AT | abbreviation 'arrival time'. 'attainment target' |
a t. | abbreviation of a tempo |
à t. | abbreviation of à tempo |
Ata | a bamboo Jew's harps of the Lahu people of southern China, and northern South East Asia |
Atabal | (Spanish) or timbal, timpani |
a wide cylindrical double-headed bass drum or tabor from the Basque regions of Spain and France, originally Moorish |
Atabaque |
a conical single-headed barrel-shaped Brazilian drum usually played in threes with sticks or with the hands: |
le' | the smallest drum |
rumpito | the middle drum |
rum | the largest drum |
à table sec | (French) the practice of vocal exercises without accompaniment |
à table sèche | (French) the practice of vocal exercises without accompaniment |
Atacama Desert | an arid region of northwest Chile, one of the driest areas in the world, which has yielded great nitrate and copper wealth |
Atacamawüste | (German f.) Atacama Desert |
Atacante | (Spanish m./f.) attacker, assailant |
atacar | (Spanish) to attack, to assault |
atacar los nervios | (Spanish) to lose one's cool |
Atactic | or ataxic, lacking motor coordination, marked or caused by ataxia |
Atadero | (Spanish m.) rope, fastening, hook |
Atadijo | (Spanish m.) loosely-made bundle |
Atado | (Spanish m.) bundle, bunch (Latin America) |
atado | (Spanish) tied, tied up (with obligations), timid (figurative) |
Atadura (s.), Ataduras (pl.) | (Spanish f.) tying, tie, hindrance (figurative) |
Atair | (German m.) Altair (the brightest star in the constellation Aquila) |
Atajada | (Spanish f. - South America) save |
Atajador (m.), Atajadora (f.) | (Spanish f. - Mexico) ballboy (m.), ballgirl (f.) |
atajar | (Spanish) to take a short cut, to catch (Latin America), to intercept (pass, ball), to parry (blow), to block (punch), to stop (person), to catch (person), to stop (detain), to keep ... in check, to contain (fire), to quell (rumour), to put a stop to |
atajar por | (Spanish) to take a shortcut through |
Atajo | (Spanish m.) short cut, bunch (group of people) |
sois un atajo de inútiles (Spanish: you're a useless bunch) |
ataktisch | (German) atactic, ataxic |
Atalanta | (English, German f.) in Greek mythology, a hunter who agreed to marry any man who could defeat her in a footrace |
Atalante | (German f.) Atalanta |
Atalaya | (Spanish f.) watch-tower, vantage point (figurative) |
a tal efecto | (Spanish) for that purpose, hereto, hereunto, to that end |
a tal extremo | (Spanish) to such an extreme, so much, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extent |
a tal grado | (Spanish) to such a degree, ever so, insofar, so, that, to such an extent, insomuch, so much |
a tal medida | (Spanish) to such a degree, to such an extent |
a tal medida que | (Spanish) to such an extent that, insofar as |
a talón | (Spanish) on foot |
At a loose end | uncertain what to do next, without anything to do |
a tal pregunta tal respuesta | (Spanish) a stupid question deserves a stupid answer |
a tal punto | (Spanish) to such an extent |
a tal señor tal honor | (Spanish) to each his own |
a tal velocidad | (Spanish) at such a rate |
Ataman | (English, German m., from Russian) a Cossack leader |
a tambor batiente | (Spanish) triumphantly, with flying colours |
Atamo | Ethiopian drum, played by tapping the fingers or the palm of the hand |
atañer | (Spanish) to concern, to have to do with |
Atang | an Igede (Nigeria) brass bell used during funeral ceremonies |
a tan sólo | (Spanish) at only |
a tanto alzado | (Spanish) by the job, in a lump sum |
a tanto possible | (Italian) as much as possible |
a tantos de | (Spanish) on a certain day of, on such and such a day of |
a tantos días fecha | (Spanish) from and after this date, to be paid on the date stated |
a tantos días vista | (Spanish) to be paid on the date stated |
Atap | (Javanese) or attap, thatch made of palm-fronds |
At a pinch | if absolutely necessary |
Ataque | (Portuguese, Spanish m.) assault, attack (also medical), fit (medicine) |
in music, attack (the beginning of the sound generated by a musical instrument, synthesiser, etc.) |
Ataque aéreo | (Spanish m.) air strike |
Ataque al corazón | (Spanish m.) heart attack |
Ataque de asma | (Spanish m.) asthma attack |
Ataque de nervios | (Spanish m.) hysterics, panic |
Ataque de risa | (Spanish m.) fit of hysterics, fit of laughter |
Ataque epiléptico | (Spanish m.) epileptic fit |
atar | (Spanish) to tie, to tie up, to tie ... down (figurative), to tether (goat, donkey), to tie ... up (person, horse) |
le até el pelo con una cinta (Spanish: I tied her hair back with a ribbon) |
lo ataron de pies y manos (Spanish: they bound him hand and foot) |
ató al perro a un poste (Spanish: she tied the dog to a lamppost) |
atarantado (m.), atarantada (f.) | (Spanish m. - Colombia, Mexico, Peru) dazed (from a blow), stunned (form a blow) |
(Spanish - Mexico, Peru) in a spin, dazed |
(Spanish - Chile) harum-scarum (colloquial) |
atarantarse | (Spanish - Colombia, Mexico, Peru) to get flustered, to get in a dither |
con tantas preguntas me atarantaron (Spanish: they made my head spin with all their questions) |
el golpe lo atarantó (Spanish: the blow left him dazed) |
Ataraxia | imperturbability, peace of mind |
Ataraxie | (German f.) ataraxia, ataraxy |
Ataraxy | variant of ataraxia |
atar cabos | (Spanish) put two and two together |
atar corto | (Spanish) to put on a short leash |
Atardecer | (Spanish m.) dusk |
atardecer | (Spanish) to get dark, to grow dark |
atareado (m.), atareada (f.) | (Spanish) busy |
atarearse | (Spanish) to work hard |
atarse | (Spanish) to get tied up (figurative) |
Atarigane | a Japanese hand gong also known as chan-chiki or kane, it is played held in the hand or suspended by a cord and struck with a deer horn mallet called the shumoku |
At a round pace | briskly, rapidly, smartly |
atarse | (Spanish m.) to tie up (shoe, etc.), to do up (coat, etc.), to tie up (hair) |
a tasa fija | (Spanish) flat-rate |
Atascadero | (Spanish m.) stumbing block (figurative) |
atascado (m.), atascada (f.) | (Spanish) stuck, blocked |
atascar | (Spanish) to block, to obstruct, to hinder (figurative), to stall (Mexico) |
atascarse | (Spanish) to get stuck, to block, to get snarled up, to jam (mechanism), to seize up (mechanism), to stall (Mexico), to become obstructed, to become blocked, to get bogged down (figurative) |
Atasco | (Spanish m.) obstruction, traffic jam, holdup, delay, blockage (tube) |
a tastoni | (Italian) gropingly |
à tâtons | (French) groping, feeling one's way, tentatively |
Ataúd | (Spanish m.) coffin |
ataviar | (Spanish) to dress up, to dress sombody up in something |
ataviarse | (Spanish) to dress up, to get dressed up, to attire oneself |
atávico (m.), atávica (f.) | (Spanish) atavistic |
Atavío | (Spanish m.) dress, attire |
Atavism | a reappearance of an earlier characteristic |
Atavismus | (German m) throwback, atavism, reversion |
atavistisch | (German) atavistically, atavistic |
Ataxia | loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement |
Ataxic aphasia | see 'Broca's aphasia' |
Ataxie (s.), Ataxien (pl.) | (German f.) ataxia |
At best | in the best favourable light, making every allowance, taking everything into consideration |
Atcheré | see acheré |
ATCL, A.T.C.L. | abbreviation of 'Associated of Trinity College of Music, London' |
ATCS | abbreviation of 'Associate of the Tonic Sol-Fa College' |
ATD | abbreviation of 'actual time of departure' |
At death's door | very dangerously ill (the danger being that of death) |
ATE | abbreviation of 'automatic test equipment' (used in electronics) |
Ate | (Greek, literally 'ruin', 'folly', 'delusion') the action performed by the hero, usually because of his or her hubris that leads to his or her death or downfall |
Ate | (German f.) Até |
Até | a goddess in Greek mythology, a personification of ate |
Ateísmo | (Spanish m.) atheism |
a teja vana | (Spanish) under a bare roof, in impecunious circumstances |
Atelectasis | of the lung, a failure of full expansion at birth or a collapse thereafter |
Atelektase | (German f.) atelectasis |
atelektatisch | (German) atelectatic |
Atelier | (French m., German n.) an artist's or an artisan's studio or workshop |
(French m.) a leading fashion-house |
see 'studio' |
Atelieraufnahme | (German f.) studio shot |
Atelieraufnahme | (German f.) studio work |
Atelierfenster | (German n.) studio window |
Atelierfest | (German n.) studio party |
Ateliergelände | (German n.) studio lot |
Atelierkamera | (German f.) studio camera |
Atelierwohnung | (German f.) studio, studio apartment, studio flat |
Atellan farces | or Atellane farces, coarse improvised interludes in Roman theatres |
a tem. | abbreviation of a tempo (Italian: in time) |
à tem. | abbreviation of à tempo (Italian: in time) |
Atem | (German m.) breath, breathing, respiration, pneuma |
Atem- | (German) respiratory (prefix) |
Atemanhalten | (German n.) breath holding |
Atemapparat | (German m.) respiratory system |
Atem ausstoßen | (German) to puff |
atembar | (German) respirable |
Atembehandlung | (German f.) breath control |
atemberaubend | (German) breath-taking, stunningly, mind-blowing, stunning, staggering, vertiginous (sensation), breathtaking, spectacular, breathtakingly |
atemberaubend schön | (German) stunningly beautiful |
atemberaubende Geschwindigkeit | (German f.) breath-taking speed |
atemberaubende Schönheit | (German f.) stunning beauty, ravishing beauty |
atemberaubendste | (German) most breathtaking |
Atembeschwerde (s.), Atembeschwerden (pl.) | (German f.) breathing difficulty, difficulty of breathing, dyspnoea (difficult or laboured breathing, shortness of breath) |
Atemdepression | (German f.) hypoventilation |
Atemdepression | (German f.) respiratory depression |
Atem-Durchflußgeschwindigkeit | (German f., older form) volumetric respiratory flow |
Atem-Durchflussgeschwindigkeit | (German f.) volumetric respiratory flow |
Atemfrequenz | (German f.) breathing rate |
Atemgerät | (German n.) breathing apparatus, respirator |
Atemgeräusch (s.), Atemgeräusche (pl.) | (German n.) sound of breathing, respiratory noise |
Atemhilfe | (German f.) ventilatory support |
Atemhilfsmuskulatur | (German f.) accessory respiratory muscles, auxiliary respiratory muscles |
Atemhöhle | (German f.) air pocket |
Atem holen | (German) to draw breath, to breathe, to catch one's breath, to take breath |
Atemhub | (German m.) breath |
Ateminsuffizienz | (German f.) respiratory insufficiency |
Atemkontrolle | (German f.) breath control |
Atemlähmung | (German f.) apnoea (absence of breathing, stopping breathing), respiratory paralysis (caused by polio, etc.) |
Atemlänge | (German f.) breathing space, breathing spell, breathing-space |
Atemloch (s.), Atemlöcher (pl.) | (German n.) spiracle, breathing hole, spout (of a whale), blowhole (of a whale) |
atemlos | (German) breathless, out of breath, puffed, without breath, gasping, pantingily, winded, breathlessly, affannato (Italian), essouflé (French) |
atemlos vor Aufregung | (German) breathless with excitement |
atemlose Spannung | (German f.) breathless anticipation |
atemlose Stille | (German f.) breathless silence |
atemlose Verfolgung | (German f.) breathless chase |
Atemlosigkeit | (German f.) shortness of breath, breathlessness |
Atemluft | (German f.) breathing air |
Atemmaske | (German f.) respiratory mask |
Atemmessgerät | (German n.) spirometer (device that measure show much and how fast a person can blow air out of the lungs after taking a deep breath) |
Atemmuskeln | (German pl.) respiratory muscles |
Atemnot | (German f.) difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, dyspnoea (difficult or laboured breathing, shortness of breath), respiratory distress, breathlessness |
atemorizar | (Spanish) to frighten, to intimidate, to terrorize, to scare |
atemorizarse | (Spanish) to be frightened |
à temp. | abbreviation of à tempo (Italian: in time) |
Atempause (s.), Atempausen (pl.) | (German f.) breathing spell, pause for breath, breather (colloquial), breathing space, breathing time, reprive (figurative) |
(German f., literally 'breather') a small pause on a weak beat used to strengthen the following strong beat, often accompanied by a breath, for example, a slight anticipation of the second beat of the bar in the classic form of the Viennese waltz |
a temperatura ambiente | (Spanish) at room temperature |
a temperatura natural | (Spanish) at room temperature, unchilled |
a tempo | (Italian, literally 'in (strict) time') a tiempo (Spanish), im Takt (German), im Zeitmaß (German), en mesure (French), returning the the original pace, used particularly after a change in the tempo (for example, the result of accelerando, ritardando, tempo libero, tempo rubato, etc.), when wanting to return to the original speed |
a tempo commodo | (Italian) in a moderate, convenient time |
a tempo comodo | (Italian) in a moderate, convenient time |
a tempo di gavotta | (Italian) in the time of a gavotte |
a tempo di menuetto | (Italian) in the time of a minuet |
a tempo giusto | (Italian) in strict time, in equal time, im angemessenen Zeitmaß (German) |
a tempo libero | (Italian) in a free tempo, im freien Zeitmaß (German) |
a tempo ordinario | (Italian) in a moderate or an ordinary time, im gewohnten Zeitmaß (German) |
a tempo primo | (Italian) a return to the original tempo (usually the opening tempo), im ersten (ursprünglichen) Zeitmaß (German) |
a tempo rubato | (Italian) in irregular time, for example, acceleration or retardation of parts of the bar, im willkürlichen Zeitmaß (German), im freien Zeitmaß (German) |
Atemprobleme | (German pl.) respiratory problems, breathing problems |
atemraubend | (German) breathtaking, breathtakingly |
Atemregler | (German m.) diving regulator |
Atem schöpfen | (German) to draw breath, to breathe, to take breath |
Atemschutz | (German m.) breathing protection, respiratory protection |
Atemschutzfilter | (German m.) respirator filter |
Atemschutzgerät | (German n.) breathing apparatus, respiratory device, respirator, piratory protective equipment |
Atemschutzmaske | (German f.) filter mask, respirator mask, respirator |
Atemschwierigkeiten bereiten | (German) to cause difficulty in breathing |
à temps partiel | (French) part-time |
à temps plein | (French) full-time |
Atemstillstand | (German m.) apnoea (absence of breathing, stopping breathing), respiratory arrest, breathing arrest |
Atemstoß | (German m.) pant (short shallow breath) |
Atemstütze | (German f.) breath support, voice support |
Atemtechnik | (German f.) breath control, breathing techinque |
Atemtraining | (German n.) breathing exercises |
Atemtrakt | (German m.) respiratory tract |
Atemübung (s.), Atemübungen (pl.) | (German f.) breathing exercise |
Atemvolumen | (German n.) respiratory volume |
Atemweg | (German m.) airway |
Atemwege | (German pl.) respiratory tract, respiratory passages, airways, air passages |
Atemwegserkrankung | (German f.) respiratory disease, respiratory illness, respiratory infection, airway disease |
Atemwegsinfektion | (German f.) respiratory tract infection |
Atemwegsobstruktion | (German f.) obstruction of the airways, airway obstruction, respiratory obstruction |
Atemwegswiderstand | (German m.) airway resistance |
Atemzeichen | (German n.) breath mark |
Atemzeichen | (German n.) breath mark, breathing mark |
Atemzentrum | (German n.) respiratory centre |
Atemzug (s.), Atemzüge (pl.) | (German m.) act of respiration, breathing, breath, breath of air |
Atenas | (Spanish f.) Athens |
atenazar | (Spanish) to torture (figurative), to grip |
a tenazón | (Spanish) suddenly, blindly |
Atención | (Spanish f.) attention, courtesy, kindness, interest, service (hotel), opening hours (public office) |
¡atención! | (Spanish) look out! watch out! |
atención a | (Spanish) beware of |
¡atención, por favor! | (Spanish) (your) attention, please! |
atender | (Spanish) to pay attention, to attend to, to help, to agree to, to heed (advice, warning), to look after |
el doctor no atiende los martes (Spanish: the doctor does not see anyone on Tuesdays) |
en esa tienda atienden muy mal (Spanish: the service is very bad in that store) |
los atendieron enseguida en el hospital (Spanish: they were seen immediately at the hospital) |
atender a | (Spanish) to pay attention to |
atender a ... | (Spanish) to pay attention to ... (something, somebody), to meet ... (obligations, commitments, expenses, etc.) |
atenderse | (Spanish) to be attended to, to be seen (attended to by a doctor) |
Atene | (Italian f.) Athens |
atenerse | (Spanish) to abide |
atenerse a | (Spanish) to abide by |
a tenor | (Spanish) likewise, in the same fashion |
a tenor de | (Spanish) in accordance with, according to |
Atentado | (Spanish m.) offence, attack |
Atentado contra la vida de uno | (Spanish m.) attempt on someone's life |
atentamente | (Spanish) attentively, politely, kindly |
atentar | (Spanish) to commit an offence |
atentaron contra su vida (Spanish: they made an attempt on her life) |
esta mañana atentaron contra la vida de un famoso escritor (Spanish: there was an attempt on a famous writer's life this morning) |
atentar contra la seguridad del Estado | (Spanish) to threaten national security |
atentar contra la vida de uno | (Spanish) to make an attempt on someone's life |
Atenteben | or atentenben, soprano bamboo flute from Ghana |
a tente bonete | (Spanish) determinedly, doggedly |
atento (m.), atenta (f.) | (Spanish) attentive, polite, kind, courteous, considerate, thoughtful |
Atenuante | (Spanish f.) extenuating circumstance, mitigating factor |
atenuante | (Spanish) extenuating, attenuating |
atenuar | (Spanish) to attenuate, to diminish, to dim (light), to reduce, to lessen, to tone down (colour), to extenuate |
atenuar el tono | (Spanish) to tone down (criticism) |
atenuarse | (Spanish) to weaken |
Ateo | (Italian m.) atheist |
Ateo (m.), Atea (f.) | (Spanish) atheist |
ateo | (Italian) atheistic |
ateo (m.), atea (f.) | (Spanish) atheistic |
aterciopelado (m.), aterciopelada (f.) | (Spanish) velvety |
aterido (m.), aterida (f.) | (Spanish) frozen (stiff), numb (with cold), blue with cold |
a término | (Spanish) full term |
a término fijo | (Spanish) at a fixed term |
aterrador (m.), aterradora (f.) | (Spanish) terrifying |
aterrar | (Spanish) to terrify |
le aterra la idea (Spanish: she's terrified at the thought) |
aterrarse | (Spanish) to be terrified |
à terre | (French, literally 'on the ground') in dance, this term indicates that the entire base of the supporting foot or feet touches the ground or that the foot usually raised in a pose is to remain on the ground with the toes extended |
Aterrizaje | (Spanish m.) landing |
Aterrizaje forzoso | (Spanish m.) emergency landing |
aterrizar | (Spanish) to land, to touch down, to arrive (familiar), to settle down (familiar), to get used to (familiar) |
acabamos de aterrizar en este pueblo y todavía nos cuesta encontrar la panadería (Spanish: we are newcomers to this town and still haven't found the bakery) |
todavía estoy aterrizando en mi nuevo trabajo (Spanish: I'm still getting used to my new job) |
aterrorizado (m.), aterrorizada (f.) | (Spanish) terrified |
aterrorizar | (Spanish) to terrify, to terrorize (military, police) |
aterrorizarse | (Spanish) to be terrified |
återställningstecken |  | (Swedish) the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened |
atesorar | (Spanish) to hoard, to amass (wealth, fortune) |
Atestado | (Spanish m.) sworn statement, affidavit, testimonial |
atestado (m.), atestada (f.) | (Spanish) packed, crammed, packed with, full up |
atestado de ..., atestada de ... | (Spanish) packed full of ... |
el salón estaba atestado (de gente) (Spanish: the hall was packed (with people), the hall was crammed (with people)) |
atestar | (Spanish) to fill up, to pack, to testify, to cram |
atestar de | (Spanish) to fill up with, to pack with, to cram with |
atestiguar | (Spanish) to bear witness to, to testify to (judicial), to prove (figurative) |
à tête reposée | (French) in a leisurely moment |
At first hand | from one's own knowledge or personal observation |
At first sight | (playing music) that has not been seen before, a prima vista (Italian), vom Blatte (German), a première vue (French) |
ATH | see 'absolute threshold of hearing' |
Athambia | (Greek) imperturbability |
Athame | (English, German f.) a double-bladed knife used for ritual magic, never used to cut anything in the physical plane |
Athanasia | or athanasy, the quality of being deathless, immortality |
Athanasianer | (German pl.) Athanasians |
athanasianisch | (German) Athanasian (of or pertaining to Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria in the 4th century) |
Athanasie | (German f.) athanasia, athanasy |
Athanasy | variant of athanasia |
At hand | conveniently near |
Äthanol | (German n.) ethanol (active ingredient in alcoholic beverages), ethyl alcohol |
äthanolisch | (German) ethanolic |
Athazagoraphobia | a persistent, abnormal phobia of being forgotten or ignored, or of forgetting things |
Athazagoraphobie | (German f.) athazagoraphobia |
At heart | basically, deep down |
Athée | (French m./f.) atheist |
athée | (French) atheistic |
Atheism | the doctrine or belief that there is no God |
Athéisme | (French m.) atheism |
Atheismus | (German m.) atheism |
Atheist (m.), Atheistin (f.), Atheisten (pl.) | (German) atheist |
atheistisch | (German) atheistical, atheistically, atheistic |
Athelia | the congenital absence of one or both nipples |
Athelie | (German f.) athelia |
Athem | (German n.) Athus (a town in the Aubange municipality of the province of Luxembourg, in south-eastern Belgium) |
(German m.) breath, breathing, respiration (archaic spelling - in modern German, Atem) [information supplied by Michael Zapf] |
Athematic | a piece of music lacking any clear theme or melody |
athematisch | (German) athematic |
athemlos | (German) breathlessly (archaic spelling - in modern German, atemlos) [information supplied by Michael Zapf] |
Athemzug | (German) the act of breathing, respiration (archaic spelling - in modern German, Atemzug) |
Athen | (German n.) Athens (the capital and largest city of Greece, named after Athena, its patron goddess) |
Athen. | abbreviation of 'Athenian' |
Athena | in Greek mythology, the goddess of war, wisdom and of the arts and crafts |
Athenaeum | originally the name of a temple in Athens which became a meeting place of learned men, it was later the name of a famous academy in Rome founded by Hadrian in about 135 AD. The name is still used for literary and scientific institutions |
Athenäum | (German n.) athenaeum |
Athene | (German f.) Athena |
Athener (m.), Athenerin (f.), Athener (pl.) | (German) Athenian |
Athenetempel | (German m.) athenaeum |
Athenian cantatha | (Greek) urban popular songs, which reached the peak of popularity during the period 1870-1930, were affected by Italian music and flourished alongside a parallel rage for Italian melodrama in Athens. The Heptanesian cantatha (also called 'Eptanessian songs') also influenced the Athenian cantatha after the union of the Ionian islands with Greece in 1823. These folk melodies are still sung by Greek people as though they were true folk songs |
athenisch | (German) Athenian |
Äther | (German m.) Aether, ether, air, airwaves (figurative) |
ätherisch | (German) wraithlike, aerial (light, graceful), ethereal, ethereally, essential (oil) |
ätherisches Öl (s.), ätherische Öle (pl.) | (German n.) essential oil |
Ätherophon | (German n.) theremin |
Atherosclerosis | the progressive narrowing and hardening of the arteries over time |
Atherosklerose | (German f.) atherosclerosis |
atherosklerotisch | (German) atherosclerotically, atherosclerotic |
Ätherwellengeige | (German f.) theremin |
Äthiopien | (German n.) Ethiopia [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
Äthiopier (m.), Äthiopierin (f.), Äthiopier (pl.), Äthiopierinnen ( | (German) Ethiopian |
äthiopisch | (German) Ethiopian |
äthiopisch-orthodoxe Kirche | (German f.) Ethiopian Orthodox Church |
Äthiopistik | (German f.) Ethiopian studies |
Athlet (m.), Athletiker (m.), Athletin (f.), Athleten (pl.) | (German) athlete |
Athletik | (German f.) athleticism, athletics |
athletisch | (German) athletic, athletically |
athletischer | (German) more athletic |
athletischste | (German) most athletic |
athletisch trainiert | (German) athletically trained |
Athlotheta | (Greek) or Agnotheta (Greek), the person who was appointed judge in the ancient Greek public musical contests |
Äthylalkohol | (German m.) ethanol, ethyl alcohol |
atiborrado de gente | (Spanish) packed with people, jam-packed with people |
atiborrar | (Spanish) to fill, to pack, to stuff |
atiborrar ... | (Spanish) to fill ... (something), to stuff ... (something) |
atiborrar a ... de ... | (Spanish) to fill ... (somebody) with ... (something) |
atiborrar de ... | (Spanish) to fill ... (something), to stuff ... (something) |
atiborrarse | (Spanish) to stuff oneself |
atiborrarse de ... | (Spanish) to stuff oneself with ... (something) |
Ático | (Spanish m.) attic, top-floor apartment, top-floor flat, penthouse, garret, attic-flat, loft |
a tiempo | (Spanish) on time, in time, in good time, on schedule, opportunely, betimes |
(Spanish) (in music) in time, a tempo (Italian), im Takt (German), en mesure (French) |
a tiempo completo | (Spanish) full time |
a tiempo de | (Spanish) in good time to, in time to, just in time to, just in time for, in good time for, in time for |
a tiempo para | (Spanish) in time to, in good time to, just in time to, in time for, just in time for, in good time for |
a tiempo para no | (Spanish) in time not to |
llegamos a tiempo para no perderla (Spanish: we arrived in time not to miss her) |
a tiempo parcial | (Spanish) part-time |
a tiempos | (Spanish) at times, from time to time, once in a while, sometimes |
a tiempo y a destiempo | (Spanish) in season and out of season |
a tientas | (Spanish) in the dark, searchingly, gropingly, uncertainly |
a tiento | (Spanish) gropingly, uncertainly |
a tierra | (Spanish) ashore |
atildado (m.), atildada (f.) | (Spanish) elegant, neat |
atildar | (Spanish) to put a tilde (~) over, to tidy up |
atildarse | (Spanish) to smarten oneself up |
Atimy | public disgrace or stigma, infamy, loss of civil rights |
atinademente | (Spanish) rightly |
atinado (m.), atinada (f.) | (Spanish) right, wise, sensible, appropriate, pertinent, spot-on (colloquial) |
atinar | (Spanish) to hit upon, to guess right, to guess correctly |
atinar con ... | (Spanish) to hit on ..., to hit upon ..., to find ..., to come up with ... (solution, idea, strategy) |
atinar en el blanco | (Spanish) to hit the target |
¡atinaste! | (Spanish) you're dead right! |
atinaste con el regalo | (Spanish) the gift you got him was perfect, the gift you got her was perfect |
atinó a decir unas palabras | (Spanish) she was able to say some words |
a tinta | (Spanish) in ink, pen-and-ink |
Ätiologie | (German f.) aitiology, aetiology, etiology (US) (the study of causation) |
ätiologisch | (German) etiological (US), aetiological |
ätiologische Sage | (German f.) aetiological tale, etiological tale (US) |
atipico (m.), atipica (f.) | (Spanish) exceptional, atypical, out of the ordinary |
atiplado (m.), atiplada (f.) | (Spanish) high-pitched, piercing |
a tipo de broma | (Spanish) joking, tongue-in-cheek |
atirantar | (Spanish) to tighten |
a tiro | (Spanish) within shooting range, within range, within reach |
a tiro de bala | (Spanish) within gun shot |
a tiro de ballesta | (Spanish) at a distance |
a tiro de cañón | (Spanish) within cannon shot |
a tiro de fusil | (Spanish) within rifle shot, within gunshot |
a tiro de piedra | (Spanish) within a stone's throw, at a stone's throw |
a tiro hecho | (Spanish) deliberately, with absolute certainty |
a tiro limpio | (Spanish) guns blazing |
a tirones | (Spanish) by jerks, jerkily |
atisbar | (Spanish) to spy on, to make out (visualize) |
Atisbo | (Spanish m.) spying, hint (indication), sign (indication), inkling |
Atishudra | one lower than the shudra, the fourth caste at the bottom of Hindu social herarchy, 'untouchable' |
At issue | under dispute |
a tí te toca | (Spanish) it's your turn, it's your move |
à titre gracieux | (French) complimentary |
a título de | (Spanish) by way of, acting as, in capacity of, in the way of |
a título de donación | (Spanish) as a grant |
a título de información | (Spanish) by way of information, informatively |
a título de prueba | (Spanish) on a trial basis, on trial |
a título gracioso | (Spanish) gratuitously |
a título gratuito | (Spanish) gratuitous |
a título lucrativo | (Spanish) commercially, for profit |
a título oneroso | (Spanish) on a payment basis, based on valuable consideration, onerous |
a título precario | (Spanish) for temporary use and enjoyment |
a título propio | (Spanish) in one's own right |
atiza | (Spanish) really?, wow! |
atizar | (Spanish) to poke, to stoke, to deal, to give (blow), to stir up (figurative), to rouse, to arouse, to excite (passion, etc.) |
sus palabras atizaron los sentimientos de ira del público (Spanish: her words made the audience furious) |
Atkins diet | Atkins Nutritional Approach, popularly known as the Atkins diet, a controversial high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that was made popular by Dr. Robert Atkins |
Atkins-Diät | (German f.) Atkins diet |
Atlant (s.), Atlanten (pl.) | (German m.) atlas (support or column), atlas |
Atlante | (Italian m.) atlas |
Atlantean shoulders | shoulders able to bear a great wight like those of Atlas (one of the Titans) |
Atlantes | figures of men used in architecture as pillars (female figures are called Caryatides) |
Atlantiaden | (German pl.) Pleiades (in Greek mythology, 7 daughters of Atlas and half-sisters of the Hyades, placed among the stars to save them from the pursuit of Orion) |
atlantico | (Italian) Atlantic |
Atlántico | (Spanish m.) (the) Atlantic |
el (océano) Atlántico (Spanish: the Atlantic (Ocean)) |
atlántico (m.), atlántica (f.) | (Spanish) Atlantic |
Atlantico, l'Oceano | (Italian m.) the Atlantic Ocean |
Atlántida, la | (Spanish f.) Atlantis |
Atlantiden | (German pl.) variant of Atlantiaden (German pl.) |
Atlantik | (German m.) Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean |
Atlantikinsel | (German f.) island in the Atlantic |
Atlantikküste | (German f.) Atlantic seaboard, Atlantic coast |
Atlantikprovinzen | (German pl.) Atlantic Provinces (Canada) |
Atlantiküberquerung | (German f.) Atlantic crossing |
Atlantique | (French m.) Atlantic (Ocean) |
atlantique | (French) Atlantic |
Atlantis | (English, German n.) the continent that was submerged in the Atlantic ocean, according to occult teaching and Plato |
atlantisch | (German) Atlantic |
Atlantische Ozean | (German m.) Atlantic Ocean |
Atlantisches Bündnis | (German n.) Atlantic alliance (political) |
atlantisches Klima | (German n.) Atlantic climate |
At large | at liberty |
Atlas (s.), Atlasse (German pl.) | (English, German m.) a large book of maps, named for Atlas one of the Titans |
in the paper trade, a standard size of drawing paper 26 x 34 inches (660 x 864 mm) |
(English, German m.) in Greek mythology, a Titan who was forced by Zeus to bear the sky on his shoulders |
(English, German m.) first vertebra (of the neck) |
(German m.) Atlas Mountains |
(German m.) Atlas silk |
(Spanish m.) a large book of maps, named for Atlas one of the Titans |
Atlasbindung | (German f.) satin weave |
Atlasfarbe | (German f.) satin ink |
Atlasgebirge | (German n.) Atlas Mountains |
Atlasgrad | (German m.) satin rib |
Atlas Mountains | mountain range located in Morocco and Tunisia near the Strait of Gilbralter |
Atlaspapier | (German n.) satin paper (a smooth paper with a slight sheen) |
Atlasseide | (German f.) satin |
atlassen | (German) made of atlas (silk) |
Atlas silk | silk with startling colours and beautiful patterns, a unique local specialty of Jiya village in Hotan Prefecture, China |
Atlasspat | (German m.) satin spar (one of the four crystalline varieties of gypsum: Selenite, satin spar, desert rose and gypsum flower) |
Atlaswirbel | (German m.) first vertebra (of the neck) |
Atleta | (Spanish m./f.) athlete |
atlético (m.), atlética (f.) | (Spanish) athletic, athletics (club, competition) |
Atletismo | (Spanish m.) athletics |
At loggerheads, to be | to be in a state of disagreement |
atm. | abbreviation of 'atmosphere' (unit of pressure) |
Atman | a philosophical term used within Hinduism and Vedanta to identify the soul. It is one's true self (hence generally translated into English as 'Self') beyond identification with the phenomenal reality of worldly existence |
Atmen | (German n.) breathing |
atmen | (German) to breathe, to respire |
(German) see einatmen (to breathe in) |
(German) see ausatmen (to breathe out) |
atmend | (German) breathing, respiring |
Atmender (m.), Atmende (f.) | (German) breather |
atmet | (German) breathes |
atmet auf | (German) respires |
atmet ein | (German) inhales |
atmete | (German) breathed, respired |
atmete ein | (German) inhaled |
Atme weiter! | (German) Keep breathing! |
atmogen | (German) airborne |
Atmolyse | (German f.) atmolysis |
Atmolysis | the act or process of separating mingled gases of unequal diffusibility by transmission through porous substances |
Atmosfera | (Italian f.) mood, atmosphere |
Atmósfera | (Spanish f.) mood, atmosphere |
atmosférico | (Spanish) atmospheric |
Atmosphäre (s.), Atmosphären (pl.) | (German f.) mood, atmosphere, feel (atmosphere), vibe (colloquial), air (of a building, town, etc.), ambience, aura (atmosphere) |
Atmosphäre des Friedens | (German f.) aura of peace |
Atmosphäre des Vertrauens | (German f.) atmosphere of trust |
Atmosphärendruck | (German m.) atmospheric pressure, barometric pressure |
atmosphärisch | (German) atmospheric, ambient, atomspherically |
atmosphärische Entladung | (German f.) atmospheric discharge |
atmosphärische Störung (s.), atmosphärische Störungen (pl.) | (German f.) atmospheric disturbance, static (in the atmosphere) |
Atmosphere | the mass of air surrounding the Earth |
or 'air', a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing |
the mood of a play created by scenery, lighting, sound, movement, and other effects. Often the opening scene in a play or novel establishes an atmosphere appropriate to the theme of the entire work |
Atmosphère | (French f.) mood, atmosphere |
Atmospheric | of, relating to, produced by, or coming from the atmosphere |
translucent or hazy |
evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality |
atmosphèrique | (French) atmospheric |
Atmung (s.), Atmungen (pl.) | (German f.) breathing, respiration |
atmungsaktiv | (German) breathable (fabrics) |
Atmungsbeschwerden | (German pl.) difficulty in respiration |
Atmungswege | (German pl.) respiratory tract |
Atmungszeichen | (German n.) breath mark |
Ätna | (German m.) Mount Etna (an inactive volcano in Sicily, the highest volcano in Europe) |
a toca penoles | (Spanish) grazingly, very close |
a toca teja | (Spanish) cash, cash down, for cash, on the nail |
a tocateja | (Spanish) cash, cash down, for cash, on the nail |
atocinado (m.), atocinada (f.) | (Spanish) fat, fleshy |
a toda brida | (Spanish) at top speed, at full gallop, at full speed |
a toda capacidad | (Spanish) at full capacity, full-swing |
a toda carrera | (Spanish) at full speed, in great haste |
a toda costa | (Spanish) by all means, at all cost, at any price, against all odds, at all costs, at any cost, at any expense, by fair means or foul, through thick and thin |
a toda fuerza | (Spanish) with might and main |
a toda hora | (Spanish) at all hours |
a toda leche | (Spanish) at full blast |
a toda ley | (Spanish) strictly according to the rules, duly, justly, strictly according to the principle |
a toda luz | (Spanish) manifestly, by all means, from every point of view |
a toda madre | (Spanish) great, wonderful, pleasant, likeable, nice, at full speed, with heart and soul |
a toda máquina | (Spanish) at full blast, at full speed, full blast, full speed, full-swing, in full blast, using full power |
a toda marcha | (Spanish) at full steam, all-out, full blast, in high gear |
a toda mecha | (Spanish) at full pelt, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch, at full throttle |
a toda pastilla | (Spanish) at full speed |
a toda plana | (Spanish) full-page, full column, full spread |
a toda potencia | (Spanish) at full power, at full blast, using full power |
a toda presión | (Spanish) at full pressure |
a toda prisa | (Spanish) in great haste, as quickly as possible, at full speed, at full tilt, with all possible haste, with all speed, hotfoot, posthaste |
a toda prueba | (Spanish) fail-proof, foolproof, sure-shot |
a todas estas | (Spanish) all in all |
a todas horas | (Spanish) at all hours, day and night, night and day |
a todas luces | (Spanish) to all appearances, any way you look at it, by all appearances, clearly, evidently, from every point of view, obviously, to all outward appearances |
a todas partes | (Spanish) everywhere, everyplace |
a toda vela | (Spanish) under full sail, at full sail, full sail |
a toda velocidad | (Spanish) at full speed, at full blast, all-out, as fast as possible, at breakneck speed, at full pelt, at full swing, at full tilt, at top speed, full blast, full speed, with all speed, full tilt |
At odds | at variance |
a todo alrededor | (Spanish) all about, all around |
a todo alrededor de | (Spanish) all around, all about |
a todo andar | (Spanish) at full speed, at full blast, at top speed |
a todo color | (Spanish) in full color, in full colour |
a todo correr | (Spanish) at full speed, at a cracking pace, at top speed, in great haste |
a todo dar | (Spanish) first-rate, top-quality, top-notch, nice, likeable, pleasant, at full efficiency, at full blast, all-out |
a todo despliegue | (Spanish) spread across the page |
a todo escape | (Spanish) at full blast, at full speed |
a todo esto | (Spanish) all in all |
a todo galope | (Spanish) at full gallop |
a todo gas | (Spanish) at full blast, at full power, at full stretch, at full throttle |
a todo lo largo | (Spanish) at full length |
a todo lo largo de | (Spanish) all along, alongside, throughout |
a todo lo largo del libro | (Spanish) all through the book |
a todo meter | (Spanish) at full speed, all-out, at full pelt, at full tilt, full steam |
a todo mi alrededor | (Spanish) all around me, all about me, everywhere around me |
a todo nuestro alrededor | (Spanish) all around us, all about us, everywhere around us |
a todo pasto | (Spanish) in abundance, in great quantity, without limit, galore, without restriction, freely |
a todo pulmón | (Spanish) at the top of one's lungs |
a todo riesgo | (Spanish) against all risks |
a todos lados | (Spanish) everywhere, all over |
a todos les cae bien | (Spanish) loved by everybody, all the world loves a lover |
a todos les llega su momento de gloria | (Spanish) every dog has its day |
a todos los niveles | (Spanish) across-the-board |
a todos nosotros | (Spanish) to us all |
a todo su alrededor | (Spanish) all around him, all about her, all about him, all around her, everywhere around her, everywhere around him, all around you, all about you, everywhere around you, all around them, all about them, everywhere around them |
a todo tirar | (Spanish) at the most |
a todo trance | (Spanish) at all costs, at all cost, at any cost, at any risk, by fair means or foul, in all events |
a todo trapo | (Spanish) under full sail, at full sail, at full speed, at top speed |
a todo tren | (Spanish) in style (travel), in great comfort, with every luxury |
a todo tu alrededor | (Spanish) all around you, all about you, everywhere around you |
a todo turbio correr | (Spanish) however bad things may seem |
a todo vapor | (Spanish) at full steam, at full blast, all-out, full blast, full speed, full steam, full steam ahead, in full blast, under full steam |
a todo vuestro alrededor | (Spanish) all around you, all about you, everywhere around you |
Atoke | small single boat-shaped bell from Ghana, that is laid in the open palm and played with a metal striker |
Atole | (Spanish m. - Mexico) hot corn drink, hot maize drink |
Atoll | (English, German n.) a ring-shaped coral reef enclosing a lagoon |
Atolladero | (Spanish m.) mire, bog, tight corner (figurative), predicament (figurative), awkward situation (figurative) |
Atolón | (Spanish m.) atoll |
Atolondrado (m.), Atolondrada (f.) | (Spanish) scatter-brain, feather-brain |
atolondrado (m.), atolondrada (f.) | (Spanish) scatter-brained, feather-brained, foolish, bewildered, rash, impetuous, dased, stunned |
Atolondramiento | (Spanish m.) bewilderment, thoughtlessness |
atolondrar | (Spanish) to bewilder, to stun, to daze, to fluster |
atolondrarse | (Spanish) to be bewildered, to get flustered |
a tolondrones | (Spanish) by fits and starts, precipitately, stumblingly |
Atom, Atome (German pl.) | (English, German n.) the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element |
(German n.) corpusle |
Atom- | (German) nuclear (prefix) |
atomar | (German) atomically, atomic |
a toma y daca | (Spanish) on a give and take basis |
atombetrieben | (German) nuclear-powered |
atomfrei | (German) nonnuclear |
Atomgegner (m), Atomgegnerin (f.) | (German) anti-nuclear protester |
atomgetrieben | (German) nuclear-powered |
atómico (m.), atómica (f.) | (Spanish) atomic |
Atominferno | (German n.) nuclear holocaust |
atomisch | (German) atomic, atomically |
Atomiseur | (French m., German m.) atomiser, spray |
atomisieren | (German) to atomise |
atomisierend | (German) atomising |
atomisiert | (German) atomised, atomises |
atomisierte | (German) atomised |
Atomisierung | (German f.) atomisation |
Atomism | the interpretation of the world as composed of individual particles |
Atomismus | (German m.) atomism |
Atomist | (German m.) atomist |
Atomistik | (German f.) atomism |
atomistisch | (German) atomistic |
Atomizador | (Spanish m.) atomiser, spray |
Atomizador de laca | (Spanish m.) hair spray |
atomizar | (Spanish) to atomize |
Atomkatastrophe | (German f.) nuclear disaster |
Atomkraft | (German f.) nuclear power, atomic power |
atomkraftbetrieben | (German) atomic-powered |
Atomkraftgegner (m.), Atomkraftgegnerin (f.) | (German) opponent of nuclear power |
Atomkrieg verhindern | (German) to avert atomic war |
Atommedizin | (German f.) nuclear medicine |
Atommülldeponie | (German f.) atomic waste dumping site, radioactive waste disposal site, nuclear waste disposal site |
Atommüllentsorgung | (German f.) radioactive waste disposal |
Atommülllagerung | (German f.) nuclear waste disposal |
Atommülltransport | (German m.) transport of radioactive waste, transport of nuclear waste |
Átomo | (Spanish m.) atom |
Atomoxetin | (German n.) atomoxetine |
Atomoxetine | the first non-stimulant drug approved for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |
Atompatt | (German n.) Mutual assured destruction [MAD] |
Atomphilosophie | (German f.) atomic philosophy (Democritus) |
Atomphysiker (m.), Atomphysikerin (f.) | (German) nuclear physicist |
Atompilz | (German m.) mushroom cloud, atomic cloud |
Atomprogramm | (German n.) nuclear programme |
Atomrakete | (German f.) nuclear missile |
Atomreaktor | (German m.) atomic reactor, atomic pile, nuclear reactor |
Atomschiff | (German n.) nuclear ship, nuclear-powered ship |
Atomschutzbunker | (German m.) nuclear fallout shelter |
Atomspaltung | (German f.) nuclear fission, atom splitting, splitting of the atom |
Atomsperrvertrag | (German m.) non-proliferation treaty |
Atomstopp | (German m.) nuclear ban |
Atomstrom | (German m.) electricity generated by nuclear power (plants) |
Atomtest | (German m.) nuclear test |
Atomteststopp | (German m.) (nuclear) test ban |
tomteststoppabkommen | (German n.) (nuclear) test ban treaty |
Atomuhr | (German f.) atomic clock |
Atomunfall | (German m.) nuclear accident |
Atomunterseeboot | (German n.) atomic submarine |
Atomwaffe (s.), Atomwaffen (pl.) | (German f.) nuclear weapon, atomic weapon |
atomwaffenfrei | (German) nuclear-free |
Atomwaffengegner | (German m.) anti-nuclear protester |
Atomwaffensperrvertrag | (German m.) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, (nuclear weapons) non-proliferation treaty, nonproliferation treaty |
Atomwaffentest | (German m.) nuclear weapons test |
Atomwaffenverbot | (German n.) ban on nuclear weapons |
Atomwirtschaft | (German f.) nuclear industry |
Atomwissenschaft | (German f.) nuclear science |
Atomwissenschaftler (m.), Atomwissenschaftlerin (f.) | (German) nuclear scientist |
Atonal | (English, German, Spanish) an keine Tonart gebunden (German), a property of music that avoids a key centre but is not constructed on serial principles, such works being written usually without a key signature |
this definition, while strictly correct, begs the question 'what makes music tonal?'. The strictest definition of 'tonal music' is that it is based on principles of tonal relationship/tonal harmony, which arguably might be reduced to the use made of the tonic-dominant-subdominant relationship, which provides the need, and the mechanism, for resolution to the tonic. This 'rule' is weakened by the observation that quartal music may have a tonicized 'tonal centre' but it is not 'tonal music'. Likewise, modal music, has a 'tonal centre' but is not strictly speaking 'tonal music' because its harmonic rules are based on the relationships of certain key tones of each different mode rather than strictly on the tonic-dominant-subdominant relationship (indeed, some modes have no subdominant-dominant relationship at all). Wagner's music is largely 'atonal' because he freed harmony from the stricture of the dominant-subdominant relationship. His music always returned to 'tonal' relationships when he was reinforcing the arrival of his target tonic, but otherwise, he avoided the all important dominant-subdominant relationship so as to blur and disguise any possible passing tonics. The term 'atonal' is too often confused with 'dissonant', which is a relative term except when it comes to counterpoint, where is refers only to intervals between two voices, and covers seconds, sevenths, and tritones (and their octave extensions). The interval of a perfect fourth was also considered a dissonance when it occured between the bass and another voice. So, to summarize, music can not 'seem' atonal/tonal... it either is or is not. Music can 'seem' dissonant, however, since this is a perfectly relative and subjective question of perception [most of this material quotes from two submissions to the forum by Michel R. Edward and Jamie Kowalski]
Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) detested the use of 'atonal' to describe serial or twelve-tone music, preferring to call it 'pantonal'. However, 'pantonal' never gained much currency and 'atonal' has become the standard term to describe all music without a tonal centre. Other theorists prefer the term 'post-tonal' |
atonal | (German) pertaining to music that avoids a key centre but is not constructed on serial principles |
atonale Musik | (German f.) atonal music |
Atonalidad | (Spanish f.) atonality |
atonalismo | (Spanish) atonal |
Atonalität | (German f.) atonality |
Atonalité | (French) atonality |
Atonaliteit | (Dutch) atonality |
Atonality | the character of a piece that is atonal |
atone | (French) toneless |
At one's best | on top form in all respects |
At one's elbow | near at hand, within easy reach |
At one's wits end | quite at a loss as to what to do or say |
Atonia | in medicine, also atonicity, atony or amyotonia, lack of normal muscular tension or tonus |
in phonetics, lack of stress |
Atonía | (Spanish f.) atonia, lethargy, atonicity, atony, amyotonia |
Atonía muscular | (Spanish f.) muscle tone |
Atonic | in medicine, relating to, caused by, or exhibiting lack of muscle tone |
in phonetics, a syllable that carries no stress (unaccented) |
Atonicity | variant of atonia |
Atonie | (German f.) atonia, atonicity, atony, amyotonia |
atonisch | (German) atonic |
atónito (m.), atónita (f.) | (Spanish) amazed, astonished |
atono | (Italian) toneless |
átono (m.), átona (f.) | (Spanish) atonic, unstressed |
a tono con | (Spanish) in harmony with, in agreement with, in sympathy with, in tune with |
atontado (m.), atontada (f.) | (Spanish) bewildered, stupid, silly, foolish, amazed |
atontar | (Spanish) to stun, to daze, to confuse, to bewilder |
la televisión los atonta (Spanish: television turns them into vegetables, television turns them into zombies) |
atontarse | (Spanish) to get confused |
a tontas y a locas | (Spanish) without rhyme or reason, by fits and starts, helter-skelter, in disorder, any which way, haphazardly, undiscerningly |
Atony | variant of atonia |
a tope | (Spanish) as much as possible |
Atopia | society without territorial borders |
Atopic | a hereditary tendency to experience immediate allergic reactions because of the presence of an antibody in the skin |
Atopie | (German f.) atopy |
atopisch | (German) atopic |
atopisches Exzem | (German n.) atopic eczema |
Atopy | a medical term used to refer to a strong family tendency to develop what are known as classic allergic conditions, including nasal allergies |
atóralo con este alambre | (Spanish - Mexico) secure it with this bit of wire |
atoramos la puerta con una silla | (Spanish - Mexico) we jammed the door shut with a chair, we jammed the door open with a chair |
atorar | (Spanish - Latin America) to block (up) |
atorarse | (Spanish) to become blocked up, to become tongue-tied, to choke, to jam (zipper) |
se me atoró el cierre (Spanish: my zipper got stuck) |
se le atoró el chicle en la garganta (Spanish: the chewing gum got stuck in her throat) |
Ator-ator | the name given to Christmas songs in the Spanish Basque Country |
Atormentador | (Spanish m.) tormentor |
atormentador | (Spanish) tormenting |
atormentar | (Spanish) to torture, to torment |
atormentarse | (Spanish) to worry, to torment oneself |
a torna peón | (Spanish) mutually |
a torna punta | (Spanish) mutually, reciprocally |
atornillar | (Spanish) to screw on, to screw down |
Atorrante | (Spanish m./f. - Latin America) tramp, vagabond, good-for-nothing, layabout, slob (colloquial), pain in the neck (colloquial) |
es un atorrante (Spanish: he's a bit of a crook (colloquial)) |
atorrante | (Spanish m./f. - Latin America) lazy, scruffy, crooked |
no seas atorrante (Spanish: don't be such a pain in the neck (colloquial)) |
à tort | (French) wrongly |
à tort et à travers | (French) without thinking |
atosigar | (Spanish) to pester, to harass, to hassle (colloquial), to pressure (person), to pressurize (person) |
Atout | (French m.) trump (card), great asset |
à toute allure | (French) at full speed |
à toute volée | (French) with full force |
Atoxic | nontoxic, not producing or resulting from poison |
atoxisch | (German) atoxic |
At pleasure | ad libitum (Latin), a bene placito (Italian), a piacere (Italian), senza tempo rigore (Italian), nach Belieben (German), à plaisir (French), à volonté (French), a voluntad (Spanish) |
atrabancado (m.), atrabancada (f.) | (Spanish - Mexico) rash (precipitate), reckless |
Atrabilious | gloomy, morose, bad-tempered, irritable |
Atracadero | (Spanish m.) quay |
Atracador (m.), Atracadora (f.) | (Spanish) attacker, bandit, (bank) robber, raider, mugger |
atracar | (Spanish) to tie up (ship), to bring alongside (boat, ship), to rob (bank, person), to hold up (bank, person), to tie up (boat), to berth (ship), to dock (spacecraft) |
atracarse | (Spanish) to stuff oneself |
atracarse de | (Spanish) to stuff oneself with |
Atracción (s.), Atracciones (pl.) | (Spanish f.) attraction, entertainment (plural form), amusements (plural form) |
las atracciones están en la playa (Spanish: the funfair is on the beach) |
Atracción más concurrida | (Spanish f.) most popular attraction |
Atracción turística | (Spanish f.) tourist attraction |
Atraco | (Spanish m.) hold-up, robbery |
Atraco a mano armada | (Spanish m.) armed robbery |
Atracón | (Spanish m.) blowout (over-eating) |
ayer nos dimos un buen atracón (Spanish: we made pigs of ourselves yesterday) |
se dio un atracón de paella (Spanish: he stuffed himself with paella (colloquial) |
Atractivo | (Spanish m.) attraction, charm, appeal |
tiene mucho atractivo (Spanish: she's very charming) |
el mayor atractivo de la ciudad (Spanish: the city's main attraction o appeal) |
para mí viajar no tiene ningún atractivo (Spanish: travel holds no appeal to me) |
atractivo (m.), atractiva (f.) | (Spanish) attractive, appealing (attractive) |
atraer | (Spanish) to attract |
atraerse | (Spanish) to gain (friendship), to attract (interest, each other) |
atragantarse | (Spanish) to choke |
se le atragantó una espina (Spanish: he choked on a fish bone) |
atragantarse con | (Spanish) to choke on |
la historia se me atraganta (Spanish: I can't stand history) |
las matemáticas se me han atragantado (Spanish: I can't stand maths) |
a trago amargo darle prisa | (Spanish) let's get it over with once and for all |
a tragos | (Spanish) little by little, slowly, by draughts (drinking) |
a traición | (Spanish) treacherously |
Atramentum | or atrament, generally means a very black, usually liquid, substance - for example, a pure carbon-black ink that never fades (for example, the type of ink used on papyrus, made of soot mixed with a gel from boiled animal skins and bones, and so on, and thinned with water or vinegar) |
Atranatrana | (Madagascar) a xylophone with mobile bars that sits directly on the knees, played exclusively by women |
atranca bien las contraventanas, que hay viento | (Spanish) it's windy - close up the shutters! |
atrancar | (Spanish) to bolt (door), to block (up) (tube), to bolt (down), to secure (bolt), to bar (door, window) |
atrancarse | (Spanish) to get stuck, to get blocked (familiar) |
a trancas y barrancas | (Spanish) with great difficulty, in spite of all obstacles, through fire and water, through hell and high water, catch-as-catch-can |
Atranco | (Spanish m.) difficulty |
a trancos | (Spanish) in a slapdash way, hurriedly and carelessly |
atrapado (m.), atrapada (f.) | (Spanish) trapped |
atrapar | (Spanish) to trap, to land (figurative: a job), to catch (a chill, a cold) |
a traque barraque | (Spanish) at all times, continuously |
Atrás | (Spanish, Portuguese) derrière (French) |
(Spanish) rear of a stage used for flamenco performance |
atrás | (Spanish) behind, back(wards), previously (time), before (time), in the past, ago, at the back |
¡atrás! | (Spanish) get back! |
atrasado (m.), atrasada (f.) | (Spanish) overdue, behind, slow, in arrears (debt), backward (step, region), back number (magazine), old-fashioned (ideas, person) |
va atrasado en los estudios (Spanish: he is behind in his studies) |
está muy atrasado en los estudios (Spanish: he's really behind in his studies) |
el proyecto está atrasado (Spanish: the project is behind schedule) |
el tren llegó atrasado (Spanish - Latin America: the train arrived late) |
el tren salió atrasado (Spanish - Latin America: the train left late) |
se me ha atrasado 15 minutos (Spanish: it's 15 minutes slow) |
atrasar | (Spanish) to slow down, to put back (watch, clock, meeting), to delay, to postpone (meeting, journey), to be slow, to lose time (watch, clock) |
atrasarse | (Spanish) to be late, to be slow, to lose time (watch, clock), to be behind, to be delayed, to fall behind (work, studies, project, industry, walking), to get behind (work, studies, project) |
atrás de | (Spanish - Latin America) behind |
a trasmano | (Spanish) out of reach, remotely |
Atraso | (Portuguese) delay, slowness, backwardness |
Atraso (s.), Atrasos (pl.) | (Spanish m.) delay, slowness, backwardness, arrears (plural form) |
salió con unos minutos de atraso (Spanish: it left a few minutes late) |
viene con una hora de atraso (Spanish: it's (running) an hour late) |
a trasquilones | (Spanish) haphazardly |
a trastabillones | (Spanish) by fits and starts, helter-skelter, in jerks |
a tratti | (Italian) at intervals |
à travers | (French) across, through |
à travers les siècles | (French) across the centuries. through the centuries |
a través | (Spanish) across, through |
atravesado (m.), atravesada (f.) | (Spanish) lying across, lying crosswise, cross-eyed, wicked (figurative), difficult (personal relationship) |
su cuñada es algo atravesada y le hace sufrir cuando puede (Spanish: her sister-in-law is a bit mean and makes her suffer whenever she can) |
el piano estaba atravesado en el pasillo (Spanish: the piano was stuck across the corridor, a piano was situated across the corridor) |
un árbol atravesado en la carretera (Spanish: a tree lying across the road) |
un camión atravesado en la carretera (Spanish: a truck blocking the road) |
Atravesao | (Panama) a popular style of Panamanian cumbia |
atravesar | (Spanish) to cross, to go through, to pierce, to lay across, to put across (impediment), to put ... across (something: as an impediment) |
le atravesó la pierna (Spanish: it went through his leg, it pierced his leg) |
atravesarse | (Spanish) to lie across, to get stuck, to stick, to interfere |
se nos atravesó un camión (Spanish: a truck crossed right in front of us) |
se me atravesó una espina en la garganta (Spanish: I got a fish bone stuck in my throat) |
se me ha atravesado este libro (Spanish: I can't stand this book) |
a través de | (Spanish) through, across, all through, thru (US), athwart |
a través de argumentación lógica | (Spanish) through logical argumentation, dialectically, through logic |
a través de él | (Spanish) through him, by means of him |
a través de ella | (Spanish) through her, by means of her |
a través de ellas | (Spanish) through them, by means of them |
a través de ellos | (Spanish) through them, by means of them |
a través de la boca | (Spanish) through the mouth, oral, orally |
a través de la Internet | (Spanish) on-line, through the Internet, on line |
a través de la lógica | (Spanish) through logic, dialectically, logically |
a través de la piel | (Spanish) through the skin, percutaneously, transcutaneously |
a través del campo | (Spanish) across country |
a través de los años | (Spanish) over the years, through the years |
a través del país | (Spanish) through the country, nation-wide |
a través del proceso de prohibición judicial | (Spanish) injunctively |
a través del tiempo | (Spanish) through time, over time |
a través de mí | (Spanish) through me, by means of me |
a través de nosotros | (Spanish) through us, by means of us |
a través de ti | (Spanish) through you, by means of you |
a través de toda la vida | (Spanish) all through life, through one's life, through one's whole life, through the whole life |
a través de usted | (Spanish) through you, by means of you |
a través de vosotros | (Spanish) through you, by means of you |
a través mío | (Spanish) through me, by means of me |
a través nuestro | (Spanish) through us, by means of us |
atravesó el río a nado | (Spanish) she swam across the river |
a través suyo | (Spanish) through him, by means of her, by means of him, through her, through you, through them |
a través tuyo | (Spanish) through you, by means of you |
a través vuestro | (Spanish) through you, by means of you |
atrayente | (Spanish) attractive, appealing (attractive) |
Âtre | (French m.) hearth |
a tre | (Italian) of a 3, for three instruments or voices, trio, terzetto, zu dritt (German), dreifach besetzt (German), in dreistimmiger Besetzung (German), à trois (French) |
a tre battute | (Italian) or ritmo di tre battute (Italian), 'in three', in triple time |
a trechos | (Spanish) at intervals |
a tre corde | (Italian) for three strings, with the three strings, auf drei Saiten (German), dreichörig (German) |
on a pianoforte, playing without depressing the left-hand pedal so that the hammers strike all three strings |
a treinta días vista | (Spanish) at thirty days sight |
a tre mani | (Italian) for three hands, à trois mains (French) |
a tre parti | (Italian) for three parts |
a tres dobles y un repique | (Spanish) broke, down-and-out, penniless |
a tres manos | (Spanish) three-handed |
a trés voces | (Spanish) for three voices or parts, für drei Stimmen (German), dreistimmig (German), à trois voix (French) |
Atreus | (English, German m.) in Greek mythology, a son of Pelops and Hippodameia, a grandson of Tantalus, and a brother of Thyestes and Nicippe |
a tre voci | (Italian) for three voices or parts, a tre voci (Italian), für drei Stimmen (German), dreistimmig (German), à trois voix (French), a trés voces (Spanish) |
atreverse | (Spanish) to dare |
atreverse con | (Spanish) to tackle |
atrévete! | (Spanish) I dare you (to) |
atrevido (m.), atrevida (f.) | (Spanish) daring, bold, cheeky, impudent, insolent, risqué, sassy, brave (valiant) |
Atrevimiento | (Spanish m.) nerve (daring), daring, audacity, boldness (audacity), insolence, impudence |
a tre voci | (Italian) for three voices, für drei Stimmen (German), dreistimmig (German) |
a tre voci uguale | (Italian) for three equal voices |
Atria | plural of atrium |
Atribución (s.), Atribuciones (pl.) | (Spanish f.) attribution, authority (plural form) |
atribuir | (Spanish) to attribute, to ascribe, to confer (functions, power) |
le atribuyen algo que no dijo (Spanish: they attribute words to him which he did not say) |
le atribuyen propiedades curativas (Spanish: it is held o believed to have healing powers) |
atribuir ... a ... | (Spanish) to attribute ... (something) to ... (something/somebody) |
atribuirse | (Spanish) to take credit for, to claim (authority, success), to assume (control, responsibility) |
atribular | (Spanish) to afflict |
atribularse | (Spanish) to be distressed |
atributivo | (Spanish) attributive |
Atributo | (Spanish m.) attribute, symbol, quality, insignia (symbol) |
Atril | (Spanish m.) bookrest, lectern (stand for holding a book in a church etc., the notes of a lecturer, etc.), music stand, Notenständer (German m.), pupitre (à musique) (French m.) |
atrincherar | (Spanish) to fortify with trenches, to entrench |
atrincherarse | (Spanish) to entrench oneself |
se atrincheraba en ideas del pasado (Spanish: he entrenched himself in ideas from the past) |
Atrio | (Italian m.) entrance hall |
Atrium (s.), Atria (English, Latin pl.), Atrien (German pl.) | (English, German n. from Latin) the central hall of a Roman house, upper chamber of the heart (also called auricle) |
atroce | (French, Italian) atrocious, dreadful |
a trochemoche | (Spanish) pellmell, helter-skelter, in a mess |
a troche y moche | (Spanish) helter-skelter, haphazardly, pell-mell, pellmell |
Atrocidad | (Spanish f.) atrocity (event), barbarity |
Atrocité | (French f.) atrocity (event) |
atrochar | (Spanish) to take a short cut |
Atrofia | (Spanish f.) atrophy, degeneration (atrophy) |
atrofiarse | (Spanish) to atrophy |
à trois | (French) or à 3, for three people (meeting, meal, etc.) without other company |
(French) for three instruments or voices, trio, terzetto, trio, terzetto, a tre (Italian), zu dritt (German), dreifach besetzt (German), in dreistimmiger Besetzung (German) |
à trois mains | (French) for three hands, a tre mani (Italian) |
à trois parties | (French) for three parts |
à trois voix | (French) for three voices or parts, a tre voci (Italian), für drei Stimmen (German), dreistimmig (German), a trés voces (Spanish) |
atrojarse | (Spanish - Mexico) to be cornered |
a trompadas | (Spanish) with one's fists |
a trompa y talega | (Spanish) helter-skelter |
a trompicones | (Spanish) by fits and starts, in jerks |
a trompón | (Spanish) helter-skelter |
atronador (m.), atronadora (f.) | (Spanish) booming, deafening, thunderous |
atronar | (Spanish) to deafen |
atropelladamente | (Spanish) hurriedly |
atropellado (m.), atropellada (f.) | (Spanish) hasty |
atropellar | (Spanish) to knock ... down, to run ... over, to push ... aside, to bully, to violate, to abuse, to ride roughshod over, to outrage (figurative), to insult (figurative), to rape (Latin America) |
atropellarse | (Spanish) to rush |
salieron corriendo, atropellándose unos a otros (Spanish: they came running out, pushing and shoving as they went) |
Atropello | (Spanish m.) (car) accident, outrage (figurative) |
Atropello a ... | (Spanish m.) violation of ... (something) |
Atropello de ... | (Spanish m.) violation of ... (something) |
a tropezones | (Spanish) by fits and starts, haltingly, stumblingly |
Atrophic | marked decrease in size |
Atrophie | (German f., French f.) atophy |
atrophié | (French) atophied |
atrophisch | (German) atrophic |
Atropin | (German n.) atropine |
Atropine | a drug obtained from the solanaceous plants Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane), and Datura stramonium (thornapple). The active ingredient is administered via injection, eye drops, or in oral form to relax muscles by inhibiting nerve responses. It is used particularly as a mydriatic (to dilate the pupils) and as an antispasmodic. Atropine is also administered in small doses before general anesthesia to lessen oral and air-passage secretions. Its ability to reduce these secretions is also utilised in several preparations commonly used for symptomatic relief of colds. The name belladona is believed to have arisen from the use of atropine by Spanish ladies who applied it as drops to their eyes for the allure given by the resultant large, black pupils (hence belladonna, literally 'beautiful lady') |
Atropos | (English, German f.) the Greek goddess of fate who cuts the thread of life |
a trote | (Spanish) quickly |
atroz | (Spanish) atrocious, enormous (familiar), tremendous (familiar), huge (familiar) |
atrozamente | (Spanish) atrociously, awfully |
a trueque | (Spanish) in exchange |
ATS | abbreviation of ayudante técnico sanitario (Spanish m./f.: registered nurse) |
ätsch | (German) tee-hee (the sound of a snigger) |
Atschinsk | (German n.) Achinsk (a city in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, located on the right bank of the Chulym River) |
At sea | wide of the mark, in a state of uncertainty or error, having lost one's bearings |
Atsiã | (Ewe language, literally 'style' or 'to display') created by the Ewe-speaking people of Ghana, atsiã is considered by many to be one of the oldest styles of music and dance among the Ewes. Atsiã is a social dance, in which pieces comprise collectively drumming, dance and songs |
Atsiagbekor | atsiagbekor is among the oldest traditional dances of the Ewe-speaking people of Southern Ghana, Togo, and Benin. Originally a war dance performed after battle when the warriors returned to the village, it is now performed on many social occasions. One of the outstanding features of the dance is the interaction between the master drummer and the dancers: 'every rhythmic theme played on the master drum has a corresponding sequence of dance movements which is timed to precisely match the drum rhythms' (Locke, 1978). Atsiagbekor songs constitute an important heritage of Ewe oral tradition. Most of the songs contain historical references to their chiefs, war leaders, migration stories, themes relating to the invincibility of the Ewes against their enemies, themes of loyalty, bravery, and death etc. To watch an atsiagbekor performance today in Ghana is to watch scenes which may have their actual origins in battles that were fought as the Ewes trekked through hostile countries in search of peace |
At sight | a primera vista (Spanish), a prima vista (Italian), a libro aperto (Italian), vom Blatte (German), à livre ouvert (French), à première vue (French) |
in music or theatre, a performance involving the reading of music or text in which the material is being seen for the first time |
Atsimevu | or atsimeuu, large lead drum from Ghana standing about 4.5 ft. tall and covered with deer or antelope skin, which sits, tilted, on a stand called avudetsi. It is played with a stick or with the hands, its rhythmic 'language' controlling the rest of the ensemble |
At sixes and sevens | higgledy-piggledy, in a state of confusion |
for example, 'he/she was all at sixes and sevens', meaning he/she was in a state of confusion |
Atsu-mori play | a warrior play in Noh drama in which a military man disguises himself as a priest to repent a life of violence |
att. | abbreviation of 'attached', 'attention', 'attorney' |
åtta | (Swedish) eight [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
attacca | (Italian f., meaning 'attack') at once, attack, immediately |
used at the end of a section (or movement), the marking instructs the performer to 'go on immediately to the next section (or movement) without a gap or pause' |
Attaccabottoni | (Italian m./f.) (persistent) bore |
Attaccabrighe | (Italian m./f.) troublemaker |
attacca il seguente finale | (Italian) commence immediately the finale following |
attaccamento | (Italian) attachment |
Attaccapanni | (Italian m.) coat-hanger, clothes-hook |
attaccar briga | (Italian) to pick a quarrel |
attaccare | (Italian) to attach, to tie, to hang, to pass on, to attack, to start, to stick, to catch on |
(Italian) to begin at once, to attack immediately, the term means 'go on immediately to the next section (or movement) without a pause' |
attaccarsi | (Italian) to be sticky, to cling, to adhere, to be popular (of ideas), to become attached |
(Italian) to quarrel, to scuffle, to come to blows |
Attacca subito | (Italian) or attaccate subito, go on immediately to the next section (or movement) without a pause |
Attacca subito il seguente | (Italian) or attaccate subito il seguente, begin the following at once |
Attaccate subito | (Italian) see attacca subito |
Attaccato subito | (Italian) to be started immediately |
Attaccate subito il seguente | (Italian) see attacca subito il seguente |
Attacco | (Italian m.) attack, junction |
(Italian m.) a motif, shorter than a soggetto, often no more that three or four notes, used in imitation or as a fugal subject (see also andamento) |
(Italian m.) attack (playing technique), action |
Attacco dolce | (Italian m.) soft attack |
Attacco duro | (Italian m.) hard attack |
Attacco sul fiato | (Italian m.) aspirated attack |
attachant (m.), attachante (f.) | (French) likeable |
Attache | (French f.) fastener, tie |
Attaché | (English, German m., from French m.) a member of the staff of an ambassador |
Attaché-case | (French m.) attaché-case |
Attache cordier | (French f.) Anhängesaite (German f.), Hängelsaite (German f.), reggi-cordiera (Italian m.), tailgut |
Attachment | (English, German n.) the act of attaching or the condition of being attached, a file attached to an e-mail |
(English) a tie, band, or fastener that attaches one thing to another |
(English) a feeling of affection for a person or an institution |
a supplementary part (or document), an accessory |
Attachement | (French m.) attachment, e-mail attachment |
attacher | (French) to tie (up), to fasten (clothing), to attach (label) |
attacher à | (French) to attach to, to stick (cooking) |
Attack | (English, German m.) the beginning or manner of beginning a piece, a passage, or a musical note. The antonym is 'release' |
in French orchestras, the leader or concert-master is called the chef d'attaque, recognising his role in the precise entry of the principal violin section |
Attack Decay Sustain Release |
English | Spanish | Italian | German | French |
attack | ataque | attacco | Attack-Parameter | attaque |
decay | decaimiento | decadimento | Decay-Parameter | déclin |
sustain | sostenimiento | sostegno | Sustain-Wert | maintien |
release | relajación | rilascio | Release-Parameter | relâchement |
one of the most salient aspects of any sound is its amplitude envelope. This envelope determines whether the sound is percussive, like a snare drum, or persistent, like a violin string. Most often, this shaping of the sound's amplitude profile is realized with an "ADSR" (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelope model applied to control oscillator volumes. Each of these stages is modelled by a change in volume (typically exponential). The attack is the initial run-up of the sound level. The decay is the run down immediately after the attack. Sustain is the volume when the note is held. The release is the volume profile when the note is released. Exponential rates are commonly used because they closely model real physical vibrations, which usually rise or decay exponentially |
Attacke (s.), Attacken (pl.) | (German m.) pot shot (figurative: critical remark), broadside (figurative), onset |
(German m.) attack, the beginning or manner of beginning a piece, a passage, or a musical note. The antonym is 'release' [corrected by Michael Zapf] |
attackieren | (German) to attack, to tackle |
attackierend | (German) attacking |
attackiert | (German) attacked |
Attack instantly | attacca subito (Italian), sofort angreifen (German), attaquez (tout de suite) (French) |
Attack point | the moment at which an organ pipe begins to speak, when the key is pressed. Different kinds of pipes have a variety of attack points ranging from soft to strong and clear |
Attack time | for an instrument or other sound source, the time interval from silence to maximum loudness or timbre |
Pierre Attaingnant (c.1494-late 1551 or 1552) | French music printer, active in Paris. Attaingnant is considered to be the first to use movable type for music-printing, thus making it possible to print fast and cheap. He published over 1500 chansons by many different composers. In this collections the Paris composers, like Claudin de Sermisy, Pierre Sandrin and Pierre Certon, are prominently present, but Clément Janequin is at the top of the list with five books of chansons, dedicated to his chansons only. He acquired royal privileges for his music books, which were renewed many times. Eventually he was named imprimeur et libraire du Roy en musique (Royal music-printer and librarian) |
Attaque | (French f.) in music, attack (the beginning of the sound generated by a musical instrument, synthesiser, etc.) |
Attaque cérébrale | (French f.) stroke (a sudden disabling attack most commonly caused by thrombosis) |
Attaque dure | (French f.) strong attack, glottal attack |
Attaque murmurée | (French f.) aspirated attack |
attaquer | (French) to begin at once, to attack immediately, to begin the performance |
attaquer la corde | (French) to bow the string without preparation, hesitation or ornament |
attaquer la son | (French) to sing the note with precision, without preparation or ornament |
attaquez tout de suite | (French) begin at once |
attardarsi | (Italian) to stay late, to linger |
attardé | (French) backward, outdated, late |
attastare | (Italian) to touch, to strike |
åtte | (Norwegian) eight [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
atte. | (in correspondence) abbreviation of atentamente used in lo saluda atte. (Spanish: sincerely yours, yours sincerely, yours faithfully) |
attecchire | (Italian) to take, to catch on |
atteggiamento | (Italian m.) attitude |
atteggiare | (Italian) to assume |
atteggiarsi a | (Italian) to pose as |
atteindre | (French) to reach, to hit (wounded), to affect |
atteint de (m.), atteinte de (f.) | (French) suffering from |
Atteláni | (Italian, mentioned in John Florio's Queen Anna's New World of Words (1611)) see mattacíni |
John Florio defines atteláne, "men that with fowle mouthes, unseemely speeches, disfigured faces, minike gestures and strange actions professe to procure laughter" |
Attelle | (French f.) splint |
atten | (Danish, Norwegian) eighteen |
attenant à (m.), attenante à (f.) | (French) adjoining |
Attendant keys | the attendant keys are the keys or scales most nearly related to, or having most in common with, the principal key; those, namely, of its fifth above, or dominant, its fifth below (fourth above), or subdominant, and their relative minors (if the key is major) and their relative majors (if the key is minor) |
attendant en | (French) meanwhile |
attende | (Danish) eighteenth |
(Norwegian) eighth |
attendere | (Italian) to wait for |
attendere a | (Italian) to attend to |
attendersi | (Italian) to expect |
attendible | (Italian) reliable |
attendre | (French) to wait for, to expect (a baby), to await, to expect, to wait |
attendrir | (French) to move (to pity) |
attendrissant (m.), attendrissante (f.) | (French) moving (emotionally) |
attendu | (French) expected, long-awaited |
attendu que | (French) considering that |
attenersi a | (Italian) to stick to |
attentare a | (Italian) to make an attempt on |
Attentat | (French m., German n.) murder attempt, attempted assassination |
Attentat auf | (German n.) attempt on (somebodie's life), assassination attempt on, attempted assassination (of) |
Attentat aux moeurs | (French m.) an indecent assult |
Attentäter (m.), Attentäterin (f.), Attentäter (pl.) | (German) assassin, would-be assassin |
Attente | (French f.) wait, waiting, expectation |
Attentatsplan | (German m.) assassination plot |
Attentatsversuch (auf) | (German m.) attempted assassination, assassination attempt (on) |
attentif (m.), attentive (f.) | (French) attentive, careful |
attentif à | (French) mindful of, careful of |
attentivement | (French) attentively |
Attention | (French f.) care, attention |
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | a mental illness characterized by an impaired ability to regulate activity level (hyperactivity), attend to tasks (inattention), and inhibit behavior (impulsivity). For a diagnosis of ADHD, the behaviors must appear before an individual reaches age seven, continue for at least six months, be more frequent than in other children of the same age, and cause impairment in at least two areas of life (school, home, work, or social function) |
attentionné | (French) considerate |
Attentisme | (French m.) a policy of wait-and-see |
attento | (Italian) attentive, careful |
attenuando | (Italian) lessening, dämpfend (German), en attenuant (French) |
Attenuante | (Italian f.) extenuating circumstances |
attenuare | (Italian) to attenuate, to minimize, to subdue, to calm, to soften |
attenuarsi | (Italian) to diminish |
Attenuation | (English, German f.) especially the steady reduction in the amplitude of a signal, the opposite of amplification. When audio signals are attenuated, typically a decrease in loudness occurs. However, attenuation need not always affect loudness - for example, the attenuation of a vibrato will result in a lessening of the "depth" of the vibrato |
Attenuator | (English, German m.) a device that attenuates (i.e. reduced the amplitude of) a signal |
atténuer | (French) to tone down (violence), to ease (pain, grief), to mitigate |
Attenzione | (Italian f.) attention |
atterrer | (French) to dismay |
atterrirsi | (Italian) to be terrified |
Attesa | (Italian f.) waiting, expectation |
Attest (s.), Atteste (pl.) | (German n.) sick note, certificate, attestation |
attestare | (Italian) to state, to certify |
Attestation | (French f.) certificate |
attester | (French) to testify to |
attester que | (French) to testify that |
Attesto | (Italian) certificate |
At the back of one's mind | in one's subconscious thoughts |
At the drop of a hat | immediately, on a signal |
At the eleventh hour | just in time, at the last hour |
At the end of one's tether | at the limit of one's endurance |
(At) the original speed | tempo primo (Italian), Ursprüngliches Zeitmass (German), mouvement original (French) |
At the sharp end | directly involved in the action, where the competition or danger is greatest |
At the top of the tree | at the top of one's chosen profession or calling |
Atti | (Italian m. pl., plural form of atto) proceedings |
Ätti | (German m.) father |
åtti | (Norwegian) eighty [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Attica | the territory of Athens in ancient Greece where the Ionic dialect was spoken |
Attic Bird, The | the nightingale |
Attico | (Italian m.) attic |
Attic salt | elegant and delicate wit |
Atticus (110-32) | a Roman publisher, scholar of Greek and patron of the arts, noted particularly for his taste and judgment |
Atticus, Christian | The Rev. Heber (1781-1826), a greater writer of hymns |
attifé | (French) dressed up |
attiguo | (Italian) adjacent |
Attika | (German f.) attic |
Attika | (German n.) Attica |
Attikawohnung | (German f.) penthouse (apartment) |
Attila, der Hunnenkönig | (German) Attila the Hun |
Attila the Hun (406-453) | leader of the Huns (434-453), the most successful barbarian invader of the Roman Empire |
attillato | (Italian) close-fitting (clothes), dressed-up |
Attimo | (Italian m.) moment |
attinente a | (Italian) pertaining to |
attingere | (Italian) to draw, to obtain |
åttio | (Swedish) eighty [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Attirail | (French m.) gear |
Attirance | (French f.) attraction |
attirant (m.), attirante (f.) | (French) attractive |
attirare | (Italian) to attract |
attirer | (French) to draw, to attract, to bring |
attiser | (French) to poke (a fire), to stir up (feelings) |
attisch | (German) Attic (pertaining to an ancient Greek from ancient Attica or Athens) |
attisches Griechisch | (German n.) Attic Greek (an ancient Greek from ancient Attica or Athens, characterised by purity, simplicity and an elegant wit) |
attitré | (French) accredited, usual |
Attitude | (French f., literally 'attitude', 'bearing') in dance, a particular pose in dancing derived by Carlo Blasis from the statue of Mercury by Giovanni da Bologna. It is a position on one leg with the other lifted in back, the knee bent at an angle of 90 degrees and well turned out that the knee is higher than the foot. The supporting foot may be à terre, sur la pointe or sur la demi-pointe. The arm on the side of the raised leg is held over the head in a curved position while the other arm is extended to the side. There are a number of attitudes according to the position of the body in relation to the audience |
- Attitude from which this information has been taken
Attitüde | (German f.) attitude, gesture |
Attitude-Studie | (German f.) study of attitudes |
Attitüdentheorie | (German f.) attitude theory |
Attitudine | (Italian f.) aptitude, attitude |
attivare | (Italian) to activate |
Attività | (Italian f.) activity, assets |
Attivo | (Italian m.) assets |
attivo | (Italian) active, productive |
Atticism | a favouring of, or attachment to, the Athenians |
the style and idiom of the Greek language, used by the Athenians, in particular, a concise and elegant expression |
Attizismus | (German m.) Atticism |
Attizist | (German m.) Atticist |
attizistisch | (German) Atticist |
attizzare | (Italian) to poke (the fire), to stir up |
Attizzatoio | (Italian m.) poker |
attn | abbreviation of 'attention', 'for the attention of' |
Atto | (Italian m.) the act of a play or opera, action, deed, certificate |
Atto di cadenza | (Italian m.) acte de cadence (French) |
Atto di decesso | (Italian m.) death certificate |
åttonde | (Swedish) eighth [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Åttondelsnot |
 | (Swedish) a quaver, a note one eighth the time value of a whole note or semibreve [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
Åttondelspaus |
 | (Swedish) a quaver rest, an eighth rest, a rest one eighth the time value of a whole rest or a semibreve rest [corrected by Lars Hellvig] |
attonito | (Italian) astonished |
Atto primo | (Italian m.) first act |
attorcigliare | (Italian) to twist |
attorcigliarsi | (Italian) to get twisted |
Attore (m.), Attrice (f.), Attori (pl) | (Italian) actor(s), singer(s) in an opera |
attorniare | (Italian) to surround |
attorniarsi | (Italian) to surround oneself |
attorno | (Italian) around |
attorno a | (Italian) around, about |
Atto secondo | (Italian m.) second act |
Attougblan | a large standing drum from the Ivory coast |
Attraction | (English, French f.) quality of arousing interest or admiration |
attraente | (Italian) attractive |
attrahieren | (German) to attract |
Attrait | (French m.) attraction |
Attrait-nigaud | (French m.) con |
Attraktion (s.), Attraktionen (pl.) | (German f.) attraction |
attraktiv | (German) attractive, attractively, handsome, fanciable, fetchingly, fit (colloquial), fetching, dishy (attractive), hunky (of a man) (colloquial) |
attraktiv aufgemachtes Buch | (German n.) ttractively got-up book |
attraktive Ausstattung | (German f.) attractive terms |
attraktive Bezahlung | (German f.) attractive salary |
attraktive Erscheinung | (German f.) attractive appearance |
attraktive Gelegenheit | (German f.) attractive opportunity |
attraktive Persönlichkeit | (German f.) attractive personality |
attraktiver | (German) more attractive |
attraktiver Laden | (German m.) boutique |
attraktiver Preis | (German m.) attractive price |
attraktiver Wohnsitz | (German m.) des res (colloquial) (desirable residence) |
attraktives Angebot | (German n.) attractive offer, attractive proposition |
Attraktivität | (German f.) palatability (figurative), attractivity, attractiveness, appeal |
Attraktivitätssteigerung | (German f.) increase in attractiveness |
attraktivste | (German) best looking, most attractive |
attrapé | (French) well-caught (likeness), successful (imitation) |
attraper | (French) to catch, to pick up, to take in, to tell off |
Attrappe (s.), Attrappen (pl.) | (German f.) dummy, fake, mockup, mock-up |
attrarre | (Italian) to attract |
Attrattiva | (Italian f.) charm |
attraversando la scena | (Italian) crossing the stage, crossing the set |
attraversare | (Italian) to cross, to go through |
attraverso | (Italian) through, across |
attrayant (m.), attrayante (f.) | (French) attractive |
Attrazione | (Italian f.) attraction |
attrazzare | (Italian) to equip |
Attrazzatura | (Italian f.) equipment |
Attrezzatura meccanica | (Italian f.) paraphernalia (mechanical equipment) |
Attrezzature ritmiche | (Italian f. pl.) rhythm units, rhythm machines |
Attrezzi | (Italian m. pl., plural for of attrezzo) equipment, props (theatre) |
Attrezzo | (Italian m.) tool |
attrib. | abbreviation of 'attribute', attributed, 'attributed to', 'attribution' |
attribuer | (French) to award, to assign, to attribute |
attribuieren | (German) to attribute |
attribuire | (Italian) to attribute |
attribuirsi | (Italian) to ascribe to oneself |
attribuirsi il merito di | (Italian) to claim credit for |
Attribut (s.), Attribute (pl.) | (German n.) attribute, adjunct |
Attribution | (English, German f.) (music) the act of regarding as the work of a certain composer an unsigned composition, on the basis of its style or some other physical evidence. An attribution may also be made to a work's place or time of origin |
Attribution | (French f.) awarding, assignment |
Attributionstheorie | (German f.) attribution theory |
Attribution theory | a framework for predicting the causal inferences people make to explain their own and/or other persons' behaviours |
attributiv | (German) attributive, attributively |
Attributo | (Italian m.) attribute |
Attrice | (Italian f.) actress |
attristé | (French) con afflizione (Italian) or con accoramento (Italian), with grief, miserable, gloomy, miserably, gloomily, mit Betrübnis (German), trübselig (German) |
attrister | (French) to sadden |
Attrition | (English, German f.) a rubbing away or wearing down by friction, a gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress (battles, etc.) |
Attrito | (Italian m.) friction |
Attroupement | (French m.) crowd |
attuale | (Italian) present, topical, actual |
Attualità | (Italian f.) topicality, news |
attualmente | (Italian) at present |
attuare | (Italian) to carry out |
attuarsi | (Italian) be realised |
Attune | to adjust or to accustom to, to bring into harmony with, to bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship |
Attunement | a non-touch (or light touch) approach to healing, employing spiritual techniques (prayer and meditation) to restore one's naturally vibrant energetic and physical well-being |
attutire | (Italian) to deaden, to muffled, to dampen (muffle) |
attutire il colpo | (Italian) to soften the blow |
attutire ogni colpo | (Italian) to dampen after each beat |
attutirsi | (Italian) to diminish |
a tu albedrío | (Spanish) however you like |
a tu cargo | (Spanish) in your care |
a tu costa | (Spanish) at your expense |
a tu costo | (Spanish) at your expense, at your cost |
a tu criterio | (Spanish) in your opinion |
a tu cuenta | (Spanish) on your account |
a tu derecha | (Spanish) at your right |
a tu derredor | (Spanish) around you |
a tu discreción | (Spanish) at your option, at your discretion |
a tu disposición | (Spanish) at your disposal |
a tu edad | (Spanish) at your age |
Atuendo | (Spanish m.) dress, attire, outfit (attire) |
a tu entender | (Spanish) in your opinion, from your point of view, the way you see it |
a tuertas | (Spanish) upside down, back to front, backwards |
a tuertas o a derechas | (Spanish) rightly or wrongly, justly or unjustly, by hook or by crook |
a tuerto o a derecho | (Spanish) rightly or wrongly, justly or unjustly |
à tue-tête | (French) at the top of one's voice |
atufar | (Spanish) to choke, to stink (give off a bad smell), to irritate (figurative) |
atufarse | (Spanish) to be overcome, to get cross |
atufarse con | (Spanish) to be overcome by |
a tu favor | (Spanish) on your behalf |
a tu gusto | (Spanish) the way you like it, to your liking |
a tu instancia | (Spanish) at your request |
a tu izquierda | (Spanish) at your left |
a tu juicio | (Spanish) in your opinion, from your point of view |
a tu lado | (Spanish) at your side, by your side |
a tu manera | (Spanish) in your own way, in your way, your way |
a tu manera de pensar | (Spanish) in your way of thinking, in your opinion |
a tumba abierta | (Spanish) at top speed |
a tu merced | (Spanish) at your mercy |
a tu modo | (Spanish) in your own way, your own way |
a tu modo de ver | (Spanish) in your opinion, from your point of view |
a tu modo de ver las cosas | (Spanish) the way you see things, from your point of view, in your opinion |
Atumpan | a talking drum, normally played as the master drum of an Adoa ensemble, played as a pair with bent sticks by the Ashanti people of Ghana. Sometimes the drum is carried on the shoulders of one person while another, standing or walking behind, plays it |
Atumpani | big bass drum from Ghana, single skinned, played with stick or by hand |
Atún | (Spanish m.) tuna (fish) |
a tu orilla | (Spanish) at your side |
a tu parecer | (Spanish) in your opinion, from your point of view, the way you see it, to your way of thinking |
a tú por tú | (Spanish) disrespectfully |
a turbio correr | (Spanish) however bad things may seem |
aturdido (m.), aturdida (f.) | (Spanish) bewildered, thoughtless, stanned, dazed |
aturdir | (Spanish) to bewilder, to stun, to deafen, to confuse, to daze |
la música te aturdía (Spanish: the music was deafening) |
este ruido me aturde (Spanish: I can't think straight with this noise) |
aturdirse | (Spanish) to be stunned, to try to forget, to get confused, to get flustered, to be dazed |
aturullar | (Spanish) to bewilder |
aturullarse | (Spanish) to become bewildered, to get confused, to get in a tizzy |
no me mires así, que me aturullo (Spanish: don't look at me like that - you're getting me in a tizzy!) |
a tu salud | (Spanish) to your health |
a tus anchas | (Spanish) at ease, comfortable, relaxed |
atusar | (Spanish) to smooth, to trim (hair, beard, etc.), to preen somebody, to make somebody trim, to dress somebody up |
siempre atusa a los niños antes de salir de casa (Spanish: she always preens the children before they go out) |
atusarse | (Spanish) to primp, to preen |
se pasa media hora atusándose delante del espejo (Spanish: he spends a half hour preening (himself) in front of the mirror) |
a tu servicio | (Spanish) at your service |
a tus espaldas | (Spanish) behind your back, behind you |
a tus expensas | (Spanish) at your expense, at your own cost |
a tus órdenes | (Spanish) at your service |
a tutiplén | (Spanish) in abundance, abundantly |
a tutt'oggi | (Italian) up to the present |
atypisch | (German) atypical, atypically |
Ätzanlage | (German f.) etching equipment |
Ätzbad | (German n.) etching bath (containing an acid solution that attacks the exposed lines of the plate) |
Ätzbarriere | (German f.) etching barrier (acid-resistant resin applied to the plate, usually of copper or zinc) |
Ätzdauer | (German f.) etching time |
Ätzdruck | (German m.) dye-and-discharge, discharge printing (a method of printing with a bleaching agent on pre-dyed fabric (usually medium to dark colors). The discharged areas may be left white and/or simultaneously printed with other colours) |
Atze | (German f., occasionally m.) friend, fella (colloquial), brother (also friend) |
Atzel | (German f.) magpie (Pica pica) |
At-Zeichen | (German n.) at sign (@), commercial at (@) |
Atzen | (German pl. - Berlin) fellas (colloquial) |
Ätzen | (German n.) cauterisation, cautery (the act of coagulating blood and destroying tissue with a hot iron or caustic agent or by freezing ) |
(German n.) etching |
ätzen | (German) to corrode, to cauterize (medicine), to etch, to acid-treat, to feed (the young (birds of prey) |
ätzend | (German) corrosive, erosive (effect of acid, etc.), searing, astringent (figurative), cauterising, vitriolic, etching, acrid, corrosively, acridly, mordant (figurative), caustically (ironically, critically), caustic (wit, remark, criticism), pungent (smel), great (colloquial), grotty (colloquial), lousy (colloquial), naff (colloquial) |
ätzende Säure | (German f.) corrosive acid |
ätzende Schärfe | (German f.) corrosiveness |
ätzend sein | (German) to suck (US) (colloquial: to be unpleasant, useless) |
ätzen tief | (German) to overetch |
ätzfest | (German) etch-proof |
Ätzglas | (German n.) etched glass |
Ätzkali | (German n.) potassium hydroxide, caustic potash, quicklime, caustic lime |
Ätzkraft | (German f.) corrosiveness |
Ätzlauge | (German f.) caustic solution |
Ätzlösung | (German f.) pickling solution, etching solution |
Ätzmaske | (German f.) etching mask |
Ätzmittel | (German n.) caustic agent, corrosive agent, caustic soda |
Ätzsperrschicht | (German f.) etch barrier |
Ätzstern | (German m.) sunspot |
ätzt | (German) cauterises, etches, corrodes |
ätzte | (German) corroded, etched, cauterised |
Ätzung | (German f.) etching, cauterising, eeding (of the young) (birds of prey), cauterization |
Ätzverfahren | (German n.) etching technique |