sf. | abbreviation for sforzato, applied to a single accented note |
sferzando | (Italian) whipping, peitschend (German), en cinglant (French) |
sff. | abbreviation for sforzatissimo |
sfffz. | abbreviation for sforzato |
sffz. | abbreviation for sforzatissimo [entry supplied by Alan Camerer] |
sfiorare | (Italian) to scan |
sfogare | (Italian) to vent, to give vent to, to give free play to, to disclose |
sfogarsi | (Italian) to give vent to one's feelings |
sfogato | (Italian, literally 'exhaled') light and easy style, particularly of singing or singers |
sfoggiando | (Italian) flauntingly, ostentatiously |
sfoggiare | (Italian) to show off, to flaunt, to be ostentatious |
Sfoggio | (Italian m.) a show, a parade, ostentation, display, luxury, abundance |
Sfoglia | (Italian f.) foil (metal), flake (of paint, etc.) |
sfogliare | (Italian) to strip off (leaves), to turn the pages of (a book, etc.), to draw one by one (cards from a pack) |
sfogliarsi | (Italian) to shed leaves or petals, to flake off |
Sfogliata | (Italian f.) thin pastry, rapid glance (through a book) |
Sfogliatura | (Italian f.) exfoliation, the shedding of leaves |
Sfogo (s.), Sfoghi (pl.) | (Italian m.) a vent, an outlet, free play, relief, effect, development, outburst, eruption (medical) |
sfolgorare | (Italian) to blaze, to flash |
Sfolgorio | (Italian m.) blaze, flashing, glitter |
Sfollamento | (Italian m.) dispersal, break up (crowd, meeting), reduction of staff, evacuation (military) |
sfollare | (Italian) to disperse, to break up, to evacuate |
Sfollato | (Italian m.) evacuee |
Sfondamento | (Italian m.) breaking, breaking open |
sfondare | (Italian) to break, to break down, to break open, to stave in, to burst open, to wear a hole in, to knock the bottom out of |
(Italian) to progress, to succeed |
(Italian) to sink |
sfondato | (Italian) bottomless, boundless, worn out, worn into holes |
Sfondo | (Italian m.) background, a recess in a wall or ceiling (intended for a painting) |
sformare | (Italian) to destroy the shape of, to pull out of shape, to take out of the mould, to deform, to disfigure, to lose patience (familar) |
sformato | (Italian) shapeless, huge, ugly |
sfornire | (Italian) to strip, to deprive of furniture or provisions |
sfornito | (Italian) destitute, unprovided |
Sfortuna | (Italian f.) ill luck, misfortune |
sfortunato | (Italian) unlucky, unfortunate |
Sforza, Galeazzo Maria (1444-1476) | Duke of Milan, Galeazzo was famous as a patron of music. Under his direction, financial backing and encouragement, his chapel grew into one of the most famous and historically significant musical ensembles in Europe. Composers from the north, especially the Franco-Flemish composers from the present-day Low Countries, came to sing in his chapel and write masses, motets and secular music for him. Some of the figures associated with the Sforza chapel include Alexander Agricola, Johannes Martini, Loyset Compère, and Gaspar van Weerbeke. Most of the singers at the chapel fled after Galeazzo's murder, however, and took positions elsewhere; soon there was a rise in musical standards in other cities such as Ferrara as a result |
Sforzamento | (Italian m.) compulsion |
sforzando | (Italian) or sforzato (Italian), stark hervorgehoben (German) , forcé (French), en forçant (French), forced, forcing, strongly accented, a direction that may be applied to a chord or to a note, sudden loudness |
a control (sometimes called the tutti combination piston), usually a reversible, providing a quick way to get 'full organ,' without upsetting stops drawn in the usual way - when activated it turns on all of the stops and couplers of the organ instantly, without moving the stop controls, and when activated again, restores everything to the way it was before (also labeled 'Tutti' or 'Full Organ') |
sforzare | (Italian) to compel, to force, to urge, to strain |
sforzarsi | (Italian) to exert oneself, to strive |
sforzatamente | (Italian) impetuosity, energetically |
sforzatissimo | (Italian) usually abbreviated to sff. or sffz., very strongly accented, suddenly very loud [entry suggested by Weed] |
sforzato | see sforzando |
sforzato piano | abbreviated sfp., indicating an emphasis followed by a immediate piano |
sforzo | a marking used by Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782) to indicate that a particular note or chord should be played 'with force' |
sfossare | (Italian) to dig up |
sfossato | (Italian) deep-set, sunken (eyes) |
sfp. | abbreviation for sforzato piano, applied to a musical passage, abbreviation for sforzato (i.e. emphasised) then immediately piano, a more accented form of fp. |
sfpp. | abbreviation for sforzato pianissimo, applied to a musical passage, abbreviation for sforzato (i.e. emphasised) then immediately pianissimo, a more accented form of fpp. |
sfregare | (Italian) to rub |
sfrenato | (Italian) wild |
SFSR | abbreviation of 'Soviet Federated Socialist Republic' |
SFTMC | the San Francisco Tape Music Center was founded by Morton Subotnick and Ramon Sender on Divisadero Street in San Francisco in 1962. It consisted of two auditoriums shared with KPFA, a San Francisco radio station, and the Ann Halprin Dance Company, and an attic studio. It functioned as an experimental arts center in which concerts were produced, equipment invented, and musical compositions composed |
- SFTMC from which this extract has been taken
sfuggevole | (Italian) fleeting, transitory |
sfuggita (alla) | (Italian) hastily, stealthily, incidentally |
sfuggito (m.), sfuggita (f.) | (Italian) avoided, shunned, rambling |
sfumare | (Italian) to disappear, to vanish, to evaporate, to come to nothing, to end in smoke, to tone down (colour), to soften (a line, or shadow), to diminish gradually (a sound) |
sfumate | see sfumato |
Sfumatezza | (Italian f.) the delicate harmonizing and blending of two colours or shades one into another (for example, the intersection of chiaro and scuro) |
sfumato | (Italian) or sfumate, very lightly |
in painting, sfumato is a technique, largely developed by Leonardo da Vinci, in which the transitions from light to dark are so gradual they are almost imperceptible. Sfumato softens lines and creates a soft-focus effect |
in music, (a phrase, a section, etc.) played in a vague indeterminate way |
Sfumatura | (Italian f.) shade, shading, nuance, light wash of colour |
a traditional technique for manually extracting the essential oils from citrus peel using sponges |
sfuriare | (Italian) to rage, to fly into a passion |
Sfuriata | (Italian f.) an outburst, a scolding |
sfz. | abbreviation for subito forzando, or sforzando, indicating a strong, sudden accent on a note or chord |
Sgabello | (Italian m.) (piano) stool, bench |
Sgabuzzino | (Italian m.) closet, lumber-room |
sgallinacciare | (Italian, from gallinaccio, a turkey-cock) to crow |
(Italian) to sing passages indistinctly and unevenly, marking clumsily each note |
sgambare | (Italian) to stride, to walk quickly, to break the stalk (of a flower) |
Sgambata | (Italian f.) a walk, a long walk, a run |
sgambato | (Italian) in a weary style |
sgambettare | (Italian) to kick the legs about, to take short quick steps, to fisk, to trip, to toddle (child), to caper |
Sgambetto | (Italian m.) caper, jump |
sganasciasi | (Italian) to dislocate one's jaw |
sganasciarsi dalle risa | (Italian) to roar with laughter, to split one's sides with laughing |
sganciare | (Italian) to uncouple, to unhook |
sgangherare | (Italian) to unhinge, to dislocate |
sgangheratamente | (Italian) rudely, boisterously, awkwardly, immoderately |
sgangherato | (Italian) unhinged, loose, disjointed, awkward, ramshackle, rickety, worn-out, coarse, immoderate |
Sgarbatezza | (Italian f.) rudeness, unmannerliness, roughness |
sgarbato | (Italian) rude, unmannerly, rough, awkward, clumsy |
Sgarbo | (Italian m.) a piece of rudeness, offence, bad grace |
sghignazzare | (Italian) laugh scornfully |
Sgian dubh | (Gaelic, literally 'black knife') or skean dhu, a small dagger worn thrust into the stocking by Scottish highlanders |
sgobbare | (Italian) slog, swot |
Sgobbone (m.), Sgobbona (f.) | (Italian) slogger |
sgolarsi | (Italian) shout oneself hoarse |
sgomenta | (Italian) dismayed, apprehensively |
Sgraffito (s.), Sgraffiti (pl.) | (Italian) a method of architectural decoration produced by scratching through a thin layer of plaster to expose an otherwise hidden layer of a different colour |
(Italian) a method of decoration on pottery produced by scratching through a thin layer of slip to expose an otherwise hidden layer of a different colour |
Sgra-snyan | Himalayan lute |
Sguardo | (Italian m.) look, glance |
Sha'bi | or Sha'bii, in most Arab countries the term is applied to folk or folkloric music, but in Algeria the term refers to the urban popular music which emerged in Algiers in the 20th-century |
the Algerois sha`bii tradition is easy to listen to, filled with catchy tunes and highlights a clear, unembellished solo singing style. The heart of the genre, however, lies in its lyrics; if you are familiar with North African dialects, the singing style makes it easy to catch many of the words, but the lyrics contain a lot of slang and are filled with local references |
s'habiller | (French) to dress (oneself), to get dressed, to dress up |
s'habiller à la française | (French) to dress in the French fashion |
s'habituer à | (French) to get used to |
Shack-shack | (Caribbean) an idiophone, a tin can with beads inside, used as a percussion instrument on the island of Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Shadaj | in Indian music, the beginning note (Sa) of the Saptak |
Shading | the use of dynamics to shape phrases, etc. |
the partial covering of tone holes to modify pitch or tone colour on open holed wind instruments |
on the organ, to place something at the top of an organ pipe so as to alter the character of that pipes sound |
Shadoof | (Arabic) a device used in Egypt to facilitate irrigation, that consists of a shaft, fastened loosely to the top of a fixed pole, which has a bucket and counterweight at each end |
Shadow position | in dance, both partners face the same general direction, one of them squarely behind of slightly shifted sideways ("in the shadow") |
Shag, the | or Carolina Shag, a form of swing dancing that evolved from the jitterbug and jump blues of the big band jazz era and originated at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina during the 1940s |
Shahnai | north Indian shawm |
Shah-nameh | (Persian, 'Book of Kings') see 'Firdausi' |
Sha'ir | (Arabic, literally 'poet') poet-singer found in Upper Egypt and among the Syrian-Desert Bedouins |
Shakaro | (Nigeria) a drum |
Shake | trillo (Italian), Triller (German), trille (French), a word meaning 'trill' |
from Simpson's The Division-Viol, or The Art of Playing ex tempore to a Ground (1665): "Shaked Graces we call those that are performed by a Shake or Tremble of a Finger, of which there are two sorts, viz. Close and Open: Close-shake is that when we shake the Finger as close and near the sounding Note as possible may be, touching the String with the Shaking finger so softly and nicely that it make no variation of Tone. This may be used where no other Grace is concerned. Open-shake, is when a finger is shaked in that distance from whence it was removed, or where it is to be set down; supposing the divstance exceed not the wideness of two Frets, for wider than that we never shake" |
from Playford's A brief Introduction To the Playing on the Bass-Viol (1674): "For the usual Graces, the Shake is the principal; of which there are two, the close shake and the open shake; the close shake is when you stop with your first Finger on the first Fret, and shake with your second Finger as close to it as you can; the open shake is when you stop with your first Finger on the first Fret, and shake with our third Finger on the third Fret; this observe in all stops whatsoever" |
from Geminiani's The Art of Violin Playing (1751): "The close Shake...To perform it, you must press the finger strongly upon the string of the instrument, and move the wrist in and out slowly and equally, when it is long continued swelling the sound by degrees, drawing the bow nearer to the bridge, and ending it very strong it may express majesty, dignity, etc. But making it shorter, lower and softer, it may denote affliction, fear, etc. and when it is made on short notes, it only contributes to make their sound more agreable and for this reason it should be made use of as often as possible" |
the rapid back-and-forth movement of a percussion instrument to produce a rattling sound |
Shaked grace | an obsolete term used to describe many different musical ornaments including the backfall, double relish, and so on |
Shaker | (Italian m., English) a percussion instrument consisting of a receptacle filled with a rattling substance such as seeds, beans or pebbles |
Shake, transient | see 'transient shake' |
Shak-shak | (Caribbean) an African instrument (idiophone) made from a calabash gourd, often found in the Steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago |
Shakuhachi | (Japanese, a reference to the instrument's length in ancient Japanese units) traditional Japanese end-blown flute, about 55 cm. long, made from bamboo, or more recently from wood |
Shakujo | Japanese stick rattle, used to accompany shomyo, Buddhist chanting of sacred texts or sutra |
Shalishim | (Hebrew) most writers identify it with the triangle (1 Samuel 18:6) |
Shallot | in the organ, the hollow brass tube against which the reed vibrates in a reed pipe |
Shalm | see Schalmeie |
Sham | see 'shim sham' |
Shaman | (Russian) a priest or medicine-man amongst the tribes of northern Asia, but now used generally for a medicine-man in any primitive tribe |
Shamanism | a religious practice first identified by anthropologists studying hunter-gatherer tribes in Siberia, Alaska, and northern Canada in which a shaman would serve as a mediator between his tribal community and the spirit world |
Shamisen | (English, German n./f.) also samisen or sangen , a long necked Japanese 3-string fretless lute, plucked with a heavy ivory plectrum, that first became popular in the pleasure districts during the Edo Period (1600-1868) when it appeared as part of the musical accompaniment in kabuki and bunraku performances. Shamisen are made from one of a variety of woods such as red sandalwood and the head covered with cat or dog skin. The pegs are traditionally made of ivory while the strings are of twisted silk |
Shamisen-ongaku | music played on the shamisen particularly kabuki and bunraku |
Shango | see Changó |
Shankara | Hindu philosopher of the 8th century AD, who was one of the foremost exponents of non-dualism of the Vedanta school of philosophy |
Shanks | a variety of crook, a piece of tubing, used to alter the pitch of brass instruments. If straight and fitted into the mouthpiece receiver, they are called shanks |
Shanmian qin | see yangqin |
Shan osi | Burmese long drum |
Shanty | (from the French chanter, to sing) from the middle of the 19th-century, a sea-song (hence, 'sea shanty') which has a chorus, which is sung by all, and verses that are usually sung by only one voice, also called 'chanty' |
Shanz | Mongolian three stringed banjo played with a plectrum |
Shao'er | Chinese earthenware whistle, often shaped like an animal |
Shape | the direction of a melody |
the abstract quality of the motion and figure of a composition, achieved through dynamics, pitch direction and tempo |
Shaped poetry | also called 'concrete poetry' or 'visual poetry', poetry that draws much of its power from the way the text appears situated on the page. The actual shape of the lines of text may create a swan's neck, an altar, a geometric pattern, or a set of wings, which in some direct way connects to the meaning of the words |
Shape notes | see 'shape-note singing' |
Shape-Note singing | an a cappella style of Protestant religious singing. Instead of reading music by the placement of the notes on the staff, shape-note singers sound out the tune by reading the shapes of the notes. There are two systems of shaped notation. The older Sacred Harp or fasola system uses only four syllables (fa with a triangular note head, sol with a round note head, la with a square note head, and mi with a diamond-shaped note head) in the musical scale which is denoted fa, sol, la, fa, sol, la, mi, fa. The newer seven-note system (using do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti) is more commonly used in North Louisiana today. It is also referred to as Sacred Harp singing, a reference to a book of hymns with shape-note notation |
Sharakan | Armenian religious chant. The official book contains 1166 hymns which form the basis of Armenian liturgy. The earliest surviving notated hymns employ a neumatic system (Armenian neumes) which is undecipherable |
Sharawaggi | (possibly of Japanese origin) or sharawadgi, in art, the beauty that is produced by deliberate asymmetry or irregularity. In 1944, Hubert de Cronin Hastings wrote an article in the Architectural Review called Exterior Furnishing or Sharawaggi: the art of making urban landscape, although the word originates with Sir William Temple in 1685 who believed it to be of Chinese origin |
Share-alike | a descriptive term used in the Creative Commons project for copyright licenses which include certain copyleft provisions. The specific definition used by Creative Commons is that "If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one." However, generic variations of share-alike licenses define free software and open content. The term copyleft has been used since the 80s to describe these terms by the free software community, but only as far as free licenses are concerned |
Sharers | in the Renaissance, senior actors holding business shares in the stock of a theatrical company |
Shargija | see sargija |
Sharp |  | diesis (Italian), Kreuz (German), dièse (French) |
a sign that raises the pitch of a note by one chromatic semitone |
a term applied to a note slightly above its expected pitch |
a term applied to notes that have a sharp sign placed in front of them, for example A sharp, F sharp, etc. |
a term used to describe major or, more usually, augmented intervals |
a term used to describe those keys with sharps in their key signatures, i.e. sharp keys, or the 'key of B sharp' meaning the key of B major |
organ pipes with a shrill tone, the tone being rich in high overtones |
usually used in its plural form (i.e. sharps), the black keys on a modern piano or organ keyboard |
Sharpened | a note to which a sharp sign has been added is said to have been 'sharpened', similarly a sharp note to which a double sharp sign has been applied |
Sharpened subdominant with added diminished seventh chord | in Roman notation #iv dim7, this chord, in the key of C, is F# dim7. It is found in jazz and gospel music |
Sharqii | North-African urban music influenced by Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian traditions |
Shastras | the Hindu Scriptures |
Shaveandahaircut, sixbits | an alternative name or catch phrase for the son clavé |
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) | Irish-born dramatist, noted music critic and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1925) |
Shawm | a family of double-reed instruments from the Medieval and Renaissance periods. The shawm, probably a Mohammedan invention, developed in Bagdad during the reign of Calif Harun-al-Rashid (763-807) and reached Europe during the time of the Crusades when the typical Saracen military band consisted of shawms, trumpets, and drums. The medieval or 'oriental' shawm is keyless with seven finger holes and one thumb hole. The European shawm and the larger shawms, called bombards or bombardes, lost the thumb hole. The narrow bore accounts for its compact tone which is produced by a double reed which is not controlled by the player's lips (i.e., the entire reed is placed inside the mouth). This reed is attached to a staple at whose base lies a metal disc, against which the player presses his lips when performing. The late Middle Ages and Renaissance shawm uses a broad cane reed controlled by the player's lips. With the smaller size shawms, the reed could be placed inside a pirouette, a funnel shaped protector against which the player places his lips. All shawms have several vent holes between the hole for the lowest note and the end of the bell. This section of the instrument is very long and contributes to the tone and carrying power of the instrument. A large fontanelle protects the key mechanism of the lowest note(s). The range is about 2 octaves (depending on the player's skill) |
size | lowest note |
Sopranino | f' |
Soprano | c', g' |
Alto | g, f, d, c |
Tenor | c, G |
Bass | F, C |
Great Bass | C, GG |
Shebeen | (Irish) an unlicensed house dispensing alcoholic drinks |
Sheddâda | from Morocco, a group of singers and instrumentalist-singers, for example, that takes part in a performance of milhûn |
Sheet | in printing, a piece of paper upon which an image can be printed. Except for small jobbing platens, most presses use moderate to large size sheets of paper. To print small objects a printing plate is usually created with a number of different images on it. This allows many small items to be printed in one press run, after which the sheet is cut down |
Sheet-fed | the method by which a printing press is fed paper a single sheet at a time from a rack, usually by mechanical grippers. The print quality and registration that results from sheet-feeding is better than what can be obtained from web-fed presses, but the process is not as economical to use |
Sheet music | hand-written or printed form of musical notation; like its analogues books, pamphlets, etc. the medium of sheet music typically is paper (or, in earlier times, parchment). A common synonym for sheet music is score, and there are several types of scores, as discussed below |
Note: the term score can also refer to incidental music written for a play, television programme, or film |
Sheets of sound | a term coined in 1958 by Down Beat magazine jazz critic Ira Gitler to describe the new, unique style of John Coltrane. Coltrane employed improvisational yet patterned harmonic techniques where densely packed solos consisting of high speed arpeggios and scale patterns were played in rapid succession: hundreds of notes running from the lowest to highest registers |
Shehnai | see shenai |
Sheikh | (Arabic, literally 'old man') the chief of an Arab family or tribe |
Sheikhat | in Morocco, the word sheikhat, the plural form, or its masculine form, shyoukh, are used imprecisely. They don't denote a single musical genre at all. The terms apply to all men and women whose professional activity is music and/or dancing. However, there are some important differences between the sheikhat of the Middle Atlas and those of the Atlantic plain (Dukkala and Abda), in spite of the widespread use of the terms sheikhat and shyoukh in both areas. The differences occur not only on the level of the language used in the songs, but also in the music, dress and choreography of each version |
Shekeré | (Nigeria) also 'chekere', calabash shaker (rattle) embroidered with beads that produce the shaker's sound. Known as chékere in Cuba |
Shell | a term used in jazz for a two-note structure in the left hand, consisting of the root and one other note, usually the 7th, the 3rd or 10th, or the 6th |
Shemozzle | see schlemozzle |
Shenai | South Asian Indian shawm |
Sheng | ancient Chinese mouth organ, consisting of a bundle of between 17 to 37 pipes seated on a small wind chamber. A free brass reed is placed in the root of the instrument. It is the predecessor of other free reed instruments such as the accordion. The large type is called chao and the smaller he. The earliest known sheng has 14 pipes and was found in Zenghou Yi's tomb in Hubei province. During the period from the southern dynasties to the Tang dynasty (420-907) the sheng played an important role in court music. And in the Ming and Qing dynasty (1368-1911) it was used extensively both in folk instrumental ensembles and in the accompaniment to local theatres and popular narratives. Today, the most common type has 17 pipes and the more sophisticated form for performing contemporary compositions has between 21 and 37 pipes, with keys and a metal resonating chamber into which the pipes are inserted. The resulting tone is bright and harmonious, the instrument is chromatically complete, and has an extended compass |
Shepard-Risset glissando | see 'Risset scale, continuous' |
Shepard scale | in 1964, psychologist Roger N. Shepard constructed an intriguing auditory illusion, the ever ascending or decending scale. The illusion depends on specially constructed complex notes, each containing all its audible octave partials but with the spread of energy centred on the middle member of sequence (that note is given the greatest amplitude). The energy level becomes progressively lower towards the lowest and highest notes. The trick to creating the illusion is that each note in the chromatic scale has the same pitch weight or clarity so that, as the notes change, the height remains constant. When first presented, the illusion was thought to demonstrate the intransitivity of pitch perception. However, the illusion is now regarded as a demonstration of the independence of pitch height and pitch chroma in pitch perception |
see 'Risset scale, continuous' |
Shepard's illusion | see 'Shepard scale' |
Shepard-Skala | (German f.) Shepherd scale |
Sherpa | (Tibetan) a member of an eastern Tibetan tribe living south of the Himalayas, often employed as guides and bearers by climbers in the Himalayas |
Shetland fiddle | Duke Ellington said that there are only two types of music which possess swing; one is jazz, the other Scottish music. He had almost certainly been listening to musicians from Shetland. Despite their tiny size and population, these island have a distinctive, vibrant and influential style of traditional music with the fiddle at its heart. The Shetlanders have drawn on a range of musical sources, from the virtuosic if rather formal Scott Skinner to the lilting style of the Irish, the "ringing strings" of Scandinavia and the country and swing of America |
Shevi | Armenian flute |
Shgul | (Arabic, literally 'elaborate') elaboration in traditional Arabic singing |
Shiak | (Dominica) or gwage, a percussion instrument |
Shibboleth | (Hebrew) a word that because of difficulties or variations in pronunciation may be used to distinguish or identify persons of different classes, districts, parties or sects |
Shift | a simple unstructured dress shape, slightly fitted at the bust with darts and clean lines down to the knee |
the movement of the left hand from one position to another on the fingerboard when playing a stringed instrument, which may be 'shifting up' or 'shifting down' |
the naming of shifts on the violin is related to left-hand position such that: |
half-shift | is | second position |
whole shift | is | third position |
double shift | is | fourth position |
Shifting | a general term in linguistics for any slight alteration in a word's meaning, or the creation of an entirely new word by changing the use of an expression |
Shift modulation | the sudden change in key that is a feature of some kinds of popular music ballads. In order to relieve the monotony of repeating the verse in the original key, the composer, or sometimes the arranger (in which case it is then called 'arranger's modulation', will move the whole verse usually up to a higher key. The piece is said to 'shift-modulate'. In such a case, it is usual to end the ballad in this new higher key, and not to return to the starting key |
Shigin | (Japanese) a form of Japanese poetry, which is usually chanted, either individually or within a group |
- Shigin from which this extract has been taken
Shigionoth | (Hebrew) according to variable tunes |
Shih poetry | (shih, Chinese for 'songs') there is no general word for "poetry" specifically in Chinese, but there are exact words for different genres of poetry. Shih is the basic or common Chinese verse. The term encompassed folksongs, hymns, and libretti |
Shiko | see ashiko |
Shiksa | (Yiddish) a non-Jewish or non-practising Jewish girl |
Shi Jing | (Chinese, translated variously as the 'Classic of Poetry', the 'Book of Songs' or the 'Book of Odes) the first major collection of Chinese poems. It comprises 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs (or airs, feng); 74 minor festal songs (or odes - ya), traditionally sung at court festivities; 31 major festal songs, sung at more solemn court ceremonies; and 40 hymns and eulogies (sòng), sung at sacrifices to gods and ancestral spirits of the royal house |
- Shi Jing from which this extract has been taken
Shima uta | (Japanese, literally 'island song') traditional music that is sung and performed in the Japanese Pacific Islands |
Shime-daiko | or tsukeshime-daiko , small rope-tuned Japanese drum, of medium size, used in Noh theatre |
Shimmy | African-American dance of the late 1880s. It involves the shaking of the shoulders and of the whole body |
Shim sham | or sham, originally a particular tap dance routine, the dance is credited to Leonard Reed, who originally called it 'Goofus', or to Willie Bryant. For swing dancers today, it is 'line dance' that recalls the roots of swing |
Shinawi | or sinawi, a traditional form of Korean music, performed improvisationally by a musical ensemble, and traditionally accompanying the rites of Korean shamanism. The style first emerged in the Chungcheong and Jeolla provinces, but is now widespread. The traditional shinawi ensemble includes two flutes, a haegeum, a daegeum, a janggu hourglass-drum, and a large buk, although more recently other traditional Korean instruments such as the gayageum and geomungo have been included |
Shines | the syncopated footwork usually done while dancing mambo or chachachá in open position |
Shing-a-ling | see 'boogaloo' |
Shingle | a small business, often set up by an actor or established player at a larger company (colloquial) |
Shingle dancing | a form of solo dancing akin to tap dancing, of African American origin, usually associated with old-time music. A shingle dancer dances on a small wooden platform (typically no more than about 30 inches square), sometimes equipped with a bell or a loose piece of metal to allow additional percussive effects |
Shinobue | Japanese bamboo transverse flute |
Shinshin | North-American vessel rattle |
Shinteki | (Japanese) or minteki, a traverse flute used in minshingaku (the Chinese-style chamber ensemble of Japan). . The instrument's distinctive tone is produced because of the resonating hole covered with extremely thin paper or a bamboo film |
- Shinteki from which this information has been taken
Shipshape | trim, neat, tidy |
Ship's piano | in 1820, Aucher Freres of France was one of the first piano makers to use a folding keyboard, which was characteristic of what came to be known as a ship's piano |
Shipwright | a shipbuilder, a ship's carpenter |
Shi qin | (China) a stone zither or xylophone of Southern China |
Shire | county (administrative region) |
Shire-horse | a heavy powerful draught-horse |
Shirk | to avoid (work, etc.) |
Shirker | a person who seeks to avoid work, etc. |
Shirr | elasticated gathered threads in a garment, etc. to form smocking |
Shirr | to gather (material) into decorative rows by parallel stitching |
Shirring | (material) that is gathered with parallel threads |
Shirt | upper-body garment of cotton, etc., usually front-opening |
Shirtsleeve | sleeve of a shirt |
Shirtwaister | a woman's dress with a bodice like a shirt |
Shirty | angry, annoyed |
Shishi mai | (Japanese) traditional 'Lion dance' from Okinawa, Japan with Chinese roots, in which a cape hides the dancer |
Shishi odori | (Japanese) Japanese deer dance, in which the dancer wears a deer mask and usually plays a drum hung from the waist while dancing |
Shivaree | corrupt form of charivari |
Shiwaya | (Southern Africa) a type of ocarina |
Shloka | metrical verse or composition |
Sho | a Japanese free-reed mouth organ, similar to the Chinese sheng, in which each free-reed pipe will sound the same note when the player exhales or inhales |
Shocallo | or chocalho, a Brazilian bamboo shaker |
Shoegazing | a style of music that emerged in the UK in the late 1980s characterised by the use of distortion and the fuzzbox, droning riffs and a Phil Spector-esque wall of sound from the noisy guitars. Another way to describe the guitar effects would be "lead-guitarlessness", typically with two distorted rhythm guitars interweaving together and giving an exceptionally muddied sound. Although lead guitar riffs were often present, they were not the central focus of most shoegazing songs |
Shofar | see shophar |
Shogun | (Japanese, from the Chinese) the hereditary commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, who until 1867 was the virtual ruler of Japan |
Shohga | a traditional way of teaching traditional instruments in Japan, Shohga is not solmization, although it does have some similarity. It is sung with melody and Japanese words, the sounds of which imitate the instrument. Shohga shows the shape and nuances of the melody, and its most important purpose is to show the manner with which the melody is to be played. So the word imitates the sound of the instrument, something like onomatopeia, so that the words and style are different for every instrument |
Shoka | (Japanese) a form of music developed in the 19th-century, that was composed to bring western music to schools |
Shoko | Japanese flat gong suspended vertically in an ornamental wooden frame, employed in gagaku, or court music |
Shomyo | (Japanese) or shoomyoo, Buddhist chant (particularly sacred texts or sutra) brought to Japan when the first Chinese teachers of Buddhist music arrived in 719 and 735 |
Shoo Fly | one of the big circle figures danced by all couples in one large circle facing the centre which are traditionally associated with square dancing |
Shoomyoo | see shomyo |
Shoot the Owl | one of the figures unique to, or traditionally associated with, square dancing |
one of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing |
Shophar | (Hebrew) translated as 'trumpet' (Numbers 10:10), synonymous with keren, a wind-instrument made from a ram's horn |
Short | less than average height, less than full length, corta (Italian), kurz (German), court (French), sec (French) |
Shortening | in linguistics, the word has two meanings, creating a new word by omitting part of a longer expression, and changing a long vowel to a short one |
Short grace note | acciaccatura (Italian), Zusammenschlag (German), pince étouffé (French) |
Shorthand | any system of rapid handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken word. Shorthand systems use a variety of techniques including simplifying existing letters or characters and using special symbols to represent phonemes, words and phrases |
- Shorthand from which this definition has been taken
Short octave | on a keyboard instrument of limited range, the bottom three to five keys can be tuned only to notes in the bottom register likely to be used rather than in their usual chromatic sequence, so nonessential notes are omitted |
Short score | also 'close' or 'condensed score', an abridged score where the number of staves in the full score is reduced, often a preparatory stage in the composition process before the scoring has been fully worked out |
Short service | in 16th- and 17th-century Protestant England, composers were required to set the canticles for Morning Prayer, Evensong or parts of the Communion Service, in the vernacular following the rule that 'to every syllable a note'. While the Great Services, which reverted to the old length and complexity, were apt to be difficult, requiring well-trained singers in the individual parts, the Short Services were simple settings of the text, without any repetion of phrases, as lovely in their way as the old method of singing the canticles to a plainsong chant |
Short story | a work of narrative fiction may contain description, dialogue and commentary, but usually plot functions as the engine driving the art |
Short syllable | in linguistics, any syllable containing a short vowel, but followed by only one consonant or no consonant at all |
Short vowel | a vowel of lesser duration than a corresponding long vowel |
Shorty George | a jitterbug-style dance step from the 1940s named after the Harlem dancer George "Shorty" Snowden involving loose arms, limp knees and a shuffling walk. It appears in the Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth musical You Were Never Lovelier (1942) performed to an unusually jazzy Jerome Kern tune with Lyle Murphy's light, bouncy arrangement conducted by Xavier Cugat. The orchestra, gets the number off to a swinging start before Astaire launches into his rhythmic vocal, demonstrating the step to a seated Hayworth, who joins in the vocal (dubbed by Nan Wynn). As the vocal ends, Hayworth rises to join a surprised and delighted Astaire in one of the most captivating of the rhythm duets he performed with a partner other than Ginger Rogers, benefiting from what John Mueller, author of Astaire Dancing (1985), describes as "a superb arrangement of the music by big-band composer Spud Murphy" |
Shoulder rest | spalliera (Italian f.), Schulterstütze (German f.), coussin (French m.), used on a string instrument but, unlike the chin rest that lies between the instrument and the chin, the shoulder rest lies between the back of the instrument and the shoulder of the player. Some players use both, although the shoulder rest is less common that the chin rest |
Shouqiu | (China) a ball-shaped rattle |
Shout-and-fall | or tumbling strain, a modal frame very common in Afro-American-derived styles |
Shout chorus | a passage in a big band arrangement in which the melody instruments play a line (usually highly syncopated) in rhythmic unison. A 'shout chorus' usually serves as an interlude between the head and solos |
Shove coupler | a manual coupler found on some larger two-manual harpsichords which is operated by sliding the upper manual toward the nameboard |
Showbiz | show business (colloquial) |
Showcase | one of the two forms of dance competition for choreographed performance routines. Showcase competitions take place usually at regional and national events, and can be for pairs or groups |
see 'Jack and Jill' |
Shredded | cut into fine strips |
Shred Guitar | a heavy metal guitar playing style where technical proficiency and playing speed are the major goals, often in a neoclassical framework. Beginning in the 1980s, shred guitar appeared in a heavy metal sub-genre known as neo-classical metal, since it often involved phrases and techniques from Baroque and Classical music |
Shrew's fiddle | so-called because it was originally used in the 18th century as a way of punishing women who were caught bickering or fighting, it was found also in medieval Germany and Austria, where it was known as a Halsgeige (literally 'neck viola' or 'neck violin') originally made out of two pieces of wood fitted with a hinge and a lock at the front. The shrew's fiddle consisted of three holes. One was a large hole for the neck and the other two were smaller holes which fastened the wrists in front of the face |
Shrine | a reliquary, a sacred image of special importance or a holy place, especially one connected with pilgrimage |
Shrink wrap | a method of packing printed and other products by surrounding them with plastic, then shrinking by heat |
Shruti | (Sanskrit, literally 'that which is heard') the Indian classical music term for microtones |
Shuang guan | a small Chinese double-reed wind instrument |
Shuang qin | a Chinese lute similar to the sanxian |
Shuddha | in Indian music, a pure, natural note |
Shudra | member of the fourth or menial caste among Hindus |
Shudraga | Mongolian three stringed banjo played with a plectrum |
Shuen paper | see 'Xuan paper' |
Shuffle | a slow-tempo jazz rhythm, in which each main beat is divided into three smaller beats (prominent in blues music) |
Shuffle note | see 'swung note' |
Shuffle rhythm | synonymous with 'swing' |
Shuffle-Rhythmus | (German m.) shuffle rhythm |
Shuffle time | see 'swing time' |
Shufti | or shufty, have a look! (at something), take a look (at something) |
Shugu | (China) the story telling drum, oblong in shape with animal skins on both ends, that is placed on a rack, which may be high or low, as required by different kinds of quyi. The drum is beaten with a bamboo stick |
Shui chan | (Chinese) glasses filled with more or less water so as to alter the pitch of the sounds obtained by striking them with sticks |
Shumbo | a traditional musical style of the Bantu Owambo people of Namibia |
Shuiqiang | Chinese whistle |
Shurle | (Croatia) Istrian reed instrument with two chanters |
Shutter | to close a legitimate play or musical (colloquial) |
Shutters | in the organ, the wooden slats that enclose a swell box |
Shuye | Chinese leaf reed |
Shvi | an end-blown flute-like instrument, played solo or in ensembles by shepherds in Armenia |
Shwetambar | a primary sect in Jainism, whose name has the literal meaning 'clad in white clothes'. The monks belonging to this sect always wear white robes and carry a small bowl for collecting alms. The Shwetambar sect was formed owing to a dispute over the authenticity of the Jain scriptures. The Digambar, which is the other major sect in the religion, have its own versions of the scriptures. The Shwetambar still adhere to the original scripts, which number 45. The Shwetambar differ also from the Digambar in various other details: they believe that women can also lead an ascetic life and achieve Moksha; they do not believe in the renunciation of clothes for achieving higher spiritual state; members of Shwetambar sect are known for their belief in extreme non-violence; members wear white mask over their mouth to avoid even the accidental consumption of a micro-organism. The Shwetambar sect comprises Murtipujaka, Stanakvasi and Terapanthi sub-sects. Of these sub-sects, only the Murtipujaka sect believes in idol worship |
Si |
(French m., Italian m.) B natural, the seventh note (leading note or subtonic) in the scale of C major |
Si | see wa |
si | (Italian) one, it |
si acaso | (Spanish) maybe, perhaps, if |
si acaso no estuviera ... | (Spanish) if he shouldn't be there ... |
si alguien preguntara | (Spanish) if anybody should ask, if anyone should ask |
si alza il sipario | (Italian) the curtain rises |
Si bémol |
(French m.) the note 'B flat', the flattened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si bemolle |
(Italian m.) the note 'B flat', the flattened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si bemolle maggiore |
 | (Italian m.) the key of 'B flat major' |
the scale of 'B flat major' |
Si bemolle minore | (Italian f.) the key of 'B flat minor' |
Si bemoll major |
 | (Catalan m.) the key of 'B flat major' |
the scale of 'B flat major' |
Si bémol majeur |
 | (French m.) the key of 'B flat major' |
the scale of 'B flat major' |
Si bemol mayor |
 | (Spanish m.) the key of 'B flat major' |
the scale of 'B flat major' |
Si bémol mineur | (French m.) the key of 'B flat minor' |
si bien | (Spanish) although |
Sibilant | in linguistics, any hissing sound made with a groove down the centre of the tongue, like that of (s) or (sh), the sibilant consonants or a sibilant bird call. In English the sibilant speech sounds are /s/, /sh/, /z/ or /zh/ |
sibilare | (Italian) to hiss |
Sibilo | (Italian m.) hiss |
si bisogna da capo al segno | (Italian) must be repeated from the beginning to the sign |
Sic | (Latin) thus, just so |
(Latin) a parenthetic insertion in a quotation or citation emphasing that an error or anomaly is as it was in the source from which the quatation is taken or to which the citation refers |
Sica | a variation on the Puerto Rican bomba |
see bomba |
Siccum lumen | (Latin) dry-eyed (tearless) on an occasion of grief |
Si cela ne vous fait rien | (French) If you don't mind. |
sich | (German) oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves |
sich aalen | (German) to laze, to stretch out |
sich abarbeiten | (German) to slave away |
sich abdrücken | (German) to leave an impression |
sich abfinden mit | (German) to come to terms with |
sich abgeben mit | (German) to occupy oneself with |
sich abheben gegen | (German) to stand out against |
sich abkehren | (German) to turn away |
sich abkühlen | (German) to cool, to cool down, to turn cooler (weather) |
sich ablagern | (German) to be deposited |
sich ableiten aus | (German) to be derived from |
sich ableiten von | (German) to be derived from |
sich ablösen | (German) to come off (become detached from), to take turns |
sich abmelden | (German) to report that one is leaving, to check out (of a hotel) |
sich abmühen | (German) to struggle |
sich abnutzen | (German) to wear out |
sich abschließen | (German) to cut oneself off, to lock up, to end |
sich abschwächen | (German) to lessen, to weaken |
sich absetzen | (German) to deposited, to flee, to pause |
sich absondern | (German) to keep apart |
sich absondern von | (German) to keep apart from |
sich abspielen | (German) to take place |
sich absprechen | (German) to agree |
sich abtrocknen | (German) to dry oneself |
sich abwechseln | (German) to alternate |
sich abwenden | (German) to turn away |
sich abzeichen | (German) to stand out, to be in the offing, to loom |
sich ähneln | (German) to be alike |
sich akklimatisieren | (German) to become acclimatized |
sich als Held aufspielen | (German) to play the hero |
sich amüsieren | (German) to be amused, to enjoy oneself |
sich anbiedern | (German) to ingratiate oneself |
sich anbiedern bei | (German) to ingratiate oneself with |
sich anbieten | (German) to offer |
sich anbieten zu | (German) to offer to |
sich ändern | (German) to change (oneself) |
sich anders besinnen | (German) to change one's mind |
sich an die Arbeit machen | (German) to set to work |
sich aneignen | (German) to appropriate, to learn |
sich anfassen | (German) to hold hands |
sich anfreunden | (German) to make friends, to become friends |
sich anfreunden mit | (German) to make friends with |
sich ängstigen | (German) to be frightened |
sich ängstigen um | (German) to be worried |
sich anhäufen | (German) to pile up, to accumulate |
sich anklammern | (German) to cling |
sich anklammern an | (German) to cling to |
sich ankleiden | (German) to dress |
sich anlegen mit | (German) to quarrel with |
sich anlehnen | (German) to lean |
sich anmaßen | (German) to presume |
sich anmaßen zu | (German) to presume to |
sich anmelden | (German) to say that one is coming, to register, to enrol, to check in (to a hotel), to make an appointment |
sich annehmen | (German) to take care of |
sich anpassen | (German) to adapt |
sich ansagen | (German) to say that one in coming |
sich ansammeln | (German) to collect, accumulate, to gather |
sich anschicken | (German) to be about |
sich anschicken zu | (German) to be about to |
sich anschließen an | (German) to adjoin, to follow, to become friendly with |
sich ansetzen | (German) to form, to burn |
sich ansiedeln | (German) to settle |
sich anstecken | (German) to catch an infection, to be infectious |
sich anstecken bei | (German) to catch an infection from |
sich anstellen | (German) to queue, to queue up, to make a fuss |
sich anstrengen | (German) to exert oneself, to make an effort |
sich anstrengen zu | (German) to make an effort to |
sich anziehen | (German) to get dressed |
sich ärgern | (German) to get annoyed |
sich arrangieren | (German) to come to an arrangement |
sich aufbauen auf | (German) to be based on (figurative) |
sich aufblasen | (German) to give oneself airs (figurative) |
sich aufführen | (German) to behave (oneself) |
sich aufhalten | (German) to stay, to spend one's time |
sich aufhalten mit | (German) to spend one's time on |
sich aufheben | (German) to cancel each other out |
sich aufheitern | (German) to brighten up (weather) |
sich aufhellen | (German) to brighten (sky) |
sich aufklären | (German) to be solved |
sich aufmachen | (German) to set out, to make oneself up |
sich aufmachen mach | (German) to set out for |
sich aufopfern | (German) to sacrifice oneself |
sich aufpflanzen | (German) to plant oneself |
sich aufputschen | (German) to take stimulants |
sich aufraffen | (German) to pick oneself up, to pull oneself together |
sich aufraffen zu | (German) to find the energy for |
sich aufregen | (German) to get excited, to get worked up |
sich aufreiben | (German) to wear oneself out |
sich aufrichten | (German) to straighten up, to sit up |
sich aufschwingen zu | (German) to find the energy for |
sich aufspielen | (German) to show off |
sich aufstellen | (German) to rise, to rise up, to line up |
sich aufstützen | (German) to lean |
sich aufstützen auf | (German) to lean on |
sich auftun | (German) to open |
sich auf und davon machen | (German) to make off |
sich aufwärmen | (German) to warm oneself |
sich ausbedingen | (German) to insist on, to stipulate |
sich ausbilden | (German) to train, to develop |
sich ausbilden als | (German) to train as |
sich ausbilden zu | (German) to train as |
sich ausbreiten | (German) to spread |
sich ausdehnen | (German) to stretch, to expand,to last |
sich ausdenken | (German) to think up, to imagine |
sich ausdrücken | (German) to express oneself |
sich auseinandersetzen mit einem Problem | (German) to come to grips with a problem |
sich ausgeben als | (German) to pretend to be |
sich ausgleichen | (German) to balance out |
sich auskleiden | (German) to undress |
sich auslassen über | (German) to go on about |
sich ausleihen | (German) to borrow |
sich ausmalen | (German) to imagine |
sich ausruhen | (German) to have a rest |
sich ausschlafen | (German) to get enough sleep, to sleep late |
sich äußern | (German) to comment, to manifest itself |
sich aussöhnen | (German) to become reconciled |
sich aussprechen | (German) to talk, to finish (speaking) |
sich aussprechen für | (German) to come out in favour of |
sich aussprechen gegen | (German) to come out against |
sich ausstrecken | (German) to stretch out |
sich austoben | (German) to rage, to let off steam (person), to romp about (children) |
sich ausweinen | (German) to have a good cry |
sich ausweisen | (German) to prove one's identity |
sich auszählen | (German) to pay off |
sich auszeichnen | (German) to distinguish oneself |
sich ausziehen | (German) to take off one's coat |
sich bedanken | (German) to thank |
sich bedenken | (German) to consider |
sich beeilen | (German) to hurry, to hasten |
sich beeilen zu | (German) to hasten to |
sich befassen | (German) to concern oneself, to deal |
sich befassen mit | (German) to concern oneself with, to deal with |
sich befinden | (German) to be |
sich befreien | (German) to free oneself |
sich befreunden | (German) to make friends |
sich begeben | (German) to go |
sich begegnen | (German) to meet |
sich begeistern | (German) to be enthusiastic |
sich begeistern für | (German) to be enthusiastic about |
sich begnügen | (German) to content oneself |
sich begnügen mit | (German) to content oneself with |
sich behaupten | (German) to hold one's own |
sich beherrschen | (German) to control oneself |
sich beißen | (German) to clash (colours) |
sich bekehren | (German) to become converted |
sich bekennen zu | (German) to confess to |
sich beklagen | (German) to complain |
sich bekreuzigen | (German) to cross oneself |
sich belaufen auf | (German) to amount to |
sich beleben | (German) to revive |
sich bemächtigen | (German) to seize |
sich bemerkbar machen | (German) to attract attention |
sich bemühen | (German) to try |
sich bemühen zu | (German) to try to |
sich benachteiligt fühlen | (German) to feel at a disadvantage |
sich benehmen | (German) to behave |
sich bequem zu | (German) to deign to |
sich beraten | (German) to confer |
sich beraten lassen | (German) to get advice, discuss |
sich bereden | (German) to talk |
sich bereichern | (German) to grow rich |
sich bereitmachen | (German) to get ready |
sich berufen | (German) to refer |
sich berufen auf | (German) to refer to |
sich beruhigen | (German) to calm down |
sich beruhigend | (German) acquietandosi (Italian), acchetandosi (Italian), becoming calmer, en s'apaisant (French) |
sich berühren | (German) to touch |
sich besänftigend | (German) to calm down, en se calmant |
sich besaufen | (German) to get drunk |
sich beschäftigen | (German) to occupy oneself |
sich beschleunigen | (German) to speed up, to quicken, to accelerate |
sich beschmutzen | (German) to get oneself dirty |
sich beschränkenauf | (German) to confine oneself to |
sich beschwerden | (German) to complain |
sich besinnen | (German) to think, to reflect, to remember |
sich besprechen | (German) to confer |
sich besser | (German) to get better, to improve |
sich bestätigen | (German) to prove to be true |
sich betätigen | (German) to work |
sich betätigen als | (German) to work as |
sich beteiligen | (German) to take part |
sich beteiligen an | (German) to take part in |
sich betragen | (German) to behave |
sich betrinken | (German) to get drunk |
sich betten | (German) to lie down |
sich beugen | (German) to bend |
sich beunruhigen | (German) to worry |
sich bewähren | (German) to prove one's worth, to prove it's worth, to prove a success |
sich bewährenheiten | (German) to prove to be true |
sich bewegen | (German) to move, to take exercise |
sich beweisen | (German) to prove oneself, to prove itself |
sich bewerben | (German) to apply |
sich bewerben bei | (German) to apply to |
sich bewerben um | (German) to apply for |
sich bewölken | (German) to cloud over |
sich bezahlen machen | (German) to pay off (figurative) |
sich bezähmen | (German) to restrain oneself |
sich beziehen | (German) to cloud over |
sich beziehen auf | (German) to refer to |
sich beziffern auf | (German) to amount to |
sich biegen | (German) to bend |
sich bilden | (German) to form, to educate oneself |
sich binden | (German) to commit oneself |
sich blähen | (German) to swell, to cause flatulence, to billow (curtain, sail) |
sich blamieren | (German) to disgrace oneself, to make a fool of oneself |
sich bloßstellen | (German) to show oneself up |
sich brausen | (German) to shower |
sich brechen | (German) to break (wave, shaft) |
sich büchen | (German) to bend down |
sich daranmachen | (German) to set out |
sich das Gesicht pudern | (German) to powder one's face |
sich das Knie aufschürfen | (German) to graze one's knee |
sich decken | (German) to cover oneself (familiar) |
sich decken gegen | (German) to cover oneself against (familiar) |
sich dehnen | (German) to stretch |
sich demütig | (German) to humble oneself |
sich den Arm auskugeln | (German) to dislocate one's shoulder |
sich den Arm ausrenken | (German) to dislocate one's shoulder |
sich den Arm quetschen | (German) to bruise one's arm |
sich den Kopf zerbrechen | (German) to rack one's brains |
sich den Fuß vertreten | (German) twist one's ankle |
sich die Beine vertreten | (German) stretch one's legs |
sich die Füße abtreten | (German) to wipe one's feet, to exit (theatre), to resign (figurative) |
sich die Nase zuhalten | (German) to hold one's nose |
sich die Zeit vertreiben | (German) to pass the time |
sich distanzieren | (German) to distance oneself |
sich distanzieren von | (German) to distance oneself from |
sich drängeln | (German) to crowd, to push, to be urgent, to press |
sich drängeln um | (German) to crowd round |
sich drehen | (German) to turn, to rotate, to (fast) spin, to change (wind direction) |
sich drehen um | (German) to revolve around, to be about, to turn, to change (wind direction) |
sich drücken | (German) to make oneself scarce |
sich drücken vor | (German) to shirk (familiar) |
sich ducken | (German) to duck, to cringe (familiar) |
sich dumm anstellen | (German) to act as if one is stupid, to play the fool [entry supplied by Michael Zapf] |
sich durchbringen mit | (German) to make a living by |
sich durchschlagen | (German) to struggle through (figurative) |
sich durchsetzen | (German) to assert oneself, to catch on (style) |
sich duschen | (German) to have a shower |
sich eine Ausrede zurechtlegen | (German) to have an excuse ready |
sich eine Blöß geben | (German) to show a weakness (figurative) |
sich entfernend | (German) allontanandosi (Italian), allontanando (Italian), receding, moving away, dying away, entfernend (German), en s'éloignant (French) |
Sicherheitsabstand | (German m.) safe distance |
sich erregen | (German) to get worked up |
sich erschöpfend | (German) getting exhausted |
Sicherung | (German f.) fuse (electrical) |
sich erwärmen | (German) to warm up |
sich erwärmen für | (German) to warm to (figurative) |
sich erweichen lassen | (German) to relent (figurative) |
sich erweisen als | (German) to prove to be |
sich fangen (in) | (German) to get caught (in), to regain one's balance (figurative), to regain one's composure (figurative) |
sich fein machen | (German) to dress up |
sich gänzlich verlierend | (German) disappearing completely |
sich gut anhören | (German) to sound good |
sich gut anlassen | (German) to start off well |
sich gut ausnehmen | (German) to look good |
sich gut treffen | (German) to be convenient |
sich hervortun | (German) to distinguish oneself, to show off |
sich hingebend | (German) abandoning oneself, abbandonandosi (Italian), en s'abandonnant (French) |
sich in acht nehmen | (German) to be careful |
sich in Bewegung setzen | (German) to start to move |
sich in Gefahr begeben | (German) to expose oneself to danger |
sich jucken | (German) to scratch (an itch) |
sich kapputmachen | (German) to wear oneself out |
sich kümmern um look after | (German) to concern oneself with, to take notice of |
sich kurz fassen | (German) to be brief |
sich kurz umdrehen | (German) to turn on one's heels |
sich lichten | (German) to become less dense, to thin (hair) |
sich Mut antrinken | (German) to give oneself Dutch courage (i.e. take a drink to boost one's courage) |
sich nebenbei beschäftigen (mit) | (German) to dabble (in) |
sich nicht beirren lassen | (German) to not let oneself be put off |
sich ohne Rechtstitel ansiedeln | (German) to squat (occupy a building without permission) |
sich operieren lassen | (German) to have an operation |
sich politisch betätigen | (German) to engage in politics |
sich quälen | (German) to torment oneself, to suffer, to struggle |
sich qualifizieren | (German) to qualify |
sich quetschen | (German) to squeeze into |
sich räuspern | (German) to clear one's throat |
sich schlecht anlassen | (German) to start off badly |
sich seinem Schmerz überlassen | (German) to abandon oneself to one's grief |
sich selbständig machen | (German) to set up on one's own |
sich selbst bedienen | (German) to help oneself |
sich selbst belügen | (German) to deceive oneself |
sich selbst betrügen | (German) to deceive oneself |
sich selbst überlassen sein | (German) to be left to one's own devices |
sich selbst übertreffen | (German) to excel oneself |
sich selbst überzeugen | (German) to satisfy oneself |
sich selbst verpflegen | (German) to cater for oneself |
sich still verhalten | (German) to keep quiet |
sich straffen | (German) to tauten |
sich sträuben | (German) to stand on end (hair, fur), to resist (figurative) |
sich streiten | (German) to quarrel |
sich stützen auf | (German) to lean on, to be based on |
Sicht | (German f.) sight |
sich tarnen | (German) to disguise oneself, to camouflage oneself |
sich tasten | (German) to feel one's way |
sich tasten zu | (German) to feel one's way to |
sich teilen | (German) to divide, to fork, to open (curtains), to differ |
sich totlachen | (German) to be in stitches (familiar) |
sich totstellen | (German) to pretend to be dead |
sich trauen | (German) to dare |
sich treffen (mit ...) | (German) to meet (with ...) |
sich trennen | (German) to separate, to part |
sich trennen von | (German) to leave, to part with |
sich trimmen | (German) to keep fit |
sich trösten | (German) to console oneself |
sich trüben | (German) to become cloudy, to cloud over (sky), to dim (eyes), to deteriorate (eyesight, etc.) |
sich tummeln | (German) to romp (about), to hurry (up) |
sich tun | (German) to happen |
sich türmen | (German) to pile up |
Sichuan opera | a renowned local theatre/opera mainly prevailing in Southwestern China's Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces, Sichuan Opera is characterized by unique solos, refined acting, rich percussion, and talented comedians |
sich überanstrengen | (German) to overexert oneself |
sich überarbeiten | (German) to overwork |
sich übergeben | (German) to be sick |
sich ... überhängen | (German) to sling ... over one's shoulder, to put ... round one's shoulders |
sich überlegen | (German) to think over, to consider |
es sich anders überlegen (German: to change one's mind) |
sich übernehmen | (German) to overdo things, to over-reach oneself (financially) |
sich überschlagen | (German) to somersault |
sich überschneiden | (German) to intersect, to cross, to overlap |
sich überstürzen | (German) to happen fast |
sich überstürzend | (German) precipitately |
sich überwinden | (German) to force oneself |
sich umbringen | (German) to kill oneself |
sich umdrehen | (German) to turn round, to turn over, to turn back, to turn one's back, to move round |
sich umeinander sorgen | (German) to worry about each other |
sich umhören | (German) to ask around |
sich umkleiden | (German) to change |
sich umschauen | (German) to look around, to look back |
sich umsehen | (German) to look around, to look back |
sich umsehen nach | (German) to look for |
sich umstellen | (German) to adjust |
sich umwenden | (German) to turn round |
sich umziehen | (German) to change |
sich unterhalten | (German) to enjoy oneself |
sich unterordnen | (German) to accept a subordinate role |
sich unterrichten | (German) to inform oneself |
sich unterscheiden | (German) to differ |
sich unterstehen | (German) to dare |
sich unterstellen | (German) to shelter |
sich unterwerfenen | (German) to submit |
sich verabschieden | (German) to say goodbye |
sich verändern | (German) to change, to change one's job |
sich verantworten (für) | (German) to answer (for) |
sich verästeln | (German) to branch out |
sich verausgaben | (German) to spend all one's money, to wear oneself out |
sich verbergen | (German) to hide |
sich verbeugen | (German) to bow |
sich verbiegen | (German) to bend |
sich verbinden | (German) to combine, to join together |
sich ... verbitten | (German) to not stand for ... |
sich verbreiten | (German) spread |
sich verbreitern | (German) widen |
sich verbünden | (German) to form an alliance |
sich verbürgen für | (German) to vouch for |
sich verdichten | (German) to thicken (fog) |
sich verdoppeln | (German) to double |
sich verdrücken | (German) to slip away (familiar) |
sich verdunkeln | (German) to darken |
sich verdünnen | (German) to taper off |
sich vereinen | (German) to unite |
sich vereinigen | (German) to unite |
sich verengen | (German) to narrow, to contract (pupil of the eye) |
sich verewigen | (German) to leave one's mark (familiar) |
sich verfärben | (German) to change colour, to discolour (a fabric, etc.) |
sich verfeinden | (German) to become enemies |
sich verflüchtigen | (German) to evaporate |
sich vergehen | (German) to violate, to sexually assault |
sich vergewissern | (German) to make sure |
sich vergnügen | (German) to enjoy oneself |
sich vergreifen an | (German) to assault, to steal |
sich vergrößern | (German) to grow bigger, to expand (business), to increase |
sich verhalten | (German) to behave, to act, to be |
sich still verhalten (German: to keep quiet) |
sich verhärten | (German) to harden |
sich verheiraten (mit) | (German) to get married (to) |
sich verhören | (German) to mishear |
sich verirren | (German) to get lost |
sich verjüngen | (German) to taper |
sich verkalkulieren | (German) to miscalculate |
sich verkleiden | (German) to disguise oneself, to dress up (in a costume, etc.) |
sich ... verkneifen | (German) to do without ..., to suppress ... |
sich verkriechen | (German) to hide |
sich verkühlen | (German) to catch a chill |
sich verlassen auf | (German) to rely on, to depend on |
sich verlaufen | (German) to lose one's way,to disperse (crowd); to drain away (water) |
sich verlegen auf | (German) to take up, to resort to |
sich verlieben | (German) to fall in love |
sich verlieren | (German) to disappear, to peter out (a road) |
sich verlierend | (German) dying away, disappearing, perdendosi (Italian), verebbend (German), en se perdant (French) |
sich verloben (mit) | (German) to get engaged (to) |
sich vermählen | (German) to marry |
sich vermehren | (German) to increase, to breed (plants), to multiply |
sich vermischen | (German) to mix |
sich verneigen | (German) to bow |
sich verpflichten (zu) | (German) to undertake (to), to promise (to), to sign a contract |
sich verraten | (German) to give oneself away |
sich verrechnen | (German) to make a mistake, to miscalculate (figurative) |
sich verrenken | (German) to contort oneself |
sich verringern | (German) to decrease |
sich versammeln | (German) to assemble, to meet |
sich verschaffen | (German) to obtain, to gain (respect) |
sich verschärfen | (German) to intensify, to increase, to worsen (situation, position) |
sich verschätzen in | (German) to misjudge |
sich verschieben | (German) to move, to shift, to slip, to be postponed |
sich verschlafen | (German) to oversleep |
(German) sleepy |
sich verschlechtern | (German) to get worse, to deteriorate |
sich verschlimmern | (German) to get worse, to deteriorate |
sich verschlucken (an) | (German) to choke (on) |
sich verschnaufen | (German) to get one's breath |
sich verschreiben | (German) to make a slip of the pen |
sich verschwören | (German) to conspire |
sich versehen | (German) to make a mistake |
sich versenken in | (German) to immerse oneself in |
sich versingen | (German) to play or sing a wrong note, to mess up |
sich versöhnen | (German) to become reconciled |
sich versorgen | (German) to look after oneself [entry supplied by Michael Zapf] |
sich verspäten | (German) to be late |
sich verspielen | (German) to play or sing a wrong note, to mess up |
sich versprechen | (German) to make a slip of the tongue |
sich viel versprechen von (German: to have high hopes of) |
sich versteifen | (German) to stiffen, to insist (figurative) |
sich verständig | (German) to communicate, to make oneself understood, to reach agreement |
sich verständlich machen | (German) to make oneself understood |
sich verständigen | (German) to communicate, to make oneself understood, to reach agreement |
sich verstärken | (German) to intensify |
sich verstecken | (German) to hide |
sich verstehen | (German) to understand one another, to get on (together) |
sich versteifen | (German) to stiffen, to insist (figurative) |
sich versteifen auf | (German) to insist on (figurative) |
sich verstellbar | (German) to pretend |
sich verstellen | (German) to pretend |
sich versuchen in | (German) to try one's hand at |
sich versündigen (an) | (German) to sin (against) |
sich vertagen | (German) to adjourn |
sich verteilen | (German) to spread out |
sich vertippen | (German) to make a typing mistake |
sich vertragen | (German) to get on, to go |
sich vertragen mit (German: to go with) |
sich wieder vertragen (German: to make it up) |
sich vertraut machen mit | (German) to familiarise oneself with (an instrument, a work, etc.) |
sich vertun | (German) to make a mistake |
sich verwählen | (German) to misdial |
sich verwahren | (German) to protest (figurative) |
sich verwandeln | (German) to change, to turn |
sich verwandeln in | (German) to turn into |
sich verwerfen | (German) to warp |
sich verwickeln | (German) to get tangled up |
sich verwirklichen | (German) to be realized |
sich verwirren | (German) to get tangled, to become confused (figurative) |
sich verwundern | (German) to be surprised |
sich verzählen | (German) to miscount |
sich verzehren | (German) to pine away (figurative) |
sich verziehen | (German) to lose shape, to warp (wood), to twist (fact), to disappear, to disperse (fog, mist), to pass |
sich verzögern | (German) to be delayed |
sich viel Arbeit machen | (German) to go to a lot of trouble |
sich viel versprechen von | (German) to have high hopes of |
sich vor Lachen ausschütten | (German) to be in stitches (laughing) |
sich vor Lachen biegen | (German) to double up with laughter |
sich wagen | (German) to venture |
sich wälzen | (German) to roll, to roll about, to toss and turn |
sich wandeln | (German) to change |
sich weich anfassen | (German) to feel soft |
sich weich anfühlen | (German) to feel soft |
sich zanken | (German) to squabble, to scold |
sich zeigen | (German) to appear, to become clear |
sich Zeit lassen | (German) to take one's time |
sich zerschlagen | (German) to fall through (figurative), to be dashed (hopes), to worn out (exhausted) |
sich zersetzen | (German) to decompose |
sich zerstreuen | (German) to disperse, to amuse oneself |
sich ziehen | (German) to run, to warp, to pull, to draw, to simmer (cooking) |
sich ziemen | (German) to be seemly |
sich zieren | (German) to make a fuss, to need coaxing |
sich zu einfach anziehen | (German) to underdress |
sich zufriedengeben | (German) to be satisfied |
sich zumachen | (German) to get ready |
sich zunutze machen | (German) to make use of, to take advantage of |
sich zurechtfinden | (German) to find one's way |
sich zuruckhalten | (German) to restrain oneself |
sich zusammennehmen | (German) to pull oneself together |
sich zusammenreißen | (German) to pull oneself together |
sich zusammenrollen | (German) to curl up |
sich zusammenschließen | (German) to join together, to merge (firms) |
sich zusammensetzen | (German) to sit together, to sit down together |
sich zusammensetzen aus | (German) to be made up from |
sich zusammenziehen | (German) to contract, to gather, to move in together, to move in |
sich zuspitzen | (German) to become critical (figurative) |
sich zutragen | (German) to happen |
sich zuviel zumuten | (German) to overdo things |
sich zuwenden | (German) to turn to, to devote oneself to |
sich zuziehen | (German) to contract, to sustain, to incur, to move into the area |
sich zwingen | (German) to force oneself |
Sic itur ad astra | (Latin, literally 'this way to the stars') this way to immortality |
Siciliana | (Italian f., Spanish f.) or siciliano, a dance of Sicilian origin, usually in a minor key, in compound duple or quadruple time with a swaying rhythm, sicilienne (French) |
Siciliano | (Italian m.) see siciliana |
Sicilian octave | (in Italian ottava siciliana or ottava napoletana, lit. 'Neapolitan octave') a verse form consisting of eight lines of eleven syllables each, called a hendecasyllable. The form is common in late medieval Italian poetry . In English poetry iambic pentameter is often used instead of syllabics. The form has a prescribed rhyme scheme of four rhymed couplets, or ABABABAB. Though only the final two rhymes are different from the much more common ottava rima, the two eight-line forms evolved completely separately. According to the Princeton Encyclopedia, scholars disagree on the origin of the Sicilian octave, but all agree that it is related to the development of the first eight lines of the sonnet (called the octave). It is not clear whether the octave emerged first and influence the sonnet or vice versa |
Sicilian school | in a literary context, the term Sicilian School identifies a small community of Sicilian, and to a lesser extent, mainland Italian poets gathered around Frederick II, most of them belonging to his court, the Magna Curia. Headed by Giacomo da Lentini, they produced more than three-hundred poems of courtly love between 1230 and 1266, the experiment being continued after Frederick's death by his son, Manfredi. This school included Enzo, king of Sardinia, Pier delle Vigne, Inghilfredi, Guido and Odo delle Colonne, Jacopo d'Aquino, Giacomino Pugliese, Giacomo da Lentini, Arrigo Testa and Frederick II himself. These poets drew their inspiration from the troubadour poetry of Southern France |
Sicilienne | (French f.) siciliana |
Sickling | in dance, this term is used for a fault in which the dancer turns his or her foot in from the ankle, thereby breaking the straight line of the leg |
Sic passim | (Latin, literally 'thus throughout the original') a parenthetic insertion in a quotation or citation emphasing that an error or anomaly is as it was in the source from which the quatation is taken or to which the citation refers |
Sic transit gloria mundi | (Latin, literally 'thus the glory of the world passes away') a Latin phrase that has been interpreted as 'fame is fleeting' |
Sicut erat in principio | (Latin, literally 'as it was in the beginning') it was conventional practice in church music of the Renaissance period, and later, to recall the opening music of a psalm for the phrase in the doxology that reads sicut erat in principio |
Sida | (Swedish) page |
abbreviation of syndrome immunodéficitaire acquis (French: )AIDS |
Sidda | see tabla |
Side | (Danish, Norwegian) page |
Side blown | also called 'cross blown', rather than blowing directly into the instrument the player blows across the mouthpiece e.g. the transverse flute |
Side-blown trumpet | a trumpet where the mouthpiece lies on the side of the instrument rather than at one end |
Side drum | snare drum, caisse claire or tambour militaire (French), Kleine Trommel (German), tamburo piccolo or tambour militaire (Italian), caja clara (Spanish) |
a small two-headed drum with a membrane or skin, the lower surface in contact with a set of strings called snares which when engaged produce a rattling effect. In the orchestra the side drum is usually placed on a stand. Sizes range from 15-18cm for the standard orchestral instrument, to 45-90cm for the field drum and 8-10cm for the piccolo snare. The orchestral player uses wooden or nylon tipped drum sticks, wire brushes or soft mallets. The side drum can be muffled by loosening the snares or by inserting a piece of silk or cloth between the snares and the parchment |
Side lead | in dance, a body position or action during a step, sometimes also called 'Same side lead'. Side leading is taking the same side of the body in the same direction of the movement of the moving foot. The word "taking" means that if a step is taken squarely forward or backward, for example, by the left foot, then the left side slightly rotates to the right or to the left respectively, as if the side of the body "leads" the step |
Sideman | (English, German m.) or sideperson, a member of a band who is not the leader, or a session player |
Side project | in popular music, a side project is a project undertaken by one or more persons already known for their involvement in another band. It can also be an artist or a band temporarily switching to a different style. Usually these projects emphasize a different aspect of that person's or that band's musical interests than they feel they cannot explore within the boundaries established by their main project. Side projects can later become full-time endeavours, but shouldn't be confused with quitting a band for a solo career or another band |
Side-slipping | in jazz, to play a passage, a melody or chord, a semitone (half-step) up or down from its expected place or in relation to the given harmony |
Side stitching | in printing, to stitch through the side from front to back at the binding edge with thread or wire |
Si dièse |
(French m.) the note 'B sharp', the sharpened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si diesis |
(Italian m.) the note 'B sharp', the sharpened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si doppio bemolle |  |
(Italian m.) the note 'B double flat', the doubly flattened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si doppio diesis |  |
(Italian m.) the note 'B double sharp', the doubly sharpened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si double bémol |  |
(French m.) the note 'B double flat', the doubly flattened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Si double dièse |  |
(French m.) the note 'B double sharp', the doubly sharpened seventh note in the scale of C major |
Siebdruckschablone | (German f.) screen printing stencil |
sie bekanntgaben | (German) was announced [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
sieben | (German) seven |
Siebenklang | (German) heptachord, a scale of seven notes |
siebensaitige Gitarre | (German f.) seven-string guitar |
siebente | (German) seventh |
Siebtelton (s.), Siebteltöne (pl.) | (German m.) seventh tone |
siebzehn | (German) seventeen |
siebzig | (German) seventy |
Sieg | (German) victory |
Siège | (French m.) seat, siege (military) |
sie gaben bekannt | (German) was announced [entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Siège éjectable | (French m.) ejector seat |
Siegelabdruck | (German m.) seal (as on or attached to a document) |
Siege of Rhodes, The | commonly regarded as the first through sung English opera, it was first performed in Rutland House in 1656 before a private, royalist audience. The organiser and librettist was William Davenant (1606-1668), who had followed Ben Jonson (1572-1637) as Court playwright. The scenery was designed John Webb (1611-1672) (assistant to Inigo Jones (1573-1652), who had himself collaborated with Jonson on many Masques). It had another notable feature. Webb designed the scenery on the Italian system of painted backgrounds and movable flats, providing a link between the fixed scenery of the Court Masque and the flexible scenery of the Jacobean Theatre |
siegen | (German) to win |
Siegeslied | (German n.) a triumphal or victory song |
Siège social | (French m.) head office, headquarters |
sièger | (French) sit (assembly) |
Siegue | misspelling of segue |
siehe oben | (German) see above, supra |
siehe unten | (German) see below, infra |
siempre hay alguno que no está conforme | (Spanish) there's always someone who doesn't agree |
¡siempre la misma cantinela! | (Spanish) always the same old story! aways the same old thing! |
¡siempre la misma canción! | (Spanish) always the same old story! |
siempre se agradece una sonrisa | (Spanish) a smile is always welcome |
si encore | (French) if only |
Siendo las .... horas del día..... del mes .... | (Spanish) At ... (time) on the ... (date) of ..... (month) (found on a legal document close to the space for the signature(s)) |
siente adoración por sus hermanos | (Spanish) she adores her brothers |
siente añoranza de su país | (Spanish) he yearns for his country |
siente añoranza por su país | (Spanish) he yearns for his country |
siente una gran atracción por ella | (Spanish) he feels strongly attracted to her |
siento que tengas que pasar por ese amargo trance | (Spanish) I'm sorry that you have to go through such an awful situation |
Sie rauschte aus dem Zimmer | (German) she swept from the room |
Sierra | (Spanish f.) saw |
in geology, a range of mountains rising into peaks somewhat like the teeth of a saw |
Sierra musical | (Spanish f.) musical saw |
Siesenki | Polish bagpipe |
Siesta | (Spanish f.) an afternoon rest, especially one taken in tropical and sub-tropical regions during the hottest part of the day |
siete | (Spanish) seven |
Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas (1914-15) | (Spanish, literally 'Seven Spanish Folksongs') for Mezzo-soprano and piano by Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) |
the Seven Spanish Folksongs feature songs from different regions of Spain: |
El Pano Moruno | Murcia region in Southeast Spain |
Sequidilla Murciana | from the Murcia region in Southeast Spain, moderately fast dance of in triple meter |
Asturiana | from the Asturias region of Northern Spain, sad and slow |
Jota | from the Aragon Region of Northeastern Spain; a rapid dance in triple time performed by one or more couples and accompanied by castanets |
Nana | a traditional lullaby |
Cancion | a well-known Spanish melody |
Polo | from Andalusia; evokes flamenco music of the Andalusian gypsies |
Sieving | a process associated with modern musical set theory, in which the pitch content of some material, that may be pre-existing, is reduced by selecting the portion to be used and omitting repeated pitches from the sieved set |
siffler | (French) to whistle |
Sifflet | (French m.) whistle, fife, pipe, fischietto (Italian m.) Pfeife (German f.: fife), Querpfeife (German f.: fife), Flöte (German f.: whistle, pipe), pifano (Spanish m.) |
(French m.) hiss |
Sifflet à coulisse | (French m.) slide whistle |
Siffleur (m.), Siffleuse (f.) | (French) a person skilled in the art of whistling, a person hired to hiss and boo at a dramatic performance |
Sifflöte | (German f.) a high-pitched (2 ft., 1 ft.) organ stop of the Hohl-flute species |
Sigaoma | a more modern Malagasy salegy dance with South African pop influence |
siga, por favor | (Spanish) please continue |
Sigh | see 'springer' |
Sighing | emitting an audible breath in sadness (weariness, relief, etc.), sospirando (Italian), seufzend (German), soupirant (French) |
Sighting | from 15th-century England, also called faburden, a term for the technique of improvising parallel lines of music to the written plainchant. The first part would be sung a third below the melody except for a few notes that would be a fifth below. The second part would be sung a fourth above the main melody |
Sight reading (instrumental) | to perform a piece of music never seen before |
see 'silent sight-reading', 'chunking', 'eye-hand span' |
Sight singing (vocal) | also called prima vista singing, to perform a piece of vocal music never seen before |
Sigillum (s.), Sigla (pl.) | (Latin) a seal (as might be attached to a legal document) |
Sigla | (Italian f.) initials, abbreviation |
Sigla musicale | (Italian f.) signature tune |
siglare | (Italian) initial |
Siglo | (Spanish m.) century, time (epoch), age, ages (figurative), world (figurative) |
Siglo X (Spanish: 10th-century) |
Siglo XI (Spanish: 11th-century) |
Siglo XII (Spanish: 12th-century) |
Siglo XIII (Spanish: 13th-century) |
Siglo XIV (Spanish: 14th-century) |
Siglo XV (Spanish: 15th-century) |
Siglo XVI (Spanish: 16th-century) |
Siglo XVII (Spanish: 17th-century) |
Siglo XVIII (Spanish: 18th-century) |
Siglo XIX (Spanish: 19th-century) |
Siglo XX (Spanish: 20th-century) |
Siglo de las Luces | (Spanish m.) Age of the Enlightenment |
Siglum (s.), Sigla (pl.) | (Latin) a letter or marking used as an abbreviation for a word in a manuscript, a printed text, on coins, on medals, etc. |
Sign | segno (Italian), Zeichen (German), signe (French) |
in linguistics, the basis of Ferdinand de Saussure's theory of signification (semiology) |
Signaalhoorn | (Dutch) bugle |
Signal | information being measured, transmitted or received via any medium. In terms of sound, it may be a sound to which one wishes to listen, or an electrical representation of a sound (audio signal) which is being recorded or reproduced (as with a microphone, tape recorder and magnetic tape, or a disc recording), transmitted or broadcast (as with radio), or synthesized electronically or by means of a computer |
- Signal from which this extract has been taken
Signal d'entracte | (French m.) interval signal |
Signal generator | also called 'tone generator' (in audio only), 'waveform generator', or 'frequency generator', an electronic instrument that generates repeating electronic signals |
Signalhorn | (German n.) signal horn, hunting horn, trompeta de caza (Spanish f.), corno da caccia (Italian m.), Jagdhorn (German n.), cor de chasse (French m.), bugle (French m.) |
Signal horn | bugle |
Signalist | (German) a military trumpet player |
Signalprozessor | (German m.) a signal processor |
Signal-to-Noise ratio | the ratio, usually expressed in decibels, of the average signal (recorded or processed) to the background noise (caused by the electronic circuits) |
Signatur | (German) signature |
Signatura tiempo | (Spanish f.) or signo de compás, time signature |
Signature |
there are three kinds of signature: |
clef signature chiave (Italian) Notenschlüssel (German) armure de la clé (French) | a sign placed at the far left of the staff marking the pitch of a note placed on one particular line |
key signature (Italian) Tonartvorzeichnung (German) tonalité à l'armure (French) | signs placed on the staff to mark the number and position of the sharps or flats usually those appropriate to the key in which the piece is written, for example, two sharps for D major or B minor. Because these chromatic signs are proper to the key they are not strictly accidentals |
time signature meter signature (US) (Italian) Taktvorzeichnung (German) signature temps (French) division temporelle (French) | a sign placed on the staff to indicate the number of beats in a bar (or measure), usually shown by two numbers one directly above the other, but occasionally marked with a single digit (2 or 3) or a large letter C with or without a vertical line passing through it |
Signature de clé | (French m.) key signature |
Signature motifs |
motifs based on letters from the names of noted composers (using the German note naming convention) |
B, A, C, B natural | for Bach (usually J. S. Bach) |
F, E flat, C, B natural | for Franz Schubert (F. Schubert) |
E flat, C, B natural, B flat, E, G | for Arnold Schoenberg (Schönberg) |
D, E flat, C, B natural | for Dmitri Shostakovich (D. Schostakowitsch; DSCH) |
B, E, B, A or B, A, B, E | for Béla Bartók (Béla Bartók, the latter motif recognizing the Hungarian practice of placing the family name before the personal name) |
C, A, G, E | for John Cage, used by Pauline Oliveros and, in the composition "CAGE DEAD", by Simon Jeffes of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra |
A, B flat, B natural, F | for Alban Berg and Hanna Fuchs-Robettin (A. B. and H. F.), used in Berg's Lyric Suite |
A, B flat, E, G, G | for Meta Abegg, the inspiration for Robert Schumann's Abegg Variations, Op. 1 |
A, S, C, H and As, C, H | (in English notation A-E flat-C-B and A flat-C-B), used in Schumann's Carnaval. He was romantically involved with one Ernestine von Fricken, who came from a town whose name in German was "Asch". These letters also appear in Schumann's own name. Every piece in the whole cycle is based on one or other of these motifs |
Signaturen | (German) the numbers used in figured bass to indicate the accompanying harmonies |
Signature rythmique | (French m.) time signature |
Signature temps | (French m.) time signature |
Signature tune | Erkennungsmelodie (German f.), a popular song or dance tune that has become associated with a performer, a radio or television programme, or a dance band or light orchestra |
Signe | (French m.) sign, segno |
Signe d'abaissement | (French m.) Erniedrigungszeichen (German n.), a sign that chromatically lowers the pitch of a note, i.e. the flat and the double flat sign |
Signe d'altération | (French m.) accidental, Vorzeichen (German n.) |
Signe d'élévation | (French m.) Erhöhungszeichen (German n.), a sign that chromatically raises the pitch of a note, i.e. the sharp and the double sharp sign |
Signe de valeur | (French m.) time signature |
Signe d'expression | (French m.) expression mark |
signer pour ... | (French) to sign on behalf of ... |
Signes accidentels | (French) accidental single or double sharps, single or double flats or naturals |
Signes d'alteració, els | (Catalan) accidentals |
Signes de prolongation | (French m. pl.) signs that indicate the extend the duratin of a note, for example le point d'augmentation (English: augmentation dot), le doublepoint (d'augmentation) (English: augmentation double dot), la liaison (English: tie), le point d'orgue (English: a pause (on a note)), le point d'arrêt (English: a pause (on a rest)) |
Signes des silences | (French) rests |
Signet | the personal seal of the monarch of England, developed into a separate royal secretariat in the 14th century; also used in a more general sense for a small personal seal |
Significación | (Spanish f.) meaning, significance |
Significado | (Spanish m.) meaning |
significado | (Spanish) well-known |
significar | (Spanish) to mean, to express |
significarse | (Spanish) to stand out |
significativo | (Spanish) significant |
Signo | (Spanish m.) sign |
Signo ampersand | (Spanish m.) ampersand (&) |
Signo de adición | (Spanish m.) plus sign, addition sign (+) |
Signo de admiración | (Spanish m.) exclamation mark (!) |
Signo de alteración | (Spanish m.) accidental (sign), signe d'altération (French), Vorzeichen (German n.) |
Signo de apertura de admiración | (Spanish m.) inverted exclamation mark (¡) |
Signo de apertura de exclamación | (Spanish m.) inverted exclamation mark (¡) |
Signo de centavo | (Spanish m.) cent symbol (¢) |
Signo de cierre de admiración | (Spanish m.) normal exclamation mark (!) |
Signo de cierre de exclamación | (Spanish m.) normal exclamation mark (!) |
Signo de cierre de interrogación | (Spanish m.) normal exclamation mark (?) |
Signo de compás | (Spanish m.) or signatura tiempo, time sign |
Signo de derechos de autor | (Spanish m.) copyright sign (©) |
Signo de dólar | (Spanish m.) dollar sign ($) |
Signo de equivalencia | (Spanish m.) signo de tilde, equivalence sign, tilde (~) |
Signo de euro | (Spanish m.) euro symbol () |
Signo de fin de párrafo | (Spanish m.) pilcrow, paragraph sign (¶) |
Signo de grado | (Spanish m.) degree (°) |
Signo de igual | (Spanish m.) equal sign (=) |
Signo de intercalación | (Spanish m.) or acento circunflejo (Spanish m.), circumflex (ˆ) |
Signo de interrogación | (Spanish m.) question mark (?) |
Signo de Libra Esterlina | (Spanish m.) pound sterling symbol (£) |
Signo de marca registrada | (Spanish m.) registered mark (®) |
(Spanish m.) registered trade mark (™) |
Signo de más | (Spanish m.) plus sign, addition sign (+) |
Signo de más o menos | (Spanish m.) plus or minus sign, plus/minus sign (±) |
Signo de mayor que | (Spanish m.) greater than sign (>) |
Signo de menor que | (Spanish m.) less than sign (<) |
Signo de menos | (Spanish m.) minus sign, subtraction sign (-) |
Signo de micro | (Spanish m.) micro- (10 to the power of -6) (µ) |
Signo de número | (Spanish m.) hash sign (#) |
Signo de porcentaje | (Spanish m.) percentage sign (%) |
Signo de pro mil | (Spanish m.) per thousand sign (‰) |
Signo de sección | (Spanish m.) section symbol (§) |
Signo de subrayado | (Spanish m.) underscore, underline (_) |
Signo de sustracción | (Spanish m.) minus sign, subtraction sign (-) |
Signo de yen | (Spanish m.) Japanese yen symbol (¥) |
Signo igual | (Spanish m.) the equal sign (=) |
Signo invertido de admiración | (Spanish m.) inverted exclamation mark (¡) |
Signo invertido de interrogación | (Spanish m.) inverted question mark (¿) |
Signo normal de admiración | (Spanish m.) normal exclamation mark (!) |
Signo normal de interrogación | (Spanish m.) normal question mark (?) |
Signos de acentuación | (Spanish m.) any expression mark used in musical notation, particularly that associated with note length, slurring, arpeggiation and legato |
Signos de articulación | (Spanish m. pl.) in music, articulation marks |
Signos de compás | (Spanish m. pl.) in music, time signatures |
Signos de expresión | (Spanish m. pl.) in music, expression marks |
Signos de prolongación | (Spanish m.)
in music, symbols used to indicate a prolonging of duration: |
ligadura (de unión) | a tie |
puntillo | a dot of prolongation or augmentation dot |
calderón | pause mark, indicating, when placed over a note head, that the note should be held for longer than its written duration |
tenuto | usually marked with a horizontal line placed above or below the note head, indicating that the note should be held for its full duration |
Signos de puntuación | (Spanish m. pl.) punctuation marks, scoring (in a competition), marking (homework) |
Signos de repetición | (Spanish m. pl.) in music, repeat signs |
Signos reguladores | (Spanish m. pl.) in music, dynamic markings |
Signs (musical) | symbols placed on or near a staff indicating performance specifications for pitch, dynamics, time duration, accidentals, phrasing, manner of attack, timing, tempo, repeats, fingering, ornamentation, use of pedals or mutes, etc. |
Sign singing | also called 'Karaoke signing', singing using sign language. Typically a song is played, and the "singer" expressively performs a sign language version of the lyrics. Well-known sign singers include the Japanese Tomoko Nakayama, a follower of Nichiren Buddhism, and the bawdy Australian duo 'Dislabelled'. In London in 2003, a series of 'Deaf Idol' events were held where deaf participants competed in karaoke singing, dance etc, in a similar format to the TV show Pop Idol. Sign singing also features in the movie Napoleon Dynamite
Signs of character | in the theatre, the various cues that convey a character's personality, emotion or motivation |
Signs of performance | in the theatre, an actor's movements, expressions and vocal tones and patterns that contribute to signs of character |
Signs of the zodiac | signes du zodiaque (Italian), Tierkreiszeichen des Zodiaks (German), signes du zodiaque (French), signos zodiacales (Spanish). Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in use in astronomy besides the equatorial one, the term and the names of the twelve signs are today mostly associated with horoscopic astrology |
English | Astronomical Period | English translation | Italian | German | French | Spanish |
Aries | Mar 21-Apr 19 | The Ram | Ariete | Widder | le Bélier | Aries |
Taurus | Apr 20-May 20 | The Bull | Toro | Stier | le Taureau | Tauro |
Gemini | May 21-Jun 20 | The Twins | Gemelli | Zwillinge | les Gémeaux | Géminis |
Cancer | Jun 21-July 22 | The Crab | Cancro | Krebs | le Cancer | Cáncer |
Leo | Jul 23-Aug 22 | The Lion | Leone | Löwe | le Lion | Leo |
Virgo | Aug 23-Sep 22 | The Virgin | Vergine | Jungfrau | la Vierge | Virgo |
Libra | Sep 23-Oct 22 | The Scales | Bilancia | Waage | la Balance | Libra |
Scorpio | Oct 23-Nov 21 | The Scorpion | Scorpione | Skorpion | le Scorpion | Escorpio |
Sagittarius | Nov 22-Dec 21 | Centaur The Archer | Sagittario | Schütze | le Sagittaire | Sagitario |
Capricorn | Dec 22-Jan 19 | "Goat-Horned" (The Sea-Goat) | Capricorno | Steinbock | le Capricorne | Capricornio |
Aquarius | Jan 20-Feb 18 | The Water Bearer | Aquario | Wassermann | le Verseau | Acuario |
Pisces | Feb 19-Mar 20 | The Fishes | Pesci | Fische | les Poissons | Piscis |
Signum congruentia | often shortened to signum, a sign that shows the start and end of a derived part in a canon, which was widely used in the 15th-century. Other signs or notational devices might indicated when the derived part was to be performed at a different pitch, or in a retrograde or inverted form. The signum congruentia was also used in parts books to show where all the parts 'come together', in order words rather in the present-day manner of using numbers or letters to mark the beginning of sections |
Siguidilla | see seguidilla |
siguiente | (Spanish) following, next |
Siguiriyas | (Spanish) a flamenco song style derived from tonás, full of drama and with a large number of variations. They consist in a powerful wordless introduction followed by a four verse stanza |
si ha s'immaginar la battuta di 6/8 | (Italian) imagine the time to be 6/8, i.e. play the music as though the time is 6/8 |
Sihu | four-stringed type of Mongolian khuuchir or spike tube fiddle |
Siiriri | a single-stringed, spiked fiddle, which the Luo call orutu |
Sij | (Spanish m./f.) Sikh |
Sijo | (Korean) short lyric song which is very similar to the gagok in tone and text |
Sikadraha | a Malagasy scraper. A long piece of bamboo with transverse ridges cut into it that is played by scraping with a stick |
Siku | Andean double-row panpipes typically made of cane or clay |
Sikyi | a recreational music and dance of the youth of Ashanti. It originated in the 1920s but became very popular around Ghana's independence in 1957. It is performed in the vein of kpanlongo of the Ga of Accra and boboobo of the Northern Ewe of the Volta Region of Ghana. Sikyi is seen principally at social gatherings where the youth solely express themselves in courtship. It is flirtatious in character. Its characteristic form is the strutting and bobbing up and down and a display of theatrical elegance |
Sil | a large Tibetan cymbal |
Silaba | (Spanish f.) syllable |
silbar | (Spanish) to whistle, siffler (French) |
(Spanish) to hiss, to boo |
Silabario | (Spanish m.) spelling book |
silabear | (Spanish) to divide words into syllables |
silábico (m.), silábica (f.) | (Spanish) syllabic |
si le das alas, ... | (Spanish) if you let him have his own way, ... |
Silba | (Spanish f.) hissing |
el público respondió con una escandalosa silba a ... (Spanish: the audience hissed and booed at ...) |
silbar | (Spanish) to whistle, to hiss, to boo |
Silbato | (Spanish m.) whistle, for example as used by the referee in a sports match |
Silbe | (German f.) syllable |
Silbentrennung | (German f.) word-division |
Silberhochzeit | (German f.) silver wedding |
silberne Hochzeit | (German f.) silver wedding |
Silbido | (Spanish m.) whistle, whistling, sifflement (French) |
(Spamish m.) hiss, ring (telephone), ringing (telephone) |
Silbido de oídos | (Spanish m.) a ringing in the ears |
Silbo | (Spanish m.) whistle (with the mouth), whistling (with the mouth), hiss |
Silbote | a larger version of the Basque txistu, a three-hole pipe |
Silence | (French m.) an absence of sound |
(French m.) in music, a rest, Pausezeichen (German n.), silencio (Spanish m.) |
the role of silence in music fascinated the American composer John Cage (1912-1992) and led him to write 4' 33" |
'To focus on the phenomenon of musical silence is analogous to deliberately studying the spaces between trees in a forest: somewhat perverse at first, until one realizes that these spaces contribute to the perceived character of the forest itself, and enable us to speak coherently of 'dense' growth or 'sparse' vegetation. In other words, silence is not nothing. It is not the null set. Silence is experienced both as meaningful and as adhering to the sounding position of the musical object.' Thomas Clifton The Poetics of Musical Silence Musical Quarterly (1976) LXII: pp. 163-181 |
Silence de brève |  | (French m.) a breve rest (double whole rest) equal to two semibreve rests (whole rests) |
silenceux (m.), silencieuse (f.) | (French) silent |
silenciar | (Spanish) to muffle, to hush, to keep silent |
Silencio (s.), Silencios (pl.) | (Spanish m.) silence |
(Spanish m.) rest |
in flamenco, any section in a performance when the guitar remains silent, for example when a dancer accelerates his or her footsteps |
a section in alegrais which is played in a minor key at a much slower pace |
Silencio de blanca |  | (Spanish m.) minim rest (half rest), a rest half the value of a semibreve rest (whole rest) |
Silencio de breve |  | (Spanish m.) a breve rest (double whole rest) equal to two semibreve rests (whole rests) |
Silencio de cuadrada |  | (Spanish m.) a breve rest (double whole rest) equal to two semibreve rests (whole rests) |
Silencio de corchea |  | (Spanish m.) a quaver rest, an eighth rest, a rest one eighth the duration of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
Silencio de doble redonda |  | (Spanish m.) a breve rest, a double whole rest |
Silencio de fusa |  | (Spanish) a demisemiquaver rest, a thirty-second rest, a rest one thirty-second the duration of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
Silencio de garrapatea |  | (Spanish m.) a semihemidemisemiquaver rest, a one hundred and twentieth rest, a rest one hundred and twenty eighth the duration of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
Silencio de negra |  | or |  | (Spanish m.) a crotchet rest (quarter rest) of which four equal the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest, pausa di semiminima (Italian f.), soupir (French m.), Viertelpause (German f.), pausa de negra (Spanish f.), silencio de semiminima (Spanish m.), pausa de semiminima (Spanish f.) |
Silencio de redonda |  | (Spanish m.) a semibreve rest, a whole rest |
Silencio de semicorchea |  | (Spanish m.) a semiquaver rest (sixteenth rest), a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest |
Silencio de semifusa |  | (Spanish m.) a hemidemisemiquaver rest, a sixty-fourth rest, a rest one sixty-fourth the duration of a semibreve rest or whole rest |
Silencio de semiminima |  | or |  | (Spanish m.) a crotchet rest (quarter rest) of which four equal the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest, pausa di semiminima (Italian f.), soupir (French m.), Viertelpause (German f.), silencio de negra (Spanish f.), pausa de negra (Spanish f.), pausa de semiminima (Spanish f.) |
silencioso (m.), silenciosa (f.) | (Spansh) quiet, silent |
Silencis | (Catalan m. pl.) rests |
Silent sight-reading | highly skilled musicians can sight-read silently; that is, they can look at the printed music and hear it in their heads without playing or singing. Less able sight-readers generally must at least hum or whistle in order to sight-read effectively |
Silenzio | (Italian m.) silence |
silenzio | (Italian) keep quiet |
Silenzio perfetto | (Italian m.) perfect silence, general rest |
silenzioso | (Italian) silent |
si leva il sordino | (Italian) take off the mute |
si levano i sordini | (Italian) take off the mutes |
Sílfide | (Spanish f.) sylph |
Silhouette | Finance Minister, Etienne de Silhouette created an amusement for the eighteenth-century French court by cutting out portraits in profile from black paper. Meanwhile the masses hurt by his tax policies took to wearing black, protesting they could not afford to wear colour. Their mimicry became known as dressing à la Silhouette. Profiles in black are still referred to as silhouettes. Eventually silhouettes were exchanged as tokens of friendship, then as a customary first exchange between lovers. This art form, the poor man's portrait, was very popular until the 1840s when photography came into fashion |
Sílice | (Spanish f.) silica |
Silicio | (Spanish m.) silicon |
Silicona | (Spanish f.) silicone |
Silicon paper | non-stick silicon-impregnated paper |
Peter Krantz, writing about using silicon paper in book restoration makes the following comments: "waxed paper has its limitations, due to the thin film of wax which can lift off with repeated use, often just single use. Even heavier waxed sheets can go this way. From our experience, the better form of non-stick paper is silicon-coated paper. Baker's non-stick paper is silicon-impregnated, but it is porous to moisture, and ripples. Freezer paper may also be silicon-impregnated paper. The translucent base of these latter two is a special vegetable-based paper. For a reliable non-stick paper, the industrial form of silicon paper mostly comes single-sided. It is known as silicon release paper, sometimes backing or carrier paper. It is common to find it as the backing paper for adhesive tapes and Contact self-adhesive book covering PVC. These silicon release sheets are usually thrown away after the usable PVC film is pealed off. However, since these backing papers behind the Contact are used only once, and then thrown away, then the layer of silicon needs only to be minimal. Notwithstanding, the silicon is, from our experience, on the whole, more hardy than waxed paper. Some years ago, we discussed this matter with a silicon paper manufacturer here in Sydney, and they advised us that it depended upon the thickness of silicon used in the process, ie how many layers of silicon film were placed on the paper substrate. We watched the silicon film-forming process in their plant. At the time, we were looking for a reliable double-sided silicon paper, with good weight (above 60gsm) and with decent film thickness to be able to use it constantly, process after process, without any need to throw the sheets away. It was very difficult to find a firm double-sided silicon sheet, as it required more sophisticated manufacturing, and there is less demand for this double-coated state. Finally, we found a good product, white in colour, firm, and above 70 gsm, (minutely even thicker after the silicon layer is taken into account). In our workshop, we then cut up a number of sizes, and use them doubled up, ie folded once to the sizes we require, mostly in pairs. We have used each piece hundreds of times between the eps when casing up, in the press, and we have never needed to replace pieces.
They can be gently scraped of any residual dried glue and reused with complete impunity - that is how good the silicon impregnation process is. Another very important aspect is that it doesn't ripple when being used, as ripples can form under pressure, and transfer to the surrounding sheets, which then dry with these ripples. It was important to find the correct silicon sheet which prevented this phenomena, caused by water migrating through the sheets |
Silk-stocking | aristocratic, wealthy or fashionably dressed; a wealthy, aristocratic or fashionably-dressed person |
Silk-stocking district | a wealthy or fashionable district |
Sill | slab of stone, wood, or metal at the foot of a window or doorway |
Silla | (Spanish f.) chair, saddle, see (religious) |
Sillaba | (Italian f.) syllable |
Silla de montar | (Spanish f.) saddle |
Silla de ruedas | (Spanish f.) wheelchair |
Silla giratoria | (Spanish f.) swivel chair |
Sillar | (Spanish m.) ashlar |
si llegara a pasarle algo | (Spanish) if anything happened to her |
Sillería | (Spanish f.) chairs, set of chairs, choir stalls |
(Spanish f.) ashlar |
Sillet | (French m.) saddle, sella (Italian f.), Sattel (German m.) |
(French m.) the nut (upper (du haut or lower du bas, as found on a string instrument such as the violin, etc.) |
(French m.), fret (for example, on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument), Bund (German m.), tasto (Italian m.) |
Sillet du bas | (French m.) Untersattel (German m.), capo-cordiera (Italian m.), (on a violin, etc.) the lower saddle takes the pull of the tailgut off the edge of the belly |
(French m.) on a guitar, the bottom nut |
Sillet du chevalet de la guitare | (French m.) saddle |
Sillet du haut | (French m.) upper nut, capotasto (Italian m.), Obersattel (German m.), on the violin, etc., the piece of ebony, ivory or some other hard material, that lies at the scroll end of the fingerboard and which has grooves cut into its surface each groove locating one of the strings that passes over it |
Sillín | (Spanish m.) saddle |
Sillón | (Spanish m.) armchair, easy chair, side-saddle (riding) |
Sillon fermé | (French m.) tape loop |
s'illustrer | (French) to become famous |
si lo agarro | (Spanish) if I get my hands on him, if I lay my hands on him |
Silogismo | (Spanish m.) syllogism |
Silsila | a term used in Algeria for some of the 'suites' or nubat drawn from the Andalusian tradition |
Sil-snyan | from India and China, a pair of cymbals connected by a cord that passes through the center hole. The instrument is held vertically, and the two cimbals are struck against each other |
- Sil-snyan from which the comment has been taken
s'il te plaît | (French) please |
Silueta | (Spanish f.) silhouette, outline, figure (body), shape (body) |
Silva de Sirenas | (Spanish, literally 'Sylvan wood of Sirens) a collection of vihuela music originally composed or set by the vihuelist Enriquez de Valderrabano, who probably worked in the court of Conde de Miranda, the dedicatee of his book. Published in Valladolid (1547), Valderrabano's book was highly esteemed in its day and it has the historical distinction of being the only book to contain music for two vihuelas. Valderrabano's book included differencias (theme and variations), and 'intabulations' (arrangements on the vihuela) of vocal works by Josquin, Gombert, Willaert, Mouton, Morales, as well as his own. Valderrabano created his duets for instruments in various tuning combinations. Therefore, they requires five different vihuelas to perform these works, including two vihuelas tuned in unison (nominally in G), plus a vihuela tuned a minor third higher, a 4th higher, and one a 5th higher |
S'il venait à | (French) If he were to |
Silverbasharpa | ancestor to Swedish nyckelharpa |
Silver End | founded in 1926 by F.H.Critall. During expansion in the I920s Crittalls carpet manufacturers commissioned a scheme for a brand-new company village. The employees administered the village themselves through a company set up specially for the purpose. In the early stages the village consisted mostly of flat-roofed International Modern housing. Other housing was plain neo-Georgian. There was also a village hall, hotel, bank, telephone exchange, surgery, dental clinic, shopping arcade, school and playing fields and a public garden. Farms were established which sold produce direct to the villagers |
Silvester | (German n.) New Year's Eve |
silvestre | (Spanish) wild |
s'il vous plaît | (French) please |
sim. | abbreviated form of simile (Italian: similar) |
Sima | (Spanish f.) chasm, abyss |
Simadan | the name given on Bonaire to what is known as seú elsewhere in the Dutch Antilles |
see seú |
Si maggiore |
 | (Italian) the key of 'B major' |
the scale of 'B major' |
Si maior |
 | (Portuguese) the key of 'B major' |
the scale of 'B major' |
Si majeur |
 | (French) the key of 'B major' |
the scale of 'B major' |
Si major |
 | (Catalan m.) the key of 'B major' |
the scale of 'B major' |
si mal no me acuerdo | (Spanish) if I remember right |
Simandlbogen | (German m.) see 'German bow/grip' |
Simandl bow | see 'German bow/grip' |
Si mayor |
 | (Spanish) the key of 'B major' |
the scale of 'B major' |
Simbang gabi | or 'night mass', the Filipino equivalent of the Misa de Aguinaldo which begins the long Christmas season in the Philippines which starts on Dec. 16 and ends on the Feast of the Epiphany or Feast of Three Kings on the first Sunday after New Year's Day. In recent years, the Catholic Church has allowed the holding of the Misa de Aguinaldo in the evening (usually at 8 pm.). It is considered an "anticipated mass," such that the first mass of the nine-day tradition is held in the evening of Dec. 15 and the last, in the evening of Dec. 23. The holding of evening masses now perfectly suits the name simbang gabi |
simbólico (m.), simbólica (f.) | (Spanish) symbolic, symbolical |
Simbolismo | (Spanish m.) symbolism |
Simbolista | (Spanish m./f.) symbolist |
simbolizar | (Spanish) to symbolise |
Símbolo | (Spanish m.) symbol |
Símbolo arroba | (Spanish m.) @ symbol |
Símbolo grabado | (Spanish m.) graphical symbol (for example, in a musical score, notes, rests, expression markings, etc.) |
si me animo a salir te llamo | (Spanish) if I feel like going out, I'll call you |
Simetría | (Spanish f.) symmetry |
simétrico (m.), simétrica (f.) | (Spanish) symmetric, symmetrical |
Simicum | (Greek) an ancient Greek instrument with 35 strings, believed to be related to the lyre or harp |
Simil | (Spanish m.) comparison, resemblance, similarity, simile |
Similaire | similar, simile (Italian), ähnlich (German), semblable (French) |
Similar | simile (Italian), ähnlich (German), semblable (French), similaire (French) |
Similarità | (Italian f.) similarity |
Similar motion | moto retto (Italian), Geradebewegung (German), mouvement semblable (French), mouvement similaire (French), motion where the parts move in the same direction but not necessarily by the same interval |
Simile | an analogy or comparison implied by using an adverb such as like or as, in contrast with a metaphor which figuratively makes the comparison by stating outright that one thing is another thing. This figure of speech is of great antiquity. It is common in both prose and verse works |
simile (s.), simili (pl.) | (Italian, literally 'similar') an instruction to continue with some effect or technique |
Simile marks |
signs indicating the repeat of a group of notes or of complete bars |
Similitud | (Spanish f.) similarity, resemblance |
Si mineur | (French) the key of 'B minor' |
Si minore | (Italian) the key of 'B minor' |
Simoom | (Arabic) a hot dry sand-laden wind which sweeps periodically across the Arabian and Oriental deserts |
Simpatía | (Spanish f.) liking, affection, sympathy, solidarity |
simpatico (m.), simpatica (f.) | (Italian) full of tender feeling, nice, likeable, kind, friendly, congenial, charming, sympathetic |
simpático (m.), simpático (f.) | (Spanish) full of tender feeling, nice, likeable, kind, friendly, congenial, charming, sympathetic |
Simpatizante | (Spanish m./f.) sympathiser |
simpatizante | (Spanish) sympathetic |
simpatizar | (Spanish) to get on |
simpatizar con | (Spanish) to get on with |
Simple | semplice (Italian), einfach (German), simple (French) |
not florid, for example 'simple counterpoint' |
not developed, for example 'simple imitation' |
not exceeding an octave, as in 'simple interval' as opposed to 'compound interval' |
simple or pure tone, one devoid of harmonics |
see 'simple time' |
in ballet, to mean ordinary |
(French) single |
Simple binary form | a binary form in which there is no actual return of the theme which opened the movement, though the melody may be similar. In contrast, a "rounded binary" form brings back the original them, albeit shortened, with the return of the tonic in the second section |
Simple counterpoint | counterpoint that is not complex |
Simple interval | intervallo semplice (Italian m.), einfaches Intervall (German n.), intervalle simple (French), intervalo simple (Spanish m.), an interval of an octave or less (but generally not including the unison which many theorists do not consider an interval) - an interval greater than an octave is called a compound interval |
simplement | (French) simply, semplice |
Simple meter | synonymous with 'simple time' |
Simplesse | (French f.) artificial simplicity, cultivated artfulness |
Simple time | einfache Taktart (German), mesure simple (French f.) |
for all simple meter or simple time signatures: |
the note denoting the beat is un-dotted |
each beat can be divided into two half-beats |
the upper number in the time signature is not divisible by 3, expect when it is 3, which is usually a simple time signature |
in simple time signatures, the upper number actually indicates the number of beats in each bar |
Simplex | a term from Medieval theory which covers a variety of specific meanings, but always implying something simple as opposed to something more complex; simplices conductus implies a monophonic composition; simplex organum implies simple as opposed to composite organum; simplex breve implies that the breve should be of a regular, unlengthened duration, and so on |
Simplex munditiis | (Latin) neat and simple, becomingly unadorned |
Simpleza | (Spanish f.) simplicity, trifle |
Simplicissimus | (Latin) a simple-minded man who is always taken advantage of by others |
Simpliciter | (Latin) naturally, without qualification, wholly, absolutely, unconditionally |
simplificar | (Spanish) to simplify |
simplifié | (French) simplified |
simpliste | (French) over-simple, too simple to be true |
Simposio | (Spanish) symposium |
Simulacrum (s.), Simulacra (pl.) | (Latin) an exact image or representation, a counterfeit, an illusion, a phantasm |
Simulated glissandi | on some instruments (e.g., piano, harp), a bending of the tone or continuous sliding is not possible. As a substitute, the player can play a number of adjacent notes in rapid succession, so that the audible result somewhat resembles a true glissando |
- Glissando from which this extract has been taken
Simultalk | when two people are talking at the same time, particularly when one is interrupting the other |
simultané | (French) simultaneous |
Simultaneity | pertaining to the simultaneous sounding of a number of individual notes, as in a chord, but without reference to the chords function |
most chord progressions or harmonic progressions are simultaneity successions, though not all simultaneity successions are harmonic progressions and not all simultaneities are chords |
Simultaneity succession | in music and music theory a simultaneity succession is a series of different groups of pitches or pitch classes, each of which is played at the same time as the other pitches of its group. Thus, a simultaneity succession is a succession of simultaneities |
simultaneo | (Italian) simultaneous |
simultáneo | (Spanish) simultaneous |
Simultaneous masking | in acoustics, simultaneous masking is masking between two concurrent sounds. Sometimes called frequency masking since it is often observed when the sounds share a frequency band e.g. two sine tones at 440 and 450Hz can be perceived clearly when separated. They cannot be perceived clearly when simultaneous |
sin. | abbreviation for sinistra |
sin' | abbreviation for sino, used when immediately preceding a vowel |
Sinal | (Portuguese) signal |
sin' al | (Italian) until the, as far as the |
sin' al fine | (Italian) a prefix to another instruction, implying that whatever is required should be carried out to the end (Italian, fine) of the work |
sin aliento | (Spanish) out of breath, breathless |
sin' al segno | (Italian) a prefix to another instruction, implying that whatever is required should be carried out to the sign (Italian, segno) |
sin ambages | (Spanish) in plain language |
sin anestesia | (Spanish) without an anesthetic |
sin asideros en la realidad | (Spanish) with no grip on reality |
Si naturel | (French) the note 'B natural' |
Sinawi | see shinawi |
sin contemplaciones | (Spanish) unceremoniously |
Sincopa | (Spanish f., Italian f.) syncopation, syncope (French) |
sincopar | (Spanish) to syncopate |
Sincope | (Italian f.) syncopation |
sincronizar | (Spanish) to synchronize |
Sincronizzazione | (Italian f.) sychronisation |
sin dilación | (Spanish) immediately |
Sinding | a West African harp with five strings made out of hemp. The resonating body is a calabash stretched with goat skin. A tin rattle may be attached to the instrument. Plucking the string sets the rattle in motion, adding a percussive element to the hollow sound |
sin disputa | (Spanish) undoubtedly |
Síndrome | (Spanish m.) syndrome |
Síndrome de abstinencia | (Spanish m.) withdrawal symptoms |
Síndrome de Down | (Spanish m.) Down's syndrome |
Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida | (Spanish m.) acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) |
Síndrome de la clase turista | (Spanish m.) economy class syndrome |
Síndrome premenstrual | (Spanish m.) premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual tension (PMS), premenstrual tension (PMT) |
sin duda (alguna) | (Spanish) without a doubt |
sine die | (Latin, literally 'without a day') (postponed) indefinitely |
a hearing adjourned sine die stands open indefinitely without a further hearing having been allocated |
sine judice | (Latin, literally 'in the course of trial') whilst a court case is under consideration, proceedings are sub-judice and details cannot be disclosed |
sine legitima prole | (Latin) or s.l.p., without legitimate issue (i.e. no legitimate children) |
sine prole | (Latin) or s.p., without issue (i.e. no children) |
sine qua non | (Latin) 'without which, nothing' (i.e. indispensable) |
Sine tone | see 'sine wave' |
Sine wave | or 'sine tone', a signal put out by an oscillator in which the voltage or equivalent rises and fall smoothly and symmetrically, following the trigonometric formula for the sine function (i.e. shown mathematically by the equation y = sin x). Sub-audio sine waves are used to modulate other waveforms to produce vibrato and tremolo. Audio-range sine waves contain only the fundamental frequency, with no overtones or higher partials, and thus can form the building blocks for more complex sounds |
Sinf. | abbreviated form of sinfonia |
Sinfonia (s.), Sinfonie (pl.) | (Italian f.) term applied in a variety of contexts in different periods; e.g. as a near synonym for 'instrumental canzona', 'prelude', 'overture', and 'symphony' |
the Italian operatic overture, called sinfonia, was standardized by Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) at the end of the 17th century into three sections, the first and last being fast and the middle one slower in tempo. Since these sinfonie had little musical connection with the operas they preceded, they could be played alone in concert. It became customary in the early 18th century to write independent orchestral pieces in the same style, which were the first real symphonies |
(German f.) sinfonia |
(Finnish) symphony |
Sinfonía | (Spanish f.) symphony, symphonie (French) |
Sinfonia concertante | (Italian f.) symphonie concertante |
Sinfonía concertante | (Spanish f.) symphonie concertante |
sinfónico | (Spanish) symphonic |
sinfonico, sinfonica | (Italian) symphonic |
Sinfonie | (German f.) the name given by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) to his three-part contrapuntal works for keyboard but which, today, are called three-part inventions |
(French, German f.) symphony |
Sinfonieorchester | (German n.) symphony orchestra |
Sinfonietta | (Italian f.) a small-scale symphony, particularly one for chamber orchestra |
a name that can be used by a chamber orchestra, as, for example, The London Sinfonietta |
sinfonische Band | (German f.) symphonic band |
sinfonische Dichtung | (German f.) symphonic poem |
sinfonisches Gedicht | (German n.) symphonic poem |
Sing | cantare (Italian), singen (German), chanter (French) |
sing. | abbreviation of 'singular' |
Singakademie | (German f.) a society for the cultivation of choral singing, a vocal academy |
Singart | (German) manner or style of singing |
singbar | (German) singable, in a singing style, cantabile |
Singbing | a Manding guitar with three to seven strings |
Singchor | (German) singing choir, quire |
Singe | (in cooking) to brown or colour, (in general) to scorch or burn superficially or lightly |
to remove the fuzz from a fabric thereby making it smoother |
singen | (German) to sing, to chant, singing, chanting |
singend | (German) singing, melodious, in a singing style, cantabile |
singende Säge | (German f.) musical saw |
Singer (female) | cantatrice (Italian), Sängerin (German), chanteuse (French) |
Singer (male) | cantatore (Italian), Sänger (German), chanter (French) |
Singerie | in art, a pictorial representation of monkeys in human situations or employed in human occupations, a form that was fashionable in the 18th-century |
Singfult | (German) singing-desk |
Sing-gedicht | (German) hymn, poem intended to be sung |
singhiozzando | (Italian) sobbing, sighing, catching the breath, sobbingly |
singhiozzando per tenerezza | (Italian) tender sobbing |
Singing bird | an automaton made of decorated metal, which could move its wings and sometimes its head. The sound would have been produced from a bellows-operated flute or whistle within the box from which the bird pops up |
Singing by ear | an unusual feature of traditional klapa singing in which the harmony in extemporised a technique called pjevanje na uho |
see pjevanje na uho |
Singing card | see 'talking postcard' |
Singing exercise | solfeggio (Italian), Singübung (German), solfège (French) |
Singing glasses | among the The Cries of London Engraved after ye Designs made from ye Life by M Lauron. Printed for Iohn Bowles (c. 1740)' there is an engraving entited 'Buy my fine Singing Glasses'. From c. 1635, the glass trade in London was controlled by the Company of Glass-sellers who prosecuted illegal hawkers. However, novelty singing glasses were probably excluded from this control. The shorter glasses in the hawker's left hand are 'singing glasses' or 'music glasses,' none of which survive today. The longer glasses were fitted with mouthpieces with reeds, and were called 'glass trumpets' or 'glass horns.' |
Singing school | a school for teaching vocal music. Singing schools form an interesting cultural tradition in the Southern United States. While some singing schools are offered for credit, most are informal programs. Many singing schools are religious in nature, associated with one or more Christian traditions. Singing schools are often associated with churches that have an a cappella tradition, such as the Church of Christ and Primitive Baptists. Singing schools are also common in connection with the 'Sacred Harp' shaped note singing tradition. They are also common with churches in rural areas of the south, such as Missionary Baptist, that still use Hymnals printed in the seven shape note system |
Singing style, in a | or 'with a singing tone', cantabile (Italian), cantando (Italian), singend (German), touche mélodieuse (French) |
Singing, throat | see 'Throat-singing' |
Singing tower | term sometimes used to refer to a tower housing a carillon |
Singing voice specialist | a singing teacher with special training equipping him or her to practice in a medical environment with patients who have sustained vocal injury. Most singing voice specialists have a degree in voice performance or pedagogy. Some have extensive performing and teaching experience, but without a formal academic degree. Nearly all have professional performance experience, as well as extra training in laryngeal anatomy and physiology of phonation, training in the rehabilitation of injured voices, and other special education |
Singkunst | (German) the art of singing |
Single | single thing (single room in a hotel, a ticket valid for an outward journey, pop record with one item on each side, game with only one person on each side), unmarried person |
one only (not double or multiple), united or undivided, one by itself (a single note), regarded separately (every single thing), unmarried, (of a flower) having only one circle of petals |
Single action (harp) | a pedal mechanism believed to have been invented by the Bavarian instrument maker Hochbrucker, that allows a harpist to change by one semitone any particular note in every octave |
Single appoggiatura |
unlike accented and unaccented passing notes, the single appoggiatura is not approached by step, but by leap. Although it still resolves by step, the dissonance is more prominent as a result |
Single-breasted | (of a coat etc.) having only one vertical row of buttons and overlapping little down the front |
Single chant | a simple harmonised melody, extending only to one verse of a psalm |
Single coil pickup | on electric and electro-acoustic guitars, an early pickup design with a single coil of wire wrapped around a magnet |
Single combat | duel |
Single cream | thin cream with a relatively low fat content |
Single-decker | bus with only one deck |
Single file | line of people one behind another |
one behind the other (for example, 'to walk in single file') |
Single fugue | a fugue on one subject, as distinguished from a double fugue, a fugue on two subjects |
Single-minded | pursuing only one aim |
Single-mindedness | the state of pursuing only one aim |
Single parent | person bringing up a child or children alone |
Single reed | lengüeta simple (Spanish f.), caña simple (Spanish f.), caña única (Spanish f.), einfaches Rohrblatt (German n.), anche simple (French f.), ancia semplice (Italian f.) |
a piece of cane bound to a mouthpiece by a ligature, that when the player's breath is blown between the reed and the mouthpiece, vibrates thus sounding the instrument. Single reed instruments include clarinets and saxophones |
Single string style | see 'Reno style' |
Single strung | instruments with one course or row of strings |
Single-strung harp | the orchestral and lever harps are both examples of single strung harps with 7 strings per octave giving a diatonic scale on C. Levers, when set, flatten the pitch of a string by one semitone (half-step) while the seven double-action pedals can either sharpen or flatten the pitch of each of the seven strings |
Singlet | sleeveless vest (after doublet) |
Singleton | one card only of a suit in a player's hand, single person or thing |
Single tonguing | the standard tonguing used by wind and brass players where the same consonant is used repeatedly to articulate a succession of notes. Double and triple tonguing techniques require the combination of two or three different consonants so allowing the player to perform note sequences more quickly |
Single out | to choose for special attention, etc. |
single voice, for a | see 'for a single voice' |
Singmährchen | (German) ballad |
Singmanieren | (German f. pl.) vocal ornaments or graces |
Singmeister | (German m.) singing-master |
Singpartitur | (German f.) a score of a work for voice(s) and instruments, but containing only the vocal line(s) |
Singsaite | (German f.) cantino (Italian), top string on a stringed instrument (for example, the top e" string of a violin), Sangsaite (German), chanterelle (French) |
Singsang | (German) sing-song |
Singschauspiel | (German) singing-drama, a drama with songs, etc., interspersed |
Singschule | (German f.) a singing-school, a method for training the voice |
Singschüler | (German m.) a boy-singer |
Singsing | originally traditional celebrations, which include song, dance, feasting and gift-giving, the term singsing is now applied to pop music from the Solomon Islands |
Singsong | informal singing party |
monotonously rising and falling in pitch |
Singspiel | (German n., literally 'sing-play') a form of opera which evolved in Germany and Austria in the 18th-century as an equivalent of the French opéra-comique or the English 'ballad opera'. It is a comic opera that includes spoken dialogue, often in the local dialect, as an alternative to recitative, for example, Die Zauberflote (1791) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) |
Singstimme (s.), Singstimmen (pl.) | (German f.) the singing voice, a vocal part |
Singstück | (German) air, melody |
Singstunde | (German) singing lesson |
Singtanz | (German) dance, accompanied by singing |
Singübung | (German f.) a singing exercise |
Singular | singular word or form (as opposed to plural) |
unique, outstanding, extraordinary, strange. (of a word or form) denoting a single person or thing |
Singverein | (German) a choral society |
Singvogel | (German m.) songbird |
Singweise | (German) melody, tune |
Sinhalese | also Singhalese, member of a Nothern Indian people now forming the majority of the population of Sri Lanka - also their language |
of or pertaining to this people or language |
Sinister | evil or villainous in appearance or manner, wicked, criminal, ominous |
in heraldry, of or on the left-hand side of a shield, etc. (that is to the observer's right) |
Sinistra | (Italian f.) the left hand |
sinistra | (Italian) on the left |
Sinistrae | (Latin) left-handed flutes |
Sinistra mano | (Italian f.) the left hand |
Sinistra manu | (Latin) the left hand |
sinistro | (Italian m.) left(-hand) |
Sink | plumbed-in basin (especially in a kitchen or larder), place where foul liquid collects, place of vice |
to fall or come slowly downwards, to disappear below the horizon (the sun), to go or penetrate below the surface (especially of a liquid), to go to the bottom of the sea ,etc. (ship), to settle comfortably, to a decline in strength, etc., to descend in pitch or volume (of the voice), to cause or allow to sink or penetrate, to cause (a plan, person, etc.) to fail, to dig (a well) or bore (a shaft), to engrave (a die), to invest (money), to knock (a ball) into a pocket or hole in billiards, golf, etc., to overlook or forget (for example, sink their differences) |
Sinkapace | a cinque-pace, a galliard |
Sink in | to penetrate or permeate, to become understood (for example, 'give it time for the details to sink in') |
Sinking fund | money set aside gradually for the eventual repayment of a debt |
Sinn | (German m.) a sense, a meaning, a sound |
Sinnbild | (German n.) a symbol |
sinnbildlich darstellen | (German) to symbolize |
Sinner | person who sins, especially habitually |
Sinn Fein | (Irish, literally 'we ourselves') an Irish movement, founded by Arthur Griffith in 1905, striving for self-government and cultural independence, political wing of the IRA |
sinnlich | (German) sensory |
sino, sin' | (Italian) to, as far as, until |
Sino | (Portuguese) bell |
Sino- | of or pertaining to Chinese (as in 'Sino-American treaty', a treaty between China and the United States) |
sino al fine pianissimo | (Italian) pianissimo to the end |
sino allora | (Italian) until then |
si no le gusta, que se aguante | (Spanish) if he doesn't like it, he can lump it (colloquial) |
Sinologist | a person who studies the Chinese language, Chinese history, etc. |
Sinology | the study of the Chinese language, Chinese history, etc. |
Sinopia | (Italian f.) a sketch made in red crayon on plaster as a preliminary to fresco painting |
Sino-Tibetan | a group of languages spoken in China, Tibet, and Burma, including Mandarin |
sin previo aviso | (Spanish) without warning, without notice, without prior warning |
sin querer | (Spanish) without meaning to |
Sinuous | having many curves, undulating |
Sintagma musicum (1618/9) | written by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), the Latinized named of Michael Schultheiß, and published in Wolfenbüttel, an important treatise on music and musical instruments |
S.inter. | abbreviation for senza interruzione (Italian: without interruption, without intermission) |
s'intéresser à | (French) to be interested in |
Sintesi del suono | (Italian f.) tone synthesis |
Sintetizador | (Portuguese m., Spanish m.) synthesiser, synthesizer, synth., synthétiseur (French) |
sintetizar | (Spanish) to synthesize |
Sintetizzatore | (Italian m.) synthesiser, synthesizer, synth., synthétiseur (French) |
sintió que le faltaba el aire | (Spanish) she felt as if she was going to suffocate |
Sintir | see sentir |
s'intituler | (French) to be entitled |
Síntoma | (Spanish f.) symptom |
sintomático, sintomática | (Spanish) symptomatic |
Sintonía | (Spanish f.) tuning (on a radio), signature tune (on the radio or TV), harmony (figurative) |
sintonico | (Italian) syntonic |
Sintonización | (Spanish f.) tuning (radio), harmony (figurative) |
Sintonizador | (Spanish m.) tune (radio), tuning knob |
sintonizar | (Spanish) to tune in (radio), to get on well with (figurative), to be on the same wavelength (figurative) |
Sinuosidad | (Spanish f.) bend (road, etc.), curve (road, etc.), tortuousness (of an argument), deviousness (of a person) |
Sinus | cavity of bone or tissue, especially in the skull connecting with the nostrils |
Sinusoidali | (Italian m.) sine-wave generator |
sinuoso, sinuosa (f.) | (Spanish) winding (road), tortuous (argument), devious (person) |
Sinusitis | (English, Spanish f.) inflammation of the sinuses |
Sinussoidaux | (French m.) sine-wave generator |
Sinuston | (German m.) sine tone |
Sinustongenerator | (German m.) sine-wave generator |
Sinuswelle | (German f.) sine-wave |
Si on (allait au cinéma)? | (French) How about (going to the movies)? |
Siparietto | (Italian m.) main drape |
Sipario | (Italian m.) curtain, drape |
il sipario si abbassa | the curtain falls, the curtain goes down |
il sipario si alza | the curtain rises, the curtain goes up |
il sipario si apre | the curtain opens |
il sipario si chiude | the curtain closes |
si piace | (Italian) at pleasure, as you please |
Sipi Tau | see kailao |
Si placet | (Latin) in music, the term si placet refers to a supplementary part that may be played 'if desired'. The purpose of si placet parts was to enrich the sonority of older compositions, making them musically more interesting for later generations. Although chansons were the most common model for this practice, si placet parts also are found in motets and masses, in many cases, the arranger having to make judicious changes to the original work in order to accommodate the newly composed parts |
Sípok | (Hungarian, literally 'shepherd's pipe') ancient pipes, with varying numbers of holes, that were made of reed, bone and wood |
there were various types of Hungarian pipe |
willow pipe | a duct flute without holes, made in the spring, when the branches of the willow are still fresh |
pottery pipe | a vessel pipe made in the shape of bulls, cocks, birds, etc. Some are called 'cuckoo' after the sound they make. They have one or two holes. Sometimes water is poured into the pipe to get the sound of chirping birds |
reed pipe | an ancient instrument, which can be made very easily easily, which predates more sophisticated forms |
double reed shepherd's pipe | made of maple, willow or elder and sometimes fitted with a reed. The wood is widened with a hot iron, and polished, inside and out. Mouthpiece and holes are carefully hand-carved |
bagpipe stalk | a double recorder, without a bag, made of hard wood and sounding like a bagpipe |
chanter pipe or drone pipe | a double pipe made of elder wood, both pipes being played simultaneously |
gourd pipe or recorder | an instrument used by minstrels and folk singers of regös songs. It is made of gourd, and can be considered a simple version of the töröksíp |
Sippets | older culinary term for croutons |
Sipsi | a wind instrument made out of bone, wood or reed. The reed version is most common. A small reed at the end of the instrument produces the sound |
si raddoppia il tempo | (Italian) as fast again, redouble the tempo |
Sirdar | (Hindi, from Persian) a military leader, a general Iin India and the Orient), the British Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army |
Siren | see 'Acme siren' |
Sirena | (Italian f.) siren |
Sirene | (German f.) siren |
Sirène | (French f.) siren |
Sirène de brume | (French f.) foghorn |
Sirenengesang | (German) siren's song, a soft seductive melody |
si replica | (Italian) repeat!, to be repeated |
Sirillas | Chilean dance from the Quellón region that combines Spanish music and dance forms with aboriginal Chilean music and dance |
Siringa | (Italian f., Spanish f.) panpipes, fauto di Pan, (Italian m.), Panflöte (German f.), flûte de Pan (French f.), syrinx (French m.) |
Sirkar | (Hindi, from Persian) a house-steward |
Sirocco | (Italian, from Arabic) or scirocco, a hot, humid, oppressive wind blowing from the south or south-east across the Mediterranean to southern Europe |
Sir Roger de Coverly | an English dance mentioned by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), the ancestor of America's Virginia Reel |
Sirtaki | also sirtáki or syrtáki, a popular line or circle dance of Greek origin. However, despite widespread belief, it is not an authentic traditional Greek dance. It was created in 1964 for the movie Zorba the Greek from the mixture of slow and fast versions of hasapiko dance |
Sirvonja | a Croat Reigenlied, which may have inspired the pastoral theme used by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) in his Symphony No. 6 in F major, op. 68 |
Sirventés | troubadour and trouvères songs with moral, political or literary overtones |
Sirventois | troubadour and trouvères songs with moral, political or literary overtones |
sis | (Catalan) six |
si scriva | (Italian) as it is written (without alteration or embellishment) |
sisear | (Spanish) to hiss |
si segue | (Italian) go on, proceed |
Siseo | (Spanish m.) hiss, hissing |
Siset | (Catalan m.) sextuplet |
Sissonne | (French) named for the originator of this ballet step, it is a jump from both feet onto one foot with the exception of sissonne fermée, sissonne tombée and sissonne fondue, which finish on two feet. Sissonne may be performed petite or grande. The petites sissonnes are sissonne simple, sissonne fermée, sissonne ouverte at 45 degrees and sissonne tombée at 45 degrees. The grandes sissonnes are sissonne ouverte at 90 degrees, sissonne renversée and sissonne soubresaut |
- Sissonne from which this information has been taken
Sissonne fermée | (French, literally 'closed sissonne) in dance, a step of low elevation performed to a quick tempo. This sissonne finishes on two feet with the working foot gliding along the floor into the demi-plié in the fifth position. It may be performed en avant (French) - para frente (Portuguese), en arrière - para trás (Portuguese) and de côté in all directions, such as croisé, effacé, écarté, etc |
Sissonne ouverte, grande | (French, literally 'big open sissonne') This sissonne is usually performed with high elevation and is done from a demi-plié on both feet and finished on one foot with the other leg raised in the desired pose, such as attitude, arabesque, à la seconde - para o lado (Portuguese), etc. It is performed en avant - para frente (Portuguese), en arrière - para trás (Portuguese), de côté, en tournant and is done with a développé or a grand battement at 90 degrees |
Sistema | (Italian m., Spanish m.) a stave, a system |
Sistema cableado | (Spanish m.) hard-wired system |
Sistema de ecuaciones | (Spanish m.) simultaneous equations |
Sistema de escritura | (Spanish m.) writing system |
Sistema de notación | (Spanish m.) notation system |
Sistema de notación musical | (Spanish m.) musical notation system |
Sistema de notación musical alemán | (Spanish m.) German musical notation system, the so-called German system for naming notes of a major scale on C, that is, using the letters of the alphabet (C D E F G A H), and using B to denote the note called B flat in the English system. Note that the note B in the English system is named H in the German system |
Sistema de notación musical francesa | (Spanish m.) French musical notation system, the so-called French system for naming notes of a major scale on C, that is, using the Aretinian syllable names Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Si), although Si was a later addition |
Sistema de notación musical inglesa | (Spanish m.) the so-called English system for naming notes of a major scale on C, that is, using the letters of the alphabet (C D E F G A B) |
Sistema de notación musical latina | (Spanish m.) the so-called Latin system for naming notes of a major scale on C, that is, using the modified Aretinian syllable names Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si). The original Aretinian symbol for the first note of the scale was Ut, not Do |
Sistema experto | (Spanish m.) expert system |
Sistema gráfico | (Spanish m.) graphical system |
Sistema nervioso | (Spanish m.) nervous system (anatomical) |
Sistema planetario | (Spanish m.) planetary system |
Sistema solar | (Spanish m.) solar system |
sistemático (m.), sistemática (f.) | (Spanish) systematic |
sistematizar | (Spanish) to systematise |
Sister manuscripts | see 'daughter manuscript' |
Sistro | (Italian m.) or sistrum, an instrument invented in 17th-century Italy consisting of a series of small bells attached to a frame |
(Italian) a triangle |
Sistrum | or 'spurs', a U-shaped metal frame with a handle at the bottom fitted with cross bars that hove on them a number of loose metal discs, jingles or rings. When shaken, the disks hit either side with a short clattering sound. Spurs are similar in sound but the jungles are attached to a stright single rod |
Sistrum (s.), Sistra (pl.) | Handrassel (German f.), an ancient Egyptian hand-rattle used in religious events and which survives today as an Ethiopian instrument |
Sita | wife of Rama |
si tace | (Italian) be silent |
Sita harana | a dance from the Indian state of Manipur that depicts stories from the Ramayana |
Sitar | (Italian f., English, German f., French m.) sitâr |
Sitâr | invented by Amir Khusro in the 16th-century during the collapse of the Moghul empire, but probably of Persian origin, and perhaps the most well known of Indian instruments, the sitar is a long necked instrument with a varying number of strings (17 is the most usual), three to four playing strings, three to four drone strings, with the remainder, sympathetic strings, lying under the frets. The playing and drone strings are plucked with a wire finger plectrum called the mizrab. The frets are metal rods which have been bent into crescents while the main resonator is usually made of a gourd and there is sometimes an additional resonator attached to the neck |
Sitarist (m.), Sitaristin (f.) | (German) a sitar player |
Sitcom | a term now in common usage originally coined as a shorthand for 'situation comedy TV series' |
Siter | a floor-standing plucked zither, smaller than the cemplung, each tuning, slendro and pelog, needing its own siter, which gives its name to a genre of Javanese traditional music called siteran |
Site specific | in the theatre, a play which is created or specifically modified to use the character of the performance space to the greatest advantage. Site specific spaces are usually locations which are not normally used for showcasing theatre, but have another primary function (warehouse, mansion, abandoned military bunker, etc.). The term may also be applied to some operas |
si tienes algún problema | (Spanish) if there's any problem, if you have any problems |
Sit in, Sitting in | in jazz, when a musician who is not a regular member of a band, plays in the band |
Sitio de pie | (Spanish m.) standing-room |
sitoen | (Finnish) legato |
Sitole | see citole |
Sitolotolo | South African Jew's harp |
Sitominen | (Finnish) tie, a curved line used to join two or more notes of the same pitch so that they are played without a break |
sittlich | (German) moral |
Sittlichkeit | (German f.) morality, decorum, decency |
Situational irony | another term for universal irony |
Situation de fait | (French f.) de facto situation |
si tuviera alguno | (Spanish) if I had one |
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964) | British poet and critic, Sitwell was most interested by the distinction between poetry and music, a matter explored at 1923 in Façade, published in 1922, and set to music by William Walton (1902-1983), a series of abstract poems the rhythms of which counterfeited those of music. Façade was performed behind a curtain with a hole in the mouth of a painted face and the words were recited through the hole with the aid of a megaphone. The public received the first performance with bemusement, but there were many positive reactions. Still Falls the Rain, about the London blitz, remains perhaps her best-known poem. It was set to music by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) |
Sitz | (German m.) seat, bench, pew, set (garment), fit (garment), focus (of an infection), hang (garment) |
seinen Sitz haben (German: to be seated) |
erhöhte Sitz (German m.: dais) |
Sitzbereich | (German m.) seating area |
sitzenbleiben | (German) remain seated |
Sitzmaterial | (German n.) seating material |
Sitzplatz | (German m.) seat |
Sitzpolster | (German n.) seat cushion |
Sitzprobe | (German f., literally 'sitting try') an opera rehearsal in which the singers work seated, to an orchestral accompaniment |
Sitzschale | (German f.) seat, moulded hard seat |
Sitzreihe | (German f.) tier (of seats in the theatre) |
Sitzungsberichte | (German m. pl.) proceedings |
Siva | (Samoan) dance |
Siva Samoa | (Samoan) Samoan dance |
sivigliano (m.), sivigliana (f.) | (Italian) in the style of Seville |
si volta | (Italian) turn over |
Si vous voulez mon avis | (French) If you want my opinion |
Si vous voulez mon opinion | (French) If you want my opinion |
six | (French) six |
Six chord | also called 'six-three chord', the chord which, reading up from the bottom note, is in root position C E G, becomes E G C (i.e. first inversion) or its equivalent in any other key |
Six-five chord | the chord which is the first inversion of a seventh chord |
Six-four chord | the chord which, reading up from the bottom note, is in root position C E G, becomes G C E (i.e. second inversion) or its equivalent in any other key |
Six hands (one piano) | a rare configuration, an example of which is Percy Grainger's arrangement of George Gershwin's Oh, I Can't Sit Down scored for three pianists at one piano. It appears that the third part is in fact a written-out improvisation which was added to the song as it appears in his Fantasy for Two Pianos. Based on this evidence, it does not appear that Grainger ever intended to publish this arrangement |
Sixian | see Yüeh ch'in |
sixième | (French) sixth |
Six, Les | see Six, The |
Six/Nine chords | |
six pour quatre | (French) a sextuplet |
Sixte | (French f.) sixth |
(French f.) the interval of a sixth |
Sixte augmentée | (French f.) augmented sixth |
Sixte diminuée | (French f.) diminished sixth |
Sixteen-bar blues | a blues chord progression very similar to the eight bar blues form, except that blues is not traditionally associated with any set notation so sometimes it can be called sixteen bars instead of eight |
Sixteen-foot pitch | on a harpsichord, the pitch of a choir of strings which is tuned an octave lower than those of a piano; the same term is applied to ranks of organ pipes sounding one octave below the standard, eight-foot pitch |
Sixteenth | an interval of an octave and a second |
Sixteenth century dance | also called 'late Renaissance dance'; the sources for this period are English texts, formerly known as the 'Inns of Court manuscripts', and manuals of a number of Italian dancing masters. The Italian dances are still described verbally but in considerably greater detail than was usual in the early Renaissance. The step-vocabulary has become more elaborate, placing the interest strongly on the footwork, while many floor-patterns are based on symmetrical figures |
Sixteenth note |  | a semiquaver, a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Sixteenth rest |  | a semiquaver rest, a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest, quart de soupir (French), Sechzehntelpause (German) |
Sixte majeure | (French f.) major sixth |
Sixte mineur | (French f.) minor sixth |
Sixte napolitaine | (French) Neapolitan sixth, sexta napolitana (Spanish) |
Sixth | sesta (Italian), Sexte (German), sixte (French), sexta (Spanish), sexto grado (Spanish) |
an interval containing six diatonic degrees, for example, the interval from C to A |
a chord of the sixth is the inversion of a triad |
a chord of the added sixth is the subdominant triad with the sixth from the lowest note added to it |
a chord of the Neapolitan sixth is the first inversion of the major chord on the minor second of the scale |
Six, The | Les Six or Groupe des Six, the name given by French critic Henri Collet, to a group of French composers whose members were Louis Durey (1888-1979), Arthur Honegger (1892-1955), Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), Germaine Tailleferre (1892-1983), Georges Auric (1899-1983) and Francis Poulenc (1899-1963). The grouping is arbitrary as many other composers worked within this group including Erik Satie, Jean Cocteau, Jean Wiéner, etc. |
Sixth, added | see 'added sixth' |
Sixth chords | |
Sixth flute | a descant/soprano-sized recorder in D |
Six-three chord | also called 'six chord', the chord which, reading up from the bottom note, is in root position C E G, becomes E G C (i.e. first inversion) or its equivalent in any other key |
Six-to-octave cadence | in the middle ages and the renaissance, cadences were thought of contrapuntally rather than harmonically, so that a dominant-to-tonic chord sequence would be expressed in terms of two voices moving together so that the interval between them changes from a sixth to an octave |
a commonly used cadential gesture, often enhanced by rhythmic and melodic ornamentation |
Sixty-fourth note |  | a hemidemisemiquaver, a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve, Vierundsechzigstelnote (German), quadruple croche (French f.) |
Sixty-fourth rest |  | a hemidemisemiquaver rest, a rest one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest |
Siyari | calabash rattle of Ghana |
Si yo tan ka | Lakota (Native American) word for the flute or whistle |
Sizing | a substance that is applied to paper during its manufacture to stiffen it and slow its absorbency rate. This helps to keep printing ink on the surface of the paper where it will achieve higher colour density and appear brighter, and sharper. Sizing can be made from glue, gelatin, rosin, or starch. Alum is often added to make the sizing insoluable but it can also add to a paper's acidity. Originally, sizing was applied by hand to the papers surface or added to pulp while still in tubs. This coating eventually became just one more step in mechanised paper manufacturing. Unsized paper is known as waterleaf |
Sizzle | (German n.) sizzle (as the name of a type of cymbal), sizzle cymbal |
(English, German n.) a continuous buzz |
Sizzle-Becken | (German n.) sizzle, sizzle cymbal |
Sizzle cymbal | a conventional cymbal, around the circumference of which small holes have been drilled and rivets loosely inserted that produce a continuous buzz as they vibrate against the cymbal |