Do |
 | (Italian m., French m., Spanish m.) or, in English, doh, in solfeggio, the first note (tonic) of the ascending chromatic scale; in the 'fixed do' system do or doh is always the note 'C'. Originally, and still in France, do is called ut |
Do | (Japan) general term used for the body of a drum |
Dó |
(Portuguese) the first note (or tonic) in the scale of C major |
do. | abbreviation of 'ditto', literally 'the same (again)' |
Dob | (Hungary) a significant instrument for the ancient Hungarians, symbolizing the universe. The single bottom drum is mentioned in many children's rhymes. The double kettle drum used by the cavalry had been in use by the Hungarians for 500 years. In 1457, Hungarian emissaries caused great sensation when these drum were brought to France. In 1542, King Henry VIII asked for Hungarian drums from his ambassador to Vienna. The double bottom drums were also used when making announcements in villages |
Dobachi | a Japanese bowl gong |
Dobbelt-b |  | (Danish) double flat sign, the sign that lowers a note by two semitones [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
dobbelt Forslag | (Danish) double appoggiatura |
Dobbeltkryds |  | (Danish) double sharp sign, the sign that raises a note by two semitones |
dobbeltpunkteret Node | (Danish) double dotted note |
Dobbeltslag | (Danish) turn (ornament) |
Dobbeltstreg |  | (Danish) a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work |
Dobbelttrille | (Danish) double trill |
Dobe | Romanian kettledrums |
Do bémol |  |
(French m.) C flat, the flattened key note of the scale of C major |
Do bemolle |  |
(Italian m.) C flat, the flattened key note of the scale of C major |
Do bemol mayor | (Spanish m.) the key of 'C flat major' |
Dobladillo | (Spanish m.) hem, turn-up (trousers) |
doblado | (Spanish) double, folded, dubbed |
doblar | (Spanish) to double, to fold, to bend, to turn, to dub, to toll (bell) |
doblarse | (Spanish) to double, to bend, to give in |
Doble | (Spanish m.) double, fold |
doble | (Spanish) double |
Doble articulación | (Spanish) double tonguing |
Doble barra |  | (Spanish f.) a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work |
Doble barra de repetició | (Catalan f.) repeat mark |
Doble barra de repetición | (Spanish f.) repeat mark |
Doble bemol |  | (Spanish m.) double flat sign, the sign that lowers a note by two semitones |
Doble cuerda | (Spanish f.) double stop |
doblegar | (Spanish) to force to give in (figurative) |
doblegarse | (Spanish) to give in |
Doble mordente |
 | (Spanish) a double mordent has two repercussions |
Doble pausa |  | (Catalan f.) a breve (double whole note) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doble redonda |  | (Spanish f.) a double whole note equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doble sostenido |  | (Spanish m.), double sharp sign, the sign that raises a note by two semitones |
Doble tresillo | (Spanish m.) sextuplet, sextolet (French) |
Dobrado | (Portuguese) plié (French) |
dobrar | (Portuguese) to overdub |
Dobritsch | (German n.) Dobrich (a city in northeastern Bulgaria - north of Varn - that is the commercial and cultural centre) |
Dobro | (English, German f.) slide guitar, also known as the resonator guitar, is a precursor to the steel guitar and was developed in the late 1920s. It has one or more resonator discs - usually metal - mounted inside the body and connected to the bridge. It was developed in America by John Dopyera, son of a Czech violin maker, and first manufactured in 1927 by the National String Instrument Corporation. The Dobro was originally developed in response to a growing demand for a guitar that could produce a greater volume of sound than the conventional instrument. The Dobro is played face up with a series of finger picks and a metal bar to fret the strings |
Dobrudscha | (German f.) Dobruja (a historical region shared by Bulgaria and Romania, located between the lower Danube river and the Black Sea, including the Danube Delta, Romanian coast and the northernmost part of the Bulgarian coast) |
Dobunni | (English, German pl.) one of the Celtic tribes living in the British Islands prior to the Roman invasion of Britain |
Doc | or 'docu', abbreviation of 'documentary' |
Doce | (Spanish m.) twelve |
doce | (Spanish) twelve |
Docena | (Spanish f.) dozen |
doceno | (Spanish) twelfth |
Docente | (Spanish m./f.) teacher |
docente | (Spanish) teaching |
Do central |
 | (French, Spanish m.) the note 'middle C' |
Do centrale |
 | (Italian m.) the note 'middle C' |
doch | (German) but, yet, still, after all, however, you know ..., nevertheless, after all, on the contrary |
Doch! | (German) Yes, I do! Yes, I did! Yes, I have!, Yes, I had! Yes, i was! Yes, I will! Yes, I would! Yes, I shall! Yes, I should! Yes, I can! Yes, I could! Yes, I may! Yes, I might! (contradicting a negative question) |
Doch aus alldem wurde nichts. | (German) But out of all of that came nothing. |
doch bei näherem Hinsehen | (German) but if you think about it |
Doch die Gespräche platzten. | (German) But the talks broke up. |
doch noch | (German) yet again |
doch noch einer | (German) another |
Doch schon, aber ... | (German) Yes, I do, but ... |
doch sei dem, wie es wolle | (German) but be that as it may |
Docht (s.), Dochte (pl.) | (German m.) wick |
Dochthalter | (German m.) wick holder, wickholder |
Dochtlöscher | (German m.) candle (wick) snuffer |
Dochtschere | (German f.) wick trimmer, snuffers |
Dochtspitze | (German f.) top of the wick |
doch wenn man darüber nachdenkt | (German) but if you think about it |
Doch wir wurden nicht gehört. | (German) Yet we were not heard. |
dócil | (Spanish) obedient |
Docile | (English, French) sumissive, easily managed |
Docilité | (French f.) docilitiy |
Dock (s.), Docks (pl.) | (English, French m., German n.) place for loading and unloading ships |
Docke | (German f.) jack (on a harpsichord), skein (wool) |
(German f. - Austria, Southern Germany) doll |
docken | (German) to dock |
Docker | (English, French m.) person who works loading or unloading ships, stevedore |
Dockstation | (German f.) docking station |
Docteur (m.), Doctoresse (f.) | (French) doctor |
docto | (Spanish) learned |
Doctor | (English, Spanish m.) a title given to the possessor of a professional qualification (for example, a medical degree plus postgraduate professional training) or an advanced university degree (a doctorate) |
Doctorado | (Spanish m.) doctorate |
Doctorat | (French m.) doctorate |
Doctores de trobar | see troubadour |
Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights (1938) | a libretto for an opera by the American modernist playwright and poet Gertrude Stein. For avant-garde theatre artists from the United States, the text has formed something of a rite of passage |
Doctor of Music | the highest musical degree, often abbreviated to D. Mus., Mus. D. or Mus. Doc. |
Doctrina | (Spanish f.) doctrine |
Doctrinaire | (English, French) applying theory or belief dogmatically, without regard to their practicality |
Doctrine | (English, French f.) body of instruction, principle of religious or political belief |
Doctrine of affections | see 'affections, doctrine of' |
Doctrine of figures | see 'figures, doctrine of' |
Document | (English, French m.) a record or evidence of events, agreements, identification, etc. |
Documentación | (Spanish f.) documentation, papers |
Documentaire | (French m.) documentary |
documentaire | (French) documentary |
Documental | (Spanish m.) documentary |
documental | (Spanish) documentary |
Documentaliste | (French m./f.) information officer |
documentar | (Spanish) to document |
documentarse | (Spanish) to gather information |
Documentation | (English, French f.) information, literature |
the collection of research in writing, interviewing, audio and video recording, photography, etc. that might be used to confirm the provenance of a musical instrument, to authenticate a musical work, etc. |
documenté | (French) well-documented |
documenter | (French) to document |
Documento | (Spanish m.) document |
Documento acreditativo (s.), Documentos acreditativos (pl.) | (Spanish m.) supporting document |
Documento de identidad | (Spanish m.) identity card |
Documento nacional de identidad | (Spanish m.) national identity card |
død | (Danish, Norwegian) death, dead [correction by Lars Hellvig] |
död | (Swedish) death, dead [correction by Lars Hellvig] |
Dodecachordon | (Greek) a twelve-stringed instruent |
a treatise by Henricus Glareanus |
(Greek) the twelve ancient modes |
dodecafonía | (Spanish) dodecaphonic |
dodecafónico (m.), dodecafónica (f.) | (Spanish) dodecaphonic |
Dodecafonismo | (Portuguese m., Spanish m.) dodecaphony |
Dodecahedron | any polyhedron having twelve plane faces |
dodecaphonic | pertaining to serialism |
Dodecaphonic music | serial music |
Dodecaphonic notation | see 'Ailler-Brennink Chromatic Notation' |
Dodecaphonic scale | while appearing to be similar in that both contain the same number of notes, the dodecaphonic scale differs from the chromatic scale in that the former assumes that all degrees of the scale are of equal importance and should be so treated, while the latter is defined as being the diatonic scale of a particular note, that scale having been 'coloured' by the addition of a number of extra semitones |
Dodecaphonie | (Dutch) dodecaphony |
dodécaphonique | (French) dodecaphonic, twelve-tone |
Dodécaphonisme | (French) dodecaphony |
Dodecaphony | (from the Greek, dodeca, twelve, and phone, sound) a harmonic system developed by Arnold Schoenberg and others in about 1925, employing the twelve-tone principle of composition giving equal status to all twelve chromatic notes |
Dodecuple | synonymous with 'dodecaphonic' |
Dodecuplet | a group of notes formed by the division of a bar or of part of a bar into twelve portions of equal length, usually twelve notes in the time of eight notes of the same kind |
Dodekaeder | (German n.) dodecahedron |
Dodekafonie | (German f.) or Dodekaphonie (German f.), dodecaphony |
dodekafonisch | (German) or or dodekaphonisch (German f.), dodecaphonic |
Dodekanes | (German m.) Dodecanese (a group of islands in the southeast Aegean Sea) |
Dodekaphonie | (German) or Dodekafonie (German f.), dodecaphony |
dodekaphonisch | (German) or dodekafonisch (German f.), dodecaphonic |
Dödel (s./pl.) | (German m.) fool, muppet (slang) |
dodici | (Italian) twelve |
Do dièse |  |
(French m.) the note 'C sharp', the sharpened key note of the scale of C major, which in 'fixed do' solfeggio is called di |
Do diesis |  |
(Italian m.) the note 'C sharp', the sharpened key note of the scale of C major, which in 'fixed do' solfeggio is called di |
Do diesis maggiore | (Italian m.) C sharp major, ut dièse majeur (French), Cis dur (German), do sostenido mayor (Spanish m.) |
 | the key of 'C sharp major' |
the scale of 'C sharp major' |
Do diesis minore | (Italian m.) C sharp minor, ut dièse mineur (French), Cis moll (German), do sostenido menor (Spanish m.)
 | the key of 'C sharp minor' |
Dodo | (English, German m.) someone whose style is out of fashion |
(English, German m.)a large, clumsy, flightless bird (Raphus cucullatus), formerly of the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean |
Dodompa | a Japanese style of tango |
Do doppio bemolle |  |
(Italian m.) the note 'C double flat', the doubly flatted key note of the scale of C major |
Do doppio diesis |  |
(Italian m.) the note 'C double sharp', the doubly sharped key note of the scale of C major |
Do double bémol |  |
(French m.) the note 'C double flat', the doubly flatted key note of the scale of C major |
Do double dièse |  |
(French m.) the note 'C double sharp', the doubly sharped key note of the scale of C major |
dodu | (French) plump |
Doedelzak | (Dutch/Belgium) bagpipe from Flanders |
Doff | a small, square Nubian drum |
Dogaressa | (German f.) dogaressa |
Doge | (English, German m.) formerly the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa |
Dogenamt | (German n.) dogate |
Dogenpalast | (German m.) Doge's Palace (in Venice) |
Dogenwürde | (German f.) dogate |
Dogge (s.), Doggen (pl.) | (German f.) Great Dane, mastiff |
Doghouse bass | see 'double bass' |
Dog Latin | unidiomatic or crude pidgin Latin intermixed with local tongues |
Doglia | (Italian) sorrow, grief, affliction |
dogliosamente | (Italian) sorrowfully |
doglioso | (Italian) sorrowful |
Dogma (s.), Dogmata (German pl., Italian pl.), Dogmen (German pl.) | (English, Spanish m., German n., from the Greek) principle, tenet or system of these |
dogmático | (Spanish) dogmatic |
Dogmatik | (German f.) dogmatics (used with singular verb) |
Dogmatiker (m.), Dogmatikerin (f.) | (German) dogmatist |
dogmatique | (French) dogmatic |
dogmatisch | (German) dogmatic, dogmatical, dogmatically, doctrinal |
dogmatisieren | (German) to dogmatise |
Dogmatismus | (German m.) dogmatism |
Dogme | (French m.) dogma |
Dogtooth | in architecture, decorative carved design of a line of four pointed stars set diagonally |
in fabric design, broken check resembling dog teeth |
Doh | see do |
Doh clef | see 'clef (sign)' |
Dohle (s.), Dohlen (pl.) | (German f.) jackdaw |
Döhnkes | (German pl. - northern Germany) yarns (stories) |
Dohol | Armenian percussion |
Dohollah | brass tabla |
Dohuk | (English, German n.) Dahuk, Duhok, Dehok, Dahok (city in Northern Iraq) |
Doigt | (French m.) finger |
Doigt couché | (French m.) a barré, a finger placed flat across the fret on two adjacent strings, so that there can be a smooth connection from one string to the next |
Doigt de pied | (French m.) toe |
Doigté (s.), Doigtés (pl.) | (French m.) fingering, Fingersatz (German m.) |
in French, the correspondence between number and finger is: 0 - corde à vide (open string), 1 - index (index finger), 2 - majeur (second finger), 3 - annulaire (ring finger), 4 - auriculaire (little finger) |
(French m.) touch, tact |
doigté | (French) fingered |
Doigté alternatif | (French m.) alternative fingering |
Doigté factice | (French m.) false fingering |
Doigté fourché | (French m.) cross-fingering, fork fingering |
Doigté ordinaire | (French m.) standard fingering |
doigter | (French) to finger (piano music, etc.) |
Doigt index | (French m.) index finger |
Doigt majeux | (French m.) middle finger |
Doily | in cooking, a fancy dish paper |
Doina | (English, German f.) this melancholic free lyrical song form is widespread in the folk traditions of many regions of Romania. The form may be related to, and may even have its origins in, the Romanian cintec de leagan, or lullaby |
Doira | Tajik frame drum |
the Uzbeck doira has one side of the wooden rim (with a diameter of up to fifty centimetres) covered with a tight leather membrane, while up to sixty metal rings are fixed on the other side. With fingers of both hands a musician beats out a tattoo on the tightly stretched leather while, at the same time, he shakes the doira thus accompanying the rhythmic sound strikes with melodical chime of the rings |
doit | (French) must |
Do-it-yourself | (English, German n.) of, relating to, or designed to be done by an amateur or as a hobby |
doivent | (French) must |
Dojo | (English, German n.) a hybrid instrument designed as a cross between the Dobro-style guitar and the banjo. The body and resonator are like the Dobro, while it is strung like a five-string banjo. The tunings and fingerings are also just like a banjo |
(English, German n.) a school for training in Japanese arts of self-defense, such as judo and karate |
Doksall | (Dutch) rood screen, choir screen, chancel screen, jubé (French), Lettner (German) |
Doktor (m.), Doktorin (f.), Doktoren (pl.) | (German) doctor, doc (colloquial) |
Doktorand (m.), Doktorandin (f.) | (German) postgraduate (student), doctoral candidate, doctoral student, post-graduate (student) |
Doktorandenseminar | (German n.) seminar for doctoral students |
Doktorarbeit (s.), Doktorarbeiten (pl.) | (German f.) (doctoral) thesis, dissertation, doctoral dissertation, doctoral thesis, theses (plural form) |
Doktorat | (German n.) doctorate |
Doktor beider Rechte | (German m.) Doctor of Canon and Civil Law |
Doktorbrille | (German f.) doctor's glasses, doctor's spectacles |
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften | (German m.) Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature |
Doktor der Medizin | (German m.) Doctor of Medicine |
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften | (German m.) Doctor of Science |
Doktor der Philosophie | (German m.) Doctor of Philosophy |
Doktor der Rechte | (German m.) Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Jurisprudence |
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft | (German m.) doctor of laws |
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften | (German m.) doctor of laws |
Doktor der Theologie | (German m.) Doctor of Divinity |
Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften | (German m.) Doctor of economics |
Doktor des Zivilrechts | (German m.) Doctor of Civil Law |
Doktorgrad | (German m.) doctoral degree |
Doktorhut | (German m.) mortarboard, mortar board, doctorate (figurative) |
Doktormutter | (German f.) thesis adviser (female) |
Doktortitel | (German m.) doctorate, doctoral degree |
Doktorvater | (German m.) supervisor, doctoral adviser, thesis adviser |
Doktorwürde | (German f.) doctorate, doctor's degree |
Doktrin | (German f.) doctrine |
doktrinär | (German) doctrinaire |
Doktrinarismus | (German m.) doctrinairism |
doktrinell | (German) doctrinal |
Doku | (German f.) documentary |
Doku-Drama | (German n.) docudrama |
Doku-Fiktion | (German f.) docufiction |
Dokument (s.), Dokumente (pl.) | (German n.) scripture, document, paper, record (in a database), testament (figurative) |
Dokumentar (m.), Dokumentarin (f.) | (German) documentalist |
Dokumentarbericht | (German m.) documentary |
dokumentäres Inkasso | (German n.) documentary collection |
Dokumentarfilm (s.), Dokumentarfilme (pl.) | (German m.) Kulturfilm (German m.), documentary film, documentary, documentary movie |
Dokumentarfilmer (m.), Dokumentarfilmerin (f.) | (German) documentary filmmaker |
Dokumentarfotografie | (German f.) documentary photography |
dokumentarisch | (German) documental, documentary |
dokumentarische Beweisführung | (German f.) documentary evidence |
Dokumentarist (m.), Dokumentaristin (f.) | (German) documentary filmmaker, documentarian, documentarist |
Dokumentarphotographie | (German f., older form) documentary photography |
Dokumentarreihe | (German f.) series of documentaries |
Dokumentarsendung | (German f.) feature (documentary) |
Dokumentarserie | (German f.) series of documentaries |
Dokumentarspielfilm | (German m.) documentary feature |
Dokumentation | (German f.) documentation, record keeping, documentary report |
Dokumentationsstelle | (German f.) clearing house, documentation centre |
Dokumentationssystem | (German n.) documentation system |
Dokumentationsunterlagen | (German pl.) documentation components |
Dokumentationsverantwortung | (German f.) responsibility for documentation |
Dokumentationszentrum | (German n.) documentation centre |
Dokumente des Falls | (German pl.) case papers |
Dokumente zum Inkasso | (German pl.) documents for collection |
Dokumente aushändigen | (German) to deliver documents |
Dokumente beibringen | (German) to furnish documents |
Dokumente beschlagnahmen | (German) to seize documents |
Dokumente freigeben | (German) to release documents |
Dokumente im Reißwolf vernichten | (German) to shred documents |
Dokumente prüfen | (German) to examine documents |
Dokumente übergeben | (German) to hand over documents |
Dokumentenauswertung | (German f.) document analysis |
Dokumentenbeschreibungssprache | (German f.) document description language |
Dokumentenbezeichnung | (German f.) document identification |
dokumentenecht | (German) permanent, document-quality, waterproof (ink) |
dokumentenfest | (German) waterproof (ink) |
dokumentenfeste Tinte | (German f.) indelible ink |
Dokumenteninhalt | (German m.) document contents |
Dokumentenmanagement | (German n.) document management |
Dokumentenmappe | (German f.) portfolio for documents, document folder |
Dokumentenpapier | (German n.) document paper |
Dokumentensammlung | (German f.) document collection |
Dokumentenstruktur (s.), Dokumentenstrukturen (pl.) | (German f.) document structure |
Dokumententasche | (German f.) briefcase, document case |
Dokumentenzentrum | (German n.) document centre |
dokumentierbar | (German) documentable |
dokumentieren | (German) to document |
dokumentierend | (German) documenting |
dokumentiert | (German) documented, accompanied by documents, recorded |
dokumentiert durch | (German) evidenced by |
Dokumentierung | (German f.) documentation |
Dokumentvorlage | (German f.) template |
Doku-Soap | (German f.) docusoap |
Dokusoap | (German f.) docusoap |
dol. | abbreviated form of dolce |
Dolak | see dholak |
Dólar | (Spanish m.) dollar |
Dolçaina | Spanish traditional reed instrument made from wood, about 70 cm long. The cone shaped dolçaina is usually found in the Valencia region. In many other parts of Spain it is known as dulzaina or gaita |
Dolcamente | misspelling of dolcemente |
Dolcan | an organ stop, of 8 ft. scale, the pipes of which are larger at the top than at the bottom. The names dulcan and blockflute are often incorrectly applied to this register |
dolce | (Italian) sweet, sweetly, soft, softly, gentle, gently, expressive, expressively |
a sweet-toned organ stop |
dolce con gusto | (Italian) softly and sweetly, with taste and delicacy |
dolce e lusingando | (Italian) in a soft and insinuating style |
dolce e piacevolmente espressivo | (Italian) soft, and with pleasing expression |
Dolce far niente | (Italian) peasant idleness, total relaxation |
dolce ma marcato | (Italian) soft and delicate, but marked and accented |
dolce maniera | (Italian) a delicate and expressive style of delivery |
dolcemente | (Italian) softly, sweetly, gently, agreeably |
dolcemente con rimpianto | (Italian) softly lamenting |
Dolce stil novo | see stilnovisti |
Dolce vita | (Italian) a life of combinig opulence with sensuality |
Dolcezza | (Italian f.) sweetness, softness of tone and expression |
Dolch (s.), Dolche (pl.) | (German m.) dagger, poniard, kukri (dagger) |
dolchartig | (German) dagger-like |
Dolchkampf | (German m.) dagger fight |
Dolchmesser | (German n.) dagger (knife) |
Dolchstich (s.), Dolchstiche (pl.) | (German m.) stab with a dagger, dagger stab |
Dolchstoß | (German m.) stab with the dagger, dagger thrust, stab in the back (figurative) |
Dolcian | see 'dulcian' |
Dolciano | (Italian) dulcian or dulciana, a small bassoon, formerly used as a tenor to the oboe |
or dulciana, a soft-toned organ stop |
dolciato | (Italian) softer, calmer |
dolcicanoro | (Italian) harmonious |
dolcificare | (Italian) to sweeten |
dolcificare con miele | (Italian) to sweeten with honey |
Dolcin | (Italian) dolciano |
Dolcinianer | (German pl.) Dulcinians |
Dolcino | (Italian) dolciano |
dolcis. | abbreviated form of dolcissimo |
dolciss. | abbreviated form of dolcissimo |
Dolcissimamente | (Italian) luscious, lusciously |
the marking is used in Etude No.3 Op. 3 by Alkan [entry provided by Anne Christopherson] |
dolcissimo | (Italian) very softly, very sweetly, with the utmost delicacy and sweetness |
a very soft-toned 8 ft. flute stop on the organ |
Dole | see timbila |
Doléances | (French f. pl.) grievances |
Doleful | mournful, sad, dreary, dismal, dolente (Italian), doloroso (Italian), schmerzvoll (German), douloureux (French m.), douloureuse (French f.) |
dolent | (German) painful, painfully |
dolentamente | misspelling of dolentemente |
dolente | (Italian) sorrowful, doleful, plaintive, pathetic, sad |
dolentemente | (Italian) sorrowfully, plaintively, dolefully |
dolentissimo | (Italian) very sorrowful |
doler | (Spanish) to hurt, to ache, to grieve (figurative) |
dolerle la garganta | (Spanish) to have a sore throat |
dolerse | (Spanish) to regret, to complain |
Doli | Georgian double-headed cylindrical drum |
doli incapax | (Latin) incapable of crime |
doll | (German) fantastic (familiar), awful, beautifully, very, badly |
Dollar (s.), Dollars (pl.) | (English, German m.) unit of currency (for example, in the United States of America) |
Dollar-Zeichen | (German n.) dollar sign ($) |
Dollarzeichen | (German n.) dollar sign ($) |
Dollbord (s.), Dollborde (pl.) | (German n.) wheal, wale, gunwale |
Dolle | (German f.) rowlock |
dolle | (German - Berlin) strong |
doller | (German) stronger |
Dolly | (English, German m.) a movable platform for a cine-camera, etc. |
(English) a baby or child fashioned as a child's toy |
Dollyfahrer | (German m.) dolly grip |
Dolm | (German m. - Austria) fool |
Dolman | (English, German m., in modern Turkish, dolmana) the uniform jacket of a Hussar, worn with the sleeves hanging loose |
a woman's garment with loose cape-like sleeves |
or dolman sleeve, a sleeve very wide at the shoulder and tapering to the wrist continuous with the front and back of the bodice |
Dolmen | (English, German m.) a prehistoric megalithic tomb typically having two large upright stones and a capstone |
Dolmetsch | (German m.) interpreter (Austrian, archaic), spokesman |
Dolmetschen | (German) interpreting |
dolmetschen | (German) to interpret, to act as an interpreter |
dolmetschend | (German) interpreting |
Dolmetscher (m.), Dolmetscherin (f.), Dolmetscher (pl.) | (German) interpreter, dragoman, interpretress (f.) |
Dolmetscher sein | (German) to act as an interpreter |
Dolmetscherinstitut | (German n.) institute for interpreters |
Dolmetschung | (German f.) interpretation, interpreting |
Dolmetsch von | (German) spokesman for |
Dolomiten | (German pl.) Dolomite Alps, the Dolomites |
Dolor | (Spanish m., German m.) pain, ache, sorrow (figurative), dolour |
U.S. form of dolour |
Dolor de cabeza | (Spanish m.) headache |
Dolor de estómago | (Spanish m.) stomach-ache |
Dolor de muelas | (Spanish m.) toothache |
Dolore | (Italian m.) grief, pain, pangs, sorrow, sadness |
Dolorimeter | (English, German n.) an instrument used to measure pain tolerance |
Dolorimetrie | (German f.) dolorimetry |
Dolorimetry | the measurement of pain sensitivity or pain intensity |
dolorosamente | (Italian) painfully, sadly, pathetically, dolorously, sorrowfully, tenderly |
dolorosemente | misspelling of dolorosamente |
doloroso | (Italian, Spanish) sad, sorrowful, pathetic, dolorous, painful |
Dolour | sorrow, distress |
Dolzflöte | (German f.) an obsolete transverse flute |
a soft-toned 8 ft. flute stop in an organ |
Dolziana | (Italian) oboe |
Dolziano | (Italian) oboe |
D.O.M. | abbreviation of Deo Optimo Maximo (Latin: for God the best and greatest) |
Dom (s.), Dome (pl.) | (German m.) cathedral, minster, dome (in geology) |
title of some Roman Catholic dignitaries, and Benedictine and Carthusian monks |
for example, Dom und St. Michael zu Hildesheim (German m.: St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church at Hildesheim), Dom zu Köln (German m.: Cologne Cathedral) |
Do maggiore |
 | (Italian m.) the key of 'C major' |
 | the scale of 'C major' |
Domain | (English, German f.) region, area, place, estate, sphere (region, area) |
Domaine | (French m.) estate, domain |
Domain Name System | (English, German n.) or DNS, a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or any resource participating in the Internet. This is the way that Internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol addresses |
Domainname | (German m.) domain name |
Domainregistrierung | (German f.) domain name registration |
Domain-Registrierungsstelle | (German f.) domain registry |
Dó maior |
 | (Portuguese) the key of 'C major' |
 | the scale of 'C major' |
Do majeur |
 | (French m.) the key of 'C major' |
 | the scale of 'C major' |
Do major |
 | (Catalan m.) the key of 'C major' |
 | the scale of 'C major' |
Domäne (s.), Domänen (pl.) | (German f.) domain, sphere, demesne (archaic), province (figurative), preserve (figurative) |
Domänenabfüllung | (German f.) domain bottled (wine) |
Domänenname | (German m.) domain name |
Domänennamenanbieter | (German m.) domain name server |
Domänenverwalter | (German m.) domain administrator |
Domatophobia | an abnormal fear of being in a house |
Domatophobie | (German f.) domatophobia |
Do mayor |
 | (Spanish m.) the key of 'C major' |
 | the scale of 'C major' |
domar | (Spanish) tame, break in (horse) |
Dombak | or dombeck, a Persian hourglass drum, also known in North Africa and Turkey as darbuka |
Dombaumeister (m), Dombaumeisterin (f.) | (German) master builder (of a cathedral) |
Dombek | see dombak |
Domchor | (German m.) cathedral choir, cathedral chorus |
Dome | a vault of even curvature erected on a circular base |
Dôme | (French m.) dome |
Do menor |
 | (Spanish m.) the key of 'C minor' |
Domesday Book | (English, German n.) record of a British census and land survey in 1085-1086 ordered by William the Conqueror |
domesticar | (Spanish) to domesticate |
Doméstico | (Spanish m.) servant |
doméstico | (Spanish) domestic |
Domestik | (German m.) domestic |
Domestikation | (German f.) domestication |
Domestike | (German m.) servant, domestic |
Domestikos | the soloist in a Byzantine choir |
Domestique | (French m./f.) servant |
domestique | (French) domestic |
domestiquer | (French) to domesticate |
domestizieren | (German) to domesticate, to tame (figurative) |
domestiziert | (German) domestic, domesticated |
Domgemeinde | (German f.) cathedral parish |
Domherr (m.), Domherrin (f.) | (German) capitular, cathedral canon, canon of the cathedral, canon (cleric) |
Domherr mit Residenzpflicht | (German m.) canon residentiary |
Domherrenpfründe | (German pl.) canon's stipend |
Domicile | (French m.) home |
Domicilio | (Spanish m.) home |
domicilité | (French) resident |
Domina | (German f.) dominatrix |
Dominación | (Spanish f.) domination, dominion |
dominant | (German) dominantly, dominant, ruling |
dominant (m.), dominante (f.) | (French) dominant |
Dominant | in ancient Greek music theory the dominant was so called because it was often the most prominant note in a chant. In some, but not all modes, the dominant was a fifth above the final, finalis, or key note |
(English, Danish, Swedish, Dutch) dominante (French), dominante (Italian), Dominante (German), dominante (Spanish), the fifth degree of the diatonic scale |
Dominantakkord | (German m.) dominant chord |
Dominant chord | the dominant triad |
dominant seventh chord |
Dominant diminished |  |
a 'whole-step, half-step, whole-step', diminished or 'octatonic' scale that starts with a half-step |
Dominante | (French f., German f., Italian, Spanish f., Portuguese) dominant, the fifth degree of the diatonic scale |
(French f.) dominant feature |
dominante | (Spanish) dominant, domineering (person) |
Dominante chromatique | (French f.) Sub 5 |
dominante Hand | (German f.) dominant hand |
Dominant eleventh chord | accordo di undicesima di dominante (Italian), accord de onzième dominante (French) |
a six-note chord built in thirds on the dominant, V |
dominantes Auge | (German n.) dominant eye |
Dominante secondaire | (French f.) secondary dominant |
Dominante substitutive | (French f.) Sub 5 |
Dominant four-three chord | a second inversion dominant seventh chord |
Dominant four-two chord | a third inversion dominant seventh chord |
Dominant function | any chord or sound that implies motion to the tonic |
Dominantketten | (German) extended dominant [information supplied by Georg Demcisin] |
Dominant ninth chord | accordo di nona di dominante (Italian), accord de neuvième dominante (French), Dominantnonenakkord (German) |
a five-note chord built in thirds on the dominant, V |
Dominantnonackord | (Swedish) dominant ninth chord [correction by Lars Hellvig] |
Dominantnoneakkord | (Norwegian, Danish) dominant ninth chord [correction by Lars Hellvig] |
(German m.) dominant ninth chord |
dominant noon Akkoord | (Dutch) dominant ninth chord |
Dominant preparation | any chord or sonority that acts as a link between the two poles of a harmonic axis and implying motion toward the pole of instability, for example a traditional example is the IV between I and V |
Dominant relation | the relation between a dominant chord and its tonic |
Dominant section | a section of a piece that is written in the key of the dominant, often lying between and contrasting with two sections written in the key of the tonic |
Dominantseptakkord | (German m.) dominant seventh chord |
dominant septiem Akkoord | (Dutch) dominant seventh chord |
Dominantseptimackord | (Swedish) dominant seventh chord |
Dominantseptimakkord | (Danish) dominant seventh chord |
Dominant seventh chord | acorde de séptima de dominante (Spanish), accordo di settima di dominante (Italian), accord de septième dominante (French), Dominantseptakkord (German) |
a chord comprising a minor 7th over a major triad |
Dominant seventh chord with lowered fifth | equivalent to the French sixth chord built on the lowered second degree of the scale |
Dominant six-five chord | a first inversion dominant seventh chord |
Dominant thirteenth chord | accordo di tredicesima di dominante (Italian), accord de treizième dominante (French) |
a seven-note chord built in thirds on the dominant, V |
Dominant triad | a triad having the dominant as its root |
Dominantti | (Finnish) dominant |
Dominanttinoonisointu | (Finnish) dominant ninth chord |
Dominanttiseptimisointu | (Finnish) dominant seventh chord |
Dominant van de dominant | (Dutch) secondary dominant chord |
Dominanz | (German f.) dominance, ability to influence, domination |
Domination | (English, French f.) the act of commanding or controlling |
Domination (s.), Dominationen (pl.) | (German f.) ascendence |
dominar | (Spanish) to dominate, to control, to have a good knowledge of, to stand out |
dominarse | (Spanish) to control oneself |
dominer | (French) to dominate, to tower over |
Domine salvum fac | a prayer for the reigning Sovereign, sung after the Mass |
Domingo | (Spanish m.) Sunday |
dominguero | (Spanish) Sunday |
Dominica | (English, German n.) the Commonwealth of Dominica, commonly known as Dominica, is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea that lies between Guadeloupe and Martinique |
dominical | (Spanish) Sunday |
Dominican | order of mendicant friars founded in the early 13th century by the Spanish St Dominic; also known as the Friars Preacher or the Black Friars |
Dominicaner (m.), Dominicanerin (f.) | (German) Dominican |
dominicanisch | (German) Dominican (of or pertaining to Dominica |
Dominican merengue | this Dominican Republic dance is in 2/4 time with syncopation of the first beat interpreted by the dancers as a slight limp |
dominieren | (German) to dominate, to predominate, to henpeck |
dominierend | (German) dominating, henpecking, commanding, dominant |
dominiert | (German) dominates, henpecks, dominated |
dominierte | (German) dominated |
Dominik | (German m.) Dominic |
Dominika | (German f.) Dominica |
Dominikaner (m.), Dominikanerin (f.) | (German) Dominican friar (m.), Dominican nun (f.), Black friar (m.), Dominican, Friar preacher (m.) |
Dominikaner | (German pl.) Friars Preachers, Black Friars, Dominicans |
Dominikanerinnenkloster | (German n.) Dominican convent |
Dominikanerkirche | (German f.) Dominican church |
Dominikanerkloster | (German n.) Dominican monastery |
Dominikanermönch | (German m.) Dominican Friar, Black Friar, Dominican monk |
Dominikanernonne | (German f.) Dominican nun |
Dominikanerorden | (German m.) Order of St. Dominic, Dominicans, Dominican Order |
Dominikanerschwester | (German f.) Dominican sister |
Dominikanerterziar | (German m.) member of the third order of the Dominicans |
dominikanisch | (German) Dominican (of or pertaining to Dominican Republic) |
Dominikanische Republik | (German f.) Dominican Republic |
dominikanischer Einwanderer | (German m.) plantain, a member of the banana family that is always used cooked (slang) |
Dominikanischer Peso | (German m.) Dominican peso (unit of currency of the Dominican Republic) |
Dominio | (Spanish m.) authority, domain, good knowledge (figurative) |
Dominion | (English, German n.) dominance or power through legal authority |
(English, German n.) refers to one of a group of autonomous polities under sovereign authority within the British Empire and British Commonwealth |
Domino | (German n.) domino |
Domino | (English, Spanish m., German n., French m., Italian m.) loose cloak worn at masquerades with a half-mask, the half-mask itself |
(English, German n.) dominoes (game) |
Dominó | (Spanish m.) dominoes (game) |
Dominoeffekt | (German m.) domino effect, knock-on effect |
Domino-Effekt | (German m.) domino effect |
Dominospiel | (German n.) domino (piece used in the game of dominoes) |
Domino spielen | (German) to play at dominoes |
Do minore |
 | (French m.) the key of 'C minor' |
Dominostein (s.), Dominosteine (pl.) | (German m.) domino (piece used in the game of dominoes) |
Dominotheorie | (German f.) domino theory |
Dominus illuminatio mea | (Latin, literally 'The Lord is my light') the motto of the University of Oxford |
Dominus vobiscum | (Latin) may the Lord be with you |
Domizil (s.), Domizile (pl.) | (German n.) domicile, abode |
domizilieren | (German) to domicile |
domiziliert | (German) domiciled |
Domkapelle | (German f.) cathedral chapel |
Domkapellmeister | (German m.) Master of the Music, Master of the Choristers, Director of Music, etc. |
Domkapitel | (German n.) chapter, diocesan chapter, chapter in a cathedral |
Domkappe | (German f.) dome top cap (valve) |
Domkirche | (German f.) a cathedral |
Dommage | (French m.) harm |
Dommages | (French m.) damage |
Dommages-intérêts | (French m. pl.) damages (legal) |
Domp | see 'dump' |
Dompe | see 'dump' |
Dompfaff | (German m.) bullfinch |
dompter | (French) to tame |
Dompter (m.), Dompteuse (f.) | (French) tamer |
Dompteur (m.), Dompteuse (French f.), Dompteurin (German f.) | (German, French) the trainer of wild animals, animal tamer |
Domra | (English, German f.) a central Asian or Russian plucked string instrument with a convex back, rather like a mandolin, used in folk music. Although it originally had only 2 strings, today's instruments generally have 3 or 4 |
name | number of strings | tuning |
piccolo domra | rarely used |
prima domra | 3 | tuned in fourths |
prima domra | 4 | tuned in fifths (similar to the violin family) |
alto domra | 3 | tuned in fourths |
alto domra | 4 | tuned in fifths (similar to the violin family) |
tenor domra | 3 | tuned in fourths |
tenor domra | 4 | tuned in fifths (similar to the violin family) |
bass domra | 3 | tuned in fourths |
bass domra | 4 | tuned in fourths |
Ukrainian contrabass | 3 | tuned in fourths |
Ukrainian contrabass | 4 | tuned in fourths |
all have round or oval faces and rounded backs made of from five to nine sections |
all domras are played with picks |
Domschule | (German f.) cathedral school |
Domsingknaben | (German pl.) cathedral boy's choir, cathedral boys' choir, cathedral boys choir |
Domstadt | (German f.) cathedral city |
Domstift | (German n.) cathedral chapter |
Domstrebe | (German f.) strut brace |
Don | (French m.) gift (present, aptitude) |
(Spanish m.) talent, gift, the equivalent in Spanish to Mr. |
Don | (English, German m.) the name of rivers in Russia, England and Scotland |
Doña | (Spanish f.) (as a title) Mrs |
Donación | (Spanish f.) donation |
Donaire | (Spanish m.) grace, charm |
Donaldism | a reference to the fan culture that surrounds the world of Disney comics and animated motion pictures and shorts |
Donaldismus | (German m.) donaldism |
Dona nobis pacem | (Latin, literally 'grant us peace') the closing movement in the Mass |
Donant | (Spanish m.) donor (of blood) |
Donar | (German m.) Thor (German god of thunder) |
donar | (Spanish) to donate |
Donarshammer | (German m.) hammer of Thor |
Donateur (m.), Donatrice (f.) | (French) donor |
Donation | (English, French f.) gift (usually to charity) |
Donatism | a heresy of the medieval period which included the belief that baptisms, marriages, confessions, funerals, communion services, and other church rituals were invalid if the priest performing the ceremony was in a state of sin |
Donatismus | (German m.) Donatism |
Donatisten | (German pl.) Donatists |
Donator | (German m. - Switzerland, Austria) sponsor |
Donau | (German f.) Danube |
Donau- | (German) Danubian (prefix) |
Donauanrainerstaaten | (German pl.) Danube countries |
Donaudelta | (German n.) Danube delta |
Donauebene | (German f.) Danube plain, Danubian plain |
Donaufürstentümer | (German pl.) Danubian principalities |
Donauhafen | (German m.) Danubian port |
Donauländer | (German pl.) Danube countries, Danubian countries |
Donaulandschaft | (German f.) Danube landscape, landscape along the Danube |
Donauraum | (German m.) Danube region |
Donauschwabe (m.), Donauschwäbin (f.), Donauschwaben (pl.) | (German) Danube Swabian |
donauschwäbisch | (German) Danube-Swabian |
Donaustädte | (German pl.) towns along the Danube, towns on the Danube |
Donauwalzer | (German) The Blue Danube (waltz by Johann Strauss II) |
Donauwelle | (German f.) chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries |
Donbak | see dombak |
donc | (French) so, then, therefore |
Doncella | (Spanish f.) maid |
Dondang sayang | (literally 'Love Song' or 'Dear Song') slow folk music that mixes Malaysian forms with Portuguese, India, Chinese and Arabic music |
donde | (Spanish) where |
dondequiera | (Spanish) anywhere, everywhere |
dondequiera que | (Spanish) wherever |
dondolando | (Italian) rocking, swinging (suggested by Weed) |
Dondon | also dondo or don-don, talking drum from Ghana, hourglass shaped, variable pitch pressure drum, also known as the dun-dun or, in Nigeria, gbedun |
Dondondo | Ghanaian thumb bell |
Donegal fiddle tradition | Irish traditional music, based on a tradition, or set of coexisting traditions, at least 200 years old, of playing the fiddle in County Donegal, Ireland. Donegal is a remote, partly Irish-speaking county in northwestern Ireland and one of the three counties of the northern Irish province of Ulster that are part of the Republic of Ireland. Donegal's tradition of fiddle playing has completely eclipsed other instrumental traditions in the county |
Döner | (German m.) also donair, doner, donner, kebab, abbreviation for Dönerkebab |
Dönerbude | (German f.) kebab shop |
Döner Imbiss | (German m.) kebab shop |
Döner kebab | Turkish national dish made of meat cooked on a vertical spit and sliced off |
Dönerkebab | (German m.) doner kebab |
Dönerkebap | (German m.) doner kebab |
Donets Basin | also Donbas or Donbass, a major industrial region of eastern Ukraine and southeast Russia north of the Sea of Azov and west of the Donets River |
Donetsk | a large indistrial city in eastern Ukraine |
Donezbecken | (German n.) Donets Basin, Donbas, Donbass |
Donezk | (German n.) Donetsk |
Dongbula | a plucked stringed musical instrument of Kazak ethnicity in ancient China. In the Turkic language, the name dongbula has special meaning, dong describing the sound, and bula meaning 'to fix the strings' |
- Dongbula from which this extract has been taken
Dongjing yinyue | (Chinese, literally 'cave scripture music') a traditional music of the Nakhi (Naxi or Nahi) people of Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China, which has its roots in Taoist and Buddhist ritual music |
Dongle | (English, German m.) or, in English, hardlock, an electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software |
Dongxiao | (China) or xiao, end-blown flute |
Donjiang | alternative form of dongjing |
Donjon | (English, German m., French m.) fortified tower, a fortified central tower in a medieval castle, a keep |
Don Juan | (English, German m.) or, in English, Lothario, a libertine or profligate, a man who is an obsessive seducer of women and became the hero of many poems and plays and operas (named for Don Juan, legendary fourteenth-century Spanish nobleman) |
Donkeyjacke | (German f.) donkey jacket |
Donkey jacket | a short thick jacket, often worn by workmen |
Donna | the principal female singers in an opera, as in prima donna assoluta (Italian: the first or principal female singer) |
Donna nobis pacem | (Latin) Grant us peace |
Donne | (Italian f. pl.) ladies |
donné (m.), donnée (f.) | (French) given, dirt cheap |
donnée | (French f.) the subject or theme of a story, the material that forms the foundation of a writer's work. Some common examples include the assumption that young love is fickle, that society is bleak or dangerous for survivors of warfare, that guilt is inescapable, that following one's heart (or head) leads to happiness (or heartbreak), and so on |
Données | (French f. pl.) data (science), facts (of a problem) |
Donner | (German m.) thunder, boom (sound) |
donner | (French) to give, to give away, to give out, to produce, to show (film), to put on (a show) |
donner à réparer | (French) to take to be repaired |
Donnerbalken | (German m.) thunderbox |
Donnerblech | (German n.) thunder sheet |
Donnerbüchse | (German f.) blunderbuss |
donner dans | (French) to fall into (trap) |
Donnergang | (German m.) peal of thunder |
Donnergrollen | (German n.) roll of thunder, rolling thunder |
Donnerhall | (German m.) echo of thunder |
Donnerkeil | (German m.) bolt, thunderbolt |
Donnerkrachen | (German n.) clap of thunder |
donner la becquée à | (French) to spoonfeed (figurative) |
donner le jour | (French) to give birth |
donner le ton | (French) to give the pitch |
donner l'éveil à | (French) to arouse the suspicions of |
donner l'exemple | (French) to set an example |
donner lieu à | (French) to give rise to |
Donnermaschine | (German f.) thunder machine |
Donnern | (German n.) clap of thunder, peal of thunder |
donnern | (German) to thunder, to boom, to plummet, to fulminate, to crump (artillery) |
donnernd | (German) thundering, thunderously, thunderous, fulminating (figurative), fulminant |
donnernd einschlagen | (German) to crump (artillery) |
donnernde Rede | (German f.) blood-and-thunder speech |
donnernder Beifall | (German m.) thunderous applause |
Donnerrollen | (German n.) rolling thunder |
donner sa langue au chat | (French) to give in, to give up |
Donnerschlag (s.), Donnerschläge (pl.) | (German m.) peal of thunder, thunderclap, clap of thunder, crack of thunder |
donner soif à | (French) to make thirsty |
Donnerstag (s.), Donnerstage (pl.) | (German m.) Thursday |
Donnerstagabend | (German m.) Thursday evening |
Donnerstag in einer Woche | (German) on Thursday week, a week from Thursday |
Donnerstagmorgen | (German m.) Thursday morning |
Donnerstagnachmittag | (German m.) Thursday afternoon |
donnerstags | (German) on Thursdays |
Donnerstimme (s.), Donnerstimmen (pl.) | (German f.) thundering voice |
donner sur | (French) to look out on to |
donnert | (German) fulminates, thunders |
donnerte | (German) thundered, fulminated |
donner tort à | (French) to prove wrong |
donner un cor | (French) to blow a French horn |
Donnerwetter | (German n.) thunderstorm, telling-off (familar), row (argument), good scolding |
Donnerwetter! | (German) Golly! (colloquial), Gosh! (colloquial), Wow! (colloquial) |
Donneur (m.), Donneuse (f.) | (French) donor (slang) |
Donno | hour-glass shaped talking drum from Ghana, popular with the Dagomba people |
Donnybrook | an uproar, a free-for-all (after Donnybrook fair, held annually in Donnybrook, a suburb of Dublin, Ireland) |
Don Quichotte | (German m.) Don Quixote |
Donquichotterie | (German f.) quixotic project, quixotism, quixotry |
donquichottisch | (German) quixotic |
Don Quijote | (German m.) Don Quixote |
Don Quixote | the anglicized form of the name of the eponymous hero of the novel Don Quijote de la Mancha by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) |
Don Quixote von la Mancha | (German) Don Quijote de la Mancha |
Donsloy ryley | authentic Russian hurdy-gurdy with oval body and an attached triangular keybox |
dont | (French) whose, of which, of whom, from which, in which |
Donut | (English, German m.) also doughnut, in English, a sweet, deep-fried piece of dough or batter |
- Donut from which this extract has been taken
Doodad | a trivial or superfluous ornament |
Doof | an outdoor party, generally held in remote areas. Similar to a rave, but with a different, more empathetic atmosphere, these parties generally have live electronic artists and DJs playing a range of electronic music, commonly Goa and psychedelic trance |
- Doof from which this extract has been taken
doof | (German) stupid, stupidly (familiar), dopey (colloquial), gormless (colloquial), dumb (colloquial), silly, thivk (colloquial), dense (colloquial), daft (colloquial), soft in the head (colloquial), thick-headed (colloquial) |
doof fragen | (German) to ask a stupid question (colloquial) |
doofe Nuss | (German f.) stupid cow (colloquial) |
Doofheit | (German f.) thick-headedness |
Doofmann | (German m.) dimwit (colloquial) |
Doom metal | a form of heavy metal that emerged as a recognised subgenre in the mid-1980s. It is slow and heavy and intended to evoke an atmosphere of darkness, despair and melancholy |
Doomsday Book | (English, German n.) see 'Domesday Book' |
Doorinen moodi | (Finnish) Dorian mode |
Doorgangstoon | (Dutch) passing note |
Doorkeeper | the fourth rank of minor orders of the ministry; their functions were similar to those of a modern verger, heading processions and undertaking general care of the church fabric |
doorklinken | (Dutch) to sustain, to resound [corrected by Peter Nilsson] |
doorklinken (meaning to sustain) is used for the passive 'sounding on' or 'reverberation' of percussion or a piano with the sustaining pedal depressed, while aanhouden (also meaning to sustain) is used for the active continuation of a note on strings or wind, where the player continues to generate the tone [clarification by Peter Nilsson] |
Doorklinkpedaal | (Dutch) sustaining pedal, loud pedal [corrected by Peter Nilsson] |
Dooshalsluitinstrumenten | (Dutch) necked box lutes (for example, viol, viola da gamba, guitar, cittern, banjo) |
Doo-wop | (English, Doo-Wop German m.) a subgenre of rhythm 'n' blues, an a cappella style developed by vocal groups in New York City streets c. 1945-55 |
Dopage | (French m.) doping |
Dó paper | one kind of traditional paper, chosen because it is long-lasting, produced from the bark of Rhamnoneuron balansae in many villages in Vietnam. It plays an important role in fine art - in particular, in Dong-ho painting |
Dope | (German n.) dope (colloquial) (drugs) |
dopen | (German) to dope |
Doper | (German m.) drug-taker |
doper | (French) to dope |
Doping | (English, German n.) illicit use of drugs before sporting events |
Dopingaffäre | (German f.) doping case |
Dopingbekämpfung | (German f.) fight against doping |
Dopingbestimmung (s.), Dopingbestimmungen (pl.) | (German f.) anti-doping policy, anti-doping regulation |
Dopingfall | (German m.) doping case |
Dopinggerüchte | (German pl.) doping rumours |
Dopingkontrolle | (German f.) drugs test, drugs testing, doping check, drug test |
Dopingmittel | (German n.) drug, doping agent, doping substance |
Dopingregeln | (German pl.) anti-doping rules |
Dopingskandal | (German m.) doping scandal |
Dopingsperre | (German f.) doping ban, doping suspension |
Dopingsünder (m.), Dopingsünderin (f.) | (German) drug taker |
Dopingtest | (German m.) drugs test, dope test, doping test |
Dopingverdacht | (German m.) doping suspicion |
Dopingverdächtiger | (German m.) doping suspect |
Dopingvergehen | (German n.) doping offence |
Dopingvorwurf | (German m.) doping charge |
Dopingvorwürfe | (German f.) accusations of doping |
dopo | (Italian) after, afterward |
Doppel | (German n.) double, duplicate, doubles (tennis) |
Doppel- | (German) double (prefix) |
Doppeladler | (German m.) double-headed eagle, two-headed eagle, double eagle |
Doppelagent | (German m.) double agent |
Doppelalbum | (German n.) double album |
Doppelangebot | (German n.) twofer (two for the price of one) |
Doppelanschlag | (German m.) twin attack |
Doppelarbeit | (German f.) duplication of work |
doppeläufige Flinte | (German f.) double-barreled shotgun |
Doppelaussage (s.), Doppelaussagen (pl.) | (German f.) tautology |
Doppelauszeichnung | (German f.) dual pricing, double pricing (for example, in euro and pounds) |
Doppel-b |  | (German n.) double flat sign, the sign that lowers a note by two semitones |
Doppel-be |  | (German n.) double flat sign, the sign that lowers a note by two semitones |
Doppelbelegung | (German f.) double occupancy |
Doppelbelichtung | (German f.) double exposure |
Doppelbelichtungssperre | (German f.) double exposure prevention |
Doppelbenennungen | (German pl.) binomials |
Doppelbesteuerung | (German f.) double taxation |
Doppelbestrafung | (German f.) double jeopardy |
Doppelbett | (German n.) double bed, twin bed (double bed) |
Doppelbettcouch | (German f.) studio couch |
Doppelbetten | (German pl.) double beds |
Doppelbild | (German n.) double image |
Doppelbiographie | (German f.) double biography |
Doppelbistouri | (German n.) double-ended scalpel |
Doppelblatt | (German n., literally 'double leaf') double reed (as for oboe, cor anglais, bassoon) |
Doppelblattinstrument | (German n.) double reed instrument |
doppelblind | (German) double-blind |
Doppelblindversuch | (German m.) double-blind test |
Doppelboden | (German m.) raised floor, access floor, double bottom, false floor |
doppelbödig | (German) ambiguous |
Doppelbödigkeit | (German f.) ambiguity |
Doppelbogen | (German m.) double sheet, transverse arch |
Doppelbogey | (German n.) double bogey (golf score) |
doppelbrechend | (German) birefringent (optics) |
Doppelbrechung | (German f.) double refraction, birefringence |
Doppelbrenner | (German m.) double burner |
Doppelbruch | (German m.) compound fraction |
Doppelbuchstabe | (German m.) ligature |
Doppelbürgerschaft | (German f.) dual citizenship |
Doppel-CD | (German f.) double CD |
Doppelchor | (German m.) double choir |
Doppelcis | (German) C double sharp |
Doppeldecker | (German m.) doubledecker (bus) |
Doppeldecker | (German m.) double decker, biplane, double-deck bus |
Doppeldeckerbus | (German m.) double-decker (bus) |
Doppeldecker-Straßenbahn | (German f.) double-deck tram, double-decker tram |
Doppeldenk | (German n.) doublethink (from George Orwell's novel 1984) |
doppeldeutig | (German) ambiguously, ambivalent |
doppeldeutig aussehen | (German) to look ambiguous |
doppeldeutiges Gerede | (German n.) doubletalk, double talk |
Doppeldeutigkeit | (German f.) double entendre, ambiguity |
Doppeldeutung | (German f.) dittology |
Doppeldolch | (German m.) double dagger mark |
Doppeldominante | (German f.) the dominant of the dominant to a tonic |
Doppeldotter | (German m./n.) double yolk |
Doppeldruck | (German m.) double strike, double impression |
Doppeldruckverfahren | (German n.) overprinting |
Doppelehe | (German f.) bigamy |
Doppeleintrag | (German m.) double-entry |
doppelendig | (German) double-ended |
Doppeletagenwohnung | (German f.) maisonette |
Doppelfagott | (German n.) double bassoon |
Doppelfalzzahl | (German f.) number of double folds |
Doppelfehler | (German m.) double fault (tennis), double error |
Doppelfenster | (German n.) double window |
Doppelfernrohr (s.), Doppelfernröhre (pl.) | (German n.) binocular |
Doppelfinale | (German n.) doubles final (tennis) |
Doppelflöte | (German f., literally 'double flute') also double flute pipe (English) or doppel flute pipe, an organ stop, where the pipes have two mouths, giving the tone a particularly bright character. Their penetrating sound was exploited particularly in large orchestrions by being used, with a smaller scale and pitched an octave higher, as a piccolo stop |
Doppelflügel | (German m.) double grand piano, also called diaplasion and vis-à-vis, having at both ends one or two keyboards acting on separate strings |
see piano à claviers renversés |
Doppelfraktur | (German f.) double fracture |
Doppelfuge | (German f.) double fugue |
Doppelfüßer | (German m.) millipede |
Doppelgabelschlüssel | (German m.) open-end wrench, double open-end wrench, double open-end spanner, double-ended open-jawed spanner |
Doppelgänger (m.), Doppelgängerin (f.), Doppelgänger (pl.) | (German) double (someone who looks the same as another, sometimes a supernatural manifestation), lookalike, double-ganger, look-alike |
Doppelganz |  | (German n.) a breve (double whole note) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doppelganze Pause |  | (German f.) a breve rest (double whole rest) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doppelganznote | (German f.) synonymous with Doppelganz (German: breve) |
Doppelgarage | (German f.) double garage |
Doppel-gedackt | (German) in an organ, a double stopped diapason |
Doppelgeige | (German f.) viola d'amore |
doppelgeschlechtig | (German) hermaphrodite |
doppelgeschlechtlich | (German) bisexual |
Doppelgeschlechtlichkeit | (German f.) bisexuality |
doppelgesichtig | (German) ambivalent |
Doppelgestalt | (German f.) biformity |
Doppelgewebe | (German n.) two-ply fabric, double fabric |
Doppelglas | (German n.) double glazing |
Doppelglasfenster (s./pl.) | (German n.) double-glazed window |
doppelgleisige Eisenbahn | (German f.) double track railway |
Doppelgleisigkeit | (German f. - Austria) duplication of work |
Doppelgriff (s.), Doppelgriffe (pl.) | (German m.) (abbreviated Dpplgr.), double stopping, the technique of playing two separate notes simultaneously using two neighbouring strings on a stringed instrument (either or both may be open or stopped), doppia corda (Italian f.), double corde (French f.) |
(German m.) double thirds and sixths played on the pianoforte |
(German m.) alternate fingerings for a same note on woodwind instruments [entry provided by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Doppelgriffe (German pl.: parallel thirds, sixths, etc. - played with one hand on the piano) |
Doppelhaus | (German n.) pair of semi-detached houses, duplex, semi-detached house, semi (colloquial) |
Doppelhaushälfte | (German f.) semi-detached building, semidetached house, semi-detached house, villa (semi-detached house) |
Doppelhebel | (German m.) double lever |
Doppelheft | (German n.) extra-thick exercise book, double issue (newspaper) |
Doppelhelix | (German f.) double helix |
Doppelhelixkonfiguration | (German f.) double-helix configuration |
Doppelherrschaft | (German f.) co-sovereignty, diarchy |
Doppelhieb-Feile | (German f.) double-cut file |
Doppelhochzeit | (German f.) double wedding |
Doppelhorn | (German n.) double horn |
Doppelhub | (German m.) double stroke |
Doppelimpuls | (German m.) double pulse |
Doppelintegral | (German n.) double integral |
Doppelkabel | (German n.) dual cable, twisted pair cable |
Doppelkabine | (German f.) crew cab |
Doppelkammer | (German f.) twin cabin |
Doppelkanon | (German m.) double canon |
Doppelkauf | (German m.) duplex purchase |
Doppelkegeldämfer | (German m.) double mute |
Doppelkeks mit Vanillecremefüllung | (German m.) custard cream (biscuit) |
Doppelkinderwagen | (German m.) double pram (for children) |
Doppelkinn | (German n.) double chin |
Doppelklappe | (German f.) double key |
Doppelklick | (German m.) double-click |
doppelklicken | (German) to double-click |
Doppelklingenrasierer | (German m.) double-blade shaver |
Doppelklingen-Rasierer | (German m.) double-blade shaver |
Doppelkloster | (German n.) double monastery |
Doppelkönigtum | (German n.) dual kingship |
Doppelkonsonant | (German m.) double consonant |
Doppelkontaktverfahren | (German n.) double contact process |
Doppelkontinent Amerika | (German m.) the (two) American continents, the Americas |
Doppelkonus-trommel | (German f.) double-conical drum |
Doppelkonzert | (German n.) double concerto |
Doppelkopf | (German m.) a German card game |
doppelköpfiger Adler | (German m.) double-headed eagle, two-headed eagle, double eagle |
Doppelkreisstempel | (German m.) double circle postmark |
Doppelkreuz | (German n.) patriarchal cross, double cross |
 | (German n.) double sharp sign, the sign that raises a note by two semitones |
Doppelkreuz-Zeichen | (German n.) number sign, hash, (#) |
(German n.) double sharp symbol |
Doppelkurve | (German f.) double curve |
doppelläufig | (German) double-barrelled |
doppelläufiges Gewehr | (German n.) double-barrelled shotgun |
Doppellaut | (German m.) diphthong |
Doppelleben | (German n.) double life |
Doppelleittonkadenz | (German f.) double leading tone (or note) cadence, a parallel cadence in which the middle voice reaches the ultima by a semitone
[entry provided by Michael Zapf] |
Doppelloch (s.), Doppellöcher (pl.) | (German n.) double hole |
Doppelmagnum | (German f.) jeroboam, double magnum |
Doppelmagnumflasche | (German f.) jeroboam |
Doppelmantel | (German m.) double shell, jacket (water tank) |
Doppelmantelbehälter | (German m.) jacketed tank |
doppelmanteliger Tank | (German m.) jacketed tank |
Doppelmaulschlüssel | (German m.) open-end wrench, double-end flare nut wrench, double open-end wrench, double open-end spanner, double-ended open-jawed spanner |
Doppelmonarchie | (German f.) Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary 1867-1918) |
Doppelmoppel | (German m.) tautology, something done twice, unnecessary repetition |
Doppelmoral | (German f.) double standard, double standards |
Doppelmord | (German m.) double homicide, double murder |
Doppelmottete | (German f.) double motet |
Doppeln | (German n.) duplicating |
doppeln | (German) to double, to duplicate |
Doppelnähte | (German pl.) double-stitched seams |
Doppelname | (German m.) double-barrelled name, double name |
Doppelnatur | (German f.) dual nature |
Doppeloctave | (German f.) an interval of two octaves, a fifteenth [additional information by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Doppeloktave | (German f., preferred) an interval of two octaves, a fifteenth [additional information by Brian A. Jefferies] |
Doppeloktavierungszeichen | (German n.) double-octave transposition mark (for example, 15va) |
Doppeloperationsverstärker | (German m.) dual operational amplifier |
Doppelöse | (German f.) double eyelet |
Doppelpack | (German m.) double pack, twin pack |
Doppelpaddel | (German n.) double-bladed paddle |
Doppelpartner (m.), Doppelpartnerin (f.) | (German) doubles partner (tennis, badminton) |
Doppelpedalharfe | (German f.) double-action harp, arpa a doppio movimento (Italian f.), harpe à double accrochement (French f.), harpe à double mouvement (French f.), arpa de doble acción (Spanish f.) |
doppelpolig | (German) bipolar, double-pole (switch) |
Doppelporträt | (German n.) double portrait |
Doppelpulslaser | (German m.) double pulse laser |
Doppelpunkt (s.), Doppelpunkte (pl.) | (German m.) double dot (music), colon (grammar) |
Doppelratschenschlüssel | (German m.) reversible ratchet wrench |
Doppelregenbogen | (German m.) double rainbow |
Doppelreihe | (German f.) double series, double-breasted (jacket, etc.) |
Doppelreim | (German m.) double rhyme |
doppelrichtend | (German) bidirectional (antenna, etc.) |
Doppelring | (German m.) double ring |
Doppelringschlüssel | (German m.) double-end box wrench, double-end ring spanner, double-ended ring wrench |
Doppelrohrblatt (s.), Doppelrohrblätter (pl.) | (German n.) double reed, lengüeta doble (Spanish f.), caña doble (Spanish f.), ancia doppia (Italian f.), Doppelzunge (German f.), anche double (French f.) |
Doppelrolle | (German f.) double role, dual role, double pulley |
Doppelrumpfboot | (German f.) catamaran |
Doppelsahne | (German f.) double cream |
Doppelsaite | (German f.) double course of strings (that is a pair of strings tuned to the same note) |
Doppelscheinwerfer | (German pl.) twin headlights, twin headlamps |
Doppelschlag (s.), Doppelschläge (pl.) | (German m.) turn (ornament), single relish (ornament) |
Doppelschlitten | (German m.) bobsleigh |
Doppelschnitte | (German f.) sandwich |
Doppelseite | (German f.) double page, spread, leaf (of book) |
doppelseitig | (German) two-sided, double-sided, dual-sided, double-ended, on both sides, double-page, reversible |
doppelseitig gelähmt | (German) paraplegic |
doppelseitige Diskette | (German f.) double sided disk |
doppelseitiges Klebeband | (German n.) double faced adhesive tape, double-sided (adhesive) tape |
Doppelselbstmord | (German m.) double suicide |
doppelsinnig | (German) ambiguous, equivocal |
Doppelsinnigkeit | (German f.) ambiguity |
Doppelsitzer | (German m.) two-seater |
Doppelspalte | (German f.) double column |
Doppelspiel | (German n.) (game of) doubles (tennis, badminton), double-cross, double-dealing (figurative) |
Doppelspieler (m.), Doppelspielerin (f.) | (German) doubles player (tennis, badminton) |
Doppelspitze | (German f.) dual leadership |
Doppelspüle | (German f.) double bowl sink |
doppelspurige Schnellstraße | (German f.) dual carriageway |
Doppelstaatigkeit | (German f.) dual citizenship |
Doppelstaatlichkeit | (German f.) dual citizenship |
Doppelstaatsangehörigkeit | (German f.) dual nationality, dual citizenship |
Doppelstadt | (German f.) twin town, twin towns (neighbouring towns), twin cities (neighbouring cities) |
Doppelstandard | (German m.) double standard |
Doppelsteckdose | (German f.) double socket, duplex outlet |
Doppelstecker (s./pl.) | (German m.) two-way adapter |
Doppelsteckschlüssel | (German m.) double-end socket wrench |
Doppelstern | (German m.) binary star, double star |
Doppelsteuerung | (German f.) dual controls |
Doppelstockbett | (German n.) bunk bed |
Doppelstockbus | (German m.) double-decker bus, double deck coach |
doppelstöckig | (German) two-storey, twin-storey |
Doppelstockwagen | (German m.) double-deck coach, double-deck carriage |
Doppelstockzug | (German m.) double-deck train |
doppelsträngig | (German) double-stranded |
Doppelstrich |  | (German m.) a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work [entry corrected by Fabian Prolingheuer] |
Doppelsubdominante | (German f.) the subdominant of the subdominant to a tonic |
Doppelsuite | (German f.) duplex suite |
Doppelsumme | (German f.) double sum |
doppelt | (German) twin, double, doubly, twice, duplex, duplicate, dual, false (bottom) |
doppelt abgewinkelt | (German) double-angled |
Doppeltaktnote |  | (German f.) a breve (double whole note) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doppeltaktpause |  | (German f.) a breve rest, a double whole rest equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doppeltaktstrich | (German m.) double bar (line) |
Doppeltarif | (German m.) double tariff |
doppelt backen | (German) to bake twice |
doppelt bewehrt | (German) double reinforced |
doppeltbreite Schrift | (German f.) expanded type |
doppelt breites Zeichen | (German n.) elongated character |
doppelt dichtend | (German) double-sealing |
doppelte Abtastung | (German f.) double reading |
doppelte Auslösung | (German f.) double hopper, escapement |
doppelte Bedeutung | (German f.) double meaning |
doppelte Belastung | (German f.) double burden |
doppelte Breite | (German f.) double width |
doppelte Buchführung | (German f.) double entry bookkeeping, double-entry accounting, double-entry bookkeeping |
doppelte Dualspannungssteckdoseneinheit | (German f.) twin shaver socket with dual voltage |
doppelte Erklärung | (German f.) tautology |
doppelte Fahrbahn | (German f.) dual carriageway |
doppelte Genauigkeit | (German f.) double precision |
doppelte Geschwindigkeit | (German f.) double the speed |
doppelte Hahnbewegung | (German f.) double action (of a pistol, revolver) |
doppelt geschlitzter Rock | (German m.) double-slit skirt |
doppelte Intensität | (German f.) dual intensity, double density |
doppelte Kontrolle | (German f.) dual control |
doppelte Länge | (German f.) double length |
doppelte Mehrheit | (German f.) double majority |
doppelte Moral | (German f.) double standards |
doppelt entlohnt | (German) double-waged |
doppelte Präzision | (German f.) double precision |
doppelte Preisnotierung | (German f.) dual pricing |
doppelt erklärend | (German) tautologic |
doppelter Kontrapunkt | (German m.) invertible counterpoint, double counterpoint |
doppelter Vorschlag | (German m.) double appoggiatura |
doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit | (German f.) dual citizenship, dual nationality |
doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft | (German f.) dual citizenship |
doppelte Stellenzahl | (German f.) double-length |
doppelte Stichprobenprüfung | (German f.) double sampling |
doppelte Verbuchung | (German f.) double entry |
doppelte Verglasung | (German f.) double glazing |
doppelte Verneinung | (German f.) double negative |
doppelte Wahrheit | (German f.) double truth |
doppelte Weichenverbindung | (German f.) double crossover, scissors crossover (railway tracks) |
doppelte Zahlung | (German f.) double payment |
doppelte Zeichenhöhe | (German f.) double height |
doppelte Zeilenabstand | (German m.) double space |
doppelt fermentiert | (German) double-fermented |
doppelt gebogen | (German) bent double |
doppelt gemoppelt | (German) tautologous, something done twice, something repeated unnecessarily, saying the same thing twice over |
Doppelt genäht hält besser. | (German) Better safe than sorry. (figurative) |
doppelt geschlitzter Rock | (German m.) double-slit skirt, double slitted skirt |
doppelt gewinkelt | (German) double-angled |
doppelt gewinnen | (German) to have it both ways |
Doppelt hält besser! | (German) Two are better than one. |
Doppelt-Harmonisch Dur-Leiter | (German f.) double harmonic major scale |
Doppelt-Harmonisch Moll-Leiter | (German f.) double harmonic minor scale |
doppelt punktierte Note | (German f.) double dotted note |
Doppeltriller | (German) double trill |
doppelt sehen | (German) to see double |
doppelt so großer Junge | (German m.) boy twice the size |
Doppelteleskop- | (German) double-telescopic |
doppelten Lohn erhalten | (German) to be paid double time |
Doppelter | (German m.) double (whisky, etc.) |
doppelter Boden | (German m.) double bottom, false bottom |
doppelter Kauf | (German m.) double purchase |
doppelter Kontrapunkt | (German m.) double counterpoint |
doppelter Münzstandard | (German m.) bi-metallism |
doppelter Zeilenabstand | (German m.) double space, double (line) spacing |
doppelter Zugriff | (German m.) dual access |
doppeltes Anführungszeichen | (German n.) double quotation marks |
doppeltes Glück | (German n.) bread buttered on both sides (figurative) |
doppeltes Sterbekreuz | (German n.) double dagger mark |
doppeltes Ziel | (German n.) twofold aim |
doppeltgenaue Arithmetik | (German f.) double precision arithmetic |
Doppeltitel | (German pl.) doubles titles (tennis) |
doppeltkohlensaures Natrium | (German n.) sodium bicarbonate |
Doppeltsehen | (German n.) diplopia, double vision |
doppelt so schnell | (German) double the speed, twice as fast, doppio movimento |
doppelt so viel | (German) twice as much, as much again |
doppelt soviel | (German, order form) as much again |
doppelt so viele | (German) twice as many |
doppelt so viel wie | (German) twice as much as |
Doppel-T-Träger | (German m.) double T-girder, I-beam |
doppelt übermäßig | (German) double augmented (interval) |
doppelt übermäßige Quarte | (German f.) double augmented fourth |
doppelt übermäßige Quinte | (German f.) double augmented fifth |
Doppeltür (s.), Doppeltüren (pl.) | (German f.) double door |
doppeltürmig | (German) double-towered |
Doppeltveranlagung | (German f.) double assessment |
doppelt verdeckte Zinkung | (German f.) blind dovetails |
doppelt vermindert | (German) double diminished (interval) |
doppelt verminderte Quarte | (German f.) double diminished fourth |
doppelt verminderte Quinte | (German f.) double diminished fifth |
Doppelvorschlag | (German m.) double appoggiatura |
doppeltwirkend | (German) double-acting |
doppelt wirkend | (German) double-acting |
Doppelumschalter | (German m.) double throw switch |
Doppelvektor | (German m.) dyad |
Doppelverbindung | (German f.) double compound |
Doppelverdiener (s./pl.) | (German m.) double earner, double job holder, moonlighter, dual-income couple (plural form) |
Doppelverdienerfamilie | (German f.) two-income family |
Doppelverdienerhaushalt | (German m.) double income household |
doppelverglast | (German) double-glazed |
doppelverglastes Fenster | (German n.) double-glazed window |
Doppelverglasung | (German f.) double glazing |
Doppelversicherung | (German f.) double indemnity, double insurance |
Doppelvokal | (German m.) double vowel |
Doppelvorschub | (German m.) dual carriage |
Doppelvorschubdrucken | (German n.) dual carriage print |
Doppelvorstellung | (German f.) double bill |
Doppelwährung | (German f.) double standard |
doppelwandig | (German) lined, double-walled |
Doppelwendel | (German f.) coiled coil, double helix |
doppelwertig | (German) ambivalent |
Doppelwertigkeit | (German f.) ambivalence, ambivalency |
Doppelwirkung | (German f.) double effect |
Doppelwort | (German n.) double word |
Doppelzählung | (German f.) double count |
Doppelzentner (s./pl.) | (German m.) quintal |
Doppelzimmer | (German n.) double room |
Doppelzimmer | (German n.) double room |
Doppelzimmer mit zwei Einzelbetten | (German n.) twin room |
Doppelzimmerpreis | (German m.) double room rate |
Doppelzugapparat | (German m.) twin pulley |
Doppelzugriff | (German m.) parallel access |
Doppelzunge | (German f.) double tonguing |
(German f.) double reed, lengüeta doble (Spanish f.), caña doble (Spanish f.), ancia doppia (Italian f.), Doppelrohrblatt (German n.), anche double (French f.) |
doppelzungen | (German) to double tongue |
doppelzüngig | (German) double tongued, ambidextrous, duplicitous, devious, Janus-faced, two-faced (figurative) |
doppelzüngiges Gerede | (German n.) doubletalk, double talk |
Doppelzüngigkeit | (German f.) duplicity, doubleness |
Doppelzweier | (German m.) double, two-man scull |
Doppia barra |  | (Italian f.) or doppia linea (Italian), a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work which if preceded by a pair of vertical dots, called repeat dots, indicate that the section should be played twice |
Doppia corda | (Italian f.) double stop, Dopplegriff (German m.), double corde (French f.) |
Doppia linea | (Italian f.) or doppia barra (Italian), a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work which if preceded by a pair of vertical dots, called repeat dots, indicate that the section should be played twice |
Doppietta | (Italian f.) or duina, duplet |
doppio | (Italian) double, twofold, sometimes indicating that octaves are to be played |
Doppio (s.), Doppii (pl.) | (Italian m.) in fifteenth-century dance, a double step. Each double normally takes one misura, that is either 4 counts or 6 counts depending on the misura being danced, and consists of three steps and a close |
Doppio bemolle |  | (Italian m.) double flat sign, the sign that lowers a note by two semitones |
Doppio colpo di lingua | (Italian m.) double tonguing |
Doppio contrappunto | (Italian m.) double counterpoint |
Doppio diesis |  | (Italian m.) double sharp sign, the sign that raises a note by two semitones |
doppio movimento | (Italian) twice as fast, as fast again |
doppio note | (Italian) twice as slow |
Doppio pedale | (Italian m.) in organ music, a term signifying that the pedal part is to be played in octaves, i.e. using both feet at the same time |
Doppio scappamento | (Italian m.) doublehopper / escapement |
doppio tempo | (Italian) double time, as fast again |
doppio valore | (Italian) twice as slow |
Doppler | (German m.) Austrian physicist famous for his discovery of the Doppler effect (1803-1853) |
Doppler | (German m. - Southern Germany, Austria) 2 litre bottle of wine |
Doppler effect | when a sound source is moving, a stationary observer will detect a different frequency to that which is produced by the source. The speed of sound in air is approximately 340 m/s (see 2.11). The wavelength of the sound emitted will be foreshortened in the direction of motion by an amount proportional to the velocity of the source. Conversely the wavelength of a receding sound source will increase. The Doppler effect may be noticed as a marked drop in pitch when a vehicle passes at high speed.
Example 1: A sound source, S, emits 1000 waves per second (1 kHz) and is moving directly towards an observer, O, at a speed of 100 metres per second (equivalent to approx 225 miles per hour).
After 1 second the wave front, which is travelling at the speed of sound, will have travelled 340 metres from the original source position. Also after that second the sound source will have moved 100 metres towards the observer.
Therefore the same number of waves will occupy a space of 340-100 = 240 metres and the wavelength will be 240/1000 = 0.24 metres. To the observer the frequency heard will be the speed of sound divided by its wavelength = 340/0.24 = 1416.7 Hz
Example 2: An observer moving at 100 metres per second directly approaches a stationary sound source, S, which is emitting 1000 waves per second (1 kHz)
In this example there is no change in wavelength. In one second, the observer will hear the number of waves emitted per second plus the number of waves which s/he has passed in the time (1000+100/0.34) = 1294.1 Hz
Note the interesting result - a stationary observer with moving source will not hear the same frequency as would a moving observer with stationary source because of the different relative velocity of source and medium in each case |
Dopplereffekt | (German m.) Doppler effect |
Doppler-Effekt | (German m.) Doppler effect |
Dopplerpeiler | (German m.) Doppler direction finder |
Doppler-Peiler | (German m.) Doppler direction finder |
Dopplerradar | (German m./n.) Doppler radar |
Dopplerultraschall | (German m.) Doppler ultrasound |
doppo | (Italian) dopo |
dopp. ped. | abbreviated form of doppio pedale |
Dopyera | see 'Dobro' |
Dora | Mongolian small gong with a deep lip and pronounced centre |
Dorade | (German f.) or, in English, gilthead, a name that is applied to two species of marine fish: the Pagrus, or Chrysophrys auratus, a valuable food fish common in the Mediterranean (so named from its golden-coloured head), which is also called giltpoll, and, from Britsh waters, Crenilabrus melops, also known as the golden maid, conner or sea partridge |
dorado | (Spanish) golden, gilt |
Doradura | (Spanish f.) gilding |
d'ora in poi | (Italian) from now on |
Doraphobia | an abnormal and persistent fear of fur (for example, of dogs, cats, foxes, etc.) |
Doraphobie | (German f.) doraphobia |
dorar | (Spanish) to gild, to brown (culinary) |
Dordrechter Synode | (German f.) Synod of Dort, Synod of Dordt, Synod of Dordrecht |
see 'Synod of Dort' |
doré | (French) golden, gold (gilded) |
Dorè, Madama | see Madama Dorè |
dorénavant | (French) henceforth |
Dorer (s./pl.) | (German m.) Dorian |
dorer | (French) to gild, to brown (cooking) |
Dorf (s.), Dörfer (pl.) | (German n.) village, small town |
Dorfältester (m.), Dorfälteste (f.) | (German) village elder |
Dorfanger | (German m.) village green |
Dorfbarbier | (German m.) village barber |
Dorfbaum | (German m.) village tree |
Dorfbewohner (m.), Dorfbewohnerin (f.), Dorfbewohner (pl.) | (German) villager, village residents, village folk (plural form) |
Dorfbrunnen | (German m.) village well |
Dorfbub | (German m.) village boy |
Dörfchen | (German n.) hamlet, small village |
Dörfer der Region | (German pl.) local villages |
Dorferneuerung | (German f.) village renewal, village renovation |
Dorffest | (German n.) village fête, village fair, (small) town fair, (small) town festival, village festival |
Dorfgebiet | (German n.) village area |
Dorfgemeinde | (German f.) borough, village commune |
Dorfgemeinschaft | (German f.) village community |
Dorfgemeinschaftshaus | (German n.) village hall |
Dorfgendarm | (German m. - Austria) village policeman |
Dorfgericht | (German n.) village court |
Dorfgeschichte | (German f.) village history, village story |
Dorfgrenze | (German f.) village limits |
Dorfhäuptling | (German m.) head of the village |
Dorfhelferin | (German f.) church supplied farm helper as a stand-in for a farmer's wife during illness etc. |
Dorfjugend | (German f.) village youth |
Dorfjunge | (German m.) village lad, village boy |
Dorfkern | (German m.) village centre, old town |
Dorfkinder | (German pl.) village children, children of the village |
Dorfkirche | (German f.) village church |
Dorfkneipe | (German f.) country pub, village pub |
Dorfkomödiant | (German m.) strolling player |
Dorfladen | (German m.) village shop |
Dorfleben | (German n.) village life |
Dörfler (m.), Dörflerin (f.), Dörfler (pl.) | (German) villager, villageman (m.) |
Dörfli | (German n. - Switzerland) (small) village |
dörflich | (German) rural, village, small-town |
Dorfmädchen | (German n.) small town girl, village girl |
Dorfname | (German m.) village name |
Dorfplatz | (German m.) village square, civic centre |
Dorfpolizei | (German f.) village police |
Dorfpolizist | (German m.) village policeman |
Dorfpriester | (German m.) village priest |
Dorfrand | (German m.) edge of the village |
Dorfrandlage | (German f.) position at the edge of the village |
Dorfrat | (German m.) village council, panchayat (Anglo-English) |
Dorfsanierung | (German f.) village rehabilitation |
Dorfschöne | (German f.) village beauty |
Dorfschönheit (s.), Dorfschönheiten (pl.) | (German f.) belle of the village, village beauty |
Dorfschule | (German f.) rural school, village school, country school, village schoolhouse |
Dorfstraße | (German f.) village street |
Dorfteich | (German m.) village pond |
Dorftrottel | (German m.) local idiot, village idiot |
Dorfvorsteher | (German m.) president of the village |
Dorfwiese | (German f.) village green |
Dorfzentrum | (German n.) village centre, heart of the village |
Dorian mode | modo dórico (Spanish), modo dorico (Italian), mode dorien (French), dorisch (German), dorischer Kirchenton (German) |
(Dorian, of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks of Doris) one of the 'authentic' church modes |
in Greek music theory it was based on the Dorian tetrachord: descending, a series of falling intervals of two whole tones followed by a semitone. Applied to a whole octave, the Dorian mode was built upon two Dorian tetrachords separated by a whole tone. This is the same as playing all the white notes of a piano (ascending, as in the modern reckoning) from E to E: E F G A | B C D E. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at the bottom of the scale produces the Hypodorian mode (below Dorian): A | B C D E | (E) F G A. Placing the two tetrachords together, and the single tone at the top of the scale produces the Hyperdorian mode (above Dorian), which is effectively the same as the Mixolydian mode: B C D E | (E) F G A | B. Confusingly, the Greek Dorian mode is the same as the medieval and modern Phrygian mode |
a mode consisting of the rising interval sequence T-S-T-T-T-S-T (T=tone or whole-step, S=semitone or half-step) |
Dorian tetrachord | also called 'major tetrachord', a rising row of four notes with successive intervals T-T-S (T=tone or whole-step, S=semitone or half-step) |
Dorian twins | a term used by Ger Tillekens, that is analogous to the concept of major-minor relatives (that is, two scales that share the same notes, for example, the C major and A natural minor scales, which he calls Aeolian twins), describing the relationship between a Dorian scale and the major scale one tone lower, for example, A Dorian and G major share the same pitch classes (A, B, C, D, E, F# and G) |
Dorico | (Italian) Dorian |
Dórico | (Portuguese) Dorian |
Dórico (m.), Dórica (f.) | (Spanish) Dorian |
Dorico flamenco | pieces in Spanish flamenco music (and also in Spanish classical music) often have a melodic and harmonic structure that Spanish theorists refer to as Dorico flamenco |
Dorico flamenco is defined as follows: |
melodies | if played without accidentals, for example, only with the white keys on the piano, melodies usually begin and end on E. This is the Phrygian mode |
basic harmonies | these are: E, F, G, Am, B-diminished, C, Dm - the normal triads that can be formed with the scale, except for E major which has a raised third (G#) |
cadence | a typical flamenco cadence is the chord progression Am - G - F - E, which to "classical" ears, sounds rather like the harmonic minor scale ending on the fifth degree. Since the melodies are Phrygian, the Phrygian mode is sometimes referred to as the "Spanish mode", "Spanish Phrygian" (emphasizing the raised third as a difference to "plain" Phrygian) or even "Spanish major" (since the root chord is major) |
Dorien (m.), Dorienne (f.) | (French) Dorian |
Dorier | (German m.) Dorian |
Dorisch | (German n.) Dorian (dialect in ancient Greece) |
dorisch | (German) Dorian, Doric |
dorische Glocke | (German pl.) Dorian bells |
dorische mode | (Dutch) Dorian mode |
Dorischer Kirchton | (German m.) Dorian mode |
Dorischer Modus | (German m.) Dorian mode |
Dorische Säule | (German f.) Doric column |
dorische Säulenordnung | (German f.) Doric order |
dorische Toonladder | (Dutch) Dorian mode |
dorisk Skala | (Danish) Dorian mode |
dorisk Tonart | (Swedish) Dorian mode |
dorloter | (French) to pamper |
Dorment | (German n., archaic) dormitory (in a monastery) |
Dormeur (m.), Dormeuse (f.) | (French) sleeper |
Dormilón | (Spanish m.) sleepyhead |
dormilón | (Spanish) lazy |
dormir | (French) to sleep, to be asleep |
(Spanish) to send to sleep, to sleep |
dormir en casa ajena | (Spanish) to sleep (over) at someone else's place |
dormir la siesta | (Spanish) to have an afternoon nap, to have a siesta |
dormirse | (Spanish) to go to sleep |
dormitar | (Spanish) to doze |
Dormition | celebration in the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended |
Dormitorio | (Spanish m.) bedroom |
Dormitorium | (German n.) dormitory (in a monastery) |
Dormitory | the communal sleeping area of a monastery; also known as the dorter |
Dorn (s.), Dornen (pl.) | (German m.) thorn, spine, drift, bolt, acantha, mandrel, arbor |
Dorn im Fleisch | (German m.) thorn in one's flesh, thorn in the flesh |
dornartig | (German) acanthoid (shaped like a spine or thorn) |
Dornbusch | (German m.) thorn bush, thornbush |
dornenartig | (German) spiky |
Dornenbusch | (German m.) pricky shrub |
dornengekrönt | (German) crowned with thorns |
Dornengestrüpp | (German n.) brier wood |
Dornenkrone | (German f.) crown of thorns |
dornenlos | (German) thornless |
dornenreich | (German) thorny |
Dornenstrauch | (German m.) briar, brier |
dornenvoll | (German) full of thorns (figurative) |
Dornfidel | (German f.) spike fiddle |
Dornfiedel | (German f.) spike fiddle |
Dornfortsatz | (German m.) acantha |
Dornicht | (German n., archaic) brambles |
Dornick | (German n.) Tournai |
dornig | (German) brambly, spinily, spiny, thornily, thorny, spiky, briery, pricky, thorned, aculeate, acanthaceous, prickly |
dorniger | (German) spinier, thornier |
dorniger Busch | (German m.) spiny shrub |
dorniger Weg | (German m.) briar patch, brier patch |
Dornigkeit | (German f.) thorniness |
dornigste | (German) spiniest, thorniest |
dornlos | (German) thornless |
Dornpresse | (German f.) arbor press |
Dornröschen | (German n.) Sleeping Beauty |
Dornstrauch (s.), Dornsträucher (pl.) | (German m.) briar, brier |
Doromb | Hungarian Jew's harp |
Dorothy bag | a woman's handbag gathered at the top by a drawstring whose loops are used as a handle - traditionally used by bridesmaids to carry confetti |
Dörren | (German n.) torrefaction (drying or roasting) |
dörren | (German) to dry, to dehydrate, to desiccate, to bake, to parch, to kiln-dry (wood, etc.), to torrify |
dörrend | (German) dehydrating, desiccating |
Dörrfleisch | (German n.) dried meat, jerky (US) |
Dörrobst | (German n.) dried fruit |
Dörrpflaume | (German f.) prune |
dörrt | (German) dehydrates, desiccates |
dörrte | (German) desiccated |
Dörrzwetschke | (German f. - Austria) prune |
Dorsal | (Spanish m.) number (worn by an athlete) |
dorsal | (English, German) of, toward, on, in, or near the back or upper surface of an organ, part, or organism. |
(Spanish) back |
(German) dorsally |
Dorsch (s.), Dorsche (pl.) | (German m.) cod, codfish |
Dorset Garden Theatre | built in London, in 1671, it was in its early years also known as the Duke of York's Theatre, or the Duke's Theatre. In 1685 King Charles II died and his brother, the Duke of York, was crowned as James II. When the Duke became King, the theatre became the Queen's Theatre in 1685, referring to James' second wife, Mary of Modena. The name remained when William and Mary came to the throne in 1689. Following the death of the founder of the Duke's Company, the Poet Laureate, Sir William Davenant, in 1668, Thomas Betterton, a leading actor of the Duke's Company, took control. He and the Davenant family decided to create a new purpose-built theatre, at a cost of some £9,000. By 1670 the Duke's Company was ready to build. It leased a site in Dorset Garden for a period of 39 years (i.e. till 1709) at an annual rent of £130. Betterton had been to Paris and studied the grand baroque tragédies en musique with their spectacular staging, using perspective scenery and many machines that were then the sensation of the French theatrical scene |
Dorso | (Italian m., Spanish m.) back (for example, of the hand) |
the left hand page of an open book, or the reverse side of a page or document, often abbreviated as d |
Dorso de la mano | (Spanish m.) back of the hand |
Dorso della mano | (Italian m.) back of the hand |
dort | (German) there |
dort draußen | (German) out there |
dort drüben | (German) yonder (archaic or dialect), over there |
Dorter | the communal sleeping area of a monastery; also known as the dormitory |
dortherum | (German) thereabouts, around there |
dorthin | (German) thither (old-fashioned), there |
dorthin gehörend | (German) belonging there |
dorthinunter | (German) down there |
dortiger (m.), dortige (f.), dortiges (n.) | (German) there, local (but somewhere else), there |
Dort ist der Teufel los. | (German) There's all hell (let) loose. (colloquial) |
Dort kaufe ich nicht mehr! | (German) I'm not shopping there any more! |
Dort möchte ich nicht begraben sein. | (German) I wouldn't live there if you paid me. |
Dortoir | (French m.) dormitory |
Dort sind die Dinge jedoch anders. | (German) But things are different there. |
Dort steht es schwarz auf weiß. | (German) There it is in black and white. |
dort weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat | (German) to continue where one left off |
dortzulande | (German) in that country |
Dorud | (German n.) Doroud (a city in the Lorestan province in western Iran) |
Doruphoros | (ancient Greek) a spear-carrier |
Dorure | (French f.) gilding |
Dory | (English, German n.) a small, narrow, flatbottom fishing boat with high sides and a sharp prow |
Doryphore | (French) slang for the occupying German soldiers in World War Two |
introduced into English by Sir Harold Nicholson (1952) who described a doryphore as a "questing prig, who derives intense satisfaction from pointing out the errors of others" |
Dos | (French m.) back, spine (of a book) |
Dos | (Spanish m.) two |
dos | (Catalan, Spanish) two |
Dosado | see 'dos-a-dos' |
Dos-a-dos | |
Dosage | (French m.) mixture |
dosare con | (Italian) dose with |
Doscientos | (Spanish m.) two hundred |
doscientos | (Spanish) two hundred |
Dos crawlé | (French m.) backstroke (swimming) |
Dos de la main | (French m.) back of the hand |
Dose (s.), Dosen (German pl.) | (English, French f.) Dosis (German), single portion of medicine, experience of something, amount of radiation received |
(German f.) tin, can, box |
Dose Bier | (German f.) can of beer |
Dosen | (German pl.) plural of Dosis (German), doses (medicine) |
dösen | (German) to doze, to snooze |
Dosenananas | (German f.) tinned pineapple |
Dosenbier | (German n.) canned beer |
Dosenbirnen | (German pl.) tinned pears |
dösend | (German) dozing, snoozing |
Dösender | (German m.) dozer |
Dosenfibel | (German f.) box brooch |
Dosenfisch | (German m.) tinned fish |
Dosenfleisch | (German n.) spam (spiced pork and ham), tinned meat |
Dosenfraß | (German m.) canned food (pejorative) |
Dosenfutter | (German n.) tinned food |
Dosengemüse | (German n.) tinned vegetables |
Dosenkartoffeln | (German pl.) tinned potatoes |
Dosenlibelle | (German f.) circular level |
Dosenmilch | (German f.) evaporated milk |
Dosenobst | (German n.) tinned fruit |
Dosenöffner (s./pl.) | (German m.) can opener, tin opener |
Dosenschildkröten | (German pl.) terrapins |
Dosenschinken | (German m.) tinned ham |
Dosensuppe | (German f.) canned soup |
doser | (French) to measure out, to balance |
Doset | (Catalan m.) duplet |
Dos golpes | one of the three güiros, or shakers, called the caja, mula and cachimbo, or the caja, dos golpes and salidor that feature in the music of Santería |
one of the three conga drums, named, like the guïros mentioned above, caja, mula and cachimbo or caja, dos golpes and salidor |
Doshpuluur | Tuvan two or three string banjo-like plucked instrument |
Do-Si-Do | in contradance, a basic figure where two dancers begin facing each other, move so as to pass right shoulders, then back-to-back, then left shoulders, ending where they began. Sometimes they do-si-do 1 1/2 times, exchanging places. As an embellishment, experienced dancers will often add a spin to this move. Often, newcomers ill-advisedly copy this flashy, but potentially disorienting |
- Do-Si-Do from which this extract has been taken
Do-Si-Do (back to back) | one of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing |
Do-Si-Do (complex) | one of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing |
Dosieren | (German n.) metering |
dosieren | (German) to measure out, to meter, to dose, to dispense |
dosierend | (German) dosing |
Dosiergerät | (German n.) metering unit |
Dosierinhalator | (German m.) metered-dose inhaler |
dosiert | (German) doses |
dosiert | (German) dosed |
dosierte | (German) dosed |
Dosierung (s.), Dosierungen (pl.) | (German f.) dosage |
Dosierungskunde | (German f.) posology |
dosificar | (Spanish) to dose, to measure out (figurative) |
dösig | (German) dozy, drowsy (half-asleep) |
Dosillo | (Spanish m.) duplet, hemiola (group of notes) |
Dosis (s.), Dosen (German pl.) | (German f., Spanish f.) dose |
Döskopp | (German m. - Northern Germany) twit (colloquial) |
dos meses atrás | (Spanish) two months ago, two months previously |
Doso | (Benin) double pit wooden xylophone, where the resonator is a pit dug into the ground. It is the largest xylophone of its kind in the world. The longest keys are huge beams measuring 1.8 metres. The keys lie parallel to one another over and across the pit, which is about 70 centimetres deep and almost 2 metres wide |
Dosongoni | (Mali) a 'hunter's harp' with six strings, from which the modern kamelengoni or 'youth harp' is derived |
Do sostenido mayor | (Spanish m.) the key of 'C sharp major' |
Do sostenido mayor | (Spanish m.) the key of 'C sharp minor' |
Döspaddel | (German m.) dunderhead |
Dos puntos | (Spanish colon (punctuation: :) |
Dossard | (French m.) number (on the back of a sportsman's shirt) |
Dossier (s.), Dossiers (pl.) | (French m., German n.) file (documents, often those pertaining to the life and activites of an individual) |
(French m.) back (of a chair) |
döst | (German) dozes, snoozes |
döste | (German) dozed, snoozed |
Dot | punto (Italian), Punkt (German), point (French) |
placed above or below the notehead: |
on its own | staccato : the note should be held for half its written length, the other half being silent (see also 'dead stroke') |
together with - | louré |
together with V | marcato/staccato or staccato duro |
together with < | accented staccato |
together with ^ | martellato |
multiple dots over a semibreve or half note | tremolo, the repeated subdivisions of the written note determined by the number of dots placed in a horizontal row over the note. So, four dots placed above or below a semibreve or half note means play four crotchets or quarter notes, while two dots above or below a semibreve or half note mean play two minims or half notes |
in percussion parts, a dead stroke, achieved by holding the mallet on the instrument after the attack to dampen the vibration. Dead strokes are commonly notated with a plus sign (+) over the note. Ringing notes in a passage with dead strokes can be indicated with a circle (o) over them; this is not necessary but can help to clarify. "D.S." or staccato dots are other common indications for dead stroke. These notations are not standard and should be explained at the top of the score and part |
a dot over or under a note that also lies under a slur indicates that the note is to be played mezzo-staccato (that is, half-detached) |
in modern notation dots serve a specific purpose. The dot, placed after a note adds to that note half again its duration. Placed over or under the note head, the dot subtracts half the value (which is actually what staccatto means: to shorten the note to half its length). However, in renaissance music, while the former of these meanings is exactly the same, some times it is impossible to notate a duration sequence. This is caused by the automatic 'perfecting' of a note due to preceding or following notes, in a case where that note should not be perfected, or visa versa. In these cases, copyists and composers would use the dot as a device of separation or division, marking a 'start over' place in the figuring of which notes get imperfected or perfected |
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, dots are placed over pairs of notes that must played égal, that is evenly, where in the absence of these dots the same notes would be played inégal, that is unevenly |
placed immediately after a note, (it is called an 'augmentation dot' or 'dot of prolongation'), a dot indicates that the note should be extended by half as much again as its principal time value |
a second dot placed after the note (it is called double-dotting), that is a note with two dots following it, indicates that the note should be extended by a further quarter of its principal time value, i.e. a total extension of three-quarters of its undotted time value |
very rarely a third dot may be placed after a note (it is called triple-dotting), that is the note has three dots following it, in which case the total extension is now seven eighths of the notes undotted time value |
in early mensural notation and placed between groups of notes, a dot or punctum marks off groups of notes in a manner similar to our modern day use of the bar-line |
dots, called repeat dots, used vertically and in pairs (very rarely in fours) in front of or after a bar-line indicate that a section is to be repeated. If the section begins from the start of the piece there may be no matching repeat bar, however when repeating to any other point in the piece it is usually to find a matching bar-line but with two (or rarely four) dots placed vertically after the line |
dots used vertically and in pairs as part of the F-clef sign lie on either side of the line denoting F below middle C |
multiple dots after 8va or 8ve show how long the octave direction is to be observed |
Dot | (French f.) dowry, a marriage-portion (in English and in French, the t is sounded) |
dotada para la música | (Spanish) musically talented |
dotado | (Spanish) talented, gifted |
dotar | (Spanish) to give a dowry, to endow |
Dotâr | (Persian, târ means 'string') a two-stringed version of the ektar, it is a simple instrument that provides both rhythmic accompaniment as well as a drone for Indian folk music. However, in Bengal, there is an unrelated instrument also called dotar which is very similar to the Kabuli rabab |
dotar de | (Spanish) to endow with |
Dotation | (English, German f.) an endowment or the act of endowing |
dotato | (Italian) talented, gifted |
Dotazione | (Italian f., literally 'endowment') sets maintained and shared by smaller opera houses and theatres as a way of keep down costs |
Dotcom-Blase | (German f.) dot-com bubble |
Dote | (Spanish m.) dowry |
doter de | (French) to equip with |
dotieren | (German) to dope, to endow, to contaminate, to remunerate |
dotierend | (German) endowing |
dotiert | (German) endows, doped |
dotierte | (German) endowed |
Dotierung (s.), Dotierungen (m.) | (German f.) endowment, doping |
Dotierung der Rücklagen | (German f.) allocation to reserves |
Dotierungsstoff | (German m.) dopant, doping agent |
Dot-Matrixanzeige | (German f.) dot-matrix display |
Dotmatrix-Anzeige | (German f.) dot-matrix display |
Dotmatrixanzeige | (German f.) dot-matrix display |
Dot neck | a type of guitar which has simple dot inlays in the neck to act as position markers |
Dot of prolongation | notes and rests that are dotted have the value of their duration lengthened by 1/2. For example, a dotted crotchet (quarter note) is equal in duration to three quavers (eighth notes). Double-dotted notes increase the note's duration by 3/4 of the original |
Dots | (English, German f.) tiny round marks made by or as if by a pointed instrument, spots (of ink, paint, etc.) |
Dotted | bearing a dot, puntato (Italian), punktirt (German), pointé (French) |
Dotted barline | see 'dashed barline' |
Dotted note | nota con puntillo (Spanish), nota puntata (Italian), note pointée (French), punktierte Note (German) |
a note followed by a dot - see 'dot' |
Dotted rest | a rest followed by a dot - see 'dot' |
Dotted slide | or punktierter Schleifer, a musical ornament described by C. P. E. Bach. Written as a pair of grace notes slurred to a principal note, the duration of each of the grace notes being shown in the ratio 3:1, in performance, the first grace note is held for most of the duration of the principal, the duration of the second grace note and what time remains for the principal being equal and short |
Dotter (s./pl.) | (German m./n.) (egg) yolk, vitellus (Latin) |
Dotterel | the European plover, a short-billed shore bird |
dottergelb | (German) egg yolk yellow |
Dotterhaut | (German f.) vitelline membrane |
Dottersack | (German m.) yolk sac |
Dot time | in jazz, a cross-rhythm based on dotted crotchets (quarter notes), extending through a passage |
Douane | (French f., German f.) custom-house, customhouse |
Douanier (m.), Douanière (f.) | (French) a customs officer |
douanier (m.), douanière (f.) | (French) customs |
doubeln | (German) to do stunts |
Double | doppio (Italian), doppelt (German), double (French) |
(French m., literally 'duplicate') in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French music, a variation |
to repeat the words of a song |
to take two roles as a singer, or to play two different instruments during a concert, for example piccolo and flute |
(in film, theatre, etc.) stand-in, stunt double |
to accompany the 8 ft. stop on an organ with a 16 ft. in the lower octave |
in opera, a singer who substitutes for another |
in change ringing, changes on five bells are called 'doubles' |
a prefix used in place of contra, and with the same meaning (a contra-instrument that plays one octave lower than the standard instrument) |
on keyboard instruments, to indicate two manuals, for example, double-manual harpsichord |
to play any melody line with notes an octave higher or lower |
in dance, used, for example, in pirouette double, indicating a double pirouette |
multiply by two (size, quantity, strength, etc.), consisting of two parts, counterpart (of a person) |
(German m.) diminution |
Doublé | (French, literally 'doubled') a turn |
(German n.) rolled gold |
Double A or AA | see 'double G' |
Double accidental |
 | |  | |  | |  | |  |
double sharp sign | | double flat sign | | natural sharp sign | | double natural sign | | natural flat sign |
accidental signs, the 'double sharp', the 'double flat', the 'natural sharp' sign used after a double sharp (and sometimes after a flat) to change the inflection to a single sharp, the double natural used to cancel a 'double sharp' or 'double flat' sign, the 'natural flat' sign used after a double flat (and sometimes after a sharp) to change the inflection to a single flat |
Double act | comedy act by a duo |
Double-action (pedal) harp | Doppelpedalharfe (German), arpa a doppio movimento (Italian), harpe à double accrochement (French), harpe à double mouvement (French) |
the strings of the diatonic harp are tuned with seven notes per octave. To change key or play additional chromatic notes, the pitch of selected strings must be changed. In the simplest case, this is done with rotating disks. The pedal harp uses a pedal mechanism to do this, allowing both hands to continue to play. The most recent phase of development was the introduction of the double-action pedal mechanism at the beginning of the nineteenth century. With the help of seven pedals, all the notes of the scale can be tuned one or two semitones higher, enabling the harp to play in all keys |
Double agent | spy working for rival countries |
Double appoggiatura | apoyatura doble (Spanish), appoggiatura doppia (Italian), appoggiature double (French), doppelter Vorschlag (German), Doppelvorschlag (German) |
two notes of a chord that are initially dissonant and then both resolve by step, in other words, two simultaneous appoggiaturas. The best example of a double appoggiatura is the cadential six-four. Unlike accented and unaccented passing notes, the appoggiatura is not approached by step, but by leap. Although it still resolves by step, the dissonance is more prominent as a result |
another name for a coulé, slide or 'conjunct double appoggiatura', an ornament consisting of two short notes rising by step to the main note. It may be indicated by a sign or by small notes |
Anschlag or 'disjunct double appoggiatura', so-called from the last half of the eighteenth century, C P. E. Bach's name for a pair of grace notes, the first of which is to be played on the beat and may be any distance from the principal note but second of which is only one degree removed from it |
Doublé-Armband | (German n.) rolled gold bracelet |
Double-articulation | (French f.) double tonguing |
Double B or BB | see 'double G' |
Double backfall | see 'conjunct double appoggiatura' |
Double bar line | doppia barra (Italian), doppia linea (Italian), double-barre (French), Doppelstrich (German), Doppeltaktstrich (German) |
 | also called 'double bar', a pair of vertical lines at the end of a section of a work which if preceded by a pair of vertical dots, called repeat dots, indicate that the section should be played twice, that is, should be repeated |
the double bar is also used to mark where there is a change of key signature or a change of time signature, and in hymns to mark the end of a verse line |
Double barre de mesure | (French f.) double bar line, Doppelstrich (German) |
Double barre de mesure (1 barre fine et une barre large) | (French f.) final double bar line (with one thin and one thick line) |
Double-barrelled | (of a gun) having two barrels, (of a surname) hyphenated |
Double bass | contra basso (Italian), Kontrabass (German), contre-basse (French) |
known by several other names (especially when used in folk, bluegrass, and jazz music), including string bass, upright bass, standup bass, acoustic bass, bass viol, contrabass viol, bass violin, doghouse bass, dog-house, bull fiddle, hoss bass, and bunkhouse bass. It is the largest member of the string family, that plays the lowest notes in a symphony orchestra, it has three, four or five strings and is bowed either over-arm (called the 'French bow/grip') or under-arm (called the 'German bow/grip'). Because the unfretted double bass violin existed beside the fretted double bass member of the viol family, called the violone, there are some difficulties when determining which tunings apply to which instrument. What is clear, however, is that over time the number of strings fitted to the double bass violin reduced from 5 to 3, although today 4-string basses have again become popular. The double bass also features in jazz and in dance orchestras, although here, it is as commonly, if not more, played pizzicato. In bluegrass music, most bassists use the 3/4 size bass |
names used for the largest of the bowed string instruments include both those such as Bass Viol de Braccio, Bass-Geig de braccio, Grossbassgeige and Groß-Quint-Baß, which in the opinion of some experts point to kinship with the violin, and others which seem to speak more of membership of the viol family: Viola grande, Subbass, Violone grosso, Contrabasso di viola, Contraviolon, Basse de viole, Violone grande, to list but a few of those that derive from the early history of the instrument. All of these designated thoroughly different instruments that nevertheless, because of their common features, belong to the category "double bass". [quoted from Chameleon Double Bass]
the tuning (lowest to highest) on various models of double bass are: |
five strings | Prinner tuning (1677) | F1 - A1 - D - F# - B |
five strings | Albrechtberger tuning (1790) | F1 - A1 - D - F# - A |
five strings | evidence from repertoire | probably as many as 50 different tunings in use during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries |
four strings | early twentieth century (UK) | E1 - A1 - D - G |
four strings | early twentieth century (UK) | D1 - G1 - D - G |
four strings | military tuning (UK) to faciliate playing in flat keys | Eb1 - Bb1 - Eb - Ab |
three strings | Italian tuning | G1 - D - A |
three strings | English tuning | A1 - D - G |
Double bass clarinet | synonymous with 'contrabass clarinet' |
Double bassist | double bass player |
Double bassoon | also called the contrabassoon, the lowest member of the bassoon family, sounding an octave below the bassoon |
a 16 ft. or 32 ft. scale organ reed stop of smaller scale and softer tone than the double trumpet |
Double-bass saxhorn | tuba contrabbasso (Italian f.) Kontrabasstuba (German f.), contrebasse à pistons (French f.), saxhorn contrebasse (French m.), tuba contrabajo (Spanish m.), saxhorn contrabajo (Spanish m.) |
Double-bass trombone | contrabass trombone |
Double bécarre |  | (French m.) double natural sign |
Double-bémol |  | (French m.) double flat sign, Doppel-B (German), the sign that lowers a note by two semitones |
Double bluff | genuine action or statement disguised as a bluff |
Double-book | reserve (the same seat, room, etc.) for two people at once |
Double bourdon | an organ stop of 32 ft. tone |
Double Bow Knot | one of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing |
Double-breasted | (of a coat etc.) overlapping across the body |
Double buzz | a multiphonic effect on the trumpet or other brass instruments. During normal play, the upper and lower lips will vibrate at the same speed. If, however, the lips are set to vibrate at different speeds two pitches may be perceived |
Double C | or CC, see 'double G' |
Double cadence | in French baroque music, a trill terminating with a two-note turn figure |
Double chant | a simple harmonised melody, in four strains or phrases, to be sung to two verses of a psalm or canticle |
Double-check | verify twice |
Double chin | chin with a fold of loose flesh below it |
Double choir | one or two choirs, formed as two distinct bodies of singers, usually to perform music in eight parts |
Double chorus | synonymous with 'double choir' |
Double clarinet | or zummara, a Middle Eastern musical instrument consisting of two parallel cane or bamboo pipes, with five or six holes each. The reeds are either cut from the body of the instrument, or created by inserting smaller, slit tubes into the ends of the pipes. The player typically uses circular breathing. The instrument is known as the mitbiq in Iraq and the mijwiz in Lebanon and its neighbours. The Palestinian yarghul is similarly played, but instead of two melody pipes it has one melody pipe and a longer drone pipe (without holes) |
Double clarinet | an organ stop, also known as the bass clarinet or bass clarionet, 'double' here used in the old-fashioned sense of a double-length and hence lower-pitched version of an instrument, as, for example, 'double bassoon' meaning contrabassoon |
Double clavecin | (French m.) double-manual harpschord |
Double combs | used in disc music boxes, two separate combs played by separate star wheels |
Double concerto | a concerto for two solo instruments and orchestra |
Double contre-octave | (French f.) sub-contra octave, Subkontra-Oktave (German) |
Double contrepoint | (French m.) double counterpoint |
Double corde | (French f.) double stop, double stopping, doppia corda (Italian f.), Dopplegriff (German m.) |
Double counterpoint | contrapunto doble (Spanish), doppio contrappunto (Italian), Doppelter Kontrapunkt (German), double contrepoint (French) |
a method of counterpoint in which a second melody is added to an existing melody, which fits well when either above or below the first, i.e. invertible counterpoint |
Double cream | thick cream with a high fat-content |
Double croche |  | (French f.) the semiquaver (sixteenth note), Sechzehntelnote (German), a note one sixteenth the time value of a whole note or semibreve |
Double-cross | to deceive or betray (a supposed ally), the act of deceiving or betraying (a supposed ally) |
Double-crosser | a person who deceives or betrays (a supposed ally) |
Double D or DD | see 'double G' |
Double dactyl | a comic verse written with two quatrains, with each line written in dactylic dimeter. The second line may be a name, and the sixth or seventh line may be a single word |
Double-dealing | deceit, especially in a business relationship |
Double décimètre | (French m.) ruler |
Double-decker | bus having an upper and lower deck, sandwich with two layers of filling (colloquial) |
Double demisemiquaver | an archaic term for the semidemisemiquaver or hemidemisemiquaver, a sixty-fourth note |
Double demisemiquaver rest | also halfdemisemiquaver rest, a semidemisemiquaver rest, a sixtyfourth rest |
Double Devise | the opening period of an aria or instrumental movement in which the initial solo phrase (the motto) is repeated following a brief interjection by the accompaniment |
Double diapason | an organ stop tuned one octave below the diapasons. It is called a 16 ft. stop on the manuals and a 32 ft. stop on the pedals |
Double dièse |  | (French m.) double sharp sign, Doppelkreuz (German), the sign that raises a note by two semitones |
Double diminished chord | in jazz, two diminished 7th chords played together, which produces an eight-note chord made up of all the notes of a diminished scale |
Double dot | see 'dot' |
Double dotted note | nota con dos puntillos (Spanish), nota doppiamente puntata (Italian), note doublement pointée (French), doppelt punktierte Note (German) |
Double-dotting | see 'dot' |
Double-dotting | a practice associated with certain types of slow movement from the Baroque period, particularly overtures written in the French style, where the notated rhythmic ratio 3:1 is performed as though written 7:1, in other words, as though the longer note was written with a double dot |
Double drum | a drum beaten on both ends, used in military bands, and which is carried horizontally in front of the performer |
Double dulciana | an organ stop of small 16 ft. scale and with a delicate tone |
Double Dutch | gibberish (colloquial) |
Double E or EE | see 'double G' |
Double eagle | figure of a two-headed eagle |
Double échappement | (French m.) double escapement |
Double-edged | presenting both a danger and an advantage, (of a knife etc.) having two cutting-edges |
Double emploi | (French) a term coined by Rameau to describe a concept whereby chords can have two different roots simultaneously. An example of this would be the added 6th chord based on the subdominant (in C major: F-A-C-D). According to Rameau, this chord could be interpreted either as being a subdominant chord (root: F) with an added 6th or a supertonic chord (root: D) with an added 7th |
Double entendre | (English, from old French, literally 'double meaning') ambiguous, double meaning (a phrase having two meanings, often with one of them being indecent) |
in French, the more correct term is double entente |
Double entente | (French) ambiguous, double meaning (a phrase having two meanings, often with one of them being indecent) |
Double entry | system of bookkeeping with entries debited in one account and credited in another |
Double exposition | in a concerto, when the theme is stated twice, once by the orchestra and once by the soloist |
Double expression | an effect, invented in 1855 and inspired by the Barker lever, found on harmonia produced by Victor Mustel (1815-1890), the 'double expression' or 'double touch' is a mechanism which causes the reeds no. 3 and no. 4 to speak when the keys are pressed about a third of the distance down, and the reeds nos. 1 and 2 to speak also when the key is fully depressed, thereby producing a contrast of tone colour but with only one keyboard |
Double F or FF | see 'double G' |
Double feature | cinema programme with two full-length films |
Double figures | numbers from 10 to 99 |
Double flageolet | a flagolet with two pipes. On some double flageolets there is a mechanism to slience one of the pipes so the other can be played alone |
Double flat | doble bemol (Spanish), doppio bemolle (Italian), double bémol (French), Doppel-B (German) |
 | the sign that lowers the pitch of a note by two chromatic semitones |
Double flute | see Doppel-flöte |
Double fugue | a fugue which has two separate subjects that are each treated fugally |
a double fugue should properly consist of two different themes, introduced separately, which eventually are combined so the second theme forms a countersubject. However, the term is also applied to a fugue in which the theme and countersubject appear simultaneously at the beginning of the composition and are regularly associated throughout |
Double für Kunststücke | (German n.) stuntman |
Double für Nacktaufnahmen | (German n.) body double |
Double G or GG | an octave naming convention that is not the same as that employed by Helmholtz and that bears his name. The Double-A to double G convention used in England and particularly related to the organ sets Double G in the space below the third leger lines below the bottom of the bass clef. This octave runs from Double G up to Double F (on the space below the bass clef) |
Double glazing | two layers of glass in a window (used for sound and thermal insulation) |
Double grand piano | an instrument invented by James Pirsson, a piano manufacturer in New York (USA) which has two sets of keys, one at each end |
Double guitar | a guitar with two necks each strung to a different tuning thus avoiding the destabilizing effect of retuning the instrument during a concert |
Double handed | a player who can play two different instruments |
Double harmonic major scale |  |
also called the 'Gypsy scale' or the 'Byzantine scale' |
Double harmonic minor scale |  |
Double harp | a harp with two sets of strings |
Double harpsichord | a harpsichord with two manuals, also called a 'double-manual harpsichord' |
Double hautboy | a 16 ft. reed stop, of small scale, in an organ |
Double head drum | Native American frame drum |
Double helix | pair of parallel helices with a common axis, especially a reference to the structure of a DNA molecule |
Double holes | on the recorder, these enable you to play the low C# and D# with more security. Two adjacent small holes are provided for the lowest two fingers. It is a feature which came into recorders relatively late, having been invented for G/G# on the oboe, (hole III) where it has not survived. Most players in the UK expect double holes for historical reasons. The revival production of recorders in this country was almost always of the double hole variety. In Germany there has always been a following for single holes, particularly for the low cost educational market.
Some makers believe that double holes are a contributary factor for burbles on low G and A (on the treble/alto) |
Double horn | the single F horn had a rather irksome flaw. As the player played higher and higher notes, the distinctions a player had to make with his or her embouchure from note to note became increasingly precise. An early solution was simply to use a horn of higher pitch -- usually B-flat. The relative merits of F versus B-flat were a hotbed of debate between horn players of the late nineteenth century, until the German horn maker Kruspe produced a prototype of the "double horn" in 1897. The double horn combines two instruments into a single frame: the original horn in F, and a second, higher horn keyed in B-flat. By using a fourth valve operated by the thumb, the horn player can quickly switch from the deep, warm tones of the F horn to the higher, brighter tones of the B-flat horn (commonly called "sides"). Double horns in B-flat/High F (or High E-flat) are increasingly popular for works that only use the upper and upper-middle registers of the instrument |
Double Hundred Campaign | see 'Hundred Flowers Campaign' |
Double-jointed | having joints that allow unusual bending |
Double leading-note cadence |
in three voice progression, where the outer two parts move by step from leading notes (whether upper or lower) to the octave or fifth. Adam de la Hale (1245/50-?1285/8), in his Bonne amourette, provides probably one of the earliest instances of a double-leading-note cadence. Rarely to be found in late thirteenth century repertoire, the formula was to grow in importance significantly during the fourteenth century, in France as well as in Italy |
Double L Swing | one of the figures unique to, or traditionally associated with, square dancing |
doublement | (French) doubly |
Double mordent |
 | (English, French) also called, in English, the 'long mordent', a double mordent has two repercussions |
Double mouvement | (French) twice as fast, as fast again |
Double natural |  | an accidental used to cancel a double sharp or a double flat |
Double neck guitar | a guitar that has two necks. The most common type has 12 strings on the top neck, while the bottom neck has the normal six. Combination six-string and 4-string are also used. This allows the guitarist to switch quickly and easily between the two necks without taking the time to change guitars |
Double negative | a negative statement containing two negative elements (for example, he couldn't do nothing) |
Double-note |  | a breve (double whole note) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Double ocarina | an ocarina with two chambers and two fipples |
Double octave | an interval composed of two octaves, an interval of a fifteenth |
Double open diapason | see 'double diapason' |
Double organ | an organ having two manuals |
Double-park | park (a vehicle) alongside one already parked at the roadside |
Double-pause |  | (French) a breve rest (double whole rest) equal to two semibreve rests (whole note rests) |
Double pedal | see 'double pedal-point' |
Double pedal C | C, three octaves below 'middle C' |
see 'octave' |
Double pedal-point | or 'double pedal', the sustaining of the tonic and dominant by two parts whilst other parts above them move on in various harmonies |
Double phrasing | the use of a long slur mark over a passage in which there are already other articulation marks so as to show that, whatever their individual character, they should be treated as a larger group |
Double picking | see 'tremolo picking' |
Double piston valve | the double-piston valve is first recorded in 1821 in connection with a trumpet by Christian Friedrich Sattler of Leipzig. In this valve type the simultaneous movement of two pistons introduces an additional valve loop. Double-piston valves come in a great variety of operating and return mechanisms. The only city in which double-piston valves are still in use today is Vienna. Therefore, double-piston valves are often called "Vienna Valves." However, this over-simplifies the great variety of constructions found in the past, most of which were developed outside of Vienna |
Double plot | when an author uses two related plots within a single narrative |
Double pneumonia | pneumonia affecting both lungs |
Doublepoint | (French m.) double dot, a double augmentation dot, a double dot of prolongation |
double pointée | (French) double-dotted |
Double quartet | a work written for eight voices or eight players, for example Louis Spohr (1784-1859) wrote four works for a 'double quartet' of strings |
Double-quick | very quick or quickly (colloquial) |
doubler | (French) double, overtake, line (clothing), dub (film), repeat, round (course) |
Double reed | lengüeta doble (Spanish f.), caña doble (Spanish f.), ancia doppia (Italian f.), Doppelrohrblatt (German n.), Doppelzunge (German f.), anche double (French f.) |
a device consisting of two pieces of cane bound together at the base but where the upper thinner parts touch and are free to vibrate when air is forced between them by the player; double reed instruments include oboes, bassoons, crumhorns, English horn, etc. |
a reed-stop, in the organ, of 16 ft. tone |
Double repetition marks |  | a symbol that divides a work into two parts, each to be repeated |
Double rhyme | a rhyme that involves two syllables rather than one. For instance, rhyming lend/send is a single rhyme, in which each word consists of a single syllable. However, the words lending/sending constitute a double rhyme because two rhyming syllables are used |
doubler le cap de | (French) to go beyond, to go beyond the point of |
Double-ronde |  | (French f.) a breve (double whole note) equal to two semibreves (whole notes) |
Doubles | archaic term for 'variations' |
doubles | said of a player who is able to play two different instruments, for example, a violinist who can play on occasions might the viola or a flautist who can when required will play the saxophone. So one says the violinist doubles on violin and viola or the flautist doubles on flute and saxophone |
doubles-cordes | (French) double-stops |
Double shake | two notes shaken simultaneously |
Double sharp | doble sostenido (Spanish), doppio diesis (Italian), double dièse (French), Doppelkreuz (German) |
 | the sign that raises the pitch of a note by two chromatic semitones |
Double shift | see 'shift' |
Double sonata | a sonata composed for two instrument concertante |
Double standard | rule or principle not impartially applied |
Double stem | when two voices or parts are written on the same staff and play the same note, the note head will have two stems, one going up (representing the upper voice) and one going down (representing the lower voice) |
Double stop | or 'double-stopping', a string-instrument technique in which the player, placing two fingers on adjacent strings and bowing the two strings simultaneously, produces two notes at the same time - the term may also by used even when one of the two sounding strings is unstopped, i.e. open |
double stopping can be achieved on the musette de cour by making use of both of the two keyed chanters simultaneously |
Double stopped diapason | also called bourdon, an organ stop of 16 ft. scale, on the manuals, the pipes being stopped or covered at the top. On the pedals this stop is called the double-bourdon or sub-bourdon and is of 32 ft. register |
Double-stopping | see 'double stop' |
Double-strung harp | see 'harp' |
Double superlative | double use of the superlative degree, for example, the word foremost, which uses both the superlative suffix -m and -est |
Double suspension | a dissonance caused by two notes that are held over and resolve to the chord note by a tone or semitone after the chord is played |
Doublet | a masculine tunic worn especially from the fifteenth to seventeenth century. Originally of quilted manufacture, although its style changed over the years, it remained a fundamental outer body garment |
one of a pair of similar things |
in linguistics, a pair of words that derive from the same etymon, but since they were adapted at different times or by different routes, take on two different meanings |
Double take | delayed reaction to a situation etc. |
Double-talk | ambiguous or misleading speech (usually with deliberate intent) |
Double temps | (French) duple time |
Double the speed | or, double the tempo, doppio movimente (Italian), doppelte Geschwindigkeit (German) |
Double-think | capacity to accept contrary opinions at the same time |
Double tierce | or decima, an organ stop tuned a tenth above the diapasons, or a major third above the principal |
Double time | in music, playing the music twice as fast so that bars last half as long as they did originally - in this case the chordal progressions also move twice as quickly |
in general, wages paid at twice the normal rate |
Double time feel | packing twice as many notes in a bar (measure) as were there in the preceding bar (measures), so that the tempo appears to gain a great deal of momentum but the chord progressions played by the rhythm guitarist, bass and piano remain the same |
Double tonguing | a particular use of the tongue to produce fast notes on wind-instruments |
Double tonic | a chord progression, melodic motion, or shift of level consisting of a "regular back-and-forth motion", in melody similar to Bruno Nettl's 'pendulum type' though it uses small intervals, most often a whole tone though may be almost a semitone to a minor third |
Double top C | C, three octaves above 'middle C' |
see 'octave' |
Double touch | see 'double expression' |
Double transfer | see 'reverse negative' |
Double treble clef | see 'octave clef' |
Double trill | trino doble (Spanish), doppio trillo (Italian), trille double (French), Doppeltriller (German) |
a trill between two notes more than a tone apart |
Double-triolet | (French m.) a pair of successive triplets played so that a stress is placed on the first and fourth note of the six note sequence |
Double-triple | (French) 3/2 time |
Double trumpet | a 16 ft. organ stop. When the bottom octave of the scale is omitted, it is then called Tenoroon Trumpet. The tone is weaker than that of the Unison Trumpet, to which it sounds an octave lower |
Doublette | (French f.) a 2 ft. organ stop, which in England is called the Fifteenth |
a term used by English organ makers for an organ stop of two ranks of pipes sounding a fifteenth and a twenty-second above the diapasons |
(German f.) doublet (counterfeit gem made of two pieces) |
Double twelfth | an organ stop sounding a fifth above the foundation stops. It is more commonly formed of stopped pipes although open ones can be employed. On the manual it is usually 5 1/3 ft. and on the pedal 10 2/3 ft. |
Double variation | a musical form used in classical music. It is a theme and variations that employs two themes and is also known as 'alternating variations'. In a double variation set, a first theme (A) is followed by a second theme (B), followed by a variation on A, then a variation on B, and so on with alternating A and B variations. The work usually ends with a coda. The double variation form is strongly associated with Joseph Haydn |
Double virginal | a virginal with an ottavino inserted in the side next to the keyboard |
Double whole note |  | a note equal to two semibreves (whole notes) or one breve |
Double whole rest |  | a rest equal to two semibreve rests (whole rests) or one breve rest |
doublieren | (German) to double (fold something double) |
Doublierung | (German f.) doubling |
Doubling | where two instruments play the same part in ensemble playing, or where an accompanying instrument plays the same notes that a singer is singing |
where a double bass has no separate part but is told to play the 'cello part an octave lower |
the common [Renaissance] practice of having one actor play multiple roles, so that a play with a large cast of characters might be performed by a relatively small company [quoted from Stephen Greenblatt] |
Doublure | (French) an elaborately decorated leather flyleaf in a book |
Doubly augmented interval | a perfect or major interval is said to be doubly augmented if it is chromatically widened by two semitones (two half-steps) |
Doubly augmented six four three chord | a German sixth chord with the perfect fifth above the sounding root spelled enharmonically as a doubly augmented fourth |
Doubly augmented sixth chord | an augmented sixth chord, which contains a sharpened second from the tonic |
Doubly diminished interval | a perfect or minor interval is said to be doubly diminished if it is chromatically narrowed by two semitones (two half-steps) |
Douçaine | (French f.) synonymous with dolciano |
(French f.) dulcian, dulciana (Italian f.), Dulzian (Getrman m.) |
douce | see doux |
douceâtre | (French) sickly sweet |
doucement | (French) sweetly, softly, gently, amiably, smoothly, quietly |
terms equivalent to doucement meaning soft or softly include leise (German), piano (Italian) |
"Also means without brilliance, muted and delicately. They say: "He approaches his task doucement," when someone acts slowly and with great circumspection." - Trévoux (1771) |
doucement baigné de pédales | (French, literally 'gently bathed in pedals') a marking used by Francis Poulenc to indicate the use of the sustaining pedal through a particularly passage |
Douceur | (French m.) a gratuity (in French, the word is less ungracious than 'tip' or 'bribe') |
douceur | (French) softness, mildness, gentleness, sweetness |
Douceur de vivre | (French m.) the enjoyment of the good things of life (particularly, a reference to the period before the 1789 French Revolution) |
Douche | (French f.) a shower-bath |
doucher | (French) to give a shower to |
Doudezilliarde | (German f.) quattuorvigintillion |
Doudouma | a large Manding drum |
Doudoumba | see dudumba |
Doudoumni | a small Manding drum |
Doudoune | (French f.) anorak (familiar) |
doué | (French) gifted, talented |
doué de | (French) endowed with |
Doughnut | (English, German m.) see 'donut' |
Douglasfichte | (German f.) Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) |
Douglasie | (German f.) Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) |
Douille | (French f.) (electrical) socket |
douillet (m.), douillette (f.) | (French) cosy, comfortable, soft (person) |
Doula | (from Greek: the most important female slave in an ancient Greek household) Geburtsbegleiterin (German f.), a woman trained to give nonmedical assistance to a woman during labour, providing emotional and physical support throughout the process of childbirth |
Doulce mémoire | a poem attributed to the French king, François I (1494-1547), France's first Renaissance monarch. The earliest musical work based on this poem was written by the French composer Pierre Sandrin (c.1490-c.1561) and was first published in about 1537-8. It was to spawn many textual and musical parodies. The textual parodies include: a "response" by Certon which draws heavily on the text and rhyme scheme of the original; numerous contrafacta, especially for spiritual purposes; and references in the French theatre. There are at least ten musical parodies: two- and three-part versions, likely meant for pedagogical purposes, as well as four- and six-part settings. Its material is used in Mass and Magnificat settings by Clemens non Papa, Cipriano da Rore, and Orlando de Lassus. Lastly, Doulce mémoire was turned into many instrumental intabulations and divisions |
Douleia | or dulia, the veneration of saints |
Douleur | (French f.) sadness, grief, pain, sorrow, pathos |
Douloureuse, la | (French f.) the bill (i.e. the painful part of a commercial transaction!) |
douloureusement | (French) sadly, painfully, grievously, plaintively, pathetically |
douloureux (m.), douloureuse (f.) | (French) sad, painful, sorrowful, tender, plaintive, doleful |
Doumbec | see dumbek |
Doumbek | see dumbek |
Doundoun | see danun |
Dounias | after Minos Dounias, the cataloguer of music by Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) |
Dourou | a large Manding drum made from a hollowed trunk and beaten with big wooden sticks |
Doussie | (German f.) doussie (wood from Afzelia spp.) |
Doutar | dotâr |
Doute | (French m.) doubt |
douter de | (French) to doubt |
douteux (m.), douteuse (f.) | (French) doubtful |
Douvres | (French m./f.) Dover |
down | (German) downcast |
Down Under | (English, German) the Antipodes (colloquial) |
Downgrade | (English, German m./n.) the process of rating something lower (value, esteem) |
Download | (English, German m./n.) a piece of software that is acquired electronically over the Internet, etc. |
downloadbar | (German) downloadable |
Downloadbereich | (German m.) download area |
Downloaden | (German n.) downloading |
downloaden | (German) to download |
Downsizing | (English, German n.) retrenchment, the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable |
Down-Syndrom | (German n.) Down's syndrome, trisomy 21 (syndrome) |
doux | (French) amorevole (Italian), amoroso (Italian, Spanish), lovingly, tenderly, gently, fondly, affectionately, liebevoll (German), tendre (French) |
doux (m.), douce (f.) | (French) sweet, soft, gentle, mild, tranquil, smooth, dolce, piano, slow |
Lully used the marking doux to indicate piano or soft, and fort for loud or strong |
"In music this word [doux] is the opposite of fort and is written above the staves in French music, and below then in Italian music, in places where the volume should be decreased, where the brilliance and vehemence of the sound should be tempered and softened, as for echoes and in accompaniments. The Italians mean the same thing when they write
dolce and more commonly piano; but musical purists maintain that these two words are not synonymous and that a number of composers are incorrect in using them as if they were. They say that piano means simply a moderation of the sound, a decrease in volume, but that dolce indicates, in addition, a manner [of expression]." - Rousseau (1768) |
Douzaine | (French f.) about twelve, a dozen or so |
Douze | (French m.) twelve |
douze | (French) twelve |
Douzième | (French m./f.) twelfth, an interval of a twelfth |
douzième | (French) twelfth |
Down-beat | il movimento accentato della battuta (Italian), Niederschlag (German), temps frappé (French) |
or 'downbeat', the motion of a conductor's hand or baton to mark the stronger beats in the bar, for example in 4/4, the first beat and, to a lesser extent, the third beat of each bar |
the strong beat itself |
Down-bow | arco in giù (Italian m.), arcata in giù (Italian f.), Herabstrich (German m.), Abstrich (German m.), Herunterstrich (German m.), tiré (French) |
 | as when the bow, held below the hand, is pulled across the string on a member of the violin family, or conversely, as when the bow, held above the hand, is pushed across the string on a member of the viol family |
the reverse manoeuvre is called the 'up-bow', arco in su (Italian), Aufstrich (German), Anstrich (German m.), pouseé (French) |
Downhome blues | see 'country blues' |
Downpicking | a technique used by musicians that perform on plucked string instruments in which the plectrum, or pick, is moved in a downward motion, relative to the position of the instrument, against one or more of the strings to make them vibrate |
Downsampling | (in signal processing) or "subsampling", the process of reducing the sampling rate of a signal |
Downstage | towards the front of the stage, in the direction of the audience |
Downtempo | the name used to describe chilled-out beats on a slower, groovier tip. Under this broad genre heading, chunky rhythms based on hip hop beats rule supreme. Downtempo is usually instrumental-based music in the hip hop vein, but can also draw from jazz, film scores, dub and reggae, and world music. Its overall form depends on bass and funk. Like house and drum and bass musicians, downtempo artists create morphed soundscapes that draw from a long history of musical genres. Downtempo is constantly reinventing itself, spawning new and unique variations like the "British sound," "French trip hop," and the hip hop-heavy U.S. approach |
Downtuning | the lower of the pitch of one or more strings on a plucked string instrument, for example, to facilitate chordal progressions, to change the timbre of the instrument, to increase the range, or to make it easier to barre |
Doxastic | of, pertaining to, or depending on opinion (i.e. conjectural) |
doxastisch | (German) doxastic |
Doxologia | (Latin) doxology |
Doxologia major | (Latin) or Greater Doxology, the Gloria in excelsis Deo, sung at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist |
Doxologia minor | (Latin) or Lesser Doxology, the Gloria patri sung at the end of Psalms and Canticles in the Anglican service |
Doxologie | (German f.) doxology |
Doxology | (from the Greek Doxa, 'glory', and logos, 'saying') liturgical formula of praise and honour to God. There are two forms, the doxologia major (Greater Doxology - the Gloria in Excelsis Deo in the Communion Service) and the doxologia minor (Lesser Doxology - the Gloria Patri at the end of each psalm) |
Doxastarion | a codex containing doxastika (Greek: hymns in the Orthodox rite) set to unique melodies |
Doxastikon (s.), Doxastika (pl.) | iin the Orthodox rite, a hymn commencing with the Lesser Doxology (Doxa Patri) |
Doyen (m.), Doyenne (f.) | (German, French) dean, most senior person (of the diplomatic corps) |
doyenné | (French) the state of being the senior member of a body, institute, etc. |
doze | (Catalan) twelve |
Dozent (m.), Dozentin (f.), Dozenten (pl.) | (German) of Docent, (university) lecturer (particularly a foreigner employed to teach his own language), reader (university reader) |
Dozentenstellung | (German f.) readership |
Dozentur | (German f.) lectureship |
Dozer | (German m.) bulldozer |
Doze sons | (Portuguese) twelve tones, in reference to the principles of dodecaphony |
dozieren | (German) to pontificate, to lecture |
d.p. | abbreviation of 'director of photography' |
DPC | acronym for 'digital page composition' |
DPhil | abbreviation of 'Doctor of Philosophy' |
Dpplgr. | abbreviation of Doppelgriff (German: double stop) |
Dpto. | abbreviation of departamento (Spanish m.: department) |