We have selected what, in our opinion, is the most useful link even when this is written in another language. In some cases, these external pages carry their own list of links and you may wish to explore them too. A Note About Dates For reasons that are made clear in the article referenced below, there was a period when the calendars in use in various European countries disagreed. The most notable was that in use in Russia. For religious reasons, the old Julian calendar was retained in Russia until 1917. Before 1917 there was, therefore, a discrepancy of 12 days between the Julian Calendar (Old Style) and the Gregorian Calendar (New Style). Where appropriate we give the New Style or occasionally both dates.
A Note About Names The transliteration of names from one language to another can result in composers being known by two or more forms of their forename, additional names and/or surname. We have made entries for all common variants of surnames. One entry will be complete while the others make reference to it. Over time places may have changed their names; in some case they may now lie in another country. Germany and Italy are both good examples of countries that have existed as a nation only fairly recently. We have tried, in most cases, to make reference to places by the name or names they bear today. Mea culpa - In Case of Error Our information is drawn from a wide range of publications published over 250 years. If any detail is found to be in error please use our dictionary amendment form and we will check and correct it. Similarly, if there is an omission we would be happy to correct this too. Errors are most likely when reference is to recently deceased composers. If any reader has more up-to-date information we would be grateful to have it.
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