herüben | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) on this side |
herüber | (German) over here, across, over |
herüberbitten | (German) to ask to come over |
herüberbringen | (German) to bring over, to bring across |
herüberdürfen | (German) to be allowed (to come) over, to be allowed (to come) across |
herüberfahren | (German) to drive over, to drive across, to come over, to come across |
herüberfliegen | (German) to fly over, to fly across |
herübergeben | (German) to pass |
herüberholen | (German) to fetch |
herüberkommen | (German) to come over, to come across, to pop round (colloquial), to call round |
herüber kommend | (German) coming over |
herüberlassen | (German) to allow (to come) over, to allow (to come) across |
herüberlaufen | (German) to run over, to run across |
herüberreichen | (German) to hand over, to hand, to pass, to reach across, to deliver up |
herüberschicken | (German) to send over, to send across |
herüberschwenken | (German) to pan over (camera) |
herüberschwimmen | (German) to swim across |
herübersehen | (German) to look over, to look across |
herüberwehen | (German) to blow over, to blow across, to be blown over, to be blown across, to waft over, to waft across |
herüberwerfen | (German) to throw over, to throw across |
herüberwollen | (German) to want to come over, to want to come across |
herüberziehen | (German) to draw over, to pull over, to pull across, to move over, to move across |
Heruler | (German pl.) Heruli |
Heruli | (spelled variously in Latin and Greek) a nomadic Germanic people, who were subjugated by the Ostrogoths, Huns and Byzantines in the 3rd to 5th centuries. The name is related to earl and was probably an honorific military title. One of the Heruli, Odoacer, deposed the last Western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus |
herum | (German) around, about |
herum- | (German) circum- |
herumalbern | (German) to get up to nonsense, to do something stupid, to muck about (colloquial), to slobber, to act the goat (colloquial), to fool around, to lark around, to horse around (colloquial), to horse about (colloquial), to lark about (colloquial), to muck around (colloquial), to monkey about, to fool about, to clown around |
herumbalgen | (German) to romp about |
herumballern | (German) to fire in all directions |
herumbasteln | (German) to tinker, to tinker around |
herumbasteln an | (German) to tinker around with |
herumbauen | (German) to build around |
herumbefehlen | (German) to order about |
herumbeugen | (German) to bend round |
herumbiegen | (German) to bend round |
herumblättern | (German) to browse (books, magazines, etc.) |
Herumblödeln | (German n.) fooling around |
herumblödeln | (German) to goof around (colloquial: fool around), to monkey about, to lark about (colloquial), to lark around (colloquial), to horse around (colloquial), to horse about (colloquial), to act the goat (colloquial), to muck around (colloquial) |
herumbohren | (German) to drill (bore a hole), to poke around |
herumbrassen | (German) to brace about, to brace round |
herumbrüllen | (German) to yell |
Herumbummeln | (German n.) lingering |
herumbummeln | (German) to dawdle, to loiter about, to loaf about, to mess about (colloquial), to stroll round, to stroll around |
herumdrehen | (German) to reverse, to turn around, to turn over |
herumdrückend | (German) hanging about |
herumdrucksen | (German) to hem and haw (colloquial), to hum and haw (colloquial) |
herumerzählen | (German) to blow about, to broadcast |
herumexperimentieren | (German) to noodle around (slang) |
Herumfahren | (German n.) touring |
herumfahren | (German) to cruise, to ride about, to ride around, to drive around, to travel around, to move around (machine), to spin round |
herumfantasieren | (German) to fantasise |
herumflacken | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to lie about (around) |
herumflattern | (German) to flutter about |
herumflegeln | (German) to loll about, to loll around |
herumfliegen | (German) to fly around, to fly about |
herumflirten | (German) to flirt around, to dash round |
herumfragen | (German) to ask around |
herumfriemeln | (German) alternative to herumbasteln or herumnesteln, to tinker |
herumfuchteln | (German) to fidget with |
herumfuchtelnd | (German) fidgeting with |
herumfuchteln mit | (German) to flourish (wave about) |
herumführen | (German) to show around, to conduct, to show round |
herumführend | (German) showing around |
herumfuhrwerken | (German) to bustle about, to potter around, to potter about |
herumfummeln | (German) to fumble around, to grope around, to mess about (colloquial), to tinker about, to fiddle about, to monkey around (colloquial) |
herumgammeln | (German) to hang around (colloquial), to loiter, to hang about |
Herumgeballer | (German n.) banging around |
Herumgeballere | (German n.) banging around |
herumgeben | (German) to hand round, to hand around, to pass round to pass around |
Herumgeblödel | (German n.) fooling around |
herumgedrückt | (German) hung about |
herumgefahren | (German) spun round |
herumgefuchtelt | (German) fidgeted with |
herumgeführt | (German) shown around |
herumgegeistert | (German) spooked |
herumgehen | (German) to circulate |
herumgehend | (German) skirting |
Herumgehüpfe | (German n.) hopping around |
herumgehüpft | (German) scampered |
herumgeistern | (German) to spook (colloquial), to haunt, to wander round , to wander around, to wander like a ghost, to rattle around (figurative) |
herumgeisternd | (German) spooking |
Herumgekasper | (German n.) clowning around |
herumgekriegt | (German) won over |
herumgepfuscht | (German) tampered |
herumgeredet | (German) quibbled |
herumgereicht | (German) handed round |
herumgereist | (German) travelled about |
herumgeritten | (German) ridden about |
Herumgeschleime | (German n.) bootlicking |
herumgesprochen | (German) got about |
herumgestanden | (German) stood about |
herumgestöbert | (German) fossicked, rummaged around, rummaged about |
herumgestoßen | (German) badly knocked about |
herumgetollt | (German) rollicked, romped (around) |
herumgetrieben | (German) roved about |
herumgewirbelt | (German) swirled |
herumgezappelt | (German) fidgeted |
herumgezogen | (German) wandered about |
herumgondeln | (German) to swan about, to drive around |
herumhacken auf | (German) to hammer away at |
herumhängen | (German) to dangle about, to hang around (colloquial), to loll about, to hang out (colloquial), to hang about |
herumhantieren | (German) to putter around, to tamper, to fiddle about |
herumhantieren an | (German) to fiddle about with, to tamper with |
herumhetzen | (German) to bustle, to rush around, to chase around, to chase about |
Herumhocken | (German n.) sitting around |
herumhopsen | (German) to hopscotch (figurative: to jump irregularly from one location to another) |
herumhorchen | (German) to keep one's ears open |
herumhüpfen | (German) to scamper, to gambol, to skip about, to prance, to hop about, to cavort, to jig about |
herumhüpfend | (German) scampering, jigging |
herumhuren | (German) to fornicate, to sleep around (colloquial) |
herumirren | (German) to stray, to wander round, to wander around |
herumjagen | (German) to bustle about, to chase about, to chase around, to dash around, to scamper |
herumkarren | (German) to cart around |
herumkaspern | (German) to clown around |
herumkauen auf | (German) to chew away on |
herumkicken | (German) to kick about |
herumkommandieren | (German) to order about, to bully, to boss around (colloquial), to bully about, to bully around, to order around |
herumkommandierend | (German) ordering about |
herumkommandiert | (German) ordered about |
herumkommen | (German) to get around |
herumkrabbeln | (German) to crawl around, to crawl about |
herumkramen | (German) to rummage about, to rummage around |
herumkratzen | (German) to scrape around, to scrape away |
herumkratzen an | (German) to scrape away at |
herumkrebsen | (German) to struggle, to drag oneself about, to drag oneself around, to trudge round, to trudge around |
herumkreuzen | (German) to cruise |
herumkriechen | (German) to crawl about |
herumkriegen | (German) to win over |
herumkriegend | (German) winning over |
herumkurven | (German) to cruise around |
herumlaufen | (German) to run round, to run around, to run about, to walk around, to mill about, to walk about, to wander (walk around casually), to kick around |
herumliegen | (German) to lie about, to lie around, to be lying around, to lounge around |
(herumliegender) Abfall | (German m.) litter |
herumliegen lassen | (German) to leave (lying) about |
Herumlungern | (German n.) loitering |
herumlümmeln | (German) to loll around |
herumlungern | (German) to mooch about (colloquial), to hang about, to loaf, to hang around, to loiter, to mooch around (colloquial), to muck about (slang), to hang out (colloquial) |
herumlungernd | (German) mooching, loiteringly |
herummeckern | (German) to moan, to grumble |
herumnörgeln | (German) to nag, to grumble |
herumpfuschen | (German) to goof about (colloquial), to goof around (colloquial) |
herumpfuschend | (German) quackish, tampering |
herumpicken | (German) to peck at |
herumposaunen | (German) to blaze abroad |
herumprahlen | (German) to brag |
herumpuzzeln | (German) to puzzle around |
herumradeln | (German) to ride about (bicycle), to ride around (bicycle) |
herumraten | (German) to guess |
herumreden | (German) to quibble |
herumredend | (German) quibbling |
herumreichen | (German) to hand round, to circulate, to hand around |
herumreichend | (German) handing round, circulating |
herumreisen | (German) to travel about, to travel around, to go places (travel), to tour around |
herumreisend | (German) travelling about |
herumreißen | (German) to pull around (hard) |
herumreiten | (German) to ride about, to ride around |
herumreitend | (German) riding around, riding about |
herumrennen | (German) to run about the place, to zip around (colloquial), to race about, to career about, to run about, to run around |
herumrennen wie ein Bekloppter | (German) to run around like a lunatic (colloquial) |
herumrollen | (German) to roll over |
herumrutschen | (German) to fidget about |
herumsausen | (German) to go haring about, to flit about (bird, etc.) |
herumschalten | (German) to zap (around) (colloquial: channel-hop) |
herumscharren | (German) to scrape around |
herumscharwenzeln | (German) to dance attendance, to suck up (slang) |
herumscharwenzeln um | (German) to dance attendance on, to suck up to (slang) |
herumschauen | (German) to look about |
herumscherzen | (German) to joke around |
herumschicken | (German) to send round |
herumschlafen | (German) to sleep around (colloquial) |
herumschlagend | (German) grappling |
herumschleichen | (German) to skulk, to prowl around, to sneak about, to lurk about, to lurk around |
herumschleichend | (German) skulking |
herumschlendern | (German) to saunter about, to stroll about, to potter, to mill (move around aimlessly) |
herumschleppen | (German) to lug round, to lug around, to drag round, to drag around |
herumschlurfen | (German) to slop (around) (in a casual and idle way) |
herumschmökern | (German) to browse (books, magazines, etc.) |
herumschnellen | (German) to whip round (turn quickly) |
Herumschnüffelei | (German f.) snooping around |
herumschnüffeln | (German) to nose around, to poke about, to snoop, to snoop around, to pry about, to pry around, to sniff round, to sniff around, to sniff about (pejorative) |
herumschnuppern | (German) to sniff about |
herumschreien | (German) to shout out loud |
herumschupfen | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to jostle |
herumschwänzeln (um) | (German) to dance attendance (on) |
herumschwappen | (German) to slop around (liquid) |
herumschwenken | (German) to veer round |
herumschwirren | (German) to bustle about, to hurry-scurry |
herumschwirrend | (German) milling around |
herumsitzen | (German) to sit about, to sit round, to sit around, to sit idle (person, animal) |
herumspazieren | (German) to walk around, to stroll around |
herumspielen | (German) to fiddle about, to play about, to run around, to muck around (colloquial), to toy |
herumspielen (mit) | (German) to fiddle around (with) |
herumspintisieren | (German) to have random thoughts |
herumspionieren | (German) to snoop, to snoop around, to spy, to sniff about |
herumspionierend | (German) snooping, snooping around |
herumspioniert | (German) snooped around |
herumspringen | (German) to bounce around, to flounce around, to bop around (dancing), to jump around, to jump about |
herumspritzen | (German) to splash around |
herumspuken | (German) to haunt |
herumstänkern | (German) to moan, to gripe (colloquial), to bellyache (colloquial), to kick up a stink (colloquial) |
herumstapfen | (German) to clump about (in snow, mud, etc.) |
herumstehen | (German) to stand about, to stand around, to be standing around, to mingle |
herumstehend | (German) standing about |
herumstöbern | (German) to fossick around, to rummage about, to rummage around, to snoop round, to snoop around, to pry, to poke about |
herumstöbernd | (German) fossicking, rummaging |
herumstochern | (German) to poke around |
herumstolzieren | (German) to swagger about, to flounce around, to strut around, to strut about, to swank around (colloquial) |
herumstoßen | (German) to bang about, to push around, to shove round, to shove around, to shove about |
herumstreichen | (German) to creep round, to creep around, to prowl round, to prowl around |
herumstreichende Katzen | (German pl.) prowling cats |
herumstreichender Teenager | (German m.) vagrant teenager |
herumstreifen | (German) to scour about, to roam around, to prowl, to roam about, to squabble |
herumstreuen | (German) to scatter about, to strew about |
herumstreunen | (German) to stray, to prowl round, to prowl around |
herumstreunende Katze | (German f.) stray cat |
Herumstrolchen | (German n.) vagabonding |
herumstrolchen | (German) to prowl round, to prowl around |
herumstromern | (German) to wander about, to wander around, to roam about, to roam around |
herumsuchen | (German) to dig around (colloquial) |
herumtanzen | (German) to frisk, to gambol, to dance about, to dance around, to prance, to cavort, to have a gambol (less common) |
herumtanzend | (German) gamboling |
herumtasten | (German) to fumble around, to fumble, to grabble, to grope, to grope around, to grope about |
herumtasten nach ... | (German) to grope about for ... (something) |
herumtauschen | (German) to swap about, to swap around, to exchange |
herumtelefonieren | (German) to phone around |
Herumtoben | (German n.) rampage |
herumtoben | (German) to rage about, to romp about, to romp round, to romp around, to rampage, to frolic (around), to romp, to shout and scream |
Herumtollen | (German n.) frolic, scamper |
herumtollen | (German) to frolic, to rollick, to romp, to lark, to romp about, to romp around, to gambol around, to gambol about, to scamper, to frisk, to cavort, to frolic around, to have a gambol (less common) |
herumtollend | (German) romping |
herumtragen | (German) to carry about, to carry round, to carry around |
herumtrampeln | (German) to clatter around, to clatter about, to clump about, to trample around, to stamp around, to trample about |
herumtrampeln auf | (German) to trample underfoot, to trample around, to stamp around on, to trample around on, to trample about on |
herumtreibend | (German) prowling, roving about |
Herumtreiber (m.), Herumtreiberin (f.), Herumtreiber (pl.) | (German) prowler, gadabout (colloquial), tramp, drifter |
herumtreten (auf) | (German) to trample (on) |
herumtrödeln | (German) to fiddle around, to fiddle about, to dawdle, to dawdle about, to dilly-dally (colloquial), to linger about, to linger around, to loiter (proceed slowly, go slowly) |
herumtrödelnd | (German) dawdling |
Herumtrödler (m.), Herumtrödlerin (f.) | (German) dawdler |
herumturnen | (German) to clamber about, to scramble about |
herumvagabundieren | (German) to roam about |
herumwälzen | (German) to roll around, to turn over |
Herumwandern | (German n.) roaming |
herumwandern | (German) to cruise, to ramble, to roam, to wander from place to place, to wander about, to roam around |
herumwerfen | (German) to throw around, to fling around, to fling about, to throw about |
herumwerkeln | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to potter around, to potter about |
herumwetzen | (German) to fidget |
herumwickeln | (German) to wrap, to wind round, to wind around, to wrap round, to wrap around |
herumwinden | (German) to coil round |
herumwirbeln | (German) to spin around, to swirl, to twirl, to reel, to gyrate, to whirl around |
herumwirbelnd | (German) dancing |
herumwirtschaften | (German) to potter about |
herumwühlen | (German) to rout, to scrabble, to rummage around, to rummage about, to nose about, to snoop around, to root around (pig) |
herumwursteln | (German) to bumble about |
herumwüten | (German) to go on the rampage |
herumzanken | (German) to squabble |
herumzappeln | (German) to fidget |
herumzappelnd | (German) fidgeting |
Herumzappen | (German n.) channel-hopping (colloquial) |
herumzappen | (German) to channel-hop (colloquial), to zap around (colloquial) |
herumzeigen | (German) to show round, to show around |
Herumziehen | (German n.) rambling |
herumziehen | (German) to wander about, to move around, to gallivant (to go out for amusement with no particular destination) |
herumziehend | (German) wandering about, itinerant, strolling, migrant |
herumzigeunern | (German) to wander around, to roam around |
herunten | (German - Austria) down here |
herunter | (German) downward, down (to a lower position or place), downwards |
herunterblicken | (German) to look down |
herunterbrennen | (German) to beat down (sun), to burn low (candle, etc.), to die down (fire) |
herunterbringen | (German) to bring down, to bring low |
herunterbringend | (German) bringing down |
herunterdonnern | (German) to plummet |
herunterdrücken | (German) to bring it down, to depress |
Herunterfahren | (German n.) shutdown
herunterfahren | (German) to shut down (machine), to phase down (light, sound), to power down (computer), to shut down (computer), to bring down (reduce), to ramp down (power, etc.) |
herunterfallen | (German) to fall off, to fall down, to plunge, to drop down |
herunterfegen | (German) to whip off (wind) |
heruntergebracht | (German) brought down |
heruntergebrochen | (German) broken down (to something, into something) |
heruntergehen | (German) to come down, to sink |
heruntergekommen | (German) come down, corrupt, degenerate, run-down, two-bit (slang), down at heel, dilapidated, decayed, decrepit, in a bad state, down-and-out (slang), sordid, déclassé, déclassée (rare: of a woman, having lost social standing), sleazy, rundown, derelict, seedy, shabby |
heruntergekommen aussehen | (German) to look the worse for wear |
heruntergekommene Gegend | (German f.) skid row (colloquial) |
heruntergekommene Gesundheit | (German f.) seedy health |
heruntergekommener Mensch | (German m.) tatterdemalion, ragamuffin |
heruntergekommener Zustand | (German m.) decayed state, decrepitude (of house, industry, etc.) |
heruntergekommenes Gebäude | (German n.) run-down building |
heruntergekommenes Geschäft | (German n.) run-down business |
heruntergekommenes Haus | (German n.) run-down house, seedy house, dilapidated house |
heruntergekommenes Wohngebiet | (German n.) seedy living area |
Heruntergekommenheit | (German f.) dereliction (state: of property) |
heruntergeladen | (German) downloaded |
heruntergelassen | (German) lowered |
heruntergerissen | (German) pulled down |
heruntergerutscht | (German) skidded down |
heruntergewirtschaftet | (German) run-down, run down |
heruntergleiten | (German) to slip down |
herunterhageln | (German) to rattle down |
herunterhandeln | (German) to beat down, to negotiate down (terms, price) |
herunterhängend | (German) saggy |
herunterholen | (German) to bring down, to get down (fetch, move) |
herunterkippen | (German) to swig (down) |
herunterklappen | (German) to flap down, to fold down (chair, seat) |
herunterklappendes Menü | (German n.) pull down menu |
herunterknallen auf | (German) to beat down on (sun) |
herunterkochen auf | (German) to boil down to |
herunterkommen | (German) to descend, to become degenerate, to come down, to come down in the world, to decay, to deteriorate, to run to seed (figurative), to go to rack, to go to rack and ruin |
herunterkommend | (German) coming down, descending (coming down) |
Herunterkühlen | (German n.) cooling down |
herunterkühlen | (German) to cool down, to reduce the temperature |
herunterkurbeln | (German) to wind down |
herunterladbar | (German) downloadable |
Herunterladen | (German n.) download, downloading |
herunterladen | (German) to download |
herunterlangen | (German) to reach down |
Herunterlassen | (German n.) flying in |
herunterlassen | (German) to let down, to lower, to shut down, to drop (curtain, hem) |
herunterlaufen lassen | (German) to bawl |
herunterleiern | (German) to phone in (one's lines, performance, role, etc.) (colloquial: of an actor), to drone out (colloquial), to patter (rattle out) |
herunterlesen | (German) to read off |
heruntermachen | (German) to cut up, to excoriate, to do down (disparage), to run down (disparage) |
herunternehmen | (German) to take down |
herunterprasseln | (German) to rattle down (hail), to beat down (rain), to pelt down |
herunterrasseln | (German) to rattle through, to rattle off |
herunterreichen | (German) to hand down, to reach down |
herunter reichen | (German) to hand down |
herunterreißen | (German) to pull down, to tear down, to whip off (snatch off) |
herunterreißend | (German) pulling down |
herunterrevidieren | (German) to adjust downward |
herunterrollen | (German) to roll down |
herunterrutschen | (German) to slide down, to work down (stockings, socks) |
Herunterschalten | (German n.) fallback, downshift |
herunterschalten | (German) to shift down, to change down (gears), to fall back, to downshift |
herunterschauen | (German) to look down |
herunterschieben | (German) to push down, to shove down |
herunterschneiden | (German) to cut down, to cut low |
herunterschrauben | (German) to scale down, to soft-pedal (figurative: demands, etc.) |
herunterschreiben | (German) to write off (quickly, off the cuff) |
heruntersehen | (German) to look down |
heruntersetzen | (German) to price down |
herunterspielen | (German) to play down, to underplay, to understate, to soft-pedal (figurative: play down, tone down), to de-emphasise, to trivialise, to run through (music, reading of a play, etc.) |
herunterspülen | (German) to flush down |
Heruntersteigen | (German n.) descent |
heruntersteigen | (German) to alight, to climb down |
herunterstimmen | (German) to tune a string down to a specified note |
herunterstreifen | (German) to slip down, to take down (piece of clothing) |
Herunterstrich | (German m.) Herabstrich, down-bow on the violin or viola |
herunterstufen | (German) to downgrade |
herunterstürzen | (German) to fall off |
Heruntertaktung | (German f.) downsampling |
herunterwirbeln | (German) to whirl down |
herunterwirtschaften | (German) to run down |
herunterwirtschaftend | (German) running down |
herunterziehen | (German) to draw down, to pull down, to move down, to hike down, to yank off (colloquial: stocking), to pull off |
hervor | (German) out, forth |
hervor aus | (German) out of |
hervorbrechen | (German) to burst out, to issue (break forth, burst forth), to break forth, to break out, to burst forth, to erupt, to debouch (troops) |
hervorbrechend | (German) eruptive |
hervorbringen | (German) to produce (create, bring forth), to utter (word), to spawn (figurative), to create, to bear, to yield, to beget, to bring forth, to bring out, to call forth, to generate, to put forth, to send forth, to author (produce, generate), to give birth (figurative), to engender |
hervorbringend | (German) spawning |
Hervorbringung | (German f.) product |
hervordringen | (German) to issue forth (literary), to come up (plant), to come through (bulb, seedling, etc.) |
Hervorgang | (German m.) emergence |
hervorgebracht | (German) spawned, begotten, originated |
hervorgegangen | (German) arisen |
hervorgehen | (German) to come, to emerge, to follow (logically) |
hervorgehen aus | (German) to follow from, to develop from, to come from, to originate from, to emerge from, to result from, to arise from, to come out of |
hervorgehoben | (German) highlighted, elevated, emphasised (a melody, etc.), risaltato (Italian), mis en relief (French) |
hervorgehobene Stellung | (German f.) elevated position |
hervorgelockt | (German) elicited |
hervorgeragt | (German) jutted |
hervorgerufen | (German) evoked, generated, provoked, caused |
hervorgesprungen | (German) leapt, leaped |
hervorgetreten | (German) stepped forward, bulging (muscle, vein) |
hervorgezaubert | (German) conjured up |
hervorgucken | (German) to peep out |
Hervorheben | (German n.) highlighting |
hervorheben | (German) to stress, to emphasise, to elevate, to highlight, to accentuate, to distinguish, to blazon forth, to bring a thing into prominence, to point out, to set off (accentuate, highlight), to underline, to underscore (emphasise), to signalise, to bring out (emphasise) |
hervorhebend | (German) accenting, highlighting |
Hervorhebung (s.), Hervorhebungen (pl.) | (German f.) stress, emphasis, accentuation, highlighting, singularisation |
see Betonung |
Hervorhebung des Autors | (German f.) emphasis added (note written by author, editor, etc.) |
Hervorhebung des Verfassers | (German f.) emphasis mine (note written by author, editor, etc.) |
Hervorhebung von mir | (German) emphasis mine, my italics (note written by author, editor, etc.) |
hervorholen | (German) to fetch, to pop, to produce, to bring out, to take out |
hervorholen aus | (German) to take out of, to bring out of |
hervorkehren | (German) to emphasise |
hervorkommen | (German) to come out from behind, to emerge |
hervorleuchten | (German) to shine out |
hervorlocken | (German) to elicit, to lure out |
hervorlocken aus | (German) to lure out of (person, animal) |
hervorlockend | (German) eliciting |
hervorquellen | (German) to stream out, to spring up, to gush (out) (smoke, blood, tears), to pour out (smoke), to well up, to bulge out (eyes) |
hervorquellen aus | (German) to billow from |
hervorquellend | (German) protuberantly |
hervorquellende Augen | (German pl.) protruding eyes, bulging eyes |
hervorragen | (German) to jut (out), to stand out (figurative), to project |
hervorragend | (German) underlined, prominent, emphasised (for example, a melody), superb, outstanding (for example, when describing a performance), saliently, surpassingly, terrific (colloquial: excellent), preeminently, brilliant, choice, conspicuous, exceeding, famous, first-rate, magnificent, paramount, prominent, shining, signal, super, superb, superlative, pre-eminent, pre-eminently (excellently), transcendent, outstandingly, beautiful (excellent), excellently, proud (protruding) [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
hervorragend abschneiden | (German) to pass with distinction (exam, test, etc.) |
hervorragend ausgebaut | (German) splendidly constructed, splendidly put together (constructed) |
hervorragende Arbeit | (German f.) tremendous work |
hervorragende Arbeitsleistung | (German f.) an excellent piece of workmanship |
hervorragende Aufführung | (German f.) outstanding performance |
hervorragende Aussicht | (German f.) magnificent view |
hervorragende Dienste | (German pl.) conspicuous service |
hervorragende Eigenschaften | (German pl.) outstanding properties |
hervorragende Juristen | (German pl.) distinguished lawyers |
hervorragende Leistung (s.), hervorragende Leistungen (pl.) | (German f.) brilliant achievement, outstanding achievement, top performance, distinguished accomplishment |
hervorragende Leistungen aufweisen | (German) to have an excellent record |
hervorragende Qualität | (German f.) outstanding quality, exceptional quality, superior quality |
hervorragender Beweis | (German m.) signal proof |
hervorragender Gelehrter | (German m.) brilliant scholar |
hervorragender literarischer Aufsatz | (German m.) distinguished literary essay |
hervorragender Mann | (German m.) man of distinction |
hervorragende Rolle | (German f.) conspicuous part |
hervorragende Rolle in einer Angelegenheit | (German f.) conspicuous part in an affair |
hervorragender Produzent | (German m.) first-rate producer |
hervorragender Redner | (German m.) brilliant speaker |
hervorragender Schüler | (German m.) first-rate pupil |
hervorragender Student | (German m.) excellent scholar |
hervorragender Wein | (German m.) excellent wine |
hervorragendes Talent | (German n.) brilliant talent, splendid talent |
hervorragende Tapferkeit | (German f.) conspicuous gallantry |
hervorragend funktionieren | (German) to fire on all cylinders (also figurative) |
hervorragend sein (in ...) | (German) to excel (in ... (something)) |
Hervorruf | (German m.) curtain call |
Hervorrufen | (German n.) evocation |
hervorrufen | (German) to cause (figurative), to evoke, to arouse (provoke, engender), to induce, to produce, to give rise to, to excite, to occasion, to bring about, to bring on, to bring out, to call forth, to give birth to, to provoke, to elicit, to generate, to engender, to educe |
hervorrufend | (German) evoking, causing, provoking, evocative |
Hervorrufung | (German f.) evocation |
hervorschießen | (German) to dash forward |
hervorsehen | (German) to show (undergarment), to look out (person), to be visible (unintended or undesired) |
hervorsprießen | (German) to spring up |
Hervorspringen | (German n.) salience |
hervorspringen | (German) to leap, to stick out (nose), to lunge out, to project (cliff), to jut out, to jump out |
hervorspringend | (German) salient, saliently, prominent, leaping |
hervorspringen hinter | (German) to jump out from behind |
hervorsprudeln | (German) to spout |
hervorstechen | (German) to stand out, to stick out, to be prominent |
hervorstechend | (German) conspicuous, striking, prominent, outstanding, preeminent, noticeable, impressive, salient |
hervorstechende Eigenschaft | (German f.) feature |
hervorstechende Ereignisse | (German pl.) salient events |
hervorstechendes Merkmal | (German n.) notable feature |
hervorstecken | (German) to stick out |
hervorstehen | (German) to protrude, to overhang, to bulk large, to bulk out, to stick out |
hervorstehend | (German) overhanging, prominent, protrudent, salient, gibbous (eyes) |
hervorstehende Augen | (German pl.) bulging eyes, goggle eyes |
hervorstehende Ohren | (German pl.) ears sticking out |
hervorstehende Venen | (German pl.) prominent veins |
hervorstehendste | (German) proudest (most protruding) |
hervorstoßen | (German) to ejaculate (words) |
hervorstoßend | (German) jetting |
hervorströmen | (German) to gush |
hervorstürzen | (German) to lunge out, to rush out, to burst out |
hervorstürzen hinter | (German) to rush out from behind, to burst out from behind |
hervorsuchen | (German) to look out (in search of something) |
hervortr. | abbreviation of hervortretend |
Hervortreibung | (German f.) protrusion |
Hervortreten | (German n.) protuberance, prominence, emergence |
hervortreten | (German) to protrude (eyes, cheekbone), to bulge (figurative: eyes), to stand out (figurative: against a background), to step forward, to come forward, to come to the fore, to step forth, to become apparent (similarity, etc.), to become evident (similarity, etc.), to emerge, to make a name for oneself, to make one's mark |
hervortretend | (German) prominently, emphasised, protuberantly, protuberant, stepping forward, prominent, protrudent, bulging (muscle, vein) |
hervortreten hinter | (German) to emerge from behind |
hervorzaubern | (German) to conjure forth, to conjure into existence, to conjure up |
hervorzerren | (German) to yank out |
hervorziehen | (German) to pull out (from behind, from under, etc.) |
hervorziehen hinter | (German) to pull out from behind |
hervorziehen unter | (German) to pull out from under |
herwagen | (German) to venture to come near |
Herz (s.), Herzen (pl.) | (German n.) heart, soul, hearts (suit in cards) |
Herz- | (German) cardiac, heart (prefix) |
Herz aus Gold | (German n.) heart of gold |
Herz aus Stein | (German n.) flinty heart |
Herz einer Frau | (German n.) a woman's heart |
Herz einer Stadt | (German n.) heart of a town |
Herz Jesu | (German n.) Sacred Heart (of Jesus) |
Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen | (German pl.) cardio-vascular diseases |
Herzaktion | (German f.) heartbeat |
Herzakzeleration | (German f.) heart rate acceleration |
herzallerliebste | (German) dearest |
Herzaneurysma | (German n.) cardiac aneurysm |
Herzanfall (s.), Herzanfälle (pl.) | (German m.) heart attack |
Herzangst | (German f.) cardiophobia |
Herzarterie | (German f.) coronary artery |
Herzas | (German n. - old form) ace of hearts |
Herzass | (German n.) ace of hearts |
Herz-Ass | (German n.) ace of hearts |
Herzattacke | (German f.) heart attack |
herzaubern | (German) to conjure up, to throw together (meal) |
Herzauskultation | (German f.) heart auscultation, cardiac auscultation |
Herzbeer | (German m.) guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) |
Herzbehandlung | (German f.) cardiac treatment |
herzbeklemmend | (German) oppressive |
Herzbeklemmung haben | (German) to have a feeling of oppression |
Herzbeschwerden | (German pl.) heart trouble, heart complaint |
Herzbeutel | (German m.) pericardium, pericardial sac |
Herzbeutelentzündung | (German f.) pericarditis, pericardial inflammation |
herzbewegend | (German) heart-rending |
Herzbewegung | (German f.) cardiac movement, heart movement, heart motion |
Herzblatt | (German n.) sweetness (colloquial) |
Herzblut | (German n.) heart's blood (figurative), lifeblood (literary) (figurative) |
Herzbräune | (German f.) chest pain (Angina pectoris) |
Herzbube | (German m.) jack of hearts, knave of hearts |
Herzchen | (German n.) honey (colloquial) |
Herzchirurg | (German m.) cardiac surgeon, heart surgeon |
Herzchirurgie | (German f.) heart surgery, cardiac surgery |
Herzdame | (German f.) queen of hearts |
Herz-Dame | (German f.) Queen of Hearts (game of cards) |
Herzdruckmassage | (German f.) cardiac massage |
Herzdurchschuss | (German m.) shot through the heart |
Herze | (German n. - dated) heart |
Herzegowina | (German f.) Hercegovina |
herzegowinisch | (German) Herzegovinian |
herzeigbar | (German) presentable |
herzeigen | (German) to show |
Herzeleid | (German n. - dated) heartbreak, heartache |
herzen | (German) to cuddle, to hug |
Herzenge | (German f.) angina (pectoris) |
Herzen höher schlagen lassen | (German) to make hearts leap for joy |
Herzensangelegenheit (s.), Herzensangelegenheiten (pl.) | (German f.) affair of the heart |
Herzensanliegen | (German n.) matter close to one's heart |
Herzensbezwinger | (German m.) charmer |
Herzensbildung | (German f.) nobleness of the heart |
Herzensbrecher (m.), Herzensbrecherin (f.) | (German) amorist, ladykiller, breaker of hearts, heart-breaker |
Herzensdrang | (German m.) heart's desire |
Herzensergießung | (German f. - dated) emotional outpourings |
Herzensergüsse | (German pl. - dated) emotional outpourings |
Herzensgebet | (German n.) Prayer of the Heart |
herzensgut | (German) kind-hearted, good-hearted |
Herzensgüte | (German f.) kindheartedness, goodness (kindheartedness) |
Herzensqual | (German f.) great emotional torment |
Herzensreinheit | (German f.) purity of heart |
Herzenssache | (German f.) matter of the heart |
Herzenstakt | (German m. - dated) sensibility |
Herzentzündung | (German f.) carditis, heart inflammation, cardiac inflammation, inflammation of the heart |
Herzenwunsch | (German m.) heart's desire |
herzerfreuend | (German) heart-warming |
herzerfrischend | (German) truly refreshing |
herzergreifend | (German) deeply moving, soul-stirring, heart-rending, pathetic (pitiful), heart-touching, pathetically (pitifully) |
Herzerkrankung | (German f.) heart disease, cardiac disease |
herzerwärmend | (German) heart-warming, heart-rending, heart-rendingly, heart-melting |
Herzfehler | (German m.) cardiac defect,(organic) heart defect, heart failure, cardiac anomaly |
Herzflimmern | (German n.) heart flutter |
herzförmig | (German) heart-shaped, cordate, cordiform |
herzförmige Blätter | (German pl.) cordate leaves, heart-shaped leaves |
herzförmige Brille | (German f.) heart-shaped glasses |
Herzfrequenz | (German f.) heart rate |
Herzfrequenzmessgerät | (German n.) heart rate monitor |
Herzfrequenzvariabilität | (German f.) heart rate variability |
Herzgegend | (German f.) cardiac region, area of the heart (also figurative) |
Herzgeräusch (s.), Herzgeräusche (pl.) | (German n.) heart murmur, cardiac murmur, murmur (cardiac murmur) |
herzgesund | (German) heart-healthy (diet, etc.) |
Herzgesundheit | (German f.) heart health |
Herzglykosid (s.), Herzglykoside (pl.) | (German n.) cardiac glycoside |
herzhaft | (German) hearty, charming, heartily, savoury, lusty (appetite) |
herzhaftes Gelächter | (German n.) hearty laugh |
herzhaft gähnen | (German) to yawn loudly, to have a good yawn |
Herzhaftigkeit | (German f.) heartiness |
herzhaft lachen | (German) to laugh lustily |
herzhaft schmecken | (German) to be hearty and tasty |
herziehen | (German) to pull near |
herziehend | (German) pulling near |
herzien | (Dutch) revised |
herzig | (German) tenderly, sweet, cute, delightful, lovely, sweetly, delightfully, dear |
-herzig | (German) -hearted (suffix) |
herziger | (German) sweeter |
herzigste | (German) sweetest (cutest) |
Herzinfarkt | (German m.) (cardiac) infarction, myocardial infarction, heart attack |
Herzinnenhautentzündung | (German f.) endocarditis |
Herzinsuffizienz | (German f.) heart failure |
Herzjagen | (German n.) tachycardia |
Herz-Jesu-Verehrung | (German f.) devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Herzkammer (s.), Herzkammern (pl.) | (German f.) ventricle, chamber of the heart |
Herzkammerflimmern | (German n.) ventricular fibrillation |
Herzkasper | (German m.) heart attack |
Herzklappe (s.), Herzklappen (pl.) | (German f.) heart valve |
Herzklappen- | (German) valvular |
Herzklappenersatz | (German m.) (heart) valve replacement, cardiac valve replacement (operation) |
Herzklappenprothese | (German f.) prosthetic heart valve, prosthetic cardiac valve |
Herzklappenstenose | (German f.) heart valve stenosis |
Herzklinik | (German f.) cardiology clinic |
Herzklopfen (s.), Herzklopfen (pl.) | (German n.) beating of the heart, palpitation, heart throb, heart consciousness (patient's awareness of own heart) |
Herzkönig | (German m.) king of hearts |
Herz-König | (German m.) King of Hearts (in a card game) |
Herzkraftversagen | (German n.) heart failure |
herzkrank | (German) suffering from a heart condition, cardiac (patient) |
Herzkranker (s.), Herzkranke (pl.) | (German m.) person suffering from a heart condition |
Herzkrankheit | (German f.) heart disease, cardiac disease |
herzkrank sein | (German) to have a heart condition, to be suffering from a heart condition |
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung | (German f.) cardiovascular disease |
Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand | (German m.) cardiac arrest |
Herz-Kreislauf-System | (German n.) cardiovascular system |
Herz-Kreislaufzwischenfall | (German m.) cardiovascular event |
Herzkurve | (German f.) cardioid |
Herzland | (German n.) heartland |
Herzleiden | (German n.) heart disease, heartache, heart condition |
herzlich | (German) heartfelt, affectionate, tenderly, delicate emotion, cordial, cordially, heartily, dearly, open-hearted (affectionate), jovial, genially, folksy (US), jovially, warm-hearted, warm (hearty, warm-hearted), expansive (welcome, etc.), warmly (welcoming somebody, saying something), cordially (letter ending), sincere (thanks, etc.), hearty (laughter) |
herzliche Begrüßung | (German f.) cordial welcome, warm welcome |
herzliche Beziehungen | (German pl.) affectionate terms |
herzliche Freundschaft | (German f.) cordial friendship, warm friendship |
herzliche Gemütsart | (German f.) cheerful disposition, genial disposition |
Herzliche Glückwünsche zur Eheschließung! | (German) Congratulations on your marriage! |
herzliche Grüße | (German pl.) best wishes, affectionate regards, warm regards, kind regards, love (letter ending) |
Herzliche Grüße von ... | (German) Compliments of ... |
Herzliche Hochzeitsglückwünsche! | (German) Congratulations on your wedding! |
herzlich eingeladen | (German) cordially invited |
Herzlichen Dank! | (German) Cordial thanks! Many thanks! Thank you so much! |
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! | (German) Best wishes! Congratulations! |
Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich! | (German) Belated best wishes! Belated happy birthday! |
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! | (German) Happy Birthday! |
herzlicher | (German) heartier, more cordial, warmer (heartier, warmer-hearted, more warm-hearted) |
herzlicher Dank | (German m.) warm thanks |
herzlicher Empfang | (German m.) hearty welcome, affectionate reception, hearty reception, warm reception |
herzliches Beileid (zu) | (German) my commiserations (on) |
herzliches Willkommen | (German n.) cordial welcome |
herzliches Willkommen gewähren | (German) to accord a hearty welcome |
herzlich froh | (German) heartily glad |
Herzlichkeit (s.), Herzlichkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) cordiality, cordialness, heartiness, joviality, geniality, warmth (of friendship, of feeling), warmness (towards people, feelings) |
herzlichst | (German) whole-hearted |
herzlichste | (German) heartiest, most cordial |
herzlich wenig Aussicht | (German f.) fat chance (colloquial) |
herzlich wenig | (German) precious little, a fat lot |
Herzlich willkommen! | (German) Welcome! |
Herzlich willkommen zurück! | (German) Welcome back! |
Herzlieb | (German n. - dated) sweetheart |
Herzliebchen | (German n.) sweetheart, dearest |
Herzliebster (m.), Herzliebste (f.) | (German) dearest, darling (terms of endearment) |
Herzlinie | (German f.) heart line (palmistry) |
herzlos | (German) callously, heartless, heartlessly, ungiving, unkindly, cruel, soulless, callous, unfeeling |
herzloser | (German) more heartless |
herzloseste | (German) most heartless |
Herzlosigkeit | (German f.) heartlessness, bloodlessness |
herzlos sein | (German) to be heartless |
Herz-Lungen-Maschine | (German f.) heart-lung machine, life-support machine |
Herz-Lungen-Transplantation | (German f.) heart and lung transplantation |
Herzmassage | (German f.) cardiac massage |
Herzmonitor | (German m.) heart monitor, cardiac monitor |
Herzmund | (German m.) heart-shaped mouth |
Herzmuskel- | (German) cardiomuscular (prefix) |
Herzmuskel | (German m.) cardiac muscle, myocardium, heart muscle |
Herzmuskelentzündung | (German f.) myocarditis |
Herzmuskelinfarkt | (German m.) myocardial infarction |
Herznote | (German f.) heart note, middle note (perfume) |
Herzog (m.), Herzogin (f.), Herzöge (pl.), Herzoginnen (f.pl.) | (German) duke (m.), duchess (f.) |
Herzogenbusch | (German n.) 's-Hertogenbosch (city in The Netherlands) |
Herzoginkartoffeln | (German pl.) or Herzoginnenkartoffeln (German pl.), duchess potatoes, duchesse potatoes
Herzoginwitwe | (German f.) duchess dowager |
herzoglich | (German) ducal, ducally |
Herzogs- | (German) ducal (prefix) |
Herzogspalast | (German m.) ducal palace |
Herzogswürde | (German f.) dukedom (title) |
Herzogtum (s.), Herzogtümer (pl.) | (German n.) duchy, dukedom |
Herzoperation | (German f.) heart surgery, cardiac operation, heart operation |
Herzpatient (m.), Herzpatientin (f.) | (German) cardiac patient |
Herzprobleme | (German pl.) heart problems |
Herzrasen | (German n.) racing heart, tachycardia, rapid heartbeat |
Herzrate | (German f.) heart rate |
Herzreha | (German f.) cardiac rehab (colloquial) |
Herzrhythmus | (German m.) cardiac rhythm, heart rhythm |
Herzrhythmusstörung (s.), Herzrhythmusstörungen (pl.) | (German f.) cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac irregularity (colloquial: cardiac arrhythmia) |
Herzriss | (German m.) heart rupture, myocardial rupture |
Herzruptur | (German f.) myocardial rupture, heart rupture, rupture of the heart, cardiac rupture |
Herzschäden | (German pl.) heart damage |
Herzschallschreiber | (German m.) phonocardiograph |
Herzschlag (s.), Herzschläge (pl.) | (German m.) heartbeat, heartthrob, beat of heart, beating of the heart |
Herzschmerz (s.), Herzschmerzen (pl.) | (German m.) stabbing pain in the chest, heartache, angina (pectoris) |
Herzschmerz-Geschichte | (German f.) sentimental story |
Herzschrittmacher | (German m.) pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker, heart pacemaker |
Herzschwäche | (German f.) weak heart |
Herzspezialist (m.), Herzspezialistin (f.), Herzspezialisten (pl.) | (German) heart specialist, cardiologist, cardiac specialist |
herzstärkend | (German) cardiotonic, cordial |
herzstärkendes Mittel | (German n.) cordial (agent) |
Herzstärkungsmittel (s.), Herzstärkungsmittel (pl.) | (German n.) cordial (agent) |
Herzstillstand | (German m.) cardiac arrest, asystole, cardio-respiratory arrest, cardio-pulmonary arrest |
Herzstillstand erleiden | (German) to flatline (US) |
Herzstück | (German n.) core, centrepiece, linchpin (figurative), heart (figurative) |
Herztätigkeit | (German f.) action of the heart, working of the heart, heartbeat, cardiac activity, cardiac action |
Herztherapie | (German f.) cardiac therapy |
Herzthrombose | (German f.) cardiac thrombosis |
Hertzton (s.), Herztöne (pl.) | (German m.) cardiac sound, heart sound |
Herztransplantat | (German n.) heart transplant, cardiac transplant |
Herztransplantation | (German f.) heart transplant, heart transplantation, cardiac transplantation, heart-transplant operation |
Herzüberwachungsgerät | (German n.) heart monitor |
Herzunterstützung | (German f.) cardiac support |
herzutreten | (German - dated) to approach |
Herzvergrößerung | (German f.) enlargement of the heart, cardiac enlargement |
Herzverpflanzung (s.), Herzverpflanzungen (pl.) | (German f.) heart transplant |
Herzversagen | (German n.) heart failure, cardiac failure |
Herzwiederbelebungsgerät | (German n.) cardiac resuscitation apparatus |
Herzzentrum | (German n.) cardiac centre, heart centre |
herzzerbrechend | (German) heartbreaking, heartbreakingly |
herzzerreißend | (German) heart-rending, piteous, heartbreaking, heartbreakingly, gut-wrenching, heart-rendingly, heart-wrenching, heart-splitting |
Hes |  |
(German n.) the note 'B flat' (which in German is called 'B') |
Hesekiel | (German m.) Ezekiel |
Heses, heses |  |
(German n.) the note 'B double-flat' (written in Germany as Bb) |
we have also included Bes as a translation for the note B double flat, although Michael Zapf confirms that, in Germany today, Bes is considered incorrect. The correct German word is Heses |
hesiodeisch | (German) Hesiodic |
Hesiodic | of, pertaining to, or resembling the style of Hesiod, a Greek poet of about the eighth century BC, or to a poetical school of which he was founder or leading member. The Hesiodic poems are didactic |
hésitant | (French) hesitating |
Hesitations | momentary stoppages of flow |
in regard to speech, pauses in speech flow |
Hesitation step | similar to a step used in the pavane, the 'hesitation step' survives today in weddings |
Hesitation waltz | see 'Boston' |
a variety of the true Valse that can very easily be performed once the Valse is known. Defined in a nutshell, the "Hesitation" is a halt on one foot (with the other foot suspended in the air) during the whole "1-2.3" of the beat of the music, or during the "2.3" only of every alternate "1-2.3." The ways of performing the "hesitation" are many and varied, and no way can be said to be more orthodox or correct than any other |
hésiter à | (French) to hesitate to |
Hesperiden | (German pl.) Hesperides |
Hesperides | (Greek mythology) group of 3 to 7 nymphs who guarded the golden apples that Gaea gave as a wedding gift to Hera |
Hesse (m.), Hessin (f.), Hessen (pl.), Hessinnen (f.pl.) | (German) Hessian |
Hessen | (German n.) Hesse |
Hessenlied | (German n.) official anthem of the German federal state of Hesse |
Hesses gesammelte Werke | (German) the collected works of Hesse |
Hesses sämtliche Werke | (German) the complete works of Hesse |
Hessing-Korsett | (German n.) Hessing's corset (for the treatment of scoliosis) |
hessisch | (German) Hessian, Hesse |
Hestia | (English, German f.) (Greek mythology) the goddess of the hearth and its fire in ancient mythology, identified with the Roman goddess Vesta |
Hesychasm | (from the Greek hesychia, quiet, silence, detachment), also called palamitism, the quietistic practices of a 14th-century ascetic sect of mystics drawn from the monks of Mt. Athos |
Hesychasmus | (German m.) Hesychasm |
Hesychast | (German m.) Hesychast |
hesychastisch | (German) Hesychastic, Hesychast |
Hetaera (s.), Hetaerae (pl.) | (Latin from the Greek, hetaira (s.), hetairai (pl.)) a mistress, a prostitute |
the Greek hetaira was often a very highly-educated woman |
Hetäre (s.), Hetären (pl.) | (German f.) hetaera |
he tenido alguno que otro | (Spanish) I've had one or two |
Heterarchie | (German f.) heterarchy |
heterarchisch | (German) heterarchic, heterarchical |
Heterarchy | a system of organization replete with overlap, multiplicity, mixed ascendancy, and/or divergent-but-coexistent patterns of relation |
heterochromatic | varicoloured, of or characterised by different colours |
heterochromatisch | (German) heterochromatic |
heterochromatische Strahlung | (German f.) heterochromatic radiation |
Heterochromia | a condition in which the two irises of an individual have different colors, or in which one iris has |
Heterochromie | (German f.) heterochromia |
heterocl. | abbreviation of 'heteroclite' (an irregularly declined or inflected word) |
Heteroclite | something or someone that deviates from the ordinary rule, an anomaly |
heterodox | (German) heterodox |
Heterodoxie | (German f.) heterodoxy |
Heterodoxy | any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position |
Heterofonie | (German f.) heterophony |
heterofonisch | (Dutch) heterophony |
heterogen | (German) heterogenous, heterogeneously, heterogeneous, heterogenic |
Heterogeneous | made up of dissimilar components, a large degree of variation within a population |
heterogenes Polypol | (German n.) monopolistic competition |
Heterogenität (s.), Heterogenitäten (pl.) | (German f.) heterogeneity |
Heteroglossia | a diversity of voices, styles of discourse, or points of view in a literary work and especially a novel |
Heteroglossie | (German f.) heteroglossia |
heteroglossisch | (German) heteroglossic |
Heteroglot reed | a reed that is separate to the instrument, and which might be tied to the upper side of the mouthpiece and therefore vibrates between the mouthpiece and the player's upper lip |
see 'idioglot reed' |
heteromorph | (German) heteromorphic |
Heteromorphic | (biology) having different forms in different stages of the life cycle |
Heteromorphism | a diversity of form |
Heteromorphismus | (German m.) heteromorphism |
Heteronomie | (German f.) heteronomy |
Heteronomy | (opposed to autonomy) subordination or subjection to the law of another, political subjection of a community or state |
Heteronormativität | (German f.) heteronormativity |
Heteronormativity | the view that all human beings are either male or female, both in sex and in gender, and that sexual and romantic thoughts and relations are normal only when between people of different sexes |
Heteronym | (English, German n.) two words are heteronyms if they are spelled the same way but differ in pronunciation |
Heterophobia | a term used to describe irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against heterosexuals |
Heterophobie | (German f.) heterophobia |
Heterophonie | (German f.) heterophony |
Heterophonie | (German f.) heterophony |
Hétérophonie | (French) heterophony |
Heterophony | two or more lines performing the same melody, maybe anticipating it or following it a beat or more behind, or applying different embellishments, a conjectural way of performing medieval repertoire, for example, songs of the troubadour and trouvère tradition, although similar traditions continue even today |
the term heterophony was coined by Plato (c.428-c.347 BC) |
Heterophoria | a type of eye condition where the motion of the eyes are not parallel to each other |
Heterophorie | (German f.) heterophoria |
Heterosexismus | (German m.) heterosexism |
heterosexistisch | (German) heterosexist |
Heterosexualität | (German f.) heterosexuality |
heterosexuell | (German) heterosexual, straight (colloquial) |
Heterosexueller (m.), Heterosexuelle (f.), Heterosexuelle (pl.) | (German) heterosexual, straight (colloquial) |
Heterotopia | in medicine, displaced or abnormally places organ, tissue, etc. |
in general, occuring or appearing in different habitats |
heterotopias: "[r]eal places ... which are something like counter-sites, a kind of utopia in which all of the real sites that can be found within a culture are simultaneously represented, contested and inverted. Places of this kind are outside of all places ..." [Michel Foucault (1926-1984), French historian and philosopher] |
Heterotopie | (German f.) heterotopia, heterotopy |
Hethiter (m.), Hethiterin (f.), Hethiter (pl.) | (German) Hittite |
Hethiterherrscher | (German m.) Hittite ruler |
Hethiterkönig | (German m.) Hittite king |
Hethiterreich | (German n.) Hittite empire |
Hethitisch | (German n.) Hittite |
hethitisch | (German) Hittite |
Hethitologe | (German m.) Hittitologist |
Hethitologie | (German f.) Hittitology |
Hetman | (English, German m.) the title of the second highest military commander (after the monarch) used in 15th to 18th century Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania |
Hetschipetsch | (German n. - Austria) rose hip |
het stemmen | (Dutch) accordance (in an instrument) |
het van het blad lezen | (Dutch) sight-reading |
het van het blad zingen | (Dutch) sight-singing |
het Volkslied | (Dutch) national anthem |
Hetz | (German f. - Southern Germany, Austria) fun |
Hetz nicht so! | (German) Don't be in such a rush! |
Hetzartikel | (German m.) inflammatory article |
Hetzblatt | (German n.) hate sheet, smearsheet |
Hetze | (German f.) chevy, chevvy, chivy, chivvy, coursing, hunt, hustle, rabble-rousing, dash, rat race, agitation |
Hetze gegen ... | (German f.) agitation against ... (somebody, something) |
Hetze gegen die Juden | (German f.) Jew-baiting |
Hetzen | (German n.) baiting, hustling |
hetzen | (German) to chevy, to bait, to chevvy, to chivy, to chivvy, to hustle, to agitate (incite), to rush, to scamper, to chase (also figurative) |
hetzend | (German) badgering, chevying, hounding, rushing, scampering, chevvying, chivying, chivvying |
hetzen gegen | (German) to stir up hatred against |
Hetzer (m.), Hetzerin (f.) | (German) baiter, agitator, rabble-rouser, instigator |
hetzerisch | (German) rabble-rousing |
hetzhalber | (German - Austria) just for fun |
Hetzhund (s.), Hetzhunde (pl.) | (German m.) foxhound, staghound, stag hound, hunting hound |
Hetzjagd | (German f.) chevy, chevvy, chivy, chivvy, coursing, hunt, deer-hunting, persecution, hounding |
Hetzkampagne | (German f.) vendetta, malicious campaign, hate campaign (pejorative), smear campaign (pejorative) |
Hetzparole | (German f.) demagogic slogan |
Hetzpresse | (German f.) yellow press (pejorative) |
Hetzpropaganda | (German f.) inflammatory propaganda |
Hetzrede (s.), Hetzreden (pl.) | (German f.) diatribe, provocative speech, inflammatory speech, rabble-rousing speech |
Hetzreden halten | (German) to make rabble-rousing speeches |
Hetzredner | (German m.) demagogue |
Hetzschrift | (German f.) inflammatory pamphlet |
Hetztiraden | (German pl.) rants of hate, tirade of hate |
Heu | (German n.) hay |
Heuballen | (German m.) hay bale, bale of hay, hay roll, hay bail |
Heubier | (German n.) hay beer |
Heublumen | (German pl.) hay flowers (mixture of seeds, flowers, and grasses, sieved from hay and used for medical purposes) |
Heuboden | (German m.) hayloft |
Heuboden | (German m.) mow |
Heubündel | (German n.) bundle of hay, bottle of hay |
Heuchelei (s.), Heucheleien (pl.) | (German f.) hypocrisy, cant, dissemblance, factitiousness, sham, simulation, affectation, dissimulation, Pecksniffery, duplicity |
heucheln | (German) to feign, to pretend, to sham, to simulate, to dissemble, to front (slang: sham, simulate, pretend), to cant |
heuchelnd | (German) dissembling, feigning, canting, shammed |
Heuchler (m.), Heuchlerin (f.), Heuchler (pl.) | (German) chadband, dissembler, hypocrite, shammer, simulator, canter, fraud (hypocrite), sham (person), pretender, dissimulator |
heuchlerisch | (German) dissembling, hypocritical, hypocritically, duplicitous, two-faced (figurative), insincere, Pecksniffian, duplicitously |
heuchlerischer | (German) more dissembling |
heuchlerisch wirken | (German) to have a hollow ring (colloquial) |
Heudiele | (German f. - Switzerland) hayloft |
Heudieme | (German f. - Low German)) hayrick |
Heu einbringen | (German) to bring in the hay, to save hay |
Heuen | (German n.) haymaking |
heuen | (German - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) to make hay |
Heuer | (German f.) pay |
heuer | (German - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) this year |
Heuerbüro | (German n.) shipping office |
Heuerling | (German m.) hireling, hired hand |
heuern | (German) to hire |
Heuernte | (German f.) hay harvest, hay making, haymaking |
Heuerntezeit | (German f.) haymaking season |
Heuert | (German m.) or Heuet (German m.) the old name for July in the German calendar) |
Heufeld | (German n.) hay field |
Heufieber | (German n.) hay fever |
Heugabel | (German f.) pitchfork, hay fork |
Heugewinnung | (German f.) haymaking |
Heuharfe | (German f. - Austria) rickstand |
Heu häufeln | (German) to cock hay |
Heuhaufen (s.), Heuhaufen (pl.) | (German m.) haycock, haystack, hay-cock |
Heul doch! | (German) Cry me a river! (sarcastic) |
Heul nicht ständig! | (German) Don't keep crying! |
Heulanfall | (German m.) cry (fit of weeping) |
Heulboje | (German f.) whistle buoy, whistling buoy, bawler (dated: child), caterwauler (dated: singer) |
Heulen | (German n.) whine, howling, howl, wail (figurative: of wind, etc.), hoot (of an owl) |
heulen | (German) to hoot (owl, etc.), to ululate, to scream, to bawl, to bellow, to blare (trumpet, etc.), to blubber (colloquial: to cry), to wail (wind, siren), to snivel, to whine, to howl (also wind, etc.), to waul, to blub (colloquial: to cry), to have a blubber (colloquial: to have a cry), to cry |
heulend | (German) hooting, blubbering, howling, ululating, ululant, wailing |
heulender Sturm | (German m.) howling gale |
heulender Wind | (German m.) screaming wind, wailing wind, howling wind |
heulender Wolf | (German m.) howling wolf |
heulend hervorbringen | (German) to blubber out |
Heuler | (German m.) baby seal, seal pup, wailing banshee (firework), whine (wailing sound) |
Heulerei | (German f.) wailing (siren, buoy), howling |
Heulkrampf | (German m.) crying fit |
Heulmeier | (German m.) sniveller |
Heulpeter | (German m.) sniveller |
Heulsuse (s.), Heulsusen (pl.) | (German f.) crybaby, sniveller, whiner, cry-baby, sissy (colloquial), whimperer |
heult | (German) hoots |
Heulton | (German m.) siren (sound), wailing sound, wail (siren) |
Heultonne | (German f.) whistle buoy |
Heumachen | (German n.) haymaking |
Heu machen | (German) to be hay-making, to make hay |
Heumacher (m.), Heumacherin (f.) | (German) haymaker |
Heumahd | (German f.) haymaking |
Heu mähen | (German) to cut hay |
Heumäher | (German m.) hay mower |
Heumiete | (German f.) hayrick, haystack |
Heumond | (German m.) or Heumonat (German m.), old name for July in the German calendar |
Heunetz | (German n.) haynet |
Heupferd | (German n.) grasshopper (Tettigoniinae), bush cricket (insect) |
Heupferdchen | (German n.) grasshopper |
Heureiter | (German m. - Austria) rickstand |
Heureka! | (German) Eureka! |
heures de grande écoute | (French) peak time |
Heureuter | (German m. - Southern Germany) rickstand |
Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour. | (French) Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. |
Heuriers-matiniers | (French) or heuriers et matiniers, officials who were required to sing the Office and the Mass on a regular basis at Chartres Cathedral. It is reported that they were expected to be able to sing Matins in the dark and were liable to pay a fine if unable to sing the Psalter from memory |
heurig | (German - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) this year's |
Heurige | (German pl. - Austria) early potatoes |
Heuriger | (German m. - Austria) tavern selling homegrown wine, new wine |
Heuristik | (German f.) heuristics |
heuristisch | (German) heuristic, heuristical, heuristically |
Heurolle | (German f.) hay roll, hay bail (round) |
Heuscheune | (German f.) hay barn |
Heuschnupfen | (German m.) hay fever, hayfever |
Heuschnupfenmittel | (German n.) hay fever remedy, remedy for hay fever |
Heuschnupfentablette | (German f.) hay fever pill |
Heuschnupfenzeit | (German f.) hay fever season |
Heuschober | (German m.) haystack, haystacks, rick, hayrick |
Heuschreck | (German m. - Southern Germany, Austria) grasshopper |
Heuschrecke (s.), Heuschrecken (pl.) | (German f.) grasshopper, locust (also figurative), cicada, corporate raider (pejorative) |
Heuschreckenplage | (German f.) plague of locusts, locust infestation |
Heustadel | (German m. - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) hay barn |
Heustock | (German m. - Switzerland) hayrick |
Heute | (German n.) today |
heute | (German) today, this day, nowadays, present day |
heute Abend | (German) tonight, this evening |
heute aufgegeben | (German) posted today |
heute bekannt unter dem Namen | (German) now known as |
Heute bin ich nicht ganz auf der Höhe. | (German) I'm a bit under the weather today. |
heute früh | (German) earlier today, this morning |
Heute geht es ihr gar nicht gut. | (German) She is very bad today. |
Heute geht mir alles schief. | (German) This is an off-day for me. Everything's going wrong. |
Heute hier, morgen dort. | (German) Here today, gone tomorrow. |
heute in 14 Tagen | (German) this day fortnight, today fortnight |
heute in acht Tagen | (German) a week today, in a week's time, a week from today |
heute in einer Woche | (German) a week from now, a week from today, this day next week, today week |
Heute ist der dritte, oder? | (German) Today's the 3rd, isn't it? |
Heute ist ein Wetterchen zum Eierlegen. | (German) It's really lovely today! (ironic) |
Heute ist es so weit. | (German) Today is the day. |
Heute ist es soweit. | (German - old form) Today is the day. |
Heute ist schlechtes Wetter. | (German) It's foul weather today. |
Heute ist schönes Wetter. | (German) The weather is fine today. |
heute kein Unterricht | (German) no school today |
Heute kommt spät am Abend ein guter Film. | (German) There's a good film on late. |
Heute kommt spätabends ein guter Film. | (German) There's a good film on late. |
heute Mittag | (German) at midday today |
heute morgen | (German) this morning |
heute Nachmittag | (German) this afternoon |
heute Nacht | (German) tonight, last night |
heute nicht mehr bestehend | (German) now-defunct |
heute nicht mehr existierend | (German) now defunct |
heute nicht mehr vorstellbar | (German) no longer imaginable today |
heute vor einer Woche | (German) a week ago today |
heute vor sechs Jahren | (German) six years ago today |
heutig | (German) present, present-day, modern (present-day), contemporary, hodiernal (rare), today's, of today |
heutige | (German) today's |
heutige Kinder | (German pl.) contemporary children, today's children |
heutigentags | (German - dated) nowadays |
heutiger | (German) today's |
heutiger (m.), heutige (f.), heutiges (n.) | (German) today
heutiger Wert | (German m.) current worth |
heutiges | (German) today's |
heutiges Tagesziel | (German n.) today's target, target for today, destination for today, today's destination |
heutzutage | (German) nowadays, these days, at the present day |
Heuwagen | (German m.) haywain (archaic), hay cart |
Heuwiese | (German f.) hay meadow |
he visto algunas | (Spanish) I've seen some |
Hexachord | (English, German m./n., Latin, hexachordum) esacordo (Italian m.), hexacorde (French m.), hexacordo (Spanish m.), a group of six consecutive notes separated by a tone (whole-step) or semitone (half-step), in particular with reference to the solmization syllables proposed by Guido d'Arezzo |
there are three hexachords |
hard or durum | from G (i.e. G, A, B natural, C, D, E), i.e. hexachordum durum |
natural or naturale | from C (i.e. C, D, E, F, G, A), i.e. hexachordum naturale |
soft or molle | from F but using B flat (i.e. F, G, A, B flat, C, D), i.e. hexachordum molle |
Hexachordon | (Greek) a major sixth |
Hexacorde | (French m.) hexachord |
Hexacordo | (Spanish m.) hexachord |
Hexadactyly | the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet |
Hexadaktylie | (German f.) hexadactylism, hexadactyly, sexdactyly (hexadactyly) |
hexadezimal | (German) hex, hexadecimal |
Hexadezimalcode | (German m.) hex code, hexadecimal code |
hexadezimale Darstellung | (German f.) hexadecimal notation |
hexadezimales Zahlensystem | (German n.) hexadecimal number system |
Hexadezimalsystem | (German n.) hexadecimal system |
Hexadezimalzahl | (German f.) hexadecimal number |
Hexagon | (English, German n.) a six-sided polygon |
Hexagram | a regular polygon, shaped as a six-pointed star, formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon to form two equilateral triangles |
Hexagramm | (German n.) hexagram |
Hexalogie | (German f.) hexalogy |
Hexalogy | a compound literary or narrative work that is made up of six distinct works, just as a trilogy is made up of three |
Hexameron | (Greek) a set of six musical pieces or songs |
Hexameter | (English, German m.) very common in Greek and Latin literature, less common in English, a line consisting of six metrical feet |
Hexateuch | (German m.) the first six books of the Hebrew Bible |
Hexatonic | of or using only six notes |
Hexatônica | (Portuguese) hexatonic |
Hexatonic scale | a scale with six notes |
Hexe (s.), Hexen (pl.) | (German f.) hag (witch), sibyl, witch, sorceress, tangle (in hair) |
hexen | (German) to conjure |
Hexenbesen | (German m.) witches' besom, witches' broom |
Hexenbrett | (German n.) ouija board, witch board |
Hexeneinmaleins | (German n.) magic formula |
Hexenflasche | (German f.) witch's bottle, witch bottle |
Hexengebräu | (German n.) witches' brew |
Hexenglaube | (German m.) belief in witches |
hexenhaft | (German) haggish |
Hexenhasel | (German f.) witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.] |
Hexenhaus | (German n.) witch's cottage |
Hexenhäuschen | (German n.) gingerbread house (Hänsel und Gretel German: Hansel and Gretel) |
Hexenjagd | (German f.) witch-hunt, witch-hunting, witch-hunt (figurative) |
Hexenjäger | (German m.) witch hunter |
Hexenkessel | (German m.) witch's cauldron, inferno, seething cauldron, bubbling cauldron (figurative), witches' kitchen (figurative) |
Hexenkunst | (German f.) witchcraft |
Hexenmeister (m.), Hexenmeisterin (f.), Hexenmeister (pl.) | (German) conjuror, sorcerer, sorceress (f.), wizard (m.), witch (f.), warlock (m.) |
Hexenprozess (s.), Hexenprozesse (pl.) | (German m.) witch trial |
Hexenprozesse von Salem | (German pl.) Salem witch trials (1692) |
Hexenring | (German m.) fairy ring |
Hexenrock | (German m.) witch skirt |
Hexensabbat (s.), Hexensabbate (pl.) | (German m.) coven, esbat, (witches') sabbat |
Hexensalbe | (German f.) magic salve |
Hexenschuss | (German m.) lumbago |
Hexenspiel | (German n.) cat's cradle (child's game) |
Hexenstich | (German m.) Russian (cross) stitch |
Hexentanz | (German m.) witches' dance, a witches' sabbath (especially as represented in art or music), pandemonium (figurative) |
Hexenverbrennung | (German f.) burning of a witch |
Hexenverfolgung | (German f.) witch-hunt, witch-hunting, persecution of witches |
Hexenwahn | (German m.) witch craze, witch-hunt, witch hunting |
Hexenwerk | (German n.) sorcery |
Hexenwesen | (German n.) witchcraft |
Hexenzirkel | (German m.) coven |
Hexer (s.), Hexer (pl.) | (German m.) wizard, witcher, sorcerer, warlock, spellcaster, wicca (Old English: wizard) |
Hexerei (s.), Hexereien (pl.) | (German f.) witchcraft, witchery, wizardry, witching, sorcery, pishogue (Irish) |
Hey | see 'haye' |
Heye | see 'haye' |
HF-Abstrahlung | (German f.) RF emission |
Hfe | abbreviation of Harfe (German: harp - harpe (French)) |
H-förmig | (German) H-shaped |
HFPA | Hollywood Foreign Press Association - they present the Golden Globes |
HF-Schweißen | (German n.) high frequency welding |
H-Gas | (German n.) high caloric gas (natural gas) |
HHA | abbreviation of Hallische Händel-Ausgabe (German: Halle Edition of music by Handel) |
Hialemos | (Greek) an elegy, a lament |
Hiasl | (German m. - Southern Germany) dolt |
Hiatal | of, relating to, or involving a hiatus |
hiatal | (German) hiatal |
Hiatus (s.), Hiatus (pl.) | (English, German m., Latin) a gap (for example, in some logical or continuous sequence), a lacuna |
in linguistics, the juxtaposition of two vowels (not forming a dipthong) with no intervening consonant |
Hiatus- | (German) hiatal |
Hiatushernie | (German f.) hiatus hernia, hiatal hernia |
hibbelig | (German) nervous, jittery (colloquial) |
Hibernal | or brumal, characteristic of or relating to winter |
hibernal | (German - dated) hibernal |
Hibernia | the Latin and poetic name for the island of Ireland |
Hibernian | of or pertaining to Hibernia, the Latin and poetic name for the island of Ireland |
Hibernien | (German n.) Hibernia |
Hibernier (m.), Hibernierin (f.) | (German) Hibernian |
hibernisch | (German) Hibernian |
Hibernistik | (German f.) Irish studies |
Hibiskus | (German m.) hibiscus (genus) |
Hibiskusblüte | (German f.) hibiscus flower |
Hibiskustee | (German m.) hibiscus tea |
Hichiriki | a Japanese double-reed wind instrument similar to the oboe |
Hic jacet | (Latin, literally 'here lies') an epitaph, an inscription on a tomb, etc. |
Hickhack | (German m./n.) argy-bargy (colloquial), squabbling, wrangling, bickering |
Hickory | (German m.) hickory (tree), hickory (wood) |
Hickorybaum | (German m.) hickory (tree) |
Hickorynuss | (German f.) hickory nut |
Hickorynussbaum (s.), Hickorynussbäume (pl.) | (German m.) hickory (tree) |
Hickorystiel | (German m.) hickory handle, hickory shaft |
hicksen | (German - regional) to hiccup |
Hick rock | see 'alternative country' |
Hidalgo | (Spansh m.) a gentleman by birth |
Hidalguense, el | the state of Hidalgo, named after Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, is located in the mid-eastern Mexico. It is rich with important mineral deposits of gold, silver and zinc. El Hidalguense one of the many Huasteco musical pieces used in dancing |
hidastaen | (Finnish) ritenuto, reduce tempo immediately |
hidastuen | (Finnish) ritardando, reduce tempo gradually |
Hidden consecutives | hidden consecutives occur when two independent parts approach a single perfect fifth or an octave by similar motion instead of oblique or contrary motion. Conventional style dictates that such an interval, often called an exposed fifth or exposed octave, be avoided. But this is sometimes permitted under certain conditions, such as the following: the interval does not involve either the highest or the lowest part, the interval does not occur between both of those extreme parts, the interval is approached in one part by a semitone step, or the interval is approached in the higher part by step. The details differ considerably from period to period, and even among composers writing in the same period |
Hidden fifths | approaching fifths by similar motion can produce the same effect as approaching fifths by parallel motion. Adding a passing tone to a hidden fifth produces a parallel fifth, for example. Since the parallel fifth is implied by a missing note, approaching fifths by similar motion are called hidden fifths |
Hidden octaves | approaching octaves by similar motion can produce the same effect as approaching octaves by parallel motion. Adding a passing tone to a hidden octave produces a parallel octave, for example. Since the parallel octave is implied by a missing note, approaching octaves by similar motion are called hidden octaves |
Hide glue | an animal glue that is created by the prolonged boiling of animal connective tissue and used, in the music trade, particularly for gluing the joints of stringed instruments |
Hidjas | (German m.) Hejaz |
Hidrosis | perspiration |
Hidrotic | having to do with sweat, causing sweat, sudorific |
Hidrotika | (German pl.) hidrotics |
Hidschab | (German m.) hijab |
Hidschra | (German f.) Hijra |
hie und da | (German) hither and thither (old-fashioned), now and then |
Hieb (s.), Hiebe (pl.) | (German m.) clip, hack, stroke, blow, hit, bang, chop (blow with edge of hand), skit, cut (sword, whip) |
Hiebnummer | (German f.) grade of cut (file) |
hieb- und stichfest | (German) watertight (figurative), airtight (figurative) |
Hiebwaffe | (German f.) baton |
Hief | (German) sound given by a bugle or hunting horn |
Hief-horn | (German) bugle-horn, hunting horn |
Hief-stoss | (German) sound given by a bugle or hunting horn |
hieher | (German - dated) hither |
hielt irrtümlich für | (German) mistook for |
hienieden | (German - Austria - dated) here below |
hier | (German) here, herein, of our city, this is where |
Hier abtrennen. | (German) Detach here. |
hieran | (German) here |
hier anheben | (German) lift here |
Hier arbeitet es sich besser. | (German) One can work better here. |
Hierarchie (s.), Hierarchien (pl.) | (German f.) hierarchy, command structure, totem pole (figurative) |
Hierarchieabbau | (German m.) de-layering |
Hierarchieebene | (German f.) hierarchical level |
Hierarchiestruktur | (German f.) hierarchical structure |
hierarchisch | (German) hierarchic, hierarchical, hierarchically, hierarchal |
hierarchisch aufgebaut | (German) hierarchically structured |
hierarchische Festlegung | (German f.) hierarchical definition |
hierarchischer Aufbau | (German m.) hierarchic structure, hierarchal organisation, hierarchical composition
hierarchisches Speichermanagement | (German n.) hierarchical storage management
hierarchisches System | (German n.) chain of authority
hierarchische Struktur | (German f.) hierarchic structure |
hierarchische Strukturierung | (German f.) hierarchical structuring |
hierarchische Zerlegung | (German f.) hierarchical decomposition |
Hierarchisierung | (German f.) hierarchisation |
Hieratic | sacertodal, priestly, of or associated with sacred persons, offices or duties - also designates a style in art that manifests adherence to religious styles or conventional depictions or methods |
constituting or relating to a simplified cursive style of Egyptian, which developed alongside the monumental hieroglyphic system, a script almost always written in ink with a reed pen on papyrus and used for administrative and economic purposes and also for works of literature. After about 660 BC it was replaced in most secular documents by the demotic script |
hieratisch | (German) hieratic |
hierauf | (German) hereunto, hereupon, afterwards, subsequently, upon this, on this |
hieraufhin | (German) hereupon |
hieraus | (German) from it, out of this |
Hieraus folgerte er ... | (German) From this he argued that ... |
hierbei | (German) at this, here (on doing this, in this connection) |
hierbei ... | (German) in so doing, ... |
hier bei uns | (German) over here |
Hier bist du richtig. | (German) This is the place to be. |
Hier bitte | short for Stell es bitte hierhin. (German: Put it here, please.) |
Hier bitte schön. | (German) There you go. (colloquial) There you are. |
(Hier) bitte schön. | (German) Here you are. |
Hier, bitte sehr. | (German) There you are. Here you are! |
hier drin | (German) in here |
hier drüben | (German) over here |
hierdurch | (German) hereby, through this, as a result of this, because of this, thus, through here, by this means |
hierdurch entstanden | (German) resulting |
hierein | (German) in here |
hier entlang | (German) along here |
Hier entlang. | (German) This way. |
Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über ... | (German) Here you'll find everything you want to know about ... |
Hier erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über ... | (German) Here you learn about ... |
hierfür | (German) for it, for this, for this purpose |
hiergegen | (German) against this, in comparison with this, by comparison with this, compared with this |
Hier geht es schlecht zu. | (German) Things are bad here. |
Hier geht's zu wie bei den Hottentotten. | (German) It's like bedlam in here. |
Hier ging es nie um Rache. | (German) It was never about revenge. |
Hier habe ich das Sagen. | (German) I'm the boss here. |
hierher | (German) hither, here, this way |
hier heraus | (German) out here |
Hier herein, bitte! | (German) This way in, please! |
hierhergehören | (German) to belong here |
hierher gehören | (German) to belong here |
hierherkommen | (German) to come here, to approach, to come (here) |
hierherum | (German) hereabouts, around here, round here |
hier herum | (German) hereabout, hereabouts |
hierher wagen | (German) to dare to come here |
hierhin | (German) here |
hierhinab | (German) down here |
hierhinauf | (German) up here |
hierhinaus | (German) out (of) here |
hier hindurch | (German) through here |
hierhinein | (German) in here |
hier hinten | (German) back here |
hierhinter | (German) behind here |
hierhin und dorthin | (German) here and there, hither and yon |
hierhinunter | (German) under here, down here |
hierin | (German) herein, in here, in this |
hier in der Gegend | (German) around here, in these parts |
Hier ist die ganze Geschichte. | (German) Here is the whole story. |
Hier ist etwas Brot. | (German) Here's some bread. |
Hier ist jede Menge Platz. | (German) There's acres of room in here. |
Hier ist meines Bleibens nicht länger. | (German) I cannot stay here any longer. |
Hier ist Platz für alle. | (German) There's room for everybody. |
Hier ist zu merken, dass ... | (German) It should be noticed here that ... |
Hier klicken. | (German) Click here. |
Hier kommt ... ins Spiel. | (German) This is where ... comes in. |
hiermit | (German) with this, with these, herewith, with these words, saying this, hereby |
hiermit beglaubigt | (German) certified herewith |
Hiermit bestätigen wir Ihnen ... | (German) We hereby acknowledge ... |
Hiermit bestätigen wir unser Schreiben ... | (German) This is to confirm our letter ... |
hiermit bestätigt | (German) certified herewith |
Hiermit bewerbe ich mich um ... | (German) I am writing to apply for ... |
Hiermit bin ich einverstanden. | (German) I'll agree to that. |
hiermit erkläre ich eidesstattlich, dass ... | (German) herewith I affirm that ... |
Hiermit erkläre ich euch zu Mann und Frau. | (German) I now pronounce you husband and wife. |
Hiermit erkläre ich Sie zu Mann und Frau. | (German) I now pronounce you husband and wife. |
Hiermit erklären wir, dass ... | (German) We hereby declare that ... |
hiermit gegeben | (German) hereby assigned |
Hiermit lade ich Sie ein, ... | (German) I am writing to invite you to ... |
Hiermit möchte ich mich verabschieden. | (German) And that's all from me (for today). |
Hiermit senden wir Ihnen ... | (German) Herewith we send you ... Herewith we enclose ... Herewith we are sending you ... |
Hiermit teile ich Ihnen mit, dass ... | (German) I am writing to inform you that ... |
Hiermit teilen wir Ihnen mit ... | (German) This is to inform you that ... |
Hiermit teilen wir Ihnen mit, dass ... | (German) This is to inform you of ... Please be advised that ... |
Hiermit wird bekannt gegeben, dass ... | (German) This is to notify that ... Notice is hereby given that ... |
Hiermit wird bescheinigt ... | (German) This is to certify ... It is herewith certified ... |
Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass ... | (German) This is to certify that ... |
Hiermit wird bestätigt ... | (German) This is to certify ... It is herewith certified ... |
Hiermit wird bestätigt, dass ... | (German) This is to certify that ... |
Hier muss ein Komma stehen. | (German) There should be a comma here. |
Hier muss man sein. | (German) This is the place to be. |
hiernach | (German) after this, hereafter, after that, according to this, according to these, in accordance with this, in accordance with these |
hierneben | (German) beside this, next to this |
hier oben | (German) up here |
Hier oben! | (German) This way up! (sign on a case) |
hier öffnen | (German) open here |
Hieroglyph | a picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing |
used pejoratively for writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible) |
Hieroglyphe (s.), Hieroglyphen (pl.) | (German f.) hieroglyph, hieroglyphic |
Hieroglyphenschrift | (German f.) hieroglyphic script, hieroglyphic writing |
Hieroglyphentext | (German m.) hieroglyphic text |
hieroglyphisch | (German) hieroglyphic, hieroglyphically |
hierokratisch | (German) hierocratic |
Hieronymiten | (German pl.) Hieronymites (hermits) |
Hieronymites | a common name for several congregations of hermits living according to the rule of St Augustine with supplementary regulations taken from St Jerome's writings. Their traditional habit is a white tunic with brown hooded scapular and brown mantle |
Hieronymus | (German) Jerome |
Hierophanie | (German f.) hierophany |
Hierophany | a physical manifestation of the holy or sacred, serving as a spiritual eidolon for emulation or worship |
Hierophobia | a morbid fear of priests or sacred things |
Hierophobie | (German f.) hierophobia |
Hierophon | (German) a singer of sacred music |
hierorts | (German) hereabouts, here |
Hieroscopy | divination by interpreting sacrificial objects such as burnt offerings or slaughtered animals, similar to aruspicy (interpretation of animal entrails) |
Hieroskopie | (German f.) hieroscopy |
Hierro | (Spanish m.) iron |
Hierro | a term used to describe the guataca (the hoe blade) or other metal sound used as the cowbell accompaniment to the rumba Columbia and other folkloric Afro 6/8 styles |
Hierro forjado | (Spanish m.) wrought iron |
Hier schließt sich der Kreis. | (German) We've come full circle. |
hier sein | (German) to be around |
Hier sind einige Beispiele. | (German) Here are some examples. |
Hier sind Sie willkommen. | (German) You are welcome here. |
Hier sitzt es sich bequem. | (German) This seat is comfortable. |
Hier spukt es. | (German) This place is haunted. |
Hier steht Aussage gegen Aussage. | (German) It's his word against hers. |
Hier steht, dass... | (German) It says here that... |
Hier steht (geschrieben), dass... | (German) It reads here that... |
Hier teilen sich die Meinungen. | (German) In this point opinions differ. |
Hier trennen sich unsere Wege. | (German) This is where we part company. |
hierüber | (German) over this, about this, over here, above here |
hierum | (German) about this |
Hierum geht es gar nicht. | (German) That's not the point. |
hier und da | (German) passim, in patches, here and there, every so often, now and then, from time to time |
hier und dort | (German) here and there, hither and yon (dated) |
Hier und Jetzt | (German n.) here and now |
hier unten | (German) down here |
hierunter | (German) beneath this, hereunder, under here |
hiervon | (German) hereof, thereof, from here |
hiervor | (German) in front of this, in front of here |
Hier war heute der Teufel los. | (German) It's been a madhouse here today. (colloquial) |
Hier waren Stümper am Werk. | (German) This has been botched. (colloquial) |
Hier wohne ich. | (German) This is where I live. |
hierzu | (German) for this purpose, concerning this, as to that, hereunto, hereto, on this, to that end |
Hierzu besteht keine Pflicht. | (German) There is no obligation to do so. |
Hierzu fehlt ihm der Mut. | (German) He lacks the courage to do it. |
Hierzu gehören ... | (German) To these belong ... |
hierzulande | (German) (here) in this country, (here) in these parts, over here (colloquial), in this part of the world |
hiesig | (German - Southern Germany) local |
hiesige | (German) local, of this place, of this town, of this country |
Hiesiger (m.), Hiesige (f.) | (German) man of this place (m.), man of this town (m.), man of this country (m.), woman of this place (f.), woman of this town (f.), woman of this country (f.) |
hiesiger Kaufmann | (German m.) merchant of our town |
Hieve | (German f.) heave (pull, lift, etc. heavy items) |
hieven | (German) to heave, to manhandle (heavy items) |
Hiffenmark | (German n. - Southern Germany) rosehip puree |
Hi-Fi-Anlage | (German f.) hi-fi system |
HiFi-Center | (German n.) entertainment cabinet (containing hi-fi system) |
Hi-Fi-Freak | (German m.) audiophile |
Hifthorn | (German n.) type of bugle |
the Hifthorn was carried on a chain over the shoulder and served nightwatchmen, fire attendants, farmhands, cowherds and others. Later, the instrument developed into the posthorn, for which it would have been attached to longer cord at the hip |
High | alta (Italian), hoch (German), haut (French) |
High arched | hoch gewölbt (German), bombé (French), voûté (French), molto bombata (Italian), bombatura alta (Italian) |
High comedy | elegant comedies characterized by witty banter and sophisticated dialogue rather than the slapstick physicality and blundering common to low comedy |
High Energy | a mix of 'Breakbeat' rhythm and 'German Techo' sound |
Highest part | parte superiore (Italian), höchste Stimme (German), dessus (French) |
High, extremely | altissimo (Italian), ausserordentlich hoch (German), très élève (French) |
High fidelity | (English, Highfidelity (German f.)) or 'hi-fi' reproduction, a quality standard in which the reproduction of sound or images is very faithful to the original |
High frequency limit of hearing | the upper extent to which a particular animal can perceive sound |
Highland dancing | the term 'Highland dancing' is used today to refer to a style of athletic solo dancing which evolved into its current form during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the context of competitions at public events (namely, Highland games), where it is typically performed to the accompaniment of bagpipe music. In some regions of the Scottish Highlands, Highland dancing formed the main part of social entertainment |
the term is somewhat misleading, however, in that it is only one form of dancing to have been done in the Scottish Highlands and, in addition, it has been subject to many influences from outside the Scottish Highlands. For example, it has been heavily influenced by the urban aesthetics of the patrons and judges of dance competitions since the nineteenth century |
Highland fling | (English) or Highland Fling (German m.), a lively folk dance originating in the Highlands of Scotland |
Highland pipes | Scottish bagpipes that are played standing, usually in pipe bands. The chanter has eight holes. There are two tenor drones, tuned an octave below the chanter and a bass drone a further octave down |
Highlands | a 4/4 tune based on Scottish strathspeys, which are played in Donegal, a remote, partly Irish-speaking county in northwestern Ireland, and are one of the most commonly played types of tune in the county |
Highlife | or 'Hi-life', music that conjures up images of African nightclubs, shiny dance-floors, champagne, fine clothes and the spirit of hope and expectation that marked the end of the colonial era. Based on the kpanlogo rhythm, that originated in Ghana in the 1920s and became popular in neighboring Nigeria, it is a combination of tribal rhythms with various European, American-style big band sounds, and even Caribbean influences. Calypso, jazz, waltz and merengue were cross-pollinated with indigenous styles such as osibisiba and gome to form an infectious dance music. It reached its maximum popularity in the 1950s and 1960s in dance clubs throughout West Africa, the name mocking the high living lifestyle of its patrons |
highlighten | (German) to highlight (on a screen) |
High Mass | a celebration of the Roman Catholic Mass where the prayers are sung, distinguishing it from a low Mass where all the prayers are read or recited without music |
High modernism | a belief that society is in a state of crisis and that mass culture is modernism's other, the spectre that haunts it, the threat against which high art has to shore up its terrain. The modernist aesthetic, so prominent this century in literature, music, architecture, the visual arts, so influential in cultural criticism and theory, should be seeb as a reaction formation. The modernist aesthetic defines itself by its opposition not only to bourgeois culture, but to the mass culture and entertainment which it sees not as a manifestation of the culture of the lower classes themselves but as the primary forms of bourgeois cultural articulation: the "essential enemy", the "bourgeois norm", as Barthes says in the 1970 preface to Mythologies. The modernist aesthetic must work by permanent contrast, it must never be contaminated by mass culture, nor should it be realist, that is, try and reflect everyday life. It must be self-referential, separate, pure |
Highschool | (German f.) high school (secondary school: especially US) |
Highschoollehrer | (German m.) high school teacher |
Highschool-Liebe | (German f.) high school sweetheart (person) |
High Society | (German f.) high society, bon ton |
Highspeed-Internetzugang | (German m.) high-speed Internet access |
High vowel | any vowel sound made with the jaw almost shut and the tongue elevated near the roof of the oral cavity |
Hi-hat | (English, Hi-Hat (German n.)) or sock cymbal, a pair of matched cymbals of the same diameter mounted horizontally (the bottom cymbal fixed, the top cymbal is moved up and down via a pedal action). They are an essential part of a drum kit |
Hi-Hat-Maschine | (German f.) hi-hat, sock cymbal |
Hi-hat sock jingle | see 'ching ring' |
hihi | (German) tee-hee (giggle) |
Hija | (Spanish f.) daughter |
Hijab | (English, German m.) a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the face |
Hijacker (m.), Hijackerin (f.) | (German) hijacker |
Hijacking | (German n.) hijacking |
Hijacking | (English, German n.) in social dancing, that strongly relies on 'leading' and 'following', this term means the temporary assuming of the leading role by the follower, and is known also as 'stealing the lead' |
Hija política | (Spanish f.) daughter-in-law |
Hijastra | (Spanish f.) stepdaughter |
Hijastro | (Spanish m.) stepson |
Hijo político | (Spanish m.) son-in-law |
Hijra | also Hijrah, or in Latin, Hegira, the migration of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers to the city of Medina in 622 AD |
in the culture of South Asia, usually considered a member of "the third gender" - neither man nor woman. In India, they are commonly transexual entertainers |
Hike | to increase or raise prices (ratings, etc.) or, less commonly, to promote |
Hikikomori | (English, German pl. from Japanese) a state or condition of acute social withdrawal, especially among adolescents or young adults |
Hilarius | (German m.) Hilary |
Hilde | (German f.) Hilda |
Hilf Dir selbst, so hilft Dir Gott. | (German) Heaven helps those who help themselves. |
Hilfe | (German f.) help, aid, assistance, ancilla, support, relief, assistance (in), succour, facility, guidance, help (information), instrumentality, remedy, rescue, standby |
Hilfe! | (German) Help! |
Hilfe ablehnen | (German) to turn down (any) help |
Hilfe anbieten | (German) to volunteer, to offer help, to offer to help |
Hilfe anfordern | (German) to ask for help |
Hilfeangebot | (German n.) offer of help, offer of assistance |
Hilfe ausschlagen | (German) to turn down (any) help |
Hilfe beantragen | (German) to apply for assistance |
Hilfe bei der Beschaffung | (German f.) assistance in obtaining |
Hilfe bei der Standortsuche | (German f.) site location assistance |
Hilfe benötigen | (German) to need help |
Hilfe beschaffen | (German) to procure help |
Hilfe bieten | (German) to lend assistance |
Hilfe bieten bei | (German) to provide assistance with |
Hilfe brauchen | (German) to be in need of help |
Hilfe bringen | (German) to bring help |
Hilfe erhalten | (German) to obtain help |
Hilfeersuchen | (German n.) application for help, request for help |
Hilfefile | (German n.) helpfile |
Hilfefunktion | (German f.) help function, help |
Hilfe für sozial Benachteiligte | (German f.) aid to disadvantaged groups |
Hilfe holen | (German) to bring help |
Hilfegesuch (s.), Hilfegesuche (pl.) | (German n.) request for help |
Hilfehund | (German m.) assistance dog |
Hilfe im Notfall | (German f.) emergency aid |
Hilfe leisten | (German) to aid, to give aid, to give assistance, to lend aid, to provide assistance |
Hilfeleistung | (German f.) assistance, rescue, help |
Hilfeleistung bei einem Unfall | (German f.) assistance after an accident |
Hilfe-Menü | (German n.) help menu |
Hilfe-Programm | (German n.) help program |
Hilferuf | (German m.) cry for help, appeal for help |
Hilferuf (s.), Hilferufe (pl.) | (German m.) distress signal, cry for help |
Hilfeschrei | (German m.) cry for help |
Hilfeseite | (German f.) help page |
Hilfestellung | (German f.) assistance, support (also figurative) |
Hilfestellung geben | (German) to render assistance |
Hilfestellung leisten | (German) to assist |
Hilfesuchen | (German n.) searching for help |
hilfesuchend | (German) seeking help |
Hilfesuchender (m.), Hilfesuchende (f.), Hilfesuchende (pl.) | (German) person seeking help |
Hilfesystem | (German n.) help system |
Hilfetext | (German m.) help text |
Hilfe verschaffen | (German) to secure help |
Hilfeversprechen | (German n.) promise of help |
hilflos | (German) helpless, shiftless, shiftlessly, helplessly, adrift, awkward, defenceless, stranded, powerless, defencelessly, footless (helpless) |
hilflos aussehen | (German) to look lost |
Hilflose | (German pl.) derelicts |
hilfloser | (German) more helpless |
hilfloser Absturz | (German m.) tailspin (figurative: moving uncontrollably towards some financial or personal disaster) |
hilfloses Lämmchen | (German n.) babe in the woods |
hilfloseste | (German) most helpless |
Hilflosigkeit | (German f.) helplessness, shiftlessness, awkwardness, defencelessness |
hilflos wie ein neugeborenes Kind | (German) a babe in the woods |
Hilf mir herunter! | (German) Help me down! |
Hilf mir hinauf! | (German) Help me up! |
Hilf mir mal! | (German) Give me a hand! (colloquial) |
Hilfreich | (German) helpful |
hilfreich | (German) administrable, helpful, helpfully, assistant, auxiliary, helping, adjuvant |
hilfreiche Hinweise | (German pl.) helpful hints |
hilfreicherweise | (German) helpfully |
hilfreiche sonstige Dienste | (German pl.) auxiliaries |
hilfreich sein | (German) to bear a helping hand, to lend a helping hand |
hilfreichste | (German) most helpful |
Hilfs- | (German) auxiliary, ancillary, adjunct, assistant |
Hilfsabteilungen | (German pl.) auxiliaries |
Hilfsaggregat | (German n.) auxiliary power unit, donkey engine |
Hilfsaktion | (German f.) relief action, relief effort, aid programme |
Hilfsangebote vor Ort | (German pl.) frontline services |
Hilfsarbeit | (German f.) unskilled labour, menial job, menial work |
Hilfsarbeiter (m.), Hilfsarbeiterin (f.), Hilfsarbeiter (pl.) | (German) unskilled labourer, navvy (colloquial), labourer, unskilled labour |
Hilfsassistent | (German m.) tutorial assistant (university) |
Hilfsaufruf | (German m.) emergency appeal (for help) |
hilfsbedürftig | (German) needy, in need of help, in need |
Hilfsbedürftige | (German pl.) people in need of help |
hilfsbedürftige Person | (German f.) person in need of care |
Hilfsbedürftigkeit | (German f.) need for help, need of help |
hilfsbedürftig sein | (German) be in need of help |
Hilfsbereich | (German m.) additional area |
hilfsbereit | (German) helpful (of a person), cooperatively, bountiful, ready to help, obliging, obligingly, cooperative |
hilfsbereiter | (German) more helpful |
hilfsbereiter Diener | (German m.) willing servant |
hilfsbereiteste | (German) most helpful |
Hilfsbereitschaft | (German f.) cooperativeness, helpfulness, co-operativeness, readiness to help, willingness to help |
Hilfsbischof | (German m.) auxiliary bishop |
Hilfsbuchhalter | (German m.) assistant accountant, assistant bookkeeper |
Hilfsdiakon | (German m.) lay reader |
Hilfsdienst | (German m.) emergency service, aid agency |
Hilfseinrichtung | (German f.) aid organisation |
Hilfsflug | (German m.) aid flight, relief flight |
Hilfsfonds | (German m.) aid fund, relief fund |
Hilfsfunktion (s.), Hilfsfunktionen (pl.) | (German f.) auxiliary function, help function |
Hilfsgeist | (German m.) auxiliary spirit |
Hilfsgeistlicher | (German m.) curate |
Hilfsgelder | (German pl.) aid money |
Hilfsgerät (s.), Hilfsgeräte (pl.) | (German n.) auxiliary equipment, assistive device (especially for disabled persons) |
Hilfsgriffe | (German m.) alternative fingerings |
Hilfsgüter | (German pl.) relief supplies |
Hilfskoch | (German m.) commis chef, assistant cook, cook's assistant |
Hilfskonvoi | (German m.) aid convoy |
Hilfskraft (s.), Hilfskräfte (pl.) | (German f.) helper, temporary worker, temp (colloquial), assistant, aide, help, ancillary, auxiliary, ancillary staff (plural form), back staff (plural form) |
Hilfskrankenpfleger (m.), Hilfskrankenschwester (f.) | (German) auxiliary nurse |
Hilfslehrer (m.), Hilfslehrerin (f.), Hilfslehrer (pl.) | (German) supply teacher, assistant teacher |
Hilfslehrkraft | (German f.) teaching auxiliary |
Hilfslieferung (s.), Hilfslieferungen (pl.) | (German f.) relief supply, aid supplies (plural form), emergency supplies (plural form), aid deliveries (plural form) |
Hilfslinie (s.), Hilfslinien (pl.) | (German f.) ledger line, leger line, auxiliary line, guide (DTP) |
Hilfsmaßnahmen | (German pl.) supporting measures |
Hilfsmittel (s.), Hilfsmittel (pl.) | (German n.) aid, (auxiliary) means, resource, tool, auxiliary agent, facility, implement, means, organ, jig, expedient, assistive equipment, accessory, consumable, therapeutic appliance, auxiliary device, aids and appliances (plural form) |
Hilfsnadel | (German f.) stitch holder |
Hilfsname | (German m.) surrogate name |
Hilfsnote | (German f.) auxiliary note [corrected by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Hilfsorgane | (German pl.) subsidiary bodies |
Hilfsorganisation (s.), Hilfsorganisationen (pl.) | (German f.) relief organisation, aid organisation, aid agency, relief agency, aid group |
Hilfspaket | (German n.) aid package |
Hilfspersonal | (German n.) auxiliary personnel, ancillary staff |
Hilfspfarrer | (German m.) curate |
Hilfspfleger | (German m.) nurse's aide (male) |
Hilfspolizei | (German f.) auxiliary police |
Hilfspolizist | (German m.) auxiliary policeman |
Hilfsprediger | (German m.) curate (assistant cleric), assistant preacher |
Hilfsprofessor | (German m.) adjunct professor |
Hilfsprogramm | (German n.) auxiliary routine, tool (computing), aid programme, aid scheme, relief programme, bailout plan |
Hilfsprojekt | (German n.) aid project, aid scheme |
Hilfsprüfer | (German m.) assistant examiner |
Hilfsprüfer | (German m.) assistant accountant |
Hilfsquelle (s.), Hilfsquellen (pl.) | (German f.) resource |
Hilfsroutine | (German f.) workaround (computing) |
Hilfsschule | (German f. - dated) backward school (derogatory) |
Hilfsschutzmann bei besonderen Anlässen | (German m.) special constable |
Hilfsschwester | (German f.) auxiliary nurse (female) |
Hilfssheriff | (German m.) deputy sheriff, sheriff's deputy |
Hilfssprache | (German f.) auxiliary language |
Hilfsstelle | (German f.) aid centre |
Hilfsstoff (s.), Hilfsstoffe (pl.) | (German m.) consumables, auxiliary material (plural form), auxiliary supplies (plural form) |
Hilfstransport | (German m.) transport of relief supplies |
Hilfsursprung | (German m.) arbitrary origin |
Hilfsvariable | (German f.) auxiliary variable |
hilfsverb (s.), Hilfsverben (pl.) | (German) auxiliary (verb) |
Hilfsverband | (German m.) relief organisation |
Hilfsverein | (German m.) benevolent society |
hilfsweise | (German) alternatively, in the alternative |
Hilfswerk | (German n.) relief organisation, aid organisation |
Hilfswerkzeuge | (German pl.) auxiliary tools |
Hilfswissenschaft | (German f.) complementary science |
Hilfszeitwort | (German) auxiliary verb |
Hilfszusage | (German f.) aid commitment |
hilft | (German) aides |
Hi-life | see Highlife |
hiljaa | (Finnish) piano (dynamic marking) |
hiljentyen | (Finnish) diminuendo, decrescendo |
Hillbilly music | a term used to describe Appalachian and Southern fiddle-based and religious music, a sub-genre of 'old-time music' |
Hilltop Writers Colony (c.1860-1914) | a writers colony among the Surrey Hills, in and around Haslemere where some 65 Victorian writers came to make a permanent home, rent lodgings or stay with friends, while writing their books during the fifty years or more following the arrival of the railway in 1859. Amoung them; Alfred Tennyson, Christina Rossetti and William Allingham; the novelists George Eliot, Conan Doyle, Grant Allen, Richard Le Gallienne, Margaret Oliphant, Mrs Humphry Ward and H.G. Wells; playwrights Bernard Shaw and Arthur Pinero; the essayist, Logan Pearsall Smith and Flora Thompson |
Himalaja | (German m.) the Himalayas, the Himalaya (mountain range) |
Himalaya | (German m.) the Himalaya, the Himalayas (mountain range) |
Himbeere (s.), Himbeeren (pl.) | (German f.) raspberry (Rubus idaeus) |
Himbeeressig | (German m.) raspberry vinegar |
himbeerfarben | (German) raspberry-coloured |
Himbeerkonfitüre | (German f.) raspberry jam |
Himbeerkuchen | (German m.) raspberry pie, raspberry cake |
Himbeermarmelade | (German f.) raspberry jam |
himbeerrot | (German) raspberry-red |
Himbeersaft | (German m.) raspberry juice |
Himbeerstrauch | (German m.) raspberry bush |
Himbeertarte | (German f.) raspberry tart |
Himbeertörtchen | (German n.) raspberry tart |
Himbeertorte | (German f.) raspberry tart |
Himene tarava | a form of singing common in French Polynesia and the Cook Islands, unaccompanied vocal Christian music that is distinguished by a unique drop in pitch at the end of the phrases, which is a characteristic formed by several different voices; it is also accompanied by steady grunting of staccato, nonsensical syllables |
Himmel (s.), Himmel (pl.) | (German m.) heaven, sky, vault (poetic), headliner, roof lining, headlining |
Himmelbett (s.), Himmelbetten (pl.) | (German n.) tester bed, four-poster bed, canopy bed |
Himmelblau | (German n.) sky blue |
himmelblau | (German) azure, sky-blue, cerulean, baby-blue |
Himmelfahrt | (German f.) ascension to heaven |
Himmelfahrtsinsel | (German f.) Ascension Island |
Himmelfahrtskommando | (German n.) forlorn hope (figurative: dangerous or hopeless venture), suicide mission, kamikaze, one way ticket (colloquial) |
Himmelfahrtsnase | (German f.) snub nose |
Himmelfahrts-Oratorium | J. S. Bach's Ascension Oratorio (Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen) BWV 11 |
Himmelfahrtstag | (German m.) Ascension Day |
Himmelherrgott! | (German) For crying out loud! (colloquial) |
himmelhoch | (German) sky-high, skyhigh, towering, skyscraping, high into the sky (rise up, etc.) |
himmelhoch jauchzend | (German) (excessively) enthusiastic |
himmelhoch jauchzend, zu Tode betrübt | (German) up one minute - down the next, on top of the world, down in the dumps |
himmelhohe | (German) sky-high, sky-reaching, skyscraping |
himmelhohe Berge | (German pl.) soaring mountains |
Himmelkreuzdonnerwetter! | (German) Blimey! (colloquial) |
Himmelreich | (German n.) kingdom of heaven |
Himmelsäquator | (German m.) celestial equator, equinoctial line |
Himmelsbahn | (German f.) celestial path, celestial orbit |
Himmelsbestattung | (German f.) sky burial, celestial burial |
Himmelsblau | (German n.) sky blue |
Himmelsbote | (German m.) angel |
Himmelsbrot | (German n.) manna |
Himmelschlüssel | (German m.) cowslip |
himmelschreiend | (German) outrageous, scandalous, appalling, arrant, blatant |
himmelschreiende Ungerechtigkeit | (German f.) blatant injustice, glaring injustice |
himmelschreiender Unsinn | (German m.) blatant nonsense |
Himmelsereignisse | (German pl.) astronomical events, celestial events |
Himmelserscheinung (s.), Himmelserscheinungen (pl.) | (German f.) celestial phenomenon |
Himmelsforscher (m.), Himmelsforscherin (f.), Himmelsforscher (pl.) | (German) astronomer |
Himmelsfürst | (German m.) king of heaven |
Himmelsgewölbe (s.), Himmelsgewölbe (pl.) | (German n.) welkin, firmament, sphere, vault (of heaven) (poetic) |
Himmelsglobus | (German m.) celestial globe |
Himmelsgott (m.), Himmelsgöttin (f.) | (German) god of the sky (m.), sky god (m.), goddess of the sky (f.), sky goddess (f.) |
Himmelskarte | (German f.) star chart |
Himmelskörper (s.), Himmelskörper (pl.) | (German m.) celestial body, luminary, orb, heavenly body |
Himmelskugel | (German f.) celestial sphere |
Himmelskunde | (German f.) astronomy |
Himmelskundler | (German m.) astronomer |
Himmelskuppel | (German f.) cope of heaven |
Himmelslicht | (German n.) Heaven's light |
Himmelsmechanik | (German f.) celestial mechanics |
Himmelsmeridian | (German m.) celestial meridian |
Himmelsmitte | (German f.) midheaven, Midheaven |
Himmelsnordpol | (German m.) north celestial pole |
Himmelsobjekt | (German n.) celestial object |
Himmelspforte | (German f.) pearly gates, gates of heaven |
Himmelsphänomene | (German pl.) celestial phenomena |
Himmelspol | (German m.) celestial pole |
Himmelsreise | (German f.) ascension to heaven, journey to heaven, heavenly journey |
Himmelsrichtung | (German f.) point of the compass, cardinal direction |
Himmelsscheibe von Nebra | (German f.) Nebra sky disk (associatively dated to c.1600 BC) |
Himmelsschreiben | (German n.) skywriting, skywriter |
Himmelsschrift | (German f.) skywriting, sky-writing |
Himmelssphäre | (German f.) celestial sphere |
Himmelsstrich | (German m.) climate, clime (archaic, poetic) |
Himmelssüdpol | (German m.) south celestial pole |
Himmelstempel | (German m.) Temple of Heaven |
Himmelstor | (German n.) gates of heaven |
Himmelstür | (German f.) pearly gates, gates of heaven |
himmelstürmend | (German) heaven-assailing |
Himmelszelt | (German n.) firmament, cope of heaven, heaven's tent (poetic) |
Himmel und Erde in Bewegung setzen | (German) to move heaven and earth |
Himmel und Hölle | (German n.) hopscotch (children's game) |
Himmel-und-Hölle-Spiel | (German n.) hopscotch (children's game) |
himmelwärts | (German) skywards, skyward, heavenward, heavenwards |
himmelwärts gerichtet | (German) skywards |
himmelweit verschieden sein | (German) to be poles apart |
himmlisch | (German) pearly, celestial, celestially, elysian, empyreal, heavenly, ambrosial, divine, out of this world, beatific (heavenly), paradisial, paradisical, ethereal, empyrean |
Himmlisch! | (German) (Pure) heaven! (colloquial) |
himmlische Erscheinungen | (German pl.) celestial phenomena |
himmlische Freude | (German f.) heavenly joy |
himmlische Heerscharen | (German pl.) host of heaven, heavenly host, angelic hosts |
himmlische Phänomene | (German pl.) celestial phenomena |
himmlischer | (German) more heavenly |
himmlischer Anblick | (German m.) lovely sight |
himmlischer Friede | (German m.) celestial peace |
himmlischer Segen | (German m.) celestial bliss |
himmlische Ruhe | (German f.) celestial peace |
himmlischer Vater | (German m.) heavenly father |
himmlisches Geschenk | (German n.) blessing |
himmlisches Getränk | (German n.) divine drink |
Himmlisches Reich | (German n.) Celestial Empire (China) |
himmlisches Wesen | (German n.) celestial being |
himmlischste | (German) most heavenly |
Himno | (Spanish m.) hymn, anthem, inno (Italian m.), Hymne (German f.), cantique (French m.), hymne (French m.) |
Himno a San Juan Bautista | (Spanish m.) the chant, Ut queant laxis, from which the Aretinian syllables were originally drawn |
Himno nacional | (Spanish m.) national anthem, inno nazionale (Italian m.), Nationalhymne (German f.), hymne national (French m.) |
Himnos délficos | (Spanish m.) Delphic hymns (of ancient Greece) |
hin | (German) kaput (colloquial) |
hinab | (German) down |
hinabfallen | (German) to drop down |
hinabfließen | (German) to flow down |
hinabgegangen | (German) gone down |
hinabgehen | (German) to go down, to walk down, to go downhill |
hinabgehend | (German) going down |
hinabhängen | (German) to dangle |
hinabklettern | (German) to climb down (as observed from above) |
hinabrutschen | (German) to slide down |
hinabsteigen | (German) to descend (to) |
hinabsteigen zu | (German) to descend to |
Hinabstürzen | (German n.) precipitation |
hinabstürzen | (German) to precipitate |
hinan | (German) upward, upwards, up |
hinarbeiten auf | (German) to aim at, to plan |
hinauf | (German) up (to higher position, place), upwards, to the top, upstairs |
hinauffahren | (German) to drive up, to lead upwards, to lead up (a path uphill, etc.) |
hinaufgehen | (German) to go up, to go uphill, to walk up, to climb |
hinaufgeklettert | (German) clambered up, shinned up |
hinaufgestiegen | (German) climbed up |
hinaufgleiten | (German) to slither up |
hinaufklettern | (German) to shin (up), to climb up, to scale up |
hinaufklettern auf | (German) to climb onto |
hinaufkletternd | (German) shinning up |
hinauflaufen | (German) to run up |
hinaufragen | (German) to tower up |
hinaufreichen | (German) to hand up |
hinaufschauen | (German) to look up |
hinaufschicken | (German) to send up |
hinaufschrauben | (German) to push up |
hinaufsetzen | (German) to write up |
hinaufsteigen | (German) to climb up, to soar up, to ascend, to climb, to go up, to mount, to step up (ladder, etc.), to go uphill, to walk up |
hinaufsteigend | (German) climbing up |
Hinaufstrich | (German m.) an upbow on the violin or viola |
hinauftransformieren | (German) to step up (voltage, etc.) |
hinauftreiben | (German) to force up |
hinaus | (German) out |
hinausbegleiten | (German) to show out, to see out |
hinausbegleitend | (German) showing out |
hinausbegleitet | (German) shown out (ejected, expelled) |
hinausbeugend | (German) leaning out |
hinausblasen | (German) to blare out, to puff out |
hinausdampfen | (German) to pull out (to depart: of a train) |
hinausdrängen | (German) to expel, to squeeze out |
hinausdringen | (German) to transpire |
hinauseilen | (German) to hurry out |
hinausfahren über | (German) to overrun (station platform) |
hinausfegen | (German) to breeze out |
hinausfinden | (German) to win out, to find one's way out |
hinausflitzen | (German) to dart out |
hinausführen | (German) to show out, to lead out |
hinausführen aus | (German) to lead out of |
hinausführend | (German) deferent |
hinausgebeugt | (German) leaned out, leant out |
hinausgegangen | (German) exited |
Hinausgehen | (German n.) leaving (exit), exiting, departing, exit (from room) |
hinausgehen | (German) to go out (exit), to back out, to clear out, to exit, to walk out |
hinausgehen auf | (German) to front ... (something: the street, etc.), to give onto (room, window) |
hinausgehen über | (German) to exceed |
hinausgelangen | (German) to win out |
hinausgelaufen | (German) run out |
hinausgereicht | (German) reached out |
hinausgeschoben | (German) deferred, delayed (actively) |
hinausgeschossen | (German) overshot |
hinausgestoßen | (German) adrift on the world |
hinausgeworfen | (German) thrown out |
hinausgeworfen werden | (German) to be kicked out (colloquial), to be sacked (colloquial) |
hinausgezögert | (German) delayed |
hinausgezögerte Pensionierung | (German f.) deferred retirement |
hinaushängen | (German) to hang out |
hinausjagen | (German) to chase out, to hunt out, to drive out |
hinauskommen (aus) | (German) to come out (of), to get out (of) |
hinauskomplimentieren | (German) to bow out |
hinauskönnen | (German) to be able to go out |
hinauslassen | (German) to show out |
hinauslaufen | (German) to hurry out |
hinauslaufen auf | (German) to amount to, to be equivalent to, to be tantamount to, to come to, to add up to, to come down to (to be reduced to) |
hinauslaufend | (German) running out |
hinauslaufend auf | (German) amounting to |
hinausmüssen | (German) to have to get out |
hinausplärren | (German) to bleat out |
hinausposaunen | (German) to blare out, to blaze abroad (to shout out), to broadcast (colloquial) |
hinausragen | (German) to jut out, to project |
hinausragen (über) | (German) to tower above, to overtower |
hinausreichen | (German) to reach out |
hinausreichend | (German) reaching out |
hinausreichen über | (German) to outreach |
hinausrennen | (German) to run out, to shoot out |
hinausrollen über | (German) to overrun (runway) |
hinausrutschen | (German) to slide out |
hinausschauen | (German) to look out |
hinausschicken | (German) to send out |
hinausschiebbar | (German) deferable, deferrable, delayable |
hinausschieben | (German) to defer, to put off, to delay, to postpone |
hinausschiebend | (German) protractile, delaying |
hinausschießend | (German) overshooting |
hinausschleichen | (German) to sneak out |
hinausschleudern | (German) to project |
hinausschmettern | (German) to blare, to brazen it out |
hinausschmuggeln | (German) to smuggle out |
hinausschreien | (German) to bawl out, to bray out, to shriek out |
hinausschwimmen | (German) to swim out, to float out |
hinaussehen | (German) to look out (a window, etc.) |
hinausseufzen | (German) to sigh out |
hinausspringen | (German) to leap out |
hinausstürmen | (German) to bolt out (rush out), to rush out, to storm out |
hinausstürzen | (German) to bolt out (rush out), to rush out |
hinaustreiben | (German) to turn out (to expel), to herd out |
hinaustreten | (German) to debouch, to step out |
hinauswachsen | (German) to outgrow, to rise above |
hinauswerfen | (German) to eject, to turn out (to expel), to throw out, to fire, to chuck out, to expel |
hinauswerfend | (German) throwing out |
hinauswollen auf | (German) to drive at (figurative: strive to convey a message), to get at (figurative: strive to convey a message) |
Hinauswurf | (German m.) ejection, sacking (colloquial) |
hinauszögern | (German) to delay, to prolong, to retard, to stall (decision, process, etc.) |
hinblättern | (German) to fork out (colloquial) |
Hinblick | (German m.) regard, view |
hinbringen | (German) to take there, to bring |
hinbringend | (German) afferent, taking there |
Hind. | abbreviation of Hindi |
hinderlich | (German) obstructive, obstructively, hindering, impedimental, impedimentary, debilitating (impairing) |
hinderlicher | (German) more hindering |
hinderlichste | (German) most hindering |
hindern | (German) to hamper, to embarrass, to impede, to stymie, to hinder, to prevent, to incapacitate, to frustrate, to inhibit, to detain, to baulk, to interrupt, to estop |
hindernd | (German) detaining, embarrassing, hampering, handicapping (disadvantaging, disabling), impeding, incapacitating, stymieing, impedient |
Hindernis (s.), Hindernisse (pl.) | (German n.) hindrance, hump, impediment, obstacle, check (obstacle), stumbling block, fence, baulk, hazard, barrier, block, drawback, hurdle, handicap, snag (hidden obstacle) |
Hindernisbahn | (German f.) assault course (military training) |
Hindernis des Fortschritts | (German n.) obstacle to progress |
Hindernis für den Fortschritt | (German n.) obstacle to progress |
Hindernislauf | (German m.) steeplechase, obstacle course |
Hindernisläufer (m.), Hindernisläuferin (f.) | (German) steeplechaser |
Hindernisparcours | (German m.) assault course (military training), obstacle course (military training) |
Hindernisrennen | (German n.) steeplechase (horse race), obstacle race |
Hindernisse aus dem Weg räumen | (German) to remove obstacles in the way |
Hindernisse in den Weg stellen | (German) to put obstacles in the way |
Hindernisstrecke | (German f.) obstacle course |
Hinderungsgrund | (German m.) impediment, obstacle (figurative) |
hindeuten | (German) to indicate, to portend, to suggest |
hindeuten auf | (German) to prefigure, to point to, to purport (convey, mean) |
hindeutend | (German) indicative, portending |
Hindi | (English, German n.) a group of vernacular Indic dialects spoken in northern India, the literary and official language of northern India that is based on these |
Hindilehrer (m.), Hindilehrerin (f.) | (German) Hindi teacher, teacher of Hindi |
Hindin | (German f.) hind |
Hindostan | (German n.) Hindustan |
Hindu (m.), Hindu (f.), Hindus (pl.) | (English, German) a native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India |
hinduisieren | (German) to Hinduise |
Hinduism | the religion of most people in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal |
Hinduismus | (German m.) Hinduism |
hinduistisch | (German) Hindu |
Hindukusch | (German m.) Hindu Kush |
hindurch | (German) through, throughout |
hindurchdrängen | (German) to shove through |
hindurchfinden | (German) to win through |
hindurchgelangen | (German) to win through |
hindurchgucken | (German) to peep through |
hindurchleiten | (German) to channel (water, river) |
Hindurchscheinen | (German n.) translucency (porcelain) |
hindurchschieben | (German) to shove through |
hindurchschlängeln | (German) to wriggle through |
hindurchschlüpfen | (German) to slip through, to sneak through |
hindurchstolpern | (German) to blunder through |
hindurchwinden | (German) to wriggle through |
Hindustan | (English, German n.) northern region of India where Hinduism predominates |
Hindustani classical music |
there are five significant stages in the evolution of the melodic experience in Hindustani music: |
until the early nineteenth century | the era dominated by dhrupad as a vocal art form |
mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries | defined by the khayal as the dominant interface between musicians and their audiences |
late nineteenth century onwards | defined by the emergence of the fretted lute, sitar, as the major force in Hindustani music |
from the 1950s | characterised by the influence of the semi-polychord, sarod |
from the mid-1970s | the rise of the santoor, a polychord |
Hindustani classical song | Hindustani, or Northern Indian, classical song has many genres, including dadra, kajri, chaiti, hori and khyal. Thumri was the pre-eminent song genre of Punjabi tawaif (female courtesan) performers. With their honed performance skills, renowned tawaif vocalists such as Gauhar Jan and Jankibai were among the Indian subcontinent's first recording stars. The twist was that it became born-again high art, though not necessarily as an exclusively female preserve - the walrus-moustached Bade Ghulam Ali Khan was renowned for his authoritative damsel roles. Female vocalists such as Begum Akhtar and Siddheshwari Devi assisted its passage into modern times. Shobha Gurtu was their natural successor, the quintessence of thumri |
Hindustanisch | (German n.) Hindustani (language) |
hindustanisch | (German) Hindustani |
hinein | (German) in |
hineinarbeiten | (German) to work into |
hineinarbeitend | (German) working into |
hineinbeißen | (German) to bite into |
hineinblasen | (German) to blow in, to blow into, to insufflate |
hineinblicken | (German) to see into, to look in |
hineindenkend | (German) trying to understand |
hineindrängen | (German) to interlope, to press in, to squeeze in, to pile (colloquial) |
hineindrängend | (German) interloping |
hineindrehen | (German) to screw in |
hineindrücken | (German) to press in |
hineinfallen | (German) to fall in |
hineinfinden | (German) to win in |
hineinfräsen | (German) to cut into |
hineinführen | (German) to usher in |
hineinführend | (German) ushering |
hineingearbeitet | (German) worked into, inwrought (in) |
hineingedacht | (German) tried to understand |
hineingedrängt | (German) interloped |
hineingegangen | (German) gone into |
hineingehen | (German) to go in, to go inside, to go into |
hineingehend | (German) going into |
hineingelangen | (German) to win in |
hineingelaufen | (German) run in |
hineingelegt | (German) put inside |
hineingeraten | (German) to blunder into a thing |
hineingesogen | (German) sucked in |
hineingezogen | (German) involved |
hineingleiten | (German) to slide into |
hineingraben | (German) to dig into |
hineinjagen | (German) to chase into |
hineinkommen | (German) to come into (room), to enter |
hineinlaufen | (German) to run in |
hineinlegend | (German) putting inside |
hineinpacken | (German) to pack into |
hineinpassen | (German) to fit into, to go in, to fit in |
hineinpassen in | (German) to slot in, to slot into, to fit into |
hineinplatzen | (German) to bolt in (rush in) |
hineinplumpsen | (German) to slump, to bump into |
hineinpressen | (German) to squeeze in |
hineinragen | (German) to project in, to project into |
hineinreden | (German) to interrupt |
hineinrennen | (German) to run into |
hineinrühren | (German) to work in |
hineinrutschen | (German) to slide in, to slide into |
hineinschieben | (German) to shove in, to slide in |
hineinschlagen | (German) to bump into |
Hineinschlagen von | (German n.) beating in of |
hineinschlüpfen | (German) to slip in |
hineinschneiden in | (German) to cut into |
hineinsehen | (German) to see into |
hineinspaziert kommen | (German) to wander in |
hineinspringen | (German) to hop in |
hineinstecken | (German) to put in, to stick into, to insert, to plug in, to put into, to poke in, to poke into, to slot in |
hineinstolpern | (German) to blunder into |
hineinstoßen | (German) to bump into |
hineinströmen | (German) to pour in |
hineinstürmen | (German) to rush in |
hineinstürzen | (German) to dash into, to bolt in (rush in), to rush in |
hineintorkeln | (German) to barge into |
hineintragen | (German) to carry indoors |
hineintun | (German) to put in |
Hineinwachsen | (German n.) ingrowth |
hineinwerfen | (German) to pitchfork (figurative) |
hineinziehen | (German) to involve, to drag in |
hineinziehen in | (German) to involve in |
hineinziehend | (German) involving |
hineinzwängen | (German) to squeeze in, to sandwich (in) |
hineinzwängen in (...) | (German) to cram into (...) (something), to jam into (...) (something) |
hinfahren nach | (German) to travel to |
Hinfahrt | (German f.) journey there, outward run, outward journey |
hinfallen | (German) to tumble, to fall down, to fall over, to go flying (person: tumbling) |
hinfallend | (German) tumbling |
hinfällig | (German) decrepitly, invalid, brittle, lapsed, obsolete, decrepit, untenable (argument), frail |
hinfälliger | (German) frailer |
hinfälliger Leib | (German m.) frail body |
Hinfälligkeit (s.), Hinfälligkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) decrepitude, lapse, frailness, invalidity (argument) |
hinfälligste | (German) frailest |
hinfällig werden | (German) to lapse |
Hinflug | (German m.) outward flight, outbound flight |
hinfort | (German) henceforth |
Hinfort! | (German) Begone! (old-fashioned) |
Hinfracht | (German f.) cargo outward |
hinführen | (German) to lead to, to go (of tunnel) |
hinführend | (German) leading, afferent |
Hinführung | (German f.) introduction |
Hingabe | (German f.) devotedness, devotion, abandon, addiction, consecration to, dedication, commitment, voluptuousness, devoutness, surrender (total commitment), abandonment (abandon) |
Hingabe an den Beruf des Arztes | (German f.) dedication to medicine |
Hingabe der Jugend | (German f.) dedication of youth |
Hingang | (German m.) demise (death), death |
hingebend | (German) devoting, devoted |
hingebracht | (German) taken there |
Hingebung | (German f.) devotion |
hingebungsvoll | (German) dedicative, devotedly, abandoned, dedicated, voluptuously, voluptuous, devoted, with abandon (dance, play), raptly (listen), with rapt attention (listen), with devotion, freely, unrestrained, abbandonamente (Italian), abbandonatamente (Italian), con abbandone (Italian), mit Hingabe (German), avec adandon (French) |
hingebungsvoller | (German) more devoted |
hingebungsvollste | (German) most devoted |
hingedeutet | (German) portended |
hingegangen | (German) gone there |
hingegeben | (German) addicted to |
hingegen | (German) whereas, on the contrary, however, again (on the other hand), by contrast, on the other hand |
hingehen | (German) to go there, to go forth, to go (to somewhere) |
hingehend | (German) going there |
hingehören | (German) to belong (somewhere) |
hingekniet | (German) kneeled down |
hingekritzelt | (German) scribbled |
hingelegt | (German) deposited, laid down |
hingenommen | (German) acquiesced, tolerated, accepted |
hingepfuschte Arbeit | (German f.) shoddy work |
hingeraten | (German) to get there (by chance) |
(German) got there (by chance) |
hingerichtet | (German) executed (judicially killed) |
hingerissen | (German) rapturous, ravished, carried away, rapt, raptured, enrapt, enraptured, bowled over (colloquial, figurative), sent (colloquial), with rapt attention (listen), spellbound, rapturously |
hingerissen sein | (German) to be in raptures, to be smitten |
hingerissen sein von | (German) to be smitten with, to be sweet on, to be in raptures about, to be in raptrues at, to be in raptures over |
hingerissen werden | (German) to be swept away (figurative) |
hingerissenes Entzücken | (German n.) rapturous delight |
Hingerissenheit | (German f.) rapture |
hingeschmierte Handschrift | (German f.) scrawly writing |
hingesehen | (German) looked there |
hingestreckt | (German) prone |
hingewiesen | (German) referenced, pointed out |
hingewiesen | (German) referred, adverted |
hingeworfen | (German) thrown down, jotted |
hingezogen | (German) protracted, elongated, long-drawn, enamoured |
hingezogene Verhandlungen | (German pl.) protracted negotiations |
Hingezogensein | (German n.) attraction |
hingleiten | (German) to glide along, to slip away (time) |
Hingucker | (German m.) looker (colloquial : person), eye-turner, head-turner |
hinhalten | (German) to delay, to stall (delay), to put off, to tantalise |
hinhalten bis | (German) to put off till, to put off until |
hinhaltend | (German) delaying, temporising |
hinhaltender Kampf | (German m.) delaying action (tactical) |
hinhaltendes Gefecht | (German n.) delaying action |
hinhalten mit | (German) to tantalise with |
Hinhaltetaktik | (German f.) stalling tactics, delaying tactics |
Hinhaltetaktiker | (German m.) temporiser (one who acts to gain time) |
Hinhaltung | (German f.) holding back |
hinhauen | (German) to work (well) |
hinhören | (German) to listen |
hinhörend | (German) listening |
Hinkel | (German n. - regional) chicken, chick (young chicken) |
Hinkelstein | (German m.) menhir |
Hinken | (German n.) limping, limp |
hinken | (German) to limp, to go lame, to hobble, to halt (archaic), zoppicare (Italian), boiter (French) |
to be inappropriate (example, etc.), to be clumsy (verse, etc.) |
hinkend | (German) limping, haltingly, alla zoppo (Italian), alla zoppa (Italian), boiteux (French) |
Hinkender | (German m.) limper |
Hinkjambus | (German m.) choliamb ("limping" iambic verse), choliambic (verse) |
hinklotzen | (German) to throw up (for example, a building) |
hinknallen | (German) to slap down |
hinkniend | (German) kneeling |
hinkommen | (German) to reach it, to be about right |
hinkritzeln | (German) to scrawl, to scribble |
hinkünftig | (German - Austria) in (the) future, future |
hinlangen | (German) to be sufficient, to suffice |
hinlänglich | (German) sufficient, adequate, adequately, sufficiently |
Hinlänglichkeit | (German f.) sufficiency |
hinlaufen | (German) to run or walk there (to a particular place) |
hinlegen | (German) to lay down, to put down, to fork out (money, etc.), to turn in (colloquial: performance, show), to rattle off (win) |
hinlegend | (German) laying down |
hinmachen | (German) to kill |
hinmetzeln | (German) to slaughter |
hinmorden | (German) to massacre |
Hinnahme | (German f.) acceptance |
hinnehmbar | (German) acceptable |
hinnehmen | (German) to acquiesce, to accept |
hinnehmend | (German) pocketing, acquiescing, putting up with |
Hinneigung | (German f.) addiction |
hinpfuschen | (German) to bodge (colloquial, pejorative) |
hinplumpsen | (German) to flop |
hinpurzeln | (German) to topple down |
hinraffen | (German) to decimate |
hinreichen | (German) to suffice, to hand in, to give in (hand in), to pass using the hand, to stretch, to extend, to be adequate, to be sufficient, to be enough |
hinreichend | (German) sufficient, enough, sufficiently, adequately, adequate, ample |
hinreichende Bedingung | (German f.) sufficient condition |
hinreichende Gelegenheit | (German f.) ample opportunity |
hinreichende Menge | (German f.) sufficiency |
hinreichende Qualität | (German f.) sufficiency |
hinreichender Grund | (German m.) sufficient reason |
hinreichender Verdacht | (German m.) probable cause |
hinreichendes Einkommen | (German n.) decent income, decent living |
hinreichende Sorgfalt | (German f.) adequate care |
hinreichend schuldig | (German) guilty beyond (all) reasonable doubt |
hinreichlich | (German) ample |
hinreichliche Mittel | (German pl.) ample resources |
Hinreise | (German f.) outward journey, outward leg (of a journey) |
hinreißen | (German) to ravish, to carry away, to enrapture, to thrill |
hinreißend | (German) enrapturing, ravishing, gorgeous, smashing (colloquial), adorably, adorable, enchanting, captivating, enchantingly, fantastic |
hinreißender Sprecher | (German m.) compelling speaker |
hinreißende Schönheit | (German f.) gorgeous beauty, ravishing beauty |
hinreißendes Mädchen | (German n.) smashing girl, gorgeous girl |
hinreißend gekleidet | (German) ravishingly dressed |
hinreißend spielen | (German) to wail (singing style in jazz) |
hinrichten | (German) to put to death, to execute (to put to death) |
(German - Southern Germany) to prepare, to arrange |
hinrichtend | (German) electrocuting, executing |
Hinrichtung | (German f.) electrocution, execution (killing), hanging |
Hinrichtungsaufschub | (German m.) stay of execution |
Hinrichtungsbefehl | (German m.) death-warrant, warrant of execution |
Hinrichtungsblock | (German m.) beheading block |
Hinrichtungsstätte | (German f.) place of execution |
Hinrichtungstermin | (German m.) execution date |
Hi-NRG | see 'High Energy' |
hinrotzen | (German) to spew out (colloquial) |
hinschauen | (German) to look (there) |
Hinscheiden | (German n.) decease, passing (death), demise (death) |
hinscheiden | (German) to decease |
hinschicken | (German) to send along |
hinschlagen | (German) to hit, to fall down, to fall over |
hinschlagend | (German) hitting |
hinschleudern | (German) to dash |
hinschmeißen | (German) to plonk down (colloquial), to slap down |
hinschmieren | (German) to scrawl, to scribble, to shove down (write) |
hinsehen | (German) to look there |
hinsehend | (German) looking there |
hin sein | (German) to be shot (colloquial: broken), to be broken |
hinsetzen | (German) to sit down, to put (down), to set down |
hinsetzend | (German) sitting down |
Hinsicht | (German f.) respect, regard |
hinsichtlich | (German) with respect to, in terms of, in respect of, concerning, in regard to, vis-a-vis, with regards to, in view of, with regard to, regarding, as to |
Hinsichtlich der Frage, ob ... | (German) In relation to the question as to whether ... |
hinsichtlich der Umwelt | (German) environmental |
hinsichtlich der Ware | (German) in respect of the goods |
hinsichtlich des Nutzens für ... | (German) in terms of service to ... (somebody, something) |
hinsichtlich ihrer Voraussetzungen | (German) with respect to their prerequisites |
Hinstellen | (German n.) placement |
hinstellen | (German) to arrange, to put down, to situate |
hinsterbend | (German) dying away, fading away, spirando, en expirant |
hinstrecken | (German) to hold out (hand, etc.) |
hinstreuen | (German) to scatter |
Hinstrich | (German m.) the stroke of the bow from the point to the heel on a cello or double-bass, which corresponds to the up-stroke on a violin or viola |
hintanhalten | (German) to impede |
Hintanhaltung | (German f.) avoidance |
hintanstellen | (German) to neglect |
hinten | (German) aft, behind, astern, at the back, in the rear, back, at back, posterior |
hinten an ... grenzen | (German) to back on to ... (something: garden), to back onto ... (something: garden) |
hinten anfangen | (German) to begin at the back |
hinten doppelt bereift | (German) with dual rear wheels |
hintendran | (German) behind schedule, at the back |
hintendran sein | (German) to be behind, to be behindhand, to lag behind |
hintendrauf | (German) on the back |
hintendrein | (German) behind |
hinten einfach bereift | (German) with single rear wheels |
hinten gehen | (German) to walk behind |
hintenheraus | (German) out of the back |
hintenherum | (German) on the crook, from behind, round the back |
hinten im Buch | (German) at the back of the book |
hinten im Garten | (German) at the back of the garden |
hinten im Laden | (German) back-store |
hinten im Mund | (German) back of the mouth |
hinten im Nacken | (German) at the back of the neck |
hinten im Schiff | (German) aft |
hinten im Zimmer | (German) at the back of the room |
hintennach | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) behind, afterwards |
hinten offene Schuhe | (German pl.) open-back shoes |
hintenrum | (German) from behind, round the back |
hinten sitzen | (German) to ride behind (pillion) |
hintenüber kippen | (German) to topple over backwards |
hinten zuknöpfen | (German) to button at the back |
hinter | (German) behind, abaft, rearward, after, astern of, at the back of, at the rear of, aft of, in the rear of, on the back of, on the far side of, adrift of |
Hinter- | (German) after-, rear |
Hinterachsantrieb | (German m.) rear wheel drive, rear axle drive |
Hinterachsdifferential | (German n.) rear axle differential |
Hinterachse | (German f.) rear axle, back axle |
Hinterausgang | (German m.) rear exit, back exit |
Hinterbacke (s.), Hinterbacken (pl.) | (German f.) buttock, hindquarter |
Hinterbank | (German f.) back bench, back-bench, backbench |
Hinterbänkler (s.), Hinterbänkler (pl.) | (German m.) back-bencher (in parliament) |
Hinterbein (s.), Hinterbeine (pl.) | (German n.) hind leg, rear legs (plural form) |
hinterblieben | (German) bereaved |
Hinterbliebener (m.), Hinterbliebene (f.), Hinterbliebene (pl.) | (German) surviving dependant, survivor, bereaved (plural form) |
Hinterbremse | (German f.) rear brake |
hinterbringen | (German) to inform (against a person) |
Hinterbühne | (German f.) backstage |
Hinterdeck | (German n.) afterdeck, rear deck |
hinter dem Dorf | (German) behind the village |
hinter dem Hauptmast | (German) abaft the mainmast |
hinter dem Haus | (German) at the back of the house |
hinter dem Haus | (German) behind the house |
hinter dem Horizont | (German) beyond the horizon, over the horizon, beneath the horizon |
hinter dem Horizont verschwinden | (German) to disappear over the horizon |
hinter dem Laden | (German) back of the shop |
hinter dem Mast | (German) aft of the mast |
Hinter-dem-Ohr-Gerät | (German n.) behind-the-ear hearing instrument |
hinter dem Plan nachhinkend | (German) behind schedule |
hinter dem Rücken | (German) sly |
hinter dem Rücken von .... | (German) behind ... back (somebody's) |
hinter dem Sattel sitzen | (German) to ride pillion (on horse) |
hinter dem Schiff | (German) astern of a ship |
hinter dem Sperrsitz | (German) back of the stalls |
hinter dem Tresen | (German) behind the counter |
hinter dem Zeitplan | (German) behind schedule |
hinter dem Zeitplan zurückbleiben | (German) to fall behind schedule |
hinter den Bergen | (German) behind the mountains |
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben | (German) to underachieve, to underperform |
hinter den Erwartungen zurückliegen | (German) to fall short of expectations |
hinter den Frauen her sein | (German) to womanise |
hinter den gerade Hinausgegangenen | (German) behind those who have gone out, behind those who had just gone out |
hinter den Kulissen | (German) behind the scenes, offstage, behind the curtain, off the stage, off (for example, noises off), off-stage, backstage (figurative) |
hinter den Kulissen ausgeheckter Plan | (German m.) backstage plan |
hinter den Kulissen tätig sein | (German) to work backstage (figurative) |
hinter den Linien | (German) behind the lines |
hinter den Planvorgaben | (German) short of plan |
hinter den Vorhang schauen | (German) to see behind the curtain (figurative) |
hinter der Bühne | (German) at the rear of the stage, backstage, behind the stage (figurative) |
hinter der Kehle | (German) back of the throat |
hinter der Küste gelegen | (German) coastal |
hinter der Scene | (German) behind the scene |
hinter der Tür | (German) behind the door |
hinter der Zunge | (German) back of the tongue |
(hinter die Binde) kippen | (German) to toss down (informal) |
hinter die Fassade schauen | (German) to see behind the curtain |
hinter die Wahrheit kommen | (German) to get to the truth |
hinterdrein | (German) in behind it, in behind him, in behind her, in behind them |
hintere | (German) rear, ulterior, hind, posterior, hinder (hind, posterior) |
hintere Abdämmung | (German f.) post dam |
hintere Achse | (German f.) back axle, rear axle |
hintere Austastschulter | (German f.) back porch |
hintere Bremse | (German f.) rear brake |
hintere Felgenbremse | (German f.) rear brake |
hintere Gasse | (German f.) back lane |
hintereinander | (German) consecutively, in a row, one after another, (in) tandem (one behind the other), in succession, one behind the other, on the trot (colloquial), one after the other, behind one another |
Hintereinanderausführung | (German f.) composition |
hintereinander dreingehen | (German) to walk one after another |
hintereinander fahren | (German) to drive one behind the other, to ride in single file (cyclists) |
hintereinandergehen | (German - old form) to walk one after another |
hintereinander gehen | (German) to walk one after another, to walk one behind the other |
hintereinander geschaltet | (German) series-connected |
hintereinanderher | (German) behind one another |
hintereinander hereinkommen | (German) to come in one by one, to come in one at a time |
hintereinander im Gespann | (German) (in) tandem (horses) |
hintereinander marschieren | (German) to defile |
hintereinanderschalten | (German) to cascade |
hintereinander schalten | (German) to connect in series |
Hintereinanderschaltung | (German f.) series connection |
hintereinander stehen | (German) to stand one behind the other |
hintereinanderweg | (German) one after the other, in a row |
Hintereingang | (German m.) rear entrance, back entrance, back way, postern |
hinter ein Geheimnis kommen | (German) to find out a secret, to unravel a secret |
hinter einem | (German) on one's rear (behind one) |
hinter einem größeren Fisch her sein | (German) to be after bigger fish (figurative) |
hinter einem Projekt stehen | (German) to back a project |
hinter einer Mauer Schutz suchen | (German) to seek shelter behind a wall |
hintere Kabine | (German f.) aft cabin, after cabin |
hintere Kante | (German f.) trailing edge (wing) |
hintere Küche | (German f.) back kitchen |
hintere Mauer | (German f.) back wall |
Hinterende des Hobels | (German n.) heel |
Hinterendfutter | (German n.) rear end chuck |
Hintere Propheten | (German pl.) Latter Prophets (Writing Prophets: Isaiah - Malachi) |
hinterer Backenzahn | (German m.) molar (tooth) |
hintere Reihe | (German f.) back row |
hinterer Garten | (German m.) back garden |
(hinterer) Gehschlitz | (German m.) back slit |
hinterer Hof | (German m.) backyard |
hinterer Oberschenkelmuskel (s.), hintere Oberschenkelmuskeln (pl.) | (German m.) hamstring (muscle) |
hinterer Teil | (German m.) rear, tonneau (of an open car) |
hinterer Vokal | (German m.) back vowel |
hinter ... Erwartungen zurückbleiben | (German) to fall short of ... expectations (somebody's) |
hinterer Zahn | (German m.) back tooth |
hinteres Abdämmgebiet | (German n.) post-dam area |
hintere Schwarzschulter | (German f.) back porch |
hinteres Ende | (German n.) back end, back-end, bottom |
hinteres Kragenknöpfchen | (German n.) back collar-stud |
hinteres Tischende | (German n.) bottom end of the table |
hinteres Tor | (German n.) back gate |
hintere Stoßstange | (German f.) rear bumper |
hintere Stuhllehne | (German f.) back of chair |
hintere Tastenauflage | (German f.) back-rail (clavichord) |
hinterfotzig | (German) underhand |
Hinterfotzigkeit | (German f.) underhandedness |
hinterfragbar | (German) disputable |
hinterfragen | (German) to question, to scrutinise |
Hinterfragung | (German f.) closer examination |
Hinterfräsen | (German n.) relief milling |
hinterfräsen | (German) to relief-mill |
Hinterfront | (German f.) rear façade |
Hinterfuß (s.), Hinterfüße (pl.) | (German m.) hind foot |
hintergangen | (German) deceived, defrauded |
hintergangener Ehegatte | (German m.) deceived husband |
hintergangener Partner | (German m.) deceived partner |
Hintergasse | (German f.) back street, back-street, backstreet |
Hintergaumenlaut | (German m.) velar |
Hintergedanke (s.), Hintergedanken (pl.) | (German m.) hidden agenda, ulterior motive |
hintergehbar | (German) circumventable |
hintergehen | (German) to hoodwink, to beguile, to cheat, to deceive, to defraud, to delude |
hinter ... gehen | (German) to walk behind ... (somebody) |
hintergehend | (German) hoodwinking, defrauding, deceiving |
Hintergehung | (German f.) beguilement, cheat |
Hinterglasmalerei | (German f.) verre églomisé, reverse painting on glass, verre églomisé picture |
Hinterglastechnik | (German f.) verre églomisé technique |
Hintergliedmaße (s.), Hintergliedmaßen (pl.) | (German f.) hindlimb |
hinter Gitter | (German) behind bars |
hinter Gitter bringen | (German) to send down (send to prison) |
hinter Gittern | (German) behind bars |
hinter Gittern sein | (German) to be behind bars, to be inside (colloquial: in prison) |
Hintergrund (s.), Hintergründe (pl.) | (German m.) background, backdrop, back, rear, after-image |
Hintergrund eines Romans | (German m.) setting of a novel |
hintergrundbeleuchtet | (German) backlit, back-lit, back-lighted |
hintergrundbeleuchtetes Display | (German n.) backlit display |
Hintergrundbeleuchtung | (German f.) backlight, background illumination, background lighting |
Hintergrundbereich | (German m.) background area |
Hintergrundbericht | (German m.) background report |
Hintergrundbild | (German n.) background image |
Hintergrund-Bildschirm | (German m.) background screen |
Hintergrundeinzelheiten | (German pl.) background details |
Hintergrundfarbe | (German f.) background colour |
Hintergrundfiguren | (German pl.) figures in the background |
Hintergrundgeräusch | (German n.) background noise, ambient noise |
Hintergrundgesang | (German m.) backing vocals |
Hintergrundgespräch | (German n.) off-the-record conversation |
hintergründig | (German) profound, subtle, enigmatic, enigmatical, hidden, cryptically |
Hintergründigkeit | (German f.) subtleness |
Hintergrundinformation (s.), Hintergrundinformationen (pl.) | (German f.) background information, piece of background information |
Hintergrundkenntnis | (German f.) background knowledge |
Hintergrundkommentar | (German m.) voice-over |
Hintergrundlicht | (German n.) background light |
Hintergrundmaterial | (German n.) background material |
Hintergrundmusik | (German f.) background music, ambient music, incidental music (background music) |
Hintergrundpinsel | (German m.) background brush |
Hintergrundrauschen | (German n.) background noise |
Hintergrunds- | (German) backing (prefix) |
Hintergrundsänger (m.), Hintergrundsängerin (f.) | (German) backing singer |
Hintergrundspiel | (German n.) playback |
Hintergrundsüberprüfung | (German f.) background check |
Hintergrundtext | (German m.) background text |
Hintergrundwissen | (German n.) background knowledge |
Hinterhalt (s.), Hinterhalte (pl.) | (German m.) ambush (place), ambuscade (dated) |
hinterhältig | (German) perfidious, snaky (figurative), snakily (figurative), ambidextrous, furtive, sly, sneaky, conniving, underhanded, disingenuous, scheming, guileful, designing, insidious, devious, backstabbing, malicious |
hinterhältige Methoden | (German pl.) underhand methods |
hinterhältiger | (German) snakier (figurative), more perfidious |
hinterhältiger Feigling | (German m.) dastard (archaic: malicious coward) |
hinterhältiger Typ | (German m.) backstabber, back-stabber |
Hinterhältigkeit | (German f.) deviousness, furtiveness, disingenuousness |
hinterhältigste | (German) most perfidious |
hinterhältigste | (German) snakiest (figurative) |
Hinterhand | (German f.) hind quarters (horse) |
Hinterhandwendung | (German f.) turn of the haunches |
Hinterhaupt | (German n.) occiput, back of the head |
Hinterhaus | (German n.) part of a tenement house accessible only through a courtyard |
hinterher | (German) after the event, with the wisdom of hindsight, in hindsight, after, behind, afterwards |
hinterherfahren | (German) to ride behind (on different bicycle) |
hinter ... hergehen | (German) to walk along behind ... (somebody) |
hinterherhinken | (German) to trail behind, to lag (behind), to drag behind |
hinterherlaufen | (German) to run after |
hinterherreiten | (German) to ride behind (on different horse) |
hinterherrennen | (German) to run after |
hinter ... her sein | (German) to chase after ... (somebody), to run after ... (somebody), to be after ... (somebody), to come after ... (somebody), to be after ... (something), to be out for ... (something), to chase after ... (something) |
Hinterhof | (German m.) backyard, back yard, back courtyard |
Hinterhof- | (German) backstreet, backyard, back-yard |
Hinterhofatmosphäre | (German f.) backstreet atmosphere |
Hinterhofverkauf | (German m.) yard sale |
Hinterhuf (s.), Hinterhufe (pl.) | (German m.) back hoof |
hinter ihm | (German) after him, at his back, behind him |
hinter ihnen | (German) behind them |
Hinterindien | (German n.) Indochina Peninsula, South-East Asia (dated) |
Hinterindische Halbinsel | (German f.) Indochina Peninsula |
hinter jungen Frauen her sein | (German) to run after young women |
Hinterkante | (German f.) trailing edge (wing) |
Hinterkipper | (German m.) rear dump truck |
Hinterkopf | (German m.) back of the head, back part of the head, occiput |
Hinterlader | (German m.) breech-loader, breech-loading gun |
Hinterladergewehr | (German m.) breechloading rifle |
Hinterland | (English, German n.) interior, upstate, outback (Australia), back country, the district lying behind a coastal district |
(English) a term used also for a sphere of activity on the fringe of law-abiding society |
hinterlassen | to leave behind, to leave, to bequeath, to consign, to be survived by (in obituaries) |
(German) posthumous, left behind, bequeathed |
hinterlassend | (German) leaving behind |
hinterlassene Familie | (German f.) bereaved family |
hinterlassene Kinder | (German pl.) bereaved children |
Hinterlassenschaft (s.), Hinterlassenschaften (pl.) | (German f.) legacy, bequest, inheritance, remains (plural form) |
hinterlässt | (German) leaves behind |
Hinterlauf (s.), Hinterläufe (pl.) | (German m.) hind leg |
hinterlegen | (German) to consign, to deposit, to lodge |
Hinterlegung | (German f.) deposit, filing, lodgment (of documents) |
Hinterlegung bei Gericht | (German f.) payment into court |
Hinterlegung einer Eingabe | (German f.) filing of a petition |
Hinterleib | (German m.) hindquarters |
hinterleuchtet | (German) back-lit |
Hinterlist | (German f.) insidiousness, deceit, guile, skulduggery |
hinterlistig | (German) perfidious, artful, insidious, deceitful, shrewd, underhand, guileful, disingenuous, cunning, Janus-faced, underhanded, two-faced (figurative), wily, deceitfully, guilefully, sneaky |
hinterlistige Person | (German f.) deceitful person |
hinterlistiger | (German) more artful |
hinterlistiger Angriff | (German m.) back-handed blow |
hinterlistiger Feigling | (German m.) sneaking coward |
hinterlistiger Trick | (German m.) deceitful trick |
Hinterlistigkeit | (German f.) deceit |
hinterlistigste | (German) most artful |
hinterlüftet | (German) ventilated at the rear, rear-ventilated |
Hinterlüftung | (German f.) rear ventilation, back ventilation |
hinter Mädchen her sein | (German) to chase after girls |
Hintermann (s.), Hintermänner (pl.) | (German m.) backer, backseater |
Hintermannschaft | (German f.) rearguard |
Hintermauerung | (German f.) back-up |
hinterm Berg halten | (German) to beat about the bush |
hinter meinem Haus | (German) behind my house |
hinter meinem Rücken | (German) behind me |
hinterm Mond leben | (German) to live under a rock (colloquial) |
hinterm Steuer | (German) behind the wheel |
Hintern (s.), Hintern (pl.) | (German m.) posterior, backside (colloquial), behind (colloquial), bottom, buttocks, prat (slang), rear (colloquial) |
Hinternversohlen | (German n.) spanking |
Hinternwackeln | (German n.) backside-wiggle, bottom-wiggle |
hinternwackelnd | (German) backside-shaking, bottom-wiggling, backside-wiggling (colloquial) |
Hinterohrgerät | (German n.) behind-the-ear hearing instrument |
Hinterohr-Hörgerät | (German n.) behind-the-ear hearing instrument |
Hinterohrhörgerät | (German n.) behind-the-ear hearing instrument |
Hinterpfote | (German f.) hind paw (animal) |
Hinterpommern | (German n.) Eastern Pomerania |
Hinterposemuckel | (German n.) hicksville (colloquial) |
Hinterrad (s.), Hinterräder (pl.) | (German n.) rear wheel, back wheel |
Hinterradantrieb | (German m.) rear wheel drive |
Hinterradfederung | (German f.) soft tail |
Hinterradgepäckträger | (German m.) rear rack |
Hinterradlenkung | (German f.) rear-wheel steering |
Hinterradreifen | (German m.) rear tyre |
Hinterreifen | (German m.) back tyre, rear tyre |
hinter ... Rücken | (German) behind ...'s back (somebody's) |
hinter ... Rücken reden | (German) to backbite ... (somebody) |
hinter ... Rücken tuscheln | (German) to whisper behind ... back (somebody's) |
hinterrücks | (German) from behind, sly, behind somebody's back |
hinters | (German) behind the |
hinters Licht führen | (German) to dupe |
Hintersatz | (German m.) apodosis |
Hinterschiff | (German n.) afterbody, aft ship, stern |
hinter Schloss und Riegel | (German) behind bars, under lock and key |
hinterschneiden | (German) to undercut |
Hinterschneidung | (German f.) undercut, indentation |
Hinterschnitt | (German m.) undercut, indentation |
hinter schwedischen Gardinen sitzen | (German) to be behind bars |
hinter seinem Rücken | (German) behind his back |
hinter seiner coolen Fassade | (German) underneath his cool exterior |
Hinterseite | (German f.) back side |
Hintersetzer | (German m.) flat, backing |
hinter sich her ziehen | (German) to trail, to trail behind |
hinter sich herschleifen | (German) to trail |
hinter sich lassen | (German) to outperform |
hinter sich lassend | (German) outpacing |
Hintersinn | (German m.) deeper meaning |
hintersinnig | (German) with a deeper meaning, with a hidden meaning, cryptically |
hinterst | (German) rearmost |
hinterste | (German) hindmost, rear (rearmost), rearmost, sternmost, backmost |
hinter ... stecken | (German) to be behind ... (something) (figurative) |
hinter ... stehen | (German) to be behind ... (somebody), to support ... (somebody), to back ... (somebody) |
hinterste Provinz | (German f.) backwoods (pejorative) |
hinterstes | (German) rearmost |
Hinterstraße | (German f.) back street, back road |
Hinterstübchen | (German n.) back office, back parlour |
Hinterteil (s.), Hinterteile (pl.) | (German n.) rump, posterior (also colloquial), rear part, back, back part, rear, breech, hindquarters, derrière, tail (end) (colloquial), backside (colloquial), behind (colloquial), rear end (colloquial), prat (slang: for example, prat-fall), stern (figurative) |
Hintertiefe | (German f.) far limit |
hintertreiben | (German) to thwart |
hintertreibend | (German) thwarting |
hintertreibt | (German) thwarts |
Hintertreppe | (German f.) back stairs, rear stairs, back staircase, back steps |
Hintertreppenpolitik | (German f.) backstairs politics (pejorative) |
hintertrieben | (German) thwarted |
Hintertür (s.), Hintertüren (pl.) | (German f.) back door, backdoor, loophole, escape hatch, rear door |
Hintertürchen | (German n.) backdoor, loophole |
hinter turmhohen Mauern | (German) behind towering walls |
hinter verschlossenen Türen | (German) behind closed doors, in camera (behind closed doors) |
Hinterviertel | (German n.) hindquarter |
hinter vorgehaltener Hand | (German) on the quiet |
Hinter was bist du her? | (German) What are you after? |
Hinterwälder | (German pl.) backwoods (place) |
Hinterwäldler (s.), Hinterwäldler (pl.) | (German m.) backwoodsman, hick (US: colloquial), yahoo (colloquial), yokel, bumpkin (pejorative) |
Hinterwäldler-Film | (German m.) backwood film (genre) |
hinterwäldlerisch | (German) backwoods, hillbilly |
Hinterwand | (German f.) back wall, rear wall, rear panel |
Hinterzange | (German f.) end vice |
Hinterzehen | (German pl.) hind toes |
hinterziehen | (German) to alienate |
Hinterziehung | (German f.) alienation, evasion |
Hinterzimmer | (German n.) back room, back-room, backroom |
hinterzogene Einkommensteuer | (German f.) evaded income tax |
hinter zugezogenen Vorhängen | (German) behind drawn curtains |
Hinterzungenvokal | (German m.) back vowel |
hinter ... zurückbleiben | (German) to lag behind ... (somebody) |
hinter ... zurückliegen | (German) to trail ... (somebody) |
hinter ... zurückfallen | (German) to drop behind ... (somebody) |
hinter ... zurückstehen | (German) to take a back seat to ... (something) |
hintnach | (German - Austria) behind (spatially) |
hintun | (German) to put |
hinüber | (German) across, over, knackered (colloquial), kaput (colloquial) |
hinüberbegleiten über | (German) to see across |
hinüberbeugen | (German) bending over |
hinüberbringen | (German) to bring over |
hinüberbringen über | (German) to see across |
hinüberdämmern | (German) to drift off (to sleep) |
hinüberdämmern | (German) to pass away in one's sleep (to die in one's sleep) |
hinübergehen | (German) to go over, to walk over |
hinüberklettern | (German) to climb over |
hinüberlaufen | (German) to walk over |
hinüberschicken | (German) to send across |
hinüberschlendern | (German) to make one's way over at a leisurely pace |
hinüberschwimmen | (German) to swim across |
hinüber sein | (German) to be shot (colloquial), to have had it (colloquial: beyond repair) |
hinübertragen | (German) to carry across |
hinüber wechseln | (German) to change over |
hinüberwerfen | (German) to throw over |
Hin und Her | (German n.) toing and froing, flip-flopping (figurative), to-ing and fro-ing |
hin und her | (German) back and forth, to and fro, hither and thither (dated), forwards and backwards, from pillar to post |
hin und her bewegen | (German) to sway |
Hin- und Herbewegung | (German f.) reciprocating motion |
hin- und herbewegen | (German) to reciprocate, to clap |
hin und her eilen | (German) to bustle |
hin- und herfahren | (German) to shuttle |
hin- und hergehend | (German) reciprocating |
hin- und hergerissen sein | (German) to be conflicted, to be on the fence (figurative) |
hin- und hergerissen sein, was ... angeht | (German) to be of two minds about ... (something) |
hin- und hergerissen sein zwischen | (German) to be torn between |
hin- und hergeschaltet | (German) toggled (between two positions) |
hin- und hergeschleudert | (German) buffeted |
(hin und her) hasten | (German) to hurry-scurry |
Hin- und Herpendeln | (German n.) vacillation, commuting back and forth (getting to work and back) |
hin- und herpendeln | (German) to swing to and fro, to swing back and forth |
Hin- und Herrennen | (German n.) to and froing |
hin und her rennen | (German) to run to and fro |
Hin- und Herrollen | (German n.) rolling to and fro |
hin- und herrutschend | (German) squirming |
hin- und herschalten | (German) to toggle (switch) |
hin- und herschlagen | (German) to bandy (words) |
hin- und herschleudern | (German) to bandy (words) |
hin und her schlingern | (German) to lurch about |
hin und her schwanken | (German) to sway to and fro |
hin und her schwanken lassen | (German) to sway (mast, tree, etc.) |
hin- und herspringen | (German) to toggle (switch) |
hin- und herstürmen | (German) to dash to and fro |
hin- und herüberlegen | (German) to hum and haw (colloquial) |
(hin und her) wanken | (German) to wobble |
hin- und herwechseln | (German) to switch back and forth |
Hin- und Rückfahrkarte | (German f.) return ticket |
Hin- und Rückfahrt | (German f.) round trip, return journey |
Hin- und Rückflug | (German m.) round trip (by air) |
Hin- und Rückflugticket | (German n.) return ticket |
Hin- und Rückreise | (German f.) outward and return journey |
hin und wieder | (German) hither and thither (dated), every once (in) a while, every now and then, once in a while, at odd times, at times, now and again, now and then, on and off, every so often, every now and again, from time to time, occasionally, ever and anon (archaic), off and on |
hin und zurück | (German) there and back, round trip |
Hin und zurück, bitte. | (German) Round trip, please. |
hinunter | (German) under, down, to the bottom |
hinunterblicken | (German) to look down |
hinunterdrücken | (German) to push down (press down) |
hinuntereilen | (German) to hurry downstairs |
hinunterfahren | (German) to go down, to drive down (journey), to ride down (journey) |
hinunterfallen | (German) to fall down, to drop down |
hinunterfließen | (German) to flow down |
hinuntergehen | (German) to go downhill, to walk down, to go below |
hinuntergehen zu | (German) to go down to |
hinuntergespült | (German) washed down, flushed down |
hinuntergießen | (German) to dash down |
hinunterkippen | (German) to knock back (colloquial: to swig) |
hinunterklettern | (German) to scale down (wall), to shin down (drainpipe) |
hinunterrieseln | (German) to trickle down |
hinuntersausen | (German) to hurtle down |
hinunterschalten | (German) to change down |
hinunterschauen | (German) to look down |
hinunterschicken | (German) to send down |
hinunterschleudern | (German) to dash down |
hinunterschlingen | (German) to gobble, to gulp, to wolf, to wolf down, to gulp down, to bolt down (food) |
hinunterschlingend | (German) gobbling, gulping, bolting (food) |
hinunterschlucken | (German) to swallow, to choke down, to drink down, to swallow down, to gulp, to gulp down |
hinunterschluckend | (German) swallowing |
hinunterschütten | (German) to down (drink), to toss back (a drink) |
hinuntersehen | (German) to look down |
hinunterspülen | (German) to flush down, to flush, to wash down (food, tablet) |
Hinuntersteigen | (German n.) descent |
hinuntersteigend | (German) descendent |
hinunterstoßen von | (German) to knock off |
hinunterstürzen | (German) to plunge down, to quaff (drink), to gulp down (drink) |
hinuntertrinken | (German) to drink down |
hinunterziehen | (German) to suck under, to suck down |
hinwärts | (German) on the way there |
Hinweg | (German m.) way there |
hinweg | (German) away |
Hinweg von mir, Satan! | (German) Get thee behind me, Satan! (archaic) |
hinweggekommen | (German) got over |
hinweggeschwemmte Brücke | (German f.) bridge swept away by the torrent |
hinweggesetzt | (German) ignored |
hinweghelfen über | (German) to tide over |
hinwegkommen über | (German) to overcome (a disappointment) |
hinwegsehen | (German) to see over |
hinwegsehen über | (German) to overlook, to ignore |
hinwegsetzen | (German) to ignore, to jump over |
hinwegtäuschen | (German) to cheat |
Hinweis (s.), Hinweise (pl.) | (German m.) consideration, clue, hint, index, indices (plural form), indication, reference, evidence, tip (advice, suggestion), allusion, guideline, link, pointer (lead), suggestion, advice, lead (clue), piece of advice, cue (pointer, clue) |
Hinweis: | (German) Please note: |
Hinweis auf | (German m.) indication of |
Hinweis auf ... | (German m.) pointer to ... (something) |
Hinweisdefinition | (German f.) applicative definition |
Hinweisen | (German n.) advertence |
hinweisen | (German) to allude, to indicate, to portend, to suggest |
hinweisen auf | (German) to point out, to bespeak, to point to |
hinweisend | (German) advertent, indicative, pointing out, advertently, deictic, indicating, leading, suggestive, demonstrative |
hinweisend auf | (German) pointing at |
hinweisende Definition | (German f.) ostensive definition |
hinweisendes Fürwort | (German n.) demonstrative pronoun |
Hinweisgabe | (German f.) advice |
Hinweisgeber | (German m.) whistleblower |
Hinweispfeil | (German m.) indicator arrow |
Hinweispflicht | (German f.) duty to notify |
Hinweisschild | (German n.) sign, guide marker (for example, highway guide marker), direction sign |
Hinweistafel | (German f.) information board, sign, sign-board |
Hinweistext | (German m.) legend (to a picture, diagram, etc.), guidelines |
Hinweisung (s.), Hinweisungen (pl.) | (German f.) advertency |
Hinweiszeichen | (German n.) sentinel |
Hinwendung | (German f.) orientation, loving devotion, bhakti |
Hinwendung zu | (German f.) steering towards |
hinwerfen | (German) to throw down, to jot down, to jot, to dash off, to fling down, to shove down, to drop (throw down: also, remark, etc.) |
hinwerfend | (German) jotting (down), throwing down, dashing off (jotting down) |
Hinz und Kunz | (German) every Tom, Dick and Harry (colloquial), all and sundry (colloquial), the butcher, the baker, (and) the candlestick-maker |
Hinziehen | (German n.) protraction |
hinziehen | (German) to protract |
hinziehend | (German) protracting, protractive |
hinzögern | (German) to retard |
hinzu kam, dass er ... | (German) added to that he ... |
Hinzu kommt, dass ... | (German) It should be added that ... |
hinzudenken | (German) to understand (supply mentally) |
hinzufügen | (German) to add, to add on, to append |
Hinzufügen einer Tonspur | (German n.) adding of a sound-track |
hinzufügen | (German) to piggyback |
hinzufügen auf | (German) to piggyback on |
hinzufügen zu | (German) to superimpose on, to add to, to piggyback on |
Hinzufügung | (German f.) addition, annexation, apposition, add-on |
Hinzugabe | (German f.) addition |
hinzugeben | (German) to add |
hinzugefügt | (German) accessory, added |
hinzugefügt sein | (German) to be added |
hinzugekommen | (German) come along, added |
hinzugewählt | (German) co-optative |
hinzugewähltes Mitglied | (German n.) co-opted member |
hinzugezogen | (German) called in, consulted |
hinzukommen | (German) to add, to supervene |
Hinzukommen | (German n.) supervention |
hinzukommen | (German) to accrue (grow by addition) |
hinzukommend | (German) adventitious, coming along, adventitiously, accessory, additional |
hinzukommen zu | (German) to accrue to (grow by addition) |
hinzunehmend | (German) adding |
hinzurechnen | (German) to add on |
hinzuschalten | (German) to switch on in addition |
hinzutreten | (German) to join in |
Hinzuwahl | (German f.) co-optation |
hinzuwählen | (German) to co-opt |
hinzuzählen | (German) to add |
hinzuziehen | (German) to call in |
hinzuziehend | (German) calling in, consulting |
Hinzuziehung (s.), Hinzuziehungen (pl.) | (German f.) enlistment, bringing in, consultation with |
Hiob | (German m.) Job (biblical figure) |
Hiobsbotschaft (s.), Hiobsbotschaften (pl.) | (German f.) Job's news, bad news, bad tidings, jeremiad, Job's message |
HIP | acronym for 'historically-informed performance' |
see 'authenticity' |
hip | (German) go-go, hip (colloquial), hep (colloquial, dated) |
Hip, hip, hurra! | (German) Hip, hip, hooray! |
Hip hop (music) |
(English, Hip-Hop or Hiphop (German m.)) from the 1970s, a cultural movement and a music genre (a subgenre of R & B tradition) that grew out of 'rap' which exists in a number of forms: |
old school hip hop | from the late-1970s and early 1980s |
East Coast hip hop | based out of New York City, the most successful of the region styles |
West Coast hip hop | based out of Los Angeles |
G funk | in 1992, Dr. Dre's The Chronic revolutionized the West Coast sound, using slow, stoned, lazy beats |
Southern rap | based out of Atlanta and New Orleans |
Dirty South | a distinctive sound characterised by Atlanta-based performers like OutKast and Goodie Mob |
alternative hip hop | in the mid 1990s, popular among critics and long-time fans of the music |
jazz rap | for example, De La Soul's 3 Feet High and Rising (1989), making use of live instrumentation and/or jazz samples |
reggaeton | a South American variant, based out of Puerto Rico |
electro hip hop | invented in the 1980s, but is distinctly different from most old school hip hop |
go go | another old style of hip hop |
trip hop | created by fusing hip hop with techno |
rapcore | created by fusing hip hop with heavy metal |
Miami bass music | from the late 1980s, characterised by bass-heavy grooves designed for dancing |
Christian hip hop | hip hop with Christian themes in the lyrics |
hip hop dance elements include: |
Breakdancing | also known as 'B-boying' or 'B-girling' by its practitioners and followers, is a dynamic style of dance. The term 'breakdancer' originates from the dancers at DJ Kool Herc's parties, who saved their best dance moves for the 'break' section of the song |
Hip-Hop | a form of dance that is becoming more popular. Hip hop dance comes from breakdancing, but does not consist wholly of breakdancing moves. Unlike most other forms of dance, which are often at least moderately structured, hip hop dance has few (if any) limitations on positions or steps |
Hip-hopera | see 'rap opera' |
Hip-Hopper | (German m.) hip-hopper |
Hip-hopper | someone part of the hip hop culture |
Hip hop português | literally 'Portuguese hip hop' which is also known as 'Hip Hop Tuga', the Portuguese variety of hip hop music, although distinct because it has mixed African music from Lusophone Africa with reggae. It is often performed by African-Portuguese, descendants of African immigrants that came to Portugal after the independence of the former African colonies |
- Hippie from which this information has been taken
Hip hop tuga | see 'Hip hop português' |
Hip house | also known as house rap, a mixture of house music and hip hop which arose during the 1980s in New York and Chicago |
- Hip house from which this information has been taken
Hippe | (German f.) pruning knife, gardener's knife, billhook, bill hook, bitch (derogatory term for a woman), scythe (relating to the figure of Death) |
Hipp-Hipp-Hurra-Veranstaltung | (German f.) rah-rah rally (rally involving cheerleaders) |
Hippie (s.), Hippies (pl.) | (English, German m.) also 'hippy' or 'flower child', a term originally used to describe some of the rebellious youth of the 1960s and 1970s among whose characterists was listening to psychedelic rock, blues, traditional Eastern music, rock music with eastern influences, soulful funk, jam bands and folk music. Neo-hippies (twenty-first-century people who still believe in the hippy philosophy) frequently participate in the bluegrass music scene. In addition they would perform music casually, often with guitars, in friends' homes, or for free at outdoor fairs and festivals |
- Hippie from which this information has been taken
Hippiebewegung | (German f.) hippie movement |
Hippiekultur | (German f.) hippie culture |
Hippiezeit | (German f.) hippie era |
Hippocampus (s.), Hippocampi (pl.) | (English, German m.)a part of the brain, in the medial area of the cerebral cortex, that is thought to be critical for storing memories |
Hippocrates (c.460-377 BC) | medical practitioner, the author of the Hippocratic oath. who is regarded as the father of medicine |
Hippodamic | of or pertaining to Hippodamus of Miletos (498-408 BC), an ancient Greek architect, urban planner, physician, mathematician, meteorologist and philosopher, who is considered to be the 'father' of urban planning, the namesake of the Hippodamian plan of city layouts (grid plan) |
hippodamisch | (German) Hippodamic |
Hippodrom | (German m./n. - Austria only n.) hippodrome |
Hippodrome | originally, an open-air stadium with an oval course for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece and Rome. Today, the term is applied mainly to arena for equestrian shows |
Hippokrates | (German m.) Hippocrates |
hippokratisch | (German) hippocratic |
hippokratischer Eid | (German m.) Hippocratic oath |
Hippolyt | (German) Hippolytus (person) |
Hippolytos | (German) Hippolytus (play by Euripides) |
Hyppolytus | a son of Theseus and either Antiope or Hippolyte. He was identified with the Roman forest god Virbius |
an Ancient Greek tragedy by Euripides, based on the myth of Hippolytus, son of Theseus. The play was first produced for the City Dionysia of Athens in 428 BC and won first prize as part of a trilogy |
Hippophilia | a love of, or obsession with, horses |
Hippophilie | (German f.) hippophilia |
Hippotherapie | (German f.) hippotherapy |
Hippotherapy | a physical, occupational and speech therapy treatment strategy that utilizes equine (horse) movement |
hippste | (German) hippest (colloquial) |
Hipster | style for skirts and trousers where the waist band fits low on the hip rather than the waist, made popular in the 1960s when they were often worn with a large belt |
Hipsters | see 'detuners' |
in the 1940s and 1950s the term hipster came into usage by the American Beat generation to describe jazz and swing music performers, and evolved to also describe the bohemian-like counterculture that formed around the art of the time |
Hipsterslip | (German m.) hipster briefs, hipster brief |
Hipster-Slip | (German m.) hipster brief, hipster briefs |
Hira-daiko | (Japanese) flat taiko drum |
a general term for a drum that is wider than it is deep |
Hiragana | (English, German f./n. from Japanese) Japanese syllabary, one of four Japanese writing systems (the others are katakana, kanji and romaji) |
Hiratsuri-daiko | (Japanese) a double headed frame-drum suspended vertically from a wooden frame by means of three rings on the body, or suspended horizontaiiy from a tripod |
Hirmológicas | (Spanish f. pl. from the Greek Heirmoi) melodies from the Byzantine rite, usually quick (120-180 bpm) and syllabic |
Hirn (s.), Hirne (pl.) | (German n.) brain |
Hirn- | (German) cerebral (prefix) |
Hirnanhangdrüse | (German f.) pituitary (gland) |
Hirnanhangsdrüse | (German f.) pituitary gland |
Hirnblutung | (German f.) cerebral haemorrhage, brain haemorrhage, cerebral bleeding |
Hirnchirurg (m.), Hirnchirurgin (f.) | (German) brain surgeon |
Hirnchirurgie | (German f.) brain surgery |
Hirndruck | (German m.) intracranial pressure |
Hirnforscher (m.), Hirnforscherin (f.) | (German) brain researcher |
Hirnforschung | (German f.) brain research |
Hirnfrost | (German m.) ice cream headache |
hirngeschädigt | (German) brain-injured, brain-damaged |
Hirngespinst (s.), Hirngespinste (pl.) | (German n.) phantasm, chimera, fantasy, pipe dream (colloquial), figment, vapour (figurative), phantom, flight of fancy |
Hirnhaut- | (German) meningeal (prefix) |
Hirnhaut (s.), Hirnhäute (pl.) | (German f.) meninx, cerebral membrane, meninges (plural form) |
Hirnhautentzündung | (German f.) meningitis |
Hirnholz | (German n.) end grain (wood) |
Hirnholzhobel | (German m.) block plane |
Hirnholzparkett | (German n.) end grain wood block flooring |
Hirni | (German m.) idiot |
Hirninfarkt | (German m.) stroke |
Hirnleiste | (German f.) breadboard end (wood technology) |
hirnlos | (German) brainlessly, brainless, mindless, mindlessly (stupidly), anencephalous (dated) |
Hirnoperation | (German f.) brain surgery |
hirnrissig | (German) nutty (colloquial), crazy, whacky (colloquial) |
hirnrissiger | (German) nuttier (colloquial) |
Hirnrissigkeit | (German f.) craziness, wackiness (colloquial), crazy deed |
Hirnschaden | (German m.) brain damage |
Hirnschädigung | (German f.) brain damage |
Hirnschläge | (German pl.) apoplexies |
Hirnströme | (German pl.) brain waves |
Hirntätigkeit | (German f.) cerebral activity |
Hirntod | (German m.) brain death |
hirntot | (German) brain-dead |
hirnverbrannt | (German) madcap, inane |
Hirnverletzung (s.), Hirnverletzungen (pl.) | (German f.) brain injury |
Hirsch (s.), Hirsche (pl.) | (German m.) stag, hart, deer |
Hirsch- | (German) cervine |
hirschartig | (German) cervine |
Hirschbock | (German m.) stag |
Hirschbraten | (German m.) roast venison |
Hirschcarpaccio | (German n.) venison carpaccio |
Hirschfänger | (German m.) cutlas, hunting knife |
Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung | (German f.) Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation (promoting human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people) |
Hirschfell | (German n.) deer skin |
Hirschgeweih | (German n.) antlers of a stag, stag's antlers (set or pair), deer antlers (set or pair) |
Hirschhorn | (German n.) staghorn |
Hirschhorngeist | (German m.) ammonium hydroxide |
Hirschhornsalz | (German n.) ammonium bicarbonate, salt of the hartshorn, hartshorn, sal volatile, baker's salt |
Hirschhund | (German m.) deerhound |
Hirschjagd | (German f.) stag-hunting, stag hunt, stag hunting, deer hunt |
Hirschjäger | (German m.) deer hunter |
Hirschkäfer | (German m.) stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) |
Hirschkalb (s.), Hirschkälber (pl.) | (German n.) fawn |
Hirschkeule | (German f.) haunch of venison |
Hirschkuh (s.), Hirschkühe (pl.) | (German f.) hind, doe |
Hirschleder | (German n.) buckskin |
Hirschlederhosen | (German pl.) buckskin breeches |
Hirschragout | (German n.) deer stew |
Hirschrudel | (German n.) herd of stags |
Hirschsteak | (German n.) venison steak |
Hirschtötung | (German f.) cervicide (rare) |
Hirschwechsel durch Unterholz | (German m.) abature |
Hirse | (German f.) millet, sorghum |
Hirsebällchen | (German pl.) millet dumplings |
Hirsebrei | (German m.) millet gruel |
Hirsebrot | (German n.) millet bread |
Hirsebrötchen | (German n.) millet roll |
Hirseernte | (German f.) millet crop, yield of millet, millet yield, millet harvest |
Hirsefeld | (German n.) millet field |
Hirsekolben | (German m.) millet spike |
Hirsekorn (s.), Hirsekörner (pl.) | (German n.) milium, white head, millet (seed) |
Hirsemehl | (German n.) millet flour |
Hirsenudeln | (German pl.) millet pasta |
Hirseöl | (German n.) millet oil |
Hirsesamen | (German pl.) millet seed, millet seeds |
Hirsespelze (s.), Hirsespelzen (pl.) | (German f.) millet husk |
Hirsutism | excessive growth of hair, particularly on a woman's face, torso and limbs, and is generally caused by increased androgens |
Hirsutismus | (German m.) hirsutism |
Hirt | (German m.) herd, herdsman, shepherd |
Hirte (m.), Hirtin (f.), Herten (pl.) | (German) shepherd (m.), shepherdess (f.), herdsman (m.), herdswoman (f.), pastoralist, herder |
Hirtenamt | (German n.) pastorate |
Hirtenbrief | (German m.) pastoral letter, pastoral (letter) |
Hirtenflöte | (German) syrinx, shepherd's flute, shepherd's pipe |
Hirtengedicht | (German) pastoral peom, ecologue, idyl |
Hirtengott | (German m.) god of shepherds |
Hirtenhund | (German m.) shepherd's dog, herding dog, sheepdog |
Hirtenjunge | (German m.) shepherd boy |
Hirtenkreuzzug | (German m.) Shepherds' Crusade (1251 and 1320) |
Hirtenleben | (German n.) pastoral life |
Hirtenlied | (German n.) herdsman song, pastoral song, shapherd's song (Christmas carol) |
Hirtenmädchen | (German n.) shepherd girl |
Hirtenpfeife | (German f.) Hirtenschalmei. rustic pipe, pastoral pipe |
(German f.) or shawm, ciaramella (Italian f.), cennamella (Italian f.), Schalmei (German f.) , chalumeau (French m.), pipeau (French m.), simple rustic reed pipe, ancestor of clarinet, with 6 to 8 finger holes |
Hirtenschalmei | (German) a capped double-reed shepherd's shawm |
Hirtensonnenuhr | (German f.) shepherd's dial |
Hirtenspiel | (German n.) pastoral play |
Hirtenstab | (German m.) crook, shepherd's crook, crosier, crozier |
Hirtenuhr | (German f.) shepherd's dial |
Hirtenvolk | (German n.) pastoral people, pastoral tribe |
His, his |  |
(German n.) the note 'B sharp' |
Hisbollah | (German f.) Hezbollah, Hizbullah |
His-Dur | (German n.) the key of 'B sharp major', enharmonically equivalent to the key of 'C major' |
His-genitive | an unusual use of his, her, and their as the sign of the genitive by attaching them to the end of a word or locating them immediately after a word |
Hishigi | (Japanese) the highest note on the bamboo transverse flute, nohkan |
Hisis, hisis |
(German n.) the note 'B double sharp' |
Hiskia | (German m.) Hezekiah (king of Judah) |
his-Moll | (German n.) the key of 'B sharp minor', enharmonically equivalent to the key of 'C minor' |
Hispanien | (German n.) Hispania |
Hispanic chant | see 'Mozarabic chant' |
Hispanic neumes | see 'Mozarabic neumes' |
Hispaniola | (English, German n.) Haiti and the Dominican Republic |
hispanisch | (German) Hispanic |
hispanisieren | (German) to Hispanicise |
Hispanistik | (German f.) Spanish studies |
Hispano (m.) Hispana (f.), Hispanos (pl.), Hispanas (f.pl.) | (German) Hispano, Hispanic |
Hispanoamerikaner (m.), Hispanoamerikanerin (f.), Hispanoamerikaner (pl.), Hispanoamerikanerinnen (f.pl.) | (German) Hispanic |
hispanoamerikanisch | (German) Hispanic American |
Hisperic Latin | or Hiberno-Latin, a learned sort of Latin literature created and spread by Irish monks during the period from the sixth century to the tenth century. Notable for its curiously learned vocabulary, while neither Hebrew nor Greek was widely known in Europe during this period - and it is unlikely the Irish monks were fluent themselves - odd words from these sources, as well as from Celtic sources, were added to Latin vocabulary for effect. It has been suggested that the unique vocabulary of the poems was caused by the monks learning Latin words from dictionaries and glossaries, so as to mix together unfamiliar words with ordinary ones; unlike many others in Western Europe at the time, the Irish monks did not speak a language descended from Latin. During the sixth and seventh centuries, Irish monasticism spread through Christian Western Europe; Irish monks who founded these monasteries often brought with them Hiberno-Latin literary styles |
hisperisch | (German) Hisperic |
Hiss | a category of noise, more properly called 'white noise' |
hissen | (German) to hoist up, to run up (flag), to wind up, to hoist |
Histamin | (German n.) histamine |
Histaminkopfschmerz | (German m.) histamine headache |
Histamin-Kopfschmerz | (German m.) histamine headache |
Histogram | (statistics) a bar graph in which the area of each bar is proportional to the frequency or relative frequency represented |
Histogramm | (German n.) histogram |
Histoire | (French f.) story, history |
Histoire à dormir debout | (French f.) cock-and-bull story |
Histoire de la musique | (French f.) music history, history of music |
histoire de voir | (French) just to see |
Histoire sans queue ni tête | (French f.) cock-and-bull story |
Histokompatibilität | (German f.) histocompatibility |
Histologe | (German m.) histologist |
Histologie | (German f.) histology |
histologisch | (German) histological, histologically |
histologische Untersuchung | (German f.) histological examination |
histologisches Präparat | (German n.) histological specimen |
Histopathologie | (German f.) histopathology |
histopathologisch | (German) histopathological, histopathologic, histopathologically |
Histörchen | (German n.) anecdote, little tale, little story |
Historia (s.), Historiae (pl.) | in ancient times, the word historia meant roughly the same thing as the modern English word "story" (i.e., any narrative whether factual or fictional). Latin writers, especially in medieval times, might on occasion use the word historia refer to history, to legends, to vitae (lives), mythology, folklore, hearsay, gossip, and rumouin ancient times, the word historia meant roughly the same thing as the modern English word "story" (i.e., any narrative whether factual or fictional). Latin writers, especially in medieval times, might on occasion use the word historia refer to history, to legends, to vitae, mythology, folklore, hearsay, gossip, and rumorsrs |
musical setting of a biblical story, associated with Protestant, particularly Lutheran communities |
Historia | (Spanish f.) history |
Historiador | (Spanish m.) historian |
Historia europea | (Spanish f.) European history |
Historia sacra (s.), Historiae sacrae (pl.) | (Latin) one of the early forms of oratorio, a combination of dialoghi (drama-narrative) and laudi spirituali (songs of praise), similar to the 'recitative' and 'aria' forms in oratorio |
Historiated (initial) | see 'decorated initial' |
Historia von D. Johann Fausten | the first "Faust book", a chapbook of stories concerning the life of Johann Georg Faust, written by an anonymous German author. It was published by Johann Spies (1540-1623) in Frankfurt am Main in 1587. This book became the main source for the play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, Goethe's play Faust, and also served as the libretto of the opera by Alfred Schnittke, also entitled Historia von D. Johann Fausten |
Historical album | a collection of songs around a unified theme with a basis in the documented history of a person or place. This differs from a concept album, which may have a unified theme, but is usually comprised of fictional stories not linked with actual historical facts even though the subject could be a real person or place. Historical albums are often considered concept albums due to the broad nature of that more recognizable category |
Historical dance | also called 'early dance', a collective term covering a wide variety of dance types from the past as they are danced in the present |
Historical dictionary | a dictionary that traces the changes in a word's meaning by listing its entries chronologically and providing quotations using the word in that particular sense as illustrative examples |
Historical edition | works of the past published in collections prepared from studies of the original sources or manuscripts. Historical editions are usually published to preserve a musical heritage (Musica Britannica, for example, focuses on English music), disseminate repertory, and make authentic editions available for study and performance. They can be the complete works of a composer, "monuments" of a specific type of music, or a series of performing editions |
Historical instrument | many writers distinguish the terms 'historic instrument' and 'historical instrument'. The former refers to an original, the latter to a later reconstruction or 'copy'. The term 'copy', when applied to musical instruments raise,s its own problems as the examination of modern copies quickly demonstrates. Invariably, the 'copies' differ not only from the original but even from one another. In many cases, this is easy to understand. What makes a musical instrument is much more than the material from which it has been made or the sum of the skills used to fashion it. The important relationship between instrument and player too is very important and generally must be highly personal. In a similar way, every maker of a copy is drawn too into the complexities of that association so that the modern instrument is a reflection of the modern maker as much, if not more so, as that of the original maker |
Historically aware | see 'authenticity' |
Historically informed | see 'authenticity' |
Historical novel | a novel in which fictional characters take part in, influence, or witness real historical events and interact with historical figures from the past |
Historical romance | see 'romance, historical' |
Historic instrument | many writers distinguish the terms 'historic instrument' and 'historical instrument'. The former refers to an original, the latter to a later reconstruction or 'copy'. The term 'copy', when applied to musical instruments raise,s its own problems as the examination of modern copies quickly demonstrates. Invariably, the 'copies' differ not only from the original but even from one another. In many cases, this is easy to understand. What makes a musical instrument is much more than the material from which it has been made or the sum of the skills used to fashion it. The important relationship between instrument and player too is very important and generally must be highly personal. In a similar way, every maker of a copy is drawn too into the complexities of that association so that the modern instrument is a reflection of the modern maker as much, if not more so, as that of the original maker |
Historicism | Herder in his philosophy of history presented the first extensive formulation of historicist principles, and rejected the Enlightenment conception of a unilinear development of human civilization. Mankind was indeed one but, he maintained, this mankind can only be understood in its historical manifestations in diverse national cultures. Religion, philosophy, science, and art thus do not exist in any absolute sense; there are only the religions, philosophies, sciences, and arts of specific cultures at specific stages in their development. All cultures, Herder held, European and non-European, primitive and civilized are thus equally worthy of study, in a sense the primitive more so insofar as they are closer to the original genius of a people. Any attempts to use abstract tools of analysis to understand national cultures were mechanistic and
unhistorical. History as life can only be grasped through empathy (Mitfühlen) |
Historicity | how history is discussed and how its form is interpreted (linear, circular, repetitive etc) |
histórico | (Spanish) historic, historical |
Historic pitch | |
Historicus | (Latin) or testo (Italian m.), narrator in an oratorio (one of the features that distinguish the oratorio from early opera) |
Historie (s.), Historien (pl.) | (German f.) history, history play |
Historien (m.), Historienne (f.) | (French) historian |
Historienbild | (German n.) history painting |
Historien de salon (m.), Historienne de salon (f.) | (French) amateur historian, populariser of history |
Historiendrama (s.), Historiendramen (pl.) | (German n.) historical drama, period piece |
Historienepos | (German n.) historical epic |
Historienfilm | (German m.) period film |
Historiengemälde | (German n.) history painting |
Historienmaler | (German m.) historical painter, history painter |
Historienmalerei | (German f.) history painting (genre) |
Historienspiel | (German n.) pageant (show) |
Historik | (German f.) science of history, history (science of history) |
Historiker (m.), Historikerin (f.), Historiker (pl.) | (German) historian |
Historikerstreit | (German m.) dispute between historians |
Historiograf | (German m.) historiographer |
Historiografie | (German f.) historiography |
Historiograph | (German m.) historiographer |
Historiographie | (German f.) historiography |
historiographisch | (German) historiographic |
Historiography | historiography has a number of related meanings. It can refer to the history of historical study, its methodology and practices (the history of history). It can also refer to a specific body of historical writing (for example, "medieval historiography during the 1960s" means "medieval history written during the 1960s"). Historiography can also be taken to mean historical theory or the study of historical writing and memory. As a meta-level analysis of descriptions of the past, this third conception can relate to the first two in that the analysis usually focuses on the narratives, interpretations, worldview, use of evidence, or method of presentation of other historians |
historique | (French) historical |
historisch | (German) historical, historic, historically, ancient |
Historisch bedingt sind wir ... | (German) Historically, we are ... |
historisch betrachtet | (German) in historical terms, from a historical viewpoint |
historische Anerkennung | (German f.) historical validation |
historische Aufführungspraxis | (German f.) historic performance practice |
historische Bedeutung | (German f.) historical significance |
historische Dosen und Schachteln | (German pl.) vintage tins and boxes |
historische Entscheidung | (German f.) landmark decision |
historische Folge | (German f.) historical sequence |
historische Gelegenheit | (German f.) historic opportunity |
historische Geologie | (German f.) historical geology |
historische Hilfswissenschaften | (German pl.) auxiliary science of history |
historische Instrumente | (German pl.) (authentic) period instruments |
historische Klimaverhältnisse | (German pl.) ancient climates |
historische Kostüme | (German pl.) historical costumes |
historische Kursschwankungen | (German pl.) historic volatility |
historische Landschaft | (German f.) historically distinct landscape |
historische Linguistik | (German f.) historical linguistics |
historische Persönlichkeit (s.), historische Persönlichkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) historical character, character from history |
historische Rechtsschule | (German f.) historical school of law, historical school of jurisprudence |
historischer Festumzug | (German m.) historical parade |
historischer Film | (German m.) period drama |
historischer Höchststand | (German m.) all-time high, historical high |
historischer Liebesroman | (German m.) historical romance |
historischer Moment | (German m.) historic moment |
historischer Ort | (German m.) historic site |
historischer Roman | (German m.) historical novel, historical fiction (genre) |
(historischer) Stadtkern | (German m.) (historic) town centre |
historischer Tiefstand | (German m.) all-time low, historical low |
historischer Tiefststand | (German m.) historical low |
historischer Überblick | (German m.) historical review |
historische Schwankungsbreite | (German f.) historical volatility |
historisches Ereignis | (German n.) historic event, historical incident |
historisches Gebäude | (German n.) historical building, period building |
historisches Handbuch | (German n.) historical compendium |
historisches Präsens | (German n.) historical present |
historisches Stück | (German n.) chronicle play |
historische Stadt | (German f.) historic town |
historische Stätte (s.), historische Stätten (pl.) | (German f.) historical site |
historische Studien | (German pl.) historical studies |
historisches Viertel | (German n.) historic district |
historisches Wertpapier | (German n.) historical security |
historische Ton- und Lichtschau | (German f.) son et lumière |
historische Überlieferung | (German f.) historical tradition |
historisch-genetisch | (German) historico-genetic |
historisch gesehen | (German) in historical terms, from a historical viewpoint |
historisch gesichert | (German) historically verified, historically confirmed |
historisch interessante Stätten | (German pl.) places of historical interest |
historisch korrektes Erscheinungsbild | (German n.) historically correct appearance |
historisch-kritische Ausgabe | (German f.) historico-critical edition, historical-critical edition |
historisch-kritische Methode | (German f.) historical-critical method |
historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft | (German f.) comparative linguistics |
historisieren | (German) to historicise |
Historisierung | (German f.) historicisation |
Historismus | (German m.) historism, historicism |
Historizismus | (German m.) historicism |
Historizität | (German f.) historicity |
History of music | the history of music has a long and complex history. It may predate language (and certainly predates the written word) and is found in every known culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places. A culture's music is influenced by all other aspects of that culture, including social and economic organization, climate, and access to technology. The emotions and ideas that music expresses, the situations that music is played and listened to in, and the attitudes toward music players and composers all vary between regions and periods. "Music history" is the distinct subfield of musicology and history which studies music (particularly Western art music) from a chronological perspective |
History play | play dealing with a historical subject, for example, Shakespeare's Henry V |
histozytologisch | (German) histocytologic, histocytological, histocytologically |
Histrio | (Latin) actor |
histrionic | (of behaviour) theatrical, dramatic, istrionico (Italian) |
Histrionic code | in early film, the acting style characterised by broad gestures, grotesque facial grimaces and contorted body movements which it may be assumed was derived from culturally prevalent conceptions of "correct" performance style, was coupled with editing and filming techniques in use at that time. By that means the producers (actors and directors) encoded their messages and the audience would have had to decode them |
Histrionics | insincere and dramatic behaviour designed to impress, commedia (Italian f.) |
histrionisch | (German) histrionic |
histrionischer Stil | (German m.) histrionic code |
Histrionismo | (Spanish m.) histrionics |
Hit (s.), Hits (pl.) | (English, German m.) a commercially successful recording, song, play, etc. - a chartbuster |
hitaasti | (Finnish) largo, adagio |
Hitchhiker (s.), Hitchhiker (German pl.) | (English, German m.) a person who travels by getting free rides from passing vehicles |
Hitch-pin | the pin which retains the end of a string opposite the wrestpin or tuning pin on a keyboard instrument like a piano or harpsichord. The hitch-pins are driven into the hitch-pin rail |
Hi-Tech | (German n.) high-tech |
Hi-Tech- | (German) high-tech |
Hitlergegner (m.), Hitlergegnerin (f.) | (German) opponent of Hitler |
Hitlergruß | (German m.) Hitler salute, Nazi salute |
Hitlerjugend | (German f.) Hitler Youth |
Hitlerjunge | (German m.) member of the Hitler youth |
Hitler-Tagebücher | (German pl.) Hitler Diaries |
Hitlerzeit | (German f.) Hitler era |
Hitliste | (German f.) charts (pop music) |
Hitoyogiri | (Japan) an end-blown flute |
- Hitoyogiri from which this information has been taken
Hitparade | (German f.) hit parade, chart show, top of the pops |
Hit parade | or chart, a ranked group or listing of the currently most popular recorded songs |
Hitparadenerfolg | (German m.) chart success |
Hitpotenzial | (German n.) hit potential (potential for chart success) |
Hittite cultic music | one main element of Hittite rituals is the musical performances frequently mentioned in ritual literature. The sacred acts were accompanied by sacred words recited in a whispered or murmured tone, in metrical form, in responsorial antiphony of precentor and choir or in archaic foreign languages. Music and singing accompanied ritual acts such as the sacrifice, the libation, and the appearance of the king or the royal couple. The use of or ban on music were regulated by ritual instructions mentioning instruments, singing, recitation, and clapping. Most frequently lyres can be found, more rarely harps and lutes (chordophones), drums, different rattles, cymbals (idiophones, membranophones), double oboes, and horns (aerophones). Songs were performed by individuals or choirs, had diffentiating titles, and were sometimes attributed to particular deities. Music served for calling deities and entertaining them, for communication with them (trance), contact with the deceased, threatening enemies and encouraging fighters. It had an apotropaic, captivating, and erotic effect and was used to entertain feasting parties |
hitverdächtig | (German) potential hit |
Hitzdraht | (German m.) hot-wire |
Hitzdraht- | (German) hot-wire (prefix) |
Hitzdrahtmikrofon | (German n.) hot wire microphone, hot-wire microphone |
Hitze | (German f.) ardency, heat, hotness, ardour, fieriness |
Hitze ableiten | (German) to conduct away heat |
Hitze ausstrahlen | (German) to radiate heat |
hitzebedingte Krankheiten | (German pl.) heat-related illnesses |
hitzebehandelt | (German) heat-treated |
Hitzebehandlung | (German f.) heat treatment |
hitzebeständig | (German) heat-resistant, heat-proof, fireproof, refractory, heat-resisting |
hitzebeständige Handschuhe | (German pl.) heat-resistant gloves |
hitzebeständiger | (German) more heat resistant |
hitzebeständiger Anzug | (German m.) heat-resistant suit |
hitzebeständiger Handschuh | (German m.) heat-resistant glove |
hitzebeständiges Glas | (German n.) silex |
Hitzebeständigkeit | (German f.) resistance to heat, heat stability |
hitzedenaturiert | (German) heat-denatured |
hitzeempfindlich | (German) sensitive to heat |
Hitzeentwicklung | (German f.) generation of heat, heat generation |
hitzefeste Handschuhe | (German pl.) heat-proof gloves |
hitzefester Handschuh | (German m.) heat-proof glove |
hitzefestes Geschirr | (German n.) ovenware |
hitzefrei haben | (German) to have time off from school on account of excessively hot weather |
Hitzegrad (s.), Hitzegrade (pl.) | (German m.) degree of heat |
hitzehärtend | (German) thermo-hardening |
Hitze-Index | (German m.) temperature-humidity index |
hitzeisolierend | (German) heat-insulating |
Hitzekonservierung | (German f.) heat preserving |
Hitze leiten | (German) to conduct heat |
Hitzeperiode | (German f.) hot spell, spell of hot weather, period of hot weather, heat wave |
Hitzepickel | (German pl.) prickly heat |
Hitzerekord | (German m.) heat record |
hitzeresistent | (German) heat-resistant |
Hitzeschaden | (German m.) heat damage, heat injury |
Hitzeschlag | (German m.) heat stroke |
Hitzeschleier | (German m.) heat haze |
hitzestabil | (German) thermostable, heat-stable |
Hitzestau | (German m.) hotspot, heat build-up, heat accumulation |
Hitzetote | (German pl.) heat-related fatalities |
Hitze transferieren | (German) to convect heat |
hitzeunempfindlich | (German) not sensitive to heat |
hitzeverträglich | (German) heat-tolerant (plant) |
Hitzewallung (s.), Hitzewallungen (pl.) | (German f.) hot flush, hot flushes, flushing (plural form) |
Hitzewarnung | (German f.) heat warning |
Hitzewelle (s.), Hitzewellen (pl.) | (German f.) heatwave, wave of heat, hot spell, heat wave, sizzling spell of weather |
Hitze zurückwerfen | (German) to reflect heat |
Hitzgi | (German m. - Switzerland) hiccup |
hitzig | (German) hotly, hot tempered, stormy, quick-tempered, sulphurously, highly charged (debate), heatedly, stormily, heated (debate, etc.), fiery (temper), red-hot (figurative), fervid |
hitzige Debatte (s.), hitzige Debatten (pl.) | (German f.) violent debate, heated debate, fray (heated discussion), contentious debate |
hitzige Debatten auslösen | (German) to cause heated debates |
hitzige Diskussion | (German f.) heated discussion, crossfire (discussion) |
hitziger | (German) more hot-tempered |
hitziges Gemüt | (German n.) quick temper, fiery temperament |
hitziges Rot | (German n.) violent red |
hitziges Temperament | (German n.) hot temper, quick temper |
hitzige Worte | (German pl.) hasty words, hot words |
Hitzigkeit | (German f.) highly-charged atmosphere |
hitzigste | (German) most hot-tempered |
Hitzkopf (s.), Hitzköpfe (pl.) | (German m.) hothead, hotspur, spitfire, hot-head, firebrand |
hitzköpfig | (German) hot-headed, hotheaded |
Hitzschlag | (German m.) heat stroke, heatstroke |
Hiva kakala | (literally 'fragrant songs') love songs or poems, an important part of semi-traditional Tongan secular music |
HIV-Antikörpertest | (German m.) HIV antibody test |
Hiva usa | in the smaller Tongan churches and the minority Methodist sects, hymn singing is unaccompanied, hiva usa. A strong singer will sing the first notes alone (a practice called hua or opening) and the rest of the congregation will then join. Church choirs are popular, practice is frequent, and most congregations sing all hymns in harmony |
- Hiva usa from which this information has been taken
Hiver | (French m.) winter |
HIV-Erkrankung | (German f.) HIV disease |
HIV-Infektion | (German f.) HIV infection |
HIV-infiziert | (German) HIV-infected |
HIV-negativ | (German) HIV-negative |
HIV-positiv | (German) HIV-positive |
HIV-Präventionskampagne | (German f.) HIV prevention campaign |
HIV-Test | (German m.) HIV test |
HIV-Therapie | (German f.) HIV therapy |
HIV-Virus | (German m./n.) HIV virus (colloquial: human immunodeficiency virus) |
Hiwi | abbreviation for Hilfswilliger (German m.: dogsbody (colloquial), drudge (pejorative) |
or HiWi, abbreviation for Hilfswissenschaftler or wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (German m.: research assistant |
hizo ademán de levantarse | (Spanish) he made as if to get up |
hizo amistad con ella | (Spanish) he struck up a friendship with her |
hizo aparecer un ramo de flores | (Spanish) he produced a bouquet of flowers |
hizo un calor achicharrante | (Spanish) it was scorching |
Hjælpelinie | (Danish) ledger line, leger line |
Hjälplinje | (Swedish) ledger line, leger line |
HJ-Führer | (German m.) or Hitlerjugendführer, Hitler Youth leader |
HJ-Junge | (German m.) member of the Hitler youth |
HK-pop | see 'Canto pop' |
hl.(s.), hll (pl.) | (German) Saint (s.), Saints (pl.) (equivalent to the English abbreviation St.) |
Hlafdig | also called a hlaefdieg, hladig, or cwen, an Anglo-Saxon wife of a warlord |
Hlaford | an Anglo-Saxon warrior chieftain who was served by a number of loyal warriors called thegns. His wife, called the hlafdig, hlaefdieg, hladig, or cwen may have been responsible for overseeing communal provisions |
Hlinka-Garde | (German f.) Hlinka Guard |
Hlinka Guard | or Hlinkova garda, the militia, named after Andrej Hlinka, maintained by the Slovak People's Party in the period from 1938 to 1945 |
Hlzbl. | abbreviated form of Holxbläser, that is, the woodwind section in an orchestra or band |
hm humph, hem | (German) um (in decision, answering) |
H-Milch | (German f.) homogenised milk, long-life milk, UHT milk |
Hmmm, ... | (German) Ermm, ... |
hmn | abbreviation of 'harmonium' |
h-Moll |  | (German n.) the key of 'B minor' |
h-moll Messe | (German f.) see 'B minor Mass' |
Hmong harp | (Laos) a double-tongued brass Jew's harp |
HMV | abbreviation of 'His Master's Voice' |
Hn, hn | abbreviation of Horn (German - cor (French)), 'horn' |
Hne | (Burmese) a small double-reed instrument, of which a larger version, the hne gyi, is used on ceremonial occasions |
Hne-gji | (Burmese) or hne gyi, a larger version of the hne |
Hne gyi | see hne-gji |
HNO | an abbreviation for Hals-Nasen-Ohren (German: ear, nose and throat - the English equivalent is ENT) |
HNO-Abteilung | (German f.) ENT department |
HNO-Arzt (s.), HNO-Ärztin (f.) | (German) ENT physician |
HNO-Chirurg | (German m.) ear, nose and throat surgeon |
HNO-Facharzt (m.), HNO-Fachärztin (f.) | (German) ENT specialist |
HNO-Heilkunde | (German f.) ENT medicine |
HNO-Klinik | (German f.) ENT clinic (ear, nose, and throat clinic) |
HNO-Medizin | (German f.) ENT medicine |
HNO-Sonde | (German f.) ENT probe |
HNO-Spezialist (m.), HNO-Spezialistin (f.) | (German) ENT specialist |