m.) fish hook, fishhook
angeliefert(German) delivered, delivered by the seller
Angelica(German) a stop in an organ, Angélique, Angelot
a herb (angelica archangelica) with aromatic stalks which are candied and used in decorating cakes and confectionary
angelica(Latin) angelic
angelical(Spanish) angelic
Angelic hymn, Thethe hymn also known as Gloria in excelsis
angelico(Italian) angelic
angélico (m.), angélica (f.)(Spanish) angelic
Angelic organmusical glasses
Angelika(German f.) angélique
Angélique(French, literally 'angelic') Angelika (German f.), guitare angelique (French), Angelot (French) or angel's guitar, an example of this member of the lute family, an unsigned instrument in the Cité de la Musique collection (Paris, (No. E.980.2.317)), complements the well-known engraving by Nicolas Bonnart (c. 1637-1718) Damon, joüant de l'Angelique (1687). The angélique which had 17 metal strings appeared in France around 1620, and is claimed by some as a particularly Parisien instrument, similar in appearance to the théorbe. It is believed it may have influenced the invention of the torban (or teorban) which appeared in Eastern Europe in around 1700
angélique(French) angelic
Angelito(Spanish m. - Latin America) dead child
Angel Lutea stringed instrument, apparently similar to the archlute, tuned diatonically. It is specified in Jacob Kremberg's Musicalischen Gemüths-Ergötzungen (1689)
Angeln (s.), Angeln (pl.)(German n.) angling, fishing, fishing rod
(German n.) angle (triangle, etc.), hinge (door, etc.)
angeln(German) to fish, to angle, to troll (figurative)
angeln gehen(German) to go fishing
angelnd(German) fishing
Angelo(Italian m.) angel
angeloben(German) to pledge
Angelobung(German f. - Austria) swearing-in
angelockt(German) decoyed
angelogen(German) lied to
Angelologie(German f.) angelology
Angelologythe branch of theology dealing with angels
Angelotsee Angélique
angelötet(German) soldered on
Angelpunkt(German m.) hub, pivot (figurative)
Angelrolle(German f.) fishing reel
Angelrute(German f.) fishing rod, fishing pole
Angelsachse (m.), Angelsächsin (f.)(German) Anglo-Saxon
Angelsächsisch(German n.) Old English, Anglo-Saxon
angelsächsisch(German) Anglo-Saxon
Angel's guitarsee Angélique
Angelsaison(German f.) fishing season
Angelschein(German m.) fishing licence
Angelschnur(German f.) fishing line
Angel sleevesvery popular in the sixties and seventies, long loose flowing sleeves
angelte(German) fished
Angelurlaub(German m.) fishing holidays
Angelus(German m./n., Latin) beginning angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae, a devotion that, at the sound of the Angelus bell, is recited traditionally morning (6:00 a.m.), noon and evening (6:00 p.m.) throughout the year except during Paschal time, when the Regina Coeli is recited instead
Angélus(French from the Latin) prayer time, Ave Maria
Angelus bellsee Angelus
Angelusglocke(German f.) Angelus bell
Angelusläuten(German n.) Angelus bell, ringing of the Angelus (bell or bells)
Angelzeug(German n.) fishing tackle
angemaßt(German) arrogated
angemeldet(German) declared (goods at customs, etc.)
angemeldete Forderungen(German pl.) filed claims
angemeldetes Patent(German n.) patent pending
angemessen(German) commensurate, suitable, appropriate, comformable, appropriately, justly, adequately, pertinently, proportionate, proportionately, adequate, fitly, conguously, congruous, fair, fittingly, pertinent, reasonable, worthily, suitably, commensurable, apt, apropos, apposite, seasonable, worthy, congenial, correct, proper, decent, just, moderate, agreeable
angemessenes Zeitmaß(German) appropriate speed, tempo guisto, temps juste
angemessen für die Reise(German) adequate for the journey
angemessen für meinen Bedarf(German) adequate for my needs
angemessen gekleidet(German) appropriately dressed
angemessen sein(German) to appertain, to be adequate
angemessen versorgt(German) adequately supplied
angemessen wirksam(German) reasonably effective
angemessen zu(German) corresponding to
angemessene Anpassungen(German pl.) reasonable adjustments
angemessene Antwort(German f.) adequate answer
angemessene Aussicht(German f.) a reasonable chance
angemessene Bedingung(German f.) reasonable term and condition
angemessene Belohnung(German f.) adequate reward, worthy reward
angemessene Bezahlung(German f.) adequate payment
angemessene Einrichtungen(German pl.) proper facilities
angemessene Entlohnung(German f.) adequate wages
angemessene Entschädigung(German f.) reasonable compensation, fair compensation, adequate compensation
angemessene Frist(German f.) suitable period of time, appropriate period, reasonable period of time
angemessene Genauigkeit(German f.) adequate accuracy
angemessene Information(German f.) adequate information
angemessene Kenntnisse von(German pl.) an adequate knowledge of
angemessene Kündigungsfrist(German f.) correct notice, reasonable period of notice
angemessene Maßnahme(German f.) correct thing to do
angemessene Maßnahmen(German pl.) adequate measures
angemessene Mittel(German pl.) adequate funds, adequate means
angemessene Nachfrage(German f.) reasonable demand
angemessene Preise(German pl.) reasonable prices
angemessene Preise verlangen(German) to charge fair prices
angemessene Provision(German f.) reasonable commission
angemessener(German) more reasonable
angemessener Ausgleich(German m.) reasonable compensation, fair compensation
angemessener Preis(German m.) fair price, reasonable price, just price, sensible price, adequate price, reasonable rate
angemessener Wert(German m.) fair appraisal
angemessenes Beispiel(German n.) apposite example
angemessenes Benehmen(German n.) correct behaviour
angemessene Sorgfalt(German f.) adequate care, reasonable diligence, due diligence
angemessene Sorgfalt anwenden(German) to take reasonable care
angemessenes Trinkgeld(German n.) adequate tip
angemessenes Verfahren(German n.) proper procedure
angemessene Vergütung(German f.) adequate remuneration, adequate consideration, reasonable remuneration
angemessene Verteidigung(German f.) adequate defence
angemessene Vorbildung(German f.) adequate education
angemessene Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen(German) to take reasonable precautions
Angemessenheit (s.), Angemessenheiten (pl.)(German f.) adequateness, appositeness, reasonableness, aptness, moderateness, pertinence, proportionality, sufficiency, appropriateness, suitability, pertinency, fittingness, commensurability, adequacy, commensurability, congeniality, adequacy
Angemessenheit der Mittel(German f.) adequacy of resources
Angemessenheit der Sprache(German f.) propriety of language
Angemessenheit des Stils(German f.) propriety of style
angemessenste(German) most reasonable
angemietet(German) hired
angenagelt(German) pegged, nailed on
angenähert(German) approximated, approximately, approximate
angenäherte Schätzung(German f.) approximate estimate
angenäherter Wert(German m.) approximate value
angenäht(German) sewed on
angenehm(German) agreeable (pleasing), pleasant, pleasing, pleasantly, pleasingly, lovely, enjoyable, nice, likable, cushy, bland, congenial, complacent, comfortable, pleasurable, soft, winsome, genial, comfortably, welcome (pleasant), agreeably, opportunely, nicely, likeable, cosy (chat, etc.),engaging (person, manner)
(German) mit angenehmen Registern, with agreeable stops (in organ playing)
Angenehm.(German) (I'm) pleased to meet you. Pleasure.
angenehm betäubt(German) comfortably numb
angenehme Arbeit(German f.) enjoyable job
angenehme Aufgabe(German f.) pleasant task
angenehme Aussprache(German f.) euphony
angenehme Brise(German f.) pleasant breeze
angenehme Erscheinung(German f.) prepossessing appearance
angenehme Gelegenheit(German f.) pleasurable occasion
angenehme Gesellschaft(German f.) pleasant company
angenehm eingefärbt(German) agreeably coloured
angenehme, leichte Popmusik(German) ear candy (colloquial)
angenehme leichte Tätigkeit(German f.) cushy task
angenehme Leute(German pl.) nice people
angenehme Manieren(German pl.) pleasing manners
angenehme Nachbarn(German pl.) nice neighbours
Angenehme Nachtruhe!(German) Sleep well!
Angenehmen Flug.(German) Have a nice flight.
angenehme Person(German f.) suave person
angenehmer(German) pleasanter, more pleasant
angenehmer Abend(German m.) enjoyable evening, pleasant evening
angenehmer Anblick(German m.) sight for sore eyes
angenehmer Anfang(German m.) pleasant beginning (to the job)
angenehmer Aufenthalt(German m.) pleasant stay (when being on a trip)
angenehmer Duft(German m.) agreeable odour
angenehme Reise(German f.) pleasant journey
angenehmer Geruch(German m.) pleasant smell
angenehmer Geschmack(German m.) pleasant flavour
angenehmer Lebensunterhalt(German m.) decent living (colloquial)
angenehmer machen(German) to sweeten
angenehmer Ort(German m.) pleasant place
Angenehme Ruhe!(German) Sleep well!
angenehmer Wechsel(German m.) pleasant change
angenehmes Arbeitsverhältnis(German n.) amicable working relationship
angenehme Seite(German f.) bright side
angenehmes Gefühl(German n.) pleasurable feeling
Angenehmes mit Nützlichem verbinden(German) to mix business with pleasure
angenehme Stimme(German f.) velvety voice, agreeable voice
angenehmes Wesen(German n.) agreeableness, suavity
angenehme Tätigkeit(German f.) cushy job
angenehme Überraschung(German f.) pleasant surprise
angenehme Umgangsformen(German pl.) suave manners
angenehme Unterbrechung(German f.) pleasant break
angenehme Zeit(German f.) pleasant time, enjoyable time
angenehm für das Auge(German) pleasing to the eye
angenehm für das Ohr(German) pleasing to the ear
Angenehmheit(German f.) palatableness
angenehm im Geschmack sein(German) to be pleasant to the taste
angenehm leben(German) to live in comfort
angenehm riechen(German) to smell sweet
angenehmste(German) most pleasant, pleasantest
angenehm überrascht(German) agreeably surprised, pleasantly surprised
angenehm warmes Gefühl(German n.) pleasant feeling of warmth
angenehm zu berühren(German) voluptuous to touch
angenehm zu hören(German) pleasing to the ear
angenehm zu sehen(German) pleasing to the eye
angenommen(German) adopted, assumed (name), hypothetical, presumed, notional (hypothetical), accepted, adoptive, suppositionally, assumptive, imbibed, fictitious (assumed), taken for granted, taken as granted
Angenommen ...(German) Assuming (that) ..., Suppose that ...
angenommen ...(German) let's say (that) ...
angenommen das stimmt(German) assuming this to be true
angenommen er hat Recht(German) assuming that he's right
angenommen er käme(German) supposing he were to come, assuming he were to come
Angenommen ich habe Unrecht.(German) Supposing I'm wrong.
angenommen werden(German) to be taken on (by an employer)
angenommen, ...(German) on the assumption that ..., on the hypothesis that ...
angenommen, dass(German) put the case that, assuming that
angenommener Glaube(German m.) adopted creed
angenommener Name(German m.) alias, assumed name
angenommenes Ereignis(German n.) postulated event
angenommenes Kind(German n.) adopted child
angenommene Tagesordnung(German f.) approved agenda
angeödet(German) cheesed (off) (slang), cheesed-off (colloquial) (meaning exasperated)
angeordnet(German) serialised, arranged, ordered, disposed
angepackt(German) seized, tackled
angepasst(German) adjusted, adapted, passed, matched, conformed, accommodated, fitted, assimilated, customised, aligned
angepasst an die neuen Bedingungen(German) adapted to the new conditions
angepasst und gekürzt(German) adapted and abridged
angepasste Person(German f.) well-adjusted person
angepasster(German) more adapted
angepassteste(German) most adapted
angepaßt(German, older form) adapted, adjusted, fitted
angepeilt(German) located (found)
angepflanzt(German) planted
angepflaumt(German) flamed
angepisst(German) pissed off (vulgar)
angepöbelt(German) mobbed, molested
angeprallt(German) crashed into
angeprangert(German) pilloried
angeprescht kommen(German) to come hurrying along
angepriesen (German) praised
angepumpt(German) touched for (colloquial)
Anger(German m.) common (common land), (village) green
angerannt(German) run against
angerast kommen(German) to come rushing up, to come racing along
angeraten(German) advised
angerattert kommen(German) to come rattling along
angerauchte Zigarette(German f.) partly smoked cigarette
Angerdorf(German n.) village built around a village green
angeredet(German) addressed
angeregt(German) animated, animatedly, vivified, inspired, motavated, stimulated, exicted, whetted, induced, innervated, suggested (idea, etc.)
angereichert(German) concentrated, enriched, strengthened, fortified, reinforced
angereist(German) travelled
angereizt(German) incited
angerempelt(German) jostled
angerissen(German) torn
angerückt(German) approached
angerufen(German) called
angerufen werden(German) to be called
aAngerührtheit(German f.) touchiness
aangesagt(German) hip (colloquial), hot (figurative), current
angesagt sein(German) to be indicated, to be called for
angesammelt(German) accumulated, pooled, aggregated, congregated, accrued, aggregate, cumulated, collected
angesammelter Reichtum(German m.) accumulated wealth
angesammelter schlechter Ruf(German m.) accumulated ill-will
angesammelter Urlaub(German m.) accumulated leave
angesät(German) sown, sowed
angesäuert(German) acidified
angesaugt(German) sucked in
angesäuselt(German) tipsy, tiddly (colloquial), merry (colloquial: tipsy), squiffy (colloquial)
angeschafft(German) purchased
angeschaltet(German) powered
angeschaltet werden(German) to be turned on
angeschaut(German) viewed, examined
angeschichtet(German) piled up
angeschickert(German) squiffy (colloquial), tipsy (colloquial)
angeschirrt(German) harnessed
angeschlagen(German) battered, stricken, struck, ailing, chipped, wounded, tarnished (figurative), groggy, poor (health) (colloquial), beleaguered
angeschlichen kommen(German) to come sneaking up
angeschliffen(German) partially ground
angeschlossen(German) linked, online, on-line, plugged, mounted, affiliated, connected, associated, interassociated, cable-connected, attached, affiliated to
angeschlossene Firma(German f.) affiliated company
angeschlossene Institute(German pl.) affiliated institutions
angeschlossene Kirche(German f.) affiliated church
angeschlossene Radiostationen(German pl.) affiliated radio stations
angeschlossene Rundfunkanstalt(German f.) affiliate radio station
angeschlossenes Unternehmen(German n.) affiliated enterprise, associated company, affiliate
angeschmachtet(German) slobbered over
angeschmiegt(German) clung, smeared
Angeschmierter(German m.) fall guy (colloquial: one who takes the blame)
angeschmutzt(German) shop-soiled
angeschnallt(German) strapped, restrained
angeschnitten(German) cut, truncated, broached (subject, theme)
angeschoben(German) bump-started (also figurative)
angeschossen(German) wounded
angeschossen werden(German) to be shot
angeschrägt(German) angled, bevelled, chamfered, tapered
angeschrammt(German) scratched
angeschraubt(German) bolt-on, screwed on
angeschrieben(German) written down
angeschrien(German) shouted at
angeschwärzt(German) calumniated, denigrated, blackened
angeschweißt(German) welded on
angeschwemmt(German) washed ashore, alluvial
angeschwemmt werden(German) to wash up
angeschwindelt(German) told a lie
angeschwipst(German) tipsy (colloquial)
angeschwollen(German) swollen, billowed
angeschwollener Fluss(German m.) swollen river
angesehen(German) respected, reputable (firm), eminent, of good standing, esteemed, renowned, face, looked, considered, prestigious, notable, notably
angesehen als(German) renowned as
angesehen genug, dass man auf ihn hört(German) respected enough to be listened to
angesehen sein(German) to be well thought of by all, to be highly esteemed
angesehen werden als(German) to be thought of as, to be looked upon as
angesehene Familie(German f.) respected family
angesehener(German) more respected
angesehener Architekt(German m.) distinguished architect
angesehener Bürger(German m.) responsible citizen
angesehener Historiker(German m.) renowned historian
angesehene Stellung(German f.) position of esteem
angesehene Zeitung(German f.) broadsheet (newspaper)
angesehenste(German) most respected
angeseilt(German) roped up
angesetzt(German) appointed
Angesicht(German n.) countenance, face
angesichts(German) on the evidence of, in the light of, given, in the face of, when faced with, confronting, at the sight of, considering, in view of
angesichts der großen Menge(German) in view of the large quantity
angesichts dessen, dass(German) whereas
angesichts dessen, dass ...(German) in view of the fact that ...
angesichts der Tatsache, dass ...(German) given that ..., Given the fact that ..., in view of the fact that ...
angesichts des Todes(German) in the face of death, facing death
angesiedelt(German) located, resided, residentially, residing
angesiedelt in(German) established in
angespannt(German) intent, intently, tense, tensed, stressed, strained, keyed up, tight-drawn, constricted, fraught (anxious)
angespannt sein(German) to be tensed up, to be strung up (figurative)
angespannte Aufmerksamkeit(German f.) sharp attention
angespannte Beziehung(German f.) tense relationship
angespannte Lage(German f.) tense situation, tight position
angespannte Lebensverhältnisse(German pl.) straitened circumstances
angespannter(German) more strained
angespannter Moment(German m.) tense moment
angespanntes Programm(German n.) tight schedule
angespannteste(German) most strained
Angespanntheit(German f.) tenseness
angespeit(German) spat at
angespielt(German) alluded to, hinted at
angespitzt(German) sharpened
angespornt(German) encouraged, incited, spurred, prompted
angespritzt(German) splashed
angesprochen(German) spoken to, accosted, solicited, affected, responded (to a medicine), addressed
angespuckt(German) spat at
angespült werden(German) to wash up
angestachelt(German) incited to
angestammt(German) ancestral, ancestrally, traditional
angestammtes Rechtt(German n.) vested right
angestanden(German) queued
angestarrt(German) gazed at
angestaubt(German) shop-soiled, shopworn, dusty (outdated), antiquated, outdated
angestaubte Waret(German f.) shopworn goods
angestaucht(German) upset
angestaut(German) pent-up, bottled-up, accrued, accumulated
angestaute Anspannung(German f.) pent-up tension
angestauter Hass(German m.) bottled-up hatred
angestauter Überschuss(German m.) accumulated surplus
angesteckt(German) contaminated, infected
angestellt(German) employed, salaried, queued up
Angestelltenzahl(German f.) headcount
angestellt sein(German) to be on the payroll
Angestellter (m.), Angestellte (f.), Angestellte (pl.)(German) employee, staffer, staff member, clerk, servant, salary earner, salaried employee, worker, white-collar worker, (hired) help (plural form)
[entry corrected by Michael Zapf]
angestelltes Ehepaar(German n.) working couple
angesteuert(German) selected, accessed
angestiftet(German) abetted, instigated
angestimmt(German) intoned
angestochen(German) to broach (barrel), on tap (beer)
angestoßen(German) pushed, nudged
angestrahlt(German) spotlighted, illuminated
angestrahlte Plakatfläche(German f.) floodlit advertisement
angestrebt(German) aimed-at, striven for, intended
angestrebter Markt(German m.) target market
angestrebtes Ziel(German n.) aspiration
angestrengt(German) (over-)exerted, stressed, intense, struggling, toiling, strained (voice), laborious, stentando (although see Michael Zapf's comment below)
Michael Zapf comments: stentando in German means mühsam, schleppend, zögernd, zurückhaltend, langsamer werdend
angestrengt forschen(German) to delve deeply
angestrengt schauen(German) to peer
angestrengtes Studium(German n.) close study
angestrichen(German) painted, coated
angestürmt(German) assailed
angesucht(German) applied for
angetan mit(German, older form) attired in
angetan sein von(German) to be fond of, to be taken with
angetippt(German) lightly touched, touched lightly
Angetrauter (m.), Angetraute (f.)(German) husband (m.), wifey (f.) (colloquial)
Angetreten!(German) Fall to attention!
angetreten(German) mustered, reported
angetrieben(German) actuated, driven, powered, propelled, agitated (Switzerland)
angetrieben vom Wunsch nach Rache(German) animated by a desire for revenge
angetrieben von(German) powered by
angetrieben von den besten Absichten(German) animated by the best intentions
angetrieben von Patriotismus(German) animated by patriotism
angetrunken(German) half-cut (colloquial)
angetrunkener Autofahrer(German m.) drink-driver
angetrunkener Mut(German m.) Dutch courage
angetrunkenste(German) squiffiest (colloquial)
angeturnt(German) turned on (of a person)
angewachsen(German) increased
angewählt(German) dialled
angewandt(German) applied, practical
angewandt werden(German) to come into operation
angewandte Ethik(German f.) applied ethics
angewandte Forschung(German f.) applied research
angewandte Freizeitwissenschaft(German f.) applied leisure studies
angewandte Informatik(German f.) applied computer science, applied informatics
angewandte Karte(German f.) thematic map
angewandte Kraft(German f.) applied force
angewandte Kunst(German f.) applied art
angewandte Künste(German pl.) applied arts
angewandte Logik(German f.) applied logic
angewandte Mathematik(German f.) applied mathematics
angewandte Musik(German f.) applied music
angewandte Naturwissenschaft(German f.) applied science
angewandte Philosophie(German f.) practical philosophy
angewandte Psychologie(German f.) applied psychology
angewandter Befehl(German m.) applied instruction
angewandte Statistik(German f.) applied statistics
angewandte Volkswirtschaft(German f.) applied economics
angewandte Volkswirtschaftslehre(German pl.) applied economics
angewandte Volkswirtschaftspolitik(German f.) applied economics
angewandte Volkswirtschaftstheorie(German f.) applied economics
angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung(German f.) applied economic research
angewandte Wirtschaftswissenschaft (s.), angewandte Wirtschaftswissenschaften (pl.)(German f.) applied economics
angewandte Wissenschaft (s.), angewandte Wissenschaften (pl.)(German f.) applied science
angewärmt(German) warmed
angewendet(German) used
an Gewicht abnehmen(German) to slim
an Gewicht abnehmend(German) shrinking in weight
an Gewicht fehlend(German) deficient in weight
an Gewicht verlieren(German) to lose weight
an Gewicht zunehmen(German) to increase in weight
an Gewicht zulegen(German) to gain weight, to put on weight
angewidert(German) in disgust, disgusted, disgustedly, distastefully, cloyed, nauseated
angewiesen(German) dependent, transferred
angewiesen sein auf(German) to be reliant on, to be reliant upon, to depend on, to be dependent on
angewöhnen(German) to take to
Angewohnheit (s.), Angewohnheiten (pl.)(German f.) habit, mannerism
angewöhnt(German) taken to (become accustomed to)
Angewöhnung(German f.) acclimatisation
angeworben(German) enlisted
angezahlt(German) paid on account
angezapft(German) tapped, on tap
angezeichnet(German) drawn (marked)
angezeigt(German) denounced, advertised, displayed, indicated, notified, advisable
angezogen(German) decent, drawn (attracted), dressed, attracted, energised (relay)
angezündet(German) kindled, lit
angezweifelt(German) doubted
Angheria(Italian f.) harassment
Angina(German f.) tonsillitis
(Spanish - Argentina, Colombia, Venuzuela) inflammation of the palate, tonsils, and/or pharynx
(Spanish) tonsillitis (familiar), a sore throat (familiar)
Angina de pecho(Spanish f.) angina pectoris
Angina pectoris(German f, from Latin) a dangerous heart-disease the main symptom of which is acute pain near the heart
Anginas(Spanish - Spain, Mexico) throat infection
(Spanish - Venuzuela, Mexico) tonsils
Angine(French f.) throat infection
Angioma(English, Spanish f.) a tumour composed chiefly of lymph and blood vessels
Angioplastie(German f.) angioplasty
Angioplastya non-surgical procedure for treating diseased arteries
Angklungsee anklung
Angl.abbreviation of Angleterre (French: England), 'Anglican', 'Anglicized'
Anglais(French m.) English (language)
Anglais (m.), Anglaise (f.)(French) English (person)
an English country dance, sometimes part of the suite, in quick duple time, always starting on a strong beat as, for example, in Bach's French Suite No. 3
the term was formerly applied any dance associated with England, for example, the 'ballad' and the 'hornpipe' and, in the late seventeenth century, was found in French ballets
anglais (m.), anglaise (f.)(French) English
Angle(French m.) angle, corner
angleichen(German) to adjust, to adjust, to level up, to match, to equalise, to align, to approximate, to conform, to harmonise, to level, to adapt
angleichen an(German) to align with
angleichend(German) adapting, approximate
Angleichung (s.), Angleichungen (pl.)(German f.) harmonisation, matching, assimilation, alignment, adaptation, approximation, adjustment
Angleichung (an)(German f.) conformation (to)
Angleichung einer Kurve(German f.) curve fitting
Angle of fingerboardor 'neck projection', Halswinkel (die Griffbrettlage) (German m.), renversement (French m.), inclinazione del manico (angolazione della tastiera) (Italian)
Angler (m.), Anglerin (f.)(German) angler
Anglerlatein(German n.) angler's tale
Angleterre(French f.) England
Anglianthe dialects of Old English spoken in Mercia and Northumbria
Anglican(U.S.) English
(English) a reference to the Church of England
Anglican chantcanto anglicano (Italian m., Spanish m.), Anglikanischer Gesang (German m.), chant anglican (French m.)
among Protestant denominations only the Church of England (Anglican church) has encouraged the extensive use of chant. The psalm text is sung to a short harmonized melody of two or three phrases, which is repeated as often as necessary to the end of the text. Within each phrase, most of the text is sung to a single harmony before a brief cadential formula of a few chords at the end. There are two forms in general use, single and double, and in addition less frequently used forms 'triple' and 'quadruple':
single formseven bars in length, divided into two phrases, the first of which is three bars, and the second four bars, long
double formequal to two single forms
triple formequal to three single forms
quadruple formeuqal to two double forms
AnglicanismThe term Anglican (from medieval Latin ecclesia Anglicana meaning 'the English church') is used to describe the people, institutions, and churches as well as the liturgical traditions and theological concepts developed by the established Church of England, the Anglican Communion and the Continuing Anglican Churches (a loosely affiliated group of independent churches which have seceded from the Anglican Communion as a result of doctrinal and liturgical differences with its various provinces). The Anglican Communion considers itself to be part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and as being both Catholic and Reformed. For some adherents, it represents a non-papal Catholicism, for others a Protestantism without a dominant figure such as a Luther, Knox, Calvin, or Wesley. For many Anglicans, self-identity represents some combination of the two. The Communion is a theologically broad and often divergent affiliation of thirty-eight provinces that are in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Anglican Communion is one of the larger Christian denominations in the world, with approximately 73 million members
Anglicano (m.), Anglicana (f.)(Spanish) Anglican (UK), Episcopalian (Scotland, US)
anglicano(Italian) Anglican
anglicano (m), anglicana (f.)(Spanish) Anglican (UK), Episcopalian (Scotland, US)
la Iglesia anglicana (Spanish f.: the Anglican church, the Church of England)
Anglice(Latin) in English
although used about a translation of a foreign word or phrase into English, the sentiment is ironical implying inadequacy or error
Anglicisme(French m.) Anglicanism
Anglicismo(Italian m., Spanish m.) Anglicanism
Angliciste(French m./f.) English specialist
Anglico(Italian m.) an English air, or country dance
angliedern(German) to aggregate, to articulate, to annex, to affiliate
angliedern an(German) to affiliate to
angliedernd(German) joining
Angliederung (s.), Angliederungen (pl.)(German f.) affiliation, incorporation
Anglikaner (m.), Anglikanerin (f.)(German) Anglican (member of the Church of England)
anglikanisch(German) Anglican
anglikanische Kirche(German f.) Church of England
Anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft(German f.) Anglican Communion
anglikanischer Pfarrer(German m.) Church of England rector
Anglikanisches Gesangbuch(German n.) Anglican chant book
Anglikanisches Kirchengesangbuch(German n.) Anglican chant book
Anglikanisches Kirchenliederbuch(German n.) Anglican chant book
Anglikanismus(German m.) Anglicanism
Anglinas(Spanish f.) tonsillitis
Anglianone of the major dialects of Old English
anglisch(German) Anglian
anglisieren(German) to anglicise
anglisierend(German) anglicising
anglisiert(German) anglicised
Anglisierung(German f.) Anglicising
Anglist (m.), Anglistin (f.)(German) anglicist
Anglistik(German f.) English Studies, English language and literature
Anglizismus (s.), Anglizismen (pl.)(German m.) Englishism, Anglicism, Briticism
Anglo-Amerikaner(German m.) Anglo-American, British American
Angloamerikaner (m.), Angloamerikanerin (f.)(German) Anglo-American
angloamerikanisch(German) Anglo-American
Anglo-Catholicof a High Church Anglican wing emphasizing its Catholic tradition
member of this group
Anglocentrisma tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of English culture
Anglo concertina(from "Anglo-German") a concertina that has buttons in curved rows following the fingertips. It is bisonoric: that, is pushing and pulling the bellows (press and draw) give two different notes from the same button, just as a Harmonica (which the Anglo layout resembles quite closely) produces different notes on blow and draw
Anglo-Dutch notationA. van Noordt's Tabulaturboeck (pub. Amsterdam, 1659) uses unusual notation where the upper parts are distributed over two six-line staves (called "Anglo-Dutch" notation); the bass, probably intended for the organ pedals, is printed under the staves in German organ tablature
Anglofilo(Italian m./f.) Anglophile
Anglófilo(Spanish m./f.) Anglophile
anglófilo (m.), anglófila (f.)(Spanish) anglophile
anglófobo (m.), anglófoba (f.)(Spanish) anglophobe
anglofon(German) anglophone
Anglo-Fr.abbreviation of 'Anglo-French'
anglofranzösisch(German) Anglo-French
Anglo-FrenchEnglish (or British) and French
French language as developed in England after the Norman Conquest
Anglo-Frisianthe sub-branch of West Germanic including English and Frisian
anglohispánico(Spanish) Anglo-Spanish
Anglo-Ind.abbreviation of 'Anglo-Indian'
Anglo-Indianof England and India, of British descent but Indian residence
Anglo-Indian person
Anglo-Ir.abbreviation of 'Anglo-Irish'
Angloise(French) old spelling of Anglaise
Anglokanadier (m.), Anglokanadierin (f.)(German) Anglo-Canadian
Anglokatholizismus(German m.) Anglocatholicism
Anglo-L.abbreviation of 'Anglo-Latin'
Anglomane (m.), Anglomanin (f.)(German) anglomaniac
Anglomanie(German f.) Anglomania
Anglo-NormanEnglish and Norman
the dialect of Norman French that developed in England after William the First conquered England
Anglonormannisch(German n.) Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman
anglonormannisch(German) Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman
angloparlante(Spanish) English-speaking
anglophil(German) Anglophilic
Anglophil (m.), Anglophile (f.)(German) Anglophile
Anglophilea lover or admirer of English people and of things English (language, literature, country, culture, etc.)
Anglophiler(German m.) Anglophile
Anglophilie(German f.) Anglophilia
anglophob(German) Anglophobe, Anglophobic
Anglophober (m.), Anglophobe (f.)(German) Anglophobe
Anglophobie(German f.) Anglophobia
anglophon(German) anglophone
Anglophone(French m./f.) English speaker (in a non-English speaking country)
in Quebec, a person who speaks only English. It is the official word used in Quebec Province documents
anglophone(French) English-speaking
Anglophone Karibik(German f.) Anglophone Caribbean
Anglophoner(German m.) Anglophone
anglophones Afrika(German n.) English-speaking Africa
Anglosajón (m.), Anglosajona (f.)(Spanish) Anglo-Saxon
anglosajón (m.), anglosajona (f.)(Spanish) Anglo-Saxon
Anglosassone(Italian m./f.) Anglo-Saxon
anglosassone(Italian) Anglo-Saxon
Anglo-Sax.abbreviation of 'Anglo-Saxon'
Anglo-Saxonhistorically, the term refers to a group of Teutonic tribes who invaded England in the fifth and sixth centuries following the departure of Roman legions in 410 AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, came from the northern parts of Europe and gave their name (Angle-Land) to England, driving the native Celtic peoples into the farthest western and northern regions of Britain
the time-period of 410 CE up until about 1066 AD is refered to as the 'Anglo-Saxon' historical period in Britain
in linguistics, the term Anglo-Saxon is also used to refer to Old English, the language spoken by these tribes and the precursor of Middle English and Modern English
in colloquial usage, the term Anglo-Saxon is often used to distinguish people of "English" ethnicity in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States
Anglo-Saxon (m.), Anglo-Saxonne (f.)(French m./f.) Anglo-Saxon
anglo-saxon (m.), anglo-saxonne (f.)(French) Anglo-Saxon
Anglosphäre(German f.) Anglosphere
anglozentrisch(German) Anglocentric
Anglozentrismus(German m.) Anglocentrism
Angoisse(French f.) anxiety
angoissé(French) anxious
angoisser(French) to make anxious
Angola(English, Spanish f.) country on the South-West coast of Africa, formerly a Portuguese territory, that became independent in 1975
Angolaner (m.), Angolanerin (f.), Angolaner (pl.), Angolanerinnen ( Angolan
Angolan hip hop
angolanisch(German) Angolan
Angolan musicsee 'music of Angola'
Angolan sembasee 'mesemba'
angolare(Italian) angular
Angoleño (m.), Angoleña (f.)(Spanish) Angolan
angoleño (m.), angoleña (f.)(Spanish) Angolan
Angolo(Italian m.) corner, angle
Angora(English, Spanish f.) also called in English angora wool, the hair of the Angora goat or of the Angora rabbit
Angorapullover(German m.) angora pullover
Angorawolle(German f.) angora wool, angora, mohair
Angore(Italian) passion, grief, anguish, distress
angoscevole(Italian) dolorous, sorrowful
Angoscia(Italian f.) anguish, anxiety, sorrow
angosciamente(Italian) with anxiety
angosciamento(Italian) anguish, anxiety, sorrow
angosciata(Italian) in anguish, anxious, in sorrow
angosciosamente(Italian) with anguished feeling, in a dolorous manner, in an anguished manner
angosciosissimamente(Italian) with extreme sorrow and dolorous expression
angoscioso(Italian) with anguished feeling, anguished, distressing, afflicted, in an anguished manner
angosto (m.), angosta (f.)(Spanish) narrow, tight (skirt)
Angostura(Spanish f.) narrowness
(English, Spanish f.) also, in English, angostura bark, the bitter bark of a South American tree used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters
an Gott glauben(German) to believe in God
angreifbar(German) attackable, vulnerable, assailable
Angreifen(German n.) fronting, action of force
angreifen(German) to seize, to attack, to offend, to affront, to make an assault on, to cut up, to assail, to make a charge, to make an onslaught on, to charge, to launch an attack, to mob, to engage (enter into conflict with), to touch (Austria), to pit (with rust), to seize hold (i.e. to attack)
[entry corrected by Brian A. Jefferies]
angreifend(German) aggressive, offending, raiding, offensively, offensive, invasive, attacking, assaulting, aggressing, affronting, invasively
angreifende Armee(German f.) invading army
Angreifer (m.), Angreiferin (f.), Angreifer (pl.)(German) attacker, offender, aggressor, assailant, invader, raider
Angrenzen(German n.) contiguity
angrenzen(German) to adjoin, to flank, to abut, to border, to be contiguous to, to be adjacent to, to border on, to border upon
angrenzen an(German) to adjoin to, to abut on, to neighbour on
angrenzend(German) adjoining, coterminous, joining, flanking, adjacent, bordering, contiguous, adjoin, neighbouring, adjacently, abutting, contiguously
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
angrenzend an(German) adjacent to
angrenzende Immobilie(German f.) adjacent property
angrenzender Teil (s.), angrenzende Teile (pl.)(German m.) adjacent part
angrenzendes Gebäude (s.), angrenzende Gebäude (pl.)(German n.) adjacent building
angrenzendes Grundstück(German n.) adjacent land
angrenzendes Zimmer(German n.) adjacent room
Angrenzer(German pl.) adjoining owners
Angriff (s.), Angriffe (pl.)(German m.) affect, denunciation, raid, aggression, assault, onset, onslaught, whammy, attack, charge, offence, tackle (in rugby, etc.)
Angriff (auf)(German m.) descent (on, upon)
Angriff auf ein Kind(German m.) assault on a child
Angriff auf ... Leben(German m.) attempt on ...'s life
Angriffen ausgesetzt sein(German) to be susceptible to attacks
Angriff mit Schlagstöcken(German m.) baton charge
Angriffs-(German) aggressive (prefix)
Angriff zu Pferde(German m.) cavalry charge
Angriffskrieg(German m.) war of aggression, aggressive war
Angriffslust(German f.) aggressiveness
angriffslustig(German) aggressive, (with) hackles up (figurative), belligerent, bellicose, waspish
Angriffspunkt(German m.) working point, point of application, weak point, point of origin (of force)
Angriffsspitze(German f.) spearhead
Angriffsstelle(German f.) point of application
Angriffsziel(German n.) target, objective
angrinsen(German) to grin at
angrinsend(German) grinning, grinning (at)
an Grippe erkranken(German) to come down with flu
an Grippe erkrankt(German) down with influenza
an Grippe erkrankt im Bett liegend(German) prostrated with influenza
Angrismenealso known as la Fachée or 'the angry maiden', the Angrismene is a couple dance
an Größe abnehmen(German) to decrease in size
an Größe abnehmend(German) shrinking in size
an Größe variieren(German) to vary in size
Angry Young Mena term applied to certain modern British writers whose subjects like themselves came from the lower middle and working classes and whose books, plays, etc. satirized and criticized the moral, political and intellectual values of the establishment
Angst (s.), Ängste (pl.)(German f.) anguish, anxiety, fear, worry, disquiet (usually with no obvious cause), trepidation, agitation, jitters (colloquial), alarm, aprehension, angst, insecurity
[entry extended by Brian A. Jefferies]
in existentialism, the term refers to general human anxiety at having free will, that is, of being responsible for one's actions, together with a feeling of estrangement from a hostile world
Angstanfall(German m.) panic attack
Angst ausstehen(German) to be frightened
Angst bekommen(German) to get the jitters (colloquial)
Angstbeißen(German n.) biting fear
angstbesetzt(German) anxiety-provoking
Angstbewältigung(German f.) coping with anxiety
Angst, die Kontrolle zu verlieren(German f.) fear of losing control
Ängste abbauen(German) to release fears
Ängste beruhigen(German) to hush fears
Ängste beseitigen(German) to allay fears
angsteinjagend(German) frightening
Ängste loslassen(German) to release fears, to let go of fears
angsterfüllt(German) with fear, fearfully, full of fear, frightened
angsterfüllte Stimme(German f.) frightened voice
angsterfüllter Gemütszustand(German m.) anxious state of mind
Angst erregend(German) terrifying
Angstfaktor(German m.) fear factor
angstfrei(German) free from fear, free of fear, anxiety-free, without fear
Angstgefühl (s.), Angstgefühle (pl.)(German n.) feeling of anxiety, sensation of fear
Angstgegner (m.) Angstgegnerin (f.)(German) nemesis
angstgestört(German) phobiatic
Angst haben(German) to be afraid, to be worried (about), to fear, to have the wind up (colloquial), to be running scared, to be terrified, to be frightened
Angst haben vor(German) to be afraid of
angsthafter Anfall(German m.) spasm of fear
Angsthase(German m.) coward, yellowbelly (slang)
Angst hervorrufend(German) anxiety-provoking
ängstigen(German) to frighten, to alarm, to worry
Angstkäufe(German pl.) panic buying
Angstkäufer(German m.) panic buyer
Angst kriegen(German) to get the wind up (colloquial)
Angst, lebendig begraben zu werden(German f.) fear of being buried alive
ängstlich(German) nervous, timid, scared, anxiously, nervously, timidly, uneasily, fearfully, scrupulously, scrupulous, fearful, afraid, tremulous, apprehensively, meticulous, chickenhearted (colloquial), weak-spirited, shy (easily frightened, timid), pusillanimously, chicken-hearted (colloquial), worried, apprehensive, scary (very timid), pusillanimous, sheepish (timid), timorous, anxious
ängstliche Befürchtungen(German pl.) anxious fears
ängstliche Erwartung(German f.) fearful anticipation
ängstliche Person(German f.) anxious person
ängstlicher(German) timider, more timid
ängstliches Bestreben(German n.) anxiety
ängstlichkeit (s.), Ängstlichkeiten (pl.)(German f.) nervousness, timidity, anxiety, fearfulness, sheepishness, trepidation, timidness, anxiousness
ängstlich sein wegen ...(German) to be anxious about ...
ängstlichste(German) timidest, most timid
angstlindernd(German) anxiety-relieving
Angst machen(German) to terrify
Angstmacherei(German f.) scare tactics
Angst mildern(German) to quieten (fears)
Angstneurose (s.), Angstneurosen (pl.)(German f.) anxiety neurosis
Angstpartie(German f.) nail-biting event
Angstpsychosen(German pl.) panics, panic attacks
Angströhre(German f.) chimney pot (colloquial: top hat)
Angstruf(German m.) cry of fear
Angstschauder(German m.) shudder of fear
Angstschrei(German m.) cry of fear, cry of terror, cry of anguish, shriek of fear
Angst schüren(German) to fan fear
Angstschweiß(German m.) cold sweat
Angstsparen(German n.) panic saving
Angstsparer(German m.) panic saver
Angstspirale(German f.) cycle of fear
Angststörung(German f.) anxiety disorder
Angst um den Liebsten(German f.) fear for one's beloved
Angst um sein Leben haben(German) to be in fear of one's life
Angstverkauf (s.), Angstverkäufe (pl.)(German m.) panic selling, panic sale
Angstverkäufer(German m.) panic seller
Angst verursachen(German) to cause anxiety
angstverzerrt(German) distorted with fear
angstvoll(German) anxious, anxiously, frightened, scared, fearful, fearfully
angstvoller(German) more fearful
angstvollste(German) most fearful
Angst vor(German) fear of, phobia
Angst vor dem Fliegen(German f.) fear of flying
Angst vor dem Tod haben(German) to be scared of death
Angst vor dem Unbekannten(German f.) fear of the unknown
Angst vor der Angst(German f.) fear of fear
Angst vor der Dunkelheit(German f.) fear of darkness
Angst vor der Zukunft(German f.) fear for the future
Angst vor Fremden(German f.) xenophobia
Angst vor Zurückweisung(German f.) fear of rejection
Angst zeigen(German) to display anxiety
Angstzustand (s.), Angstzustände (pl.)(German m.) state of anxiety, anxiety state
Angst zuviel zu essen(German f.) anxiety about eating too much
Anguila(Spanish f.) eel
Anguis in herba(Latin) snake in the grass
angucken(German) to look at
Angula(Spanish f.) elver, baby eel, young eel
Angularhaving sharp corners or (of a person) features
forming an angle
measured by angle (for example, angular distance)
in music, a description applied to a melody that contains wide interval leaps and unexpected changes in direction
angular(Spanish) angular
Angulatehaving corners
Angulation(English, German f.) the precise measurement of angles, the act of making angulate
anguleux (m.), anguleuxes (f.)(French) angular (traits)
Ángulo(Spanish m.) angle, corner, bend (for example, curve in the road)
Ángulo agudo(Spanish m.) acute angle
Ángulo de 45º respecto a la superficie(Spanish m.) angle of 45 degrees with respect to the surface
Ángulo de ataque(Spanish m.) angle of approach, angle of attack
Ángulo de incidencia(Spanish m.) angle of incidence
Ángulo de inclinación(Spanish m.) angle of inclination
Ángulo de mira(Spanish m.) field of vision, visual field
Ángulo de rozamiento(Spanish m.) angle of friction
Ángulo de talud natural(Spanish m.) angle of repose
Ángulo diedro(Spanish m.) dihedral angle (in geometry, the angle between two planes)
Ángulo interno(Spanish m.) internal angle
Ángulo obtuso(Spanish m.) obtuse angle
Ángulo recto(Spanish m.) right angle
anguloso (m.), angulosa (f.)(Spanish) angular
Angulus terrarum(Latin) a favourite place, where one feels most at home
Angustia(Italian f., Spanish f.) anxiety, anguish, distress
Angustia(Italian f.) poverty
angustiado (m.), angustiada (f.)(Spanish) distressed, worried, anxious
angustiar(Spanish) to distress, to worry, to make ... anxious
angustiare(Italian) to distress
angustiarse(Spanish) to get depressed, to get worried, to get upset, to become anxious
angustiarsir(Italian) to worry
angustiarsi per(Italian) to worry about
angustioso (m.), angustiosa (f.)(Spanish) anguished, distressing (causing anguish)
angusto(Italian) narrow
