music dictionary : Ac - Ac

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ACabbreviation of 'alternating current'
A.C.abbreviation of 'author's correction'
a.C.abbreviation of avanti Cristo (Italian: before Christ, BC)
a.c.abbreviation of a capo (Italian: new line)
abbreviation of année courante (French: this year)
abbreviation of anno corrente (Latin: this year)
abbreviation of ante cibum (Latin: before food), antes comidas (Spanish: before food)
a/cabbreviation of ao cuidado de (Portuguese: c/o, care of - as in a postal address)
aCabbreviation of antes de Cristo (Spanish, Portuguese: before Christ, BC), avanti Cristo (Italian: before Christ, BC)
ACAabbreviation of 'American Composers Alliance'
acá(Spanish) here, over here, hear or nearby, here or near here, until now, since then, this person here (Latin America)
acá abajo(Spanish) here below
acababa de meterme en la cama cuando ...(Spanish) I had just got into bed when ...
acabable(Spanish) finishable, exhaustible
acabadamente(Spanish) completely, perfectly
acaba de llegar(Spanish) he has just arrived
Acabado(Spanish m.) finish, finishing, luster, lustre, polished surface
acabado (m.), acadaba (f.)(Spanish) finished (completed, ended), concluded, accomplished (completed), all through (finished), washed up (finished), perfect, well-done, consummate, terminated, perfect, worn-out (figurative), spent (worn-out), depleted (exhausted), finished (person: career is spent, worn-out)
Acabado aterciopelado(Spanish m.) velvety surface, nap, napped surface
Acabado brillante(Spanish m.) gloss finish
Acabado bruto(Spanish m.) rough finish, unpolished finish
acabado de discutir(Spanish) just discussed
acabado de recibir(Spanish) just received
Acabado final(Spanish m.) finishing touch, polishing, topcoat, topping
Acabado impreso(Spanish m.) stamped finish
Acabado lustroso(Spanish m.) satin finish, lustrous finish
Acabado mate(Spanish m.) matt finish, eggshell finish
Acabado metálico pulido(Spanish m.) mill finish (finish produced on aluminum by extruding)
Acabado perfecto(Spanish m.) perfect finish
Acabado pulido(Spanish m.) polished surface
Acabador (m.), Acabadora (f.)(Spanish) finisher
acabador (m.), acabadora (f.)(Spanish) finishing
Acabado sin pulir(Spanish m.) rough finish, unpolished finish
acabados son cuentos(Spanish) there's an end to it
acabalar(Spanish) to finish up, to complete, to finish, to fulfil
Acaballadero(Spanish m.) stud farm for horses, horse-raising farm, stud farm
acaballado(Spanish) horselike, horse-like, horsey
acaballarse(Spanish) to be dovetailed
acaballerado(Spanish) gentlemanly, gentlemanlike
acaballerar(Spanish) to treat as a gentleman
acaballerarse(Spanish) to be a gentleman, to behave as a gentleman
a caballito(Spanish) piggyback
a caballo(Spanish) on horseback, horseback, astride
a caballo de(Spanish) astride, riding on
acaballonar(Spanish) to ridge, to furrow, to raise ridges in
a caballo regalado no hay que mirarle el diente(Spanish) don't look a gift horse in the mouth, beggars cannot be choosers
a caballo regalado no le mires el diente(Spanish) don't look a gift horse in the mouth, beggars cannot be choosers
a caballo regalado no le mires la boca(Spanish) don't look a gift horse in the mouth, beggars cannot be choosers
a caballo regalado no se le busca colmillo(Spanish) don't look a gift horse in the mouth, beggars cannot be choosers
a caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo(Spanish) don't look a gift horse in the mouth, beggars cannot be choosers
Acabamiento(Spanish m.) finishing, end, completion, termination, finish, death
acabañar(Spanish) to build a hut, to build cabins, to build huts
acabangado (m.), acabangada (f.)(Spanish) nostalgic, homesick
acabar(Spanish) to finish (job, book), to complete (task), to conclude, to terminate, to wind up, to end, to be over, to be through, to come to a start, to come to a stop, to split up, to end up (state, situation), to end up being, to finish with, to be someone's ruin, to cause someone's ruin, to destroy, to tire out
acabar bien(Spanish) to turn out all right
acabar borracho(Spanish) to end up drunk, to end up under the table
acabar con(Spanish) to end with, to finish with (person), to be through with, to break off with, to break up one's relationship with, to wind up with, to finish off (something), to destroy, to wreck, to ruin (something), to do away with (eliminate: something), to destroy (eliminate: something), to kill, to eliminate, to exterminate, to get rid of, to polish off, to account for, to fritter away (inheritance), to put an end to (problem), to do away with (person)
acabar con el sufrimiento de(Spanish) to put out of one's misery
acabar con su paciencia(Spanish) to try someone's patience
acabar con una mentira(Spanish) to nail a lie
acabar de(Spanish) to have just
acabar de avisar(Spanish) to have just received notice from
acabar de hacer(Spanish) to finish doing (something)
acabar de informar(Spanish) to have just received information from
acabar de invitar(Spanish) to have just received a invitation from
acabar de llamar(Spanish) to have just received a call from
acabar de llegar(Spanish) to have just received
acabar de notificar(Spanish) to have just received a note from
acabar de salir del rancho(Spanish) to come up from the country, to step off the farm, to be a country bumpkin, to be just a hick
acabar de terminar de(Spanish) to have just finished, to have just
acabar de una vez con eso(Spanish) to be done with it
acabar en(Spanish) to end in (something), to end up in, to fetch up in, to end up
acabar en bien(Spanish) to terminate successfully
acabar en el punto de partida(Spanish) to end up at the starting point, to come full circle
acabar en mal(Spanish) to fail, to end up bad, to go to pot
acabar la bebida(Spanish) to drink it all up, to drink it up
acabar mal(Spanish) to come to a bad end, to come to a sticky end, to finish up badly, to finish off badly
acabar por(Spanish) to end up by, to finish by, to end up
acabarse(Spanish) to run out (provisions, food), to be over (problem), to end (course, party, etc.), to finish (project), to come to an end (project), to finish (up)
acabarse de(Spanish) to run out of (provisions, food)
acabarse el papel(Spanish) to run out of paper
acabarse el tiempo(Spanish) to be too late, to be late, to be too late already, to run out of time
acabarse el tiempo de(Spanish) to run out of time for, to have no longer time for, to be too late for, to be no more time for, to be no time for
acabarse el tiempo para(Spanish) to run out of time for
acabarse la cuerda(Spanish) to wind down, to stop
acabarse la gasolina(Spanish) to run out of gasoline, to run out of petrol
acabarse la paciencia(Spanish) to run out of patience, to become restless, to get impatient, to grow impatient, to lose patience
acabarse la tinta(Spanish) to run out ink
acabarse poco a poco(Spanish) to ebb away, to slip away
acabarse prontamente(Spanish) to be soon finished
acabarse rápidamente(Spanish) to do away in no time with, to eat up, to do away with, to polish off
Acabe(Spanish m.) end
acabellado (m.), acabellada (f.)(Spanish) light brown, light chestnut
acabestrar(Spanish) to accustom to a halter
Acabijo(Spanish m.) end, finish
acabildar(Spanish) to rally together, to call together, to organize into a group, to rally
acabó bien(Spanish) (film, play, book, etc.) had a happy ending
acabo de caer en cuenta(Spanish) I got it, I caught on, I just realized it, now I get it, the penny just dropped
acabó de camarero(Spanish) he ended up (working) as a waiter
acabó en tragedia(Spanish) ended in tragedy
Acabóse(Spanish m.) total ruin, perdition, last straw, limit (last straw), great (stupendous)
acabronado (m.), acabronada (f.)(Spanish) like a billy goat
Acacalote(Spanish m.) cormorant
acacharse(Spanish) to bend down
acachetear(Spanish) to slap, to slap in the face
Acacia(English, Spanish f.) a tree from which gum arabic is obtained
Acacia bastarda(Spanish f.) sloe, blackthorn
Acacia blanca(Spanish f.) locust tree, false acacia
Acacia de flores doradas(Spanish f.) golden wattle
Acacia falsa(Spanish f.) locust tree, false acacia
Acacia negra(Spanish f.) honey locust
Acacia rosa(Spanish f.) rose acacia
Acad.abbreviation of 'academy'
acad.abbreviation of 'academic' or 'academical'
a cada capilla le llega su fiestecita(Spanish) every dog has his day
a cada casa le llega su tiempo(Spanish) every dog has his day
a cada cerdo le llega su sábado(Spanish) every dog has his day
a cada cual lo suyo(Spanish) to each his own
a cada hora(Spanish) at each hour, after each hour, by the hour, hourly
a cada instante(Spanish) at every moment, all the time, constantly, every moment, at every turn, every single moment
a cada minuto(Spanish) at every minute
a cada momento(Spanish) at every moment, all the time, at every minute, continuously
a cada nada(Spanish) constantly
a cada paso(Spanish) at every step, all the time, every so often, at each step, at every turn, every little while, every step of the way
a cada paso del camino(Spanish) every step of the way
a cada puerco le llega su sábado(Spanish) in the end, everyone gets what he deserves
a cada puerco le llega su San Martín(Spanish) in the end, everyone gets what he deserves
a cada ratito(Spanish) every once in a while
a cada rato(Spanish) every so often, often, at every turn
a cada trique(Spanish) at every step, at every turn
a cada triquitraque(Spanish) at every step, at every turn
a cada uno(Spanish) to each one, apiece
a cada uno le llega su turno(Spanish) every dog has his day
Academeacademic life, the academic environment, the academic community, the academic world
Academia(English, Spanish f.) the academic world, scholastic life, academe
(Spanish f.) academy, conservatory, school
Academia de Arte y Cultura Maya(Spanish f.) a school in Guatamala set on the road leading from the famous church of Santo Tomas in Chichicastenango (originally Chuii La, meaning 'above the nettles') to a secluded clearing in the mountains known as Pascual Abaj where rituals sacred to the Maya have been performed for centuries. The school provides courses of study that promote knowledge of the glory of Maya civilization. Chichicastenango was where between 1701 and 1703 a friar by the name of Francisco Ximenez became the first Westerner to see the book which subsequently became known as The Manuscript of Chichicastenango which preserves in dramatic form the knowledge and beliefs of the Quiche people about their origin and gives a brilliant glimpse into the values and ideals of the Maya. The manuscript is now housed in the University of Chicago
Academia de baile(Spanish f.) dancing school
Academia de Bellas Artes(Spanish f.) Academy of Fine Arts (for the study of painting, sculpture, drawing, etc.)
Academia de ciencias(Spanish f.) academy of sciences, science academy
Academia de conductores(Spanish f.) driving school
Academia de cursos sanitarios(Spanish f.) college of healthcare training
Academia de idiomas(Spanish f.) language school
Academia de música(Spanish f.) music academy, music school, conservatoire
Academia de policía(Spanish f.) police academy
Academia Española(Spanish f.) Spanish Academy
Academia Española de la Lengua(Spanish f.) Spanish Academy of Language, RAE
Academia Francesa(Spanish f.) French Academy
Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos(Spanish f.) Mexican Academy of Human Rights, MAHR
Academia militar(Spanish f.) military academy, military school
Academia naval(Spanish f.) naval academy
Academia para señoritas(Spanish f.) girls school, finishing school
Academia West Point(Spanish f.) West Point (Academy)
Academica university teacher or scholar
academicscholarly, theoretical, abstract, unpractical
académicamente(Spanish) academically, scholarly, formalistically, bookishly
Academic dancethis term encompasses the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century ballet de cour and the national schools (the 'academies of dance') that stem from it, positions, steps and movements codified in the dance d'école
Academic Festival Overturethe title of an orchestral composition (Akademische Festouvertüre, op. 80) by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) written for the University of Breslau upon their awarding him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1879. The work includes references to a number of German students songs
Academiciana member of an Academy
Académicien (m.), Académicienne (f.)(French) a member of an academy, particularly, in France, a member of the Académie Française (founded in 1635)
Academicismo(Spanish m.) academism, formalism, academicism, classicism
academicismo(Spanish) academic
Académico (m.), Académica (f.)(Spanish) academician, member of an academy, university professor, academic, scholarly person, academe
académico (m.), académica (f.)(Spanish) academic (study, year), academical, theoretical, pedagogical, university, scholastic, educational, intellectually capable, scholarly
Academic Yearthe university year, which in the British Isles usually begins in October
Académie(French f.) academy
by 1700, there were five Parisian academies:
Académie française1637
Académie royale de peinture et sculpture1648
Académie royale des inscriptions et belle lettres1663
Académie royale des sciences1666
Académie royale d'architecture1671
in the eighteenth century, there were two more Parisian academies:
Académie royale de chirurgie1731, 1748
Société royale de medicine1776, 1778
by the middle of the eighteenth century, there were a further 30 or so regional academies
in the early nineteenth century, the term was applied to concerts and recitals
Académie de musique(French f.) music academy, a society for encouraging music
Académie de poesie et de musique(French f.) see 'Baïf's Academy'
Académie françaisethe pre-eminent French learned body on matters pertaining to the French language
Académie royale de musique(French f.) founded 28 June 1669, the Académie royale de musique was founded at the instigation of Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683) following the principles laid down by the poet Pierre Perrin. Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) became director in 1672. Its role was to produce light entertainment in French for the Court, to arouse public interest in music and to ensure a high standard of music teaching. Until 1793 it collaborated on the creation of librettos with the French Academy and the Academy of Literature. In August 1793, The National Convention closed or purged all academies and learned societies. The Académie royale de Musique was reformed as the Opéra
Académie spirituelle(French f.) a concert of sacred music
académique(French) academic
Academismo(Spanish m.) academism, academese
Academismo pretencioso(Spanish m.) overly academic jargon, academese
Academista(Spanish m./f.) academician, member of an academy
academizar(Spanish) to academize, to academicise, to reduce to a rigid set of rules
Academy(from the Greek, named after the legendary hero Akademos) a learned group accepted as authoritative in its discipline (subject area), or a school in which art is taught. Originally the school of philosophy founded by Plato (427-347 BCE) in the garden of Academe, a district in the vicinity of Athens. It was closed by the Justinian I, Roman Emperor (527-65), with the other pagan schools, in 529 CE. The term usually refers to a recognized society established for the promotion of one or more of the arts or sciences. The earliest such organization was the Museum of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I (Ptolemy Soter, d. 284 BCE), king of ancient Egypt, in the third century BCE. The first such academy following the classical era in Europe was the Florentine Academy of Design (Accademia di Designo), founded by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) in 1560. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was elected an officer in 1563. Numerous academies flourished in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, and Britain during and since the Renaissance. By 1729 there were more than five hundred in Italy alone
Academy-Award(English, German m.) the Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are awards of merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers
Academy of Ancient Music, TheJohann Christoph Pepusch (1667-1752) was one of the founders, in 1710, of The Academy of Vocal Music, which in 1726 was renamed The Academy of Ancient Music. On page 76 of Joseph Doane's Directory, we read that, "In the year 1710 (memorable for Handel's first appearance among us) a number of the most eminent composers and performers in London [agreed], to concert a plan of an Academy for the study and practice of vocal and Instrumental Music, which was no sooner announced than it met the countenance and support of the principal persons of rank. Among the foremost in this undertaking were Mr. John Christopher Pepusch, Mr. John Earnest Galleard an excellent composer and performer on the Oboe, Mr. Bernard Gates of the Queen's Chapel, Henry Niedler etc." The Academy's primary aim was to promote the performance of works from the sixteenth century. Later, after a period of inactivity, in 1735, the Academy of Ancient Music was reconstituted as a seminary for training boys in music by Pepusch, who had by then left the employ of the Duke of Chandos and continued to work as an organist and a teacher. The name is also used today by a period-instrument orchestra founded by Christopher Hogwood
Academy of Vocal Music, Thesee 'Academy of Ancient Music'
a cadenza(Italian) in the style of a cadenza, kadenzartig (German), frei zu interpretieren (German), zu improvisieren (German)
Acad. fran.abbreviation of Académie française (French)
Acadianfrom Acadia, the Latinized form of Acadie, the French name of Nova Scotia, probably itself from Archadia, the name given to the region by Verrazano in 1524, from the Greek Arkadia, emblematic in pastoral poetry of a place of rural peace. The name may have been suggested to Europeans by the Micmac Indian word akadie, meaning 'fertile land'. The Acadians, expelled by the English in 1755, settled in large numbers in Louisiana and their music and instruments became one of the defining influences on Cajun culture
Acad. mus.abbreviation of 'academy of music'
acaecedero (m.), acaecedera (f.)(Spanish) possible, eventual, contingent
acaecer(Spanish) to happen, to occur, to come about, to take place, to befall, to come over, to ensue, to betide, to chance, to transpire
acaecer a(Spanish) to happen to
acaecer en tal tiempo(Spanish) to happen at a certain time
acaecer que(Spanish) to happen that
Acaecimiento(Spanish m.) occurrence, event, happening, incident, circumstance, development
Acafresna(Spanish f.) service tree
Acahe(Spanish m.) Paraguayan mockingbird
Acahijo(Spanish m.) termination
Acahual(Spanish m.) sunflower
Acajou(French m.) or bois d'acajou (French m.), mahogany, mogano (Italian m.), Mahogani (German n.), caoba (Spanish f.)
Acajú(Spanish m.) acajou
acalabazado (m.), acalabazada (f.)(Spanish) pumpkin-shaped
acalabrotado(Spanish) cable-laid, hawser-laid
acalabrotar(Spanish) to braid
acalambrado(Spanish) cramped, with cramps
acalambrarse(Spanish) to cramp up, to cramp, to get a cramp, to get cramps, to get numb, to get the cramps, to have an attack of cramps
Acalasia(Spanish f.) achalasia, inability to relax the muscles
Acalculia(English, Spanish f.) a form of aphasia characterized by the inability to perform mathematical calculations
acalenturarse(Spanish) to become feverish
Acalia(Spanish f.) marsh mallow
a calidad de que(Spanish) provided that, on condition that
à califourchon(French) astride
à califourchon sur(French) astride
acallador (m.), acalladora (f.)(Spanish) silencing, quieting
Acallamiento(Spanish m.) noising reduction
acallantar(Spanish) to soothe, to quieten
acallar(Spanish) to silence, to shut up, to calm, to hush, to quiet, to appease, to blanket, to keep quiet, to soothe, to assuage, to placate
acallar a gritos(Spanish) to shout down, to cry down
acallar por medio de la risa(Spanish) to laugh down
acaloradamente(Spanish) heatedly, enthusiastically, hotly, passionately
acalorado(Spanish) angry, irritable, heated-up, hot, heated, impassioned, overheated
Acaloramiento(Spanish m.) excitement, fieriness, heat, vehemence, ardour, sensation of heat, hot flush
acalorar(Spanish) to overheat, to make hot, to warm up, to heat up, to excite (figurative)
acalorarse(Spanish) to get worked up (figurative), to get hot, to get warm, to get excited (figurative)
acalorado (m.), acalorada (f.)(Spanish) heated (discussion), angry (heated), worked up (person), excited (worked up), hot (with heat)
Acaloro(Spanish m.) ardour, passion, vehemence
a calzón quitado(Spanish) boldly, without fear, without hesitation
acamar(Spanish) to flatten (to even out, to level)
acamastronarse(Spanish) to become artful, to become cunning
a cambio(Spanish) in return, in exchange, in lieu
a cambio de(Spanish) in exchange for, in exchange of, in return for
a cambio de ello(Spanish) in exchange for that
a cambio de eso(Spanish) in exchange for that
a cambio de una sanción más leve(Spanish) in exchange for a lighter punishment
acambrayado (m.), acambrayada (f.)(Spanish) cambric-like
acamellado (m.), acamellada (f.)(Spanish) camel-like, resembling a camel
acamellonar(Spanish) to ridge, to furrow, to raise ridges in
a cámera lenta(Spanish) in slow motion, slow-motion
Acampada(Spanish f.) camp, camping
Acampado(Spanish m./f.) camper
Acampador(Spanish m.) camper, mobile home
Acampamento(Spanish m.) camping ground, camp, encampment
acampanado (m.), acampanada (f.)(Spanish) bell-shaped, bell-bottomed, bell-mouthed, flared, campanulate, flared (skirt)
acampanar(Spanish) to shape like a bell, to give the shape of a bell, to make bell-shaped, to bell
acampanarse(Spanish) to take the shape of a bell
a campana tañida(Spanish) at the sound of the bell
Acampante(Spanish m./f.) camper
acampar(Spanish) to camp, to camp out, to make camp, to pitch camp, to pitch tents, to encamp
acampar a la intemperie(Spanish) to camp in the open, to camp outdoors, to camp out, to camp outside
acampar al aire libre(Spanish) to camp in the open
acampar al descubierto(Spanish) to camp out in the open, to camp in the open, to bivouac
acampar en barracas(Spanish) to camp in barracks, to set up barracks
acampar fuera(Spanish) to camp outdoors, to camp in the open, to camp out, to camp out in the open, to camp outside
acamparse(Spanish) to encamp
Acampo(Spanish m.) pasture
a campo abierto(Spanish) with no quarter given
a campo raso(Spanish) out in the open, in the open, in open field
a campo traviesa(Spanish) cross-country, across the country
a campo travieso(Spanish) cross-country, across the country
Acampsia(English, Spanish f.) stiffening or rigidity of a joint
AcanaÁcana, Hacana or Jacana (Lucuma multiflora A, DC), a tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family
Ácana(Spanish f.) acana, bully tree
Acanalado(Spanish m.) groove, runner, grooving, slotting
acanalado (m.), acanalada (f.)(Spanish) grooved, fluted, ridged, slotted, canaliculate, chamfered, channelled, lirelliform, lirellate, lirellous
Acanalador(Spanish m.) grooving plane, rabbet plane
acanalador (m.), acanaladora (f.)(Spanish) grooving
Acanaladura (s.), Acanaladuras (pl.)(Spanish f.) fluting (singular and plural forms), groove, stria, striation
acanalar(Spanish) to groove, to corrugate, to gutter, to spline
acanallado(Spanish) base, despicable, low
acanallar(Spanish) to debase, to degrade (debase), to drag down, to pervert, to corrupt
acanallarse(Spanish) to become debased
acandilado (m.), acandilada (f.)(Spanish) erect
acanelado (m.), acanelada (f.)(Spanish) cinnamon-flavoured
acanillado (m.), acanillada (f.)(Spanish) striped
acañonear(Spanish) to shell with heavy artillery, to bombard with heavy artillery
acansinarse(Spanish) to get tired
Acantácea(Spanish f.) acanthaceous plant, plant pertaining to the acanthus family
acantáceo (m.), acantácea (f.)(Spanish) acanthaceous, pertaining to the acanthus family
acantalear(Spanish) to hail very hard
acantarar(Spanish) to measure in pitcherfuls, to measure in bucket-loads
a cántaros(Spanish) abundantly, copiously, without limitation, profusely
acantear(Spanish) to stone (throw stones at a person or animal)
Acantesia(Spanish f.) acanthesia
Acantestesia(Spanish f.) acanthesthesia
Acanthesiaan abnormality of cutaneous sensory perception that causes a simple touch to be felt as a painful pinprick
Acanthesthesiaa type of paresthesia characterized by a tingling, numbing sensation as of being pierced by needles
Acanthineany of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus, native to the Mediterranean
of, pertaining to, or resembling, the plant acanthus
Acanthoidspiny-shaped, shaped like a spine, shaped like a thorn
Acanthus(Latin) a conventional representation of the leaf of the plant Bear's Breeches, used in the capital of the Corinthian column
Acantilado(Spanish m.) cliff, escarpment, mountain face, precipice, steep hill, steep slope
acantilado (m.), acantilada (f.)(Spanish) steep, cliff-like, precipitous, sheer (precipitous)
Acantina(Spanish f.) acanthine
Acantio(Spanish m.) cotton thistle
Acanto(Spanish m.) acanthus, prickly thistle
a canto(Spanish) on the edge
acantoide(Spanish) acanthoid, spiny-shaped, acanthous, shaped like a spine, shaped like a thorn
Acantonamiento(Spanish m.) settlement, emplacement, cantonment, quartering, quarter (canton)
Acantonamiento militar(Spanish m.) military quarter
acantonar(Spanish) to quarter, to canton, to billet
acantonarse en(Spanish) to settle in, to limit one's activities to
acañutado (m.), acañutada (f.)(Spanish) bamboo-like, reed-like
acaobado (m.), acaobada (f.)(Spanish) mahogany, mahogany-coloured
Acapania(Spanish f.) acapnia
acaparado(Spanish) captured, hoarded
Acaparador (m.), Acaparadora (f.)(Spanish) monopolizer, stockpiler, hoarder, corner man (or woman), monopolist, profiteer, magpie, person who hoards small objects, selfish person (egoist)
acaparador (m.), acaparadora (f.)(Spanish) selfish, greedy, possessive, acquisitive, monopolistic, monopolizing, hoarding
acaparadoramente(Spanish) acquisitively
Acaparador de atención (m.), Acaparadora de atención (f.)(Spanish) attention grabber
acaparador de atención (m.), acaparadora de atención (f.)(Spanish) attention-grabber
Acaparador de conocimientos (m.), Acaparadora de conocimientos (f.)(Spanish) knowledge hound
Acaparador de empresas (m.), Acaparadora de empresas (f.)(Spanish) an individual who accumulates businesses
Acaparamiento(Spanish m.) hoarding, monopolizing, stockpiling, heaping, hogging, hoarding of goods, monopolization
Acaparamiento con fines estratégicos(Spanish m.) strategic stockpile
Acaparamiento de bienes(Spanish m.) hoarding of goods
Acaparamiento de bienes con fines especulativos(Spanish m.) speculative hoarding of goods, buyup
Acaparamiento de mercancía(Spanish m.) hoarding of goods
Acaparamiento de mercancías(Spanish m.) hoarding of goods, hoarding of commodities, hoarding of products
Acaparamiento de productos(Spanish m.) hoarding of products
Acaparamiento de toda la oferta(Spanish m.) monopolizing
Acaparamiento especulativo(Spanish m.) speculative hoarding of goods, speculative hoarding
acaparar(Spanish) to hoard, to corner (the market), to stockpile, to monopolize (conversation, the attention of a person, etc.), to capture (interest, attention), to buy up, to heap up, to take the whole lot of, to accumulate, to steal (someone's attention), to grab the attention of, to absorb (someone's attention)
acaparar con todo(Spanish) to take the whole lot
acaparar el mercado(Spanish) to corner the market
acaparrarse(Spanish) to reach an agreement
acaparrosado (m.), acaparrosada (f.)(Spanish) copper-coloured, coppery
a capas(Spanish) layered
a capellaincorrect spelling of a cappella
acapillar(Spanish) to catch, to capture
Acápite(Spanish m.) paragraph, clause, separate paragraph, subhead
a capite ad calcem(Latin) from head to heel
acapizarse(Spanish) to fight by grabbing the opponent's head
Acapnia(English, French f.) or, in English, hypocapnia, a state, that can result from deep or rapid breathing, in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal
acápnico(Spanish) acapnial
acaponado(Spanish) capon-like, eunuch-like, eunuch
a cappella(Italian) music that is vocal or choral but without instrumental accompaniment (sometime incorrectly written with one p, i.e. a capella), nach Art der Sänger-Kapellen (German)
(Italian) or alla cappella (although alla breve is actually the correct term), church music having 2 minims (whole notes) in a bar and marked with a time signature in the shape of a large C (i.e. in common time)
in sixteenth-century a cappella performance, the performing pitch was set not by the notated parts but rather "to have regard for those who are to sing, that they be at ease with the pitch, neither too high nor too low" (taken from Ludovico Zacconi's Prattica di Musica, pub. Venice, 1596)
a cappella music was and is often used in church music and particularly that of those groups listed below:
Gregorian chantin the Roman catholic church, the traditional music for Latin texts, Gregorian chant is performed in unison and with free-flowing rhythms that follow the phrasing of the text and the chants often call for one syllable to be sung across several notes
Renaissance sacred vocal musicthe majority of sacred vocal music from the Renaissance is unaccompanied. The finest examples are generally considered to be those written by the Italian composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
trecento madrigalthe sixteenth-century madrigal, a setting for 3-6 voices of a secular text, often in Italian, a form that has its origins in the frottola, and was also influenced by the motet and the French chanson of the Renaissance, is related mostly by name alone to the Italian trecento madrigal of the late 13th- and 14th-centuries, that were set for 2 or 3 voices without accompaniment, or with instruments possibly doubling the vocal lines
madrigale spirituale (s.), madrigali spirituali (pl.)(Italian) a madrigal, or madrigal-like piece of music, with a sacred rather than a secular text. Most examples of the form date from the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras, and principally come from Italy and Germany. Madrigali spirituali were almost always intended for an audience of cultivated, often aristocratic amateurs. They were performed at private houses, academies, and courts of noblemen in Italy and adjacent countries, but almost certainly were not used liturgically. Although originally the madrigale spirituale was an a cappella form, instrumental accompaniment was used on occasion, especially after 1600
exclusive psalmodyfollowing the regulative principle of worship, many Reformed churches adopted the doctrine of exclusive psalmody: every hymn sung in worship must be a close paraphrase of a Psalm or some other Biblical passage. Some Reformed churches, especially the Calvinists, rejected the use of instrumental music and organs in church, preferring to sing all of the music a cappella. Even today, the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and other Reformed churches of the Scottish tradition maintain this practice
"We declare, that it is the will of God that the songs contained in the Book of Psalms be sung in His worship, both public and private, to the end of the world; and in singing God's praise, these songs should be employed to the exclusion of the devotional compositions of uninspired men."
Article XVIII, Of Psalmody, The Testimony of the United Presbyterian Church of North America (1858)
Exclusive Psalmody Homepage from which this quotation has been taken
The Amisha cappella singing of hymns from the Ausbund, first published in 1564, reputedly the oldest Protestant hymnal in continuous use
Old Regular Baptistsa tradition that dates back to the sixteenth century, the singing of the Old Regular Baptists from the Kentucky coal-mining country in the heart of the southern Appalachian Mountains is one of the oldest and deepest veins of the English/Scots/Irish-based American melodic traditions. This hymnody, with its elaborate, lined-out, unaccompanied singing, is not well known outside its region
Primitive or Old School Baptiststhe Primitive and Regular Baptists have continued the centuries old tradition of congregational hymn singing without the accompaniment of musical instruments - a practice which had previously been standard for most Protestant faiths
The Church of Christone of the earliest advocates of the return to New Testament Christianity, as a means of achieving unity of all believers in Christ, was James O'Kelly of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1793 he withdrew from the Baltimore conference of his church and called upon others to join him in taking the Bible as the only creed. His influence was largely felt in Virginia and North Carolina where history records that some seven thousand communicants followed his leadership toward a return to primitive New Testament Christianity. As a result of the distinctive plea of the church - a return to New Testament Faith and practice - most congregations of the Church of Christ adopt a cappella singing as the only music used in the worship. This singing, unaccompanied by mechanical instruments of music, conforms to the music used in the apostolic church and for several centuries thereafter (Ephesians 5:19). It is felt that there is no authority for engaging in acts of worship not found in the New Testament. This principle eliminates the use of instrumental music, along with the use of candles, incense, and other similar elements
[taken from Who are the churches of Christ and what do they believe in?]
Old German Baptist Brethrendescended from a pietist movement in Schwarzenau, Germany in 1708, when Alexander Mack founded a community with 8 believers. They are one of seven Brethren groups that trace themselves to that original founding body. These are historically part of the German Baptists or Church of the Brethren rather than English Baptists. Other names by which they are identified are Dunkers, Dunkards, Tunkers, and Täufer, all relating to their practice of baptism by immersion. Because of persecution, many Brethren emigrated to America. They follow the old Protestant tradition of unaccompanied hymn singing
Eastern Orthodox Christians (especially Russian and other Slavic groups)Orthodox services are sung nearly in their entirety. Services consist in part of a dialog between the clergy and the people, often represented by the choir or the Psaltis (Cantor). In each case the text is sung or chanted following a prescribed musical form. Almost nothing is read in a normal speaking voice with the exception of the homily if one is given. The church has developed eight Modes or Tones, (see Octoechos) within which a chant may be set, depending on the time of year, feast days, or other considerations of the Typikon. There are numerous versions and styles that are traditional and acceptable and these vary a great deal between cultures. It is common, especially in the United States, for a choir to learn many different styles and to mix them, singing one response in Greek, then English, then Russian, etc. This adds to the beauty and universality of the service
Sacred Harpa tradition of sacred choral music that took root in the Southern region of the United States. It is part of the larger tradition of shape note music, more often sung at singing conventions than at church services. Sacred Harp groups always sing a cappella, the singers arranging themselves in a square, with a row of chairs or pews on each side assigned to each of the four parts: treble, alto, tenor, and bass
Fasolathe Fasola tradition is one of unaccompanied singing, that is, without any assistance by instruments. Thus when singing shape-note hymns it is practice first to 'sing the notes', that is, to sing the fa-sol-la syllables corresponding to the shapes in the music before singing the text. This serves to set the tune in memory and enables persons to more easily sight-read previously unseen or unheard music. Tunes are sung in relative pitch, rather than at an absolute pitch derived from a'=440Hz; referred to as 'pitch of convenience', a long standing tradition as can be seen from 'directions for setting the first Note' from the Bay Psalm Book
Plygain(Welsh, literally 'cockcrow') the traditional early-morning carol service held in Welsh churches on Christmas Day. This service took the place of the Cockcrow Mass, or Dawn Mass early on Christmas Morning. Many of the carols and songs are very old indeed, and the music is pure polyphonic harmony, traditionally sung by men and without accompaniment although that aspect of the tradition is fading
hiva usain the smaller Tongan churches and the minority Methodist sects, hymn singing is unaccompanied, hiva usa. A strong singer will sing the first notes alone (a practice called hua or opening) and the rest of the congregation will then join. Church choirs are popular, practice is frequent, and most congregations sing all hymns in harmony
himene taravaa form of singing common in French Polynesia and the Cook Islands, unaccompanied vocal Christian music that is distinguished by a unique drop in pitch at the end of the phrases, which is a characteristic formed by several different voices; it is also accompanied by steady grunting of staccato, nonsensical syllables
imene tuki
imene metua
unaccompanied vocal music known for a uniquely Polynesian drop in pitch at the end of the phrases, as well as staccato rhythmic outbursts of nonsensical syllables (tuki)
many Muslims have adopted the idiom of a cappella music, songs known as nasheeds or anasheeds, since mainstream traditional Islam prohibits the use of instruments except for some basic percussion
zemirot(singular zemer) Jewish hymns, usually sung in the Hebrew or Aramaic languages, but sometimes also in Yiddish or Ladino. The best known zemirot are those sung around the table during on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) and Jewish holidays. Some of the Sabbath zemirot are specific to certain times of the day, such those sung for the Friday evening meal, the Saturday noon meal, and the third Sabbath meal just before sundown on Saturday afternoon. Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations on the Sabbath sometimes feature entertainment by a cappella ensembles. In some editions of the Jewish prayerbook (siddur), the words to these hymns are printed after the opening prayer (kiddush) for each meal. Other zemirot are more generic and can be sung at any meal or other sacred occasion
secular a cappella singing features in:
collegiate a cappella some larger American universities have a dozen or more a cappella groups
a popular, banal style of close harmony singing, originally all male, begun in the US in the late nineteenth century but derived from a seventeenth-century European tradition of singing in barber-shops. Today, when using four male voices, the disposition is generally bass, baritone, lead (who has the melody) and tenor (who is pitched higher than the lead) although more recently women too have taken up this a cappella genre, some calling themselves 'beautyshop quartets'
Bulgarian women's choirsthe distinctive sounds of women's choirs (for example, Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, founded in 1951) in Bulgarian folk music comes about partly because of their unique harmonies, including the use of close intervals like the major second, and their unusual polyphony. Their sound is said to be "open-throated", though this is actually a misnomer; singers actually constrict their throats to amplify the voice's focus and strength, giving it a distinctive sound
klapa(Croatian, literally 'a group of people') klapa music is a Croatian form of a cappella singing that traces its roots to litoral church singing. The motifs in general celebrate love, wine (grapes), country (homeland) and sea. Main elements of the music are harmony and melody, with rhythm very rarely being very important. A klapa group consists of a first tenor, a second tenor, baritone and bass. It is possibe to double all the voices apart from the first tenor. Although klapa is a cappella music, on occasion it is possible to add a gentle guitar and a mandolin (instrument similar in appearance and sound to tamburitzas). In recent times, female vocal groups have been quite popular, but in general male and female groups do not mix
doo wopa genre (usually a cappella) of Black vocal-harmony music of the 1950s that evolved in New York City from gospel singing, characterized by close four-part harmonies. The name derived from some of the nonsense syllables sung by the back-up vocalists
since the 1930s, a name given to a cappella Zulu polyphony. The name is derived from the Zulu verb -cathama, which means 'walking softly', or 'tread carefully'. Isicathamiya contrasts with an earlier name for Zulu a cappella singing, mbube, meaning 'lion'. The change in name marks a transition in the style of the music: traditionally, music described as Mbube is sung loudly and powerfully, while isicathamiya focuses more on achieving a harmonious blend between the voices. The name also refers to the style's tightly-choreographed dance moves
contemporary a cappellacontemporary popular music is sung a cappella, without accompaniment by instruments. Smaller groups may arrange themselves with one solo voice, one rhythmic bass line and the remainder, a chorus, providing a chordal or polyphonic accompaniment
  • Os Cariocas - contemporary Brazilian a cappella group - Web Radio
  • Voces8 - young British a cappella group
a capriccio(Italian) at will, as the player wishes, freely (particularly as regards the time), capriciously, ad libitum (Latin), launenhaft (German), kapriziös (German), capricieusement (French)
acaracolado (m.), acaracolada (f.)(Spanish) spiral-shaped, spiral, twisting, spiraled, cochleate
a cara descubierta(Spanish) openly, frankly
acarambanado (m.), acarambanada (f.)(Spanish) icicle-shaped
acaramelado (m.), acaramelada (f.)(Spanish) coated with caramel, sugary, toffee-coated, caramelized, caramel-coated, caramel-covered, sugary, syrupy, blissfully enamoured (figurative), caramel-hued, caramel-coloured
acaramelar(Spanish) to caramelize, to candy, to coat with caramel, to cover with caramel, to sweeten, to romance (figurative)
acaramelarse con(Spanish) to fall in love with, to get stuck on (to fall in love with)
acarar(Spanish) to put face to face, to confront
Acarbia(English, Spanish f.) a condition in which the blood bicarbonate level is decreased
a carbón(Spanish) pencilled, coal-fired
a carcajada limpia(Spanish) with a roar of laughter
acardenalado(Spanish) covered with bruises, black-and-blue
acardenalar(Spanish) to cover with bruises, to beat black and blue, to bruise
acardenalarse(Spanish) to become bruised
acardenillarse(Spanish) to become covered with verdigris
Acareamiento(Spanish) face-to-face confrontation
acarear(Spanish) to put face to face, to confront, to face
a carga cerrada(Spanish) without thought, without reflexion, at once
a cargas(Spanish) abundantly, in thousands
a cargo de(Spanish) in charge of, in care of, payable by (commerce), drawn on (commerce)
a cargo de él(Spanish) in his care
a cargo de ella(Spanish) in her care
a cargo de ellas(Spanish) in their care
a cargo de ellos(Spanish) in their care
a cargo de la empresa(Spanish) in-service
a cargo de nosotros(Spanish) in our care
a cargo de usted(Spanish) in your care
a cargo mío(Spanish) in my care
a cargo nuestro(Spanish) in our care
a cargo suyo(Spanish) in your care, in his care, in her care
a cargo tuyo(Spanish) in your care
a cargo vuestro(Spanish) in your care
acariâtre(French) cantankerous
Acariciador (m.), Acariciadora (f.)(Spanish) caresser
acariciador (m.), acariciadora (f.)(Spanish) caressing, smooth (suave)
acariciante(Spanish) caressing
acariciar(Spanish) to caress (person), to pet, to cuddle, to fondle, to stroke (cheek, hair), to brush (against), to stroke (dog, cat), to touch lightly, to cherish (project), to have in mind (project), to consider, to cherish, to nurture, to touch softly
acariciar con la nariz(Spanish) to nuzzle
acariciar ilusiones(Spanish) to harbour dreams, to cherish hope, to have aspirations, to have dreams
acariciar la idea(Spanish) to flirt with the idea, to cherish the idea
acariciar la idea de(Spanish) to have thoughts of, to be thinking about
acariciar la idea de que(Spanish) to be considering that
acariciarse(Spanish) to engage in caressing
acariciarse las barbas(Spanish) to stroke one's beard
acariciar suavemente(Spanish) to caress softly, to caress, to run one's fingers through
acariciar una idea(Spanish) to flirt with an idea, to cherish an idea
Acárido (s.), Acáridos (pl.)(Spanish m.) mite
acariñar(Spanish) to fondle
acarminado(Spanish) crimson, carmine
acarminar(Spanish) to dye red, to tint red
a carne de lobo diente de perro(Spanish) when the going gets tough the tough get going
A´caro(Spanish m.) (cheese) mite
Acarofobia(Spanish f.) pathological fear of insects
Acarología(Spanish f.) study of mites and ticks
Acaromanía(Spanish f.) pathological fear of insects
acarreadizo (m.), acarreadiza (f.)(Spanish) portable, movable
Acarreador(Spanish m.) transporter, conveyor. stevedore
acarreador (m.), acarreadora (f.)(Spanish m.) transporting, conveying
Acarreador de los palos de golf(Spanish m.) caddy, caddie (golf)
Acarreamiento(Spanish m.) transporting, transportation, carrying, cartage, conveying
acarrear(Spanish) to haul, to carry along, to cart, to tote (bag), to give rise to (problems), to lead to (problems), to carry (packets, materials), to transport, to lug (colloquial), to entail (have consequences), to cause (disgrace), to bring about, to bring along, to originate
acarrear a lomo(Spanish) to carry on one's back, to bring on one's back, to carry piggyback, to heave on one's back, to hump
acarrear con(Spanish) to sweep away (destroy), to make up with, to steal, to make away with
acarrear consecuencias(Spanish) to bring about consequences, to backfire
acarrear de un lado a otro(Spanish) to carry around, to carry all around, to take about
acarrear en ruedas(Spanish) to carry on wheels
acarrear perjuicio(Spanish) to cause damage
acarrear por agua(Spanish) to carry by water
acarrearse(Spanish) to move over
acarrear una pérdida(Spanish) to produce a loss
à carreaux(French) check, checked (pattern)
a carrera abierta(Spanish) at top speed
a carrera tendida(Spanish) at top speed
Acarreo(Spanish m.) transport, transporting, transportation, carrying, cartage, conveying, truckage, trucking, portage, porterage, freight, haulage, freight cost, act of carrying
Acarreo de bienes robados(Spanish m.) transportation of stolen goods
Acarreo en vagones(Spanish m.) transportation in trucks, waggonage, wagonage
Acarreo por cuenta del vendedor(Spanish m.) outward freight
a carretadas(Spanish) by the wagonload, by cartloads, by the ton, in large numbers
acarretear(Spanish) to cart
Acarreto(Spanish m.) carriage, transportation, transport
acarroñar(Spanish) to intimidate
acarroñarse(Spanish) to become intimidated
a cartabón(Spanish) diagonally
a carta cabal(Spanish) through and through, completely, out-and-out, thoroughly
acartonado(Spanish) cardboard-like, resembling pasteboard, wizened (person)
acartonar(Spanish) to give the appearance of cardboard
acartonarse(Spanish) to go stiff (rigid), to become wizened (person)
a casa(Spanish) home, homeward
a casi ningún lugar(Spanish) scarcely anywhere, almost nowhere
Acaso(Spanish m.) fate, chance, accident, fortune, luck, hazard, happenstance
acaso(Spanish) maybe, perhaps
a caso hecho(Spanish) deliberately, on purpose
acaso llueva mañana(Spanish) perhaps it will rain tomorrow
¿acaso no te lo advertí?(Spanish) didn't I warn you?
¿acaso no te lo dije?(Spanish) I told you, didn't I?
¿acaso se le ha olvidado dónde está la salida?(Spanish) has he forgotten the way out, then? (ironic)
¿acaso tengo yo la culpa?(Spanish) is it my fault?
acastañado (m.), acastañada (f.)(Spanish) brownish, chestnut-coloured
acastellanado (m.), acastellanada (f.)(Spanish) Castilian-like
acastillado (m.), acastillada (f.)(Spanish) castle-like
acastorado (m.), acastorada (f.)(Spanish) like beaver fur
acatable(Spanish) worthy of respect, venerable
acatadamente(Spanish) with respect, respectfully
acatador (m.), acatadora (f.)(Spanish) respectful, submissive, compliant
Acatafasia(Spanish f.) acataphasia
Acatalectica "normal" line of poetry with the expected number of syllables in each line, as opposed to a catalectic line (which is missing an expected syllable) or a hypercatalectic line (which has one or more extra syllables than would normally be expected, perhaps due to anacrusis)
acataléctico (m.), acataléctica (f.)(Spanish) acatalectic
acatalecto(Spanish) acatalectic
Acatalepsia(English, Spanish f.) acatalepsy
Acatalepsis(Spanish f.) acatalepsy
Acatalepsyor acatalepsia, incomprehensibility of things - the doctrine held by the ancient Skeptic philosophers, that human knowledge never amounts to certainty
acataléptico(Spanish) acataleptic
Acatalexisthe use of acatalectic lines in poetry
Acatamatesia(Spanish f.) acatamathesia, akatamathesia
Acatamathesiaor 'akatamathesia', loss of the faculty of understanding
Acatamiento(Spanish m.) respect, observance (of the norms), obedience, observation, abidance, acquiescence, compliance, compliancy
acatamiento a(Spanish) respect for
Acatamiento de la ley(Spanish) compliance with the law
Acatamiento estratégico(Spanish) strategic compliance
Acataphasiaa disorder in which a lesion to the central nervous system leaves you with a loss of the power to formulate a statement in an organized manner
Acataposis(English, Spanish f.) in pathology, difficulty of swallowing (dysphagia)
acatar(Spanish) to obey, to comply with, to respect (rules, terms), to observe (rules), to abide by, to act according to, to be observant of, to comply with, to understand, to come to understand, to have the good sense to, to approve of
acatar a(Spanish) to have the good sense to, to have enough sense to, to have the sense to
acatar a decir(Spanish) to make a point to say, to have just the chance to say
acatar las decisiones(Spanish) to obey the decision
acatar las medidas(Spanish) to obey the rules
acatar las normas(Spanish) to abide by the rules
acatar los principios(Spanish) to comply with the principles, to obey the law
acatarrado(Spanish) suffering from a cold
acatarrar(Spanish) to annoy, to bother
acatarrarse(Spanish) to catch a cold, to get a cold
acatarse(Spanish) to be obeyed
acatarse a(Spanish) to abide by
acatarse al protocolo(Spanish) to observe protocol, to observe convention
Acatexis(Spanish f.) acathexis
Acathexis(psychoanalysis) a condition in which significant objects or memories arouse no emotion in an individual
Acathisiaor akathisia, inability to keep still, restlessness, ants in your pants
Acathistus(Latin from the Greek) a hymn in praise of the Blessed Virgin in the Greek rite. The text and music were both written by the patriarch Sergios in 626 CE
Acatisia(Spanish f.) acathisia, akathisia
acatólico (m.), acatólica (f.)(Spanish) non-Catholic
acaudado (m.), acaudada (f.)(Spanish) acaudal, acaudate
Acaudal(Engloish, Spanish) or, in English, 'acaudate' - lacking a tail or taillike appendage
acaudalado (m.), acaudalada (f.)(Spanish) rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well off, affluent, moneyed, in the money, monied, propertied
acaudalar(Spanish) to heap up, to capitalize, to amass, to hoard, to rake in, to accummulate, to treasure
Acaudateor 'acaudal', lacking a tail or taillike appendage
acáudeo (m.), acáudea (f.)(Spanish) acaudal, acaudate
Acaudillador (m.), Acaudilladora (f.)(Spanish) leader, commander
Acaudillamiento(Spanish m.) leadership, command
acaudillar(Spanish) to lead, to command (lead), to champion, to uphold, to be the leader of, to conduct (lead)
a causa de(Spanish) because of, as a matter of, as a result of, by reason of, due to, on account of, on the grounds of, owing to
a causa de fuerza mayor(Spanish) by force majeure
a causa del temporal(Spanish) by force majeure
à cause de(French) because of
acá y acullá(Spanish) here and there, everywhere, hither and thither
acá y allá(Spanish) here and there, everywhere, hither and thither
Acayú(Spanish m.) mahogany
acc.abbreviation of 'accent', 'accompanied (by)', 'accompaniment', 'accusative' (case expressing the object of an action)
accablant (m.), accablante (f.)(French) oppressive (heat)
accablé (m.), accablée (f.)(French) crushed, overwhelmed
Accablement(French m.) despondency
accabler d'injuries(French) to heap insults upon
Accademia(Italian f.) an academy, a concert
Accademia degli incogniti(Italian f.) a group of iconoclastic intellectuals who promoted and set the tone for many of the libretti of mid seventeenth-century Venetian operas, whose plots are shockingly frank and frequently amoral. In keeping with their belief in the supremacy of word over music, the librettist, seem as more important than the composer, retained the right to publish and profit from his libretto, which was often judged in its own right as a work of literature. However, whatever the merits of this intellectual position, the need to finance these early operas, by selling tickets, forced a recognition that the public always likes a good tune more than any amount of fine words. What began as a recitative and monody-dominated genre was, by the middle of the century, much more broken up with arias. In addition, aspects of the productions, such as scenery, costumes (to a lesser extent) and stage machinery, were important crowd-pleasing elements
Accademia dei Arcadi(Italian f.) a learned association founded in Rome in 1692 which included among its members the composers Marcello, Corelli, Alessandro Scarlatti and Gluck
Accademia di Platone(Italian f., literally 'Plato's Academy') a learned association founded in 1470 at the court of Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence
Accademia di Santa Cecilia(Italian f., literally 'Academy of St. Cecilia') St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians. Founded in 1585, the Accademia di Santa Cecilia is the oldest musical academy in the world. For centuries, it attracted the attention of the popes, ensuring its prominence in Rome with regard to cultural events. Today, the Accademia proposes seasonal events performed by some of the most celebrated contemporary artists and orchestras in the world
Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna(Italian f.) a society of professional and amateur musicians dedicated to the study of the history and science of music as well as music education, that was established in Bologna in 1666 and which included among its members Corelli, Torelli, Domenico Gabrielli, Mozart, Rossini and Busoni
Accademico(Italian m./f.) academician
accademico(Italian) academic
accalappiare(Italian) to allure (figurative)
accalcarsi(Italian) to crowd
accalmie(French) lull
accalorandosi(Italian) agitated
Accanimento(Italian m.) tenacity
accanirsi(Italian) to persist
accanito(Italian) persistent, inveterate
accanto(Italian) near
accanto a(Italian) next to
accaparer(French) to monopolize, to take up all the time of (someone) (figurative)
Accapareur de femmes(French m.) a lady-killer, a 'wolf'
accapigliarsi(Italian) to scuffle, to squabble (litigation)
Accappatoio(Italian m.) bathrobe
accarezzando(Italian) accarezzevolmente (Italian), accarezzevole (Italian) or carezzevole (Italian), caressing, coaxing, liebkosend (German), schmeichelnd (German), mit liebkosendem Ausdruck (German), en caressant (French), câlin (French)
accarezzare(Italian) to caress, to cherish
accarezzevole(Italian) or accarezzando (Italian), blandishing, coaxing, caressing, persuasive, expressive
accarezzevolmente(Italian) or accarezzando (Italian), blandishingly, coaxingly, caressingly, persuasively, in a caressing manner
accasarsi(Italian) to get married
accasciarsi(Italian) to lose heart
accavallarsi(Italian) to overlap (figurative)
accdnabbreviation of 'accordion'
accecare(Italian) to blind, to go blind
accedente(Spanish) acceding
acceder(Spanish) to agree, to gain access, to have access, to access (information), to accede, to consent, to gain admittance, to assent, to comply, to indulge, to acquiesce, to come over
acceder a(Spanish) to agree to, to access, to enter, to condescend to, to acquiesce to, to accede to, to condescend to
acceder a que(Spanish) to agree that
accedere a(Italian) to agree to, to gain access to, to accede to, to consent to, to enter, to gain admittance to
accel.abbreviated form of accelerando
acceleramento(Italian) celerity, swiftness
accelerando(Italian - abbreviated accel.) stringendo (Italian), affrettando (Italian), (allmählich) schneller werden (German), beschleunigend (German), en accélérant (French)
(Italian) accelerating, getting gradually faster, gradually increasing the tempo, quickening the pace, with increasing speed, accélérer (French)
accelerando sino al(la) fine(Italian) get steadily faster to the fine sign, bis zum Schluß (allmählich) schneller werdend (German)
Accelerateto steadily increase the speed
Accelerated funk(Accelerated Funk in German m.) alternative name for 'ghettotech'
Accelerating (the speed)accelerando (Italian), stringendo (Italian), beschleunigend (German), en pressant (French), pressez (French)
steadily increasing the tempo
Accélération(French f.) acceleration, speeding up
accelerato(Italian) accelerated, livelier, gradually increasing the speed, at a quicker speed, beschleunigt (German)
Acceloratora level or pedal, part of the mechanism on automatic instruments (organs, pianos, etc.) which allows the operator to vary the speed at which the music is performed, and, in some cases, the dynamic level too
Accelerazione(Italian f.) acceleration
accéléré(French) accelerated
accélérer(French) accelerating, getting steadily faster, quickening the pace, accelerando, schneller werden
accelo.abbreviated form of accelerando
accendere(Italian) to light, to turn on (light, radio, TV, etc.)
accennare(Italian) to indicate
accennare a(Italian) to beckon to, to hint at, to make as if
Accenno(Italian m.) gesture, nod (of the head), hint
Accensione(Italian f.) lighting
Accent(English, French m.) acento (Spanish m.), accento (Italian m.), Betonung (German f.), Akzent (German m.)
a particular mode of pronounciation (hence, local or regional accent)
in prose, prominence given to a syllable by stress or pitch
a mark placed on a letter within a word often to indicated a stress
in recitation, accents are used to mark where the pitch of the voice should alter; thus accentus acutus (´) indicates where the pitch of the voice should rise and the accentus gravis (`) indicates where the pitch should fall. Two further signs, the accentus circumflexus (ˆ) and the accentus anticircumflexus (accentus anticircumflexus) are used to indicate an inflection, where the pitch is first raised and then lowered or an inverted inflection, where the pitch is first lowered and then raised. The accentus anticircumflexus is a modern invention while the other three accents form the basis of the earliest neumatic notation
(French) in music, a grace called 'the springer'
(French) in music, an appoggiatura that places a grace note between two notes a 3rd apart, or that repeats the first of two notes a 2nd apart
in connection with the articulation of individual notes or passages, accents are:
agogic (accent)by extending the beat, as in a Viennese waltz
dynamic (accent)by varying the loudness (either louder or softer)
metrical (accent)by shifting the beat, as, for example, in sycopation
tonic (accent)by pitching a note significantly higher than neighbouring notes
timbral (accent)by accentuating a note through a change in its tonal character, for example, on a wind-instrument, by adding 'chiff'
Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983) and Kramer (1988) define three kinds of accent:
metrical accent (L&J, K)which denotes a beat (a time point) that is relatively strong in its metrical context
phenomenal accent (L&J)
stress accent (K)
a surface emphasis or stress given to a moment in the musical flow
structural accent (L&J)
rhythmic accent (K)
denoting an accent caused by melodic/harmonic points of gravity in a phrase or section, especially a cadence
Accent(French m.) accent, stress (on a syllable ), tone
(French m.) an ornament similar to the Nachschlag
Accent aigu(German m., from French m.) acute accent (´)
accentare(Italian) to accent, to stress
accentato (s.), accentate (pl.)(Italian) or accentuato (Italian), accent the notes!, accented, with emphasis, emphasise the notes, marcato (Italian), betont (German), hervorgehoben (German)
Accent circonflexe(German m., from French m.) circumflex accent (ˆ)
Accentedacentuado (Spanish), marcado (Spanish), marcato (Italian), markiert (German), marqué (French), accentué (French)
bearing an accent
Accented notea note bearing an accent, nota accentata (Italian), betonte Note (German), note frappée (French), , note accentuée (French)
Accented part of the baror 'strong beat', tiempo fuerte (Spanish), tempo forte (Italian), Guter Takttheil (German), Guter Taktteil (German), bon temps de la mesure (French), temps forte (French)
Accented passing notean accented passing note could be considered an appoggiatura or dissonance that occurs on a weak beat. Although this is an oxymoron, since appoggiaturas, by definition, occur on strong beats, it does make some sense. The dissonance occurs on a weak beat, but the resolution of the dissonance occurs on a weaker portion of the beat. Therefore, the dissonance does occur on a stronger portion of the beat in relation to its resolution. Accented passing notes, as their names imply, are approached and left by step
Accent grave(German m., from French m.) grave accent (`)
Accenti(Italian pl.) accents, stresses
Accent-neumessee 'neumatic notation'
Accento(Italian m.) accent, emphasis, accentuation
Accento dobole(Italian m.) the up-beat in a bar
Accentor(English, from Latin accentus) an archaic term, signifying the person who takes the principal part in a duet, trio, etc.
Accent pedala quick damper pedal touch for emphasis, for a strong accent
Accents(French m. pl.) accents
Accents décalés(French m. pl.) shifted accents
accentuando(Italian) accenting
accentuare(Italian) to mark with an accent, to accentuate
(Italian) accessory notes, for example, the upper note in a trill, or the notes above and below the written note in a turn
Accentuateemphasize, make prominent
Accentuation(English, French f.) the placing of a stress or accent on a letter or syllable, or in music on a note or group of notes
accentuato(Italian) marked, accentuated, betont (German), accentué (French), ponctué (French), acentuado (Spanish)
accentué(French) accented, marked, betont (German), accentuato (Italian), acentuado (Spanish)
accentuer(French) accent, emphasize, accentuate (a letter or syllable, or in music a note or group of notes)
accentuering(Dutch) accentuation
accentuiren(German) to accentuate, to mark with an accent
Accentus(Latin, literally 'song added to speech') Betonung (German f.), portions of the Ritual Song chanted or intoned by the officiating minister at the altar in the Roman Catholic rite, as distinct from concentus, the responses from the schola (the choir, soloists or both)
the term is also used to distinguish the plainer forms of plainsong which stay mainly on a single reciting tone (accentus) and which, indeed, is the chant style employed by the officiating minister, and the more melismatic form (concentus), which is associated with the schola (the choir and soloists)
Accentus acutussee 'accentus ecclesiastici', 'accent'
Accentus circumflexussee 'accent'
Accentus ecclesiastici
(Latin) melodic forms used in the Roman Catholic rite in chanting or recitation of the collects, epistles, gospels, etc., sung almost entirely upon one note and formerly of seven kinds:
accentus immutabiliswhen the last syllable is neither raised nor lowered, the voice continuing on the tone employed for the preceding syllable or syllables
accentus mediuswhen the voice is lowered by a third on the last syllable
accentus graviswhen the voice is lowered by a fourth on the last syllable
accentus acutuswhen, after having lowered the voice a third on one of the concluding syllables, the original tone is then resumed on the last syllable
accentus moderatuswhen, some of the syllables preceding the last have been raised a second, the original tone is resumed on the last syllable
accentus interrogatuswhen the voice is elevated by a second on the last syllable of a question
accentus finaliswhen the voice falls by degrees a fourth on the last syllable
Accentus finalissee 'accentus ecclesiastici'
Accentus gravissee 'accentus ecclesiastici', 'accent'
Accentus immutabilissee 'accentus ecclesiastici'
Accentus interrogatussee 'accentus ecclesiastici'
Accentus mediussee 'accentus ecclesiastici'
Accentus moderatussee 'accentus ecclesiastici'
accentverschuiving(Dutch) shift in emphasis
Acception(French f.) meaning
Accès(French m.) outburst (of happiness)
accesar(Spanish) to access
Accesibilidad(Spanish f.) accessibility, availability, approachability, approachableness, reachability
accesible(Spanish) approachable (person), affordable (price), accessible (writing, language), available, possible, reachable, attainable, feasible, get-at-able, open, getatable
Accesión(Spanish f.) accession, consent, agreement, attack of intermittent fever
Accésit(Spanish m.) accessit, citation, consolation prize, laurel, second prize, honourable mention
Acceso(Spanish m.) access, entry, approach, fit (anger, happiness), fit (medical: attack), attack (medical), permission, admission, admittance, accession, outburst, onrush, seizure, strom, gust, spurt, bout, gateway, aditus
acceso(Italian) lighted, on (TV, light, radio, etc.), on fire, ignited (on fire), lit (light, etc. on), bright (colour), feurig (German)
Acceso a la justicia(Spanish m.) access to justice
Acceso al azar(Spanish m.) random access
Acceso aleatorio(Spanish m.) random access
Acceso a memoria directo(Spanish m.) direct memory access
Acceso audiogénico(Spanish m.) audiogenic seizure
Acceso carnal(Spanish m.) sexual contact
Acceso cerebral(Spanish m.) cerebral seizure
Acceso compartido(Spanish m.) shared access
Acceso de almacenamiento directo(Spanish m.) direct storage access
Acceso de cólera(Spanish m.) fit of temper
Acceso de datos(Spanish m.) data access
Acceso de fiebre intermitente(Spanish m.) attack of intermittent fever
Acceso de ira(Spanish m.) fit of temper
Acceso de lectura-escritura(Spanish m.) read-write access
Acceso de lóbulo temporal(Spanish m.) temporal-lobe seizure
Acceso de memoria directo(Spanish m.) direct memory access, DMA
Acceso de nerviosidad(Spanish m.) fit of nerves
Acceso de pequeño mal(Spanish m.) petit mal seizure
Acceso de sólo lectura(Spanish m.) read-only access
Acceso de tos(Spanish m.) coughing spell, coughing fit, fit of coughing
Acceso directo(Spanish m.) direct access, on-line access
Acceso directo a la memoria(Spanish m.) direct memory access, DMA
Acceso directo a memoria(Spanish m.) direct memory access, DMA
Acceso en común(Spanish m.) joint access
Acceso forzoso(Spanish m.) forced entry
Acceso fotógeno(Spanish m.) photogenic seizure
Acceso masivo(Spanish m.) massive seizure
Acceso múltiple(Spanish m.) multiaccess, multiple access, trunking
Acceso no autorizado(Spanish m.) unauthorized entry, unauthorized access
Acceso no permitido(Spanish m.) restricted access
Acceso obstaculizado(Spanish m.) access barred
Acceso preferencial(Spanish m.) preferential access
Acceso prohibido(Spanish m.) no entry, no entrance
Acceso remoto(Spanish m.) remote access
Acceso repentino de calor(Spanish m.) hot flush (associated with the menopause)
Acceso restringido(Spanish m.) restricted area, restricted access
(Spanish) no trespassing beyond this point
Acceso retardado(Spanish m.) delayed access
Accesoria(Spanish f.) outbuilding, additional but separate building, additional but separate wing, annexe
Accesorio (s.), Accesorios (pl.)(Spanish m.) accessory, appliance, attachment, fitting, add-on, prop (in the theatre, film, etc.)
accesorio (m.), accesoria (f.)(Spanish) supplementary, incidental, secondary, accessory, additional, accidental, accompanying, add-on, ancillary, auxiliary, unessential, supernumerary, collateral
Accesorio de acceso(Spanish m.) access fitting
Accesorio de cañería(Spanish m.) pipe fitting
Accesorio dividido(Spanish m.) split fitting
Accesorio para tubería(Spanish m.) pipe fitting
Accesorios(Spanish accessories, implements, accouterments, fixings, hardware, accoutrements, appurtenances, paraphernalia
Accesorios a mano(Spanish on-hand supplies
Accesorios de baño(Spanish bathroom fittings
Accesorios de cables(Spanish cable fittings, cable accessories
Accesorios de cubierta(Spanish deck fittings
Accesorios de fábrica(Spanish factory supplies
Accesorios del vestir(Spanish accessories
Accesorios en existencia(Spanish on-hand supplies
Accesorios periféricos(Spanish peripheral devices, peripherals
Accesorista(Spanish m./f.) property man, property woman
Accesos de tos(Spanish coughing fits
Acceso secundario(Spanish m.) secondary access
Acceso sexual(Spanish m.) sexual contact
Acceso sin limitación(Spanish m.) unlimited access, open shop
Acceso sólo de lectura(Spanish m.) read-only access
Acceso transfronterizo(Spanish m.) transborder access
Acceso único(Spanish m.) single access
Acceso universal(Spanish m.) universal access
Acceso violento(Spanish m.) forcible entry
access.abbreviation of 'accessory'
accessibile(Italian) accessible, approachable (personality), reasonable
Accessible(English, French) approachable (personality), easy to understand (idea, concept), requiring little intellectual effort (music, work of art)
some may see the comment 'accessible music or art requires little intellectual effort' as being elitist. Indeed it is, but our dictionary is only reflecting the way this word is used in certain circles - we are not making a value-judgement
Accessionan object acquired by a museum or any other collector as part of its permanent collection, or the act of recording and processing an addition to the permanent collection. The opposite of accession is deaccession
Accession numbera control number unique to an object, used to identify it among the other objects in that collection. It is part of the numbering system encompassing the permanent collection of an individual or an institution, and reflects the transaction making an object a part of that collection. An accession number is assigned based on the order in which it was acquired, not on its kind, and typically consists of the year of accession and the serial number within that year
Accessit(French m.) honourable mention, a certificate of merit
accessit(Latin) has been added
Accessoire (s.), Accessoires (pl.)(German n. from French m.) accessory (to clothing), prop (in the theatre)
Accessoiriste(French m./f.) property man or mistress (in the theatre)
accessorie(French) secondary
Accessorio (s.), Accessori (pl.)(Italian m.) accessory
Accessori(Italian m. pl.) fittings (as in fixtures and fittings)
Accessory stopsthe non-speaking stops of an organ, for example, couplers, composition pedals, pistons, ventils, swell and sforzando pdeals, tremulant, etc.
accettabile(Italian) acceptable
accettare(Italian) to accept, to agree to
Accettazione(Italian f.) acceptance, reception (place)
Accezione(Italian f.) meaning
acchetandosi(Italian) or acquietandosi (Italian), becoming calmer, sich beruhigend (German), en s'apaisant (French)
Acchop ragaa lesser knownraga from the Hindustani classical music tradition
acciaccare(Italian) to crush
acciaccato(Italian) a spread chord, played from top to bottom
(Italian, literally 'crushed') brusquely, forcibly, violently
acciaccatura(Italian f.) grace note (for example, the short appoggiatura - written with a diagonal line through both the note stem and the note hook or flag)
[some sources make a distinction between the acciaccatura and the short appoggiatura and reserve the symbol for the latter]
'crushed' note (described by Geminiani (1749) as a dissonant note struck simultaneously with another or in a chord, but released immediately 'as if it was Fire')
'passing acciaccatura' or arpègement figuré (French), notated as a diagonal line passing through the stem of a chord, to indicate that a dissonant note (tone) is to be played within a chord that is to be arpeggiated, that is 'spread'. The direction of the line marks the direction of the arpeggio. C.P.E. Bach describes its method of execution with printed musical examples in his 1753 treatise, Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments, a manual endorsed by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
Acciacco(Italian m. pl.) aches and pains
Acciaio(Italian m.) steel
Acciaio(Italian m., literally 'steel') Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) designated instrumento d'acciaio for the Glockenspiel part in his opera Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) K.620
Acciaio inossidabile(Italian m.) stainless steel
Accidenceor inflectional morphology, the part of grammar that deals with the inflections of words, changes that occur in the forms or inflections of words to indicate tenses, singular and plural, etc. e.g. climb/climbed, ox/oxen, table/tables
Accidencia(Spanish f.) accidence, inflection of words
Accident(French m.) in music, an accidental
(English) in logic, some quality or property that an object possesses but which is not essential to it (for example, an object's height)
Accidentabilidad(Spanish f.) accident rate, proneness to accidents
Accidentado (m.), Accidentada (f.)(Spanish) casualty, accident victim, victim of an accident
accidentado (m.), accidentada (f.)(Spanish) eventful (journey, meal, period of time), turbulent (history), checkered (career, past), troubled (life), rough (terrain), rugged (coastline, terrain), uneven (ground), rugged, up-and-down, hilly, broken (terrain), hurt (person), injured (person), full of unforeseen obstacles
Accidentado grave (m.), Accidentada grave (f.)(Spanish) badly injured person, serious casualty
Accidentalalso 'accident' or 'alteration', alterazione (Italian), accidente (Italian, Spanish), Vorzeichen (German n.), Versetzungszeichen (German n.), (signe d')accident (French m.), (signe d')altération (French m.), (signo de) alteración (Spanish m.)
also called an 'inflection' or 'chromatic inflection', sign for raising (using a sharp or double sharp) or lowering (using a flat or double flat) the pitch of a note or to cancel (using a natural) a previously applied sign
there are three special types of accidental:
cautionary accidentalused where from the rules of music theory an accidental would be understood but might be missed by the player
courtesy accidentaltheoretically redundant accidental after a bar-line which, when used, is often placed between brackets
reminder accidentalsynonymous with 'cautionary accidental' and 'courtesy accidental'
editorial accidentalan accidental added to a musical score by the editor who believes there is an error in the source. Such an accidental may be placed above or below the note to which it applies, or in parenthesis
note: the sharp and flat signs in a key signature are not strictly accidentals although this term is sometimes used to describe them
notation English French German Italian Spanish Catalan
double sharp double sharp double dièse Doppelkreuz doppio diesis doble sostenido,
elevación de dos semitonos
doble diesi (f.),
elevació de dos semitons (m.)
sharp sharp dièse Kreuz diesis sostenido,
elevación de un semitono
diesi (f.),
sostingut (m.)
natural natural,
natural sign
Auflösungszeichen, Quadrat bequadro becuadro becaire (m.)
flat flat bémol Be bemolle bemol,
bajada de un semitono
bemoll (m.),
disminució d'un semitò (f.)
double flat double flat double bémol Doppel-Be doppio bemolle doble bemol,
bajada de dos semitonos
doble diesi (f.),
disminució de dos semitons (m.)
also see 'compound accidentals'
Accidentalhappening by chance or accident
accidental(Spanish) accidental, chance (accidental), coincidental, casual, inadvertent, unintentional, contingent, fortuitous, accessory, incidental, adventitious
Accidental chordchord containing one or more notes foreign to its proper harmony
accidentale(Italian) accidental
accidentalmente(Spanish) accidentally, by accident, by chance, bumpily, fortuitously, unintentionally
Accidental notesnon-harmonic notes
accidentar(Spanish) to cause an accident
accidentario (m.), accidentaria (f.)(Spanish) incidental, casual, contingent, fortuitous
accidentarse(Spanish) to have an accident
Accidente (s.), Accidentes (Spanish pl.)(Italian m., Spanish m.) (in music) accidental
(Spanish m.) accident, coincidence, chance (accident), unevenness (terrain), accidental event, mishap, casualty, contratemps, mischance, crash, knocking-down, running-over, fit, outburst
accidenté(French) damaged (or hurt) in an accident
Accidente aéreo(Spanish m.) plane crash
Accidente ajeno al trabajo(Spanish m.) non-occupational accident, non-work-related accident
Accidente automotriz(Spanish m.) car accident, accident, car crash, motoring accident
Accidente automovilístico(Spanish m.) car accident, accident, car crash, motoring accident
Accidente cardiovascular(Spanish m.) cardiovascular accident
Accidente cerebrovascular(Spanish m.) cerebrovascular accident, stroke
Accidente corporal(Spanish m.) accident resulting in a personal injury, personal injury
Accidente de automóvil(Spanish m.) car accident, auto accident, motoring accident
Accidente de aviación(Spanish m.) plane crash
Accidente de avión(Spanish m.) plane crash, air crash
Accidente de carretera(Spanish m.) traffic accident, road accident, street accident
Accidente de circulación(Spanish m.) traffic accident, road accident
Accidente de mar(Spanish m.) peril of the sea
Accidente de trabajo(Spanish m.) accident at work, industrial accident, occupational accident, occupational injury, occupation accident, on-the-job accident, work-related accident
Accidente de tráfico(Spanish m.) traffic accident, road accident, street accident
Accidente de tránsito(Spanish m.) traffic accident, road accident, street accident, car accident
Accidente de tren(Spanish m.) train accident
Accidente en el camino(Spanish m.) accident on the way
Accidente en el trabajo(Spanish m.) accident at work, on-the-job accident, work-related accident
Accidente en la carretera(Spanish m.) highway accident, road accident
Accidente fatal(Spanish m.) fatal accident
Accidente geográfico (s.), Accidentes geográficos (pl.)(Spanish m.) geographical feature
Accidente grave(Spanish m.) serious accident
Accidente importante(Spanish m.) serious accident
Accidente inculpable(Spanish m.) no-fault accident (not due to negligence)
Accidente industrial(Spanish m.) industrial accident
Accidente inevitable(Spanish m.) inevitable accident, pure accident, unavoidable accident
Accidente intencionado(Spanish m.) intentional accident
Accidente intencional(Spanish m.) intentional accident
accidentel (m.), accidentelle (f.)(French) accidental
Accidente laboral(Spanish m.) industrial accident, occupational accident, accident at work, occupational injury, industrial injury, occupation accident, work-related accident
Accidente mortal(Spanish m.) fatal accident, fatal injury
Accidente múltiple(Spanish m.) multiple crash, pile-up, pileup
Accidente no de trabajo(Spanish m.) nonoccupational accident, non-work related accident
Accidente no laboral(Spanish m.) nonoccupational accident, non-work related accident
Accidente no por negligencia(Spanish m.) no-fault accident (not due to negligence)
Accidente ocupacional(Spanish m.) occupational accident, work-related accident
Accidente ocurrido en el trayecto al trabajo(Spanish m.) accident on the way to work
Accidente operativo(Spanish m.) industrial accident
Accidente profesional(Spanish m.) occupational accident, work-related accident
Accidente que causa daños corporales(Spanish m.) accident resulting in personal injury, accident resulting in a personal injury
Accidente relacionado al empleo(Spanish m.) job-related accident, work-related accident
Accidente relacionado al trabajo(Spanish m.) job-related accident, work-related accident
Accidentes(Spanish accidents, fortuities
Accidentes del mar(Spanish perils of the sea, marine risk
Accidentes de mar(Spanish perils of the sea
Accidentes de navegación(Spanish navigational accidents
Accidentes de trabajo(Spanish industrial injuries
Accidentes de tráfico(Spanish traffic accidents, road accidents
Accidente serio(Spanish m.) serious accident
Accidente vascular(Spanish m.) vascular accident
Accidente vascular cerebral(Spanish m.) cerebral vascular accident, apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident, stroke
Accidente vascular cerebral que resulta de un trombo bloqueando una arteria cerebral(Spanish m.) cerebral thrombosis
Accidente vial(Spanish m.) road accident, car accident, auto accident, street accident
Accidentie(Dutch) (in music) accidental
Accidento (s.), Accidenti (pl.)(Italian m.) (in music) accidental
Accidents(French pl.) accidentals
Accidia(Latin, from the Greek) also acedia or, the anglicized form, accidie, apathy and indifference, sloth tending towards despair
accigliamento(Italian) sadness, melancholy
accigliarsi(Italian) to frown
accigliato(Italian) frowning
accingersi a(Italian) to be about to
acciocché(Italian) in order that
Acción (s.), Acciones (pl.)(Spanish f.) act, deed, action (military, play, film, lawsuit), acting, movement, operation, plot (action), lawsuit, suit, case, share (financial), equity, stock certificate, share certificate, ticket (in a raffle), stock (shares: plural form), equity capital (plural form)
accionado (m.), accionada (f.)(Spanish) driven, powered, propelled
accionado con combustible fósil (m.), accionada con combustible fósil (f.) (Spanish) fossil-fuelled
accionado con diesel (m.), accionada con diesel (f.)(Spanish) diesel-powered, powered by diesel
accionado eléctricamente (m.), accionada eléctricamente (f.)(Spanish) electrically driven
accionado electromagnéticamente (m.), accionada electromagnéticamente (f.)(Spanish) electromagnetically driven
accionado mecánicamente (m.), accionada mecánicamente (f.)(Spanish) power-driven
accionado por botones (m.), accionada por botones (f.)(Spanish) push-button operated
accionado por carbón (m.), accionada por carbón (f.)(Spanish) coal-powered
accionado por cinta (m.), accionada por cinta (f.)(Spanish) tape-driven
accionado por computadora (m.), accionada por computadora (f.)(Spanish) computer-driven
accionado por el tacto (m.), accionada por el tacto (f.)(Spanish) touch-sensitive
accionado por electricidad (m.), accionada por electricidad (f.)(Spanish) power-operated, electric, electrical, power-driven
accionado por energía nuclear (m.), accionada por energía nuclear (f.)(Spanish) nuclear-powered
accionado por gas (m.), accionada por gas (f.)(Spanish) gas-powered, gas-fired, fired by gas, fired using gas
accionado por mandos (m.), accionada por mandos (f.)(Spanish) command-driven
accionado por menú (m.), accionada por menú (f.)(Spanish) menu-driven
accionado por motor (m.), accionada por motor (f.)(Spanish) motor-driven
accionado por palanca (m.), accionada por palanca (f.)(Spanish) lever-actuated
accionado por parámetros (m.), accionada por parámetros (f.)(Spanish) parameter-driven
accionado por potencia (m.), accionada por potencia (f.)(Spanish) power-actuated
accionado por presión (m.), accionada por presión (f.)(Spanish) pressure-actuated
accionado por pulsador (m.), accionada por pulsador (f.)(Spanish) pushbutton-actuated
accionado por pulsadores (m.), accionada por pulsadores (f.)(Spanish) pushbutton-actuated
accionado por solenoide (m.), accionada por solenoide (f.)(Spanish) solenoid-actuated
accionado por tensión (m.), accionada por tensión (f.)(Spanish) voltage-actuated
accionado por válvula (m.), accionada por válvula (f.)(Spanish) valve-actuated
accionado por vapor (m.), accionada por vapor (f.)(Spanish) steam-driven, steam-powered
accionado por voz (m.), accionada por voz (f.)(Spanish) voice-actuated
Accionador(Spanish m.) actuator
Accionamiento(Spanish m.) working, actuating, operation, drive
Accionamiento de señales(Spanish m.) signal operation
Accionamiento directo(Spanish m.) direct drive
Accionamiento eléctrico(Spanish m.) electric drive
Accionamiento manual(Spanish m.) manual operation
Accionamiento mecánico(Spanish m.) mechanical drive
Accionamiento por cadena(Spanish m.) chain drive;
Accionamiento por fricción(Spanish m.) friction drive
Accionamiento por motor(Spanish m.) motor drive
Accionante(Spanish m.) plaintiff
Acción a que tuviere derecho(Spanish f.) whatever recourse is available
accionar(Spanish) to trigger, to activate, to set off, to operate, to actuate, to power, to pull (lever), to execute, to drive, to put to work
Accionariado(Spanish m.) shareholders, stockholders
Accionariado obrero(Spanish m.) industrial copartnership
accionarial(Spanish) share
Accionario (m.), Accionaria (f.)(Spanish) shareholder, stockholder
accionarse(Spanish) to get triggered
Acción a tomar(Spanish f.) action to be taken
Acción acumulativa(Spanish f.) cumulative action
Acción administrativa(Spanish f.) administrative action, administrative act
Acción afirmativa(Spanish f.) affirmative action
Acción amigable(Spanish f.) friendly suit, amicable action
Acción amortiguante(Spanish f.) buffering, buffer action
Acción animal(Spanish f.) beastly action
Acción anormal(Spanish f.) aberration
Acción antimonopolista(Spanish f.) antitrust suit
accionar(Spanish f.) to pull (lever), to activate (mechanism), to trigger (event), to drive, to work, to gesticulate
Accionariado(Spanish m.) shareholders (collective term)
Acción automática(Spanish f.) automatic action
Acción bajo derecho consuetudinario(Spanish f.) common-law action
Acción bárbara(Spanish f.) brutish act, barbarity, savage act
Acción brillante(Spanish f.) brilliant action, genial act
Acción capilar(Spanish f.) capillary action
Acción casual(Spanish f.) chance action
Acción civil(Spanish f.) civil action, actio civilis, civil proceeding, civil remedy, civil suit
Acción con derecho a voto(Spanish f.) voting share
Acción con límite de tiempo(Spanish f.) time-limited action
Acción con lugar(Spanish f.) action which lies
Acción con tiempo límite(Spanish f.) time-limited action
Acción concertada(Spanish f.) concerted action
Acción conjunta(Spanish f.) joint action
Acción conjunta de dos medicamentos(Spanish f.) combined action of two drugs, potentiation
Acción constitutiva(Spanish f.) test action, action to establish a legal principle, moot case, test case
Acción cooperativa(Spanish f.) cooperative action, co-operative action
Acción corporativa(Spanish f.) corporate action
Acción correctiva(Spanish f.) corrective action
Acción cortés(Spanish f.) courtesy
Acción cotizada en la bolsa(Spanish f.) publicly traded share
Acción coyuntural(Spanish f.) short-term economic policy
Acción criminal(Spanish f.) criminal action
Acción cruel(Spanish f.) cruel action, cruel act, cruelty, cruel thing
Acción de abandono(Spanish f.) act of abandonment
Acción de aparcar un vehículo(Spanish f.) parking
Acción de atracción capilar(Spanish f.) capillary action
Acción de besar(Spanish f.) kissing
Acción de blasonar(Spanish f.) emblazing
Acción de bloqueo(Spanish f.) blocking action
Acción de caracolear(Spanish f.) caracole (in dressage, make a half turn on a horse)
Acción de cegar(Spanish f.) blinding
Acción de clase(Spanish f.) class action, class-action lawsuit
Acción de cobertura(Spanish f.) covering action
Acción de condena(Spanish f.) prosecution
Acción de conmutación(Spanish f.) switching action
Acción de contratar(Spanish f.) recruiting drive
Acción de correr(Spanish f.) act of running, run
Acción de cuidar niños(Spanish f.) baby-sitting
Acción de custodiar(Spanish f.) chaperonage
Acción de daños y perjuicios(Spanish f.) action in damages
Acción de dar curso a un mensaje(Spanish f.) routeing
Acción de deletrear(Spanish f.) spelling
Acción de desahucio(Spanish f.) eviction
Acción de desalojo(Spanish f.) eviction
Acción de difamación(Spanish f.) libel suit, suit for libel, suit for slander
Acción de disparo(Spanish f.) triggering action
Acción de divorcio(Spanish f.) divorce action
Acción de enjuagar(Spanish f.) rinsing
Acción de enrocar(Spanish f.) castling (in chess)
Acción de escuchar los ruidos de un organismo con estetoscopio(Spanish f.) auscultation
Acción de escuchar los ruidos producidos en el interior de un organismo con estetoscopio(Spanish f.) auscultation
Acción de flanquear(Spanish f.) flanking action
Acción de gracias(Spanish f.) thanksgiving, expression of thanks
Acción de grupo(Spanish f.) group action, synergism, synergy
Acción de guerra(Spanish f.) act of war, battle
Acción de habeas corpus(Spanish f.) habeas corpus
Acción de hacer cumplir(Spanish f.) enforcement
Acción de hacer cumplir un contrato(Spanish f.) enforcement of a contract
Acción de horadar(Spanish f.) perforation
Acción de indemnización(Spanish f.) remedial action
Acción del enemigo(Spanish f.) act of public enemies
Acción de libelo(Spanish f.) action for libel
Acción de locación(Spanish f.) action to collect rent
Acción de merodear(Spanish f.) marauding
Acción de muestreo(Spanish f.) sampling action
Acción de nulidad(Spanish f.) action to declare void
Acción de olfatear(Spanish f.) sniffing
Acción de ordeñar(Spanish f.) milking
Acción de orinar(Spanish f.) urination, micturition
Acción de palanca(Spanish f.) leverage (crowbar)
Acción de posesión(Spanish f.) possessory action
Acción de reconocer(Spanish f.) recognition
Acción de reconquistar(Spanish f.) reconquest
Acción de remojar(Spanish f.) dip
Acción de reposición(Spanish f.) reset action
Acción de retardo(Spanish f.) delay action
Acción de ronronear(Spanish f.) purring
Acción desencadenante(Spanish f.) trigger action
Acción deslizante(Spanish f.) wiping action
Acción de solidaridad(Spanish f.) solidarity action
Acción despreciable(Spanish f.) despicable act
Acción de taladrar(Spanish f.) perforation
Acción de tragar aire(Spanish f.) air swallowing, aerophagy
Acción de transgresión(Spanish f.) action in trespass
Acción de una sustancia actuando contra otra(Spanish f.) action of a drug acting to reduce the effectiveness of another, counteraction
Acción de válvula(Spanish f.) ball-valve action
Acción de válvula obstructiva(Spanish f.) ball-valve action
Acción de volverse fláccido(Spanish f.) act of becoming limp, detumescence
Acción diestra(Spanish f.) skillful action
Acción diferida(Spanish f.) deferred stock, deferred action
Acción digna de elogio(Spanish f.) praiseworthy act, praiseworthy action
Acción directa(Spanish f.) direct action
Acción disciplinaria(Spanish f.) disciplinary action
Acción ejecutiva(Spanish f.) executive action
Acción en cobro de dinero(Spanish f.) action for recovery of money
Acción en masa(Spanish f.) mass action
Acción enemiga(Spanish f.) act of public enemies
Acción equilibradora(Spanish f.) balancing action
Acciones adicionales sobre utilidades(Spanish f.) bonus shares
Acción eslabonada(Spanish f.) chain action
Acción específica(Spanish f.) specific action
Acción espectacular(Spanish f.) spectacular act
Acción estúpida(Spanish f.) stupid action, stupidity, stupid thing to do
Acción excéntrica(Spanish f.) eccentric act, exotic act
Acción falsa(Spanish f.) false action
Acción farmacológica(Spanish f.) drug action
Acción fatua(Spanish f.) fatuous action
Acción filtrante(Spanish f.) filtering action
Acción forzada(Spanish f.) forceful act
Acción galante(Spanish f.) gallant action, gallant act, gallantry
Acción galvánica(Spanish f.) galvanic action
Acción generosa(Spanish f.) generous action, beau geste
Acción genial(Spanish f.) genial act
Acción gitanesca(Spanish f.) Gipsy-like action
Acción graciosa(Spanish f.) gracious act, funny action
Acción grandiosa(Spanish f.) spectacular deed, amazing deed, magnificent act
Acción grosera(Spanish f.) gross act, coarse act
Acción hecha sin pensar(Spanish f.) thoughtless action
Acción heroica(Spanish f.) heroic act, heroic deed
Acción ideomotora(Spanish f.) ideomotor action
Acción ilegal(Spanish f.) unlawful action, commission of an unlawful act, unlawful act, malfeasance
Acción ilícita(Spanish f.) illicit action
Acción independiente(Spanish f.) self-action, self-activity
Acción ingenua(Spanish f.) unsophisticated act
Acción insignificante(Spanish f.) petty action, banality
Acción interdictal(Spanish f.) injunction proceeding
Acción inversa(Spanish f.) reverse action
Acción irracional(Spanish f.) irrational action
Acción irreflexiva(Spanish f.) senseless act, stupidity, act of folly, foolishness, fumble
Accionista(Spanish m./f.) shareholder, stockholder (US)
Acción judicial(Spanish f.) court action, action at law, judicial action
Acción laboral(Spanish f.) industrial action
Acción legal(Spanish f.) legal action, lawsuit
Acción legal por retención de una persona(Spanish f.) habeas corpus
Acción litigiosa(Spanish f.) lawsuit, legal action
Acción maléfica(Spanish f.) maleficence
Acción malévola(Spanish f.) evil deed, evil act, evil action, perversity, vile act, vile action, vile deed
Acción malvada(Spanish f.) evil deed, evil act, evil action
Acción mancomunada(Spanish f.) joint action, collective action
Acción mediatizante(Spanish f.) stop-gap measure
Acción nominativa(Spanish f.) personal share, registered share, registered stock
Acción ofensiva en público(Spanish f.) publically offensive act, scandal
Acción ordinaria(Spanish f.) ordinary share, common stock
Acción para convocar reunión de acreedores(Spanish f.) procedure for calling a creditors' meeting
Acción para recuperación de dinero(Spanish f.) action for recovery of money
Acción para recuperar dinero(Spanish f.) action for recovery of money
Acción paso a paso(Spanish f.) step-by-step action
Acción penal(Spanish f.) criminal action
Acción perjudicial proterva(Spanish f.) wanton misconduct
Acción perversa(Spanish f.) perverse action, evil deed, perverse act, perverse deed
Acción plenaria(Spanish f.) full proceeding, ordinary proceeding
Acción policial(Spanish f.) police action
Acción positiva(Spanish f.) affirmative action
Acción prejudicial(Spanish f.) preliminary action, incidental proceeding, preparatory action
Acción preventiva(Spanish f.) preventive action
Acción privilegiada(Spanish f.) priority share, participating preferred, preference bond, preference share, preference stock
Acción procesal(Spanish f.) legal action, lawsuit
Acción provocadora(Spanish f.) provocative action, instigating action, provocation
Acción pública(Spanish f.) criminal action
Acción que causa descrédito(Spanish f.) discreditable action, scandal
Acción que economiza trabajo(Spanish f.) laboursaving operation
Acción que toma la corte para hacer legal una adopción(Spanish f.) adoption proceedings
Acción química(Spanish f.) chemical action
Acción recíproca(Spanish f.) reciprocal action, interaction
Acción refleja(Spanish f.) reflex action
Acción reflejada(Spanish f.) reflex action
Acción retaliativa(Spanish f.) retaliatory action, ripost
Acción retardada(Spanish f.) delayed action
Acción ridícula(Spanish f.) clownish act, buffoonery
Acción rotativa(Spanish f.) rotary action
Acción ruda(Spanish f.) rude act, rough deed
Acción ruda y grosera(Spanish f.) coarse thing to do, insult, affront, rude action
Acción separada(Spanish f.) separate action
Acción simbólica(Spanish f.) symbolic act
Acción sin derecho(Spanish f.) feigned action
Acción sin importancia(Spanish f.) inconsequential action
Acción sobre un estado de matrimonio(Spanish f.) matrimonial action
Acción solidaria(Spanish f.) joint and several action
Acción sumaria(Spanish f.) summary proceeding
Acción termógena(Spanish f.) thermogenic action
Acción tierna(Spanish f.) delicate action
Acción todo o nada(Spanish f.) on-off action
Acción tomada a pesar de la certeza de un fracaso(Spanish f.) suicide
Acción tonta(Spanish f.) foolish action
Acción torpe(Spanish f.) fumble
Acción traicionera(Spanish f.) treacherous act
Acción valerosa(Spanish f.) brave act, piece of bravado
Acción vana(Spanish f.) futile act, vain action, fatuous action
Acción vanidosa(Spanish f.) fatuous action
Acción vil(Spanish f.) vile act, despicable act, vile action, vile deed, villainous act, vileness
Acción vulgar(Spanish f.) vulgar action
Acción y efecto de entender(Spanish f.) intellection
Accipiter(English, Spanish m.) a hawk of the genus Accipiter, characterized by short wings and a long tail
Accípitre(Spanish m.) accipter, bird of prey
Accisa(Spanish f.) indirect tax on food, excise taxes
Acclaimapplause, welcome, public praise
welcome or applaud enthusiastically, hail as (acclaimed him king)
acclamare(Italian) to shout approval or disapproval of, to cry out at
Acclamationshouting in a person's honour
a genre of non-liturgical Byzantine poetry and music which formed part of the ceremonial of the Byzantine court where it was used to salute the emperor. The genre survives today today in the EasterRussia and the Balkans where it is used to welcome high dignitaries of the Orthodox churches
Acclamations(French f. pl.) cheers (of acclaim)
Acclamazione(Italian f.) applause, acclamation
acclamer(French) to cheer, to acclaim
acclimatare(Italian) to acclimatize
acclimatarsi(Italian) to get acclimatized
acclimater(French) to acclimatize
Acclimation(French) acclimatization
Acclimatizeadapt to a new climate or set of conditions
accludere(Italian) to enclose
accoccolasi(Italian) to squat
accogliente(Italian) welcoming
Accolada(Italian) in music, an accolade is a 'brace' used to join two or more staves
Accoladepraise given
Accolade(French f.) brace, bracket, corchete (Spanish), llave (Spanish)
brace or bracket
(French f., English, Dutch) brace or bracket - a large { - used to link two or more related staves in a musical score, as, for example, in the two-stave format used in piano or harp music, and in scores (see illustration above)
Accolatura(Spanish) system
Accolito(Italian m.) an acolyte
accollare(Italian) to load, to charge, to yoke (oxen)
(Italian) to fit close to the nack
accollarsi(Italian) to take upon oneself, to undertake (a task, role, etc.)
Accollatario(Italian m.) a contractor
accollato(Italian) high-necked
Accollatura(Italian f.) system
Accolta(Italian f.) an assembly, a gathering
accoltellare(Italian) to knife, to stab
accom.abbreviation of 'accompaniment'
Accomandatario(Italian m.) a general partner (in business)
Accomandità(Italian f.) a limited partnership
accomiatare(Italian) to dismiss
accomiatarsi (da)(Italian) to take one's leave (of)
Accommodation addresspostal address used by a person who is unable or unwilling to provide a permanent address
Accommodement(French m.) compromise
Accomodamento(Italian m.) an arrangement, mending (repairing), an adaptation, a settlement, an accommodation (business), an agreement, an adjustment, a compromise, a reconciliation
accomodante(Italian) accommodating
accomodare(Italian) to mend, to repair, to adjust, to adapt, to tune or put into good working order
(Italian) to arrange, to oblige, to settle
accomodarsi(Italian) to come to terms, to make oneself comfortable, to sit down, to take a seat
accomp.abbreviation of 'accompaniment', 'accompanied' or 'accompany'
Accompagnamento(Italian m.) an accompaniment, the figured bass or harmony (as opposed to the melody)
(Italian m.) retinue
Accompagnamento ad libitum(Italian m.) optional accompaniment
Accompagnamento obbligato(Italian m.) an accompaniment that is indispensible to a performance
accompagnando(Italian) accompanying, subsiduary
accompagnano il canto(Italian) accompanying the song
accompagnare(Italian) to accompany (for example, a singer), to play from figured bass
(Italian) to accompany, to attend, to wait upon, to escort, to match, to couple, to harmonize, to place side by side
accompagnarsi(Italian) (in music) to accompany oneself
(Italian) to keep company, to match, to join, to take as a companion
Accompagnateur (m.), Accompagnatrice (f.)(French) the person who accompanies (on the organ, piano, or any other instrument), one who plays from a figured bass
accompagnato(Italian) accompanied, accompanying, begleitet (German), accompagné (French)
where the accompanist must follow the singer allowing the singer to vary the tempo as he or she wishes
Accompagnatore (m.), Accompagnatrice (f.)(Italian) accompanist, one who plays from a figured bass
accompagné(French) accompanied, accompagnato (Italian), begleitet (German)
Accompagnement (s.), Accompagnements (pl.)(French m.) accompaniment(s)
Accompagnement figuré(French m.) a florid accompaniment performed by an orchestra
accompagner(French) to accompany
Accompaniedperforming to an accompaniment
Accompanied canonsee 'mixed canon'
Accompanied fuguea fugal form, found sometime in oratorios, where a fugue, performed by the chorus, is sung to an instrumental accompaniment
Accompanimentaccompagnamento (Italian), Beleitung (German), accompagnement (French)
support provided harmonically, rhythmically or melodically to the main theme in a piece of music, which although often considered to be subordinate may, on occasion, dominate, for example, when the melody line is not playing or, on the piano, when left hand chords accompany a melody in the right hand. The accompaniment may be provided by a group of instruments, for example, the rhythm section in a jazz band, or the orchestral parts in a classical instrumental concerto (for example, a Beethoven piano concerto). The term is also applied to a part played from figured bass
apart from the standard accompaniment described above there are also:
accompaniment ab libituman accompaniment that may be omitted in performance
accompaniment obbligatoan accompaniment that is integral to the performance, as, for example, the piano accompaniment to a Schubert song
additional accompanimentan accompaniment written by someone other than the original composer
Accompaniment ab libitumsee 'accompaniment'
Accompaniment figurea figuration used repeatedly in an accompaniment, for example, an Alberti bass, other arpeggiation, ostinati or riffs
Accompaniment obbligatosee 'accompaniment'
Accompaniment of the scalea chordal progression that is used to harmonise a rising or falling scale
Accompanimentsor side-dishes, items offered separately with a dish of food
Accompaniment to a Film Scenein German Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielszene, an orchestral work by Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), Op.34, composed in Berlin between 1929 and 1930
Accompanista musician that performs an accompaniment, for example, the pianist who accompanies a vocalist in Lieder
Accompanyoriginally meaning 'take as a companion', but from the 1850s also meaning 'to perform with another but in a subordinate role', i.e. not as equals
accompli(French) accomplished
Accomplishfulfil, complete
Accomplishedclever, skilled, perfect as a result of training
Accomplissement(French m.) fulfilment
accomunare(Italian) to put together, to throw open to all
accomunarsi(Italian) to mix, to associate familiarly, to fraternize
acconciamente(Italian) becomingly, fittingly, tidily, precisely, neatly
acconciari(Italian) to arrange, to set in order, to prepare for use, to deck, to adorn, to dress (skins, etc.), to pickle (produce, etc.)
acconciarsi(Italian) to dress (for an occasion), to tidy oneself, to adorn oneself
acconciarsi a(Italian) to accomodate oneself to, to adapt oneself to
acconciarsi per(Italian) to compose oneself for
Acconciatura(Italian f.) arrangement, toilette (French), hair-style, head-dress, style of hairdressing
Acconcio(Italian m.) advantage, opportunity, agreement
acconcio(Italian) proper, suitable, serviceable, seasonable, seasoned, opportune, fit
accondiscendere a(Italian) condescend, comply with, consent to
acconsentire(Italian) to consent, to assent, to accede, to spring, to stretch, to concede, to grant
accontentare(Italian) to satisfy
accontentarsi di(Italian) to be satisfied (with), to be content (with)
Acconto(Italian m.) instalment (part-payment)
Accoppiamento(Italian m.) coupler (for example, organ stops), connection, pairing, matching, coupling
accoppiamento(Italian) coupling (stops on an organ), accouplement (French)
accoppiare(Italian) to couple (organ stops), accoupler (French)
(Italian) to join, to pair, to unite, to match
accoppiarsi(Italian) to pair, to marry, to go as couples
accoppiato(Italian) coupled (organ stops), accouplé (French)
(Italian) bound, tied, joined together, legato (Italian), verbunden (German), gebunden (German)
Accoramento(Italian m.) grief, sorrow, heartache, heartfelt sentiment
accoramento, con(Italian) or con afflizione (Italian), with grief, mit Betrübnis (German), trübselig (German), attristé (French)
accorare(Italian) to grieve, to afflict, to pierce to the heart (with grief)
accorarsi(Italian) to to grieved, to be distressed, to be heartbroken
accorato(Italian) sorrowful, grieving, worried, bothered, distressed, betrübt (German), chagriné (French)
Accorciamento(Italian m.) shortening, abbreviation, contraction
accorciare(Italian) to shorten, to curtail, to abridge
accorciarsi(Italian) to contract, to shrink
Accorciatoia(Italian f.) a short-cut
Accord(French m.) a chord, a harmony, accordo (Italian m.)
(French m.) the mode or manner of tuning of an instrument, as, for example, the specified choice of tuning (scordatura) for a particular piece for the violin, accordo (Italian m.)
(French m.) consonance, concord, agreement
accordable(French) tunable
Accordage(French m.) tuning, afinación (Spanish)
Accord à l'ouvert(French m.) a chord that can be played using on the open strings
Accordamento(Italian) tuning, concord, harmony
Accordancethe relative degree of concordance/discordance of an interval
accordando(Italian) tuning, being in tune with, agreeing, accordante (Italian), zusammenstimmend (German)
in comic opera, a term used to describe the series of notes that an orchestra might play to mimic those of the open strings of a stringed instrument, for example, for the violin, the notes g, d', a' and e"
Accord à note ajoutée(French) added-note chord
accordante(Italian) synonymous with accordando (Italian)
Accordanza(Italian) tuning, concord, harmony
accordare(Italian) to tune (a musical instrument), accorder (French), stimmen (German), afinar (Spanish)
(Italian) to be in tune, to harmonize
(Italian) to match (colours), to be in agreement, to be of one heart
(Italian) to reconcile, to grant (loan), to accord, to allow (to permit), to make agree with (grammar), to attune
accordare a(Italian) to accord to
accordare il violino(Italian) to tune the violin
Accord arpègé(French m.) broken chord
accordarsi(Italian) to concur, to be in accord, to be in harmony, to act in concert, to agree (grammar)
(Italian) to tune up
accordarsi di orchestra(Italian) to tune up (an orchestra)
accordato, accordati, accordata, accordate(Italian, various forms) tuned, agreement in harmony or tuning, accordé (French m.), accordée (French f.)
Accordatoio(Italian) a tuning key
Accordatore (m.), Accordatrice (f.)(Italian) tuner, for example, a person who tunes a piano or organ
Accordatura(Italian f.) tuning, concord, harmony
(Italian) in French accord, the mode or manner of tuning on a stringed instrument, for example on a violin the four notes each a fifth from its neighbour, i.e. g, d', a' and e"
the term accordatura is generally applied to the standard or conventional tuning of a stringed instrument as opposed to a special tuning which from the nineteenth century was called scordatura. The system devised by the Italian Attilio Ariosti (1666-1729), described in the entry below, would today be said to be notated in scordatura but was called accordatura by the composer
ariosti accordatura exampleThomas Georgi writes:

Every composer/player had his own approach to this notation, and Ariosti's is an especially complicated one, employing every known clef and others he invented besides, not for the usual purpose, but to indicate different positions of the hand, especially to extend the violin fingerings down onto the 5th and 6th strings. However, while the player may know where to place which finger on what string, he does not know what pitch to expect

[image and text taken from]

Accordatura giusta(Italian f.) just intonation
Accordatura mesotonica(Italian f.) meantone temperament
Accord au repos(French m.) a chord considered solely as itself, without reference to what chord precedes it or what chord follows it
Accord avec barre(French m.) slash chord
Accord brisé(French m.) a broken chord
Accord combines(French m.) compound chord
Accord d'approche(French m.) passing chord
Accord de dominante(French m.) dominant chord, V
Accord d'emprunt(French m.) borrowed chord, a chord borrowed from the parallel key. If the root of the borrowed chord is not in the original key, then they are named by the accidental. For instance, in the major, a chord borrowed from the parallel minor's sixth degree is a "flat six chord" written bVI. Borrowed chords are an example of mode mixture
Accord de neuvième dominante(French m.) dominant ninth chord
Accord de passage(French m.) passing chord
Accord de petite sixte(French m.) the triad of a minor third and a sixth (for example, D F B)
Accord de quinte augmentée(French m.) augmented triad, Übermäßiger Dreiklang (German)
Accord de quinte diminuée(French m.) diminished triad, Verminderter Dreiklang (German)
Accord de septième(French m.) seventh triad
Accord de septième diminuée(French m.) fully diminished seventh triad (diminished traid, diminished seventh)
Accord de septième de dominante(French m.) dominant seventh chord (major triad, minor seventh)
Accord de septième majeure(French m.) major seventh chord (major triad, major seventh)
Accord de septième majeure sur mineur(French m.) minor major seventh chord (minor triad, major seventh)
Accord de septième mineure(French m.) minor seventh chord (minor triad, minor seventh)
Accord de septième sur sensible(French m.) half-diminished seventh chord (diminished triad, minor seventh)
Accord de supposition(French m.) arising from Rameau's Traité, the harmony of supposition, any harmony that accompanies a note to which it does not belong
Accord de tonique(French m.) tonic chord, I
Accord de trois sons(French m.) triad
Accord dissonant(French m.) a harmony containing a dissonance which should be resolved
accordé (m.), accordée (f.)(French) in tune, tuned, accordato (Italian), accordati (Italian), accordata (Italian), accordate (Italian)
Accord enchaîné(French m.) a 'linked' chord, in other words, a chord considered as part of a progression
Accord emprunte (à une autre tonalite)(French m.) borrowed chord
Accord en intervalles mixtes(French m.) compound chord
Accordeon(Dutch m.) accordion
Accordéon(French m.) also piano du pauvre or piano à bretelles, accordion, armonica (Italian f.), Akkordeon (German n.), Zeihharmonika (German f.), acordeón (Spanish m.)
Accordéon à boutons(French m.) button accordion
Accordéon à clavier(French m.) piano accordion, armonica a clavitura (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit Klaviatur (German n.), acordeón con el teclado (Spanish m.)
Accordéon à clavier découvert(French m.) accordion with open keyboard, armonica a clavitura scoperta (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit offener Klaviatur (German n.), acordeón con el teclado descubierto (Spanish m.)
Accordéon à clavier fermé(French m.) accordion with covered keyboard, armonica a clavitura chiusa (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit verdeckter Klaviatur (German n.), acordeón con el teclado encerrado (Spanish m.)
Accordéon à embouchure(French m.) blow-accordion, armonica con bocchino a fiato (Italian f.), Blasakkordeon (German n.), acordeón con embocadura (Spanish m.)
Accordéon à registres(French m.) accordion with stops, armonica con registri (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit Registern (German n.), acordeón con registros (Spanish m.)
Accordéon automatique(French m.) automatical accordion, armonica automatico (Italian f.), Automatisches Akkordeon (German n.), acordeón automaticó (Spanish m.)
Accordéon avec lames d'acier(French m.) accordion with steel reeds, armonica con voci d'acciaio (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit stahlönen (German n.), acordeón con lengüesta de acero (Spanish m.)
Accordéon chromatique(French m.) chromatic accordion
Accordéon chromatique Schrammel(French m.) see 'Schrammel chromatic accordion'
Accordéon diatonique(French m.) diatonic accordion
Accordéon français(French m.) French accordion
Accordéoniste(French m.) accordionist
Accordéon italien(French m.) Italian accordion
accorder(French) to tune (an instrument), to play in tune (in music), to sing in tune (in music), accordare (Italian), stimmen (German), afinar (Spanish)
(French) to match (colours)
accorder le violin (ou piano)(French) to tune the violin (or piano)
Accordeur(French m./f.) a tuner, a person who tunes an instrument
Accord faux(French m.) out of tune
Accordianmisspelling of 'accordion'
Accordionaccordéon (French m.), acordeón (Spanish m.), fisarmonica (Italian f.), Akkordeon (German n.), Ziehharmonika (German f.)
a small, portable, box-shaped musical instrument, developed in Saxony (Germany) and Bohemia (Czech Republic), with metal reeds set in motion by air from a bellows operated by the player; the notes are operated either by playing on a piano-like keyboard or buttons, or a combination of the two. The first recognizable button accordion was made by Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann (1805-1864) in Berlin (1821/2), which he called the Hand-Aeoline or Konzertina. This was the instrument Cyrillus Demian (1772-1847) of Vienna turned into a three or four note instrument called the Schieber, afterwards improving it and calling it an Accordeon under which name he patented it in 1829. This type of accordion was the instrument a wayfaring stranger brought with him during a room & board stopover at the Castelfidardo home of Antonio and Lucia Soprani and their sons, one of whom, Paolo Soprani was inspired to start up making accordions in his home in 1864 - the rest, as they say, is history. After the accordion was established (and this was still a button box), Phillip de Punts and Johann Forster, according to Lobel (citing the Accordeon Dictionary, Berlin edition), put a piano keyboard to the accordion in 1865 - which seems to be the first occurrence of a piano accordion
see 'Schrammel accordion'
"Accordion, (n). an instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin." Ambrose Bierce (1842-c.1914) from The Devils Dictionary
Accordion Cadiensee 'Cajun accordion'
Accordion doorfolding door, an interior door that opens by folding back in sections (rather than by swinging on hinges)
Accordion with covered keyboardarmonica a clavitura chiusa (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit verdeckter Klaviatur (German n.), accordéon à clavier fermé (French m.), acordeón con el teclado encerrado (Spanish m.)
Accordion with open keyboardarmonica a clavitura scoperta (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit offener Klaviatur (German n.), accordéon à clavier découvert (French m.), acordeón con el teclado descubierto (Spanish m.)
Accordion with stopsarmonica con registri (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit Registern (German n.), accordéon à registres (French m.), acordeón con registros (Spanish m.)
Accordion with steel reedsarmonica con voci d'acciaio (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit stahlönen (German n.), accordéon avec lames d'acier (French m.), acordeón con lengüesta de acero (Spanish m.)
Accord mineur septieme majeure(French m.) minor major seventh chord
Accordo(Italian m.) a chord, a consonance, the tuning of a musical instrument, accord (French m.)
(Italian m.) a concord (grammar)
(Italian m.) a compromise, an accord
(Italian m.) the name of a bass instrument common in Italy with twelve to fifteen strings
Accordo arpeggiato(Italian m.) broken chord
Accordo consono(Italian m.) a concord
accordo, d'(Italian) agreed, granted
accordo, di comune(Italian) by mutual consent, with one accord
Accordo di nona di dominante(Italian m.) dominant ninth chord
Accordo di settima(Italian m.) a seventh chord
Accordo di settima di dominante(Italian m.) dominant seventh chord
Accordo dissono(Italian m.) a discord
Accordo fra gentiluomini(Italian m.) a gentlemen's agreement
Accordoir(French m.) tuning hammer, tuning key
(French m.) a tuning fork
Accord parfait(French m.) triad, Dreiklang (German), acorde perfecto (Spanish)
Accord parfait majeur(French m.) major triad, Durdreiklang (German)
Accord parfait mineur(French m.) minor triad, Molldreiklang (German)
Accord plaqué(French m.) block chord (a chord in which all the notes are struck together, as opposed to accord brisé (French: broken chord) where the notes are struck one after another)
Accord préparatoire(French m.) preparatory chord, the first chord in a cadential progression
Accords combinés(French m. pl.) compound chords
Accords de cinq notes(French m. pl.) also accords de cinq sons or accords de neuvième, ninth chords
Accords de quatre cordes(French m. pl.) four string chords (on a stringed instrument)
Accords de quatre notes(French m. pl.) also accords de quatre sons or accords de septième, seventh chords
Accords de trois cordes(French m. pl.) three string chords (on a stringed instrument)
Accords de trois notes(French m. pl.) also accords de trois sons or accords de quinte, triads
Accords d'ornement(French m. pl.) embellishing chords
Accords en intervalles mixtes(French m. pl.) compound chords
Accord substitué(French m.) substitute chord
Accord symétrique(French m.) mirror chord
Accorgimento(Italian m.) shrewdness
accorrere(Italian) to hasten
accorto(Italian) shrewd
Accouchement(French) confinement
accoucher de(French) to labour
Accoucheur (m.), Accoucheuse (f.)(French) obstetrician, mid-wife (male), mid-wife (female)
accouder(French) to lean (one's elbows) on
Accoudoir(French m.) armrest
Account(German m./n. from English) tale, story, where a record of one's money is kept (in a bank, post office, building society, etc.)
accouplé(French) coupled (organ stops), accoppiato (Italian)
Accouplement(French m.) coupler (organ stops)
Accouplement(French m.) coupling, accoppiamento (Italian)
accoupler(French) to couple (organ stops), accoppiare (Italian)
accouplez(French) a direction 'to couple' (organ stops)
Accoutrement(French m.) garb
accoutumé(French) customary
Accozzaglia(Italian f.) jumble, mob (of people)
accozzare(Italian) to jumble up, to shuffle (cards), to amass, to collect, to put together
accozzarsi(Italian) to get together, to combine for mischief, to clash
Accozzo(Italian m.) a jumble, a medley
accreditare(Italian) to accredit, to confirm the truth of
accréditer(French) to give credence to
accres.abbreviated form of accrescendo
accrescendo(Italian) getting louder, crescendo (Itaian), vermehrend (German), zunehmend (an Tonstärke) (German), stärker werdend (German), en accroissant (French), for example, by augmenting tone and force
accrescere(Italian) to increase, to augment
accrescersi(Italian) to increase
Accrescimento(Italian m.) or accresscimento, an increase, an augmentation, a growth
(Italian) or accresscimento, a prolonging of the time value of a note by placing a dot after it
accresciuto(Italian) increased, superfluous, augmented (pertaining to intervals)
accrespare(Italian) to curl, to wrinkle
accresscimentosee accrescimento
Accretion(Italian, from the Latin, accretionem) a growing larger
Accro(French m./f.) fan (enthusiast)
Accroc(French m.) tear, rip, hitch (figurative)
accrocher(French) to hang up (suspend), to hook, to hitch, to attract
accrochez la pédale(French) depress the pedal (on a harp, etc.)
accroupi(French) squatting
accroupir(French) to squat
Accrued deficitsthe delays or lack of development in emotional, social, academic, or behavioral skills that a child or adolescent experiences because of untreated mental illness. The mental illness keeps the individual from developing these life skills at the usual stage of life. An individual may never fully make up for these deficiencies
accudire a(Italian) to attend to
Accueil(French m.) reception, welcome
Acculturationthe adoption and assimilation of an alien culture, the borrowing between cultures, or, the modifying of one person's or group's culture by contact with a different culture. Also, the process by which people acquire knowledge of the cultures in which they live
Accumulatorpart of the mechanism of coin-operated electric musical instruments that matches the number of coins deposited to the number of tunes to be played
accuratamente(Italian) accurately, carefully, precisely, correctly
accurato(Italian) or accuratamente (Italian), accurate, careful, carefully, precise, precisely, correct, correctly, sorgfältig (German), soigneusement (French), soigné (French)
Accurezza(Italian f.) accuracy, exactitude, care, precision
accus.abbreviation of 'accusative' (case expressing the object of an action)
accusé (m.), accusée (f.)(French) with emphasis, emphasised
accuser reception de(French) to acknowledge receipt of
ACDCMabbreviation of 'Archbishop of Canterbury's Diploma in Church Music'
Acebada(Spanish f.) holly thicket
Acebado(Spanish m.) holly thicket
Acebal(Spanish m.) holly thicket
Acebeda(Spanish f.) holly grove, holly wood
Acebedo(Spanish m.) holly grove, holly wood
Acebo(Spanish m.) holly, holly (tree)
acebollado (m.), acebollada (f.)(Spanish) onion-shaped, onion-flavoured
Acebolladura(Spanish f.) ring shake, cup shake
acebrado (m.), acebrada (f.)(Spanish) striped
Acebuchal(Spanish m.) grove of wild olive trees
Acebuche(Spanish m.) wild olive tree (Elaeagnus angustifolia), oleaster, Russian olive, silverberry, wild olive
Acebuchina(Spanish f.) wild olive, oleaster, Russian olive
acebucheno (m.), acebuchena (f.)(Spanish) wild-olive-tree, of the wild olive tree
Acechadera(Spanish f.) lookout post, observation post, lurking place, cover
Acechadero(Spanish m.) lookout post, observation post
Acechador (m.), Acechadora (f.)(Spanish) waylayer, lurcher
acechador (m.), acechadora (f.)(Spanish) ambushing, lurking, observing, watching
Acechamiento(Spanish m.) watching, lying in wait, observing
Acechanza(Spanish f.) lying in wait, observing, watching
acechar(Spanish) to watch, to be on the lookout for, to lurk, to pry, to spy on, to watch carefully for, to threaten
acechar a(Spanish) to lie in wait for, to pry into
Aceche(Spanish m.) vitriol (particularly sulphuric acid or various metallic sulphates)
Acecho(Spanish m.) spying, vigilance, observing, watch, watching, waylaying
acechón (m.), acechona (f.)(Spanish) ambushing, lurking, observing, watching
acecinado(Spanish) like cured meat, similar to cured meat
acecinar(Spanish) to cure (meat), to cure by salting and smoking
acecinarse(Spanish) to become wizened, to become thin with age
acedamente(Spanish) bitterly, sourly
acedar(Spanish) to annoy, to displease, to vex, to turn sour (milk, wine), to sour, to embitter, to spoil
acedarse(Spanish) to get annoyed
Acedera(Spanish f.) sorrel, sour dock
Acedera menor(Spanish f.) wood sorrel
Acederaque(Spanish m.) bead tree, azedarach, Barbados pride, China tree, chinaberry, chinaberry tree, pride of China, pride of India, Melia azedarach
Acederilla(Spanish f.) wood sorrel, oxalis
Acederón(Spanish m.) type of sorrel/td>
à ce destinés(French) for this purpose
Acediasee Accidia
(German f.) aridity, laziness, sloth, apathy (particular in regard to one's spiritual life)
Acedía(Spanish f.) dab (fish), plaice (fish), flounder
(Spanish f.) acidity, heartburn (acidity), sourness, unpleasantness, acedia
acedo (m.), aceda (f.)(Spanish) acidic, acid, sour, acidulous, vinegary, unpleasant, disagreeable, harsh, rough
Acedra(Spanish f.) sheep sorrel
Acedrilla(Spanish f.) sheep sorrel
Acefalismo(Spanish m.) lack of a leader, headless, acephalia, acephalism
acéfalo (m.), acéfala (f.)(Spanish) acephalic, leaderless
Aceitada(Spanish f.) pastry made with oil, olive oil cake
Aceitado(Spanish m.) oiling
aceitado (m.), aceitada (f.)(Spanish) lubricated, oiled
aceitado de nuevo (m.), aceitada de nuevo (f.)(Spanish) reoiled, re-oiled
aceitar(Spanish) to oil, to add oil to (culinary)
Aceite(Spanish m.) oil, olive oil
Aceite comestible(Spanish m.) edible oil
Aceite de almendras(Spanish m.) almond oil (almond tree: Prunus dulcis)
Aceite de almendras dulces(Spanish m.) (sweet) almond oil
Aceite de ceje(Spanish m.) seje oil (seje: Oenocarpus batauea)
Aceite de colza(Spanish m.) rape-seed oil
Aceite de dos tiempos(Spanish m.) two-stroke engine oil
Aceite de girasol(Spanish m.) sunflower oil
Aceite de hígado de bacalao(Spanish m.) cod liver oil
Aceite de linaza(Spanish m.) linseed oil (linseed plant: Linum usitatissimum)
Aceite de maíz(Spanish m.) corn oil
Aceite de oliva(Spanish m.) olive oil
the standard bottles of olive oil contain oil from green olives, black olives, or a combination of both. Green olives make for a strong, peppery taste which is usually used as a base with foods that have a stronger flavour. Oils made from ripe olives have a milder, smoother, somewhat buttery taste without bitterness, and are perfect for foods with subtle flavours because the gentle taste of a ripe olive oil won't overshadow mildly flavoured foods
Aceite de oliva extra virgen(Spanish m.) extra virgin olive oil
Aceite de olivas negras(Spanish m.) olive oil made from black olives
Aceite de onagra(Spanish m.) (evening) primrose oil
Aceite de ricino(Spanish m.) castor oil
Aceite esencial(Spanish m.) essential oil (an oil containing the essence of a particular plant, fruit, etc.)
Aceite gastado(Spanish m.) waste oil, spent oil, used oil
Aceite lubricante(Spanish m.) lubricating oil
Aceitera(Spanish m.) oil bottle, oilcan, cruet (culinary)
aceitero(Spanish) oil
Aceite vegetal(Spanish m.) vegetable oil
aceitoso (m.), aceitosa (f.)(Spanish) oily
Aceituna(Spanish f.) olive
aceitunado (m.), aceitunada (f.)(Spanish) olive, olive-coloured
Aceituna rellena(Spanish f.) stuffed olive
Aceituna sin hueso(Spanish f.) pitted olive
Aceituno(Spanish m.) olive tree
acelerando(Spanish) accelerando
Aceleración(Spanish f.) acceleration
aceleradamente(Spanish) quickly
acelerado (m.), acelerada (f.)(Spanish) intensive (training, study), crash (course), accelerated (learning), fast (learner)
Acelerador(Spanish m.) accelerator (pedal)
Acelerador de partículas(Spanish m.) particle accelerator (particle physics)
acelerar(Spanish) to accelerate, to speed up (figurative), to quicken (also figurative), to hurry (up) (colloquial)
aceleró el coche(Spanish) he accelerated, he revved the engine, he revved the car (up)
Acelga (s.), Acelgas (pl.)(Spanish f.) chard, Swiss chard
Ace Lhamo(Tibetan, literally 'fairy sisters') Tibetan Opera
see 'Tibetan opera'
a cemb.abbreviation of a cembalo (Italian: for the harpsichord)
a cembalo(Italian) or a cemb., for the harpsichord
Acémila(Spanish f.) mule, ass (colloquial: as an insult)
Acemilero(Spanish m.) muleteer
Aceña(Spanish f.) water-mill
a cencerros tapados(Spanish) quietly, stealthily
acendrado (m.), acendrada (f.)(Spanish) pure (as in the purity of a metal)
acendrar(Spanish) to purify, to refine (metal)
acensuar(Spanish) to tax
a centenadas(Spanish) by the hundred, in hundreds
a centenares(Spanish) by the hundred, in hundreds
Acento(Spanish m.) accent (stress, signs placed over or under a letter), accent (intonation characteristic of those from a particular country or region), stress (emphasis), emphasis
Acento agudo(Spanish m.) acute accent (´)
Acento circunflejo(Spanish m.) or signo de intercalación (Spanish m.), circumflex accent (ˆ)
Acento grave(Spanish m.) grave accent (`)
Acento francés(Spanish m.) French accent
Acento irlandés(Spanish m.) Irish accent
Acentuación(Spanish f.) accentuation
acentuado (m.), acentuada (f.)(Spanish) accented, marked, distinct, betont (German), accentuato (Italian), accentué (French)
acentuar(Spanish) to stress, to accent (add an accent to a letter), to accent (emphasize), to emphasize (figurative), to accentuate
acentuar la importancia de(Spanish) to stress the importance of
acentuarse(Spanish) to become noticeable, to become accentuated (differences, problems)
Acepción(Spanish f.) meaning, sense
Acephalitesthe name given to several mythical headless monsters
Acephalousof a manuscript, lacking its beginning
in poetry, acephalous lines are lines in normal iambic pentameter that contain only nine syllables rather than the expected ten
aceptable(Spanish) acceptable, passable
Aceptación(Spanish f.) acceptance, approval (aprobation), success
aceptan cheques(Spanish) they take cheques
aceptar(Spanish) to accept
aceptó venir(Spanish) she agreed to come
Acequia(Spanish f.) irrigation channel, irrigation ditch
Acera(Spanish f.) pavement (Brit), sidewalk (US)
acerado(Spanish) steel, sharp (figurative: mordant)
Aceramic(of a culture, period or site) having no pottery (or no ceramic remains)
acerbo(Italian) sharp, unripe (immature)
acerbo (m.), acerba (f.)(Spanish) scathing (sharply critical)
acerca de(Spanish) about
acerca de ti(Spanish) about you
Acercamiento(Spanish) bringing together, coming together, reconciliation (figurative), rapprochement
a cercano plazo(Spanish) near-term
acercar(Spanish) to bring ... nearer, to bring ... closer, to bring near, to bring nearer, to bring (over), to bring together (figurative), to give ... a lift (in a car, etc.), to give ... a ride (in a car, etc.)
acercar la mesa a la puerta(Spanish) to move the table closer to the door, to move the table nearer to the door
acercar las manos al fuego(Spanish) to hold one's hands closer to the fire
acercar más(Spanish) to come closer, to come nearer, to get closer, to get nearer
acercarse(Spanish) to approach (to move near to), to get closer, to get nearer, to bring together (figurative), to draw closer together, to draw near
a cercén(Spanish) entirely
Acería(Spanish f.) steelworks
Acerico(Spanish m.) pincushion
Acero(Italian m.) or legno di acero (Italian m.), Ahorn (German m.), Érable (French m.), Esdoorn (Dutch), maple
Acero(Spanish m.) steel
Acero inoxidable(Spanish m.) stainless steel
acerrimo(Italian) implacable
acérrimo (m.), acérrima (f.)(Spanish) staunch (figurative: defender, supporter), bitter (enemy)
acertado(Spanish) right, correct (appropriate), appropriate
Acertante(Spanish m./f.) winner
acertante(Spanish) winning (ticket, numbers in a lottery)
acertar(Spanish) to get right (result, answer), to guess correctly, to be right (decide correctly)
acertar a(Spanish) to happen to
acertar a hacer ...(Spanish) to manage to do ... (something)
acertar con(Spanish) to hit on
acertar la quiniela(Spanish) to win the pools
acertaste con el regalo(Spanish) your present was perfect
Acertijo(Spanish m.) riddle, puzzle
Acervo(Spanish m.) pile (building), common property, heritage
Acervo cultural(Spanish m.) cultural tradition, cultural heritage
Acetalharz(German n.) acetal resin
Acetato(Spanish m.) acetate
à cet égard(French) in this respect
Acethylenflasche(German f.) acetylene cylinder
acético(Spanish) acetic
Acetileno(Spanish m.) acetylene
Aceton(German n.) or Dimethylketon, acetone
Acetona(Spanish f.) acetone, nail-polish remover
Acetylen(German n.) acetylene
Acetylenflasche(German f.) acetylene cylinder
Ach!(German) Alas!
ach(German) alack (archaic interjection)
achacar(Spanish) to attribute
achacarle la culpa a ...(Spanish) to lay the blame on ... (somebody), to put the blame on ... (somebody)
achacoso (m.), achacosa (f.)(Spanish) sickly, ailing, unwell, suffering from aches and pains (colloquial)
à chacun son goût(French) every man to his taste
achaflanar(Spanish) to bevel
Achalasiagenerally, a failure of relaxation of smooth muscle fibres
more specifically, a disorder of the esophagus that prevents normal swallowing
a chaleco(Spanish) by force
(Spanish - Mexico) no matter what
achantar(Spanish) to scare, to intimidate
achantarse(Spanish) to back down (figurative), to hide, to corner
achaparrado(Spanish) stocky (build)
Achaque (s.), Achaques (pl.)(Spanish m.) ailment, complaint (ailment)
acharné (m.), acharnée (f.)(French) eager, relentless, ruthless
Acharnement(French m.) relentlessness, ferocity, desperation
Achat(French m.) purchase
(German m.) agate (stone)
Achatamiento(Spanish m.) flattening
Achatamiento polar(Spanish m.) polar flattening
achatar(Spanish) to flatten
Achats(French m.) shopping
Achatesa faithful companion, referring to a character, armour-bearer and faithful friend of Aeneas, in Virgil's Aeneid
Ach du liebe Zeit!(German) Oh dear! (colloquial), Dear me!
Ach du lieber Himmel!(German) Heavens!, Goodness gracious me!
Ach du meine Güte!(German) Good grief!, Dear me!, Good gracious!
Acheré(Cuba) or atcheré, a small rattle or santería shaker made of either metal, wood, gourd, coconut or other material, used to play the standard bell patterns or other accompaniments in batá ensembles
acheter(French) to buy, to purchase
à cheval(French) on horseback, (a line of troops) extending on both sides of a road or river, (in roulette) a stake placed on the line dividing two adjacent numbers
a military signal sounded by the trumpet
à cheval sur(French) straddling
achevé d'imprimer(French) printing completed
Achèvement(French m.) completion
achever(French) to finish (off)
à chevrons(French) herring-bone
achicado(Spanish) childish
achicar(Spanish) to make smaller, to reduce, to belittle (figurative), to take in (garment), to intimidate (person), to daunt, to bail out (water)
achicarse(Spanish) to become smaller, to shrink, to be daunted, to be intimidated, to be humiliated
Achicharradero(Spanish m.) inferno
achicharrante(Spanish) scorching (familiar: heat), sweltering (familiar: heat)
achicharrar(Spanish) to burn ... to a cinder (colloquial: overcook meat), to scorch (plant), to burn to a crisp, to pester (figurative)
achicharrarse(Spanish) to fry (person), to burn (person), to get scorched (plant), to be burned to a crisp (colloquial)
Achichincle(Spanish m./f. - Mexican) hanger-on (colloquial: pejorative)
Achichinque(Spanish m./f. - Mexican) hanger-on (colloquial: pejorative)
achicopalado(Spanish - Colombia, Mexico) depressed
achicopalar(Spanish - Colombia, Mexico) to intimidate (colloquial)
achicopalarse(Spanish - Colombia, Mexico) to feel intimidated (colloquial)
Achicoria(Spanish f.) chicory
Achievementthe successful completion of something for which was one has striven
a full display of armorial bearings
Achillesferse(German f.) Achilles' heel, weak spot, tender spot (figurative)
Achillessehne(German f.) Achilles' tendon, Achilles tendon
Achillessehnenriss(German m.) Achilles' tendon tear
Achillessehnenruptur(German f.) Achilles' tendon rupture
achinado (m.), achinada (f.)(Spanish) slanting (eyes), oriental (appearance, features)
Achiote(Spanish m. - Latin America) anatto, anatta, annatto, annotta (various spellings of a dye of reddish yellow made from the pulp around the seeds of a tropical dicotyledonous tree (Bixa orellana, family Bixaceae - also called the 'lipstick tree') - it is used for colouring cheese, butter, etc.)
achís(Spanish) atishoo!
achispado (m.), achispada (f.)(Spanish) tipsy (colloquial)
achisparse(Spanish) to get tipsy
ach ja(German) oh well
Ach ja?(German) Really?
Achladolyre(Greek) a pear-shaped lyra from Thrace-Macedonia
achocolatado (m.), achocolatada (f.)(Spanish) (chocolate-)brown
acholado (m.), acholada (f.)(Spanish - Latin America) with (S. American) Indian features
a chorro(Spanish) jet-propelled
a chorros(Spanish) in abundance, abundantly, in floods, in loads, in plenty
Achromaticsee 'diatonic'
Achromatic musicmusic that because it seldom modulates is simple enough that it requires few if any accidentals
achromatisch(German) achromatic, achromatically
Achromat-Linse(German f.) achromatic lens
Achsabstand(German m.) centre distance, axial distance
Achsdruckentlastung(German f.) squat
Achse (s.), Achsen (pl.)(German f.) centre pin, axis, arbor, pivot, shaft, axle
Achsel(German f.) shoulder, armpit
Achselgrube(German f.) armpit, axilla, axillary, underarm, arm-pit
Achselhaare(German pl.) underarm hair
Achselhöhle(German f.) armpit
Achselklappe (s.), Achselklappen (pl.)(German f.) shoulder loop (on a dress, etc.), epaulete
Achseln(German pl.) shoulders
Achselstück(German n.) epaulet
Achselzucken(German n.) shrug (of the shoulders)
achselzuckend(German) shrugging, with a shrug
Achsen-(German) axial
Achsenabstand(German m.) centre distance
Achsenkreuz(German n.) axes of coordinates
achsensymmetrisch(German) axisymmetric
achsfern(German) abaxial, situated out of or directed away from the axis, the lower surface (of a leaf)
Achslinie(German f.) centre line
Achsmaß(German n.) dimension between centre lines, dimension between axes
Achsschenkelbolzen(German m.) kingpin
Ach so!(German) Aha!, I see!
ach so(German) ever so (ironic)
Achsüberstand(German m.) spigot
Achszapfen(German m.) kingpin
Acht(German f., Dutch) eight, figure of eight
(German f.) attention
acht(German) care
acht has this connotation only in idiomatic compound phrases
[comment provided by Michael Zapf]
achtbar(German) respectable, creditably, reputable, reputably, creditable, honourable
Achtbarkeit(German f.) respectability
achte(German) eighth
achteckig(German) octagonal
Achte darauf, dass ...(German) Look to it that ...
Achteck(German n.) octagon
achteckig(German) octagonal
achteinhalb(German) eight and a half
Achtel(German n. s./pl.) octave, eighth (part)
quaver(German n,) a quaver, an eighth note, a note one eighth the time value of a whole note or semibreve
Achtelfinale(German n.) last sixteen (round in competition)
Achtelkreis(German m.) (arc of) one-eighth of a circle
achtelliterweise(German) in quantities of 125 ml
Achtelmeile(German f.) furlong
quaver(German f.) a quaver, an eighth note, a note one eighth the time value of a whole note or semibreve
quaver rest(German f.) a quaver rest, an eighth rest, a rest one eighth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Achtelton (s.), Achteltöne (pl.)(German m.) eighth tone
quaver triplet(German f.) quaver triplet, a triplet of eighth notes (or 'triplet eighths')
[extra information added by Michael Zapf]
achten(German) to respect, to regard, to think highly of, to venerate, to heed, to esteem
ächten(German) to ban, to ostracize, to boycott, to outlaw
[corrected by Brian A. Jefferies]
achten auf(German) to pay attention to, to take care, to be mindful of
achtend(German) esteeming, respecting
ächtend(German) outlawing, proscriptive, proscriptively
achtens(German) eighthly
Achten Sie auf den Spalt!(German) Mind the gap! (on curved railway platforms)
achtenswert(German) estimable
Achter(German m.) figure of eight, (rowing) eight
Ächter(German m.) proscriber
Achter(German pl.) wisdom teeth
achter(northern German) behind
Achter-(German) aft
achter de maat spelen(Dutch) play behind the beat
achteraus(German) aftward, aftwards, astern
Achterbahn(German f.) rollercoaster, roller coaster, switchback
Achterbahnfahrt(German f.) roller coaster ride
Achtercharakeristik(German f.) figure-of-eight pattern
Achterdeck(German n.) after-deck, afterdeck, quarterdeck, aft deck
Achterknoten(German m.) figure of eight knot
achterlei(German) eight kinds of, eight sorts of
Achterleine(German f.) stern line
achterlich(German) stern
achterlich sein(German) to be astern
achterlicher Wind(German m.) following wind
Achterlicht(German n.) stern light
Achterliek(German n.) leech
Achterliekskrümmung(German f.) cockroach
achtern(German) at the stern, aft, astern
Achterschiff(German n.) aft section, (ship's) stern
achtet(German) esteems, respects
achtfach(German) octuple, eightfold, eight fold
Achtfache(German n.) octuple
achtflächig(German) eight-sided, octahedral
Achtflächner(German m.) octahedron
Achtfuß(German m.) an 8 ft. organ stop
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Achtfüßer(German m.) octopod
achtfüßig (8-füßig)(German) of 8 ft., pertaining to pitch on organs, harpsichords, etc.
[corrected by Michael Zapf]
Achtfußregister(German n.) or 8'-Register, eight foot register (8' register) (organ, harpsichord, etc.)
achtgeben(German) to be careful, to look out, to pay attention
achtgeben auf(German) to take care of, to watch
achtgebend(German) paying attention
achtgegeben(German) paid attention
achtgrößte(German) eighth largest
achthundert(German) eight hundred
achtjährig(German) eight-year-old
Achtjährige(German f.) eight-year-old (female)
Achtjähriger(German m.) eight-year-old
achtjähriger Junge(German m.) boy of eight
Achtkantstahl(German m.) octagonal bar steel
Achtknoten(German m.) figure of eight knot
Achtling(German m.) octuplet
achtlos(German) negligent, carelessly, thoughtlessly, unheeding, thoughtless, inobservant, heedlessly, heedless, careless
achtloser(German) more careless
Achtlosigkeit(German f.) carelessness
achtlos werfend(German) chucking (colloquial)
achtmal(German) eight times
achtmal so viel(German) eight times as much
achtsam(German) mindfully, attentive, heedful, observant, observantly, cautious, heedfully, careful, mindful, wary
achtsam sein(German) to be on the watch
Achtsamkeit(German f.) mindfulness, attentiveness, regardfulness, heedfulness, watchfulness, alertness (attentiveness)
achtseitig(German) octagonal, eight-sided
achtsilbig(German) octosyllabic
Achtspurband(German n.) eight-track tape
Achtspurlochstreifen(German m.) eight-channel tape
achtste(Dutch) eighth
achtste noote
quaver(Dutch) quaver, eighth note
achtste rust
quaver(Dutch) quaver rest, eighth rest
acht Stimmensee zu acht Stimmen
achtstimmig(German) in eight parts or voices
Achtstundentag(German m.) eight-hour working day, eight hour day, eight-hour day
achtstündig(German) eight-hour
achttägig(German) eight-day
achttausend(German) eight thousand
achtundachtzig(German) eighty-eight
Acht und Bann(German) excommunication
achtunddreißig(German) thirty-eight
achtundfünfzig(German) fifty-eight
achtundneunzig(German) ninety-eight
achtundsechzig(German) sixty-eight
achtundsiebzig(German) seventy-eight
achtundvierzig(German) forty-eight
achtundzwanzig(German) twenty-eight
Achtung(German f.) adulation, estimation, esteem, respect, attention, consideration, deference
Ächtung(German f.) outlawry, proscription, condemnation, ostracism
Achtung!(German) Watch out!, Attention!, Look out!
Achtung abnötigen(German) to command respect
Achtung, Aufnahme!(German) Camera!, Action!
Achtung bewahren(German) to maintain authority
Achtung dünnes Eis(German) danger thin ice
Achtung, fertig, los!(German) On your mark, ready, go!
Achtung gebietend(German) imposing, awe-inspiring, dignified
Achtung Minenfeld(German) attention minefield
Achtungsbezeugung(German f.) compliment
Achtungserfolg(German m.) decent result
Achtung Steinschlag(German) Danger! Falling stones!
Achtung Stufe(German) Mind the step!
achtungsvoll(German) deferentially, deferential, respectful
achtungsvolle Rücksicht(German f.) deference
achtungsvoller(German) more respectful
achtungsvollste(German) most respectful
Achtung voreinander(German f.) respect for each other
Achtung vor fallendem Steinwerk!(German) Danger! Falling masonry!
Achtung vor Hochspannung(German) danger high voltage
acht Wochen Urlaub(German) eight weeks' holiday
Acht-Stunden-Schicht(German f.) eight-hour shift
Acht-Stunden-Tag(German m.) eight-hour day
achtzehn(German) eighteen
achtzehnt(German) eighteenthly, eighteenth
achtzehnte(German) eighteenth
Achtzehntel(German n.) eighteenth (fraction)
achtzig(German) eighty, fourscore (archaic), four score (archaic)
Achtziger(German m.) octogenarian
Achtzigerjahre(German pl.) eighties (1980s)
Achtzigerjahre des 19. Jahrhunderts(German pl.) 1880s
Achtzigjährige(German f.) eighty-year-old (woman)
Achtzigjähriger(German m.) eighty-year-old (man) octogenarian
achtzigmal(German) eighty times
achtzigste(German) eightieth
Achtzigstel(German n.) eightieth (fraction)
Ächzen(German n.) groaning, moaning (wind)
ächzen(German) to moan, to grunt, to groan, to creak (tree)
[corrected by Brian A. Jefferies]
ächzend(German) groaning, moaning
achuchado(Spanish) hard (familiar)
achuchar(Spanish) to jostle, to push, to shove, to hug, to smooch (kiss), to pet (colloquial), to pressurize
Achuchón(Spanish m.) shove, push, (big) hug
A Chufaalso A Fofa and A Chula, Portuguese dances that are in many ways similar to the Spanish fandango
A Chulasee A Chufa
achulado(Spanish) cocky
Achuras(Spanish f. - Argentina & Uruguay) offal
Ach wirklich?(German) Really?
Ach wo!(German) By no means!, Certainly not!
aciago (m.), aciaga (f.)(Spanish) unlucky, fateful
Aciano(Spanish m.) cornflower
Acíbar(Spanish m.) aloes, aloe (plant), bitterness (also figurative)
acibarar(Spanish) to add aloes to, to embitter (also figurative)
acicalado(Spanish) dressed up, overdressed
acicalar(Spanish) to dress up
acicalarse(Spanish) to get dressed up, to dress oneself up, to smarted up
acicalado (m.), acicalada (f.)(Spanish) well-dressed, well-turned-out, smart
Acicate(Spanish m.) spur, incentive (motivation)
Acid crofta mixture of traditional Scottish music with 'house' influences
Acidez(Spanish f.) acidity, heartburn (indigestion), sharpness, sourness
Acidez de estómago(Spanish f.) heartburn
acidificar(Spanish) to acidify
acidificarse(Spanish) to acidify
Acid freea characteristic of inert materials; especially said of papers with a 7 pH, or very close to 7 pH. Below 6.5 pH or above 8.5 pH is not considered acid-free. Acid free materials are more permanent, less likely to experience acid migration - to discolor, or to deteriorate materials they are placed with over time. Works on paper, and the mats, mounts, etc. with which they are framed, are best acid free. This term is sometimes used incorrectly as a synonym for "alkaline" or "buffered." Such materials may be produced from virtually any cellulose fiber source (cotton and wood, among others), if measures are taken during manufacture to eliminate active acid from the pulp. However free of acid a paper or board may be immediately after its manufacture, over time the presence of residual chlorine from bleaching, aluminium sulphate (aluminum sulfate) from sizing, or pollutants in the atmosphere may lead to the formation of acid unless the paper or board has been buffered with an alkaline substance. The presence of alpha cellulose in paper or board is an indication of its stability or longevity. Non-cellulosic components of wood are believed to contribute to the degradation of paper and board
Acid groovesee 'acid jazz'
Acid housea type 'house music', associated with Chicago
Acid jazz(German m., from the English) also known as 'groove jazz' or more recently 'club jazz', a musical genre that combines jazz influences with elements of soul music, funk, disco and also nineties english dance music, particularly repetitive beats and modal harmony. It developed over the 1980s and 1990s and could be seen as taking the boundary crossing of jazz fusion onto new ground
  • Acid jazz from which this extract has been taken
Ácido(Spanish m.) acid
ácido (m.), ácida (f.)(Spanish) sour, sharp (taste), tart, acidic, harsh (comment, article), sharp (sense of humour)
Acid rocka genre of American rock, often associated with psychedelic drugs, that emerged in the late 1960s
Acid technothe term used to describe a style of techno that originated in the London squat party scene in the mid 1990s
Acid trancea style of trance music utilising the acid sound
Aciduloussour-tempered (figurative)
a ciegas(Spanish) blindly, in the dark, gropingly
a cielo abierto(Spanish) open-cast, in the open sky, open-cut, open-pit, opencast
a cielo descubierto(Spanish) in the open
a ciencia cierta(Spanish) for certain, for sure, with certainty, beyond the shadow of a doubt, for a fact, with complete certainty
a ciencia y paciencia(Spanish) on sufferance
Acier(French m.) steel
a cierra ojos(Spanish) blindly
a cierta distancia(Spanish) at a distance, from afar
Acierto(Spanish m.) success, good idea (solution), skill, wisdom, good decision, good choice, good move, wise move, correct answer
a cierto plazo de la vista(Spanish) aftersight
à cinque(French) or à 5, in five parts (voices or instruments), a quintet
Acisthe son of Faunus, in love with Galatea, crushed to death with a rock by his rival, Polyphemus the Cyclops and changed into the River Acis
acitronar(Spanish - Mexico) to fry ... until golden brown (something)
ack.abbreviation of 'acknowledge' or 'acknowledgment'
Acker (s.), Äcker (pl.)(German m.) acre, field, acre (area of 4840 square yards)
Acker-(German) arable, agrarian
Ackerbau(German m.) agriculture, husbandry, tillage (archaic), cultivation, tilth, cultivation of land, arable farming
ackerbautreibend(German) agricultural
Ackerboden(German m.) farmland, soil
Ackerbürgerstadt(German f.) farming town
Ackerfräse(German f.) cultivator
Ackergaul(German m.) old nag, plough horse, farm horse
Ackerknecht(German m.) ploughboy
Ackerland(German n.) arable farm land, farmland, acreage, land fit for cultivation, arable land
ackern(German) to till (the soil), to plough, to work hard
Ackerschlepper(German m.) tractor
Ackerschnecke(German f.) slug
Ackerscholle(German f.) clod (of earth)
Ackerwagen(German m.) farm trailer, animal drawn vehicle, agricultural trailer, farm cart
Ackerweide(German f.) arable pasture
Ackolad(Swedish) grand staff
Ackompanjemang(Swedish) accompaniment
Ackord(Swedish) chord
Aclamación(Spanish f.) acclaim, applause
aclamar(Spanish) to applaud, to acclaim
Aclaración(Spanish f.) explanation
Aclarado(Spanish m.) rinse
aclarar(Spanish) to clarify, to clear up (weather, day), to break, to dawn, to lighten (colour), to get ... straight (ideas), to rinse (clothes, dishes)
aclararse(Spanish) to understand, to clear (one's throat)
aclararse la voz(Spanish) to clear one's throat
aclara temprano(Spanish) it gets light early
aclaratorio (m.), aclaratoria (f.)(Spanish) explanatory
Aclimatación(Spanish f.) acclimatization
aclimatar(Spanish) to acclimatize
aclimatar a(Spanish) to acclimatize to
aclimatarse(Spanish) to become acclimatized, to get acclimatized, to acclimatize, to get used to something (figurative)
à cloche-pied(French) hopping on one foot
Acme(from the Greek akme, literally 'point') highest point, the best (figurative), culmination, point of perfection
(Greek) old medical writers divided the progress of a disease into the arche (beginning), anabasis (increase), the acme (crisis) and the paracme (decline)
Acme sirenACME (Acme) Sirene (German f.), a percussion instrument comprising a cylinder shaped body with a fan-like blade mounted inside, in which, as the performer blows into the cylinder, the blades are set into motion to create a high-pitched whistle effect that determined by the speed of the blades raises or lowers the pitch
ACME (Acme) Sirene(German f.) ACME (Acme) siren (whistle)
ACMMabbreviation of 'Associate of the Conservatorium of Music, Melbourne'
acmp.abbreviation of 'accompany'
Acné(Spanish f.) acne
Acoasmaalso 'acousma', 'acousm' or 'acosm', a nonverbal auditory hallucination, such as a ringing, buzzing or hissing
acobardar(Spanish) to intimidate, to unnerve (person), to frighten (person)
acobardarse(Spanish) to lose one's nerve
acobardarse ante el peligro(Spanish) to lose one's nerve in the face of danger
a cobijo(Spanish) underhandedly, in the dark
a cobrar(Spanish) receivable
a cobro revertido(Spanish) collect, reverse-charge
Acocil(Spanish m. - Mexico) freshwater shrimp
acodado(Spanish) bent
acodar(Spanish) to bend. to layer (agriculture)
acodarse(Spanish) to lean on
Acodo(Spanish m.) layer
à coeur ouvert(French) open-heart (surgery), (talk) freely
acogedor (m.), acogedora (f.)(Spanish) welcoming, warm (atmosphere, personality), friendly, cozy (atmosphere, room)
acoger(Spanish) to take in (house, give shelter to), to welcome (refugees), to accept (refugee), to admit (refugee), to receive (proposition, person)
acogerse a ...(Spanish) to have recourse to ... (something), to opt for ... (something)
Acogida(Spanish f.) welcome, reception, taking in, acceptance, refuge (refugees)
Acogida crítica(Spanish f.) critical acclaim
acogieron la noticia con satisfacción(Spanish) the news was well received
acogollar(Spanish) to bud
acogollarse(Spanish) to bud
acojonante(Spanish) bloody great (familiar), bloody terrific (colloquial)
a cola de milano(Spanish) ornamented in dovetail pattern
acolchado (m.), acolchada (f.)(Spanish) quilted, padded
acolchar(Spanish) to quilt, to pad
Acólito(Spanish m.) prejorative term for an associate, minion
(Spanish) altar boy, acolyte
Acoloutha(Greek) the substitution of reciprocal words; that is, replacing one word with another whose meaning is close enough to the former that the former could, in its turn, be a substitute for the latter. This term is best understood in relationship to its opposite, anacoloutha
a columnas desiguales(Spanish) column-ragged
Acolyte(French m., from the Greek akolouthos, 'following, attending on') prejorative term for an associate
(in the medieval church) the highest of the minor orders of the ministry, they had particular responsibility for candles and assisted in preparations for mass
acomedido (m.), acomedida (f.)(Spanish - Central America) obliging, helpful
acomedirse(Spanish - Mexico) to offer to help
a comenzar de nuevo(Spanish) time to start again, back to the drawing board
a comer(Spanish) let's eat, dinner is served, let's eat everybody
a comer se ha dicho(Spanish) let's go and eat
acometedor(Spanish) aggressive, enterprising, showing intiative
acometer(Spanish) to undertake (an enterprise), to attack, to be struck by, to fill (up)
acometer contra ...(Spanish) to attack ... (something/somebody)
Acometida(Spanish f.) attack, connection (water, gas)
Acometividad(Spanish f.) aggression, enterprise (initiative)
a comienzo de año(Spanish) at the beginning of the year
a comienzos de(Spanish) at the beginning of, at the early, at the onset of, in the early
a comienzos de año(Spanish) at the beginning of the year
a comisión(Spanish) on commission, on (a) commission basis
acomodable(Spanish) adaptable
acomodadizo(Spanish) accommodating
acomodado (m.), acomodada (f.)(Spanish) well-off, well-to-do
Acomodador (m.), Acomodadora (f.)(Spanish) usher (m.), usherette (f.)
Acomodamiento(Spanish m.) suitability
acomodar(Spanish) to arrange, to adjust, to be suitable, to adjust, to put ... up, to put, to lodge, to accomodate, to find a place for, to adapt
acomodarse(Spanish) to settle down, to conform, to make oneself comfortable, to adjust (clothing)
acomodarse a(Spanish) to conform to, to adjust to
acomodaticio (m.), acomodaticia(Spanish) adaptable, easy-going, accommodating (easy-going)
a como dé lugar(Spanish) no matter what
Acomodo(Spanish m.) position
acompañado (m.), acompañada (f.)(Spanish) accompanied
acompañado de un amigo(Spanish) came with a friend, accompanied by a friend
acompañado de un certificado médico(Spanish) accompanied by a medical certificate
acompáñalo hasta la puerta(Spanish) see him to the door, see him out
Acompañamiento(Spanish m.) accompaniment (musical, culinary), escort (person), support (spiritual, moral), monitoring (oversight)
Acompañamiento espiritual(Spanish m.) spiritual guidance
Acompañamiento orquestal(Spanish m.) orchestral accompaniment
Acompañanta(Spanish f.) companion (female)
Acompañante(Spanish m./f.) (musical) accompanist, companion, assistant (companion)
acompañar(Spanish) to accompany, to go with, to keep ... company, to accompany (music), to enclose
acompañarse(Spanish) to accompany oneself
Acompanhamento(Portuguese m.) accompaniment
a compás(Spanish) in step
acompasado (m.), acompasada (f.)(Spanish) rhythmic
acompasar(Spanish) to keep in time, to adjust (figurative)
a competencia(Spanish) competitively, in competition
acomplejar(Spanish) to give ... a complex (somebody)
acomplejarse(Spanish) to get a complex
Acompte(French m.) deposit, part-payment
a conciencia(Spanish) conscientiously, scrupulously, thoroughly
a condición(Spanish) on condition
acondicionado (m.), acondicionada (f.)(Spanish) equipped, fitted-out
Acondicionador(Spanish m.) conditioner
Acondicionador de pelo(Spanish m.) (hair) conditioner
Acondicionador de aire(Spanish m.) air conditioner
Acondicionamiento(Spanish m.) fitting-out, conditioning
acondicionar(Spanish) to fit out, to prepare, to set up, to air-condition, to condition (soften hair), to soup up (Colombia)
à condition de(French) provided
a condición de que(Spanish) provided that, on condition that, on the condition that, on the understanding that, provided, providing, providing that, under the condition that
à condition que(French) provided that
aconfesional(Spanish) non-denominational
acongojar(Spanish) to distress, to aggrieve
acongojarse(Spanish) to become distressed, to get upset
Acónito(Spanish m.) aconite
aconsejable(Spanish) advisable
aconsejado(Spanish) advised
aconsejar(Spanish) to advise
aconsejarse(Spanish) to take advice
aconsejarse con(Spanish) to consult
a consecuencia de(Spanish) as a consequence of, as a result of, by occasion of, in consequence of, in light of, in the wake of
aconsonantar(Spanish) to rhyme
a contar de ayer(Spanish) reckoning from yesterday
acontecer(Spanish) to happen, to take place, to occur
Acontecimiento (s.), Acontecimientos (pl.)(Spanish m.) event
a contento(Spanish) to one's liking, to one's satisfaction
a continuación(Spanish) from now on, later on, next, hereafter, immediately afterwards, the next instant, hereinafter, below
a continuación de(Spanish) next to
a contracorriente(Spanish) against the stream
a contraluz(Spanish) against the light
a contramano(Spanish) in the wrong direction
a contrapelo(Spanish) against the nap, against the grain, in the wrong way
a contrapié(Spanish) on the wrong foot
a contrario(Latin) from a contrary position
a contrario sensu(Spanish) a contrario sensu, on the other hand, contrario sensu
a contratiempo(Spanish) inopportunely, untimely, in syncopated time
a contravía(Spanish) against the way, the wrong way
à contrecoeur(French) reluctantly, in defiance of one's true feelings
à contre-temps(French) against the beat, syncopated, a destiempo (Spanish)
acopiar(Spanish) to collect, to gather together, to stock up
Acopio(Spanish m.) store, stock
Acoplado(Spanish m.) coupler (organ stops)
acoplado(Spanish) coordinated, coupled (organ stops)
Acoplamiento(Spanish m.) (electrical) connection, coupling (connection)
acoplar(Spanish) to connect (electricity, etc.), to couple (together), to fit (together), to join (pieces), to put together (pieces)
Acoquinamiento(Spanish m.) intimidation
acoquinar(Spanish) to intimidate, to pay (familiar: bill)
acoquinarse(Spanish) to be intimidated
Acorazado(Spanish m.) battleship
acorazado (m.), acorozada (f.)(Spanish) armour-plated, armoured
acorazar(Spanish) to armour
a corazón abierto(Spanish) open-heart
acorazonado(Spanish) heart-shaped
acorchado(Spanish) spongy
acorcharse(Spanish) to go spongy, to go to sleep (part of the body)
Acord(Catalan m.) chord
acordado(Spanish) agreed
acordar(Spanish) to agree (upon, on), to decide, to remind
acordarse(Spanish) to remember
acordarse de ...(Spanish) to remember ... (something)
acordarse de hacer ...(Spanish) to remember to do ... (something), to remember doing ... (something), to recall doing ... (something)
acordarse (de) que ...(Spanish) to remember that ... (something)
Acord de quatre sons(Catalan m.) seventh chord
Acord de quinta augmentada(Catalan m.) augmented triad
Acord de quinta disminuïda(Catalan m.) diminished triad
Acorde(Spanish m., Portuguese) (music) chord
acorde(Spanish) in agreement, harmonious (music, colours)
acorde a ...(Spanish) appropriate to ... (something), in keeping with ... (something)
Acorde agujón(Spanish m.) sting chord, hairpin chord, pinch chord (a chord which has a dynamically exaggerated start that draws attention to itself)
Acorde alterado(Spanish m.) altered chord
Acordeao(Portuguese) accordion
Acorde arpeggiado(Spanish m.) appeggiated or spread chord
Acorde aumentado con séptima mayor(Spanish m.) augmented triad with a major seventh
acorde con ...(Spanish) appropriate to ... (something), in keeping with ... (something)
Acorde de poder(Spanish m.) power chord
Acorde de quinta aumentada(Spanish m.) augmented triad
Acorde de quinta diminuta(Spanish m.) diminished triad
Acorde de quinta disminuida(Spanish m.) diminished triad
Acorde de séptima(Spanish m.) seventh chord
Acorde de séptima de dominante(Spanish m.) or acorde dominante con séptima, dominant seventh chord
Acorde de séptima disminuida(Spanish m.) see acorde disminuido con séptima disminuida
Acorde de sexta aumentada(Spanish m.) augemented sixth chord
Acorde de sexta napolitana(Spanish m.) Neapolitan sixth chord
Acorde de Tristán(Spanish m.) Tristan chord
Acorde disminuido con séptima disminuida(Spanish m.) or acorde de séptima disminuida, a diminished triad with a diminished seven
Acorde disminuido con séptima menor(Spanish m.) a diminished triad with a minor seventh
Acorde dominante con séptima(Spanish m.) or acorde mayor con séptima menor, dominant seventh chord
Acorde expandido(Spanish m.) extended chord
Acorde harpejado(Portuguese) broken chord
a corde incrocicchiate(Italian) (piano) over-strung, à cordes croissées (French), kreuzsaitig (German), a cuerdas cruzadas (Spanish)
a cordel(Spanish) in a straight line
Acorde mayor con séptima mayor(Spanish m.) a major triad with a major seventh
Acorde mayor con séptima menor(Spanish m.) or dominante con séptima, a major triad with a minor seventh
Acorde menor con séptima mayor(Spanish m.) a minor triad with a major seventh
Acorde menor con séptima menor(Spanish m.) a minor triad with a minor seventh
a corde oblique(Italian) obliquely strung (piano), à cordes obliques (French), schrägsaitig (German), a cuerdas oblicuas (Spanish)
Acordeón(Spanish m.) accordion, armonica (Italian f.), fisarmonica (Italian f.), Akkordeon (German n.), Ziehharmonika (German f.), accordéon (French m.)
(Spanish m. - Mexico) crib (familiar: cheat for an examination)
Acordeón a teclado(Spanish m.) piano accordion
Acordeón automaticó(Spanish m.) automatical accordion, armonica automatico (Italian f.), Automatisches Akkordeon (German n.), accordéon automatique (French m.)
Acordeón con el teclado(Spanish m.) piano accordion, armonica a clavitura (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit Klaviatur (German n.), accordéon à clavier (French m.)
Acordeón con el teclado descubierto(Spanish m.) accordion with open keyboard, armonica a clavitura scoperta (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit offener Klaviatur (German n.), accordéon à clavier découvert (French m.)
Acordeón con el teclado encerrado(Spanish m.) accordion with covered keyboard, armonica a clavitura chiusa (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit verdeckter Klaviatur (German n.), accordéon à clavier fermé (French m.)
Acordeón con embocadura(Spanish m.) blow-accordion, armonica con bocchino a fiato (Italian f.), Blasakkordeon (German n.), accordéon à embouchure (French m.)
Acordeón con lengüesta de acero(Spanish m.) accordion with steel reeds, armonica con voci d'acciaio (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit stahlönen (German n.), accordéon avec lames d'acier (French m.)
Acordeón con registros(Spanish m.) accordion with stops, armonica con registri (Italian f.), Akkordeon mit Registern (German n.), accordéon à registres (French m.)
Acordeón cromático(Spanish m.) chromatic accordion
Acordeón diatónico(Spanish m.) diatonic accordion
Acordeón francés(Spanish m.) French accordion
Acordeonista(Spanish m./f.) accordionist
Acordeón italiano(Spanish m.) Italian accordion
Acorde perfecto(Spanish m.) a triad, accorde parfait (French)
Acorde perfecto mayor(Spanish m.) major triad
Acorde perfecto menor(Spanish m.) minor triad
Acorde quebrado(Spanish m.) broken triad
à cordes croissées(French) (piano) over-strung, a corde incrocicchiate (Italian), kreuzsaitig (German), a cuerdas cruzadas (Spanish)
à cordes obliques(French) obliquely strung (piano), a corde oblique (Italian), schrägsaitig (German), a cuerdas oblicuas (Spanish)
à cordes verticales(French) vertically strung (piano), a corde verticale (Italian), geradsaitig (German), a cuerdas vericales (Spanish)
a corde verticale(Italian) vertically strung (piano), à cordes verticales (French), geradsaitig (German), a cuerdas vericales (Spanish)
acordonado (m.), acordonada (f.)(Spanish) cordoned off, sealed off
Acordonamiento(Spanish m.) cordoning off
acordonar(Spanish) to tie up (lace up), to lace (up) (shoes, bodice, boots), to surround, to cordon off, to seal off
acordonar la escena del crimen(Spanish) to seal off the scene of the crime
Acord perfecte major(Catalan m.) major triad
Acord perfecte menor(Catalan m.) minor triad
a coro(Spanish) in a chorus, in unison
Acorralamiento(Spanish m.) rounding up (animals), cornering (people)
acorralar(Spanish) to round up (livestock), to corner (fugative, animal)
a correr se ha dicho(Spanish) let's make a run for it
a corta distancia(Spanish) at close distance, a short way off, at a close distance, at a short distance, at close range, at short range, close by, in close proximity
a corta distancia de la costa(Spanish) at a short distance from shore, offshore
Acortamiento(Spanish m.) shortening
acortar(Spanish) to shorten, to cut, to cut down (figurative), to cut short (holiday, stay), to reduce length of (movie, film, play, musical piece), to reduce (distance)
acortar camino(Spanish) to take a short cut
acortar las distancias(Spanish) to cut down the distance
acortarse(Spanish) to get shorter
a corto plazo(Spanish) short-term, short-dated, short-run, short-range
(Spanish) shortly, soon, in the short run, in the short term, short-term
a cortos intervalos(Spanish) in close succession
a cosa hecha(Spanish) successfully
acosar(Spanish) to hound, to harass, to pester, to pursue relentlessly
acosar (...) con preguntas(Spanish) to pester ... with questions (somebody), to plague ... with questions (somebody), to bombard ... with questions (somebody)
acosijar(Spanish - Mexico) to badger, to pester
Acosmsee 'acoasma'
Acoso(Spanish m.) pursuit, pestering (figurative), hounding, harassment, relentless pursuit
Acoso escolar(Spanish m.) bullying in school
Acoso sexual(Spanish m.) sexual harassment
a costa ajena(Spanish) at someone else's expense
a costa de(Spanish) at the cost of, by dint of
a costa de mucho sacrificio(Spanish) at a high price, at considerable sacrifice
a costa de otro(Spanish) at someone else's expense
a costa de otros(Spanish) at someone else's expenses, at someone else's expense, at the expense of others
a costa mía(Spanish) at my expense
a costa nuestra(Spanish) at our expense
acostar(Spanish) to put ... to bed (somebody), to bring alongside (nautical), to reach land (nautical)
acostarse(Spanish) to go to bed, to lie down, to give birth
acostarse boca abajo(Spanish) to lie face down
acostarse con ...(Spanish) to go to bed with ... (somebody), to sleep with ... (somebody)
a costa suya(Spanish) at your expense, at his expense, at her expense
a costa tuya(Spanish) at your expense
a costa vuestra(Spanish) at your expense
a coste y costa(Spanish) at cost
a coste y costas(Spanish) at cost, at cost-price
acostumbra a contar cuanto le sucede(Spanish) he's in the habit of telling everything that happens to him, he's used to telling everything that happens to him, he's accustomed to telling everything that happens to him
acostumbrado(Spanish) usual
acostumbrado a(Spanish) used to, accustomed to, in the habit of (used to)
acostumbrar(Spanish) to get used, to be accustomed
acostumbrar a ...(Spanish) to get used to ... (something), to get accustomed to ... (something), to be accustomed to ... (something)
acostumbrar a hacer ...(Spanish) to get used to doing ... (something), to get accustomed to doing ... (something)
acostumbrarse(Spanish) to get used, to become accustomed
acostumbrarse a ...(Spanish) to get used to ... (something), to become accustomed to ... (something)
acostumbrarse a hacer ...(Spanish) to get used to doing ... (something), to become accustomed to doing ... (something)
acostumbro comer a la una(Spanish) I usually have lunch at one o'clock
Acotación(Spanish f.) stage direction (in a theatre)
(Spanish f.) (marginal) note, annotation, elevation mark (on a map)
acotado (m.), acotada (f.)(Spanish) annotated, enclosed (area)
Acotamiento(Spanish m. - Mexico) hard shoulder (part of a motorway)
acotar(Spanish) to mark out (ground), to annotate, to add notes to, to enclose (ground), to delimit (problem, subject), to mark with elevations (map)
à-côté(French) sideline, close by, by comparison, on the side, nearest, nearby
à-côté (s.), à-côtés (pl.)(French m.) side-issue, perk (incidental benefit), extra (plural form)
à-côté de(French) compared to, besides, next to, beside (next to)
à-côté de l'histoire(French m.) byways of history (not the main issues)
a cotización corriente(Spanish) at the market, at market
Acouasmsee 'acoasma'
à-coup(French m.) jolt, jerk
Acouphène(French m.) tinnitus
à-coup, par(French) spasmodically
à-coups, fait(e) par(French) spasmodic
à-coups, par(French) in fits and starts
à-coups, sans(French) smoothly (i.e. not in fits and starts)
à-coups, travailler par(French) to work by fits and starts
à coup sûr(French) for sure, without fail, definitely
à court terme(French) short-term
Acousmasee 'acoasma'
Acousmatic musica form of electroacoustic music that deals specifically with acousmatic sound as a compositional resource
Acousmatic sounda sound that one hears without seeing the causes behind it
it is thought that the word acousmatic, from the French acousmatique, originates with a term used to refer to probationary pupils of the philospher Pythagoras who, so that they might better concentrate on his teachings, were required to sit in absolute silence while listening to their teacher deliver his lecture from behind a veil or screen. The term acousmatique was first used by the French composer, and pioneer of musique concrete, Pierre Schaeffer. In acousmatic art one hears sound from behind a 'veil' of loudspeakers, the source cause remaining unseen. The term has also been used by the French writer and composer Michel Chion in reference to the use of off-screen sound in film
acousmatique(French) acousmatic (referring to a sound that one hears without seeing the causes behind it)
AcousmoniumFrançois Bayle created the 'Acousmonium', a loudspeaker orchestra, in 1974 at the GRM in Paris. The 'Acousmonium' contained eighty speakers of different sizes placed across a stage at varying heights and distances. Their placement was based on their range, their power, their quality, and their directional characteristics. In his words, "It puts you inside the sound. It's like the interior of a sound universe."
Acoustemologysee 'acoustic epistemology'
Acoustica term used to distinguish a non-electric instrument from its electric version
a term used to describe the resonant properties of a space, for example a room might be said to have poor resonance (a 'dry' acoustic), or lively reverberation (a 'bright' or 'live' acoustic). The resonant property of a room is important for the clarity of a musical performance, for if the room is too 'live', sounds tend to run into each other and the words of a singer become difficult to hear
Acoustical engineeringor 'acoustic engineering', the branch of engineering dealing with sound and vibration. It is closely related to acoustics, the science of sound and vibration
Acoustic artprimarily what is called in German akustische Kunst or Hörkunst, the creation of sound sculptures or installations
a genre that some include, in our opinion incorrectly, under the heading of 'acoustic art' is 'radio drama', called in German Hörspiel, a literary genre, pioneered on radio, with various speakers and a dramatic plot but which may include environmental and composed sound as equivalent forms of musical expression. The terms 'audio drama' or 'audio theatre' are sometimes used synonymously with 'radio drama', with one notable distinction - audio drama or audio theatre is not intended specifically for broadcast on radio
Acoustic basssee 'double bass'
see 'acoustic bass guitar'
or 'resultant bass', on an organ, the use of difference tones to generate the lower, or lowest, registers. Thus, a 16 ft. stop sounding together with an appropriate note on the 102/3 ft. stop will produce a difference tone equivalent to a note of the 32 ft. register
Acoustic bass guitaralso called 'acoustic bass', an acoustic string instrument based on the configuration of the electric bass pioneered by Leo Fender's electric Fender Precision Bass
Acoustic colouran alternative term for 'timbre'
Acoustic ecologyconcern with the state of the world's soundscapes including the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment
see 'soundscape ecology'
Acoustic engineeringsee 'acoustical engineering'
Acoustic epistemologyor 'acoustemology', sound as a way of knowing space-time interplays
Acoustic feedbacka sound, usually high-pitched, caused when sound waves are picked up by a microphone from a loudspeaker connected in the same circuit as the microphone. The particular sound heard is a result of the resonance characteristics of the circuit and the acoustic environment
Acoustic guitara modern form of guitar descended from the classical guitar, but generally strung with steel strings for a brighter, louder sound. Much heavier construction is required to withstand the added tension. Sometimes the term steel-stringed guitar or folk guitar is used to differentiate from the classical guitar. The term "acoustic guitar" is a retronym, since before the invention of the electric instrument, "guitar" meant only the non-amplified variety
the more common tunings (low to high) for an acoustic guitar are:
standard tuningE-A-D-G-B-E
'Open G'D-G-D-G-B-D
'Open D'D-A-D-F#-A-D
'Drop D'D-A-D-G-B-E
Acoustic horizonthe farthest distance in every direction from which sounds may be heard. Incoming sounds from distant sources define the outer limits over which acoustic communication may normally occur, and thus help to define the perceived geographical relationships between communities
Acousticiana person trained in the field of acoustics
Acousticien (m.), Acousticienne (f.)(French) acoustician
Acoustic impedancethe acoustic impedance Z of a surface or medium is the ratio of the amplitude of the sound pressure r and the amplitude of the particle velocity v of an acoustic wave that impinges on the surface or medium
Acoustic lap guitarsee 'lap slide guitar'
Acoustic phoneticsa subfield of phonetics which deals with acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics investigates properties like the mean squared amplitude of a waveform, its duration, its fundamental frequency, or other properties of its frequency spectrum, and the relationship of these properties to other branches of phonetics (e.g. articulatory or auditory phonetics), and to abstract linguistic concepts like phones, phrases, or utterances
Acoustic radiationa mode of coherent mechanical energy transfer, usually referring to the transfer of energy from the sound source to the surrounding medium. Sound propagation, on the other hand, is the movement of sound waves through a medium
Acoustic reflex testing
acoustic reflex test used to determine functional integrity of the eardrum and middle ear anatomy:
thresholdthe stapedius muscle in the middle ear will contract in response to a loud sound, a reflex action designed to dampen loud sounds before they arrive at the cochlea or inner ear. The absence or presence of acoustic reflexes for various presentations may be important in the differential diagnosis of both peripheral and central disorders of the auditory system such as vestibular schwannoma link or facial nerve disorders link
adaptation or decayreflex decay is defined as a decline in the contraction of the muscle during a sustained stimulating signal. This is also helpful in interpreting and differentiating auditory test results. In patients with normal middle ear and reflex thresholds, there is no decay during the presentation of the tone. Patients with lesions of the cochlea, eighth nerve or auditory brainstem may have evidence of decay
Acousticsthe science of sound and hearing, properly a branch of physics and of sensory physiology, associated with the study and understanding of the production, transmission and sensation of tone
Acoustic scalein music the acoustic scale is a seven note scale, starting on C: C D E F# G A Bb
Acoustic shadowsee 'sound shadow'
Acoustic shockan industrial injury associated with exposure to loud or damaging sounds, usually associated with office workers, but also suffered from by orchestral players, for example, those sitting immediately in front of the brass section
Acoustic spacethe perceived area encompassed by a soundscape, either an actual environment, or an imagined one such as produced with a tape recording and several loudspeakers. Every sound brings with it information about the space in which it occurs (for environmental sound) or is thought to occur (as with synthesized sound). With environmental sound, loudness and the quality of reverberation mainly determine the kind of space that is perceived, enclosed or open, large or small. The sense of speeding motion is usually perceived by the presence of a Doppler effect
Acoustic traumapermanent hearing loss through deterioration of hair cells in the organ of Corti. Such damage usually results from brief exposure to intense noise, in particular those of high frequency
Acoustic wave equationin physics, the acoustic wave equation governs the propagation of acoustic waves through a material medium. The form of the equation is a second order partial differential equation. The equation describes the evolution of pressure p or velocity u as a function of space r and time t. The SI unit of measure for pressure is the pascal, and for velocity is meter per second
Acoustic World AtlasThomas Gerwin created the 'Acoustic World Atlas' in 1998 at ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie), in Karlsruhe, Germany. The concept was to document the world in sound. People from around the world sent more than 1,100 sounds typical of where they lived. Gerwin then composed 3 - 21 second sound files that could be played via three 'World Sound Keyboards', where different play modes allowed a player to musically modify the original sounds
Acoustique(French f.) acoustics
(French f.) acoustic quality
acoustique(French) acoustic
Acqua cruda(Italian f.) hard water
Acqua dolce(Italian f.) sweet water, soft water
Acquaforte(Italian f.) etching
Acqua forte(Italian f.) or aqua fortis (Latin), nitric acid
Acquafortista(Italian m./f.) etcher
Acquafrescaio(Italian m.) water-seller
Acquaio(Italian m.) sink
acqua in bocca!(Italian) silence!
Acqua morta(Italian f.) stagnant water
Acqua piovana(Italian f.) rain water
Acqua potabile(Italian f.) drinking water
Acqua ragia(Italian f.) turpentine
Acquasantiera(Italian f.) holy-water basin, stoup
Acquata(Italian f.) shower
acquattarsi(Italian) to crouch, to squat down, to hide
Acquavite(Italian f.) brandy
Acquazzone(Italian m.) heavy shower, downpour
Acquedotto(Italian m.) aqueduct
acquerellare(Italian) to paint in water-colour
Acquerellista(Italian m./f.) water-colourist
Acquerello(Italian m.) water-colour (painting), water-clour, thin and sour wine
Acquéreur(French m.) purchaser
Acquerugiola(Italian f.) fine rain, drizzle
acquiescer(French) to acquiesce, to agree
acquietandosi(Italian) or acchetandosi (Italian), becoming calmer, sich beruhigend (German), en s'apaisant (French)
acquietare(Italian) to appease, to calm
Acquired tasteappreciation that develops through experience
Acquirente(Italian m./f.) purchaser
Acquis(French m.) experience
acquis, acquise(French) established (done), (favours) secured
acquis à(French) in favour of (a project)
acquisire(Italian) to acquire
Acquisition(English, French f.) purchase
acquistare(Italian) to purchase, to acquire
Acquisto(Italian m.) purchase
Acquit(French m.) receipt
Ácrata(Spanish m./f.) anarchist
ácrata(Spanish) anarchistic
Acre(English, Spanish m.) unit of area (43560 square feet, 4840 square yards or 160 square rods: in metric units 4046.87 square metres) used in English-speaking countries. Originally one acre was approximately the amount of land tillable by one man behind an ox in one day. The historical Irish acre (1.62 or 196/121 English acre, also used in Yorkshire and regions bordering the Solway Firth) and the historical Scottish acre (1.3 English acres) were both somewhat larger than the English equivalent
acre(Spanish, Italian) pungent (odour), acrid (smell), harsh (figurative: words, tone of voice), bitter (taste), biting (figurative: commentary)
âcre(French) acrid
Acrecentamiento(Spanish m.) increase, growth
acrecentar(Spanish) to increase
acrecentarse(Spanish) to increase, to grow
acrecer(Spanish) to increase
Acrecimiento(Spanish m.) increase
acreditado (m.), acreditada (f.)(Spanish) reputable, well-known, accredited (political, diplomatic), authorized, offical
acreditar(Spanish) to prove, to accredit, to guarantee, to authorize, to credit (financial)
acreditarse(Spanish) to make one's reputation, to make one's name
acreditativo (m.), acreditativa (f.)(Spanish) supporting (documents)
a crédito(Spanish) on credit, on trust, on tick (familiar), on the slate (familiar)
a crédito a plazo(Spanish) in installments, on the never-never (familiar)
Acreedor (m.), Acreedora (f.)(Spanish) creditor
acreedor(Spanish) worthy
acreedor a(Spanish) worthy of
acribillar(Spanish) to riddle (with bullets), to cover, to pester (with questions), to pepper (with bullets, questions), to bombard (by questions)
acribillar a(Spanish) to riddle with, to cover with, to pester with, to pepper with, to bombard with
Acrílico(Spanish m.) acrylic
acrílico (m.), acrílica (f.)(Spanish) acrylic
Acrimonia(Spanish f.) sharpness (of a taste), pungency (of an odour), bitterness (figurative)
acrisolado (m.), acrisolado (f.)(Spanish) pure, proven (figurative)
acrisolar(Spanish) to purify, to prove
acristalar(Spanish) to glaze
a criterio de(Spanish) at the sole discretion of
a criterio de él(Spanish) in his opinion, from his point of view
a criterio de ella(Spanish) in her opinion, from her point of view
a criterio de usted(Spanish) in your opinion, from your point of view
a criterio mío(Spanish) in my opinion
a criterio nuestro(Spanish) the way we see it, from our point of view, in our opinion
a criterio suyo(Spanish) in your opinion
a criterio tuyo(Spanish) in your opinion
Acritic songsacritic songs are of extreme interest to ethnographers. The precise definition for Acritic song is that it features a hero, usually Vasilios Digenisor or certain other heroes that belong to an elite group drawn from the ranks of the provincial aristocracy, or the songs were created, more or less, in frontier regions. Under no circumstance can we label each and every demotic (folk) song about inhabitants or acritan-soldiers as acritic. Acritic songs were composed by professional bards, called agyrtai, but whether these songs are considered a popular creation or a specific specialised literary production depends on the kind of definition adopted. Even so, the Komneneia Digenida is considered to be the basis and point of reference of variants of acritic songs. Another point of view holds that acritic song should be an amalgamation of different translated songs. Although several songs continue to be remembered in some of Cyprus' remote villages, in other parts of Greece they seem to have been lost altogether. These songs represent a part of the long, uninterrupted Cypriot acritic tradition, and may be compared with those of other territories where a similar tradition exists, such as in Rhodes, the Pontus region, Crete, and so on. Greek demotic (folk) songs frequently figure the symbolically-laden figure of Digenis Acritas, hero of the Byzantine national epic, whose positive traits tend to be overstressed, but which has always pointed to the quintessential qualities of the Romios, or Greek. Digenis, as a symbol, is to be found. in the poems of Palamas, as the bearer of the eternal Greek ethos, in the works of Sikelianos, representing anti-authoritarianism, and during the decade 1980-1990 in dramaturgical themes which explore the notion of the frontier between East and West. It is particularly in the Russian regions that the presence of the 'Digenis tradition' is most evident. In the Russian literary heritage, the name of Digenis was transformed to Deugenios and carried the title of Devgenievo de ianie - 'The Geste of Deugenios' or retained the original Digenis or Akritas title. Certain elements from the Digenis epic penetrated Russian folklore; and the songs describing the confrontation with death, greatly resemble the field covered by the acritic heritage.
Acritud(Spanish f.) acrimony, sourness (flavour), bitterness (flavour), acridness (odour)
Acroama(Latin) the name given by the ancient Romans to those musicians who performed upon instruments, as opposed to those who sang
Acroataxiaataxia, shaky and unsteady movements that result from the brain's failure to regulate the body's posture and the strength and direction of movements, affecting the distal portion of the extremities, i.e., hands and fingers, feet, and toes
Acrobacia (s.), Acrobacias (pl.)(Spanish f.) acrobatics act, acrobatics
Acrobacia aérea(Spanish f.) aerobatics act
Acrobatderogatory term applied to the virtuoso dancer who is not concerned with dancing as a whole, but merely with performing the largest possible number of pirouettes, or forcing her legs still higher into the air irrespective of distortion in the hip-line
Acrobata(Italian m./f.) acrobat
Acróbata(Spanish m./f.) acrobat
Acrobate(French m./f.) acrobat
acróbático(Spanish) aerobatic
Acrobatie(French f.) acrobatics
Acrobatie aérienne(French f.) aerobatics
acrobatique(French) acrobatic
Acrobatismo(Spanish m.) acrobatics
Acrobazia(Italian f.) acrobatics
Acrodermatitisdermatitis of the distal end of the body's extremities
Acroma missalea collection of six four-voice settings of the Ordinary with instrumental accompaniment composed by Giovanni Battista Bassani (1647-1716). It was published in 1709 as a set of sixteen part-books. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) arranged the first four sections (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo and Sanctus with Osanna I) as an eight-part score. Analysis of watermarks and handwriting establishes Bach's son Gottfried Heinrich as the copyist and dates the different pieces to the period between 1735 and 1747. However, questions about the reason and purpose of the copying of this unoriginal work remain largely unanswered
acron.abbreviation of 'acronym'
Acronimo(Italian m.) acronym
Acrónimo(Spanish m.) acronym
Acronychalor acronical, a reference to something happening in the evening or at nightfall
Acronymacronimo (Italian m.), Akronym (German n.), Initialwort (German n.), Kurzwort (German n.), sigle (French m.), acrónimo (Spanish m.), a word formed from the initial letters in a phrase
acronyms contrast with alphabetisms, in which the word is pronounced aloud by using the names of the actual letters
in music, the use of a name to generate a melodic motif, as for example, B-A-C-H, which employing German note-names, generates the sequence B flat-A-C-B natural. Another example is the motif for Robert Schumann's Abegg Variations (1830) which are dedicated to his friend Meta Abegg
Acronymythe act of using or creating acronyms
Acrophobiaabnormally afraid of high places
Acrophobicsuffering from acrophobia
Acrophonythe use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the object. For example, in Hebrew, the first four letters of the alphabet are aleph (the Hebrew word for ox), beth (house), gimel (camel) and daleth (door)
Acropolis(Greek, literally 'high city') in ancient Greece, usually the site of the city's most important temple(s)
Across, to get somethingprobably taken from the theatre, where actors must reach the audience across the footlights
Acrosticpoem in which certain letters (most often the first, and/or middle, and/or last of each line) make up a word or a series of words, If both the first and middle letters of each line form a word, the poem is called a double acrostic. If the first, middle and last letters of each line form a word, the poem is called a triple acrostic
Acróstico(Spanish m.) acrostic
acróstico(Spanish) acrostic
Acroterion (s.), Acroteria (pl.)(Greek) or acroterium (Latin), a pedestal for a statue at the corner of a pediment
a cruce salus(Latin) from the cross comes salvation
a cruz y escuadra(Spanish) with mortise and tenon joints
Acryl(German n.) acrylic
Acrylfarbe(German f.) acrylic paint
Acrylglas(German n.) acrylic glass, Lucite ®
Acrylglasfenster(German n.) plexiglass window
Acrylharz(German n.) Lucite ®, acrylic resin
Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol-Copolymerisat(German n.) or ABS, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (a thermoplastic)
A.C.S.abbreviation for agua caliente sanitaria (Spanish: sanitary hot water - pre-heated water supplied to wash basins, baths, showers, etc.)
act.abbreviation of 'acting' (meaning one person, in a temporary capacity, carrying out the duties of another), 'active' (active form or voice of a verb)
Actatto (Italian), Akt (German), Aufzug (German), acte (French)
the largest division of a play or opera, which can be sub-divided into scenes
Acta(Latin, Spanish f.: in Spanish the noun takes a masculine article in the singular) minutes, record (of proceedings), proceedings (record of), certificate (of birth, death, marriage), official document
Acta de certificación(Spanish f.) signature authentication record (certificate, document)
Acta de defunción(Spanish f. - Latin-America) entry in the register of deaths
Acta de graduación(Spanish f.) graduation certificate, diploma
Acta de matrimonio(Spanish f. - Mexico) marriage certificate
Acta de nacimiento(Spanish f. - Mexico) birth certificate
acta non verba(Latin) deeds not words
Acta notarial(Spanish f.) notarized deed, affidavit
Acta Sanctorum(Latin, German pl.) Acts of the Saints
Acta taquifrafica(Spanish f.) stenographic record, shorthand record
Act curtainsee ''main drape'
Acte(French m.) act (in the theatre), part of an opera
Acte de cadence(French m.) atto di cadenza (Italian), the two chords that form a cadence
(French m.) atto di cadenza (Italian), the two notes, usually in the bass part, that act harmonically to define a cadence
(French m.) the final part of an opera or play
Acte d'opéra(French m.) part of an opera
Acte gratuit(French m.) gratuitous impulsive act, a term borrowed from the writings of André Gide (1869-1951)
Actes(French m. pl.) proceedings
Acteur (m.), Actrice (f.)(French) actor, actress
actgabbreviation of 'acting' (meaning one person, in a temporary capacity, carrying out the duties of another)
Actian gamesin Ancient Roman religious tradition, Actia was a festival of Apollo, celebrated at Nicopolis in Epirus, with wrestling, musical contests, horse racing, and sea battles. It was established by Augustus, in commemoration of his victory over Mark Antony off Actium, and was probably the revival of an ancient festival
  • Actia from which this extract has been taken
Actinia(Spanish f.) sea anemone
Actingperforming a role in a play or film, also the non-singing action in opera. In ancient Greece the actors who spoke were distinct from the chorus of male singers (3 to 50 in number, led by the choregus), while in ancient Indian and medieval Japanese drama, acting could include singing, dancing or stylized movement
Actiona real or fictional event or series of such events comprising the subject of a novel, story, narrative poem, or a play, especially in the sense of what the characters do in such a narrative
a generic term for the mechanism of various musical instruments, as, for example:
on the organthe parts that connect the keys with the pipes
in the pianothe operation as a piano's keys and hammers against its strings. The complete mechanism which, when the piano keys are struck, causes the hammers to strike the strings of the instrument and provides for the dampening of the sound when the keys are released
applied to stringed instrumentsit is the height of a string above the finger- or fretboard. In practical terms, it describes how 'easy' such an instrument is to play. When the action is low, the instrument tends to have light strings that lie very close to the fingerboard or frets; consequently, it takes very little effort to press each string down into contact with the fingerboard or frets. An instrument where the action is "high" has its strings further away from the fingerboard or frets. This typically happens when an instrument is strung with heavy gauge strings, where the tension of the heavier strings may actually pull the neck forward. For example, a guitar with "high" action will require more effort on the part of the player to press the strings down onto the neck
applied to wind instrumentsthe key-mechanism on woodwind instruments
Action(French f.) a term introduced in the nineteenth century for an opera
(French f.) a general term for any kind of mechanism used in a musical instrument or a technique used on a musical instrument to produce a particular effect
Action(German f.) action
Action des pieds(French f.) pedal work (the technique of playing on the pedals of an organ)
Action d'octavier(French f.) overblowing
Actionfigur(German f.) action figure
Actionfilm(German m.) action film, action movie
Actionheld(German m.) action hero
Actionnaire(French m./f.) shareholder
Action Stroke Dance Notationa form of dance notation invented by Iver Cooper, visually similar to Motif notation that is also designed for speed of writing
Action musica form of music in which the actions made by the performer are equally as important as the sounds they produce
Action notationa musical notation which gives mechanical directions to a musical performer but without giving any indication of the resulting sound - for example, John Cage's 4' 33"
Action-packedfull of action or excitement
Action pointproposal for action
Action replayplayback of part of a television programme, often in slow motion
Action songsongs, often performed by children, where bodily movements are employed to represent the words, for example, flapping the arms to imitate flight, closing the eyes to represent sleep, etc.
Actitud(Spanish f.) posture, position, attitude (figurative: disposition)
Actitud amenazante(Spanish f.) threatening posture, threatening attitude
Activación(Spanish f.) speed-up
activamente(Spanish) actively
activar(Spanish) to activate, to trigger, to set ... in motion, to speed up (accelerate), to stimulate (economy, production), to give fresh impetus to (negotiations)
activarse(Spanish) to to off (alarm), to start working (mechanism, device)
Activewhen pickups are said to be 'active', they incorporate a pre-amp which requires additional power. The result is a boost and/or wider range for the pickup
Active noise control(English, German f.) or ANC, an electronic method for reducing or removing unwanted sound by the production of a pressure wave of equal amplitude but opposite sign to the unwanted sound. When the electronically produced inverse wave is added to original unwanted sound the result is sound cancellation
Active notea note that has a strong tendency to resolve in a specific direction, for example, the leading note
Active rocka radio format used by many commercial radio stations in Canada and the United States. While many current artists are played on both active rock and modern rock stations, an active rock station plays a mix of current artists with popular classic rock song
Actividad(Spanish f.) activity
Activismo(Spanish m.) political activity
Activista(Spanish m./f.) activist, political activist
Activiste(French m./f.) activist
Activité(French f.) activity
Activo(Spanish m.) assets
activo (m.), activa (f.)(Spanish) active
Act musicsee 'act tune'
Acto(Spanish m.) act (action, theatre), action, ceremony
Acto de inauguración(Spanish m.) opening ceremony
Acto impropio(Spanish m.) uncharacteristic behaviour (out of character), inappropriate behaviour, unsuitable behaviour, unbecoming behaviour
Actor(Latin) an agent, a doer
Actor (m.), Actress (English f.), Actriz (Spanish f.)(English, Spanish) performer on the stage or in a film
Actor de teatro(Spanish m.) stage actor
acto reflejo(Spanish) reflex action
acto seguido(Spanish) immediately after
Actressfemale parts on the English stage were always taken by boys until the Restoration of Charles II. However, the first women to appear on an English stage probably played the part of Desdemona in Shakespeare's Othello (1604) at a theatre in Clare Market, London (8 December 1606)
Actrice(French f.) actress
Actriz(Spanish f.) actress
Act tunealso 'act music' or 'curtain music', music played between the acts of a drama or 'semi-opera as, for example, in The Indian Queen by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) or Venus & Adonis by John Blow (1649-1708)
see entr'acte
Actuación(Spanish f.) action, intervention, conduct, behaviour, performance (in theatre, on film), concert (recital), acting (in a theatre, on film)
la actuación es pésima (Spanish: the acting is appalling)
actual(Spanish) present, current (present), topical
Actualidad, Actualidades (pl.)(Spanish f.) present, present time, , current affairs (plural form), topicality, fashion, relevance
actualiser(French) to update, to bring up to date
Actualité (s.), Actualités (pl.)(French f.) topicality, contemporary realism
the word is often used with its article, thus, l'actualité (French: current events) or in its plural form les actualités (French: news, newsreel)
Actualityreality, existing conditions
Actualización(Spanish f.) modernization, updating (process), update (dictionary, text book, diary, etc.)
actualizado(Spanish) updated, brought up to date
actualizar(Spanish) to modernize, to bring ... up to date, to update, to upgrade (software, etc.)
actualmente(Spanish) now, at the present time, at present, nowadays, these days, at the moment, at present (currently), currently
actuar(Spanish) to work, to act (theatre, film), to perform (theatre, film)
actuar como(Spanish) to act as
actuar de(Spanish) to act as
Actuario(Spanish m.) clerk of the court, actuary
Acuatizaje(Spanish m.) landing on water
acuatizar(Spanish) to land on water
a cuatro voces(Spanish) for four voices or parts, a quattro voci (Italian), für vier Stimmen (German), vierstimmig (German), à quatre voix (French)
actuel, actuelle(French) present, topical
actuellement(French) at the present time
Actus musicus(Latin, literally 'musical action') a semi-dramatic vocal work, an elaborate form of Lutheran historia, based on a Biblical story (for example, Johann Schelle's Actus musicus auf Weihnachten), a forerunner of the oratorio
actus reus(Latin) wrongful act, as opposed to mens rea (wrongful intention, guilty mind)
guilty act, the offence of which the defendant is accused
Actus tragicusJ. S. Bach's Cantata BWV 106 (Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit). It doesn't fit into one of the yearly cycles of church cantatas, being a funeral ode. It was probably written when Bach was at Mülhausen, although we do not know whose funeral it was written for. It is characterised by having a tranquil, contemplative atmosphere. The cantata opens with a sonatina, calling for a pair of recorders accompanied by two viola da gambas. The recorders stay in unison most of the time (as they do throughout the entire cantata). A long chorus in several sections (the text is assembled from diverse parts of the bible) follows, with a vivace section in the middle where the two recorders have to play fast arpeggios in unison. A duet between alto and bass follows. The final chorus starts with a Gloria and concludes with a short fugal Amen
a cuadros(Spanish) checkered, checked, chequered, plaid
a cualquier costo(Spanish) at all costs, at all hazards, at whatever cost, regardless of the cost, regardless of the difficulty
a cualquier dolencia es remedio la paciencia(Spanish) patience can solve any problem
a cualquier hora(Spanish) at any time, any time, regardless of hour or day
a cualquier hora que(Spanish) whenever
a cualquier lado(Spanish) anywhere, everywhere
a cualquier lugar(Spanish) anywhere
a cualquier parte(Spanish) anywhere, toward any place
a cualquier parte que(Spanish) anywhere, any place, any place where, wherever
a cualquier precio(Spanish) whatever the price, at any price, at any cost, at whatever price, at whichever price, for love or money
a cualquier precio que(Spanish) at any price that, at whatever price, at whatever price that, whatever the price
a cualquier sitio(Spanish) anywhere
a cuánto(Spanish) at what price, how much (price)
¿a cuántos estamos?(Spanish) what's the date?
Acuarea(Spanish f.) watercolour
Acuareista(Spanish m./f.) watercolourist
Acuarela(Spanish f.) watercolour
Acuario(Spanish m.) aquarium
(Spanish m.) Aquarius (zodiacal sign)
(Spanish m./f.) Aquarian (astrology: person born under the influence of Aquarius)
acuartelado(Spanish) quartered (living in barracks, etc.)
Acuartelamiento(Spanish m.) quartering (barracks, etc.), barracks, confinement to barracks
acuartelar(Spanish) to quarter (billet), to billet, to confine to barracks
acuático (m.), acuática (f.)(Spanish) aquatic, water (of or pertaining to water)
a cuatro aguas(Spanish) with four slopes
a cuatro patas(Spanish) on all fours, on hands and knees
a cuatro pies(Spanish) on all fours
a cubierto(Spanish) under cover, under shelter, guardedly
a cubierto de(Spanish) safe from, under cover of
acuciador(Spanish) pressing (urging onward)
acuciar(Spanish) to urge on, to hasten
acucioso(Spanish) keen
acuclillarse(Spanish) to crouch down, to squat down
acuchillado(Spanish) slashed, stabbed (person)
acuchillar(Spanish) to slash, to stab (person), to smooth (surface), to plane down (surface)
acuciante(Spanish) urgent, pressing
acuciar(Spanish) to urge on
acudir(Spanish) to go, to come, to arrive, to give help, to aid, to turn to
acudir a(Spanish) to go to, to arrive for, to attend (something), to attend (reunion), to keep, to go to help, to turn to
Acueducto(Spanish m.) aqueduct
a cuenta(Spanish) on account
a cuenta de(Spanish) on account of, for account of, for the account of, on behalf of
a cuenta de él(Spanish) on his account
a cuenta de ella(Spanish) on her account
a cuenta de ellas(Spanish) on their account
a cuenta de ellos(Spanish) on their account
a cuenta de qué(Spanish) on what grounds, why, to what end, why on earth
a cuentagotas(Spanish) little by little, in little amounts, sparingly, in dribs and drabs
a cuenta mía(Spanish) on my account
a cuenta nuestra(Spanish) on our account
a cuento(Spanish) on purpose
a cuerdas cruzadas(Spanish) (piano) over-strung, a corde incrocicchiate (Italian), kreuzsaitig (German), à cordes croissées (French)
a cuerdas oblicuas(Spanish) obliquely strung (piano), a corde oblique (Italian), schrägsaitig (German), à cordes obliques (French)
a cuerdas vericales(Spanish) vertically strung (piano), a corde verticale (Italian), geradsaitig (German), à cordes verticales (French)
Acuerdo(Spanish m.) agreement
Acuerdo de paz(Spanish m.) peace agreement, accord
a cuerpo de rey(Spanish) like a king
a cuerpo descubierto(Spanish) without shelter, without cover
a cuerpo limpio(Spanish) defenseless, unarmed
a cuestas(Spanish) piggyback, on one's back, on one's shoulders
Acuidad(Spanish f.) acuity, sharpness
Acuífero(Spanish m.) aquifer
acuífero (m.), acuífera (f.)(Spanish) aquiferous
acuire(Italian) to sharpen, to whet, to stimulate
Acuité(French f.) acuteness (pain, etc.), sharpness
Acuity(from Latin acus, 'needle' and acuere, 'to sharpen') sharpness, acuteness
sharpness, clearness, and distinctness of perception or vision
Aculeo(Italian m.) sharp point, sting, goad, thorn, prickle, quill (porcupine)
Acume(Italian m.) acumen, discernment, keenness, intensity, subtlety, penetration
Acumen(Latin, 'a point, a sting') keen insight or discernment, sharpness, shrewdness, penetration
acuminare(Italian) to sharpen to a point
Acumulación(Spanish f.) accumulation
Acumulador(Spanish m.) accumulator, storage battery
acumulador(Spanish) accumulative
acumular(Spanish) to accumulate, to gain (experience)
acumularse(Spanish) to accumulate, to mount up (debts)
Acuñación(Spanish f.) minting, coining
acunar(Spanish) to rock
acuñar(Spanish) to mint, to coin
acuosidad(Spanish f.) wateriness
acuoso (m.), acuosa (f.)(Spanish) watery
a cuotas(Spanish) on credit
Acupuncteur (French m.) acupuncturist
Acupuncture(English, French f.) agopuntura (Italian f.), Akupunktur (German f.), acupuntura (Spanish f.), the stimulation of special points on the body, usually by the insertion of fine needles, a system of medical treament originating in the Far East about 2000 years ago
Acupuncture needlestainless steel needles with silver-plated handles 0.5 to 1 inch long, which are inserted into tissues at those points on the skin surface which are considered relevant to the problem being treated
Acupuntura(Spanish f.) acupuncture
a cura di ...(Italian) edited by ...
a cureña rasa(Spanish) without breastwork, without parapet
acurrucarse(Spanish) to curl up, to snuggle up
Acusación(Spanish f.) accusation, charge, prosecution
Acusado(Spanish m.) accused, defendant
acusado (m.), acusada (f.)(Spanish) accused, marked
Acusador (m.), Acusadora (f.)(Spanish m.) accuser, prosecuting counsel, prosecutor
acusador (m.) acusadora (f.)(Spanish) accusing, accusatory
acusar(Spanish) to accuse, to show, to denounce, to tell on (colloquial)
acusar a ...(Spanish) to accuse ... of, to charge ...
acusar a ... de ...(Spanish) to charge ... with ...
acusar recibo(Spanish) to acknowledge receipt
acusar recibo de ...(Spanish) to acknowledge receipt of ... (something)
acusarse(Spanish) to confess, to become marked, to become more pronounced (defects, quirks), to show (figurative)
acusatorio(Spanish) accusatory
Acuse de recibo(Spanish m.) acknowledgement of receipt
Acusetas (m./f.), Acusete (m.), Acuseta (f.), (Spanish) tattletale (person: US colloquial), telltale (person: colloquial)
Acushla(Irish) or acushla mochree, from a chuisle mo chroi (Irish: O pulse of my heart), darling, a conventional term of endearment
in English, one meets occasionally the form macushla, derived from mo chuisle (Irish: my pulse), although no self-respecting Irishman would use this as a form of address
Acusica(Spanish m./f.) telltale (familiar)
Acusón(Spanish m.) telltale
acusón(Spanish) telltale
Acustica(Italian f., Spanish f.) acoustics
Acústica (f.)(Portuguese, Spanish) acoustics
acustico (m.), acustica (f.)(Italian) acoustic
acústico (m.), acústica (f.)(Spanish) acoustic
Acutaa shrill-sounding mixture stop found on the organ
(Italian) acute, shrill
Acutae claves(Latin) also acuta loca (Latin) or acutae voces (Latin), term formerly used to denote the compass of intervals from the fifth line A of the bass clef to G, the seventh above
Acutesee 'springer'
high, shrill (with reference to pitch)
high sensitivity, for example someone with an acute sense of pitch can discern small discrepancies in tuning
in decribing a problem, fever or disease, 'acute' means 'something that comes and goes quickly', while 'chronic' means 'something that persists'
Acute accentdiacritical mark (´) placed over certain letters in French, Spanish, etc. to show primary stress
Acutezza(Italian f.) acuteness, perspicuity, shrewdness
acutissimo(Italian) highest
Acuto(Italian m.) high note
acuto(Italian) acute, sharp, high, piercing, keen, shrewd, pointed, spitz (German), scharf (German), schrill (German); hoch (German)
acutus(Greek) earliest form of musical notation from the two signs of Greek prosody indicating stress, pitch and length of syllables in the text to be performed; the acutus indicates a rising inflection
see accentus ecclasiastici
