Bo | from China, also called naobo and jingbo, a round convex gong played by striking or scraping with a beater |
- Bo from which this information has been taken
Bö | (German f.) gust, squall (gusts of wind with rain), blast (gust), scud, bump |
b.o. | abbreviation of 'back order' |
Boa | (Italian m.) boa (constrictor), (feather) boa |
Board | in printing, an alternate term for mechanical |
a committee having supervisory powers |
a stout length of sawn timber |
food or meals in general (as in 'bed and board': live and take one's meals in) |
a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games |
a body (sometimes statutory) that regulates the provision of examinations for entry to higher levels of education or to determine suitability for a particular profession |
Boards | a stage (hence, the colloquial term for the theatre, 'the boards') |
Boar's bristle | the stiff hair of a pig, used as a spring to make the tongues return in historic wooden jacks. Wire, nylon or plastic is generally used in modern times although some makers still use boar bristle |
Boaschlange | (German f.) boa (constrictor) |
Boato | (Italian m.) rumbling |
(Spanish m.) show, ostentation |
Boat song | barcarole, gondoliera |
when he graduated from Trinity College in 1799, Thomas Moore made a year long trip to America, Bermuda and the West Indies. The 'Canadian Boat Song' was published in 1805. Moore based it on a popular Canadian air Et en revenant du boulanger |
Mingulay is a small island in the Outer Hebrides near Barra. Although the tune and the words are similar to many sea shanties, the words commonly used today were written by Sir Hugh Roberton in 1938 for the Glasgow Orpheus Choir. The 'Mingulay Boat Song' was originally recorded by the Francis McPeake family of Ulster |
St. Columban (c.543-615) was the founder of the monastery of Bobbio in northern Italy. His 'Boat Song' captures the mood of adventure and robust faith that animated the Irish monks |
The 'Skye Boat Song' has words by Sir Harold Boulton, Bart., 1884. The first half of the tune is said to be an old sea shanty; the other half is traditionally attributed to Miss Annie MacLeod |
Boatswain's whistle | a sailor's whistle |
Bob | (German m.) bobsleigh, bobsled |
(English, German m.) a knot or bunch of hair, hence, a bunch or cluster of leaves, flowers, fruit, etc. |
Bobada | (Spanish f.) silly thing |
bobalición | (Spanish) stupid |
Bob and wheel | a metrical devise in some alliterative-verse poetry, especially that of the Pearl Poet and that of fourteenth-century poems like Sir Tristrem. The first short line of a group of rhyming lines is known as the "bob" and the subsequent four are a quatraine called the "wheel." The bob contains one stress preceded by either one or occasionally two unstressed syllables (i.e., the bob is only two or three syllables long). Each line of the wheel contains three stresses. Together, the bob-and-wheel constitutes five lines rhyming in an ABABA pattern. Since it matches the alliterative pattern of the first part of the stanza, but also fits the rhyme scheme of the last five lines, the "bob" serves as a structural bridge between the alliterative sections and the rhyming sections of the poem |
Bobard | (French m.) fib |
Bobbahn | (German f.) bobsled run |
Boberia | (Spanish f.) silly thing |
Bob FM | (Bob is an acronym for 'Best of the Best') the on-air brand of several FM radio stations in Canada and the United States. Bob FM stations in Canada are all owned by CHUM Limited; those in the United States are owned by a variety of companies. Bob FM stations follow much the same format as the more famous (although newer) Jack FM brand, and are officially classified as variety hits or adult hits by radio research companies |
- Bob FM from which this information has been taken
Bobfrisur | (German f.) bob hair (style), bob hairstyle, bob hairdo |
Bobibation | see Bobisation |
Bobina | (Italian f.) bobbin, reel, spool, coil (electrical) |
(Spanish f.) bobbin, reel, spool, coil (electrical) |
Bobine | (French f.) bobbin, reel, spool, coil (electrical) |
Bobisation | (English, German f.) or bocedisation, a system of solmisation, whose invention is attributed variously to the composer Hubert Waelrunt (c.1515-1595) who was said to have introduced this technique at the music school he founded in Antwerp in 1547, and to David Mostart (c.1550-1615). It is based on the Flemish syllables bo-ce-di-ga-lo-ma-ni |
it substituted for the six Guidonian the following seven syllables: |
Guidonian syllables |
ut |
re |
mi |
fa |
so |
la |
ti |
Bobisation syllables |
bo |
ce |
di |
ga |
lo |
ma |
ni |
Bobo | (French m.) sore, cut |
(Spanish m.) idiot, fool |
(German m.) a bourgeois bohemian |
Chinese double reed pipe |
pegged drum with antelope skin from Ghana played with hands or hand and stick |
bobo | (Spanish) silly, stupid |
Boboobo | the most popular social music and dance of the Central and Northern Ewe of Ghana and Togo. This music and dance, also known as agbeyeye [New Life], or akpese [Music of Joy], emerged from a village, called Kpando in the Volta Region of Ghana during the independence struggle between 1947 and 1957. Boboobo is derived from an older circular dance called konkoma. Although this music was initially confined to a few towns and villages in central and northern Eweland, it has now spread to all Ewe speaking territories in Ghana and Togo |
Bobre | (Reunion) a musical bow struck with a bamboo stick (ticouti) and held at the same time as a rattle (kaskavel). Also called zezylava (Madagascar), bonm (Seychelles and Rodrigues Islands), and chitende (Mozambique) |
Bobrennen | (German n.) bobsled race |
Bobschlitten | (German m.) bobsled |
Bobtail | (German m.) Old English sheepdog |
Boca | (Spanish f., Portuguese) mouth |
(Spanish f., Portuguese) the sound hole, for example, on a guitar or violin |
Boca | (Spanish f.) entrance (figurative), muzzle (gun), hole |
boca abajo | (Spanish) face down |
boca arribo | (Spanish) face up |
Bocacalle | (Spanish f.) (road) junction |
Bocadillo | (Spanish m.) sandwich, snack |
Bocado | (Spanish m.) mouthful, bite |
Bocage | (French m.) grove, thicket, woodland |
(French m.) a background of foliage and flowers supporting the figures in a pottery set-piece |
bocajarro | (Spanish) point-blank |
Bocal | (French m.) also called a crook, a curved metal tube that connects the double reed to the body of the bassoon (if which case the bocal forms part of the acoustic length of the instrument) or the mouthpiece of a large recorder to the head section, for example on bass and greater recorders (in which case the bocal does not form part of the acoustic length of the instrument) |
(French m.) windcap, copri-ancia (Italian m.), capsula (Italian f.), windcap (musical instrument), Windkapsel (German f.), capsule (French f.), cápsula (Spanish f.) |
(French m.) mouthpiece of horn, trumpet, trombone, serpent, etc. |
Bocal | (French m.) fib |
Bocal | (Portuguese) mouthpiece |
Bocal (s.), Bocaux (pl.) | (French m.) jar |
Bocamanga | (Spanish f.) cuff |
Bocanada | (Spanish f.) puff, mouthful (of wine, etc.) |
Bocas em f | (Portuguese) f-holes |
Bocazas | (Spanish f.) big-mouth |
Bocca | (Italian f.) mouth |
(Italian f.) mouthpiece of horn, trumpet, trombone, serpent, etc. |
Boccaccia | (Italian f.) grimace |
Bocca chiusa | (Italian f., literally 'with mouth closed') wordless humming |
Boccale | (Italian m.) jug, tankard (of beer) |
Bocca ridente | (Italian f.) smiling mouth, the term used in singing that is applied to the elongation of the mouth, approaching a smile, and designed to produce a particular conformation of the throat, mouth and lips, which is believed to be most conducive to the production of a pure, even tone and perfect intonation |
Boccata | (Italian f.) puff (smoke) |
Boccetta | (Italian f.) small bottle |
boccheggiare | (Italian) to gasp |
Bocchino | (Italian m.) a small musical instrument mouthpiece (for example, that of a brass instrument), Mundstück (German n.), embouchure (French f.), embocadura (Spanish f.) |
(Italian m.) cigarette holder, mouthpiece of a smoker's pipe |
Boccia | (Italian f.) bottle, bowl (for playing bowls) |
bocciare | (Italian) to fail, to reject |
Bocciatura | (Italian f.) failure |
Bocciolo | (Italian m.) bud |
Bocciuola | (Italian f.) small mouth-piece |
Boccone | (Italian m.) mouthful, snack |
bocconi | (Italian) face downwards |
Bocedisation | (English, German f.) bobisation |
Bocet | (Romanian) a form of lament which is sung while expressing real grief in tears |
Boceto | (Spanish m.) sketch, outline |
Bochinche | (Spanish m.) uproar |
Bochorno | (Spanish m.) sultry weather, embarrassment (figurative) |
bochornoso | (Spanish) oppressive, embarrassing (figurative) |
Bocina | (Spanish f.) horn, car horn |
cornet à bouquin (French), cornetto (Italian), bugle horn, cornet |
Bocinazo | (Spanish m.) blast, toot |
Bock (s.), Böcke (German pl.) | (French m., Spanish m.) beer glass, glass of beer |
(German m.) boob, buck, billy goat, ram, support, stand, box (seat), support, bagpipe (Southern Germany), trestle, dog (engineering), pedestal, (vaulting) horse, howler (colloquial: bloomer), stubborness, billy goat |
short for Bockpfeife, an abbreviation used commonly in the Alps |
Bockbeere | (German f.) dewberry (a trailing-vine variety of blackberry) |
Bockbier | (German n.) bock (a dark, heavier beer traditionally brewed to lager all winter for consumption in spring - most bock beer cans have the image of a goat on them) |
Bockbrücke | (German f.) trestle bridge, railroad trestle (bridge) |
Böckchen | (German n.) bracket |
Bockdoppelflinte | (German f.) over and under shotgun |
Bocken | (German n.) bucking |
bocken | (German) to buck, to be unruly, to be stubborn, to capriole (horse), to act up (colloquial) |
bockend | (German) bucking |
Bockflinte | (German f.) over and under shotgun |
Bockhorn | (Swedish) made of cow's or goat's horn with up to four finger-holes, similar in many ways to the shofar |
bockig | (German) obstinate, stubborn, spiteful, petulant, petulantly, restive |
bockige Eigenart | (German f.) contrary disposition |
Bockigkeit | (German f.) obstinacy |
Bocklager | (German n.) pedestal bearing |
Bocklagermotor | (German m.) pedestal-type motor |
Bocklamm | (German n.) ram lamb |
Bockmist | (German m.) nonsense |
Bockpfeife | (German f., dated) bagpipe |
(German m.) in the Alps, the name is shortened to Bock [information supplied by Michael Zapf] |
Bocksbart | (German m.) goatsbeard |
Bocksbeutel | (German m.) a bottle for Frankenwein |
Bocksdorn | (German m.) boxthorn, matrimony vine (any of various shrubs or vines of the genus Lycium with showy flowers and bright berries) |
Bockshorn | (German n.) an Estonian shepherd instrument [entry by Michael Zapf] |
Bockshornklee | (German m.) fenugreek (a very hard seed grown in the Middle East, which is used as a spice. Its dominant flavour and aroma is recognisable in commercial curry powders) |
Bockshornkleesamen | (German m.) fenugreek seed |
Bockshornkraut | (German n.) goat's rue (Galega officinalis) (tall bushy European perennial grown for its pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers, sometimes used medicinally) |
Bocksleder | (German n.) buckskin |
Bockspringen | (German n.) leapfrog, leap-frog |
Bock springen | (German) to leapfrog, to leap-frog |
Bocksprung | (German m.) leap-frog, leap (also figurative) |
Bockstriller | or 'goat's trill', see 'bleat' |
Bockwindmühle | (German f.) post mill (pivoting windmill) |
Bockwurst | (German f.) bockwurst, sausage |
Bod. | abbreviation of 'Bodleian Library, Oxford' |
Boda | (Spanish f.) marriage, wedding (ceremony) |
Bode diagram | a diagram in which the phase shift or the gain of an amplifier, a servomechanism, or other device is plotted against frequency to show frequency response (logarithmic scales are customarily used for gain and frequency) |
Bode-Diagramm | (German n.) a plot showing the frequency-response characteristics of an amplifier, servomechanism, etc. |
Bodega | (Spanish f.) cellar, wine cellar (a vault for storing and maturing wine), warehouse, wine-shop, hold (ship) |
(French f.) or craba, bagpipe found in the Laguedoc region of southern France |
Bodegón | (Spanish m.) cheap restaurant, still life (picture) |
Boden (s.), Böden (pl.) | (German m.) ground, soil, floor, loft, attic, land, terrain (figurative), canvas, seat (of trousers), territory, base |
(German m.) fond (French m.), fondo (Italian m., Spanish n.), the back of the sound-box of a musical instrument, bottom (of a harpsichord) |
Boden des Glockenstuhls | (German m.) bell deck (floor of the belfry) |
Boden eines Fasses | (German m.) bottom of a cask |
Bodenablauf | (German m.) floor drainage, floor drain |
Bodenabsenkung | (German f.) ground subsidence, land subsidence |
Bodenabstand | (German m.) ground clearance |
Bodenabtragung | (German f.) soil erosion |
Bodenanalyse | (German f.) soil analysis |
Bodenanalysebericht | (German m.) soil report |
Bodenart | (German f.) soil type |
Bodenbakterien | (German pl.) soil bacteria |
Bodenbearbeitung | (German f.) cultivation |
Bodenbebauung | (German f.) tillage |
bodenbedingt | (German) edaphic (influenced by the soil) |
Bodenbelag | (German m.) floor covering, flooring, flooring material, court surface (tennis), floor surfacing |
Bodenbeschaffenheit | (German f.) condition of the soil, configuration of the ground, configuration of the soil, composition of the ground |
Bodenbeschichtung | (German f.) floor coating |
Bodenbestellung (s.), Bodenbestellungen (pl.) | (German f.) tillage |
Bodenbindung | (German f.) soil consolidation |
Bodenblech | (German n.) floor panel, base plate, bottom plate |
Bodenbrett | (German n.) bottom board, flooring board, puncheon (a short wooden upright used in structural framing, a piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat) |
bodenbrütende Vögel (s./pl.) | (German n.) ground-nesting birds |
bodenbürtig | (German) soil-derived, soil-borne |
bodenbürtige Viren | (German pl.) soilborne viruses |
Bodendecker | (German m.) ground-cover plant |
Bodendielen | (German pl.) deck boards |
Bodeneinlauf | (German m.) floor drain |
Bodenentwässerung | (German f.) soil drainage |
Bodenerhebung | (German f.) rise in the ground, elevation (of the ground) |
Bodenerosion | (German f.) soil erosion |
Bodenfaltenbeutel | (German m.) bottom gusseted bag |
Bodenfläche | (German f.) floor space, floorspace, land coverage, area |
Bodenfliese (s.), Bodenfliesen (pl.) | (German f.) floor tile, paving (tile) |
Bodenfrost | (German m.) ground frost |
Bodenfund | (German m.) archaeological find |
Boden gutmachen | (German) to make up ground |
Bodenhöhe | (German f.) ground level |
Bodenisolator | (German m.) floor insulator |
Bodenkammer (s.), Bodenkammern (pl.) | (German f.) attic (room), garret |
Bodenkanal | (German m.) floor duct |
Bodenkontamination | (German f.) soil contamination |
Bodenkreditanstalt | (German f.) mortgage bank, mortgage company |
Bodenkrume | (German f.) topsoil, surface soil |
Bodenkultivierung | (German f.) tillage |
Bodenlage | (German f.) bottom layer |
bodenlang | (German) floor-length (gowns, curtains, etc.), full-length (gowns, curtains, etc.) |
bodenlebend | (German) ground-dwelling |
Bodenleger | (German m.) floor layer, floorer |
bodenlos | (German) bottomless, incredible (figurative), exceeding, abysmal, groundless, fathomless, abysmally, enormous (figurative) |
bodenlose See | (German f.) soundless sea |
Bodenluke | (German f.) hatch |
Bodenmatte | (German f.) floor mat, floormat |
bodennah | (German) near-ground, near the ground |
Bodennähe erreichen | (German) to reach ground level |
Bodennebel | (German m.) ground mist, ground fog |
Bodennutzung | (German f.) land use |
Bodenplatte | (German f.) base plate, bottom panel, floor slab, floor panel |
Bodenplatte (s.), Bodenplatten (pl.) | (German f.) track shoe, foundation slab, floor board, paving tile |
Bodenprinzip | (German n.) birthright citizenship (jus soli) |
Bodenreform | (German f.) land reform, agrarian reform |
Bodenreformer | (German m.) land reformer |
Bodenrick | (German n.) cavaletto (a small, portable jump for schooling horses) |
Bodensatz (s.), Bodensätze (pl.) | (German m.) lees, dregs, residuum, sediment, deposit |
Bodensatzbildung | (German f.) sedimentation |
bodensaure | (German) acidophilous |
Boden scharren | (German) to paw the ground |
Bodenschatz (s.), Bodenschätze (pl.) | (German m.) mineral deposit, natural resource |
Bodenschicht | (German f.) soil layer |
Bodenschwelle | (German f.) speed hump, speed ramp, sleeping policeman (colloquial) |
Bodensee | (German m.) Lake Constance |
Bodensenke | (German f.) swale (an elongated depression in the land surface that is at least seasonally wet, is usually heavily vegetated, and is normally without flowing water) |
Bodensetzung | (German f.) soil settlement, ground settlement |
Bodenspekulation | (German f.) real estate speculation, speculation in real estate |
bodenständig | (German) rooted to one's native soil, down-to-earth, native, indigenous, rooted to the soil, autochthonous |
bodenständiger Mann | (German m.) meat and potatoes man (colloquial) |
Bodenständigkeit | (German f.) down-to-earthness |
Bodenstaubsauger | (German m.) canister (vacuum) cleaner |
Bodenstruktur | (German f.) soil structure |
Bodenträger | (German m.) bottom beam |
Bodentransportsystem | (German n.) floor conveyor |
Bodentuch | (German n.) floorcloth |
Bodenturnen | (German n.) floor exercises |
Bodentürschließer | (German m.) floor door closer |
Bodenunebenheiten | (German pl.) unevenness of the floor |
Boden unter den Füßen verlieren | (German) to lose ground |
Bodenuntersuchung | (German f.) ground survey, soil test |
Bodenvase (s.), Bodenvasen (pl.) | (German f.) floor vase |
Bodenvegetation | (German f.) ground vegetation |
Bodenverbesserer | (German m.) soil conditioner |
Bodenverdichter | (German m.) soil compactor, wacker plate |
Bodenverdichtung | (German f.) soil compaction |
Bodenverfestiger | (German m.) compactor |
Bodenverhältnisse | (German pl.) ground conditions, underfoot conditions, soil conditions |
Bodenverstärkung | (German f.) floor reinforcement |
Bodenwelle (s.), Bodenwellen (pl.) | (German f.) bump (traffic calming measure) |
Bodenwert | (German m.) land value |
Bodenwerterhöhung | (German f.) rise in land values, appreciation in land value |
Boden wiedergewinnen | (German) to recover ground |
Bodenwischer | (German m.) floor mop |
Bodger | originally, a travelling merchant or chapman - later an itinerant wood-turner, in particular, one who cut timber and converted it into chair legs by turning it on a pole lathe, an very simple tool that could be moved close to the stand of timber and used the spring of a bent sapling to help run it - today, a pejorative term for someone who produces poor-quality work |
Bodhisattva | (English, German m.) an enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others |
Bodhrán | (English, German f., from the Irish) Irish frame drum made out of goat skin, generally played with a double-ended beater or tipper, approximately 45 cms. (18 inches) in diameter and 7.5- 10 cms. deep, with a circular rim |
Bodice | the close fitting upper part of a woman's dress |
a woman's wide, sleeveless vest tightly laced in front, worn over a blouse or dress, usually low-cut |
Bodl. | abbreviation of 'Bodleian Library, Oxford' |
Bodley | abbreviation of 'Bodleian Library, Oxford' |
Bodoque | (Spanish m.) pellet, thickhead |
Bodschnurd | (German n.) Bojnourd (the capital city of North Khorasan province, Iran) |
Body | (of an instrument) cuerpo (Spanish), corpo (Italian), Schallkasten (German), coffre (French) |
of an instrument, the resonance- or sound-box of a stringed instrument or some percussion instruments |
of a guitar, the part on which the controls, bridge and pickups are mounted, which can be of hollow (i.e. hollow body) or solid (i.e. solid body) design |
of an instrument, that part of a wind instrument that remains after the removal of the mouth piece, crooks, and bell |
of an organ-pipe, the tube of an organ-pipe above its mouth |
of a note or tone, its resonant quality - also called its 'body' |
(English, German m.) see 'body suit' |
Body | (French m., German m.) leotard, teddy |
referring to any all-in-one bodice and knickers |
all-in-one leggings and top close fitting as to be apparently second skin |
Bodycheck | (English, German m.) the act of using one's body to impede an opponent |
Body contact | short for 'closed position with body contact', a style of closed position in partner dancing |
Bodyguard | (English, German m.) or, in colloquial English, 'minder', a person or group of persons, usually armed, responsible for the safety of one or more other |
Bodylotion | (German f.) body lotion |
Body lotion | lotion applied to the body after bathing |
Body mass index | or BMI a formula used to expresses body weight in relation to height. BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared |
Body-Mass-Index | (German m.) body mass index |
Bodypainting | (German n.) body painting |
Body painting | body painting with clay and other natural pigments existed in most, if not all, tribalist cultures, often worn during ceremonies; it still survives in this ancient form among the indigenous people of Australia, the Pacific islands and parts of Africa. A semi-permanent form of body painting known as Mehndi, using dyes made of henna (hence also known rather erroneously as "henna tattoo"), was and is still practised in India and the Middle East, especially on brides. Since the late 1990s, Mehndi has become popular amongst young women in the Western world. Actors and clowns around the world have painted their faces and sometimes bodies for centuries, and continue to do so today. More subdued form of face paints for everyday occasions evolve into the cosmetics we know today |
Body percussion | sounds produced by use of the body, e.g. clap, snap, slap, tap, stamp, etc. |
Body politic, The | monarchial government, including all its citizens, its army, and its king |
Body suit | also called a 'body', an all-in-one garments fitting from neck to ankle, used for dance and gymnastics |
Böe (s.), Böen (pl.) | (German f.) gust, squall, blasts (plural form), flurries (plural form) |
Boehm system | the systematic key mechanism invented by German flautist Theobald Boehm to replace the earlier arrangements of keys and finger holes on woodwind instruments |
Boehm, Theobald (1794-1881) | German flautist and composer, remembered principally for the system whereby he replaced the clumsily-placed holes of his instrument by keys enabling the cutting of the holes in their proper acoustical positions, yet leaving them in easy control of the fingers. He made his first 'ring key' flute in 1832, while a player in Munich court orchestra, and in 1847 brought out an improved metal flute with 15 holes and 23 levers and keys. This system has been adapted for oboe, clarinet, and bassoon. Boehm was also a goldsmith and ironmaster. From 1833 to 1846, he directed the reorganization of the Bavarian steel industry |
Boehm's experimental tube with movable toneholes survives at the Dayton C. Miller Collection in Washington. With this simple device, Boehm was able to tweak the positions of the holes until he thought the flute worked as well as it could [information supplied by Robert Bigio] |
Boekhandel | (Dutch) bookshop |
Boekhandelaar | (Dutch) bookseller |
Boeotia | or Beotia, an ancient region of Greece north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth |
Boeotian | see 'Beotian' |
Boer | (Afrikaans) a South African farmer of Dutch origin, particularly one living in the Transvaal |
Boethian | of or pertaining to the philosophy of Boethius, that is, a philosophy of predestination suggesting all events appearing evil, misfortunate, disastrous, or accidental are none of these things. In actuality, such events serve a higher beneficial purpose that must remain unknown to us as long as we are trapped by the limits of the physical universe |
Boethian notation | or Buchstabennotation (German), although it is not known whether or not Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (480-524 or 525) invented this system, the term refers to the use of the first fifteen letters of the alphabet to signify the notes in a two octave range [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (480-524 or 525) | a Christian philosopher of the sixth century. He was born in Rome to an ancient and important family which included the emperor Olybrius and many consuls. His father Fl. Manlius Boethius held that position in 487 after Odoacer deposed the last Western Roman Emperor. He held the same position in 510 in the kingdom of the Ostrogoths. In 522 he also saw his two sons become consuls, but he was later executed by King Theodoric the Great (known to the Romans as Flavius Theodoricus, king of the Ostrogoths (488-526), ruler of Italy (493-526), and regent of the Visigoths (511-526)) on suspicion of having conspired with the Byzantine Empire. Boethius translated the standard Greek texts for the topics of the quadrivium, with additions of his own in the fields of mathematics and music |
Boeuf | (French m.) ox, beef |
(French m.) colloquial expression meaning 'jam', a jam session |
Bofes | (Spanish m. pl.) lights |
Bofetada | (Spanish f.) slap, blow (figurative) |
Bofetón | (Spanish m.) punch |
Bofu | (Chinese) barrel drum |
Bog | (Danish) book |
bog | (German) bent |
Bog. | abbreviated form of Bogen |
Boga | (Spanish m./f.) rower, oarsman, oarswoman, fashion |
Bogavante | (Spanish m.) lobster |
Bogen (s.), Bögen (pl.) | (German m.) bow (for stringed instrument), arco (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese), archetto (Italian), archet (French) |
(German m.) or Bindenbogen (German m.) slur, tie, bind |
(German m.) crook (brass wind instrument) |
(German m.) curve, arc (geometry), turn, arch (architecture), sheet (of paper), vault (architecture), sweep (curve of road, river, etc.), scallop (loop) |
Bogenbaum | (German m.) English yew, common yew, (Taxus baccata) |
Bogenbohrer | (German m.) bow drill |
Bogen Briefmarken | (German m.) sheet of postage stamps |
Bogenbrücke | (German f.) arched bridge, arch bridge |
Bogendruck | (German m.) sheet fed printing |
Bogenclavier | (German n.) also Bogenflügel, Bogenklavier or Geigenwerk, a keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder (powered by a foot pedal), a mechanism not dissimilar to that found in the hurdy-gurdy [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Bogen des Tonnengewölbes | (German m.) barrel vault arch |
Bogenecke | (German f.) corner of the sheet, sheet corner |
Bogen einer Brücke | (German m.) arch of a bridge |
Bogenfeder | (German f.) bow spring |
Bogenfenster | (German n.) arched window, paladin window |
Bogenflügel | (German m.) Bogenclavier |
bogenförmig | (German) arch-shaped, bow-shaped, bowed, arcuate (curved), arched |
bogenförmige Verzierung | (German f.) scallop |
Bogenfries | (German m.) corble table (a row or course of corbels used for decoration or to provide support, as for a parapet) |
Bogenführung | (German f.) the management of the bow, the art of bowing, bowing, colpo d'arco (Italian m.), arcata (Italian f.), Bogenstrich (German m.), Strichart (German f.), coup d'archet (French m.) |
Bogengang | (German m.) arcade, archway, cloister, semicircular canal |
Bogengeradstoßer | (German m.) (sheet) jogger (used in printing) |
Bogengeradstoßmaschine | (German f.) (sheet) jogging machine (used in printing) |
Bogengewölbe | (German n.) arch |
Bogengitarre | (German f.) arpeggione |
Bogenglattstoßmaschine | (German f.) (sheet) jogging machine (used in printing) |
Bogengrad | (German n.) degree (°) (angular measure) |
Bogenguitarre | (German f.) arpeggione |
Bogen-guitarre | see arpeggione |
Bogenhaare | (German pl.) bow hair, crini dell'arco (Italian m. pl.), crins de l'archet (French m. pl.) |
Bogenhalbmesser | (German m.) curve radius, radius of curvature |
Bogenhand | (German f.) bowgrace (archaic), bow hand, bow hand (archery) |
Bogenharfe | (German f.) arched harp |
Bogenhintermauerung | (German f.) spandrel (the triangular space between the springing and centre of an arch) |
Bogenhöhe | (German f.) arch rise (the vertical distance between the spring line of an arch or vault and the keystone or boss) |
Bogeninstrument | (German n.) bowed instrument |
Bogen-instrument | (German n.) a bowed instrument, one that is played by means of a bow |
Bogenklavier | (German n.) Bogenclavier |
Bogenlampe | (German f.) arclamp, arc lamp |
Bogenlänge | (German f.) arc length |
Bogenlauf | (German m.) curvature |
Bogenlaute | (German f.) archlute, lyra, kithara, and African instruments (for example, djuma) [entry extended by Michael Zapf] |
Bogenlicht | (German n.) arclight, arc light, arc-light |
Bogenmacher | (German m.) bow maker, bowyer |
Bogenmaß | (German n.) radian measure |
Bogenminute | (German f.) arc minute, minute of arc, arcminute |
Bogenmontage | (German f.) imposition |
Bogenradius | (German m.) curve radius, radius of curvature |
Bogenrand | (German m.) margin of the sheet, sheet margin |
Bogenrundung | (German f.) arching, hemicycle |
Bogensäge | (German f.) bow saw, bow-saw, fretsaw |
Bogensatz | (German m., from bogen meaning 'elbow') extension tubing for a natural horn to change its fundamental note |
Bogenschießanlage | (German f.) archery range |
Bogenschießen | (German n.) archery, shooting with bow and arrows |
Bogenschießstand | (German m.) archery range |
Bogenschnittsäge | (German f.) segment saw |
Bogenschritt | (German m.) bow stance |
Bogenschüttelmaschine | (German f.) (sheet) jogging machine (used in printing) |
Bogenschütze (m.), Bogenschützin (f.) | (German) archer, bowman (m.), bow woman (f.), archeress (f.) |
Bogenschweißen | (German n.) arc weld |
Bogensehne | (German f.) bow-string, bowstring |
Bogensekunde | (German f.) second of arc, arc second, arcsecond |
Bogensignatur | (German f.) sheet title, signature title (bookbindery) |
Bogensprung (s.), Bogensprünge (pl.) | (German m.) curvet (of a horse, perform a leap where both hind legs come off the ground) |
Bogenstrich | (German m.) bow stroke, the management of the bow, the art of bowing, colpo d'arco (Italian m.), arcata (Italian f.), Bogenführung (German f.), Strichart (German f.), coup d'archet (French m.) |
Bogenstück | (German n.) curved section |
Bogenstützweite | (German f.) effective arch span |
Bogentor | (German n.) arched gateway |
Bogenwasserzeichen | (German n.) sheet watermark |
Bogenwechsel | (German), bow change, when bowing, the change from Aufstrich (upstroke) to Abstrich (downstroke), or the reverse |
Bogenwendung | (German f.) sheet turning device (used in printing) |
Bogenzähler | (German m.) sheet counter (used in printing) |
Bogenzähnung | (German f.) sheet perforation |
Bogenzirkel (s./pl.) | (German m.) wing divider |
Bogenzwickel | (German m.) spandrel (the triangular space between the springing and centre of an arch) |
Bogey | (German n.) bogey (in golf, a score of one over par) |
Boghandel | (Danish) bookshop |
Boghandler | (Danish) bookseller |
Bogomilen | (German pl.) Bogomils |
Bogomils | a reference to follows of Bogomil, a leader of a sect in the Balkans with very similar Manichaean teachings to that adopted by the Cathars of Languedoc. This term was used extensively by Bulgarian writers and sometimes by Byzantine writers |
Bogotano | (Spanish m.) native of Bogotá |
Bogue | (French m.) bug (in computing) |
Boh. | abbreviation of 'Bohemia', 'Bohemian' |
Boha | small pipes from Gascony, which have a rectangular chanter and drone combination - this form is unique to Gascony - and are made out of sheepskin with the fleece showing |
Bohai-Meer | (German n.) Bohai Sea |
Bohai Sea | or Bo Hai, also known as Bohai Bay or Bohai Gulf, the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea on the coast of northeastern China |
Bohemamin | (German n.) bohemamine (an anti-tumour agent named after the Puccini opera La Bohème) |
Boheme | (German f.) Bohemia, bohemian world, bohemian society |
Bohème | (French m./f.) unconventional |
bohème | (French) unconventional |
Boheme- | (German) bohemian (circles, quarter, etc.) (figurative) (prefix) |
Bohemia | a historical area and former kingdom in the Czech Republic |
Bohemian Brethren | a religious society organized in the fifteenth century by the Hussites |
Bohemianism | originally, the alternative lifestyle of the avant-garde creative community of the Romantic movement during the nineteenth century, especially characterized by anti-bourgeois and anti-intellectual attitude. This way of life was thought to have been similar to that of apparently rootless Gypsies from the Bohemian region of Czechoslovakia |
Bohemian Ruby | a pyrope garnet that is inexpensive compared to actual rubies |
Bohemien | (German m.) bohemian (figurative) |
bohémien | (French m./f.) gipsy, Bohemian |
Bohemio | (Spanish m.) Bohemian |
bohemio | (Spanish) Bohemian |
Bohemistik | (German f.) Czech studies |
Bohereen | (Irish, bóthairín) or boreen, a minor road, a country lane, a cart-track |
Bohle (s.), Bohlen (pl.) | (German f.) (thick) plank, board, deal, slab, square plank |
Bohlenbelag | (German m.) planking, decking |
Bohlenbrücke | (German f.) plank bridge |
Bohlen-Pierce scale | or BP scale, a musical scale that offers an alternative to the 12-tone equal temperament typical in Western music. It was independently discovered by Heinz Bohlen, Kees van Prooijen, and also John R. Pierce. Pierce, who, with Max V. Mathews and others, published his discovery in 1984, renamed the scale the Bohlen-Pierce scale after learning of Bohlen's earlier publication. While most scales have octave-equivalence, the BP scale instead has tritave equivalence. This means that its pitch classes are based on the interval 3:1 (tritave, or "perfect 12th" in diatonic nomenclature) rather than the 2:1 (octave). Thus the scale contains many consonant harmonies. A tritave is equivalent to a full octave plus a perfect fifth |
Bohlen-Pierce-Skala | (German f.) Bohlen-Pierce scale |
Bohlen-Pierce tuning | a just-intonation tuning discovered in 1972 and published in 1978 by Heinz Bohlen, and discovered independently and published in 1984 by John Robinson Pierce, in which the 3/1 ratio (the Pythagorean 'perfect-12th', i.e., 'perfect-5th' plus '8ve') is divided into 13 unequal steps. The equal-tempered version was published in 1978 by Kees van Prooijen |
Bohlenweg | (German m.) boardwalk |
Böhme (m.), Böhmin (f.) | (German) Bohemian |
Böhmen | (German n.) Bohemia |
Böhmerwald | (German m.) Bohemian Forest |
böhmisch | (German) Bohemian |
Böhmische Brüder | (German pl.) Bohemian Brethren |
böhmische Dörferr | (German pl.) double Dutch (colloquial), Greek (colloquial) |
böhmische Dörfer für ... seinr | (German) to be all Greek to ... |
böhmisch einkaufen | (German - Austria) to shoplift |
böhmischer Rubin | (German m.) Bohemian ruby |
Bohne (s.), Bohnen (pl.) | (German f.) bean |
Bohneneintopf | (German m.) bean stew |
Bohnenfest | (German n.) bean-feast |
bohnenförmig | (German) bean-shaped |
Bohnengericht | (German n.) bean dish |
Bohnenhülse | (German f.) bean-pod |
Bohnenkaffee | (German m.) pure coffee, real coffee, bean coffee, ground coffee |
Bohnenkönig | (German m.) bean king, roi de la fève (French m.), rey de habas (Spanish m.) |
the child appointed to play the part of king on twelfth-night. In France it was at one time customary to hide a bean in a large cake, and he to whom the bean fell, when the cake was distributed, was, for the present, the bean king, to whom all the other guests showed playful reverence |
Bohnenkrankheit | (German f.) favism (disease caused by inhaling the pollen of the fava bean Vicia fava or after eating the beans themselves) |
Bohnenkraut | (German n.) savory (genus Satureja) |
Bohnenkrautöl | (German n.) savory oil, oil of savory |
Bohnensalat | (German m.) (French) bean salad |
Bohnensprosse (s.), Bohnensprossen (pl.) | (German f.) bean sprout |
Bohnenstange | (German f.) bean pole, bean-pole, bean-stalk, beanpole, stringbean (colloquial) (figurative) |
Bohnensuppe | (German f.) bean soup |
bohnern | (German) to polish (the floor), to wax (the floor) |
Bohnerwachs | (German n.) floor polish, floor wax |
Bohranordnung | (German f.) assembly for drilling |
Bohraufsatz | (German m.) boring bit, boring head |
Bohrdurchmesser | (German m.) bore, bore diameter |
Bohreinsatz | (German m.) drill bit, bit |
Bohreisen | (German n.) bit |
Bohren | (German n.) drilling |
bohren | (German) to drill, to drive (tunnel), to sink (well), to bore (insect), to drill (out), to persist, to go on and on, to bore (figurative) |
bohren nach | (German) to bore for |
bohrend | (German) boring |
bohrende Frage (s.), bohrende Fragen (pl.) | (German f.) probing question, nagging question |
bohrender Schmerz | (German m.) nagging pain, terebrant pain |
bohrender Zweifel | (German m.) nagging doubts |
bohrendes Angstgefühl | (German n.) nagging fear |
Bohrer (s./pl.) | (German m.) drill, auger, borer, wimble, driller, burr (drill), drill bit |
Bohrerbürste | (German f.) burr brush |
Bohrerhalter | (German m.) drill holder |
Bohrerlehre | (German f.) drill gauge |
Bohrerreinigungsbürste | (German f.) burr cleaning brush |
Bohrersatz | (German m.) drill bit set |
Bohrerschaft | (German m.) burr shank |
Bohrerspitze | (German f.) (drill) bit |
Bohrerständer | (German m.) burr holder |
Bohrfräse (s.), Bohrfräsen (pl.) | (German f.) fraise |
Bohrfutter | (German n.) drill chuck, chuck |
Bohrfutterschlüssel | (German m.) drill chuck key, chuck key |
Bohrfutterschlüsselhalter | (German m.) chuck key holder |
Bohrgerät | (German n.) drill |
Bohr-Gewinde-Werkzeug | (German n.) combination drill tap |
Bohrgrat | (German m.) burr |
Bohrhaken | (German m.) bolt |
Bohrhammer | (German m.) hammer drill, rotary hammer |
Bohrkern | (German m.) core, drill core |
Bohrkernprobe | (German f.) drill core sample |
Bohrknarre | (German f.) ratchet brace |
Bohrkrone | (German f.) drill bit |
Bohrlehre | (German f.) boring jig, drilling jig |
Bohrloch | (German n.) drill hole, borehole, auger hole, boring |
Bohrmaschine | (German f.) drilling machine, drill, boring machine, electric drill |
Bohrmesser | (German n.) boring bar bit |
Bohrmühle | (German f.) boring mill |
Bohröffnung | (German f.) bore |
Bohrprozess | (German m.) drilling process |
Bohrsäge | (German f.) keyhole saw |
Bohrschablone | (German f.) drilling template, drilling jig |
Bohrspitze | (German f.) drillbit |
Bohrständer | (German m.) drill stand |
Bohrstange | (German f.) boring bar |
Bohrstangenhalter | (German m.) boring bar holder |
Bohrtiefe | (German f.) drilling depth |
Bohrtisch | (German m.) (rotary) table |
Bohr- und Fräsmaschine | (German f.) boring and milling machine |
Bohrung | (German f.) bore (of a wind instrument or organ pipe), drilling, drill, hole, drilled hole, tobacco chamber (pipe) |
Bohrungsdrücken | (German n.) spin extrusion |
Bohrungsdrückmaschine | (German f.) spin extrusion machine |
Bohrungsdurchmesser | (German m.) bore diameter |
Bohrungsmitte | (German f.) hole centre |
Bohrvorrichtung | (German f.) drilling jig, boring jig |
Bohrweite | (German f.) bore, calibre (gun, rifle, etc.) |
Bohrwerk | (German n.) boring mill |
Bohrwerkzeug | (German n.) boring tool |
Bohrwinde | (German f.) brace |
Boi | a style of Central Amazonian folk music now moving into the mainstream in Brazil |
Boiata | (Italian f.) rubbish |
Boicot | (Spanish m.) boycott |
boicotear | (Spanish) boycott |
Boicoteo | (Spanish m.) boycott |
boicottare | (Italian) boycott |
böig | (German) gusty, choppy (wind), bumpy (ride), squally (wind) |
böiges Wetter | (German n.) squally weather, gusty weather |
Boiler | (English, German m.) hot water heater, hot-water boiler, equipment for heating water |
Boilerplate | repetitive blocks of type that are picked up and included routinely without recreating them |
a phrase or body of text used verbatim in different documents such as a signature at the end of a letter |
Boiler suit | all-in-one or overall with long sleeves, of industrial origin as protective apparel, incorporated into fashion in the latter half of the twentieth century |
Boina | (Spanish f.) beret |
boire | (French) to drink, to soak up |
boire un verre | (French) to have a drink |
Bois | (French m.) wood |
(French m. pl.) woodwind (instruments) |
Bois clair | (French m.) unstained and unvarnished wood |
Bois d'acajou | (French m.) or acajou (French f.), mahogany, mogano (Italian m.), Mahogani (German n.), caoba (Spanish f.) |
Bois de rose | (French m.) rosewood |
boisé | (French) wooded |
boiser | (French) to panel (in a room) |
Boiserie | (French f.) domestic woodwork, a wooden panel |
Boiseries | (French f. pl.) panelling |
Boisson | (French f.) drink |
boisterous | bullicioso (Spanish), strepitoso (Italian, geräuschvoll (German), impétueux (French m.), impétueuse (French f.) |
high-spirited, playful |
Boîte | (French f.) box, tin, can, firm (business) |
(French f.) a night-club, a dance-hall, a 'dive' or 'joint' (a disreputable night-club) |
Boîte à musique | (French f.) musical box, carillon (Italian m.), Spieldose (German f.), caja de música (Spanish f.) |
Boîte aux lettres | (French f.) letter-box |
Boîte de nuit | (French f.) night-club |
Boîte (expressive) | (French f.) swell box of an organ |
Boîte postale | (French f.) post-office box |
boiter | (French) to limp, to wobble (furniture) |
boiteux (m.), boiteuse (f.) | (French) lame, wobbly, shaky, limping, alla zoppo (Italian), alla zoppa (Italian), hinkend(German) |
Boîtier | (French m.) case |
Boîtier de montre | (French m.) watchcase |
Boîtier électrique | (French m.) electric torch, flashlight |
Boitillement | (French m.) slight limp, hobble |
boitiller | (French) to limp slightly, to have a slight limp, to hobble |
Böjd klammer | (Swedish) grand staff |
Boj | (Spanish m.) box (tree), boxwood |
Bojar (s.), Bojaren (pl.) | (German m.) boyar |
Boje | (German f.) buoy |
Bok | (Norwegian) book |
Bokförlag | (Swedish) publishing house [correction by Lars Hellvig] |
Bokhandlare | (Swedish) bookseller |
Bokhandler | (Norwegian) bookseller |
Boktryckeri | (Swedish) press |
Boktrykker | (Norwegian) printer |
Bol | in Hindustani classical music, the text of the lyrics |
an important part of Indian rhythm, the word bol is derived from the word bolna, literally 'to speak'. It is a series of syllables which match the various strokes of the tabla and are used to define the tal. In the north (Hindustani sangeet) the tal is actually defined by the bol while in the south (Carnatic sangeet) it is merely a mnemonic aid to the musician |
Bol | (French m.) bowl |
(French m.) un bol d'air, 'a breath of fresh air' |
Bola | (Spanish f.) ball, marble (small glass sphere), shoe polish, fib |
Bola die mundo | (Spanish f.) globe |
Bolas | (Spanish f. pl.) a device consisting of heavy balls attached to cords, used for capturing animals by entangling their legs |
Bol bant | in Hindustani classical music, rhythmic variations in dhrupad or khayal with the text of the song |
Bold | or 'boldly', audazmente (Spanish), ardito (Italian), mutig (German), muthig (German), hardiment (French) |
Boldness | audacia (Spanish), bravura (Italian), Bravour (German), bravoure (French) |
Bole | (in gilding) clay mixed with rabbit skin glue for application to the surface of an object being prepared for water-gilded. Usually the clay is applied to a gesso surface. It is the clay surface that receives the gold leaf. The clay and rabbit skin glue content dictate the reflective quality of the gold finish. Clay is finer than gesso and when burnished with a tool of hounds tooth, agate or hematite stone its surface becomes more dense and thereby more reflective |
Bolera | (Spanish f.) bowling alley |
Bolerito | a diminutive of bolero, the bolerito is a triple meter dance but includes only one or two sections or movements as compared with the standard three in a bolero |
Bolero | (Spanish m.) a high-kick, liar (figurative) |
(English, German m., from Spanish m.) a short jacket that reaches barely to the waist |
(from the verb volar meaning 'to fly') a Spanish dance in triple time, often having a triplet on the second beat of each bar (measure) |
Cuban dance derived from the Spanish bolero, initially into 2/4 time then eventually into 4/4, but always slow. The music is frequently arranged with Spanish vocals and a subtle percussion effect, usually implemented with maracas, conga or bongos - Pepe Sanchez has been credited with creating the Cuban bolero in 1885 with a composition called Tristeza. The Cuban bolero developed out of previously existing genres such as the danzón and the contradanza, from which it received its characteristic 4/4 time. In the late nineteenth century, a wave of Cubans fleeing the Wars of Independence (1895-98) migrated to the Dominican Republic, particularly the Cibao region, where they introduced Cuban music, the guaracha, rumba, son and bolero. In the early twentieth century, the Cuban bolero spread all over Latin America, where it was typically played by guitar-based duos, trios, and quartets. Over the course of the thirties, forties, and fifties, however, the Cuban bolero was elaborated into an international Latin style, orchestrated with pianos and stringed and wind instruments, over time bearing less and less resemblance to its guitar-based antecedents |
the Cuban bolero also took root in Mexico, where it developed into two styles: the more international variety was called romántico, danceable tunes played in the urban music hall; the bolero ranchero, on the other hand, was typically played by mariachi conjuntos, was sung only, and was associated with the rural segments of the population |
an American Style ballroom dance, employing rumba patterns and some features of the waltz and the foxtrot, danced to music that is slow and in 4/4 time |
Boléro | (English, German m., from French m.) bolero |
a one-act ballet with music by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky (1890-1950) in 1928 for the Russian dancer Ida Lvovna Rubinstein (1880-1960) |
Bolero ballad | (Santiago, Cuba) a ballad form usually on the subjects of love, loss and happiness |
Bolerojäckchen | (German n.) (little) bolero jacket |
Bolero-Jacke | (German f.) bolero jacket |
Bolero jacket | a loose, waist-length jacket open at the front |
Bolero ranchero | (Spanish m.) see bolero |
Bolero romántico | (Spanish m.) see bolero |
Bolero viejo o parado | (Spanish m.) a style derived from the seguidilla, the Valldemosa (Majorca, Spain) bolero is the most popular in the Balearic Islands. The name parado (stopped) comes from the abrupt end of the dance. It is normally accompanied by violins, guitars, castanets and triangle |
Boletín | (Spanish m.) newsletter, bulletin, journal, report |
Boletín de noticias | (Spanish m.) news bulletin, news report |
Boletín de precios | (Spanish m.) price list |
Boletín informativo | (Spanish m.) news bulletin, news report |
Boletín meteorológico | (Spanish m.) weather forecast, weather report |
Bolgia | (Italian f.) bedlam |
Boli | (Spanish m.) ball-point pen |
Bolid | (German m.) bolide |
Bolide | a meteor, asteroid or comet that hits the Earth (or other planet) and explodes |
Boline | a white handled knife, used in magick and ritual purposes |
Bolin goxo | the Basque name for dulzaina, the bolin goxo comes from a diversified family of instruments from the province of Nafarroa |
Bolivarische Revolution | (German f.) Bolivarian Revolution |
Bolivarian Revolution | mass social movement and political process in Venezuela. Its most prominent leader is Hugo Chávez, the founder of the Fifth Republic Movement and the current President of Venezuela. The "Bolivarian Revolution" seeks the implementation of Bolivarianism in Venezuela. Proponents of Bolivarianism trace its roots to an avowedly socialist interpretation of some ideals of Simón Bolívar, an early 19th century Venezuelan and Latin American revolutionary leader, prominent in the South American Wars of Independence |
Bolivianer (m.), Bolivianerin (f.), Bolivianer (pl.) | (German) Bolivian |
bolivianisch | (German) Bolivian |
Boliviano | (Spanish m.) Bolivian |
boliviano | (Spanish) Bolivian |
Boliviano (m.), Boliviana (f.) | (Italian) Bolivian |
boliviano (m.), boliviana (f.) | (Italian) Bolivian |
Bolivie | (French f.) Bolivia |
Bolivien | (German n.) Bolivia |
Bolivien (m.), Bolivienne (f.) | (French) Bolivian |
bolivien (m.), bolivienne (f.) | (French) Bolivian |
Bolivier (m.), Bolivierin (f.) | (German) Bolivian |
bolivisch | (German) Bolivian |
Bolla | (Italian f.) bubble, blister |
bollare | (Italian) to stamp, to brand (figurative) |
bollente | (Italian) boiling, boiling hot |
Böller | (German m.) saluting gun, (small) cannon, heavy duty firecracker |
Bollería | (Spanish f.) baker's shop |
Bollero | (Spanish m.) baker |
Böllerschuß | (German m., old form) gun salute |
Böllerschuss | (German m., new form) gun salute |
Bolletta | (Italian f.) bill |
Bollettino (s.), Bollettini (pl.) | (Italian m.) bulletin, list |
Bolline | (German n.) boline (ritual knife) |
Bollino | (Italian m.) coupon |
bollire | (Italian) to boil |
Bollitore | (Italian m.) boiler, kettle |
Bollitura | (Italian f.) boiling |
Bollo | (Italian m.) stamp |
(Spanish m.) roll, bun, dent, lump, fuss (figurative) |
bollore | (Italian) boil, intense heat, ardour (figurative) |
Bollwerk (s.), Bollwerke (pl.) | (German n.) bulwark, fortress, bastion, stronghold, rampart |
Bollwerk der Freiheit | (German n.) bulwark of freedom |
Bollywood | (English, German n.) the Indian commercial film industry |
Bollywood-Film | (German m.) bollywood production |
Bolo | (Spanish m.) skittle |
Bolognese (m.), Bolognesin (f.) | (German) Bolognese (a native of Bologna, Italy) |
Bologneser | (German m.) Bolognese (a member of the Bichon family of dogs) |
Bolognese sauce | a thick, full-bodied meat sauce that's a staple on northern Italy's Bologna |
Bolognesesoße | (German f.) Bolognese sauce |
Bolombatto | harp from West Africa with four gut strings over a gourd resonator and an attached tin rattle |
Bolon | (Guinea) an arched three string bass harp with a resonating gourd that can be used as a drum |
Boloye | one-string bass from the Ivory Coast |
Bols | Asian vocal percussion |
Bolsa | (Spanish f.) bag, purse, sotck exchange, cavity |
Bolsa de agua caliente | (Spanish f.) hot-water bottle |
Bolschewismus | (German m.) Bolshevism |
bolschewistisch | (German) bolshevist |
Bolschoi-Ballett | (German n.) Bolshoi Ballet |
Bolshevik | (Russian) the majority party at the Second Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Party, 1903 |
Bolshevism | Soviet communism |
Bolshoi Ballet | Russian ballet company, formed by English entrepreneur Michael Maddox and Prince Urusov, a patron of the arts, founded in 1776 and based at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Its dancers were recruited from the Moscow Orphanage where the first classes were conducted 1773. It provided dancers for the Petrovsky Theatre, established 1780, on the site of the present Bolshoi Theatre, which was opened 1825. With their mixed repertory of classics and new works, the Bolshoi is noted for its grand scale productions and the dancers' dramatic and eloquent technique. From 1964 to 1994 its artistic director was the choreographer Yuri Grigorovich (b.1927) |
Bolsillo | (Spanish m.) pocket, purse |
Bolsista | (Spanish m./f.) stockbroker |
Bolso | (Spanish m.) handbag |
Bol-taans | in Indian classical music, musical phrases interlinked with bols (words) |
Bolt-on Neck | (German m.) bolt-on neck (electric guitar) |
Bolt on (neck) | a means of attaching the neck of a guitar to the body using screws or bolts and a neck plate |
Bolukuluku | nose flute from Zaire, now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or DROC |
Bolus (s.), Boli (pl.) | (English, German m., Latin, from the Greek) a large pill |
Bolzen (s./pl.) | (German m.) pin, bolt, stud, bolt nut |
bolzen | (German) to slam (ball) |
Bolzenabschneider | (German m.) bolt cutter, bolt clipper |
bolzengerade | (German, dated) bolt upright |
Bolzengewinde | (German f.) bolt thread |
Bolzenloch | (German n.) bolt hole, stud hole |
Bolzenschneider | (German m.) bolt cutter, bolt clipper, bolt cropper |
Bolzplatz | (German m.) football ground |
Bom. | abbreviation of 'Bombay' |
b.o.m. | abbreviation of 'bill of materials' (in manufacturing) |
Bomaa | see fontomfrom |
Bomb. | abbreviation of 'Bombay' |
Bomb | in jazz and particularly in bop, an unexpectedly loud beat from the drummer on a 'backbeat', 'upbeat' or irregular quaver (eighth note) beat |
Bomba | a barrel-shaped drum of Afro-Puerto Rican origin covered with goatskin |
(Puerto Rico) Afro-Puerto Rican dance and songs traditionally associated with plantation workers. One or two large wooden drum(s) covered with goatskin called the bomba, which accompanied this music, explain the dance's name. The first drum maintains a constant rhythm, while the second changes the rhythm to follow that of the dancer(s). In the bomba, the female dancer makes lively use of her long skirts, while the male uses his body to perform the intricate and rhythmic gestures. The bomba songs are improvised and have a call and response style. Bomba is divided into different rhythmic backgrounds and variations, such as the euba, cocobale, leró, yubá, cunyá, babú, belén and sica. The dance and the most purely African version of this music may come from the northeastern coast town of Loíza Aldea |
(Ecuador) an African derived musical form from the Chota Rivera area of Ecuador. Its origins can be traced back to Africa and the use of African slave labour during the country's colonial period. African slaves in Ecuador brought with them this form heavily influenced by the Bantu culture of the Congo. It is played with barrel-shaped drums similar to those found in the Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, Santiago, Cuba and Southern Angola. The people dance to the drums in pairs and used improvisation to build a relationship between the dancer and lead drummer |
Bomba | (Spanish f.) bomb, pump (machine), bombshell (announcement) |
Bomba calindán | a stick-fighting dance from Puerto Rico |
see calinda |
Bombachas | (Spanish/South America f. pl.) knickers, pants |
Bombacho | (Spanish/South America m.) baggy trousers |
Bomba de incendios | (Spanish f.) fire-engine |
Bombai | (Japanese) Buddhist chant style involving a complete sutra reading in Sanskrit |
Bombard | or bombarde, a large member (tenor or bass) of the shawm (oboe-like) family, which the Germans call Pommer |
a brilliant sounding 16 ft. reed stop in a pipe organ |
Bombard | (German m.) bombarda |
Bombarda | (Italian f., Spanish f.) euphonium (a member of the tuba family) |
(Italian f., Spanish f.) bombard, bombarde (French f.), Bombard (German m.), Pommer (German m.) |
Bombarde | (German f, French f.) a bombard |
(French f.) or hautbois rustique, a small Breton clarinet-like reed instrument with its own distinctive sound |
Bombardement | (German n.) bombardment (physical, figurative), bombing, shelling (artillery) |
Bombarder | (French m.) also soner or talabarder, a player of the bombarde |
bombarder | (French) to appoint unexpectedly, to appoint unexpectedly as |
bombardieren | (German) to bomb, to batter, to bombard, to strafe (with bombs), to shell |
bombardieren mit | (German) to bombard with (figurative) |
bombardiert | (German) bombarded |
bombardiertes Gebiet | (German n.) blitzed areas |
Bombardierung | (German f.) shellfire, bombardment, bombing |
Bombardierung mit Werbung | (German f.) spamming |
Bombardierung mit Zündbomben | (German f.) bombing with incendiary bombs |
Bombardino | (Italian m., Spanish m.) baritone horn, Baritonhorn (German n.), euphonium (French m.) |
a small bombard, the smallest of the family |
(Italian m., Spanish m.) euphonium |
Bombardo | (Italian) a bombard |
a brilliant sounding 16 ft. reed stop in a pipe organ |
Bombardon | from the 1820s onward, numerous bass instruments of similar construction but with different names were built. In 1829, for instance, W. Riedl made a valved instrument in Vienna which was modeled on the ophicleide and became known as the bombardon. This wide-bored instrument had a powerful tone and was still used in military bands after the advent of the tuba |
a large early nineteenth-century musical instrument of the saxhorn family, the lowest of the saxhorns, in tone resembling the ophicleide |
nineteenth-century valved tuba |
(French m., German n.) bass tuba, bombardone (Italian m.) |
(German n.) a bass reed stop for the pedals of nineteenth-century Walcker pipe organs |
Bombardone | (Italian m.) the largest member of the bombard family, Bombardon (German n,), bombardon (English, French m.) |
(Italian m.) Basstuba (German f.) |
Bombardon pipe | found in some band organs, a bright-sounding bass reed stop or sometime a mellower rank of brass reed stops. In a pipe organ, a reed rank that is brighter than a Fagotto but not as brassy as a trombone |
Bombast | padding made of cotton and rags used to stuff in the linings of sixteenth-century garments |
Bombastik | (German f.) bombast |
bombastisch | (German) bombastic, grandiose, overblown, pompous, overdone, fustian (figurative), bombastically, declamatory, orotund (language style), pompously, turgid (bombastic), puffy (figurative) |
bombastische Rede | (German m.) declamation |
bombastischer Stil | (German m.) inflated style, declamatory style, bombastic style |
Bombatura | (Italian f.) arching, Wölbung (German f.), voûte (French f.) |
bombatura alta | (Italian) voûté (French), bombé (French), hoch gewölbt, high arched, molto bombata (Italian) |
Bombay | (English, German n.) a city in western India just off the coast of the Arabian Sea, India's 2nd largest city (after Calcutta), now called Mumbai |
Bomba y plena | (Puero Rico) although usually grouped together, bomba y plena are actually town entirely different types of music that are coupled with dance |
see bomba, plena |
Bombazo | (Spanish m.) explosion |
Bombe (s.), Bombes (French pl.), Bomben (German pl.) | (French f.) bomb, spray (atomiser), aerosol, a confection (an ice cream speciality of different flavours made in a round mould) |
(German f.) bomb, bombshell, bombshell (figurative), cannonball (slang), ace |
bombé | (French) convex (for example, furniture with convex rather than plain surfaces), bulging, rounded, cambered (road) |
(French) hoch gewölbt (German), high arched, voûté (French), molto bombata (Italian), bombatura alta (Italian) |
bombear | (Spanish) to pump, to bomb |
Bombe mit Verzugszeit | (German f.) time bomb |
bomben | (German) to bomb |
Bomben- | (German) dynamite (prefix) |
Bomben abwerfen | (German) to release bombs |
Bombenabwurf | (German m.) bombing |
Bombenabwurf bei Tageslicht | (German m.) daylight bombing |
Bombenalarm | (German m.) bomb alarm, bomb scare |
Bombenangriff | (German m.) air raid, bombing raid |
Bombenanschlag (s.), Bombenanschläge (pl.) | (German m.) bomb attack, bombing raid, bomb outrage, bombing (terror attack) |
Bombenattentat | (German n.) bomb attempt, bomb attack, bomb assassination |
Bombenattrappe | (German f.) dummy bomb |
Bombenaufschlag | (German m.) bomb impact, impact of a bomb, impact of the bomb |
Bomben auslösen | (German) to release bombs |
Bombenbastler | (German m.) bomb builder, bomb maker |
Bombenbauer | (German m.) bomb builder, bomb maker |
Bombenbesetzung | (German f.) fantastic cast, great cast |
Bombendetektor | (German m.) bomb detector, bomb detection device |
Bombendetonator | (German m.) bomb detonator |
Bombending | (German n.) wow (colloquial), smasher (colloquial), knockout (colloquial) |
Bombendrohung | (German f.) bomb threat |
Bombeneinschlag | (German m.) bomb impact, impact of a bomb, impact of the bomb |
Bombenentschärfung | (German f.) bomb disposal |
Bombenentschärfungskommando | (German n.) bomb squad, bomb disposal squad |
Bombenerfolg (s.), Bombenerfolge (pl.) | (German m.) wow (colloquial), huge success, smash hit, howling success, box-office hit, tremendous success, knockout (colloquial), great success, roaring success |
Bombenexplosion | (German f.) bomb burst, bomb blast |
Bombenfabrik | (German f.) bomb factory |
bombenfest | (German) bomb-resistant, bomb-proof, bombproof, steady as a rock, unshakeable, absolutely secure |
Bombenflugzeug | (German n.) bomber (aircraft) |
Bombenfragment | (German n.) bomb fragment |
Bombengehalt | (German n.) huge salary, tremendous salary, fantastic salary |
Bombengeschädigter (m.), Bombengeschädigte (f.) | (German) bomb victim |
Bombengeschäft | (German n.) roaring trade, land-office business (US) (colloquial) |
Bombengroßangriff | (German m.) clobbering |
Bombengürtel | (German m.) (suicide) bomb belt, suicide belt |
Bombenhitze | (German f.) sweltering heat |
Bombenkoffer | (German m.) bomb suitcase |
Bombenlage | (German f.) prime location, plum site (colloquial) |
Bombenleger (m.), Bombenlegerin (f.) | (German) bomber, bomb planter |
Bombennacht (s.), Bombennächte (pl.) | (German f.) night of bombing |
Bombenopfer | (German n.) bomb victim |
Bombenräumtrupp | (German m.) bomb disposal unit |
Bombensache | (German f.) wow (colloquial), smasher (colloquial), knockout (US) (colloquial) |
Bombenschaden (s.), Bombenschäden (pl.) | (German m.) bomb damage, air-raid damage |
bombensicher | (German) bomb-proof, bombproof, cannonproof, shellproof, sure as death, dead certain, absolutely safe |
bombensicher feststehen | (German) to be a dead cert (slang) |
bombensichere Deckung | (German f.) bomb proof shelter, bomb-proof shelter |
Bombensplitter | (German m.) bomb splinter, bomb fragment |
Bombenstellung | (German f.) plum position (colloquial: best possible job), job in a million, fantastic job |
Bombenstimmung | (German f.) tremendous atmosphere, fantastic atmosphere |
Bombenvolltreffer | (German m.) direct hit (bomb) |
Bomberjacke | (German f.) bomber jacket |
Bomber-Jacke | (German f.) bomber jacket |
Bomber jacket | waist length cropped jacket with a rounded or puffed out body; large but fitted arms are elasticated at the wrist, sporty looking often with zip fastening from waist to neck |
bomber la poitrine | (French) to throw out one's chest |
Bombero | (Spanish m.) fireman |
Bombe surprise | (French f.) a confection, an unexpected happening |
Bombetta | (Italian f.) bowler hat |
bombiert | (German) raised |
bombig | (German) super (colloquial), smashing (colloquial), terrific, fantastic, swell (US) (colloquial) (dated) |
Bombilation | specifically, the humming of bees - more generally, any droning or buzzing, also a loud sound |
Bombilla | (Spanish f.) (light) bulb |
Bombín | (Spanish m.) pump, bowler (hat) |
Bombix | (Greek) a Greek reed instrument |
Bombo | (Spanish m.) bass drum, grosse caisse (French) |
(Spanish m.) a large sheepskin bass drum used in Spain and Spanish America |
Afro-Uruguayan comparsa drum |
Bombo | a tremolo, the quick and continuous reiteration of a single pitch which, on stringed instruments, is produced by a rapid up-and-down movement of the bow. This effect is called for in violin music of the early seventeenth century, and is a feature of Monteverdi's stile conciato. In the eighteenth century, this effect is known in German by the term Schwärmer or Rauscher [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Bombo criollo | an adaptation of the Spanish military bass drum, used in Cuba for carnival |
Bombo huilliche | Chilean bass drum |
Bombola | (Italian f.) cylinder |
Bombo legüero | (South American) traditionally made of a hollowed tree trunk and covered with cured animal skins such as goat, sheep, or cow, this instrument is used to set the tempo and pulse in a piece of music. It is a particular feature of zamba, the national dance of Argentina |
Bomboniera | (Italian f.) wedding keep-sake |
Bommel (s./pl.), Bommeln (pl.) | (German m./f.) bobble, pompom |
Bon | (French m.) voucher, coupon, bond (commerce) |
(German m.) voucher, bon, Bön (indigenous religion of Tibet), sales slip (US), receipt (commerce) [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Bön | (English, German m.) the oldest spiritual tradition of Tibet |
bon (m.), bonne (f.) | (French) good, right, wise (prudent) |
bon à (m.), bonne à (f.) | (French) fit to |
bonaccione | (Italian) good-natured |
bonachón | (Spanish) easygoing, good-natured |
Bonae memoriae | (Latin) of gracious memory (said of a person who one is happy to call to mind) |
Bonaerense | (Spanish m.) native of Buenos Aires |
bonaerense | (Spanish) from Buenos Aires |
Bona fide | (English, German, from Latin) in good faith, well-intentioned, with sincerity, honest, sincere |
a bona fide agreement is one entered into genuinely without attempt to fraud |
bona-fide-Käufer | (German m.) bona fide purchaser |
bona-fide-Klausel | (German f.) bona fide clause |
Bonang barung | (Javanese) the bonang barung and bonang panerus are each formed of a double row of tuned bronze kettle drums resting on a horizontal frame, played with two long sticks, called tabuh, bound with red cord at the striking end. The bonang panerus are similar to the bonang barung but sound one octave higher |
Bonang panerus | see bonang barung |
Bonanza | (Spanish f.) fair weather (nautical), prosperity, sudden unexpected wealth |
bonario | (Italian) kindly |
bona vacantia | (Latin) unclaimed goods, goods whose ownership cannot be determined |
Bonaventura | (German) Bonaventure |
Bonaventura von Bagnoregio | (German) Saint Bonaventure, San Bonaventura (Italian) (born: Giovanni di Fidanza) |
Bonaventure | Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (1221-1274), born John of Fidanza (Giovanni di Fidanza), was the eighth Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, commonly called the Franciscans. He was a medieval scholastic theologian and philosopher, a contemporary of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and a Cardinal Bishop of Albano |
Bonbai | see hora |
Bonbon (s.), Bonbons (pl.) | (French m., German m./n.) sugar plum, comfit, candy, small sugar confectionery |
(French m., German n.) lozenge, goody, sweetmeat, bon-bon |
Bonbondose | (German f.) toffee tin |
Bonbonne | (French f.) demijohn (for storing liquids), (gas) canister |
Bonbonkästchen | (German n.) box for bonbons |
Bonbonniere | (German f.) box of chocolates |
Bonbonnière | (French f.) sweet-box (a fancy box designed to hold sweets) |
Bonbonpapier | (German n.) candy wrapper, sweets wrapper |
Bonbonschüssel | (German f.) bonbon dish |
Bonbon zur Atemerfrischung | (German m./n.) cachou |
Bon copain | (French m.) a good or loyal friend or companion |
Bond | (French m.) leap, jump, spring |
(Afrikaans) a political league formed in South Africa in 1882 to strive for South African independence |
Bondad | (Spanish f.) goodness, kindness |
bondadosamente | (Spanish) kindly |
bondadoso | (Spanish) kind |
Bondagehose | (German f.) bondage trousers |
Bond & carbon | in printing, a business form with interleaving sheets of paper and carbon paper |
Bondbarkeit | (German f.) bondability |
Bonde | (French f.) plug, plughole |
bondé | (French) packed |
Bonden | (German n.) bonding |
Bond paper | strong durable grade of paper used for letterheads and business forms |
Bondparameter | (German pl.) bonding parameters |
Bondrucker | (German m.) voucher printer |
bondi | (French) bouncing, springing (bowing), balzato (Italian), mit (dem) Springbogen (German), fliegendes Staccato (German), staccato volant (French) |
Bondieuserie | (French f., from bon Dieu, 'good God') cloying piety (a pejorative term directed particularly at certain form of religious art) |
bondir | (French) to leap, to jump (in surprise), to spring |
Bondjo | Congolese side-blown trumpet |
Bon enfant (s.), Bons enfants (pl.) | (French m.) someone who is always good company |
Bones | pieces of rib bone played like castanets |
Bong. | abbreviation of 'bongos' |
Bongo (s.), Bongos (pl.) | (English, Italian m., German n./f., German f., French m.) bongo drums, smaller and shallower than conga drums, come in pairs: one drum is slightly larger and lower in pitch than the other. The larger drum is about 7" in diameter, and the smaller is about 5". The contrast between the higher and lower pitch gives the bongos their distinctive sound. A bongo player holds the drums between his/her knees and strikes the drums with his or her hands. The bodies of the bongos are made of wood, and a small piece of wood connects the two drums. Bongos were originally created around 1900 in Cuba to be used in dance bands. When playing just a rhythm part, the bongo player almost always sticks to a rhythm called martillo ('the hammer') which drives the music with its sharp steady pulse. In an orchestral context, bongo drums are usually played with medium mallets or sticks [entry clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Bongo bell | the campana, cencerro or hand bell, it is the bell played by the bongocero during the Montuno section of an arrangement and mounted and played by the Palito player during rumbas |
Bongocero | bongo (and bell) player |
Bongotrommel | (German f.) bongo |
Bon goût | (French m.) good taste (particularly aesthetic) |
Bongrave | worn between 1530 and 1615, a flat, square cap with a short flap of velvet on each side |
Bongyi | large Burmese drum |
Bonheur | (French m.) happiness, good luck, luck |
Bonheur-de-jour | (French m.) a small writing-table for ladies, comprising many small drawers both below and at the back, which became extremely popular in about 1770 |
Bonhomie | (French f.) good-heartedness, 'clubbability', good nature |
Bonhomme | (French m.) fellow |
bonhomme | (French) good-hearted |
Bonhomme de neige | (French m.) snowman |
Bonhommie | (French f.) good-heartedness |
Boniato | (Spanish m.) sweet potato |
Boni et legales (homines) | (Latin) decent, law-abiding people |
Bonifatius | (German m.) Boniface |
Bonifaz | (German) Boniface |
Bonificio | (Italian m.) discount (in business), transfer (banking) |
Boniment | (French m.) smooth talk |
Bonität | (German f.) degree of creditworthiness, solvency, soundness (financial), credit-worthiness, credit rating |
Bonität einer Firma | (German f.) reliability of a company |
bonito | (Spanish) nice, pretty |
Bonivereinbarung | (German f.) bonus agreement |
Bonjour | (French m.) hallo, hello, good morning, good afternoon |
Bonkoechemillá | see biankomeko |
Bonm | see bobre |
bon marché | (French) cheap, cheaply (the name of a well-known cut-price shop in Paris) |
Bonmot | (German n.) clever or witty expression, clever or witty remark, witticism, bon mot (French m.) |
Bon mot (s.), Bons mots (pl.) | (French m.) an epigram, a witty remark |
Bonn | (English, German n.) a city in western Germany on the Rhine River; was the capital of West Germany between 1949 and 1989 |
Bonne | (French f.) (domestic) maidservant, nursemaid |
Bonne amie | (French f.) a woman who is a good friend (implying that she might be more than a friend) |
bonne année | (French) happy New Year |
Bonne à tout faire | (French f.) a general maid |
Bonne bouche (s.), Bonnes bouches (pl.) | (French f.) a pleasant taste |
(English, pseudo-French) a tasty morsel (a literal or figurative meaning that is foreign to the French) |
bonne chance | (French) luck |
Bonne d'enfants | (French f.) nanny |
Bonne femme | (French f.) woman (usually pejorative) |
bonne grâce, avec | (French) graciously |
Bonne-maman | (French f.) granny |
bonne nuit | (French) good night |
Bonner | (German f.) of or pertaining to Bonn |
Bonnes fortunes | (French pl.) love affairs, success with the ladies |
Bonnet | (French m.) hat, cup |
(French m.) bell of a musical instrument |
Bonnet de bain | (French m.) swimming hat |
Bonneterie | (French f.) hosiery |
Bonnet rouge | (French m., literally 'red bonnet') known in English as the 'Phrygian cap', a hat adopted as one of the symbols of liberty and freedom during the French revolution |
see 'Phrygian cap' |
Bonne volonté | (French f.) goodwill |
Bono | (Spanish m.) voucher, bond |
Bono del Tesoro | (Spanish m.) government bond |
Bon Odori | (Japanese, literally 'Bon dance') an event held during Obon, traditionally including a dance festival, a festival that honours the departed spirits of one's ancestors |
Bon-papa | (French m.) grand-dad |
bon pour (m.), bonne pour (f.) | (French) fit for |
Bön-Religion | (German f.) Bön (religion), Bon (religion) |
Bonsai | (English, German m., from Japanese, literally 'cultivation in a tray') the Japanese art of cultivating dwarf forms of tree and shrub by the repeated pruning of the roots |
bon sens | (French) common sense, good sense |
Bonshe | long Burmese drum |
Bonsoir | (French m.) good evening, good night |
Bontà | (Italian f.) goodness, kindness |
Bonté | (French f.) kindness |
Bons temps de la mesure | (French) the accented parts of a bar |
Bontoe | small Burmese drum |
Bon ton | (English, from French) good-breeding (civility, refinement, manners, propriety), 'High Society', the world of fashion (now considered ironic), a sophisticated manner or style, the proper thing to do |
Bonus (s.), Boni (pl.), Bonus (pl.), Bonusse (pl.) | (German m.) premium, incentive, bonus |
Bonuspunkt | (German m.) bonus point |
Bonussystem | (German m.) benefit scheme |
Bonustrack | (German m.) bonus track (on a CD, etc.) |
Bon uta | (Japanese) as the name suggests, these are songs for Obon, the lantern festival of the dead |
Bonvivant | (German m.) bon vivant, bon viveur |
bon vivant (s.), bons viveurs (pl.) | (pseudo-French) bon vivant, someone who enjoys good living |
bon voyage | (French) good wishes for a prosperous journey |
Bonze | (German m.) fat cat, big shot (colloquial), bigwig (colloquial) |
Boobam | modern tubular drums made of bamboo or sometimes of lengths of PVC tube the tops of which are covered with a drum skin. The drums are struck with mallets, the hand or the fingers |
Boog | (Dutch) tie, slur |
Boogaloo | also called 'shing-a-ling' or 'popcorn music', short-lived but influential Latin rhythm and dance style influenced by soul music which was popular between 1966-1969 |
Boogh | (Iran) ram's horn trumpet |
Boogie | the word has several meanings: to move quickly, to get going, to dance to (rock) music and to party |
a swing blues rhythm or technique originally played on the piano in 'boogie-woogie' music and adapted to guitar. As such it is often used in rock and roll and country music |
- Boogie from which some of this information has been taken
Boogie tanzen | (German) to boogie (colloquial) |
Boogie-Woogie | (German m.) boogie-woogie |
Boogie woogie | (English, Boogie-Woogie (German m.)) a blues style of piano playing very popular in the thirties which evolved in the Mississippi basin of the Deep South of the U.S.A. characterised by a strong bass, formed on a sequence of I-IV-I-V-I chords, with an ostinato (continuous) upper line forming the melodic figure |
a form of swing dance. The name 'boogie-woogie' is used mostly in Europe; the closest thing in the US is probably East Coast Swing. In parts of Europe, boogie-woogie is mostly danced as a social dance. In others, it is mostly a competition form |
Booglin | shaman Jew's harp from Mongolia |
Boogluitinstrumenten | (Dutch) bow lutes |
Book | a collection of sheets of paper, parchment or other material with a piece of text written on them, bound together along one edge within covers. Each side of a sheet is called a page and a single sheet within a book may be called a leaf. A book is also a literary work or a main division of such a work. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph to distinguish it from serial publications such as magazines, journals or newspapers. Publishers may produce low-cost, pre-proof editions known as galleys or 'bound proofs' for promotional purposes, such as generating reviews in advance of publication. Galleys are usually made as cheaply as possible, since they are not intended for sale. A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, a bibliophilist, or a philobiblist, or, more informally, a bookworm |
- Book from which this extract has been taken
Bookbinding | the process of physically assembling a book from a number of folded or unfolded sheets of paper or other material. It also usually involves attaching covers to the resulting text-block |
Booklet | (English, German n.) a small bound book or pamphlet, usually having a paper cover |
Booklet postcards | a series of postcards bound together in booklet form. They had one serrated edge so they could be torn out and mailed |
Bookmark | (English, German n.) a strip of material, as of ribbon or leather, or a metal clamp, that is placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place |
Bookmark card | or 'book post card', a postcard that was manufactured for use as a bookmark. This type of novelty card was printed in England between 1903 and 1904, with some being printed in Canada about 1910. Their most common size is 5 1/4" by 1 3/4". They are also refered to as 'panel cards' |
Bookmarklet | (English, German n.) an applet or a small computer application, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page |
Bookmatched | a term applied to the way the back of a stringed instrument is constructed. Most acoustic and many archtop guitars have tops and backs that are two pieces of wood glued together to form one large panel. By cutting the timber from the same piece of wood and then laying the timbers so that the figure on one is the mirror of that on the other, an attractive figure-pattern is created, which can be found also on the backs of fine violins, etc. |
Book music | a long strip of stiff cards glued together in staggered layers and folded in a zig-zag pattern to form a compact 'book'. The information required to operate the player is coded as rectangular or round perforations punched in the cards. This system is derived from that invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1752-1834), who invented an automatic loom that used punch cards for the control of patterns within fabrics |
Book of hours | a prayer book used by laymen for private devotion, containing prayers or meditations appropriate to certain hours of the day, days of the week, months or seasons. They became so popular in the fifteenth century that the Book of Hours outnumbers all other categories of illuminated manuscripts; from the late fifteenth century there were also printed versions illustrated by woodcuts. The most famous Book of Hours and one of the most beautiful of all illuminated manuscripts is the Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry (Musée Condé, Chantilly), illuminated by the Limburg Brothers for Jean de Berry |
Book of Odes | see 'Shi Jing' |
Book of Songs | see 'Shi Jing' |
Book of the Dead, The | the common name, invented in the nineteenth century by the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-1884), for the ancient Egyptian funerary text known as Spells of Coming (or Going) Forth By Day. The book of the dead was a description of the ancient Egyptian conception of the afterlife and a collection of hymns, spells, and instructions to allow the deceased to pass through obstacles in the afterlife and included images, or vignettes to illustrate the text. The book of the dead was most commonly written on a papyrus scroll and placed in the coffin or burial chamber of the deceased. Because the Egyptian texts changed over time Lepsius' Book of the Dead is the product of a long process of evolution from the Pyramid texts of the Old Kingdom to the Coffin Texts of the Middle Kingdom |
Book organ | Gavioli-orgel (German), a barrel organ where the traditional cylinder has been replaced with a pneumatic reader, a system invented in 1892 by the French organ builder Anselme Gavioli [entry clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Book paper | or publishing paper, a paper which is designed specifically for the publication of printed books |
Book peddlers | travelling vendors of books |
Book review | or book report, a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. It is often carried out in periodicals, as school work, or online. Its length may vary from a single paragraph to a substantial essay. Such a review often contains evaluations of the book on the basis of personal taste. Reviewers, in literary periodicals, often use the occasion of a book review for a display of learning or to promulgate their own ideas on the topic of a fiction or non-fiction work. At the other end of the spectrum, some book reviews resemble simple plot summaries |
Booksellers | in the 18th- and 19th-centuries, the diversity of the bookseller's trade may be demonstrated by examining the trade cards of the period. In addition to every conceivable element of stationery, the bookseller might sell hair and nail brushes, the camera lucida, compasses, scales and mathematical instruments, paper hangings, etc. Booksellers traditionally sold musical instruments, together with their accessories: hair for violin bows, violin and violoncello strings, bridges and pegs, violins and bows |
Boom | (English, German m.) a period of rapid economic expansion |
term from the film industry, short for 'boom microphone', an overhead microphone used to record actors' voices |
boomen | (German) to boom |
boomend | (German) booming, burgeoning (industry, market) |
boomender Markt | (German m.) booming market |
Boomerang | (Australian) a curved missile that, when thrown, follows a path back to the thrower |
Boomjahr | (German n.) boom year |
Boomland | (German n.) boom country |
Boom microphone | an overhead microphone used to record actors' voices |
Boom pipe | large bamboo tubes open at one end that, that when one end is struck on the ground or on a mat lying on the ground, emit deep notes |
Boomzeit | (German f.) boom time |
Boo-sasara | a long, notched stick that is scraped with a smaller stick |
Boot (s.), Boote (pl.) | (German n.) boat |
Boot auf Strand laufen lassen | (German) to beach a vessel |
booten | (German) to boot up (a computer) |
Bootfahren | (German n.) boating |
Boot fahren gehen | (German) to go boating |
Bootfahrt | (German f.) boating |
Böotien | (German n.) Boeotia |
Bootleg | also called 'boot' or 'underground' record, is a newly created item - LP, EP, 45, or CD (and also includes record sleeves) that has never existed in this form as an official, original item, indeed, any item that was never legitimately released in its present form. These are illegal materials, usually pressed by fans themselves from material otherwise not available on commercial recordings. Castleman and Podrazik (1975) state that "bootlegs generally fall into one of three categories: recordings of live concerts, recordings of radio / television / film appearances, or studio outtakes" |
Bootless | literally, without boots |
figuratively, something fruitless, unprofitable, or to no useful purpose |
Bootsausflug | (German m.) boat trip |
Bootsbau-Sperrholz | (German n.) marine ply |
Bootsfahrt | (German f.) boat trip, boating, canoe-trip, boat ride |
Bootsfahrten machen | (German) to go boating |
Bootsferien | (German pl.) boating holiday |
bootsförmig | (German) boat-shaped |
Bootsführer | (German m.) boatman, coxswain |
Bootsgrab | (German n.) boat grave |
Bootshaus | (German n.) boat house, boathouse, boat shed |
Bootslack | (German m.) spar varnish |
Bootsleute | (German pl.) boat people, sailors |
Bootsmann (s.), Bootsmänner (pl.) | (German m.) boatswain (bosun), bosun, bos'n |
Bootsmannpfeife | (German f.) boatswain's whistle |
Bootsmannspfeife | (German f.) bosun's call, boatswain's pipe, boatswain's call, bosun's pipe |
Bootspfeife | (German f.) boatswain's whistle |
Bootsreise | (German f.) boat trip |
Bootssteg | (German m.) landing stage, boat bridge |
Bootsurlaub | (German m.) boating holiday |
Bootsverdeck | (German n.) canopy |
Bootsverleih | (German m.) boat hire, boat rental |
Bootsvermietung | (German f.) boat hire |
Bootswächter | (German m.) boat keeper |
Bootswerft | (German f.) boat builder's yard |
Booty bass | see 'Miami bass', 'Bass music' |
Bop | (English, German m.) see 'bebop' |
Boqueada | (Spanish f.) gasp |
Boquete | (Spanish m.) hole, breach |
boquiabierto | (Spanish) open-mouthed, amazed (figurative), dumbfounded (figurative) |
Boquilla | (Spanish f.) or embocadura (Spanish f.), mouthpiece (of a musical instrument, etc.), becco (Italian m.), Schnabel (German m.), bec (French m.) |
(Spanish f.) cigarette-holder |
bor. | abbreviation of 'borough' |
Bora | (English, German f.) cold Adriatic Autumn wind |
Bora-bora | bull-roarer, thunder stick, Schwirrholz (German) |
Borage | a blue-flowered plant with hairy leaves that taste somewhat like cucumber; used primarily in salads |
Borax | (English, German n.) sodium borate, a white crystalline mineral generally used as an emulsifier or cleanser, also used in cream preparations as an emulsifier |
boraxhaltig | (German) containing borax, borax-containing |
Borbannadir | type of Tuvan xoomii said to sound like the rapids of a river |
borbollar | (Spanish) to bubble |
Borbollón | (Spanish m.) bubble |
Borborygmus | (English, German m.) bowel sounds, the gurgling, rumbling, or growling noise from the abdomen caused by the muscular contractions of peristalsis |
borbotar | (Spanish) to bubble |
Borbotón | (Spanish m.) bubble |
borbottare | (Italian) to mumble, to rumble (stomach) |
Borbottio | (Italian m.) mumbling, rumbling |
Borchia | (Italian f.) stud |
Bord (s,.), Bords (French pl.), Borde (German pl.) | (French m.) Rand (German m.), bordo (Italian m.), border, edge, margin of an area or surface, narrow surface of a thin object, meeting-line of surfaces |
(French m.) rim or edge of a drum |
(French m.) edge, bank (of a river) |
(German n.) shelf, bank (slope, incline), side (of ship) |
Bordado | (Spanish m.) embroidery |
bordado | (Spanish) embroidered |
bordar | (Spanish) to embroider, to do very well |
bordare | (Italian) to border |
Bordatura | (Italian f.) border |
Bordbrett | (German n.) shelf |
Bordbuch | (German n.) log book |
Bordcomputer | (German m.) seaborne computer, car computer, on-board computer |
Bord du trottoir | (French m.) kerb |
Bordeaux | (English German m.) Bordeaux wine |
Bordeaux | (English, German n.) French city and wine-growing region |
Bordeaux-Karaffe | (German f.) claret jug |
bordeauxrot | (German) claret, wine-red |
Bordeauxwein | (German m.) Bordeaux, Bordeaux (wine) |
Borde | (Spanish m.) edge, side, tim, hem |
bordear | (Spanish) to go round the edge of, to border on (figurative) |
Bordée d'injures | (French f.) torrent of abuse |
bordeigen | (German) ship's (own), plane's (own), aircraft's (own), on-board |
bordeigene Stromversorgung | (German f.) on-board power supply |
Bordel | (French m.) brothel, shambles (disorder) |
Bordelaise | (French) red wine sauce with bacon lardons and baby onions |
Bördelgerät | (German n.) flaring tool |
Bordell (s.), Bordelle (pl.) | (German n.) brothel, bawdy house, bawdy-house, bawdyhouse, bordel, bagnio, stew (brothel), barber shop (figurative), bordello |
Bordellbesuch | (German m.) visit to a brothel |
Bordellchefin | (German f.) procuress |
Bordello | (Italian m., although the original meaning is a person, not a place) brothel, bedlam (figurative) |
Bordellwirtin | (German f.) bawd, procuress |
Bördeln | (German n.) crimping |
bördeln | (German) to crimp |
Bördelscheibe | (German m.) flared disk |
Bördelwerkzeug | (German n.) bordering tool |
Borden-Insel | (German f.) Borden Island |
Border | in medieval manuscripts, a type of book decoration placed around one to four sides of the justification [writing space] in order to distinguish and decorate main divisions of the text; usually more elaborate on the first page and/or Table of Contents page; also used around miniature frames [quoted from Kathleen Scott] |
Border Ballad | (German f.) border ballad |
Border ballads | a subgenre of folk ballads collected in the area along the Anglo-Scottish border, especially those concerned with border 'reivers' and outlaws, or with historical events in the area |
Border Collie | (English, German m.) a British sheepdog that has a wavy, usually black coat with white markings and is used for herding |
Bordereau | (French m.) note, list, slip, invoice, memorandum, a scrap of paper |
Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung | (German f.) borderline personality disorder |
Border Pipe | (German f.) border pipe (lowland pipe) |
Border pipes | see 'lowland pipes' |
Border Terrier | (English, German m.) small rough-coated terrier of British origin |
Bordfunk | (German m.) ship's radio, (aircraft) radio equipment |
Bordfunker | (German m.) radio operator |
Bordicor | (English, German m., late nineteenth century, invented by P. J. Bordier) a large violin, two octaves lower, and is tuned, like the violin, to G-D-A-E, in the double bass register. The instrument can, on the one hand, play a fourth lower than the cello, while on the other hand, its four and a half octaves give it the compass of the violin. With the E string it gains an incomparable "chanterelle". Due to the high tension, this string creates a sound with an extraordinary carrying power which can measure up in the orchestra against the heavy brass |
bordieren | (German) to border |
Bordillo | (Spanish m.) kerb |
Bordkarte | (German f.) kerb, boarding ticket, boarding pass, boarding card, embarkation card |
Bordküche | (German f.) galley (on an aircraft) |
Bordleben | (German n.) life on board (a ship) |
Bordmagazin | (German n.) in-flight magazine |
Bordmechaniker (s./pl.) | (German m.) flight mechanic, air mechanic |
Bordnetz | (German n.) on-board power supply |
Bordo | (Italian m.) Rand (German m.), bord (French m.), border, edge, margin of an area or surface, narrow surface of a thin object, meeting-line of surfaces |
(Spanish m.) board |
Bordón | (Spanish) the back-skin of a Gallician drum called the tamboril |
(Spanish) the larger drone pipe of a gaita de boto, the Aragonese bagpipe, bourdon (French) |
Bordone | (Italian) an organ stop, the pipes of which are stopped or covered and produce a 16 ft. tone, or sometimes a 32 ft. tone |
(Italian) drone bass |
Bordoneta | the smaller drone pipe of a gaita de boto, the Aragonese bagpipe |
Bordoniera | (Italian f.) snare |
Bordonúa |
a large, deep bodied acoustic bass guitar, native to Puerto Rico, which is made in different shapes and sizes: |
bordonúa chiquita | a very small bordonúa also existed in some regions of Puerto Rico. It is descended from the Spanish guitar family |
6-string bordonúa | a bordonúa with six single strings. Standard tuning is D-A-E-E-B-F# |
8-string bordonúa | a bordonúa with four pairs of strings |
10-string bordonúa | a bordonúa with five pairs of strings, the most common form. The standard tuning is A-a-D-d-F#-f#-b-b-e-e |
- Bordonua from which this information has been taken
Bordpersonal | (German n.) flight crew, cabin staff |
Bordrestaurant | (German n.) on-board restaurant |
Bordschomi | (German n.) Borjomi (the largest mountain spa in Georgia) |
Bordstein | (German m.) kerb, kerbstone, border stone |
Bordsteinabsenkung | (German f.) dropped kerb |
Bordsteinhöhe | (German f.) kerb height |
Bordsteinkante | (German f.) kerbside |
Bordsteinschwalbe | (German f.) streetwalker |
Borduhr | (German f.) on-board clock, board clock |
Bordun | (German m.) drone (vocal sound), drone, bourdon (bagpipe) |
Bordunflöte | (German f.) an organ stop |
Bordun-Flöte | (German f.) an organ stop |
Bordunsaite | (German f.) drone string, corda di bordone (Italian f.), corde hors manche (French f.), lowest string on a lute, violin, violoncello or double bass |
Bordura | (Italian f.) border |
Bordure | (French f.) border |
Bordüre (s.), Bordüren (pl.) | (German f.) border, edging |
Bordwandgeschütz | (German n.) drake (small cannon) |
Bordwerkzeug | (German n.) tool kit |
Bord-zu-Bord-Umschlag | (German m.) transhipment |
Bore | the diameter of the tube of a woodwind or brass instrument the shape of which in part dictitates the timbre or tone color of the instrument; thus, a conical bore instrument, in which the bore grows larger throughout, such as the cornet, produces a mellow timbre while a cylindrical bore instrument, such as the trumpet, which has a constant bore until the flare of the bell, produces a brighter, more brilliant timbre |
(English, German f.) tidal bore |
Borea | (Italian) bourrée |
Boreads | in Greek mythology, Calais and Zetes (also Zethes). They were the sons of Boreas and Oreithyia, daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens, and because they were the sons of the north wind they were able to fly, having wings either on their feet or backs |
boreal | (English, German) boreal, living near the north, sub Arctic |
Boreassöhne | (German pl.) Boreads |
Boreen | see bohereen |
Borg | (German m., dated) borrowing |
Borgata | (Italian f.) hamlet |
Borgen | (German n.) borrowing |
borgen | (German) to lend (out), to borrow |
borgen von | (German) to borrow from |
Borger | (German m.) borrower |
borghese | (Italian) bourgeois, civilian |
Borghesia | (Italian f.) middle-classes |
Borgis | (German f.) bourgeois |
borgne | (French) one-eyed, shady (figurative) |
Borgo | (Italian m.) village, district |
borgte | (German) borrowed |
borhaltig | (German) boracic |
Boria | (Italian f.) conceit |
Borinqueño | (Spanish m.) Puerto Rican |
borinqueño | (Spanish) Puerto Rican |
borioso | (Italian) conceited |
Borke | (German f.) bark (of a tree), periderm (the outermost layer of stems and roots of trees, etc.) |
Borkenkrepp | (German m.) bark crêpe (a crêpe fabric textured to simulate the appearance of tree.), crépon (a thin stuff made of the finest wool or silk, or of wool and silk) |
borkig | (German) barky |
Borla | (Spanish f.) tassel |
Born | (German m.) spring (water source) |
Borne | (French f.) boundary marker |
borné (m.), bornée (f.) | (French) narrow, narrow-minded (person) |
Borne kilométrique | (French f.) metric 'milestone' |
borner | (French) to confine |
borniert | (German) narrow-minded, blinkered |
bornierte Ansichten | (German pl.) narrow views |
Borniertheit | (German f.) localism, narrow-mindedness |
boro. | abbreviation of 'borough' |
Borotalco | (Italian m.) talcum powder |
Borra | (Spanish f.) flock, fluff (down), sediment |
Borraccia | (Italian f.) flask |
Borrachera | (Spanish f.) drunkenness |
Borrachin | (Spanish m.) drunkard |
Borracho | (Spanish m.) drunkard, drunk |
borracho | (Spanish) drunk |
Borrador | (Spanish m.) rough copy, rough notebook |
Borradura | (Spanish f.) crossing-out |
borrajear | (Spanish) to scribble |
borrar | (Spanish) to rub out, to cross out |
Borrasca | (Spanish f.) storm |
borrascoso | (Spanish) stormy |
Borre | (English) bourrée |
Borree | (English) bourrée |
Borrego | (Spanish m.) year-old lamb, simpleton (figurative), hoax |
borreguil | (Spanish) meek |
Borreliose | (German f.) Lyme disease (caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried by ticks and transmitted to humans through a tick bite) |
Borretsch | (German m.) borage (Borago officinalis, Echium amoenum) |
Borretschöl | (German n.) borage oil |
Borretschsamen | (German m.) borage seed |
Borretschsamenöl | (German n.) borage seed oil |
Borrey | (Italian) bourrée |
Borricada | (Spanish f.) silly thing |
Borrico | (Spanish m.) donkey, ass (figurative) |
Borromäerinnen | (German pl.) Borromeans (Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo) |
Borromäische Inseln | (German pl.) Borromean Islands |
Borromean Islands | Isole Borromee (Italian), a group of three small islands and two islets in the Italian part of Lago Maggiore |
Borrón | (Spanish m.) smudge, blemish, sketch |
borroso | (Spanish) blurred, vague (figurative) |
Borrowed chord | use of a chord in a key in which it is not diatonic, or the substitution of a chord from a different key into a work |
Borrowed division | a term used to describe when a note is divided into an unusual number of smaller notes, for example, when three crotchets (quarter notes) are to be played in the time of a minim (a half note), i.e. as a triplet |
Borrowed stops | or borrows, organ pipes that can be played by more than one stop control. They duplicate other stops elsewhere in the organ, and permit a single rank of pipes to sound in more than one division. Borrows usually involve softer accompanimental ranks and reed ranks, and are provided to increase the flexibility of smaller organs |
Borrowing |
the exclusive right of the artist to the benefits that accrue from his or her intellectual property is a characteristic of modern culture. Borrowing is a common phenomenon, and exists in three types: |
self-borrowing, or use of themes from one piece in another |
borrowing which is done as an obvious tribute or burlesque of the original |
unacknowledged borrowing. Modern sensitivities consider this latter type of borrowing to be outright theft. The eighteenth century acknowledged but did not condemn this type of borrowing |
terms that might be applied in such cases are: |
parody | restricted to literal or almost literal reuses of material with a different text, where structure and musical substance remains intact |
reuse | the literal repetition of the same piece, including the text |
reworking | a musical idea that has been modified |
new work | those works which use brief motives or themes to form a new piece |
Borrows | see 'borrowed stops' |
Borsa | (Italian f.) bag, handbag, stock exchange |
Borsa della spesa | (Italian f.) shopping bag |
Borsa di studio | (Italian f.) scholarship |
Borsaiolo | (Italian m.) pickpocket |
Borsalbe | (German f.) boric ointment |
Börse (s.), Börsen (pl.) | (German f.) stock exchange, bourse (stock market in non-English-speaking countries, especially France), exchange, stock market, securities exchange, purse, share market |
Börsegang | (German m. - Austria) going public (company) |
Borsellino | (Italian m.) purse |
Börsenanlage | (German f.) stockmarket investment |
Börsenbeobachter | (German m.) analyst |
Börsenbericht | (German m.) stock list, stock exchange list, stocklist, market report, review of the market, stock market report, stock exchange report |
Börsenbewertung | (German f.) market valuation, stock market valuation |
Börsenblatt (s.), Börsenblätter (pl.) | (German n.) financial newspaper, financial paper, stock exchange gazette |
Börsenboom | (German m.) stock market boom |
Börsenfachmann | (German m.) analyst |
börsenfähig | (German) negotiable |
börsengängig | (German) marketable |
Borsengeschäfte manipulieren | (German) to manipulate the stock market |
Börsenindex | (German m.) stock exchange index |
Börsenkrach | (German m.) market crash, collapse of the stock market, stock market crash |
Börsenkurs (s.), Börsenkurse (pl.) | (German m.) market price, market rate, stock exchange quotation, stock market price |
börsennotiert | (German) quoted, publicly owned, listed (company) |
börsennotierte Gesellschaft | (German f.) publicly traded company |
börsennotiertes Unternehmen | (German n.) publicly traded company, quoted company, listed company |
Börsennotiz | (German f.) stock market listing |
Börsenrückzug | (German m.) delisting |
Börsenschlusspreis | (German m.) closing price |
Börsensturz | (German m.) slump, market collapse, plunge, stock market crash |
Börsenzeitung (s.), Börsenzeitungen (pl.) | (German f.) financial (news)paper |
Börsianer | (German m.) stock exchange speculator |
Borsista | (Italian m./f.) speculator, holder of a scholarship |
Borst-ademhaling | (Dutch) costal or thorasic breathing |
Borste (s.), Borsten (pl.) | (German f.) bristle |
Borstenkiefer | (German f.) bristlecone pine |
Borstenpinsel (s.), Borstenpinsel (pl.) | (German m.) bristle brush |
Borsten zeigend | (German) bristling |
borstig | (German) bristly, bristled, setaceous |
borstig sein | (German) to bristle |
borstiger Bart | (German m.) bristly beard |
borstiges Haar | (German n.) bristly hair |
Borstigkeit | (German f.) bristliness |
Borst-register | (Dutch) chest register (voice) |
Borte | (German f.) border, braid (decorative woven band), piece of braid, edging |
Bortsch | (Russian, borshch) also borsch or borscht, a Russian soup coloured with beetroot juice |
Borudscherd | (German n.) Borujerd (Iranian city, the main centre of making samovars) |
Borusse | (German m.) Prussian |
Borwasser | (German n.) boracic lotion |
Borzoi | (Russian) a Siberian wolfhound |
bösartig | (German) ill-natured, malicious, malignant, mischievous, naughty, venomous, virulent, malign, pernicious, ferocious, viciously, ill-naturedly, mischievously (maliciously), vicious, rogue (only before noun), malevolent, iniquitous |
bösartige Sachbeschädigungen | (German pl.) malicious damages |
bösartige Software | (German f.) malware (malicious software) |
bösartiger Hund | (German m.) snarling dog, vicious dog |
bösartiger Tumor | (German m.) malignant tumour |
Bösartigkeit | (German f.) malignity, sinisterness, viciousness, cussedness, malice, malignance, ill nature, virulence |
Bosca Ceol | (Irish Gaelic, literally 'music box') a term applied to the chromatic (half-step) tuned Irish button accordion, not to piano accordions or concertinas |
Boscage | woodland, ornamental plantations, shrubbery |
Boscaglia | (Italian f.) woodlands |
Boscaiolo | (Italian m.) woodman, forester |
Boscaje | (Spanish m.) thicket |
Böschung | (German f.) bank, brae (Scotland), acclivity, slope, escarpment, embankment |
Böschungsmauer | (German f.) retaining wall |
Böschungsschichten | (German pl.) foreset beds (one of the main parts of a river delta) |
Bosco | (Italian m.) wood |
boscoso | (Italian, Spanish) wooded |
Böse | (German n.) bad, evil, ill |
böse | (German) angry, wicked, evil, naughty, bad, badly, cross, vicious, squint-eyed, resentful, nefarious, ill, black, mean, diabolic, fierce, sinister, indignant, nasty, villainous, crossly |
böse Absicht | (German f.) malice (in law) |
böse Ahnung | (German f.) misgiving, bad omen |
böse Ahnungen bestätigen | (German) to validate suspicions |
böse Angelegenheit | (German f.) nasty matter |
böse auf | (German) angry at |
böse auf ... werden | (German) to get shirty with ... (colloquial) |
böse Bemerkung | (German f.) rude remark |
böse Blicke werfen | (German) to shoot malignant glances |
böse brummen | (German) to growl |
böse Erwiderung | (German f.) bad turn, ill turn |
böse Fee | (German f.) wicked fairy godmother |
böse Folgen | (German pl.) dire consequences |
böse Gedanken | (German pl.) evil thoughts |
böse Geister austreiben | (German) to exorcise |
böse Geister bannen | (German) to exorcise |
böse gesinnt | (German) ill-affected |
böse Kopfschmerzen | (German pl.) a violent headache |
böse Mächte | (German pl.) evil forces, forces of evil |
böse Person | (German f.) evil person |
böse Programm | (German n.) malware |
böser Anfall von Lungenentzündung | (German m.) bad attack of pneumonia |
böser Blick | (German m.) evil eye, nasty look, sinister look |
böser Bursche | (German m.) bad fellow |
böser Finger | (German m.) bad finger |
böser Geist (s.), böse Geister (pl.) | (German m.) daemon, demon, fiend, hobgoblin, evil spirit, evil genius |
böser Haufen | (German m.) bad lot |
böser Junge | (German m.) bad boy |
böser Kerl | (German m.) baddie (colloquial) |
böser Mann | (German m.) bad man, wicked man |
böser Streich | (German m.) dirty trick, naughty trick |
böser Sturm | (German m.) bad storm, vicious storm |
böser Traum | (German m.) nasty dream |
böser Trick | (German m.) nasty trick |
böser Wind | (German m.) ill wind |
böse Sache | (German f.) ugly business |
Böses ahnen lassen | (German) to have misgivings |
Böses anzetteln | (German) to machinate |
Böses beabsichtigen | (German) to mean mischief |
böses Blut | (German n.) bad blood |
böses Blut erzeugen | (German) to cause bad blood |
böses Blut heranzüchten | (German) to breed bad blood |
böses Brummen | (German n.) growl |
böse sein auf | (German) to be mad at |
böses Geschick | (German n.) doom |
böses Gewissen | (German n.) sore conscience |
Böses im Schilde führen | (German) to be up to mischief |
böse Situation | (German f.) crunch |
böses Knie | (German n.) bad knee |
böses Omen | (German n.) portent, bad omen |
böses Schicksal | (German n.) doom |
böse Stiefmutter | (German f.) wicked stepmother |
Böses tun | (German) to do evil |
böses Vorzeichen | (German n.) bad omen, bird of ill omen |
Böses wiedergutmachen lassen | (German) to get a great wrong righted |
böses Zeichen | (German n.) sinister sign |
böses Zeug | (German n.) bad stuff |
böse Tat (s.), böse Taten (pl.) | (German f.) foul deed, dark doings (plural form), evil deeds (plural form) |
böse über | (German) angry over |
böse Verbindung | (German f.) evil alliance |
böse Vorahnung | (German f.) presentiment |
böse Weib | (German n.) virago, tigress (woman), fury (mythological figure) |
böse Welt | (German f.) evil world |
Bösewicht (s.), Bösewichte (pl.) | (German m.) villain, evildoer, baddie (colloquial), bad guy, rascal |
böse Wille | (German m.) ill will |
böse Wunde | (German f.) angry wound |
böse Zeiten | (German pl.) bad times, hard times |
böse zugerichtet | (German) badly-hit, ravaged, battered |
böse zugerichtetes Bild | (German n.) ravaged picture |
böse zugerichtetes Gesicht | (German n.) battered face, ravaged face |
böse Zunge (s.), böse Zungen (pl.) | (German f.) foul tongue, sharp tongue, detractors (plural form), malicious tongues (plural form) |
böse zurichten | (German) to batter |
bösgläubig | (German) mala fide (of bad faith) |
bösgläubig handeln | (German) to act mala fide, to act in bad faith |
bösgläubiger Besitzer | (German m.) male-fide possessor |
bösgläubiger Erwerb | (German m.) acquisition made in bad faith, |
bösgläubiger Erwerber | (German m.) acquirer acting in bad faith, purchaser acting in bad faith |
bösgläubiger Käufer | (German m.) male-fide purchaser |
Bösgläubigkeit | (German f.) scienter (guilty knowledge) |
boshaft | (German) mischievous, malicious, spiteful, venomous, venomously, vicious, wicked, mischievously (maliciously), maliciously, spitefully, rogue (followed by a noun) |
boshafte Anspielung | (German f.) venomous allusion |
boshafte Bemerkung | (German f.) vicious remark |
boshafte Kritik | (German f.) vicious criticism |
boshafter Charakter | (German m.) nasty character |
boshafter Schriftsteller | (German m.) venomous writer |
boshafter Streich | (German m.) venomous joke |
boshaftes Grinsen | (German n.) evil grin, venomous smile |
boshaftes Weibsstück | (German n.) scratching-cat |
Boshaftigkeit | (German f.) evilness, shrewishness, malignity, spite, spitefulness, viciousness, wickedness, invidiousness |
Bosheit (s.), Bosheiten (pl.) | (German f.) malice, wickedness, accursedness, fiendishness, impishness, maliciousness, malignity, rancorousness, invidiousness, spite, virulence (figurative), cattiness, unpleasantness, spiteful act, nastiness (malice), spiteful remark |
Boskoop | (German m.) russet |
Boskop | (German m.) russet |
Bosniak | (English, German m. - Austria) a person belonging to autochthonous South Slavic people living mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sandzak region of Serbia and Montenegro |
Bosniake (m.), Bosniakin (f.), Bosniaken (pl.) | (German) Bosniak |
bosniakisch | (German) Bosnian |
Bosnian hip hop | |
Bosnien | (German n.) Bosnia (now part of Bosnia & Herzegovina) |
Bosnien-Herzegowina | (German n.) Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Bosnien und Herzegowina | (German n.) Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bosnier (m.), Bosnierin (f.), Bosnier (pl.), Bosnierinnen ( | (German) Bosnian |
Bosnisch | (German n.) Bosnian |
bosnisch | (German) Bosnian |
bosnisch-herzegowinisch | (German) of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
bosnischsprachig | (German) Bosnian-speaking |
Bosporus | (English, German m.) Bosphorus (generally, a strait or narrow sea between two seas, or a lake and a seas) |
Bosquecillo | (Spanish m.) copse |
bosquejar | (Spanish) to sketch |
Bosquejo | (Spanish m.) sketch |
Bosquet | (French m., Spanish m.) grove, wood, forest |
Boss | a circular bulge or knoblike form, as a round mound protrudes from a flatter area surrounding it |
(English, German m.) gaffer, honcho (slang), top dog (colloquial), the person in charge |
Bossage | an uncut stone that is laid in place in a building, projecting outward from the building, to later be carved into mouldings, capitals, arms, etc |
Bossa Nova | (German m.) bossa nova |
Bossa nova | (English, Boosa Nova (German m.), from the Portuguese, literally 'new bump') bossa nova officially started in August 1958, when Odeon released a João Gilberto single that featured Chega de Saudade (Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes) and Bim Bom (João Gilberto). The influence of impressionist composers like Debussy and Ravel, the dissatisfaction with restrictive local music formats and the overwhelming power of American culture in the Post-War period enabled the emergence of clever, controversial artists like guitarists Garoto, Luís Bonfá, João Donato and specially composer/pianist Johnny Alf |
Bossa nova (dance) | a dance genre that corresponded to bossa nova music. It was introduced in 1960 and faded out in the mid-sixties |
Bossa nova jazz | a hybrid form that appeared in the early 1960s as bossa nova rhythms became popular with jazz and pop musicians in the U.S. and Europe |
Bosse (s.), Bosse (German pl.) | (French f.) bump, hump (camel) |
(German f.) boss |
Bosselated | marked or covered with many bosses (protuberances) |
bosseler | (French) to emboss, to dent |
Boßeln | (German n. - Northern Germany) game involving the throwing of a ball along country roads |
Bossenquaderwerk | (German n.) bossage |
bosser | (French) to work, to work hard, to work at, to work hard at |
bossieren | (German) to boss, to emboss |
Bossierhammer | (German m.) embossing hammer (one of a range of special hammers employed in silversmithing and metalsmithing) |
Bossolo | (Italian m.) cartridge case |
Bossu (m.), Bossue (f.) | (French m./f.) hunch-back |
bostezar | (Spanish) to yawn |
Bostezo | (Spanish m.) yawn |
Boston (waltz) | or 'The Boston', see 'American waltz' |
Boston (jive) | a form of Swing similar to the Lindy Hop but with kicks |
Boston Terrier | (German m.) Boston terrier, Boston bull terrier |
Boston terrier | small pug-faced American terrier breed having a smooth brindle or black coat with white markings |
Bostoner (m.), Bostonerin (f.) | (German) Bostonian, Boston girl (f.), Boston woman (f.) |
Bostoner | (German) Bostonian |
Bostoner Ehe | (German f.) Boston marriage |
Boston marriage | originally used in the 19th century to describe two women living together |
böswillig | (German) malicious, malevolent, maliciously, wilful, malignant |
böswillige Absicht | (German f.) malicious intent |
böswillige Tat | (German f.) piece of malice |
Böswilligkeit (s.), Böswilligkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) malevolence, malignancy, malice, ill will, maliciousness |
bot | (German) bade, bid (archaic) |
Bota | (Spanish f.) boot, leather wine bottle |
Botanico | (Italian m.) botanist |
Botánico | (Spanish m.) botantist |
Botanik | (German f.) botany |
Botaniker (m.), Botanikerin (f.), Botaniker (pl.) | (German) botanist |
botanisch | (German) botanical, botanic |
botanischer Garten (s.), botanische Gärten (pl.) | (German m.) botanic garden, botanical garden |
botanisieren | (German) to botanise |
Botanisiertrommel | (German f.) (botanist's) specimen container |
Botanist | (English, German m.) a biologist specializing in the study of plants |
Botaniste | (French m./f.) botanist |
Botanomantie | (German f.) botanomancy (divination from burning tree branches and leaves) |
Botão | (Portuguese) button (as on an accordion) |
botar | (Spanish) to launch, to bounce |
Botaratada | (Spanish f.) silly thing |
Botarate | (Spanish m.) idiot |
Bote (m.), Botin (German f.), Boten (German pl.) | (German) messenger, summoner, delivery boy, delivery man, errand boy, runner, legman, envoy, mercury, herald (as part of the title of a newspaper) |
(Spanish m.) bounce, blow, jump, jolt, tin, can, jar, jar for tips (restaurant), boat |
Botella | (Spanish f.) bottle |
Botellita | (Spanish f.) small bottle |
Botenbericht | (German m.) report by messenger |
Botengang | (German m.) errand |
Botengänge machen | (German) to run errands |
Botengänger | (German m.) messenger |
Botenjunge | (German m.) messenger boy |
Botenlohn | (German m.) delivery fee |
Botenstoff des Nervensystems | (German m.) neurotransmitter |
Bote salvavidas | (Spanish m.) lifeboat |
Botet | (Catalan) a small instrument or bird call used in the Catalan region of Spain. It is used for calling quails into a trap, and made of a rabbit or pigeon bone. |
Botewgrad | (German n.) Botevgrad (a town in western Bulgaria) |
Bothy band | an informal band put together for dancing or singing origininating in the farm bothies of Scotland |
Botica | (Spanish f.) chemist's shop |
Boticario | (Spanish m.) (dispensing) chemist |
Botija | (Spanish f.) or botijuela, a ceramic jug originally used to transport Spanish olive oil, used to provide a bass accompaniment in the Cuban son |
Botijo | (Spanish m.) earthenware jug |
Botijuela | see botija |
Botín | (Spanish m.) half boot, booty, sock |
Botiquín | (Spanish m.) medicine chest, first aid kit |
botmäßig | (German) submissive |
Botmäßigkeit | (German f.) dominion (rule) |
Botola | (Italian f.) trapdoor |
Botón | (Spanish m.) button, bud |
Botonadura | (Spanish f.) buttons |
Botón de oro | (Spanish m.) butter-cup |
Botones | (Spanish m.) bellboy |
Botryoid | (German n.) botryoid (a mineral formation shaped like a bunch of grapes) |
Botschaft (s.), Botschaften (pl.) | (German f.) message, embassy, communication, subtext |
Botschafter (m.), Botschafterin (f.) | (German) ambassador, ambassadress (f.), head of mission |
Botschafterebene | (German f.) ambassadorial level |
Botschafterfrau | (German f.) ambassador's wife |
Botschaftsempfang | (German m.) embassy reception, embassy dinner |
Botschaftsgebäude | (German n.) embassy |
Botschaftskanzlei (s.), Botschaftskanzleien (pl.) | (German f.) chancellery |
Botschaftspersonal | (German n.) embassy staff |
Botschaftsrat | (German m.) embassy counsellor |
Botschaftssprecher | (German m.) embassy spokesman |
Botsuana | (German n.) Botswana |
Botsuaner (m.), Botsuanerin (f.), Botsuaner (pl.), Botsuanerinnen ( | (German) Botswanan |
botsuanisch | (German) Botswanan |
Botswana | (English, German n.) formerly Bechuanaland, a country of south-central Africa |
Botswana hip hop | |
Botta | (Italian f.) blow, bang |
Böttcher (m.), Böttcherin (f.), Böttcher (pl.), Böttcherinnen ( | (German) cooper |
Böttcherei | (German f.) cooperage |
Böttcherhammer | (German m.) cooper's mallet |
Böttcherlohn | (German m.) cooperage |
Böttchermesser | (German n.) cooper's knife |
Böttcherniete | (German f.) cooper's rivet |
Böttcherware | (German f.) cooperage, coopery |
Böttcherwerkstatt | (German f.) cooper's shop |
Böttcherwerkzeug | (German n.) cooper's tools |
Botte | (French f.) boot, bunch (flowers, vegetables), bundle, bale |
(Italian f.) barrel |
Botte de caoutchouc (s.), Bottes de caoutchouc (pl.) | (French f.) wellington boot |
Bottega | (Italian f.) a café, a wine-shop |
(Italian f.) studio or workshop, often used to identify an object made in the studio of a master when his pupils' or assistants' work on it appears to dominate his own |
Bottegaio (m.), Bottegaia (f.) | (Italian) shopkeeper |
Botteghino | (Italian m.) box-office (theatre), lottery-shop |
Botten | (German f. - Northern Germany) boots |
Bottesini bow | see 'French bow/grip' |
Bottich | (German m.) vat, tub, wash-tub, cuvée (vat) |
Bottier | (French m.) boot-maker |
Bottiglia | (Italian f.) bottle |
Bottiglieria | (Italian f.) wine shop |
Bottin | (French m.) phone book |
Bottino | (Italian m.) loot, booty |
Bottleneck-Gitarre | (German f.) bottleneck guitar |
Bottleneck guitar | a slide guitar, where a smooth, hard object, usually a hollow metal or glass cylinder, is used to change the pitches of the strings |
Bottlenecking | (English, German n.) using a 'bottleneck' or 'tube slide', for example when playing a guitar |
Bottleneck Slide | (German m.) bottleneck slide |
Bottleneck slide | or 'tube slide', usually worn over the ring (3rd) or little (4th) finger when playing a slide guitar. Wearing on the 4th finger has the advantage of leaving one more finger free to fret notes if desired. However some players feel that they get better control using the ring finger. Most instructors recommend letting one or more of the fingers in back of the slide rest lightly on the strings to help mute unwanted vibrations |
Bottle organ | the concept of the 'bottle organ' with a keyboard developed in the 1800s. Modern 'beer bottle organs' are being made by Peterson Tuners. The sound is produced by blowing air over the tops of real beer bottles. The bottles are filled or "tuned" using mineral oil, which will not evaporate or change tunings if the weather changes |
Bottnischer Meerbusen | (German m.) Gulf of Bothnia (a northern arm of the Baltic Sea; between Sweden and Finland) |
Botto | (Italian m.) bang |
Bottom | the lowest surface of the harpsichord case. In Italian historical harpsichords and all clavichords it is the primary structural member. In these instruments the bottom is made first and all the other parts are attached to it. In Flemish and French historical instruments the bottom is not structural. The case sides and framework were built first and the bottom was attached last, apparently after the instrument was strung and playing. In some cases it seems that the bottom is held on only by wooden nails or pegs, not glued, perhaps for subsequent repair access? On many revival instruments (Hertz, Ammer, etc.) the bottom is omitted entirely |
Bottom board | Sockel (German), as the name implies, this is the bottom of the piano. On it are located the pedals, springs and bearing-blocks which are the means of activating the damper lift-rod, bass sustaining or "soft-pedal" mechanisms [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Bottom frame | Unterrahmen (German), on the piano, actually a misnomer, the bottom "frame" is really the finished panel on the front of the piano which extends from just above the pedals to the bottom of the key bed [clarified by Michael Zapf] |
Bottomry | or bottomage, a contract by which a shipowner borrows money for equipment, repairs, or a voyage, pledging the ship as security |
Bottone | (Italian m.) endpin, Knopf (German), bouton (French) |
(Italian m.) button, stud, bud |
(Italian m.) Endknopf (German m.) Saitenhalterknopf (German m.), bouton (French m.), endbutton, a small projection at the bottom of a stringed instrument (violin, cello, etc.) to which the tailpiece may be attached or through which an endpin may be fitted (for example, on a cello) |
Bottoni dei registri | (Italian draw-stops |
Botulinum | (Engloish, German n.) botulinum, botulinus (anaerobic bacterium producing botulin the toxin that causes botulism) |
Botulinumtoxin (s.), Botulinumtoxine (pl.) | (German n.) botulin toxin (botox), botulinum toxin |
Botulism | a rare but serious illness caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum |
Botulismo | (Spanish m.) botulism |
Botulismus | (German m.) botulism |
Bouc | (French m.) billy-goat, goatee (beard) |
Boucan | (French m.) din |
Bouc émissaire | (French m.) scapegoat |
Boucharde | (French f.) a sculptor's hammer, one face of which is surfaced with small pyrimidal points |
Bouche | (French f.) mouth |
bouché | (French) a direction usually reserved for players of the French horn, to stop the sound of or mute their instrument with a hand placed into the bell |
bouché (m.), bouchée (f.) | (French) blocked, stopped up |
Bouche-à-bouche | (French f.) mouth-to-mouth resuscitation |
Bouche bée (s.), Bouches bées (pl.) | (French) open-mouthed, singing with the mouth open, humming |
Bouche d'égout | (French) manhole |
Bouche de metro | (French) underground railway entrance |
Bouche d'incendie | (French) fire hydrant |
Bouchée (s.), Bouchées (pl.) | (French f.) a mouthful, a small patty, a small pastry, a small puff pastry case |
bouchées, sons | see sons bouchées |
bouchée, Trompette | (French f.) muted trumpet |
Bouche fermée (s.), Bouches fermées (pl.) | (French f., literally 'mouth closed') bocca chiusa, wordless humming |
Boucher (m.), Bouchère (f.) | (French) butcher |
boucher | (French) to block, to cork |
Boucherie | (French, literally 'butcher's shop') a community gathering in South Louisiana where food (usually hog meat) is provided and which may also involve musical traditions such as Cajun music and zydeco |
Bouch-trou | (French m.) stopgap |
Bouchon | (French m.) stopper, cap, cork, float (fishing), hold-up (figurative) |
Boucicault, Dion(ysus) Larner (1822-1890) | Irish dramatist and actor who enjoyed considerable success before he was 20 with his comedy London Assurance (1841) and then went on to write successful plays on both sides of the Atlantic. He is famous also for his article Opera published in 1887 in The North American Review (Volume 144 Issue 365: Pages 340-348) which attacked opera as an art-form. This led to an impassioned reply from Edgar J. Levey entitled Boucicault and Wagner also published in 1887 in The North American Review (Volume 144 Issue 367; Pages 650-653) |
Boucle | (French f.) buckle, loop, curl (hair) |
Boucle d'orielle | (French f.) ear-ring |
Bouclé | (German n., from French m.) or, in English, 'boucle', a looped, highly textural fabric woven from curly knotted yarn |
bouclé | (French) curly (hair) |
boucler | (French) to fasten, to finish off, to shut up, to seal off, to balance (budget), to curl |
Bouclier | (French m.) shield |
Bouddhiste | (French m./f.) Buddhist |
bouddhiste | (French) Buddhist |
bouder | (French) to sulk, to steer clear of |
Bouderie | (French f.) sulkiness |
Boudeur (m.), Boudeuse (f.) | (French) sulky person (a sulk) |
Boudoir | (German n., from French m., literally 'a sulking-place') a small room where a lady can receive intimate friends or be alone |
Boue | (French f.) mud |
Bouée de sauvetage | (French f.) lifebuoy |
Boueux (m.), Boueuse (f.) | (French) dustman, garbage collector |
boueux (m.), boueuse (f.) | (French) muddy |
bouffant | (French) puffed out (for example, a reference to a style of hair-dressing) |
Bouffe | (French f.) food, grub |
bouffe | (French, meaning 'comic') as in opèra bouffe, meaning comic opera |
bouffée | (French) puff, whiff, flush (medicine), fit (of pride) |
bouffer | (French) to eat, to gobble |
Bouffons | old sword dance performed by men in cardboard armour, also called Mattachins or Matassins |
Bougainvillea | (English, German f.) or, in English, bougainvilla, any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having brilliant red or purple flower bracts |
Bougarobou | (West Africa) or bugarabu, a rhythm adopted by the Mandinka from the Jola; also one of several sizes of drums that can be attached together |
Bouge | (French m.) hovel, dive (bar) |
Bougeoir | (French m.) candlestick |
Bougeotte, la | (French f.) the fidgets |
bouger | (French) to move, to stir |
Bougie | (French f.) candle, spark(ing)-plug (of a petrol engine) |
(French f., German f.) a thin, flexible medical instrument for probing or dilating passages in the body |
bougieren | (German) to dilate with a bougie |
bougon (m.), bougonne (f.) | (French) grumpy |
bougonner | (French) to grumble |
Bouillabaisse | (French f.) from Provence, a dish of fish stewed in wine or water |
bouillant (m.), bouillante (f.) | (French) boiling, boiling hot |
bouillé | (French) boiled |
Bouilli | (French m.) boiled or stewed meat (usually beef) |
Bouillie | (French f.) porridge, baby food, mush (prejorative) |
bouillir | (French) to boil |
Bouilloire | (French f.) kettle |
Bouillon | (English, German f., from French m.) unclarified stock (from the French meaning 'to bubble', as when liquid boils) |
bouillonner | (French f.) to bubble |
Bouillonwürfel | (English, German m.) soup-tablet, stock cube |
Bouillote | (French f.) hot-water bottle |
boul. | abbreviation of boulevard (French) |
Boula | (Grenada) a drum made from rum barrels, often used in pairs supporting a single higher-pitched 'cut drum', used, for example, in Guadeloupan gwo ka, Carriacouan bele and Dominican bèlè |
the smallest supporting drum of a Haitian vodoun ensemble |
in Cuba, one of the drums used in tumba francesa is called bulá |
Boula djel | vocalized percussion songs (i.e. mizik djel or 'mouth music') from Martinique and Guadeloupe which, while associated with traditional wakes, are not considered sacred music. The term boula refers to the use of the traditional boula rhythm |
Boulanger (m.), Boulangère (f.) | (French) baker |
Boulangere, La | see La Boulangere |
Boulangerie | (French f.) bakery |
Boulangerie-pâtisserie | (French f.) bakery and confectioner's shop |
Boule | (French f.) ball, golf-ball (for a type-writer), a game similar to roulette |
Bouleau | (French m.) silver birch (tree) |
boule dans la gorge, une | (French) lump in one's throat |
Boule de neige | (French f.) snowball |
Boule Lyonnaise | (French f.) also Sport-boules or le jeu Lyonnaise, a popular form of bowls, and may be the oldest form of the French form of this sport |
Boulet | (French m.) cannon ball, ball and chain (figurative) |
Boulette | (French m.) pellet (of paper), meat ball |
Boulevard (s.), Boulevards (pl.) | (English, German m., from French m.) a broad street or walk planted with trees, particularly designed for leisurely conversation |
Boulevardblatt | (German n.) tabloid, popular newspaper, tabloid newspaper |
Boulevardier | (French m.) one who frequents the boulevards, a lounger |
Boulevardjournalismus | (German m.) yellow journalism |
Boulevardpresse | (German f.) tabloid press, gutter press, popular press, yellow press (archaic) |
Boulevardthema | (German n.) topic in the tabloids |
Boulevardzeitung (s.), Boulevardzeitungen (pl.) | (German f.) tabloid, popular paper, yellow press (plural form) |
bouleversant (m.), bouleversante (f.) | (French) deeply moving |
bouleversé (m.), bouleversée (f.) | (French) upset, turned upside down, overwhelmed, overcome (with emotion) |
Bouleversement | (French m.) upheaval, turning upside down |
bouleverser | (French) to turn upside down, to disrupt, to distress, to upset |
Boulgarí | the Cretan version of the Turkish saz, similar to the earliest forms of the bouzouki |
Boulier | (French m.) abacus |
Boulimie | (French f.) bulimia (compusive eating disorder) |
Boulle | an inlaid furniture decoration, tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork |
Boulon | (French m.) bolt |
Boulot | (French m.) work |
boulot (m.), boulotte (f.) | (French) dumpy |
Boult, Sir Adrian Cedric (1889-1983) | English orchestral conductor, author of A Handbook on the Technique of Conducting (1968) |
Boum | (French m.) bang |
(French f.) party |
Bouncy techno | a style of music c.1992, mostly emanating from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands |
Bound | ligar (Spanish), legato (Italian, gebunden (German), lié (French) |
slurred, tied |
Bound book | a book in which the boards of the cover have first been attached to it, the covering of leather, cloth, or other materials being then affixed to the boards. Bound books are more expensive to produce and much stronger than cased books |
Bound morphene | a morpheme used exclusively as part of a larger word rather than one that can stand alone and retain independent meaning. Examples include the morpheme 'ept' in the word 'inept', or the morpheme 'gruntle' in the word 'disgruntled'. This term is the opposite of a free morpheme, which can function by itself as a word, such as the morphemes 'it' and 'self' in the word 'itself' |
Bou oughanim | a clown, a member of a group of Berber professional musicians led by a poet (amydaz), the clown also playing a double clarinet or zummara |
Bouquet | (English, German n., from French m.) bunch (of flowers), a nosegay, the aroma from a wine |
(French m.) clump (of trees) |
Bouquet garni | (French m.) a faggot of fresh herbs (usually parsley, thyme, bay leaf, usually tied inside pieces of leek or celery) |
Bouquin | (French m.) book |
bouquiner | (French) to read |
Bouquinist | (German m.) bouquiniste |
Bouquiniste | (French m./f.) second-hand bookseller |
bourbeux (m.), bourbeuse (f.) | (French) muddy |
Bourbier | (French m.) mire |
Bourbon (Whiskey) | (German m.) bourbon (whiskey) (named after Bourbon county, Kentucky, whiskey distilled from a mash of corn and malt and rye and aged in charred oak barrels) |
Bourbonen | (German pl.) Bourbons (European royal line that ruled in France (from 1589-1793) and Spain and Naples and Sicily) |
bourbonische Lilie | (German f.) fleur-de-lys (stylised lily in heraldry and art) |
Bourbon vanilla | the majority of the world's vanilla (named, by the Spanish, vainilla or 'little pod') is produced from the variety Vanilla planifolia, more commonly known as 'Madagascar-Bourbon' vanilla, which is produced in Indian Ocean islands such as Madagascar, the Comoros, and Réunion, formerly the Île Bourbon |
Bourbon-Vanille | (German f.) bourbon vanilla |
Bourde | (French f.) blunder |
Bourdon (s.), Bourdons (pl.) | (French m., literally 'bumble-bee') a low sounding large scale organ pipe, usually stopped, made of wood and generally at 16 ft. or 32 ft. pitch |
the lowest string on a lute, violin, violoncello or double bass |
French organs sometimes have open bourdons, at 4 ft. and 8 ft. pitch |
in a Dutch street organ, the bourdon is two ranks of loudly-voiced melody flutes tuned to a strong celeste |
the term bourdon is often used more generally for any stopped flute rank |
a large deep-sounding bell, whether in a chime, carillon, or peal - or simply a single large church bell. However, in English change ringing, the largest bell is called the 'tenor' |
the drone string of a hurdy-gurdy |
a drone pipe of a bagpipe |
(German m.) burden |
Bourdon de cornemuse | (French m.) the drone of a bagpipe |
Bourdon de musette | (French m.) the drone of a bagpipe |
Bourdonnement | (French m.) buzzing |
bourdonner | (French) to buzz |
Bourg | (French m.) town (usually a market town) |
Bourgade | (French f.) village |
Bourgeois (m.), Bourgeoise (French f.) | (German m., from French) people or values or behaviours typical of the middle class. All those who are bourgeois comprise a group called the bourgeoisie. Most members of this group are executives and professionals. The upper middle-class is known as the haute bourgeoisie. These terms appear frequently in Marxist texts |
bourgeois (m.), bourgeoise (f.) | (French) middle-class |
Bourgeoisie | (English, German f., from French f.) city-dwelling middle class (a social group that is usually considered philistine when it comes to matters of taste) |
Bourgeoisie dorée | (French f.) affluent middle class |
Bourgeon | (French m.) bud |
bourgeonner | (French) to bud |
Bourgeosie | (French f.) see bourgeois |
Bourgogne, la | (French f.) Burgundy |
Bourguignonne | (French f.) a red wine sauce with the addition of button onions and mushrooms |
Bourlesca | see burlesco, burlesca |
bourlinguer | (French) to travel about |
Bournonville, August (1805-1879) | Danish dancer and choreographer who work gave equal importance to both male and female dancers |
Bournville Village Trust [1879-present] | an influential model village founded by the Quaker Cadbury Brothers after moving their Cocoa & Chocolate factory to a site just south of Birmingham. Started with a few cottages provided alongside the factory, it grew into a whole planned village that was turned into a charitable trust in 1900 at which time it consisted of 330 acres and 313 dwellings. Became a model for the Garden City & Suburbs movement with the First Garden City conference being held there in 1901 and George Cadbury was one of the first vice-presidents of the Garden City Association. The village is laid out with ample open space, shops, public buildings and each house has a large garden attached. Tenancies were open to anybody, not just Cadbury employees. During the 1930s the trust developed what were known as 'Ten shilling houses. The trust has continued to managed the village and be involved in housing development up to the present day. In the 1930s the trust acquired a series of farms as a 'greenbelt' on the southern side of Birmingham and now manage some 2770 acres of open or farm land |
Bourrade | (French f.) prod |
Bourrage de crâne | (French m.) brainwashing |
Bourrasque | (French f.) squall |
bourratif (m.), bourrarive (f.) | (French) filling, stodgy |
Bourré | (French) bourrée |
Bourreau de travail | (French m.) workaholic |
Bourrée | (French f., German f.) or boree, a French dance similar to the gavotte but beginning on the fourth beat (of four) rather than the third (of four) as in the gavotte |
Bourrees | in dance, a series of tiny steps which give the impression of gliding across the floor |
Bourrelet | (French m.) draught excluder, roll of fat (flesh) |
bourrer | (French) to cram, to stuff, to fill |
bourrer de | (French) to cram with, to stuff with |
bourrer de coups | (French) to thrash |
bourrer le crâne à ... | (French) to fill ...'s head with nonsense |
Bourrette | (German f.) noil silk, silk noil (silk waste made up of short fibres combed from long fibres during the preparation of textile yarns) |
Bourretteseide | (German f.) silk noil, bourrette silk, noil silk (silk fabric produced from yarn spun from silk waste) |
Bourrette-Seide | (German f.) silk noil |
Bourrique | (French f.) ass |
bourru | (French) surly |
Bourse | (French f.) purse, grant (of money), the French Stock Exchange |
Bousculade | (French f.) rush, crush |
bousculé | (French) tumbling |
bousculer | (French) to jostle, to rush, to knock over |
Bouse | (French f.) cow dung |
bousiller | (French) to mess up |
Boussole | (French f.) compass |
Boustrophedon | or boustrephedon, an ancient way of writing manuscripts and other inscriptions in which, rather than going from left to right as in modern English, or right to left as in Hebrew and Arabic, alternate lines must be read in opposite directions. The name is borrowed from the Greek and means 'as the ox turns while ploughing' |
Bout | (French m.) end, tip (tongue, bâton), bit |
(French m.) end (of a bow) |
(English) in the violin and guitar families, the curve in the sides of the instrument, especially the C-shaped inward curve that form the waist and the convex curve at the top and bottom of the instrument |
upper bout | Oberbug, Oberbügel (German m.) | largeur du haut (French f.) | zona superiore (Italian f.) |
middle bout | Mittelbug (German m.) | largeur aux "C" (French f.) | zona della C (Italian f.) |
lower bout | Unterbug (German m.) | largeur du bas (French f.) | zona inferiore (Italian f.) |
Boutade | (French f.) jest, whim, a sudden fit of temper, an unpredictable action |
(French f.) an improvisatory piece like a caprice or fantasia |
(French f.) an old French dance |
(French f.) a short ballet which was meant to appear as though it was being improvised |
Bout du doigt | (French m.) fingertips |
Boute-en-train | (French m.) joker, live wire |
Bouteille | (German f., from French f.) bottle (in Austria, a specific volume of 0.7 litre) |
Bouteillophone | a percussion instrument formed of a number of bottles tuned so that when struck they play a chromatic scale. The bottles are tuned by filling them with a certain amount of water. Erik Satie wrote for this instrument |
Boutique (s.), Boutiquen (German pl.), Boutiques (English, French, German pl.) | (English, German f., from French f.) shop (usually one selling fashionable items are very high prices) |
(German f.) millinery |
Boutique de brocanteur | (French f.) junk shop |
Bouton | (French m.) endpin, bottone (Italian), Knopf (German) |
(French m.) button, stud |
(French m.) Endknopf (German m.) Saitenhalterknopf (German m.), bottone (Italian m.), endbutton, a small projection at the bottom of a stringed instrument (violin, cello, etc.) to which the tailpiece may be attached or through which an endpin may be fitted (for example, on a cello) |
(French m.) pimple, bud, knob (radio, etc.) |
Bouton de manchette | (French m.) cuff-link |
Bouton d'or | (French m.) buttercup |
boutonné (m.), boutonnée (f.) | (French, literally 'buttoned up') reticent, unforthcoming, laconic |
boutonner | (French) to button, to button up |
Boutonnière | (French f.) buttonhole |
boutonneux (m.), boutonneuse (f.) | (French) pimply |
Bouton-pression | (French m.) press-stud |
Boutons de registres | (French m. pl.) drawstops |
Bouts rimés | (French m. pl., literally 'rhymed ends') a game in which a verse in composed where individual couplets are commenced and ended by different people, sometimes where the person completing one couplet also begins the following couplet |
Bouture | (French) cutting (plant) |
Bouvet-Insel | (German f.) Bouvet Island |
Bouvet Island | an island belonging to Norway in the South Atlantic near the Antarctic Circle |
Bouvier des Flandres | (German m.) bouvier des Flandres (rough-coated breed of dog used originally in Belgium for herding and guarding cattle) |
Bouyon | (Dominica) a fusion of 'cadence-lypso' and traditional 'Jing ping' sound |
Bouyon-muffin | a modern offshoot of bouyon that uses prominent elements of Jamaican raggamuffin music |
Bouzouki (s.), Bouzoukia (pl.) | (English, German f, from Greek) a twentieth-century long-necked Greek lute, derived from the Turkish saz with a fretted neck and a pear shaped body containing 2, 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings |
today there are three forms of bouzouki: |
trichordo | early bouzoukis were Trichordo, with three courses (six strings in three pairs) and were generally tuned to D3/D4 A3 D4. This tuning fits in well with the music of the Middle East, as an open chord is neither major nor minor, allowing great flexibility with the melody. Trichordo bouzoukis are still being made, and are very popular with aficionados of Rembetika
tetrachordo | in 1953, Manolis Khiotis added a fourth pair of strings to the bouzoúki. This instrument has 8 metal strings, arranged in four pairs, known as courses. In the two higher-pitched (treble) courses, the two strings of the pair are tuned to the same note. These are used for playing melodies, usually with the two courses played together. In the two lower-pitched (bass) courses, the pair consists of a thick string and a thin string tuned an octave apart. These 'octave strings' add to the fullness of the sound and are used in chords and bass drones (continuous low notes that are played throughout the music). The original tuning for the four-course bouzouki is C3 F3 A3 D4 (where C4 is Middle C). This makes it the same tuning pattern as the first four strings on a guitar, but pitched down a whole tone. In recent times, some players have taken to tuning their bouzoukis up in pitch to D3 G3 B3 E4 |
Irish | introduced into Irish traditional music in the 1970s, by Johnny Moynihan and Alec Finn, and popularised by Andy Irvine and Dónal Lunny. Irish music relies less on virtuoso melodies played on double courses, and more on the bass courses, so they got rid of the octave strings which only confuse things and replaced them with pairs tuned to the same note. They used a tuning of G2 D3 A3 D4 or A2 D3 A3 D4, which ironically is closer to the original Greek instrument than modern Greek ones are |
Bovarism | (named after the character of Emma Bovary in Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary) an imagined or unrealistic conception of oneself |
a anxiety to escape from a social or sentimental condition judged to be unsatisfactory, sometimes by building a fictitious personality |
Bovarysme | (French m.) Bovarism |
Bovarismo | (Italian m., Spanish m.) Bovarism |
Bóveda | (Spanish f.) vault |
Bovenblad | (Dutch) belly (of a string instrument), soundboard, top plate |
Boventoon | (Dutch) partial, overtone (acoustics) |
bovin | (German) bovine |
bovin (m.), bovine (f.) | (French) bovine |
bovino | (Italian) bovine |
Bovini | (Italian cattle |
Bovins | (French cattle |
Bow | arco (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese), archetto (Italian), Bogen (German), archet (French) |
a device used on certain stringed instruments, a stick, usually made of wood, and hair, usually taken from the tail of a horse, which is used to impart energy to the strings, so that they vibrate, which vibrations act on the resonator box over which the tensioned strings are stretched, thus producing the audible sound characteristic to the instrument. The modern violin bow is usually between 27 and 30 inches in length although historically it was somewhat shorter |
the Chinese yazheng and yaqin, and Korean ajaeng zithers are generally played by "bowing" with a rosined stick, which rubs against the strings without any horsehair. The hurdy-gurdy, an instrument known in medieval Europe, has strings which are bowed by a "rosin wheel," which is turned by a handle |
instruction on how to use a bow when playing such an instrument, through a series of special signs printed in or added later to the score |
to incline the head or body in greeting or acknowledgement, for example as part of an early dance |
Bow-arm | or 'bow-hand', most commonly the right arm or hand, in which the bow of a stringed instrument is held |
Bow change | Bogenwechsel (German), the change of direction when moving from up-stroke to down-stroke, or visa versa |
Bowdlerization | a later editor's censorship of sexuality, profanity, and political sentiment of an earlier author's text. Editors and scholars usually use this term in a derogatory way to denote an inferior or incomplete text. A text censored in this way is said to be bowdlerized. The term comes from the name of Reverend Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825) who produced The Family Shakespeare (1815-18). He removed whatever he considered "unfit to be read by a gentleman in the company of ladies" |
Bowdlerize | to censor or alter an earlier writer's work |
Bow, early | early violin and cello bows and bows for the viol are all outcurved, unlike the modern violin bow shown above. In the case of the viol bow, this shape makes it possible to hold it 'underarm' in the palm of the hand with one or two fingers on the bow hair to adjust the tension during the stroke |
Bowed guitar | see arpeggione |
Bowed psaltery | literally a psaltery that is played with a bow |
Bowed vihuela | see vihuela d'arco |
Bowed zither | the bowed zither may seem strange, but is exactly what it appears to be - a violin for zitherists. Resting on a table, the left hand frets the fingerboard (tuned backwards from a violin) exactly like a zither, while the right hand bows the strings |
Bow hair | crini dell'arco (Italian m. pl.), Bogenhaare (n. pl.), crins de l'archet (French m. pl.) |
Bowhammer | Michael Masley's invention is a system of eight "bowhammers" and thumbpicks, allowing him to pluck, bow, or strike the strings in any combination on a range of string instruments |
Bow-hand | see 'bow arm' |
Bowie knife | a stout hunting knife with a single edge |
Bowiemesser | (German n.) bowie knife |
Bowing |
marking | explanation |
arco | bowing as opposed to pizzicato |
down-bow | where the bow moves from the frog to the point |
up-bow | where the bow moves from the point to the frog |
middle-bow | where most of string instrument playing takes place |
legato | a group of notes played smoothly in one bow |
tenuto | alternate bows, full length |
portato | played with a single bow but with a slight break between the notes |
staccato | short up and down bows (notes are half length) - indicated by dots placed over/under the note. There are two types:
a. separate bow - notes are played separated and with separate bows for each note
b. slurred - consecutive notes are played separated, but with one bow direction
spiccato, saltando | staccato with a bounced bow, that is usually used for faster passages. There are a number of different types:
a. deliberate - usually in slow passages, player bounces the bow in a deliberate manner to give an interesting effect
b. spontaneous - (sautillé) where the speed of the passage causes the player to instinctively create a bouncing motion with the bow. Sometimes described as "an uncontrolled spiccato"
c. slurred spiccato (staccato volante, flying staccato) - similar to slurred staccato except that the bow bounces on the string to create the separation of the pitches. Instead of reversing direction for each note as in ordinary spiccato, the bow picks up a series of short notes, usually on an up-bow |
détaché | a single bow stroke per note, with successive notes played as seamlessly as possible, more legato than staccato (although some writers do use the term, when refering to non-stringed instruments, to mean separated or detached) |
au talon | bowing at the frog, for a loud effect |
punta d'arco | bowing at the point, for a delicate effect |
louré, piqué | a succession of notes slightly separated played on the same bow, that is, it is performed with several notes in one bow direction, each note receiving a gentle "push" to separate it - indicated in the same way as détaché but with a slur |
marcato | heavy, separate stroke with a pressed accent played near the heel |
martelé or martellato | hammered notes, a strong staccato |
jeté, ricochet | bouncing the top of the bow to create repeated notes in one bow - indicated by slurred staccato. The bouncing motion of the bow creates 2 to 6 or even more rapid notes. This is usually with a downward bow motion, but up-bows are occasionally used as well. The cello and double bass can only execute about 3 consecutive notes, maybe 4, because of the shorter bow that is used. |
volante | bouncing on the string, similar to ricochet |
tremolo | small but very rapid up and down bows - can sound dramatic, ethereal, or clichéed if overdone - measured (e.g. semiquavers or sixteenth notes) written with two slashes, unmeasured with three. A fingered tremolo is similar to a trill but with an interval larger than a whole tone |
col legno | using the bow upside down |
ecrasé | scratchy noise achieved on bowed string instruments by the use of excess bow pressure (also called a 'scratch tone' or 'scratch note') |
sul ponticello | bowing close to the bridge - a thin sound |
sul tasto | bowing over the fingerboard - sounds hazy |
flautando | bowing close to the fingerboard - sounds flutelike |
glissando | or portamento, sliding from one note to another, indicated by a line between the notes |
portamento | or glissando, sliding from one note to another, indicated by a line between the notes |
sul G, etc. | this means all notes played on the G string, can apply to any other string as requested e.g. sul A |
Bowle | (German f.) (cold) punch (drink), punchbowl |
Bowlen (s./pl.) | (German n.) bowls (game), bowling |
bowlen | (German) to play bowls (game), to bowl |
bowlen gehen | (German) to go to play bowls, to go (tenpin) bowling |
Bowler | (German m.) bowler (cricket), bowler (hat) |
Bowlerhut | (German m.) bowler hat |
Bowling | (German n.) bowls, (tenpin) bowling |
Bowling spielen | (German) to bowl |
Bowlingbahn | (German f.) bowling alley |
Bowlingkugel | (German f.) bowling ball |
Bowlingspieler | (German m.) bowler (at bowling, in a bowling alley) |
Bowlsspiel | (German n.) bowls |
Bowlsspieler | (German m.) bowler (at bowls, on a bowling green), bowls player |
Bow mites | anthrenus museorum is a common destroyer of hair and anything else made of protein, such as old-fashioned woollen felt case linings, gut strings, leather, hair, parchment, etc. Mites usually only live where it is closed and dark, such as in a violin case that is not often used. Keep the case off the floor, especially away from carpets. The worst possible place to store a violin is under a bed or in a closet. Once mites infest a case, they can be difficult to get rid of. You should vacuum and air out the case thoroughly, and if possible expose it to sunlight for a few days. There are a number of suggested treatments that are not to be recommended, such as spraying the case with an insecticide or using camphor moth balls. Such products are highly aromatic and can possibly damage the varnish on your violin and bow. Never store a violin with mothballs in the case with it. Old cases with wool felt, natural silk or silk velvet linings are notorious for attracting mites. Modern cases with synthetic linings and good weather seals are less prone to infestation. If you are using the older type of case you should get rid of it immediately. Even decorative antique cases are not usually very valuable because they provide so little protection to their contents |
in fact 'bow mites' aren't really mites, they are the larvae of a species of carpet beetle. The entomologist in the museum where I work has given a couple of brown bag lectures on pest that bother museum collections, and this group of beetles are among the worst. They are small (under a 1/4 inch) and it is the larvae that do the eating. The larvae do not look like beetles, more like very small elongated sow bugs (or pill bugs) and are often a bit hairy. There are different species, and the species differ in what they prefer to eat but there could be several types that would be willing to eat horsehair [comment provided by Michael Zapf] |
Bow, modern | an incurved stick with horsehair stretched across it, used today to play stringed instruments such as the violin, cello, etc. |
 |
Bow saw | a saw with a slender blade connected at each end to a narrow handle that curves outward like an archer's bow |
Box (s.), Boxen (German pl.) | (French m.) lock-up garage, cubicle |
(Italian m.) loose box (horse), play-pen (baby) |
(German f.) loudspeaker, pit (motor racing), stall, (loud) speaker (hi-fi system), box (step), loose box (horse) |
Boxball | (German m.) punchingball, punching-ball |
Boxclub | (German m.) boxing club |
Boxen | (German n.) boxing, pugilism |
boxen | (German) to scuff, to punch, to box |
boxend | (German) fighting |
Boxenstopp | (German m.) pit stop |
Boxeraufstand | (German m.) Boxer Rebellion |
Boxershorts | (German pl.) boxer shorts, boxers |
Boxgymnastik | (German f.) boxercise (fitness class) |
Boxhandschuh (s.), Boxhandschuhe (pl.) | (German m.) boxing glove |
Boxing | a substyle of 'tutting', which consists of creating and manipulating box-like or rectangular shapes predominately with ones arms |
Boxkamera | (German f.) box camera |
Boxkampf | (German m.) boxing match |
Box office | the place from which theatre, concert, etc. tickets are purchased |
in the eighteenth century, only boxes could be reserved and paid for in advanced. All other seating was sold on a first-come first-served basis. The boxes were sold from an office near the stage door, hence the term 'box office' |
Box pleat | pleat made of two flat folds turned inwards towards each other, creating a box like shape on the front of the garment |
Boxring | (German m.) boxing ring |
Boxsack | (German m.) punchbag (gym equipment) |
Box set | a theatrical structure common to modern drama in which the stage consists of a single room setting in which the "fourth wall" is missing so the audience can view the events within the room. Contrast with the 'theatre in the round' and 'apron stage' |
Boxsport | (German m.) boxing |
Box step | |
Box The Gnat | one of the figures unique to, or traditionally associated with, square dancing |
Boxweltmeister | (German m.) boxing world champion |
Boxwettkampf | (German m.) boxing bout, boxing match, boxing-match |
Boxwood | (German Buchsbaum, French Buis, Dutch Gewone palm, European Species: Buxus sempervivens: Average Weight: from 53 to 70 pounds per cubic foot) Boxwood is very hard and almost without grain. It is only available in small pieces and is used for carving and small items such as combs. Boxwood was used for inlays from at least the sixteenth century |
Boya | (Spanish f.) buoy, float |
Boy actor | or boy player, a common term for the adolescent males employed by Medieval and English Renaissance playing companies. Some boy players worked for the mainstream companies and performed the female roles, as women did not perform on the English stage in this period. Others worked for "children's companies," in which all roles, not just the female ones, were played by boys |
- Boy player from which this information has been taken
boyante | (Spanish) buoyant |
Boyar | (Russian) or bojar, a member of the highest rank of the feudal Bulgarian, Romanian, and Russian aristocracy, second only to the ruling princes, from the 10th through the seventeenth century |
- Boyar from which this extract has been taken
Boyau | (French m.) catgut, actually made from the intestines of sheep, lambs or goat |
(French m.) gut, gallery, (bicycle) tyre |
Boyaudier | (French m.) maker of strings for violins, etc. |
Boyband | or, in the US, boy band, a style of pop group featuring between three and six young male singers who are usually also dancers |
- Boy band from which this extract has been taken
Boycott | social, economic, or political noncooperation |
Boyfriend | (English, German m.) a favoured male companion, sweetheart or friend |
Boygroup | (English, German f.) boy band (male singers) |
Boykott | (German m.) boycott |
boykottieren | (German) to boycott |
boykottierend | (German) boycotting |
Boykottierender (m.), Boykottierende (f.), Boykottierende (pl.) | (German) boycotter |
boykottiert | (German) boycotted |
Boykottierung | (German f.) blacking (of goods), boycott action, boycotting |
Boy player | see 'boy actor' |
Boyscout | (German m.) boy scout |
Boyscout | aged between 11 and 18, a member of a worldwide organization of young men and boys, founded in England in 1908, for character development and citizenship |
Boysenbeere | (German f.) boysenberry |
Boysenberry | a berry created by horticulturist Rudolph Boysen in 1923 by crossing a raspberry, blackberry, and a loganberry |
Boy soprano | a male singer whose voices has not yet changed, one who, in the Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions, is called a treble |
Bozal | (Spanish m.) muzzle (dog, etc.), halter (horse) |
Bolzano | (Bozen (German n.), Botzen (archaic), Bulsan (Ladin), Bauzanum (Latin)) a city in the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region of Italy, the capital of the province of Bolzano-Bozen |
Bozen | (German n.) Bolzano |
Bozuka | see buzuq |
Bozukë | see buzuq |
Bozza | (Italian f.) draft, proof (typesetting), bump |
Bozza in colonna | (Italian f.) galley proof |
Bozzetto (s.), Bozzetti (pl.) | (Italian m.) a sculptural sketch, a small scale model for a large piece of statuary |
Bozzolo | (Italian m.) cocoon |
BP | abbreviation of 'British Patent', 'blood pressure', 'before present' (following a number of years), 'British Pharmacopoeia', boîte postale (French: PO Box, post office box) |
Bp | abbreviation of 'bishop' |
bp. | abbreviation of 'baptized', 'birthplace' |
b/p | abbreviation of 'blueprint' |
BPA | abbreviation of Bahnpostamt (German: railway post office) |
bpl. | abbreviation of 'birthplace' |
Bpm | abbreviation of 'beats per minute', the usual measurement of tempo |
bpm | abbreviation of 'bits per minute', a measure of the speed at which data is sent over transmission lines |
BPos | abbreviation of Bass-Posaune (German: bass trombone - trombone basse (French)) |
B-Probe | (German f.) B sample (doping) |
Bps | abbreviation of 'bytes per second', a measure of the rate of data transfer |
bps | abbreviation of 'bits per second', a measure of the rate of data transfer |
Bp Suff. | abbreviation of 'Bishop Suffragan' | | abbreviation of 'boiling point' |
BQ | abbreviation of bene quiescat (Latin: may he, or she, rest well) |
bq. | abbreviation of 'barque' |
B quadratum | (Latin) the note B natural |
(Latin) the natural sign |
B quadro | (Italian) the natural sign |
B quadrum | (Latin) the note B natural |
(Latin) the natural sign |
B-quarre | (French) béquarre |
bque. | abbreviation of 'barque' |